Seaside Christian Co-op

Seaside Christian Co-op
Parent Agreement
I have read and agree to abide by the information in the Seaside Christian Co-op Family
I understand that Seaside Christian Co-op classes are supplemental to what is being taught
in the home and are meant for enrichment purposes only. As the parent, I also realize that
these classes will not complete any curriculum, only enhance them. The instructors do not
teach the entire subject matter, but are only enriching and assisting my instruction at home.
_____ I will make sure that I choose classes for my child that meet his/her needs. It is my
responsibility to be sure that my child can handle the expected requirements of the classes I
sign them up for.
I understand that Seaside Christian Co-op does not keep permanent records or assign
I understand that Seaside Christian Co-op does not give legal protection or legal assistance.
Also Seaside Christian Co-op is not obligated to testify regarding your homeschool’s validity,
authenticity, or effectiveness to legal authorities or in court.
I agree that my children will strive to regularly attend all classes for which I have registered
them. They will arrive on time, fully participate in the class by completing any homework
assignments and engage with other students and the instructor during class time.
I understand and agree that I must remain on the premises the entire time and be
responsible for my children regardless of their age whenever they are participating in co-op.
I understand and agree that Seaside Christian Co-op’s Leadership Team, Instructors or host
church will at no time be responsible for mishaps, injuries, or accidents that may occur
during the year.
I understand and agree to fulfill my duties as assigned by the Leadership Team.
I have read and agree to abide by the statement of faith in the Seaside Christian Co-op
I hereby accept the Parental Agreement,
as written on the date stated below.
I hereby accept the Parental Agreement,
as written on the date stated below.
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
Seaside Christian Co-op
Student Agreement
(This is for students who are 3rd grade and up.)
All students enrolled in Seaside Christian Co-op must adhere to the following guidelines:
Abide by the Code of Conduct and Behavior Policy. (See Handbook)
Consider others better then one’s self when dressing for co-op.
Be honest, courteous and patient with everyone; treating others with Christ-like kindness.
Respect and obey those in authority.
Be on time for classes (this means arriving before class begins).
Use respectful and polite language.
Remain with your class unless you obtain permission from your teacher to leave and be in
the appropriate areas at all times; not roaming the building or property.
Do not bring electronic devices of any kind to classes (cell phones, iPods, games etc).
Do not bring weapons, including pocket-knives, on the property.
Complete homework (if any) given by your instructor and fully participate in class by
engaging with other students and the instructor during class time.
Contact the instructor when you are absent for assignments.
Reimburse for or clean/repair any damage done by the student to the facility or equipment,
done in a reckless, careless, or purposeful manner.
Abide by the Behavioral Policies and Homework Policies.
I have read (or my parent has read to
me) and I agree to abide by the above
guidelines. Each student only needs
to sign once.
I have read and I agree to hold my
child accountable for abiding by the
above guidelines.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Student Signature
Discipline Policy
All teachers and assistants will demonstrate love, grace, and helpfulness to all students. However,
this does not mean that inappropriate behavior or deliberate defiance will be tolerated. Bullying,
negative talk to or about another child, name calling, excluding others, unwholesome talk, or
behaving in any way that would cause injury to others are behaviors not allowed in our classrooms
or during any co-op event. No public displays of affection including but not limited to touching or
discussions of dating will be allowed at co-op.
If behavioral issues arise, the following protocol will be used
1. The teacher will address the problem with the student and send home a behavior slip to the
parents. If any student causes serious class disruption, he/she will be removed from class that day
and taken immediately to the parent. If the parent is not available, the child will be placed in study
hall until the parent is located.
2. If the behavior problem persists after parental involvement, the leadership team will be consulted
and a parent/student/board conference will be required. The student may be asked not to return to
co-op for a season, on a case by case basis.
3. For any behavioral issues beyond the first two measures taken, students will be asked not to
return to co-op for the remainder of the year.
Any purposeful acts of violence or vandalism will result in immediate expulsion. We do not
anticipate having any problems, but in fairness to all we will adhere to this policy.
All final decisions will be at the discretion of the leadership.
This is not an exhaustive list of desired behavior and co-op members should always be guided by
Christ’s Golden Rule: So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do unto you.
Seaside Christian Co-op
Homework Policy Agreement
1st time: verbal warning
2nd time: Teacher fills out and gives a pre-written form from file box in lobby to the parent
3rd time: Student will sit in study hall and work on completing work. Parent signs a form to give
back to teacher before student can re-enter class.
Pre-written form will state: According to the homework policy, this is the 2nd time your child has not
completed their homework. If your child continues to not turn in their work, they will sit in study hall
during class time.
Parent form: I have gone over all of my child's work. ____________ gives his/her word to do his
best on all work and turn in work when due.
Each 3rd Grade Level and Above Student in the Family must sign below.
I _____________________ agree to complete homework (if any) given by my instructors and will
fully participate in class by engaging with other students and the instructor during class time. I
understand that coming to class unprepared and without any assignments completed it is both
disrespectful to my teacher and to my fellow classmates.
I _____________________ agree to complete homework (if any) given by my instructors and will
fully participate in class by engaging with other students and the instructor during class time. I
understand that coming to class unprepared and without any assignments completed it is both
disrespectful to my teacher and to my fellow classmates.
I _____________________ agree to complete homework (if any) given by my instructors and will
fully participate in class by engaging with other students and the instructor during class time. I
understand that coming to class unprepared and without any assignments completed it is both
disrespectful to my teacher and to my fellow classmates.
I _____________________ agree to complete homework (if any) given by my instructors and will
fully participate in class by engaging with other students and the instructor during class time. I
understand that coming to class unprepared and without any assignments completed it is both
disrespectful to my teacher and to my fellow classmates.
Seaside Christian Co-op
Release of Liability Form
I have read and concur with Seaside Christian Co-op guidelines, policies and procedures, vision
and mission statement and agree to abide by them.
I understand that Seaside Christian Co-op serves solely as a support group and enrichment
cooperative-program and is not responsible for the education of my children. I understand and
agree that it is my responsibility to be aware of, and in compliance with, the laws governing home
educators in the state of Texas.
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that participation in all activities involves risk of personal injury. In
consideration for being allowed participation in the Seaside Christian Co-op, I hereby release,
discharge, and hold harmless Seaside Christian Co-op and Host Church, its representatives,
teachers, volunteers and members from any claims arising out of, or relating to, physical or other
injury that may result while participating in Seaside Christian Co-op events.
I hereby accept the Seaside Christian
Co-op Release of Liability Form, as
written on the date stated below.
I hereby accept the Seaside Christian
Co-op Release of Liability Form, as
written on the date stated below.
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
Seaside Christian Co-op
Handbook Acceptance
I have received (in print or electronically), read and understand the contents of the Seaside
Christian Co-op Handbook and will act in accord with these policies and procedures as a condition
of my volunteering with Seaside Christian Co-op.
I hereby accept the Seaside Christian
Handbook, as written on the date stated
I hereby accept the Seaside Christian
Handbook, as written on the date stated
Parent Signature
Parent Signature