Complete News, Picture presented Fairly, Clearly iul Impartially Each Week I, XI.-V11—NO. 32 3nta)entient - leaber Knlrrnd n» Sfcnntl r[am Mutter nt the I'ost. Offlre, Woodbrldg*, N. J, WOODBRIDGE. N. J., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1%5 v indebted to Time Magazine for an unpremedli,ut, (rmerous assist in my present estimate of the nul quickest method for providing 300 more classl,v 1960. * ,1)11 To iW GDwmwdty fotere* Fall Local Coverage KH3HT CWIB Published Rvm Thursthu lit 18 Qreell Stwt., WooUt>rid«». N J Sweetness and Light Water Line By CHARLES E. GREGORY Devoted Metal-Thermit Breaks Ground For New Office Adequate, Says Board Proposed Styrage Tank In Fords to Take Care In its issue of September 26, devoted most Of Sumnier Demands section to a look at so-called prefabricated buildings. I saw the article myself, but this morning ,,in£ of it came in the mail with the note: "Time ; with you.,Can this be brought to the attention Hoard of Education?" I have not had permission Time to reproduce the photograph,.or. repeat its mansions, but trust this acknowledgment will spare a damage action for plagiarism. * WOODBRIDQE — A complete investigation of complaints 're- • gardini? low water pressure In the Fords area has been completed O/i 7 J Person to rtnom * and, according to Joseph Flaherty COLONIA - Don Nrw«w&.\ of the Engineering Department of DixUcr ace pitcher. «ttt be i»the Board of Public Utilities, the tewiewed by Ed Murrow on h » new 30-inch line, plus improve• Person - to - Person" 5rt«isMtt ments agreed upon with the Midprogram, tomorrow DKM *; dlesex Water Company, will take 10 30 o'clock oa Channel J. WOOOBRIDGE - BuUrftnf i care of present demands and of The Inman Avenue sectwo demands on the system for some lus been all agog over tbr a t * * W o * «n U * upgrade wttli the i all week as teleptMM company Thr picture which is reprinted is a new school in time in the future. today that employes and tetevtston experts Mr. Flaherty was in Woodtan broken tor U * Mettl * i;iyrtti\ Indiana,.but let me give you Time's version: sot up special lines tot U brldge last Friday and said he inCoffpcfftiion tor a cast. build me and a •In Lafayette, Ind., elementary students returned to terviewed Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley and Committeeman R. Richard «nd that a Pwt' l;i.;scs this month in a handsome, fully-equipped school Krauss. Ha also reported he took 3x$ buiMler has made w told « t .-ntim tpanaeot I lied especially to serve the needs of the city's- rapidly water pressures at the trouble and interviewed people In •winf; Edgelea area (two new homes a day). Through its spots the area. The new olftce buiMttnc Is W...lit spacious rooms trouped the youngsters, bubbling "They all admitted to me that mt <vtn&rucw<d tdjaomt to UN WOODBRIDGE — First *ad 9M**MI1 R « W f h Ufcortta? «C r with amazement at the rubber-cushioned seats, green the pressure was Improved since jSecond Graders, who nmanij M«*l »nd Ttwrmit on Rahwty rkbourds, tinted glass walls. But nothing about the installation o! the 30-inch line their first shots of Sulk peto with the exception of one Monday lira's new school was more amazing than the fact a few weeks ago," the engineer "IT JUST DIDN'T BREAK RIGHT:" seems to be t':e story of the Diidcrrs' Don Npwcombf, who lost a vaccine last June, will b* tf3***e: TTi* proposed apartwnt bulMhat five weeks before it had not existed." (Emphasis mine) continued", "but that was due to 6-5 decision to the New York Yankees yesterday in tiie World Series opener. The photograph above to receive second shots r*st w«k. »«- 1« be constructed bj Barton according to a joint annowtK- , **S Bwwlw&. Pert R«uUng It Uw an unprecedented use of water." shows Newcombe demonstrating to John Roylc Tlir IndeiM'ndent-I^ader sports editor, his throwing ment issued today by StK*rtnte<n~ ne«ssary variance is granted, to Last week Mayor Hugh B, Qulgley technique which, while it stopped the vaunted Yankee "power-slugger" Yosi Bexra eold, afforded dedent of Schools Yfctor C NWfcias t» be «*rt*d an a triangular said the Highway Department had cidinff home runs to the "luokies" of the Yankee Club, sub Elston Howard and the unpredictable The Edgelea school was built in 21 working days after been using three hydranU. and Health Officer HareMJBaiM 5 * 1 * *t Uw intersection ot East Joe Collins. Newonmhe. lives on inimui Avenue, Colonia. ey. Awnue tad 8ix»d Street. AccordMr. Flaherty stated the MiddleMr. Bailey's ottU* stawd «J»« n«« t« *o application ttttA by Bersex Water Company has agreed in the opinion ot the Bf»rtf ol W**»l BroUwrs. whose offioe adto construct an additional storage Health the first shots l * « >>wn * « * « ^«« Cinmt Rond, Port tank in Fords to be completed ffective. In 19M up lo U» m»th iR«*toc, plans csll tor two^tory. early in the Spring. of September there w m nuw potto Uaw-an« ewden gpartments. "With the 30-lnch line, this cases in the Totrnshtp awl M ' • • * «f bnck onrt inn*, houstnc additional tank should take care cases were reported tot »h* *ntar S» to 5fl apartmenis. Plans aim < 11 of uny exceptional drain on the WOODBRIDGE Spurred on by the fact that drunken lights WOODBRIDGK — Announce- year. So far this y**r. ttw n s K *A *w P*rkins !»cihUes. water system June, July and Au- re continuing among the "Randy dancers." the railroad laborers ment has been made of the agree- have been reported. toearaw on tlw Bertolami apgust," Mr. Flaherty said. "I can ho are living in railroad cars in the vicinity of Eleanor Placa ment made by the Local No. 676, Notices ot the Urn* ol Ib* swwwJ PJ»»uan will be held by the toolnc assure you that with that Improve- and Fulton Street, Township officials are going to try a new United Brick and Clay Workers of Inoculations have been wot heew Bowl Wednesday. October 1», at ment there should be no re-occur- plan of attack to force the Pennsylvania Railroad to move the America, A. P. of L.. and the to parents who will haw a efcanre * t• M. ance of low water pressure in amp out of Woodbridee. Brir*-St««) C<«stnwUM Valentine Fire Brick Company for to make a decision tetor* MowUy ; Fords unless extraordinary, unSekcdato l « M > T** M<*»* and Theratt otttM two-year contract providing for The plan, according to Mayor foreseen, circumstances arise. But pproximately thirteen c e n t s The schedule to Uw pwWSc i >«u»«tog *fll be two stories, at :ugh B. Quigley,..calls for . the. I don't think they will."•*tatoi-s !M ** afid steel coivumcttoo. It it hourly wage increase-. 'ownship to serve notice on the li Mr. Flaherty said he would have Pennsylvania Railroad to shuw The contract, in addition to Monday, Av«nel &hoob Vand S;" SI»c5WJ iJax Then *u Hnstroc* I This iiii'lurt, copyrighted by Time Magazine, shows the Lafayette, Fords School 1 and Hotwimi **« » oompleu-d. the total cost , complete report on the investi- sause why the camp should not be hourly wage Increase, also conIIIMII which was completed in 21 days and cost $18,500 a room., gation for Mayor Qulgley early Skmtany H O I ^ ^ biuldtoet «tU to* to tba HOI ta Utt alns provisions for Improwiir-rros- School; luMday. Sknvtany ionstttuted a "dtSortlerly house." next week. Insurance benefits School; Wedneaday. SctMMl 1, j«*J*febort»od ot $75O.o«. Tn Maj Pitallzation 'he latter term, under the hw inundation had been poured, and was put up as a pilot Woodbridge: Keastay and Iwt.:&* P*«»t « « i m J a buUdl&g per. means any place where the lav; WOODBRIDGE — The annual three-weeks vacations for emimit hi by the National Homes Corp. Its cost per classroom *w » small buildine to cost Is habitually violated. Since pa- meeting of the Woodbridse Chap- ployees of 15 year service or more, Reading S c h o o t s ; Ttetts&w, 0 School 14, Fords: Sewaien Solwal S*-** ° n *vgu& ». plant ofll* $18,500, and one-half holiday on Christmas ice are called to the camp with ter, Red Cross, will be held Tues:filJs Schools 6 and 1$. beta and O»«W>lied for and rewired » « t t * Ve. regularity to quell fights, the day, 8 P. M., at the Masonic i J1 1 Ionia School 11 > Inman Aranw: * ^ »« w «»t S2S,ftOO; and on Township legal battery is of the Temple, Green Street. All con- The new contract was negoti- Friday, Schools Sand !«, Ootaatt.. :*iW«Pber 21 Uiey rec«l»e4 a It is a single-story, brick-wood-steel building, low and ated by a committee of employees opinion that the camp will he tributors to Red Cross are memThe parochial setsoui scisedaSe j P«ra»H far a warehouse to cost iiling, composed of four self-contained, two-classroom lubbed a "disorderly house" by bers and are invited to attend. consisting of Gabriel Silagyi, is as follows: Monday. St. Cwela* s **S*&8 ' Twelve new members will be Frank Pinkiewicz, Michael Buchi> connected by an enclosed corridor of glazed glass AVENEL — The thieves who he court and padlocked. • School, Isetin: Wetoesto. Our' Pttns ten ihe office building ko, W. Eugene Breza and Carelected to serve on the Board of Itinivrrssary in warm areas)," according to Time's des- roke into Collier's Milk Bar, Over the week-end, the police Direqtors for a term of three mine Santo Of the International Lady of Peace School. Ftwb: Of- call for *n Architectural design cription. "Each 2,700 sq ft, unit has its own twin wash- Route I. either Friday night or were summoned to the camp af- years. Union and W. H. Peterson, Jr.. tober 10, St. James School. \V«w5- {%* mofoim to Cut of the OisUb* Saturday morning must have been ter a fight awakened the entire bridge. . ikboratory which was built M .im,s. project area, heating plant, storage space and drink- ilannlng a barbenue or a party, Red Cross Disaster Service will representing the company. The melee started All Township dsX'icurx s.-5*wi Jw*rs ago. One of the conpany't be the subject of discussion. Films n fountains. The units can be used individually or added udglng from the things they stole. neighborhood. nurses and Township ntus«s, arejP**nts is located m Caitelct. Th* it one of the neighborhood tavrequired, can be dismantled and moved to .follow shift- According to Patrolmen Stanley erns frequented by the "gandy showing activities in the Scranton, BIKE GONE cooperattag in the pnwnuSL ,aoo«inUng. ehgineeiing, sales.prooffice will be shown. Miss nu populations. (Emphasis again mine.) With such mod- Gurney and Stephen Tobak the dancers" and then continued at Pa,, Thesuperunendenl's oifc* « - d * * » and muiufacturing headCOLONlA — Mrs. S, Rocanick, Margery Howard, iji charge of dislommunities will be able to build for their current needs thieves entered the building by the camp. One of the laborers aster operations in New Jersey, 20 Longfellow Drive, reported to plained that only threw children o u t e r s «iU be c«nUattaed in The executive offta« jieaklng a glass window In the hit another over the head witn will speak of state activities Sgt. Andrew Simonsen Tuesday who have received initial inocu- Woodbndgt avoid large-scale, heavily bonded construction proJ *2nd Street, New York. door and turning the knob from a stick sending the victim to the Members of Civil Defense are par- that her son's bicycle, valued at lations will be elsibte for the s»Pf- *» *»l E»« ll liitms." the inside. They left by the rear hospital. The stick wielder w:is ticularly invited to attend. $45, was stolen from the driveway ond shot. No child wUl be «ix«i a l;i*l * « »ta at that addms tot first inoculation at thtttua* ^w* »^e time being. Part ot door. of their home. sent to the county jail on a comj Uit ne» headquarters he» will bt Broken into were a cigaret ma- plaint of atrocious assault and WINDOWS BROKE?? on land foHMrty The article listed, in addition to National Homes Corp., hlne from- which $20 was taken lattery to await the outcome of AVENEL — Edward Obropta of bj- tte Sute ot New Jcmy. and a pin ball machine from which trif-r linns which are building the so-called prefabricated he injuries he inflicted on h:s the Avenel Coal and Oil Co., RailU»«<auai$ across from Uw Prtsw "iiools. I have made arrangements to go to Boston this he thieves netted $35. 'friend." Two other "gandy dan- way Avenue, reported to Sgt. "Fwm The tract consisted ol flw Among the things stolen were cers" Involved in the fight were Horace Deter and Patrolman *««& In addition t h m acnt « n vniinn and see the work of at least one of them, and ten pounds of hamburger meat, 10 Bahr that someone broke »omiir«l from the Shell Oil Comsii)iv two if I can crowd out the time. In Boston is pounds of frankfurters and frozen sentenced to the county work- Charles two large windows in a. building house for 90 days. W06DBRIDGE — A complete investigation ot tow-<«* acttaob > .struck) Schools Corp., whose work and financing cods as follows; Cube steaks in the rear of his coal yard. with all the facts made public was promised by tht Repub&aa '•Hinds I mentioned to the Avenel Farent-Teacher Asso- breaded veal chops, five pounds of candidates for the Town Committee, at a meeting of Stoe WoodMONEY GONE :i.'tton last week. Another is in Hamilton, Mass., where the scallops, box of shrimp, ten chick- FOKM EPILEPSY LEAGUE bridge Township Republican Club Monday at Amttl School.. ens and three large containers of WOODBRIDGE — A Middlesex ISELIN — Rocco JEaruso, 21 HI Associates have just completed a schoolhouse addiice cream. County Chaptef of the National Rivington Street, reported to Pa- . Speaking btfore the group. Lester Stockel. Raynkxut P. Smstfo, It occurs to me as Iwrite this I once had a girl in Also stolen were five boxes of Epilepsy League has been formed. trolman Walter Marciniak Sun Jr., and Harold L. Barr, candidates from the First. Second UMI iltcm, and I mighUJif there is a moment—make cigars, one and one-half boxes of Temporary chairman is Theodore day that someone had entered Third Wards respectively, made nits as to whether'her judgment is still so^good. It coffee, a Silex coffee maker and Karz, Perth Ambdy and informa- his home and stole $H5 from it clear that if elected, "they seek the cooperation oi U*e BwM table drawer. would gather all the facts and of Educatioh. which in ttw< fUul tfoOOBRIDGE table radio. The loss was esti- tion may be obtained from him. • it course, have improved. Albert A*r», mated by the milk bar owners at j^sis has to make U* deri- Yotuu People's T Se««tary «t ie close to $200. sions." Are Projected For Sewaren Township to Try New Plan 13-Cent Wage Hike To Evict 'Gandy Dancers' Set at Brick Co. Annual Meeting Slated by ARC Milk Bar Looted Of Frozen Foods Investigation of Low- Cost Schools Promised by GOP Red Feather Drive Dinner Next r<> •IM.,1 ' » told the folks in Avenel, and I repeat it now, that making no representations of my own about the cated schools, I have repeated for you today what <»l our significant and alert national magazines m their possibilities, and I shall attempt to form some ! of judgment which I can present to you for what it 1 h '' worth, l a m anxious, to be sure, to get the young' '"to schoollor a'full day and I cannot bring myselt i|r| i»'vo this is ltnpossible until I have assured mysel ' -tH avenues toward this goal have been explored and lul unpassable. •" HI pause onlv briefly for a breath, and I'll press oiv"R I may be abl? to convince the community that we ' IIIIVP sclipol8rnnow—and that we need teeter no closer lh >' brink of brankruptcy. Of course, if the Board of ll "-'tion rcfusbs, adamant in its present wsltlon J r iHtering nothing but the conventional schools, wu no other concept, Is willing to permit days ana s and years years to to pass pass with with growing is and g g numbers ot ttnd l art """Ksters attending class only on part time time, then then JJ hhave ndng ca '"""idbi Job J b *head h d !li and I don't • • « : * : • : • \,,.™»fc«i.vsr«. 30 Apartments Plan Second Salk Shots Next leek event, ^he hastv survey which I. will attempt to the one which I suggested thai our Board of make a [couple of years afro. The suggestion rnvived with'frozen contempt. Woodfridse Townwliich owes $13,000,000, "which needs $8,000,000 to ( ">,00() more to provide 300 more conventional classH I ••• dimply couldn't be bothered because we were too nuking plans spending $30,Qf)0-plus per classroom ei'i'tain whether the $18,000 classrooms would be • Northern New Jerky DMata of 'But above all." Mr. Smith c<- Use salvation Army In Newark dared, "we will tate the public jand Cannon B. Newell, director, into our confidence because -J>* District S, United Steel Worteft public has to tool foe b*U* He of America. CIO. and a boaitl added that preUnunart atrre^, j member ol the Greater Bethlehe* made by the p«rty tn nearby cam- «** Community Chest wUl be ttft munlties gives detidedi prmT t"**1 speakers at the 14th Annual school costs can be Rduc«d J United R*d Feather Campaicn drastically it th* Board *s •riii-]<l«a«T ot UK Raritan Baj O«fting to torego the fancy Itnra-! a«ni»J Chest »nd Council naxt Tuesday evtming. also saM Drunken Driver Is Fouitd Guilty WOODBRIDGE — A Pennsyl vanla resident was ;convicted ol drunken driving, Tuesday, when he appeared before Magistrate Andrew Desmond. Pined $200 and C0|U was Jame Womble, 5842 Haverford Avenue, Philadelphia. Womble was arrested August 27 by Patrolmen How ard Tune and Albert Nahass aftei he crashed into a car operated b Julius 'Hollar, 24 Third Avenue port Beading. The Phlladelphian was examin ed by Dr. Fred Kessler and pronounced unlit to operate a motoi vehicle. Under a reciprocity agreement, it will be reoommalnded to the Pennsylvania Department erf Motor Vehicle that Womble's driver's license be revoked lor twi years. Two Woodbridge Mm At Pharmacy Colleg WOODBRIDOK — ^ratik Fran Street, and chak, 4242 Regent chak, ge 68 fr James Weller, 168 freeman Street, both of Woodbrldge, are amon« more than 200 rtudento who have completed a week of orientation at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, FrVlichak anjt WeUer. * u»ted from W d t l d SEARCH PAKIY tNUS: Members of the turds Fite CumiiHny und tin- St. John's Firet Aid .Syiud »re pictured above vnrrylnit the body of Jus^ph Ktnbun, Dunham Avenue, utter the misHing mau was found a ttiuide in the t'urdt. Park iu>t TUncday. On the left are Herbert Clliie, Harold Chri»tentien, Mike Vuh.i»«, and UH the right aide or the stretcher w>e Willard Neary, Jriw MUerny an4 J^like Kabkok. StaBdint alao(«kd« W Ltouard Ftachw. (Storj on Pa»e 11.) now gouis on in an eftort ins program *O1 be«ln at • i down taxes until ot State Sdvjud J v 9kl« when the; will und( „, ., . . . iSah-atton Army board * m Mt The problems jarisins tram Ow Uoasunaster. Servlnt on ffil «r•large number ot buildmt per-: 5 «a|»m«iu committee is Bmwrt mits issued by the present ad-' Dunn, Fords Among tha 1»W ministration" vert dwrussed by ! pj^n committee tuest* art i t e W Mr. Sttkkel who said thai |tan^>; Hugh B. qulgley and Gnarkji % iifSOfT. PUbl ing over W towu to dtreiait>eri Oi*sof>'. publisher ot UM I Mil-Deader h.i.s caused, most ol t)te 9fl»ol i deiilproblenu aad tinauctal a ^n° s j ENROLLS AT PEOMK • Tlie people «ho teutht !»«| COLOHU - Pettr John home^ from the developers tr*.* In u m , son o j j | r . ^ y^ sold a bill ol goods," he OOUUIUKXI. j j Jtnnartme, 141 Long Kttl "(or they were irttn the aaprei- u t student at the Peddto ftehmJ .-icui there were plenty ot settwri in Hightttown, N. j , facUtties. They wen shown a is enterhu his junior ie*r at • nearby schoolhouse. but were cot Peddie which is a pnpantary tu!d the school was already on school with an wirollment ot H | double session Ttw Towrbliitt boys Committee knew this was tolnt on. but did aothto* *bout it 1 INSULT TO INJU1T Mr. Ban spake to detail on tow tax monies aw bring spent s u i - AVENEL - OB tmm»wu ll. ing, that "moaej k bttog spent Xlrs D. MacArthur, II OwtgWMl Avenue, reported to tt» poMtttMt haphaurdly." He pcuited u» "th« h*r son's ted taw lack of a planned road buikUag Vionday Un and road repair program "at an in tha,««Mtl strtftt—Mii^^ ' I 'I INDEPENDENT l THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 195? r McGhee-Stone Wedding Rite Performed in St. Andrew's OBITI ARIES >1U\ IK Council <M White ( Sewaten NotesB AVENIL Miss PrtscilU Ann oy the A.-ir.e Stun s. Penh Amboy. (isugl-.tPi of Mi mid Mis Her lnnbaii.1 attended thi' Roselle !'.uols ai.i served tint;' years r fv.rsrV. Stone, 409 Aldi'ti B it!, thr V S All Force im-lud w : fv-".'" * w - Nw^mf tVit brW? ot Carl Jo r of duty He , ••",.,:, i f F r w Mi'C'I.<*. *oTi of Mr and Mrs , j , — . til ... Germany c O •.«-.'}> PciiJs. M.-Ohif. 20 Faim Hawil Avenue, 1* I'lnp'.oyed Ml Voice. Kcmlwmth. V • V t . t TJ * l w - Iw-UnSaturday afternoon at 4 00 on m u m :-.oni tlv " . >lock in St AndrrVs , R«v Jolin J at the doub'.i'-rnu WOOUBUIIX1K •uinl mpetihv of r Township CiHinnl VPS hold HI li.i- ' with Mrs. Hennnii , siding. Bj MRS. PERCY Al'STEN 499 West Ate. Sewartn Attending W I T Lo?.o,-Mrs. Rlciii.' Bert WheelM M, wald. Mrs. Wiil.iiin DV F«rget-Me-Not Drive Scheduled V: 1 • • ; ' - • All'; ; ••?•-. «<i ,;*, C^sr.1* Ua The bride given in nu.rrhitit- by i —Mrs. A C. Peterson was the • \fi•> Jwr father, was attiird in :i SUM.a ; giu-si of Mrs. Louis Zehrer and Or ' oTCrumtilly Itoe with loik--pointed |Mis Mario R rt ssl. all of Grant •*, Rftd a full sks:t of PIMU tie M:n M*rv A permanent Street, at d:nner at th« Park HoVJ: , I V c « * J soi* b**de<i \ut!-, sted penis ur.l in r.j* been adapted by t i e j tel. Plainlield, Saturday, which «iv s l l . rfunMtone*. Hoi fnigfrtip-lem'tii M :.>; d Amt-ri.-an Ve'erar.s. 4*-( was Mis. Peterson's birthday. \*C cf illusion was attached in ;> annual Forget-Me-Not cain-Mr. and Mrs. John Venerus, .rcwn tfcadwi with >,,fd pearl*nd rhinfstoiies. Sli-e carried a :\i n • Oive- a little 'or those who i and daughter. Arlen«. New Street, | nnd Joseph Gall, Perth Amboy, prayer book marked with ah ot- i.ut- a lot'" VAN :hit. ' s'.>*t!w«] cainaiiouii and ' Tins year's drive will be li?'d visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles f)'ctc»ber fi-3. when volunteers will ', Rasch. Jr.,, and Mrs. Sylvia Seid, satin itrewnrs* Miss Phyllis Student, Maplv- i ^ - : l::;'.e Hue flowere of rsmern- '•in Towson, Md. over the week-end. The choirs of St. John's *ood ir.endtc. Ui« bride :.h mud 'iV.-iivr on s'treet oorners. S'fve Marhon commander of Church will meet tonight at 7 wf honoi «h;lf Miss Retina Rutii-.-. Ntawk. And Miss Susan K o s \ •.he Wojcbndjte Township Post, o'clock for rehearsal In the church. Vr.ion. oousaw of the bride, were Disabled American Veterans, said —Miss Eleanor Austen spent iyp4»tmaifU Joseph Brehtn, Rah- today. "WP have used a number Friday night and Saturday in «•*>-. sen-*d as best man, while o; sJosar.svdurins the years Tor olh Falrlawn as the guest of Miss Rob*rt »nd Roger Stone. Avenel. Fo.te:-Me-Not campaisns. but Edith Oser, her room-ir/te af brothers of the bride, ushered. G:ve a little for those who gave Douglass College, who Is now a \ Tor travelling tli« bride wore a .> lot1 has been adopted as our teacher In a Pairlawn school. n*\y blue dress, matching arces-*n! sicuan because it best Mrs. Louis Zehrer and Mrs. V . *or»s and an orchid corsage. T!ic '.e'.ls ti'.i' story of disabled veteran Mario Rossi and daughter, Pacouple left on a honeymoon tup r.reds. tricia, attended the wedding of to Dayton, Ohio, and upon their V*; *.:v.*r. 1 Oar offidjl slogan is the best Miss, Geraldine Sahn and Frederreturn Saturday, will ifslcle at K0 •AAV *e iiave of expressing in as ick Faust, both of Queens VilPulaski A m w e . Avenel few words as possible OUT need far lage. L. I.. Sunday, in Queens VilMrs McGhfe is a graduate, of h;''.y for the war disabled of this lage. t!w Perth Amboy Histh Sohonl. •'ommun:t>\" ' —Mrs, David Balfour, who is on class of lWtO, and she is employed HP said the Porget-Me-Not the board- of the Bryn Mawr alum.-air.paign each year makes it oos- nae publication, the Bryn Mawr sr.d <W.t for the DAV to help disable Bulletin, attneded a board meetvi i rans without charge; The con- ins in Bryn Mawr, Pa., Tuesday. !:-:bu:ions for the little blue flow—Bruce Rankln, formerly of ers <if remembrance provide funds Cliff Road, has accepted a position '.v. the chapter to carry on its as electrical engineer at the Electric Boat Company, Gtoton, Conn. WOODBRIDGE The m<\n- ;T':>..\'oil:ution nnd service work. t*w«wr bersiiip drive of School 1 Pa rentThe DAV Commander point-H! Mr. Rankin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -it **< Teachtr Association w i l l be out that all funds raised durms Herbert B. Rankin and daughter. 'launched this week under Me ;h? campaign will be used to aid Carol, visited him and Mrs RsmWar • rhsjrmanship of Mrs Julius A!1M. disabled veterans in this commu- kin at their new home in Norwich, Plans will be completed on O - nity. I:i addition to emergency Conn., over the week-end. ;ober • at the executive board assistance, the DAV also helps the —Mrs. W. W. Brundage. Holton mpetins at the home of Mrs. D.ulci wartime handicapped in obtains? Street, is visiting in Hyannlsport. f ->,;v, A M . Thor ! O\nm*n. Grove Avenue. adequate disability compensation. Cape Cod. : Mrs Milton Stern, ways mid hcspitalization. and employment, —On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. A. ! means chairman, named Mrs. as well as with other disabled vet- W. Scheldt entertained at a fami Isidore Rosenblum chairman of eran problems. ily dinner. Guests were: Mr. and I the children's style show to fce The forpet-me-not has been the Mrs. Ralph Longley, New York; | held Tuesday. October 25 at official blue flower of remem- Miss Mabel Liebold, Montclair, and • Woodbridee High School Autli- brance of the DAV since it was Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brundage ~ I tor mm. Barron Avenue. and son, Randolph, of Manasquan. founded in 1920. - Membership Drive Launched by PTA \ Robert Clark, Mi: Mrs. Frank J inn" Kovnc. Mrs. John Pull \\, ski, Mrs. Jwni', .] Rob:-1t Blur, Mr, • iM-s, Mrs. Jiiinc.. |i, J a m e s Hoffiimi, \i Jones. Mi's, l / i i Jnmes NestoiMi v, byn, Aventl, Mrs. Robcrl Vnri ' Cralne, Vvs. M 'rvn, , Brown-, Mrs,, Wiiu,,,., Mrs. Elwooi! Ilui ; ( Gaskell, Mrs. J i t , v Mrs, August Muxti.ii'i. THREK MORE JOIN "THK HNI.S1": Township Clrrk H. .1. DM.IUUII is shown r e a r i n g ill three ntw members of the Police department yestmU 1 .iftrrnnon. l.rft to rl R ht are Mr. l>un.«an t^pntv Mrs. J«les Flunmn Chief Benjamin V Pwsons. Edward ITfputni.k. Port UmdinB: Krllx (i»bsso, AvetiPl. and (harles tav Launhaidt. M: Wyda. Tolonia. The new offltprs will report for duty October 1. Peterson, Mrs, Heim 11 Isaac Burrouiths, \; Deurelinn, Mrs. Ch.i: • Junior ff'ohum's Club Joseph Carusa. Mi? son, Mr*. F. V/atkin : Plans Tea Qelober / J Mrs. J. Burrow-.. \ Smith, Mrs. Andi J WOODBRIDGE Plans for a Sewaren. tea to be held October 11. at wnion Mrs.^J. Wur^.i v AVENEL--Plans were discussed suests will be Invited, were nude SEWAREN — The Sewaren Hisfor a special project, under the Yorlt, P!»'t Readim: • tory Club will open the seasai at a meeting of the Junior chairmanship of Mrs. Vernon Fullerton, HopelHwn with a luncheon and fashion shn,v Woman's Club of Woodbridge in Johnson, at the first meeting of Mrs. Grant Nuii at 1 o'clock next Wednesday aft- The Independent-Leader Buildln;. the season for the Fifth District sale chairman, inim-i: Members of the club will be ernoon at the home of Mrs. Joseph Republican and Civic Club of Ing neighborhood I Thomson. Cliff Road. All reserva- guests at the Third District Pall Avenel. held at the home of Mr. Richard Walsh. \v-»-rSupper eonfprence October 13 at tions for the luncheon may be and Mrs. Joseph Rhodes. 62 Man- J. C. Smith, Sewaivn made with any member of the The Pines. Metuchen. hattan Avenue, with Mrs. Rhodes Ulshofer, Coloiua: M committee and must be in by Satpresiding. Steinbach, Avetn-i: ' urday. Members of the commit.'.ee TO RECEIVE COMMUNION Harold Barr, Third Ward can- Dlckson, ColouiH, Wi are Mrs. Joseph Thomson, chairWOODBRIDGE — The Rosary didate for the Town Committee, and Iselln: Mrs. Wn man: Mrs. A. W. Scheldt. Mrs. Society of St. James' ChurcH wilt spoke on plans for the coming Hopelawn Mrs. Joseph P..i;.;, H. D. ClRrk, Mrs. H. B. Rankin. receive holy communion in a body campaign, and discussed some of teer trainer, annoui: • •\;iu, Clarence Zischkau and Mrs. Sunday at the 6:45 Mass. the issues involved. (Intermediatei d a : : Olive Van Iderstiiif. The first meetin« of the season | Tentative plans were mode to i October 4 from it A hold a card party on October 21, Mrs. Andrew Simonsen, Mrs. will be held Tuesday night in the and a candy inuk.;. Fred M. Adams, Mrs. Kennsih school auditorium, after Noveaa at the Rhodes home, under the i November I from 1) A Butler. Mrs. John J. Dowlini?. M:M. sprvices in the church. Mrs. Peter chairmanship of Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Nels Peterson Olive Van Iderstine. Mrs. A. W. Krulikowski and Mrs. Nathan Grlbble. i sewing consultant Scheldt and Miss Betty Johnson Patten and members of their Ralph Miranda was the winner will model fur coats and hats. bands will be in charge of the of the dark horse prize, and coPrivate Unitvd sDoor prizes will be awarded. hostesses for the evening were ments rose by $;( mil social. Mrs. Robert Fischer and Mrs, Jo- year, according in :. Mrs. A. \V. Scheldt will be .hi hostess to the next meeting of the Auto production is dropping off seph Stark. The next meeting of Business Economic ••: the club will be held on October 27. ment of Commein club October 19. in readying the '56 models. \venel GOP Makes Card Party Plans Style Show Opens Season for Club ut by Uie *' 8! Our President.... i>; Ji iO P. M •i1. :.i(t«re". -ass held yesterday Check your home now. Make sure it will be warm ami comfortable inside when winter winds blow. I i Park DDRALCU MANUFACTURING COMPANY show you how to add beauty and comfort to your hmm ,t:..; save money on fuel bills. MRS. JV HA RRKJIOWSKI BUY DIRECT at Our FACTORY and SAW!! ser- .n GENUINE TRIPLE-TRACK CiU'v ,<:«(•. •»ni-. ihc Itov. John', A V i:tts.t;i TempW BspUst (.'i:;i:vti, l \ i s a Amtaj and the i K.ii»UM Ctaireh. A Caiterel, ii' » a u ; u !v£\»wd in the CloFii*,ml Atv»t Co.; MU • ASUilVi KaUl ii.lUU AS MRS, V.\KKIK lATTANUO \V(Vl«iiJU<lJK M « Cams , 1.u1, *"/•!.' fe> Cvwovor StritU, Vi\i\. •; ...v*a, f,'i»wi,v of WaoJ'. uv.:'.'.••• ,Uii TS»,HJ»V At -.,:.:\K f on * t\v»J *!»<( somehow v\vi* ii;1 WAS. He said he "out cue i\si\. tfju.ssiw mid*;r And the j!!v>mui >i.uv o*n\* up f a s t " He's hip-bone. EXTRA! 75th Anniversary SPECIAL O l \ H RMSIHM.S FREE With Purtliiw of Any . - -r. i FIRST Q l ' A U ' n ANY SIZK • No gadgets DP TO • All extruded a • Permanent • Self sturlpic SG" x 59". Iitstallation Optional AIT * daughter, Ray — r — No tracks to remove Mi-- J.ihu Wfiuwv, M*UWAn; t *-> < ;,> J\»»!- D Smith, Mor- .'K. N • - — _ — • PerUi r :h .\t«i.v\« tour #«ttvdchildro.i a!-! - a » n ^rt*j-(!r»ndchildiT;i. Th*' twiy ;j *5 «w WUUfttn H. FUMIH:-. K.awr*I Hi«»*. «7 E«>t Ma.:. S::*-.'i Ktw!i^4. Funeral ar- —^Z. PLASTIC 1 All ^i :.:'=<> U.;n :n Betch G k n , M's t ;,'.;jM,.i i;\*d \tt WOO(1t.u..'' : . i»\cr 3W vwir* where she an., r L .ix-a*:ui. 4*«\e*, oj>ei-at«d t'.H' W \ . t > - : t ; e i»V.*w Swdio on At* STORM and SCREEN D 11 ; WKUM May God grant hiin . . . a quiet mind, a serene s^ul and a sure faith . . . i l> • DOORS SIZES UP TO Vi" x 8 5 ' • With Nylon 1 i|" 2'«6.S8 Ally She U> t.%%•• U 3 6 " x til I ••!' Limited Quantity All Aluminum Installation Optional America, indeed the world, counts off anxiously the moments and waits prayerfully for the assurance thqt a strong heart beats strongly again—that heart upim which so much of Normandy's D-Day depended, that heart which then turned from war to become all free men's hope for peace in dignity. President Eisenhower can achieve no ne^r honor lest it be a fuller expression of thn samd faith which he holds soli high, by thjose he holds so near. During this crisis of his illness, may President Eisenhower know that we, too, ask for him the Blessing of St, Francis: "The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord show His face to thee and have mercy on tbae; the Lord turn His countenance to thee and give thW peace"—and pray that it be imparted. STORM airi SCRTiH VENETIAN BLINDS Complete with Hardware CUSTOM MADE t [ DOOR CANOPVS 1Q.9 5 RADIATOR ENCLOSURES 3 Years to Pay! First Payment Not Due Til January 15th! tafacturta Products Co. iS;,(i (W or M O K ) SUIT or TOPCOAT BK1EGS NuiiUi *l Klftf Street •ft-* * PLKNTY OF IRSI BANK AND TRUST COMRWf PEKrHAMWY.MJ. Mtm^r FREE PARKING 224 SOUTH SECOND ST. PERTH AMBOY DIRECTIONS: j«ffyJIJr^.H".M' ^ZV'nlTm!& DRIVE RIGHT INTO OUR SHOWROOM PHO1NIS: HI-2.08IH! or !MDEPENDENT-LEADER Clubwomen Open Season at Dinner — MaKlstntn ,, i i) Desmond gavij' an In• ;ii". 1,11k on "Juvenile Dellnv mirl "Tlip Important Pnrt ,','„ n I'luy in Their Community Will us in the Home," at a , ,. i iniHinK lielrt In the Liu ;i;:1 inn, uiiirkini! the opening i!iison of the Wootl;iU n's Club. Henry Dunham was in nf I he supper, assisted by iinii'l Cosurove arid Mrs. ,,. (lull cnllert wna read by Kdivai'rt Ht'ltnsr mul the HI., was Riven by Mrs. J. J. inci>«n, a past president. Mrs. i Konnwlcz was welcomed as \> iviis vntrd to donate $25,00 to1 ,. WnodbrldKe Emwgtncy Squad. \ i : , Norherl* Jost. president. -.. .iitic-ecl College Diiy will be ;,! odobrr 29 at Douglass Col.,. The event Is sponsored by . N. .1. State Federation of iV.HIH'll'.S Clubs and Is designed to ,iint. high school girls i n d I, members with the 'Women's ;>,.,. of the State University, v nvnilwr wishing to attend \p PACJK THRKS THURSDAY, KKPTUMRKH 2<», 1955 At. Co WOODBRlDaE—The first class of a fifteen lesson series or social dancing classes will be held October 4- niter registration at'7:00 P. M. at the Woodljrldge Jewish Community Center, J^mboy Avenue. Classes In Waltz, fox trot, Jitterbug and squai'e dancing will be open' t » l all sixth, seventh and eighth grade students'at a nominal charge. Mrs. Ralph Deutsch, chairman, announced that registration will be on a first come, first served basis us enrollment Is limited. LesBonK will continue on Tuefcduy evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock at the Confer, with' t,he exception of holidays. Mr and Mrs. Lee Crolghton, of Roselle, havo been hired as Instructors. A soclnl function will culminate the series. Township G.O. P. Meets in Avenel Democratic Club on; NQV. 5 Flower Skow, Slated Satu W( lODQRIDQE—Michael Rcrko, scn.'liuy or the First Ward. Sixth District Democratic Chltt. tiniKiunrcd that Steve Hold, PITRIilcnt. lias appointed n ttaiice committee to jointly arrange final plan1; with the Second District. Club for their second annual preelection dunce to be held in tin' craftsmen's Club, Green Street-, an November 5, Music will be furnished by Lou Jacobs ntul the public is invited to a I tend, A jotiit program ml hook is being prepared and all local mcrchnntK nnd businessmen arc asked to aid financially.' The club has endorsed for reeleclion this j|.(\r: Senator "Bob" VriKt'l. Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley nnd I lie incumhcnt committcemnn for reelection. L. Charles Manxione. Any resident of this district who -.visiles to vote and is not registered can do so srt either the home "f Mrs. Elizabeth Huber, Watson! Avenue, or Mrs. Rocco Vncco. Alnion Avenue, any night before September 29. AVF.NFI. Plfii!* were for n bazunr. flower show salr to h- held Saturday tfW(i 1ft, A M «" 4 P M . In the J School, «p<in>ored by the Club iif Avn»i -it tin* fir inn of tin- '";t-!'!i h-ld in the W l * nel Rc!',<m:. v.-in Mrs HaroM P i o VViKon p r i ' i i h ) ' At t i i c !! *vi- ,.i»i',v awards ittfl be in i d . ii : •lil' ,i11finsfmeat*. is (ii lain;' Bmiths A;11 Xm u .1 H'.: a! flower -.iifli. '.'.' :t- c'pphant t»J>li v,;; nu.'iudVhotnnd i firsiinn n* mill i' i ,i-u:n Am*nean Hom IH'iuntiiiriit rliainnaii Mt*. 1 ft/iiiiiri.;. Will be tK. ,i>y..-!ed t.\v ;iu UardTO 0 * " ih ii:m.m. Mrs.' KttSk ri"/.. In rii:uic ol f.owrs. ' Miss <.!:»Mt;i', Avenel,, ft iiiiir -indent «if. Wi«KlbrWgettl|h School, was the :up<t She spob? on her stay ut liu- Ci'wenship SftJN' stUute which «-JS \,c'A at Ru»WWI University dunn.; the sunUMT« She was spons'.iiHi by thp W«^ man's Club and Ui>' Junior WO" mans Club of Avenel; i*: It was announced tliat m American Home Deportment M still collect'.m'. riu'.iiiizines for d | j tributiun tu husnltals. Mrs 8 f e . Ward Colcy w;.s sn c!i'.»r« of hospitality, and she was ussistfd | | f Mrs. Joseph A'.l-.uci1 and MriL j Rsiymoml Heuuirh I ! ' • . . . AVENEL, A meeting of the Woodbrldse Township Republican Club was held Monday evening in the Avenel School, with a large turnout from the First, Second and Third Wards. Speakers included Lyle B. Reeb, » -l to contact Mrs. Jost for Jr., cundidiite for Mayor; Arnold Graham, municipal chairman; ,port.atlon. M. J. Schubert, American Eugene aery, vice-chairman, First WOODBRIDGE — Miss Shirley r riialrmap, announced her Ward; Letter Stockel, candidate Bliss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. for First Ward Committeeman; itmrnt will meet today &t h»v Krnest M. Bliss, of 20 Aldon TerRaymond F. Smith, candidate from ... 78 Amboy Avenue. Mrs. ruce, Bloomfleld, became the bride the Second Ward, and Harold L. 1 of Dr. Lowell G. MCLellan, son of \ ; , ; mi LoRiH . ways and nwans Barr, < MRS. STEPHEN IIORNYAK HI man, reported her protect Ward. Dr. and Mrs. Roy D, McLellan of iait October 2 and appointed 24 Lillian Terrace, Woodbridge, Mrs, Vernon Johnson, vice-presiMRS. NICHOLAS CZIRZAKI last Saturday at 4 o'clock at the captains: Mrs. Hnriy dent of the Avenel Fifth District Friends' Meeting House In Mont11 Hi-en, Mrs. Bernard Concan- Republican Club, and the Third AVENEl. — Miss Nancy Perry, clair. i:,,n. Mrs. David Black, Mrs. Jacob Ward vice-chairman, conducted 344 Blanch:ird AUMUIO. was ffU«t i-vliriii and Mrs. Charles Farr. The bride wore an ankle-length the meeting in the absence of nf honor at a suipriM- bridal showdress of imported rosepoint lace it was nnnounced that Federa- Frederick M. Adams, president of er, given by Mr-.. Hobt-rt Perry ftt i mi Niu'ht will be featured at the the Township Club, who could not WOODBRIDGE — Miss Carolyn lobert Davis, Greg Clement, Jer- over candle-light satin. Her finher home, 21a RivinuUin Street, next meeting, October 19, to be attend due to a business engage- Frances Twilbeck, daughter of Mr. >me M. Volk, all of New Orleans. ger-tip veil of silk Illusion Iselin. WOODBRIDGE — Miss Mar- Woodbridge. Stephen Chonots, :ltl(] in the Craftsmen's Club, ment. ind Mrs. Charles Twilbeck, 5502 The bride wore a dress of caught in a matching lace headGuests attending were: Mrs. It was announced that a card instance Street, New Orleans, :andlelight satin with lace, off the band and she carried a bouquet of guerite Ann Kunie, daughter of Carteret, served as best man and Alex Yuhns and Mrs. William MWii:ven Street, The club will celeushers were Ronald Groblzna, Mi.,• /.r its 36th birthday at that party, sponsored by the Fifth Dis- was married to Stephen John Hor- boulder and a lace panel down white crysanthemums on a white Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kunie, 15 gan, of Perth Amboy; Mrs. Johft Peyser Street, became the bride chael Krupa and Stephen Varga. Morgan. Hopcl.iwn; Mrs. CharlM ni, with Mrs. Arthur A. Over- trict Club, will be held on October nyak, son of Mr. and Mrs. John .he front, with an applique in the testament. Corbin, Mrs. Huuy Kradjel. Mis. The bride Is -a graduate of of Nicholas Czirzaki, Jr., 50 all of Carteret. bid, third district vice president, 21 at 8 P. M. at the home of Mr. '. Hornyak, 568 Grand Avenue, at ikirt. The sown was trimmed with ,,„! Mrs. Prank R. Stratton. and Mrs. Joseph Rhodes, 62 Man- St. Francis of Assisl Church, New iced pearls and sequins. She wore Bloomfleld High School. She at- Christopher Street, Carteret, son For an honeymoon trip to the Arthur Paulsen, and Miss RuUl Orleans, recently. fingertip veii made of illusion tended Swarthmore College and of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cziia'.il, Poconos, the bride wore a black Brower, nil of Rnh\\;iy: Mrs. Ber• ,iut!icni vice president of the hattan Avenue. The next meeting has been Miss Anne Claire Twilbeck in a crown of seed pearls. Her bou- received a B.S. degree In Nursing Budapest Hungary, Saturday af- velvet suit with white accessories tram Clintun. Mrs H.irt'.ey Owen. N i Federation, as guest speakers. Mis Alfred Tyrrell, music Scheduled for October 26, place to served as her sister's maid of quet was made of lilies of the val- Education from Cornell Univer- ternoon In St. John's Oreek Cath- and an orchid corsage. On their Clark Township: Miss Margaret honor and the bridesmaids were: ley, white orchids and stephanotis. sity—New York Hospital Schou olic Church, Perth Amboy. Rev. return October 1, Mr. and M:s. Clinton ami Mrs. James Laurie, •i.iiiiian. asked those' Interested be unnounced at a later date. Miss Leona Curtis and Carol Ann The couple spent several days of Nursing. The bridegroom is a Dr. Joseph Mackov, pastor, per- Czlraki will reside at the Carter* t Matawan; Mrs Gary Malyneux, ,,; minim: the music department Cranford: Mrs Jusrph Perry and Helm, New Orleans. The flower in Baton Rouge, La., and will make graduate of Woodbridge High formed the double-ring ceremony, address. i. imri nt her home, 3 Vanderbilt Grahams are Hosts Mrs. Louis Juliitn. Avenel. girls were Beth Hallock, Staten their home in Woodbridge. School, Rutgers University, and The bride Is a graduate of !'!.! .' October 5, The bride, who was given in For Daughter, Kathryn Island, N. Y., and Peggy Ann Volk, Miss Perry, daunluvr of Mr. and Cornell University Medical ColWoodbridge High School, class ot Plans were made for the Third marriage by her father, wore a New Orleans. lege. He is a member of Phi Beta gown of candlelight satin made 1955, and is employed In the of- Mrs, Joseph P.iry, will become A; „• AVENEL — Mr. and Mrs. Wll ;>,.•.':;d full conference October 11 Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha, fice of the 'Woodbridge Sanitary the bride of Wi'.lmm Victor MorThe best man was Joseph V. • i i:ir First Presbyterian Church, 11am Graham. 437 Hudson Boule with an illusion neckline and full honorary medical society, Dr. McPottery Co. Her'husband was edu- gan, Jr.. son of Mrs, William MorUrso, Woodbridge, and ushers were skirt of shirred bonnet trimmed rii'. with the local club as hos> vard, entertained In their homi Lellan is now Interning at the cated in Hungary and is a chemi- gan, November 5. at Hue with seed pearls and she carrhd ! Mrs. Neil Stoddard was ap-In honor of their daughter, Kath Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in cal operator at the American AK- Presbyteran Church of Avenel. iyn, who celebrated her sixt a cascade bouquet of ivflvy gladi...:itni wnerul chairman. LuncnCooperstown, N. Y. rlcultureal Co., Carteret. birthday. NEW BABY GIRL olus and orchids. •i: w ill be served s t 12:30. ReserQuests Included: Bonnie and After a trip to West Virginia FORDS Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur i!;ni:, must be made no later MisS Joan Tomaso, Iselin, was SON FOR BUTALAS William Hoffman, Nardlna Mioz the couple wjll reside In Coopei-R maid of honor and the bridesKempf, 103 Pleasant Avenue, atts II.m October 4, with Mrs. Eugene FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clare putz, Uury $rosh, Theresa town, maids, were Misses Janice Kunlc, Butala, 342 Crows Mill Road, are the parents of A daughter bom Larterfr Keith Mtoura^ Christine in the Perth Amboy General Yugoslavia asks U. S. for $40,- Perth Amboy; Carole Jean Kunii, the parents of a son born In t h p Leahy, Raymond Szlber, Madeline Mrs. Martin Marcus, genera Hospital, *• Perth Amboy General Hospital. South River, and Barbara Simon, II t MACHINE BURNS 500,000 in aid. Moy and Joseph Thomas, all of chairman of the Woman's Hospi1 A VIKRBURY, Conn- -Rushing Avenel; Mr, and Mrs. William tal Guild Benefit Show, presided iii.viviT an alarm, firemen found Murray and son, William, Linden, over a special committee meeting imiior of an ice-making ma- and Kathryn's maternal grand- held In the Perth Amboy General father, Ouy Decker, Jersey City. ,i:r oil fill'. Hospital, Present were Mrs. Edward Tarloskl, program chairman; Mrs. Walter Wavercssak, her cochuirman, and Mrs. George Kohut, putron chairman. Plans were discussed for the program Iwok for the "High Fever Frolics'' which will be presented by the Guild fit the Perth Amboy "The Friendly Store' Hisjh School auditorium on the evening of November 18 and 19. The production will consist enSTANLEY B. NAYLOR tirely of local and urea talent. All the committees and chairmen are 35 YEARS OF SERVICE: Stanvulunte.ers from Perth Amboy, ley B. Naylor, 150 High Street, Furds-Kdison, Metuchen, Carteret, Woodbridge, h;is marked his Woodbridge and Colonia. All the 35th year of Bell System service. proceeds from the performances First employed at Lakcwood by will be used to purchuse equip- the New York'Telephone Comment needed by the hospital. , pany for its New Jersey area, Mrs. Tarloskl announced that Naylor is now an inside man at the clo-sins; date for the publish- Woodbridge. His plant departi in}! of the program book is Oc- ment experience includes astober 17 and those interested in signments as installer and veplacing advertisements should puirman. jcontiiot her as soon as possible. First president of the Amboy Mrs. Kohut urged all those who Bell Club, and member of the j will be patrons to contact her. Mrs. Marcus announced that the Lakewood Lodge, F. & A. M., guild prseident, Mrs. R. Richard Mr. Naylor is a member ami Feddersen, is in Atlantic City at- past chairman of the Elizabeth tending the National Hospital As- Council, H. G. McCully Chapter, Telephone Pioneers of America. sociation Convention. Miss Bliss feds Woodbridge Man Stephen J. Eornyak Takes New Orleans Girl as Bride 4- Nancy Perry Sets Date for Weddii^ Marguerite Ann Kunie Weds In St. John's G.C. Church Guild to Present Show, NOT. Christensen's 1955 Deep-down comfort in dress-up s o c k s | Watch for the GRAB OPENING LINCOLN HARDWARE HOUSEHOLD SPECIALS CLOTHES HAMPERS MKTAL, i« asnorted colors RtJBularly sell for $i|.95 CORY FLEXIBLE NYLON SOCK ••t-r-«-t-c-h-e» for perfect fit And being nylon they wash perfettly>y<~ I f l O O I quickly, and just don't wear o u l / T * * My M -ttUfOti SILEX COFFEE MAKERS ( There1! not one thread of eUtic in the body of our' tmuing Flexible Rib Socks. No matter your sittr-tbty Welch to fit you ««7»y-without binding or lasting. The secret is a spociul iwisi in the smooth nylon yarn. STORE HQURS or |Heg. 3.95 2.95 $ ^ ^ . 9 5 \j" SNAl'-ON of the Avenel Shop -Rite , CAULKING GUNS Keg. ViH 1 , 8 9 STEP-ON DISPOSAL GANS Regularly $4.89 $ 3 ' 9 5 - - MACHINE RENTALS - • Floor Sanders and Polishers t Hand Sanders • Lawn Rollers t Lawn Spreaders Tel. UA-1-0270 — Open Sunday 9 to 12:30 LINCOLN HARDWARE - A N D PAINT COMPANYHeadtiuwters lor DuPout Custom-Color Odorletus I'ulnls St. OfQf|fi Avenue Aprqss From Avenel School the Bus Stop Street and Park Avenue AVENEL, N.J... •; INDEPENDENT U THURSDAY, KKITEMBfiR 29, V\V,Y Fun; Colonia Fire ( Iti Sunday !.'> ICOLONIA ACTIVITIES SOCIAL SECURITY —Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Suit. West Street, entertained at a family picnic. Guests u-ere uere Mr. »nd Q When can I apply to hnve my benefits Irro-en bccmise of disl Mrs Hobert Suit, and children, Lorralr," Helen. Rober* and ability? James; Mi. <*nd Mrs Noil Esposito , A. Anytime afltr December 31, and children. Marjorie. William 19M. providrd ih»» you art still i and Sandra, all >f Clark; Mr and totally disabled al the time of fllMrs. Michael Funiock «nd chll- Jn«. " ;drerv, Betty Ann. Kathy, Larry,, Q 1)O y o l l j , , , V ( , i( ,, y pamphlets j Oarothy and Michael. J r . and Mr., t n a t nv'Mn ( t v ctmiiRes in social land Mrs. Els*or>n Dougherty. | w r t j r i , y m a d f by the 1954 amendi Colonia. • n)fnt>? ,»uJ - M r s . Herman Th»v<s. Arc-' A V n T h f following' pamhonored with p ^ ^ %tt aV&iUMc upon request: M K s i a n g e l a Avenue, vm a stork'sho*»r. given by her sifNo. 2 Hov la estimate pay• :v.Kcr and! ter, Mrs Harold Demas. \Voodments to roar family. .- :v.ri to Perj brxlg*. at the Arcansela Avenue No. 3 F w t s about earnings •::: Mr* Wi.-t addresr Oufjts were Mrs Joseph I V, while rrf«ivinc payments. 3 1 :s George i Urban. Mrs Thomas Klimko, Mrs.! bin; No. 1 Parts for those who •rrt.-ieri ;he Fail I Patsy De Core »nd Mrs.faul Kltmare disabled. N J p:v»:in • ko. »U of Elir.U>eth, Mr,?. Wtlliara' No. I Facts for household As.v*:at:on of • Dziedzie and Mrs. Walter Dziedxie. 0' workers. r w - m r . h?:.i a: T r e n - i M , p ) e W 0 W i ; M r f . P a u , y TrogUa. No. 6 Farts for farm famTY-.i. :- Caliece T:TTI-jwoodbridge: Mrs. Peter Demas lltes. ton O : •< •,:r.. ».-Tf by Mrj Ray-i and Mrs Sally Miller. Roselle No. 35 Your social security, BPT i.-. r. .V-.s : prr-vKien' Wes< Park: Mrs Hetlxrt Wharton. RahAny or all of the above pam.: .if :*-.-• X J State Dr..- «ay. Mrs J A Kennedy. Metuch- phlets may be obtained without Mr? Paul Popovitch. Cliff- charge by railing or writing the Trfrjton StJte wood Beach Mrs. Richard Ber- district office. nard. West field. Mrs Emery GlagTeat:. > M.v Q Wiil you explain briefly what is meant by the "drop-out" Mrs Frank Papen. Mrs. Jos«ph l;e;.i :r. Isv- Ar.jf'.f*. Cil Cobran. Mrs. Edmund Kabaitis. provisions of the new law? A. I'nder the old law jour avMrs. John Baoh. Mrs. Carl LehSecoac Y:<y P;--'.oe:r. AAV erage rarninrs could be pulled mar.n. Mrs. Louis Sandonato. Mrs. »iiiirf-«\i ;hc N J Fill W: J. J. B*remeist«. Mrs. Michael down by years in which yon had MArtinko, Mrs. Albert Muskarinec low earnings or no earnings at ail. —Mr .^r..i Mr? F, -ber- Ar.dr»T*. and Mrs. Michael Sawezak. Col- If you first become eligible for olda*r insurance benefits after AugJlcF;»''..>!jr were cues:* of on'.a. ust, 1954, or have l\i years of covMr ;s;ii- Mrs. Frrd U i e of Ves;ered work after June, 19S3, or if fttld !or a fV.ow sr.d sinner :n you meet certain other requireBucks CVjnty. Pa ments, up to four of those low" —Mrs John A:r.s'.d. N'eir Dover income y e a n can bo dropped out Road ar.d Mrs. D .r..iir; Carr. Mein figuring your average earnings. twehen. v;.«..(ii the Trail Side Mutf you have had five or more years »enm ;« Witohuup at a flower of covered work, one more year *ho*\ sper.>o:oti by Union County AVENEL — M r s . Margaret can be dropped o u t This will inPark ,-y.oem Kreisel. eighth district president, crease the amount of your average —M;>> Cir.n;e Cosianzo. Eliza- and Mrs. Joseph Dobos. past earnings, which means that your beth. .-;>T.: several day* with Mr. eighth district president, and Mrs. benefit will be higher. »nrt M:.~ HS:TV Morecrolt, Kitn- Patrick Nolan, department patiiberky Ro.ui. otic Instructor, were guests at a WDER FALSE PRETENSES • —Mr. ana Mr- George Nelson, meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of •Jack." asked one of the vjsitlng 18 T»r.i!le*--HXl I^ne. and their Avenel Memorial Post 7164, V. F. sportsmen of an Arkansas hunter, dauKh:<r. Mrs Arnnlri DAmbr).«, W., Monday in the post club "do you think that mall order outgame arU'.ress. entertained in rooms in Club Avenel. fit of yours helps to get more Plans were completed (or the bears?" honor ol Mr. Nrlsnn's birthday i n d a weUNimf home party for supper to be sponsored by the "You're dern tootln' it does," 1 fiD Anioli: D'Ambrosa, who auxiliary Saturday Irom 5:00 to rejoined the veteran hunter. has been j'.v. ineri at Kodia*, 8:00 P. M., at the Maple Tr°e "How so?" he was astced. 47-day l^ave he Farm. Alaska Afu-r la ^ "Well," said Jack, "when them Mrs. James J. O'Brien was ill report to Floyd Bennett Field bears see me dressed up like a In Brooklyn. Twenty-five guests named chairman of a project to jitendtd the couV. affair, from sell dish towels and dish cloths, dude from Memphis they decide Rahway. W^tilbrids e and Perth with the proceeds to gO to the right away that I couldn't hit the building fund for the post home. side of a b a m at ten paces, and Amboy. —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marr Mrs. Raymond Seeman was tha that, anyhow, I'm pretty sure to1 and children, Jeanne. Jellrey .v.i1 winner of the attendance award. be too drunk to do any shooun . a'UU. So they just don't pay no Howard, of EliMbeth, were dinner A "worm feeder" is invented for attention to me. I'm able to shoot guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hany pet fish. " |'em at point-blank range!" MoreVroft. Kimberley Road. Unit to Sponsor Supper Saturday OPEN IHH SF.—INIH S'IKIAI. Sl'PPl.Y I'SKRS: The llansen ;ind Yurke Company nf New Jersey, located in WoodbridKe at Green Street and Route !). a comparatively new member in th • Township's industrial circles, will hold "Open House" fur Industrial supply users nn Oci. J and « fnim 4 to ft P. M. The affair will be in the form of an industrial products exhibit. In this exhibit there will be shewn the latest electric power tools, machine tnols, industrial supplies, materials, handling and power transmission equipmrnt. Tlf company is a branch of the llansen and Yorke Co., Inc., Warren Street, New York City. The Woodbridge plant opened in January lust year. The company has been in t lie Industrial supply business since 1954. Arthur Y'orke Is the president and other officers of tlic concern are: Kenneth E. Yirke. vice president; Albert M. Redlleh, viec-presldent; Douxlas A. Yorhc, assistant vice-president: Anthony I). Torre, WoodbridRC, office manager. Albert Rcdlieh Is In eharee of the Woodbridge office and warehouse. The company is among the leading distributors of the finest quality lines of Industrial supplies. They are representatives of such lines as Yale and Towne, Boston O *ar Works, Black and Decker, I,. S. Starrett and many others. The firm employs tfl persons including the following local resident ••: Elr/»b»th McKadden, Mary Soea, Frrd Baldwin. Woodbrldge, and Cecil Gray, Iselin. j I'OSTPONE MEETING j WOODBRIDOE — The Younu I Adults o( the First Congregational ' Church have postponed the me"t, insi of October 2 to October 9 ot the church due to the missionary WOODBRIDGE — Girl Scout WOODBRIDGE — The Girls conference at the Congregational Friendly Society of Trinity Episco- Church in Westfield. The October [Troop 20, sponsored by the White pal Church held its opening meet- 9 session will be held in the church Church Guild e'.ected officers at recreation rooms at which tim» ing in the Parish House. the opening fall meeting held In Mrs. Joseph Sipos and Mrs. Miss Sophie Johnson will speak the Prebbyterinn Church hall. Adam Cunningham, associate?, about the Indians of New MexiThey are Mary Ellen Varey. atconducted the meeting and the co. tendance keeper: Faith Ellis, election of officers. scribe; Marianne Bell, treasurer; Those elected were: Nancy Rapp, TRICK ROLLS OFF Mary Ann Wedemeyer, publicity: ADRIAN, Mich.—Ready to \o\A Mrs. Norman Kilby. leader, and president: Judy McKean. vicepresident: Mary Ellen Varey. sec- a truck. Kenneth Deermyer dis- Mrs. John Ruth, assistant leader, retary; Ancela Joyce, treasurer, covered the truck had rolled out conducted the meeting. Mrs. Kilby and Mary Ann Wedemeyer, pub- of, thf "orttge, traveled 200'feet announced that the troop will parlicity. across the street, jumped a curb, ticipate in the annual cookie sale. Mrs. Sipos announced plans for smashed a fence, tore up two trees, Activities planned for the fall the girls to make skirts and caps plunged over a bank and stopped, season will feature work on health to be worn at the weekly meetings. resting against a concrete abut- and safety badges. A visit to the Bonnie Sue Kubicka was welcomed ment, inches from the River local first aid headquarters will be included. Raisen. a new member. Girl Scout Troop Elects Officers Friendly Society Elects Officers MAN HAM SUITER AVENEL — The Rosary Society of St. Andrew's Church will spensor a parish ham supper, October 20. from 5:00 to 8:00 P. M., in the church hall. Tickets »re now available and may be purchased from any member of the committee. A meeting of committee members will be held tonight at 8:00 o;clock in the home of the chairman, Mrs. John Mahon, 415 Belgrade Street. Mrs. Mahon is being assisted by Mrs. William Larsen. COLONIA -The (\ leer Chemical n ,;, Company, uniinr tin . Fire Chief William i :iucted a drill Hunt : \ .. Both fire truck, tt, . the purpose nf t|,,, , check the flow pi-r•..,.,,,,, fire hydran's whi: b • • stalled in Lake .»•, , trlcl 12 The chief statoil II, who live within nim ; fire hydrant shmiii! insurance compimv obtain a subHaniM: the Cost, of their !m ,• President Rn'ii,,: : ,. Board of F-.iT Con.•,. the district artvii-ei : the Model 50 Mack ; been completely K,,, New Jer»«y Fire Kin. pany or Dufieltai ,m service within a [n. Diamond T truck »ii. mlssionm purrhav Colonia Volunteci r and Ladder Comiuiu out of service ami n. m e n u will be m,.., Mack fire truck *,.l service until the iii.iir Is put back in serv;i •• TtlC company I : on all new residcr,: Rtructed them a : procedure in tun; : alarm, also th" n > burnins the leave, . ALL WRONG SARA8OTA. YU. ing charges wore i,,--, a driver after a hit : reckless driving <ni unattended vehicle. i aid and informal:..:of an accident. f;ni an accident, <!nv,; THAT'S EVERYTHING "Father wants to know if you'll license, leavim: n,lend us your lawnmower?" said accident and fining Junior to the new neighbor. The a known neighbor watched the boy pushing his lawn mower away when he President Ruiz r v called after him: "Haven't you ly said that Mexi. -. . forgotten to say something, son?" the highest ecnnii.'i,.. "No, but dad said if the tight- her history duntu ; wad refuses, try next door." months. Attention: Industrial Supply Users . . . —Mr. and -Mrs. Stephen Andrews. Coliini* Boulevard, returned Mr Andrew's mother. Mi'5. Alexander Andrews. u> her home, Caslleion. N. Y. She has spent the last mon'.li w;;h h.r son and —Mr ami Mi.s Pri'd ipan am; •iu', Joanne, DoJbres. Robev: and Jacqueline, of Ridje Ro.u; aiui their miest, Miss Sandra Wlu:e, U.M) of Colonia, all Itwnclcd t:'>«' New Jersey State Fair. -Mrs. F u n k Kilipponi. 130 Ridje Road, t-ntertamtd Lhe 3 C's Card Club AtiriuhnR were Mrs. Henry s::iioel. Mr-. Fn d Zimmei1man Atid Mrs. Koss Rathburn, all Colon;.*, and Mrs. George Mell of lUhwfty Ti.e next, dub meeting Will be w;;h Mis. Zimmorman. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fihpiwni of 130 R:dae Road, attended the reuiv/m of Hillside Hinh School, o.ass of 1944. Mrs. Pilipiwni is the former Miss Margaret of H:Usi(ie. —Mr ami Mrs. .Stanley Bcrp(.V.uiuii Biiuli'vjiid. ent«rMr. »nd Mrs. John La Patta and son Kenneth. Whttehouse. —Mr. and Mrs. Christian Longbnu'. 2'2\ C'lkmui Boulevard, entcrin hnnur of their ninth a uimiwTMiiy and Mrs. Loniibine's birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mis Cln-i.^tian Longbine, Sr,, Mr. .iiKi Mrs. Charles Bender, Laurence Harbor; Mr. and Mrs. Iiftuts Ui Porla. Mr. and Mrs. William Urt'iuino. Mr. und Mrs. Benjjmin Ui Port a, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond La Portii, all Newark. attd Mr. nil Mrs. Anthony Buonomo. CaluniA. —Mr. am' Mrs. Edward Bobb, ST., Culonia Boulevard, attended tlie Rocky Marcia no-Archie Moore fight in New York City, j —Mass Patricia Scott, Inmati Avenge, attended a fashion show ,tp Jefsey City and was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. WilSinnott, Jersey City. EXTRA! 75th Anniversary SPECIAL $ 1O FREE IN FURNISHINGS With Purchase of Any ($50.00 ur More) SUIT or TOPCOAT BH1EGS Smith at King Street iVith Amboy SftA SHOW Will OPEN I'I K WED. CHANGE and Your Life With Your Small Change • * $ • - ' If you're looking for more happiness, progress, or peace-of-m^nd, don't overlook "money in the Bank." Life can be difficult without it! i\ And if you'd like more "money in the bank," don't overlook the coinslthat are slipping through your fingers. You can turn your small change into a big account . . . and that definitely would achieve some pleasant changes in your life. Figures dbn't lie, and here they are! Weekly Denosir 1-Year Total* 3-Year Total * 5-Vew Total' $ 2.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 $ 104.00 260.00 520.00 1,300.00 $ 312.00 780.00 1,560.00 3,900.00 % 520.00 1,300.00 2,600.00 6,500.00 •Plus Pi-bailing Interest kates—Current Rate is 27'. Start With a Dollar—Finish With a Nest Egg! FIRST NATIONAL BANK in CARTERET 25 COOKE Ave. CA-1-G300 Member Federal Deposit IriSurtmce Corporation *,/*, INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT^ EXHIBIT The latest in electric powe§\ toofe, machine tools, industrial supplies, materials, handling and power transmission equipment. X- sT ^D. - THURS., OCT. 5th & 6th | 1. HANSEN& YORKE COJ of N.J. 455 GREEN' STREET and ftOUTf: 9 WOodbridge 8-8O80 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. ,i ii,NDENT-LEADER PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, KMTKMKKIl 2!), HCtf Oakg SUMMIT'S FALL SALE!! News BT WASH 497 linralii 1 TH. 1.1 H i Huryfc | ,'!rn<>d a thwl«,J>er-1 • i.ii d;nwl o?jt. TJi*Jr! \ Patrick F w . Utarerfc j Hill • _.IJP«I.« of Mr Mid Mrs • >,.v.dy aw! *on. Tnonu*.. nil «•«• Mr and Mn. , . K;V l W n . Drt. Whm ••. K turned hmn*, lh* | i. rompanifd them tfi | i.. wtiTe tlvy fpen'. a and rW. ] : , and Mary Jaw, Rah- ' r i iday f v*nitw «t*f*W of [ f!ji:.ix-rt<wn» and chil-; i,nd Maureen. Oak .ij:jy Si lilt HTI Of.Vf XllRKES: Loral «irl on far right, Jacqueline Cannllla, 13 Jean Court. WoodbrldRr, is shown enrolling at the School of Margin* of thr Albert Klnstrin Medical Center, Philadelphia. Olh ers shown with her. left to rieht. are Nancy Ackennan. A»bury Park; Judith Lewis, ftalontown; Beverly Bartash, Niw.irk, and Lnretta Jane Fener, Maplewood. ArsjaJa.* I Mr* ! ISELIN PERSONALS d Mr*. Marttn Caktn i••;•>•. Bradford R a w . ;,•] a'><-*t* <JJ Mr. and ,m UJUOT. Wewsrfc. Miss Janice Yanik Weds Local Man The best mtm was Jack Fetsko, Avenel, and George and Michael Yanik. Fords, cousins of the bride and John Yanik, Wood' bridge, her brother, ushered. Both the bride and bridegroom attended Woodbrtdge schools Prior to her 'marriage the bride was employed by Dr. Eli Cooper man, Fords. Her husband is now serving in the U. s. Air Force and was stationed in Sheppard Air Force Base, Sheppard, Trx. After a wedding trip through New York state, the couple will reside in Plattsburg, N. Y., where Mr. Fales will be stationed. For going away the bride tfore a betee loophdlt knit dress with a blege topper, dark brown accessories and an orchid corsage. urday of their little cousin, RichWOODBRIDGE — Miss Janice ard Clamer of Linden. iiid attended a By —Little Faith Maxwell, daugh- Yanik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ; day jarty in .John Yanik, 36 Wedgewood AveGLADYS E. ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Max- nue, became the bride of John Penj Adwell. Charles Street, celebrated h:,'r SCANK birthday at a family dinner Friday. Pales, son of Mrs. Helen Fales, —A week-end guest of the Orinj9-C Bunns Lane, and John Fales. \<n Lincoln Mr Herbert Kramer Berry's, Elmhurst Avenue, was Perth Amboy, Sunday afternoon Highway 1. 11* alVl Lftnita MJCS. Carrie Pavy, Cincinnati, at the First Presbyterian Church o.iiij'i fwwt* ul Mr Tel. 1,1-8-1679 Ohio. The Berrys and their guest with the Rev. Earl Hannum Devisited points of interest along vanney officiating at the cereftlflthe Jersey shore ancj in New York mony parThe bride was given in marWill an Kn'itt, Indiana Ave- lity. Ml- Lou Fra. ?£fT»;• turned home to recup—Mrs. Arthur Markell, Mag- riage'by her father and wore a '•r iieinw H patient at 8t, nolia Road, was a Sunday evening ballerina-length gown of nylon r; Bltiln T> W*r- Ban., ,j-,iA Hospital, uest of her son-in-law and daugh-1 t u l l e a n d Chantilly lace over satin ; ^-o.f*l «f honor at ter, Mr, and Mrs. Robert S. Scank, with'a bouffant skirt over a rufMr .iiid Mrs. Frank Bingert, lor fatr birthday fled hoop of nylon tulle edged Metuchen. Mt awl 141 CirifM,! Avenue, announce the with waterfall Chantilly lace. The fcirth *f A son at Perth Amboy —Carl Joseph McGhee, son of H. fitted lace bodice was designed Ow-ra! Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGhee, 20 Mind. John with a winged collar embroidered The S**ing Circle of the First Farmhaven Road, took as his bride in seed pearls and rhinestones an Church of Iselln, met Miss Prlscilla Ann Stone, '409 Al- and long pointed sleeves. Her finMr Bih'm »wf Wednesday at the home of Mrs. den Road. Avenel, Saturday after- gertip veil of illusion was draped ij*i: Kitty aiuf Ar *n* C. Calvert, 74 Trieste Street. noon in St. Andrew's Church, from a crown of orange blossoms Mrs Thompson was in Avenel. The bridegroom served and she carried a Bible adorned three years with U. S. Air Force. >.. A3 Grctrs, FJjrwith orchids and feathered car—Mrs, John Kimball, Charles nations. i t Jw*J» Sato.'**? --A 3 c August J. Kaufmann. Jr., Street, Is chairman of a baked B Miss Gloria Sofield, Woodbridge goods sale for the benefit of New .V*j*fctn Wood »A.i a Friday auest of Mr. and attended the bride as maid of Dover Methodist Church, : n * n t « « K ot Mm Of«fe Maxwell, Oharlw sored by Women's Society of rionoVrwliile bridesmaids included ca?r ps>:*j t* R*f.Streft. • Christian Service, which will be the bride's sister, Mrs. Anna *."- Mi and MM. —aunday dinner guests of Mr, held October 8 from 2 to 6 P. M. Norko, Perth Amboy, and the • z M; Mf» PTS<J J ! U j bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Dordthy Hnbert C Scank, Lincoln in the Sunday School rooms. A» <ltrtn., Huiivtay. iniluded Mr. and Mis —Star of Iselln Circle 54, Lady Johnson, Woodbridge. Miss Judith ; A few d»yi S. Scank and children Foresters of America held its regu- Yanik, Carteret, cousin of the » txmmtA and ?x, Bobby, and Linda, Metuch- lar meeting on Monday evening at | b r i d e w a s a bridesmaid. «* iwme on «5d Mr and Mrs. William C School No. 5. Mrs. Frank Moscar.V.: nk and children. Jackie, Billy clll announced that a new mer- Cooper Avenue and Befrkely E»J: Karun. *l ir . if Lor.'>l, Railway, chandise project was started and Boulevard; Mr. and Mrs. Russell -Mr und Mrs. Andrew Pa- urged more members to take part Swartz, Carteret, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Pmft and children, Raymond,tin'the project. Mrs. Kntherine George Maxwell and Mr. Richard - , . Iris, _ , _ . Mrs. . . . . .M. . r, A D o n a c a n w a s awarded the special Workman, Iselin, motored to Lakei Jawce. and Raymond, itwl Miss E. Carlsen, all of Klva prize and Mrs. Mary Scarpettl, wood to attend a Fellowship Meet|M \l 3trset, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Rahway, was winner of cook pots. ing. KOU The officers and members were in—Fred German, Ridgeley Aveto M, Aenensen, Red Bank. *.t* ar» —Friday evening guests of Mr. vited by three area circles to ''Visi- nue, and Mrs. Joseph Mauceri, and Mrs R. C, Scank, Lincoln tation Night" at their next regular Bird Avenue, attended a Communion Breakfast at Sacred Heart Cato Swan-! Hn?i!way. were Mr. and Mrs. Har- meeting. offlteul*', old Maul and children, Glen and —Rev. Alton and Mrs. Richard- thedral, Sunday. The Iselin men *wt Diane; formerly of Iselin, but now son and children, Lillian and Faith, were part of a group of Western T:jr ME&* f*»u ' makirm an extended visit at Mr. Iselin Assembly of God Church, Electric men, •:- '.-S R#a»>« 'ML- Mau!'.< mother's. Mrs. Grace Maul, '.'.<'£ wn&ou: pev-! Metuehtn. The Maul children at' t*r.d< d the birthday party on Sat- I Umanns U t»J * I W BRINHVVKK AVE., FORDS VA-6-3396 l)i*tinctite Gift* - Greeting Cards F«r All Occasions IMPORTED BAVARIAN CHINA MitMm — Birtk Social Announcements \. CAROM AND WEDDING ACCESSORIES D < CUB* LAY-AWAY P U N Wondtrful New Kind of U-IN-0MB CAPSULE FOR ASY REDUCING m I w Idpi T M UU Off Your °> *UeY*b*T»e to* Y«i Choose DRAIN FIRE BUHNS THREE HEMINOFORD, Neb.—Lee Davies poured gasoline down the kitchen sink drain in an effort to clean it put. It came back up through the drain in the basemt.i floor and spread over the cemon floor until a flame from a hot water heater ignited it. As the flames shot across the floor, Mrf Davies and her daughter, Sharon, washing clothes in the basement, fled to the stairs, as Davies rushoc into the basement. All three were badly burned—Sharon over her body, Mrs. Davies on both less, hands, arms and face. Little damage was done to Uu:, however. MINIMUM SERVICE CALL $2-95 FRANK'S RADIO & TELEVISION Special t FIRST QUALITY WHITE FLEXIBLE STEEL BUNDS U" to 36" Wide and 54" to 64" Long Check These Extra Features: \/ White Baked On Enamel V White Woven Solid Ladder Tapes \J New Type Metal Bracket Simplifies Installation V Metal Enclosed Head Keeps Out Dust and Dirt Regularly $ 4 . 9 9 FREE MEASURING! FREE DELIVERY! Call HI 2-7120 Come early. pse will sell fast! 3 DAY DELIVERY ON CUSTOM-MADE BLINDS Custom Steel-Aluminum or Flexalum with Woven-I'lastic or Huston Tapes 463 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE FORDS PHONE HI. 2-1067 LAST 3 DAYS THURSDAY -^ FRIDAY - SATURDAY Your Last Chance to Get in on Thpse TREMENDOUS VALUES!! I Kvt'ryllutijl; £o'n\g way below wholesale cost. If you were here earlier thin week, he sure to eoine buck. Big SAVINGS Now on FURNITURE STEEL RADIATOR Protect your home from smudges, dirt *tid dust on curtains, walls and ceilings by investing; in MODERN FURNITURE STEEL RADtATOR ENCLOSURES Lots of New Merchandise Has Arrived!! BLOUSES and i SKIRTS 1.00 TRICOT NYLON CREPE SLIPS GOWNS Usually Sell for 4.J19 Regulars and Shorty Styles u 1.25 Measured Delivered Installed Free of Charge! THK ittOUERN — Sue ZV IOIIK, 11" wide, U" high. Other sizes available in all colors and sizes. Wood Brain "color also In stock, COME . . SEEJ . . SAVE! If You Are Unable to Visit Our Showroom Phone HI 2-7120 A Courteous Salesman Will Call With Samples , , , No Obligation COTTON FIRST QUALITY 31x15 NOVELTY DRESSES Nylon Hose APRONS 50'pr. 1.25 3for$1 Values to $3.99 Sold by Box of 3 Pairs ,,ai ,u»«t b. « " ' « " ' •'., ", Hi* nr.o»» Hundreds of Other Terrific Bargains!! MAE-MOON DOWRY SERVICE 1Q9 MAIN ST. Open Friday Till 9 P. M. WOODBRIDGE AT OURFACTORY SHOWROOM ONLY 'f r -INDEPENDENT THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1955 PAfJF MX Girl Scout Troop ,AV$N¥Ji PERSONA$ Names New Slate •Iny night nt fi 1, KSTABI.IMI RKORI) For selling over a. million dollars worth of insurant* In a wepk the Prudential Insurance Company's agents nt the Woodbrldge office wet* honored with :i picnic in Rooievett farli. Thf eAtlre ijroup is seen in the abovr photo. Amonc the salesmen of the Wriodbridge uffioe are local residents Anthony CaccTola, Cliir Bixet. John Gels. Themas Uwnrthy, DaPrile, Robert Schwenier, Samuel Roth and Lloyd I For going away the bride wore a the Perth Amboy National Bank. 1 blue princess-styled dress with i The bridegroom Is a graduate of black hat and accessories and an Middlesex County Boys Vocaorchid corsage. tional and Technical High School, The bride is a graduate of Perth Class of 1952 and is presently servAmboy High School, Class of 1954 ing with the U. S. Army at Grand —Weekend guest* of Mr. and and was employed in the office of Island, N. Y. WOODBRIDQE — St. James Irs. Stanley Closman, 31 Melvin By ivenue. were Mr. and Mrs. Dov Church was the setting Saturday irucker who just returned from afternoon for the wedding of Miss GLADYS E. two and a half year tour abroad; Elizabeth Ann Kuchlnski, daughSCANS Mrs. Dora §haffer, New York City,. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuchin497 Lincoln mother of Mrs. Brucker and Mrs. ski. Apartment 3-F, Delaniy Homes, Perth Amboy, to PlBrte Closman. Highway J. Catano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. at the new-spacious - ultra modern Victor Catano, 712 Barron AveTel. LI-8-18J9 lyman Qlickman, Westbury Park, nue. ind Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Ditlln, tfetuchen, Mrs. Brucker is Mrs. Rev. Gustave Napolean officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Slosnian's sister. Chip O'Neill, son of Mr. and The bride was given In marMrs. Charles O'Neill. Bedford Ave- —On Friday evening a group of riage by her father and wore a nue, is confined to the house with 'omen from Westbury Park at- ballerina-length gown of white mumps. nded a theater performance of nylon chiffon over satin designed —Mr. and Mrs William Hasaett,, Anniversary Waltz" at the Booth with' a portrait neckline, draped NEW JERSEY'S MOST POPULAR ORCHESTRAS 31 Westbury Road, were hosts at Theater, New York City. They then bodice, and short shirred sleeves BARON BOBICK — AL KALLA — ANDY WELLS a birthday party in honor oi Mrs, dined at Dinjj-KJo Restaurant. In- and a bouffant skirt. Her veil was Hassett's father, Anthony Alello, cluded In the group were Mrs. shoulder-length of silk illusion WALTER KROSS Jersey City, who observed his fifty- Philip Schwartz, Mrs. Seymour and was attached to a princess seventh birthday. Guests were Mr. Klepner. Mrs. Hy GVickman, Mrs. and Mrs. Anthony Santora. Mr. Sorihan Tucker and Sam Kauf- coronet of pearls and rhlnestohes. She carried a colonial bouquet of and Mrs. Louis Calabrese, Mr. and nan. Music by Mrs. O. Russo, Mr. and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Klep- white roses and pink bab/s breath. Thomas Santora, Mr. and. Mrs. Jo- ner, Bedford Avenue, were SaturMiss Ann Kuchlnski attended seph Calabrese, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Santora, Mr. and Mrs. A. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manny her sister as maid of honor. Frank AND HIS ORCHESTRA Skay, Woodbridpe. was the best Magnolia, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cor- Goldfarb, Metuchen. man. reio, and Mr. Anthony Esposlto, —Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. all of Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. ialvatore Santelli, 194 Worth After a short stay in Atlantic Coming Soon . . . Prank Tagllarenl, Mrs. Charles Street, were Mr. and Mrs. G. Rus- City the newlyweds will travel to NAME BANDS AND POLKA PARTIES Messina. Mr. and Mrs. George so, Mrs. M. Denicola and son, Jo- their future home, 1099 Nash' Road, WATCH FOR THE BATES Beverldge, Westbury Park. seph, and Mr. and Mrs. John North Tonawanfla, N. Y. where they will be at home after today Basile, all of Jersey City. —Condolences to the Thomas Beverldge family, 8 ByrCt Avenue, on the death of Mrs. Beverldge's father, Joseph McCabe, Jersey City, who had a fatal heart attack at the Beveridge home. —Sunday dinner guests of the Herman Goldfarbs, Julius Street, included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Romer, of Chtago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Goldberg and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fink and children, Jeffrey and Eddie, all of New York City. Westbury Park Notes AVENEL — Eleceton of tiffin is Jhurch hen «&; held by Star of BeUi!ehrm - The Avcnvl -,• By Dflf S. Gir: Scout Troop 14 at a mc;ti:iR nWRlTUeSflny 11! l?AVU> D,AVIS n the henp of y in tlie home of the leader, Mrs JoM. Poll, Runway Avenue. 15 Lenox Are. sen. « 2 Mmi<,m E e t e d to offl.-e Were: Lorettii Awnel Poll, preisident: Mary MU'Pliv. budget for n,,. , vlee-inesidtnt; Christine Mirlls. -The Av,.ii-i secreti.-y; Susan Pepsin, tnwtir7164 V F W « , n er: Doima Plnrtels. siwnni-iit.;iii{hl tit « n o D , i nnns; Flor.inne tistolmfr nnd Hub rooms C'h,;, Dorothy Thomas, good ehriT. - T h e Worm;, The Democratic and Civic Ten new members wrtc wrl-mird club of E*st Avenel, will meet all m^t \\pi\v,, into the troop. Emilit1 Baldwin, Moii'Uiy nlnht at 8:&P o"ctock. in o'clock in Awn. Katliy S.'-.ey, Marilyn Cummins, tlic Maple Tree Farm. A' report him Business {,,. Beverly K'fiPleskl. Knri'rt M o u - will In ssiveh on the progress be- will bf lin. Oayle (TJropta. MmMHiet R»«, ing made for the klck-ott dinner s Nancy Seal'?. Ann Swlssurk. tmd betiig sponsored by the club, lor A v e n u e , h a s \vU ••• Dorothy Ttn'onas. CommUteenwn L. Ray AJfbanl. to Florida H. « The troop fs partlclpatliiR 1" Hie candidate in the torthcoiplnfc No- In Wacom, On \ Olrl Scout cookie sale which vtill vember election. Plnns wtll be his son. Aitm.i continue through October 3. L-ompleUd fdr » Uieatet party In Dauda. wlio is v New York City \M set' the stag* | Air Force B,ISP p:ny "Junny."' Refreshments will ! —Mr. nnd MiEXPLANATION be served lifter the business ine«t- ^83 t>mortst A\, ; "I know why we shouldn't C-~ j birth oi ii son \iv. 1 spise our enemies," said 'ittk Avenfl Fire Company will hold ! September 23 Mary. j Hospital. Eli7«b."All right," said the teacan; drill exercises Monday evening in Uie tkehouse. "tell, us." The Rosary Societiy of St. Railroads m, 'Well, w« ought to like Andrew's Church will meet Mon- wtlght made." Catano-Kuchinski Wedding k Hel(l Dancing Every Friday Night ST. DEMETRIUS COMMUNITY CENTER 681 - 691 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret Flowers Corner Restaurant CORNER OF JAMES AND SCHOOL STREETS. \V001>i:i;nHiJ We Serve Satisfied Custonwni Smiling Service... Pleasant Atmosphere Add fine food to our enjoyable surroundinn »>»* U* t***' I* a treat In dining! Whether it's a fountain uuek or a futtcourse dinner, our u-ell planned menu offers » tine selection. Come in any time for the tops In food smlee. Home Cooking • Hume Baking Moth rah' Prices... E d d i e a n d v N o r a \.<ii,:, Proprietor-. THIS FRIDAY, SEPT. 30th Orders Prepared to \\\U nu>| CALL WO-S-' ANDY WELLS What has .ihe PANSIES? Lucky Eight Buy Mountain Resort WOODBRIDGF, — The purchase of a small summer note to be converted into a hunting lodt;e in the Bushkill area of the Pocono Mountains was authorized by the members of the Lucky Eight Hunting Club Inc., Wood bridge, at a meeting held in Lou Horner's Log Cabin Sunday after noon. Nine of the ten members were present at the dinner-meeting and approved the transaction, Louis Homer. Jr., and Harry Pozycki were authorized to make the jtrlp today to the real estate agejicy in Bushkill to make the purchase and put the present lodge up for sale, The new dwelling has fourteen rooms, ten of them bedrooms, and Is on a 15-acre tract In plain view of Delaware Water Gap. Windsor J. Lakls was appointed, chairman! of a dance committee for the (jlub's first annual dance which will be held in late No vember or early December. Walte Merwin was appointed range of fiefcr to arrange for the annual ,2L ! caMbre rifle championship among i thi members. The trophy was won last year by Lakis. Mr. Homer was host at the meeting and offered steamed muscles and whole roast pheasants to each member. Present wete Iwr Homer, Lakis, Merwin, Pozycki, L. Ray Alibani, Fred Adams, John Schwart, Michael Mant'anaro, and Zoltun Mayer. NOW...vou can have phones in COLO Surely, NOT the panaies for which your hard-earned i nioney was spent and which disappeared among the weeds at the town hall ! ! ! Surely NOT the pansies. SRAY IVORY GREEN BEIGE YELLOW RED COULD THE TOWN HALLACRATS be proud of issuing building permits promiscuously without any thought to the future soTyour children, are now attending school on split sessions—and will be for some time to come? I COULD THE TOWN H|ALLACRATS be proud of a sewer system that still isn't accepted in its entirety and for some mysterious! reason was so far behind schedule that folks who bought homes could not move in and were forced to live in temporary hjmsing for months? COULD TI1L TOWN HALLACRATS Iw proud of the fact that their mayor told newcomers who dared complain: "No one asked you to move here"? COULD THE TOWN HALLACRATS be proud of the fact that they treat developers with kid gloves while home-owners with legitimate complaints are treated with discourtesy? \ Library Board Plans Card Party 8EWAREN—The board, of dl rectors of the Sewaren Free Publl Library made arrangements lor' card party to be held on th« ave ning of October 28 at the home o Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scheldt, Hoiton Street, at a .meeting in .tjlie Scheldt home Monday evening. - Recently elected ' officers, Mrs A. w. pchcidt, president: tjarr: Howell. vicetfpresident; piarenc Zischkau, treasurer, arid Mrs. Da vid Balfour, secretary,; were iri atalkd In o^ce. Others prawn were' William Bird, H. D. Qlftrt John J. Dowlftig; Daniel JWHfi, Mrs. K. a . Crane, Harry Buiffe* Anhui1 Mw:k und Mrs. Hwry Hil gey, librarian. Tin i U.Win Are YOU proud of the TOWN HALLACRATS? If you *re not—and you have every reason not to be, VOTE THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES of Integrity, of Vision, of Foresight Lyte B. Reeb, Jr. Lester Stackel Raymond F.Smith, Jr. Harold LBarr Fir FIRST WARD ELECTION DAY Paid for by Friend* of Candidate* SECOND V|ARD THIRB WARD November 8, 1955 BLUE BROWN Here's the newest way to express your good taste in hon decoration!—telephones in your choice of eight stunn>' c o l o r s . . . t o rnajjtch or complement the d t c o r of your hon T H I T R I N O IS TO COLOR ' Everywhere you look— you see the powipg importance of color i automobitea . : . in homes . . , in a p p b a n c W . . . in ftabkmB. Color > things for you. It soothes , . . it s t i m u l a t e a . . . it contribute to >• ! appreciation of your surroundings. AND TlU NIWBST NOT* I * CQLQR T|ViWQ^i» Color phones for your kitchen , . , yout living r o o m ; . . . your bedn Color for any room. ' , , the smart decorator ahjtdw Of tha accftnt from your drapes, furniture o* floo exciting daah of contrast. You c a n ^ y V cojor to replace existing phone*.,. or aa a ; . . or for handy ex tensions. " ! p up a ('( lf , , . or to »>'<' ' in your clu>!<< i! in your new l^1 : FOR F R » CQLO« ^ See the new color telephones on it your local Tafephone Biusit» Office. Or call for free color foluw w imp yuur puuuuui to you right away. Color Phonej art inexpensive- Just a rea time charge for color plus the upual inat«^aUw or aubttitution. F>.», Should you mov*. fVfn'to another paof tht «t^t«, y<»«r «9'«fr ^ n o n f W * w i t h y Thf charge tor QQlor l» f eharfO l •fi rr,NDENT-I,EADER LftFAYETTE ESTATES WHEREAS, \hr Prtsidfnt of the United States and tt« Qcveroar of New Jersey hive requested me to live lu:> at to i>.e to i> i i a u ticisnid to alleviate the rthatuhUU.u prnbl DK or the physically handkoa^ped. and . surveys have 'esUWished that to r.-hafaiUtek* «>«• and p!ace them in gainful employment » awr.* :h..r. hununr it is «ood Tcr government because it, unkes Uxom of u x consumers; f. is good lor b u s i n g be^-x .! are protlUbt:: Liberty 1-lStt .,,,<] Mrs. Ttromas Sir;»t, SOW. THKRKIORK, I. Hugh B. Quiatey. Mayor «t bittx* Tc*n.v!»ip. hereby ur-e aU pltiit'ns to o'jssrv? "Rm.jl-.3t »!w PbysxiUy H,irhi:csi>pert Wtvk" October ><• o:U u ,xk u d»mnj whid» t)u>y should our Community Km,Jwy :"•* Piiy«.-a:ly Handicapped Ccwmittee orfsinn!" Us >.-«-ruu;tj uimpaitn u» br.n« about the rrhabaitatlan and *m.»toYm m U the p h y y « : ; ,,,iiY-nrc)V uniiiversar; I 75 sfm"is in theih ...mi.'. the quests wjre Ms , iltimrke. Long. Wand Mis G w dab Plans Special Projwt A Proclamation MRS. KOSti: GKO8S to t ' w w M m Mr*. For* ,':.»• PAOE SEVEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ?9. Murk Roonry am , >tis Parell Roontj Mr :i:<d Mrs. R o * n d K, -ii Park; Mi. »n<t Mrs laii'it-tM, Jersey City Kenny. Hohokus: Thuma FURTHER, ! ask every employer in Woodtwid^ T«n>;i;» to eiw*e»v«jr u» give Independence ta tfv* Thra^.x KKtytatmrnl. and I reccw.jnend that they place the'r easier* foc worfctrs W:,h the local office or the New'Jen*? State Employment Strvi?e wher* selective special placement te,hninues Kv the hand'iappd enaWe skilled interviewers to pl,»ce i»^H:»\i murkers in .«*« for whioh they are highly qualified. „ Tin- Bronx: Mr. *o. n i l Hynes, New Yort t, Mr mid Mrs. 'Ha Moohey. DeMi1 and M» M- iiiul dnughler. Thorn.-a »nd Barney. Iwlpet 11 Itbration. but U*u l*.rt'tla. sent her tao& in Japan where she Is \ltnlo Park Chapter of \ ;•!,•] n-;\n Jewish Coniirass Intention Tea at the : i itliun Silver In Mento ,-.•:,,-, from Lafayette'B*i.^i.i.'d Ula BllU»r, Ooldle ,. Adele Blrnhoh, Dora ,iul Rosljw Gross. The f: , • p iK gioup were charming , ,,n>i a pleasant ewmnst •.• WOOOBWDOE - The Woof the «n ti* new is Oivm Thurs- TV «tth Mr Ad*m.v C i v « « a w » Mi»wd XTrs T 8 Hadassab Plans ForOnegShabbat with the New Jert»> ? for Women. A tver of thanks was received rmm Mrs. Carolyn B Broownn ot t f B»rron Library for tt* buoX< dan* »?d. This donation w» WOODBR1D0K - A -ommu-.> a Women's Civic Cub pro)*-!" «Mtin« wU bt h*U at the ho-.: for the yeiuf. r Mrs. Henry Winttr. Or*» \ ^^-.(t: pro:eot of communit interest for the enduing ye«r I t m t . at 1 o'c:o*k ta furtlv 'sn^ for an Oa«t Sh«bi»aV spon wo:«cd en by Mrv D I» » t i by \ht Wootfbrtdne Chao:eh*.iii!»!i, anrf plans Will I t Hada&sah on October I at t'u in the r.;ar futute Mrs. oit-wn iiriied all m»»bti riome of Mrs Ernest L.chtnun. ts> tl e Qfneml P*i«ler Barron Avenue pub;icuU>)u. "Club Woman.' Uuest sj<!*k«rs wtll b* Mrs ts»All nioinb is unable- to attend « •r> J»cobspn. Mrs. B\vnmn Da Perth A!«bo». and Mr (.tjt >!• .11 tli,< imvthm were Mrs wt •# Mrs H M Otaw$. presl- Wil'.iam ti.tdik and Mrs J. Owl«*t Mrx CJwywww f i t t e d an i> »Hrx. G.idek was the winner ot members to attend UM «hrk tiorw pritr. Mrs O K w«,vs and means chairman * fell will IK' csrd parfy Will bt :>AH«<S1 : held hi Njvi-mbeT. til the Oonvtnuott.i A i ^ ' >l!t> ^u*"* tor the vea. iwas suiwesltd and accepted, th* «in.«-r of the !. i ; '"' n ( t «i »h« .ueUnit^as w n w i ferfcm i*Wh Gr*die »t * Award i f *' note for Uw TOO*. S U B bOOTIB 'SHEET HAS QUINT LAMBS WOODBRIDOS — A Wrnln* ArjKLAKD. New ZeaUnJ -r * torch with l « fwt of taader has? fpur*ye»r-ol(i Romnry ewe r*. wtth iaut«s. v«luM at »1M and trnttr |*«« birth to qulnWfe&it an etaht-intrh skill a w worth t l & i»mbs on * turai n u r Taumarunl, •*»re *tolwi trom a toai shed at '.This is beJicvcti tn be a v ,ld rsaMetal * Th»r»it Cu. vsrofxtny ,u o r ^ fw $heep AU Ivp l»inba*f« Hhwajr Avtnue »«wrtnn* t« Sut 'repor>d to be healthy. Socket DM*r and Pauoinwu j — ! harhtsBan I HIS TITtN i Say a h " Ruthie Barnes uys^vui two :i j But Dec. I tiidn't m W routines uf t«H> !.:-h>|b* e\aunin<>d I »*nt u pay •»» • nicely n>«. rsp»is^i w.ihjbill' se!l.ns pamo Virieljr I A!'.'" to Club t0 they will give their lmprt«!sl »r.' >f their i«s?nt tour ot kt^el A r - w b r mwtln* of Uw Cl»,» M wUl be held on M>xid*y «t <'< Wowibridite j e v U h Cummanu) Center. Amboy Avetiue^ CONTEXTS CHANGED TKITK. • JACKSONVILLE. Ft*.—Em- l 't G. Lain's pickup trwk wa* u\ A :we've s.illous of bbach u» truck Lam was unhurt bus inside of t!»e truck turuerf * . Symptoms ot Distress ArisingTfbTi STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS AClt Card Party to Aid QUICK RELIEF OR NO Of Ask About lS-Day Trial Offer! Boy Seoul Troop suest AVKNKL — Plans were I- an interesting talk on w** m*de to the . Articles acquired by th* to spc«\?or a card party for tiie Enwsrrncy Sijuid. HUGH B. QU1OLEY. Mayor ot WuxtbrUlxi- Ta«nsfii.> nwtalware benefit of Boy Scout Troop 42 ti\*» Mr> Joseph weaving and needlework sponaoml by SV. Andrew's Church, JJri JiiTiTi )*ntn»r and Attest; B J. DUNIOAN. Township Clerk 1 *\\A aduMwledjvd vi-ere displayed. The speaker ae i t a meetiinK of the U w p commitcoinpanied her talk with plctum tee and parents of the scouts heM with and covered fAHlities and customs at the church hall, it was an»**• potential co)- of the country. nounced by Matthew Quintan, TWIN SISTERS HGCOMK 'TOTAL IHWBLES that The meeting «-as concluded wtUi h*irm:in. MOTHERS SAMK DAY GOLDEN. Co} - T h e M - fi^fe » f « b e r s «rt« parents and Uw servirm of refreshments by The »rtair wUl be held October ORAUD PRAIRIE, Texas Mrs. I rollment at Colorado School of AU mtifre*rd \\x*ne people to at-, Mrs. Stulu and Mrs. Jolui Eppenitobert Heien and Mrs. Edward [Mines doubled this, year—',» «nd CvO**w D*>\ S»t«n*iy, Oct. stoinev. co-hostes!*s of the even !l. at »00 P M.. at the church Bennett, identical twins, aave **hen Catherine Uriun 19. a! -** «t lK«TCi«ss C*rrip\«s An cxifn-1 ing. The next regular meoung will tall, under th" chairmanship of German Steinbach, who volxm* is planned for the be held Thursday. Oct. 37, !>ir',h to babies two hours apart Douglas, Wyo., an,1 Dawn H*yleered his services. He wlU be i t a hospital in Dallas. Mrs. Holm tord, IS. of China Lake. CaU. »n- tfelMws Sndwlin« w m w tours, Doing what others ftnd diffi- assisted by Walter Wojlecki, had a son and M R . BenneU a rolled. The school's lone « e « u n | * « «*«*n retltaV a box luncheon daughter. Each «ster now has a atudvnt last year. Nancy E*>1^T I UMI a x*rsjt>p hwtibiUl «ame This cult is talent: d*oing what is im- lender ot the troop, John Jacobs, family of a girl and a boy. Their of Corpus Christi, Teaas. tr«!u- • P*v<»Ms *n eywlJwt opportunity po^iblf for talent is aenlus —• land Mr. Quintan. The public is parties to becom? Henri-Frfaerie Amiel, 1831-1881, | invited hu>b*nds work tor the same firm ferred O the Unlwrsi'j oi Co;>;' "*f rado. ! — iiert. >nd Mrs John DtWcola. :.:., n Drive had as guests ;:.,!,<. iu::nt suppw Mr and \ Horvath and Wil.!'. Morgan, and Mr. and tty to contact *v«ry family in this development so that you will get :• nd Mrs. HaroW NeWert J, o w me. In the meantime, • :. Dnviv wtebrated their' iowever. pletse donl hesitate to . !'. by having dinner and all me. or drop by to chat any ,i p. ,i show in Perth Amboy siane news for this ume you • -wt>i'ic-()ld Laurell Cro«- -olumn : (.v u( Ann and Ni«el • . I'oni'.innon Drl»e. visit: .uuiprtrenti in Staun : i !h first time, this «wk .;: and Mrs. Carl Ma;«'r A.-I.II Tetruce. attended a ilin; i . ii' tl.e Hotel CommoN .v York Citj. .: ..utl Mrs. Sam Blltier and . ii .md Rubin, spent the *<wk-; ..;•. Mi. aud Mra. PwiWr O\\r five million packages of the \\v m m TREATMENT have been sold ior relief o» sjinptoms of d^tress arising from SUmach and Du«d«nal Ulcm due to Exeat AcW-Poor Dtustton, Sour or U p t t S t w * w \ Gasslness, Heartburn, Sktplmwws t « t c , due to EXCMS Add. Ask for "wWtardH M«ssate" v fully explains thw home Utatment-fr«t—at AR-EX Pharmacy 270 NEW BRUNSWICK AVF.NTE, FORDS VA-S-lMi A Split second is the big difference! you can find someone u move anything : HOUSES .md M«. Elmer Buckley.; :IHII nnve. entertained Mr • Philadelpina M.uu1 North, who lives -ister. Mrs, Patrick Hen-j !<;!.is->e Stiwt. celebrated; a.i.v U.u week wtUt a dm PIANOS A (ite Movtrs) T tad Mrs. Russet Schmidt. •:. Drive, entertained ..:- ;n-ni-:aw, Helen, and :i K-'tineth. last week-end. v. John, b sUUuned at i .md Nat Goodman. Ar-' nnve, spent two days u» K City They visited the A-.i and BUl's Gay Nine..n.uwich Village. : :n:d Mrs. Thomas Red* i i . • ijr.mnoii Drive, visited i limund's mother. Mrs .iiiuiicii, with their three! i'"mmy. Billy and John-' \u»r CuUeu. New York .-:i-d h»-r son-in-law and: Mi .md Mrs. Joseph La'•: ilie week-end. Mrs. ; • uii'vv A^ues OHllnither.' > 1'V Fashion Show Utsl • '• Channel 5. \ >.i'uuiiiy Mr. and Mrs i 1 • • •-•• t'literuined Mr and ' • ••': KO;«KIHV »nd A split s»wnd is the difference in a play like thin. In yuur enuine it's even mow important UultsH vuar engine fin« on the right 1/100 uf a st-a.iwi, puwvr *orlu iigainst you, not for you. then' c.iuil and Nancy. Bel-< • :•'• Mi and Mrs. Qttonte. \ :.'i iiildren. Charles and : >•'••'•• *\ P a r k , N . Y . NEW JERSEY BEU HLtPHOME j >- ymnur Ack«rman. Con- • ;>:!'.(•. wus the winner of ! ' H'.ue Mtuk stole at a • .• .i Diince sponsored, by j : .ban Temple In Unden tin' next month I shall is the Big Difference between Highest Octane GasolinesSteady saving is the secret "li.RE ARE MANY POINT? thai the profK finds ohKUR W to comprehend. That c the ituurance «gtnt i»to the picture. Hit tu give lite tMurance (ku am) undrntami gives you split-second GO No one has to teach a squirrel to save. He knows his very life depends on it. And, because the squirrel can carry so ttttle, he constantly stores the food he'll need. | Take a tip from the, squirrel. Save as if youij futujre depended on i t IT MAY. Remember: wlether you can save a( little or a lot, we'll welcome your account. object; to tdvitt rc1 <Kh indivMnalciM. luin M yom uMttrancf '""W/w, Thi» agency l « ''«W on thai (mncipk. W« " >t to K m you. l llf It takes both top octane and TOP** TCP, a specially developed Shell additive blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, overcomes the deposits as they form. Because TCP stops pre-firing and i i | In a combustion chamber, > fot ex- spark plug "mks," it gives high oct|ne ample, these deposits fire the ga*$ne 'Split-second response. * split second before the piston readies . See your Shell Dealer, Get Shall Prefiring position. When this happens, you mium with TCP. It's the most powerdon't get a full-power stroke. On spark ful gasoline jfour car can use! plugs, they cauae short circuits. Your engine "misaea"—more power loaal Safely Iw S»«M* The PERTH AMBOY Savings AStBOY. 4SU«V - ' ' * Only Shell Premium Gasoline has Wh TCVcwd Top Octane! 'IU.I : And, high octane gasoline alone can't solve the problem. Today's high compression engines are fantastic performers. A touch of your toe 1 gets response in a split second. But deposits thai form in your car's engine during daily, short-trip driving soon take the edge off this fine response, i#iilf Ifi&SSl ,, INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, KKI'TKMHKK 'B, PAGE EIGHT STRIKES and SPARES HOUSE W 5 miy's Sowlcc .. 4 Bnrbers 4 niflsiwn Club 4 Hill Tops 4 nine Bur " 3 Almasl Tavern 0 Bnlnbas PlumbinR 0 Maypr's Tnvern f r oam hish name- AlmasI Tav(RAFTSMEN Urn1 ami Tin re; ni H >)]i,r/:i. 201 Sumiiuc Fi.;t:., ('iirrrd Ui<? riiv'.rre nf Biriip'.w of Science in Er.Rlii"' riim Pin,-irs from tlie University of K;tns:i» siire the June r r n 1 . " . Rabbi Samuel r nfirrod up prayers fir t'T ifvovniy nf President £ise:iftmv r nt the Yom Kippur services Suiid.iv n.tiit fln:l Monday. . . . TIT- Midfllcscx Concrete Products mid Kx-:iv»ti]«i Corp, WoorthndK'1. has wt n :-.vo state aid contract v mi" in S'JUth Ambpy for I mit 955: U Gcnovese'187, 8, Sepa Ferraro 187. O. MacKay l!l!) M Almasi 207. Di'i-rwsky 224. O. Deter 206, Harrisnti 214, L. Grnovese 200, Rrpa 208. J-Subyak 213, 203. $S,040 nn/t t h e ether in S o u t h j River a; $4,996. . • How t h . s e kins c o frrr.v u p ' Just y e s t e r d a y ! it sermr.d to mo that Hlnda F e i bii'h was a little Kill. Saw 'n<"r Mom'ay aiui SUP is a poised, pre.t.y iK lady S a m o n s , who is ,, i a s s e s s o r , h a s been •,-.,•, •' , m R C o m p a n y for t h ' ;',, , ' \n& rose t o hi.s n » w -,,.-• p o s i t i o n of chief , < „ , , T h e Rending t r m . ' : , t h e largest coal sl,;:-,';i ' SERVICE W 5 First Aid 4 .Saturday Niters 4 Cooper's Dairy o n t h e E a s t e r n RPHIIM',' ,. . 3 Plnza Bnrbers m o r e t h a n 3,OOO.<KM •..• ,', 3 American Cyanamld annually. Samom «,;, Oak Tree Drugs 3 chante of the conis>.i. 2 Bob's TV business to all i,..,,, , 0 Woodbridse Conf'y , High game—Cooper's Dairy: B. flrms. Cirfl Party Tm,-l,, Blyth 195, E. Cooper 173. W. Blyth A public card par", 148. R. Osborne 194, M. Sisko 159 by the Altar mi,: ;• —8fi9. W. Blyth 222. F . Janer 200, J. elety of St, Andre* r be held toninht at « <" Arva 200, N. Tomko 201. the church hall WOODBRIDGE FIREMEN WOODBRIDGE Tidbits: FARFWFII TO NEW S Ml OK Ollici:iN and employe of Tin- W.mdbridsf Publishing Co. gave an impromptu party Tiifsday as a fart well to .lohn Preacher, U'> Dunlum PFO, Robert John Place', a member of the dipping flep:.rtmenl. «h» left t.,rt:iv [..r « fmir-ve.r Mich in the Navy. Roar rev. left to riBht. arc: ! awn nee F. Campion. Robert Karr Jos.-p h Zchrrr, 2iv1 Ampii. Truck C>. O t a John Kalomatis Herbert (run,, (.ordon «)!«•». Stephen Silm. Hrnnrns rotor son. Woodson Moslry. Dowlas DeWitt, Idsar V. RreiitiberR. Harold Hollywood. <DUKW\ F.M.F. Atlantic, Camp iry, Siatcd left to rich!. Miss Margaret Jordan, Mrs. Frank Sehaufrle, Miss Mary Fitzgerald, John Preacher, Miss Veronica Darab. GeiRcr, Ciimp Lejeune, N. C , spent Thomas Campion, Charles K. 20 days leave with his parents, Miss Ruth Wolk. Mrs. llemiiric Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zehrer. 13-E Bimns I ane. . . . The Woodbrid.;'!, Conn.. Lions will be guests of the Woortbricisie Lions Club. October 11. They will play ijolf at the W QUICK RKLAPSI Colonia Country Club, tour the 9 Shell . . An asylum pmi<v Linroln-M-rcwy plant under the 8 Wdbge? First Aid been certified cur<vi direction of Otto Mayer, and have WOODBRIDGE — More than' Fonis by Bernard Dunn and in 7 Avenel No, 1 goodbye to the ;!<>:•!.,: dinner at the Country Club. The Give serious thought to choosone thousand boys, girls, men and jCarterrt by Joseph Wriss. 6 P. B. A. No. 38 tutlon. "And what , . . Lions, by the way, will hold a MorethanVoiT residents of t h e i ' n s a rug'for the home. It makes women living in Woodbridge have 4 to worryipain passes off. These symptoms Iselin Chiefs masquerade Halloween dance at to do when you m, no difference if the rug is to be Americans are prime five communities in Woodbridr.e | 2 Iselin No. 1 the Lesion Hall October 29, w dbenefited from Red Feather sevworld?" asked the >:.-. or a love- about'evervlitU, h.-nrt pain, and ars « « ™ 'y^ * f " ' m " f . " 1 ' s " | 1 ™ Avenel First Aid j Township, headed by Mayor Hiif.h 0 ly Oriental. The correct choice of "Well," said the n.r.. clambake October 2 at Adams! a s e n c i e 5 a n d institutions of the B. QuiRley. have been invited to to imagine that they have, of are that attacks the heart instead of Avenel No. 2 0 passed my bar fx;ur, Bar and Grill. 720 State Strcei, | R a r l l a n g a y Community Chest participate in the campaign mer.- color, deslRn and texture can going to have, unuina i>ectoris of the head. High team game—P. B. A. No. greatly add to or detract from the In regular, or one-sided head- 3rf. 923: S. Pocheck 184. J. Nemeth I may practice l:n 1 Perth Amboy. and Council during the past ysar. ing of the area Chest and Coun \1 attractiveness of any room. coronary thrombosis. In fact, they had quite a bit of .> aches, we are not sure of the ex219, S. Yuhasz 166, C. Bahr 199, g sn scared that their very ap^ Reporting on a September sur- ! on October 4 at t h e new Irjncollege dramatic, s, act cause, but they seem to be H. Deter 155. Personal taste will always be Hall at 462 Market Street, prehension ami tenseness tend to vey of agency services, Preeh n lder brought on by anxiety and wor R. Osborne 242-201, A. Liscinski acting." the deciding factor when choosaggravate the condition, whereas Riv. Robert J. Arway. C. M..George Otlowski. organization vice Perth Amboy. He paused for a n, ry, too much mental or physical 212. W. Housman 225, R, Heller ing a rug and this is as it should An area Campaign goal of $133.if they remained calm and relaxsailed aboard the S.S. Uberte president and chairman of the overwork, which produces nerve 212. J. Nemeth 219-211, R. Greco in thought. '•Then ,,• be. However, a few general rules 000 has been set with the share ed the pain miuht pass off in a for Europe. He will enter the Uni- October Red Feather Campaign tension. are best adhered to if top results hand," he continue.1: 211, A.Lauro201. few moments without leaving any versity of Louvain. Belgium to area solicitation committee, at a for Woodbridge Township set at are desired. However, we have a very satis* a teakettle," untoward results. procure his doctorate In philo- meeting Monday nlgh,t of the $10,000 and $5,000 to be obtained factory treatment for migraine Number one is — always buy BOWL-MOB-HOUSE in Carteret. Prolonged worry or distress of- headaches as follows: Ergotamsophy. He received his M. A.Woodbridge Lion* Club, stated the Unfinished Sunr,h.i,, Announcing plans for the Octo- from a reliable dealer no m a t -ten brings on pain in the heart ime tartate, or the breathing in L in Philosophy at the Catholic local residents had a responsibility ter if the rug is to cost 5 dollars or T h e v i l l a g e orcii'•••• l'/a University in Washington and for share the cost of providing ber Campaign "Kick Off" Dinner. $5,000 dollars. Note the fiber con- that even extends to the whole of 100 per cent oxygen will in Guy's Electric 6'/i 2'/2 rehearsed t h e ovi-: , : , : Middlesex TV Mortimer Greenspan, president. left side, and may even affect most cases bring relief. five years was on the faculty hese services. tent carefully for this is the tip n the armpit as well as the arm. stated that "solicitation would b Ruby's Box Lunch 5'A 31/ 2 s i x t h time. at Niagara University where he A point to be remembered by "Unless increased funds are ob- gin on October 5 in Perth Amboy on the wearing quality of the rug. Doctor Thomas Fitz-Hugh, Jr., i sufferers "Thank you." s a i l ' : 1 :; from heart pains such as Ravens 4 5 taught philosophy. At the same Test the rug by pressing your ined plans for extended services and Fords and the following week 4 Ms Who Was also t h e 01:.,: of the University of Pennsylvania, have been described is that the Stanley's Diner 414 time h" was vice rector of Our l a s t you have given :i. >y t h e Catholic Charities, the in Avenel, and Carteret. The be-thumb against the pile very hard has written an article on the sub-patient does not sweat from agony Muska's F'n'l Home 5 4 Lady of Ar.Re'.s Seminary, Niagterpretatlon of my >,,: fMCA and the YMHA cannot be ginning date for Woodbridge so- for a few seconds. Quality wool ject in which he says that "a re- as in true angina pectoriB. Suf- Midtowners 7 2 ara. As chaplain he helped to en-el has a springiness that lets it "Gee!" whispered • :arried out," said Mr. Otlowskl. 8 1 view of 4,000 consecutive private ferers from heart pains shouli Swift Ice Cream licitation has not been set." the present Chapel of the Holy bounce back from pressure. the trombone, "tlmi be examined by a competent phypatient records of the past 15 years W. Demler 224, N. Pape 213 J. Campaign receipts in last year's Family at the Tuscarora Indian Consider the cost of a good pad showed migraine in 22 per cent. sician. Prekop 211, M. Stec 207, L. Smith ?ot two pages to i>:.,-. • Reservation, Father Arway is the ioljcitatlon In Woodbridge were so as part of the rug cost for it is About one in every four presents 200. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Av- inadequate that the extension profoolish to skimp on this item. It symptoms of regular attacks of SPEAKING OF BULLS Three-game winners: Ravens EVASIVE •way, 717 St. George Avenue, gram of the YMCA was delayed will more than pay for Itself in pain In heart region resembling "When your papi • The absent - minded professor over Swift Ice Cream, Guy's Elecand limited to special learn-toWoodbridKfi . . . The New Dover adding life to the rug. angina pectoris. This pain in thewho went to mow the lawn with a tric 2'/2 games over Stanley's me he always ki» -. Methodist Church will hold a iwim projects, Initiated for HWn Choosing a design that will be chest, instead of in' thf head, ap- carpet sweeper wasn't half as em- Diner, Middlesex Television Vh brow." bake sale October 8 from 2 to School arid Number 11 pleasing is simple. If a figured pears a substitute for the pain barrassed when he discovered h's games. Ruby's Box Lunch IV2 ' "Harold usually ',:. : 6 P. M.. under the direction of >upils. Well, glory be! D.ivid Niven, in | ,.Ug j s desired, remembfer that oth- in the head. The pain is most of- mistake as was the school teacher games, the steps," replied I'1 the Women's Society for Christian Those helped by Chest contri- a new comedy series for Four Slur i er figured objects in the room ten a dull, heavy, boring ache in Two-game winners: Muska's mindedly. who smiled and spoke very friendService . . . The First Congrega- mtions Include 353 Boy Scouts, to strike a must be few. If the rug is a solid the region of the lower part of the ly to a gentleman and then dis- Funeral Home over Midtowners. tional Church of Woodbridge -will 4 under-weight, under-nourished TV, says he's color then figured upholstery or breast bone. Sometimes it extends covered she didn't know him. By blow for the American husb-w.1. Irapes can be used successfully. hold a rummage sale Saturday md under-privileged isi i.r. \ children, into the left armpit. The dull type way of explanation, she exST. CECELIA'S K. of C. from 9 A. M. until noon a t the vho attended the Kiddie Keep Unlike mast shows, he says, vhL'h BOWLING LEAGUE The current popular wall-to-wall of distress may come and go forclaimed: church . . . .John T. Connor has Well Camp at Roosevelt Park; 150 picture the husband as a soon. W average will make a r o 0 m look days at irregular intervals." "Oh, pardon me. I thought you been elected president of Mer:k men and women in the Armed FOR ONK IWIK1 5 arger. Scatter rugs tend to cut The quickest way to get rid of were the father of one of my chil- Iona his will make the breadwinner a & Co. He succeeds James J. Ker- Forces using USO facilities, and it is to become interested in other NOW T H K i : H I H \ M > \ V | Seton Hall 4 lown the size appearance of a rigan who will continue as a direc- SO persons who used the facilities normal, intelligent fellow, who is oom and are best used to rather things. As a rule, the pains are dren." Loyola 4 • Grarf K I I H tor and as | chairman of the >l the Perth Amboy YMHA. not eternally being pushed around arge rooms for this reason. fleeting, sometimes lasting for only Holy Cross 3 • Ca'> dKVM executive committee . . . HEAR Extension of Salvation Army by his wife. Pordham 3 Once the new rug is chosen and a few minutes, but may last hours., The patient may even be seized and Catholic Charities services Notre Dame 3 nstalled in the home the quesTLH[[ Claudette. Colbert, who returned ;ion of proper care is next... with air hunger. This inability to St. Peter's 2 will be undertaken toy local leadHIILI Last But Not Leust: to the stage this summer in a pre- Use a carpet sweeper every day gH a deep and completely full 0 Vlllanova Born at Perth Amboy General ers. Representing t h e Community breath cannot, be taken until the ALSO Pat Rogan 208-246-204—658; Hospital: From Woodbridge, a Chest and Council in carrying out Broadway tryout of "A Mignty ind vacuum at least twice a week. WOR 719 KC. 1:15 P. M. Sunday Gene Limoli 226, Jim Waterson D o n a l d ()'('win daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H;nry agency planning are C. Christian Man Is He," also surprised her Never use a bristled broom on the 217, Bob Pishinger 206. ing cleaning fluid, a synthetic rug. a daughter to Mr, and Mrs. John Stockel, Frank Wukovets, Free- fans by singing in the show. The Carpet surfaces can be cleaned cleaner o r a n absorbent powder Orosz, 541 Olive Place . . . from holder William Warren and Jerry song she sings is ';Rag Me That it home with a quickly evaporat- cleaner. Iselin, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bertekap. Mendelssohn March," especially Similar programs • have been Frank Toth. 153 Elizabeth Avewritten for the play by Stephen nue; a daughter to Mr. and M ;arrled out and are planned by Sandhelm. SATURDAY M ' IM I Pomeran Studios are now affiliated Earl Karlin, 41 Semel Avenue; a community leaders in Avenel, headed by George Kayser, in son to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bin Richard Widmark is one of the with Star-Allen TV Studio of Ncw ert, 146 Corruja Avenue . . . from Woodbridgc, V. J. few top stars in Hollywood who Optometrist Now! Fords, a daughter to Detective a!nd York City. , does not plan to incorporate THl'RS. THRU SAT. Mrs. Daniel Panconl, 68 Maxwell Now ig the time to wish for a self and.make his own pictures. Jack Hawkins - Joan Collins In Avenue; a daughter to Mr. anddivine wlind to blow and remove He admits he might make a little EYES EXAMINED Give your children and young adults the Mrs. William Gulya, 9 Albany "LAND OF THE PIIAKAOIIS ' money doing so, but counters with. opportunity to appear on television at NO entirely all selfish and aggressive Street; a son to Mr. and Mrs. "How much money can you use? It'lnema Scope) EJtTRA CHARGE. ; Lawrence Butala, 342 Crows Mil ideas, and all treacheries and After you've got clothes and food, 237 FERSHING AVENUE C h a p t e r I-' > i ' PLUS ulles following them, leaving not Road; a daughter to Mr, and Mrs Alum v l ' a house and a car, what more do William Campbell Robert CARTERET 1-7601 GERALDINE MOVIC, o n e of our dancing s t u Pill!. K i i f Ni'« ' Frank. Mil'er, 35 Ling Street; a 'ven tiny specks. — Shlunso you need? f don't live like a bum 8huw Sun> dents, successfully performed on TV Channel 13 Campbell In dauKlilcr to Mr. a n | Mrs. Henry Tokyo.> | I'm happy [the way I am." last Sunday. Jackui-r, 137 SaffronJAvenue; also, "CELL 2455 DEATH ROW" a (laimhlor Lo Mr. and Mrs, Austin SUN, THRU TUES, ENROL!, NOW for FALL CLASSES Samnns, 97 Walnut Street, Av^ Davis • Richard Todd In TAP t TOE • BALLET enel; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. "THE VIRGIN] QUEEN" BALLROOM Edward Tylor, 12 Richard Av«.„ i('inemaScope) MODERN JAZZ 6 PIANO • nue, (H(ipc!awu. a daughter to Mr. itjiil Mrs. Alfonso Angelast.n, PLUS NOW T11IU W i n now for audition with the 37(i Coloni;i Boulevai'd, Colonia (icorgr Montgomery • Karin Straight from »m " (•lillitli MUMC Foundation a son lo Mi. and Mrs Gerard No Hooth in powerful sl«rit"> Hi vak, 23 l;oi(jttu Street, Hopelawn "SEMINOI-E UPRISING" FOR INFORMATION CAM, VA-fl-1489 J a m e s Slr«.m " TWO KKS(:U;i) FROM ICEBOX \Vb*l), THRU SAT. FORT WORTH, Texas—Juv: Dean Martin - Jerry LewU In ntlc detectives, checking vandal •YOU'RE d ism, hcanl a pounding inside a a 81 SMITH STREET 12nd Floor) rERTli AMBOY i CinemaScopei icebox at .Arthu King's f. a rage. Inside they fouiii King's .stepson, James Yates, 10 and his half-brother, James K 1, almost dead of suilocation. An^-•pj1^^}^*^ • • W i ' ' other uhiht. orna Thompson, aui the boys in the box and had In NOW, THKI 1 s \ i " ' " u Fords, N. .1. — lllllcrevt 2-»348 gotten about them. More Than 1,000 Residents WereHelpedbyRedFeatherl ABOUT YOUR HOME Health w ISELIN 'TO CATCH A HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS "FRANCIS JOINS T H E NAVY" Dr. H. M. Zalewski -STATETHEATRE "SKY COMMAHOOT "FRANCIS T H E NAVY" It was the Beauty and Low Cost of Jalousies that made us ft I,, • that Extra Room! MAJESTIC TS POMERAN STUDIOS "THE MAN From LARAMIE"! We Make Your Worn FURNITURE LOOK and FEEL I JUST LIKE NEW!! MCGREGOR NORWEGIAN SWEATERS Lot us show you how little it costs to "restore beauty and comfort to your furniture. We rejia\r it right in your own home so that you can see what we do! Sofa tabbed Reg. $15 12.50 Chair tabbed Reg. SB 6 . 5 0 Cushions Refilled $6 each 100'i I'UBE WOOL All Colors When you see what we have tu olfri you'll agree here are Jalousies as Jalousies should b«, GEORGES b" iUt Ol'EN FRIDAY TILL 0 P, M. John Georges, Prop. ALUMINUM STOHM WINDOWS JALOUSIES 27 MAIN ST. WOOOBRIDQE I'uam Rubber Slightly Higher' (AM. US NOW AND SAVE! Treat The Family SUNDAY 10 CATCH A THIEF1 "ROBBER'S ROOST" DINNER To WEI). THRU SAT. ifith Cary tirant - <irac* Kellj At Woodbridge Township's Mo«t Beautiful with (ieorge Montromery (Sat. Matinee — Extra ( artoor and Comedy) SUN. THRU TUES. Restaurant HOWARD 'THE VIRGIN QUEEN vith iktty Davit-Richard Tadd ALL WORK G U A R A N T W » ~ E A S Y CREDIT TERMS PHONE HI 2-0576 DUBLIN UPHOLSTERY JoHiuonJ Route #1—At The Cluverkaf The Night Holds Terror witl» Jack Kelly-Hlfcjy Parks i4t. and Sun. ( untlnuou* from •t P.M. STRAND ! £ III Tfi-lllIJi"! C'lturUon M' •' " Julie Ail.1 M. "PRIVATE WAR ;| MAJOR BENSON — ( I ) 111! • TABA HIDDEN JONCL Sunday, Monday .f"1 "' Laurence I ' " 1 1 ' " I AM A In TechnK1"1"' PAOE NINB THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1955 .|,;N DENT-LEADER Snbepenbent-leader ISELIN NEWS 5 PTA isis Calendar COLONIA NEWS AutumnSchedule Begun by Croup GOP Candidates i Discuss Problems Sppvml MvclinR Tonight To Nome Colonia Field COLONIA . - The Colonia Athletic Association will hold a :tp-> -i,.,. 1955-56 calendar clal meeting tonight at 8 o'clo :k ....' by Mrs. at the Colonla flrehouse. Indian | chairman, Avenue, at which time representn__i of 3chool Hves of the various orftaniza'ticms ,.,,, ,„ the school Thurs- will be asked to offer suggestions for the name of the new tick! , ,xrrptiori Of the De- which is to be dedicated October ",' incrtinn. all sessions 9 at 2 P. M, ,,i ,i « p. M.ThcDecemAssociations to be represented i, Christmas party are Ladles' Auxiliary of the Con n i l l l l X ' V S , will tnkc place lonia Fire Co., Mothers Club of noon. Other events Colonia, Colohla Fir.U Aid Squad, . ilK follows: The Tenth District Democrat-it Father's NlRht, with Club and the Tenth District U.;by the fathers; publican Club. ii ./'npt-ii house; January hi'nlth progriBn; Peb,,,1,1,1,.1'sDny celebration, I,ini;i as chairman of the „' h 14, safety program; -•.prmn Festival, and elec- ISELIN—The first fall meeting of the Iselln Woman's Club W hold at the First Presbyterian Church of Iselln with Mrs. John Cwiekalo presiding. Two riBW members, Miss Edna Rudland »nd Mrs R T Ambrose, were welcomed by the rlllb. ; Miss Miirjorle Arnold, a r e p h scntatlve of New Jersey Bell Tifaphimc company, was guest speaker. Her topic was "Oems ol IW* v innncc." She showed stereoptlcift" fslides. / iE|! I Mis. Bertha Hnnna, head of m |s iyj lertiiitionnl relations commitjtee, v I j reported that HIP knitted Bfghan squares arc ready to be aent to KOI.ONIA — Two Republican c.aiKlidiites, Lyle B. Reeb, Jr., for .mayor anrt Raymond Smith. Jr., i candidate for Second Ward Com, mltteeman, were guest speakers at a party at'the home of Us. and Mrs. Steve Andrews', 301 Caloniii Boulevard. Thursday! Thirty-five neighbors attended^ Th- candidates discussed the present and future problems > e inn Wooribrldge and their plans for meeting these problems would I hey be successful In the Novemi her election. Mr. Rcrti's main topic was the 'serious lack of cooperation on A third district conference w u ' the part of the present admlnlSr niiiHHinced for October 11 lo -W) ration with the Planning Board held m. the First PresbyteHan itid the Boarfl of Education." church of Wondbrldge, the affair "This failure In coordination on to begin at 10:30 A. M. Members IIIITI-S: and May 9, inhe part of the present Township WIMO n'qut'stt'd to. bring box idmlnlstratlon," Mr. Reeb said, ISELIN The St. Cecelia's P.T.A. lunches and to meet ln front of TWKNTY-I IVE YEARS OF 'SKRVK I, won coneratuUtinns in 1,,.,11-y Wnlman, Wnys and has allowed indiscriminate issiiIsplln Presbyterian Church at 9:30 Perth Amhny this week for ('. K. Allen ilcftl, vice president of ,,,,,11111, announced that Kroups 1 and 2, has appointed th" mee of building permits to a few on day for transportation. " "4"' tl t h e California Oil Company. Alien is shown li re with Calnil v Wiii be' conducted In following class mothers ,for th? developers which has put a seriAn ••iselln Kuest night" v u President, B, W. Pick ml, who presented him with a service pin 'HI HIP first of a series year 1955-5(5: Mrs. Carmela Clemous strain on school and service plmuu'd for November 18 with mark'ng a quarter-century of experience with the oil ,,,,1,1: events. Plans were ens. A. M. kindergarten class, Mis. facilities. The decrease In TownMis Aunit Calvert as chairman. Jean LaBanco. Mrs. Rose par>An engineering (rraduate of tlic University of Washington, Allen ,,V;ii-(l prizes at the an ship services has been a detriment There will be entertainment and 'inM'cn Parade of the nope. Mrs. Helen Pellegrlno; Mrs. began his career in the petroleum industry at the El Srsundo o both old and new residents oi refreshments. Each member la to refinery of Standard Oil Company of California in 1030. After 18 RcRina Pruclen, A. M. kindergarWoodbrkige Township." brlim a guest. A meeting Of MM I,.,HI McOurty, special ten class, Mrs. Anita Elio, Mrs years of experience on the West Coast, he was appointed, In 1948, ^Mr. Reeb further stated that club will beheld at 1:14 P. M. on ,,,. « talk on "Under Rita NauKhton, Mrs. Prances Barto direct refining operations of the company at Perth Amboy. he people of Woodbridge must that day In the church meeting ,li,< special Clawes," and kauskas; Sr. Leona. first grade, Mr. Allen also Is a director of the First Bank and Trust Company :xpect these problems to continue room. .,.,i tiie other special Mrs. Lorna Forzlati, Mrs. Bstty of Perth Amboy. 'because the present administraMi; Dorothy Home,, Mrs Siana, Mrs. Mary Zalenko; 8! tion appears to have little IntenI Mrrlir nid Benjamin Free Mary Anncs, first grade, Mrs. RO.-SP tion to bring about coordination (ime Hedgson's first Orazlarlei, Mis. Helen Swift, Mr.-,. and solve the problems. Unless the r attendance award Helen Jacob; Mrs, Alice Kearney, voters place in office men .who first grade, Mrs. Patricia Lldon. have sincere and honest intentions Mrs. Amma Marino, Mrs. Mary lor correcting the problems In serLOOKING OVElt THE PLANS: Robert A. I.I-IKIX, !7, ;i paraly/cil Coflpy; Mrs. Barbara Anne Daly, vices, schools and finance, Woodveteran who is shown looking over the plans nf a "wherl-rhiilr ISEUN-At a meeting held Frifirst Kradc. Mrs. Eleanore BertaISEUN—St. Cecelia's Parochial ISELIN—Iselln Post 2636, V. P. bridge can only expect to be n home" that Rahway residents are planning to luiiid :or him if day evening at St, Cecelii'i lan. Mrs. Barbara Culllnane, Mrs. School P.T.A. opened Its fall .wa- w., completed plans at Its Thurs- second-rate community in yeavs they get sufficient donations. Church, the Cana Council undtr Hclon Wohr: Sr. Mary Lawrence, day night meeting at post head to come." the direction of Rev. Thomas Densecond grade. Mrs. Nancy Hoy.lls, son with an attendance of proxlmately 600. Mrs. Henry H. quarters for the first of a monthlj Mr. Reeb mentioned he his tici, Cana Moderator, prepared a Officers of Colonia Mrs. Dorothy Rodgers, Mrs. FlorGlover presided. lived in Woodbrldge nearly all his tentative schedule for forthcoming ence Ceraml; Sr. Fidells, second of Legion, and I'.s Cana Councils. life and has watched the commuRev. John M. Wllus, pastor, adgrade, Mrs. Glsela Wllms. Mrs. The dances will be held at the nity grow and Is proud to live : V "A t-rf* installed at Joint These councils are an informal dressed me the sruup group aim and expressed MUHOW, <>ld at the Legion Evelyn Savage, Mrs. Isaoelle I oressea here. He stated he feels sure that series of well-thought out talks Swarus; Mrs. Claire Harklns. sec- "'? gratitude to the men of the post headquarters from 8:30 P.. M. old and new residents alike want and are for the sole purpose of defor their time and effort to 1 A. M. with the "Melody Men" iii^t nfllrers are: Daniel ond Kradc, Mrs. Ton! Santl, Mrs. sParish proximately $9,700 in lumber is veloping holler and happier homes. to continue to feel proud of Woode n t ln COLONIA — Due to the generremodeling part of the proV iding the music. No date was i ronimander; Alfred Mary Plxton, Mrs. Theresa Ryn- P Conferences to be held will bq bridge. He concluded by stating needed ana me committee Is : .MM Richard Hilt, vice Iciewicz;; Mrs. Mae Bird, second recreation center Into four modern s e t f o r the beginning or the series. that events are happening too Fast osity of Rahway and Colonia resiCana I, dealing with physical asworking to get as much of the grade, Mrs. Marie Corson, Mrs. classrooms. , appointed adBlaU S v i h r a w a s in Fred Waudras. atlpects of marriage; Cana II, coverin Woodbrldge Township to have dents and area merchants a para- lumber donated as possible. Membership chairmen were ap- ) u t a n t t o r e p i a c e j o s e p h Scardilli ing parent-child relationships, and I'.nii Ablonczy, finance of- Julia Manulre. Mrs. Carmela the affairs directed by an admin- lyzed Rahway veteran is to be Roma; Miss Ann Sullivan, thivd Pointed as follows: Iselin, Mrs. w ho is moving from this area. RayIn an effort to raise additional Cana III, on supernatural aspects •iiii Vi.liT. service' officer istration "characterized by the ga.s presented with a specially conVincent Quarto; Woadbrldge Oaks, mond Ovellet. Colonia, was named funAfea square dance Is planned of married life, Extreme interest v.'.'.tV, chaplain; Ernest grade, Mrs. Agatha Emery, Mrs. M light, mutton chop and horse and rs Margaret Tomon. Mrs, Patricia - A n d " * Dapuzzo; Westbury to replace Otto Kruger, chaplain, structed home to be built in Co- for S l b r d a y at The Royal Gar- has been shown ln the past series M mciint-at-arms. buggy ideas," > 1 HI,,. »«„,.„ n«ic thirrt Park, Mrs. William Nichols; C > w j , 0 cannot carry on because of dens, Irest Hazelwood Avenue, and even greater Interest is expect• f the auxiliary an< Morcttl, lonia. Miss Mary Gels, third Discusses finances ed lor this series. All meetings will ;ii Vilk-e, president; Mrr. grade, Mrs. Carmela Convertlno, Ionia. Mm. Walter Swift; Chain Rahway, The veteran is Robert A. Leiiiix. Mr. Smith spoke on the serious Eight new members were welbe held on Sunday and Monday n.itr.f'ls, first vice presi Mrs. Florence D'Alessio, Mrs. La O'Hills, Mrs, John Tinnesz; Men'.o The lot is now being cleared by 27, who three years ago, while on evenings at 8 P. M.. When definite •" corned by the post as witnessed by financial situation which "Is apPark Terrace, Mrs. James !:• F u n k Schuetx, second Verne Tlmperman. volunteers and a the t foundation will dates are announced in the near *"• Michael Baka, Perth Amboy, parently developing in the Town leave from the army before gowall be begun begun as as soon soon as possible. Items future, they will be published. Second sroup: Mrs. Carmela Korea, went swimming at be b: .Hi-ui; Mrs. Paul Ablon p ship He pointed out t h a t "unless "unles Ing It was announced there will be Eighth District commander. The shlp. I g tto K t include i l d gls • IInn- •«« donated to date a glass : iiy, Mrs. Ernest Bur Clemens, R. M. kindergarten class, a cookie sale at all P.T.A. meet- n e w members are Joseph Best, the' current squandering of funds t d toit bis i w c k Avon, std toaite. bis It iMi:vr; Mrs. Daniel Vul Mrs, Marguerite • McEwen. Mrs'. ings with Mrs. Frank Cicons to Gerald Gale, Myron Snyder, Stan- is halted and sqund business eco- dive. At present he Is in East tube enclosure, nails, disappearFELLOWSHIP MEETING Anne Kldd, Mrs. Mwie Hahl; Mrs. charse. ley Lease, all of Iselin; Henry Bor-' nomic practices are followed, the, Orange Veteran's Hospital whore ing stairs, some lumber, landISELIN—A meeting of Westmin:n;tp ; aiii, Mrs. Frank Regina Pruden. P. M. kindergarMrs. Glover, president, reports dowsky, of Avenel; Walter Con-' people of Woodbrldge should ex- he has been a patient for theJ scaplni}, foundation coating, exca- ster Fellowship of First Presby••' ten class, Mrs. Jean Cobur;e:\ the first card party sponsored by nor and Joseph Vehenhaver, V e h e n h a , Men- pect to receive less and less dollar past 18 months. His only wish at vation for foundation, shades for terian Church of Iselln will be iiiitwnricr and fast prcsi- Mrs Irene Kopacz, Mrs, Ruth the* P.T.A. will be held October 28 lo Park, and William Cimochow- value for every tax dollar levied." present is to be able to live at all windows, an aluminum comheld in the meeting room of the V, Will UC„„»„»„,.!„ 11C1U u v a u uoistn,. u . . . .ski. . ., ..1—i recently of Jersey City. \\fiv presented to Rob- Schneider; Mrs. Laura Smith, Mr. Smith was of the opinion home and to live as normal a bination screen and storm door, church Sunday evening at 7 o'In the school cafeteria. Sister j ski, recently of Jersey City. : iii'l Mrs, Calvin John- third Ki-arie,, Mrs. Marion Aquih, Mary Agnes' first grade mothers A committee of post members that people, In general, do not ob- life as possible. This can only be labor on tile for bathrooms, in- clock. A film strip entitled "Symi tin- Installation, rc- Mrs. Elisabeth Ebert, Mrs. Lillian will assist the chairmen, Mrs. Sal- was appointed under Sanford ject to paying higher taxes when done1 in a apeciaUy-construci.ed sulation, basement tubs, instal- bols of Our Faith" will be shown. will assist the chairmen, Mrs. saiwas UJJJJUUIUCU » » v . ~ -paying uiguci UHACO » U ™ lation of linoleum, TV set, exW L t make preparations for the J u l ; l w •A-'II1 served. | SUback; Mrs. Mary Reilly, third, vatore ' Graziadel. Mrs. Warier Luna to make preparations for the t h c y c a n s e e benefits in town ser- home commonly called a "wheel haust fans, sanding and refinish- After the meeting, the young Chair house." urade, Mrs. Anne Vendola, Mrs. Swift and Mrs Frank Jacobs. people wll enjoy games. annual Christmas party to be v l c e S | s c h o o i s a n ( j police protecAngelina Canevafi, Mrs. Frances A committee, known as the of all floors, fertilizer and & porThe next meeting will be hM given for the children of Post and U o n "However," he said, "it should Robert A. Lenox Building Fund tion of the concrete for the foun- SOCIAL PLANNED Baker; Mrs. Jeanne Spangler, October 19. Mrs. Frank UOnvclConvar- Auxiliary Mrs. fraHK I»I*'»M»T*.J members. n u w c v c i , uc aaiu, to otiuuiu dation. ISEUN—The Ladies' Auxiliary fourth Rrade, Mrs. Mary Hodum, graoe, mis. ra»u i . — . « , y D'Allessis, A Joint meeting was announced | j y obvious that the current Committee has been formed. Mrs. I Mrs. Margaret Haggerty, Mrs. ' ' H Me mr s a n AGne tl ns -oSn a n d Miss Sul- for Post and(Auxii:ary to be held a n ed v ef ru t u r e t a x i n c r e ases will not Gloria Matzuk, 22 -Canterbuiy The goal is *18,000. Donations of Iselln Chemical Hook and Ladmay be sent to Robert A. Lenox der Company, District 11, planned I Walsh; Miss Vivian Blan_ additional services to Lane, Colonia, Is general chairt n e r s o f t h i r ( j g r a d e pn- tonight hi the post headquarters g l v e any taxpayers plans of man; and she is being assisted by Fund, Box 105, Rahway. Any of- a social for October 13 at the home cato, fourth grade, Mrs, Mrs. Mary MUIJ /i , ' . „ , , ,,„„*„„„ . to be followed by a social. taxoavers under under the the clans the present administration," Mr. Miss Muriel Kruger, Mr*. Alma fers of building materials and s u - of Mrs. R. C, Corcoran. 15 Silver William Dangell M a r W e w l M | M r s . P a t r l c l a P o l a i c , plls, will be hostesses. Cecilia Weis; Mrs. Graze Richard Emmons at St. Joseph's Smith cited, when he considered Darling, Miss Eugenia Uszenski, vices may also me mailed to the Avenue. Mrs. Farrest Plgott won the special award, Mrs. Edward His- same address. Church. The reception was held examples of'money wasted in the M r S(.•HopeDingfeld, fourth .Hpe g past few years and mentioned gins, Charles Rorke. at Villa Roma/Elizabeth. TenEyck, Mrs-. Anne Wilkens A one-acre site was acquired on —William Baier, 295 Colonia particularly the cbst of the sewer Miss Imelda Ruckert, fifth grade, Boulevard levard has has returned returned home home aaf- system, sewage disposal plant, Avalon Drive and the total colwere Mrti John Elizabeth Dwyer, Mrs. FranRh Theodore 8. .Chosney, ter t e t construction and repair, p , lected to date in cash ancl building te beingg a ppatient at Rahway sstreet mentioning ex materials amounts to $2,050. A(>d ces Marino. Mrs. Kathleen Duevmentioning particularly particularly "the "the ex- •fi Class Mothers Appointed by PTA I; Cana Conference Schedule is Set \ Season Opened Series of Dances By ParochialPTA Outlined byPost lurtion Held Units Rahway Vet to Get Special Home in Qolonia Section |ns Auxiliary Colonia Activities • cu Mrs John Tinnesz ana •»"• -»•«•-. Mrs. Julia Oovelltz, chauf Irvington, visited their C'/.ado. trustees. Mrs. Nettie Campanaro, Mrs. W!l- mother. Mrs. F. B. Wachauf, in 'mpleted for a, tour Ham Lucanngra; Miss Mary Anne The Highlands. •A e n completed lor ft to - T h e first pack meet of Cub .VI. it i Laboratories ln Ken- MinoKue, 6th grade, Mrs. De Rosa, Mrs. Anne Polanski, Mrs. Lena Manila; Sr. Rose Helene, 1 at 8 P. M., in li'luJMT 22 —Mrs. K. N. Fortenbaugh. 162 .II (••Aiekuiowonthespei Th, next meeting will „, 18 at the home JIB CorreJa Avenue. lalists to Hold Evelyn Boyle; Mrs. Mary Anne- , Road, has returned PUhprtv seventh grade. Mrs. South Hill ^ visit with her par Qraoc Chcncharlk, Mrs. Nellie La nd Mrs. H. A. Howell, B r u n v), Mrs. Florence Picaro; br. Pa. A group of friends A q u m a S l eighth grade, Mrs. Kay „ . , celebrate the Howtills' Hlnes, Mrs. Thcres* Llmoll, Mrs wedding anniversary. Lee Puvllk. -Mr. and Mrs; Lester Heim, Mldfleld Road, entertained Mr. COLONIA CLUB MEETING and Mi's. Stephen Chek, St., Cdi- COLONIA-The initial meeting of the Colonia Club of the Pall 11.. Junior Sodality of season will be «>eW Monday at 8 ana M ^ o f B t C P. M, at C o l o n i a ^ b u r , M e ^ ^ j * • ri joanne Qlasscotl , Henry ^ m d d uich met Sunday after- bers are for the year wedding of Mits ii) o'clock with the pre- proposed program Anandelora, i :iii'wurt, presiding. will be presented. in-ukt'r was Rev. John Aim disculsed the topic n.iy and the Sodallsts." 'in [oimulftUt for a vnilfction" next month. <• iilhu completed for a t" be held Sunday. Oc • Hi i each Mass. Chair •' iJi-nject IB Mary Istvan ( N OTE- For insertions in tHf> calendar, • ii-clmirman l» Brenda ,.,U Mrs. Andrew Sedivy, 100 O*ant AveFords. VAUey 6-6670. before noon_ mie , 'Tuesday of each week. Mrs. Sedivy for Fords, Hopelawn is .oifespondenL oofp FORDS, HQPEUWN and KEASBEY ,\ CALENDAR OFCOMING EVENTS wiasbey.) ' wvdi BdEasbey.)) H cf ON" Memorial eaiuiiu.1 Hospital. IIUOH11-**1' mm* y — a bouquet Qt it curtate — Sht'U you f u It. The OPENING Of WOODBRIDGE KEY LOCKSMITH SHOP m M Auto - Home - Office Keys Duplicated * '• Deliver and T»l«gr*pl iNVALSHECK'S B t Woodbrldge Township Folks . . . Jl '••» '- " • umir «> r- M. 570 AMBOY AVENUE WOODBRIDGE, N. J, WO-8-1056 Lutheran Church. irate' ,, cess purchase of sewer line sunPlies that cannot be used and a Chain Ollills Clyb fixed budget, of $500 for streets Sponsors Style Show without any plans for street sonstruction." ISELIN-The Chain O'Hills Wo "Woodbrldge may not be unique with Its problems," Mr, Smith man's Club of Iselin will sponsor stated, "buj| it is certainly unique a fashion show at the Gerry Price in the lack of planning to solve Dress Shop, 175 Smith' Street, Perth Amboy, on Tuesday, October them." The remalnde enginering » ' o f t h e meeting 4. w a s d e v o t e d t0 Fashujns for all occasions will ,, Q Questions and anMrs Victor Victor Burls.*, Burls.*, - M r and —Mr anad Mrs MIS ^^ problems. problems be modeled by members as follows; bout ] a MIS. V V bout ] r u m u u i icy IYUIUI, "•»'" "•"• ; The Mqfedames Walter Andrews, Road, and Mr. ana Mi*. ^ Andrew Horvath, Oxford Road, a n d M r s C h a r i e s Oliphant, West! Chester Aronson, Robert Bongart, attended the play, "Caine Mutiny g t r e e t i a n d D a n l e l stantonj son Frank Burns, Peter Kravitz, KenCourt Material" at the Papjir Mill o ( M r a n d M r s ^ ^ s ^ t o n , neth Lawrence, John McCarthy, ay House, . New Dover Road, are attend Constant Shissias, Wllliaip Thack—Mr. and j Mrs. Lester Neary t h e N j Engineering College in ara, John Tinnesz, Richard Van andd children, jjohn and Judy, Nr.v children Judy Ne-.v N e w a r i j Lenten and Carl Zlesmer. Dover Road, spent a day at the A lfrpe audience is anticipated —Mrs. Edwar<| Bobb, Sr., CoState Fair, Trenton. lonia Boulevard,: ppresided over the Tickets may bti obtained from any club member jir at the store (jjie - M r . and| Mrs. Walter Karvo- flrst m e e t l n g o f t h e as nctz and son, Scott, New Dover p r e s l d e n t oi l l ) e Mothers dircle of evening of the show. Rofreshmenlts Road, spent th week-end with Mr. t h e O r d e r o [ peMolay at Eoselle, will be served and door prizes and Mrs. Donald Lawson, Read-1 _ T h ; e following families of1 the awarded. Plans for the affair have Inman, Avenue ssctlon attended been fomulated under the direcIng, Pa. tion of Mrs, Sidney Goff, program and Mrs. John A. Lease, picnic atp ss tt Midwood Way, entertained with w J t p a i ,,k ; M r a n c || Mrs. (Charles Mrs. (Charles chairman. pai k; M r a n c ! dinner party in honor f>f their H u ii_ Mr. andMrs. Bobert^myew^th wedding anniversary; Guests ^ l^th &nd HOLD BOARD MEETING M r s GGe o r g e H a y e S | M r M John J h n Kevett and M r s V i c t o i . wer Mr. andd Mrs. a n c j Mr. and ISELIN — The executive board children, George and Carol, of M rrs. of the Home and School Associas . Leo Eesselman. Irvington. rvington. —A daughter, Susan Lynn, was tion of School 6 met at the home --John Oliphant, son of Mr. b o r n t 0 M r a n d M r s l r v i B g Q l . a y of tile corresponding secretary, Mrs. Sanford Sanford Pollack, .,.„„„ at „ the Rahway _„ Memo- Mrs. P o l l a , 16 Melvin ~~ of J t Nixon ltd rial Hospital. Mrs. Gray is the Avenue. Plans were formulated Cut This Out and Save former Miss Sheila C«rey, Colonia. and projects assembled ior a "Do For Future Reference! —Ml-, and Mrs. Henry Strubel, It Yourself" demonstration tij) be Colonija Boulevard, were the, re- held at next regular meeting, cent guests of Mr. and Mrs, t o w - Wednesday, OQtober 5, at thji A New Service for school. ard ttustafson, Jackson, Mich. ' • mm. „ —Mr arid Mrs Henry Strubel and daughter Linda, 214 Ctjlonla Boulevard and Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Page, Newark, were guesU of Mrs. Robert Peters, Keansburs. - E d w a r d Bobb, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs .Edward Bobb, Sr., CoIonia Boulfevard, is attending Lafayette College, in his sophomore year He is majoring in chemical OCTOBER I "YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT ROBINSON'S DEPT. STORE" BOY'S JACKETS By Campus Warm, sturdy sport and utility jackets with quilted linings — nidt> range of colors and patterns in si/ess HI ihroUKh 18. 98 $g.98 to $8 BOY'S SLACKS Priced from CovduroyK, gibardines, rayon acetates, dacruns und flannels in trease - resistant fabrics. All popular colors ! ] in stock. 2 Starling Tliis Suiulay . . . ^5 Our Store Will'Be OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. to 1 P . M . OPEN EVERY TjHURSDAY & FRIDAY 'Til 9P. M, f " VUV'LL FIND KXTKA VALUES AT OUR •• • i i / $1 BARGAIN Lee Creighton Studios 'i Entrance^: 90 Kelly Street and tl, S, Route 1 MENU) PARK TERRACE Classes Starting Wed,Oct. 5th Registration for Octobfer Classes: THURSDAY, SEPT. 21), and FRIDAY, SEPT. 30 At the Studio from 'i:U P. M. to 7 V. M, SATURDAY, OCTOBER I drum Ho 1 P. M.) DEP'T STORE 1536 OAJC THEE ROAD, ISEUN (Woodbrldg* Oaks Shopping C««ter) I I he Snbepettbettt - |5 either AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER (18141 (19091 The Leader-Journal The Wnodbridie Leader Wnndhridcf Independent 1 he lselin Journal (1M9) Charles E. Gregory Editor and Publisher PnbllHhed Every Thursday tf Thr Wondbrtdgr Publishing ( u m p i n j IX Green Street WO-«-l*1ft WiKMtbrldct. New JIMTMJ E. Gregoty, President F. Campion Vire PruMent and Treassrer !l\ rirrlfr df livery. It cents ytr copj •JIIIIM rlptlnn rates bv mall. Inthldllu potla|t, our v i r yt.UD; sit month*, il.W, three munthi, K, , . . , ! . . mplfs by mall, lf»rents. All pafir)l« in nl\:ni'<-. I I'leasant Departure Political platforms traditionally speak only in "cnoral terms, but certainly the eliHoi'ule will find in the statement of •|KMimn by the Republican candidates for IIHMI (ifllcr ;t pleasant departure from this While ihe 1955 Republican platform is not entirely devoid of the well-worr>^iiBhe 'nr nnniindiul of the safety in generalities, it dins possess the virtue of at least contain inn s o n i c specifics. Most important is the promise to cut municipal expeditures by $100,(100—a promise which, if its probability of fulfillment is further demonstrated by (lei.nii, will certainly carry strong appeal. Obviously what the Republican candidates must do now is to itemize the economies they propose which will add up to Sioii.unri. "* • adoption of one of the new governmental forms provided under New Jersey's municipal optional charter laws of 1950 will be taken in three municipalities. Voters in Edi son Township (Middlesex County), Hamilton Township (Mercer County) and RocKaway Township (Morris County) will decide whether they want a study made of the existing form of government. At the same time, they will elect members of prospective study commissions. TJfiN \JMmL~ Uv KENNETH F1NU, DirecUr, )>rinrfton Research Servte* PIUNCETON—RevoklnK driver ]:::cnsi:s for two years of all auto drivers cnuuht .speeding at a rate df 70 miles per hour or faster «;rikrs a responsive chord witn New Jersey motorists. A Now Jersey Poll survey lust completed on the subject shows Ilia! auto drivers and car owners. as well RS the Kfcw Jersey adu'V public, fnvor such a step by a substantial margin. Today's vote is, all the mure Impressive when It is realized that just about two out of every* three New Jersey auto drivers and nearly seven out of every ton New Jersey ear owners questioned in todays statewide'survey favor revoking licenses lor two-yuers.of nil drivers caught spci-dins 70 miles per hour ffi faster. The petition method — rather than a charter commission—was used to place on the ballot proposals for adoption of the council-manager form of gover: Maywood in Bergen County and municipality (Plan B) in the Borough of Highlands in Monmouth County. Businesslike administration keynotes, all the municipal plans. A professional administrator features all variations of the council-manager form currently under local voter consideration. In the small-municipality plan, the mayor is the administrator of a modernized municipal form especially adapted to the needs of smaller communities. These and other optional charter plans were provided by the Legislature several' years ago following a commission study to help municipalities gear their governments to meet modern day needs and to keep pace with mid-20th century growth. Good Wishes to Eisenhower t <.;•> Such charter commissions have be«n at work in six other municipalities where studies were authorized previously, and recommendations for change have been submitted for voter approval at the General Election. New council-manager forms of government—each adapted to local n e e d are proposed to the voters in Livingston Township (Essex County), Ewing Township (Mercer County), Pequannock Township (Morris County), and the Town of Newton (Sussex County). A small-municipality" plan of government is recommended for Warren Township (Somerset County). In BlQQmfleld.. {Essex County) voters will consider a form of government incorporating a town adminisrator and other features provided in special legislation. VVnodbridge Township's tax bills havo been mounting over a long period. The administration takes the position that these increases have been caused in their entirety by I he growth of the community, by the necessity to enlarge plant and services to accommodate new needs. ,It must be apparent that a community of 50,000 requires ' larger expenditures in all municipal areas than does a community of 30,000. There • must be more street lights, more policemen, more garbage trucks, more street repairs * because of more usage, more recreational The Good Old Days I facilities. The New "fork Public Library has been f Since this is true, the only question which given a complete microfilm set of Sears, 't needs to be resolved between the contenders . Roebuck .^alpgS dajjjgMcKfa W T h e tin the local election involves the ability ant^ determination to provide these necessities library finds thaV these catalogs '|rei!efct the •at the least possible cost. Taxes, as we have mode of life in past years about as accumentioned so often, must be distributed rately as any other single record. . The catalogs,, placed in the science and more fairly and efficiently before they are technology department of the library, ^increased further—and this objective can brings back many memories. For example, Ipnly be achieved by an independently*tondueted valuation of all local real estate. back in the nineties, Sears, Roebuck had j' To return to the original point of this some; cracking good bargains. You could discussion, however, it is a happy prospect get a King oak welV bucket for 36 cents. And who can remember Oline's Improved ; when we can look to a calm, purposeful dis((Mission between the two parties over the Steam Washer, pot-bellied stoves at 2.40, 'Itpethod of providing essential services and and butter churns that "were powered/ by Sheeting the enormous annual costs of our dogs, goats or sheep? And can anypne • $13,000,000 debt. The administration must remember Bixby's shoe blacking — three ••'demonstrate that it has performed this dif- cents, a five-pound tube of apple butter at ficult task as economically as possible—arid forty cents, and blackstrap molasses and the challengers must be able to prove they maple syrup at thirteen cents a gallon? {jan do the same fob, at a saving annually Reflecting the different hair styles of that of $100,000, as their platform declares they day, the catalog of the nineties offered both can'do. emma waves and feater bangs for thin. We presume that both are prepared to haired ladies. Gentlemen were offered full debate their positions clearly and unequivo- beards on wire and even "ventilated" cally, and that the electorate is anxiously beards, and mustaches at ten cents! awaiting full devolvement of the conAll in all, looking through the -pages of troversy. these old catalogs brings back memories to those who lived through that era. The catalogues are actually a valuable part of Municipal Pacesetters (Voters in eleven New Jersey municipali- Americana, of 'history and the way of iite ties p,o to the polls on November 8 to decide in the years they were issued. They also 1 questions involving modernization of their show that, while we often talk of going! forms of local government, reports the Nev; haclj. to the good old days, if we really had: the chance, no one would g^> back to the Jersey Taxpayers Association. ; The fli'fit of several steps leading toward good old days. From all over the world have the messages of goodwill 4OWKII1 President Eisenhower on *p\t: occasion of his illness. We jJGBJuiqe over the news that he is ro«r«'hsiii(! satisfactorily and )in in Urn-chorus of good wishes ir Ins speedy and complete recovery. Our concern over this sudden f^liutss arose, frnm the beglnnltiBi •ijjeeuuiie uf our realization of how "^ucli lie means to us. Ouu • % Jnhxieiy is the product of deep , •'• ' fidevutkui and warm affection. We gratefully the physicians' sr that thousands of men ?ftavc had similar difficulty and •('"Hjjlive come back to lead long and .'wfceiul lives' thereafter. This is we wish for our President, e scope o f the messages that j*. poured into Denver- in a aliuuous stream must be to President EisenHe knows that a whole world is pulling for him and yayniij fur him and that anythut he suffers in the body in the- mtjHlB ot HWr."millions yf hi* fellow men. They want his surcease from military establishment In Westsuffering and his return to his ern Europe. usual joyous and stimulating Now it is in an entirely difactivities, h ferent light that the world sees The range and character of him. The military man has bethese messages of 'goodwill, come, after all, the "poan of moreover, have a d e e | signifi- i peace." It is Eis?nho*er the cance. It is manifest that Presi- Imaginative proponent qf, better dent Eisenhower has become, in «ays in which to ll^ve, of reasonvarlojus parts of the world, a able accommodations of a better symbol for the hope!) of a be- spirit of worl(l conflirnc 1 , "who wildered and struguling man- is the object of wrrld-'vidj conkind. He lias been a fresh voice cern. Pew think of him now as and fresh approach. He has in- a military commander, however spired a new hope and, a new great his eminence has been in confidence. He is the friend of that field. He is rather the not merely to good causes but to statesman, the pacifier, the dipall the aspirations for a brighten lomat, the idealist and the friend future In a better world. \ of peoples everywdiere. This is,doubly significant when one .considers the background from which "General" Eisenhower came into fame and. woVld-wlde repute. He was a soldier, the protagonist in North Africa, the liberator of Prance, the conqueror of the Nazis In Western Europe, the veritable military architect of victory. L*ter on he became the chief organizer and head of the unlied Under the Capitol Dome By J. Joseph Grlbblns horse and buggy days are doomed attractions in lront of the grandstand. It is considered one of the in New Jersey. State Highway Commissioner outstanding expositions in AmerDwiuht R. G. Palmer has ord- ica. a * « ered a reduction in the number of town names and fewer signs on BENJAMIN FRANKMN:—Verthe highway scene. Single, simpli- satile Benjamin Franklin, in adfied signs would be substituted dition to being §o talented in tern this year. State Highway Commissioner to produce instantaneous read- many fields when this country was started, also handed down a Dwight R. G. Palmer has ear- ing for passing motorists. marked $10,000,000 of his, $34,Further, a green background fine piece of advice to all men 140,751 highway construction for such directionary signs may who enter public life.' program for 1955-56 to promote be officially adopted after curHe advised that unfair splashes advance purchase of rights-of- rent experiments are completed. of dill thrown upon a person's way and launch such innovations In the future also, signs must be character would rub off when as intersection revisions, island either illuminated or reflecting to dry, closings, creeper lanes and bar- promote both" night and day In celebrating the 250th anrier curbs. Rather than leave dis- legibility. .niversary of Benjamin Franklin cretion up to harried motorists, In the quiet signpost revolu- along with New York Governor Palmer believes lives can be tion now occurring along New Harriman and Mayor Wagner resaved on the open road by build- Jersey highways, the many cently, Governor Robert B. Meying safety into the highways. speed limit signs stretching out, ner of New Jersey e x p o s e d apWhere space is too limited to along miles of roadways may well preciation of the full flavor of permit construction of wide have seen their best days and in Franklins remarks. He said all' safely islands, Palmer plans to the near future be supplanted by great presidents now enshrined place a dividing barrier between a few large signs located at less in memory, were subject to the lines of opposirig traffic to pre- frequent intervals. The first such vilest abuse b u t ^ s Franklin prevent head-on collisions or a skid- sign, located within the center dicted it all rubbed off when it ding car veering over Into incom- island on US-1 between Route became dry. ing traffic. The first of such bar- 130 Circle and Route 18 Circle in Governor Meyner also reriers will be built on the Pulaski Middlesex County, resulted in the called that Franklin was a Skyway removal of 12 small signs. printer, a writer, an editor, an On Route 4 in the Teaneck area Palmer has T^ai erected the inventor, a leader of public where narrow 4-foot islands- first "Please, No Litter, Fine $50" causes, and"a philosopher. He had cause turning cars to stick out in signs. Thousands of' dollars a something to do with the Frankfront and/ back into both lines of month are spent hiring workers lin stove, the mangle for washing traffic, three types 6f barrier to pick up discarded beer cans clothes, the lightning rod, paved fencing will be installed to pre- and other debris on the high- streets, the postal system, sanivent head-on collisions. Future ways. Palmer thinks such funds tation, the- public library, the installations of this type in other may be more properly applied to volunteer fire department, fire parts of the State will be based other maintenance operations. insurance, silk culture, the growon demand. In the interest of ing of grapes, the prediction of safety, Palmer has also outlawed TRENTON FAIR:—The New Jer- weather, the stepladder and the future construction of sloping sey State Pair which depicts the chair with '.extended arm still curbs flanking center islands and Garden State's agricultural and used in classrooms. b^s ordered vertical curbing .for industrial progress, is underway "He is even responsible for the future. • ' at the Trenton Fair grounds.. what is now known as the mimeo"Creeper lanes" will be' in- The exhibition will close next graph machine." said the Gov, stalled on hilly sections of State Sunday night.' ernor. "For that may he be forhighways sufficiently wide to alKings of tjhe farm smimal given!'' low moving trucks to go up in world will be judged at the event, low gear without blocking faster us well as varieties of poultry NF.MATODE.—For the eighth moving vehicles. Such lanes will champions. Various State De- consecutive year, the State Dealso eliminate Irked motorists partments are showing their partment of Agriculture reports from being tempted to pass the work In the State Building, and* that no golden nematodes have slower vehicles on hills, and per- there, is a competitive agricul(Continued on Page Twelve> haps causing a multi-death acci- tural display among the various dent. State institutions. Units of the The first creeper lane in New State Grange likewise proudly reJersey has been constructed on veal the products of farms and Route 9 at Hampton in HunterA kitchens amid a background of d«n County. Highway engineer recreation. There is a concert in are looking for other points m the State Building every day df | New Jersey where this type of the fair. construction may save lives, Harness'races, thrill acts, a 4 ft % njammothj ice show and circus SIGNS :-lClusters of highway a»id many vaudeville acts and UNDER STATE H O U S E TRENTON — Modern safety techniques designed to prevent indecision on the part of motorists which may cost their lives, a rate of 70 n, ;, faster?" These wrri' ;.i;, suits: Approve Dtaaprovt No opinion And here's iii.> (Conli.mect i.:i I' . Letter to I Edito,< * Mr. Charles O: <•••.,rIndependent-l.r.n: WoodbririRe. N:-* i Dear Sir, What miuln In- , mas in ScptcmiH•: Ionia- mWent-; .-r • was the resurfann : on Monday by the i: ChK reason offered for npDepartment. Fn.::, proving the law to revoke driver Rahway sour?o, •;. licenses of speeders is that hl?h partment wa< in i: spveds e.iuse acridents. Many Excellent \\'r,<,, people in the state of New Jerstandards for tinsey nre of the opinion that exkers, candles, an,:!;. acting a, penalty for excessive would have uiviy speeding will do much to cut to Ridge Road in -.. down speeding and thus reduce future. Now n i:,. accidents. for Colonia Bm.ii Opponents of the idea argue at this time hv v chiefly that revoking the licenses Ridge Road, chi" • for two years is too harsh a pen- the trunk sew-. ally, particularly for the first nf- would bring a veil fense, and that it might put to the area, some people out of work If they I am sure thai ;h lose their driver licenses. owners of Ridne HM When New Jersey Poll itaft saying "Merry CJ:I reporters asked ths fjjllowug oops . . . I mi-nil question of a representative Rahway, and c.&.: cross-section of the state's adult aa a very friendly x. citizens: gesture. Yours for rjrttti : "Would you approve or disapprove of a state law that Ionia in the w\\ v> Sinmr'.v would revoke the driving license HENHY for a period of two years of all ' 214 CV.. :i auto drivers caught speeding at 1915 SST Competence Creates Confidence Your insurance is VERY IMPORTANT :<) YOU •••:•• • Mr vi>rv liii[)nrtiim t o us. In t h s p r o m o t i o n of our i" business we h i m ' n e v e r Lost Nliftn o( t h i s Curt nml -!.•: we render u careful Hnd personal u r v l c e in naml.l! no far ut> I n s u r a n c e i s concerned, so thu'l WE iin>* • j j o r u m to you. LocatlonwlM we live t o g e t h e r - I.fct| BUSINESS T O O E T H E H ! Friendly Service—As Near As Your STERN &DRAGOSET; KIM. KSTJJE & IMSURW*£L \\\X\[ ,\VOXI;Y traffic sips which grew frohi may greyhound racing are among the be best GLAMOR GIRLS i for you If you have no checking account-^"'"* use bank money orders to p4r r'~i 1 obligations. They are safe, s convenient, and cashable anywhere. Bank Money Order rates are low. Von can buy them here in C In justice to President Elsexihower. however, it must b« flmphasissed that he is no exponent of peace at the cost of freedom. He has never been associated with the Idea of U surrender. The "man of peac?" has made it plain that what he means Is a Open rrW»y 4 any desired amounts. Jo Paid, on Savings Accounts 2 % % PaW " Savings CorttfieattB "just an<r lastlns" peace, and that Is not the pro4uct of compromise with thii very justice. (Continued on P»je Twelve) doctor! He aaya I'mfit98 a Mdle!" •v). Revoking Drivei hiw Two Years if Caught l-, 10 Miles an How or Wide Public $ Siirve, Find OI»KN HOUSK IN MOSCOW X, . ^MMiMm^mMk Member. »'wkf»l Rwarve Sytttwi M * F*d«n) Dpt|lt buWTMM »i '" THURSDAY. SEPTEMrVR M vP|,;rF.NDENT-I-EADER KEASBEY HOPELAWN FORDS (liainnen Named Forty-Three Firemen Search Democratic Qub lobe Honored Locate MissingMan - Suicide Plans (or Dinner I IV esidents For PTA ^ POFfDS — The Fords Womeii's , p ,. TIIC ladles Auxiliary FORDS—The men of the Fords been dead about 24 hours. ! '.. Memorial Post 6090, 'he Company have proven to the The followirj' rn°n. wok part in Democratic Club met in the ScanInavlan Hall and W T * ursed to-, . , HI post headquarters Jii>;ui. while that they can do other bi in i, wiry Uiill uu Ulilfl j the I*lie search: a c i n i , n , Louis Liuuto Bertekap, wtk i^ivnjj, John uvtu* '''•„. plans for a past presl- .hlngs besides fight fires • surh as | Biirkr-, Wesley Chrlstensen. Her- TBistw For the Novtmber olec 1 >n«i. ,,„„., to be held October jolng cmt In full force to hunt for ; bert Cline, Joseph Dairtbach, Jo,;„. Kljtiiivos Restaurant, ' man whose family ' ' ' thought scph Dudlk, John Dudlk, Clifford Mrs. Sue Warren, president, ap Heja'rvntlons, may be have committed sulridr. Dunham, Nicholas "Elko, Hatild »inted Mrs. Gertrude Kgan i n i '•'..I, Mrs Edwin Dalton, 142 Last Thursday, Vamx Fischer. Chief John Fischer, Leon- Mrs. Ann Mt\k^ co-chalne«n of came to the flrehonsc. requesting ard Fischer, Wilbur Fischer. W>1- he ChrWiiiaK dMn«r. t i w roiinty v ,\ nun'. roup will hold US annual dinner Mm ZsiRft reported that a the assistance of the flr?inen nnrt 11am Oastg'iber, Carl Oilsdorf, t 7.30 P M. O ^ b e r 5 in The [ , uli' will be held Octo- the members of the- St. John's Louis dispart, Arthur Hansen, °ines. Tickets may be obUinod Hansen, Norman Hanen, '" '•• mi A. M. In the Farmers First Aid Squad to try snd loot? Marlus Marlu s , , bh Km- Bernard Harding, William Horns- ,'rom Miss Claire Sutch, 40 New his biotlier-in-law, Joseph ivrth Amboy. Mrs. Cav hi Brunswick Avsnue. •t was appointed chsv.r- ban. Dunham Avenue, by, Howard Jens«n, George Jonaii, Entertalnmroit was furnished by '''M ,,,it.ertalnment f6r th Mr. VarKa told Fireman Robert Richard Krauss, Henry Kress, Ru\*r$. Louise DeMarco, Mrs PlorN. NeaTy that the family had dolph Kulschlnsky. Robert Levan- ;nce Quadt and Miss Sutch. ;i,lc will be held Octobe frnr:-d the man had committ.'d dosk#, Oeorge Llddle, Anton Lund suicide, because he hind been mis1)- Howard Madison, Stephen M^r k Rayhwnd R h d .Martensen, M t ing from home since noon of ths tetiak, «:im», nm/iuuuu ™»i»i.»iin,i«, «>»Jo-day' before and was allegedly in seph Matusz, John Mizerny, Robpoor health. He was unemployed srt Neary 'paid duty man». Wiland hud been under a doctor's lard Neary, Michael Pado, Stev care. Panko, John Sheaman, Joseph Fireman Neary was given n Sraoyak. Rodman Stratton, Ray FORDS—The et|hth birthday of complete description of the miss- mend Sopdrowski, Louis Turtus Charleen Simon, daughter of Mr. ing man and It was learned that Joseph Yuhasa. and Walter Taylii: and Mis. Theodore Simon. 63 he spent a i;ood deal of his time and Dixie kinuss, auxiliary fire Laurence Street, was celebrated at In Fords Park, which is heavily men. a lawn party. wooded. During the time the TruGuests were Robert and Lynn man was being given a deserii)Whltley, Maryellen Meshrow, Bon,,,.; Miss~Ruth M. O'Hara, tlon €f the mi\n the fire company nie Spees, Ruth Shoebirg. Dale ,,,, „[ Mr. and Mrs. W. J had been called out to answer an IorUla, Phyllis La Oihifdla, Ken, iiR Murtln Avwiue. wasalarm. After the fire had been put netli and Anthony Nalasco, Ken,,,, showers in honor of her out, Chief John Fischer asked for neth. Robert and {Catherine KubI i m i n ,, murriage to William volunteers to go out on the sear.:h _ tnak, Katherlne Ouedes. Patricia , ,i,ii son of Mr. and Mrs poRDS-The Fords Republican and Francis French, Susan Ono,. Hrrliilan. of Ogd*nsburg for Kozban. The chief was given 100 per cent cooperation frpm the c t u b h e l d t n e flrst m e e t l n g o t , n e frey, Charles and Karen Plesher, ,,•,-, i-muiiy will take place Sat43 regular firemen and the t,Wo s e a s o n a tF r a n k . s Hall_ T h e wzX%. Lynn Hanson, Margaret Brehm. tv in o u r Lady of PeaM auxiliary firemen who had re- n a t l o n o f M r s W a l t e r B e l k o a s Maryann. Charles and Martha Bisland. [i, si shower was held irhthe spond«d to the alarm. Fireman vice-president was regretfully acAlso Allen Husho, Nicholas Heary then called police head. cept<?d a n d R o b e r t B e c l t w a sa p of Mrs. Oeza Stamberger Plesher, Mr. and Mrs. John Kuli,, ,,i iHe bride-elect, on Clif- quarters and told of the plans far p o i n t e < i t 0flul h e unexplred term. binak, Mr. and Mrs. AUred (Suedes. .,,.inii'. New Brunswick. Mrs a a wvh party. He was told to no A r( ? p0l . t w a s g i v e n o n t n e anMr. and Mrs. Joseph French, Mr. I'.utni. sister of the bride-to ahead. nual picnic held at the home of and Mrs. John Onofrey, Mr. and Captain Wlllard Neary of theMrs, George Munn. Mrs. Munn Mrs. Fred Hanson, Mr. and Mrs ,-, ,-n-liostess. is were Mrs. Thomas J a s o St. John's First Aid Squad alerted reported on the Middlesex.County Ralph Nalasco, Mr. and Mrs. MatI,,, n Hi'hlcker. Mrs. Robert his men and at the same time Women's OOP conference. thew Plesher, Mr. and Mrs. Edii Mrs. Albeit Thullesem requested assistance from the ward Bisland, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Announcement was made of a lHit ,i Hi'Kedus, Mrs. O'Hara Sayreville Emergency Squad to Musko. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Simon ;!•• Republican Club At First Meeting co ,n with their water rescue | %,£?£>?<£. J ^ S Si\. ,i,',hii Patten, Mrs. Nathan T , Mis Cleorge TabacznlsW equipment. The Sayreville unit arrived in ti i mud Dunn, Miss Margaret n und Mis, Stanley Doblc. i!". alt f. r .?! ^ ^ L " ^ . 1 " ^ ! ! 1 * I There will be a regional confersicond affair was held In the local outfit to the Dunlum ence In Wilmington, Del., Novem>m,Mif Mrs. William Toth, 138 Pond area where they started ber 11. Reservations maj be made . AM'iiue. Guests were Mrs. grappling operations. In the by contacting Mr*. Henrietta • ] ...ill Mis. Stella Kariski, meantime Chief Fischer sent the Wood, 111 North 8th Avenue. M. CuccioUi, Mrs. -Ellzajieth firemen out in teams under the HiRhland Avenue. Mi.-.. Ruth Early, Mrs, Ruth direction of First Assistant Chief Plans were made for a spaghetti m Mrs. June Franko, Mis. Arthur Hansen. dinner October 12 at Frank's Hall. . :i.t stofegu. Mrs. Barbara The search got underway at Mrs Albert Peterson, Mrs. 5:15 and about a half hour later Lyle Reeb, candidate for mayor, i.y. Mrs. Marie Chlsm, a team composed of Leonard and Raymond Smith, Second ;:>-ir.Mi Sliarfetz, Mrs. David Fischer, George Jogan and R'l- Ward candidate, will be guest n Mis. Emma Briton and dolph Kul&chinsky came upon Ihe speakers at the next meeting Ocvlw.i Curi'len. missing man, Mr. Kulschii^ky tober 12.. the flrst to see him and tftwinht at flrst that he might be asleep, ; is The executive board of :il-. Wiimwn's Club will meet until he noticed the German Lus« : i .it a: 15 P. M. in the 11-laying by his side. The Fords man had committed suicide und hail Kli MKllTING and Mr. and Mrs. Mtchae Plesher. Free Course Offered In First Aid - Defense ••'] • r i l . i i i m i ' I l . Mrs, j.inn-s Husson of the bu;lldiir rnnimitit::- distributed tlc)U«8 fur ii iir.t^'rcl show to. be held 4 mid 25 in School No". M Mrs, .\ibwt Cnrey, president. .ii>ii'i:'»:iil Mrs. Peterson program Charleen Simon 'Marks Birthday ith ftfO'Hara |'» fed Saturday 1 •• s I in-ndquarters with Mrs CnUaifher as chairman ,„, vo^d to award a prizi „'„,(,]• student df the sev |(i ,.|Kiith grades of 'On Ivan' School. — ITiKDS The PTA of Bt. J«tnft church met in- the qm 1 c h i i v i - h hall anil made plans (or * :i;id i :inl party to be heldbu.'.ur n'v li m ilw church hall, MM. M M rind M"IS. Wilbur w.i",(i,i.-fT unpointed co-chalt1 n ..f i 'n l)ii/.;iir which wlU %iitt M niiti continue throutll-, ;ii «> \ mil t i n il:iv Tho'card party iitii i'\.\ nt 8 P. M. with Mr*, SW- • tl'.-v Iiili und Mrs. John Peterson Senior Sodality Names Officers FORDS'— The Senior Virgin Mflry Sodality of Our Lady i of Peace Church met and installod he following officers: Miss Joanne Efian. prefect; M183 CATALIN EMPLOYE HONORED—A milcl wateh and cash were presented to Steve Rlmar, 14 Mary Evelyn\viin, vice prefect; MJM Avenue, Fords, for completing ?5 years of faithful scrvtee with the Cataltn Corporation. Company Dorothy Porvnznlk, secretary. Mb» representatives went to his home to make the awards. Making the presentation of the watch is Harry Barbara Clinbay was named chalrKrehbell, president of the company on the extreme rUht and ntxt to him is Mr. Rlmar. Others, mni\ of u cake sale to be h<9d from left to rUM, are Harold Single, assistant plant manager; F. M. Martin, financial secretary October 2 following each mass In of the company; (iunnar Pederson, union representative; Craig Vlld, vice president of the union, the ','hurch. and Kendall BrigKS, works manager. The Rev. Samuel C. Constance, Sodality director, spoke on the HR18TENING HELD Petersens Entertain ideales of the Sodality and the d r Honored duties HOPELAWN — The Infant son For Son, Edward, 7officers.and obligations of Its new/ At Shower by friends >t Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zlolkowski, Miss Anna Marie Vitkosky re11 Worden Avenue, was baptized PORDS—Edward Petersen, snn FORDS—A miscellaneous show- Michael -Edward at a ceremony in of Mr and M'rs. Amt Petersen, 26 quested the members to save caner was given Miss Joan Kubich, St. Stephen's Church, Perth'Am- Lawrence Street, was given a sim- celled stamps, old rosariesi .and daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Michael boy. Rev. Francis Kllmktewicz of- per pafty In honor of his seventh other used follglous articles for mission use. Kubich, 52 Fairfleld Avenue, atficiated. The sponsors were Dr. birthday, the VFW Hall by Misses Dorothy and Mrs. Edward J, Novak, Wood- Quests were Mr. and Mrs. Soivn INFANT CHRISTENED SDISON-Mr. and Mrs. ^alint Martin, Arlene Cholpenskl, Mary bridic. Miss Zlolkowskl is the for- Petersen, Miss Marie Petersen, Mr. mer darol Novak of Sewaren. and Mrs. Clifford Dunham, Mrs. Kovacs, H MacArthur Drive, had Jane Maloney and Loretta KuCharles Klein and children, Ka- their infant itauKhter christened, bich, who will be her bridal atPegsy Luu at ceremonies perPROUD PARENTS ren, Virginia and Thomas, Mr. tendants. formed in the Mttuchen Reformed Miss Kubich will marry Francis FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. Eugene Martin and Church by the Rev. Harry Ver Lesko, son of Mr. and Mrs. An- Panconl, 68 Maxwell Avenue, '\re daughters, Kam and Jean, of this Strate. Sponsors wore Miss Nancy thony Lesko, 543 Sayre Avenue, the parents of a daughter born !n place; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Qoet- Lou Bnwmi'ycr and Robert H. Peterson. Perth Amboy, October 22 in Our the Perth Amboy General Hos- schlus, Woodbrldge, pttal. Lady of Peace Church. 70 SHOP MOWfflG WE'RE RIDIN1 HIGH ! COAT FACTORY CO BUYY DIRECT W RENT ANDLOW PRICE IN THE LOWRRENT ANDLOW PRICE DISTRICT... We want all off our new neighbors i h b to to "BE "BE IN IN 'HIE 'HIE KNOW" K when it comes to saving money. We manufacture all our garments right here in our own factory. Naturally we can sell them for less than you would pay in a store. We want you to come, see and compare! Follow simple directions on map below and hurry over to our factory showroom. You'll be glad you did! FABULOUS SELECTION OF COATS AND TOPPERS Sup«r"88".HolidoySedon ...SO WE'RE TRADIN' HIGH! 6 to 14—Girls 10 to 14—Pre-teens 10 to 16-T«ien» 8 to 20—Mteses 38 to 44—LadlM HALF SIZES 14 Vi to M H n*cord-br«ftklng r«oord-br««klnfl What a wonderful tiW to teal for an For there', nothing like an Olde in the wide world ; ; i not another car w <**yi0 own, w packed Vilh tbrBbi "Hocket" K^gme "r'lying color'f styliagl H*e'« «*!•* 4 l l d ^lauiur that reJUy stand outl Stop iir-get our KMHTL apprafaal! Thk. month, more than .ver . ; . tlkv'i . "««**" M - ^ ^ *) get out of the ordinary . . , into m Th, 9 . . - « . f l b«ol Week"-come lnt»da»< -co LOCAL DELIVERED PRICE OWimobil«"88" 2-Door Swlan Fur Blends Cashn^fe Blends Camel Hair & Wools ChlnehlU* Ziblines Tweeds Broadcloth* Poodle* COLORS • • Blue Black • BeiKC • • • • • Green Brawn * White Tet>l Red Charcoal Shades Oxford Gray Navy Mellon AQua Powder Blue Shrimp at.low at $2,384.00 *•"*•* I fisliions factory Stal* and locol t a u t o t t o . Yovf prk» d«t»nd» upon d » k » of roodtl 9*4 body llyi«,optional tqulpmont uivd utt*«Mf<«i. ^ St. ^ sMOBILE SALESROOM HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 A. M to 6 P. M. Saturdsy » A- M. to 5 P. M.. FORDS IMIIKW **«, SUNDAY 1 1 A . M . - 4 P. Mi OODBRIDGE FABRICS SIZES CLOSED MONDAY Woodbfidge N.:„• A v / ~?—-\ Fords NJ ' » • '**''V. • i-lr.iv.•niiiu fur tlie c o m i n g FORDS — Mrs. Lafayette Llv ingston, president of School No 14, PTA, announced the organization Is sponsoring a free coursf In flrst aid and civil defense. The flrst lesson will be held Or. tober 4 and October 5 at 8 P. M. In squad headquarters. -Robert Neary, Instructor, announced the course Is open to any area mothThe dark-horse prize, donated e r s and registrations may be made by Mrs. Helen Adamiec. was wan for either Tuesday or Wednesday by Mrs. Oscar Wilson. Hospitality night. was in charge of Mrs. George AcerUficate will be awarded at the end of the ten-week course. Hafely and Mrs. Irbing Kahree. •• ,&'•• RATES - INFORMATION '.it for IS unrds | IVadlinf for tin: Wrdntudar 10 3r Mfh additional word A. M, for th* a n » week's pnblteitUn. Pirahlr in advance New Jersey Pol) Telephone WO-g-1710 FKMAI.F. I'M.!' WANTED MISCEtLANEOtS GENERAL vrs: assembly, swady" A'.': benefits. Apply Omr.f C?J:C:. O . Main Street & Route =3 \Vj*x:bric2f. M. J. 9-22 29 AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Established 1902 O»«r 4.500.000 Memben KaUomrtctp Service Perd Kertes. Local Agent J17 8Ut* Street, Perth Amboy Phone HEImst 2-1249 YOUNG WOMEN, for evening wort rsr.::i:r,J *rtd packing 9 1 - 6 29 «-RZ«; ples^ar.: w>:k foiir hours each ever;Tii A'.^ »y>mas Jor 6*? BOSGART SCHOOL OP^ \ position. 8 00 A M :<j 6 90 P- M ; DRIVING ; five <Jay; tort wages. ste»iy LICENSED by s u u of New Jer- j work Tt! Llr-.-ty 8-0821 ley. 81 Homes Part Are. iselln., Liberty 8-0070. . \ 9 1-9/29 CASHIER c'.frK.' p:e-park clerks: exp*:;er.c<! Apply'A'.* Mark?; 225 Avene! Street Ave.r.el. PAINTER AND DECORATOR Free EsV-mat-e^ , CaU CA-1-4825 V J TEDESCO | Avw. HOUSKW1VEF 6 Fillmore Avenue • offers a c»: -:r ;.:> tr>p v o m a n Cartels ' who w;iJ:f« "* .> ry .n bufines* Jf>r 9 1 - 9 29 hers*!! W::u P O Box T05 w PlainneM. . i .. . I , _. • j 'Continued front Editorial Pare) Jersey auto driver* and car owners feet on the matter: CAR DRIVERS. STATEWIDE Appro I T . .... i('< JDIsapproTt 33 No opinion . .... 1 CAB OWNERS. STATEWIDE Approve .. . . . C$f i Disapprove Game is stocking 7.000 trout from 8 to 16 inches in the fly-fishing waters of New Jersey. . . . Loans to farmers who suffered serious tosses due to floods or heavy rains have been authorized by the Farmers Home Administration in all New Jersey counties . . New Jersey farm leader* hope to secure favorable legislative action New Jersey apples of fall variety are now coloring up market* and are available at ffrocry stores and super market*, the State Department of Agriculture reports. . . . The New Jersey Racing Commission b expected to turn thumbs down on five application^ for htrneta track permit* The State Division of Fish and [ADDITION TO FAMILY S HOPELAWN — Mr find Mrv i Edvsrd Tylor. 12 Richard Avenue, 'are the parents ot a daughter j born in the Perth Amboy General I HospiUl. •: CLASSIFIED :• • INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1955 PAGE TWELVE t Advertising * • Jewelry Service IP YOUR HRIN&ING has become ' WANTED-Ir.•.*:'..-•«:-.: s::'. a problem. Alcoho'.ic* Annoy-' • mous can help you. Cai! Market j man »;'./. p!?«.-»i.*. for doctor- offsc* S->sn* tn-nri-; S-7528 or write P. O Box 253.1 ed»e of :vp:nB r.ecssarv Previous j Woodbridg*. 9 1 - 9 29 experience no* r.'res&iry Please j apply to P. 0 B:x 10 c o th:s Continued from Editorial DARAOO'6 newspaper. »-;tr, df-tai'^ f o r been found in the potato fields of AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL mation a- :•> f-:.ucjt;-jr,, backNew Jersey. 1 Largest and Oldes . in County ground ar.d referfr.w Four days The decision was reached after a week Monday T-*sdi* Thurs- Hydnunatic. Fluid and Standard experts analyzed nearly 1.100 day, Friday ? A M to 2 P. M. 380 McCWlan St.. Perth Amboy soil samples to determine whether CaU HlUcrest 2-7365 and 5 P M to i j P M Or oruy the nematode. a serious potato 9 1 9 29 9 A M :o 2 P M ::•: five days, pest, ;s present in New Jersey. Free Estimates Monday. Tuesday Tr.urwlay FriAn area near Hickville. L 1.. No Obligation to Buy day ar.c Satu:c«y F.rit year three where an outbreak occurred in 1944 remains under a strict quarIS an-1 weeks, n:ar. CALL antine which bars the production third y?i: » *-*•*:> ?a:s vac** 0' potatoes, tomatoes or other ret o n Or.;;. : •-.= r.;r.2 for Meady ".a:ed crops. empioymer.'. , . i a?piy Saiary Potatoes grown in New Jersey F O R D S — Committeeman R during the past summer were 9-29 Richard Kraus? ana Lous> Turkus. stymied by serious surpluses in veteran minstrel man. appealed other areas before and during the MALE HELP \\ ANTED 'lor teenage talent !or the ounsuel New Jersey harvest season and to be presented Octow-r 24 apd 25 the threat of peak late season GENERAL MACHINIST, txpeti- by St. John's Episcopal Church in crops. As a result, the returns to 126 RAIOYAY AYE. ! AVENEL ence r.Kes *ry: ?v.acy employ- School 14. growers have been less than Jl ment, .a'.; btr.erV..* Apply Centric Boys and air".> interested in try- per bau. In many instances, yields Cl\Ach Co Majr. Stret". it R w « ing out are a*ktd to contact Mr. were also poor. #9, Wooobrxge. 6-22. 2fl Krauss at his home. Maple Street, Avenue, JEBStY JIGSAW:—State HighSTORE CLERKS r.y;k c'.erta. or Mr. Turltu.5. Wildwood N prrferrei. Apply Al'f any day between 5 and 6 P.'M.. to way Commissioner Dwight R. G. Market. 225 Avenel Street. Aventl. make arrangements lor an audi- Palmer has announced a $34.tion. Avenel Pharmacy 140.751 highway construction 9-29 The shov will be limited to a program for New Jersey this 994 RAITWAY AVENUE FOR SALE two-hour program with no en- year. . . . The purchasing value cores in order to enable the audi- of the New Jersey consumer dolWOODBRIDGE 8-1914 WAREHOUSE FOR SALE—40' X ence to participate in the dancing iar. based at 100 cents as of June, 30', on !ol 150' x 55'. has 10' x to* follow. 1939. was 49.7 cents in August. 10' office. Locked at 685, St. the State Department of Labor George Avenue. Woodbridge. Call WHITMAN'S CANDIES and Industry reports. , . . Both WO-8-2847. 9-22 Halloween Masquerade glowers and processors agree j Cosmetic* - Film - Greetinc Carts 1940 PLYMOUTH four-door. 1953 Party Set for Oct. 29 that the 1955 New Jersey tomato oooreit eafeine. radio. A-l condition. Also kiddie's trailer tractor. B-C. FORDS — f h e Dun-6ar Club recortl in recent years. .', . New ft new. $8,00. Call at 34 Edward met at the home of Mrs. Betty Jersey potatoes have moved into RAYMOND JACKSON t, Iselin. . 9-29 DiMeglio. Dunbar Avenue, and 28 States and the District of AND SON honored Mrs. Jean Zagrzecki with Columbia this summer ranging GIRLS COAT, size 1, $5.00. gifts on the arrival of an infant as far west as Iowa and Missouri Druggists and as far south as Florida and t a i l WO-8-8153-J, Westbury daughter. Paijc. • 9-29 Plans for a New York theatre Louisiana. . . . New Jersey's high88 Main Street way death toll for 1955 has party October 29 were completed. reached 505. or n less than at MISCELLANEOUS Woodbridge, N. J. A Halloween masquerade party the same period in 1954. . WILL MIND CHILD In my home will be held at the home of Mrs. Peach trees, along the Garden Telephone «-«554 during day. Call Pulton 8-8077. Ann Sabine. Mrs. Marian Bn- State Parkway are producing ^ 9-29 cholz won the special award. frtfit for Stat« Institutions. . . . LMTM T» Fkry flit Accorfoi FASHION CREDIT JEWELERS COAL - FVEL OIL OIL BOWERS CA-1-6308 • • • • DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY GIFTS BICYCLES FOR SALE Part* and Accessories Hardware • De Toe Paint* Mcreary Ootboard Motor* Saks and Service CANARIES t MONKEYS PARAKEETS • PUPPIES TURTLES • MICE HAMSTERS • GUINEA PIGS • GOLD and TROPICAL FISH GUTH PET SHOP • Moviig aid Trucking *-«v,.. M « a .,^n.^».,,»)i,..r v^jfcinn,^. ,:.:^:.a,.;4^:«K«S Henry Jansen & Son 80 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Fnrnaee Worfc Carteret 1-4070 588 Alden Street Yarns and I . For—KNI'ni\(. CRCKHFIIM NEF.DI.I I ' r i M IIOOKKI) I!I i - Woodbridge, N. J. ROOFING - SIDING GUTTERS - LEADERS Telephone: Woodbridce 8-0594 621 LINDEN AVENUE Morinf Woodbrtdfe, N. I. AGENT National Van Lines WOODBRIDGE Plumbing & Heating • Remodeling • New Installations • Gas and Oil Burners 24-Hour Service A. W. HALL & Son Loul and Urn* Dl«u»c« Moving »nd Storue NAT1ON-WIDC SHIPPER! of aouMhold u i OBce Furniture Authoriifd Aitnl Bowud Van Llntt, Inc. Icpuite Rooms for 8ton<» CRATING • PACKING SHIPPING UncUisud Fomlture or Etm DcscrlpCion Office and Warehoue 34 Atlantic St., Carteret TEL CA-1-5540 DOORS AND WINDOW'S M E ROOFING CO. t Service Stations t T O M GARAGE J. F. Gardner 4c Son 493 RAIIWAY AVENUE WOODBRIDGE Tel WO. «-91S4 We're Specialists In Chrysler Products Bear Wheel Alignment Precision Tunc-ups Brake Service Transmission Service : t Sporting Gotds § Get That • TRUMPET REEL FIXED NOW! • UL1TAE We're an Official "Penn," Alrex" amd "Centaure" Service Station KEEL KKrAIRS A BPECIALTT CompTeie Line • ACCORDION of •8AXOPHONE MUSICAL • PIANO INSTRUMENTS • TROMBONE and ACCESSORIES or Information CaU HI I « 9 U SAMMY RAY'S MUSIC and REPAIR SHOP 487 New Brunswick Ave., Fords PHIL GOLDIH RESIDENTIAL GLASS LOCKSMITH WORK KEYS MAD3 Popular and Classical PIANO LESSONS TXKJUS Lessons Given In Yoar Own Home 826 Amboy Ave., Fojda, N. fbmm VAllei MIS* G o o d Wi- may be'~»h'i : Candid and Studio BLACK, and WHITE or 3 DIMENSION COLOR Wedding Pictures on 73 E. thcrrv RAIIWAY M CA-l-6404 (ContintitM .'ion: 44-46 Lincoln Avenue, Carteret Thus tiic ..: been expi (•»< i: over a symbol b not jys: E>< Plittgraiiy Private Lessons The .SEWiN Aluminum Combination Call WO-S-3Q46, HI.fc.7J12 L. PUGUE8E - A. U P O . PETTY'S BRACE AVK. VA. 6-3289 Perth Ambuy , Rooting, Metal Ceilings »nd Electric Sewer Servics NATION-WIDE MOVERS and TlnnbiK and Sheet Metal Work Plumbing - Heating ECONOMY MOVERS 579 Amboy Avenue WO 8-1056 OPEN DAILY I to 8, SUN. 8 to I /> Roofing and Siding • We Sell and InstaU Musical listrflctioi GARDEN SUPPLIES HARDWARE • PAINTS FLOOR SANDERS AND WAXERS FOR RENT t Charley, Fan Telephone CaHeret 1-5715 W« Fnrnlih and ImUU All Types of Halt WO 8-314S 3 Rooms 825 5 Rooms $S5 4 Ro«ms | } « 6 Rooms, -40 Reasonable Storage-S« Days Free Ail Loads Insured—19 years u p . Open Dally 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. NAT SMITH & SON UNIFORMS DACRON Seersucker • Plumbing and Heating • Avenel, N, J. Glazing Suramrr Free Estimate Complete Moving Job Better Furniture — Lower Prices 420 E;nt Avenue Perth Ambuy 13 Ford Ave., Ford* VA 6-0358 Uniforms Telephone 8-124S Winter Brothers HOMES 143 PEARL ST. $300Op We have the best and the latest t ORNAMENTAL LITTLE ZOO" Wayside Furniture Shop Established SI Vein Fast and Cn'ir Custom Made and Installed Quality Work 574 AMBOY AVENUE WOODBRUKiE, N. J. Service FLYNN & SON WO 8-0200 IRON RJftLINGS Complete Stock of Domestic in Cages, Tanks, Pet Supplies and and Imported Wines, Beers Foods. and Liquors NOW IN PROGRESS FINERAl. JUST PHONE Railings 1* MAIN ST., — Opp. Town IUU WO-8-1601 Woodbridge Liquor Store Fall Clearance Sale 46 Atlantic Street Cartereti N. J. 1312 OAK TREE ROAD ISELIN, N. J. Next to Bell's Drof Store FINS-F1& FEATHERS PET SHOP Telephone Woodbridje 8-18*9 48 8Ute Funeral Home Taxi Service Calh Made From 9 A. M. — S P. M. Maytat Washers and Dryers Get a different pet for the family. Babies — easily trained. Orders takrn on all spwiw. 145 up. Delivery on Wednesday* and Sundays. Rahway 7-J914 SYNOWlECKt RAIIWAY ; Telephone ME. 6-8119 We Like MONKEY BUSINESS Liquw Stores Furniture Fineral Directors • 73 K. ( h c i . . . TELEVISION & RADIO REPAIRS Pet Sbtps Drag Stores Phone Woodbridce S-1S77 The SEWING DUFFY'S JS7SW.8I.ML KEY SHOP PRESCRIPTIONS Sewing SEWIM; M I 34 PERSHTNO AVENUE CARTERET, N. J: A. Klsh, Jr., Prop. 1!4 WASHINGTON AVENUE CARTER?1* » CA 1-7163 JOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop. Repairs RCA Tubes and Parts ALBRECHT'S COAL & OIL CO. That's why you should be sure to have plenty of outlets and modern wiring so that Reddy Kilowatt can work, f o r y o u 2 4 hours of every day! bits and an :, In the yard DI. V BUte Departm«: reports torn at <~ some last Mimn•< •oms did not;, because of ih» EDWH MUSK ONTOl UwiMwers FOR SALE Sharpened • Repaired AVENEL does so muchcosts so little! a t 230 WoRt •:• ton. and SOP a Select Your i n , ,, We'll Make Y« U r m Everything |,,i • Telephone CA 1-5M* Expert Watch and Jewelry Repair LAWN MOWERS Prompt Expert 0« 0« Uvf Itrtil t\n WDGE. 8-1400 ectriciiy Oame can !<*,>• •__ AL'S RADIO & TELEVISION TU IMtn tttf Wty Ha KttHiM T» Ivy SO ROOSEVELT AVENUE CAKTERET HAND AND POWER NO MONEY DOWN 3 YEARS TO PAY Highway 25 Radio & TV Service Misical listnneits • • I» Minstrel Talent Sought by Church Jer.vy Taxpayers Association reporU . . Former Attorney General David T. Wilente. of Perth Amboy. will be toastmaster at the $100 dinner to be held by the Democrats in Newark on October 1 « • # CAPITOL CAPERS:—Employees of the State Division of Fish and - - BUSINESS DIRECTORY - - No opinion . 2 BUSINESSMEN' Noteworthy, too. is that solid majority sentiment in every po?' DIRECu!a;:oa croup measured In to-THE BUSINESS TORY offers ywi consistent, day's Furvey approves ol the idea of n?v>kirf| the license* for a effective advertising art a low period of two years of all auto drivers caught speeding 70 mi'.es cost An ad this site costs per sour or faster, only $6.00 a month and is These Vroups imuude men and worth far more in returns. *orr.°n younger adults and older For information call WO-8 ones, '.hose * h o ride a .lot and i ho* Tho ride litUe. and people 1710. IJI all eveupationa! groups, r-lry s K?. educational levels, and poetical parties. CMI This newspaper presents vhe -fporW'«f the Mew Jersey Poll exclusively in this area. State House Dome next j*«t on proposals to remove or modify some of ihe restrictions i m p o s t on farmers employing teen-ag* workers. . . Property valued by ioc»l assessors at nearly two billion dollars and comprising more than one-fifth of total valuations placed upon all property in New Jersey is now exempted from taxation, the New enormous nn - It Is also l><: Eisenhower : • Eisenhower- ti ithope. His illness n: a variety »1 ,'• many quistiDn health has «i. on the (lomi^ :< and upon wi:a It has a bcirjii. tional mi't't;];-levels, It has .% men arc think:. Paris, in Cai! > 8aigon and N' no means !f.i-' Petping. But for t!-.i' j: gest of all (In- ' of h; possible, a period of IV>I tlon and tin.- » extended Wh.r dramatizes (om-i mous load th A: : President. It >. once more, tlii* i ing, some ol tin1 spqnslwliiy -uv; load. Those questi.ii secondary Th" i now is thaji In the shock, iiul ;.want trv»t Imp'11 tinue. We back at his we want him happy. So, when TOP Workman^)!) a t LOW Reel Checked. Cleaned, Ponsbed. Greased and Adjusted 1M Prices. Picture T&sliic Serrice for Only _ 1 for all Occasl»n». (plus parts. If needed) SPECIAL tATES to "Home of Reel Parts" CLUB PICTURES We Have - in Stock • CUSTOM-MADE POLES 1-Day Expert • MAINE-MADE MOCCASINS, DEVEW)JPING SERVICE LOAFERS and SUPPERS Coropl«t« Line of Photographic • WILDLIFE PICTURES < Mr. President" it *• * SuppliM (framed) sentiment that i • HUNTING AND FISIONO pecU. That voioLICENSES ISSUED him and encounu ' Ask How You Can Win not need the lionm One of Our Trophiw that the encouiu^ open ii u, e TACKU Th* New Vork 'I" 647 AKBOV AVENUE AND REPAIR Gold and Woodbridge 8-S8S1 SPORTING GOODS iterluig are Mon, M d F«t Kightg U, fMM.W0.PPO. Hie tM Mwm llnwt, R«hwar intbirtwijriwntlw < • • ' fiALLARD'S PHOTO Titophone SA 7-MM I , SEPTEMBER 29,1955 1 )f,rF,NDENT -LEADER Hie family is the source of America's strength . . . i . > its decisions chart the course of America's future. Our freedom will remain secure so long as every family has the right to know the truth . . vigilantly^ we guard this right Freedom of the press is essentiul to the preservation of a free democracy. * Only insofar a« every family has unhampered iiccesK tt; the truth, run it form sound judgments and act promptly and wisely* to protect its priceless heritage of opportunity, liberty and justice for all. Your newspaper is dedicated to safeguarding your "right to know" upon which all your other American right* so largely depend. It will relentlessly fight any infringement on this right... will brook no interference with its steadfast purpose to bring you "the truth, the whole truth and nothing b,ut the truth." Woodbridge Publishing Co. Publishers of I I u.. INDEPENDENT PAOF FOURTFFN Menlo Park Terrace Notes £»•:!- cut* muv t* aocomp»".; I.FP..M. NOTICFS NOTHTS NOTICES (B«.BV GIRL ' t .',' (Vt«M»r tWS st »<* P ' FORDS M: anr! Mr* Willun ' Kvirrrr R Pine 1«; ar w vwr. irierr*ft«r as r 1 r*r r* reir y.'.v-i 9 Albartt street aw t.-vDow'.rt f' a .' art •'. wnlch tlmt ? v n t . s offtdaughter bom ;n '."'" rVnh Amboy O*n«r»l Hospital SO THFKrtN !« do so. Judrmeni bT Oft1:'.! T.ay *•LS ATI TO THE-.R « T I H J DPNTOAS. rfndrTTd anlr.v TO-; f->r the r»:iff de- T F P C T ' S E S: o VXOK:MNO s A>"t> THF VO< r w ; PARENTS Of D A t G H T E l •namlfd in -tie c<wip'»ir.: Y n «*.«": CONSTTUCTrwn-tt'.r Clert * \ D FXTTVT "V Tl«:?. '"?F FiVK0RD6 Mr » Mrs John Hi* ro*ir ArnTt'T ir.t! ; w f <*; jrrtf* LATTSO AND F RSTS :i~TT\ O E1KK; :n d'fp!«c»te « n h th" o » k , o f ' ! » land Avenue, Superior O i ^ S'Jiw rl-vue* ' A M U HRioirr vt-Mrrn >»• «TOTTF O*"1 • N OVTiiv-ivT* TO *M»WD AS'OHDI1 1 s , » jf«*T :^ ircorflaiK-t SiZI OF P'.T.JtiN- -'? W dTHTI sa.\vs Fvrrn.BT AS ORDINANCE of . daueh'^T. i > ? t a STnrCT'.T.E? RF*V.-.U^T- O!?> KETO !1h tM Tn>s ol ^l-rll prviice and in 8t Ptu-i'" 5TRICTS0 THE rrjicFVTAOF OF York • '" *: :.;=,: BrJc'r.t Jf*:sh :r *: ;r. i r V e horns •ffrTWI. o! P»V-:' B . ! •no i n J< THE FIFTH PAT ! formJsu! a Sunday S e w ! ?o; h*;r WEEMRSDAY v OCTOBER A D . JflHETEETt S ' *ff«TW*3 J or i[•;-,:c ;• .ai::OTi. H'NDREO FIFTT-FTVE rtr. Anyone iT.\t~p&\t\ i s & i*a:h?7 :<* of '.^i :•>:"..on i s *e cary .o c&!! \Sr? W.l.uin Kroner. Libtrty 8-94" 4 a b : , ' in-.^r. 1 . '. 3rt.r»V th'. r:\ !O».:.J r —Rober: D?rs.'«. S:>T. O{ M; AIL or pan:*: iBd Mrs. Joseph Decasse HUdywi spec'. baum. Ft:*Ti'. 5". Ttrwnthtp o! W«xiSuwt, * i " re.ebraw .his first B/.icower V*i- Dir'Jidsy Saturday His iuesU till je Joyce. Lynr. a?.c Ca.*oi S:?.ia>n« w «,,,„ Hr-. r- ~, • AST the !n th* L_ Ani TO'.!. John !>oa, hj»bintl o! « . . H '.o "FOX mi T>lT\ M7E 387 E STIE • WtB THERE- Zon: SCOTT NOTICB TO BIDDER* i b;i> wi;: be r^-nMd 7 > i,r« wnioTi w 6* drpm'»le<t S*cU»n • LXFVr and to read and proriae »* ' fdilOTt , '' Eafh aad all of the areas e^n; brac^il wi^nn the w m i A n A after d»scrth»<l In Sub-Swiicn B , »h:.-h are now rlasslfled a* : RFadt^tiil. undfi Iht Pi'.! , Zont Ord'.nar.f*. antl as ottBii • shtniT. on a t o r . ' Jtniurr. 1S31 Oforgt T! KrifiaMT," ir.S »• ro; T:«rasli;p Map 3S7F 1 IS3C . 3«SC BE IT CRruETO) RT THS TOWN- S9JC SHIP CONMITTEK OF THE TOWNSHIP SMC •vitbsat! •of Man H Dowiev t L »-»: DM iJ Jd W7F OTHER A HOARD THE VtGLATliSN GSOBOK R JMQ SMO MR ma S>JH IMi J9S TWA MA MA Msp T H Jlied in :>,t ifrfht ,-iiir.irPd :ci IJaoiure US1, OMTSI" R Stem'.!. 5 ). a icroniiat - B::t."." Mrv 3WB -.-.y Orr.s Otnoe o« Township Bnr-r.*ft." » n i «s FSown —Birthday IMd s Vlsp S s Ittl. fS> No ;•••:• 2 2 STB-SSCTIOS A" Ms: "! I or a map rpdrnifn aLd de.mfi'fd Lon-s 5 : : . Mrs. Nick Kte:r.. Jpfl?rson Sirw. >.T.i x i r k M l a »". " !". net n R S T THiCT and :c r.-e:r.-.r-= S. iZiii Jear. Ab- inci Mrs. Antror.y Ca\a Aila'i;. ;be sat**. wt'l I* oper.«d m»p tnt:: i Zrnt BEQISSISG i : k poif. formed t>t thf tif JMD rsharr.. i j ji-r.'.e: ;,; Mr. and Mr=. Msp ol Woodbndirf Te-.S5hip Vllrtc >o-.cun: of tht a;V !C (!i«<fi Cour.tT. Nf* Jersev. March .': . Atii Demaren Avenjf and i V S o u A r r ^ ' Jaiiri A J: J93E —Tiw first np.teting of the H J J • MO OBORQS R MTRRilX w : l ! *h« a ; a o; Twe^Te Tbou-ani! Elth: Sirer. wort:nf iir it-Tr+rn i v e >• md l-»nd S ^ r and School Association ol K; ?• H-,r."r»a ar* laid OJI or. Use w»oabndge T e n . S'ity-iwo • J i l J K t e - Do'.'iirs 'A M » * « F V Vor;4»i be J ir.d Mrs. Carl Oats:> •; v .C.p Tax Msp and from «ud r*cinr.:n* bey r i l ! be held Wednesday O ::''»'..-;^r »:th rbe cwt* <tf "Eis *aie ;o d (ho same r.rr?t;, JIMHI rjr.njig !>o-u;her:y alonf W«'.f::i S'.r « t !oy a Anwr'fr. u>ber 5 at 7:30 P. M. Gues: sp^n 3MF Hie at Dfnwre*; j n a j i lc New Jrrwv r j : i. ji Anie c a y s •»'•••• .Mrs StsU Hl^awsy Rout* T25: thenc* rr «iU bt Mrs. Louise ma >t poias i>» Sortlier;v n e ol said Stater. I.-.:ar.c ar.d M:.' Edtnorw- jrhooi nurse, ai Si r.;rr« to tiit Wen a n i 3330 »ct:o:i o ' o* ROBERT H JAMISOS of 3MG aicng S i O*orre Av»sue to a A«ni.e »-: t!>t S be supplied by the executive bo...: li 3«0 Sher.'.'. m A i':rr.'?.:~::iv.o?. Pa-'ly »"u JOSES A: —Kermeth EUmer son of M: bids ni'isi be acrora:3aiileil ire "ihe'Veswrli Un« o f " 0* of held a; •..-.e hem* ?'. Mr; Roh>»r! 'and Mrs Andre* E l m e r Fed-.'. <; tx.-rt eruted c h f k a the 0- S! Gterge Arf- • ;»n«o Arenue. 1S4 :i !eei more or iws is a. a 1 : ••r C*E; i»" M i-it*: b!<i thtnre Baswr.v alone So.rJifi'.y io • 7<Ani. the SartSraswrly corner o! Friei. Fr.Jiy Pr«*r.: irere Mi *. Slreei. celebrated shown on his seco.ii Cwrt The stwrestfu; mdder wlil t>e r*quir?i h—.otd S:r**: lo » po:*r. ol , Lot 26. in Biock 396-B Of Tai M»p: j ^ James D:."ii«.l, MrEc^c NOTICFTOCUfI»m>M o fum^11. a s»ii«f»r;orr , ; i f Woodbf.det BinEce r,rit BrodsJiT. Elec'j'trU ol Sin-^e: IB «uli unounl of hit rao- SK2iG Blact 6f:-A as tM Mrv were: Terri and Kathleen ?-i':.TJdine, Mrs and along the dindia? .ice of U>t M. EroisitT. dewunS br dlrmioc C sf. forth 05 saia T u Map Don \V.i»y. M:i ir, B : « » S*-B. and Lot 27. in Block van. Maureen Mununs. TomTy r - * r E Br3»n. eurrc*»« of it* Th« Risnl of Chosen 396-A. as shown on Said Woodbrtdfe SECOND TRACT .« n s S i i o increase or oer~T-=* c---T o! Middlesn hwrbv e r e a > )h Bauer, : a n i M:? Jc Kane. Rosemary. MasiMi. T - . . : --» M 'tie r f ds:on »; tix aU! BEGINNING a: ill* StmH Wrs-.ff'.v -rornship T»i Map 100 ! « l to a point unt alaore snedftrd »T adi:r.t i d Kroner. Atlan—Mr^ W >n:er of R;chnon3 Siree: *nd Drmori Nonnwes^er'.y rornfr of tald Lot : ) ) f or deductinf tr.eflrt.n-, rq ;o la tbrtr Patty and Nsckie Lucanegro ::i A « a u t and !ror. aald beflnmag j ( B.ocit 39S-B. \henct I3I South- 3MN id tfM l n ;tru;r.ed Mrs. J i . ' i p^'^'ET equal •* iwmtT-tTe per t*n; tic S::t*: Karen Ellmer. ? j s Wrsl*r.y alc^l Nor.hrr'v ai nght &r.g>s and alon? the r.f s£:4 !3«*aa**4 un^er oaifc or 25" M the lotai aaioiir.: Ifrr.r Tt-r:.:-r. Mr erlT lide o! R:thr.ond S-r«t a!r line of Lot 26. and the Eist- 3MO ijoc. »10iln s i i x o n l h i from —Saturday Mr and Mrs Ari.'.:r eriv !'ne of Lots 13 and 23 In fald. tint* of 300 f « : to a point njirfcns The ana Mr^ S. Kr.tzsian. '•Ji'j i a i * or \im w*J: be <or*tn barred Block 39S-B. 225 feet to the Northerly J98O or all Sils tr.H h n*5* lnwnsctlsn of thf E«st«-:y line Mne of LeilngKiE Avenue, thtnee c4i 39SP M s'. c h e i. Ladoux and Mr. ar.d Mrs E i y r r ; 2MQ K MrrWa!:"Mi«^'Merar*Str^r.j» l t e n f i e d ^ ! e n IT :hMter * Sewarit- AK!*A BROD61IT. ^ " ^ d ^ C o u n t r of Middle™, and ? . ^ v «SS3C*. J . 0 ? , 1 " ! ^ ^ ^ , £ Northern line of Lenn?ton A»enu« 50 -Dofia'd Hancock, son of Mr i - ° M«Whirt«r son of Mr. Hosplta! for : BT order Mrs. John MacWhtft*r. arrfl Mr.= Graydon. Hancock U i - and • rncbokkrs o: beilf S::ee;. :e!tbratei his 10"nmarked h ^ first birthday WednesAtvarney MR6. HBLEK HATES. Northerly »lon« the WfsMrly une of I BIOC* J96-B; ihence 4M U t day Attending his party vert-. ' Purchaltu Agent »: ifht , .L birthday. Tuesday. right aangles »nd ilong 409 c Lo; 13 to the Southerly aide of Green- ' v f e s ^ v ss . right g 1 I-L. >-» wood Strwt. then« E»st«ly along J L O U NOS 5. ??. JO. In40VH O11. 11 12 12*n<* <* 13. 13 In B:r..hday ccnsratuiaUons te Joyce Carolan, DeSra Bem!-. ;' the Sotitheily s»de of G:«::mt>9d 8:rtet 1 ^^ B]Kl 39K-B. 1SI fe«t more or less 4 ) 3 p To: Mrs Ben;irn:r, Rose and M:iDebra Lynn. Michael. Dennis and to the point ot Be?;nr.!r.g. , o tne.Eisterly line 0! Mew Jersey Bute «tLg XOTICE Tommy Fitzgerald. Karen Ken- TO John OCjnr.or. •oath of Wai! Notice Is hereby glien that the foi- I This Ortlnmcf shsil take effect Hlghwar Route s i : thence i l l NorthOT n»etl!n of the Toviuhlp lowing proposed ordlcacrt « a i '.ntro- after its adoption acd publlcatioD a* erly. SortheisMrly. and Easterly along 434 g nedy and Joseph Cavanaugh At a Street. the Easterly line ot New Jersey Sute 432 R . . . . • .,•.,-,,•« of "w Towmhln of Wood- dut*3 and passed on flra; reading at required by Law ni Highway Route r l . and the Southeast- 433 H M: an« Mrs Raymond Chan. —Birthdll) congratulations 1J b r t d g ( . v i e l ! TuesdsT, September M, » meeting ot '.He Townthlp Conimltt« HCOH B QCIGLET. erlt and SoutherlT line of the r*mp ^ n Iffff-rs-.n t;"ffi »prp week - e l d I Mrs William Kennedy McGuire 1*5S. I *2i directed to adtenls* ih« fict of the Towiuhft) of WDOdbrldzt .-.a the • Commltteeinin-ato f t h t State of New Jersey Highway J ' "" - r rSarah - " C l rChait c . a rand .ii] l • and Mrs. Robert. .Barnrurt. - h i ; o n T , j e s d l J r e T e m ! 1 ? October Coi>=ty of Middlesex. Sew Jerwu. held Attest: gue.s'.i of ^ Mrs. onnectlng New JJersey SSu t e t Highway t. ISM thf Township Comaiifj» will on the 2Wh day of September. 19S5. B J DT?NIOAN. Joute s Route s ii .. with with S: S. Georges Atenue 1#S • ™ = Mr. and Mr= Harry Plotkin. ™U- j Jefferson Street. ed !n Thf Indeprndentfor further Ta he meet *»: 8 P. M iDSTi ln tae Csm- and thatluimer aald ordinance wlil and be liken Lr-moers Mfmorai M':mcip»j "P iar consjaeranon ana nn»i TowniJilp 10 oe « iClerk i n , : m .u mr ' " « K - » ™ feet more or less '.a the point or plw* 444 B —Sunday guests f..i zabeth : ^ . Woodbrtd?e, F f * Jnwy. snd p»*s»«f at a meeiin? of » j d Towruhlp Leader on September 22 and IS, ltoS. BEING all of Lots W to n Incl. in ' JJJ C withh Notice of Public _... sell a', "public sale and t o Connnljtee to b< . .l. _ Cn b heid h i d at Its I N fP b l i Heirtn^ for nnal —Binhday tongratulations to Mrs. Arthur Ladoux. Ethel Strer... Block 39»-A »nd all ot L o u 5 W 13 « 5 B 'h* l-\shest Wdder ac«>rdlni to terns roam ln tn* Memorial Municipal BuUd- adoption on Ottober 4. 1955 Mrs. IiAin Nadell. Maryknoll were Mrs. A! Backman and ':n:!- of sale en 6!e Ti'.h the Eeal Estat* in? in Woodbrlttge. New Jersey, o n the , I -L. 9-22. » Incl, 22. S3. and Lot 26. In Block J96-B * « H as shown on the Woodbrtdge Township , « » H and Township Clerk open *<h d»j of October. 19&5. at 8:00 P M. Road and Mrs Hugh Wallschleg- dren. Belleville. M Map <D6Ti. or as soon thertafur i s a i d ' Map NOTICE **° "•L —Bonnie Kroner, daughter n'. '-° '•r-5:*ttl™ » n d t 0 , «r. Jefferson Street. J. This Ordinance shall take rteet • « «tr iriatter can be rearhea. at vhlth tiuje nouce l! is utzvu) n m that luat the ^..1 •".-1 LerfW ij-Uen fo!- -- • — d d b.. l i t i o. n as *AJI «8 V pnor to ml*, tot? T the Woodbridge Township and place aU persons who may be l o w l n e proposed ordinance was Intro-' "ft" l u adoption and publication as « » v Mr and Mrs Fred Softer, Mr. and Mrs. JVilliam Kroner. 5Vn Map. Interested therein wl!l be gtren an , « d on first re-adm* at, required by U * , , ™ i < «W Atlantic Street, will celebrat* ! i r d u r t d n d p l 5 Q T m Mason Street, were week-end notice that the Town- opportunity u> be hearl concemms sfce , me etlng of the Township Committee ; HUGH B QUIOLEY, w w guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benjam.n ninth birthday Saturday at a fam- ship'cornrnit'Se lias by resolution and of :he Township ot Woodbridge. in the , Commltteeman-at-Uree 452 K B J. DONIGAN. County of Mlddlesei. New Jersey, held Attest: ily party. Bonnie h a s received a 'n ! H I fixed a minimum T Feidmun. P!ainf:eld. ° 2 ! £ ! 7 ) S i S i on the 20th d»y of September. _ 1955. : B J _ D U N I O A N . price a; which said lots In said bloci ; 483 8 AN ORDINANCE CHANO1SO THE ••riH -h,,* <j,id ordinance will be taken Township Clerk —MiU'he'il Williamson, son ofnew bike for her birthday. will bt sold together with all other , 4S38 NAME OF FRBDETHKL STREET IN up foMarther wnsWeratlon and final To be advertised lnThe ^ " » n * ° ^ 486O Mr and Mis. Michael Williamson, | —Our sincere sympathy to HMPUS -*^tnen* salri mln'mum price being 1250 00 plus costs of preparing iMJ MIDiMibelle Street, celebrated his fiitn Wally Mitchel, Mercer Street, on the deed and advertising tnis sale. &ald n i MO lots In tald block, If sold on terms, DLESEX COUMTy. STATE OF NEWrooni |ntne'M*nional Municipal Build-1 adoption ou October 4, 196S birthday by going out for dinner the death of his father. I -L. B-M. 29 501 will require a down payment o ! Xv~, JEBS8T, TO WINSTON DRIVE Ing in Woodbrldge, New Jersey, on the i and attending a performance of WHEREAS, all of tile residents on ! 503 O. — M r . and M r s . E d w a r d HalUS- ' of the bid accepted by the Township Street tuve petitioned iht i 505 B Zka, E t h e l Street, Were h o s t s S u n ; Committee, the balance o! purchase 'The Wizard of Oz." NOTICE OF TAX SALE Committee to change the I M6A -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haber, day at a party in honor of M/s. i iSuiimenu . I S06A TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE Eihei Street, will celebrate iheir Haluszka's parents. Mr. and Mrs. terms provided for in the contract ol ' SECTION =M v , v. ! 510 D the 1 Notice Ls herebv given that the undersigned Collector \(f Taxes of the anniversary in New York tomu '- Joseph Pisar, on their 45th wedi Township of Woodbridge. la the rtihip of Woodbridge. tn the County of Middle*!, will hold a public wle . Aid aale,: of Middles*!, that: i To' ro*-. ,i.« T - . i->m,. u•"•—— innrw — Municipal Building. Main Street. awoodbrlOBe, Hew . a;; n ding anniversary. Guest$ b e a<|- ' j Fredethel S ' r e e t from RldKedale a ' i i i c iati *"" ~r~' ~ and Gary Solfer. Miss Mary Pisar, Mrs.rfelenPr--Jeffrey the rt8ht Township OCTOBER » , 19S5. at 200 o'clock In the afternoon, Eastern p Committee r « - . A « m i e to its Westerly t*rmlrlui »t • Jersey. the ! n l u e, l o satisfy municipal liens now ln arrears. • to Rutherford Arenue be and the « m e Mr. and Mrs. Fred lusio. Henry Horns and their chil- n]ecl u y o r , e o r » n b l d 8 , D d J : twin The parcels to be sold are listed below, being described by lot and bloc* 510 eiiijjj h j j ^ and de«lgsiec herHljwr Softer. Maien SiretL, will cele- dren. ber shown on the Township Assessment Map, and In accordance with ine iiSZ a i d lou In said block to such btdaer nated \ vca IU >UUUII> lyinc. number shown on the Township Assessment taap. ,„•.„,,. as Winston Drl»e n ay Mlug glven , t. ThU Ordlnaoce shall take effect, last tai duplicate g:tlng the owners name as shown on the laatitax aupucitr brate their third birthdays to' * "d " • d u e ****** —Birthday greetings to George " " &payment, n terms and manner of li , immediately upon lt» adoption end ; toijether with the total amount due thereon a* computed to THE riKST u<u nt a day Vkith their playmates. Peaster. Atlantic Street, and Warone or more minimum bids shall advertising i s required by law. | OF JULY, 1S55. ' . 516 a be received tive parcels = » * «the * «amounts ?, —Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morri- ren Curtin. McGuire Street. HUGH B QO1GLJJY. Said respective parcels of of iund iund will will be be told sold to to •make Upon acceptance, of the minimum nst the IMS. chargeable a^lnst same on said FIRST DAY pj S H E v OF i JULY. m v Commlttmnan-at-Large \ chargeable ' ~" " • " " * ™ ' * " " " sn a d t FROM SAID son and daughters. Gail and Su —Mra. Alfred Frankel, Ethd bid. or bid above, minimum, by the In said list UWf'bfr with intfrtst on said amount FROM SAID FIRST DAI 517 a OF JIT?Y TO Trie DATE OF SAI.E, and the corn of sale Ethe1. Street) visited Story- j Street, entertained Mrs. Baxnet 51? M Said parcels win be sold ln fet lo such person! as will pu rchaee the same, 5J5 A S: . M r s N o r m a n Qardnrr, , the manner of purchase in, accordance , T o ^ a d , e r t i s e d In The Independentredemption at the lowest rate of Interest, but not «ceediny elgh^ ubjei 533 C te 0 t h e Town t w i t h* l t h terms file;thft 4 on September 22 and W,- i1955.'| ™ 6. of ' sale OD °fl!e J 0WI J- Leader —Mrs Ann Tannenbaum, Ethel \ Mrs. Abe Landafaan and Mrs. p e r ' c e n t per aamnn. p wtl! detlter a bargain and s«l« w ah Notice of Public Hearing for final r 8 , w ial« will be sub'ffi to miintclp«l liens wcm'.ne AFTER JtLY 1. 19S5. j 531 E . ship Street, spent the week-end in i Edward Halusika. Tuesday. de*d for sainnpremisess including assessments confirmed after that date and 1955 taws. and to the , SJ1 adoption on October dd f d O b 4. 4 OU OU i right ol lmtresisd p^rtlei to rcdenn wahm the time Bled by lav Paterion —Congratulations to Mr. and Clerk TOTAL LIENS WITH ! —Mark Winner, son of Mr. a i d Mrs. Herbert Rich, Ethel Strtc.' To be advertised September 22 and WTEKE8T TO 563 O NOTICE , I SepUmOer 29. 1M5, ln the IndependentJULY I, 1 « 5 Mrs. Jerry Winner. Ethel Street, on the birth of a daughter. OWNER Notice Is hereby given that the fol-! ni n c K LOI Leader. celebrated his fourth birthday —Toni Jane Peppe. daughter "^"IT Sahara Corp ' '• lowing proposed ordinance was Intro- . 1150 duced and passed on first reading 1 1 * ' Patrick O'Conntr 48-49 Wednesday wi'.h u n of his play- of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Peppe,' •• 7M Walter & H Birrto 3B mates Kelly Street, will celebrate E'lzibeth Hohnl 1A Michael ana* EUi Bohol Saturday r Carj1, son of Sgt. aad sixth birthday !D John Klsh 2 A • Mrs. Everett Cary, Jefferson her guests will be James Michael and Mary Chlnchar 44 W'chael and M a n Chlnchar Street, sprained his ankie wnils Teri Peppe, Miminie and 45 Michael and Mary Chlnchar of Committee to be held at Its mettlng MA Befnstein, Gebrge and M;uia playing football. Joseph Rornrak Jr : M'ta 70 Incl. —The Menlo Par|( Terrace Civic Joaeph Homyak Jr 71 ' Noir Holding Corp. Organization will;hold it* next Harry Cohen H>-S to 196 rneetinj Monday at 8:30 P. M.. a t Joseph and Mary Wagenliotler 1 Ports Motors. Inc, 16 to 18 Inrl. St. Cecelia's Church, Uelta. —Menlo Park residents who at Mortimer Greenspan 144 tl ', 145 •' —Mr. and Mrs. Felix Holt, Jef- tended a dance in Metuchen MonLouis Parkas Jr. Pt. of 136 Prank Lugbes ferson Street, are the parents of day night were Mr. and Mrj. 115 DayUght |3av|ng Time. (8:00 P. M.t Albano and Hazel Suva B. J. a son bprn at Midlesex General Etigepe l*doux, and Mr and Mrs. Plfns ind Specifications may be obMary and Joaeph Makuch Townahlp Clerk " ' at the office of the Township EUttbe'th Pilesky Hospital, New Brunswick. George Fbrster.JEtheli Street; M". ^ m m . U W M U FOR THE VACATION MUKtmlu 1 Main John and Julia Carmody 4toE Pt. $ —T h i s week's anniversary and Mrs. Ben garrison and Ml'. ! strVeUt™Woodbrtdg"e, Hew'Tefiey! Join «nd Julia Carmody OP THE PUBLIC RIGHTre 134D3 reairreB the reaerree me The Township Township Com greetings go to Mrs. and Mrs. Al and Mrs. Richard Welnljerg, Jef- I The Co Join Klsh134 F OUT OP A PORTIDN r l g h t w re)ect a n y WUUam and Charlotte Larten 17 & 18 OPfcLWAT aTRETT. IN THE WOODHaber, Ethel Street; Mr. aad Mis. fersonlstreet. i n d Mr. I n d Mis. I. DUNtfJAN, John aud Sophlf Caanyl 322 k W 15' 323 BRtXJE PROPER SECTION OP THE Township James Egan, and Mr. and Mrs.Bernard lloebel, federal Street. 211 li 219 A William and Josephine Handerhan TOfmSHIP OP WOODBBIDGE IN THE I.-L. 8-22, 29 94 W M Mary Waako ... Joseph Culligan. Uaoelle Street; The latter mcon second place in the COUNTY OP MIDDLESEX AND STATE 0 P 510 \li 511 Jowph Jr. * M WagenhQfler I NOTICE TO BIDDERS I " * * JBRSK^ Mr. and Mrs. Roman Tekhoskt, waltz contest. 641 .to 644 Michael anjd EUubeth Dvorovy No ice U hereby gli.n that Sealed ! . B » IT ORDAINED by the Township McGuire Street; Mr. and Mrs m Bernard Tanuerlch Bldsl for for the Reconstruction o ofl Mew Committee the «v""«i»*K lownahlp »" of»»w«^-Wood Bids n e wM " HH( " 1 * 1 Uof * *•"»• 215ft316 Jowph Bacskay Theodore Van Aulen, Hudson BruiiBWICk Avenue and King Georges "rtdge In the County of MiddKsen that: 2MB, W? A Fords Construction Oo p o n Ro«d intereectlon. Fords. W o o d - ! a > T h e follow tig portion of Alwat Street; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pt ol 228 Ida C i N m t t f * Sophia Pappu brtdge Township. New Jersey, will Dei Street 6e. aad the same he»b»ta,v«- mtc MO * Mi-A a t h e Ouempel, Atlantic Street and Mr Loula Molnar received by the Township Committee of I »<*<» » " public rlghu artsinj 62 Joaeph Kara • the Township of Woodbrldue at t h e ' '™m the dedication thereof,1 ahe .nd Mrs. Joseph Kosavagq, Etnel 1 r eby r e l e nd Joseph K a n Memorial Municipal Building, ! . Main ">« « « » « >>» . "«< '*' 2A t fjBtreet. y Brownie Girt Street. WoodbrldM, New Jersey, until Ungulshed. to wtt: Joaeph W. Kara •>c LotiU Molnar l v u u t Troops Nqs, 70 and "we—Extra tickets for the Mento oScout 6 M. MAT* on OetoMrV 1«5. <"I. _*™}J}^«™ % ^ ^ 1 , """>"• "f"' '" " " " „ ' * 71. • I iIn P. d then at wid Memorial Municipal Richard Avenue James and Stella White .. . a u t y opened and read terminus Chapter, American Jewish sponsorea Dy t n e b a a i e s A u x i l i a r y , g^,,,,, pub c James and Stella White 7 is 8 nf Unnniot^n af.iX.n.ini n . . i h i K q ! i J «J ' 5 nrdlnance shall take effect 2. This This ordinance Jume« and Stella White ..> of Hopelawn MeJnorial Post|l352,! aloud. | barn dance U> be held 10 Immediately upon l u adoption and adMartin A. Snydef p y he ob vertisement a» required by law. may 10 November IB a t the Metuchtn V V W mpl in t h p nnKt hall a n d < Plans and Specllcatlons Christian Howe , 7 tl « HUOH B QU1OLKY, me e0 0 (( x00( ( HowM(1 U l d l Jlewish Community Center ^iay be v. r . w.. met in tne poii nan ana ^ ^ m HoowM(1street, CUrUUan Howe Couimltieemau-at-l^rge 278 D 9 4 10 0 ( Engineer. 0(l H Wayne an< Kutb Bryant made coasters and mats from cork. WOP ^Dbt&Uied fijum Mrs. Seymour V g I „,„, xownahip ing, Attest: J 3 ti t Michael F. Df«ory » M b i d d t b i M i a l B i l d i g l M liberty 8-9263. i namt brushes UJ the next meetlrfl, cSZtm h.rebr «-TB. J.n DUWOAMl Unkuo»n,.. I the right to reject any or all S 1 adtertlMd J - SK!iii nIn The ludtix-odentL ^J 1 be ll To —Ronald Gousmaa, son of M r to complete t h e project. Those' serves 13 B to, 36 B. 37 to U Seymour t a d I . ituetl bl<1 helping werejMrs. A. Lund. Mrs, » Leader o n Bspteiuber 32 aud 2*, IMS.Via Jonpb Slkorakaul _ 2S to XI Incl. IMS2 Mrs, Ernst Oousman, Me Notice of Public Heartnit for final TOM 11 au4 13 John t. » P P ] • . ' . John Suagyl and Mrs. Herbert Township ci*r* with lire Stre«t, celebrated his sec adopOao on October 4. IKS. 33 to i40 loci. Arllnftoo n o t Mkrj Ekhart 173 M I.-L. i-VL U Blitch. ' I.-L. »-K, M U S A JamM Lake . 1B*M birthday. Sunday. Guest* Mrs. Charles Thomas and Mrs.SUPEHIOR COURT Or KKW JKR8KY USA Hearjr and Hyaclnih Dandrldge 25 & M Ronald and Gary Grimes, NOT1CB CIUNCERV DIVISION Warren Fullerton, leaders, asked Hnt'ry and Hyacinth Daodrtdic 27 h I I Notlca la hereby given that the fol- WS A :n Szelwach, Jackie Farr^t, Mr. the girls to have their orders for MIDDLE8BX COUNTV ' James and Olara Spikes 1 kl lowing proposed ordinance wa* Intro- 363 C DOCKET NO. r-IM-M 1»I WflliaiD A. Montague . 3S5C Mm. Ernst Goutman, Sr., Mr. Girl Scout cookies In by October 4 duced and passed on (tret reading at EUOENE R. FINN. Pt Of »-10 Hyacinth Dandrldge 3 U O a meeting of the Townablp Commute* id Mrs Warren Westervelt, Mr. There was an attendance of thirtyPI»lnUB, , 1 to t loci. Csakl Home* Const Corp W B WDOdbrldue. ln the of Uie U TowDthlPPof WDOdb II7 la 11 Inel. Csakl Homes & Conat. Corp. Mm Benjamio Szelwach, Mr. five members and one guest. f M l l T W l Jersey, held I87B County of MlddletetTWlv MARY H DOWLET, et aK 11 Csakl Homes & Const Corp b IMS ou thi Knh 1Kb, vn B , hi 2 0 h day d of f September. Mrs J&me* Carscadden, Mr. 13 to 18 Incl. C«aki H M O M & Ooiut.. O H U . Delendants. and that aald ordinance will be Ulun W7 8 1» to M nd Mrs. Jack Parrel. Kenneth AID POLIO Osakl BOOMS ft Con*t. Cotp. V FUND up for further coualderallou and Anal M7B BIATI o r new JUASBT u> C»kl l o m t s * Comt. Con> 3ousman, and Mrs. Anna Kelly. MARY H DOWLXY. her PORD8 — Two Fords children. devlaaa tad p p bM paaaime a t a lueetlnx of aaid Towoihlp 3(1C 2 to II Incl. I d W l XOHMS (• Canst. Corp. devlaaea t a d her. p e n atheir, ul Utlvu. and or aurCoBiinuu* to be held at l u lowtlog WIC of Mr. aiid Mr«. B«r- Dolores Pucci and Diane Ondrick CsUl l a m a s and Const. d h h ln rUbt, room In th* Memorial Muulckpal Build- U7C 1.8. o/ ttwir tuocwun, 13 lntj lu Wuvdtarldtt. New Jaram. on the , Caakl H M M S A Const. Ostp. Loebel, Federal Street, over of Hanson Avenue, collected 113.41 title and Interest; and JOHN M7C 14 to 17 Incl. Caakl Bonus * Oqiu^- Corp. DOE, huibaod of Mary H Dow- 4to d.y of Ot-ujber. 1«M. »t 8:00 P M wtek-end were Mr. and Mrs. from their friends and neighbors 18 tu M luvl Caakl Houas & Const Corp. ley, said mine John IXw twin* (DOT), or aa wuf ihereutur a> aald 3S7C 1 , matter c»u be reacted, a t whlei lion Saks. Jersey City. C-aki Bonus 4c Coast. Oorp. w)tlch they have turned over to flUU fictitious. 2 to 11 Incl who may be Ctakl Homes It Conat. Corp TS1D first meeting of ,Cub Pac*; the Middlesex County Chapter of ; 11 glvui Cfltkl Hornet Jc Ooiui Corp. win 13 Ji6 will be held Tuesday a H S O The National Foundation for I n Cwtk-i Homes it Const Corp : 14 to I7.UU.I Cssil A D M M « Coast Corp M, at the White Birch Inn. to be u»ed to help : ioa»ss * OOOH. Curt ra«e, Ford AvewitJ, Bear Aouu ijo\io patients. Csakl Bunt*) 4* OOoa.1'. Ovtv - ~ M io M b u t . S OWNFB BLOCK t O T •O? Vrir'o-j!. ire S J on •! li<0 A -an, J?r«J Cny: .Steven and i.-er.e Polotsi; and Barbara J-.u LX;il :t.i DOT:*?. !4.J n»n'^ John r** bel' LF.OM. "LEGAL NOTICES ' Caakl Home* & Conn Csakl Bomei A Cnnn C i - ' Csakl Homes & ComCsakl H o m u * Ctrnr Cuaki Homes A Cone. Csakl Home* k COM'. Csakl Home* A c<;n>< Csakl Homes A Cv.u: '"Csakl Rotnta * O n r Caakl liotnei ft ',.•,•• Cwkl H o m « * Con-1. Caakl Home! & COTU-. Csnkl Homes /.' Coiitt Caakl HoniKj ft Corn; Alexander *: Mary Bl Caakl Homes tc COGI; Csaki Horrv s A- CornCsakl H3IBH A: Const ('•.:• Cukl Homes * Conr { • Csalcl HJT.CJ U O I H ' , (-.-,. Clflk. H;>m« M (<):.«• (••,,' Cs»k! Htmti A: C o n : <v,r' Csakl Homes ti ('•my, < • C»kl Hom«i At I.\T.'-: ' -'• Louis Ortnal Btilyn Phillips Stephen At E Bodur Cmkl Homei M Const1 < •.•• Csakl H o m o * Com . (•-,•; Csakl H'wr.ea * Corn: (••.. Csakl Homes ft Com: ' • * , Oaakl Hormt ft Co:i« i -. Ciakt Hpmea ft Con<t <.•- • t H t l Homes a: Con-', r •; Cialt'. Horn*! A Cuiut. c r. C»a»l Homrt A- Coiu1. ( • C>altl Homes ti c o m : c : Msniaret Cuaki Mariaret Csakl . Martini Ciakl Martaret Caakl . ! to 10 Inc!. 11 12 to I I I«el IT II to n Incl 1 to 8 Incl 7 to 11 Incl. 1) ! l i o l ( Incl. 18 to M lad. « to»lML 21 to 4J in*] l to 31 Incl. M to 47 Inc!. • "to 10 Incl. : i IO U Incl. i t » » « » 1! to 30 Incl. 3- !<• 13 Incl ?( to 4» loci l i * ti M B X * SI M io M Inrl. W> io *8 Inn 61 & 63 3; A a 20ftai 6 to a Incl 23 * M Ji i o 36 Inrl 4 to 10 loci 1»*M JI * H MAM 2S te 44 I to J Ind. <•-..- 4 :o 7 lucl. * to io iucy< 7 to 15 Ipcf 16 to tl loci. M M Ctatl t Ca«k! M to a rnci }4 to » Incl. • to 19 Inrl II to M Incl :J to r. inci. C.ovrrlmf MFtnona) Pt ACloverle»f Park Cen,e:»n \ . Cloverleit Manor:*'. Parr C.omleaf Mem P»rk h»v, William Orant Viola Brown IA 11 u - ,-. . 17 13 6 i4 n s & a 14 u. II Inrl 32 1 13 & 14 5ft6 7*8 9 * 10 11 A 12 13 & 14 4 14 15 2 1 1 13 II 15 2 14 k IS • 14 8 7 13 I 5 U R ( v tc Lillian H!«don O'«.s J Eo>'d. TTUft**1 Ffimsn k Allre Smith Annie Jefferson B A M CMDnlnnham OettruCe Crrecy WUllam and Mary W i ! ; - " Henry 4c LucU* Ho war) Anderson * ComMa Aaw> Clan M Corbttt Charles ft Edith Ben}vi^:i Albert U « Gulp 'Albert Lee Olilo Albert L OlUa Bobrrt * Minnie D-itis Benle Thompson Rlrhafd ft F O'Oarro Oiar'.es B. Allen Robert' & Ida Jonei John B Amado Luther U Oreenle S . i Luther tt Oreenle Kii - Athelsune Snead Saul Ml«aU Edna H Bridie Cithertot Burke Robert * Pearl Qetmany Prank & Llllle Brown Exme H Smith vKsne H Smith LllUe M Shearn Ettelie Vesa ' . Thurston & Adelle Jones WUllam Burch. Jr David A Lena Long Cloverieaf ilera. Park Assn Oeorge A Barbara Creekm Mary £ . Hlclunotid 25 * 28 Ann Madeira 1 & 2 JoMph ft D. Varey, Jr. 4-C Gertrude Sheppard 162 * 183 3 4»ft350 Julia Kuchle . Lawrence Midden . 6 * 7 Anthoni' Sanzalont, 11 1 & 2 Martruerlte McKown til U> eSC Incl. LllUan B Hotmes 34 & 3t Allen M. Binds 51 John <fc Audrey Mle'.e 4 Mary Temple S Mary Temple PonBlano Stefane'.it John <: Edward Buehltr M James tt Man' U;»f.: l 13 to 15 Incl SaKatore Lamanna 1711 *; 1722 Vincent and Ma^T Gro-.i:; 34 & 3$ Biuai S. Randall 394 & 395 R»um S Randall 401 B&um S Randall 402 & 403 Marv OConne! US to 8S7 Incl • Edward J. Kunbali i m to 1297 Inel. Bdward J KtmbaU 1350 t o 1351 Incl. Cairle L. Palmer l t U to 1660 Incl. Colonla Vlllafe ' 81A * Catherine Mlllto 901 to 906 Incl. 8 >|14 Rudo'.uh A: M n t > Pu-'. 27U t o 2715 Incl. He'.tii k Wwdro» S u r i Helen & Woodrow s t s r t 2721 to 7722 M Atizlmi <t W P'.evi M to 57 Incl. Enoch Treat 37 August Anderson 21 Ch»rlea & Eleanor MaiiJi 91 Mirreau Bultot 169 to 171 lucl. Kathleen Crowley . 45 & 48 WUllam fc T Schoopoten 9 John * Lurv LaPlira 10 Oeofli ft B l e n Lewis 234 to 23» Incl. Eugene & Escle Lewfe 240 to 243 Incl Charlej Oardner & Uura D.i.'142 to 145 Inel. Klza II. Minor M Paul ,v Lillian Crsii* 28 First Baptist Church 98 to 102 Incl. WlUle * Olivia Joaet 510 « 914 incl 8T3 A 674 B. O Brlekntll Ml & 392 Lucille A. Marsh James * Margaret Mahtr Ml James Maher . 302 Floyd Wilaon. Jr JU A 320 Charlea LukaacrwflU. HI * 122 H. Quartararo * Cllflord « ••: 39 to 43 Incl. R. <)ii»ruraro * Clifford w.." 44 to 50 Incl. Ellas *• Norms Maikirinr22 to 24 Inci 15 B, 16. 17. 18 &19 A Louts; Banks Charles & E Bennett M Harding. « Qolden A: K August Psbsl Paul C. Kemeny Eml! Esters 5M a 59B Nathan Mlron 802 Charlet * Julia Ratio 1 Michael ft Anna S e r a i u ^ > J»m»s ii Mnuile Batten'...< M Oabrlel & Eva B a a ; 8 to 11 Incl f Edward it Bertha Dwne. > 191 At n ' Anna Buectiner I t o 11 Incl. Oeortt E Kourti . Oeorts • Kourti 78 to 71 Inc! Oeorte E. Kourti 79 to t l Incl. Loula * t/Julse Walii*r^!.'. I *1 Jane C Bankert 24 * U Oabrlel ft Era Hn*; 9 * 10 LouUe Hoppe 345 B Martin * Co Inr 201 Michael * Vera Kulka 210 Uartln & Co. Inc 211 Mirtm ti Co Inc 111 MarUn &>Co Inc 214 Martin & Co. lnc 149 Si ISO Martin k Co Inc 1S3 «t 154 Ma/tln It Co. IDC 4ft S 7 2A 4 & 5 151 1ST It 509 a6 Brownies Kept Busy At Mat-Making Project ^^ xx cSZt >4i a. me mo u f. «J. ' U 7ft3 M 271ft271 25 170 4 III III to 111 loci. l » to US lad. IM to m Inol. I f to 132 Incl. a ift4M 441ft4 « 38 ft » 244ASU U * II u* u 14 Martin lc Co Inc Staulala* tt C Sa Martin ft Co Inc. John Raab WlilUm Mel,.Leo ti Isaac Benin Eva Marualakf Eva M»rsu*e»k Helen & Otcar Kails William R. Kuinp Charles H. Tyler Carrie R. Tyler Charles Tyler Carrta R.Tyler Cnarlrt R Tyler Alexander Fink Agnea Fink Tolando Tomaiw ChrlsUan A Violet O«riK'» Joseph A. Polven, Jr Olanseer R. Johnaon Clarence Bsmts Loula Casts*"'"* Charle* It M. Aoderwn John Battrchak Frank Vrabel I Frank & Dorothy VralKl Prank Vrabel p»»»r lc Uanaret MuiiuuK Domtoador & Eleanor su»» T n o m u A Alice U i x ChrtaUan * Mstha Christen Paul & A. Levin ,- Elmer B. AmuLrou» Ha* Bummer* A. tt B. Motors, luc Armor Wrecking Co. Ui Armor Wrecking Co.. Ltd, F»ter J b Oenevlev* IU1«' Htnrr PeUrsou Louts D. Alstou Emma Nsadeo Uroy * Mary Hipp*" Avsnel Building Co. Avenal Building Co JoMpb 4 R. W e l l Pslli Wolskl . Jobs It U»n "uwk John KwUok Patsy * BUM LaBu»» * Josephine A Nicholas Ds Ban tit Klchola* Oa BanU* i Da BBlrtta. J> 'UNDENT LEADER PAGE FIFTEEN TIIUR3DAV SEPTEMBER 20. I9!i!> A mfidence High as Barrons Face Paterson Here Toda^l Jefferson Defeat: In Opener C m i Rotot to Moral| AFs Rips Coopers In Iselin Circuit; Keeps Skein Intact Tram A"s Sunrco Jan's Sporting Oooiis "nnpiT's Dairy K;i:ar Builders I.V'lin Lumber . .... ciral Bunuty Salon '.lido's Kximvatini* . . . . Mary's Uress Shop , W, L 6 0 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 2 4 0 8 ISULIN Ai's SuniiRO- continird its w;nn!ns way in the St. Cecilia Wnm-'ii's Iii'asue by takins Cnaiirr's Dairy In thr;e straight Kiirus •>v scores of 6Sa-SG2, 716-673 M\.i 3.15-312, to.remain n-t the top of :.h" h^iap by a comparatively r,a.U; marfiirf. S.ncp Ills start'of .the season, the Gns Pumpers have run -IVT two opponents to ruck up an hn'iiessivs record of six victories without a defeat. Last year the "•irvnt loo;) lenders finished In hs sreend riivlsicn. Pauline Oliver was Al's mun!av on t)-p al'.eys with a 477 te;:',l, while, her team-mate, Mae Pineult, finished with, 415. Sue Seredy and Mabel Ka'luskel were ths |( \ r l | K ! ' . NKW HONORS: Stan's and (irll of Hcpriawn, with the Township Rcrrpatlon Senior Softball Championship safely Dairy Maids' best pin toppli'rs :i'v;iy, pickfd up additional honors this week by dpfeiitin.1; the Hubs for the Perth Amboy city title. Locally, Stan's rolled up with marks of 436 and 434, n i, impressive record of 1.1 wins stacked up against two defeats. In the above picture, kneeling (rom left to right, are: Sonny Bihr, prctively, i in Oc'I'oro, mil Joseph, Stanley Jed, team maruficr, Dick Peterson nnd Robert Horah. Standing are: Jack Keenan, Pete McMahon, Jag'i Sporting Goods held sec| M il.: Nixon, Ray Nixon, Joe French, Jack Miller and Gene Flgurski. Missing from group are Bill Peterson, Don Smink and Al Sabo. ond place by a slim margin by waltzing to a two-out-of-three trlum'ph over Iselin Lumber, Jag'« swept the first two encounters, 814-606 and 650-632. before droppins the finale, 637-580. Pace Jag's Irene Braipr and Dolores Miiffl.i in the batter's box for the victors E - Disappointed \ PERTH AMBOY - Stan's Bar WOODBRIDGE — Coach Lou sparked Jag's to victory by rollin;: B-nrs' shnWinK In and Grill of Hopelawn added lus- with a single and double. Gabriel's Woodbridge High School sets, of 431 and 425, while Rns-J Stan's (4) (1]i. ii, i. which they lost to the 1 Freshmen started off the I9r>5Retlnka was h!i*h for the Lumberter to its already-acquired laurels ,-, i':tv Beiirs. 12-6. Coach AB R football season in step earlier this jacks with a 420 total pin score. by whipping the Hubs, 4-1, to p.n•. ('., .-mlii aultated his lineup Joseph, ss .... .. 2 0 week by posting a close 7-6 deciThe Kasar Builders blasted ,il. I,,bly this week to prepare nex the. Penh Amboy city softball 'igurski, p ... sion over the Thomas Jefferson their way into a tie for third place .. 3 0 •:.MI.1 iy'.- arc light contest with , l l l l e a n d l a yc l a l m t 0 l n e H a l r v Yearlings at the local stadium. in^he standings after romping to French, cf ... .. 4 1 rmun Blues. Kickoff time is E v a n e l l o Memorial Trophy. Bahr, 3b .. 4 1 The Barrons, who underwent a a three-game triumph over winin: H :io o'clock, .. 2 1 compete change In personnel this less Mary's Dress Shop. The vicDuring the past season, Stan's Miller, If ..,- .1- 'irssive Woodbrldne men. Nixon, c ... 3 1 fall, showed promise of developing tors took their clashes by scores won the Woodbridge Recreation Mi, iininmi'hly disgusted with into another first class squ». of 645-644, 648-R28 and 682-627. eterson, lb .. 3 0 in,in iiliial performances of sev-1 Senior Softball Championship It. Nixon, 2b , which Is typical of tha Gabriel3 0 Lillian Kaluskel and Elsie R^sa;1 |1 in. mlji-i-s on the club und w | l h a 1 3 . 2 lecord and finished in Keenan, rf coached teams during the past were the Constructioneers' most .3 0 Dkiin ufter the Jersey l . , . ,*.. three years. Although the score consistent • tjowlers with tallhs of , . ., u i (i j;second place m the annual Min27 4 8 was close, Woodbridge actually 455 and 415. Sterne Saley, with a r s ihiit those who failed! dominated the play throughout 412' mark, was tops for the DressHubs 111 would be dropped from j dlesex County Freeholders Tourthe four quarters. makers. AB R ii. luniii'r stated, "I'm tired roster immt'tll- mint. After losing the first game, 634Kun, 2b 3 0 Woodbridge tallied Its lone in the county, at his •iiu players on their press chuckers Oene Pigurski, one of was the better 4 0 touchdown in the very first period 554, to Miele's Excavating, the I,. KIDIII nuw on, only re- best In the bin game, setting tne Jacques, cf . Beauty Salon bounced back 2 0 when Stene Resynak and Bo'. Ideal ,'.['.: uisiiri- n position on myHubs down with two hits over the Lorflng, lb 1 to take the nest paly, 859-590 and smith, c 3 Parkas advanced the bull on quick 0 seven-inning span, During this 0 1 openers from the Barren 20-yard 817-579. ii :.i started his shukeup stint on the rubber, the Hopelawn Pajak, p . Koons, rf line to the'40. At this point Bob N The Beauticians' blfi guns on 3 0 vTirtid.iy nlKht by movlns j ftlpper breezed third strikes Draiiotta, If Malcom took the ball on a revarse the alleys were Fia Vaillencoui't, 3 0 Ciui-ki-n into a staftiiiK 1 0 b a l t m a n d walked only pattern before scampering fiO 42, and Erma Hebelek, 411. • :tn to replace Mike Zu- gteve Pajak was tagged with lhe Orosz, ss 3 0 Dalton, Hu yards to score on a well-executed M 11 filtered the Marines, Hubs' setback. 3 0 play. Key blocks downfleld by.Clitl ••(luwk. by way of hls'outStan's Just about clinchad the Freis and Johnny LemongelU enpiny ,i:;alnst Jersey City. name in the fourth inning with a 24 .abled Malcom to go all the way. i-liihl halfbuck slot ; l l w e e . r u n o u t b u r s t i Charlie Nixon, Score by innings: vacated by the Injured 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 9—4 Parkas split the uprights with a H o p e l 8 w n c a t c n e r , singled two Stan's I-..,. .... l U h m i n h 1 "^ * r Although itit luis M, ikuvics. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0—1 'Continued on Page Sixteen) | runs across the plate before Diet; Hubs , ',t i.i bclifeVed that the i Peterson sent him all the way with WOODBRIDGE — The Townliim ground gainer, a two-ply shot to deep center field. lip's Police pistol team recorded !• N will be out for the- settCharlie Bahr concluded one of ktoKies number. 20 and 21 in the X'ntnil Jersey League this, week Hie ".luring Golden Bears' his best seasons at the plate lot TRENTON — New Jersey com- abling hunters to legally transport iy posting tnumphs| over MiddleStan's by slashing out three solid n ;iniii|jfit Jersey City was mercial hunting preserves are now their game, ex, 1,165-1,153, and Perth Amboy, ' 1 buck where'Sully Hoaii hits in four trips from the bench. open to the public on a put-andA special, non-resident license, ,161-1,157. : . mverted halfback, fulled Dick Peterson was also effective take basis until March IS. applicable on preserves for one With the season rapidly drawing ':.i bill, although he made For hunters willing to pay for day only, Is available at most ,o a close, Woodbridge is assured .i''••nipt to make the best of their favorite sport, many pre- grounds for $2.15. I if second place in the standings alignment. In an scales close to 200 pounds to give serves are now releasing pheasPreserve operators recover a n ith a 21-3 mark. Piscntaway Is '•• •unoiime Ith signal call- the Bears added weight up front. Walt Ryback of Perth Amboy ants, mallards, quail- and chulur average of only 63 to 70 per cent mrrently at the top of the circuit •':; ldicy, the Woodbridge of the game released. Hundreds of partridge. ith only one defeat since the . not I",a Norris. a former stood out defensively against the v itart of the 1955 campaign. The New Jersey Legislature hus Pheaiants and quail escape to surTigers and according to Cacciola , •:ii!l);uk sit Bound Brook The reliable Andrew Ludwig was lons been a leader in writing re.iirounding countryside for the benis out- of the few linemen who have • '•• 1 last year. fl o f nee again the township quartet's a]1 sportsmen, secured their Jobs for the campaign istic laws encouraging the estab- -e t IMriise Falters )lg gun on the range with a 297 Plenty ot Pheasant lishment of more places for v.;::u oi the Jersey City ahead. •core out of a possible 300. The New Jersey has a large number sportsmen to hunt. . : ' i in consistently grind The Union Blues, in their inaugCommercial preserves help take ° f P e a s a n t breeders. The result eague's leading marksman a c • :il;iKi' ciiii be attributed ural tilt last Sunday, fought ;ounted for his point total by hit(niiilni Bear backer-ups, Stateu Island to a 6-6 tie in a well pressure off public lands. They are' is New Jersey hunting grounds ,ing the bullseyes for a perfect 100 conveniently located for most ofler sportsmen some of the most "\ iiiciipiihle of covering pluyed name. icore In the slow fire phase of the 1 iUun.s dfectively. Cacciola The starting lineups for Sunday hunters who live in metropolitan reasonable charges of any stale. :ompetition, 98 in the time and 99 1 Hunters should secure detailed in•• has tin situation rem- night's game are listed below in the rapid. UNION areas, New Jersey was one of tihe first formation by inquiring at the sev• .i h tiic return of the vet- YVOODBK1DGE While Ludwig was running up 1 Jucksoi LE states to provide for commercial e ^ grounds directly. Some pre'•-- Mrdwick of Carteret to Lovenson ' Lemondola grounds on a pay-as-you-go basis. <*rvei» °ffer attractive membership His, lofty total, Art Donnelly and LT ' up ,uid .fuck Lattimore, the Suntora team captain Closmdo Zuccaro Danz LG } Now more than 24 states have or season ticket rates. •' iii-tciisivi' star who sat out Sendlsky were assisting in the triumph with Glasson C Two New Jersey grounds opercommercially operated hunting i: j >:. > > •:, :.:nmc due to a death Thlgpenn marks of 292 and 289, respectively Felbe; RG ate under semi-wild licenses. They !.nuily. McCracken Middlesex's top ;shooters were A Kowango areas. RT •i'lidic stipnnthened its Nemeth There is no bag limit on New are open from November 10 DiBart, 291, and Elftier Kulpak Boole : RE through February 28. •: 'Anil further with the an- Kirkpatrick 290. SchrJiner Jersey's commercial shooting preQB For msmy, dwindling game s u > "ii HI Cii-iu' Molnar, a former Norris serves. Each bird is tagged with In one of the closest matches of Chnvious l! LHB .mil prep school star, and Scjhednick special bands of the New Jersey Ply and hordes of hunters the season, the local sharpshooters RHB '' i-ui Joe UfMufino, of Port Bartiklow downed their closest rivals, Perth (Continued ' ' on Page-" Sijcteen) ": ;: Sadowslsyi pivision of Pish and Game, enFB llutli liiu'irji'ii tip the Zambo Amboy, by a four-point margin. Earlier this season Woodbridge. dropped a match to the Amboyftns on a protest. Ludwig Top Man emerged the most ac curate marksman during the match with a 297 tally. He punctured his targets, for marks of , — AT THE — 100, 98 and 99. Donnelly a n d ^ u c aaro split second place honors on the Woodbridge club with iden UC'ri' Now Taking Orders tictil 2a!) scores. Perth Amboy's most effeptiv for Khoottrs were Johnny Krilla am Al Mra/. with totals of 293 and 290 Woodbridge is scheduled to dose out its jseason Tuesday afternoun with Somerville on tap at thi locul Main Street range. WOODBRIDGE (1,161) SF TP RF Tot A. Ludwig 100 98 i»9 A. Donnelly 99 94 96 0. Zuccaro .... 99 93 91 S. Pelertag .... 95 91 100 a Revamps Hopetawn Club Captures Woodbridge Frosh Bears after Loss Perth Amboy City Laurels Post 7-6 Decision *olie*e Team Posts 2 Target Victories v Memo to Hunters: Attention Basketball Teams and Sponsors 'Round the Clock Bowling V\)l\ ALL THE FAMILY Beautiful New MAJESTIC BASKETBALL UNIFORMS EQUIPMENT —"' •• i^^.-. -• • l a i f % I ^ l l i i « ^ F •"—"" - Special Team Prices i|I 2-3461 OET OUtt ESTIMATE AND COMPARE Pennsylvania Avenue and Route 9, Hopelawn OPEN BOWLING^ ALL DAY - EVEKY DAY After 9 P. M. Friday Evenings After '11 P. M. Evrry NiSJn SPORTING GOODS STATE S ^ E E T PERTH AM1JOY — For Reservations Call VA-rj-3481 — SEHVICE BAR t RESTAURANT PERTH AMBOY (1,161) J. Krilla 96 97 100 2ft! A. Mrafc ^ 91 93 100 W. KamlrtsKl 98 95 95 f 39 J. Egau 98 93 95 WOODBRIDGE (1,165) A. Ludwig J00 98 99 29' A. Donnelly.... 99 94 98 C. Zuecaro »8 96 98 * P. Yucovlno 81 95 95 MIDDLESEX (1,153) / A, DiBart 98 95 98 E. Kulpak 08 95 91 W.Potyrisky.. 9» 91" 99 WOODBRIDOE - Coach Mtft Prlscne's Barrons play host to Pntenon East Side mt the local hlRh s.-huol Htndlnm Suturday afternoon n» 2 u'elnrk and It wouldn't be mlkinK mu of turn U> wy the M d and Bln-k didders are up for tht !>iime nftcr posting 0 surprijta* 1S-0 victory over hlghly-r»m Thomas Jefferson of Elizabeth fit HIP season's Inaugural. ,ij • PiUfrson East Side made » Mcbut on tlte scholastic gridW»< ust Srtturriuy but was not as'stW;,. ressful as Woodbridge- k»inf.fl> : Ken my by n one-sided 37-0 se<i(%. rhe Enstslders no douht nr^ feeii inx the effects of the graduatedvptrriuis who made the team (jbi of the most ftMiml In the State Itat full. However. Coach Art Jocherf» squad cniinot be taken lightly and tin: Kearny clash may not be Ha indication of thetr jitrensth. Jriftl Pass-ero is an nble qiwrterbacll.wtfei fits In with PaU-rson's w'nged:,lp attack. He can run and pass w|t£ , equal ability. ' ' • ReKRip Power operates frora'IF halfback post nnd is currently t r a * Enstsiders' lendinn ground galnff and chief scoring threat. Up front ;, the line is anchored by the vetertitS OrorRp Taylor, an All State candidate. •'. ; Woodbridge lwt some r e s e n t strensth Monday when Rdntllfc lluiteman, a promising halfback, broke his finger ln n jayvw gsme against Thomas Jefferson. He wW be out of action for a t least four weeks. ;" Prlscoe intends to stand ]J*t with his opening lineup, but ln« tends to use Vince Cupraro and BARKONS' BRIGHT STAR: Lfroy Alexander, Woodbridfir High igeiessive Joe Martin more QB School's star halfback, caused the folliiwcrs of scholastic football defense due to their most veceat to sit up and take notlci; when he romped over the gridiron for performance :it their respective three touchdowns against Thomas Jefferson to pace the Barrons guurd positions. . „ „ to an 18-0 triumph. Local fans will be given an opportunity to Aber Advances Gene Aber, a former freshman wat«li the new Alexander in action a t the stadium Saturday star, has progressed to the point when Coach Nick Prlscoe's Club takes on Paterson East Side. where the Barron mentor is giving careful consideration to using him at the important safety position to rest his star ball carrier, Leroy Anderson. Aber is destined to receive hls.baptism of fire Saturday during the Paterson fracus. Last Saturday Woodbridge stuflJ> ned the scholastic footbnli world by romping to a decisive 18-0 victory w e t Thomas Jefferson, tW6 dekndlna Central Jersey champK with the brilliant Leroy Alexander leading the way by scoring all three touchdowns. Alexander, who is rapidly being heralded us the best bull carrier ever to wear the Red and Black colors, practically staged a_ oneman show by scoiinu touchdowns after jaunts of 52, 23 and 68 yardi Last Saturday (Hi my journey to Elizabeth with Statistics show the 165 pound senior walked off the field with a Richie Coley, our right-hand man, I was plenty worried 11.6 yard ground gaining average about the Barrons' chances against Thomas Jefferson1, for the afternoon which is quite an accomplishment for any ball the defending Central Jersey champions, because of a carrier. • While Alexander was churning few stories I had read about their 19&5 possibilities and up the field with his brilliant runthe number of veterans on hand from last year. Before ning, the Woodbrtdge defensive game time I looked for a sign of optimism from Coach line showered Itself with glory Dy Frank Capraro, but he wasn't of any help due to the stopping cold the Tee Jays' vaunted baclcfieldjwhich was rated b*>' fact that we're both charter members of the Worriers fore jame tlrrte as one of the best ln Central Jersey. Gil Grant, Club. , Thomas Jefferson's high scoring As I sat preparing my charts for the game I kept halfback and All County star, waj) thinking maybe we'd have a chance if only Bill Ben- held to minus yards gained by the hard charging Bar«jn line, The zeleski hadn't broken his finger to cause a serious prob- heroes up front weriK,numerqu,a, lem at quarterback. My spirits were lifted somewhat but those who stood out were BOD Lesko, Richie Kuznlak, Bob Pair, when the squad came out to await the opening kick- Walt Housman, Bill Sabo and L$ii \f off—they appeeared to be relaxed and full of fight. Hagler, The Barrons proved their sUf If there was one pessimist on the club I couldn't locate perlorlty over| Thomas Jefferson him—everyone was confident and raring to get the In the very first quarter by holdgame started. It was then that I felt ashamed of my- Ing the Tee Jays to a gain of ft yards. Late to the opening session, self for having lost a, little confidence In the team be- Woodbridge took over on its own fore they had been given the opportunity to put their 35 a n / with Richie Cuvallaro, Johntvy Howell and Alexander altalents on display. j ternating', they moved the ball Ttye victory over Thomas Jefferson cannoj, be attrib- down to the Thojnas Jefferson 34. At this point Art Frawr, the Red uted! to any one player; aithough Leroy Alexander ran Blaze,r quarterback, faked a hang. Wild' scoring three touchdowns and averaging better off before pitching a pass to Ale|» than 17 yards per carry. He is definitely All-State ma- ander, who took the ball over nU shoulder on the Thomas Jefferson terial and should make it if the Barrons enjoy a suc- 28. With the secondary moying in, cessful seagon and he remains immune to injury, The the Barron halfback reversed his field, turned on the speed and 165-pound Jsenior is destjnedi to graduate as the best raced to pay dirt. The touchdown ball carrier ever to pull a red and black jersey over his was rnilllfied, however, when a clipping) penalty was detected on w Johiwu T)oule head. He may have been a trifle slow learning, but he has arrived with all the attributes to a brilliant climax runner. Leroy Aas spe^d, but most qf all he has mastered the technique of using it with his natural faking ability. We look'for Leroy to improve still further'when the Barron linemen become more familiar with their blocking assignments' and the present backs become more effective through experience to take some of the burden /off his shoulders. Over-shadowed by Alexander and the brilliant play of the Woodbridge line was the steady game turned in by Kit De Fedefico, the lityle quartevbacH who stepped in to fill trie 'injured Bill Benzeleski's spot. Only two1 weeks ago he was alternating between the second- and.third-string backflelds, but when called upon to take lover the most important positioa on the team he came through with flying^colors. In our opinion Iwr made only one bad call during the garM, which is batting close8 to 1.900. I t must alfio be remembered that he didn't fumble one of his handMrffs; although the ball was wet at times due to the condition oi the turf and a light rain which fell during the second half. Bob Cavallai'o showed signs of becoming an adequate K—He has W g h t and power. Johnny Howrtl, the 12. J ' ; ' Three' minutes after the start (Continued on Page Sixteen)"' EXTRA! 75tH Anniversary SPECIAL no IN tjuRNlSHINUS FREE With Purchase of Any ($50.00 or More> S1HT or TOPCOAT BRIEGS Smtth at King Stre Perth Amboy INDIPKNDENT-1.FA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER W. PAGE ?IXTr"FN Thorn** Je{frr«on JI. Oil Orant trxl j ; te drop the but »t tra* point he * M {*• dewed the prtvUffe of PORDS-JUtn. M'.'UK tua* * w »;. the «ay Wuh a .-hi."sn<.ri »; v itlliX ' »v.. . !•-.* hips »nd i <*! jpwl. Alexar.d bun* So I* PTA P*<I ;v.s startled opponent*, who tr*:icd him lar behind AS he rtsun^i the foal line After Akx&nfc; mode it U-0 url Anj^se «ish;a« Ccucn Pnscoe substituted (reelj hairman Same* by Srhonl PT 4 Chain o*Hills" Park Reports anj to C'.inwr. \r:i^»r. - j f »»*. S jut Wednesdar - ^ rv«f*.;r4; \' the So*r<! H R t . l «ON iv-* txi proi.-nr. coicir.:'!* of OHs.Ts Wan:«v« c;-jb v« WTfdr.«tf*v «; ttw r>. i? ir * «$ A M Prte: Krav.u Tc* * C a « ; it Mrs PTA j : *» J>eki Octatter of so ta*fce fsi»: » *s » ? M 3WB» I d tr# Hskxr. she* x;'Jss It i » Rr ' Honv \rfTUie lwt The, it J : t^e sta- tone,*v A- : Mrs ' j . NV -=A Str >:-i \t at Mr ftre Mr » s i Mrs *a* Arthur Winner. tx.6 sat. M— S-r-< XT WX) K «i1 M Mr? her >^MA Besecti. her Eaubetf; Ann WOOD&UDOE i l l ) S»bo Usko. Sa&toro. FaU. Bntton ' T*ct«vs riaelrr. Rousman, Ko^hlk. Siuaro. Tnuiman. D. Van Sandv W. VanZandt, o{ GwrcL< Kunttak. U d Capraro. Marur.o Cenitrr Osbonw AlHWn AUU\.U Backs, DePmtenco, Fnorr, A>»HOPKLAWjt - Mr and Mrs anc«r, H&weil, Cavalkro, Abet, Ofr»ni ^Tit. a Luetta Street Oonyo. Hutumtn, PrattfToU THOMAS JCIFUSON it» *re *.h« p*r«att at * sob *»ra in e » r>n.~ Aafcry Oeama Hosp:- Ends Roberts. Townst&d. Bonn. , Games Tackles Bower. BslJomo, Ftrrara Guards Zaiuska. JOMS. Zsak N1VT AMtlTAL PORDS-Mr and Mr* Waiter center r>orefOri6 R»- Cuv Jew. C4«IJJT: Re*r«e. Roseau:? Btrbara Katchur i : . : :*: tad far * Mr* R ABB M iri i s d Mrs. Jorx T:r: and Jc.- M: J D A Mr I T ; WB. C >: -M: and .- • 3 Prizes Awarded At Flower Show "n» aannal spoo»rPd tay the Ports »"owas rcid in UK Ubtuy aadcr Uw (UnctMO of Mr* .i. B-^rro QMCR Crbto. ctwtnukn I/KSB P»rt f u n s , ol U» ^^rts F l o w Shop. Mr Awanis tor astm » « gh-en tc n Joseph Sertiry. forts, I « the «s 60*1 arraoccamt and Mrs Hartay. Ports, forihe lart- Mrv 3*.- -„."**•. -? x. ri 0-0 t t*fce4 m » the T » m a s J*f terse© 3B out to the Wotidbr.d?e »S *rsere Akx»nder tackod ih* t\i". CT*T ha a m before star'.uis ciowr,t«W He *ppe*r*3 to bf od U* » . but two key praiii { loose to .-.:BI raffu-lent «ayl«ht t« crash ^.•s »-a\ c \ w e * fmal marker. Trs; xt r«x»x*a «-0 whtn Ron OsK T , « ;*;;*si \t> convert U» extra 1 and « • t i i u ; ••" Mr *r.s tkHttr. Oeorgt Wlkr • Ocoera) S«re by periods: Woodbndie OH Tfios Jefferson 0 0 Barron Confidencf vsomlbridge Frosh —>fr aai Mry Amcvd ,-.»;=yL'. v-^ Mr .«. : Artf..: P n v s for dahlias vest to Mrs. attyrie! DltoUchia, Perth Amboy. NEXT 1 «t a dai^ier xxr. u-. t!w Perth D:ar.i THAT'LL Perfect boot to send ahead. 7-0 Lat* in the second quirtn 1 Thomas Jefletson got buck Into j the g*me wilh an*dd touchdown j Ray Reeres earned the bail from ! the mid field stripe to the «-ym;i line where he fumbled. H*rt*r 1 Rhodes scooped up the loose »%• s^r. but he too dropped the b«U or. the 30 Wh'Je the bail w*s bouncing loose. Gene Harris came i?ry r.*xt Ume upon the scene; picked it up an jo? i: on Use b*U on the 37 and dashed the rtmaimnt »n 40 they immediately distance U> pay dirt. The attemottK'i.vr. ;c march upftetei. tff.rinR ed kick (or the extt* point tailfd t.h* Tham*j Jefferson line apart a* the ui!y remained f-6 alor>s : > *-*? When tht pretasionThe Red Blasers' defensive sUrs lii* Barrvn <-lfew» retcrted the , . . , Tee ;ay»". v4vv :s y*nl mraker. Alex- c y r i n ? *< c " » « a m e « « A n d ? Cliff Fr«s, Jerry Cook, tr.«r naiiltted the journey to Kantot and Fraterola. p*y din by c.rchm his nfht end tor r;^ j«cocl touch*)»ii 0! the aterteess the Woodbndg* i=j^c* 'Jw =nw«*l »nd Mrs. William Maivho lave Alexander • 'Continued from Sports Pafti *'* c* Miss ciJt*. PWtls. for best arrange> break Into the caused the normal open aseai Hovell fai'.ed on a ) l u v A: Mrs Nance Cherton had A e io wxivert the extra to Si". bo*l arranrenierit of manti» lails stood at \ i r atChur::. . Honors m the mixed Howert sports tor ^ m o n t h s T h e ? er* , drr^MO rere snven to Mrs. Ernest thrwah Ihe third sesH o i * o! B:.-^ » n s *'« w increasing and Mrs. Joseph Nagv sjon, the Thomas Jeflerson eleven , . —La-. best M U «ht ftr« and mowd the «»11 POPU1«'«> Pressures and decrea*Ann Sor from the^ o«ti SO » the Barron *M w m e - o n answer furnwhed in ;*::» ".o J^iy and men and sre 3u- vv«»ster De- Mrs. Herbert Varrelman. Edison. ;w» * « h a *eU coortHnattd run- ^ tradiUon of private Debwah took the best arrancement awards run* »t»ek. The drive came to a » n d ' ^ compeUtion. borah for her roses. Priies for linrnas halt when the Wood&rldse line. Last spring, while New Jersey A I ::uii w\vd * * " received by Mrs. George Mol- with an influx of substitutes, sportsmen were fishing, preserve 15 1 - M r ru! M - Jvrjs S»Sb ind] * *"* Nicholas Elko. both of namely Vince Capraro «r»d Joe operators w e planting food and childKn. A.V:; uaA Virjaua. ?ords. lor I M * w w i w t M awt Martmo. h*M Krai to U» shadows «,„.,. f o r tn\ and winter huntln? Suatoy sre«»est ranety. of theur « » ! paste' Upland game birds are frequently Bloomf.*.-.; Avwi-.,<f, * 1 With Mr Miss Jill Dunham. Fords, won As £ the cash customers »-er«nt rele4sed d u r m g t h e hunting " "1 ter-in-la* Mr »aa Mrs. jostpl) j t prite for the most unusual potted • already satisfied with his brii- son in this natural habiut. Once ' jsknt and Paul Opsayt. Fords, won hant runnm*. Alexander came t h e g a m e ij m the field it Is up Steib. Waver*?. EVr-K —M« Crr«ic-:y K ^ ; i i £>.»- j *£ *w*rd for the most unusual back for an encore in the fourth to the skill of the huntejr and his' "Dif«r. quarter which-fcrouiht even the dog to flush and bag the birds. beth Aifr. •» :«r. In th« children s division. Miss most ardent Thomas Jefferson a visit »;'••- :-.« ia Basically, game farm operation is Jacqueline Urban. Fords, had the roowrs to their'feet. Some went so the same as stream rtockinj. all Mrs best single bloom: Richard Jacob- far as to cheer him as he breeied in the best Interests of sportsmen sen. Stefan, best arrangement.: downfteM mth the grace of a wild present •Precer.:-s J seeking relaxation and pleasure! and Miss Marlene Toth. Forts, jawlle. also w«re :•.•:: j The scintUtating ^rnper took afield. ;H'-inxt£ Sun- most unusual arrangement. Fmi. M:- c As one well-known outdoor' A special priw donated by the place after Woodbndft took over day nu'r.'-. P i r t Aver.u*. Ports Flower Shop went to Mrs. on their ovn 31 yard line. On the writer put it. "The only difference —D.r.-.» ? :.t.t btnhday at Netaon tor best arrangement of very y first offensive maneuver, n u , between preserve hunting and, a party .t let i'. :he hoOK of her muted flowers. Alexander broke oft the left side' Ktmnmj In the wild Is that you M: and Mrs C of his line, shook off tw> would-be \ know game is present on the pr**rt, Sunday Wnrrtn Association Char:«.i tacklers as he set sail tor open j serves. After that, you're on your Present -:? \£:J 4 » i Mrs. H territory. When he reached the own!" To Pfan for Campaign Unit. Schmidt a:-.d i * » i t ^ r . Mr and Mrs. K. Satat* FORDS—After a summer recess Lunda K....V.AV Mr and! Mr^ K \Y i o d Deborah the William J Warran Associauw tod 'Continued from Sports Page will open its campaign activity R —Wedduu; *juuv«rs»r5es cele- with a meetmc October 3 at 8:30 Alexander's running mate, is big, has speed and will the tenth P. M. at the Ports Tumble Inn. fmted Us: Freeholder Wttliam J Warrtn, definitely improve with experience. He has the ability but Mr *s ..:f. '.S* ninth for Mr. Major Bush B. Quitley. Township to pivot to change directions which is in hisllavor, but Peter S Schmidt and M: Daiwsac EUta- CommiUeetnen Ue c h d t tad ta he must learn to run lower to avoid arm tackles and beth Mr, and Mn. R tUchard Krauss vill be presen Harold Grind AVWH*; Bernard T. Dunn, chairman of thp j pick up additional yardage. As Frank Capraro stated, and Mr i»::d Mrs. John McLean. picnic committee, will report on) "If we can keep our big gun, Leroy, healthy we should Park Avtiaw the family picnic held at tael have a good season." —Gr»'t;UUbirthdays | Highland Grove m Aujust to First, those exjKTt meat men at Acme round a secret FLAVOR PROCESS of smoking to bring out that mild, old fashlomd smoked ham taste. Then they made, us SHAKKLESS to five you more lean neat for your money, after that they made us BONELESS . . . just think, all ham with no bone, no waste. Now. they've even reduced the PRICE. What couM they portjbly think of next? Fart A. x Sports Round-Up t TSorderis COHAGE CHEESE... LANCASTER BRAND "U. S. CHOICE" BEEF BONELESS Top or Bottom Tomatoese Fancy Selected Boi 15 EVERGREENS SHROIS CRASS SEE! 11. SIWUES • RHOBOIEMRONS • SHU TREES IV rUntuu Ktrtl N«w. OKNAMEVTAL UNUSCAF1NG COLONIA PLANT MARKET Make Burden's Cotte««\ Chc«M the heart of your lowolorie metis! SL Uti \U U i Sausage Meat 45C TU Fresh Frosted Fish Features TASTE O*SEA TASTE O'SBA Fillet paddock "•"•39c Fillet Whitini ; TASTE OSEA SUCED Fillet Sole i: Swordfub Steak Del Monte Round Up!I Virginia Lee CHERRY i Peaches Cocktail PIES 39 SPECIAL! DEL MOrlTE Sliced cans DEL MONTE FRUIT i cans IDEAL Brand Style Green ' cans IDEAL Wirr, PORK Decorette Bar Cake 3fc Beans 18c Beans With PORK Sauerkraut Flour 00 •y HEW ENRICHED Supreme Bread Loaf utfit Extra Sharp < Swiss Cheese broods! Lima Beans / I GOLD SEAL PANCAKE Syrup Soup IDEAL Fancy AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE Cheese 79 Flour Fancy Domestic Rindless I d u l Froxen rttn AY. X. J I molt In M I .a«»tt. cliopi, ucw) PI RE PORK LAM ASTER BEAND Small, firm, tender, green! Serve boiled, IrerWi fried, baked or au Rtailn! you ptotain nourUhnmt of «B «|aal tmoynt of (fa*fiaaatb»rft If it's A?/S^/it's tot to hfrood [• Chucks Lamb Sprouts 29' CH<pCOLATE Ib V, You must ajiive thut "liore'.-* the finest beef yo,uve ever i;>.-' [• Acme will pay you double your money back. JL' Fancy Brussel nOainj as this morning milk! or STEAK Firm, perfect slicing Soive a tasty salad. L.tnuVapr With Our stiKK or ROUND UridU and 00 J cans 1 20-OL pkgs. *20-oz. package IDEAL Cane-i-Maple IDEAL \ TOMATO cant m H y d r o , K i r . 9 S i * » I6-OI. orChotol«*<lCh;pCoco»nu» pkg. 1