This document has been provided as an addendum to the
Landscaping Statement submitted with the full planning application for the redevelopment of land in Elephant and
Castle, London comprising Skipton House, The Perry Library, and the London Borough of Southwark Hostel (“the Site”) in
December 2015. It is intended that this addendum be read in conjunction with the original Landscaping Strategy (dated
December 2015).
• Amendment to the location, size and function of the cultural space, which is now located at ground and basement levels facing onto Skipton Street;
• Relocation of the fitness use to Ground and Mezzanine Floors in Building C;
• Reduction in the basement depth from 2 levels (with mezzanines) to 1 level (with mezzanine);
• Increase in the height of the Link Building (between Buildings
A and C) from GF + 6 storeys to GF + 7 storeys;
• Changes to the uses within Level 7 of Building A, with a reduction of 13 residential units and increase in office floorspace of c. 18.000 sqft;
The revised description of development for which planning permission is now sought is for:
This addendum provides an update of the following sections in the original Landscaping Statement (December 2015) as follows:
“Demolition of the existing buildings and creation of 1 level of basement (plus mezzanine) and the erection of buildings ranging from Ground Floor plus 7 to Ground Floor plus 39 storeys (maximum building height of 146.3m AOD) comprising
Section 4 - Public Realm
Public Realm General Arrangement Plan
Trees retail uses (Use Classes A1/A3/A4) and fitness space (Use Class
D2) at ground floor, multifunctional cultural space (Use Classes
D1/D2/Sui Generis) at ground floor and basement, and office
“Demolition of the existing buildings and creation of 1 level of basement (plus mezzanine) and the erection of buildings ranging from Ground Floor plus 7 to Ground
The submitted planning application relates to proposals for a comprehensive redevelopment of the Site to provide a high quality mixed use scheme consisting of residential, office, retail, leisure and cultural land uses, and supported by new landscaping and public realm enhancements (“the
upper levels, new landscaping and public realm, a publically
Floor plus 39 storeys (maximum building height of 146.3m AOD) comprising retail uses multifunctional cultural space (Use Classes D1/D2/Sui Generis) at ground floor and basement, and office use (Use Class B1) and 408 residential units (Use Class C3) on
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace,
General Arrangement Plan
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace,
The key changes to the building envelope are summarized on the following diagrams:
Residential Terrace, Play
Section 6 - Appendices
The addendum has been produced following revisions to the proposed Development that have been carried out following pre- and post-submission consultation with Southwark Council, other relevant consultee bodies, and the public principally on the proposed cultural and affordable housing elements of the
The key changes to the building envelope are summarized on the following diagrams:
A full description of the revisions is provided in the updated
Design and Access Statement and Planning Statement
Addendum (March 2016), and are briefly summarised below:
TM210L01 Public Realm GA
TM210L02 Public Roof Garden and Office
Terrace GA
TM210L04 Public Realm - Materials GA
TM210L05 Public Roof Garden and Office
Terrace - Materials GA
TM210L07 Public Realm - Levels GA
TM210L08 Public Roof Garden and Office
Terrace - Levels GA
TM210L09 Residential Terrace - Levels GA
TM210L10 Tree Retention / Removal GA
TM210L13 Public Realm - Planting GA
TM210L14 Public Roof Garden and Office
Terrace - Planting GA
As submitted - December 2015
(Link Building – GF + 6)
Amended submission – March 2016 (Link
Building – GF + 7 plus extra floor of office)
• Amendments to loading bay at Ground Floor; plant areas, and cycle storage;
• Amendments to public realm on Skipton Street, Ontario
• Amendments to basement layout, including servicing routes,
This addendum provides an update of the following sections [and figures] in the original
[insert document name] (December 2015) as follows:
Xxx [text to highlight the relevant sections affected and identify the particular design / application revision(s) that necessitates the change]
Street and the Publically Accessible Roof Garden to allow flexible uses / events;
• Updated affordable housing proposal.
In order to address the amended building uses at groundfloor, particularly the introduction of the cultural auditorium, the public realm proposals have been amended.
The key areas that have been discussed and addressed are:
1. Reduce scale of planters North and South of Skipton Street to avoid restricting pedestrian movement
2. Create a more flexible space as part of the public realm for a programme of cultural events and removal of skylight to create a continuous paved surface
3. Reduce vehicle impact of Ontario Street and provide areas to allow spill out and animation
4. Improve gateway area at South of Skipton Street, to signal arrival and change in use
Public Realm General Arrangement plan - Application Scheme (December 2015)
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p5
focal points - trees event space focal points event space performance space
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p6 concept plan focal points focal points performance space activate blank facades clear routes through street main pedestrian circulation
The public realm is set to become a dynamic environment for events and cultural activities that also needs to facilitate the requirements of the retail, office and residential accommodation within the development.
A programme of events that take place at weekly, monthly and seasonal intervals will each have varying spatial requirements. As such, it is proposed that the majority of
Skipton Street is left clear of all street furniture and planting.
The will also help ensure that events will not inhibit pedestrian movement for all building users.
The key design development points include:
• two feature trees to ‘book end’ Skipton Street with seating beneath to create inward and outward looking spaces
• tree grove to south of Skipton Street to mark the transition from London Road to Skipton Street
• seating directs pedestrian movement towards the central activity area of Skipton Street
• the central activity area is free of all furniture creating a wide open space for events
• Ontario Street is treated as a wide pedestrian and cycle way; tree planting helps to create a pedestrian buffer and cafe spill out area activate blank facades clear routes through street main pedestrian circulation
1. central avenue; opportunities for cafe terraces, cultural events and access to public roof gardens
2. tree grove marking arrival space; light canopy trees and clear stems
3. clear north south routes
4. seating beneath trees
5. way finding and signage
6. cafe spill out space framed by trees and seating
7. street tree planting
8. cycle stands
9. seating and screening to rear of
Bakerloo Line station
9 3
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p7
Revised Public Realm General Arrangement Plan (March 2016)
Dryopteris afinis ‘Crisata’
Dryopteris filix-mas Anemone ‘honorine jobert’ Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis
FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Seasonal timetable Ultimate
Height (m)
Public Realm planting
Sarcococca hookeriana
Ilex crenata ‘Dark Green’
Dryopteris afinis ‘Crisata’
Dryopteris filix-mas
Anemone ‘honorine jobert’
Ilex crenata ‘Dark Green’
Planting areas are located along Newington
Causeway, as per the December 2015 submission. A new planting area is proposed along Ontario Street that helps define a cafe terrace / spill out space.
All of these area will provide seasonal delight and interest as well as enhance local ecology and biodiversity.
Planting to Skipton Street has been removed.
The planting areas are associated with tree planting and seating. They will also improve the pedestrian environment and help provide visual relief within the context of the wider area. Shade tolerant, herbaceous and evergreen planting will provide colour and textural variety throughout the seasons.
The planting palette has been simplified since the
December 2015 submission. The following species have been removed;
Acanthus spinosus
Liriope muscari
All other species are as the original December 2015 submission
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p8
Where possible, existing trees have been retained and additional trees have been planted to reinforce their contribution to the public realm. New trees are located to improve human scale, reinforce spatial composition, legibility and wayfinding. The trees will also help to mediate the scale of the building and assist in creating a comfortable environment.
All street trees are proposed to be small leaved Lime
‘Greenspire’ (Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’) They have a conical, regular form and will be clear stemmed to a minimum of 2.5m to provide clear sight-lines beneath the canopy.
Following the December 2015 submission, a grove of Honey
Locust trees (Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’) with its light open canopy, will create a striking feature at the entrance to Skipton
Street from London Road, helping to signal the pedestrian arrival into a different space.
Large feature tree species have been changed to Rebona
Elm (Ulmus rebona). These will be located at key nodes along
Skipton Street and the pedestrian island linking Skipton House with Eileen House. Its open, broad canopy will turn from a glossy dark green to yellow in the autumn.
Existing Trees Retained / Removed.
There will be 12 trees removed as part of the development;
2 category B, 9 category C and one category U.
Trees retained
Category A
Category B
Trees removed
Category B
Category C
Category C Category U
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p9
Proposed / Retained Trees.
There are 25 new trees proposed as part of the development;
8 to Skipton Street, 8 to Ontario Street, 6 to Keyworth Street and 3 to Newington Causeway.
The December 2015 submission included 24 proposed trees;
12 to Skipton Street, 5 to Ontario Street, 5 to Keyworth Street (including feature tree) and 2 to Newington Causeway.
Existing tree retained
Existing tree
(not surveyed)
Proposed street tree;
Tilia cordata ‘ Greenspire’
Proposed grove tree;
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’
Proposed feature tree;
Ulmus rebona feature tree;
Ulmus rebona street tree;
Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace General Arrangement Plan - Application Scheme (December 2015)
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p10
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace
No changes to the Public Roof Garden are proposed as part of this addendum.
A generator will be incorporated at the terrace level of
Building C which was previously provided in the basement.
The facade will match the building and planting areas will help address the extent of blank facade facing the terrace.
The seating areas have been amended to create areas for tenants to sit in groups of varying sizes and maximise views over the London skyline.
Temporary Cinema Screen
As part of the ability to maximise the cultural and events programming offered throughout the Site, the possibility of providing a temporary cinema screen on the public roof garden has also been explored.
The diagrams below illustrate the number of seats that could be accommodated as part of a managed event.
79 seats
84 seats
1. high level viewing terrace; direct access from lift lobby back to ground floor
2. cafe / restaurant terrace
3. quiet garden area; opportunities to sit looking in and framing views out
4. terraced steps
5. lower level viewing terrace and garden
6. platform lift
7. sky lifts from Skipton Street to the 15th floor
8. office terrace - redesigned to accommodate generator
9. generator
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p11
7 extract of Public Realm General Arrangement Plan
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace General Arrangement Plan (March 2016)
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p12
Public Roof Garden and Office Terrace
planting zone 1
Amsonia tabernaemontana
Geranium phaeum ‘Album’
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Mainacht’
Descampsia cespitosa
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureum’ planting zone 2
Allium sphaerocephalon
Astilbe chinensis var. Pumila
Echinacea tennesseensis
Phlomis tuberosa
Perovskia ‘Little Spire’
Sedum telephium matrona
Verbena bonariensis
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Fontaine’
Molinia caerulea
Sporobolus heterolepis planting zone 3
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honerine Jobert’
Helichrysum italicum
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii ‘goldsturm’
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Fontaine’
Sporobolus heterolepis planting zone 4
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honerine Jobert’
Astilbe chinensis var. Pumila
Tiarella cordifolia
Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Fontaine’
Polystichum setiferum
Sporobolus heterolepis
Stipa gigantea
The planting for the roof garden and office terrace is based on a diverse herbaceous and perennial palette, providing seasonal variety and delight throughout the seasons. The planting is designed to reflect the ‘Montane’ environment described in the design narrative, using grasses and herbaceous plants to provide year round structure and enhance the journey around the garden area for the users.
Groupings of multi-stem trees and feature shrubs will frame views over the London sky line and help to create a sense of enclosure in the quiet garden areas.
Planting is zoned to maximise the impact of seasonal variety and creating groupings of colour for dramatic interest.
The areas of planting zones to the office terrace have been amended since the December 2015 submission, to take account of the redesigned planting areas.
Refer to original Landscaping Statement (December 2015) for illustrative planting zone information.
Level 8 play terrace, 305m2
The raised level to the ‘link building’ means that a large play terrace is created on level 8 of Building A (previously level
7 in the December 2015 submission). A level of residential accommodation has also been removed from Building A resulting in a reduced child yield, as shown in the calculation below.
Using the GLA ‘Shaping Neighbourhoods: Play and Informal
Recreation SPG’ the updated calculation for children’s play space provided below;
Doorstep (0-4)
(The December 2015 submission had a child yield requiring
390m2 of play space.)
All other information remains the same as the December 2015 application submission.
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p13
Level 20 play terrace, 105m2
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p14
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p15
Skipton House - Elephant & Castle | Public Realm Development | p16