ADDENDUM December 9, 2015 Page 1 14. ACTION ITEMS 6. Ap_pr_oyal - Award of Bid - Fuel Oil Bids submitted by the Northampton/Monroe/Pike County Joint Purchasing Board have been properly solicited, received, and tabulated for Fuel Oi l for the 2016-2017 school year. The CIU20 participating dist ricts recommend the Colonial Intermediate Unit Board of Directo rs awarded to the lowest responsible bidders meeting specifications. A copy of the bid tabulation will be provided at the meeting. 7. Approval - Local Wellness Policy I National School Lunch Program It is recommended the Board approve the Local Wellness Policy as re qu ired by the National School Lunch Program. ATTACHMENT 14.7 8. Ap_pr_oyal - Change in Positio.ns It is recommended the Board approve the following change in positions: a. From Treatment Coordinator for Partial Hospitalization (Level IV) to Supervisor for Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Programs (Level Ill) effective December 10, 201 5. Due to the eli mination of the Level IV position in the Outpatient Program, this change in position is needed to ensure appropriate supervision of the program. CIU20 Central Office. b. From Wraparound Facilitator (Cluster 9) to Management Assistant for Outpatient Services (Level V[b]) effective December 10, 2015. This change in position is needed due to the restructuring of the management of the Outpatient Program. CIU20 Central Office. 9. Approval - New Positions It is recommended the Board approve the following new positions: a. Associate Teacher (1:1) effective October 22, 2015 and wi ll continue until student moves or no longer needs service. The Stroudsburg Area SD has requested the Intermed iate Unit provide an Associate Teacher to meet the needs of an individual student. (AS, Chipperfield Elementary, SASD) Budget Amendment is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.9.a b. Associate Teacher (1:1) effective Novem ber 16, 2015 and will continu e until student moves or no longer needs service. The East Stroudsburg Area SD has requested the Intermediate Un it provide an Associate Teacher to meet the needs of an individual student. (AS, Stroudsburg Middle, SASD) Budget Amendment is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.9.b c. Associate Teacher (1 :1) effective December 1, 2015 and will continue u ntil student moves or no longer needs service. The East Stroudsburg Area SD has requested the Intermediate Unit provide an Associate Teacher to meet the needs of an individual student. (ES, East Stroudsburg Ele mentary, ESASD) Budget Amendment is attached. AIDCHMENT 14.9.c d. Associate Teacher (1:1) effective November 19, 2015 and will continue until student moves or no longer needs service. Th e Northampton Area SD has requ ested the Intermed iate Unit provide an ADDENDUM Decem ber 9, 2015 Page 2 Associate Teacher t o meet the needs of an individual student. (LSS, Avona Elementary, Wilson Area SD) Budget Amendment is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.9.d e. Associate Teacher (1:1) effective October 23, 2015 and will continue u ntil student moves or no longer needs service. The East Stroudsburg Area SD has requested the Intermediate Unit provide an Associate Teacher to meet the needs of an individual student. (PHP, JM Hill Elementary, ESASD) Budget Amendment is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.9.e f. Mental Health Worker (1:1) effective December 7, 2015 and will continue until student moves or no longer needs service. The East St roudsburg Area SD has requested t he Intermediate Un it provide an Mental Health Wo rker to meet the needs of an individual student in their It inerant Emotional Support Program. <District-operated Itinerant ES, JT Lambert Intermediate, ESASD) Budget Amendment is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.9.f g. Associate Teacher (1:1) effective December 3, 2015 and will continue until student moves or no longer needs service. The Pen Argyl Area SD has requested the Intermediate Unit provide an Associate Teacher to meet the needs of an individual student. (LSS, Wind Gap Middle School, PAASD) Budget Amendment is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.9.g h. (2) Bus Drivers and (2) Monitors effective December 10, 2015. The Northampton Area SD has requested the Intermediate Unit provide two bus runs for the students in the Autistic Support classes at Lehigh and Siegfried Elementary Schools. (There is no Budget Amendment) 10. Approval - Change Order t o Complete Septic System Repairs at Colonial Academ~ It is recommended the Board Change Order #1 in the amount of $4,361. The Memo randum detailing the Change Order for repairs to the septic system at Colonial Academy is attached. ATTACHMENT 14.10 11. - Tenure It is recommended the Board acknowledge the following individuals who have achieved tenure effective the date listed: Michelle Lavelle - November 5, 2015 Dani Whitehead - November 1, 2015 Annette Zettlemoyer - November 5, 20 15 12. - Renewal Lease Addendum with Bethlehem Area School District It is recommended the Board approve the Renewal Lease Addendum with Bethlehem Area SD, to lease the former SPARK building for the Early Intervention Program. This agreement with be in effect from January 1, 20 16 to June 30, 2020, and shall not exceed $596,250. ATTACHMENT 14.12 13. Approval - Agreement with Tuscarora Intermediate UniLll It is recommended the Board approve the agreement between Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 and Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 for the Bureau of Early Intervention Services - Results Grant in the amount of $10,104.70. This agreement is in effect from September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. ATTACHMENT 14.13 ADDENDUM December 9, 2015 Page 3 14. It is re commended the Board rescind the resignation of Kaitlin Gabriel, which was approved at the October, 2015 board meeting. Her termination date was to be December 14, 2015. 15. IerminatLons. It is recommended the Board approve the terminations and Resolutions of: a. b. c. Employee #053007 - effective December 9, 2015 Employee #002232 - effective December 9, 2015 Employee #006912 - effective December 9, 2015 ADDENDUM December 9, 2015 Page 4 15. PERSONNEL ITEMS B. RESIGNATIONS It is recommended the Board accept the following Resignations: Name eositioo Effectille Date Reas_on 12 William Elliott Linda Fiorot Transportation Bus Driver Transportation Bus Driver December 31, 2015 November 24, 2015 13 Sonya Isaacs Associate Teacher (1:1) December 11, 2015 Retirement Dissatisfaction with wages or conditions. Other Reasons Dissatisfaction with wages or conditions. 11 C. JOB STATUS CHANGES It is recommended the Board approve the following Job Status Changes: Name As.s.igoment 4 Nicole Baker 5 Brandon Mihalko 6 Debora Mancuso From Treatment Coordinator for Partial Hospitalization Programs (Level IV) to Supervisor of Outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Programs (Level Ill) (CIU20 Office) From Wraparound Facilitator (Cluster 9 [12 months)) to Management Assistant for Outpatient Program (Level V(b)) (CIU20 Office) From Long-term Substitute to Full-time Mental Healt h Treatment Specialist (PHP, Asa Packer Elementary, BASD) ~ $86,741 (Level Ill) Effectille $46,783 (Level V[b)) December 10, 2015 Rem ains the same January 4, 2016 December 10, 2015 D. APPOINTMENTS It is recommended the Board approve the following Appointments: Name As.s.ignment Salar}t Effectille Date 16 Kyle Baumann Full-time Associate Teacher (1 :1) (AS, Colonial Early Learning Center, BASD) $16,552.75 (Cluster 7, Step 1 - HS/ HQ) 17 Amy Kossyk $20,552.75 (Cluster 7, Step 1 - BS/BA) 18 Debora Mancuso 19 Irma MedinaRodriguez Tracey Monaghan Shawn Ruppert Full-time Associate Teacher (ES, Northampton Middle, Northampton Area SD) Long-term Substitute Mental Health Treatment Specialist (PHP, Asa Packer Element ary, BASD) Full-time Associate Teacher (AS, Clearview Elementary, BASD) Full-time TPE Teacher (MDS, JT Lambert Intermed iate, ESASD) Long-term Substitute Teacher (AS, Nazareth Intermediate, NASD) December 2, 2015 and will continue until student moves or no longer needs service December 7, 2015 20 21 $50,459 (Step 1, Master's) October 13, 2015 $16,552.75 (Cluster 7, Step 1 - HS/ HQ) $48,330 (Step 1 - BS/ BA) December 11, 2015 January 4, 2016 $48,330 (Step 1 - BS/ BA) December 2, 2015 ADDENDU M December 9, 2015 Page 5 E. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS TO CURRENT POSITIONS 5 6 7 Name Rate Se.olke Effecti'.'e Dates Ingrid Adams (Teacher) Elizabeth Kantzaridis (Program Specialist) Michelle Favorito (Speech Therapist) Not to exceed $500 Mentoring of a new professional (Shawn Ruppert) Mentoring of a new professional (Tracey Monaghan) December 2, 2015 - December 1, 2016 January 4, 2016 - October 4, 2016 (continuation of mentoring period th at was approved October, 2015) December 1, 2015 - June 3, 2016 Not to exceed $500 (prorated) Contractual hourly rate for as many hours requested by district, plus mileage Northampton Area SD is requesting Speech and Language services for a homebound student F. CONTRACTS FOR PAYMENT Attacbrneat F.4 Name King, Spry, Herman, Freund & Faul, LLC F.5 Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 F.6 Manpower F.7 Schoology, Inc. Se.olke Ms. Erin Gilsbach will provide trainin g for CIU20 administrators on conducting sound investigations IU13 will provide a two day training entitled "McGrath - Lead with SUCCEED Training" Will provide temporary clerical support services for the Transportation Department in the capacity of a Secretary Will work with CIU20 in supporting Bangor Area SD in providing a digital learning environment that promotes learning, communication and collaboration inside and outside the classroom Rate Not to exceed $500 $400 per participant. Not t o exceed $12,000 $21/hour, for 245 hours. Not to exceed $5,145 Not to exceed $29,900 Effecti'.'e Dates January 19, 2016 December 14 & 15, 2015 November 23, 2015 - January 15, 2016 July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019 G. REVENUE GENERATING CONTRACTS FOR SERVICE Name Attacbrneat G.4 Bangor Area SD G.5 Bethlehem Area SD G.6 East Stroudsburg Area SD Se.olke CIU20 will provide the Bangor Area SD with Schoology, a digital learning environment that promotes learning, communication and collaboration inside and outside the classroom CIU20 Training and Consulting (Ta() Staff will provide Leadership Literacy Training at Lincoln Elementary School in the BASD CIU20 will provide Literacy Coaching to assist with school readiness goals. Rate Not to exceed $32,900 $900/day, for up to 50 days. Not to exceed $45,000 $900/ day, for up to 16 days. Not to exceed $14,400 Effecti'.'e Dates July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019 January 4, 20 16 May 24, 2016 January 4, 2016 May 24, 2016 ADDENDUM December 9, 2015 Page 6 H. SUBSTITUTE LISTS It is recommended the Board approve placement of the following individuals on the Substitute Lists indicated as per the effective dates as noted: 1. 2. I. Substitute Teachers Deborah Battis December 14, 2015 Kevin McNamee December 14, 2015 Tereick Hayles Jared Tafel December 14, 2015 December 14, 2015 Kevin McNamee December 14, 2015 Substitute Associate Teachers Deborah Battis December 14, 2015 Jared Tafel December 14, 2015 PROVIDER 50 LISTS It is recommended the following individuals be placed on the Provider 50 List in the areas and on the effective dates listed: a. Behavior Specialist/Consultant - Master's Bruce Tinor - December 11, 2015 I b. Therapeutic Staff Support Khayola Duviella-Jiggetts - December 11, 2015 Bruce Tinor - December 11, 2015 ;f o'"uonary 1'Q,· ,; ~'l.f,~ ~ COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 ~:fc·s a Di~"~"'<>"" ADDENDUM ATIACHMENTS December 9, 2015 I NSLP Sponsor Name ~CHMENI HJ Colon ial Intermediate Unit 20 AUN/PEARS Agreement No._1_2-'-0--'0-'-0_-0~0-'-0-' -0'--------------------Effective Date SCHOOL YEAR 20 15-2016 1. X The National School Lunch Program sponsor will fully implement the Pennsylvania Department of Education' s Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools (revised July 2008), as written (or stricter) in at least one building. 2. The National School Lunch Program sponsor will not fully implement the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools (revised July 2008), as written (or stric ter) in at least one building. This is for schools not intending to earn the additional state reimbursement rates from the School Nutrition Incentive (SNI). TO BE CIRCULATED BY SUPERINTENDENT OR CHIEF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR Please complete all signature lines. If any signature line is not applicable, write "NI A" and the reason that it is not applicable. Please print Dr. Charlene Brennan, Executive Director (Superintendent or Chief Administrator) Signatuc~--tf ~2/0912015 Date Please printHans Baltzersen, Assistant to the Executive Signature Director for Management Services 12/09/2015 Date Please print Gretchen Leslie (Food Service Director) Signature_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Please print Signature_ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ Date Carolyn Krotowski. Principal (Person in charge of implementing Local Wellness Policy) Please print Dr. Michae l Baird. President (Sc)10ol Board Representative) Signature_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _. .l. ...... 2/~09/2015 Date Please return this form to: Di vision of Food and Nutrition Pennsylvania Department of Education Attention: Local Wellness Policy Amendment Form 333 Market Street, 4th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Revi~ed November 2009 Colonial IU20 Wellness Policy Table of Contents Introduction .... .. ... .... .... . ... .... ... .. ..... . ... ... .. ....... ... . ..... .. .... ... ..... . 2 School Wellness Committee .. . ..... .. ................ .. ........ . .... .. ........... 3 Wellness Policy Implementation, Monitoring, Accountab ility, and Community Engagement .... .. ......................... .4 Nutrition ... .. ... . .... ... .. .. . ..... . ........... . ..... . ....... ........... ... ... .... ....... 6 Physical Activity ... ..... . ..... . . ......... .. . .. ..... ... .. ...... .. .... .. .. . .... .. ....... 9 Other Activities that Promote Student Wellness .............. ... .......... 10 Appendix A: School Level Contacts .................... .. ...... ... .. ...... .... 11 Adopted from : 1 Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 Wellness Policy Introduction Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, Colonial Academy (hereto referred to as the District) is committed to the optimal development of every student. The Colonial Academy believes that for students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, we need to create positive, safe, and health-promoting learn ing environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year. Research shows that two components, good nutrition and physical activity before, during, and after the school day, are strongly correlated with positive student outcomes. For example, student participation in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) School Breakfast Program is associated with higher grades and standardized test scores, lower absenteeism, and better performance on cognitive tasks. 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7 Conversely, less-than-adequate consumption of specific foods including fruits, vegetables , and dairy products, is associated with lower grades among 8 9 10 students. • · In addition, students who are physically active through active transport to and from school, recess, physical activity breaks, high-quality physical education, and extracurricular 11 12 13 14 activities - do better academically. • • · This policy outlines the Colonial Academy approach to ensuring environments and opportunities for all students to practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day while minimizing commercial distractions. Specifically, this policy establishes goals and procedures to ensure that: Students in the IU20, Colonial Academy have access to healthy foods throughout the school day- through participating in the schools (CEP) community eligibility program as well as other foods available throughout the school campus-in accordance with Federal and state nutrition standards; Students receive quality nutrition education that helps them develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors; Students have opportunities to be physically active during school; Schools engage in nutrition and physical activity promotion and other activities that promote student wellness; School staff are encouraged and supported to practice healthy physical activity behavior in school; The District establishes and maintains an infrastructure for managem ent, oversight, implementation, communication about, and monitoring of the policy and its established goals and objectives. This policy applies to all students and staff within Colonial Academy. Adopted from: 2 I. School Wellness Committee Committee Role and Membership The Colonial Academy will convene a representative (CAWC) Colonial Academy wellness committee that meets at least four times per year to establish goals for and oversee school health and safety policies and programs, including development, implementation, and periodic review and update of this Colonial Academy wellness policy (heretofore referred as "wellness policy"). The CAWC membership will represent all school levels (middle school and secondary schools) and include (to the extent possible), but not be limited to: parents and caregivers; students; representatives of the school nutrition program (ex., school nutrition director); physical education teachers; health education teachers; school health professionals (ex. , health education teachers, school health services staff [i.e., nurses, physicians, dentists, health educators, and other allied health personnel who provide school health services], and mental health and social services staff [i.e., school counselors, psychologists, social workers, or psychiatrists]; school administrators (ex., superintendent, principal, vice principal), school board members; health professionals (ex., dietitians, doctors, nurses, dentists); and the general public. To the extent possible, the DWC will include representatives from each school building and reflect the diversity of the community. Leadership The Superintendent or designee(s) will convene the CAWC and facilitate development of and updates to the wellness policy, and will ensure each school's compliance with the policy. Name Title Email address Role Carolyn Krotowski Principal ckrotowski@ciu20 .org Head administrator Gretchen Leslie Food Director Breakfast & Lunch Coordinator JR Poster PE Teacher Health and education Dario Chavez Culinary Arts Instructor Culinary arts education 3 II. Wellness Policy Implementation, Monitoring, Accountability, and Community Engagement Implementation Plan The Colonial Academy will develop and maintain a plan for implementation to manage and coordinate the execution of this wellness policy. The plan delineates roles, responsibilities, actions, and timelines specific to each school, and includes information about who will be responsible to make what change, by how much, where, and when, as well as specific goals and objectives for nutrition standards for all foods and beverages available on the school campus, food and beverage marketing, nutrition promotion and education and physical education. It is recommended that the school use the Healthy Schools Program online tools to complete a school level assessment based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's School Health Index, create an action plan that fosters implementation . This wellness policy can be found at: www.ciu20. org. Click on colonial academy Recordkeeping The District will retain records to document compliance with the requirements of the wellness policy at Colonial Academy Main Office, Food Director Office, Kitchen and/or on District's central computer network. Documentation maintained in this location will include but will not be limited to: The written wellness policy Colonial Academy food service contract with Pen Argyl School District Documentation of annual policy review Meeting minutes from the CAWC Annual Progress Reports The District will compile and publish an annual report to share basic information about the wellness policy and report on the progress of the schools within the district in meeting wellness goals. This annual report will be published around the same time each year [September] and will include information from the Academy. This report will include, but is not limited to: The website address for the wellness policy and/or how the public can receive/access a copy of the wellness policy; A description of each school's progress in meeting the wellness policy goals; A summary the school's events or activities related to wellness policy implementation; The name, position title, and contact information of the designated District policy leader(s) identified in Section I; and Information on how individuals and the public can get involved with the CAWC. The annual report will be available in [English and in Spanish when requested] The Colonial Academy will actively notify households/families of the availability of the annual report. 4 The CAWC, will establish and monitor goals and objectives for the District's schools, specific and appropriate for each instructional unit (middle and secondary school) for each of the contentspecific components listed in Sections 111-V of this policy. Triennial Progress Assessments At least once every three years, the District will evaluate compliance with the wellness policy to assess the implementation of the policy and include: The extent to which schools under the jurisdiction of the District are in compliance with the wellness policy; The extent to which the District's wellness policy compares to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation's model wellness policy; and A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the District's wellness pol icy. The position/person responsible for managing the triennial assessment and contact information is Gretchen Leslie. Food Service Director The CAW C will monitor schools' compliance with this wellness policy. The Colonial Academy will actively notify households/families of the availability of the triennial progress report. Revisions and Updating the Policy The CAWC will update or modify the wellness policy based on the results of the annual progress reports and triennial assessments , and/or as District priorities change; community needs change; wellness goals are met; new health science, information, and technology emerges; and new Federal or state guidance or standards are issued. The wellness policy will be assessed and updated as indicated at least every three years, following the triennial assessment. Community Involvement, Outreach, and Communications The District is committed to being responsive to community input, which begins with awareness of the wellness policy. The District will actively communicate ways in which representatives of CAWC and others can participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the wellness policy through a variety of means appropriate for that district. The District will also inform parents of the improvements that have been made to school meals and compliance with school meal standards, availability of child nutrition programs and how to apply, and a description of and compliance with Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. The District will use electronic mechanisms, such as email or displaying notices on the district's website, as well as non-electronic mechanisms, such as newsletters, presentations to parents, or sending information home to parents, to ensure that all families are actively notified of the content of, implementation of, and updates to the wellness policy, as well as how to get involved and support the policy. The Colonial Academy will ensure that communications are culturally and linguistically appropriate to the community, and accomplished through means similar to other ways that the district and individual schools are communicating other important school information with parents. 5 The District will actively notify the public about the content of or any updates to the wellness policy annually, at a minimum. The District will also use these mechanisms to inform the community about the availability of the annual and triennial reports . Ill. Nutrition School Meals Our school district is committed to serving healthy meals to children, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat milk; moderate in sodium, low in saturated fat, and zero grams trans fat per serving (nutrition label or manufacturer's specification); and to meet the nutrition needs of school children within their calorie requirements. The school meal programs aim to improve the diet and health of school children, help mitigate childhood obesity, model healthy eating to support the development of lifelong healthy eating patterns, and support healthy choices while accommodating cultural food preferences and special dietary needs. Colonial Academy in collaboration with Pen Argyl School District will participate in USDA child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); The School Breakfast Program (SBP); The District also operates additional nutrition-related programs and activities that are committed to offering school meals through the NSLP and SBP programs that: Are accessible to all students; Are appealing and attractive to children; Are served in clean and pleasant settings; Meet or exceed current nutrition requirements established by local, state, and Federal statutes and regulations. (The District offers reimbursable school meals that meet USDA nutrition standards.) Promote healthy food and beverage choices using at least ten of the following Smarter Lunchroom techniques: Whole fruit options are displayed in attractive bowls or baskets (instead of chaffing dishes or hotel pans) Sliced or cut fruit is available daily Daily fruit options are displayed in a location in the line of sight and reach of students All available vegetable options have been given creative or descriptive names Daily vegetable options are bundled into all grab and go meals available to students All staff members, especially those serving, have been trained to politely prompt students to select and consume the daily vegetable options with their meal White milk is placed in front of other beverages in all coolers A reimbursable meal can be created in any service area available to students (e.g., salad bars, snack rooms, etc.) Daily announcements are used to promote and market menu options Menus will be posted on the Academy website or individual school websites, and will include nutrient content and ingredients. Menus will be created/reviewed by a Registered Dietitian or other certified nutrition professional, with Pen Argyl school district. School meals are administered by a team of child nutrition professionals. The District child nutrition program will accommodate students with special dietary needs. Students will be allowed at least 30 minutes to eat breakfast and at least 30 minutes to eat lunch, counting from the time they have received their meal and are seated (meets HSP Gold le vel). Students are served lunch at a reasonable and appropriate time of day. 6 Participation in federal child nutrition programs will be promoted among students and families to help ensure that families know what programs are available in their children's school. Staff Qualifications and Professional Development All school nutrition program directors, managers, and staff will meet or exceed hiring and annual continuing education/training requirements in the USDA professional standards for child nutrition professionals. These school nutrition personnel will refer to USDA's Professional Standards for School Nutrition Standards website to search for training that meets their learning needs. Water To promote hydration, drinking fountains are available to students to have cool, clean drinking water throughout the day. Competitive Foods and Beverages Competitive foods and beverages are not available to students To support healthy food choices and improve student health and well-being, all foods and beverages outside the reimbursable school meal programs that are sold to students on the school campus during the school day will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks nutrition standards. These standards will apply in all locations and through all services where foods and beverages are sold, which may include, but are not limited to vending machines, school stores, and snack or food carts Celebrations and Rewards All foods offered on the school campus will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards including through: 1. 2. Rewards and incentives. The District will provide teachers and other relevant school staff a list of alternative ways to reward children. Foods and beverages will not be used as a reward, or withheld as punishment for any reason, such as for performance or behavior. Parents or students will not provide outside foods in the school to be shared for celebration Fundraising Foods and beverages that meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards may be sold through fundraisers on the school campus* during the school day*. The District will make available to parents and teachers a list of healthy fundra ising ideas [examples from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the USDAJ. [Given the pervasiveness of food fundraisers in many schools and the wide availability of profitable, healthy fundraising options, additional policy language is encouraged: Fundraising during and outside school hours will sell only non-food items or foods and beverages that meet or exceed the Smart Snacks nutrition standards. Any food utilized as a 7 food raiser will be reviewed and approved by the Food Service Director. Food sales will be limited to three sales per year. Nutrition Promotion Nutrition promotion and education positively influence lifelong eating behaviors by using evidence-based techniques and nutrition messages, and by creating food environments that encourage healthy nutrition choices and encourage participation in school meal programs. Students and staff will receive consistent nutrition messages throughout schools, classrooms, gymnasiums, and cafeterias. The District will promote healthy food and beverage choices for all students throughout the school campus, as well as encourage participation in school meal programs. This promotion will occur through at least: Promoting foods and beverages that meet the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards. Additional possible promotion techniques that the District and individual schools may use are available at . Nutrition Education The District aims to teach, model, encourage, and support healthy eating by students. Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that: Is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health; Is part of not only health education classes, but also integrated into other classroom instruction through subjects such as math, science, language arts, social sciences, and elective subjects; Include enjoyable, developmentally-appropriate, culturally-relevant, and participatory activities, such as cooking demonstrations or lessons, promotions, taste-testing, and school gardens. Emphasize caloric balance between food intake and energy expenditure (promotes physical activity/exercise); Teach media literacy with an emphasis on food and beverage marketing; and Essential Healthy Eating Topics in Health Education The District will include in the health education curriculum the following essential topics on healthy eating: The relationship between healthy eating and personal health and disease prevention Food guidance from MyPlate Reading and using USDA's food labels Eating a variety of foods every day Balancing food intake and physical activity Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products Choosing foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and do not contain trans fat Choosing foods and beverages with little added sugars Eating more calcium-rich foods Preparing healthy meals and snacks Risks of unhealthy weight control practices Accepting body size differences 8 Food safety Importance of water consumption Importance of eating breakfast Making healthy choices when eating at restaurants Eating disorders The Dietary Guidelines for Americans Reducing sodium intake Social influences on healthy eating, including media, family, peers, and culture How to find valid information or services related to nutrition and dietary behavior How to develop a plan and track progress toward achieving a personal goal to eat healthfully Resisting peer pressure related to unhealthy dietary behavior Influencing, supporting, or advocating for others' healthy dietary behavior USDA's Team Nutrition provides free nutrition education and promotion materials , including standards-based nutrition education curricula and lesson plans, posters, interactive games, menu graphics, and more. IV. Physical Activity Colonial Academy will ensure that opportunities for, physical education are provided for all students. Physical activity during the school day (including but not limited to recess, physical activity breaks, or physical education) will not be withheld as punishment for any reason. To the extent practicable, the District will ensure that its grounds and facilities are safe and that equipment is available to students to be active. The District will conduct necessary inspections and repairs. Physical Education Colonial Academy will provide students with physical education, using an age-appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum consistent with national and state standards for physical education. The physical education curriculum will promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and will help students develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits, as well as incorporate essential health education concepts All students will be provided equal opportunity to participate in physical education classes. The District will make appropriate accommodations to allow for equitable participation for all students and will adapt physical education classes and equipment as necessary. . Essential Physical Activity Topics in Health Education The Colonial Academy will include in the health education curriculum the following essential topics on physical activity: The physical , psychological, or social benefits of physical activity How physical activity can contribute to a healthy weight How physical activity can contribute to the academic learning process How an inactive lifestyle contributes to chronic disease Health-related fitness, that is, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition Differences between physical activity, exercise, and fitness Phases of an exercise session, that is, warm up, workout, and cool down Overcoming barriers to physical activity Decreasing sedentary activities, such as TV watching 9 Opportunities for physical activity in the community Preventing injury during physical activity Weather-related safety, for example, avoiding heat stroke, hypothermia, and sunburn while being physically active How much physical activity is enough, that is, determining frequency, intensity, time, and type of physical activity Developing an individualized physical activity and fitness plan Monitoring progress toward reaching goals in an individualized physical activity plan Dangers of using performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids Social influences on physical activity, including media, family, peers, and culture How to find valid information or services related to physical activity and fitness How to influence, support, or advocate for others to engage in physical activity How to resist peer pressure that discourages physical activity V. Other Activities that Promote Student Wellness The District will integrate wellness activities across the entire school setting, not just in the cafeteria, other food and beverage venues, and physical activity facilities. The District will coordinate and integrate other initiatives related to physical activity, physical education, nutrition, and other wellness components so all efforts are complementary, not duplicative, and work towards the same set of goals and objectives promoting student well-being, optimal development, and strong educational outcomes. Schools in the District are encouraged to coordinate content across curricular areas that promote student health, such as teaching nutrition concepts in mathematics, with consultation provided by either the school or the District's curriculum experts. All efforts related to obtaining federal, state, or association recognition for efforts, or grants/funding opportunities for healthy school environments will be coordinated with and complementary of the wellness policy, including but not limited to ensuring the involvement of the DWC/SWC. between academics and health and the ways in which health and wellness are integrated into ongoing district reform or academic improvement plans/efforts. Policy date: 7/29/2009, Reviewed: 6/1012010, 912412015 10 Appendix A: School Level Contacts School Name Title Email Address Role Colonial Academy Gretchen Leslie Food Service Director Food Service Director 1 Bradley, B, Green, AC. Do Health and Education Agencies in the United States Share Responsibility fo r Academic Achievement and Health? A Review of 25 years of Evidence About the Relationsh ip of Adolescents' Academic Achievement and Health Behaviors, journal of Adolescent Health. 2013; 52(5):523-532. 2 Meyers AF, Sampson AE, Weitzman M, Rogers BL, Kayne H. School breakfast program and school performance. America n journal of Diseases of Children. 1989; 143(10):1234- 1239. 3 Murphy JM. Breakfast and learning: an updated r eview. Current Nutrition & Food Science. 2007; 3:3-36. 4 Murphy JM, Pagano ME, Nachmani J, Sperling P, Kane S, IGeinman RE. The relationship of school breakfast to psychosocial and academic functioning: Cross-s ectional and longitudinal observations in an inner-city school sample. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 1998;152(9):899-907. s Pollitt E, Mathews R. Breakfast and cognition: an integrative summary. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1998; 67(4), 804S-813S. 6 Rampersaud GC, Perei ra MA, Girard BL, Adams J, Metz! JD. Breakfast habits, nutritional status, body weight, and academic performance in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2 005;105(5):743-760, quiz 761-762. 7 Taras, H. Nutrition and student performance at school. Journal of School Health. 2005;75(6):199- 213. 8 MacLellan D, Taylor J, Wood K. Food intake and academic performan ce among adolescents. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 2008;69(3) :141- 144. 9 Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M, Dixon LB, Resnick MD, Blum RW. Correlates of inadequate consumption of dairy products among adolescents. Journal of Nutrition Education. 1997;29(1):12- 20. 10 Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M, Resnick MD, Blum RW. Correlates of inadequate fru it and vegetable consumption among adolescents. Preventive Med icine. 1996;25(5):497-505. 11 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: US Departme nt of Health and Human Services, 2010. 12 Singh A, Uijtdewilligne L, Twisk J, van Mechel en W, Chinapaw M. Physical activity and performance at school: A systematic review of the literature including a methodological quality assessment Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2012; 166(1):49-55. 13 Haapala E, Poikkeus A-M, Kukkonen-Harjula K, Tompuri T, Lintu N, Vaisto J, Leppanen P, Laaksonen D, Lindi V, Lakka T. Association ofphysical activity and sedentary behavior with academic skills - A follow-up study among primary school children. PLoS ONE, 2014; 9(9): e107031. 14 Hillman C, Pontifex M, Castelli D, Khan N, Raine L, Scudder M, Drollette E, Moore R, Wu C-T, Kamijo K. Effects of the FITKids randomized control trial 9n executive control and brain function. Pediatrics 2014; 134(4): e10631071. 1 5 Cha nge Lab Solutions. (2014). District Policy Restricting the Advertising ofFood and Beverages Not Permitted to be Sold on School Grounds. Retrieved from http: // cations/district-policy-schoolfood -ads. 11 ATTACHMENT 14.9 a One on One Support Budget Amendm ent Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 590 1,940 2,530 $ 28,200 TOTAL REVENUES $ 30,730 Instruction $ 30,730 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 30,730 9000 Other Financing Sources: Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Associate Teacher .- 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1233 -AUTISTIC SUPPORT Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries, Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,960 240 80 590 590 1,940 1,940 80 310 7,300 680 70 1,800 150 30,730 AITACHMENT 14.9.b One on One Support Budget Amendment Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 530 1,730 2,260 $ 25,080 TOTAL REVENUES $ 27,340 Instruction $ 27,340 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 27,340 9000 Other Financing Sources: Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Associate Teacher 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1233 - AUTISTIC SUPPORT Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries, Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,390 240 70 530 530 1,730 1,730 70 280 6,390 590 60 1,580 150 27,340 AITACHMENT 14 9._c One on One Support Budget Amendment Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 490 1,610 2,100 $ 22,720 TOTAL REVENUES $ 24,820 Instruction $ 24,820 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 24,820 9000 Other Financing Sources: Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Associate Teacher 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1231 - EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries, Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,450 240 60 490 490 1,610 1,610 70 260 5,480 510 50 1,350 150 24,820 ATTACHMENT 14 9 d One on One Support Budget Amendment Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 530 1,730 2,260 $ 25,080 TOTAL REVENUES $ 27,340 Instruction $ 27,340 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 27,340 9000 Other Financing Sources : Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Associate Teacher 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1211 - LIFE SKILLS SUPPORT Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries, Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,390 240 70 530 530 1,730 1,730 70 280 6,390 590 60 1,580 150 27,340 ATTACHMENT 14.9.e One on One Support Budget Am endment Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 590 1,940 2,530 $ 28,200 TOTAL REVENUES $ 30,730 Instruction $ 30,730 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 30,730 9000 Other Financing Sources: Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Associate Teach er 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1232 - EMOTIONAL SUPPORT PARTIAL HOSPITALIZATION Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries, Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,960 240 80 590 590 1,940 1,940 80 310 7,300 680 70 1,800 150 30,730 AUACHMENT 14.9.f One on One Support Budget Amendment Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 670 2,230 2,900 $ 28,370 TOTAL REVENUES $ 31,270 Instruction $ 31 ,270 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 31,270 9000 Other Financing Sources: Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Mental Health Worker 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1231 - EMOTIONAL SUPPORT Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries , Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 17,190 240 60 670 670 2,230 2,230 90 350 5,480 510 50 1,350 150 31,270 ATTACHMENT 14.9.g One on One Support Budget Amendment Anticipated Revenues & Expenditures 2015-2016 Revenues 7000 State Sources: Revenue for Social Security Revenue for Retirement $ $ $ 530 1,730 2,260 $ 23,840 TOTAL REVENUES $ 26,100 Instruction $ 26,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 26,100 9000 Other Financing Sources : Support By Direct Contributions Expenditures Footnotes: The following staff is included in this amendment: Associate Teach er 1.0 One on One Support Budget Amendment 2015-2016 FUNCTION 1211 - LIFE SKILLS SUPPORT Object Code 190 192 213 220 221 230 231 250 260 271 272 275 276 580 Increase Amount Description Salaries, Aides Salaries, Sub. Aides Life Insurance FICA FICA (State's Share) Retirement Retirement (State's Share) Unemployment Compensation Workers' Compensation Medical Insurance - Self Dental Insurance - Self Vision Insurance - Self Prescription Insurance - Self Travel TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13,390 240 60 530 530 1,730 1,730 70 280 5,480 510 50 1,350 150 26,100 MEMORANDUM AITACHMENT 14.10 TO: THOMAS KALINOSKI SKIP FLOWERS COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 FROM: BILL NISWENDER D'HUY ENGINEERING, INC. RE: COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 ACADEMY SAND MOUND REPAIRS DEi PROJECT NO. 18013 DATE: OCTOBER 30, 2015 During reconstrnction of the Sand Mound Septic System the following unforeseen items have been identified to extend the life of the system and complete the repair work. 1. The existing rail assembly system with cast base elbows has significant deterioration and should be replaced, the deterioration is at the base of the assembly which was not accessible during design surveys. The proposed cost to replace this assembly is $5,825.00 (see attached proposal from Simon Contracting). This work should be done to properly complete the proj ect and allow for the proper installation of the new pumps. 2. Also the existing check valves (2) and existing swing check valves (2) at the septic pump were not scheduled for replacement however it is recommended that these valves be replaced with valves constructed of brass with all brass internal components. If the existing valves were to fail it would cause the new septic pumps to run longer and more frequently and shorten the life expectancy of the pumps. The proposed cost to replace these valves is $2,636.00 (see attached proposal from Simon Contracting). If the valves are not replaced at this time it would be more costly to do in the future. The total amount for the above listed additional work is $8,461.00. Currently we have a $4,100.00 remaining in our Project Material Allowance. If you accept the additional work noted above we would require a Change Order in the amount of $4,361.00 be approved by the IU20. Please review the above and advise on how the IU20 would like to proceed with this additional work. If you have any questions please call. Attachment: Proposal - Simon Contracting ATTACHMENT 14.12 Section 25.1 Addendum: Colon ial Intermediate Unit 20 would like to modify Section 2. Term: of the existing lease agreement from ending on the 301h day of June 20 17 to ending on the 301h day of June 2020. If modification to the term is agreeable to the Bethlehem Area Schoo l District, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 wo uld propose the fo llowing payment option (pending approval of a PA State Budget by January I, 20 16), with an upfront payment of $596,250 and calcu lated as follows: January 1, 2016 - June 30, 2016: July 1, 20 16-June 30, ~'2-011 July 1, 2017 - June 30,2018: ~ ;July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019: July l ,20 19 - June30,2020: $ 66,250 $132,500 $ 132,500 $132,500 $ 132,500 $596,250 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have hereunto set hands and sea ls this day first above written. WITNESS: BETHLEHEM AREA SCHOOL DISTIUCT netto Board Secretary WITNESS Board President LESSEE AITACHMENI 1413 Pnone: 8 1 4 - 54 2-250 1 TUSCA RORA INTERM EDIATE U NIT 11 2 5 27 US Hig h w ay 522 Sout h McVeytow n, PA 17051-9 7 17 o r 717-89 9-7;1.4 3 Fax: 814-542-2569 REQUEST FOR VENDOR INFORMATION In accordance with IRS Regu lations, we request ou r vendo rs complete the following to ensure that information is recorded in our system accurately. Complete form, print then sign. The signed copy m ay be retu rned by fax or by regwlar mai l. Business Name: Colonial Intermediate Uni t 20 (Fl1ll name of business, Please PRINT or TYPE) Address: 6 Danforth Drive State: PA City: Easton Zip : 18045-7899 Phone: 610-252-5550 Fax: 610-252-5740 ....._.. ._ COMPLETE ONLY IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE Remittance Name : Address: City: ____ ... .. - State: ~- Zip: .,_ ... .. I Fax: Phone: TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION: Please check appropriate box: D Non-Profit ie~ 501 (c) (3) 0LLC Sole Member D Exempt from backup withholding ~Other '""- - - - - - - 01ndividual/Sole Proprietor Ocorporation/LLC Corp 0 Partnership/LLC Partnership Social Security Number (999-99-9999) OR Federal EIN (XX_XXXXXXX) 23-1740249 DUNS Number . (Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System) Phone: 610-5 15-5415 /rt1o £.~ -· Signature Assistan t to the Executive Director for Mana ement Services . Title Oate T hank you for your time and cooperation. Return signed form to the attention of Management Services at the aqove mailing address or by fax to 814-542-2569 0 NEW or D FOR IU I OFFICE USE ON LY CHANGE VENDO R No 0 NON-EMPLOYEE COM PENSATION -~~--~-~-~ 0 RE NTS. Serving the Schools in Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata and Mifflin Counties AN EQUAL RI GHTS AND OPPORTUNITY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AGENCY - Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 • 2527 US Hwy 522 South McVeytown PA 17051-9717 (814) 542-2501 • (717) 899-7143 LETTER OF AGREEMENT For Bureau of Early Intervention Services - Results Grant THIS Agreement is entered into this 1st day of September, 2015, by and between the Tuscarora Intennediate Unit 11, 2527 US Highway 522 South, McVeytown, PA 17051 hereinafter refe1Ted to as "TIU", and the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, Attention: Becky Eller, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEE." WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, the TIU has entered into an agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, to provide training and technical assistance to Early Intervention Programs. TIU has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services - Office of Child Development and Early Leaming to disburse funds to approved grantees by establishing agreements with the grantees that set forth the conditions of the agreements. The funds have been awarded to your program to support a Results Goal that has been identified through the verification visit or self-verification process. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties intending to be legally bound hereby agree as follows: 1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the I st day of September, 20 15, and tenninate on the 30th day of June, 2016. 2. The original Grant Application which includes terms and conditions for the grant and the related budget has been included as Exhibit 1 and is a binding part of this agreement. 3. GRANTEE shall maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity during the performance of this agreement and shall take no action in violation of state or federal laws or regulations or any other applicable laws or regulations, or other requirements applicable to GRANTEE or that govern contracting with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 4 . Reimbursement shall be for actual expenses incurred in accordance with the grant. Amount will not exceed the approved Budget amount included in the Grant Application. Reimbursement amount will not exceed $10,104.70. 5. This Agreement is subject to the availability of State and Federal funds and other terms and conditions of this Agreement. The funding for this agreement is through State funds. 6. Invoices shall be paid for actual expenditures incurred. The TIU reserves the right to withhold any or all payments when reported costs are questionable or when GRANTEE fails to comply with the terms of the Agreement. Invoices can be submitted monthly. TIU requires that a detailed accounting · transaction report be included as documentation of expenses incurred. The transaction report should contain the payment date, vendor name, description of service and the reimbursement amount. Final invoice should be submitted by July 15, 2016. An invoicing template has been included as Exhibit 2 for reimbursement requests. 7. GRANTEE agrees to maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence pertaining to the costs and expenses of this Agreement to the extent and in such detail as w ill properly reflect all net costs, or whatever nature for which reimbursements are claimed under the provisions of this Agreement. These records are subject to review by TIU personnel or the independent auditor contracted by the TIU. The aforementioned records must be kept not less than seven years from the An Equal Rights and Opportunity Educational Service Agency FAX (814) 542-2569 • TDD (814) 542-2905 ending date of this Agreement. In the event GRANTEE is not subject to the requirements covered under the Single Audit Act, it may be subject to monitoring of its use of State funded grant awards through site visits, limited scope audits, or other means by the TIU. 8. DEPARTMENT HELD HARMLESS GRANTEE agrees to indemnify, defend and save hannless the Commonwealth and TIU, their officers, agents and employees: (a) from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any and all contractors, subcontractors, material men, laborers, and any other persons, firms, or corporations furnishing or supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with performance of this Agreement: and (b) from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, finn, or corporation who may injured or damaged by GRANTEE in the performance of this Agreement: and (c) against any liability, including costs and expenses, for violation, of propriety rights or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction, de livery, perfonnance, use or disposition of any data furnished under this Agreement or based on any libelous or other unlawful matter contained in such data. 9. MATERIALS AND DOCUMENTS The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall have the unrestricted authority to reproduce, distribute and use data, published documents, materials or copyright material generated in conjunction with this Agreement. 10. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION If GRANTEE fails to perform the program services within the time specified herein, or if GRANTEE fails to perfonn any of the other provisions of this Agreement, the TIU has the right to terminate this Agreement after a review of such circumstances with GRANTEE. This Agreement may be canceled by either pat1y upon thirty days written notice. 11. RIGHT TO KNOW LAW CLAUSE (8-K-1580) Commonwealth Right to Know Law: The Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §§ 67. 1013104, ("RTKL") applies to this Agreement. Upon notification from TIU that TIU requires SUBCONTRACTOR'S assistance in responding to a RTKL request, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide the requested information within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of notification. THIS A~,ENT is hereby accepted by: C!:F~17J1, ~ Colonia1'I11tefll1edite U~ Dr. Kendra K. Trail, Executive Director Title ~ Date Date I Exhibit 1 · Updated 08/11/15 Results Grants Budget Information A budget must be included as part of the Results Grants Application using the attached form. These grant funds are to be used in the 2015-2016 fiscal year with all funds expended by June 30, 2016. The following chart provides the list of acceptable budget areas for use of grant funds. Please complete the Proposed Cost column to reflect the proposed activity components listed in Section B. Non-allowable expenses: Allowable expenditures include: • • • • • Contracted Services for consultative or coaching services or stipends Stipends for families In state travel Materials & supplies (list items and cost detail} • -Limited to 20% of the grant funds Communications • • Restriction regarding purchase of equipment: grant funds may not be used to purchase equipment. Equipment is considered an item in the amount of $1,500 or greater. Gift cards, Gas cards or incentive prizes . Instructions for Completing the Budget Page: 1. For each Budget Area, use the Budget Narrative/Description column to provide detail on the costs for each line item. Explain how the applicant arrived at dollar amounts for proposed costs and provide enough detail to tie costs to the proposed activities. The narrative should be clear and forthright, match the activities in grant application and QEP, and include amounts commensurate with outcomes, reasonable costs and stipends. 2. Complete the Proposed Cost column to reflect the proposed activities described in the grant application and QEP. The chart above provides the list of acceptable budget areas for use of funds. 3. Administrative Costs (or indirect cost rates} may not exceed 4.11% (.0411} . Updated 08/11/15 Results Grant Budget Program Name: Colonial IU #20 Preschool Funding Time Period: 11/1/2015 - 6/30/2016 Contracted Services FTE or# of Hours Budgeted Budget Narrative/Description Budget Area List provider and rate. ~· i ~· .. " ·- tC .~ ~. ,; ·elf., 1"~ . ~ '· Substitute Teachers for a planning meeting with our targeted staff for the development of our Family Engagement Days. They will develop a format for the day, and lesson plans for activities. Substitute Teachers for the· staff to be able to lead and participate in Community Connections Activities - 2 times this year and 4 times next year. Stipend for staff to attend after hours Family Connection Support Groups. We will purchase tote bags for each family and invite families to participate in Family Engagement Days within our El program . The estimated cost to get the bags will be $500. We will fill the bags with a book and materials to support an activity related to the story. Books will cost approximately $2100 (350 books times $6) and the supplies would be about $300 (for example model magic - 8 packs of 75 units). We would purchase these two times a year. We will collect local resources and community information to place in each bag. PA Early Learning Standards books will be purchased for use in our professional development for families. Communications Proposed Cost ,. 2 Teachers - 6 days@ $120 per sub per day 2 teachers for 2 days at $120 per day for substitute 10 hours at approximately $58.47 per hour $1440 $480 $584.70 $5300 $500 ... ., Updated 08/11/ 15 Copying and printing materials for parent invit ations and advertising of our family engagement and community events. In order to promote additional staff development and ongoing training we would like to purchase a video recorder and tripod to film the trainings to be able to use in the future for sustainability of our program. Materials/Supplies List specific items and cost. Costs for materials and supplies cannot exceed 20% of for Professional the total grant budget. Development .. Administrative Costs $1250 $550 Administrative costs (indirect cost rate) may not exceed 4~ 11% ' Budget Total $10,104.70 Exhibit 2 RES ULTS GRANT INVOtCE Program Name: Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address: Invoice# Contact Person: Phohe # Budget Category Description of Service Current Period Expenditures Budget Amount TOTAL . '-. ' . ',,1 ..- " ;_ ; - _:~: · ·: '' -::,. ._·' ':' __ :·/<. ' . '_.-__ :,_: .· '· : :_;_/_· ·; . ;:-·· -: ,.;,. 0 0 -'- I. : :· :· • • ::-.< ,: '•1 :'' ,.·· Please attach a tedger·dei:ail, a transaetion report: bran accounting report to sUppdH:·the invoic4! •._:. Mail invoice to: Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn : Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South McVeytown, PA 17051 Balance Remaining YTD Expenditures 0 0 RES ULTS GRANT INVOICE Program Name: Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Address: Invoice# Contact Person: Phone# Budget Category Description of Service Budget Amount TOTAL Please att~ch: Mail invoice to: current Period Expenditures 0 YTD Expenditures 0 a·iedger d~tail{a: tfans~ctlon. f~port Of aH ~u:tountihg r~pbft to support :fh~ invoice~ Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South McVeytown, PA 17051 Balance Remaining 0 0 ~ESULTS GRANT INVOICE Program Name : Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Address: Invoice # Co ntact Person: Phone# Budget Category Description of Service TOTAL ' '·' Current Period Expenditures Budget Amount 0 YTD Expenditures 0 Piea~e attach~ l~dg~r detafrfa ir~nsatticfn :re~ort 'a~ ,(i·H: ~ttoohtl~gr'~ptirt to sUpp6rt tk~ invoke. Mail invoice to: Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South M cVeytown, PA 1705 1 0 Balance Remaining 0 RES ULTS GRANT iNVOICE Program Name: Date : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Address: Invoice# Contact Person: Budget Category Phone# Description of Service Current Period Expenditures Budget Amount TOTAL 0 YTD Expenditures 0 Please-attach a ledger detail~-a trans~ttidii r~J>oH: ot-,~~-actdunfi.~g ~uppbrt th.e invoice. Mail invoice t o: Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South McVeytown, PA 17051 Balance Remaining 0 0 RES ULTS GRANT INVOICE Program Name: Date : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address: Invoice# Contact Person: Budget Category Phone# Description of Service current Period Expenditures Budget Amount TOTAL 0 YTD Expenditures 0 Ple'~·se~attadi,aled~e~detail~_afransactiorfr~pati 6r~~n at:counH11! re.port l:o ·~up.pori the invoice. Mail invoice to: Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South McVeytown, PA 17051 Balance Remaining 0 0 RESULTS GRANT INVOICE Program Name: Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address: Invoice# Contact Person: Phone# Budget Category Description of Service Current Period Expenditures Budget Amount TOTAL 0 YTD Expenditures 0 ~lease_. a~tach a . 1edg~r- detail 1 a fran~attion' ~ep8tt t>r an accoUHting· r~p~rl-to sUppbtt ffi~ invbke·~ .· Mail invoice to: Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South McVeytown, PA 17051 0 Balance Remaining 0 RESULTS GRANT INVOICE Program Name: Date: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address: Invoice# Contact Person: Budget Category Phone# Description of Service Current Period Expenditures Budget Amount TOTAL 0 0 ·Please attach · ~ iedget detaa;-atransaction .r~p6rt o·r·~ ·ri attburiting repc>r1:td support the ith;6ite. Mail invoice to: Tuscarora Intermediate Unit 11 Attn: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South McVeytown, PA 17051 Balance Remaining YTD Expenditures 0 0 RESULTS GRANT INVOICE Program Name: Date : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Address: Invoice# Contact Person : Budget Category Phone# Description of Service Current Period . Expenditures YTD Expenditures Budget Amount TOTAL 0 0 Please attach a ledg~r detail,'a transadi~n.fepoA: or ah actounting rep6rt tti support the ihvoi·h~~ · Mail invoice t o: Tusca rora Intermediate Unit 11 Att n: Deb Rhodes 2527 US Highway 522 South M cVeyt own, PA 17051 0 Balance Remaining 0 ATTACHMENT 15.F.4 COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT .20 A Regional Service Agency 6 Danforth Drive Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 CONTRACT FOR SERVICE This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899, and King, Spry, Herman, Freund & Faul, LLC, One West Broad Street, Suite 700, Bethlehem, PA 18018, (610) 332-0390. Ms. Erin Gilsbach will provide training for Colonial Interm ediate Unit 20 administrators on conducting sound investigations. The rate for this se1v ice shall not exceed $500.00. This contract will be in effect on January 19, 20 16. Should circumstances occur beyond the control of the Intermediate UniVContractor, such as low enrollm ent, inclement weather, which prevents the service from taking place, the Intermediate Unit will not be obligated to pay the Contractor. In order for payment to commence under the terms of this contract, you must adhere to the following procedures: 1. Sign the contract below and provide your identification number. 2. If the provider has one or more employees who may be performing some or all of the work under this contract, th e provider must provide a certification of Workers Compensation insurance as required under the Workers Compensation Act. 3. Complete the attached IRS W-9 form in entirety. 4. Submit an invoice to the Intermediate Unit Business Office in accordance with the terms of the contract, within 30-days of the expiration date of the contract, (no withholding taxes are deducted, an IRS form 1099 will be issued at year-end). Either the Intermediate Unit or the Provider may cancel this contract with or without cause at any time by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate this contract. The signed contract and all attachments must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs, at the Interm ediate Unit Office. C.f-&...~7;7...(),.,_,,_,• ..,,.._/ 12 I 09 I 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Date King, Spry, Herman, Freund & Faul, LLC Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Federal ID Number Date To comply with Federal laws, State laws, and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and opportunities and to assure these within our Intermediate Unil, lhe Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 declares itself lo be an equal rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opportunities agency, it does not discriminate against individuals or groups because ol race, color, national origin, religion. age, sex and disabililies as defined by law. The lntennediale Unit's commitment to non·discriminalion eX1ends 10 studenls, emplo yees, prospective employees, and the community. Successful performance and affirmative action program efforts will provide positive benefits lo the Intermediate Unit th1ough full er utilization and dovelopment of pteviously underutilized human resou rces. Coordinator ol Tille IX, Section 504 and AOA is The Director of Human Resources and Rcisearch Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA rn045, (610) 515·6405, TDD/ITY Hearing Impaired (610) 252-3786. Doc ID: 8c8 758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 WORKSHEET - CONTRACT FOR SERVICE 0 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS O Program Supervisor Checked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Criminal Background Check) ~ NO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS 0 REVENUE GENERATING (Fill in Only At*) 0 AMENDM ENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating Contract: Mary Beth Bianco *Contractor's Name King Spry/Erin Gilsbach *Email Address: *Street Add ress: 1 West Broad St, Suite 700 *City, State, ZIP Code: Bethlehem, PA 18080 * Tel ephone Number : (610) 332-0390 * Purpose of Contract: Type(s) of service(s) to be provided: Training for our IU administrators on conducting sound investigations. Contract Rat ionale: Why the need for an outside contractor? {!>.J.ot Applica9le{or Rev_~rl.IJ.e Generati_n&). King Spry has t he expertise to assist w ith the legal issues related to this training. How did you select this contractor? (Not Applicable for Revenue.Generatin~) Existing relationship; IU solicitor' s firm. Erin has provided several very well received trainings for the IU and our constituents in many different ar eas. Who is being served? (Not Applicabl~ f!Jr Revenu~ ~enerilting} IU 20 Administrat ive Staff. Benefit of contract? (Not Applicat?~e for _R_even~e Ge,n erating) Professional growth of our administrative staff. CIU20 Main Office *Location of Provided Service January 19, 2016 * Date(s) of Service *Cost Per Hour $500.00 * Cost Per Day * Number of Days 1 *Number of Hours *Total Cost *Total Cost $500.00 Reimbursabl e Expenses (please check the applicable expenses) Not Applicable for Revenue Generating Mileage Lodging Meals Rental Car Air Travel. *"Shall Not Exceed" Amount of Contract $500.00 * Budget Is payment of th is contract based upon other fadors that could modify the amount of contract? (Not Applicable for 0 0 0 0 0 Rev~nue ~en~rating) ~No O Yes ~-This If yes, please explain: section must be completed (Not Applicable For Revenue Generating)~- Is the IU solely responsible for the entire cost of this contract? ~Yes If no, please explain who is sharing the cost and how is the cost to be prorated. O No Payment: Please check the box that applies to this specific contract tf.'!ot A_ppljc~ble f~r R~yenue Generating) ~Contracted service (no taxes withheld) O Process payment for service through payroll .JUSTIFICATION FOR LATENESS Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 ATTACHMENT 15.F.5 COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 A Regional Service Agency 6 Danforth Drive Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 APPENDIX TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICE This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899, and Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13, 1020 New Holland Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17601, (71 7) 569-7331 . Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 will provide a two day training entitled: ';McGrath - Lead with SUCCEED Training". The rate for this service is $400.00 per participant and shall not exceed $12 ,000.00. This contract will be in effect on December 14 & 15, 2015. Should circumstances occur beyond the control of the Intermediate Unit/Contractor, such as low enrollment, inclement weather, which prevents the service from taking place, the Intermediate Unit will not be obligated to pay the Contractor. In order for payment to commence under the terms of this contract, you must adhere to the following procedures: 1. Sign the contract below and provide your identification number. 2. If the provider has one or more employees who may be performing some or all of the work under this contract, the provider must provide a certification of Workers Compensation insurance as required under the Workers Compensation Act. 3. Complete the attached IRS W-9 form in entirety. 4. Submit an invoice to the Intermediate Unit Business Office in accordance with the terms of the contract, within 30-days of the expiration date of the contract, (no withholding taxes are deducted, an IRS form 1099 will be issued at year-end). Either the Intermediate Unit or the Provider may cancel this contract with or without cause at any tim e by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate this contract. The signed contract and all attachments must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs, at the Intermediate Unit Office. 12 I 09 I 2015 Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Date Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Federal ID Number Date To comply with Federal laws, State laws. and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and opportunities and to assure these within our ln1ermediale Unit, the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 d eciares itself to b e an equ al rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opponunities agency, ii does not discriminato against individuals or groups because of race, color, national origin , religion, age, sex and disabilities as defined by law. The Intermediate Unit's commitment lo non-discrimination extends to stud ents, e mployees, prospective emplo yees, and the community. Successful performance and affirmative action program efforts will provide positive benefi ls 10 Ille Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization and development of previously underutilized hu man resources. Coordinator of Title IX, Section 504 and ADA is The Director of Human Resources and Research S ervices, Colonial Interm ediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, (610) 515·6405, TDDtTTY Hearing Impaired (610) 252·3786. Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b 7b72c83696feeeb 1617 r't'I j _Q 11cust0r-Lt:ll~ano11 LOa In termediate Unit 13 ~U13 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES An CcJt1i:n-ctt11l t;orvk:o Ago11-:y Contractor: Lancaster-Lebanon Intermedlate Unit 13 1020 New Holland Ave Lancaster, PA 17601 Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 (CIU20) and the Contractor named above (LancasterLebanon IU 13) agree as follows: 1. The service: Conduct a two-day McGrath - Lead with SUCCEED Training on the following dates: December 14, and 15, 2015; a. Conduct two (2), two-day trainings with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 staff to provide instruction on the McGrath Template System. b. All costs related to facilities and technology are the responsibility of Colonial fn1ermediate Unit 20 2. The amount to be paid by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 to the contractor for the Services provided by the Contractor are as follows (check and complete as applicable): X The agreed upon amount of $400.00 per person trained for licensed material 3. This agreement is for a term beginning date and ending date: Beginning December 14, 2015 , and ending December 15, 2015. Payment for Services rendered shall be made upon the receipt of an Invoice issued by the contractor. Date; - - -- · -- - Date: 12 I 09 I 2015 By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ ~ Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 / i' p~~«7'1,~..J By : ~~ -,-----~----------~ (Authorized signature) Colonial Intermediate Unit Dr. Charlene M. Brennan, Executive Director Doc ID : 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 WORKSHEET - CONTRACT FOR SERVICE 0 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS O Program Supervisor Checked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Criminal Background Check) 0 NO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS 0 REVENUE GENERATING {Fill in Only At*) 0 AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating Contract: * Contractor's Name Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13 *Email Address *Street Address 1020 New Holland Ave *City, State, ZIP Code Lancaster, Pa 17601 * Telephone Number *Pu rpose of Contract: Type(s) of service(s) to be provided: Two day McGrath -Lead with SUCCEED Training Con tract Rationale: Why the need for an ou tside contractor? (Not App)is~blefor Revenue Generating) Specific training that is only offered through IU 13 in our area. How did you select this contractor? (Not Ap~licab le for Revenue Generating) IU 13 is the only certified trainers of th is program. Who is being served? (l'!ot Ap_plic~ble for Revepue..§!!ner;:it!ngl, IU 20 administrators Benefit of contract? (Not Applicable for Revenue Generatj_f}g) Administrators will be involved in a comprehensive legally defensible means of communication, including evaluations performance improvement plans, correspondence, investigations, letters * Location of Provided Service Colonial IU 20 main office * Date(s) of Service 12/ 14, 15, 2015 *Cost Per $400.00 - 30 participants *Cost Per Hour Participant *Number of Days 2 * Number of Hours *Total Co st $12000.00 *Total Cost Reimbursable Expenses (please check the applicable expenses) Not Applicab le for Revenue Generating Mileage Lodging Meals Rental Car Air Travel *"Shall Not Exceed" Amount of Contract 12000.00 •sudget Is payment of this contract based upon other factors that could modify t he amount of cont ract? _(Not A!iplicable for ~evenue Generating) 0 D Yes xD No ~"'This 0 0 0 0 If yes, please explain: section must be completed (Not Applicable For Revenue Generating)"'"' Is the IU solely responsible for the entire cost of this contra ct? xO Yes If no, please explain who is sharing the cost and how is t he cost to be prorated. D No Payment: Please check the box that applies to this specific contract if':l_gt ~p.J!licabl.e for R~v~nue 2en~rating) xD Contracted service (no taxes withheld) D Process payment for service through payroll J USTIFICATION FOR I~ATENESS Doc ID : 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b 7b72cB3696feeeb 1617 ATTACHMENT 15.F.6 COLONIAL INTERMED IATE UNIT 20 A Regional Service Ag ency 6 Danforth Drive Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 CONTRACT FOR SERVICE This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899, and Manpower, 2959 Route 611, Suite 102, Tannersville, PA 18372, (570) 619-808 1. Manpower will provide temporary clerical support services for the Transportation Department in the capacity of a Secretary. The rate for this service is $21.00 per hour, for 245 hours, not to exceed $5,145.00. This contract will be in effect from November 23, 2015 through January 15, 2016. Should circumstances occur beyond the control of the Intermediate UniVContractor, such as low enrollment, inclement weather, which prevents the service from taking place, the Intermediate Unit will not be obligated to pay the Contractor. In order for payment to commence under the terms of this contract, you must adhere to the following procedures: 1. The provider shall maintain and remit a copy of Professional Liability Insurance. If no certificate of Professional Liability Insurance is submitted, this holds harmless and releases Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 of any damages that occur in performance of this contract. 2. If the provider has one or more employees who may be performing some or all of the work under this contract, the provider must provide a certification of Workers Compensation insurance as required under the Workers Compensation Act. 3. Sign the contract below and provide your identification number. 4. Complete the attached IRS W-9 form in entirety. 5. Submit an invoice to the Intermediate Unit Business Office in accordance with the terms of the contract, within 30-days of the expiration date of the contract, (no withholding taxes are deducted, an IRS form 1099 will be issued at year-end). Either the Intermediate Unit or the Provider may cancel this contract with or without cause at any time by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate this contract. The signed contract and all attachments must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs, at the Intermediate Unit Office. 12 I 09 I 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Date Manpower Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Federal ID Number Date To comply with Federal laws, State laws. and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal righls and opportunities and to assure these wilhin our Intermediate Unit, the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 declares itself to be an equal rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opportunities agency, it does not discriminate against individuals or groups because of race, color. national origin. religion, age, sex and disabilities as delined by law. Tho Intermediate Unit's commitment to non-discrimination extends lo students, employees. prospective employees, and the community. Successful performance and affirmative aciion program efforts will provide positive benelits to the Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization and development of previously underutilized human resources. Coordinator ol Title IX, Section 504 and ADA is The Director of Human Resources and Research Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Oanforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, (61 0) 515·6405, TDD/TTY Hearing Impaired (610) 252·3786. Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa3 12b7b72c8 3696feeeb1 617 WORl<SHEET- CONTRACT FOR SERVICE (81 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS (81 Program Supervisor Checked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Criminal Background Check) 0 NO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS 0 REVENUE GENERATING (Fifi in Only At'~) 0 AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating_Contract : Michele Davidson (for Kevin Aul) *Contractor's Name Manpower *Email Address kim *Street Address 2959 Route 611, Suite 102 *City, State, ZIP Code Tannersville, PA 18372 *Telephone Number (570) 619-8081 *Purpose of Contract: Type(s) of service(s) to be provided; Secretarial support while th e current Transportation fills in for the Management Assistant's leave Contract Rationale: Why the need for an outside contractor? (Not Applicable for Revenue Generating) We posted the position on our website and only received one candidate. That candidate did not respond to our call to interview. We need to fill as soon as possible. How did you select this contractor? _tNot Applicable for Revenue Generating) Past experience with the Manpower agency. Who is being served? ,(Not Applicable for Revenue Generating) Transportation Department Benefit of con tract? (Not Applicable for Revenu e Generating) Secretarial support and coverage is needed for th is busy office. * Location of Provided Service Colonial IU 20 Transportation Office *Date( s) of Service November 23, 2015 through January 15, 2016 (approximate) * Cost Per Day *Cost Per Hour *Number of Days *Number of Hours *Total Cost *Total Cost Reimbursable Expenses (please check th e applicable expenses) Not' Applicable for Revenue Generating !g) Mileage (for bu siness purposes as approved) Lodging Meals Rental car Air Travel *"Shall Not Exceed" Amount of Contract *Budget Transportation Budget Is payment of this contract based upon other fa ctors that could modify the amount of contract? (1\19t Applicable for .Revenue Generating) ~~~~~~~~~,....-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 0 O Yes (81 No 0 0 0 If yes, please explain : ''""This section must be completed (Not Applicable For Revenue Generating)"'"' Is the IU solely responsible for the enti re cost of this contract? (81 Yes lfno, please explain who is shari ng the cost and how is the cost to be prorated. O No Payment: Please check the box that applies to this specific contract .( Not Applicable for Revenue Generating) l8J Contracted service (no taxe.s withheld) O Process payment for service through payroll J USTI FICATION FOR LATENESS Doc ID: 8c8 758f9624 afdfaa312b 7b72c83696feeeb161 7 ATTACHMENT 15.F.7 COLON IAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 A Regional Service Agency 6 Danforth Drive Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 APPENDIX TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICE This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 and Schoology, Incorporated, 115 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001, (800) 393-7550. Schoology, Incorporated will work with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 in supporting Bangor Area School District in providing a digital learning environment that promotes learning, communication and collaboration inside and outside of the classroom. This contract shall not exceed $29,900.00 and will be in effect from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019. Should circumstances occur beyond the control of the Intermediate Unil/Contractor, such as low enrollment, inclement weather, which prevents the service from taking place, the Intermediate Unit will not be obligated to pay the Contractor. In order for payment to commence under the terms of this contract, you must adhere to the following procedures: 1. The provider shall maintain and remit a copy of Professional Liability Insurance. If no certificate of Professional Liability Insurance is submitted, this holds harmless and releases Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 of any damages that occur in performance of this contract. 2. If the provider has one or more employees who may be performing some or all of the work under this contract, the provider must provide a certification of Workers Compensation insurance as required under the Workers Compensation Act. 3. Sign the contract below and provide your identification number. 4. Complete the attached IRS W-9 form in entirety. 5. Submit an invoice to the Intermediate Unit Business Office in accordance with the terms of the contract, within 30-days of the expiration date of the contract, (no withholding taxes are deducted, an IRS form 1099 will be issued at year-end). Either the Intermediate Unit or the Provider may cancel this contract with or without cause at any time by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate this contract. The signed contract and all attachments must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs, at the Intermediate Unit Office. 12 I 09 I 2015 Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Date Schoology, Incorporated Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Federal ID Number Date To comply with Federal laws. State laws, and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights arid opportunities and to assure these \vithin our Intermediate Unit, the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 declares itself to be an equal rights and opportunities agenc y. As an equal rights and opportunities agency, it does not discriminate against individuals or groups because of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex and disabilities as defined by law. The Intermediate Unit's commitment to non-discrimination extends lo students, employees, p rospective employees, and the community. Successful performance and affirmative action program efforts will provide positive benefits to the Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization a nd d evelopment al previously underutilized human resources. Coordinator of Titlo IX, Section 504 and ADA is The Director of Human Resou rces and Research Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20. 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, (610) 515·6405, TDDm Y Hearing Impaired (610) 252·3786. Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 lr® I " Learning Management System Sales Order for: Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 IU Copy PAIU Consortium Bangor Area School District 6 Danforth Rd Easton, PA 18045-7899 David Shoots Schoology, Inc. Regional Sales Director - Mid Atlantic 115 W. 30th St., 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 CID schooloGY Introduction Schoology proposes to work closely with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 to implement a digital learning environment that promotes learning, communication, and collaboration inside and outside of the classroom. Schoology is a dynamic, user-centric learning management solution that adjusts to any educational environment. Schoology's versatility derives from three key components: learning management, enhanced communication, and third-party integration. Using Schoology's engaging tools, educators can create custom courses, pace students individually, and differentiate instruction. Schoology also facilitates improvement by providing educators access to globally shared resources. Finally, Schoology seamlessly integrates third-party software via its advanced APL This award-winning, comprehensive approach ensures engagement and magnifies achievement worldwide. After launching in 2009, Schoology is now in more than 60,000 organizations across more than 200 countries worldwide. Schoology is transforming learning by making academic improvement more accessible. Thousands of schools around the world are working together to engage students more effectively, and this is just the beginning. Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 @ schooloGY Enterprise Subscription Schoology offers a complete cloud-based solution. All hardware, database, and maintenance costs are included in the pricing. Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will not incur costs associated with system upgrades or releases that improve the current features. 1. User Authentication Schoology will work with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 to set up users with usernames and passwords to access the Schoology environment. Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will maintain all usernames, passwords, user groups, roles1 and account names locally. 2. Advanced User Management Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will have access to Schoology's Advanced User Management Interface which allows administrators to manage user roles, permissions, privacy, and overall system settings. This also affords administrators the ability to manage user, course and enrollment data. 3. Enterprise Management Interface Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will be able to create multiple buildings using the Enterprise Management Interface. Administrators can organize users into individual buildings, and they can designate different users as administrators. The system administrator is able to then manage all users and schools from the main parent account while certain administrators will be responsible for a particular group of users across different buildings. 4. School Site Branding Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1 617 ® schooloGv· Schoology will provide custom branding services to the Schoology interface for Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20. Schoology will brand the top banner and links with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20's desired color scheme, and Schoology will also replace the Schoology logo with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20's organization logo. In addition, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will receive domain customization ( or subdomain customization (e.g. schoolname.schoology .com). 5. Support Services Schoology has a variety of ways for you to access support. There is community-based support that is available to all administrators and instructors via the ''Help Center" located in the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of Schoolo~y. Community support is helpful for finding frequently asked questions and for posting new ideas. As part of your support management practices, you may choose to recommend this level of support for teachers and other staff or faculty at your school. As an enterprise client you will have access to priority support. You may choose up to three (3) dedicated support contacts from your organization, whose role is to relay any questions, concerns or ideas to the Schoology team. These three (3) main support contacts can contact Schoology by: 1. Phone: Support contacts may contact a Schoology representative by using a support code listed in the "Help Center" area (only visible to support contacts). 2. Ticketing System: Support contacts may create and track their own support tickets by going directly to Additionally, they can email help@schoology.corn to automatically create a support ticket. 3. Chat: Support contacts may use the Chat feature to contact a Schoology representative to ask questions and troubleshoot issues. Schoology, Inc© 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa3 12b7b 72c83696feeeb1617 @ schooloGY" The Schoology Support Team wi ll work with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 to provide ongoing support throughout your partnership w ith Schoology. Schoology is accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through a multi -channel support system that includes the Help Center (, an email-based ticketing system, chat, and dedicated phone support. Standard Support Standard Support includes 24/7/365 Online Help Center access, 24/7/365 Community access, and email/web ticket, phone, chat support for Support Contacts during business hours (Mon-Fri 8am8pm ET). Standard support is included in the cost of subscription. When users in the organization outside of the scope of the package (including, but not limited to, students or parents) contact the Schoology Help Desk1 they will be assisted by Schoology's Support team. We believe that we should make our greatest effort in helping you and your users succeed. However, please note that response times for these users are not included in the SLA1 so they may receive a later response than Support Contacts or other supported faculty members at the organization. Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzlAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72cB3696feeeb1 617 @ schooloGY Enterprise Services After we have received Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20's signed Sales Order, a member of Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20's implementation team will send an Implementation Verification Document to verify information and gather some additional account information. Upon receiving the verification document, the Schoology Project Specialist will schedule a Kickoff Call to begin the implementation process. During the Kickoff Call, the Schoology Project Specialist will review all of the initial setup steps that Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will need to get started, as well as address any potential questions or needs that Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 might require. After the Kickoff Call, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will have access to Schoology's consulting services, which includes check-in calls and support during implementation. During this process, we establish milestones for your Enterprise Subscription system configuration, and product training . Schoology will provide continual support throughout the implementation process through our Implementation and Support Teams. 6. Implementation At the beginning of the implementation, the Schoology Project Specialist will provide supporting documentation to help guide the setup of the Schoology system . Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20's Project Specialist will assist you in the configuration of your system. Items included in your implementation are enterprise configuration, data consolidation, custom branding, domain customization, technical planning, data population, user authentication and consulting. These items contribute to the overall success of your implementation strategy. In addition to the standard implementation services you will also receive: • Regular communication for monitoring the progress of the implementation. Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 @ schooloGY • Assistance with all aspects of the implementation process via guidance, documentation, and other non-hands-on help. • Guidance for setting up custom authentication or single sign-on. • Guidance and Best Practices for migrating data from existing LMS into Schoology. A successful implementation is one that aligns with the needs and goals of Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20. The Schoology Implementation Team will work with Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 to provide guidance and support throughout the implementation process to ensure your goals are met to your satisfaction. 7. Web Delivered Training Sessions* Schoology offers web delivered product training to Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20's team members via a train-the-trainer approach. Our web training is setup for a maximum of 10 attendees and we recommend holding them in a computer lab with a projector and speaker phone. Most sessions are one to two hours in length and it helps to have a moderator present for questions. As part of your implementation, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 will receive the following Web Delivered Training: • Schoology Enterprise Administration - 2 hours The Schoology Professional Development team will work with project leaders in advance to determine the most effective plan for the web training and will work towards tailoring course agendas to client requests. *Training services will expire one (1) year from contract start date. Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 ® schooloGv· The Schoology Team strives to ensure that Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 has a positive implementation experience, receives effective professional development and has access to appropriate support resources after your implementation is complete. Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Do c ID: 8cB758f9624afdfaa312b7b72c83696feeeb1617 ® schooloGY Master Services Agreement By accepting this Sales Order, you are agreeing to the terms of the Schoology Master Subscription Agreement, which is located here: https: LL di Iu/ 64457365 I Schoology 0/o20MSA0/o2020130411. pdf SUBSCRIBER NAME: Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 CIU20 Signature: Printed Name: Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Title: Executive Director Date: December 9, 2015 Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa312b 7b72c83696feeeb 1617 @ schooloGY Enterprise Cost Summary Exhibit A - Pricing Contract Start Date: July 1, 2016 Contract End Date: June 30, 2019 Enrollment: 2,000 Year One ~~-·-·~---------~~· -·--~~--~-·-~--~·~~ 2,000 $4.50 Per Student Enterprise Subscription $9,000.00 Implementation 1 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 Professional Development - Web Based 4 $200.00 $800.00 $11,900.00 Year Two Enterprise Subscription 2,000 $4.50 Per Student $9,000.00 $9,000.00 Year Three "r. . . Enterprise Subscription 2,000 $4.50 Per Student $9,000.00 $9,000.00 Grand Total: US $29,900.00 The initial payment is due 30 days after the invoice date. All renewal subscriptions are invoiced 30 days prior to the start of the new term. Payment for renewal subscriptions must be received within 10 business days after the start of a new term. This Sales Order is valid until January 1.9, 2016, Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOAOOOOOOlOeUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa3 12b7b72c83696feeeb1617 @ schooloGY Thank you for your business! Schoology, Inc © 2014. All rights reserved. The ideas, images, and trademarks in this document are property of their respective owners. This document is confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law, and must only be viewed by authorized individuals. OID: 006AOOOOOOPbYOzIAF QID: OQOA00000010eUiKAI Doc ID: 8c8 758f9624afdfaa312b 7b72c83696feeeb 1617 WORKSHEET - CONTRACT FOR SERVICE 0 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS O Program Supervisor Checked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Criminal Background Check) l'8J NO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS 0 REVENUE GENERATING (Fill in Only At*) 0 AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating Contract: *Contractor's Name Schoology *Email Address 11 *Street Address 115 W. 301h Street, 10t Floor *City, State, ZIP Code New York, NY 10001 *Telephone Number 212-213-8333 *Purpose of Contract: Type(s ) of service(s) to be provided: Schoology will work closely w ith Bangor School District to supply a digital learning environment that promotes learning, communication, and collaboration inside and outside o f the classroom for the Bangor School District. Contract Rationale: Why the need for an outside contractor? .( Not Applica!Jle for Revenue ~enerating) Contractor offers a unique service that meets the needs of the curriculum development for providing access to online learni ng in a new and exciting format. How did you select th is contractor ? (Not Applicable for ReverlUe Generatin~) Vendor presentation, references, and unique service. Past exper ience with the vendor. Who is being served? (N~t ~p_p_li~ble for R~~~1_1u~ ~en,erating) Bangor School District Benefit of contract? (Not Applica~!e for Revenue Gener~tin,g) Provide online learning to Bangor School District * Location of Provided Service Bangor School District *Date(s) of Service Enterprise Subscription : One Time Cost: 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2019 $4.50 a student/year - $9000/3 years (2000 Student for each year) $2,900.00 implementation/prof. dev. Reimbursable Expenses (please check t he applicable expenses) Not Applicable for Revenue Generating Mileage Lodging Meals Rental Car Air Travel *"Shall Not Exceed" Amount of Contract $29,900.00 *Budget 061-2210-610 Is payment of this contract based upon other factors that could modify the amount of contract? (Not Applicable for Revenue Generating) 0 O Yes 0 [;8l No ~NThis 0 0 0 If yes, please explain: section must be completed (Not Applicable For Revenue Generating)-~ Is the IU solely responsible for the entire cost of this contract? [;8l Yes If no, please explain who is sharing the cost and how is t he cost to be prorated. O No Payment: Please check the box that applies to this specific contract fN_()~. Applicable_f.<>._r~~venue G_en_erating) [;8l Contracted service (no taxes withheld} O Process payment for service through payroll JUSTIFJCA HON .FOR LATENESS Doc ID: 8c8758f9624afdfaa3 12b7b72c83696feeeb1617 ATTACHMENT 15.G.4 COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 A Regional Service Agency 6 Danforth Drive Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 CONTRACT FOR SERVICE (REVENUE GENERATING) This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton. Pennsylvania 18045-7899 and Bangor Area School District, 123 Five Points Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013, (610) 588-2163. Colonial IU 20 will provide the Bangor Area School District with Schoology, a digital learning environment that promotes learning, communication, and collaboration inside and outside of the classroom. This contract shall not exceed $32,900.00 and is in effect from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019. Bangor Area School District will be billed for services rendered by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20. The signed contract must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs, at the Intermediate Unit Office. 12 I 09 I 2015 Date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Bangor Area School District Superintendent Date Federal ID Number To comply with Federal laws, State laws, and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and opportunities and to assure these within our Intermediate Unit, the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 declares itself to be an equal rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opportunities agency. it does not discriminate against individuals or groups because ol race, color, national origin, religion. age. sex and disabilities as defined by law. The Intermediate Unit's commilrnent to non ·discriminatiori extends 10 students, employees. prospective employees, and the community. Successtul performance and alfirmalive action program eflorls will provide positive benefits to the Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization and development of previously underutilized human resources. Coordinator of Titre IX, Section 504 and ADA l s The Director of Human Resources and Research Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20. 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, (610) 515-6405, TDDITTY Hearing Impaired (610) 252·3786. Doc ID: 799dfac5816c31 f3ff35665fe6d364c24eb09d91 WORKSHEET - CONTRACT FOR SERVICE 0 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS D Program Supervisor Checked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Criminal Background Check) 0 NO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS ~ REVENUE GENERATING (Fill in Only At•') 0 AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating Contract: Bangor Area School District "'Contractor's Name *Email Address * Street Address 123 Five Points Richmond Road *City, State, ZIP Code Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-2163 *Telephone Number *Purpose of Contract: Type(s) of service(s) to be provided: Schoology to work closely with Bangor School District to supply digital learning environ ment that promotes learning, communication, and collaboration inside and outside of the classroom for the Bangor School District. Contract Rationa le: Why the need for an outside contractor? (N<?t ApplicableJ o,- Revenue. G~nerating). How did you select this contractor? (Not A~l2!!.e:able for Revenue Generatinfil Who is being served? (Not ~pplicab!e for Revenue Genera.ting[ Benefit of contract? (Not Applicable for Revenue ~erating) *Location of Provided Service *Date(s) of Service *Enterprise Subscription: Bangor School District 7/1/2016-6/30/2019 *One Time Implementation/ Training Cost: $5.00/year x 2000 Students $2,900.00 *Number of Years 3 *Total Cost: $30,000.00 Reimbursable Expenses (please check the applicable expenses) Not Applicable for Re"'.enue Generating Mileage Lodging Meals Rental Car Air Travel *"Shall Not Exceed" Amount of Contract $32,900.00 *Budget 061-2210-610 Is payment of this contract based upon other factors that could modify t he amount of contract? LNot Applica_l.?~ for. ~evenue Generatirsl 0 D Yes 0 D No 0 0 0 If yes, please explain: ~"'This section must be completed (Not Applicable For Revenue Generating)"'"' Is the IU solely responsible for the entire cost of this contract? D Yes If no, please explain who is sharing the cost and how is the cost to be prorated. D No Payment: Please check the box that applies to this specific contract LNot Applicable fo ( Revenue Generating) D Contracted service (no taxes withheld) D Process payment for service through payroll .JUSTIFICATION FOR LATENESS Doc ID: 799dfac58 16c31f3ff35665fe6d364c24eb09d91 ATTACHMENT 15.G.5 COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 A Regional Service Agency 6 Danforth Drive Easton , Pennsylvania 18045-7899 CONTRACTFORSER~CE (REVENUE GENERATING) This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 and Bethlehem Area School District, 1516 Sycamore Street, Bethlehem , PA 1801 7-6099, (610) 86 1-0500. Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 Training and Consulting Statt will provide Leadership Literacy Training at Lincoln Elementary School in the Bethlehem Area School District. The cost for said services is $900.00 per day, for up to 50 days. This contract shall not exceed $45,000.00 and will be in effect from January 4, 2016 through May 24, 201 6. Bethlehem Area School District will be billed for services rendered by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20. The signed contract must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs, at the Intermediate Unit Office. 12 I 09 I 2015 Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Date Bethlehem Area School District Superintendent Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Federal ID Number Date To comply with Federal laws, State laws, and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and opportunities and to assure these within our lnlermediate Unit. the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 declares itself to be an equal rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opportunities agency, it does not discriminate against Individuals or groups because of r ace, color, national origin, religion, age, sex and disabilities as defined by law. The Intermediate Unit's commitment to non·discrimination e~iends to students, employees, prospective employees, and the community. Successful performance and affirmative action program efforts will provide positive benefits to the Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization and development of previously underutilized human resources. Coordinator or Tille IX, Section 504 and ADA is The Director of Human Resources and Research Services. Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton. PA 18045, (610) 515·6405, TDDi TTY Hearing Impaired (610) 252-3786. Doc ID: 799dfac581 6c31f3ff35665fe6d364c24eb09d91 WORKSHEET- CONTRACT FOR SERVICE 0 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS O Program Su pervisor Checked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Criminal Background Check) . O}'JO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS )8 REVENUE GENERATING {Fill in Only At"') 0 AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating Contract: i!w.i.i d_.,,..__ '--S~'"'c'-: : "..._.. . / _____ ____ ____ _____ _ *Contractor's Name: Bethlehem School District, Lincoln Elementa ry School *Email Address *Street Address: Education Center, 1516 Sycamore St reet "City, State, ZIP Code Bethlehem, PA 18017-6099 "Telephone Number 610-861-0500 *Purpose of Contract: Type(s) of service(s) to be provided: Bethlehem School District is contracting with CIU 20 Curriculum Department Training and Consulting Staff to provide Leadership Lit eracy Training t o Lincoln Elementary School. Lincoln Element ary School is a focus school within CIU 20's region and t his training will support their School Improvement plans. Contract Rationale: Why the need for an outside contractor? ! Nqt Applicable for R~venue Generating) How did you select this contractor? (Not Applica~J~~~evenue Generatingr Who is being served? (Not Appljcable for .R evenu~ G~ne.ra.tlogl Benefit of contract? (Not ~pplicable for Revenue (;enerating). Lincoln Elementary School, 1260 Gresham Street, Bethlehem, PA 18017·6199 *Location of Provided Service *Date(s) of Ser vice January 4 - May 24, 2016 *Cost Per Day $900.00 *Cost Per Hour "Number of Days SO *Number of HoLffS *Total Cost $45,000.00 *Total Cost Reimbursable Expenses (please check the applicable expenses) Not Applicable for Revenue Generating Mileage Lodging Meals Rental Car Air Travel * "Shall Not Exceed" Amount of Contract *Budget 129 Is payment of this contract ba sed upon other factors that could modify the amoun t of con tract? (No! Applicable for ~-evenue Generating} 0 D Yes 0 D No 0 0 0 ffyes, please explain: "'"'This section must be completed (Not Applica ble For Revenue Generating}~"' Is the IU solely responsible for t he entire cost of this contract? O Yes If no, please explain who is sharing the cost and how is t he cost to be prorated. O No Payment: Please check the box th at applies to t his specific contract {N~t Appljc~bl.~ .f<?r. Reve!,1\:(e G~nerating) O Contracted service (no taxes wit hheld) O Process paym ent for service through payroll 17/.3(t 5"' Date .JUSTlFlCATION FOH LATENESS Bethlehem Area S.D has just completed t he conversation with CIU 20 regarding what services they are requesting for the contract period of Ja111,1ary - M ay 2016 Doc ID: 799dfac5816c31f3ff35665fe6d364c24eb09d91 ATTACHMENT 15.G.6 COLONIAL INTERMEDIATE UNIT 20 A Regional Service Agency 6 Danforth Drive Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 CONTRACTFORSER~CE (REVENUE GENERATING) This contract is entered into by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-7899 and East Stroudsburg Area School District, 50 Vine Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, (570) 424-8500. Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 will provide Literacy Coaching to assist with school readiness goals. This training will be provided for East Stroudsburg's Head Start Partners as a part of their work with the Keystones to Opportunity Grant. The fee for this service is $900.00 per day, for up to 16 days. This contract shall not exceed $14,400.00 and will be in effect from January 4, 2016 through May 24, 2016. East Stroudsburg Area School District will be billed for services rendered by Colonial Intermediate Unit 20. The signed contract must be returned to Mr. Jon Wallitsch, Director of Fiscal Affairs , at the Intermediate Unit Ottice. 12 I 09 I 20 15 Dr. Charlene M. Brennan Executive Director Date East Stroudsburg Area School District Superintendent Mrs. Dawn M. Hales Secretary to the Board Date Federal ID Number Date To comply with Federal laws, State laws, and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and oppor1unities and to assure these within our Intermediate Unit, the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 declares itself to be an equal rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opportunities agency. it does not discriminate againsl individuals or groups because of race, color. national origin, religion, age. sex and disabilities as defined by law. The Intermediate Unit's commitment to non·discrimination ClXtends to students, employees, prospective employees, and the community. Successful performance and affirmative action program eflorts will provide positive benefits to the Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization and development of previously underutilized human resources. Coordinator of Tille IX. Section 504 and ADA is The Director of Human Resources and Research Seivlcos, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, (610) 515·6405, TDDITTY Hearing Impaired (610) 252·3786. Doc ID: 799dfac5816 c31f3ff35665fe6d364c24eb09d91 WORKSHEET - CONTRACT FOR SERVICE 0 DIRECT CONTACT WITH STUDENTS D Program Supervisor Ch ecked Obtained Credentials (FBI Fingerprint, Child Abuse, Crim in al Background Check) 0 NO CONTACT WITH STUDENTS C8] REVENUE GENERATING (Fill in Only Ar"') D AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONTRACT Attach copy of original signed contract, include budget Individual Generating Contract: Gretchen Stoudt *Cont ractor's Name: East Stroudsburg School District, ATIN: Angela Byrne "'Email Add ress: *Street Address: 50 Vine Street, P.O. Box 298 *City, State, ZIP Code: East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 *Telephone Number: 570-424-8500 ·--------- - - - - - - - - - --------- -- - -- -- - - - -· *Purpose of Contract: Type(s) of ser vice(s) to be provided: East Stroudsburg school district is con tracting with the CIU 20 Curriculum Department Training and Consulting Staff, to provide literacy coaching for their Head Start Partners to assist with school-readiness goals. This contracted service is pending both entities board approval and receipt of East Stroudsburg School District's year th ree KTO funds. Contract Rationale: Why the need for an outside contractor? ~~2tAp li~_bl~Jor RevenUJ!_§enerattqg) How did you select this contractor? l~o.t Applicable f!?f _Rever)U_~Generating) Who is being served? {No t Applicable fo~ R~yen.ue Generatingl Benefit of contract?\ppljca.ple for.Revl:ln ue G_en~r~tif!.g~ *Location of Provided Service Pocono Services for Families and Children and/or Scrant on-Lackawanna Human Development Agency pre-school classroom at Bushkill Elementary. January 4 - May 24, 2016 * Date(s) of Service • cost Per Day $900.00 "Cost Per Hour 16 (Up to 16 days of Literacy Coaching * Number of Days *Number of Hours and planning time) $14,400.00 *Total Cost *Total Cost Reimbursable Expenses (please check the applicable expenses) Not Applicable for Revenue Generating M ileage Lodging Meals 0 Ren tal Car 0 Air Travel *"Shall No t Exceed" Amount of Contract * Budget Is payment of this contract based upon other factors that cou ld modify the amount of contract ? (Not·Appljca\)le for ~_!!~enue. Generating) D D Yes D No ~~Th is 0 D If yes, please explain: section must be completed (Not Applicable For Revenue G ene ra ting)~~ Is the JU solely responsible for the entire cost of t his contract? D Yes lf no, please explain w ho is sharing the cost and how is the cost to be prorated. D No Paym ent: Please check t he box that applies to this specific contract ,( Not Applica_l?_le for Revenye GeneratLng} D Contracted service (no taxes withheld) D Process payment for service t hrough payroll fi(f;q . . ./ Ca~mber Approval Signature l ~ { {l...(1 5 Date Doc ID: 799dfac58 16c31f3ff35665fe6d364c24eb09d91