Addendum B Project Narrative Professional Development for Digital

Addendum B: Professional Development for Digital Learning Grant - Project Narrative
Pinellas Professional Education Gateway (PPEG)
Project Design-Narrative
Research clearly supports that ongoing sustainable professional development for teachers has the
power to improve teaching and enhance student learning. Students grow when teachers grow. A
comprehensive professional development plan includes three levels of support: acquisition of
knowledge/skills, knowledge in practice and knowledge of practice or inquiry/action research. It
is only when all three levels of professional growth are provided that real change can occur.
The most common, and least effective when done in isolation of the other two levels is,
acquisition of knowledge/skills. This is the traditional training that we all have experienced. It is
infrequent and implemented as a one-shot event or led by an outside consultant who drops in to
conduct a workshop and never returns to the school or district. Hill, “Fixing Teacher Professional
Development”; Linda Darling-Hammond and others, “Professional Learning in the Learning
Profession: A Status Report on Teacher Development in the United States and Abroad”
(National Staff Development Council, 2009)
The second level of professional development, knowledge in practice, is the support that is
provided to individuals when they return to their work site and begin implementing the new
training. This type of professional development allows the teacher to practice the new
knowledge/ skills they have acquired in a classroom setting in front of students.
The third level of professional development is knowledge of practice, or inquiry/action research.
Teachers focus on raising questions about their instruction and systematically study their own
classroom teaching. Teachers and administrators involved in inquiry work benefit greatly from
the collaboration, support and coaching from their peers. Through the use of a videotaped lesson
that can be viewed by their peers or an instructional coach effective feedback can change the way
teachers teach.
We all know that teachers are extremely busy and taking time away from classroom instruction
is not always the optimal opportunity for professional development. Teachers need the flexibility
of accessing Professional Development on demand. Pinellas County Schools will create the
Pinellas Professional Education Gateway (PPEG). PPEG is a secure, single point of access to
digital resources for teaching and learning. Teachers will be able to access videos-on-demand for
professional growth in integrating digital content into the classroom. This learning channel will
include exemplar lessons, best practices and two minute tutorials on digital resources for
interactive technologies to be used in the Pinellas classrooms. These videotaped lessons will
come from Master Technology Coaches who are classroom teachers from within the district.
These master technology coaches have participated in digital content professional development
from highly qualified digital content consultants for the past three summers and are now
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identified as trainers for the district. The classroom videos housed in the Technology
Integration Matrix (TIM) will be organized into PPEG and part of the professional
development components. This professional development will be coordinated through the Office
of Professional Development for Pinellas County Schools and be a part of the Master-InService Plan. Teachers will have the opportunity to earn in-service component points for
Digital Instruction and Content Development
To develop requisite instructional capabilities for developing, delivering, evaluating and
maintaining instructional materials the district shall develop or contract for services to implement
professional development activities that:
Develop Digital Content using instructional design techniques with interactive
whiteboards and digital devices.
Employ technology in the Content Areas using production, simulation, communications,
and assessment software or Local Instructional Improvement Systems (LIIS).
Educational technology leadership and management emphasizing cross-curricular
development, department level management and supervision, and school level evaluation
of digital instruction.
Pinellas County Schools will develop 50-75 digital media assets for PPEG. These media assets
will consist of videotaped digital lessons using interactive whiteboards, mobile devices and other
digital devices. Staff from the district WPDS Channel 14 television station will go out into the
schools to tape our master technology coaches teaching digital content lessons. They will also
videotape short vignettes on how to use the components of the interactive software for the Smart
Board called two minute tutorials. Through the resources provided in this grant teachers will also
have the opportunity to create “how-to videos” using Camtasia Studio and Snag It software. This
software is a powerful screen recorder that will capture everything on a computer screen and
create interactive videos with clickable links, tables of contents, search, and much more. These
videos produced will include lessons for all content areas such as: math, reading, language arts,
social studies, science and electives using technology. On demand videos on how to access
teacher level reports in Performance Matters can be created and shared through PPEG.
Performance Matters is our district Local Instructional Improvement Systems (LIIS) software
for data analysis. In this project, three channel managers will upload and vet all videos produced
for PPEG to ensure high-quality resources.
All of these media assets will be housed in PPEG and organized into in-service components.
These in-service components will include content, deliverables and assessments and be part of
their annual Deliberate Practice Plan (DPP) for professional development. All participants in
these components will take the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) as a pre-assessment.
One of the deliverables in the component will be the teacher checking out the SWIVL iPad
robotic recording device to video tape their own lesson and present it their peers in the
component class for feedback. Upon completion of all components the TIM will be administered
to determine growth. The professional development courses will be included in the district’s
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Master In-Service Plan. Three facilitators will build and serve as trainers of the courses for
teacher recertification points throughout the 2014- 2015 school year.
As a result of this implementation, the next step will be to replicate learning channels to other
content specific departments throughout the district. Teachers become better teachers by
observing and sharing with their peers and experts. As a result of this project, teachers will
engage in all three levels of professional development: acquisition of knowledge/skills,
knowledge/skills in practice and knowledge/skills of practice.
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Project Performance and Accountability Chart
Scope of Work- specific tasks that the grantee is required to perform.
Tasks- Specific activities that are required to be performed to complete the Project Narrative/ Scope of Work.
DeliverablesProducts and/or services that directly relate to a task specified in the Scope of Work. Deliverables
must be quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable.
Evidence- Tangible proof.
Due Date- Date for completion of tasks.
Unit Cost- Dollar value of deliverables
Scope of Work
Order Tapes and Books
(Consumable Supplies)
Video tape classroom lessons
Purchase Video Hosting
Channel and Additional
Software Components,
Technical Support on
Teacher Stipends for Channel
(product or service)
40 hours of Tape/ 26 Books
Books, Tapes
October 1,
50-75 video segments
combination of Best Practices,
Two-Minute Tutorials and
Exemplar Digital Lessons.
Camera and Video Tapes/ iPad
SWIVL recording devices
Online subscription for video
hosting recorded videos on
Channel and
December 1,
Invoice and
Purchase Order
October 1,
Payroll sheet
June 30,
540 hours of videos in Repository
to build on
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Unit Cost
Due Date
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Write Master In-service Plan
(MIP) Components
Contracted Service Facilitators
for Components
Teachers access TLC
Channel for On Demand
Professional Development
Indirect Costs
MIP Component Points Written
December 1,
Ongoing sessions 2nd
Semester(Blended Learning)
Number in MISP
December 1,
Specific Channel in PPEG for PD
for digital content development
Usage Access
Invoices and
June 30,
June 30,
Grant Resources Purchased
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