
2nd Quarter 2012 Volume 26, Number 2 Inside this issue:
• 2011 Election Results
• ECCE 2012
• APEC 2013
• INTELEC 2012
And much more
ISSN 1054-7231
They needed power,
so They came To us.
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below South Pole Station)
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Built and Shipped Within 3 Days
An ISO 9001 Company
All Acopian Power Supplies are Made in the USA
Easton, PA • Melbourne, FL
From the Editor
Arthur Kelley
Table of Contents
From the Editor��������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Call for Technical Articles ����������������������������������������������������������4
2011 Election Results������������������������������������������������������������������4
Luigi Malesani Notice ����������������������������������������������������������������6
Call for Nomination��������������������������������������������������������������������7
INTELEC 2012 Call for Papers �������������������������������������������������� 12
IEMDC 2012 Call for Papers������������������������������������������������������ 13
IEEE ITEC 2012 Call for Papers ������������������������������������������������ 14
National Workshop on SmartGrid &
Integration of Renewable Energy Resources������������������������������ 16
NSF/ONR Napa������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18
Chapter Meeting @ KEB ���������������������������������������������������������� 18
What About Electrons, Holes and Reliability
of Your Circuit?������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20
Invitation to Speakers for Professional Education
Seminars – IEEE PELS�������������������������������������������������������������� 21
IEEE VPPC 2012 Call for Papers������������������������������������������������ 22
Hello everyone,
It seems like a very short
time since I became Editor of
the PELS Newsletter, but this is
the next to last column I will
be writing. The upcoming 3rd
quarter issue will be my last and
completes a three-year term as
Editor. Beginning with the 4th
quarter issue, I will be handing
the reins to my newly appointed and very capable
successor, Dr. Babak Fahimi. He is no stranger to the
PELS Newsletter as he has been serving as Associate
Technical Editor for several years.
In this issue, we sadly note the loss to us of Prof.
Luigi Malesani of the University of Padova. His presence in the world of Power Electronics will be sorely
In early February, it was my privilege to attend
the annual NSF/ONR Faculty Workshop – Electric
Energy Systems Curriculum for Sustainability as organized by Dr. Ned Mohan of the University of Minnesota. Please see his report in this issue for more
details on this important effort to propagate Power
Electronics into more university curricula.
A new textbook Power Semiconductor Devices,
authored by Josef Lutz, Heinrich Schlangenotto,
Uwe Scheuermann and Rik De Donker has been
published and this issue has a review submitted by
Prof. Andreas Lindemann.
Finally, the annual round of worldwide PELS
Conferences is in full swing. Please see the numerous Conference listings in this issue and attend one
near you.
As always, the PELS Newsletter solicits short articles of technical interest, reports from the field of
PELS related activities and announcements of upcoming meetings. Please contact our Associate Technical Editors for more information.
Arthur Kelley
IEEE Power Electronics Society Officers
Dushan Boroyevich
Hirofumi Akagi
Deepak Divan
F. Dong Tan
Braham Ferreira
John Shen
Ron Harley
Donna Florek
J. Keith Nelson
Arthur Kelley
Babak Fahimi
Liuchen Chang
Walter Chalupa
Tom Flynn
Grant Pitel
Sr. Past President
Jr. Past President
V.P. Operations
V.P. Meetings
V.P. Products
Executive Officer
Division II Director
Newsletter Editor-in-Chief
Associate Technical Editor
Associate Technical Editor
Sales Manager - East
Sales Manager - West
PELS Webmaster
Members at Large: (2010–2012) Beatriz Borges, Jonathan W. Kimball,
Donald Grahame Holmes, Atsuo Kawamura, Leon Tolbert, Prasad N. Enjeti;
(2011–2013) Ralph M. Kennel, Hui Li, Mario Pacas, William A. Peterson,
Seth R. Sanders, Pat Wheeler; (2012–2014) Jose Cobos, Annette Muetze, Ira
Pitel, Toshihisa Shimzu, Peter Steimer, Jian Sun.
The IEEE Power Electronics Society Newsletter (ISSN 1054-7231) is published
quarterly by the IEEE Power Electronics Society of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17’th Floor, NY 100165997. An assessment of $1.00 per member per year (included in Society fee) for
each member of the Power Electronics Society is made. Postmaster: Send
Hoes Lane, Piscataway, N.J. 0855-1331.
News Items should be sent to: Dr. Arthur W. Kelley, PELS Newsletter, Editor-inChief; TEL:+1 919 349-2580; EMAIL: Deadlines for copy
are March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15. Email submission of
items in MS-Word or plain-text format are preferred. Include caption with all
photos identifying event and individuals in a back-row, left to right, front-row,
left to right, etc method. Full-page call for papers and announcements of PELSsupported conferences are welcome and should be sent as MS-Word files. Please
indicate all trademarked items, such as INTELEC®, APEC® with the registered
trademark symbol, “®”.
Technical items should be sent to Associate Technical Editors: Dr. Babak
Fahimi, University of Texas at Arlington, TEL: +1 817 272 2667, EMAIL: or Dr. Liuchen Chang, University of New Brunswick, TEL +1
506 447-3145, EMAIL:
Advertising queries should be sent to: Tom Flynn (West and Central USA
& International) TEL: +1 770 645 2944; FAX: +1 770 993 4423; EMAIL:
Walter Chalupa (Eastern USA), TEL: +1 973 835 7015; FAX: +1 973 835
1602; EMAIL:
Newsletter in PDF format is posted at the PELS website approximately three
weeks prior to paper copies deliveries.
©2012 IEEE. Permission to copy without fee all of part of any material
without a copyright notice is granted provided that the copies are not made
or distributed for direct commercial advantage, and the title of the publication and its date appear on each copy. To copy material with a copyright
notice requires special permission. Please direct all inquiries or requests to
the IEEE intellectual Property Rights Manager, TEL: +1 732 562 3966, FAX:
+1 732 981 8062, EMAIL:
Periodicals Postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices.
IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information,
Cover: © Digital Vision
4 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
Call for Technical Articles
The PELS Newsletter solicits short articles of general interest describing the state of the art or areas of emerging interest in the field of
Power Electronics.
For further information, please contact
PELS Newsletter – Associate Technical Editors
Dr. Babak Fahimi
University of Texas – Arlington
Arlington, Texas
United States
Dr. Liuchen Chang
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick
2011 Election Results
Dear IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS)
members and friends:
I hope you all had great holidays and I wish
you very successful and happy New 2012 Year!
At the end of 2011 we held our annual elections and one of the finer pleasures of being
the PELS President is to announce and welcome the newly elected officers and volunteers
at the beginning of each year.
The voting members of our Administrative Committee (AdCom) elected Dr. F. Dong Tan from Northrop Grumman Aero-
space Systems in Redondo Beach, California, USA, as the IEEE
Power Electronics Society President for 2013–14. Most of you
know Dong from his numerous volunteer activities in PELS continuously over the last two decades, and especially by his extremely committed work as the PELS Vice President for Operations in the last five years. Dong’s election is a well-deserved one
and purports our great expectations from his leadership in the
coming years.
Every year, PELS membership votes for six new Members-at-Large
of the AdCom for a term of three years. The following candidates
have been elected to serve in 2012–14:
Dr. José A. Cobos
Technical University of Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Dr. Toshihisa Shimizu
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Annette Muetze
Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
Dr. Peter K. Steimer
Vice President Power Electronics & MV Drives
at ABB Ltd.
Turgi, Switzerland
Dr. Ira J. Pitel
Magna-Power Electronics, Inc.
Flemington, New Jersey, USA
Dr. Jian Sun
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York, USA
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 5
The 18 Members-at-Large constitute more than half of the AdCom voting members and represent the society membership as
a whole. During their term, they are assigned many administrative functions and form the pool of candidates for the future
vice presidents and presidents. Annette, Ira, Jian, José, Peter, and
Toshihisa are already well known for their technical contributions to our profession and they have been very active as PELS
volunteers; their selection is recognition of their achievements
and their commitment to the prosperity of PELS.
Let me also thank the outgoing class of the AdCom Members-atLarge: Patrick Chapman, Andreas Lindemann, Marta Molinas, Fang
Zheng Peng, and Ira Pitel for their outstanding contributions in the
past three years. As you know, they are continuing to be active
in many volunteer functions that will benefit immensely from their
­experience and dedication.
At the end of 2011,
members of IEEE Division
II (encompassing the following societies: PELS; Industry Applications (IAS);
Components, Packaging,
and Manufacturing Technology; Dielectrics and
Electrical Insulation; Instrumentation and Measurement; Ultrasonics,
Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control) elected
Dr. Jerry L. Hudgins as 2012 IEEE Division II
Director-Elect, who will serve on the IEEE Board
Untitled-1 1
of Directors in 2013–14. Jerry is Professor and Chair of the Electrical
Engineering Department at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln,
Nebraska, USA. He was President of PELS in 1997–98 and the President of IAS in 2003. Most recently, he has been chairing our Fellows
Evaluation Committee in the last three years. We are very proud that
Jerry will be supporting the Institute in such a prominent function.
Congratulations to all selected candidates! I also would like to
thank all the candidates that were not selected this time for their
continuing support of all PELS activities and needs, including their
willingness to stand for these elections. We will continue to depend
on their outstanding work and enthusiasm in the coming years.
Dushan Boroyevich
PELS President
6/3/10 4:36:05 PM
6 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
Luigi Malesani Notice
Innovation doesn’t just happen.
Read first-person accounts of
IEEE members who were there.
to research, education, and industrial development in power electronics” and by the “William
Newell Award”, awarded to him by the IEEE Power Electronics Society in 2000.
Along his entire career, Prof. Malesani developed innovation projects in cooperation
with leading industries in power electronics,
electrical machines and drives. His special talent of implementing theoretical results in industrial applications made him a key person
for the development of the power electronics
industry in Italy. He contributed to the foundation of two spin offs, which are now well
established industries.
Luigi was highly appreciated for his wide culture and expertise, fairness and professionalism, dedication and
kindness, which made his work always successful and allowed him
to grow generations of alumni.
The entire Power Electronics community of Italy is indebted with
Luigi Malesani for his continuous and prolonged support and for
many scientific and personal contributions, and will remember him
as a pioneer and a master.
Luigi leaves his beloved wife Angela, two children, Luca and
­Giovanna, and two grandchildren.
Photo: NASA
The colleagues of the Power Electronics group at
the University of Padova mourn the death of
Prof. Luigi Malesani, IEEE Life Fellow, who
passed away in the early hours of February 11th,
at the end of a long and painful battle against
cancer, which he had been fighting since spring
2011. During this difficult time Luigi demonstrated an extraordinary courage and strength.
His deep faith gave him the capability to face the
increasing difficulties while keeping peaceful
and optimistic.
Luigi Malesani joined the University of Padova
after his graduation and, 40 years ago, founded
the first power electronics laboratory of the Italian
academia. His impressive scientific and technical
capability, in conjunction with his enthusiasm and personal appeal,
made possible the creation of a highly qualified research group and
the growth of many power electronics initiatives and companies nationwide.
The major contributions of Prof. Malesani to power electronics
were in the fields of active filters, soft-switching inverters and current control techniques. His achievements in scientific research and
industrial applications were extremely relevant, and were recognized
by the elevation to the IEEE Fellow grade in 1994 “for contributions
IEEE Global History Network
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Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 7
20 2
Attend ECCE 2012 and experience the latest advances in the
major topics related to Energy Conversion, including:
• Renewable and Alternative Energy
• Solar and Wind Energy Conversion
• Fuel Cell Systems
• Distributed Microgrids
• Grid Interface of Renewable Energy
• Grid Level Energy Storage
• Fast Control of Utility Grid
• Coordinated Control of Renewable Sources and Loads
• Energy Efficient Lighting
• Motor Drives in Commercial & Industrial Applications
• Reducing Energy Consumption in Data Centers
• Plug-in Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
• Battery Management for EV and PHEVs
• Electrical System Optimization for Cars
• Energy Storage for Mobile Applications
• Power Conversion for Rail and Mass Transit
Experience this unique event where two worlds
collide – the energy conversion market and its
high level research with real application and
commercial products and services.
ECCE 2012 is the premier venue for showcasing
new technologies, concepts, and applications
covering all aspects of energy conversion; and
will offer industry participants the opportunity
to connect with their customers, vendors, and
with other researchers in the community. It
also provides academic researchers an ideal
venue for disseminating their research work and
determining the research needs of the industry.
2012 Sponsors:
2012 Supporters:
• Large Motor Drives and Converters
• Off-Shore Motor Drive Design
• Power Quality, Grid Interface and EMI
• Reliability, Diagnostics and Prognostics
• Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
• Motor and Drive Integration
• Power Converter Design and Optimization
• Control Issues
• Design and Optimization of Electric Machines and Actuators
• Packaging Techniques for High Power Density Converters and Drives
September 16-20, 2012
For more information
APEC Sponsors
Power Sources Manufacturers Association
IEEE Industry Applications Society
IEEE Power Electronics Society
Phone: +1-202-973-8664
Facsimile: +1-202-331-0111
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Calls for Industry Sessions,
Professional Education Seminars,
and Exhibitor Seminars will be posted at
APEC 2013 will take place at the Long Beach
Convention Center in Long Beach, CA. Attendees
will be able to enjoy easy access to the Aquarium,
Shoreline Village and Queen Mary; stroll along
the harbor; take in a performance at the Convention and Entertainment Center; or visit one of the
many famous theme parks including California’s
Disneyland just a short drive from Long Beach. With
the airport only seven miles away we hope you find
this to be a very convenient location.
APEC relies upon a peer review process to ensure
the quality of the technical content. To help maintain
the high quality of the program, please contribute
a few hours to review digests in your area of
expertise by registering at
(under “Participating in APEC”).
APEC 2013 Sponsors
and Call for Papers
March 17 – 21, 2013
Long Beach Convention Center • Long Beach, CA USA
28th Annual Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition
8 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
2025 M Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
March 17 – 21, 2013
Long Beach Convention Center
Long Beach, CA USA
Power Electronics for Utility interface
Power Factor Correction, Power Quality,
Electronics and Controls for Distributed
Energy Systems
AC-DC and DC-DC Converters
Single- and Multi-Phase AC-DC Power Supplies,
DC-DC Converters (Hard- and Soft-Switched)
Papers of value to the practicing engineer are
solicited in the following topic areas:
APEC 2013 continues the long-standing tradition of
addressing issues of immediate and long-term interest to the practicing power electronic engineer. Outstanding technical content is provided at one of the
lowest registration costs of any IEEE conference.
APEC 2013 will provide a) the best power electronics exposition, b) professional development courses taught by world-class experts, c) presentations
of peer-reviewed technical papers covering a wide
range of topics, and d) time to network and enjoy
the company of fellow power electronics professionals in a beautiful setting. Activities and attractions for
guests, spouses, and families are abundant in the
Long Beach area.
November 19, 2012
Final papers and author registrations are due
October 8, 2012
Notification that a paper was accepted
or declined
July 9, 2012
Deadline for submission of digests
May 4, 2012
Start date to submit paper
(subject to change and posted at
Power Electronics Applications
Automotive and Transportation, Aerospace,
Renewable Energy Harvesting, Lighting (incl. LED),
UPS, Power Generation and Transmission,
Telecommunications, Military, Portable Power
and Nanotechnology
Manufacturing and Business issues
Production Processes, Quality, Design for
Manufacturability, Material Procurement,
Supplier Qualification
Modeling, Simulation, and Control
Device, Component, Parasitics, Circuit and
System, CAD /CAE Tools, Sensor and Sensor-less
Control, Digital Control
System integration
Packaging, Nanotechnology, Thermal Management,
Devices and Components
Semiconductor Devices, Magnetic Components,
Capacitors, Batteries, Sensors, Interconnects,
Device Integration
Motor Drives and inverters
AC and DC Motor Drives, Single- and Multi-Phase
Inverters, PWM Techniques, Sensor Integration,
Fault Tolerant Operation
If a digest is accepted, authors must submit a final
manuscript before the deadline or the manuscript
cannot be published in the Proceedings or presented at the conference. Final manuscripts may
be subject to charges if their papers are over the
page or file-size limit. At least one of the authors
listed on a paper must be registered for either a
Full Registration or for the Technical Sessions
Only registration, per paper.
Prospective authors are asked to submit a digest
explaining the problem that will be addressed by
the paper, the major results, and how this is
different from the closest existing literature. Papers
presented at APEC must be original material and
not have been previously presented or published.
The principal criteria in selecting digests will be
the usefulness of the work to the practicing power
electronic professional. Reviewers value evidence
of completed experimental work. Authors should
obtain any necessary company and governmental
clearance prior to submission of digests. Please visit for all details on digest and final
manuscript format.
28th Annual iEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
Announcement and Call for Papers
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 9
10 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Transactions in Power Electronics
Special Issue on Power Supply on Chip (PwrSoC)
Scheduled Publication Time: December 2012
A major challenge to the further miniaturization of DC-DC converters is the inability to integrate passive components on
silicon due to their relatively large size at today’s operating frequencies of 0.5 to 5 MHz. Significant research activity is
evident in advances in semiconductor, magnetic, capacitor and packaging material/technologies that will deliver products
operating at multi-MHz frequencies. The ultimate target is to develop new miniaturized product formats that can be referred to
as power supply-in-package (PSiP) and power supply-on-chip (PwrSoC). This proliferation of functionally-integrated
hardware solutions can be seen as an inflection point in the power supply industry which is seeing a dramatic move away from
traditional power supply manufacturing (with a focus on the assembly of power supply modules or bricks from discrete
components) to an increasing emphasis on power supply products derived from semiconductor and microelectronics platforms
and technologies.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions, or survey papers or tutorials, for review for publication in this
special issue on Power Supply on Chip. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
System Architectures compatible with PwrSoC
Power Devices and Switches to Enable PwrSoC
Magnetics (Discrete/Embedded/Integrated)
Capacitors (Discrete/Integrated/Switched)
Converter topologies and control systems suitable
for PwrSoC
Monolithic Integration vs System in Package
All manuscripts must be submitted through Manuscript Central at Submissions
must be clearly marked “Special Issue on Power Supply on Chip” on the cover page. When uploading your paper, please
indicate, under step 4 – Details & Comments, that it is for the “Special Issue on Power Supply on Chip” Refer
to for general information about electronic submission through Manuscript Central. Manuscripts
submitted for the special issue will be reviewed separately and will be handled by the guest editorial board noted below.
Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: June 1st, 2012
Guest Co-Editor: Yan-Fei Liu, Queen’s University (
Guest Co-Editor, Cian Ó Mathúna, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland (
The Guest Associate Editors:
Fred Lee
Virginia Tech, USA
Seth Sanders
UC Berkeley, USA
Eby Friedman
Univ of Rochester, USA
Paul Chow
John Shen
Eduard Alarcon Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Fred Roozeboom TUE, Netherlandes
Baoxing Chen
Analog Devices, USA
Bruno Allard
INSA, Lyon, France
Arnold Alderman Anagenesis, USA
Ed Stanford
Intel, USA
Expected Timeline:
September 2011
June 1, 2012
August 1, 2012
August 15, 2012
September 15, 2012
October 15, 2012
October 31, 2012
December 2012
J. Kolar
ETH, Switzerland
Saibal Roy
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
Charles Sullivan
Dartmouth College, USA
S. X. Wang
Stanford Univ, USA
Don Gardner
Intel, USA
Jose Cobos
UPM, Spain
Aleks Prodic
University of Toronto, Canada
Masahiro Yamaguchi Tohoku University, Japan
Matt Wilkowski
Enpirion, USA
Francesco Carobolante Qualcomm, USA
Call for Papers in the Transactions and Newsletter
Manuscripts Submission Deadline
First Review Complete
Revised Manuscripts Due
Final Acceptance Notification
Final Manuscripts Due
Manuscripts Forwarded to IEEE for Publication
Special Issue Appears in Transactions
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 11
Special Issue on Power Electronics in Photovoltaic Applications, 2013
Scheduled Publication Time: February 2013
Renewable energy resources will be the main source of energy in the future, requiring reliable operating interfaces to the
electrical power grid, which are mostly based on power electronics converters. The highly varying environmental conditions
and nonlinear nature of the photovoltaic (PV) generator make the utilization of PV energy a challenging task, which requires
further research attention. The building-integrated PV systems based on the utilization of thin-film materials will add more
challenges in the design of PV systems and their interfacing components. This special issue aims to address current challenges
in the design and operation of PV energy systems, to report on novel ideas for enabling the wider utilization of PV energy and
to explore optimal energy management control strategies for PV-based Power Electronic Systems.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions for review for publication in this special issue on Power
Electronics in Photovoltaic Applications. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
PV-generator-induced operational constraints
Series and parallel-connected distributed MPPtracking converters
PV-based multi-input battery storage systems
Challenges in building-integrated PV systems
PV-based VSI and CSI converters in standalone
and grid-connected systems – dynamics, control,
efficiency improvement, common mode current
reduction, etc.
EMI issues in PV based power electronic systems
and reduction of common/differential-mode noise
Series/parallel connection of PV inverters,
module/cell-integrated inverters, single-stage and
multi-stage PV power processing, centralized/
decentralized controllers, etc.
Identification of harmonic generation in PV
stand-alone and grid connected systems and their
Energy efficient/high performance power
electronic converters for PV-based renewable
energy systems: Future trends
Optimal control strategies for PV-based
renewable energy systems
High performance tracking algorithms to tackle
the issue of partial shading in PV Systems,
addressing energy management issues, etc.
PV power utilization in portable applications,
remote telecom power supply systems, etc.
Challenges for long lifetime and high reliability
of the PV inverter systems
All manuscripts must be submitted through Manuscript Central at Submissions
must be clearly marked “Special Issue on Power Electronics in Photovoltaic Applications, 2013” on the cover page. When
uploading your paper, please indicate, under step 4 – Details & Comments, that it is for the “Special Issue on Power
Electronics in Photovoltaic Applications, 2013.” Refer to for general information about electronic
submission through Manuscript Central. Manuscripts submitted for the special issue will be reviewed separately and will be
handled by the guest editorial board noted below.
Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: May 15, 2012
Guest Editor-in-Chief: T. Suntio, Tampere University of Technology, Finland (
Guest Co-Editor, M. Veerachary, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (
Guest Co-Editor, B. Choi, Kyunpook National University (
Guest Co-Editor, Z. Chen, Aalborg University (
Guest Co-Editor, E. Acha, Tampere University of Technology (
Guest Co-Editor, T. Shimizu, Tokyo Metropolitan University (
Guest Co-Editor, S. Valkealahti, Tampere University of Technology (
Guest- Co-Editor, G. Escobar, ABB, Switzerland (
Proposed Timeline:
 Nov 1, 2011
 Dec, 1 2011
 May 15, 2012
 July 15, 2012
 Aug 15, 2012
 Sep 1, 2012
 Oct 1, 2012
 Dec 1, 2012
 Feb, 2013
– Proposal Approval by PELS AdCom
– Call for Papers in the Transaction and Newsletter
– Manuscripts Submission Deadline
– First Review Complete
– Revised Manuscripts Due
– Final Acceptance Notification
– Final Manuscripts Due
– Manuscripts Forwarded to IEEE for Publication
– Special Issue Appears in Transaction
12 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Transportation Electrification and Vehicle Systems,
Scheduled Publication Time: July 2013
There is an evolving paradigm shift in transportation industry toward electrified vehicles, which are more efficient, more
reliable, safer, and smarter. In addition, they have higher performance and are more environmentally friendly than
conventional vehicles. Transportation electrification technologies are applied to both propulsion and non-propulsion
systems. Electrified vehicles include more electric vehicles (MEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEVs), and electric vehicles (EVs). Electrification level, defined as the percentage of the vehicle’s electric
power to its total power, varies from 5-20% in MEVs to 100% in EVs. Enabling technologies include power electronics,
electric motor drives, electric machines, electro-mechanical systems, energy storage systems, robust controllers, and
embedded electronics. This Special Issue is focused on transportation electrification and its enabling technologies and
related vehicle and grid systems, components, and controllers.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions or survey papers for review for publication in this Special
Issue. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Automotive power electronics, electric motor drives, machines, and actuators
Electric and hybrid electric powertrains; powertrain components and control
Propulsion systems
Electronic control units
Energy storage systems; battery management systems
On-board and off-board chargers, fast chargers, and opportunity chargers
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) interface and grid interface technologies
Electric vehicles (EVs) and range-extended EVs
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs); plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)
Electrification of heavy-duty and off-road vehicles; electrification of trains and rail vehicles
Applications of fuel cells in transportation
Electrical systems and components for sea, undersea, air, and space vehicles
All manuscripts must be submitted through Manuscript Central at Submissions
must be clearly marked “Special Issue on Transportation Electrification and Vehicle Systems, 2013” on the cover page.
When uploading your paper, please indicate, under step 4 – Details & Comments, that it is for the “Special Issue on
Transportation Electrification and Vehicle Systems, 2013.” Refer to for general information about
electronic submission through Manuscript Central. Manuscripts submitted for the special issue will be reviewed separately
and will be handled by the guest editorial board noted below.
Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: November 1, 2012
Guest Editor-in-Chief: Ali Emadi, McMaster University, Canada (
Guest Associate Editors:
Zhonghui Bing, Lear Corporation, USA
Jian Cao, CODA Automotive, USA
Ilse Cervantes, Institute for Scientific and Technological
Research of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Ali Davoudi, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Mathias Enohnyaket, Bombardier Transportation, Sweden
Lucia Gauchia Babe, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Narayan Kar, University of Windsor, Canada
Alireza Khaligh, University of Maryland at College Park, USA
Mahesh Krishnamurthy, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Akshay Kumar Rathore, National University of Singapore,
Byoung-Kuk Lee, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Srdjan Lukic, North Carolina State University, USA
Tomokazu Mishima, Kobe University, Japan
Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh, University of Lorraine, France
Omer C. Onar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Bulent Sarlioglu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Anand Sathyan, Chrysler Group LLC, USA
Erik Schaltz, Aalborg University, Denmark
Sheldon Williamson, Concordia University, Canada
Sanjaka G. Wirasingha, Chrysler Group LLC, USA
Long Wu, John Deere, USA
Chunbo Zhu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 13
Within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology a position is currently open:
Ordinariat (W3) in
“Power Electronics Systems“
The salary class W3 is to be assigned. The chair is going to be involved in the teaching and research program
“Munich School of Engineering” (MSE).
The research area is intended to be the interaction of power devices, integration technologies and circuit topologies
in power electronics systems. Existing components and structures as well as novel devices and topologies should be
investigated to enable improved efficiency in electrical energy and power conversion for application areas including
but not limited to “industrial drives”, “electrical mobility” and “SmartGrid”. The overriding goal is the development of
comprehensive power electronics concepts and systems.
A successful candidate would be expected to have earned significant recognition in several of the following research
innovative systems and topologies for regenerative energy applications,
electric and hybrid electric vehicles, or electrical machines
power semiconductor experience ranging from Watts to Megawatts
multi-physics modeling of power electronic systems including coupled analysis of
thermal, mechanical, and electro-magnetic interactions
fundamental methodologies for design and optimisation of power electronics
reliability of power electronics devices, modules, and systems
application oriented optimisation of devices and modules
innovative device and module integration technologies (packaging) and their
power device drive circuits and their operational properties
Experience in developing and operating an experimental laboratory is highly desirable. The laboratories needed for
the new institute will have to be designed, fabricated, equipped, and brought into operation. In collaboration with
existing institutes, the new institute will form a “Competence Center for Power Electronics“. It is both desirable and
necessary to participate in multi-disciplinary, multi-department projects including the collaboration with national and
international partners from research institutions as well as industry. With respect to teaching, methods-oriented
Bachelor and Master courses should be offered in German as well as in English language.
An appropriate attendance in administrative duties of the faculty and the TUM is implied.
The conditions of the position for professors of Bavarian Universities are valid.
Severely handicapped applicants will be preferred under the circumstances that all of the other requirements are
fulfilled with essentially equal qualifications.
Within the “Excellency Initiative” of the Federal Government and the States of Germany the Technische Universität
München strategically seeks to significantly increase the percentage of women in research and education. Therefore,
qualified female scientists are encouraged to apply.
The Technische Universität München offers support for “dual career families” through the TUM Munich Dual Career
Applications with the expected set of documents and certificates (please follow carefully the advice for applications
(Hinweise zur Bewerbung) on website are
accepted until June 15, 2012 and should be sent to as pdf.
14 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
Call For Papers
September 30 - October 4, 2012
Talking Stick Resort and Conference Center
Scottsdale, Arizona
INTELEC©, International Telecommunications Energy Conference,
is the annual world-class technical forum which presents the latest
developments in communications energy systems and related
power-processing devices and circuits. This Conference, which
serves the broad community of researchers, suppliers and operators,
explores new technologies of power conversion, energy storage and
systems for telecom applications and environment.
The conference program will include key note and plenary sessions, technical presentations, workshops and poster
sessions. Manuscripts of accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings.
Please submit your technical papers on the following topics:
• Power systems for communications and data centers - Higher Voltage
DC, distribution, monitoring, disaster resiliency and recovery
• Power electronics circuits - rectifiers, converters, inverters, topologies
and control
• Energy storage systems - electrochemical and alternative systems
• Power sources - renewable and alternative power generation
• Environment - cooling, physical and thermal design, power protection
and grounding
• New Services - powering broadband with line powering, 4G, WIMAX,
wireless power transfer
Submit your 500 word to 1500 word digest on line by March 31, 2012 at or
For more information, visit us online at:
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 15
Announcement and Call for Papers
Westin O’Hare, 6100 N. River Rd, Rosemont, IL USA
May 12–15, 2013
The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference provides an international forum for sharing
original ideas and developments in design, operation, analysis, application, and optimization of electric machinery
and drive systems and their components. IEMDC is a venue for users, researchers, designers, and manufacturers
of electric machines and drives and their related power electronics and controls. Half-day tutorial short courses
will be offered on May 12, 2013.
The conference will have papers and plenary presentations by recognized experts to highlight various aspects of
electric machines and drives, such as transportation electrification, renewable and alternate energy applications,
high-performance servos, and energy efficiency. Of special interest are topics related to advanced motor designs,
fault-tolerant operation and survivability, diagnostics and prognostics of machines and drive systems, sensorless
methods, and turbogenerator operation and maintenance. Also of interest are papers on design and application of
machines and drives to hybrid and electric vehicles, naval and aircraft power systems, and other areas.
Information for Authors
Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract of 200 words and a double-spaced digest of five pages,
including text, tables, figures, and references, at the conference website: Papers must
be original material not previously presented or published. Format requirements for the abstract, digest and the
final version will be posted on the website. Contact information for the corresponding author should be included
with the abstract. No author information should appear on the 5-page digest. Acceptance notification will contain
instructions for final paper preparation. Registration and attendance by at least one author is required for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Papers presented during the conference will be posted on IEEE Xplore.
Contact Information
Contact information is posted on the conference website: The preferred mode of contact is e-mail. For general conference information, please address comments and questions to:
Philip T. Krein
Steve Pekarek
General Chairman, IEEE IEMDC’13
Program Chair, IEEE IEMDC’13
e-mail: or
e-mail: or
Important Dates
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: December 17, 2012
Submission of Abstracts and Digests: December 17, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: January 29, 2013
Submission of Final Papers: March 29, 2013
IEEE Industry Applications Society
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
IEEE Power Electronics Society
IEEE Power Engineering Society
16 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
2012 IEEE Transporta/on Electri4ca/on C
onference a
nd E
8po (ITEC’12) hQpW//itec-­‐ Components, Systems, and Power Electronics -­‐ From Technology to Business and Public Policy June 17-­‐20, 2012 HyaQ Regency Dearborn Dearborn, Michigan, USA is aimed at helping the industry transi/on from conven/onal vehicles to advanced electri4ed vehicles. ITEC
ITEC is focused on components, systems, standards, and grid interface technologies, related to efficient power conversion for all types of electri4ed transporta/on, including electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and plug-­‐in hybrid electric vehicles (EVs, HEVs, and PHEVs) as well as heavy-­‐duty, rail, off-­‐road vehicles, airplanes and ships. Qeynote Presenta-ons Pete Savagian, General Motors Jay Iyengar, Chrysler Group LLC Lee Slezak, Dept. of Energy John Oenick, John Deere Dimitri Kazarinoff, AVL Powertrain Inc. Chuck Gray, Ford Motor Co. Stephen R. Clarke, Applied Intellectual Capital Subhash Dhar, Energy Power Systems Vincent G. Dow, Detroit Edison Leo Casey, Satcon Corp. Educa-onal EJ/HEJ Boot Camp Fundamentals of Hybrid Electric Powertrains Fundamentals of Electric Machines and Drives Introduc/on to Power Electronics Half Day Tutorials Introduc/on to Advanced Automo/ve BaQeries Emerging Transporta/on Markets in China Advanced Modeling and Simula/on of Power Electronic Systems Industry Exhibi-on IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 17
Public/Media Night Second Quarter 2012
Before April 6, 2012 (in US Dollars) Aaer April 6, 2012 (in US Dollars) IEEE Member (includes EV/HEV Boot Camp) 595 645 IEEE PELS, IAS, or PES Member (includes EV/HEV Boot Camp) 545 595 Non-­‐IEEE Member (includes EV/HEV Boot Camp) 645 695 IEEE Student Member (includes EV/HEV Boot Camp) 245 295 IEEE Life Member (includes EV/HEV Boot Camp) 245 295 245 295 245 295 Educa/onal EV/HEV Boot Camp only One-­‐Day Pass 10 Technical Tracks REGISTRATION FEES Exhibitor Registra-on Register online at hQp://itec-­‐ Exhibitor Package includes: ü  Two complimentary registra/ons with every 10'x10' booth space purchased ü  Presenta/on /me in the exhibit hall ü  Exhibitor literature will be included in conference materials ü  Adver/sement in the ITEC'12 Conference Program Unit Cost (10'x10' Booth Space) •  Corpora/on: g2,500.00 •  Non-­‐Profits, Small Businesses/Start-­‐Ups/Universi/es: g1,500.00 Panel Discussions Wide-­‐Bandgap Devices in Automo/ve Power Electronics Rare Earth Magnet Alterna/ves for Electric Motors Repurposed EV/PHEV BaQery Packs DC Link Film Capacitors for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Electrical Infrastructure Issues in PHEV/Grid Integra/on Standards BaQery, BaQery Management and Infrastructure Issues For Advanced Electrified Vehicles Aerospace Applica/ons i More Electric Aircraa Fast Chargers / Smart Grid and Communica/on Protocols BaQery Management Systems More Electric Aircraa: Power Management and Stability Issues On-­‐Board BaQery Chargers: Expecta/ons and Challenges University Capabili/es in Transporta/on Electrifica/on Conference General Chair Professor Ali Emadi Canada Excellence Research Chair in Hybrid Powertrain Director, McMaster Ins/tute for Automo/ve Research and Technology (MacAUTO) McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, ITB-­‐A109 Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada Phone: +1-­‐905-­‐525-­‐9140 Ext: 27230 E-­‐mail: Website: itec-­‐ For )ues-ons regarding exhibits, please contact: Exhibits Manager, ITEC 2012 Phone: +1-­‐202-­‐973-­‐8604 Email: 18 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
National Workshop on SmartGrid &
Integration of Renewable Energy Resources
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Warangal, December 22–
24th, 2011:
PES/IAS/PELS Joint Chapter, IEEE Hyderabad Section in association with National Institute of Technology, Warangal conducted a
3 day National Level Workshop on SmartGrid and Integration of Renewable Energy Resources. The event witnessed large participation
from various Governmental, NGO, Transco, Genco, Academia and
Research Students. The program included hands on practice session
on the Power System software, distinguished lectures from Industrial
and Academic experts in India and from abroad.
The dignitaries who shared their experiences during the event
include Sri. N. S. Sodha, Executive Director Power Grid, Dr. NDR
Sarma of Electricity Reliability Council of Texas, USA, Mr. Amol Kolwalkar, GE Global Research, Bangalore, Sri. Sista Subrahmanyam,
CTM Mahindra Satyam, Dr. Allabaksh Naikodi, AVP, Mr. Ashok Rama
CKE manufactures
a wide range of
metal oxide
varistors (MOVs)
for your unique
From low
voltage radial
lead styles to
high energy packages,
we build to OEM specs or
provide direct replacements.
CKE also offers:
■ Selenium Surge
■ Silicon Rectifiers
■ Custom
■ Silicon Carbide
1:26 PM
Rao, Solution lead, Utility Practices, Mahindra Satyam, Prof. M. Sydulu (Former Dean R&D, NITW), Prof. DVSS.Siva Sarma (Vice-Chair,
PES), Dr. M. Sailaja Kumari (NITW) and Mr. Ramana Apparao from
ABB Vadodara. Much of the senior speakers spent much of time
answering the plentiful questions and motivating the participants
and stressed on the necessity of having innovative development concepts and process to stay tall in the growing competitive market and
concluded with the quote “Intelligence without ambition is a bird
without wings...”.
Other interesting sessions include ‘Distribution System Automation Challenges, ‘Integration of Wind farm into utility grid’ & NEPLAN Software Demo/Practice, Wide area monitoring and protection,
Smart waste energy management. Mr. S. AppaRao (Secretary, PES)
from AP Transco also highlighted the Components of IS and IT in
Power Stations.
Page 1
■ 1 kV to 600 kV
■ Fast Recovery
down to 35nS
■ Average Forward
Current up to
10 Amps
HVCA diodes are
ideal for use in high
voltage power supplies,
medical equipment,
instrumentation, satellites,
control systems, voltage
multipliers and military
applications. Typical
recovery times of
75ns or faster.
20 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
ONR/NSF-Sponsored Faculty Workshop on Electric Energy Systems
Curriculum for Sustainability – Organized by the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Our annual faculty workshop was recently held in Napa, California during February 2–5, 2012, sponsored by grants from the
U.S. Navy-The Office of Naval Research, and NSF. It had nearly 150
participants, including over 50 academic administrators (ECE Heads,
Engineering Deans, etc.). The workshop objectives were to describe
and disseminate the developed undergraduate curriculum, discuss
the graduate curriculum being developed through a recent ONR
grant, and to create a large and vibrant community of teaching/
learning scholars.
This workshop also presented the progress report on “A Nationwide Consortium of Universities, led by the University of Minnesota,
to Revitalize Electric Power Engineering Education by State-of-theArt Laboratories”; this is an 82-university consortium set up with the
help of DOE funds.
The results of this curriculum have been very encouraging. At
the University of Minnesota, where these courses were heading
for extinction, student interest has dramatically increased due to
this curriculum. For example, in the academic year 2010–2011,
student enrollment increased to an average of over 100 students
per course in the three senior-elective courses that comprise this
curriculum: Power Electronics, Power Systems and Electric Drives.
This curriculum in various combinations has been adopted in
over 100 schools.
This curriculum is being disseminated through a recently-launched
Consortium of Universities for Sustainable Power, CUSP™. Its website has the description of various courses in
the curriculum, presentation slides and the lecture videos that can
be downloaded, software-based laboratories, etc. All the downloadable material is free-of-charge. Another goal of CUSP™ is to create a
community for continually and collectively evolving this curriculum.
Respectfully submitted by:
Ned Mohan, University of Minnesota
Chapter Meeting @ KEB
KEB was founded by Karl E. Brinkmann in 1972 in Barntrup,
Westfalen, Germany.
Initially, clutches and brakes had been the first products.
Since 1982 inverters have been added, being developed built
and offered in a range from 0.37 kW up to 900 kW. While their
number had been constant with about 120 thousand produced
per year, the total nominal power per year grew with the last 4
years from 1.2 GW in 2008 to 2.0 GW in 2011.
In the beginning of the 90ies, the company aquired a former
GDR manufacturer of gears and motors in Schneeberg, Saxonia,
adding these to a now complete product range of drive components.
Production is located in Germany as well as in Japan, China
and the US.
From Nov 17th to 18th the German Joint IEEE IAS/PELS/IES chapter
had been invited to visit the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen Lippe in Lemgo as well as the headquarter of KEB in Barntrup.
The chapter had been invited by Prof. Holger Borcherding, head
of the power electronic lab in Lemgo and by Wolfgang Wiele, CTO
of KEB.
Prof. Stefan Witte, Vice president of the University of Applied
Sciences Ostwestfalen Lippe addressed the audience with a short
overview over the University with its three main locations, Lemgo,
Detmold and Höxter each with a different profile.
Prof. Holger Borcherding followed with an overview over the
faculty of electric engineering and information technologies, located
in Lemgo and beeing very active in research. Bachelor programs and
master courses in electric or mechatronic engineering and information technologies are offered.
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 21
Figure 1. IEEE Joint IAS/PELS/IES German Chapter at the KEB headquarter in Barntrup Westfalen.
The technical contributions where started by Prof. Borcherding
with a presentation over his work in the field of grid compatibility
of power electronic devices. Especially in industrial environments,
there a meanwhile quite a few of these devices, most of them with
a passive frontend, coupled to a local grid. By now, compatibility is
enforced by individual filter circuits, neglecting coupeling effects.
Measurement results shown by Prof. Borcherding reveal the grid
impedance in these environments to be only 50% of the usually
assumed value, which would allow for smaller filters if taken into
account. Futher work is focused on creating a tool to simulate the
effect of coupled devices and so enabling optimized filtering within
the complete sub grid.
Prof. Jürgen Maas talked about “Energy harvesting using Electro Active Polymers”, introducing first the working principle of dielectric polymers beeng used where initially the elastic structure
is discharged. When, by any external force the structure has been
stretched, it is charged by an external electronic. This amount of
charge is then lifted to a higher electric potential during relaxation of
the carrier, from where it can be discharged, collecting the difference
in potential energy. However, special bidirectional and high efficient
converters for high voltage are required during charge and discharge
of the generator structure.
Prof. Thomas Schulte closed this first session with a presentation
about real-time simulation of power electronic circuits. Real-time
simulation can be used during hardware-in-the-loop tests of power
electronic control loops. However, due to the high frequency of the
signals in these switched circuits, special modeling techniques as
well as a very high sampling rate are required. FPGA based simulation could be a solution but a suitable toolchain is still missing,
which is where his focus is on.
A tour around the different facilities at the Lemgo campus
closed this first session. The day ended with a remarkable reception on behalf of the board of KEB at the Steigenberger in Bad
On Friday the chater had been invited to the KEB headquarter.
Wolfgang Wiele, CTO welcomed the audience with a short introduction of KEB, its history, products and markets. Helmut Fichter
and Volker Dalbke then gave a examples of the KEB approach
to the market, being a listener to the specific requirements of
a vertical market – here the wind tubine equipment - and optimizing the inverter systems used. In this particular chase, the
inverters for the pitch and the yaw control had been in focus. An
approach, to generate specialized products, that isn’t limited to
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22 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Figure 2. Wolfgang Wiele, CTO of KEB greeting the chapter.
Second Quarter 2012
functional integration during development, but also followed during system qualification and present through all the production
steps during the factory tour.
Dirk Erasmie presented about the operation of inverter drives
combined with RCD protection. By use of high performance
common mode chokes, high frequency harmonic currents caused
by the PWM operation are damped very well while error currents
with characteristic frequencies around 100Hz are fully visible to
the RCD.
Finally, Angela Schwabedissen presented about the comparison
of two computational fluid dynamics tools that have been evaluated.
Background of this approach was the time, necessary for the development of water coolers.
After the factory tour around the Barntrup facilities for inverter
and brake production, the chapter meeting ended with a short IEEE
bussines part with a call for joining the IEEE and an invitation to the
next meeting.
Dr. Andreas Wagener, IEEE Joint IAS/PELS/IES Chapter, Public
relations chair.
What About Electrons, Holes
and Reliability of Your Circuit?
Andreas Lindemann (SM ‘04),
Chair for Power Electronics at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg/Germany
Design of power electronic circuits sometimes seems
straightforward – but designers know, it often isn’t:
What e.g. happens if a device is not used under the
conditions given in the data sheet – for example,
which switching losses occur in an IGBT undergoing
zero voltage switching, but being only specified for
hard switching? Experienced designers know that this
depends on the design of the device – there e.g. is
a difference between NPT and PT devices. Or what
about reliability of power electronics for a vehicle drive
being exposed to driving cycles? Experienced designers know that this strongly depends on the package of
the device. Last but not least – how to identify the root
cause of failures before more of them might occur in
the field? Obviously in many cases additional background information is needed which gives a deeper understanding of the physical
effects and their consequences for power electronics designs.
Exactly this background information can be found in the new
Semiconductor Power Devices – Physics, Characteristics, Reliability
by Josef Lutz, Heinrich Schlangenotto, Uwe Scheuermann and Rik
De Doncker
published at Springer Heidelberg/Dordrecht/London/New York,
2011, hardcover ISBN 978-3-642-11124-2/e-ISBN 978-3-64211125-9
which is available as a print or online version with more than
500 pages: In the first chapter, IEEE PELS past president Rik De
Doncker builds a bridge from circuit design to device physics. In
the following chapters Josef Lutz and Heinrich Schlangenotto introduce physics of semiconductors and
pn-junctions, the following explanations of power
semiconductor devices are based on: Diodes, briefly
bipolar transistors, thyristors, MOSFETs and other
unipolar field effect transistors and IGBTs are considered; in each case, their basic structure and main
electric properties are explained first, followed by
in depth physical considerations. A power semiconductor component is not only made from silicon –
consequently renowned expert Uwe Scheuermann
explains packages in the following, outlining types
of package, their thermal and electrical behavior,
which is mostly considered to be parasitic, and related reliablility issues. In the following, several destructive mechanisms are described as a result of recent comprehensive investigations. Further considerations refer to oscillations in and between
devices which are important for electromagnetic emissions, and
the prospect of system integration.
A predecessor of this work had already been published in German
language. The English version referenced here takes additionally into
account what has been learned and researched in the meantime – it
is a mature and comprehensive work. Its interdisciplinary approach
with a focus on device physics, but also considering surrounding
packaging, circuit design and related problems, makes it unique –
and sometimes in a way a demanding reading matter. It is however
surely worth to work through the chapters in the reader’s field of
interest – there is no substitute for a deep understanding of physical
background for an engineer in power electronics research and development, and this new book significantly can help us to achieve this.
Second Quarter 2012
IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER 23
Invitation to Speakers
for Professional
Education Seminars –
The IEEE Power Electronics Society is pursuing two initiatives in the area
of professional education. Applications are sought for potential instructors.
Applicants will be considered on a rolling basis.
The first initiative is a database of qualified instructors. Many organized IEEE events have a need for professional education seminars,
ranging from major conferences (such as APEC and ECCE) down to
section-level events. Also, there may be companies who are looking
for qualified instructors for internal training courses. This database
will list instructors who have given seminars at major IEEE events
and are willing to participate in smaller events. It will not replace any
existing calls for participation. PELS will serve only as a clearinghouse
for contact information. All further details will be negotiated between
the instructor and event organizer.
The second initiative is an online education service. Highly qualified
instructors will be asked to offer online versions of their seminars or short
courses, both for live participation and for later viewing. Financial considerations will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
If you are interested in participating in either initiative, please fill out
the form located at
rm?formkey=dEg2cXNMYlM3QlJTYkp1bVFMMHpKR2c6MQ. At this time,
instructors must have given their course at a conference sponsored or cosponsored by PELS within the past two years.
The Future of Programmable DC Power
• Hundredsofmodelsrangingfrom2kWto600kW+
• Voltagesupto4000Vdc,currentsupto24000Adc
XR Series II
TS Series III
MS Series III
MT Series IV
2 to 8 kW
5 to 45 kW
30 to 75 kW
100 to 600 kW+
• Master/slaveparallelorseriesoperation
Voltage Range
0-1000 Vdc
0-4000 Vdc
0-4000 Vdc
0-4000 Vdc
• PhotovoltaicPowerProfileEmulationavailable
Current Range
0-375 Adc
0-2700 Adc
0-4500 Adc
0-24000 Adc
• MadeintheUSA
• IVIdriversandremoteinterfacesoftware
• Opticallyisolatedinputsandoutput,PLCcontrol
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E-mail. Website:
General Chair Byoung-Kuk Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
Advisory Committee
Hyun Soo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
Seung-Ki Sul (Seoul National University)
Organizing Committee
Chair: Dong Wook Yoo (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
Co-Chair: Dae-Kyong Kim (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Gyu Hong Kang (Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute)
Feel Soon Kang (Hanbat National University)
Jong-Soo Kim (Seoil University)
Technical Program Committee
Chair: Jin Hur (University of Ulsan)
Co-Chair: Baek Haeng Lee (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)
Honnyong Cha (Kyungpook National University)
Rae-Young Kim (Hanyang Universiry)
Youngkook Lee (Hyundai Motor Company)
Publication Committee
Chair: Teeck Kie Lee (Hankyong National University)
Co-Chair: Nam-Joon Kim (Daejin University)
Soon Bong Cho (Doowon University)
Woo-Cheol Lee (Hankyong National University)
Exhibition Committee
Chair: In Soung Jung (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Co-Chair: Hyung Woo Lee (Korea Railroad Research Institute)
Jin Whan Jung (Hyundai Motor Company)
Finance Committee
Chair: Hak Man Kim (University of Incheon)
Tutorial Committee
Chair: Hanju Cha (Chungnam National University)
Award Committee
Chair: Choon Sam Kim (Kangwon National University)
Co-Chair: ShinHyeong Choi (Kangwon National University)
Industry Cooperation Committee
Chair: Byeong Woo Kim (University of Ulsan)
Co-Chair: Byung Dug Baeg (Dongah Elecomm)
Chan Ho Kang (EGTRONICS)
Do Hyun Jung (Korea Automotive Technology Institute)
Gwangbo Choi (Changsung Corparation)
Jin Ho Park (Hyundai Motor Company)
Joo Han Lee (Ssangyong Motor)
Rae Kwan Park (ADT)
Samchul Ha (LG Electronics)
Sang Hee Kwak (OSUN TECH)
General Secretary Jong-Soo Kim (Seoil University)
24 IEEE Power Electronics Society NEWSLETTER
Second Quarter 2012
Prof. Byoung-Kuk Lee
General Chair of VPPC 2012
We anxiously await the many exciting developments which will
arise from the upcoming conference and we look forward to
welcoming you to Seoul, Korea in October 2012!
As the capital city of Korea for over 600 years, Seoul has rich
culture and traditions combined with many modern resources. We
believe you will have a chance to enjoy, not only an attractive city,
but all of Korea in the pleasantly warm weather. In a country which
represents the forefront of modern information technology, and in a
time when “globalization” is no longer a catch-phrase but a well
accepted norm, what could be a better theme for this event than
Connecting the Green World through the Vehicle Technology?
Since the inaugural meeting in Paris, France in 2004, VPPC
conferences have been held in many other celebrated cities in the
world. Seoul is now going to join these prestigious cities by hosting
the 8th conference.
Evidently, the aims of the forthcoming conference are two-fold.
One is to provide opportunities for various researchers and
engineers worldwide to present their pioneering works and to
share their ideas in the field of vehicle power and propulsion.
During this conference, significant advancements in all aspects of
research, development and applications will be covered and
discussed in presentations together with plenary and invited talks.
The other is to enhance the relationship among member societies
and make a meeting place for friends inseparable due to common
objectives of research, development and application and the
possibility is given for further co-work resulting in mutual
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you
to the 8th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC
2012), which will take place from 9 through 12 October 2012 in
Seoul, Korea.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
High Efficiency Transportation
Topic 12: Conventional Vehicle System Design
Topic 13: Advanced Automotive Power and Propulsion
Topic 14: Railway, Ship, Air, and Space Vehicles
Topic 15: Mechanical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
Topic 16: Modeling, Simulation, Emissions and Control
Intelligent Car
Topic 8: Intelligent Vehicle for Safety (included V2V)
Topic 9: Telematics (included V2I)
Topic 10: Imbedded System for Vehicle
Topic 11: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in xEVs
Green Car - Electric Propelled System
Topic 1: HEV, BEV, FCEV and Plug-In EV System Design.
Topic 2: Automotive Actuator and Electric Machinery
Topic 3: Power Converter for Automotive Applications
Topic 4: Motor Drives for Vehicle Applications
Topic 5: Energy and Power Management for xEVs
Topic 6: Charging System including Interface Couplers
Topic 7: Smart Grid and Electrical Infrastructure
Deadline of Abstract Submission: February 29, 2012
Deadline of Acceptance Notification: March 31, 2012
Deadline of Full Paper Submission: June 29, 2012
Deadline of Author’s Registration: June 29, 2012
Deadline of Early Registration: July 31, 2012
1. Authors whose digests are accepted will be requested to submit
the full papers by June 29, 2012.
2. All presented papers presented at VPPC2012 will be included in
the Conference Proceeding CD, posted on IEEE Xplore and be
cited in EI (Engineering Index).
3. Selected papers will be published in following journals;
∙Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET: SCIE)
issued by KIEE
∙Journal of Power Electronics (JPE: SCIE) issued by KIPE
1. Digest should be submitted online through the VPPC2012
website by February 29, 2012.
2. Digest template and instruction can be downloaded from the
3. Each Digest should describe original work.
4. Authors will be notified of acceptance of abstracts by March
31, 2012.
The VPPC2012 cordially invites you to submit digests for oral and
poster presentations. Please refer to the VPPC2012 topics.
VPPC2012 is looking forward to the enthusiastic participation of
global scholars from various research fields.
Second Quarter 2012
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