Acta Chiropterologica, 12(1): 143–154, 2010 PL ISSN 1508-1109 © Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS doi: 10.3161/150811010X504644 Cranial differentiation of fruit-eating bats (genus Artibeus) based on size-standardized data MARÍA R. MARCHÁN-RIVADENEIRA1, 2, 5, CARLETON J. PHILLIPS1, RICHARD E. STRAUSS1, JOSÉ ANTONIO GUERRERO3, CARLOS A. MANCINA4, and ROBERT J. BAKER1, 2 1Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3131, USA Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-3191, USA 3 Laboratorio de Sistemática y Morfología. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos Av. Universidad 1001, C.P. 62210, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México 4 División de Zoología, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, CITMA, Carretera de Varona, km 3 1/2, Capdevila, Boyeros, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba 5Corresponding author: 2 Size-standardized craniometric variation was investigated among species of the genus Artibeus. Eleven extant and one extinct species were examined using geometric and linear morphometric analyses to evaluate morphological differences among species. Based on 19 landmarks located in the ventral side of the cranium, 29 size-standardized linear measurements were calculated and used for statistical multivariate analyses. Discriminant Function Analysis showed major interspecific differences in shape between A. anthonyi and A. concolor with respect to the remaining extant species of Artibeus. These two species are described as morphologically unique morphotypes with a broader rostrum, enlarged squamosal region, and wider basicranium. Specifically, a broader premaxilla is the character that better discriminates A. anthonyi from all other species, whereas a broader squamosal region (particularly the deep mandibular fossa, and elongated squamosal) and wider braincase are the main characters differentiating A. concolor. All other species of the genus overlap to varying extents in their morphology showing high shape similarities. The least variant shape features include the pterygoid fossa, the glenoid (mandibular) fossa, the maxillae, and the occipital region; these regions in all cases contribute to mechanical aspects of jaw function and bite. The fact that the least variant aspects of skull shape all involve feeding is consistent with the hypothesis that selection has favored a specific diet-associated morphology rather than divergence or character displacement in Artibeus. Key words: extinct and extant taxa, Neotropics, geometric and linear morphometrics INTRODUCTION More than 20% of all bat species occur in the Neotropics. One of the most abundant are the fruiteating bats of the genus Artibeus, which are members of the subfamily Stenodermatinae — the most diverse and recently evolved radiation of the New World leaf nosed bats (Baker et al., 2003). This genus is widely distributed from Mexico through northern Argentina, including the Antillean islands in the Caribbean (Simmons, 2005; Larsen et al., 2007). Members of this genus play key roles in forest dynamics by dispersing seeds, mostly of figs (one of the most species rich and habit-diverse genera in the Neotropics — Harrison, 2005); promoting forest regeneration (Gorchov, 1993); and contributing to the maintenance of floristic and faunal diversity (Emmons and Feer, 1990). Because of this, Artibeus has served as a model for several studies in various fields such as ecology (Muscarella and Fleming, 2007), conservation (Medellín et al., 2000), behavioral analysis (Ortega et al., 2008), and phylogeography (Larsen et al., 2007; Redondo et al., 2008). However, all these studies have relied on a still contentious taxonomy of the genus (Lim et al., 2004; Larsen et al., 2007), which may provide a limited interpretation of results based on taxa relationships. Thus, a more thorough understanding of the natural history of this genus and of its importance in Neotropical ecosystems requires comprehensive analyses of the variability among species to improve the taxonomy of this group. Traditionally, Artibeus (sensu lato) has been split into two main groups based on body size. The 144 M. R. Marchán-Rivadeneira, C. J. Phillips, R. E. Strauss, J. A. Guerrero, C. A. Mancina, et al. smaller species of Artibeus have been classified in the subgenus Dermanura and the larger ones in the subgenus Artibeus (Artibeus sensu stricto). In addition, Owen (1987, 1991) proposed a new subgenus named Koopmania to set apart one of the species, A. concolor; however, this subgenus was later disregarded by Van Den Bussche et al. (1998) based on morphological, karyotypic, enzymatic and molecular studies. Currently, extensive genetic data supports the hypothesis that Artibeus and Koopmania represent a monophyletic assemblage of bats distinct from Dermanura (Van Den Bussche et al., 1998; Hoofer et al., 2008; Solari et al., 2009). Herein, we follow the taxonomic classification proposed by Hoofer et al. (2008) recognizing Artibeus distinct from Dermanura. Artibeus is comprised of 11 large-body size species including A. concolor as the basal taxon. Additionally, the only known extinct species in the genus is A. anthonyi (Wołoszyn and Silva Taboada, 1977). Recently, Balseiro et al. (2009) provided a detailed emended diagnosis of A. anthonyi and a comprehensively morphometric comparison with other extant species. However, they did not include all the current extant taxa and limited their study to an analysis of size variation among species. Currently, species level taxonomy in Artibeus is still under debate given the ample genetic and morphological variation, and wide distribution of the genus. Thus far, several molecular studies have explored the relationships among species, but up-to-date morphological analyses that incorporate information on size and shape variation are lacking and are needed to further characterize these species. Historically, species delimitation in Artibeus has been studied using traditional morphological techniques (e.g., Patten, 1971; Marques-Aguiar, 1994; Lim, 1997; Guerrero et al., 2003; Marchán-Rivadeneira, 2006, 2008; Balseiro et al., 2009), based mostly on differences in size. Shape variation among species has not been detailed. Analyses of shape variation convey information on geometric structure, which is more robust to allometric intraspecific differences (Zelditch et al., 2004) caused by the dependence of shape upon size (Gould, 1966). This additional information also allows us to understand the morphological variation in terms of functional adaptations. For example, several authors have shown that the configuration of the cranium in the large species of Artibeus reflects an adaptive response to consumption of hard fruits such as figs (Kalko et al., 1996; Freeman, 1998; Dumont, 1999; Swartz et al., 2003; Nogueira et al. 2009). These adaptations include wide insertion of masticatory muscles, wide palatal, short rostrum, deep dentarium, enlarged brain case, and well developed molars. In fact, the complex cranial morphology of the species in this subgenus probably represents an adaptive response to differences in feeding strategies. New studies that analyze cranial differences in size and shape are expected to be particularly useful not only in clarifying species boundaries, but also in the investigation of functional morphological adaptations. Our goal was to evaluate the morphological differences among species of Artibeus (extinct and extant taxa) using geometric and linear morphometric techniques. We hypothesized that despite the high similarity in skull morphology in this genus, analyses of size-standardized skull measurements can provide valuable information to differentiate the species within Artibeus and insights about functional constraints. Specifically, we predicted that similarity in feeding strategies and resources consumed among species will result in high morphological similarity of cranial shape, assuming that morphological differences provide insights on the association of the morphological variation with feeding habits. Here, we were focused on analyzing shape configurations of the ventral side of the cranium of all eleven extant species and the only known extinct species (A. anthonyi). We used geometric and linear morphometric analyses of 29 size-standardized linear measurements of the cranium calculated from 19 landmarks. Morphological differences were contrasted with the currently accepted taxonomy and discussed in light of functional morphology. MATERIALS AND METHODS Specimens Examined Seventy-five specimens of 11 extant and one extinct species of the subgenus Artibeus were examined for this study (Fig. 1 and Appendix). Only adult specimens were included determined by epyphyseal-diaphyseal fusion and reproductive condition (Anthony, 1988) in extant species and toothwear in fossil specimens of the extinct A. anthonyi. In addition, five specimens of Dermanura phaeotis (Appendix) were analyzed for comparison because previous morphological and molecular studies agreed that Dermanura is sister clade to Artibeus (Van Den Bussche et al., 1998; Wetterer et al., 2000; Baker et al., 2003; Hoofer et al., 2008; Redondo et al., 2008). In most cases, the specimens selected were collected close to the type locality of the species. Landmark Data Digitized images were obtained to analyze the configurations of 19 landmarks (Fig. 2A) on the ventral side of the Cranial morphology in Artibeus cranium. All images were digitized under standardized conditions and captured by the same person (i.e., MRMR, with the exceptions of five of the seven specimens of A. anthonyi which were photographed by CAM) to increase the precision of data collection and to equally distribute digitizing errors (Bogdanowicz, 2009). Images were obtained using an HP Scanner 4070. Only the center lane of the scanner was used to reduce differences in light distortion from the scanner bed edges. Each cranium, resting on its dorsal surface, was laid on modeling clay to avoid movement during image digitalization. The scanner was turned upside down and placed over the skull being digitized. A 50 mm separation was left from the table to the scanner bed. The relative positions of landmarks were digitized for each skull specimen with the TPS program series (software modules developed by F. J. Rohlf, freely distributed at morph/), which generated a matrix of landmark coordinates used in all subsequent analyses. The landmarks selected were chosen to represent most of the variation in the ventral side of the cranium. All landmarks were given equal weight in distance calculations. Statistical Analysis The landmark coordinates matrix was used to estimate a consensus form for each species. Initially, coordinates were 145 used to correct any residual bilateral asymmetry by reflection and superimposition (Klingenberg et al., 2002). Altogether, this procedure bilaterally reflects the form and maps it onto itself by Procrustes superimposition, and returns the consensus configuration of landmarks. To avoid inflating degrees of freedom, landmarks that were bilaterally homologous were averaged by reflecting one side along a midline (defined by landmarks 1–5, Fig. 2A). The consensus forms were size-standardized for scaling size variation by: 1) calculating all pairwise distances among landmarks; 2) regressing the log-transformed distances individually on the first principal component scores (PC1, which accounted for 98% of the variation in the sample, is a pooled within-group PC1, not the overall PC1) of a principal component analysis of the pairwise distances; and 3) substituting residuals, and refitting the landmark coordinates by multidimensional scaling (Strauss and Marchán-Rivadeneira, unpublished). Then, using the size-standardized coordinates, a Delaunay triangulation was carried out to generate linear measurements based on the largest number of triangles that satisfied this criterion (Small, 1996). This resulted in a total of 29 possible size-standardized linear distance measurements (Fig. 2B), named characters. The log-transformed size-standardized distance data matrix among the 29 characters was used for further ordination multivariate analyses. FIG. 1. Collection localities of the specimens included in the morphometric analyses sorted by species. All Artibeus and Dermanura specimens examined and localities are listed in Appendix. (M = A. amplus, = A. anthonyi, = A. concolor, = A. fimbriatus, = A. fraterculus, = A. hirsutus, F = A. inopinatus, = A. jamaicensis, = A. lituratus, = A. obscurus, = A. planirostris, $ = A. schwartzi, and M = D. phaeotis) 146 M. R. Marchán-Rivadeneira, C. J. Phillips, R. E. Strauss, J. A. Guerrero, C. A. Mancina, et al. The shape differences among species (n = 13) in the ventral side of the cranium were assessed by size-standardized Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) (dos Reis et al., 1990). Corresponding size-invariant Mahalanobis distances among the centroids of the species were calculated (dos Reis et al., 1990). The percentage of correct classification by species was estimated based on a jackknifed cross-classification test. Shape changes among species groups were visualized using the thin-plate spline (Bookstein, 1989) based on size-standardized pairwise consensus configurations of the 19 original landmarks described on Fig. 2A. Because of the relatively small numbers of individuals per species, males and females of each species were pooled for analysis. Any allometrically consistent size-variation between sexes was removed by the size-standardization procedures. Any non-allometric shape-variation between sexes was still present as within-species variation, but is conservative because it serves to reduce discrimination among species. To further explore shape variation in the assessment of the phenetic relationships among the species shape, an Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA clustering — Sneath and Sokal, 1973) clustering of Mahalanobis distances was implemented. The cophenetic correlation and the rank cophenetic coefficient were calculated as a measure of the goodness of fit of the cluster analysis to the similarity matrix (Rohlf, 1974). Also, the Gower similarity coefficient (sum of squared-differences — see Gower, 1971) and mean squared difference were evaluated as measurements of proximity. All statistical analyses were conducted using Matlab version 6.5 (mainly using the library functions developed by R. E. Strauss, freely available at http://www.faculty.biol. Alpha levels were predefined at 0.05 for each of the statistical values tested after 1,000 iterations. RESULTS Discriminant Function Analysis For 80 specimens assigned to 13 independent taxonomical groups, the size-standardized DFA partially discriminated all species (Fig. 3A). Still, due to the overlap among most of the extant species of Artibeus, excluding A. concolor, the percent of correct assignment estimated based on minimum Mahalanobis distances (among groups) was low with only 54.7% of the total specimens correctly classified to each of their initial morphological identifications after 1,000 iterations (Table 1). The discriminant analysis identified nine useful characters (15, 26, 29, 1, 7, 21, 6, 12, and 25; A B FIG. 2. A — Positions of 19 landmark locations (black dots) on the ventral side of the cranium of A. jamaicensis (L-1: midpoint between central incisors; L2: anterior limit of foramen magnum; L3: posterior end of the palatine; L4: midpoint of the extreme curvature of the supraoccipital suture; L5: posterior limit of the foramen magnum; L6, 7: posterior margin of mastoid; L8, 9: most anterior margin of mastoid; L10, 11: maximum curvature of the posterior margin of the zygomatic process; L12, 13: most anterior point of the mandibular fossa along the zygomatic arch; L14, 15: tip of the palatal process; L16, 17: midpoint between M1 and M2; L18, 19: midpoint between P1 and P2); B — Twenty-nine possible linear distance measurements (characters) among the 19 landmarks obtained by Delaunay triangulation Cranial morphology in Artibeus arranged by contribution percent from high to low) for the discrimination among species (Fig. 3B). These discriminatory characters summarized patterns of differentiation among species in three cranial regions: 1) basioccipital region (distances 6, 7, 12, 15); 2) squamosal distance (distance 21); and 3) palatal region (distances 1, 25, 26, 29). This differentiation was supported by a Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test (Wilks’ λ = 0.001, F108, 45 = 6.71, P < 0.01). The first discriminant function (DF1) accounted for 77.5% of the variation in the sample, whereas the DF2 accounted for 17% (see Table 2 for the contribution along the DF1 and DF2 of the 29 characters employed). We identified three independent clusters in DFA: D. phaeotis, A. concolor, and all the other extant species of Artibeus (Fig. 3A). Artibeus anthonyi appeared along DF1 axis between A. concolor and the other Artibeus extant species, overlapping only partially with both of them. A vector plot of the loadings of each character on DF1 (x-axis) and on DF2 (y-axis) showed that D. phaeotis is distinguished from the entire Artibeus group mainly by greater values in characters 9, 16, and 17 (Fig. 3B). The discrimination among A. concolor and the rest of the Artibeus group was primarily explained by its greater values in characters 7 and 11 (Fig. 3B), showing major deformations in the maxilla and A 147 squamosal projection region in the ventral side of the cranium (Fig. 4A). Artibeus anthonyi differed from the extant species of Artibeus mainly by greater values in character 29 (Fig. 3B), showing major deformations in the rostrum in the ventral side of the cranium (Fig. 4B). Based on the median axis of DF2 (y = 0) the species comprising Artibeus can be sorted in two groups that overlap only partially (Fig. 3A). We identified these as group ‘A’ (concolor, inopinatus, fraterculus, jamaicensis, obscurus, and lituratus), and group ‘B’ (amplus, anthonyi, fimbriatus, hirsutus, planirostris, and schwartzi). Species in group A had all their specimens as well as their centroids arranged above the median axis of DF2 (with the only exceptions being a few specimens of A. jamaicensis and A. lituratus); whereas species in group B had all their specimens and centroids arranged under the median axis of DF2 (with the exception of only a few specimens of A. amplus and A. anthonyi). Shape similarities for species in group A were primarily in the basicranium region (characters 6, 7, 12, and 15 — Fig. 3B). On the other hand, shape similarities for species in group B involved mainly the palatal region, maxilla, and pre-maxilla (characters 24, 25, 26, 27, and 29 — Fig. 3B), showing major deformations in the rostral region in the ventral side of the cranium (Fig. 4C). B FIG. 3. A — Scatter plot of size-standardized DFA for all species of Artibeus and Dermanura examined (+ = species centroid). B — Vector plot of the loadings on the first two discriminant functions (DF) showing the correlation between the 29 linear distance measurements (characters) used in the analysis with each discriminant function. Complete lines represent the characters that contributed more to the discrimination and that were identified as highly significant by the MANOVA (P < 0.01); dotted lines represent non-significant characters. Numbers at the end of the arrows correspond to the linear measurements depicted in Fig. 2B 148 M. R. Marchán-Rivadeneira, C. J. Phillips, R. E. Strauss, J. A. Guerrero, C. A. Mancina, et al. TABLE 1. Results of a size-standardized DFA based on 29 linear measurements (characters). Character numbers correspond to linear measurements depicted in Fig. 2B. DF, discriminant function; percent values refer to the % variation explained by each DF Character 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DF1 (77.5%) 0.91 0.88 0.41 -0.33 0.11 0.60 -0.67 -0.80 -0.49 0.33 -0.36 0.26 -0.44 -0.12 0.81 -0.88 -0.88 -0.29 0.39 0.15 -0.03 0.16 0.34 -0.34 0.67 0.86 0.27 0.70 -0.12 DF2 (17.0%) -0.07 -0.17 -0.37 0.20 -0.01 0.50 0.39 0.21 -0.09 0.19 0.32 0.25 0.18 0.07 0.50 -0.21 -0.26 0.14 -0.18 -0.14 -0.03 -0.19 -0.18 0.15 -0.26 -0.30 -0.17 -0.10 -0.50 Shape Similarity Analysis The UPGMA based on size-standardized Mahalanobis distances (D2) summarized the similarities in shape on the ventral side of the cranium among the species examined (Fig. 5 and Table 1). The cluster analysis showed high morphological dissimilarity of D. phaeotis with respect to Artibeus species (D2 ≥ 119.7 — Table 1) suggesting independence of morphological features (100% support of 1,000 jackknife iterations), which was shown by DFA (Fig 3). Two major conglomerates including Artibeus species were generated (clusters 1 and 2 — Fig. 5). In terms of shape similarity, A. concolor was grouped outside of the main cluster of the rest of Artibeus species (dissimilarity supported in 100% of 1,000 jackknife iterations), and it showed smaller distances (D2 = 42.14 — Table 1) with respect to A. anthonyi. The Mahalanobis distances matrix showed high morphological similarities within Artibeus species included in cluster 1expressed by low A B C FIG. 4. Thin-plate spline showing the displacements of 19 landmarks (see Fig. 2A) used in the analyses from specific consensus configurations of species of Artibeus examined. A — Comparison of consensus form of species group A (black colour line; A. concolor, A. inopinatus, A. fraterculus, A. jamaicensis, A. obscurus, and A. lituratus) with consensus form of species group B (gray colour line; A. amplus, A. anthonyi, A. fimbriatus, A. hirsutus, A. planirostris, and A. schwartzi); B — Comparison of consensus form of the extinct, A. anthonyi (black colour line), with consensus form of extant species of Artibeus (gray colour line; excluding A. concolor, see Discussion); C — Comparison of consensus form of A. concolor (black colour line) with consensus form of extant species of Artibeus (gray colour line) distances values (between D2 = 2.40–63.76 — Table 1). Among these species, the extinct A. anthonyi was morphologically more similar to A. amplus (D2 = 17.28) than to the rest of extant taxa of the cluster 1 (dissimilarity supported by 61% after 1,000 iterations). Morphological similarities within the extant species in cluster 1 were not well supported (jackknife values ranged from 6 to 80%). For this analysis, the cophenetic and rank coefficient correlations were 0.98 and 0.88, respectively. The Gower Cranial morphology in Artibeus value was 127.32 and the mean squared difference was 1.63. DISCUSSION The present study investigated the shape discrimination in the ventral side of the cranium among extinct and extant species of Artibeus. Previous studies of Artibeus showed differences in external and craniodental characters that were useful for discriminating among species using linear morphometric techniques (Patten, 1971; Marques-Aguiar, 1994; Lim, 1997; Guerrero et al., 2004; MarchánRivadeneira, 2006, 2008; Balseiro et al., 2009). However, only a few of them used multivariate analyses, and all of them showed in some extent morphological overlap among the species studied (e.g., Lim, 1997; Guerrero et al., 2004; Marchán-Rivadeneira, 2006, 2008; Balseiro et al., 2009). The present study explored the utility of combined two dimensional multivariate analyses in extracting size variation from the data matrix. Results from DFA documented that species’ boundaries within Artibeus were partially distinguishable in shape configurations using geometric and linear morphometric analyses on size-standardized data. Significantly, 149 this study found high morphological similarities within Artibeus, and variants and invariants morphological features were used to characterize the most discriminated groups of species. In this study, interspecific differences in the ventral side of the cranium were used to hypothesize ecomorphological implications of morphological differences. Previous studies in bats showed that morphological differences in structures located along the ventral side of the cranium can be used to understand ecological features, such as differences in diet due to morphological functional demands (e.g., SztencelJabłonka et al., 2009). Results of DFA showed that the most noticeable differences occurred between A. anthonyi and A. concolor in relation to all other species in Artibeus (Fig. 3), which overlapped to varying extents in their morphology. The similarities among the species of Artibeus were further shown by the UPGMA analysis. This analysis showed that the extant taxa of Artibeus, with the exception of A. concolor, share more similarities among themselves than with A. anthonyi (Fig. 5). We described Artibeus anthonyi and A. concolor as morphometrically diagnosable species (Fig. 5). Comparisons of the displacements of all 19 landmarks used showed that A. anthonyi and FIG. 5. Dendrogram of UPGMA based on size-standardized Mahalanobis distances showing the shape similarities among extinct and extant species of Artibeus. Support values obtained by the bootstrap analysis after 1,000 iterations are shown on the top of each branch 150 M. R. Marchán-Rivadeneira, C. J. Phillips, R. E. Strauss, J. A. Guerrero, C. A. Mancina, et al. TABLE 2. Percentage of correct classification by species (0 = 54.7%) estimated based on jackknife cross-classification test. Pairwise Mahalanobis distances calculated among species of the genus Artibeus and Dermanura Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A. amplus A. fimbriatus A. fraterculus A. hirsutus A. inopinatus A. jamaicensis A. lituratus A. obscurus A. planirostris A. schwartzi A. anthonyi A. concolor D. phaeotis Correct (%) 25.0 23.0 100.0 75.0 75.0 41.2 25.0 20.0 30.0 37.5 57.1 100.0 100.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 25.67 0 23.26 21.75 0 18.68 9.69 13.14 0 36.26 48.07 21.27 25.14 0 8.07 24.94 9.82 10.77 12.45 0 16.80 22.78 12.20 13.33 18.95 6.48 0 9.01 30.14 9.42 14.84 15.00 2.40 11.79 0 12.12 12.37 15.11 9.11 32.09 8.94 5.34 14.61 0 25.92 12.66 22.99 10.98 37.40 18.64 9.30 28.22 3.69 0 17.28 41.27 37.29 29.29 63.76 27.49 39.31 20.50 26.70 44.39 0 51.77 107.56 56.93 74.74 59.34 45.47 78.21 32.72 77.87 107.78 42.14 0 187.09 292.81 257.77 233.85 260.16 211.58 258.29 190.93 239.38 279.40 124.74 119.70 A. concolor differ from the other Artibeus by their broader rostra (mostly the premaxillae, maxillae, and palatine regions), enlarged squamosal region, and wider basicranium (Fig. 4B−C). Specifically, a broader premaxilla is the character that best discriminates A. anthonyi from all other species (Fig. 3B — see also Balseiro et al., 2009), whereas a broader squamosal region (particularly the deep mandibular fossa, and elongated squamosal) and wider braincase are the main characters differentiating A. concolor. We hypothesize that these differences might reflect different feeding strategies given the role of the structures involved in masticatory muscle support and jaw mechanics. The broader premaxilla in A. anthonyi specimens results in a wider gap between contralateral canine teeth. Given the role of canine teeth in piercing and holding fruit, the gap between contralateral teeth is functionally important. In order to be effective, the gap should be equal or less than the outside diameter of the fruit being eaten. Therefore, it is possible that A. anthonyi fed on larger fruits than the typical figs that constitute the dietary mainstay for most extant species (August, 1981; Fleming, 1986; Handley, 1989; Giannini and Kalko, 2004). Whether the average size of figs has changed over time, or Artibeus’ main diet resource has changed, or the diet of A. anthonyi departed from that of extant Artibeus it is not known. On the other hand, the morphological uniqueness of A. concolor associated with an elongated squamosal region, a deeper mandibular fossa, and a wider braincase may reflect particular morphological associations with mastication considering the role of these structures in this process. Previous studies in bats including some species of Artibeus show the association between size and shape of the 13 0 skull and diet (e.g., Freeman, 1998; Van Cakenberghe et al., 2002; Dumont, 2003). We could hypothesize that differences found in A. concolor reflect some divergence in feeding mechanics and diet resource used. Tandler et al. (1997) reported that A. concolor has enzymes of submandibular salivary glands distinctly different from other Artibeus species. Previous studies show that A. concolor is mainly a frugivore canopy specialist, and also a folivore bat (Bernard, 1997, 2001) like other species of the genus Artibeus (e.g., Gardner, 1977; Kunz and Diaz, 1995). Additional studies are needed to elucidate the functional association of changes in size and shape of the cranium in A. concolor. In this study, the determination of shape variants allowed for the morphological recognition of two species of Artibeus, which represent possible variations in skull morphology. This in turn implies that the non-variant aspects of shape are actively constrained through selection. Identification of the constrained, or conserved, aspects of skull shape in species of Artibeus sets the stage for understanding selection forces. At the present time, it appears that high morphological similarities among all species of Artibeus limit our ability to determine species boundaries on the basis of skull morphology, which is dependent on a few shape characters that are allowed to fluctuate. With the foregoing in mind, we also can ask whether certain shape components are essentially invariant among the Artibeus species. The least variant shape features are (not in order): the region including the pterygoid fossa; the glenoid (mandibular) fossa; the maxillae; and the occipital region. These regions involve both posterior and anterior bone developmental pathways, but in all cases contribute to mechanical aspects of jaw function and Cranial morphology in Artibeus bite. This is particularly true for the pterygoid fossae, the points of origin for the pterygoideus muscles, which insert laterally on the dentary, and the glenoid fossa, where the dentary articulate with the squamosal bone, contributing to mastication (Peigné and De Bonis, 2003; Kemp, 2005). The stability in the occipital region probably relates to the relationship between the skull and cervical vertebrae, which in turn influences the angle of the head relative to jaw opening and feeding. The fact that the least variant aspects of skull shape all involve feeding is consistent with the hypothesis that selection has favored a specific diet-associated morphology rather than divergence or character displacement in Artibeus. Another finding of this study is that size-standardized DFA enabled the detection of two different cranial regions of shape variation involved in defining morphological species boundaries in Artibeus. The shape differences are mainly in the basicranium and the palatal region (see Results). These regions are related with different developmental and genetically independent ontogenetic pathways (Iseki et al., 1999; Carter and Beaupré, 2001; Ornitz and Pierre, 2002; Opperman and Rawlins, 2005). Collectively these components of the skull derived from the two pathways are integrated to produce the adult skull morphology. Previous studies showed that traits related by ontogeny or function have great influence on each other and may form discrete groups called modules (Olson and Miller, 1958). Porto et al. (2009) found that modular structure in the skull of mammals is probably maintained by stabilizing selection due to functional and developmental constraints, which results in the maintenance of the overall integration structure and increasing of the modular architecture of the skull (see also Marroig et al., 2009). Modularity and developmental constraints of bat skull have not been examined. Future studies for assessing modules in skull morphology in Artibeus will provide an understanding of how cranial modularity reflects specific functional or developmental relationships among skull bones. Taking what is known about basicranium and palatal bone formation in the mammalian skull, we can ask whether the two major discriminated groups of Artibeus species reflect developmental constraints of the genus or some other aspect of the biology of these bats. When the species groupings based on skull shape are compared to mtDNA-based phylogenies (e.g., Lim et al., 2004; Larsen et al., 2007; Hoofer et al., 2008; Redondo et al., 2008), it is apparent that developmental origins of the shape differences are not consistent, at least, with maternal 151 lineages. In fact, the developmental basis of shape differences also appears to be independent of the similarity tree based on morphological data (Fig. 5). This is an important observation because it explains the difficulty in identifying species of Artibeus based on skull morphology and traditional taxonomic techniques.The absence of a geographic pattern and the lack of congruence between the developmental ‘type’ of shape differences and maternal lineages suggest that pathways to shape variation are independent of phylogenetic history inferred from mitochondrial information. However, the developmental pathways that produce the most important shape differences in the skull might not be randomly acquired within a lineage. If this is the case, then the shape differences identified by the present analyses might be products of selection. In the future, sample size should be increased in order to better evaluate the range of morphological variation among widely distributed extant species and to compare with the results present in this study. Considering that most morphological structures are three dimensional, future studies will be made to incorporate other skull views to analyze size and shape within and among species. These data might be used to evaluate the biological significance of morphological features. Finally, variation of skull morphology can be used to map morphological characters onto well-supported phylogenetic lineages to determine the route of changes among the species. This approach would contribute to a better understanding of the evolutionary relationships among the species and correspondence with genetic relationships and ecological studies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was made possible by funding provided by the Biological Database Program of Texas Tech University, the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University, the Museum of Texas Tech University, a Texas Public Education Grant, and a Summer Thesis Dissertation Award from Texas Tech University. 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The 80 specimens included in morphometric analysis are housed in the following museum collections: Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock (TTU); American Museum of Natural History, New York (AMNH); United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution (USNM); Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CMNH); and Colección Zoológica del Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Ciudad de la Habana (CZACC) past Colección del Instituto de Zoología de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (IZ) Artibeus amplus (n = 4) ― Venezuela: Amazonas, Cerro Duida, Cabecera Del Cano Culebra, 40 km NNW Esmeralda (USNM 405343, 405344); Tamatama, Rio Orinoco (USNM 441470); Zulia, Kasmera, 21 km SW Machiques (USNM 440931). A. anthonyi (n = 7) ― Cuba: Pinar del Rio, Viñales, Mogote de la Guasasa, Cueva GEDA (CZACC 26.1933, 26.1936; Uncatalogued specimens 1, 2); Sancti Spiritus, Quarry in a limestone hill near Moza, 5 kms NE from Sancti Spiritus (CZACC 26. 1891 (IZ-344.5, Paratype)), Yaguajay, Loma de Judas, Cueva Grande (CZACC 26.1911, 26.1912). Artibeus concolor (n = 5) ― French Guiana: Cayenne, Sinnamary (AMNH 266269, 267193, 267195, 267477). Venezuela: Amazonas, Rio Negro, Neblina Base Camp (AMNH 260014). A. fimbriatus (n = 4) ― Brazil: Canindeyu, Igatimi (AMNH 234307); Guaira, Villarica (AMNH 217553); Parana, Salto Grande (USNM 141390). Paraguay: locality unknown (USNM 105588). A. fraterculus (n = 4) ― Ecuador: El Oro, Portovelo (AMNH 47248); Cerro Chiche (TTU 102383); Zaruma, El Faique (TTU 102753, 102756). A. hirsutus (n = 4) ― Mexico: Jalisco, 2.5 Mi SW by Road Atenquique (TTU 8700, 8701), 2.6 mi SW Atenquique, Cueva Quemada (TTU 10594, 10595). A. inopinatus (n = 4) ― Honduras: Valle, 6 km E Amatillo (TTU 7685–7687, 7689). A. jamaicensis (n = 16) ― Cuba: Guantanamo Province, Guantanamo Bay Naval Station (TTU 52508, 52509, 52539, 52542–52546). Guatemala: Santa Rosa, Taxisco La Avellana (AMNH 235316, 235318). Honduras: La Paz, El Manteado (AMNH 126899); Tegucigalpa (AMNH 126209). Mexico: Yucatan, Merida, Colonia Gineres, Villa Maria (TTU 18436); 19 km E Progreso (TTU 18437), San Antonio Teztiz, 4.7 mi S, 4.0 mi W Kinchil (TTU 18438, 18439). A. lituratus (n = 4) ― Brazil: Minas Gerais, Vicosa (USNM 391094, 391096, 391097). Paraguay: Department Canindeyu, Reserva Natural del Bosque M’Baracayu, 0.9 km E Headquarters (TTU 94040). A. obscurus (n = 5) ― Bolivia: El Beni, Rio Cureraba, Beni Reserve (USNM 564325), Rio Mattos, Beni Reserve near Rancho Totaizal (USNM 564326); Santa Cruz, Parque Nacional Kempff Mercado (USNM 584490, 584491). French Guiana: Cayenne, Sinnamary (AMNH 266288). A. planirostris (n = 10) ― Argentina: Jujuy, Yuto (AMNH 180303). Ecuador: Napo, Loreto, San Jose Nuevo (AMNH 67920). Grenada: St. George, Chemin R, 1/2 km E Confer (CM 63322, 63324, 63329, 63330, 63332). Guyana: Hyde Park (USNM 260028); Potoro Siparuni, Kato Kawa Valley (USNM 565533). St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Carriacou (CM 63370). A. schwartzi (n = 8) ― St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Carriacou (CM 63377, 63378), St. Vincent (CM 83208, 83210, 83212, 83213, 83221, 83224). Dermanura phaeotis (n = 5) ― Costa Rica: Guanacaste, 10 Mi SW Canas, Rio Higueron (TTU 12976). El Salvador: La Paz, 3 mi NW La Herradura (TTU 12987). Mexico: Guerrero, 24.1 mi N Rio La Union Hwy 200 (TTU 35544, 35546); Nayarit, Rio Canas (TTU 33473).