A Non-Insulated Resonant Boost Converter Peng Shuai∗ , Yales R. De Novaes† , Francisco Canales† and Ivo Barbi‡ ∗ ISEA-Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, RWTH-Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Email: Peng.Shuai@isea.rwth-aachen.de † ABB Corporate Research, Dättwil, Switzerland Email: {yales.de-novaes, francisco.canales}@ch.abb.com ‡ INEP-Power Electronics Institute, UFSC-Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil Abstract— In this paper, a resonant boost converter is analyzed and verified through experimentation. Switching losses are reduced since the converter operates at ZCS (Zero Current Switching). The analysis presented here covers its operation with variable switching frequency but only below the resonant frequency. The range of its voltage gain goes from 1 to 2 and the energy conversion efficiency (including filtering at input) is around 97% for the lowest input voltage. Its envisioned that it could be applied as a front-end converter when a backend inverter is needed, for instance with batteries, photovoltaic converters or fuel cells, perform partial output voltage regulation only. I. I NTRODUCTION Nowadays, resonant techniques have widely been utilized in power electronics converters. Compared with the conventional PWM converters, the switching losses of the resonant converters are significantly reduced due to the soft-switching properties. This allows for increasing the switching frequency to levels as high as 1 MHz and drastically increasing the power density compared to hard switched converters. Electromagnetic interference is usually less critical for resonant converters since there are no spikes during commutations (or they are reduced). Although resonant commutations have been utilized long time ago with thyristor semiconductors, the resonant conversion evoluted from resonant converters to quasi-resonant converters and multi-resonant converters [1] [2] [3]. Resonant converters contain resonant L-C networks and the voltage and current of this networks vary sinusoidally in one or more commutation intervals [4]. The commutation of the switches is usually with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) or zero current switching (ZCS). In this paper, a two-switch non-insulated DC-DC boost converter using resonant technique is proposed, investigated and validated at 1 kW and maximum switching frequency of 100 kHz. The only switching losses of this converter occur because of the energy stored in the parasitic capacitance of the active switch. The original document where this topology is proposed among other resonant and PWM converter is [6]. But by coincidence, the commutation cell of this converter can be extracted from the PWM multilevel converter presented by [16], however the capacitor has a different functionality since in the resonant converter it is completely charged and discharged during operation. This topology can also be seen in [9] where a snubber for the NPC inverter is presented. It 978-1-4244-4783-1/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE becomes more clear if one looks at half of the modulation cycle of the inverter operating with no load. In this work, the analysis is carried in detail by describing every topological stage and its equivalent equations. The equation of the static characteristic is obtained describing the voltage gain as function of the load current and switching frequency. The voltage gain of this converter can be controlled by controlling the switching frequency, the minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 2. Since the maximum gain is limited, it is envisioned that this converter could be a good option if the primary energy source would be a battery or photovoltaic string and the output of this converter would be connected to an inverter. By doing so, assuming a variating input voltage, the resonant converter could regulate the output voltage partially, limit the lowest value seen by the inverter. This is depicted in Fig. 1, where the resonant converter regulates the voltage from 1 to 2 pu, and the inverter accepts the variation from 2 to 2.5 pu without compromising its output voltage and current quality. In an application, for instance, ideally the input voltage could variate from 200 V to 500V, and the resonant converter boosts and regulates its output voltage to 400V while the input voltage is lower than 400V. When the input voltage is higher than 400V, then the converter could be by-passed. Fig. 1: Input voltage variation and regulation range. II. C ONVERTER O PERATION P RINCIPLE The converter topology investigated in this paper is shown in Fig. 2. The resonant tank of this non-insulated converter 550 is composed of the resonant inductor Lr and the resonant capacitor Cr . Two switches and two diodes are represented as ideal devices. In addition, it is assumed that the output capacitor Co is large enough, so that the output voltage Vo is kept constant during one switching cycle. The control signals Vi After mathematical transformation and calculation, one can obtain the following equations: io Ds1 Lr By assuming that the initial condition for this stage is: iLr (t0 ) = 0 vCr (t0 ) = 0 iLr (t) = Vo Co C r Ds 2 √ Ro S2 Fig. 2: Converter Topology. iLr (t) = Lr Vi iLr Ds 2 S1 Ro Vi Lr iLr Ds1 io Ds 2 Cr Vo Co Lr Vi iLr Ds 2 Ro S1 Stage 1 Vo Co C r S1 Ro Vi Lr iLr S2 io Ds 2 Cr Vo Co Ro S1 S2 Stage 4 Fig. 3: Representation of the main topological stages. vCr (t) = 1 − cos(ω0 t) (8) At t0 , S1 is turned off and S2 is switched on, diode Ds2 is conducting. During this stage, the resonant capacitor Cr is charged by the source to the voltage level of the output voltage Vo . Due to the resonance, the current through the resonant inductor Lr increases sinusoidally from 0 to a certain value, which is supposed to be I1 . This stage can be described with the following two equations: diLr + vCr (t) dt dvCr (t) dt (10) where I1 is defined as the final condition of the inductor current at t1 (I1 is parameterized). At this time instant, the resonant capacitor voltage is equal to the output voltage Vo , therefore: vCr (t1 ) = G (11) ω0 Δt10 = π − arccos(G − 1) A. Switching Stage 1 [t0 ,t1 ] iLr (t) = Cr (7) Where G = Vo /Vi is also the voltage gain of the converter. From (10) and (11) the duration of this topological stage can be calculated as: Stage 5 Vi = L r iLr (t) = sin(ω0 t) vCr (t1 ) = 1 − cos(ω0 t1 ) Ds1 (5) At the end of this stage, at the time instant t1 , the following equations are valid: iLr (t1 ) = I1 (9) Stage 2 io iLr (t) Vi /Zr vCr (t) = S2 S2 Ds1 (4) vCr (t) (6) Vi So, for this topological stage, by applying (5) and (6) to (3) and (4), the parameterized inductor current and capacitor voltage of the resonant tank are: of the two switches are two complementary signals with 50% duty cycle. Each switch turns on for a half of the switching cycle and in each half cycle there are three switching stages according to the operation of the resonant tank. The operation stages of the converter in a switching cycle are illustrated in Fig. 3. V Co Cr o vCr (t) = Vi [1 − cos(ω0 t)] (3) Where ω0 = 1/ Lr Cr is the resonant angular frequency. The inductor current can be parameterized as a function of the input voltage and the resonant circuit impedance (Zr = Lr /Cr ), and the resonant capacitor voltage can be parameterized as a function of the input voltage, as follows: S1 iLr Vi sin (ω0 t) Lr ω0 Where Δt10 = t1 − t0 . As usually done in resonant converter analysis [10], a vector z can be defined as per (13). z = vCr (t) + jiLr (t) (13) The real part of the vector z stands for the voltage on the resonant capacitor while the imaginary part represents the current through the resonant inductor. So the first stage can be described by the following vector: (1) (2) (12) z1 = 1 − cos(ω0 t) + j sin(ω0 t) = 1 − e−jω0 t (14) This vector shall be utilized in a next section to build a stateplane. 551 B. Switching Stage 2 [t1 ,t2 ] F. Stage 6 [t5 ,t6 ] At t1 , the resonant capacitor voltage vCr is equal to the output voltage Vo , the diode Ds1 turns on. So in this stage vCr is clamped as Vo , while the current through the inductor iLr drops lineally to zero, since the output voltage is higher than the input voltage, a negative voltage is applied across Lr . By similar mathematical calculation, the vector in a state-plane can be derived as: At the end of stage 5, the current drops to 0 and there is no voltage across the resonant capacitor. Thus, in this last stage there is no current through Lr and no voltage across Cr . Therefore, the vector of this stage is equal to zero: z2 = G + j[I1 − (G − 1)ω0 (t − t1 )] I1 G−1 (23) And the duration is: ω0 Δt65 = π − ω0 Δt43 − ω0 Δt54 (15) (24) G. Summary of the switching behavior The duration of this stage can be calculated as following: ω0 Δt21 = z6 = 0 The main waveforms of voltages and currents of the components are shown in Fig. 4. The waveforms of the two switches (16) C. Stage 3 [t2 ,t3 ] Gate signal for S1 vCr As the current becomes 0 at the end of the second stage, Ds2 blocks, so there is no current through Lr , and the voltage across Cr remains at Vo as in stage 2. In this stage, no current is circulating in the circuit. The vector to describe this stage is then quite simple: z3 = G iLr Gate signal for S2 (17) The end of this switching stage is half of the whole switching cycle, which means ω0 t3 = π. So: ω0 Δt32 = π − ω0 Δt10 − ω0 Δt21 vS 1 (18) iS 1 D. Stage 4 [t3 ,t4 ] At the beginning of this stage, S1 is turned-on and Ds1 starts to conduct the resonant current. Ds2 remains blocked. The resonant capacitor is discharged, so the voltage across it drops from Vo to 0. At the same time, the current through the inductor increases from 0 to I1 . The operation of the converter is similar as in the first stage. One can obtain similar vector as for the first stage: z4 = G − 1 − cos(ω0 t) − j sin(ω0 t) = G − 1 − e −jω0 t vS 2 iS 2 vDs1 iDs1 (19) This stage has the same duration of the first stage: ω0 Δt43 = π − arccos(G − 1) (20) vDs 2 iDs 2 E. Stage 5 [t4 ,t5 ] The operation of the converter in this stage is quite similar as in stage 2, difference is that the resonant capacitor voltage keeps at zero. The vector related to this stage is: z5 = j[I1 − (G − 1)ω0 (t − t4 )] (21) The duration of stage 5 is also the same as stage 2, so: ω0 Δt54 = I1 G−1 (22) t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6(Ts ) t Fig. 4: Converter waveforms based on analysis with ideal components. and two diodes are complementary with each other in each switching cycle. The ZCS (Zero Current Switching) can be clearly seen when looking to the instantaneous values of the voltages and currents of the active switches. In regarding the 552 resonant circuit, the voltage across the resonant capacitor vCr is charged to Vo and then clamped at this value during the first half switching cycle. Then in the second half switching cycle the resonant capacitor is discharged and then vCr becomes zero. The frequency of the current through the resonant inductor iLr is twice of the switching frequency. The average value of the current through Ds1 diode is dependent on the switching frequency, then the output voltage can be regulated by the ratio between the switching frequency and the resonant frequency. Based on the analysis above, the complete state-plane graph for the vector z in a switching cycle can be depicted. The real axis is the parameterized resonant capacitor voltage vCr , while the imaginary axis is the resonant inductor current iLr , see Fig. 5. Following the direction of the arrows the variations of the current and voltage during the switching cycle can be seen. The maximum value of the inductor current can be found characteristic of the converter and is depicted in Fig. 6 for several values of μ0 . The ideal gain is limited between 1 and 2 for the full range of frequency variation. This means that the output voltage cannot be lower than the input voltage (there would be forward conduction of both diodes), and cannot be higher the twice the input voltage. 0.5 ioAVG 0.4 P0 0.01 P0 0.02 P0 0.3 0.04 P0 0.06 P0 0.08 P0 0.1 0.2 P0 increases 0.1 1 I1 0 0.8 1 z5 0.6 z1 z4 1.2 1.4 G 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 6: Converter gain as a function of the average output current, having the frequency ratio as parameter. z2 iLr (Z0t ) 0.4 It is important to highlight that in this study it is assumed that the switching frequency is always lower than the resonant frequency, i.e. fs ≤ f0 or 0 < μ0 ≤ 1. By using the resonant impedance Zr to parameterize the load resistance, the following ratio can be introduced: 0.2 z3 z6 0 G 1 0 vCr (Z0t ) 1 1.5 ro = Ro /Zr Fig. 5: State-Plane Graph. (29) With this ratio, the following equation can be derived: in the graph as: iLr (ω0 t)max = 1, when vCr (ω0 t) = 1 or vCr (ω0 t) = G − 1. III. C ONVERTER E XTERNAL C HARACTERISTIC Based on the switching behavior of the converter, the parameterized average output current can be calculated by the following equations: t4 t2 iLr (t)dt + iLr (t)dt + (25) ioAV G = fs ( t t3 t5 1 iLr (t)dt (26) + G = ro ioAV G By substituting (28) and (29) into (30), (31) can be obtained. μ0 ro + 1 (31) G= 2π The relationship described by (31) is shown in Fig. 7. It can be 2 G t4 where fs is the switching frequency of the converter. fs = ioAV G 1 Ts G = μ0 2π(G − 1) (30) (27) ro 0.1 ro 0.5 ro 1 ro ro 5 2S ro 10 ro ro 20 100 1.8 ro 1.6 1.4 1.2 (28) 1 0 In this equation μ0 = 2πfs /ω0 , which is the ratio between the switching frequency fs and the resonant frequency f0 . The time instants can be obtained by the switching stage duration calculated previously. This equation describes the external 0.2 0.4 P0 0.6 0.8 1 Fig. 7: Dependence of Gain G on frequency ratio and gain. seen that, for a constant load and constant input voltage, the 553 output voltage changes linearly with μ0 . This means the output voltage can be easily to control. Now, if it is necessary to operate the converter over the full range of gain variation, the relation (32) has to be respected. If a wide range of frequency variation is required, then ro should be equal to 2π. ro ≥ 2π (32) IV. E XPERIMENTAL VALIDATION In order to verify the theoretical analysis and to verify the concepts, a prototype rated at the following specifications has been built and tested: Output power: Po = 1kW Regulated output voltage: Vo = 400V Input voltage: 200V ≤ Vi ≤ 400V ro = 2π → Zr = Ro /ro = 25.46Ω Resonant inductor and capacitor: Lr = 39.69μH, Cr = 61.2nF Resonant frequency: f0 = 102.1kHz Output capacitor: Co = 110μF Another constrain added to the specification is that the converter should be able to withstand an input voltage of 500 V. In this case, above 400V there will not be regulation of the output voltage and this converter could be bypassed by an additional diode or a mechanical switch. A supposed application where this makes sense would be a two stages converter where the second stage could be an inverter able to regulate its AC variables while having its input voltage variating from 400 to 500V maximum. The utilized silicon semiconductor devices were rated at 600 V as breakdown voltage. Fig. 8 shows the resonant inductor current iLr , resonant capacitor voltage vCr and the input and output voltage for operation at maximum power and minimum input voltage. As expected, since this frequency is almost the resonant frequency, the waveforms of the resonant tank are sinusoidal. The input voltage is 200V while the output voltage is 400V, the maximum gain G=2 is reached. The peak of vCr is equal to the output voltage while the peak of iLr is approximately 7.8A as calculated from Vi /Zr. Vo (Ch 2) Vi (Ch3) iLr (Ch1) vCr (Ch 4) (Ch1 & Ch4) Fig. 8: iLr , vCr , Vi and Vo @ fs = 100kHz, Po = 1kW . Fig 9 is showing the active switch commutations. The turnon is depicted in Fig. 9 (a). From this figure it can be seen that there are reduced switching losses since the current increases sinusoidally from zero. The only switching losses occur due to the intrinsic capacitance of the active switch, in this case MOSFET. The turn-off behavior is shown in Fig. 9 (b). As the instantaneous values of current and voltage are not overlapping the turn-off losses can be neglected. vS 1 (Ch3) (Ch2 & Ch3) iS 1 (Ch 2) Turn-on Gate Signal(Ch4) (a) Turn-on iS 1 (Ch 2) vS 1 (Ch3) (Ch2 & Ch3) Turn-off Gate Signal(Ch4) (b) Turn-off Fig. 9: Commutation of the switching devices at fs = 100kHz. The waveforms of the diode current and reverse voltage are shown in Fig. 10. The reverse recovery of the diode can hardly be found from the waveform, so almost no loss is produced by the reverse recovery current. Fig. 11 illustrates the behaviors of the current and voltage of MOSFET at fs = 50kHz. The oscillations in the MOSFET voltage and current waveforms are due to the parasitic capacitance. In order to verify the operation at high input voltage, the converter has been tested at fs = 5kHz and full power, the waveforms can be found in Fig. 12. At this switching frequency, the input voltage is quite close to the output voltage. As the designed specification, the input voltage can vary from 200V to 400V, while keeping the output voltage at 400V and the output power at 1kW. The efficiency curve of this converter, considering the 554 vCr (Ch 4) Vo (Ch 2) iLr (Ch1) Vi (Ch3) (Ch1 & Ch4) vDs1 (Ch3) vCr (Ch 4) iDs1 (Ch 2) Turn-on iLr (Ch1) Turn-off (Ch1 & Ch4) (Ch2 & Ch3) Fig. 10: Diode reverse voltage and current @ fs 100kHz, Po = 1kW . = Fig. 12: iLr , vCr , Vi and Vo @ fs = 5kHz, Po = 1kW . 0.98 0.975 iS 1 (Ch 2) vS 1 (Ch3) 0.97 K 0.965 0.96 (Ch2 & Ch3) Turn-on vCr (Ch 4) Turn-off 0.955 iLr (Ch1) 0.95 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 [W ] Output Power Fig. 13: Efficiency curve of 1kW prototype by power variation. (Ch1 & Ch4) 0.986 0.984 Fig. 11: MOSFET current and voltage behaviors @ fs = 50kHz, Po = 1kW . 0.982 Trend line 0.98 K 0.978 0.976 0.974 variation of the output power while keeping the input and output voltage constants and gain equal to 2 is depicted in Fig. 13. At nominal power the efficiency is about 97 %. The highest efficiency over the load range is at around 60% of the full load, which is about 97.8%. The efficiency curve has also been obtained considering input voltage variation, while keeping the ouput voltage constant at 400V and output power at 1 kW. The results are presented in Fig. 14. As expected for this converter, for higher input voltage the efficiency is higher. V. C ONCLUSION A two-switches boost resonant converter capable of stepping-up the input voltage by 2 times has been analyzed and proposed in this paper. The utilized mechanism to control the power flow is implemented by variating the switching frequency, while keeping it below the resonant frequency. Both active switch commutations are soft and the only switching losses occur due to the energy stored in the parasitic capacitance of the active switch. Detailed analysis and experimentation shown that this converter has potential for application where high efficiency and simplicity are needed while its limited gain would not be a drawback. With an appropriate dimensioning of the resonant 0.972 0.97 0.968 0.966 10k 20k 30k 40k 50k 60k 70k 80k 90k 100k[ Hz ] fs Fig. 14: Efficiency as a function of switching frequency (or input voltage) with constant output power and voltage. components, the converter reactive energy circulation could be kept at low values, not compromising the efficiency. An efficiency around 97 % was obtained by utilizing 600 V MOSFETs (80 mΩ ). Due to its reduced switching losses, this converter has potential for applications where high power density is required. R EFERENCES [1] F.C. 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