O16 - SOLAR HYBRID PHOTO-THERMOCHEMICAL WATER-SPLITTING CYCLE WITH IN-SITU THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE N. Muradov1, A. T-Raissi1, N. Qin1 and K. Kakosimos2 1Florida 2Texas Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, Florida 32922, USA A&M University at Qatar, PO Box 23874, Doha, Qatar email: muradov@fsec.ucf.edu Abstract The main limitations of existing solar-powered thermochemical water-splitting cycles (WSC) are that they (i) utilize only thermal component of the solar irradiation (neglecting quantum component), (ii) do not take into consideration the intermittent nature of the solar resource, and (iii) involve technically-challenging reagents transport and separation stages. A new family of hybrid sulfur–ammonia (SA) photo-thermochemical WSC that circumvent the above shortcomings has been developed at Florida Solar Energy Center. SA cycles through the means of solar beam-splitting utilize the quantum (UV-Vis) and the thermal (IR) portions of the solar spectrum for hydrogen and oxygen production, respectively, as represented by the following generic equations: 1. 2. 3. 4. SO2 + 2NH3 + H2O → (NH4)2SO3 (NH4)2SO3 + H2O → (NH4)2SO4 + H2 (NH4)2SO4 + MO → 2NH3 + MSO4 + H2O MSO4 → MO + SO3 (SO2 + 1/2O2) chemical absorption solar UV-Vis photocatalytic solar IR thermal solar IR thermocatalytic where MO is alkali metal sulfate (e.g., Na2SO4, K2SO4, Rb2SO4). In the photocatalytic step (2) hydrogen production is accomplished using narrow band gap photocatalysts (e.g., CdS, CdS-ZnS, etc). In the case of, e.g., MO=K2SO4, the reaction (3) results in the production of K2S2O7 molten salt, which can be pumped through pipes as liquid, thus, simplifying materials transport and handling. Another advantage of the new cycle is that it provides in situ thermal storage and energy recovery by means of the molten salt K2S2O7-based system as integral part of the WSC. Thermodynamic process modeling studies showed the technical feasibility of the hybrid SA WSC. Keywords: Hydrogen, solar, sulfur-ammonia cycle, thermal storage. 1 Introduction Solar-powered thermochemical water splitting cycles (WSC) can potentially reach overall efficiencies of 35-40%, far exceeding that of other solar-to-H2 conversion systems (e.g., PV-electrolysis). However, all existing solar-driven WSC suffer from a number of shortcomings that hinder their practical applications, such as: (i) utilization of only thermal component of the solar irradiation (neglecting quantum or photonic component), (ii) not taking into consideration the intermittent nature of the solar resource, and (iii) involvment of technically-challenging reagents transport and separation stages. In particular, in the existing purely thermochemical water splitting cycles, the high energy portion of solar radiation (i.e., UV-Vis) is degraded (or thermalized) to thermal heat leading to lower overall cycle efficiencies. On the other hand, in the photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting systems, only a small portion of the solar spectrum (UV-Vis) is utilized and the thermal component of sunlight is wasted, resulting in relatively low energy conversion efficiencies. The efficiency of solar-driven water splitting systems can be substantially improved by utilization of both the photonic (UV-Vis) and thermal (IR) components of the solar radiation. Thermodynamically, the total energy (AH) required to split water splitting to H2 and O2 is AH = ∆G + TAS. At a given temperature T, the overall process will be more efficient if it can utilize the photonic energy of solar radiation as Gibbs free energy (∆G), and the thermal component as TAS. The objective of this work is to develop a solar-powered WSC that utilizes both photonic and thermal components of solar radiation, and provides thermal energy storage capacity as an integral part of the hybrid WSC. ________________________________________________________________________ HYdrogen POwer Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium 2015, Toledo, Spain 6 – 9 September 2015 1 2 Materials and Methods Photocatalytic hydrogen production experiments were conducted using a specially-designed photoreactor made of glass with a water jacket and a quartz window (Fig. 1). In a typical experiment, the synthesized photocatalyst combined with co-catalyst were added to the aqueous solution containing 1 M (NH4)2SO3 placed inside the photoreactor. Before each experiment, the photoreactor was purged with ultra-pure argon gas (Linde, 99.999%) for about 1 hour to remove dissolved oxygen from the solution. The evolved hydrogen gas was collected over the water using an inverted graduated burettes. During the photo-experiments, the area around the experimental set-up was screened by a yellow polymer curtain to cut-off the UV radiation. The relative fraction of solar radiation flux used in the photochemical and thermochemical steps is determined by the photon-absorbing characteristics (e.g., the band-gap) of the semiconductor-based photocatalysts used in the hydrogen production step. It was determined that the fraction of the photons that can be utilized by a CdS-based photocatalysts with photon absorption threshold of 520 nm amounts to ~20% of the total solar radiation flux. Consequently, about 80% of the total solar irradiance comprising mostly of thermal energy with wavelengths above 520 nm (i.e., visible and IR photons) can be utilized in the oxygen generation step. In principle, photonic and thermal means of the utilization of the solar energy source can be accomplished via splitting of solar spectrum into two beams: UV-Vis for the photochemical reactor and Vis-IR for the thermochemical reactors. This approach would result in a relatively compact system and allow more efficient use of solar resource, but it would be more complex and require special beam-splitting dichroic mirrors. 3.1 Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Earlier, we reported CdS-photocatalyzed H2 production from aqueous ammonium sulfite (NH4)2SO3 solutions [5-7]. In the present work, we examined the catalytic effect of transition metals, including, Pt, Pd, Ru, Ni and Co on the kinetics of H2 photogeneration. These metals were added to 3 Results and Discussion the photocatalytic system in the form of fine polymerA novel solar-powered hybrid “Sulfur-Ammonia” (SA) WSC stabilized colloidal particles in the quantity about 1% to the has been developed at Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) amount of a photocatalyst. CdS was used as a baseline by introducing ammonia (NH3) as a working reagent to hybrid- photocatalyst. The results are summarized in Fig. 2. sulfur cycle to allow more efficient solar interface, facile 100 product separation steps and all-fluid operation [1-4] (Note: Pt the initial development of the SA cycle was conducted under 80 US DOE funding). In this hybrid photo/thermo-chemical water Pd splitting cycle the quantum portion of the solar spectrum (UVVis) is used for the production of hydrogen and the thermal 60 energy (i.e. IR) portion of solar radiation ̶ for generating oxygen, as represented by the following generic reactions: Ru (1) SO2 + 2NH3 + H2O → (NH4)2SO3 (2) (NH4)2SO3 + H2O → (NH4)2SO4 + H2 (3) (NH4)2SO4 + MO → 2NH3 + MSO4 + H2O (4) MSO4 → MO + SO3 (SO2 + 1/2O2) where MO is alkali metal sulfate (e.g., Na2SO4, K2SO4, Rb2SO4) H2 evolved, mL Fig. 1. Experimental setup for conducting photocatalytic experiments 40 20 Ni Co 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time, hours Fig. 2. Effect of different co-catalysts on the rate of CdSThe reaction (1) is a chemical absorption reaction occurring at photocatalyzed H2 production. near ambient conditions; reaction (2) is a solar photocatalytic stage (25-80oC); reaction (3) is solar thermal stage (400- It is evident from the Fig. 2 that Pt cocatalyst shows the 500oC); and reaction (4) is solar high-temperature highest activity among transition metals tested. thermocatalytic stage (up to 850oC, depending on particular WSC and presence of catalytic additives). ________________________________________________________________________ HYdrogen POwer Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium 2015, Toledo, Spain 6 – 9 September 2015 2 The overall efficiency of a thermochemical cycle for hydrogen production via water-splitting is a function of the efficiencies of all the individual steps/processes that comprise the cycle, including the photon conversion efficiency (PE) of the hydrogen production step, which is defined as the ratio of the chemical energy of hydrogen product to the photon (or irradiation) energy absorbed by the reacting system: The spectrum of Xe-lamp light contains a wide range of wavelengths, but only the wavelengths ranging from 300 to 500 nm are capable of activating the CdS photocatalyst. The photon conversion efficiency of the photocatalytic process is estimated at 20-25% range depending on the particular photosystem. and recovery in the operational temperature range as part of the cycle operation. NH3 and SO3 can be stored as liquids at modest pressures (less than 10 atm) and ambient temperature, and on-demand recombine in presence of water to produce ammonium sulfate and release stored thermal energy (Q). (8) NH3 + SO3 + H2O → NH4HSO4 + Q Fig.3 shows AHS in the form of molten salt. AHS possesses different physical and chemical properties than ammonium sulfate, which substantially expands the range of operating temperature for thermal energy storage. 3.2 Integration of thermal energy storage with SA watersplitting cycle. Due to the intermittent nature of solar resource, there is a need to couple solar-powered thermochemical cycles with thermal energy storage systems. A new type of O2generation sub-cycle having all-fluid reaction media has been developed at FSEC. This sub-cycle includes the alkali metal sulfates and pyrosulfates. In this sub-cycle, ammonium sulfate produced in the photocatalytic step 2 releases one molecule of NH3 and forms ammonium hydrogen sulfate (AHS): (5) (NH4)2SO4 → NH3 + NH4HSO4 AHS reacts with alkali metal sulfate (e.g., Na2SO4, K2SO4, or Rb2SO4) liberating NH3 and water, and generating the corresponding pyrosulfate salt, as shown below for the case of K2SO4: (6) NH4HSO4 + K2SO4 → NH3 + H2O + K2S2O7 This is followed by thermal decomposition of pyrosulfate K2S2O7 with production of the original metal sulfate and evolution of SO3 or SO3-SO2-O2 mixed gas, depending on the operational parameters and presence of catalytic additives: (7) K2S2O7 → K2SO4 + SO3 (SO2, O2) The reactions (5), (6) and (7) are carried out at the range of temperatures of 150-200oC, 200-500oC and 500-850oC, respectively. SO3 could be further catalytically decomposed to SO2 and O2. The main advantages of the developed alkali metal sulfate/pyrosulfate sub-cycle is that ammonium sulfate, ammonium bisulfate and alkali metal pyrosulfate exist in a molten salt form in the wide range of temperatures. It allows for all-fluid operation and efficient thermal energy storage Fig. 3. Ammonium hydrogen sulfate in molten form. Experimental studies indicated that that the NH4HSO4K2SO4 mixture with the ratio of 1:1.25 mol showed the best performance in terms of better solubility of reagents in the molten salt system. In general, the use of molten salts is well known and it has been utilized industrially for many decades, thus, the thermal energy recovery from the molten salts is doable and can be readily practiced in the SA cycle. In the present study, we conducted a thermodynamic analysis of the O2-producing sub-cycle, using the advanced thermodynamic equilibrium calculator FactSageTM, and available literature data on the thermodynamic properties of compounds involved in the sub-cycle. The results were compared to our preliminary thermal analysis (TGA) experiments to verify the validity of above configuration. The available thermodynamic data were transformed into the appropriate formats following Lindberg experimental work [8] and FactSageTM database. In particular, we extracted ∆Ho298.15 [J/mol], So298.15 [J/mol·K] Cp [J/mol·K] (temperature dependent functions) and Gibbs free energy of formation for the quadruplets. Then, an exploratory and non-constrained thermodynamic analysis (i.e. inclusion of all possible compounds) was performed. Fig. 4 illustrates the temperature-dependent thermodynamic equilibrium of an equimolar mixture of (NH4)2SO4 and K2SO4. ________________________________________________________________________ HYdrogen POwer Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium 2015, Toledo, Spain 6 – 9 September 2015 3 - simplified thermal storage and energy recovery as an integral part of the cycle - facile product separation steps, and - potentially high solar-to-H2 energy conversion efficiency. Acknowledgements Fig. 4. Temperature-dependent thermodynamic equilibrium of the oxygen sub-cycle with initial stoichiometric ratios (some compounds have been omitted for clarity). The evolution of the compounds as well as the phase changes in the system can be observed in Fig. 4. This representation is considered to be more representative than previous ones (especially at temperatures lower than 400oC) because of the inclusion of ammonium bisulfate as an intermediate product. The same figure presents the existing proposed steps of the oxygen evolution sub-cycle at corresponding temperatures in order to achieve adequate reactions’ extent and maintain all compounds in liquid state. The inclusion of ammonium bisulfate reveals that there is one more temperature range where all compounds are liquid, around 375oC. In other words the oxygen sub-cycle could include one more step at lower range of temperatures, which could potentially reduce the energy requirements of the process. Also, the interim product could serve as thermochemical energy storage material. Further experimental work is in progress to investigate the impact on the alkali-metal based sulfates solution. The calculations will be conducted with different compositions in order to increase the efficiency of the whole cycle while maintaining a liquid salt mixture in a molten state. 4 Conclusions A novel “Sulfur-Ammonia” solar hybrid photothermochemical water splitting cycle has been developed by introducing ammonia (NH3) as a working reagent to hybrid-sulfur cycle to allow more efficient solar interface, facile product separation steps and all-fluid operation. The unique feature of the developed SA water-splitting cycle is that it is capable of utilizing both photonic (UV-Vis) and thermal (IR) components of solar radiation, and provides thermal energy storage capacity as an integral part of the cycle. The main advantages and features of the SA cycle over existing solar-driven cycles are summarized below; in particular, it involves: This work was supported by the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation) under NPRP award: NPRP 6 - 116 - 2 – 044. 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