GLENDALE UNI0N HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Glendale, Arizona ADDENDUM 1 December 2, 2011 Re: RFQ 12-19 – CM @ Risk Pre-Construction and Construction Services Please note the follow change(s): 1.0 Purpose & Intent 2.0 How to Prepare the Proposal 3.0 Right to Reject – Waive informalities or Irregularities – Final Decision This addendum becomes an official part of RFQ 12-19 CM @ Risk Pre-Construction Services and one copy should be attached to the RFQ 12-19. _________________________ Bidder Signature ______________________________ Cynthia Resendes Director of Purchasing allbidsaddend.doc 1.0 PURPOSE & INTENT 1.1 The Glendale Union High School District Governing Board is requesting proposals from Construction Firms to provide professional services that will be complete over a five (5) year period between 2011-2016. 1.2 The Glendale Union High School District reserves the right to perform related work. Subconsultants may be asked to provide prime design work, develop bid documents and provide cost estimates for retrofitting building systems (i.e., HVAC, electrical distribution, domestic water). 2.0 HOW TO PREPARE THE PROPOSAL 2.1 The district will not reimburse the cost of developing or presenting proposals. Each Proposer will furnish eight (8) bound copies of the proposal. Each Proposal will: A) Be assembled in a white, 3-ring, insertable, clear vinyl overlay outside cover-front-spine and back, binder. Insert ‘cover-title-sheet- and ‘spine’ labeled with project title, date, Company. B) Keep any narrative portion brief. Only information specifically related to the purpose and submitted in format requested will be evaluated. C) Be printed on 8-1/2” x 11”, white paper, text one side only, using a standard font at the discretion of the firm and its electronic software system. D) Contain a table of contents which includes clear and complete identification of the materials and page numbers. Each section will be labeled, tabbed, divided and numbered to easy reference. E) Include completed forms as provided; or, electronically reproduced spread sheets or data bases used in your day to day operation can be substituted, providing that your reproduced forms are mirror images in exact sequence as the provided forms. 3.0 RIGHT TO REJECT – WAIVE INFORMALITIES or IRREGULARITIES – FINAL DECISION. 3.1 The Bidder acknowledges the right of the Glendale Union High School District to waive any informality or irregularity; to reject any or all proposals, to reject proposals which fail to furnish any data required or requested; to reject proposals if information provided cannot be confirmed or is found to be invalid, inaccurate or incomplete; to reject proposals submitted out of required sequence or not in format as requested. 3.2 Evaluation of Proposals: The District reserves the right to enter into contract(s) with the responsible Proposer(s) whose proposals are satisfactory after due consideration and review of. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Each Proposer’s past experience; Experience with bond issues; Evaluation of past references; Skill as displayed in prior projects; Capacity of the firm to service the District based on personnel; Location of business. 3.3 Award: The selection committee will evaluate the statements of qualifications and performance data submitted in response to this RFQ. The selection committee will select a list of firms it deems to be most qualified to provide the CM@Risk services for the attached project. 3.4 The decision of the Glendale Union High School District or its designees, will be final.