Lab1. Rectifiers and Linear Power Supplies 1. Open Program: Start => Programs => DesignLab Eval 8 => Schematics. 2. Select and put proper part and arrange them in the following circuit: 3. Set the attributes of GENERATOR (VSIN): Amplitude=15 (V), frequency=50 (Hz) 4. Click ANALYSIS SETUP Icon and select BIAS POINT DETAILS 5. Start simulation (F11). Compare the simulated values with expected. For all the circuits DO: 6. For transient analysis click ANALYSIS SETUP Icon select and click TRANSIENTS.. 7. Set Print Step =100 us and Final Time 100 ms 8. Place Voltage Differential Markers onto secondary coil of Vsin. 9. Start simulation (F11). 10. Sketch the waveforms and find maximal- Vmax, average-Vav and ripple -Vr voltages 11. Investigate the effect of Load (R1=100Ω) value on Vav and Vr. Compare with theoretical value 12. Investigate the effect of C1 (100 uF) value on Vav and Vr. Compare with theoretical value Half-wave rectifier Sketch waveform , repeat steps 12-13 and place the results (C=0) in the table below Half-wave rectifier with smoothing filter Connect capacitor 470 µF parallel to load as a smoothing filter. Sketch waveform, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 C1 Vmax Vr Vav Vr (calculated) 470 Ω 0 (no filter) 470 Ω 470 µF 100 Ω 470 µF 470 Ω 100 µF 1 Central tapped Full-wave rectifier without and with smoothing filter (C1) Sketch waveform , repeat steps 12-13 and place the results (C=0) in the table below Connect capacitor 470 µF parallel to load as a smoothing filter. Sketch waveform, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 C1 Vmax Vr Vav Vr (calculated) 470 Ω 0 (no filter) 470 Ω 470 µF 100 Ω 470 µF 470 Ω 100 µF Full-wave Bridge rectifier without and with smoothing filter (C1) Sketch waveform , repeat steps 12-13 and place the results (C=0) in the table below Connect capacitor 470 µF parallel to load as a smoothing filter. Sketch waveform , repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 470 Ω 470 Ω 100 Ω 470 Ω C1 0 (no filter) 470 µF 470 µF 100 µF Vmax Vr Vav Vr (calculated) 2 Full-wave Bridge rectifier with Zener Diode Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results (C=0) in the table below Connect capacitor 100 µF parallel to load as a smoothing filter. Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 470 Ω 470 Ω 100 Ω 470 Ω C1 0 (no filter) 100 µF 100 µF 470 µF Vmax Vr Vav Unregulated Power Supply with Emitter Follower Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 470 Ω 470 Ω 100 Ω 470 Ω C1 0 (no filter) 100 µF 100 µF 470 µF Vmax Vr Vav Compare the effect of load and filter with previous circuit 3 Regulated Power Supply with OpAmp feedback Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 470 Ω 100 Ω 470 Ω C1 100 µF 100 µF 470 µF Vmax Vr Vav Compare the effect of load and filter with previous circuit Regulated Power Supply with Current Limit Simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below Vary the values of R1 and R5, simulate, repeat steps 12-13 and place the results in the table below R1 100 10 2 1 1 1 R5 1 1 1 1 2 0 Vmax I max Comment Current limiting effect 4