Science and Technology units

Science and Technology – 385
Science and Technology units
Including Computer Science (KCA), Environmental
Design and Architecture (KDA, KDU), Geology (KEA),
Geography and Environmental Studies (KGA, KGE),
Geomatics and Surveying (KGG, KGS), Psychology
(KHA), Physical Sciences including Chemistry (KJC),
Geography (KJG), Physics (KJP) and Geology (KJY) ,
Agricultural Science (KLA), Mathematics (KMA), Plant
Science (KPA), Aquaculture (KQA), Chemistry (KRA),
Computing (KXA), Physics (KYA), Zoology (KZA)
Note: Unit descriptions for all Biochemistry units
(CBA), for Microbiology for BSc (CBA250), for Applied
Medical Microbiology and Immunology (CJA308), for
all Physiology (CHP), and Biomedical Science units
(CRA) are given under Health Science (see page 206).
Computer Science – Department of
Electrical Engineering & Computer
Science at Hobart
The Department offers a computer science curriculum
in Hobart that aims to produce graduates with
knowledge and skills for a range of careers. In
particular, graduates will have the background to adapt
and learn new skills during the rapid change expected
next century. A parallel aim is to ensure that graduates
have personal and practical skills needed by the
computing profession when they graduate from the
The primary focus of the computer science teaching is a
basic grounding followed by in-depth development of
specialist knowledge and skills. Two streams of study
are available. Both streams emphasise a rigorous
foundation in maths and computer science and aim to
develop sound principles and skills for software
development for a broad range of application types.
Within this range, the software engineering stream
emphasises the development of business and
government applications, while the computer and
communications technology stream emphasises
telecommunications and defence applications.
The computer science curriculum is typically included
in a BSc degree course, but is available in several other
degree programs including the bachelor of information
systems. These courses take three years to complete at
pass degree standard, and students who perform well
are eligible for the honours year, which is highly
recommended. All courses allow you to combine
computer science curriculum with elective units in
other disciplines. It is worthwhile considering some
management, accounting or other business-related
material; possibly some languages like Japanese or even
graphic design to provide skills in developing
innovative user interfaces. A full range of other science
teaching is also available on the Hobart campus.
Graduate Diploma courses of one year full-time
equivalent study are also available in software
engineering or computer and communication
Professional Knowledge and Skills
Software engineering is a term that describes
techniques for building complex software systems to
meet the needs of people, business, government or
other organisations. The process of building the system
will involve identifying requirements, deciding how the
requirements will be met by the system, designing
suitable software and/or hardware components, and
implementing the system. This has to be done in a
timely and cost-effective way, resulting in a final
product that meets the agreed specifications and quality
A graduate from one of the specialisations in computer
science will be a professional with knowledge and skills
relevant to the design, implementation and delivery of
sophisticated software systems. They have an ability to
tackle complex problems and produce high-quality
solutions on time and to budget. This background is
suitable preparation for a move into management of
sophisticated software development projects.
Studying Computer Science
The curriculum provides in-depth knowledge and skills
in programming, currently in the programming
languages Java and C++; algorithms; specification and
design; communications networks and quality
assurance amongst many other topics. Case studies,
practical work and a commitment to a personal
software process will develop your personal time
management skills, communication skills and ability to
work effectively within a team.
Other Computer Science units are available to augment
this core knowledge with coverage of more specialised
topics such as image processing and intelligent systems.
Graduates often start their careers in technical positions
such as programmer or system administrator. These
jobs may involve software and hardware configuration,
implementation and client support. With further
experience the career path leads to project leader and
computer system manager. There are also many
different types of specialised jobs such as systems
trainer or sales consultants for those with particular
aptitude and interest.
KCA151 Computer Programming
Programming –Programming in an imperative
language: basic data types and language constructs;
functions and parameters; input-output; libraries of
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
functions. Structured program construction.
Applications using simple graphical user interface.
Introduction to data structures.
• Hbt, int • 12.5% • sem 1 – 3x1-hr lectures, 2-hr lab
fortnightly (14 wks) • prereq *MT841 or *MT730 • m/
excl KCA122, 123, 124, 173 • assess practical work and
assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%).
Students must achieve at least 40% credit in both the
practical and exam components.
KCA152 Software Process 1
Fundamentals of Software Engineering –Analysis,
functional specification, software design, programming
techniques and tools. Software development life cycles.
Software version control. Systematic approach to
testing. Data structures and algorithms –Arrays, lists,
queues, stacks and trees. Introduction to algorithm
complexity. Personal Software Process– Tracking,
prioritisation and management of time. Period
planning, product planning.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly, 4x3-hr lab sessions (14 wks) • prereq
KCA151 • m/excl KCA122, 123, 125, 260 • assess
practical work and assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem
exam (60%). Students must achieve at least 40% credit
in both the practical and exam components.
KCA251 Software Analysis
Object-oriented Programming – Object-oriented
programming in an imperative language: classes,
inheritance, information hiding, class libraries,
reusability of objects. Data structures and algorithms–
Abstract data type definitions and use, asymptotic
analysis and big-Oh notation, ordered and unordered
data structures. Data models and associated algorithms:
tables, heaps, graphs and advanced use of trees.
Analysis of algorithms for sorting. Dynamic
programming and greedy algorithms. Introduction to
intractable problems and approximation.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly, 3-hr lab fortnightly (14 wks) • prereq
KCA122 or KCA123 or KCA125 • m/excl KCA236
• assess practical work and assignments (40%), 3-hr
end-of-sem exam (60%), Students must achieve at least
40% credit in both the practical and exam components.
KCA252 Computer Systems 1
Operating Systems –Introduction to multi-user
operating systems, process scheduling, file store
management, memory management, resource
allocation and security; system commands. Shell
scripting. Communication Systems –Introduction to
networks; topologies; methods of transmission. Types
of networks; network applications. Systems
performance– analysis and measurement of
workloads; performance prediction; real-time systems;
latency and response time; safety and reliability issues.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly (14 wks) • prereq KCA122 or KCA123
or KCA125 • m/excl KCA220 • assess practical work
and assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%),
Students must achieve at least 40% credit in both the
practical and exam components.
KCA253 Software Design
Object-oriented Design– The object-oriented
paradigm, object diagrams, classes, inheritance,
reusability of objects. Life cycle modelling. Design
patterns. Mapping designs into code. Human-computer
Interfaces –Theory and practice of human interaction
with software systems. Design, implementation and
class libraries for graphical user interfaces. Personal
Software Process– Managing schedules and
commitments. The need for a software process and for
recording defects.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly, 3-hr lab session fortnightly (14 wks)
• prereq KCA122 or KCA123 or KCA125 • coreq
KCA251 • m/excl KCA260 • assess practical work and
assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%),
Students must achieve at least 40% credit in both the
practical and exam components.
KCA254 Microprocessors and Data
Is designed for students interested in the fundamental
operation of microprocessors, micro-controllers and the
interfacing of these devices to the real world. The unit
builds from the realisation of gate circuits and the
implementation of Boolean functions, to the design and
implementation of sequential circuits. Fundamental
programming of microprocessors and micro-controllers
is developed and hardware and software aspects of
how these devices are connected to memory systems
and other peripheral systems. Methods of conversion
between analog and digital signals are developed.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly (14 wks) • prereq KCA122 or KCA123
or KCA125 • m/excl AEA216 • assess practical work
and assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%),
Students must achieve at least 40% credit in both the
practical and exam components.
• req Mano M, Computer System Architecture, 3rd edn,
Prentice-Hall, or
Wakerley JF, Digital Design Principles and Practices,
KCA341/441 Intelligent Systems
Is intended for all engineering and science students and
aims to acquaint students with intelligent systems and
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 387
provide them with a working knowledge for building
these systems. Expert systems –knowledge
representation, a comprehensive overview for building
expert systems using an expert system shell. Uncertain
reasoning– fuzzy set theory, building fuzzy expert
systems illustrating the theory through examples, fuzzy
knowledge and other methods for dealing with
uncertainty. Artificial neural networks –the human
neural system, pattern classification and clustering
algorithms, neural net topology and training, neurallike computers and applications of neural nets.
• N.B. KCA341/KCA441 Intelligent Systems is designed
for fourth-year students in the BE degree and third-year
students in the BSc degree
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 2x1-hr
tutorial weekly, 3-hr lab session fortnightly • prereq
KCA122 or KCA123 or KCA125 • m/excl AEA413
• assess 2 assignments (20%), project (20%), 3-hr final
exam (60%)
• req Durkin, J. Expert Systems Design and Development,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994.
KCA342/442 Image Processing and
Computer Vision
Is a first course in image processing and computer
vision and aims to provide students with sufficient
background to develop their own processing software.
The unit gives an introduction to the human visual
system, standard video systems and video acquisition
hardware and software systems. Students are then
given a comprehensive background in various
techniques in image spectral analysis, enhancement,
and compression, useful for visual communications and
electronic commerce. The unit also covers techniques in
object recognition and computer vision, useful for
manufacturing and quality assurance processes.
• N.B. KCA342/KCA442 Image Processing and Computer
Vision is designed for fourth-year students in the BE degree
and third-year students in the BSc degree
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly, 3-hr lab session fortnightly • prereq
KMA102 and (KCA122 or KCA123 or KCA125) • m/
excl AEA414 • assess 2 lab reports (20%), 1-hr mid-term
test and an assignment (20%), 3-hr final exam (60%)
• req Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing,
Addison Wesley, 1992.
KCA343/443 Computer Architecture
Builds on KCA254, developing basic technology and
organisational concepts. Multiprocessing, pipelining
and parallel computing are discussed and modelled.
Memory systems, including cache memory, memory
management, overlapping memory and paging;
overlapping I/O and I/O handling, process scheduling
and context switching are examined. Aspects of static
and dynamic interconnection configurations are
covered. Bus classifications, bus arbitration and the
effects of bus width are examined.
• N.B. KCA343/KCA443 Computer Architecture is
designed for fourth-year students in the BE degree and thirdyear students in the BSc degree
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly (14 wks) • prereq KCA220 and AEA216
• m/excl AEA316 • assess practical work and
assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%)
• req Gibson Glenn A, Computer Systems: Concepts and
Design, Prentice-Hall or
Hwang Kai, Advanced Architecture: Parallelism,
Scalability, Programmability, McGraw-Hill.
KCA351 Computer Systems 2
Digital Communication Systems– The emphasis is on
protocols and protocol architectures, especially with
respect to local area networks (LANs). Topics include
digital communication standards; the ISO 7-layer
model; local and wide area network technologies; real
protocols, such as TCP/IP and SNA; network
management systems and protocols; network protocol
modelling; management of security; firewalls.
Distributed systems– Client-server; distributed object
models; component software; inter-object model
communication; CORBA; IIOP.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly (14 wks) • prereq KCA220 • m/excl
KCA320 • assess practical work and assignments (40%),
3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%), Students must achieve at
least 40% credit in both the practical and exam
KCA352 Software Process 2
Contemporary Software Engineering Environments –
Software architecture. Software tools in the
development of software, for example parsing tools and
CASE tools. Integrated software engineering
environments. Software Quality Assurance –Factors
affecting software quality. Software process
documentation, measurement and improvement. Study
and comparison of different methodologies and
standards. Case study. Analysis Techniques –Formal
description of static and dynamic program behaviour.
Program verification and validation. Tools to support
these activities. Personal Software Process– Finding,
avoiding, estimating and the economics of defects.
Personal commitment to process and product quality.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly, 3x3-hr lab sessions (14 wks) • prereq
KCA260 • m/excl KCA360 • assess practical work and
assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%),
Students must achieve at least 40% credit in both the
practical and exam components.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KCA353 Computing Project
Project– A medium-scale computing project, created
by small teams of students. The projects will include
various applications, communications or distributed
systems. All aspects of the development process will be
considered: requirements, specif~cation, system design,
implementation, integration, documentation, testing
and quality assurance. Associated plans for acceptance
testing and maintenance will also be required.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –1-hr lecture, 2-hr workshop
weekly (14 wks) • prereq KCA220 and KCA260 • m/
excl KCA318, BSA302 • assess Practical work and
assignments (100%).
KCA354 Communications and Data
Provides sufficient knowledge of current and evolving
technology and international standards in order to plan
and design a corporate computer network. The
emphasis is on data communications and data
communications networking. Topics covered include
data transmission, data encoding, digital data
communications, data link control, multiplexing, circuit
switching, packet switching, local area networks
(LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), wide area
networks (WANs), and integrated services digital
networks (ISDN).
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly, 3x3-hr lab sessions (14 wks) • prereq
KMA102 • assess 2 lab reports (20%), 1-hr mid-term test
and an assignment (20%), 3-hr final exam (60%)
• req Stallings W, Data and Computer Communications,
4th edition, McMillan, 1994.
KCA355 Advanced Programming
Applied Techniques– Functional programming in
imperative, object and functional languages; applied
type systems; objects, encapsulation and closures;
control flow abstraction; data abstraction; simulated
garbage collection; design patterns. Advanced
programming languages– Types in programming
languages including parametric polymorphism,
subtyping and dynamic typing. Behavioual aspects:
inheritance, subclassing and subtyping, evaluation
strategies, operational semantics. Intensional aspects:
analysis, optimisation and binding time.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial weekly (14 wks) • prereq KCA220 and KCA260
• m/excl KCA237, 360 • assess practical work and
assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%),
Students must achieve at least 40% credit in both the
practical and exam components.
For information on all KCA– honours level
units, contact the Department of Electrical
Engineering & Computer Science.
Environmental Design and
Architecture at Launceston and
Environmental Design is taught by the Department of
Architecture & Urban Design in Launceston and
While the general description of the units taught by
these departments is the same, the way in which the
units are taught will reflect the research interests,
expertise and local circumstances of each campus. For
this reason, the units are coded differently, according to
the campus on which the student is enrolled.
Students enrolling in the Bachelor of Environmental
Design (BEnvDes) in Launceston will enrol in units
prefixed KDA.
Students enrolling in the BEnvDes in Hobart will enrol
in units prefixed KDU.
The numerical suffixes are the same for both campuses.
Thus a student undertaking Design Studio 3 at
Launceston will enrol in KDA211, while a student
undertaking the same unit in Hobart will enrol in
Successful students continuing on to a fourth year of
studies will enrol in either the Bachelor of
Environmental Studies with Honours, which is
available at both Hobart and Launceston, the Bachelor
of Architecture (BArch) which is available only at
Units specific to the BArch (indicated in brackets after
the unit title) have no KDU equivalents.
Unit descriptions
First year BEnvDes units are available only in
Launceston in 1998.
KDA111 Design Studio 1A
Integrates basic graphic techniques with threedimensional and visual investigation and the
exploration of cultural values. Students develop their
design appreciation through a series of exercises which
explore space, form and order, as well as such aesthetic
concepts as proportion, balance, harmony, contrast etc.
The presentation of work is the subject of critique by
staff and student peers, and this continues through all
design studios.
•Ltn, int •12% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and seminar; 4
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 389
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess by review of submitted
portfolio containing all project work.
KDA112 Design Studio 1B
Introduces students to the desirability of establishing a
sense of place in all environmental design intervention.
Students investigate the relation between natural and
artificial environments and their historic development.
The study forms a background for site analysis and
design responses to environmental factors and human
comfort. Students learn to develop designs which
respect the cultural environment and incorporate
principles of ecological sustainability.
•Ltn, int •12% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and seminar; 4
hrs weekly (14 wks). • assess by review of submitted
portfolio containing all project work.
KDA113 Design Studio 1C
Develops communication skills needed by students in
their study of environmental design. A variety of
written and graphic media are explored, including
architectural drawing, freehand drawing, computer
graphics, information processing, photography, model
making and graphic presentation.
•Ltn, int •12% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and seminar; 4
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess by review of submitted
portfolio containing all project work.
KDA114 History & Theory 1
Covers the principal periods in the history of Western
Architecture up to the eighteenth century, including its
links with Western Asia and North Africa. The unit also
gives some appreciation of the largely separate
architectural tradition of East Asia. It stresses the
relationships between building construction and
architectural form and space, between architecture and
its cultural context, and between architecture and urban
and landscape design.
•Ltn, int •6% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar; 2 hrs
weekly (14 wks) • assess seminar presentations and
written and graphic assignments.
KDA115 Building Technology 1
Considers the physical relationship between people and
their environment. Space and form are looked at in
terms of the human perception of heat, light and sound
and their effect on one’s existence and comfort.
Methods of environmental control are examined with
emphasis on energy and resource conservation. The
unit enables students to demonstrate an understanding
of: basic issues concerning ecologically sustainable
architecture; energy transfer processes in the terrestrial
environment; perception and response to heat, light and
sound; the sensory dimensions of architectural space;
and the use of building fabric for selective
environmental filtering.
•Ltn, int •6% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar; 2 hrs
weekly (14 wks) • assess written and graphic
assignments, tests.
KDA116/117 & KDU116/117 Elective
Provide the opportunity for exploration of knowledge
and development of skills in areas both within and
beyond the discipline and faculty.
•6% ea •sem 1/2
KDA121 Design Studio 2A
Is a continuation of KDA111, but with an introduction
to the principles of architectural design.
•Ltn, int •12% •sem 2 –sem 2 –lecture, studio and
seminar; 4 hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq KDA111, 112 &
113 • assess by review of submitted portfolio
containing all project work.
KDA122 Design Studio 2B
Is a continuation of KDA112. The scale and complexity
of studio projects increases and students are expected to
deal with the issues in greater depth.
•Ltn, int •12% •sem 2 –lecture, studio and seminar; 4
hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq KDA111, 112 & 113
• assess by review of submitted portfolio containing all
project work and assignment.
KDA123 Design Studio 2C
Is intended to develop understanding and skills in the
use of modelling. The unit consolidates media skills
used in design investigation, evaluation and
•Ltn, int •12% •sem 2 –lecture, studio and seminar; 4
hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq KDA111, 112 & 113
• assess by review of submitted portfolio containing all
project work.
KDA124 History & Theory 2
Covers the principal periods in the history of Western
Architecture from the 18th century to the mid-20th
century. The unit also gives some appreciation of the
largely separate architectural tradition of East Asia. It
stresses the relationship between building construction
and architectural form and space, between architecture
and its cultural context, and between architecture and
urban and landscape design.
•Ltn, int •6% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar; 2 hrs
weekly (14 wks) • assess seminar presentations, written
and graphic assignments and test.
KDA125 Building Technology 2
Introduces the role of materials and structures in built
form. Materials are classified and their responses to
environmental influences are identified. The forces
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
acting upon structures are examined. The interactions
between forces and materials are shown in order to
indicate appropriate forms and assemblies for building
structures. Understanding of the derivation of
structural systems is assisted by reference to historical
examples and contemporary practice. The unit enables
students to demonstrate an understanding of: the
classification and properties of materials; the origins
and nature of forces; and the performance of structural
elements and systems.
•Ltn, int •6% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar; 2 hrs
weekly (14 wks) • assess written and graphic
assignments, tests.
KDA211 & KDU211 Design Studio 3
Develops fundamental skills in architectural design,
including design investigation, design communication,
schematic design and design development. Students
explore and attempt to integrate design criteria
including contextual response, activity support and
construction principles. The selection and assembly of
building components for domestic scale construction
are explored. Students need to demonstrate an ability to
design and detail the construction of domestic scale
buildings and successfully integrate them with their
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and
seminar • prereq (KDA121, 122 & 123) or (KDU121, 122
& 123) • assess by review of submitted portfolio
containing all project work.
KDA212 & KDU212 History & Theory 3
Covers the important architectural developments and
movements of the twentieth century, with some
emphasis on the post-World War II period. The unit
develops an understanding of the connections and
disjunctions between the architecture of this period and
earlier periods. It stresses the relationships between
building construction and architectural form and space,
between architecture and its cultural context, and
between architecture and urban and landscape design.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess seminar presentations,
written and graphic assignments.
KDA213 & KDU213 Building Technology 3
Is a study of building materials and elements to
develop an understanding of their properties and
selection in the contemporary design context. The unit
enables students to demonstrate an understanding of:
the development of domestic construction in Australia;
the selection and assembly of domestic scale building
components; the construction processes involved for
timber-framed domestic building; the principles and
practice of domestic structural design in timber; and the
principles of services provision at domestic scale.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess written and graphic
assignments, tests.
KDA214 & KDU214 Specialised Studio 1
Is the first in a series of units (including KDA/KDU214,
224, 314, 324), taken over 4 semesters. The units offer
students the opportunity to focus in depth on a
specialised area of design. The Department of
Architecture & Urban Design campuses in Launceston
and Hobart have different research interests and local
circumstances which are reflected in the areas covered
on these two campuses.
In Launceston the specialised studios cover the
following areas: (a) Landscape in Architecture; (b)
Computer Use in Design; (c) Asian Architecture; and
(d) Wood in Architecture.
In Hobart they cover: (a) Urban Design, which takes a
theme such as central area design or suburban design;
(b) Environment and Design, which takes a theme such
as energy and design or building heritage; and (c)
Landscape Design which addresses site planning or
urban spaces.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 1 –studio, lecture and
seminar • assess By review of submitted portfolio
containing all project work.
KDA221 & KDU221 Design Studio 4
Develops an understanding and skill in the devising
and detailing of construction for buildings of medium
scale. Students are expected to develop fundamental
skills at a greater level of competence and complexity
than in KDA211. Project work focuses on the creation of
architectural and constructional concepts, construction
documentation skills, and the analysis and synthesis of
a variety of design concerns.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 2 –lecture, studio and
seminar • prereq KDA211 or KDU211 • assess by
review of submitted portfolio containing all project
KDA222 & KDU222 History & Theory 4
Covers the development of architecture in Australia –
establishing the transfer and modification of ideas from
elsewhere, especially from Europe and North America,
and regional responses to the Australian environment,
as a foundation for the critical discussion of issues
facing architecture in Australia today.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess seminar presentations,
written and graphic assignments.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 391
KDA223 & KDU223 Building Technology 4
Continues the study of building technology at domestic
scale. The unit enables students to demonstrate an
understanding of: the constructional properties of
concrete and masonry; the principles of footings for
domestic construction; the principles of aperture design
–doors, windows, ducts and conduits; and servicing
and energy strategies for domestic-scale architecture.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks). • assess written and graphic
assignments, tests.
KDA224 & KDU224 Specialised Studio 2
Is the second in a series of studio units, taken over 4
semesters. For details of the unit, see KDA/KDU214
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 2 –studio, lecture and
seminar • assess by review of submitted portfolio
containing all project work.
KDA311 & KDU311 Design Studio 5
Enables students in third year to demonstrate a
proficiency in design analysis, design synthesis, design
judgement and design communication as they pertain
to the architectural design process. The scale of projects
in the third year will range from small to relatively
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and
seminar • prereq KDA221 or KDU221 • assess by
review of submitted portfolio containing all project
KDA312 & KDU312 History & Theory 5
Focuses on the interrelationships between: (a) the manmade environment; (b) human perception, values and
behaviour and (c) design. Some cross-cultural
comparisons are made. Students are introduced to the
role of the architect.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess written assignments and
seminar presentations.
KDA313 & KDU313 Building Technology 5
Studies the principles of construction for medium-scale
buildings. The unit enables students to demonstrate an
understanding of: the commissioning-designing and
production of medium-scale buildings; systems and
structure for medium-scale building, including
steelwork, reinforced concrete and foundations; and
servicing and energy strategies for medium-scale
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess written and graphic
assignments, tests.
KDA314 & KDU314 Specialised Studio 3
Is the third in a series of studio units, taken over 4
semesters. For details of the unit, see KDA/KDU214
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 1 –studio, lecture and
seminar • assess by review of submitted portfolio
containing all project work.
KDA321 & KDU321 Design Studio 6
Consolidates the objectives of KDA/KDU311. The
choice of studio-based project work is appropriate to
the demonstration of skills in design investigation, brief
formulation, sketch design, design development, report
writing and final design presentation.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 2 –lecture, studio and
seminar • prereq KDA311 or KDU311 • assess By
review of submitted portfolio containing all project
KDA322 & KDU322 History & Theory 6
Involves the study of important twentieth century
architectural theory in order to give a deeper
understanding of recent practice. The unit complements
KDA/KDU212 (in which emphasis is given to the study
of actual buildings) & KDA/KDU312 (in which the
theory is based on principles of social science rather
than on the specific design theory generated by
architects themselves). The unit concentrates on those
ideas most relevant to current practice and aims to
assist students in developing their own design
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess seminar presentations,
written and graphic assignments.
KDA323 & KDU323 Building Technology 6
Continues the study of construction for medium-scale
buildings and develops an understanding of the
influence of technology in architecture. The unit enables
students to demonstrate an understanding of:
performance specifications; legislative control of the
building process; health, safety and amenity; definition
and design of major elements –roofs, floors, walls; and
design strategies for medium-scale buildings,
innovation and system.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar; 2
hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess written and graphic
assignments, tests.
KDA324 & KDU324 Specialised Studio 4
Is the fourth in a series of studio units, taken over 4
semesters. For details of the unit, see KDA/KDU214
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
•Ltn & Hbt, int •18% •sem 2 –studio, lecture and
seminar • assess by review of submitted portfolio
containing all project work.
KDA415 Elective unit
•5.7% •sem 1/2
KDA411 Design Studio 7 (BArch)
KDA421 Design Studio 8 (BArch)
Reinforces the skills developed in BEnvDes Design
Studios. The unit is orientated specifically to the needs
of the architectural profession. It helps students
formulate their design philosophy and to identify areas
of particular importance to be pursued in depth during
their course of study.
Explores all professional aspects of the discipline and
develops skills needed to design within the technical,
legal and economic constraints that architects work
under in real life. The unit enables students to
demonstrate an ability to develop a project through all
design and documentation stages.
•Ltn, int •31% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and seminar
• assess by review of submitted portfolio containing all
project work.
•Ltn, int •31% •sem 2 –lecture, studio and seminar
• prereq KDA411 • assess by review of submitted
portfolio containing all project work.
KDA412 Dissertation 1 (BArch)
KDA422 Dissertation 2 (BArch)
Is the first of 2 units (see also KDA422) which allow
students to explore an area of architecture through an
independent investigation and analysis of architectural
resources. This first unit focuses on gaining familiarity
with the area of study, preparing a clean study
proposal, and structuring the research.
Is the second of 2 units (see KDA412 above) which
allow students to explore a particular area of
architecture in greater depth. In this unit, students
prepare and refine a paper to professional standard.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar • assess
continuous assessment of written submissions.
KDA423 Professional Studies 2 (BArch)
KDA413 Professional Studies 1 (BArch)
Develops a knowledge of the architect’s responsibility
to society, clients and the profession. Basic theory of
law, courts and legal processes and concepts are
examined, and developed within the context of statute
law as it applies to the building industry.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar •
written assignments
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar •
KDA412 • assess thesis.
Explores the nature of the building industry and
organisations within it. Modes of architectural practice
and their legal implications are examined, and applied
to design and pre-construction documentation,
tendering, procurement methods and construction
stage matters.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar •
written assignments
KDA424 Building Technology 8 (BArch)
KDA414 Building Technology 7 (BArch)
Studies advanced building systems in terms of
performance, cost, construction and buildability.
Particular emphasis is placed on the development of
planning strategies to assist in achieving the best
possible performance of the construction phase of
building projects. The unit enables students to:
demonstrate an understanding of the principles of
construction of tall structures, long span structures and
refurbishment projects; demonstrate an understanding
of advanced building techniques as highlighted in this
unit; develop an appreciation of the design implications
of standardisation and availability of building products
and components; and have an awareness of Quality
Assurance and its underlying importance in all aspects
of the building process.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar •
written and graphic assignments, tests.
Provides the opportunity for exploration. A knowledge
and development of skills in areas both within and
beyond the discipline and faculty.
Focuses on the various types of written contract
documentation (specifications, schedules and bills of
quantities) –their preparation by the architect and
consultants, their implementation by the builder, and
their administration on site.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 2 –lecture and seminar •
written and graphic assignments, tests.
Second year BArch units, numbered KDA511–
521, follow the BEnvDes(Hons) units below
KDA471 & KDU471 Dissertation 1
(BEnvDes Hons)
Is the first of 2 units (see also KDA/KDU481) which
together allow students to explore in depth an area of
environmental design through independent research.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 393
During this first stage, students are expected to submit
a preparatory paper which outlines the background,
scope and approach of the study.
• Staff (Supervisor) Determined by research topic •Ltn
& Hbt, int •25% •sem 1 –research and seminar
• assess preparatory paper and progress report
KDA472 & KDU472 Environmental
Design 1 (BEnvDes Hons)
Consists of studio-based project work aimed at
developing investigative and design abilities in an
approved area of environmental design.
• Staff (Supervisor) As detailed in unit program •Ltn
& Hbt, int •18.75% •sem 1 –studio-based projects,
seminars and lectures; 6 hrs weekly (14 wks) • coreq
KDA473 or KDU473 • assess by review of submitted
portfolio containing all projects and papers
KDA473 & KDU473 Design Theory 1
(BEnvDes Hons)
Is a tutorial-based adjunct to the more practically
orientated KDA/KDU472. The unit covers related areas
of theory.
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 1 –tutorial, 2 hrs weekly
(14 wks) • coreq KDA472 or KDU472 • assess
continuous assessment of seminar papers
KDA481 & KDU481 Dissertation 2
(BEnvDes Hons)
Is the second of two units (see KDA471) which allow
students to explore in depth a particular area of
environmental design through independent research.
During this second stage students are expected to
complete a dissertation of approximately 10,000 words.
• Staff (Supervisor) Determined by research topic •Ltn
& Hbt, int •25% •sem 2 –supervised individual
research • prereq KDA471 or KDU471 • assess by
review of submitted dissertation.
KDA482 & KDU482 Environmental
Design 2 (BEnvDes Hons)
Consists of studio-based project work to develop
investigative and design abilities in an approved area of
environmental design.
• Staff (Supervisor) As detailed in unit program •Ltn
& Hbt, int •18.75% •sem 2 –studio-based projects,
seminars and lectures; 6 hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KDA472 or KDU472 • coreq KDA483 or KDU483
• assess by review of submitted portfolio containing all
projects and papers.
KDA483 & KDU483 Design Theory 2
(BEnvDes Hons)
Is a tutorial-based adjunct to the more practically
orientated KDA482. The unit covers related areas of
•Ltn & Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 2 –tutorial; 2 hrs weekly
(14 wks). • prereq KDA473 or KDU473 • coreq KDA482
or KDU482 • assess tutorial presentations and written
KDA511 Design Studio 9 (BArch)
Develops students’ intellectual discipline, judgement,
organisational skills, self-awareness and criticism in
relation to architectural ideas, concepts and
philosophies, and develops further their competence to
design a good building which is responsive to its
environmental context and the physical/behavioural
needs of the user.
•Ltn, int •31% •sem 1 –lecture, studio and seminar
• prereq KDA421 • assess by review of submitted
portfolio containing all project work.
KDA512 Professional Project 1 (BArch)
Requires students to undertake an in-depth study of a
building design. The study must demonstrate their
ability in: brief development, site analysis, information
assimilation, and building program analysis.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 1 –seminar •
graphic assignments.
assess written and
KDA513 Professional Studies 3 (BArch)
Compares a variety of standard format contracts
currently in use in the building industry. In particular
the unit examines the practical aspects of administering
contractual provisions during the progress of building
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar •
written assignments.
KDA514 Professional Studies 4 (BArch)
Develops a knowledge of management theory and its
application to architectural practice and design
processes. The unit examines financial management,
human and non-human resource management.
•Ltn, int •5.7% •sem 1 –lecture and seminar •
written assignments.
KDA521 Professional Project 2 (BArch)
Is the final unit of the BArch program requiring an indepth study of a building design to demonstrate the
student’s ability in: brief development, site analysis,
information assimilation, building program analysis,
synthesis, resolution and documentation.
•Ltn, int •50% •sem 2 –seminar • prereq KDA511 &
512 • assess examination of submitted work.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
For all KDU2- AKDU4- undergraduate units, see
corresponding numbers of KDA- units
Master of Town Planning
KDU834 Theory and Practice 3 –
Suburban and Infrastructure Planning
Covers the history of suburban planning to include
classic concepts of suburban design and the forces
which have shaped suburbia. The unit includes
practical work which covers the analysis of landforms,
existing settlement forms and infrastructure, and which
formulates proposals for physical development. It
discusses contemporary issues such as urban
consolidation and sustainable development.
• Staff Assoc Prof B Shelton •Hbt, int •12.50% •sem 1
–project, lecture and seminar • assess continuous –
written and illustrated assignments.
KDU835 Contextual Studies 3 –
Ecology and Resource Management
Introduces students to the concept of environment as an
ecosystem. Problems of land degradation and
techniques of land classification are examined. Land
management plans are studied and receive critical
• Staff Mr D Mugavin •6.25% •sem 1 –lecture,
seminar, and practical • prereq Continuous –written
and illustrated assignments.
written and illustrated assignments.
KDU845 Contextual Studies 4 – Spatial
Organisation and Social Issues
Covers the roles of economics, transportation and
communication, cultural values and other factors in
determining the spatial organisation of land-use and
built form over the landscape. The unit also discusses
associated social, welfare and housing issues and the
capacity of governments to affect these.
•Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 2 –lecture, seminar and
practical • assess continuous –written and illustrated
KDU846 Planning Techniques 4 –
Survey Methods
Introduces students to a range of quantitative and
qualitative survey and reasoning techniques useful to
planners. The unit includes principles of survey design,
organisation and analysis.
•Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 2 –lecture, seminar and
practical • assess continuous –written and illustrated
KDU891 Planning Issues 1
KDU891 and 895 are seminar based units which focus
upon contemporary issues in planning. The seminars
usually amplify subjects which are introduced in other
units but which would remain otherwise undeveloped,
as well as subjects which arise out of students’ work
experience or Professional Project work.
•Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 1/2 • assess continuous –
written and illustrated assignments.
KDU836 Planning Techniques 3 –
Policy Making and Project Evaluation
KDU892 Professional Project 1 –
Project Planning
Introduces students to relevant theory, techniques and
case studies which will aid their understanding of
decision-making processes, and develop the ability to
establish procedures for evaluating and devising
planning policies. Impact assessment is also covered.
The Professional Project (KDU892, 894, 896 and 897) is a
student’s major piece of individual work and is
intended to span the theory and practice of planning,
and demonstrate professional competence. Although
the topic must meet with the School’s approval, it is
substantially the student’s choice. The first project unit
involves the preparation of a project brief. Units 2, 3
and 4 form a single project but the work is assessed
according to three major criteria, hence the three units:
these cover (i) the use of theory, (ii) the practical
proposals and (iii) presentation and communcation.
•Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 1 –lecture, seminar and
practical • assess continuous –written and illustrated
KDU844 Theory and Practice 4 –
Regional Planning
Examines the origins and development of regional
planning overseas and in Australia. The unit covers the
preparation of environmental, physical, social and
economic goals for regional development and the
design of associated physical strategies. Urban fringe
and rural issues are emphasised.
• Staff Mr D Mugavin •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –
project, lecture and seminar • assess continuous –
• Staff tba/nominated supervisor •Hbt, int •18.75%
•sem 1/2 –individual project • assess assignment
(project brief).
KDU893 Professional Practice
Addresses ethical issues and the matter of public
participation in planning. The unit also covers aspects
of management and administration, with special
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 395
reference to the preparation of project briefs and the
supervision of consultants.
•Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 1/2 –lecture and seminar
• assess continuous –written and practical
KDU894 Professional Project 2 – Theory
See KDU892 above.
• Staff tba/nominated supervisor •Hbt, int •18.75%
•sem 1/2 –individual project • assess illustrated
project report.
KDU895 Planning Issues 2
See KDU891 above
•Hbt, int •6.25% •sem 1/2 • assess continuous –
written and illustrated assignments.
KDU896 Professional Project 3 –
See KDU892 above.
• Staff tba/nominated supervisor •Hbt, int •18.75%
•sem 1/2 –individual project • assess illustrated
project report.
KDU897 Professional Project 4 –
See KDU892 above.
• Staff tba/nominated supervisor •Hbt, int •25%
•sem 1/2 –individual project • assess illustrated
project report.
Geology – Department of Geology
at Hobart
The Geological Sciences include Geology, Geophysics,
Geochemistry, Economic Geology, Environmental
Geology and Environmental Resource Science.
Geology is the study of the Earth. It includes studies of
tectonic processes leading to volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, and the generation of mineral deposits in
the Earth’s crust. By combining studies in Geology with
other science majors it is possible to broaden one’s job
horizons and to become involved in some exciting areas
of geoscience.
A combination of physics and geology leads into
geophysics, which uses the physical properties of the
crust to study structure, composition, mineral deposit
and oil and gas locations. Combining chemistry and
geology leads to geochemistry, while combining
geography and geology leads into geomorphology and
environmental geology. Economic Geology is a
combination of geology, physics and chemistry in the
study of the formation and exploration of mineral
A recently developed stream in Environmental
Resource Science is designed to produce graduates
equipped to tackle environmental issues related to the
mining, mineral processing and chemical industries.
There are six recommended streams of study in the
Geological Sciences which lead to a career as a
professional geoscientist:
Stream 1: General Geology –
for students wishing to obtain a broad education in
geology; suitable for a career in a government
geological survey, the petroleum industry, teaching
geology or academic research.
Stream 2: Economic Geology –
for students wishing to learn about the Earth’s mineral
resources and processes leading to their formation and
discovery; designed for students intending a career in
mineral exploration, mining geology, mineral
economics, resource management or research in ore
deposit genesis.
Stream 3: Environmental Geology –
for students with an interest in the environment,
resource management and the key issues of
conservation and development in geoscience.
Stream 4: Geophysics –
a combination of physics, geology and computing, for
students looking for a career in mineral geophysics,
petroleum geophysics, or geophysical research.
Stream 5: Geochemistry –
a combination of geology with chemistry, for students
looking for wider career opportunities in mineral
exploration geochemistry, isotope geochemistry or
hydrothermal geochemistry research.
Stream 6: Environmental Resource Science –
for students wanting to become environmental
scientists with expertise in tackling environmental
problems in the mining, mineral processing and
chemical industries.
Note Revisions are being made to the BSc degree course
and to many of the units taught by the Science
departments. Consequently, some of the units listed in
the following schedules may not be described in the
Unit details section of the handbook. Students are
advised to seek advice and confirmation from the
appropriate departments.
Stream 1: General Geology
Year 1
KEA100 Geology 1
Plus a choice of 3 other Group 1 core units (75%) from
Geography & Environmental Studies, Botany, Zoology,
Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science (may include one
Group A1 subject).
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Year 2
KEA200 Geology 2
Plus 66.67% from other Group 2 units (can include
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics and Computer
applications, and/or KEA266 Fossils and Environments
through time).
Year 3
KEA300 Geology 3
Plus 50% from other Group 3 units (either a second major
or other KEA3.. units).
Year 4 BSc(Honours)
KEA410 Geology Honours
(includes a fieldbased research thesis and selected coursework)
Stream 2: Economic Geology
Year 1
KEA100 Geology 1
plus a choice of 3 other Group 1 core units (75%) from
Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Geography
& Environmental Studies.
Year 2
KEA200 Geology 2
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics and Computer
KEA266 Fossils and Environments through time
Plus 33.33% from other Group 2 units
Year 3
KEA300 Geology 3
KEA336 Ore Deposit Geology
KEA346 Ore Deposit Geochemistry
Plus a choice of 2 of the following units (25%):
KEA332 Computers in Geoscience;
KEA342 Exploration Geophysics;
KEA338 Sedimentary Environments;
KEA348 Environmental Geology.
Year 4 BSc(Honours)
KEA410 Geology Honours
(includes a fieldbased research thesis on an economic
geology-based project, plus selected coursework)
Stream 3: Environmental Geology
Year 1
KEA100 Geology 1
KGA100 Geography and Environmental Studies 1
plus a choice of 2 other Group 1 core units (50%) generally
from Life Sciences.
Year 2
KEA266 Fossils and Environments through time OR
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics and Computer
Plus one other Group 2 unit (16.67%)
Year 3
KEA300 Geology 3
KEA338 Sedimentary Environments
KEA348 Environmental Geology
Plus a choice of 2 of the following units (25%):
KEA336 Ore Deposit Geology;
KEA346 Ore Deposit Geochemistry;
KEA332 Computers in Geoscience;
KEA342 Exploration Geophysics.
Year 4 BSc(Honours)
KEA410 Geology Honours
(includes a fieldbased research thesis on an environmental
geology-based project, plus selected coursework).
Stream 4: Geophysics
Year 1
KEA100 Geology 1
KYA100 Physics 1
plus a choice of 2 other Group 1 core units (50%) preferably
including Maths (KMA1xa Calculus and Linear Algebra)
and Computer Science (KCA1xa Computer Science 1c).
N.B. unit codes of Maths and Computer Science units to be
Year 2
KEA200 Geology 2
KYA200 Physics 2
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics and Computer
Plus one other Group 2 unit (16.67%)
Year 3
KEA300 Geology 3
KEA332 Computers in Geoscience;
KEA342 Exploration Geophysics.
Plus a choice of 2 of the following units (25%):
KEA338 Sedimentary Environments
KEA348 Environmental Geology
KEA336 Ore Deposit Geology;
KEA346 Ore Deposit Geochemistry;
Year 4 BSc(Honours)
KEA420 Geophysics Honours
(includes a fieldbased research thesis on a geophysics-based
project, plus selected coursework).
KEA200 Geology 2
KGA200 Geography & Environmental Studies 2
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 397
Stream 5: Geochemistry
Year 1
KEA100 Geology 1
KRA100 Chemistry 1
plus a choice of 2 other Group 1 core units (50%) preferably
including Physics, Maths or Computer Science.
Year 2
KEA200 Geology 2
KRA200 Chemistry 2
KRA203 Analytical & Environmental Chemistry
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics and Computer
Year 3
KEA300 Geology 3
KEA346 Ore Deposit Geochemistry
KEA336 Ore Deposit Geology
Plus a choice of 2 of the following units (25%):
KEA348 Environmental Geology;
KEA338 Sedimentary Environments;
KEA332 Computers in Geoscience;
KEA342 Exploration Geophysics.
Year 4 BSc(Honours)
KEA440 Geochemistry Honours
(includes a fieldbased research thesis on a geochemistrybased project, plus selected coursework).
Stream 6: Environmental Resource
Year 1
KEA100 Geology 1
KGA100 Geography & Environmental Studies 1
KPA151 Botany 1
KRA130 Chemistry 1A or 1B
KPZ101 Biological Principles
Year 2
KEA200 Geology 2
KGA200 Geography & Environmental Studies 2
KRA203 Analytical & Environmental Chemistry
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics and Computer
Year 3
KEA366 Geology for Environmental Scientists
KEA348 Environmental Geology
KEA338 Sedimentary Environments
KGA381 Environmental Impact Assessment &
Decision Making
Plus a choice of 3 other relevent units (KEA3.. or KGA3..)
to make up another 25%
Year 4 BSc(Honours)
KEA410 Geology Honours
(includes a fieldbased research thesis on an environmental/
geochemistry-based project, plus selected coursework).
KEA100 Geology 1
Provides both a broad understanding of geology for
students wishing to study the subject as part of a
general science or arts degree, and a thorough
grounding for students who wish to specialise in the
geological sciences. Please check the recommended
specimen courses above for the best combinations of
subjects in the Geological sciences. Lectures in Geology
1 cover the history of the Earth, physical geology,
petrology, applied geology, principles of stratigraphy,
and outline the regional and structural geology of the
world, the geology of Tasmania and the history of life.
Laboratory work is divided into short courses covering
elementary crystallography, lithology, physical
mineralogy, micropetrology, geological mapping and
palaeontology. Field work includes excursions to places
of geological interest, mostly in or near Hobart.
Students are required to attend at least five days of field
work, and to submit appropriate field tests and reports.
• Staff Dr J McClenaghan (Coordinator); Prof RR Large,
Dr CF Burrett, Dr JB Gemmell, Dr G Davidson, Dr D
Leaman, MJ Roach •Hbt, int •25% •full year –2x1-hr
lectures, 1x3-hr lab period weekly (26 wks), 5 days of
excursions throughout the year • m/excl SGL100
• assess 2 practical exams, 1 in June (10%) and 1 in Nov
(12.5%); field tests and excursion reports (19%);
practical projects in sem 2 (8.5%); and 2x2-hr theory
exams, 1 in June (20%) and 1 in Nov (30%)
• req Monroe JS & Wicander R, The Changing Earth
Exploring Geology and Evolution, West Publ, Thomas
Nelson Australia, 1994
MacKenzie WS and Adams AE, A Colour Atlas of Rocks
and Minerals in Thin Section, Manson Publ, 1994
*Geology 1 Laboratory Manual
*Geology 1 Excursion Manual
*available from Birchalls Univ Bookshop
• rdg [a] Clarke IF and Cook BJ (eds), Perspectives of the
Earth, Aust Acad Science, Canberra, 1983
[a] Duff D, Holmes’ Principles of Physical Geology,
Chapman & Hall, 1993
Cox KG, Price NB & Harte B, An Introduction to the
Practical Study of Crystals, Minerals and Rocks, (rev
edn) McGraw-Hill, 1988
Cowen R, History of Life, 2nd edn, Blackwell Scientific
Publ, 1995
[a] Skinner BJ and Porter SC, The Dynamic Earth, John
Wiley & Sons, 1992
[a] Skinner BJ and Porter SC, The Blue Planet, John Wiley
& Sons, 1992
Whitten DG and Brooks JR, Dictionary of Geology,
Penguin Books, 1972
[a] These texts may be used as an alternative to The
Changing Earth Exploring Geology and Evolution.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KEA200 Geology 2
Enables students to recognise and interpret earth
materials and their history. Students are encouraged to
organise knowledge into systematic groups, and to
produce a synthesis of knowledge to provide and test
explanations of observed or observable phenomena.
Studies concentrate on the Earth’s surface, and on the
interaction between the lithosphere, the hydrosphere,
the atmosphere and the biosphere. Lectures cover the
history of the Earth and life –palaeontology and
stratigraphy –some aspects of mineralogy, the
classification and origin of sedimentary rocks,
structural geology, some aspects of mineral deposits
and global geophysics. Laboratory work includes
palaeontology, mineralogy, sedimentology, geological
mapping and remote sensing including air photo
interpretation. Field work enables students to recognise
and interpret rocks and structures in the field and gives
them experience in field mapping techniques.
• N.B. to fulfil the requirements of the unit and to continue
into the 3rd year, students must attend the following
excursions and submit a satisfactory body of work: a 7-day
excursion during February, in the week immediately
prior to commencement of sem 1 (students contribute
towards costs of travel, accommodation and meals); 4 days of
mapping exercises in sem 2.
• Staff Dr CF Burrett (Coordinator); Dr RF Berry, Dr AJ
Crawford, Dr GJ Davidson, Dr P McGoldrick, Dr J
McPhie, Dr MJ Roach •Hbt, int •33.33% •full year –
3x1-hr lectures and 2x2-hrs lab work weekly
throughout the year, plus 11 days of field work • prereq
KEA100 • assess practical exams and assessments
(25%), 2 excursion reports (20% and 5%), 2x3hr theory
exams, June and Nov (25% ea)
• req Battey MH, Mineralogy for Students, 2nd edn,
Longman Scientific & Technical, 1981
Evans AM, Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals,
Blackwell, 1993
Park RG, Foundation of Structural Geology, 2nd edn,
Blackie, 1989
Rao CP, Modern Carbonates: Tropical, Temperate, Polar,
Printing Authority of Tasmania, 1996.
KEA222 Introduction to Geophysics &
Computer Applications
Introduces geophysical methods and use of computers
in geological applications. The unit includes an outline
of how the methods work, how they are used and how
the data are corrected, processed and interpreted to
resolve geological/exploration problems.
• Staff Dr MJ Roach, Dr DE Leaman •Hbt, int •16.67%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 3x2hr practical sessions
weekly (14 wks), 1 day field work • prereq Physics/
Maths Year 11/12 SC786/MT730, KEA100 • m/excl
KEA250; KEA221 • assess practical assignments
throughout sem 1 (30%), excursion report (10%); theory
exam in June (60%)
• req Leaman DE, Seismic Refraction Interpretation: An
Exercise, Geophysics Special Report No 1, rev edn, Tas
Dept Mines, 1982
Leaman D, An Introduction to some Geophysical Methods,
available from CODES SRC.
KEA231 Geology for Mining Engineers
Is for Bachelor of Engineering students who intend to
transfer, in their third year, to the Mining Engineering
course at the University of New South Wales. The unit
introduces them to the nature and properties of
geological materials, and to the physical and chemical
processes affecting the Earth’s surface. Students
develop a basic understanding of tectonics and
geophysics, and become familiar with minerals and
rocks both in the laboratory (where they learn
microscopic techniques) and in the field.
• N.B. restricted to Bachelor of Engineering students who
wish to transfer in their 3rd-year to the Mining Engineering
course at the University of New South Wales
• Staff Dr JC van Moort (Coordinator) and guest
lecturers •Hbt, int •15.1% •full year –students attend
lectures, practicals and excursions selected from
KEA100 and KEA432 –38x1-hr lectures; 57 hrs practical
work in 3-hr blocks, and 3x1-day field excursions
• assess field work and excursion reports (10%),
practical exams in June and Nov (40%), theory exams in
June and Nov (50%)
• req Press F and Siever R, Earth, WH Freeman
Blythe FGH and de Freitas MM, Geology for Engineers,
Edward Arnold, 1984.
KEA266 Fossils and Environments
Through Time
Surveys the history of life on earth covering geological
aspects of the origin of life, the development of
stromatolites, the explosion of fossils 540 million years
ago, controls on faunal diversity, major extinction
events and the fossil record of vertebrate evolution.
Major environmental changes through time such as
climate, continental position and sea level changes and
their effect on diversity and biogeography will be
• Staff Dr CF Burrett •Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –3x1hr lectures and 5 hrs practicals weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KEA100 • assess assignments and practical assessment
throughout sem 2 (40%), theory exam in Nov (60%)
• rdg suggested reading will be provided in first
KEA300 Geology 3
Comprises a series of lectures covering mineralogy,
optical mineralogy, ore deposits, metamorphic
petrology, igneous petrology, volcanology, geophysical
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 399
mapping, and fuels. This core unit is designed to bring
students’ knowledge of the earth sciences up to the
graduate level, adequate for school teaching and for
continuation of studies into 4th year (Honours), which
is now recognised as the minimum professional level of
training. The course also involves a total of 14 days of
field excursions.
• N.B. To fulfil the requirements of this unit, and to
continue into the Honours year, students must attend the
following excursions and submit a satisfactory body of work:
a 7-day excursion during February, immediately prior to
commencement of sem 1 (travel and accommodation is
arranged by the department, but students must contribute
towards costs of travel, accommodation and meals); 3
exercises in field mapping (a total of 7 days) during sem 2
• Staff Dr RF Berry (Coordinator) Prof RR Large, Dr D
Cooke, Dr AJ Crawford, Dr JB Gemmell, Dr J
McClenaghan, Dr J McPhie, Dr MJ Roach •Hbt, int
•50% •full year –90x1-hr lectures and 156 hrs of
practical work in 3-hr sessions; plus 14 days of field
work • prereq KEA200 • m/excl SGL300; KEA350;
KEA360; KEA366 • assess excursion report and
assignments (25%), practical exams (25%); theory exams
(1 in June and 1 in Nov, each usually of 3 hrs duration)
• req Battey MH, Mineralogy for students, Longman
Scientific & Technical, 1981
Deer WA, Howie RA and Zussman, An Introduction to
the Rock-Forming Minerals, 2nd edn, Longman
Scientific & Technical, 1992
Evans AM, Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals,
Blackwell, 1993.
KEA332 Computers in Geoscience
Involves a series of lectures, practical work and
geophysical survey work which focuses on the
application of computer technology to geology and
geophysics. The unit will include seismic reflection data
processing, airborne geophysical data processing and
display and modelling and inversion of a variety of
geological and geophysical problems. This unit is
particularly recommended for those students planning
a career in petroleum geology or exploration
• Staff Dr MJ Roach •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –1-hr
lecture, 2x3-hr practical sessions weekly (14 wks), 2
days field work. • prereq KEA200, KEA250 • assess
assignments and practical assessments (50%); theory
exam in June (50%)
• rdg a list of recommended reading will be available at
the first lecture.
KEA336 Ore Deposit Geology
Is designed for students intending a career in mineral
exploration, mining geology, minerals research,
exploration geophysics or exploration geochemistry.
The unit will cover the topics of ore deposit genesis,
exploration models and hydrothermal alteration.
Practical sessions involve ore microscopy and a series of
ore deposit/mineral exploration exercises.
• Staff Prof RR Large, Dr JB Gemmell, Dr GJ Davidson,
Dr P McGoldrick •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –1-hr
lecture, 6 hrs practicals weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KEA200 • coreq KEA300 • m/excl SGL326; KEA326
• assess assignments and practical assessments
throughout the sem (40%), theory exam in June (60%)
• req a reading list will be distributed at the first
KEA338 Sedimentary Environments
Deals with clastic and carbonate sedimentary
environments, diagenesis, sedimentary geochemistry
and resources in sediments. Tentative lectures and
practicals are: 1. Clastic sedimentary environments and
diagenesis; 2. Carbonate sedimentary environments
and diagenesis; 3. Carbonate sedimentary
environments and diagenesis; 4. Carbonate
sedimentary geochemistry; 5. Resources in sediments.
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures,
3-hr practical session weekly (13 wks), 1 day field work.
• prereq KEA200 • m/excl SGL318; KEA318 • assess
practical assessments throughout sem 1 (45%),
excursion report (5%), theory exam in June (50%)
• req Walker RG (ed) and James NP, Facies Models,
Geological Association of Canada, 409pp., 1992
Rao CP, Modern Carbonates: Tropical, Temperate, Polar,
Printing Authority of Tasmania, 1996.
KEA342 Exploration Geophysics
Involves a series of lectures, practical work and
geophysical survey work, which includes the
interpretation of results and the preparation of a report.
The survey work covers seismic, gravity, magnetic, and
resistivity methods of geophysical exploration.
Recommended for students planning a career in
mineral exploration, mine geology or geophysics.
• Staff Dr MJ Roach •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr
lectures, 3-hr practical sessions weekly (14 wks), 5 days
field work • prereq KEA200, KEA221 • coreq KEA300
• m/excl SGL324; KEA324 • assess excursion report
(30%), practical assessment throughout sem 2 (30%);
theory exam in Nov (40%)
• rdg a list of recommended reading will be available at
the first lecture.
KEA346 Ore Deposit Geochemistry
Covers geochemical techniques used in the exploration
for ore deposits, and studies of hydrothermal ore
genesis. Topics to be covered include soil and stream
sediment geochemistry, gossans, stable isotopes, fluid
inclusions and aqueous geochemistry.
• Staff Prof RR Large, Dr D Cooke, Dr JB Gemmell
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures, 2x2-hr
practicals weekly (13 wks), 3 days field work • prereq
KEA366 • coreq KEA300 • m/excl SGL326; KEA326;
KEA333 • assess assignments and practical assessments
throughout sem 2 (40%), theory exam in Nov (60%)
• req a list of references will be distributed at the first
KEA348 Environmental Geology
Covers 4 main components, including: geological
hazards; sediment quality assessment; hydrogeology;
and environmental geochemistry. The unit also
includes up to 4 days of field work.
• N.B. involves at least 1, and possibly up to 4 days of
excursions. Students are expected to contribute toward
excursion accommodation costs
• Staff Dr D Cooke, Dr DE Leaman, Dr GJ Davidson
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures, 2x2-hr
practicals weekly (13 wks), 4 days field work • prereq
KEA200 • m/excl SGL328; KEA328 • assess
assignments and practical assessments throughout sem
2 (40%); theory exam in Nov (60%)
• req a list of references will be distributed at the first
KEA355 Geology for Geophysicists
Is a subset of KEA300. Students attend lectures and
practicals selected from KEA300, normally including:
mineralogy, ore deposits, fuels, igneous petrology and
metamorphic petrology.
• Staff as for KEA300 •Hbt, int •25% •full year –as
for KEA300 –selected lectures and practicals, as
advised, and 5 days excursion in July • prereq KEA200,
KPA200 • m/excl SGL300; KEA300; SGL350; KEA350;
KEA366 • assess as for KEA300
• req as for KEA300
KEA366 Geology for Environmental
Is a subset of KEA300. Students attend lectures and
practicals selected from KEA300, normally including:
mineralogy, petrology, ore deposits, geochemistry and
be advised at the commencement of the Honours
• Staff Dr D Cooke (Coordinator) and various
departmental staff •Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 1 –18x1-hr
lectures and 8x3-hr practical sessions, timetabled by
mutual arrangement • coreq KEA410 or equiv
KEA408 Advanced Historical Geology
Is a detailed study of recent developments in
palaeontology and/or sedimentology and/or
stratigraphy; and includes a critical consideration of the
underlying assumptions and principles of one or more
of these fields.
• N.B. offered subject to sufficient enrolments
• Staff Dr CF Burrett, Dr CP Rao •Hbt, int •5.55%
•sem 1 –1 lecture weekly • prereq KEA300 • assess
KEA410/411 Geology 4 (Honours) Full
time/Part time
The Honours course in Geology at the University of
Tasmania runs over a period of 40 weeks. Coursework
components vary depending on the individual, and
may include units taken within or outside the
•Hbt, int •100%/50% •full year • prereq BSc with
KEA300 or equiv. geology major • assess (a) research
project presented as a thesis (60%), (b) reading essay
(25%), (c) 6 points of coursework (10%), (d) 2 seminars
to present results of reading essay and research thesis
(5%), and (e) participation in departmental seminars.
Satisfactory performance is required in all areas.
KEA420/421 Geophysics 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Have the same broad objectives as KEA410/411.
•Hbt,int •100%/50% •full year • prereq BSc with
KEA311, KEA324 and KEA350, or an equiv. geophysics
major • assess see KEA410/411
KEA432 Geology for Engineers
KEA407 Advanced Techniques in
Is for Engineering students only, acquainting them with
the nature and properties of geological materials, the
physical, chemical and biological processes affecting the
Earth’s surface, and the significance of geology in
engineering, including: earthquake engineering,
applied geophysics, geology applied to engineering,
case histories and the engineering geology of the
Hobart area. The 1-day field excursion is normally held
on a weekend, is compulsory, and must be completed
in order to pass the course.
Comprises a series of lectures and practical sessions
covering a variety of geological, geochemical and
geophysical topics. Specific material to be covered will
• Staff Dr JC van Moort (Coordinator); DE Leaman
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 1 –21 lectures, 7 lab, 1-day
(weekend) field excursion • assess practical assessment
• Staff as for KEA300 •Hbt, int •25% •full year –as
for KEA300 –selected lectures and practicals, as
advised, and 5 days excursion in July • prereq KEA100
and KRA200 • m/excl SGL300; KEA300; KEA360;
KEA366; KEA350 • assess as for KEA300
• req as for KEA300
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 401
(25%), excursion report (15%), theory exam in June
• req Schultz JR and Cleaves AB, Geology in Engineering,
KEA440/411 Geochemistry 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Have the same broad objectives as KEA410/411.
•Hbt,int •100%/50% •full year • assess see KEA410/
KEA510/511 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Geology)
KEA520/521 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Geophysics)
KEA540 Graduate Diploma of Science
with Honours (Geochemistry)
Have the same broad objectives as KEA410/411.
• assess see KEA410/411
KEA841 Ore Deposit Studies and
Exploration Models
Describes all the major classes of ore deposits; Volcanichosted massive sulphides, Sediment-hosted Pb-Zn-Cu,
Carbonate hosted Pb-Zn, Broken Hill type, Proterozoic
Cu-Au, Tin-Tungsten, Porphyry Cu-Au, Mesothermal
Au, Epithermal Au-Ag, Archean Au, Nickel and PGE
deposits. Important features of the deposits which
relate to their genesis and exploration are discussed,
and exploration models are presented for each style.
Unit leaders are Australian and internationallyrecognised experts on each deposit type.
• Staff Prof RR Large, Dr JB Gemmell, Dr G Davidson,
Dr P McGoldrick, Dr D Cooke, Dr P Kitto and a
selection of industry research geologists and academic
specialists from the other Universities and Key Centres
•Hbt, int •16.67% • 11 days of lectures and practicals
presented in a short unit format over a 2-week period
• assess practical exercises, seminar, and 2 major
KEA842 Tectonic and Structural
Controls on Ore Deposits
Includes lecture and practical sessions which examine
the broad tectonic setting and magmatism associated
with the various types of ore deposits. Information
about modern tectonic processes is applied to the
interpretation of ancient terrains and incorporated into
exploration models. The unit also covers more detailed
aspects of structural and fluid processes related to
mineralisation. Time is spent in the field on the west
coast of Tasmania studying the style of structure in
volcanogenic terrains, and in northern Tasmania
investigating multiply deformed rocks. The emphasis is
on the close interaction between folding and faulting in
these terrains and on methods for interpreting fault
• Staff Dr RF Berry, Dr G Davidson, Dr P McGoldrick,
Dr J Stolz, with other invited specialists in the field
•Hbt, int •16.67% • 3 days of lectures presented in a
short unit format with 8 days of field work in the west
and north of Tasmania • assess practical sessions and 2
major assignments.
KEA843 Volcanology and
Mineralisation in Volcanic Terrains
Covers current approaches to mapping, facies analysis
and mineralisation in ancient and modern volcanic
sequences. The unit introduces the processes and
products of different eruption styles, contrasts in scale
and structure of volcanoes, identification of key
volcanic facies associations, and interpretation of facies
variations. In addition, the unit covers mineralisation
and alteration processes related to hydrothermal
systems in subaerial and submarine volcanic terrains,
and implications for mineral exploration.
• N.B. is field-based, the venues being the North Island of
New Zealand for the first part (8 days), and western
Tasmania for the second part (5 days)
•Dr J McPhie, Dr JB Gemmell, and invited specialists
•16.67% • field-based excursion unit run over a 2week period • assess field exercises and 2 major
KEA844 Exploration Geophysics,
Remote Sensing and Image Processing
Covers the principles of geophysical exploration and
recent advances, especially in magnetics, gravity and
electrical techniques applied to the search for different
types of ore deposits. The integration of regional
geophysical surveys with remote sensing and image
processing to improve geological interpretation is
covered in detail. The application of GIS systems to
mineral exploration is evaluated. Hands-on practical
experience is obtained with image processing,
geophysical interpretation and GIS systems.
• Staff Dr DE Leaman, Dr RJG Lewis, Dr M Roach and
invited industry specialists •16.67% • 11 days of
lectures and practicals presented in a short unit format
over a 2-week period • assess practical exercises and 2
major assignments.
KEA845 Exploration Geochemistry and
Hydrothermal Geochemistry
Week 1: covers recent developments in exploration
geochemistry, with particular emphasis on the
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
importance of the regolith, and the range of exploration
techniques that are applied in arid, humid and
temperate environments of Australia. Week 2:
introduces the chemistry of hydrothermal systems,
including a review of the importance of metal
solubilities and ore fluid chemistry in controlling types
and locations of ore deposits. Applications of fluid
inclusions and stable and radiogenic isotopes to ore
genesis research. Exploration models are also covered.
• Staff Prof RR Large, Dr D Cooke, Dr G Davidson, Dr
JB Gemmell, Dr Khin Zaw, Dr P Kitto, and exploration
geochemistry specialists from the CSIRO and industry
•16.67% • 11 days of lectures and practicals presented
in a short unit format over a 2-week period • assess
practical exercises and 2 major assignments.
KEA846 Economic, Management and
Environmental Aspects of Exploration
and Mining
Includes an introduction to mineral economics,
prospect evaluation, economic feasibility studies and
requirements and preparation of environmental impact
assessments, as well as a session on ore reserve and ore
resource estimations. Exploration philosophy,
exploration management styles and the management
factors contributing to exploration success are
discussed and debated in a forum in which all students
• Staff Professor RR Large and invited industry and
government specialists in the area of exploration
management and environmental aspects •16.67% • 10
days of lectures and practicals presented in a short unit
format over a 2-week period, plus a 2-day
environmental excursion to mine sites on the West
Coast of Tasmania • assess practical sessions, seminar
and a major assignment.
Geography & Environmental
Studies – Department of Geography
& Environmental Studies at Hobart
Geography and Environmental Studies are synthesising
disciplines defined not so much by their subject matter
as by the perspectives they adopt. Units are diverse,
with some concentrating on the study of phenomena in
the physical environment such as landforms, climate
and vegetation and others focusing on the spatial
behaviour of individuals and organisations. Most units
consider the interaction of human beings with the
physical environment and include specific
consideration of the planning implications of research,
in contexts that range from estimating the desirable
characteristics of nature reserves to policies for housing
and land-use in the inner city.
Geography and Environmental Studies gain their
integrity as disciplines from their concern for the
interactions between people and environment and
associated problem solving and planning implications.
Geography is further unified in its concern for spatial
patterns and processes.
The management of wilderness and natural areas is a
newly-evolving core theme which is being developed
within many disciplines at the University. The
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
manages the special BSc 4-year degree in Natural
Environment and Wilderness Management (see page
89) and coordinates the interdisciplinary major within
the BA degree which provides a humanities/social
science approach to natural environments and
wilderness issues. Students may enter these programs
either directly in first year or transfer into them if
suitable subjects have been taken. Exit from these
courses into the broader Geography and Environmental
Studies major is also feasible at the end of first or
second year.
The wide scope of Geography & Environmental Studies
means that it can be combined usefully with units from
a range of departments. Combinations will vary with
the interests and intentions of the student. However,
common combinations at first year level, for students
primarily interested in the life and earth sciences,
include units in zoology, plant science and geology. For
students interested in urban and regional planning,
units in administration, political science and sociology
are appropriate. Other possible combinations are
numerous. For example, students aiming to specialise
in climatology or remote sensing are encouraged to
develop a background in computer science,
mathematics and physics.
First year units, which have no prerequisites, provide
training in the basic elements of Geography &
Environmental Studies. Science students must enrol in
KGA100, while other students have the choice of
KGA100 or KGA101.
Students enrolling in second and third year Geography
and Environmental Studies must follow the rules laid
down by their respective faculties. The general
principle adopted by the Department is to try to
maximise the options available to the student.
However, the number of units taken and constraints on
the units selected are determined by the faculty. Year
and unit details should be noted carefully before
Six units have alternative prerequisites and are
routinely available to students who have not previously
studied the subject. Students with first year Economics
may take KGA208/308, students with KPA200 may
take KGA331, students with KZA200 may take
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 403
KGA332, students with KEA200 may take KGA327, and
students with approved second year units may take
KGA365 and KGA381. Other units which support a
major in another discipline may also be made available
on a special case basis subject to approval by faculty.
The Honours program is divided into three theme
areas: geography; environmental studies; and spatial
information science. Students follow an individually
arranged program of advanced coursework and
prepare a major research thesis. The Honours year is
seen as the conventional entry point into professional
employment within the various subdisciplines as well
as leading logically to postgraduate studies.
KGA100 Geography and Environmental
Studies 1
Introduces various approaches to the study of
environmental processes and human relations with
nature, including key spatial, developmental, and
cultural dimensions of human adaptation of the Earth
as habitat. The unit comprises four major components:
(a) Society, Space and Development (semester 1) –
which covers the basic concepts of human geography,
while exploring the theme of development; (b)
Ecosystem Processes (semesters 1 and 2) –which
covers atmospheric, geomorphic, and biotic processes
and considers their modification by people, especially
in Australasia; (c) Environment and Society (semester
2) –which explores the ways in which different cultures
interact with natural environment, the conceptual bases
that influence these interactions and the political
framework in which such interactions occur; and (d)
Practical and Field Studies (semesters 1 and 2) –which
provides training in the basic field and laboratory
techniques used in physical geography.
• Staff (Society, Space and Development) Dr LJ Wood;
(Ecosystem Processes) tba; (Environment and Society)
Dr E Stratford, Dr J Russell; (Practical and Field Studies)
Dr R Kellaway, Ms L Mendel •Hbt, int •25% •full
year –3x1-hr lectures, 2 or 3-hr practical period weekly,
a tutorial every 2 wks, and 2 days of excursion
(students are responsible for modest accommodation
costs) • m/excl KGA101 • assess 2-hr exam in June, 2x2hr exams in Nov (20% ea), 2x1,500-word essays (15%),
practical work including a project (25%)
• req de Souza AR, World Economy: Resources, Location,
Trade and Development, Merrill Publishing, Columbus,
Goudie A, The Nature of the Environment, 3rd edn,
Blackwell, Oxford, 1993.
KGA101 Geography and Environmental
Studies 1A
Has the same broad objectives as KGA100, covering
components (a), (b) and (c). While this unit leads to a
full major in Geography and Environmental Studies,
students intending to use their studies for any
professional purpose are advised to enrol in KGA100.
• N.B. not available to BSc students
• Staff (Society, Space and Development) Dr LJ Wood;
(Ecosystem Processes) tba; (Environment and Society)
Dr E Stratford, Dr J Russell •Hbt, int •25% •full year
–3x1-hr lectures, 1 tutorial weekly, and 2 days of
excursion (students are responsible for modest
accommodation costs) • m/excl KGA100 • assess 2-hr
exam in June, 2x2-hr exams in Nov (20% ea). 4x1,500word essays (30%), tutorial exercises (10%)
• req de Souza AR, World Economy: Resources, Location,
Trade and Development, Merrill Publishing, Columbus,
Goudie A, The Nature of the Environment, 3rd edn,
Blackwell, Oxford, 1993.
KGA190 Soil Conservation (Landcare
for Teachers)
Provides teachers with the skills and confidence to
teach soil conservation and landcare. The unit is
accessible to all teachers, including those with no prior
scientific or agricultural background, and enables them
to understand the problems surrounding soil
conservation and landcare so that they can make the
topic relevant and interesting to their pupils.
• N.B. restricted to students enrolled in EBA478
• Staff Dr TC Stadler •Hbt, int •12.5% •any sem –35
hrs in total • assess 2,000 to 3,000-word essay (40%),
curriculum unit or case study (60%)
• req Campbell A, Landcare: Communities Shaping the
Land and the Future, Allen & Unwin, NSW, 1994.
Second year BA students intending to major in
Geography and Environmental Studies enrol for three,
four or five units selected from the full range of level
200 and level 200/300 units. KGA209, KGA210 and
KGA211 are available only as second year units.
Second year BSc students intending to major in
Geography and Environmental Studies normally enrol
in KGA200. This unit is a BSc group 2 core unit with a
weight of 33.3%. Students enrolled in KGA200 may also
take one, two or three additional 12.5% units selected
from among those available to Arts students using the
Arts code (KGA202 to KGA278). These will count as
BSc group 2A regardless of their content.
BSc students may take one, two or three of the 12.5%
units available to Arts students without taking
KGA200. Use the Arts codes (KGA202 to KGA278).
These will count as BSc group 2A regardless of their
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
BSc students must monitor the number of group 2A
points with care. Students in the BSc/Law degree can
only take KGA200. Students should also be aware that
taking 12.5% units at second year level creates minor
overloads or underloads within the 300% required for
the degree.
Apart from KGA200, 209, 210 and 211 (which can be
taken only as second year units) the following units are
available at either second or third level depending on
the year of enrolment.
Bachelor of Arts students intending to major in
Geography and Environmental Studies must complete
six units (75%) during second and third year.
Additional units may be studied up to a maximum of
10 (125%) for a single major. Our advice to students
considering honours is to study at least seven units over
the two years.
A Bachelor of Arts double major in Geography and
Environmental Studies involves completion of 12 units
(150%) in the discipline over the two years.
Bachelor of Science students enrolling in these units
should be aware of the faculty restrictions described
above for second year and below for third year. All
units in this section are BSc group 2A/3A.
Level 200/300 units are to be rotated. KGA223/323:
Environmental Management and KGA270/370:
Population Culture and Environment are not available
in 1998. In 1999, KGA240/340: Historical Geography
and KGA272/272: Literature and Environment will be
KGA200 Geography and Environmental
Studies 2
Is an umbrella code for the core and optional units that
meet the Group 2 requirements for the BSc degree.
Students enrol in KGA200 and the three components
units which make up the complete Group. To enrol
correctly (and to be assessed the correct HECS levy)
you must use the alternative unit codes KGA288 to
The course consists of:
KGA288 (sem 1 and 2), and one of KGA290, KGA292,
KGA295 or KGA296 in sem 1 and one of KGA289,
KGA291 or KGA294 in sem 2.
Students must include KGA289 or KGA290 as one of
their options, and may take both if they wish.
• Staff see individual unit entries •Hbt, int •33.33%
•full year –3x1-hr lectures, 2-hr practical weekly,
additional practicals and/or tutorials depending on
units selected, 3 days fieldwork (students are
responsible for accommodation costs) • prereq KGA100
• assess The result for KGA200 is the aggregated result
of the three individual units.
KGA202/302 Geography of Asia
Examines issues relevant to the understanding of the
geography of contemporary Asia. Topics such as
population pressure and policies, environmental
change and degradation, economic growth in urban
and rural areas, and the problems produced by
modernisation and development are considered using
different areas as case studies.
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA291 and weighted 0% when
taken as part of KGA200. Use code HMA202/302 (weighted
at 12.5%) when studied as part of an Asian Studies program
• Staff Dr RG Kellaway, Dr LJ Wood •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 9 tutorials • prereq
KGA100 or KGA101 (no prereq required for Asian
Studies students taking the unit as HAS202/302) • m/
excl HMA202/302 • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (60%),
2,500-word essay (40%).
KGA208/308 The Global Space
Recent developments in transportation and
communication, characterised by progressive timespace and cost-space convergence, have facilitated new
methods of production and distribution, and led to the
formation of an increasingly integrated global space
This unit analyses the consequences of this transition
for employment, trade, and the environment, and
examines the social and cultural implications for
individuals and communities in adjusting to a new era
of change.
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA292 and weighted at 0%
when taken as part of KGA200
• Staff Mr RD Cotgrove, Dr E Stratford •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 9 tutorials
• prereq KGA100 or KGA101 (one of BEA100, BEA101,
BEA102 or BEA105 for Faculty of Commerce &
Economics students only) • assess 2-hr exam in June
(60%), 2,500-word essay (40%).
KGA209 Biogeography and Climatology
Introduces: (a) concepts of climatology, with emphasis
on the energy balance and its role in influencing local,
regional and global climates; and (b) biogeography,
with emphasis on the response of plants and animals to
local and regional environments.
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA290 and weighted 0% when
taken as part of KGA200
• Staff Dr M Nuñez, Dr P McQuillan • Hbt, int • 12.5%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 9x2-hr practicals
• prereq KGA100 or KGA101 or KGA103 • assess 2-hr
exam in Nov (60%), practical work (20%), 1,500-word
essay (20%)
• req Oke TR, Boundary Layer Climates, Methuen,
London and New York, 1987.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 405
KGA210 Geomorphology
Covers the basic principles of geomorphology,
including glacial, periglacial, fluvial, karst, coastal,
aeolian and slope processes, and the development of
structural and volcanic landforms.
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA289 and weighted at 0%
when taken as part of KGA200
of historical geography by considering five general
themes: (a) the impact of prehistoric people on the
landscape, (b) cultural transfer and cultural
regionalisation in North America, (c) environmental
perception and settlement strategy, (d) the evolution of
the wheat frontier in Australia, and (e) the historical
geography of the Australian house. The second half
examines problems in the historical geography of
Tasmania during the 19th century, in rural, urban and
wilderness areas.
• Staff Mr N Chick •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr
lectures weekly, 4 tutorials and 5x2-hr practicals
• prereq KGA100 or KGA101 or KGA103 • assess 2-hr
exam in Nov (50%), practical work (20%), 1,500-word
essay (30%)
• req Ritter DF, Process Geomorphology, 2nd edn, Wm C
Brown, Dubuque Iowa, 1986, or
Summerfield MA, Global Geomorphology, Longman,
London, 1991.
• Staff Dr RG Kellaway •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –
2x1-hr lectures weekly, 6 tutorials and 2 days field/
project work • prereq KGA100 or KGA101 • assess 2-hr
exam in Nov (60%), 2,500-word research essay (40%).
KGA211 Geographical and
Environmental Skills
KGA253/353 Urban Planning: Space,
Place and Society
Covers theory and application in remote sensing,
geographic information systems, qualitative research,
and environmental monitoring; and includes a field
research project.
Focuses on how ‘the urban’ is planned, produced,
maintained and valued in the context of Australian
society. Organised around insights from cultural and
social theory, the unit examines how the urban is
represented through ideology, capital, the state and the
law, community, industry, and environmental
concerns. The unit also considers the roles of place and
placelessness, identity, memory and other subjective
matters in urban planning and urban geography.
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA288 and weighted 0% when
taken as the compulsory core of KGA200. KGA211 is NOT
available to BSc students as an Arts unit
• Staff Dr M Nuñez, Dr LJ Wood, Mr N Chick, Dr E
Stratford •Hbt, int •12.5% •full year –1-hr lecture, 2hr practical weekly, 3 day excursion (students will be
responsible for accommodation costs) • prereq KGA100
or KGA101 (students with KGA101 should seek advice
prior to enrolment in this subject) • assess 2-hr exam in
Nov (40%), practical reports (40%), 1,500-word
excursion report (20%).
KGA223/323 Environmental Management
Introduces students to the principles of efficient
management of the environment by examining the
relationships between the economy and the
environment, the concepts and techniques of valuing
environmental services, the use of market based and
regulatory instruments to control pollution and other
environmental externalities, and policies for the
optimum management of renewable and nonrenewable resources. These and other issues, as well as
practical case studies, are examined using the approach
of environmental economics.
• N.B. not available in 1998. This unit is coded KGA293
and weighted 0% when taken as part of KGA200
KGA240/340 Historical Geography
Examines the geography of the past and the imprint of
the past upon the present cultural landscape. The first
half of the unit provides an appreciation of the nature
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA294 and weighted 0% when
taken as part of KGA200
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA295 and weighted 0% when
taken as part of KGA200
• Staff Dr E Stratford •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1hr lectures weekly, 6 tutorials and 2 days field work or
equiv • prereq KGA100 or KGA101 • m/excl KGA352
(no longer offered) • assess 2,500-word research paper
(30%), 2x750-word tutorial papers (20%), 2-hr exam in
June (50%)
KGA270/370 Population, Culture and
Focuses on the interrelationships in space and time of
human populations, cultures and the environment.
Fossil, genetic and linguistic evidence of evolution in
human populations are critically reviewed. The
concepts of race, ethnicity and religion are examined in
the context of migration and environmental change.
Historical and present patterns of fertility, nuptiality,
morbidity, mortality, migration, age and household
structure are examined on local, national and
international scales. Techniques of practical
investigation of populations and theoretical models of
demographic change are investigated. Genealogical
demography, family reconstitution and record linkage
are examined as techniques for reconstructing historical
communities. The census, population policies and
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
projections are examined in the context of resources, the
environment, and public health. The overpopulation
debate is critically reviewed.
• N.B. not offered in 1998. This unit is coded KGA297 and
weighted 0% when taken as part of KGA200
KGA272/372 Literature and Environment
Provides a study of contemporary fiction, poetry and
non-fiction within the literary/historical framework of
Romantic concepts of Nature, the discipline of
environmental studies and the theory and practice of
Green social thought. The works studied are generically
varied and represent a variety of interactions between
people, environments and writing, including: theories
of nature, place and spatiality, tourism, wilderness,
dystopian fiction, and political fiction. The focus of the
unit is also on recent environmental and relevant
critical theory, their relations to each other, and to the
literary text studies. A particular focus of the work in
this unit is on local (Tasmanian) and national
environmental issues of their relation to global
environmental questions and to the politics of literary
representation and the environmental studies more
• N.B. Also coded as HEA265/365 and HAC209/309
• Staff Dr P Hay, Dr P Mead •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2
–2-hr lecture weekly, 7 tutorials • prereq KGA100 or
KGA101, alternative prereq apply for HEA265/365 and
HAC209/309 • m/excl HEA265/365, HAC209/309
• assess 2-hr exam in Nov (60%), 2,000-word essay
• req Chatwin B, The Songlines, Jonathan Cape,
London, 1987
Flanagan R, Death of a River Guide, McPhee Gribble,
Melbourne, 1994
Mudrooroo, Doctor Wooreddy’s Prescription for Enduring
the Ending of the World, Hyland House, Melbourne,
Silko LM, Ceremony, Viking, New York, 1977.
KGA278/378 Wilderness and Natural
Area Management: Natural and Cultural
Provides practical skills used in the planning and
management of wilderness and ecotourism. Major
themes are conservation management; changing
concepts of national parks; conservation and human
values; cultural values in natural areas; cultural
heritage management; tourism education; technical
services; ecologically sustainable tourism development;
and wilderness issues. A major component of the unit
will be the treatment of ecotourism and the
environment including its biophysical, social and
cultural impacts. The unit includes a field work
component. The unit takes on an international
perspective but special emphasis is placed on
• N.B. This unit is coded KGA296 and weighted 0% when
taken as part of KGA200
• Staff Dr L Kriwoken, Dr J Russell •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 6 tutorials and 2 days
field work (students are responsible for accommodation
costs) • prereq KGA100 or KGA101, • assess 2-hr exam
in June (60%), 2,500-word research essay (40%).
KGA288 Geography and Environmental
Has the same objectives as KGA211. This code is used
when the unit is taken as the compulsory core of
• Staff Dr M Nuñez, Dr LJ Wood, Mr N Chick, Dr E
Stratford •Hbt, int •0% •full year –1-hr lecture, 2-hr
practical weekly, 3 day excursion (students will be
responsible for accommodation costs) • prereq KGA100
or KGA101 (students with KGA101 should seek advice
prior to enrolment in this subject) • assess 2-hr exam in
Nov (40%), practical reports (40%), 1,500-word
excursion report (20%).
KGA289 Geomorphology
Has the same objectives as KGA210. This code is used
when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Mr N Chick •Hbt, int •0% •sem 2 –2x1-hr
lectures weekly, 4 tutorials and 5x2-hr practicals
• prereq KGA100 or KGA101 or KGA103 • assess 2-hr
exam in Nov (50%), practical work (20%), 1,500-word
essay (30%)
• req Ritter DF, Process Geomorphology, 2nd edn, Wm C
Brown, Dubuque Iowa, 1986, or
Summerfield MA, Global Geomorphology, Longman,
London, 1991.
KGA290 Biogeography and Climatology
Has the same objectives as KGA209. This code is used
when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Dr M Nuñez, Dr P McQuillan •Hbt, int •0%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 9x2-hr practicals
• prereq KGA100 or KGA101 or KGA103 • assess 2-hr
exam in Nov (60%), practical work (20%), 1,500-word
essay (20%)
• req Oke TR, Boundary Layer Climates, Methuen,
London and New York, 1987.
KGA291 Geography of Asia
Has the same objectives as KGA202/302. This code is
used when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Dr RG Kellaway, Dr LJ Wood •Hbt, int •0%
•sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 9 tutorials • prereq
KGA100 or KGA101 (no prerequisite required for Asian
Studies students taking the unit as HAS202/302) • m/
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 407
excl HMA202/302 • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (60%),
2,500-word essay (40%).
KGA292 The Global Space Economy
Has the same objectives as KGA208. This code is used
when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Mr RD Cotgrove, Dr E Stratford •Hbt, int •0%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 9 tutorials • prereq
KGA100 or KGA101 (one of BEA100, 101, 102 or 105 for
Faculty of Commerce & Economics students only)
• assess 2-hr exam in June (60%), 2,500-word essay
KGA294 Historical Geography
Has the same objectives as KGA240/340. This code is
used when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Dr RG Kellaway •Hbt, int •0% •sem 2 –2x1hr lectures weekly, 6 tutorials and 2 days field/project
work • prereq KGA100 or KGA101 • assess 2-hr exam
in Nov (60%), 2,500-word research essay (40%).
KGA295 Urban Planning: Space, Place
and Society
Has the same objectives as KGA253. This code is used
when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Dr E Stratford •Hbt, int •0% •sem 1 –2x1-hr
lectures weekly, 6 tutorials and 2 days field work or
equiv • prereq KGA100 or KGA101 • m/excl KGA352
(no longer offered) • assess 2,500-word research paper
(30%), 2x750-word tutorial papers (20%), 2-hr exam in
June (50%)
KGA296 Wilderness and Natural Area
Management: Natural and Cultural Values
Has the same objectives as KGA278/378. This code is
used when the unit is taken as part of KGA200.
• Staff Dr L Kriwoken, Dr J Russell •Hbt, int •0%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 6 tutorials and 2 days
field work (students are responsible for accommodation
costs) • prereq KGA100 or KGA101, alternative
prerequisites apply for HEA265/365 and HAC209/309
• assess 2-hr exam in June (60%), 2,500-word research
essay (40%).
Bachelor of Arts students may include any of these
units within their degree.
Bachelor of Science students intending to major in
Geography and Environmental Studies (G&ES) require
third year units worth 50%. The rules affecting the
choice of units are complex. In most cases, students
have two major subjects (e.g. Geology and G&ES or
Botany and G&ES). These students are free to select any
four of the 12.5% units available regardless of whether
it is a Science (BSc group 3) or Arts (BSc group 3A) unit.
However, if G&ES is to be their only major subject,
students must take at least three of their four units from
group 3 and if the balance of their third year points are
already drawn from group 3A, as in the case of
Science/Law students, all four units must be from
group 3.
All units listed below are BSc group 3.
KGA321 Climatology
Covers the physical principles governing the transfer of
radiation, heat and moisture in the atmosphere
boundary layer; monitoring the microclimate of
different environments; the surface energy balance,
evapotranspiration and the hydrological cycle; and air
pollution in the boundary layer.
• Staff Dr M Nuñez •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr
lectures weekly, 12x2-hr tutorials, 2 days project/field
work • prereq KGA200 (including KGA209) or KGA203
or 25% Geog & Env Stud Yr-2 including KGA209 • m/
excl KGA367 • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (60%), tutorial
(20%), 1,500-word project report (20%).
• req Oke TR, Boundary Layer Climates, Methven,
London and NY, 1987
Arya SP, Introduction to Microcmeteorology, 1988.
KGA327 Conservation Geomorphology
Develops an understanding of: methods used to gauge
the conservation significance of landforms; techniques
for planning geoconservation, the conservation
management needs of different types of landforms and
geomorphological processes. Trains students in the
formulation of geoconservation management plans. A
field-based laboratory programs used to familiarise
students with the management problems related to
significant local landform assemblages and to collect,
analyse and write up data in the form of a management
• N.B. may not be offered in 1998
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2? – 2x1-hr lectures
weekly, 14x3-hr practicals, 9 taken on 3 days of field
trip (weekend, students will be responsible for
accommodation costs) and 5 as data interpretation
assignments • prereq one of KGA200, KGA203, KEA200
or KGA210 • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (50%), 1,500word management plan (30%), practical/field
assessment (20%).
KGA331 Vegetation Management
Develops an understanding of factors relevant to the
conservation management of Australian natural
vegetation, and trains students in the formulation of
vegetation and species management plans. Field work
is used to familiarise students with the management
problems of local vegetation types and to collect data
relevant to the formulation of a vegetation or species
management plan.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
• Staff Prof JB Kirkpatrick •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –
2x1-hr lectures weekly, 14x3-hr practical, 9 taken on 3
days of field trips (weekend, students will be
responsible for accommodation costs) and 5 as data
interpretation assignments • prereq one of KGA200,
KGA203, KPA200 or 25% of Geog & Env Stud Yr-2
units • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (50%), a 1,500-word
field-based management plan (30%), practical/field
assessment (20%)
• req Kirkpatrick JB (ed), Tasmanian Native Bush: a
Management Handbook, Tasmanian Environment
Centre Inc, Hobart, Tasmania, 1990.
KGA332 Fauna Conservation
Develops an understanding of: threats to the
conservation of animal biodiversity and approaches to
ameliorate them; rapid biodiversity assessment; the
conservation needs of rare species and communities;
the integration of fauna management with conservation
of flora and landscape, on and off reserves. The unit
will train students in the formulation fauna assessment
and management plans, including recovery plans, and
their evaluation. The laboratory component has a large
field base and will familiarise students with approaches
to survey, documentation, analysis and management
planning using local fauna communities.
• Staff Dr P McQuillan •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –
2x1-hr lectures weekly, 14x3-hr practical, 9 taken on 3
days of field trips (weekend, students will be
responsible for accommodation costs) and 5 as data
interpretation assignments • prereq one of KGA200,
KGA203, KZA200 or 25% of Geog & Env Stud Yr-2
units • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (50%), a 1,500-word
field-based management plan (30%), practical/field
assessment (20%)
KGA346 Spatial Data Analysis
Provides practical skills in the acquisition, analysis,
interpretation and display of geographic data. The
acquisition and entry of data from fieldwork, maps,
remote sensing platforms, censuses and surveys is
considered. Discussion covers the formulation of data
models, scale, resolution, accuracy, spatial layers and
relationships. Environmental and socioeconomic
examples are used to examine classic problems of
spatial investigation involving site selection, spatial
partitioning, suitability analysis and spatial modelling.
All practicals are computer based.
• Staff Dr LJ Wood •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr
lectures weekly, 14x3-hr practicals • prereq KGA200 or
25% of Geog & Env Stud Yr-2 including KGA211 • m/
excl ASA313, ASA373 • assess 2-hr exam in June (60%),
practicals (20%), 2,000-word project report (20%).
KGA365 Environmental Remote Sensing
Looks at: (a) the nature of radiation in the atmosphere
and radiative properties of earth surfaces; and (b) aerial
photography and imagery systems including their
interpretation and digital processing. The unit includes
a project involving application of techniques to topics in
the field of resource inventory, land use mapping or
environmental monitoring.
• Staff Dr M Nuñez and Dr KJ Michael •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 6x3-hr lab
classes and 6x2-hr tutorials and 2 days field work
• prereq KGA200 or KGA203 or 25% of Geog & Env
Stud Yr-2 (with KGA211) or approved Yr-2 Surveying,
Engineering and/or Science units • assess practical and
tutorial assignments (20%), 2,000-word project report
(20%), 2-hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Lillesand TM and Kiefer RWF, Remote Sensing and
Image Interpretation, Wiley, New York, 1987.
KGA381 Environmental Impact
Assessment and Decision Making
Provides an introduction to legal, administrative, social
and scientific aspects of environmental impact
assessment, environmental auditing and related
environmental management tools. The unit emphasises
the practical aspects of impact assessment (Tasmanian,
Australian and international). The unit is intended for
students who are interested in or plan to work in
environmental management or a related field.
• Staff Assoc Prof JJ Todd, Dr LK Kriwoken •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 1 tutorial weekly,
8x3-hr practicals • prereq KGA200 or 25% of Geog &
Envir Stud Yr-2 or KGA203 or Yr-2 subjects approved
by HoD • assess 2-hr exam in June (50%), practical
assessment (30%), 1,500-word essay (20%).
KGA400/401 Geography and
Environmental Studies (BSc Honours)
Full time/Part time
KGA402/403 Geography and
Environmental Studies 4 (BA Honours)
Full time/Part time
Involve: a) the writing of an original thesis of up to
15,000 words on an approved subject in one of the
major sub-disciplines of environmental studies,
geography or spatial information science; b) a general
research methodology course involving attendance at
lectures and seminars the writing of a review of
methods in a defined area broader than the thesis of up
to 5,000 words, and further written work relating to
professional experience in the field of study; c) a
reading or other course designed to ensure the
development of a full breadth of expertise in the
selected sub-discipline; d) presentation of a research
• N.B. all potential honours students should ensure that an
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 409
academic staff member is available for their supervision before
commencing honours. Course selection and timing should be
discussed with the supervisor before seeking approval from
the honours coordinator. Students wishing to commence midyear should check with the department or Student
Administration for the correct attendance codes (these are not
listed in the enrolment guide) to ensure accurate HECS
networking and emerging industrial approaches such
as ‘cleaner production’ are explored. The aim of the unit
is to introduce students to the ‘technological fix’
approach and show how this must be integrated with
social, biological, political, philosophical, and futures
studies to achieve a holistic approach to environmental
problem solving. The course also deals with practical
aspects of environmental consulting.
•Hbt, int •100%/50% •full year –weekly lectures,
seminars and meetings • prereq bachelor degree with a
sound major in Geography and Environmental Studies
or another discipline relevant to the thesis topic and
satisfying the Faculty honours entry requirements for
major and GPA. • assess 15,000-word thesis (50%),
method essay of 5,000 words (12.5%) and other written
work (essays, projects and/or exams) up to a maximum
of 12,000 words (37.5%).
• Staff Assoc. Prof. JJ Todd, Dr LK Kriwoken and
others •[0%] • 6 hrs lectures/seminars and up to 3hrs
practical class weekly, and 2 days excursions • assess
project, essay, and seminar.
KGA500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Geography)
Full time/part time ‘umbrella code’. Has the same
objectives as KGA400/401.
Environmental Studies
KGE500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Environmental Studies
Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code. Enrolling students
enter this code plus 1 –6 units from the following
KGE5- units
KGE505/506 Graduate Diploma of
Environmental Studies with Honours
Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code. Enrolling students
enter this code plus 1 –6 units from the following
KGE5- units
Note: the contents of the four major units (KGE512, 513, 514
and 515) are set out below. Each unit is of 12 weeks duration,
and students attend lectures, discussion groups and practical
sessions involving approximately 15 hours a week contact
with staff.
Regular informal discussion with the staff is also fully
encouraged. In addition, students undertake project work
involving original study, often in the field, leading to written
reports which are expected to reach a high standard. Two of
the units are run each semester. The coordinator can provide
information on which units are available in each semester.
KGE512 Environmental Technology
Addresses some key environmental issues from the
perspective of the physical and engineering sciences.
The role of energy in society, including energy supply
and demand, conventional and renewable energy, and
energy conservation are considered. Pollution control
technology for reducing air, water, and noise emissions
is reviewed. Emerging technologies such as computer
KGE513 Ecosystems
Has two main components. One is devoted to the
biological aspects of population. Included is a strong
theoretical component in which the basic biological
background to the functioning of plant and animal
populations is studied, as well as the parameters critical
to population growth. The second component concerns
ecosystem theory, and progresses to the problems of
managing populations and ecosystems. The emphasis
here is not only theoretical but, in order to provide case
study examples, puts students in touch with a range of
people involved in ecosystem and land management in
• Staff Dr P McQuillan, Prof JB Kirkpatrick and others
•[0%] • 6 hrs lectures/seminars and up to 3 hrs
practical class weekly, and 2 days excursions • assess
essay, research project, practical sessions/seminar.
KGE514 Environmental Planning
Explains and examines critically the role of traditional
urban and industrial planning in the provision of
environmental quality. The extent to which new
practices of environmental planning have been both
accepted and successful in overcoming deficiencies is
assessed. The unit begins with a consideration of
contemporary developments in environmental
planning theory, but the bulk of the course is a ‘hands
on’ exposure to practical problems of environmental
planning. These are taken, in the main, from a
Tasmanian context, but national and international
issues and initiatives are also addressed. Part of the unit
is given over to a group research project, usually
developed in conjunction with government authorities
or community groups.
• Staff Dr JA Russell, Dr E Stratford and others •[0%]
• 6 hrs lectures/seminars and up to 3 hrs practical class
weekly, and 2 days excursions • assess essay, research
project, practical sessions/seminar.
KGE515 Environmental Values
Examines the political, sociological and philosophical
aspects of contemporary environmental concerns.
Various developments in ethical philosophy are
examined, as is the place of ‘environment’ in traditions
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
of western political thought. The implications of new
paradigms of environmental values for western and
eastern religious traditions, and for dominant western
conceptions of science and technology are considered.
Phenomenological traditions and perceptions of place
are examined. Finally, the challenge to growth
economics is considered, as is the contemporary
preoccupation with ecological ‘sustainability’.
• Staff Dr PR Hay •[0%] • 6 hrs lectures and seminars
weekly • assess essays.
Skills Program Units
Note: satisfactory completion of these programs is
compulsory for all students.
Teaching pattern: Each unit (KGE516, 517 etc) consists
of 12 hours of lectures plus practical assignments
during semester 1 and 2 respectively.
KGE808/809 Master of Environmental
Management Full time/part time
’umbrella’ code.
Continuing students: see KGE810/811 below.
Note: Students must use this code plus 1 –7 units
from the following list:
KGE812 Environmental Technology
see KGE512
KGE813 Ecosystems
see KGE513
KGE814 Environmental Planning
see KGE514
KGE815 Environmental Values
see KGE515
KGE816 Environmental Research
KGE817 Environmental Research
see KGE517
KGE840 Research Project Thesis and
Professional Portfolio
see KGE840 below
Staff: Drs JA Russell, LK Kriwoken, P McQuillan, PR
Hay, Assoc Prof JJ Todd and others
KGE810/811 Master of Environmental
Studies (Coursework) Full time/part
KGE516 Environmental Research
’umbrella’ code. This unit is available to continuing
students only.
Is a series of lectures and assignments providing an
overview of sound research practices within the
sciences and humanities, and emphasising the role of
interdisciplinary research. Inherent values are
discussed. The importance of a research hypothesis and
critical argument are dealt with. Skills of data
collection, including library and Internet sources, are
See note in KGE808/809 above.
•[0%] •sem 1 –12 hrs lectures, project work.
KGE517 Environmental Research
Is a series of lectures and assignments which provide
skills in writing theses, academic papers, and reports.
This includes content, argument, and presentation
(layout, grammar, tables, figures, plates, references).
Some word processing skills aimed at thesis
presentation are included. The program also deals with
oral presentations for conferences and seminars.
•[0%] •sem 2 –12 hrs lectures, project work.
KGE540/541 Honours Thesis Full time/
Part time
The honours thesis involves supervised research on an
environmental topic, and preparation of a 10,00015,000-word thesis. The research topic must be
approved by the Coordinator of Environmental Studies
and the staff member supervising the work. The
research and thesis preparation is equivalent to five
months full-time study. Students must present a short
seminar as part of their research program.
•50% • assess the thesis is assessed by one external and
two internal examiners. The thesis accounts for 50% of
the final honours result.
KGE840 Research Project Thesis and
Professional Portfolio
Continuing students enrolled in KGE810/811: see
The Research Project comprises one half of the
requirements for the degree. The project is carried out
under the guidance of a supervisor, or supervisory
panel. The results of the research are reported in a
minor thesis of 20,000-30,000 words which is assessed
by two examiners, at least one of whom is from outside
the University.
The Professional Portfolio constitutes part of the
research project and is carried out over a six to eight
week period while the thesis is being examined.
Students prepare a portfolio of information relevant to
the career they plan to pursue. The exercise is carried
out under supervision of the thesis supervisor. The
portfolio is customised for each individual, but might
include professional contacts (national and
international), an annotated bibliography, lists of
relevant legislation, standards and codes of conduct.
The supervisor and one other staff member assess the
portfolio, which must reach a satisfactory standard
before credit is given for the research project.
• Staff Dr JA Russell (Coordinator) •[0%].
KGE850 MEnvSt (Coursework)
Research Project and Thesis
For continuing students enrolled in KGE810/811.
for a description of the unit, see KGE840 above.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 411
Surveying and Geomatics –
Department of Geography &
Environmental Studies — Spatial
Information Science at Hobart
The Department offers a 4-year course leading to the
degree of Bachelor of Geomatics (unit code KGG-). Two
specialist streams are offered: (a) Land Surveying and
(b) Spatial Information Systems. Each stream involves 3
years of academic study and a compulsory year of
professional experience. An honours degree of one
year’s duration, and postgraduate courses are also
available. The previously offered Bachelor of Surveying
is being phased out. Students needing to repeat first,
second and third year units from the Bachelor of
Surveying should contact the department for
NOTE: Geomatics units were previously coded ASGWhere prerequisites are mentioned in the unit details
which follow, they are given their new code, e.g.
KGG140 is the same as the unit which was previously
coded ASG140.
Similarly, surveying units previously coded ASA- are
now coded KGS-. The last three digits of each unit code
have not changed at all.
Where reference is made to units no longer listed in this
Handbook, the old codes are retained.
KGG140 Geomatics la
Introduces students to the science of Geomatics,
including methods of spatial data collection, data
management, data analysis and presentation. The unit
includes a detailed treatment of elementary data
collection methods and some data analysis methods;
and provides an introductory treatment of advanced
topics. (a) Introduction to Geomatics– overview of
methods, technology and applications; elementary data
collection: time, length, azimuth, angles; position
sensors –optical, mechanical, electromagnetic;
measurement methods –gravity, pressure, magnetism,
sound, inertia, electromagnetic spectrum, etc.; distance
measuring techniques; direction measuring techniques;
combined techniques –total stations, GPS;
computational techniques for data reduction –
traversing, intersection, resection, triangulation, and
trilateration; and computer methods –spreadsheet
reductions and surveying software packages; (b)
Introduction to Analysis of Observations– scope &
nature of statistical analysis, simple statistical tests and
computation of confidence measures, error theory, error
propagation, effects on survey data; (c) Introduction to
Transformations and Projections– introduction to the
concepts of mathematical transformations and their
applications in geomatics, application of vectors to
survey problems, concepts of coordinate systems and
transformations, general map projections, data
interpolation and filtering; (d) Geographic Information
Systems (GIS)– an overview, spatial and aspatial data;
definition, components, functions, and applications of
GIS; (e) Communication of Ideas– communication
theory; written, verbal & spatial techniques; (f)
Physics– components of electricity and wave motion as
specified by Department of Physics.
• Staff academic staff of the Dept, plus staff of the Dept
of Physics •Hbt, int •25% •full year –84 lectures, 14
tutorials, 56 hrs practical • coreq KYA171, KMA152,
KMA154 • assess exam (70%), assignments, tutorials
(30% ).
KGG150 Geomatics lb
A studio project that integrates the coursework material
covered in KGG140, allowing students to undertake a
major project that includes project design, preanalysis,
data collection, data management, and presentation.
• Staff academic staff of the Dept •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 2 –14 lectures, 14 tutorials, 14x3-hr practicals, 4day field camp • coreq KYA171, KMA152, KMA154
• assess exam (70%), class presentations (30% ).
KGG220 Geomatics 2a: Surveying
Develops an understanding of the instrumentation used
and methodology of spatial measurement science. (a)
Instrumentation: calibration of instruments –
Australian Standards, traceability of standards,
calibration techniques; levels, theodolites, EDM, digital
and optical techniques for angle and distance
measurements; encoders, digitisers, gyros,
accelerometers, lasers, gyrotheodolites, optical and
precision metrology systems, GPS, integrated surveying
systems and associated software, and specialised
techniques. (b) Surveying Methodology: trig heighting,
precise levelling, intersection, resection, triangulation,
trilateration, precise traversing; reduction of field
observations to the geodetic reference surface; azimuth
from astronomical observations, use of the
• Staff Dr A Sprent •Hbt, int •12.5% •full year –28
lectures, 56 hrs practical and tutorials, 10 hrs studio
• prereq KCA173, KGG140, KMA102 • coreq KMA265,
KGG270 • assess exam (70%), assignments, tutorials,
studios (30%).
KGG230 Geomatics 2b: Remote
Sensing & Photogrammetry
Introduces remote sensing and photogrammetry, and
then concentrates on the mathematics used to represent
single and stereo images captured with film and digital
cameras, and methods of computing object space
coordinates from stereo models. (a) Basic mathematics:
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
image space and object space coordinate systems;
transformations. Image capture; sensors; data
resolutions; platforms. Representation of a single
image: collinearity condition equations; space resection
from collinearity; modified collinearity condition
equations; mono plotting; (b) Representation of two
images: coplanarity condition equations, relative
orientation by coplanarity and collinearity, absolute
orientation, computation of model and object space
coordinates; analytical stereoplotters; special cases;
(c) Operation of analytical and digital plotters;
(d) Introduction to image processing: representation,
restoration, enhancement, classification and display.
• Staff Dr JE Osborn •Hbt, int •12.5% •full year –28
lectures, 56 hrs practical and tutorials, 10 hrs studio
• prereq KGG140, KMA102, KCA173 • coreq KMA265,
KGG260, KGG270 • assess exam (50%), assignments,
tutorials, studios (50%).
KGG240 Geomatics 2c: Geographic
Data Management and Visualisation
Reviews definition, components, functions, and
applications of GIS; introduces the principles of spatial
data models, data analysis and manipulation; and
highlights the human factor as a key issue to be
considered during the implementation of a GIS. The
unit introduces the principles of cartographic design
and production, including data symbolisation;
graphical representation of numerical data; topographic
and thematic symbols, generalisation, colour, type;
visualisation; hardcopy production and
photolithographic printing. A significant part of the
unit consists of practical exercises which are designed
to advance skills in the use of a PC-based raster GIS
software package. Emphasis is placed on the everincreasing interaction between GIS, image processing
(IP), and global positioning systems (GPS). Practicals
and assignments focus on GIS as an integration,
decision support and management tool. Students are
trained to develop and implement solutions to spatial
problems involving multiple criteria and objectives.
Attention is given to errors and uncertainty associated
with digital geographic data and related analysis. As a
consequence, students will be able to judge critically the
limits to interpretation of results derived from GIS
•Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –35 lectures, 14 tutorials,
56 hrs practicals, 15 hrs studio • prereq KCA173,
KGG140, KMA102 • assess exam (40%), practicals
(30%), assignments (30%).
KGG260 Geomatics 2d:
Transformations and Projections
Introduces the concepts of the various geometric
surfaces and their mathematical properties for use in
mapping and computation on the surface of the earth:
surveying and mapping projections; transverse
Mercator projection; AMG; geometry of the ellipsoid;
ellipsoidal computations; arc-to-chord, scale factor, grid
• Staff Dr A Sprent •Hbt, int •12.5% •full year –28
lectures, 14 tutorials, 10 hrs studio • prereq KCA173,
KGG140, KMA102 • coreq KMA265, KGG270 • assess
exam (70%), assignments, tutorials and studios (30%).
KGG270 Geomatics 2e: Analysis of
Provides students with a working knowledge of least
squares techniques and their application in geomatics;
theory of least squares; adjustment of measured data;
adjustment with constraints; data interpolation and
filtering; detection of outliers; network design and
optimisation. Students are taught to use various
adjustment software packages and are introduced to
advanced least squares problems.
• Staff Assoc Prof R Coleman •Hbt, int •12.5% •full
year –28 lectures, 14 tutorials, 10 hrs studio • prereq
KCA173, KGG140, KMA102 • coreq KMA265 • assess
exam (60%), assignments, tutorials, oral exam and
studios (40%).
KGG320 Geomatics 3a: Surveying
Provides a review of spatial measurement techniques
and relates these to a range of specific surveying
applications, including: hydrographic, deformation and
monitoring, topographic, cadastral surveying,
industrial metrology. The unit also includes case
histories of surveys and survey processes.
• Staff Dr A Sprent •Hbt, int •12.5% •full year –28
lectures, 42 hrs practical, 10 hrs studio, 4-day field camp
• prereq KGG220, 240, 260, 270 • coreq KGG350 • assess
exam (70%), assignments, tutorials, studios (30%).
KGG330 Geomatics 3b: Remote
Sensing & Photogrammetry
Provides a detailed treatment of the radiometric and
geometric errors associated with film and digital
cameras; together with an introduction to the geometry
of other image sensing platforms. Introduces the
principles of rectification and ortho-photography.
Introduces the principles of strip and block adjustment.
The Environmental Remote Sensing (ERS) component
of the unit concentrates on non-topographic
applications of aerial and satellite imagery, particularly
land use and environmental applications. (a)
Photogrammetry: Image calibration: radiometric and
geometric errors and calibration models. Strip and
block adjustment: ground control and GPS control;
accuracy of block adjustment; auxiliary data.
Autocorrelation. Rectification and orthophotography:
analytical and digital rectification in photogrammetry,
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 413
satellite digital image rectification & registration. (b)
Environmental Remote Sensing: the nature of
radiation in the atmosphere and radiative properties of
earth surfaces. Aerial photography and imagery
systems including their interpretation and digital
processing. A project involving these techniques
applied to topics in the field of resource inventory, land
use mapping or environmental mapping.
• Staff Dr JE Osborn, and other staff of the Dept •Hbt,
int •25% •full year –70 lectures, 28 tutorials, 42 hrs
practical, 15 hrs studio • prereq KGG220, 230, 260, 270
• assess exam (60%), assignments, tutorials, studios
KGG340 Geomatics 3c: Geographic
Information Systems (GIS)
Exposes students to advanced topics in spatial
algorithms, database management systems,
interpolation methods, data quality standards, error
propagation, and environmental modelling. The major
part of this unit consists of practicals and studios.
Extensive training is provided in the use of a state-ofthe-art unix workstation-based software package.
Students are given ample opportunity to gain
experience in the use of input (e.g. digitiser, scanner)
and output (e.g. colour plotter, laser printer) devices.
Technical problem-solving skills are sharpened through
the integration of multi-source and multi-scale data.
Working in a powerful processing environment allows
students to experiment with all essential GIS analysis
functions. Overall, the unit concentrates on developing
a suite of skills essential to the successful design,
implementation and presentation of a GIS project.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –42 lectures, 28 tutorials, 42
hrs practicals, 15 hrs studio • prereq KGG240, 250, 260
• assess exam (40%), practicals (20%), project (40%).
KGG350 Geomatics 3d: Geodesy
Provides students with an understanding of the
procedures for 3-D positioning on the earth’s surface.
The unit covers reference coordinate systems, geodetic
reference frame definition; reduction of observations to
the ellipsoid; geodetic height systems and datums; the
earth’s gravity field, Gravimetric geodesy, geoid
models. Elements of satellite surveying - time and
reference systems, orbital motion. Introduction to the
GPS system - GPS satellites, signal and measurement
characteristics. GPS instrumentation. GPS observations
and equations. Introduction to GPS baseline processing.
Ambiguity resolution and modern GPS surveying
• Staff Assoc Prof R Coleman •Hbt, int •16.67% •full
year –56 lectures, 14 tutorials, 20 hrs studio • prereq
KGG220, 260, 270 • coreq KGG320 • assess exam (60%),
assignments, tutorials, oral exam, studios (40%).
KGG360 Earth Sciences
Is a program of lectures, practicals and excursions
offered by relevant university lecturers to extend
students’ knowledge of physical landforms and
processes, environmental science and their relationship
to land use and development. Topics include principles
of geomorphology and geomorphological processes,
materials of the earth, sedimentology, structural
geology, land capability and land use.
• Staff various from the Depts of Geography &
Environmental Studies and Geology •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem ? • assess exam (70%), assignments (30%).
The following Geomatics units are NOT being
offered in 1998
KGG401 Professional Experience
Provides professional training and experience in a
range of geomatics tasks and exposes students to the
workplace environment. A minimum of 38 weeks of
industry experience approved by HoD, supported by
the submission of assessed work experience reports.
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGG405 Land Development Planning
Introduces students to the principles of urban and rural
land planning and development, familiarising them
with the relevant planning legislation and planning
processes. The unit looks at the role of planning
including the history of planning and land use change,
planning processes, role of governments, urban and
regional planning administration, social research,
economic analysis and environmental planning;
planning techniques including statutory planning,
planning schemes, development control and planning
practice. Context to planning – The meaning of
planning and the key steps within a planning process,
history of land use changes in Hobart, origins of urban
planning and emergence of planning systems, the need
for a government role in planning, organisation of
planning in Australia, planning in Tasmania, the
resource planning and management system in
Tasmania, Land Use Planning and Approvals Act,
Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal,
regulation of development and approval processes in
Australia, local approvals review program, social,
economic and environmental planning. Planning
techniques– strategic planning, community
consultation techniques, statutory planning –
subdivision control, development control, planning
schemes, planning appeals, planning principles.
Innovative planning and design practices – integrated
planning approaches, Green Street Program, RESCODE
and AMCORD guidelines for urban housing, Building
Better Cities Program. Land management planning–
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
rural residential subdivisions, open space planning,
park management plans, coastal planning, resource
assessment and management, land management and
land capability, environmental impact assessment. The
unit includes a planning project which covers a
substantial design area - including road design, water
reticulation, stormwater and sewerage design, and
Local Government requirements. The project will be
supervised and examined by a suitably experienced
professional surveyor.
limitations of RDBMS.
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGG435 Spatial Analysis
• N.B. not offered in 1998
Covers the following topics: data quality measures,
data interpolation; point patterns, measurement of
dispersion, measures of arrangement, line patterns,
branching, circuits, route planning, topological and
network analysis, distance; patterns of area, coverage,
growth, partitioning. Integration of data, operations,
weighting; and presentation methods.
KGG407 Land Law and Cadastral Studies
• N.B. not offered in 1998
The Land Law component teaches the principles and
application of land law as it applies to legal surveys.
Examines the professional role and obligations of a
cadastral surveyor; tenure, estates in land, freehold and
leasehold tenure; interests in land, easements and
profits, mortgages, erosion, riparian rights, land
transfer, common law and real property, adverse
possession, law relating to surveys of land for the
purposes of title subdivision and resumption of land,
general principles of the law of evidence. The Cadastral
Studies component covers property, property rights,
real property. Fiscal, legal cadastres. Cadastral systems,
land registration systems, multi-purpose cadastre,
cadastre as information systems. Methods of recording
real property rights, methods of delineating and
recording real property rights. Comparative cadastres.
KGG440 Digital Mapping
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGG425 Surveying Practice
Covers the following topics: (a) the surveyor and
statutory authorities; survey regulations’ assessment of
survey evidence and their applications; (b) professional
ethics, professional societies, surveyor-consultant,
surveyor-client relationship; professional indemnity,
responsibility under the Surveyors Act Regulations;
disciplinary procedures; (c) Fieldwork technique –
traversing and differential levelling –students are
required to demonstrate competent preparation
(calibration, instrument adjustment, reconnaissance),
survey design and methodology; and (d) Office
operations, financial, record and staff management,
costing, charging and marketing; and business plans.
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGG430 Spatial Data Structures and
Data Bases
Covers the following topics: spatial data representation,
vector, raster; topology, topological data structures, cell
complexes, data encoding; object-entity representation;
raster and tessellation structures; spatial indexing. The
unit includes detailed analysis of selected examples of
GIS/LIS structures. Data base representation,
Covers the following topics: graphics hardware, display
geometry, revision of transformations, simple plotting
routines, windows, data connectivity, hidden line,
shading reflectivity, continuous tone images. Symbol
libraries, generalisation. Digital mapping standards,
data exchange. Operation and detailed analysis of
selected digital mapping software.
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGG445 Geographic Information
Systems Project
Consists of a project designed to (a) reinforce the
student’s understanding of the underlying science and
principles of geographic information systems, (b) gain
an understanding of at least one application of GIS in
detail, and (c) provide experience in using at least one
GIS software package. The project consists of 70 hours
of supervised investigation and experimental work
involving the use of a geographical information system
to solve prescribed problems.
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGG510/515 Geomatics (Honours) Full
time/Part time
Is a one year course of lectures and project work as
prescribed by the Head of Discipline of Spatial
Information Science. The coursework selected will be
appropriate for the particular research topic chosen and
will constitute 50% of the assessment. The course work
and projects will be selected from the following topics:
1. Advanced Photogrammetry - Syllabus: Analytical
metric and non-metric aerial and close-range systems,
multi-media photogrammetry, digital photogrammetry.
2. Advanced Adjustment Theory - Syllabus: Preanalysis, optimisation. Least squares filtering,
interpolation and collocation, generalised inverses, free
network adjustments, deformation analysis. 3.
Advanced Instrumentation and Techniques - Syllabus:
Automation of surveying instrumentation, nontopographic application of measurement techniques,
monitoring and deformation surveys, case studies. 4.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 415
Advanced Geodesy - Syllabus: Selected topics from –
space technologies including GPS for high precision
positioning; satellite altimeter analysis; geophysical
geodesy; gravimetric geodesy; 4D geodesy. 5. With the
agreement of the Head of the Discipline, candidates
may select from Groups 2, 3 and 4 units offered by
Science & Technology up to a maximum of 16.67%.
• N.B. not offered in 1998
KGS133 Surveying for Scientists
Provides students with basic skills in plane surveying
and spatial measurement together with a general
introduction to advanced surveying topics such as
photogrammetry, satellite position fixing, and
geographic information systems. Studies cover:
(a) Surveying and Mapping 1– basic skills in plane
surveying and spatial measurement (coordinate
systems, use of minor instruments, levelling, linear
measurement, use of theodolites, total stations,
traversing, introduction to analysis of observations);
(b) Surveying and Mapping 2– introduction to
advanced surveying science and techniques
(photogrammetry, geodesy, GPS, geographic
information systems, integrated surveying/mapping
systems); and (c) Scientific Applications– discussion
of specific applications of surveying in the physical and
life sciences.
• Staff Dr J Osborn •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2
lectures weekly, 2-hr practical, 1 tutorial a fortnight
• assess final exam (50%); fieldwork reports (25%);
assignments (25%).
KGS341 Surveying for Engineers
Is available to Bachelor of Engineering students only,
providing them with basic skills in plane surveying and
spatial measurement together with a general
introduction to advanced surveying topics such as
photogrammetry, remote sensing and satellite position
fixing. Studies cover: (a) Surveying and Mapping 1–
basic skills in plane surveying and spatial
measurement (coordinate systems, use of minor
instruments, levelling, linear measurement, use of
theodolites, total stations, traversing, introduction to
analysis of observations); (b) Surveying and Mapping
2– introduction to advanced surveying science and
techniques (photogrammetry, remote sensing, geodesy,
GPS, hydrographic surveying, spatial information
systems, specialised industrial measurement
techniques, integrated surveying/mapping systems);
(c) Engineering Applications– discussion of specific
surveying techniques and applications in engineering
(mine surveying, construction surveying, deformation
surveying, integrated surveying/engineering software);
and (d) Scientific Applications– discussion of specific
surveying techniques and applications in science (use of
geographic information systems, topographic/thematic
maps, exploration surveys, case studies).
• Staff Dr J Osborn •Hbt, int •18% •full year –2
lectures weekly, a 3-hr practical, 1 tutorial fortnightly;
plus a 5-day survey camp during semester break
• assess final exam (50%); assignments and practicals
(30%); field camp (20%).
KGS402 Land Development Planning
Introduces students to the principles of urban and rural
land planning and development, and familiarises them
with the relevant planning legislation and planning
processes: the role of planning including the history of
planning and land use change, planning processes, role
of governments, urban and regional planning
administration, social research, economic analysis and
environmental planning; planning techniques including
statutory planning, planning schemes, development
control and planning practice; land planning including
strategic plans, land management, impact assessment,
innovative design.
• Staff Mr J Hepper •Hbt, int •15.6% •full year
• prereq ASA312 • coreq ACM405 • assess final exam
(50%), assignments (20%), project (30%).
KGS404 Photogrammetry 2
Teaches students the mathematical principles of
analytical photogrammetry, exposing them to their
practical applications, and developing advanced skills
in photogrammetric project planning. Studies cover
image calibration: radiometric and geometric errors and
calibration models. Strip and block adjustment: ground
control and GPS control; accuracy of block adjustment;
auxiliary data. Autocorrelation. Rectification and
orthophotography: analytical and digital rectification in
photogrammetry, satellite digital image rectification
and registration.
• Staff Dr J Osborn •Hbt, int •14.6% •full year –2
lectures weekly and fortnightly 3-hr practicals • prereq
KGG230 and KGG270, or a corequisite with the
approval of the HoD • assess final exam (45%);
assignments and practical reports (15%); projects (40%).
• req [p/b] Wolf PR, Elements of Photogrammetry: with
air photo interpretation and remote sensing, McGrawHill.
KGS406 Surveying 4 (Project)
Develops the students’ research, analysis and
presentation skills through their detailed investigation
of a subject area of their own choice. Work in this unit
comprises an individual project in which students must
demonstrate the ability to define, present and analyse
critically a topic related to the current coursework.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
• Staff (Coordinator) Assoc Prof R Coleman •Hbt, int
•10% •full year –an average of 80 hrs • prereq all
third examination subjects • coreq all fourth
examination subjects • assess project (90%), seminar
KGS411 Spatial Information Systems
Has the same broad objectives as KGS419, and is for
students enrolled in the BSc.
•Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 2 –3 lectures, 1 tutorial weekly
• prereq KGA200 [or approved 33.33% or equiv] from
approved Year 2 Surveying, Engineering, and/or
Science units • assess final exam (70%); practical reports
• req Burrough PA, Principles of Geographical Information
Systems for Land Resource Assessment, OUP.
KGS417 Geodesy
Provides students with a high level of competency in
geodesy. Studies cover: reference ellipsoid; reference
systems; geodetic measurements and their reduction to
the ellipsoid; direct and inverse geodetic problems;
fundamentals of three-dimensional geodesy; coordinate
systems, transformations and geodetic datums; geodetic
networks; geodetic standards and specifications;
gravitational attraction and potential; gravity field of
the earth; geoid; determination of the disturbing
potential and its functionals; geodetic height systems;
Global Positioning System (GPS) –basic concepts,
orbits, signal structure, antennas and receivers, biases
and errors, solutions, static, kinematic, stop-and-go,
RTK/OTF applications, survey design; combination of
terrestrial and GPS data; height determination using
• Staff Assoc Prof R Coleman •Hbt, int •12.4% •full
year –2 lectures, 1 tutorial weekly, plus 3 hrs practical
weekly for 1 sem • prereq KGG270, 220 and 260 • assess
Geodesy: final exam (65%); assignments (10%); practical
reports (15%); oral exam (10%)
• req [p/b] Torge W, Geodesy, 2nd edn, de Gruyter,
KGS419 Spatial Information Systems 2
Provides students with advanced skills in the design,
implementation and application of geographical
information systems to land information management,
digital mapping and planning. Studies cover
comparison of analog and digital mapping systems,
classification of systems, data entry; data volumes,
topological and cellular data structures; retrieval and
analysis; design and implementation methods;
applications to resource, land parcel and utility
systems; practical work on the ARC/INFO system.
•Hbt, int •5.9% •sem 2 –3 lectures, 1 tutorial weekly
• prereq KGS240 (BSc: any first year computing unit)
• assess final exam (70%); practical reports (30%)
• req Burrough PA, Principles of Geographical Information
Systems for Land Resource Assessment, OUP.
Dale PF and McLaughlin JD, Land Information
Management: An introduction with special reference to
cadastral problems in third world countries, OUP.
KGS421 Cadastral Studies
Teaches the principles and application of land law as it
applies to cadastral surveying. The unit examines the
professional role and obligations of a cadastral
surveyor; and includes a detailed study of comparative
cadastral arrangements. Topics include the cadastre as
an information system, cadastral systems, land
registration systems, integrated survey systems;
methods of delineating legal boundaries, spatial
tolerance; Land Law –tenure, estates in land, freehold
and leasehold tenure; interests in land, easements and
profits, mortgages, erosion, riparian rights, land
transfer, common law and real property, adverse
possession, law relating to surveys of land for the
purposes of title subdivision and resumption of land,
general principles of the law of evidence; the surveyor
and statutory authorities, survey regulations,
assessment of survey evidence, and their application;
professional ethics, the professional society, surveyorconsultant surveyor-client relationship, and the
surveyor as an expert witness.
• Staff from the Faculty of Law, and Mr R Gane •Hbt,
int •13.2% •full year –3 lectures weekly • prereq 3rd
Examination • coreq KGS419 • assess exam (70%);
assignments (30%)
• req Simpson SR, Land Law and Registration,
Tasmania Lands Titles Office Practice Book with forms and
precedents, Tasmanian Government Printer.
KGS500/505 Surveying V (Honours) Full
time/Part time
Coursework is selected from the following topics: (a)
Advanced Photogrammetry– analytical metric and
non-metric aerial and close-range systems, multimedia
photogrammetry, digital photogrammetry; (b)
Advanced Adjustment Theory– pre-analysis,
optimisation; least squares filtering, interpolation and
collocation, generalised inverses, free network
adjustments, deformation analysis; (c) Advanced
Instrumentation and Techniques– automation of
surveying instrumentation, non-topographic
application of measurement techniques, monitoring
and deformation surveys, case studies; (d) Spatial
Information Systems– user-needs studies,
comparative data structures, network systems,
information use; (e) Advanced Geodesy– selected
topics from: space technologies including GPS for high
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 417
precision positioning; satellite altimeter analysis;
geophysical geodesy; gravimetric geodesy; 4D geodesy;
and (f) With the agreement of the Head of the
Discipline of Spatial Information Science, candidates
may select 2nd, 3rd and 4th-year units offered by the
Faculty of Science & Technology up to a maximum
weight of 16.67%.
•Hbt, int •100%/50% • lectures and project work as
prescribed by the Head of Discipline • prereq The
degree of BSurv from the University of Tasmania or a
degree from another university or tertiary institution
deemed to be equivalent by the Faculty. In each case,
the candidate must have passed the degree with
sufficient merit to satisfy the Faculty.
KGS519 Spatial Information Systems 3
Covers user-needs studies, comparative data structures,
network systems, information use.
•Hbt, int •19% • lecture/assignment • prereq
KGS419 • assess assignments
• req Burrough PA, Principles of Geographic Information
Systems for Land Resources Assessment, OUP.
KGS580 Graduate Diploma Project Work
Is a major project determined in conjunction with the
student involving the design, development and
application of spatial information technology or
systems components to a specific task. The project is
designed to: develop the candidate’s knowledge and
skills; to have the candidate examine the literature; to
develop analytical and problem solving skills; and to
have the candidate present results.
•Hbt, int •50% • project work • prereq all prescribed
coursework units • assess project submission (100%).
Psychology – Department of
Psychology at Hobart
Intending students should note that all courses
offered by the Department of Psychology at Hobart
are accredited by the registration and professional
psychology bodies. Launceston students planning to
qualify as psychologists should seek advice from
departmental staff about appropriate programs of
Psychology is a diverse discipline concerned with the
scientific study of human experience and behaviour. It
considers explanations and causes of behaviour and
examines the modification of behaviour as a result of
experience and information received from the
environment. There are various specific branches in the
discipline including developmental, social,
physiological and clinical psychology, personality,
cognition, and individual differences.
Students may specialise in psychology or take it as a
discipline to complement other areas of study. Those
wishing to specialise should enrol in psychology as part
of either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science
degree. Students taking other degrees, for example
Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Economics, may
be able to enrol in some psychology units to
complement their other studies. However, prior to
enrolment these students should either consult Dr
George Wilson from the Department of Psychology or
an appropriate Faculty Course Adviser.
Psychology undergraduate units are offered at first,
second, third and fourth year levels. At first year level
students are introduced to a broad range of topics in
lectures, while the associated practical work provides
illustrative examples of experimental work and
introduces students more generally to scientific
methodology in psychology. The second and third
years continue with the study of some areas introduced
in first year, but in greater depth, and complemented
with practical work which provides students with a
sound knowledge of design and analysis in the context
of psychological investigations in areas such as
cognition and memory, perception, psychophysiology,
and developmental and social psychology. After
completing a bachelor degree, students may apply to
enter the fourth year honours program which includes
a major piece of research as well as coursework
designed to extend students’ knowledge of the
discipline and to provide some grounding in the
applications of psychology in professional settings.
Currently, for those wishing to work as a psychologist,
a four-year degree (BA or BSc followed by Honours) in
psychology followed by two years of postgraduate
training or supervised experience are required for
registration under The Psychologists Registration Act.
Membership of the Australian Psychological Society,
however, requires a four-year degree followed by at
least a two-year postgraduate degree.
(a) Psychology for Arts students
For BA students, a major in Psychology comprises 100%
of psychology units: 25% at Year 1, 50% at Year 2, 25%
at Year 3.
The double major in psychology comprises 175% of
psychology units:
either 25% at Year 1, 50% at Year 2, 100% at Year 3;
or 25% at Year 1, 75% at Year 2, and 75% at Year 3.
Permissible programs in psychology:
and KHA220
and KHA230
Total: 25%
25% Total: 75%
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Permissible programs for BSc candidates
and KHA210
25% Total: 50%
and KHA210
and KHA220
and KHA230
25% Total: 100%
and KHA220
and KHA230
and KHA300
25% Total: 100%
and KHA220
and KHA230
and KHA300
and KHA210/310 or 320 or 340
25% Total: 125%
and KHA220
and KHA230
and KHA300
and 2 of KHA210/310, 320, 340
50% Total: 150%
This program constitutes a major in Psychology for BSc
purposes, and is the program for entry to Fourth Year for
BSc students.
Programs 5, 6 and 7 each constitute a major in Psychology
for BA purposes.
and KHA220
and KHA230
and KHA300
and KHA210 or 310
and 320
and 340
25% Total: 175%
This program constitutes a double major in Psychology for
BA purposes and is the prerequisite for Honours entry.
Fourth year entry: From 1999, the minimum entry to
fourth year will be satisfactory completion of a double
major in Psychology (175%).
Addition grade level prerequisites for fourth year are
described in the prerequisites for units KHA400, 401.
(b) Psychology for Science Students
For BSc students, a major in Psychology consists of
108.33%: KHA100, KHA200, KHA300 and one of
KHA310 or 320 or 340. BSc students who wish to
proceed to the fourth-year honours course (KHA415 or
KHA416), which is necessary for anyone intending to
do a postgraduate degree to become a professional
psychologist, require 133.33% major in Psychology
which must include KHA340 Advanced Psychology.
Students wishing to major in Psychology will find that
certain other subjects complement their studies in
Psychology. Various units in Anatomy, Physiology,
Zoology, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
are recommended. Students are advised to consult with
staff at the time of enrolment or to seek course
counselling prior to enrolment.
Total 25%
and KHA200
and KHA200
and KHA300
and KHA310 or 320 or 340
25% Total: 108.33%
33.33% Total: 58.33%
This program constitutes a major in Psychology for BSc
and KHA200
and KHA300
and KHA310 or 320
and KHA340
25% Total: 133.33%
Fourth year entry: From 1999, the minimum entry to
fourth year will be satisfactory completion of program
4 (133.33%) including the unit KHA340 Advanced
KHA100 Psychology 1
Introduces students to major areas in psychology and to
basic techniques for psychological investigations.
Lecture topics include: Introduction to Psychology,
Intelligence and Abilities, Physiology and Behaviour,
Research Methods and Data Analysis, Learning,
Cognition and Memory, Clinical and Abnormal
Psychology, Life-span Development and Social
Psychology. Laboratory classes include experiments
and demonstrations in relevant areas, and provide
assistance with statistical techniques. Students are
allocated to a specific laboratory class by the
Department during the first week. It is important to
attend the first lecture. Laboratory class attendance is
compulsory. Students require a pocket calculator with a
square root key.
• Staff Mr J Alexander (Coordinator), Dr F Martin
(Practical class coordinator) •Hbt, int •25% •full year
–3x1-hr lectures, a 2-hr lab class weekly (28 wks) • m/
excl HWP101 and HWP102 • assess 2-hr exam in June
(30%), 2-hr exam in Nov (30%), lab assessment
including class work, statistics exercises, a test and 5
assignments totalling 5,000 words (40%), satisfactory
performance in the lab component is required for a full
• req O’Shea R, Writing for Psychology, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Sydney, 1993
either Walker M, Burnham D and Borland R,
Psychology, 2nd edn, Jacaranda Wiley, Brisbane, 1994
or Weiten W, Psychology: Themes and Variations, 3rd
edn, Brooks Cole, Calif, 1995
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 419
Tilley A, An Introduction to Psychological Research and
Statistics, 2nd edn, Pineapple Press, Brisbane, 1993.
KHA200 Psychology 2 (Science)
Part of the core program in Psychology, and must be
taken by students proceeding to a psychology major in
the BSc. The course provides a more advanced coverage
of major areas in psychology and further develops
techniques for psychological investigations. Lecture
topics include: Clinical Psychology, Cognition, Visual
Perception, Cognitive Development, Social and
Educational Development, Introduction to Data
Analysis, Research in Psychology and Social Cognition.
Laboratory classes complement and extend topics
covered in the lecture course. Written reports are
required throughout the unit.
• N.B. restricted to BSc students
• Staff Dr WL Slaghuis (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•33.33% •full year –4x1-hr lectures, 1x2-hr lab class
weekly (28 wks), 1-hr data analysis tutorial alternate
wks in sem 1 (7 wks) • prereq KHA100 • m/excl
KHA220, 230 • assess 3 hrs of exams in June and in Nov
(55%), data analysis exercises (5%), 4 assignments
totalling 5,000 words (40%)
• req either Augustinos M and Walker I, Social
Cognition: An Integrated Introduction, Sage, London,
or Hewstone M, Streobe W and Stephenson GM (eds),
Introduction to Social Psychology, 2nd edn, Blackwell,
Oxford, 1996
Durkin K, Developmental Social Psychology From Infancy
to Old Age, Blackwell, Cambridge, 1995
Goldstein E, Sensation and Perception, 4th edn, Brooks/
Cole, Pacific Grove CA, 1996
Ginsberg H and Opper S, Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual
Development, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs
NJ, 1988
O’Shea R, Writing for Psychology, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Sydney, 1993
Sternberg RJ, Cognitive Psychology, Harcourt Brace,
Fortworth, 1996
Tilley A, An Introduction to Psychological Research and
Statistics, 2nd edn, Pineapple Press, Brisbane, 1993.
KHA210 Applied Psychology
Unit details are shown below following KHA300; see
KHA220 Psychology 2 Core
Part of the core program in Psychology, and must be
taken by students proceeding to a psychology major in
the BA. The course provides a more advanced coverage
of major areas in psychology and further develops
techniques for psychological investigations. Lecture
topics include: Introduction to Data Analysis,
Cognition, Cognitive Development, and Clinical
Psychology. Laboratory classes complement and extend
topics covered in the lecture course and data analysis
skills are developed in tutorials. Written reports are
required throughout the unit.
• Staff Dr WL Slaghuis (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•sem 1 –4x1-hr lectures, 2-hr lab class weekly (14 wks),
1-hr data analysis tutorial alternate wks (7 wks)
• prereq KHA100 • m/excl KHA200 • assess 3-hr exam
in June (50%), data analysis exercises (10%), 2
assignments totalling 2,500 words (40%)
• req Sternberg RJ, Cognitive Psychology, Harcourt
Brace, Fort Worth, 1996
Ginsberg H and Opper S, Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual
Development, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs
NJ, 1988
O’Shea R, Writing for Psychology, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Sydney, 1993
Tilley A, An Introduction to Psychological Research and
Statistics, 2nd edn, Pineapple Press, Brisbane, 1993.
KHA230 Psychology 2 Experimental
Part of the core program in Psychology, and must be
taken by students proceeding to a psychology major in
the BA. The course provides a more advanced coverage
of major areas in psychology and further develops
techniques for psychological investigations. Lecture
topics include: Visual Perception, Social Cognition,
Social and Educational Development and Research in
Psychology. Laboratory classes complement and extend
topics covered in the lecture course. Written reports are
required throughout the unit.
• Staff Dr WL Slaghuis (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•sem 2 –4xl-hr lectures, 2-hr lab class weekly (14 wks)
• prereq KHA220 • m/excl KHA200 • assess 3-hr exam
in Nov (60%), 2 assignments totalling 2,500 words (40%)
• req either Augustinos M and Walker I, Social
Cognition: An Integrated Introduction, Sage, London,
or Hewstone M, Streobe W and Stephenson GM (eds),
Introduction to Social Psychology, 2nd edn, Blackwell,
Oxford, 1996
Durkin K, Developmental Social Psychology From Infancy
to Old Age, Blackwell, Cambridge, 1995
Goldstein E, Sensation and Perception, 4th edn, Brooks/
Cole, Pacific Grove CA, 1996
O’Shea R, Writing for Psychology, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Sydney, 1993.
KHA300 Core Psychology
Part of the core program, and must be taken by
students proceeding to a psychology major. Lecture
topics include: Data Analysis –analysis of variance and
methodological issues; Psychological Assessment –
concepts and issues in assessment; Systems and
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Theories in Psychology –theoretical issues in
psychology; Clinical Psychology –principles of
psychopathology and behaviour modification. The
laboratory component will involve administration,
scoring and interpretation of specific psychological
tests, selected investigations in clinical psychology and
the development of interviewing and counselling skills.
In the data analysis tutorials, students are taught to use
a computer package and will work on weekly exercises.
• Staff Dr GV Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –2xl-hr lectures, 2-hr lab class weekly, 1-hr
data analysis tutorial weekly in sem 1 • prereq
(KHA201 and 202) or KHA200 • m/excl KHA300, 301
and 302, 325 • assess 2 hrs of exams in June and Nov
(45%), weekly data analysis exercises (5%), lab
assignments totalling 3,000 words (25%), lab test (25%)
• req Maxwell SE and Delaney HD, Designing
Experiments and Analysing Data, Wadsworth, Belmont
Calif, 1990.
Kaplan RM and Saccuzzo DP, Psychological Testing:
Principles, Applications and Issues, 4th edn, Brooks/
Cole, Pacific Grove Calif, 1997.
KHA210/310 Applied Psychology
A second year elective unit (Arts students only), or
third year elective unit which may be taken with
KHA300 by students proceeding to a psychology major,
or double major, in BA or BSc. Lecture topics include:
Health Psychology –an overview of the contribution of
psychologists to the promotion of health and the
prevention of illness; Social Performance –concerning
aspects of overt social behaviour; Dreaming –
theoretical and empirical contributions to
understanding dream formation, dream recall and
working with dreams; Reversal Theory –the dynamics
of emotional changes modulated by both physiological
arousal and transactional outcomes, and its application.
The laboratory component will involve empirical
investigation of issues raised in the lecture course.
• N.B. level 200 KHA210 is not available for Science students
• Staff Dr GV Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –2x1-hr lectures, 2-hr lab class weekly
• prereq KHA100 for KHA210; KHA200 or KHA201
and 202 for KHA310 • coreq KHA300 for KHA310 • m/
excl KHA216, 217, 316, 317 • assess 2-hrs of exams in
June and Nov (50%), 4 assignments totalling 6,000
words (50%)
• req Apter MJ, Reversal Theory, Routledge, London,
Bernard LC and Krupat E, Health Psychology: Biosocial
Factors in Health and Illness, Harcourt Brace, Fort
Hewstone M, Stroebe W and Stephenson GM (eds),
Introduction to Social Psychology, 2nd edn, Blackwell,
Oxford, 1996
O’Shea R, Writing for Psychology, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, Sydney, 1993.
KHA320 Experimental Psychology
A third year elective unit which may be taken with
KHA300 by students proceeding to a psychology major,
or double major, in BA or BSc. Compulsory lecture
topics include: Issues in Lifespan Development –
empirical approaches in developmental topics across
the lifespan; Current Issues in Research –specific
theoretical issues in current research. In addition
students must also complete 2 one semester lecturelaboratory options chosen from the list of 300 Level
• Staff Dr GV Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 2-hr lab class
weekly (options included) • prereq (KHA201 and
KHA202) or KHA200 • coreq KHA300 • m/excl
KHA300, 301, 302, 315 • assess 2 hrs of exams in June
and Nov (50%), lab assignments totalling 6,000 words
(50%) (options included)
• req Peterson C, Looking Forward through the Life Span,
2nd edn, Prentice Hall, NY 1989.
KHA321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327
See 300 Level Options (following KHA340 below)
KHA323 Clinical Neuropsychology
May be taken as part of a double major in psychology
in the BA or as part of KHA351 or 352 in the BSc. The
unit takes a cognitive approach to provide a general
introduction, covering such topics as face recognition,
language processing and memory, with localisation and
laterality of function an integral part of the lectures.
Practicals introduce the assessment procedures used in
clinical practice, and present illustrative case material.
•Hbt, int •0% •sem 1
KHA340 Advanced Psychology
A third year elective unit and an Honours prerequisite
which may be taken with KHA300 by students
proceeding to a psychology major, or double major, in
BA or Bsc, and must be completed satisfactorily by
students wishing to proceed to fourth year.
Compulsory lecture topics include: Methodology –
issues in experimental design and methodology in
psychological research; Advanced Data Analysis –
research methods using analysis of variance. Tutorials
in advanced data analysis techniques are held in
semester two and students work on weekly exercises
using computer analysis. In addition students must also
complete 2 one-semester lecture-laboratory options
chosen from the list of 300 Level options.
• N.B. this unit is a prerequisite for fourth-year entry
• Staff Dr GV Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 421
•full year –2xl-hr lectures, 2-hr lab class weekly, 1-hr
data analysis tutorial weekly in sem 2 (options
included) • prereq (KHA201 and KHA202) or KHA200
• coreq KHA300 • m/excl HYA300, HYA/KHA301 and
302, 311 • assess 2 hrs of exams in June and Nov (45%),
weekly data analysis exercises (5%), lab assignments
totalling 6,000 words (50%) (options included)
• req Graziano AM and Raulin ML, Research Methods,
2nd edn, Harper Collins, NY, 1993
Maxwell SE and Delaney HD, Designing Experiments and
Analysing Data, Wadsworth, Belmont Calif, 1990.
• Staff Dr F Martin •Hbt, int •0% •sem 2 –1-hr
lecture and 2-hr lab class weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KHA200 or (KHA201 and 202) • coreq KHA300, (320 or
340) • m/excl KHA302 • assess 1-hr exam (50%), 2
assignments totalling 3,000 words (50%)
• req either Baddeley A, Human Memory, Theory and
Practice, revised edn, Psychology Press, East Sussex,
or Brosnan MJ (ed), Cognitive Processes: Readings in
Visual Cognition, Attention and Memory, Greenwich
Univ Press, Kent, 1996.
KHA341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 347
KHA323/343 Clinical Neuropsychology
See 300 Level Options below.
To be taken as part of KHA320 and KHA340 (Note:
the second digit in the option’s unit code indicates
whether the option will be counted as part of KHA320
or KHA340.
May be taken as part of a KHA320 or KHA340. The
option takes a cognitive approach to provide a general
introduction, covering such topics as face recognition,
language processing and memory, with localisation and
laterality of function an integral part of the lectures. The
laboratory sessions provide an introduction to
assessment procedures used in clinical practice, and
present illustrative case material.
KHA321/341 Psychophysiology
• N.B. must be taken as part of either KHA320 or 340
May be taken as part of a KHA320 or KHA340. Lectures
cover basic psychophysiological concepts with an
introduction to basic theoretical concepts and
applications in psychophysiology. In laboratory classes
students will be trained to be proficient in the
fundamental techniques of measurement and recording
of the more commonly used physiological responses.
Due to equipment and laboratory limitations, a quota of
20 students applies to this unit.
• Staff Dr F Martin •Hbt, int •0% •sem 2 –1-hr
lecture and 2-hr lab class weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KHA200 or (KHA201 and 202) • coreq KHA300, (320 or
340) • m/excl KHA323, 303 • assess 1-hr exam (50%),
lab test (50%)
• req Banich MT, Neuropsychology: The Neural Basis of
Mental Function, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1997.
• N.B. must be taken as part of either KHA320 or 340.
Students should consult the lecturer, Dr GV Wilson, before
enrolling in this unit.
• Staff Dr GV Wilson, Dr IM Montgomery •Hbt, int
•0% •sem 1 –1-hr lecture, 2-hr lab class weekly (14
wks) • prereq KHA200 or (KHA201 and 202) • coreq
KHA300, (320 or 340) • m/excl KHA304 • assess 1-hr
exam (50%), lab test and lab book (50%)
• req Stern RM, Ray WJ and Davis CM,
Psychophysiological Recording, OUP, 1980.
KHA322/342 Cognitive Processes
May be taken as part of a KHA320 or KHA340. The
lecture course provides a more advanced coverage of
elementary cognitive processes, such as memory and
the speed of simple decisions, and relates them to
broader issues, such as models of cognition, intelligence
and other cognitive processes. They acquaint students
with the design, instrumentation, and statistical
analysis of studies used to investigate human cognition.
The laboratory component will involve empirical
investigation of topics covered in the lectures.
• N.B. must be taken as part of either KHA320 or 340
KHA324/344 Visual Perception
May be taken as part of a KHA320 or KHA340. Lectures
examine models of the visual system and relationships
between perceptual processing and neurophysiological
mechanisms in vision, and then builds on this by
examining the role of disordered visual processing in
such clinical conditions as dyslexia, schizophrenia and
visual agnosia. Laboratory classes investigate aspects of
visual processing discussed in the lectures and
introduce experimental, psychophysical and
instrumental procedures, as well as the theoretical
interpretation of the results. Students are given
demonstrations of visual phenomena illustrating
aspects of visual processing discussed in the lectures.
• N.B. must be taken as part of either KHA320 or 340
• Staff Dr WL Slaghuis •Hbt, int •0% •sem 1 –1-hr
lecture, 2-hr lab class weekly (14 wks) • prereq KHA200
or (KHA201 and 202) • coreq KHA300, (320 or 340) • m/
excl KHA324, 303 • assess 1-hr exam (50%), 2
assignments totalling 3,000 words (50%)
• req Humphreys GW and Riccoch MJ, To See But Not
to See: A Case of Visual Agnosia, Lawrence Erlbaum,
London, 1987
Zeki S, A Vision of the Brain, Blackwell Scientific,
Oxford, 1993.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KHA326/346 Differential Psychology
May be taken as part of a KHA320 or KHA340. Lectures
consider psychological aspects of the differences
between people and between groups, and are primarily
concerned with differences in intelligence and cognitive
abilities. The laboratory component involves the
application of appropriate research techniques to the
study of topics covered in the lectures.
• N.B. must be taken as part of either KHA320 or 340
• Staff Mr JRM Alexander •Hbt, int •0% •sem 2 –1hr lecture, 2-hr lab class weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KHA200 or (KHA201 and 202) • coreq KHA300, (320 or
340) • m/excl KHA326 • assess 1-hr exam (50%), 2
assignments totalling 3,000 words (50%)
KHA327/347 Life-Span Development
May be taken as part of a KHA320 or KHA340. Lectures
examine life-span developmental issues with emphases
on adolescent and adult periods of human
development. Students are given a training in the range
of methodologies in developmental psychology. The
laboratory component will involve empirical
investigation of issues raised in the lectures.
• N.B. must be taken as part of either KHA320 or 340
• Staff Dr T Thompson, Mrs R Rawlinson •Hbt, int
•0% •sem 2 –1-hr lecture, 2-hr lab class weekly (14
wks) • prereq KHA200 or (KHA201 and 202) • coreq
KHA300, (320 or 340) • m/excl KHA315 • assess 1-hr
exam (50%), 2 assignments totalling 3,000 words (50%)
• req Peterson C, Looking Forward through the Life Span,
2nd edn, Prentice Hall, NY 1989.
KHA400/401 Psychology 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Are for BA students. The psychology honours program
provides research training (including a supervised
research project), advanced theory and an introduction
to professional training. The components consist of a
thesis which incorporates a literature review and an
empirical study (50%), Multivariate Research Designs
(10%), Professional Roles and Issues (10%, one
semester), Individual Assessment (10%, one semester),
Contemporary Issues (20%, two semesters), and a
postgraduate and honours seminar (two semesters).
Students taking the honours course over two years
should consult the unit coordinator about which
components to take in which year. For full details of
this unit, see the information booklet entitled Fourth
Year Honours available from the Department.
• Staff Dr J Davidson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •100%/
50% • prereq For 1998 entry, a double major in
Psychology containing at least 165% in that discipline
and meeting all graduation requirements. KHA311
must be included, and students should have obtained a
minimum GPA of 7.0 (half way between a credit and a
distinction) for Psychology units at 200 and 300 level.
Students who fail to meet these prerequisites may apply
for special consideration from the department, if they
meet the Faculty of Arts’ prerequisites for Honours. The
number of places in Psychology 4 is limited by the
availability of laboratory facilities and other resources,
and admission to the program will be based on
academic merit. From 1999, the minimum entry to
fourth year will be satisfactory completion of a
double major in Psychology (175%). • assess details for
each component are made available at the
commencement of the course
• req Tabachnick BG and Fidell LS, Using Multivariate
Statistics, 2nd edn, Harper Collins, New York, 1989
Lilienfeld SO, Seeing Both Sides: Classic Controversies in
Abnormal Psychology, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove,
Calif, 1995.
KHA415/416 Psychology 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Are for BSc graduates; and have the same objectives as
KHA400, 401.
• Staff Dr J Davidson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •100%/
50% • prereq For 1998 entry, BSc with a major in
Psychology –KHA100, KHA200, KHA301, KHA302
and KHA351 or KHA352 (including KHA311). The
number of places in Psychology 4 is limited by the
availability of laboratory facilities and other resources,
and admission to the program will be based on
academic merit. From 1999, the minimum entry to
fourth year will require a 133.33% major in
Psychology which must include KHA340 Advanced
Psychology. • assess details for each component are
made available at the commencement of the course
• req Tabachnick BG and Fidell LS, Using Multivariate
Statistics, 2nd edn, Harper Collins, New York, 1989
Lilienfeld SO, Seeing Both Sides: Classic Controversies in
Abnormal Psychology, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove,
Calif, 1995.
KHA730 Methods in School Psychology
Examines direct and indirect methods of working in
educational settings, from a focus on behavioural
change in the individual child, through working with
groups and classes of children, to systemic approaches
involving the whole school. The emphasis is on
encouraging positive learning outcomes for children
and adolescents in schools.
• Staff Dr T Thompson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 423
•sem 1 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess oral
and written presentation of case study (50%), seminar
presentation (50%).
KHA731 Interviewing, Guidance and
Counselling: Theory and Practice
Teaches advanced interviewing, counselling and
behavioural and emotional change skills and
techniques, with special consideration for working with
children and adolescents in schools, with teachers and
school principals and with families. A combination of
lectures, demonstrations and role-playing ensure that
students learn the central principles of interviewing as
well as the practical application of these techniques.
• Staff Dr T Thompson •Hbt, int •8% •sem 2 –2-hr
seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2 case histories (50%
KHA732 Exceptionality and Special
Examines exceptional developmental patterns with
regard to educational and other therapeutic
interventions. Models of defining exceptionality are
critically examined, as well as issues pertaining to the
delivery of educational services. The impact of
disability on individuals and families and the effect of
psychoeducational interventions on learning and
adjustment are investigated.
• Staff Mrs R Rawlinson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 1 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess report
(70%), seminar presentation (30%)
• req Ashman A and Elkins J, Educating Children with
Special Needs, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1993.
KHA733 Professional Practice and
Ethical Issues 1
Considers professional and ethical issues in educational
psychology practice; supervised practice in educational
settings, including special schools and schools with
integrated students who have disabilities, as well as
child and adolescent agencies. Placements are
undertaken with the cooperation of the Guidance
Service of DEA, who also assist with block placements
of students under the supervision of practising
Educational Psychologists (Guidance officers).
• Staff Dr T Thompson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •18%
•full year –14 seminars, educational placement and
supervised practice • assess Placement Supervisor’s
Report Form; completion of diary record; attendance at
KHA742 Psychoeducational Assessment
Provides theoretical knowledge and practical
experience in the psychoeducational assessment of
children and adolescents. The unit covers a range of
assessment techniques including standardised ability
and intelligence tests, diagnostic, attainment and
educational assessment. Assessment of specific
psychoeducational problems and populations is
examined, as well as ethical, inferential and
psychometric issues. The unit covers the roles and
responsibilities of assessors, assessment-based decisionmaking and consultation.
• Staff Mrs R Rawlinson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 2 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess case
data file and case report (70%), seminar presentation
• req Sattler J, The Assessment of Children, 3rd edn,
Jerome M Sattler Publ, San Diego, 1988.
KHA744 Professional Practice and
Ethical Issues 2
Is an advanced consideration of professional and ethical
issues in educational psychology practice; supervised
practice in educational settings including special
schools and schools with integrated students who have
disabilities, as well as child and adolescent agencies.
Placements are undertaken with the cooperation of the
Guidance Service of DEA, who also assist with block
placements of students under the supervision of
practising Educational Psychologists (Guidance
• Staff Dr T Thompson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •18%
•full year –14 seminars, educational placement and
supervised practice • assess Placement Supervisor’s
Report Form; completion of diary record, and
attendance at seminars.
KHA751 Behaviour Assessment and
Examines the nature and process of clinical assessment:
individual testing, case history recording, behaviour
analysis, psychophysiological measurement. Students
who have not already done so, are expected to
undertake a course in individual intelligence testing as
part of this unit.
• Staff Dr IM Montgomery (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•8% •sem 2 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2hr exam in Nov (60%), seminar presentation (40%).
KHA752 Physiological Basis of
Considers the physiological processes underlying
psychopathology. As well as giving students a
biological view of psychopathology the unit deals with
selected topics in depth in order to acquaint students
with methodological issues in the area.
• Staff Dr IM Montgomery (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•8% •sem 2 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2hr exam in Nov (60%), seminar presentation (40%).
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KHA753 Psychopathology
Is a study of the development, organisation and content
of behaviour disorders. In general an experimentalclinical approach is taken, and students are expected to
become familiar with current research in the area.
Clinical case study material is used as is appropriate
and students are required to be familiar with the DSMIV classificatory system as it applies to the practice of
clinical psychology.
• Staff Dr WL Slaghuis (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 1 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2-hr
exam in June (60%), seminar presentation (40%).
KHA754 Behaviour Change
Is a detailed study of the empirically-based systems of
behaviour-change counselling and psychotherapy.
Students must enter this unit with sound skills in basic
counselling procedures. The unit emphasises skill
acquisition and students are required to demonstrate
their skills in relation to specific therapeutic procedures.
• Staff Dr CL Williams (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •18%
(Clinical); 16% (Educational) •full year –2-hr seminar
weekly (28 wks) • assess 2-hr exam in Nov (50%),
seminar presentation (50%).
KHA756 Research Design
Considers selected experimental studies and statistical
procedures employed in certain areas of
psychopathology, psychological assessment and
behaviour change. The unit includes single case designs
and program evaluation.
• Staff Dr JA Davidson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 2 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 1,500word evaluation proposal (50%), 1,500-word single case
report (50%).
KHA757 Professional Practice and
Ethics A
Considers professional and ethical issues in clinical
psychological practice. As part of the requirement for
this unit students have to demonstrate their skills in the
administration, scoring and interpretation of a range of
psychological tests. Supervised clinical practice is
undertaken in agencies such as acute and long-stay
psychiatric hospitals, community mental health centres,
and child, adolescent, forensic and private psychiatric
• Staff Dr CL Williams (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –2-hr seminar weekly (28 wks) and clinical
placements • assess case presentations and 2x1,500word case reports (20%), videotaped administration
and scoring of 2 set psychological tests (20%), 2
satisfactory clinical placement reports (60%).
KHA758 Research Report 1
The research proposal is prepared by 1 September and
presented as a Departmental seminar. The literature
review and/or research study is commenced. The
proposal should conform to the Departmental
• Staff Dr CL Williams (Clinical), Dr T Thompson
(Educational) •Hbt, int •25% (Clinical), 20%
(Educational) •full year –supervision negotiated.
KHA760 Clinical Neuropsychology
Considers the presentation of human brain dysfunction,
the techniques of diagnosis and assessment, and the
psychological management of individuals with
neuropsychological problems. The unit concentrates on
issues relevant to the general clinical psychologist.
• Staff Dr IM Montgomery (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•8% •sem 1 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2hr exam in June (60%), seminar presentation (40%)
• req Lezak MD, Neuropsychological Assessment, 3rd
edn, OUP, NY, 1995.
McCarthy RA and Warrington EK, Cognitive
Neuropsychology: A clinical introduction, Academic
Press, 1990.
Spreen O and Strauss EA, Compendium of
Neuropsychological Tests: Administration, norms and
commentary, OUP, 1991.
Walsh K, Neuropsychology: A clinical approach, 2nd edn,
Churchill-Livingstone, 1987.
KHA761 Neuroanatomy for Psychologists
Is an intensive introduction to neuroanatomy taken
concurrently with KHA760. The unit is run by staff
from the discipline of Anatomy in the Division of
Anatomy and Physiology.
•Hbt, int •10% •sem 2 –16 seminars.
KHA762 Clinical Child Psychology
Examines the causes and consequences of behavioural
and emotional problems in children and adolescents
and provides a systematic framework for undertaking
clinical and psycho-educational work. Clinical and
educational assessment, intervention, treatment and
management of problems are discussed.
• Staff Dr WL Slaghuis (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 1 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks)
• req Herbert M, Clinical Child Psychology, Chichester
Wiley, 1991.
KHA763 Community Psychology
Considers the nature and development of community
psychology and to review some contemporary issues.
Areas covered include community mental health,
educational programs, the criminal justice system,
unemployment, negotiation strategies, conservation of
resources and the environment, issues in the prevention
of international conflict and research methods in
community psychology. The unit provides contact with
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 425
a wide range of community-based organisations.
• Staff Dr CL Williams (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 1 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2-hr
exam in June (60%), seminar presentation (40%).
KHA765 Clinical Psychophysiological
Measurement and its Applications
Introduces the future clinical psychologist to basic
psychophysiological concepts and approaches, and
establishes a base level of competence in recording and
interpretation of phsyiological responses using the
MacLab Physiological Response Recording system. In
addition, a general introduction and overview of
psychophysiology is given followed by topics with
clinical application.
• Staff Dr GV Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 2 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess
laboratory exam (67%), laboratory note book (33%).
KHA766 Current Issues in Assessment
and Behaviour Change
Considers issues such as interviewing skills, history
taking, report preparation and the communication of
psychological information to a range of other
professions. Behaviour Change focuses on the theories
and practice of couple, family and group psychology
• Staff Dr CL Williams (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8%
•sem 2 –2-hr seminar weekly (14 wks) • assess 2-hr
exam in Nov (50%), seminar presentation (50%).
KHA767 Professional Practice and
Ethics B
Considers professional and ethical issues in clinical
psychological practice. As part of the requirement for
this unit students have to demonstrate their skills in the
administration, scoring and interpretation of a range of
psychological tests. Supervised clinical practice is
undertaken in agencies such as acute and long-stay
psychiatric hospitals, community mental health centres,
and child, adolescent, forensic and private psychiatric
• Staff Dr IM Montgomery (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•25% •full year –2-hr seminar weekly (28 wks) and
clinical placements • assess case presentations and
2x1,500-word case reports (20%), videotaped
administration and scoring of 2 set psychological tests
(20%), 2 satisfactory clinical placement reports (60%).
KHA768 Research Report 2
Completion of research thesis (literature review and
research report) of 10,000-15,000 words by 30
• Staff Dr CL Williams (Clinical), Dr T Thompson
(Educational) •Hbt, int •25% (Clinical), 20%
(Educational) •full year –supervision negotiated.
Physical Sciences – Department of
Physical Sciences at Launceston
KJC103 Chemistry 1
Is a core unit for the Chemistry major, and for Science,
Medical Laboratory Science, Aquaculture and Sports
Science students, providing them with the fundamental
knowledge and concepts in inorganic, organic and
physical chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry covers atomic
structure, bonding theories and the systematic
chemistry of s- and p- block elements. Organic
Chemistry deals with the preparation and reactions of
the major classes of organic compounds including
industrial applications. Physical Chemistry involves a
study of electrochemistry, equilibria, the behaviour of
gases, kinetics, thermodynamics and solutions.
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam, Dr B Reedy •Ltn, int
•25% •full year –6 hrs weekly (28 wks) • prereq TCE
Chemistry CH856 or KJC162 • assess assignments
(20%), practical work (20%), 3-hr and 2-hr exams in
June (30%), 3-hr and 2-hr exams in Nov (30%)
• req McWilliam D, Organic Chemistry, University of
Tasmania at Launceston, 1994.
Brown TL et al, Chemistry: the Central Science, 6th edn,
Prentice-Hall, NJ.
KJC111 Chemistry for Environmental
Technology 1
Is for students in the Bachelor of Technology,
Environmental Technology, degree. The unit provides
the background and fundamental knowledge in
Chemistry required for their course and highlights
applications in this area. In all other respects, the unit
has the same objectives as KJC161.
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam •Ltn, int •10%
•sem 1 –4.5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess assignments
(20%), laboratory work (20%), 3-hr exam in June (60%)
• req Bettelheim FA and March J, Introduction to
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edn, Saunders
College Publishing, NY, 1995.
KJC112 Chemistry for Environmental
Technology 2
Extends the concepts established in KJC111 and applies
them to biological systems. In all other respects, the unit
has the same objectives as KJC162.
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam, Dr SJ Edwards •Ltn,
int •10% •sem 2 –4.5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KJC111 • assess assignments (20%), lab work (20%), 3hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Bettelheim FA and March J, Introduction to
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edn, Saunders
College Publishing, NY, 1995.
KJC161 Chemistry for Life Sciences
Is for students with no previous knowledge of
Chemistry who intend to study science, particularly the
biological sciences (see also KJC162). The unit provides
the background and fundamental knowledge in
chemistry required for these areas and highlights
applications in this area. It includes an introduction to
the properties and structure of matter, physical and
chemical changes, and simple bonding theory. Solution
behaviour, concentration and related calculations are
covered together with acids, bases and the pH scale.
General reaction types, the properties of some common
elements, the gas laws, nuclear chemistry and oxidation
and reduction are also covered.
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess assignments
(20%), practical work (20%), 3-hr exam in June (60%).
• req Bettelheim FA and March J, Introduction to
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edn, Saunders
College Publishing, NY, 1995.
KJC162 Introduction to Biochemistry
Extends the concepts established in KJC161 (or KJC171)
and applies them to biological systems, concentrating
on biochemicals and their interconversions. The unit
covers basic organic chemistry, pH and buffers, the
main classes of biochemicals, proteins, lipids,
carbohydrates, DNA, and their synthesis and
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam, Dr SJ Edwards •Ltn,
int •12.5% •sem 2 –6 hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KJC161 or KJC171 • assess assignments (20%), practical
work (20%), 3-hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Bettelheim FA and March J, Introduction to
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edn, Saunders
College Publishing, NY, 1995.
KJC171 Chemistry for Aquaculture
Is for students with no previous knowledge of
Chemistry who intend to study Aquaculture (see also
KJC162). The unit provides the background and
fundamental knowledge in chemistry required for
Aquaculture and highlights applications in this area. In
all other respects, this unit has the same objectives as
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess assignments
(20%), practical work (20%), 3-hr exam in June (50%)
• req Bettelheim FA and March J, Introduction to
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edn, Saunders
College Publishing, NY, 1995.
KJC212 Analytical Chemistry 2
Encompasses a theoretical and practical treatment of
qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry.
Methods for sampling, digestion of samples and
separation of sample constituents are surveyed.
Classical methods of analysis (gravimetric and
titrimetric) are studied in detail throughout this course.
Students are introduced to instrumental methods of
analysis through a study of selected techniques
(ultraviolet-visible spectrometry, atomic absorption
spectrometry, potentiometry, gas chromatography and
liquid chromatography). The laboratory component
provides students with a quantitative expertise, with
the analysis of real samples (particularly aquacultural
ones) forming an integral part of the unit. Students gain
the ability to plan and conduct a chemical analysis of a
simple unknown.
• Staff Prof PW Alexander, Dr BJ Reedy •Ltn, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures, 3 hrs lab/tutorial
weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC103 • assess practical/
quizzes (40%), 3-hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Harris DC, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th
edn, WH Freeman, 1995.
KJC221 Inorganic Chemistry 2
Builds on KJC103, giving students an understanding of
chemical extraction technology by covering the
principles governing the physical isolation of mineral
resources, and the chemical and electrochemical
reduction of metals. The application of these principles
enables students to quantify stochiometric and physical
variables as tools for process control. The impact of
industrial effluents upon the environment is recognised
and solutions to problems by control methods are
highlighted. Studies of bonding and the structure of
solid state lay a foundation for coordination chemistry
which can be applied in analytical chemistry and
chemistry of the life sciences. The unit forms a link
between physical chemistry (kinetics and
thermodynamics of chemical processes) and analytical
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures, 3hr practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC103 • assess
exam (50%), continuous assessment including lab
reports (50%). Satisfactory laboratory attendance and
performance is required for the candidate to be eligible
for an award
• req Lee JD, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th edn,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1991.
Hayes PC, Process Principles in Minerals and Materials
Production, Hayes Publications, Brisbane, 1993.
KJC231 Organic Chemistry 2
Is designed for students who may later take more
advanced chemistry units and possibly specialise in
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 427
organic chemistry, or for students majoring in the life
sciences and preparing for a course in biochemistry.
The unit covers: the various classes of aliphatic and
aromatic compounds through the chemical and
physical properties and interconversion of functional
groups; the various types of organic reactions and their
uses; industrial chemistry, polymers, and an
introduction to spectroscopic techniques; the
correlation of structure and reactivity; stereochemistry;
and the chemistry of some natural products, including
lipids and carbohydrates.
• Staff Prof PW Alexander, Dr BJ Reedy •Ltn, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures and 3 hrs lab/tutorial
weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC103 • assess practical/
quizzes (40%), 3-hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Harris DC, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th
edn, WH Freeman, 1995.
KJC262 Biochemistry for Aquaculture
Provides an abbreviated outline of the biochemistry of
fluid systems, primary metabolites, enzymes and
metabolic pathways, biochemical energetics and
biochemical control systems. Introductory laboratory
exercises are selected to reinforce the subject matter.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures
and 3 hrs lab work weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC103
• assess assignment/test (5%), lab work (20%), mid-sem
exam (15%), final exam (60%)
• req McMurray J, Organic Chemistry ,4th edn, BrooksCole, 1996
Laboratory Procedures and Experimental Techniques, 3rd
edn, (Dept of Physical Sciences).
• Staff Dr SJ Edwards •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –6 hrs
weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC103 • assess practicals
(30%), assignments (30%), 3-hr exam in June (40%)
• req Bettelheim FA and March J, Introduction to
General, Organic and Biochemistry, 4th edn, Saunders
College Publ, New York, 1995.
KJC242 Physical Chemistry 2
KJC263 Biochemistry 1
Provides a theoretical basis for understanding the
behaviour of chemical systems. Criteria for rapid and
spontaneous chemical change are derived using the
principles of thermodynamics and kinetics. Molecular
spectroscopy and electro-chemistry are also studied.
The unit focuses on the mathematical and conceptual
simplifications associated with Physical Chemistry
theories. Students gain the ability to make theoretical
predictions about the behaviour of physicochemical
systems, while appreciating the uncertainties intrinsic
to their projections.
Is for undergraduates majoring in Chemistry, Medical
Laboratory Science and other life sciences. The unit is
an indepth study of the biochemistry of primary
metabolites (proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and
lipids) and metabolic reactions and pathways; enzymes
and enzyme kinetics; biochemical and metabolic
disorders; bioenergetics. In the laboratory, analytical
biochemical techniques are used to study biochemical
reactions. A concurrent or prior study of KJC231 would
be of great advantage to students taking this unit.
• Staff Dr BJ Reedy, Prof PW Alexander •Ltn, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 4-hr lab/tutorial
session weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC103 and KXA172
• assess assignment (20%), practical work (20%), 3-hr
exam in Nov (60%)
• req Atkins PW, Physical Chemistry, 5th edn, OUP,
KJC252 Analytical and Environmental
Chemistry 2
Encompasses a theoretical and practical treatment of
qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry.
Methods for sampling, digestion of samples and
separation of sample constituents are surveyed.
Classical methods of analysis (gravimetric and
titrimetric) are studied in detail throughout this unit.
Students are introduced to instrumental methods of
analysis through a study of selected techniques
(ultraviolet-visible spectrometry, atomic absorption
spectrometry, potentiometry, gas chromatography and
liquid chromatography). The laboratory component
provides experience in the analysis of real and relevant
samples in the monitoring of aquacultural operations,
and includes some project work.
• Staff Dr SJ Edwards •Ltn, int •25% •full year –3
hrs lectures and 3 hrs lab work weekly (28 wks)
• prereq KJC103 • assess 2 assignment/tests (5% each),
exam in June (30%), exam in Nov (40%), lab work (20%)
• req Lehninger AL, Nelson DL and Cox MM, Principles
of Biochemistry, 3rd edn, Worth Publishers, NY, 1997.
KJC311 Instrumental Chemistry 3
Provides students with a thorough knowledge of
modern instrumental methods commonly used in
Analytical Chemistry. The chemical and physical
principles underpinning a wide range of instrumental
techniques (e.g. computer methods UV, IR, MS, AAS,
GFAAS, XRF, ISE, ASV, FIA, CFA, Polarography, TLC,
GPC, IC, GC, HPLC and capillary electrophoresis) will
be studied in depth. The laboratory program develops
practical expertise with methods discussed in lectures.
In addition, students are required to plan and carry out
an environmental analysis using one or more
instrumental techniques. Students gain an appreciation
of the working principles, applicability, advantages and
disadvantages, sensitivity, sample requirements and
errors of the instrumental techniques surveyed in this
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
• Staff Prof PW Alexander, Assoc Prof DC McWilliam
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures, 3 hrs lab
work weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC212 • assess
practical work/assignments (40%), 3-hr exam in June
• req Skoog DA and Leary JJ, Principles of Instrumental
Analysis, Saunders, 1992.
KJC322 Inorganic Chemistry 3
Builds on and extends KJC221, and forms a link
between organic and analytical chemistry, and physical
chemistry (kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical
processes). Topics include: the modelling of kinetics
and mechanisms for synthesis and stability of
complexes; and a systematic study of the heavier
transition elements, inner transition lanthanides and
actinides, and of organometallic and bioinorganic
chemistry. Students investigate extraction processes (by
digestion and clarification followed by ion-exchange or
solvent extraction techniques, and refining by series
recrystallisation) to gain an understanding of the
strategies used in selecting the most appropriate,
economic and environmentally sensitive ways of
exploiting scarce resources.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures, 3hr practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC221 • assess
exam (50%), continuous assessment including lab
reports (50%). Satisfactory lab attendance and
performance is required for the candidate to be eligible
for an award
• req Lee JD, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th edn,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1991.
Hayes PC, Process Principles in Minerals and Materials
Production, Hayes Publications, Brisbane, 1993.
Shriver DV et al, Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd edn, OUP,
Oxford, 1994.
KJC332 Organic Chemistry 3
Is an extension of KJC231, with further studies in
organic chemistry, including molecular structure
determination by spectroscopic methods (UV, IR, NMR
and mass spectrometry). Topics include: aromatic
chemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, additional natural
product chemistry (including alkaloids, terpenes,
acetogenins, steroids and pharmaceuticals); mechanistic
organic chemistry, synthetic reactions, polyfunctional
compounds, and polymer chemistry.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures
and 3 hrs lab work weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC231
Organic Chemistry 2 • assess Assignment/test (5%), lab
work (20%), mid-sem exam (15%), final exam (60%)
• req McMurray J, Organic Chemistry, 4th edn, BrooksCole, 1996
Laboratory Procedures and Experimental Techniques, 3rd
edn, (Department of Physical Sciences).
KJC341 Physical Chemistry 3
Is for students undertaking a Chemistry major. The unit
evaluates the performance of selected practical chemical
systems through a rigorous application of the
theoretical principles of thermodynamics, kinetics and
electrochemistry. Students consolidate their
understanding of important practical techniques
through investigations of catalytic behaviour in terms
of surface chemical phenomena, and through studies of
the theoretical aspects of molecular symmetry and
• Staff Dr BJ Reedy, Prof PW Alexander •Ltn, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 4-hr lab/tutorial
session weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC242 • assess
assignment (20%), practical work (20%), 3-hr exam in
June (60%)
• req Atkins PW, Physical Chemistry, 5th edn, Oxford
University Press, 1994.
KJC353 Science Project (Chemistry)
Enables third-year students in the Chemistry
professional major to use their chemical knowledge and
to develop analytical expertise in tackling an applied or
research project which involves a search of computer
literature and a concentrated and extended period of
laboratory work. These lead to the production of a
detailed written report.
• Staff Assoc Prof DC McWilliam •Ltn, int & dist.ed
•25% •full year –6 hrs weekly (28 wks) • prereq
KJC231, 221, 212, and 242 • coreq KJC332, 322, 311, and
341 • assess seminar (15%), report (85%).
KJC372 Analytical and Environmental
Examines the methods used by chemists in monitoring
the environment, particularly aquaculture sites: sample
collection and the preparation and preservation of
gases, waters and solids for organic and inorganic
chemical analysis; and the demonstration of
gravimetric, volumetric and instrumental methods of
chemical analysis. Topics include: particulates and
exogenous substances in air; transfer mechanisms of
air-borne substances into the water cycle; natural
physical and chemical cycles for water, oxygen, carbon,
nitrogen and sulphur; soil/water interactions; sources,
nature and control of exogenous substances; pollution;
toxins, metallogens, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides,
insecticides, piscicides, and disposed industrial
domestic and rural products; Eh, pH and dissolved
oxygen, measurement and data interpretation;
electrochemistry, electrolytes, electrochemical cells,
conductivity, principles of aqueous corrosion;
techniques of control of corrosion of metals; and
laboratory procedures using atomic absorption, and
UV/Vis spectrophotometers, ion selective electrodes,
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 429
and conductivity bridge.
• N.B. generally restricted to Aquaculture and
Environmental Technology students
KJG101 Population and Urbanisation
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 3-hr
practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJC162 • assess
exam (50%) and continuous assessment including lab
reports (50%). Satisfactory lab attendance and
performance is required for the candidate to be eligible
for an award
• req Manahan SE, Environmental Chemistry, 6th edn,
Lewis, Boca Raton, 1994.
Provides a foundation for major or minor studies in
Geography as well as being available as an elective unit.
A number of key geographical concepts and skills are
introduced early in the unit, followed by a systematic
approach to population, urbanisation and global issues.
The unit covers a wide range of conceptual, theoretical
and practical material, but at a preliminary level. No
previous study of geography is assumed.
KJC400/401 Chemistry Honours Full
time/Part time (BAppSc)
• Staff Dr P Hanson •Ltn, int & dist.ed •12.5% •sem
1 –2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr practical weekly
(14 wks) • assess essay (15%), practical exercises (45%),
final exam (40%)
• req Peters GL and Larkin RP, Population Geography:
Problems, Concepts and Prospects, 4th edn, KendallHunt, 1993.
The honours program aims to (a) develop written skills
to a level appropriate for the submission of a paper for
a refereed journal; (b) develop oral communications
skills to a level appropriate for the delivery of a
presentation at a national conference; (c) develop the
ability to acquire relevant information on a particular
subfield from the published literature and to synthesise
a systematic and logical review which identifies key
issues, concepts and theory; (d) provide practical
research training through a specialised project to
facilitate the design and conduct of future
investigations in the chosen subfield and related areas;
and (e) prepare candidates for undertaking higher
degrees by research.
Content varies to accommodate staffing constraints and
the candidate’s individual program. However, all
candidates pursue a program of coursework
comprising 40% of total assessment and a 60% research
component as follows:
(a) Coursework — specialist lectures, seminars and
assigned reading in areas of advanced Chemistry,
specific both to the project and of a more general
(b) Research project — a clearly defined program of
original research in a field of Chemistry.
• Staff Prof PW Alexander, Dr SJ Edwards, Assoc Prof
DC McWilliam, Dr BJ Reedy •Ltn, int •100%/50%
•full year –weekly seminars and/or consulation with
supervisor; lab/fieldwork • prereq a sound bachelor
degree with generally credit level or beter in the final 3
sem of the Chemistry major (or an appropriate
alternative background approved by Faculty) • assess
coursework seminar (10%), 2x3-hr exams (30%), thesis
(50%), seminar presentation of thesis results (10%)
• req tba, depending on subfield chosen.
KJG102 The Physical Environment
Provides an introduction to the study of natural forces
shaping the face of the earth: climate, erosion,
deposition, and the adaptation of vegetation to the
varying conditions found within the biosphere. The
unit falls into two parts: (a) Landscape forming
processes, weathering and soils; and (b) Climate
systems and vegetation patterns.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int & dist.ed •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr
lectures, 2-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • assess essay
(20%), practical exercises and practical test (30%), final
exam (50%)
• req Strahler AN and Strahler AH, Modern Physical
Geography, 4th edn, Wiley, 1992.
KJG201 The Geography of Australian
Natural Environments
Deals with Australian natural environments,
incorporating a systematic examination of the natural
environment of Australia including recent modification
by post-European settlement, with related spatial and
socio-cultural concerns. The unit is interdisciplinary
and incorporates aspects of ecology, physical systems,
legislative issues and economic analyses.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int & dist.ed •12.5% •sem 1 –2-hr
lecture, 3-hr practical or 2-hr lecture, 2-hr practical, 1 1hr tutorial (14 wks) • prereq KJG101 and KJG102 or
equiv • assess internal –2,500-word essay (15%),
practical assignments (25%), seminar paper (10%), final
2-hr exam (50%). dist.ed -2,500-word essay (20%),
practical assignments (30%), 2-hr exam (50%)
• req McTainsh GH and Boughton WC (eds), Land
Degradation Processes in Australia, Longman Cheshire,
Roberts RW, Land Conservation in Australia: A 2000 Year
Stocktake, Soil and Water Conservation Association of
Australia, 1989.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KJG202 Natural Resources Management
Focuses on the conservation ethic of ‘highest and best
use’. Resources such as minerals, forests, fish, water,
soil and energy are examined in a context of economic
and environmental pricing and appraisal, together with
spatial analysis. Local and Australian examples serve to
enhance a wider global context. The emphasis is
towards the development of management skills.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int & dist.ed •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr
lecture, 3-hr practical or 2-hr lecture, 2-hr practical and
one 1-hr tutorial weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJG201 or
equiv • assess internal –2,500-word essay (15%),
practical assignments (25%), seminar paper (10%), final
2-hr exam (50%); dist.ed –2,500-word essay (20%),
practical assignments (30%), 2-hr exam (50%)
• req Aplin G, et al, Global Environmental Crises: An
Australian Perspective, Oxford Univ Press, Melbourne,
Mitchell B, Geography and Resource Analysis, 2nd edn,
Longman, 1990.
KJG301 Environmental Geomorphology
Is a study of Environmental Geomorphology which
involves: (a) an examination of dynamic aspects of
geomorphology –special reference is made to processes
and changes, partly or wholly related to human
activities, and to problems of terrain management and
mismanagement, particularly within stream
catchments; and an examination is made of hazards in
the landscape such as flooding, land instability and
other geomorphological processes involved in
landscape degradation –enabling an assessment of
regional problems; and (b) an assessment of
geomorphological problems encountered in terrain
management using field and laboratory techniques.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int (consult Geography Coordinator
for dist.ed options) •25% •sem 1 –2x2-hr lectures/
seminar, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) and 4 days
fieldwork • prereq KJG201 and KJG202 or equiv
• assess essays and seminar (25%), practical exercises
(35%), final exam (40%)
• req Cooke RU and Doornkamp JC, Geomorphology in
Environmental Management; A New Introduction, 2nd
edn, Oxford, 1990.
KJG302 Industrial Geography
Is a study of Industrial Geography involving three
interrelated aspects: (a) Theory, method and trends in
industrial geography; (b) Global industrial change –the
geography of uneven development, industrial change
and the social and economic effects of the shifts in
global industry; and (c) Guided research –articulation
of the problem, data collection, statistical processing
and analysis of data, followed by the preparation of a
final report.
• Staff Dr P Hanson •Ltn, int (consult Geography
Coordinator for dist.ed options) •25% •sem 2 –2x2-hr
seminars and 2x2-hr practicals weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KJG201 and KJG202 or equiv • assess essays (20%),
seminar preparation, contribution and paper (20%),
practical/project report (30%), final exam (30%)
• req Dicken P, Global Shift, 2nd edn, Chapman, 1992
Fagan R and Webber M, Global Restructuring: the
Australian Experience, Oxford University Press, 1994.
KJG400/401 Geography Honours Full
time/Part time (BAppSc)
The honours program aims to (a) develop written skills
to a level appropriate for the submission of a paper for
a refereed journal; (b) develop oral communications
skills to a level appropriate for the delivery of a
presentation at a national conference; (c) develop the
ability to acquire relevant information on a particular
subfield from the published literature and to synthesise
a systematic and logical review which identifies key
issues, concepts and theory; (d) provide practical
research training through a specialised project to
facilitate the design and conduct of future
investigations in the chosen subfield and related areas;
and (e) prepare candidates for undertaking higher
degrees by research.
Content varies to accommodate staffing constraints and
the candidate’s individual program. However, all
candidates pursue a program of coursework
comprising 40% of total assessment and a 60% research
component as follows:
(a) Geographical method relevant to the chosen subfield
(b) A systematic study of the chosen subfield
(c) Submission of a thesis on an approved topic.
• Staff Dr P Hanson and others. Depending on subfield
chosen, formal links and co-supervision may be
arranged with Geography staff at the Hobart campus;
or candidates may be supervised entirely from Hobart
via cross-campus enrolment •Ltn, int •100%/50%
•full year –weekly seminars and/or consultation with
supervisor; lab/fieldwork • prereq a sound bachelor
degree with generally credit level or better in the final 3
sem of the Geography major (or an appropriate
alternative background approved by Faculty) • assess
method essay (10%), literature review (10%),
coursework seminar (10%), 2-hr exam (10%), thesis
(50%), seminar presentation of thesis results (10%)
• req tba, depending on subfield chosen.
KJG402/403 Geography Honours Full
time/Part time (BA)
As for KJG400/401.
KJG404 Geography Honours
As for KJG400/401 in all respects except for the
•25% • assess thesis
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 431
KJP103 Physics 1A
Is designed for students with a TCE Physics and
Mathematics background. The unit treats the subject in
a broad and comprehensive manner, and includes the
topics of mechanics, electricity and magnetism, wave
phenomena and atomic and nuclear physics. Each topic
is analysed in depth and consequently a knowledge of
mathematics is essential. The unit is suitable for
students who wish to pursue further studies in physics,
electronics, applied computing, education or chemistry.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •25% •full year –4x1-hr lectures,
2-hr lab session weekly • prereq TCE Physics Level C
and TCE Mathematics Stage 2 • coreq KXA171 (sem 1)
and KXA172 (sem 2) • assess continuous assessment
(practicals, tests, etc.) (40%), 2x2-hr exams in June and
Nov (60%)
• req Halliday D, Reswick R and Walker J,
Fundamentals of Physics, (extended) 4th edn, Wiley,
KJP131 Introduction to Electronics
Provides an introduction to electronics. Semiconductor
theory is used to explain the operation of diodes and
transistors and their applications are discussed. The
design of amplifiers and oscillators is described along
with their frequency response. Students are also
introduced to digital electronics
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2 hrs lectures, 2hr lab session weekly (14 wks) • assess continuous
assessment (practical work, tests, etc.) (40%), 2-hr exam
in June (60%)
KJP132 Digital and Microprocessor
Serves as the basis for an investigation of computer
architecture, and leads on to skills in programming and
the interfacing of an 8-bit microprocessor.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –4 hrs of lectures,
2 hrs practical work weekly (14 wks) • assess
continuous assessment (practical work, tests) (40%), 3hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Gaonkar RS, The Z80 Microprocessor: Architecture,
Interfacing, Programming and Design, 2nd edn, Merrill,
KJP141 Physics for Life Sciences
Introduces students to the basic concepts of physics
underlying instruments and techniques used by
medical scientists and in biological applications
relevant to human movement studies. The topics
covered are mechanics, electricity and magnetism,
optics and waves, atomic and nuclear physics.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •full year –2 hrs lectures,
2 hrs lab work weekly • assess continuous assessment
(tests, laboratory work, etc.) (50%), 3-hr exam in June
• req tba
KJP142 Introduction to Astronomy
Is designed to introduce students with no previous
knowledge of physics to the field of astronomy. A
comprehensive view of the subject is offered, including
such topics as the history of astronomy and the
development of calendars, stellar classification and
stellar evolution, galaxies and celestial mechanics.
Although the approach is essentially qualitative, the
subject will be presented analytically so that students
will gain an appreciation of how knowledge of the
subject is achieved. Weekly tutorial sessions are an
integral part of the unit.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures,
1-hr tutorial weekly (14 wks) • assess 3x1-hr exams
during the semester
• req Snow TP, The Dynamic Universe, 4th edn, West,
KJP143 Principles of Physics
Introduces physics to students who have little or no
knowledge of the subject. The unit makes a broad study
of such topics as mechanics, electricity and magnetism,
waves and optics, atomic and nuclear physics and
astronomy. This gives students a basic knowledge of
the processes operating within the physical universe,
and enables them to relate these processes to other
sciences. An extensive use is made of teaching materials
not normally employed in physics courses.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •25% •full year –4 hrs of lectures
/tutorials weekly (28 wks) • assess 3-hr exam in June
(50%), continuous assessment during sem 2 (50%)
• req tba
KJP144 Physics for Human Movement
Introduces students to the basic concepts of physics
underlying instruments and techniques used in
biological applications relevant to human movement
studies. The topics covered are mechanics, electricity,
optics and waves, fluid and gas motion.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •7% •sem 1 –4 hrs weekly (14
wks) • assess continuous assessment (50%), 3-hr exam
in June (50%)
• req tba
KJP151 Physics for Engineers
Introduces engineering students to some basic
principles of physical science, forming a foundation for
later studies in the engineering program. Topics include
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
dynamics, gravitation, waves, geometrical and physical
optics, kinetic theory of gases, and the nature of matter.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •8.9% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 1hr tutorial weekly (14 wks), and 6x2-hr lab sessions
• prereq entry to Engineering program • assess
practical work (30%), mid-sem test (20%), and a 2-hr
exam in June (50%)
• req Halliday D, Resnick R and Walker J, Fundamentals
of Physics, extended 4th edn, Wiley, 1993.
KJP201 Physics 3A
Introduces electronics and electromagnetic field theory.
Semiconductor theory is used to explain the operation
of diodes and transistors, and their application is
discussed. The design of amplifiers and oscillators is
described, and their frequency response is explained.
Studies extend to frequency filters and the concept of
resonant circuits. The nature and origin of electric and
magnetic fields are investigated, and the laws
describing their behaviour are developed –with
particular emphasis being given to the relationship
between electromagnetic field phenomena and
electrical circuits.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –4 hrs of lectures,
2-hr lab session weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJP103
• assess continuous assessment (practicals, tests, etc.)
(40%), 3-hr exam in June (60%)
• req Cheng DK, Applied Electromagnetism, 2nd edn,
Addison-Wesley, 1989.
KJP222 Physics 4E
Introduces students to the discipline of digital
electronics and its applications. The unit serves as the
basis for an investigation of computer architecture, and
leads on to skills in programming and the interfacing of
an 8-bit microprocessor. Topics include: Boolean
algebra, its implementation with logic circuits; storage
devices; timing circuits; Z80 microprocessor
programming; and operation, input/output and
memory interfacing.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –4 hrs lectures, 2
hrs practical work weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJP201
• assess continuous assessment (practical work, tests)
(40%), 3-hr exam in Nov (60%)
• req Gaonkar RS, The Z80 Microprocessor: Architecture,
Interfacing, Programming and Design, 2nd edn, Merrill,
KJP231 Computer Control and
Provides students with the theory and gives practical
experience in computer interfacing and control of
external devices. The skills acquired are then applied to
a study of digital communication techniques. Topics
include 8088/8086 programming and interfacing;
input/output techniques and computer control using
IBM PCs; digital communications –theory and practice;
data integrity; and computer networks.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –4 hrs lectures, 2hr lab session weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJP132 • assess
continuous assessment (practical work, tests, etc.)
(40%), 3-hr exam in June (60%)
• req Mazidi MA and Mazidi JG, The 80x86 IBM PC &
Compatible Computers, Vols 1 & 2, Regents/PrenticeHall, NJ, 1993, 1995.
Driscoll FF, Data Communications, Saunders, USA, 1992.
KJP232 Laboratory Instrumentation
Applies previously acquired knowledge and skills in
electronics to a study of laboratory instrumentation.
Operational amplifiers and their application in control
circuits are presented; analogue/digital conversion
techniques are investigated and used in computer
interfacing circuits; and laboratory instrumentation
systems are developed. The unit covers: data
acquisition and control in laboratory and selected
industrial applications; an investigation of various
sensors and transducers; and techniques for signal
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –4 hrs lectures, 2-hr lab
session weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJP13, 132 • assess
continuous assessment (practicals, etc.) (40%), 3-hr
exam in Nov (60%).
KJP321 Physics 5E
Introduces students to the practical aspects of
electromagnetism and develops their knowledge and
skills in the use of microprocessors. (a) The emission of
electromagnetic radiation is presented as the natural
consequence of electric charge movement, and the laws
governing the behaviour of such radiation are derived.
Modern applications such as antenna design,
transmission lines, microwave guides and satellite
communication are then investigated. (b) Skills in
computer interfacing and the control of external devices
are developed and applied to the study of digital
communication techniques. Topics include: 8088/8086
programming and interfacing; computer control using
IBM PCs; the theory and practice of digital
communications; and computer networks.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •25% •sem 1 –6 hrs lectures, 6
hrs lab work weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJP201, 222
• assess continuous assessment (40%), a 2-hr and a 3-hr
exam in June (60%)
• req Cheng DK, Applied Electromagnetism, 2nd edn,
Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Mazidi MA and Mazidi JG, The 80x86 IBM PC &
Compatible Computers, Vols 1 and 2, Regents/
Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1993, 1995.
Driscoll FF, Data Communications, Saunders, USA, 1992.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 433
KJP322 Physics 6E
Is the final unit in the physics/electronics major stream,
giving students the opportunity to demonstrate all the
skills they have acquired. The assessment of students
places a major emphasis on the presentation of a formal
report, an important component of which is an
electronics project involving the design, construction
and testing of several related circuits. The unit also
develops previously acquired knowledge and skills in
electronics by investigating analogue/digital
conversion circuits, and applies this knowledge to data
acquisition and laboratory instrumentation and control.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •25% •sem 2 –7 hrs lectures, 5
hrs lab work weekly (14 wks) • prereq KJP201, 222
• assess continuous assessment (60%), 3-hr exam in
Nov (40%).
KJP400/401 Physical Sciences Honours
Full time/Part time(BAppSc)
The honours program aims to (a) develop written skills
to a level appropriate for the submission of a paper for
a refereed journal; (b) develop oral communications
skills to a level appropriate for the delivery of a
presentation at a national conference; (c) develop the
ability to acquire relevant information on a particular
subfield from the published literature and to synthesise
a systematic and logical review which identifies key
issues, concepts and theory; (d) provide practical
research training through a specialised project to
facilitate the design and conduct of future
investigations in the chosen subfield and related areas;
and (e) prepare candidates for undertaking higher
degrees by research.
Content varies to accommodate staffing constraints and
the candidate’s individual program. However, all
candidates pursue a program of coursework
comprising 40% of total assessment and a 60% research
component as follows:
(a) Coursework — specialist lectures, seminars,
assigned advanced reading in the discipline(s) specific
both to the project and of a more general nature, and
enrolment in specific undergraduate unit(s) to add
breadth where necessary.
(b) Research Project — a clearly defined program of
original research in a chosen area.
• Staff Prof PW Alexander, Dr SJ Edwards, Dr P
Hanson, Assoc Prof DC McWilliam, Dr BJ Reedy, and
others •Ltn, int •100%/50% •full year –weekly
seminars and/or consultation with supervisor; lab/
fieldwork • prereq a sound bachelor degree with
generally credit level or better in the final 3 sem of the
the appropirate major(s) for the proposed research
project (or an appropriate alternative background
approved by Faculty) • assess coursework seminar
(10%), literature review (10%), 3-hr exam (20%), thesis
(50%), seminar presentation of thesis results (10%)
• req tba.
KJY101 Geology 1
Is divided into three sections introducing the
fundamentals of geology: (a) Theory –giving an
overview of the main external and internal features of
earth and the nature and measurement of geological
time; then focusing on the surface of the earth and, in
particular, the processes of erosion and deposition, and
a consideration of the characteristics of the sedimentary
sequences which result from each agent of erosion; (b)
Practical work –emphasising mineralogy, petrology
and palaeontology; and (c) Three single days of field
work –observing, describing, drawing and making
deductions about the origin and geological history of
erosional and depositional landforms and key
sedimentary sequences.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2 hrs lectures, 3
hrs practical weekly (14 wks); 3 days of field work is an
additional requirement • assess continuous assessment
(40%), practical exam (20%), final exam (40%)
• req Duff D, Holmes Principles of Physical Geology,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
KJY102 Geology 2
Builds on KJY101: (a) Theory –with an emphasis on
structural geology, seismology, tectonics, petrology and
the Geology of Tasmania; (b) Practical work –including
topographic and geological mapping, aerial
photographic interpretation and elementary
photogrammetry; and (c) Field work –involving a twoday excursion which concentrates on geological
mapping, structural geology, stratigraphy and
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 3
hrs practical weekly (14 wks); a 2-day excursion is an
additional requirement • assess continuous assessment
(40%), practical exam (20%), final exam (40%)
• req Duff D, Holmes Principles of Physical Geology,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
Bennison GM, An Introduction to Geological Structures
and Maps, Ed-Arnold, London, 1985.
KJY201 Geology 3
Focuses on historical geology, with lectures on
stratigraphy, sedimentation, palaeontology and dating
techniques. Practical work involves laboratory exercises
with sedimentary analysis, fossils and geological
mapping. Field work is integrated with the practical
work and most of the material used in sedimentary
analysis is gathered in the field by students.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2 hrs lectures or
tutorials, 4 hrs practical weekly (14 wks); 3 days of
excursions is an additional requirement • prereq
KJY101 or 102 • assess continuous assessment (60%),
final exam (40%)
• req Duff D, Holmes Principles of Physical Geology,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
KJY202 Geology 4
Focuses on the dynamic aspects of geology.
Volcanology, igneous petrology, economic geology and
geophysics are the main topics studied in lectures and
tutorials. Practical work considers crystallography,
optical crystallography, mineralogy and petrology and
studies Tasmanian ores. Field work consists of a three
day excursion to the West Coast to focus on economic
geology and related stratigraphy and igneous rocks.
• Staff tba •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures or
tutorials, 4 hrs practical weekly; a 4-day excursion is an
additional requirement • prereq KJY101 or 102 • assess
continuous assessment (40%), practical exam (20%),
final exam (40%)
• req Duff D, Holmes Principles of Physical Geology,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
Agricultural Science (and
Microbiology) – Department of
Agricultural Science at Hobart
A) Agricultural Science
For an outline of the Bachelor of Agricultural Science,
see Schedule A on page 93 of this Handbook.For an
outline of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Agriculture)
and the Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture), see
Schedules on pages 94, and 95.
B) Microbiology
Units in microbiology are offered by the Department of
Agricultural Science and the Division of Pathology at
Specimen Courses
BSc students planning to major in Microbiology must
include the following units in their course, within the
general framework prescribed in the BSc Rules:
Second year
KLA210 Microbiology 1
Third year
CPA308 Applied Microbiology and Immunology [25%]
KLA309 Microbial Ecology
Note, also available is
KLA303 Food Microbiology
A major in Biochemistry may include Microbiology
units subject to approval by the Head of the
Department of Biochemistry. Refer to CBABiochemistry and see also BSc Rules (found in the
Calendar, 1997 )
Unit descriptions
Note: some semester-length units are shown as ‘full
year’, because the semester they are taught in varies
from year to year. Details of timetabling will be
advised at the commencement of studies.
KLA100 Introduction to Agriculture and
Introduces the major agricultural and horticultural
industries in Tasmania and Australia, and covers a
range of agricultural and biological concepts which
relate to these industries. Industry profiles are
presented for the fruit, vegetable, essential oil, poppy,
cereal, legume, pasture and animal production
industries. Practical work includes group discussions/
tutorials, an introduction to computer usage, and
excursions to the University Farm at Cambridge, the
Horticultural Research Centre, and to private farming
• Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Dr NJ Mendham,
Mr SC Champion, Dr PH Brown, Dr PA Lane •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –2 lectures, 3 hrs lab/tutorial/
excursion weekly (13 wks) • assess 3-hr exam (50%), 2
practical reports/class assignments (50%).
KLA105 Business of Agriculture and
Introduces the management of agricultural and
horticultural resources with emphasis on planning,
implementation and control, budgeting and investment
analysis. The University Farm is used as a model to
develop a framework for the study of enterprise and
business analysis. The concept of Whole Farm Planning
is introduced and physical and ecological aspects,
including an introduction to land classification,
subdivision, water supply, vegetation and organisation
of crop and livestock enterprises, are examined.
Students are introduced to computer-aided
management packages and undertake a financial
analysis of University Farm enterprises.
• Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Dr PA Lane, Dr NJ
Mendham •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2 lectures, 2 hrs
tutorial or 3 hrs practical/excursion weekly (13 wks)
• assess 3-hr exam (50%), 2 practical reports/class
assignments (50%).
KLA110 Science of Agriculture
Outlines the application of basic scientific principles in
agricultural production systems. The unit also covers
basic agricultural engineering and surveying topics,
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 435
including energy transfer in glasshouses and driers,
tillage forces, tractor stability, climate instrumentation
and data aquisition, simple survey methods,
hydraulics, pumping and irrigation systems, and farm
dams. The final component of the unit deals with
information access in agriculture, and introduces
information retrieval using conventional library
systems (catalogues, CD-ROM searching) and Internet
• Staff Mr S Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 2 –2 lectures, 2 hrs tutorial weekly (13 wks)
• assess 3-hr exam (70%), class assignment (20%),
weekly tests (10%)
KLA115 Sustainable Resource
Covers ecological principles including energy flow and
nutrient cycling in natural and managed ecosystems.
Features of ecosystems including diversity, succession,
productivity, stability and sustainability are examined.
Features of managed ecosystems including
maintenance of soil fertility, control of competitive
organisms (diseases, pests, weeds), and productivity
are also covered in systems ranging from shifting
cultivation in the tropics to intensive horticulture.
Environmental issues in agriculture such as vegetation,
land and water degradation, wildlife diversity, pests
and weeds, pesticide use, and biological control are
discussed. Examples of horticultural, forestry, animal
production and cropping systems will be used to
illustrate major principles covered in the unit.
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PH Brown, Mr SC
Champion •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2 lectures, 3 hrs
lab/tutorial/excursion weekly (13 wks) • assess 3-hr
exam (60%), 2 practical reports/class assignments
KLA130 Physical Science
Consists of (a) Physics - establishing basic practical and
applied physics useful to students of agriculture and
horticulture, including elementary electrical circuits,
measuring instruments and electronic instrumentation;
the effects of temperature on materials and heat flow;
the nature of light, simple statics, dynamics and
machines, and radioactivity; (b) Chemistry developing a basic knowledge of chemistry and its
applications, introducing the interactions occurring
between atoms and molecules and their effect on solids,
liquids and gases; the physical chemistry of solutions
and the calculation of values such as equilibrium
constants and pH in aqueous solutions; and elementary
organic chemistry including synthesis and reactions of
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids
and bases; and (c) Engineering - introducing
agricultural engineering and surveying, including
energy transfer in glasshouses and driers, tillage forces,
tractor stability, climate instrumentation and data
acquisition, simple survey methods, hydraulics,
pumping and irrigation systems, and farm dams.
• Staff Mr D Davies, Dr I Newman (Physics); Dr LA
Dunn (Chemistry), Dr AJ Seen (Coordinator); Mr S
Wilson (Engineering) •Hbt, int •25% •full year –sem
1 (Physics) 1 lecture and 2 hrs lecture/lab weekly,
(Chemistry) 2 lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly and 10x2-hr
lab sessions; sem 2 (Engineering) 2 lectures, 2 tutorials
weekly (9 wks) and 6x3-hr lab sessions/field excursions
• assess (Physics) 2-hr exam, a laboratory report, a
practical exam, (Chemistry) 2-hr exam (75%),
assignments and tests (10%), laboratory (15%),
(Engineering) 3-hr theory exam in Nov (70%), tutorials/
laboratory assignments (30%).
KLA150 Agricultural Geology & Soil
Science (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA213.
• Staff Mr RB Doyle (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •12.5%
•full year –sem 1 (Agricultural Geology) 1-hr lecture
weekly (14 wks), 3-hr practical session weekly (8 wks)
3x1-day excursions; sem 2 (Introductory Soil Science) 14
lectures, 9x3-hr practical sessions; and 2x1-day
excursions • assess (Agricultural Geology) practical
exam (25%), field work in sem 1 (25%), 2-hr theory
exam in June (50%); (Introductory Soil Science) 2-hr
theory exam (50%), practical work and field trip reports
• req Skinner BJ and Porter SC, The Dynamic Earth,
John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
[p/b]Cox KC, Price NB and Harte B, An Introduction to
the Practical Study of Crystals, Minerals and Rocks,
revised edn., McGraw-Hill.
McLaren RG and Cameron KC, Soil Science, Oxford
University Press, 1990.
Leeper GW, Introduction to Soil Science, Melbourne
University Press.
KLA161 Business of Agriculture &
Horticulture A
In semester 1, students participate in a Whole Farm
Planning Course, with the assistance of visiting
professionals. This part of the unit develops a
framework for the study of enterprise and business
analysis, using the University Farm as a model, and the
study of physical and ecological aspects, including an
introduction to land classification, subdivision, water
supply, vegetation and organisation of crop and
livestock enterprises. In semester 2, students are
introduced to management of agricultural and
horticultural resources with emphasis on planning,
implementation and control, budgeting and investment
analysis. Students are introduced to computer-aided
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
management packages and undertake a financial
analysis of University Farm enterprises.
• Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Dr PA Lane, Dr NJ
Mendham •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –1 lecture, 1
3-hr practical/tutorial session weekly, totalling 26
lectures, 8 tutorials and 78 hrs of practical/excursions
• assess 3-hr exam in Nov (50%), 2 practical reports/
class assignments (50%).
KLA162 Introduction to Agriculture &
Horticulture A
Introduces students to Tasmanian agricultural and
horticultural industries and to some appropriate
biological and agricultural concepts. Studies include
parts of KPZ160 dealing with cell biology, genetics and
managed ecosystems including agriculture, horticulture
and forestry. Other studies introduce students to such
industries as fruit, vegetable, essential oils, poppies,
cereals, legumes, pasture and animal production. This
industry profile approach provides the background
needed for later units. Practical work includes group
discussions/tutorials, an introduction to computers and
excursions to the University Farm at Cambridge, to the
Horticultural Research Centre and to private farming
• Staff Prof RJ Clark, Prof RC Menary, Prof I Murfet, Dr
NJ Mendham, Assoc Prof R White •Hbt, int •16.67%
•full year –(sem 1) 2 lectures, 1 3-hr practical session
(tutorial, group study or excursion) weekly; (sem 2) 2
lectures weekly and 6x3-hr practical sessions, totalling
45 lectures and 20x3-hr practical sessions • assess 2-hr
theory exam (50%), 2 term papers (25% ea).
KLA210 Microbiology 1
Is an introduction to microbiology that provides
students with basic knowledge of bacteria, viruses and
immunology. The practical component gives students
skills in microscopy and observation of bacterial cells
and techniques for the cultivation of microbial
populations. Topics include: history and significance of
microbiology; bacterial structure and function; bacterial
genetics and systematics; virology (particularly
bacteriophage); development of microbial populations;
factors affecting growth and death of microbial
populations, immunology and epidemiology.
• N.B. not available to BSc students in 1998 and beyond,
KLA210 is for Agricultural Science students only
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line •Hbt, int
•8.33% •sem 2 –18 lectures, 40 hrs practical • assess
2-hr theory exam in Nov (70%), practical exam during
last week of sem 2 (30%).
KLA212 Crop & Pasture Science
Develops skills in identification of crop, pasture and
weed species, and an understanding of growth and
development of the major crops and temperate pastures
and their interaction with environmental and
management factors. Identification (taxonomy) is
taught mainly through practical work in the laboratory
and field, and the making of a plant collection. Crop
physiology includes the study of how genetic,
environmental and management factors affect crop
development or progression through the life cycle, and
growth or increase in photosynthetic area and weight of
the whole crop or individual organs. For pastures,
major topics include temperate pasture species, the role
of legumes, pasture quality and use, seasonal
production and grazing management.
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane •Hbt, int •12.5%
•full year –sem 1 –1 lecture, 3-hr practical class
weekly; sem 2 –1 lecture and 2x3-hr practical classes
weekly, totalling 24 lectures and 30x3-hr practical
classes for the year • prereq KPZ160 or equiv • assess
2x2-hr theory exams (40%), practical reports (25%),
practical exam and plant collection (35%)
• req Curtis WM and Morris DI, The Student’s Flora of
Tasmania, Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4B, St David’s Park
Publishing, Hobart.
KLA213 Agricultural Geology & Soil
Consists of two parts: (a) Agricultural Geology, which
is offered by the Department of Geology and introduces
earth materials, the concepts of mineralogy and
petrology, sedimentology, and groundwater; and (b)
Introductory Soil Science, which deals with the main
features of soil profiles, soil formation factors, soil
occurrence in Tasmania and the basic nutrient cycles in
soils. Practical work and 2 full-day excursions look at
the basic physical and chemical properties of soils
under several different climatic and geological
• Staff (Agricultural Geology) Prof R Varne and Dr CP
Rao; (Introductory Soil Science) Mr RB Doyle •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –sem 1 (Agricultural Geology) 1-hr
lecture weekly (14 wks), 3-hr practical session weekly (8
wks) 3x1-day excursions; sem 2 (Introductory Soil
Science) 14 lectures, 9x3-hr practical sessions; and 2x1day excursions • assess (Agricultural Geology) practical
exam (25%), field work in sem 1 (25%), 2-hr theory
exam in June (50%); (Introductory Soil Science) 2-hr
theory exam (50%), practical work and field trip reports
• req Skinner BJ and Porter SC, The Dynamic Earth,
John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
[p/b]Cox KC, Price NB and Harte B, An Introduction to
the Practical Study of Crystals, Minerals and Rocks,
revised edn., McGraw-Hill.
McLaren RG and Cameron KC, Soil Science, Oxford
University Press, 1990.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 437
Leeper GW, Introduction to Soil Science, Melbourne
University Press.
KLA230 Plant Physiology
Integrates lectures and practical work to study
anatomy, physiology and molecular biology with
emphasis on water relations, photosynthesis and plant
hormones, and on interpretation of the function of cells
and organs in terms of their fine structure.
• Staff Mr AK Mills (Coordinator), Dr RJ Wiltshire, Dr
R Vaillancourt •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –sem 1 –
2 lectures, 2x3-hr practical classes weekly (12 wks), sem
2 –14 lectures and 3x3-hr practical classes by
arrangement • prereq KPA100 or equiv • assess 3-hr
theory exam (70%), practical work (30%)
• req Bidwell RGS, Plant Physiology, 2nd edn, Collier
KLA351 Plant Pathology 1 (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA306.
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed •Hbt, int
•8.33% •sem 1 –18 lectures or self-learning sessions
and 18 lab classes/tutorials/excursions • prereq
KPA100, KLA230 or equiv • assess 2-hr theory exam
(50%), practical exam (20%), practical work (20%),
assignment (10%).
KLA252 Entomology 1 (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA330.
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 2 –18 lectures, 14
lab classes/tutorials/excursions • prereq KZA101 and
KPZ160 or equiv • assess 2-hr theory exam (60%),
practical exam (15%), insect collection and reports (25%)
• req dissecting instruments, including a pair of
entomological forceps; insect net; screw-cap killing
jar. Solvents and entomological pins will be issued to
students on request.
KLA253 Soil Science 1 (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA323.
• Staff Mr RB Doyle •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –28
lectures and 84 hrs practical • prereq KLA213, KYA130,
KRA120 or equiv • assess 3-hr theory exam (50%),
practical work (50%)
• req Brady NC, The Nature and Properties of Soils, 10th
edn, MacMillan.
McLaren RG and Cameron KC, Soil Science, OUP, 1990.
KLA261 Business of Agriculture &
Horticulture B
Provides students with a background in management,
accounting and economics necessary for an
understanding and analysis of commercial
horticultureal and agricultural enterprises. In
Economics, students are introduced to the basic
principles of micreconomics which covers supply and
demand; markets under competitive and less
competitive conditions; labour markets; and
government intervention in markets. Other studies
include law and farming management; physical and
financial management; business structures; and
• Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Dr PA Lane •Hbt,
int •16.67% •full year –36 lectures/tutorials, 108 hrs
practicals/excursions/seminars • prereq KLA161 or
equiv • assess 3-hr theory exam in Nov (60%), term
papers/practicals/seminars (40%).
KLA262 Soils A
Consists of two parts: (a) Agricultural Geology
(lectures and some practicals offered in KLA213), in
which students study lithology and mineralogy;
groundwater structure and the hydrological cycle;
processes of erosion, transportation and deposition;
elementary stratigraphy and the geological time scale;
and (b) Introductory Soil Science, which deals with the
main features of soil profiles, soil formation factors, soil
occurrence in Tasmania and the basic nutrient cycles in
soilis. Practical work and 2 full-day excursions look at
the basic physical and chemical properties of soils
under several different climatic and geological
• Staff (Coordinator) Mr R Doyle •Hbt, int •12.5%
•full year –sem 1 (Agricultural Geology) 1-hr lecture
weekly (14 wks), 3-hr practical session weekly (8 wks),
3x1-day excursions; sem 2 (Introductory Soil Science)14
lectures, 9x3-hr practical sessions, 2x1-day excursions
• assess (Agricultural Geology) practical exam (25%),
field work in sem 1 (25%), 2-hr theory exam in June
(50%); (Introductory Soil Science) 2-hr theory exam
(50%), practical work and field trip reports (50%)
• req Skinner BJ and Porter SC, The Dynamic Earth,
John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
[p/b]Cox KC, Price NB and Harte B, An Introduction to
the Practical Study of Crystals, Minerals and Rocks,
revised edn, McGraw-Hill
McLaren RG and Cameron KC, Soil Science, OUP, 1990.
Leeper GW, Introduction to Soil Science, Melbourne
Univ Press.
KLA263 Crop Protection A
Is an introduction to the pests and diseases of plants of
economic significance; their identification and
classification; life cycle in relation to crop damage and
identification of damaging stages; impact of crop
damage arising from pest and disease attack, the spread
of pests and diseases and interaction between pests and
diseases and environmental factors. Students are
required to become familiar with diagnostic techniques
to distinguish between damage caused by insects,
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
pathogens, herbicide and abiotic disorders, and will be
required to complete disease and insect collections.
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –36 lectures or self-learning
sessions, 28 practical classes/tutorials/excursions
• prereq KLA162 • assess 2x2-hr theory exams (55%),
2x3-hr practical exams (17.5%), practical work and
assignments, including disease and insect collections
• req lab coat and dissection kit
KLA264 Principles of Breeding
Builds on KLA162 and develops an understanding of
the principles of plant and animal breeding by
examining the common features and important
differences between the two systems. The plant
breeding component involves a study of the natural
reproductive systems including both the self- and crosspollinated species and the manipulation of these by the
breeder to produce improved pure lines, populations,
clones or hybrids. The use of biotechnological
techniques to assist conventional crossing and selection
are discussed. The animal breeding component deals
with the various systems of selecting breeding stock
and the application of quantitative genetics to the
improvement of livestock.
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham (Coordinator); Mr SC
Champion •Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 1 –13 lectures and
15x3-hr practical sessions • prereq KLA162 or KPZ160
• coreq KLA266 or 267 • assess 3-hr theory exam (60%),
assignments (20%), seminar (20%).
KLA265 Introductory Microbiology
Focuses on agricultural and applied topics of relevance
to Applied Science students. The practical component
provides students with skills in microscopy and in the
cultivation and identification of microorganisms. Topics
include: bacterial structure and function, bacterial
identification, microbial genetics, factors affecting
growth and death of microbial populations, rumen
microbiology, introduction to virology and microbial
ecology, interactions between microorganisms and
plants, chemtherapy; microbial cycling of carbon and
nitrogen; waste disposal; bioremediation.
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –32 lectures (11 wks) and 2 lab
sessions weekly (9 wks –54 hrs practical) • prereq
KLA130 and 162 • assess 3-hr exam in June (70%),
practical exam during the last week of sem 1 (30%)
• req Pelczar MJ, Chan ECS and Krieg NR, Microbiology
Concepts and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
KLA266 Plant Production A
Is a core unit (see also KLA269) in the taxonomy and
physiology of crops and other plants of economic
importance. Taxonomy, or plant identification and
classification into species, genera and families, is taught
mainly through practical work in the laboratory and
field and in making a plant collection. Crop physiology
includes the study of how genetic, environmental and
management factors affect crop development or
progression through the life cycle, and growth or
increase in photosynthetic area and weight of the whole
crop or individual organs. Important factors include
interception and use of solar radiation by the crop
canopy, water relations and mineral nutrition.
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane, Dr PH Brown, Mr
S Wilson •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –28 lectures, 28
practical sessions or equiv • prereq KLA162 • assess 3hr theory exam (45%), practical exam, a plant collection
and practical assignments (55%)
• req Curtis WM and Morris DI, The Student’s Flora of
Tasmania, Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4B, St David’s Park
Publishing, Hobart.
KLA267 Animal Production A
Consists of two components: (a) Animal Nutrition,
which studies: digestive physiology of ruminant and
monogastric animals; basic nutrition (water, vitamins,
minerals, protein and energy); the development of
feeding systems and ration computation; pasture
production for grazing animals with emphasis on
temperate pasture species, factors affecting pasture
production, quality and use, and grazing management;
and (b) Animal Health, which looks at major animal
health problems, methods of control and prevention;
the use of quarantine to prevent the introduction of
exotic diseases, and the control of disease.
• Staff Mr SC Champion, Dr PA Lane •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –46 lectures and 26x3-hr practical
sessions • prereq KZA105 • assess 3-hr theory exam
(60%), assignments (40%)
• req Cottle DJ (ed), Australian Sheep and Wool Handbook,
Inkata Press, Melbourne.
KLA269 Horticulture B
Is made up of two parts, each with a weight of 16.67%:
(a) a core unit (KLA266) dealing with growth and
development, taxonomy of grasses, weeds and crop
plants, growth analysis, nutrition and water relations in
crop plants; and (b) a sub-unit dealing with the
principles which form the basis of horticultural practice
in a range of horticultural crops.
• Staff (Coordinator) Dr PH Brown •Hbt, int •33.33%
•full year –(part a) 28 lectures, 28 practical sessions or
equiv; (part b) 28 lectures, 28 practical sessions or equiv
• prereq KLA169 • assess (part a) 3-hr theory exam
(45%), practical exam, a plant collection and practical
assignments (55%); (part b) 3-hr theory exam in Nov
(70%), practical report and seminar (30%).
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 439
KLA300 Agricultural Microbiology 2
Consists of two components: (a) Food Microbiology
(semester 1) –providing students with an appreciation
of the role of microorganisms in the production and
deterioration of foods, including the study of:
contamination; effect of various factors on growth and
decline of microbial populations; microbial
fermentations; microbial hazards associated with foods;
and (b) Microbial Ecology (semester 2) –introducing
microbial ecology, interactions of microorganisms, and
of microorganisms and eucaryotes; transformations of
significant elements; microbial degradation of natural
and xenobiotic compounds.
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –28 lectures, 78 hrs practicals, 3
tutorials • prereq KLA210 • m/excl KLA309 • assess
2x2-hr exams (1 in June, 1 in Nov) (70%), continuous
practical assessment plus a practical report (30%)
KLA303 Food Microbiology
Provides students with an appreciation of the role of
microorganisms in the production and deterioration of
foods. Topics include mechanisms of contamination,
microbial ecology of foods (effect of temperature, water
activity, pH and other factors affecting the growth and
decline of microbial populations); microbial
fermentations; and microbial hazards associated with
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –
21 lectures, 7 tutorials and 14x3-hr practicals (some
lectures may be converted into projects) • prereq
KLA210 • m/excl KLA300 • assess 3-hr theory exam in
June (70%), continuous assessment of practical work
plus a practical report (30%).
KLA306 Plant Pathology 1
Is an introduction to the study of plant diseases of
economic importance to agriculture and horticulture.
Emphasis is placed on the development of diagnostic
skills. Students are required to complete a disease
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed •Hbt, int
•8.33% •sem 1 –18 lectures or self-learning sessions
and 18 lab classes/tutorials/excursions • prereq
KPA100, KLA230 or equiv • assess 2-hr theory exam
(50%), practical exam (20%), practical work (20%),
assignment (10%).
KLA309 Microbial Ecology
Considers topics in aquatic microbiology;
transformations of significant elements, microbial
degradation of natural and xenobiotic compounds; role
of autotrophs in microbial transformations;
microbiology of extreme environments; industrial
microbiology and bacterial evolution.
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line •Hbt, int
•25% •full year –42 lectures 70 hrs practicals, 6
tutorials and 50 hrs self-directed learning • prereq for
1998 KLA210; for 1999 CBA250 • m/excl KLA300
• assess 2x3-hr theory exams (1 in June, 1 in Nov)
(70%), continuous practical assessment plus a practical
report (30%).
KLA313 Animal Physiology & Nutrition
Consists of two components: (a) Animal physiology –
providing students with an appreciation of the
homeostatic mechanisms of the body including the
regulation of blood circulation, respiration, acid/base
balance, kidney function and digestive physiology; (b)
Animal nutrition –dealing with the requirements of the
animal with respect to body size and physiological state
and the development of feeding systems.
• Staff Mr SC Champion •Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –
42 lectures and 39 hrs practical • prereq KPZ160 and
CBA230 or equiv • assess 3-hr theory exam (60%),
practical assignments (40%)
• req Eckert R, Randall D and Augustine G, Animal
Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations, 3rd edn, WH
Freeman, New York.
KLA323 Soil Science 1
Provides an introduction to the basic physical, chemical
and biological properties of soils in relation to soil
management in dry land and under irrigation. The
practical work will focus on soil chemical and physical
experiments to be undertaken on two soil profiles and
their interpretation and relevance to soil management.
• Staff Mr RB Doyle •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –28
lectures and 84 hrs practical • prereq KLA213, KYA130,
KRA120 or equiv • assess 3-hr theory exam (50%),
practical work (50%)
• req Brady NC, The Nature and Properties of Soils, 10th
edn, MacMillan.
McLaren RG and Cameron KC, Soil Science, OUP, 1990.
KLA330 Entomology 1
Covers the classification, life history, ecology and
control of insects and mites and ticks of economic
importance. Students are required to make an insect
collection to be submitted for examination on the last
day of the teaching semester. The collection will contain
a minimum of 10 orders and 60 species representing as
many families as possible. The collection is nonreturnable and students wishing to retain specimens
should collect in duplicate or withhold the desired
specimen from the submitted collection. Information on
collecting and preservation can be found in most
general entomology texts. However, a concise review of
methods will be provided on request. Students are
urged to begin collecting early but they must familiarise
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
themselves with the methods of presentation before
preparing the actual collection.
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 2 –18 lectures, 14
lab classes/tutorials/excursions • prereq KZA101 and
KPZ160 or equiv • assess 2-hr theory exam (60%),
practical exam (15%), insect collection and reports (25%)
• req dissecting instruments, including a pair of
entomological forceps; insect net; screw-cap killing
jar. Solvents and entomological pins will be issued to
students on request.
KLA332 Experimental Design &
Computer Usage
Enables students to plan investigations; to select
statistical methods and relevant computing tools and
apply them in the analysis of designed experiments; to
interpret statistical findings; and to build skills in the
effective presentation of statistical findings.
•Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 2 –3 hrs teaching weekly (14
wks), including lectures, tutorials and possibly
computing lab sessions. Assessment sessions are
included • assess internal assessment –see lecturer for
KLA336 Horticultural Science 1
Includes the study of: ecological aspects of fruit and
vegetable production in Australia; growth and
development in major horticultural crops with
emphasis on fruit and flower morphogenesis; and
principles underlying horticultural practice including
macro- and micro-propagation, canopy management,
pruning and crop control.
• Staff Prof RC Menary •Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 1 –18
lectures and 54 hrs practical, excursions, seminar and/
or semester paper • prereq (for Science students)
KPA200 or equiv • assess 2-hr theory exam in June
(60%), seminar and paper during the last week of sem
(20% ea)
• req Bleasdale JKA, Plant Physiology in Relation to
Luckwill LC and Cutting CU, Physiology of Tree Crops,
Academic Press.
Priestley CA, Carbohydrate Resources within the Perennial
Plant, Technical Communication 27, Commonwealth
Agricultural Bureau.
KLA350 Agronomy 1
Develops the principles of crop and pasture production,
both as individual enterprises and as components of
farming systems. The agronomy and physiology of the
main field crops, including cereals, legumes, oilseeds,
fibre and industrial crops are examined, with their role
in farming systems and use of their products also being
considered. Pasture production, gives emphasis to the
role of improved pastures in farming systems, problems
associated with their use and pasture/animal
relationships. A whole farm planning approach is used
to integrate crop and animal enterprises into
sustainable systems including native vegetation for
shelter, erosion control and ecosystem maintenance.
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane •Hbt, int •8.33%
•full year –18 lectures and 39 hrs practical • prereq
KLA212 • assess 2x2-hr theory exams (60%), 3 practical
reports (40%).
KLA351 Plant Pathology 2 (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA470.
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –28 lectures and self-learning
sessions, 28 hrs practical/excursion • prereq KLA306 or
307 • assess 3-hr theory exam (30%), practical work and
assignments (70%).
KLA352 Entomology 2 (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA451
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –1 lecture, 1
lab session weekly (26 wks) plus 8 tutorials and/or
excursions • prereq KLA307 or KLA330 or equiv
• assess 3-hr theory exam in sem 2 (50%), tutorials
(10%), assignments (40%).
KLA353 Soil Science 2 (Science)
Has the same broad objectives as KLA481.
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff Mr RB Doyle (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •16.67%
•full year –36 lectures and 108 hrs practical/
excursions • prereq KLA323 or equiv • assess 2x2-hr
theory exams (1 in June, 1 in Nov) (50%), practical work
KLA361 Business of Agriculture &
Horticulture C
Consists of BMA251 Principles of Marketing, offered by
the Department of Management. This unit provides the
theory base of marketing and develops in students the
ability to describe the key concepts and principles of
marketing; an understanding of the market place; an
ability to analyse the components of the marketing mix
and to identify the role of marketing in the organisation
and in society. The balance of this unit involves the
preparation of a ‘business plan’ on a topic chosen by the
student, but related to the ‘industry placement’ or
‘specialisation’ described elsewhere (see also KLA369).
• Staff Department of Management; Dr PA Lane
(Coordinator) •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –sem 1
Principles of Marketing; sem 2 Business Plan • prereq
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 441
KLA261 • assess see BMA251 for Principles of
Marketing (75%), business plan report (25%).
KLA362 Soils B
Provides an introduction to the basic physical, chemical
and biological properties of soils in relation to soil
management in dry land and under irrigation. A
section on soil fertility in relation to soil solution,
essential nutrient supply and fertilisers is conducted as
in KLA418. The practical work will focus on soil
chemical and physical experiments to be undertaken on
two soil profiles and their interpretation and relevance
to soil management. The practical work for the soil
fertility section involves a glasshouse pot trial and soil
nutrient analysis.
• Staff Mr RB Doyle (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •16.67%
•full year • assess 3-hr theory exam (50%), practical
work (50%)
• req as for KLA323.
KLA363 Crop Protection B
Studies the principles of management of plant diseases,
insects, weeds and related organisms; biology and
ecology of pests and the integration of sound
agricultural, forest and other practices with chemical
and biological approaches to control; how pesticides
work, their application and safe use; physical damage
to crops and protection measures.
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed, Mr S Wilson
•Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –26 lectures/selflearning sessions, 26 practical classes/tutorials/
excursions • assess 3-hr theory exam (55%),
assignments and practical work (45%).
KLA366 Plant Production B
Covers the principles of crop and pasture production
both as individual enterprises and as components of
farming systems. (a) The agronomy ond physiology of
the main field crops, including cereals, legumes,
oilseeds, fibre and industrial crops are examined, with
their role in farming systems and use of their products
also being considered. (b) Pasture production gives
emphasis to the establishment and role of improved
pastures in farming systems, some problems associated
with their use and pasture/animal relations. (c) A
component on whole farm planning is included to
integrate crop and animal enterprises into sustainable
systems including native vegetation for shelter, erosion
control and ecosystem maintenance. (d) A topic of
specialisation is undertaken to develop the students’
interest and knowledge in the general area of plant
production. The topic is related to the ‘Literature
Review’ or ‘Industry Placement’ components described
elsewhere (see also KLA369).
•16.67% •full year –18 lectures and 39 hrs practical
• prereq KLA266 • assess (a, b, c) 2x2-hr theory exams
(60%), 3 practical reports (40%). This represents 75% of
the whole, with the specialisation assessed internally
KLA367 Animal Production B
For a description of this unit, contact the department:
KLA368 Project
For a description of this unit, contact the department:
KLA369 Horticulture C
Examines the major horticultural crops and production
regions in Australia, with particular emphasis on crops
grown in Tasmania. A second section of the unit covers
aspects of plant nutrition, including physiological rates
of nutrients, and sampling and testing methods for
nutrient analysis. The final component is an industry
project: students are required to undertake a 4-week
placement in a horticultural industry of their choice and
to prepare a detailed report which includes a literature
review and detailed analysis of an area of
• Staff Dr PH Brown (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •33.33%
•full year –52 lectures, 52 practical sessions or equiv
• prereq KLA269 • assess major report (industry
placement, literature review, specialisation) (62.5%),
internal assessment (plant nutrition) (12.5%), internal
assessment (see lecturer for details) (25%).
KLA370 Horticultural Technology
Examines the technological aspects of horticultural
production. The unit covers the equipment used in land
preparation, propagation and planting, crop growth,
and harvesting. Emphasis is given to the machinery and
technology used in Tasmania’s horticultural industries.
• Staff Dr PH Brown (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8.33%
•sem 2 –12 lectures, 16 hrs practical sessions/
excursions or seminars • prereq KLA269 • assess
internal assessment –term paper (70%), 2 practical
reports (30%).
KLA371 Post-Harvest Physiology
Examines the post-harvest treatment of horticultural
products and the technology associated with postharvest handling. Emphasis is given to the post-harvest
management of the major Tasmanian horticultural
• Staff Dr PH Brown (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8.33%
•sem 2 –12 lectures, 16 hrs practical sessions/
excursions or seminars • prereq KLA269 • assess
internal assessment –term paper (70%), 2 practical
reports (30%).
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane •Hbt, int
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Refer to Bachelor of Agricultural Science: Schedule A
(year 4) on page 93.
Students wishing to enrol in honours must arrange an
interview with the Deputy Academic Dean before
1) Prospective honours students must average a
credit point rating or higher in the 3rd year of their
2) Honours students usually carry a 100% load in
their 4th year, but those with less may still be
allowed to enrol.
3) Honours students are required to take three of the
usual four 16.67% unit electives of the 4th year.
The honours project is weighted 16.67%.
4) The formal coursework grade will be assessed on
a weighted grade average (WGA).
WGA = ∑(G x W)/ 84 where G values are: HD =
4; DN = 3; CR = 2; PP = 1
The same formula applies to students not carrying
the full formal coursework load. A student in this
latter situation may elect to enrol in additional
subjects, to make up the full 4th-year load.
5) Assessment of honours: formal coursework (60%),
project thesis (40%).
6) Three copies of the thesis must be submitted to
the deputy academic dean by the first week in
December. The honours thesis should be
completed according to the notes and instructions
available from the deputy academic dean.
7) There shall be the following grades of honours: 1st
Class; 2nd Class, Upper Division; 2nd Class,
Lower Division.
Students may withdraw from Honours up to the end of
semester 1, without penalty. However, to complete
their degree, they must, in semester 2, enrol in a
suitable unit weighted either 16.67% or 8.33%. In the
latter case they must also complete an extensive
literature review which will be subject to an
examination, including a viva voce. (The topic of the
literature review is to be decided after consultation with
the deputy academic dean.)
• Staff Assoc Prof PE Doe (Coordinator), Dr G J Walker
•Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 1 –2 lectures aweek plus 9x1hr tutorials and 6x3-hr lab sessions or excursions
• assess 3-hr theory exam (100%).
KLA406 Agricultural Engineering
Provides an elementary introduction to some
applications of engineering in primary production.
Studies include: hydraulics as applied to agriculture;
principles of heat transfer, with special reference to
glasshouse design; elementary surveying; and
elementary mechanics, physical damage to crops,
design and operation of protection systems, weather
patterns and forecasting.
• Staff Mr SJ Wilson (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •8.33%
•sem 2 –28 lectures, 5x3-hr lab sessions or excursions
• assess 2-hr theory exam (50%), internal assessment
KLA407 Crop Protection
Studies the principles of management of plant diseases,
insects, weeds and related organisms; biology and
ecology of pests and the integration of sound
agricultural, forest and other practices with chemical
and biological approaches to control; how pesticides
work, their application and safe use.
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed •Hbt, int
•8.33% •sem 1 –13 lectures or self-learning sessions,
13 practical classes/tutorials/excursions • assess 3-hr
theory exam in sem 1 (55%), assignments (45%).
KLA411 Agricultural Microbiology 3
Comprises components of marine, industrial and
ecological microbiology. Topics include microbial
growth and survival in marine ecosystems, including
antarctic habitats; associations with marine macroflora
and fauna; bacterial evolution; autotrophs and their
significance; degradation of xenobiotics and
hydrocarbons; microbial transformations of sulfur,
phosphorus, metals, methane and hydrogen.
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –28 lectures, 78 hrs practicals, 3
tutorials • prereq KLA300 • m/excl KLA309 • assess
2x3-hr theory exams (70%), continuous practical
assessment plus a practical report (30%).
KLA415/416 Microbiology 4 (Honours)
(Science) Full time/Part time
Students are expected to undertake advanced level,
formal study of selected topics or other relevant units as
directed by the supervisor; they are required to present
a reading thesis on an approved topic and carry out
independent research as directed by the supervisor.
• Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line •Hbt, int
•100%/50% •full year • prereq BSc with major in
Microbiology (or approved alternative background)
• assess research thesis and ongoing assessment.
KLA417 Immunology & Microbiology
Is taught in the Department of Pathology, where
students undertake a research project in immunology
or medical microbiology under the supervision of a
member of that department Three copies of a research
thesis are to be submitted. Research projects are chosen
from the interests of the Department of Pathology,
which include: tumour escape from the immune
system; activation of suppressor cells; antigen-
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 443
presenting cells; immunology of the skin; skin
transplantation; tumour biology; auto immunity; and
medical microbiology topics including infective
diarrhoeas and aspects of public health microbiology.
Students participate in a series of advanced tutorials in
immunology and medical microbiology.
• Staff Prof HK Muller, Prof JM Goldsmid, Assoc Prof
SM Kirov, Dr GM Woods •Hbt, int •100% •full year –
research project and thesis, advanced tutorials • prereq
BSc with major in CJA308 or other approved
background • assess research thesis and ongoing
KLA418 Plant Nutrition & Soil Fertility
Studies the principles of plant nutrition, including
diagnostic criteria, uptake and translocation with
special reference to agricultural systems. Soil fertility in
relation to soil solution, essential nutrients in soil,
estimation of soil nutrient supply, fertilisers and
principles of fertiliser use.
• Staff Prof RC Menary, Dr P Smethurst •Hbt, int
•8.33% •full year –18 lectures and 54 hrs practical
• prereq KLA230 and KRA120 or equiv • assess term
paper in Nov (50%), lab report by last week sem 2
(30%), notes on specific topics during semester (20%).
KLA421 Farm Management & Extension
Falls into two parts: (a) Farm management –an
introduction to the management of farm resources with
emphasis being placed on planning, implementation
and control, budgeting and investment analysis; and to
computer-aided management packages; and (b)
Extension –the philosophy and role of extension in
agriculture; an introduction to rural sociology, researchfarmer communication, and extension methods.
Students are required to present a seminar on a topic of
their choice which has been approved by the lecturer.
• Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Mr C Midgley, Mrs
A Fulton •Hbt, int •8.33% •sem 2 –18 lectures and 54
hrs practical/seminars • prereq BEA270 or equiv
• assess 3-hr exam (60%), 2 practical assignments (30%),
seminar (10%).
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –26 lectures and 84 hrs practical
• prereq KLA350 • assess 3-hr and 2-hr theory exam
(60%), report on project (20%), seminar and essay (10%
KLA441 Animal Production
Consists of fixed and variable components. The fixed
components include: animal breeding (the application
of quantitative genetics to animal breeding programs);
nutrition and grazing management for wool
production, clip preparation and wool processing;
factors affecting lamb and beef production; factors
affecting dairy cattle performance and production.
Other topics may be determined following consultation
between staff and participating students. Field trips will
examine various aspects of the production system.
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff Mr SC Champion •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year
–52 lectures , 42 hrs practical (including field trips)
• prereq KLA313 or equiv • assess 3-hr theory exam
(60%), practical assignments (40%).
KLA451 Entomology 2
Is the study of insect ecology and related aspects of
physiology, behaviour and systematics. Students are
encouraged to study selected groups of insects and
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –1 lecture, 1
lab session weekly (26 wks) plus 8 tutorials and/or
excursions • prereq KLA307 or KLA330 or equiv
• assess 3-hr theory exam in sem 2 (50%), tutorials
(10%), assignments (40%).
KLA455/456 Marine, Freshwater and
Antarctic Biology (Honours) Full time/
Part time
Have the same objectives as KPA450, 451.
•Hbt, int •100%/50%.
KLA431 Agronomy 2
KLA461 Horticultural Science 2
Gives an overview of the current status of crop and
pasture research, including breeding, physiology and
management. Plant breeding is examined in depth in
semester 1, including objectives and methods of
improvement of yield, quality, adaptability and
resistance to diseases and pests. In semester 2, a series
of case studies is made of current research and practice
in farming systems. This includes work with individual
crop and pasture species and topics such as tillage
systems, crop rotations, pasture decline, grazing
management and pasture plant improvement.
Is the study of physiological processes in plants and
plant products. Biosynthesis and mode of action of
growth substances, their measurement in plants and
their use in horticultural crops.
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff Prof RC Menary (Coordinator) other staff tba
•Hbt, int •16.67% •full year –36 lectures, 108 hrs
practical • prereq KLA336 or equiv • assess 3-hr theory
exam in June (35%), lab reports and reviews (30%), term
paper in Nov (35%)
• req Goodwin TW and Mercer EI, Introduction to Plant
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Biochemistry, 2nd edn, Pergamon Press.
Wareing PE and Phillips IDJ, The Control of Growth and
Differentiation in Plants, 3rd edn, Pergamon Press.
KLA470 Plant Pathology 2
KLA515/516 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Microbiology)
Has the same objectives as KLA415/416. Full time/part
time ‘umbrella’ code.
Is an advanced study of viral and fungal organisms
economically important to agriculture and horticulture.
Some lecture topics will be negotiated with enrolled
students but may include: host/pathogen relations,
viral/fungal –plant biotechnology, mechanisms of
pathogen dispersal, genetics and evolutions of plant
pathogens, and gourmet and medicinal mushrooms.
KLA517 Graduate Diploma of Science
with Honours (Immunology and
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
All candidates, Pass and Honours, enrolling in the
Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science, use this
‘umbrella’ code.
• Staff Dr CR Wilson, Dr CL Mohammed •Hbt, int
•16.67% •full year –28 lectures and self-learning
sessions, 28 hrs practical/excursion • prereq KLA306 or
307 • assess 3-hr theory exam (30%), practical work and
assignments (70%).
KLA481 Soil Science 2
Has the same objectives as KLA417. Full time
‘umbrella’ code.
KLA520 Graduate Diploma of
Agricultural Science
Mathematics – Department of
Mathematics at Hobart
Aims to develop the skills needed to undertake and
interpret soil survey and land evaluation maps and
reports (land capability and suitability). The unit
examines factors controlling the spatial distribution of
soils in Australia, pedology (study of soil formation),
and their will be a small focus on soil conservation
principles, soil structure and strength, nitrate retention
and leaching and heavy metals in soils. A soil survey
and land evaluation research report make up 30% of the
internal assessment. There will be an opportunity for
each student to research and present a seminar in an
area of special interest.
The Department of Mathematics offers units for
students specialising in mathematics and for those who
need or want to include mathematics in their study of
other disciplines. Most first year units require TCE
Mathematics Stage 2 as a prerequisite, though some will
accept either TCE Mathematics Stage 2 or Mathematics
• N.B. offered subject to adequate student enrolment
• Staff Mr RB Doyle (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •16.67%
•full year –36 lectures and 108 hrs practical/
excursions • prereq KLA323 or equiv • assess 2x2-hr
theory exams (1 in June, 1 in Nov) (50%), practical work
A and B–Stream – Calculus and Applications
KMA152 Calculus 1, KMA154 Mathematics
Applications 1, KMA252 Calculus 2, KMA254
Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2, KMA351
Analysis 3, KMA354 Mathematical Analysis and
Applications 3 and KMA352 Computational
Techniques 3
C–Stream – Algebra and Applications
KMA155 Mathematics for Computer Science,
KMA251 Algebra and Applications 2, KMA350
Algebra and Applications 3 and KMA357 Topics in
Advanced Mathematics 3
D–Stream – Data Handling and Statistics
KMA153 Data Handling and Statistics 1, KMA253
Data Handling and Statistics 2, KMA353 Data
Handling and Statistics 3 and KMA356 Principles of
Statistics 3
E–Stream – Operations Research and Probability
KMA255 Operations Research 2 and KMA355
Operations Research 3
KLA483 Literature Review
For details of this unit, contact the department.
• N.B. subject to Deputy Academic Dean’s approval
•Hbt, int •8.33% .
KLA490 Agricultural Science Honours
The Honours thesis is to be completed in accordance
with the notes and instructions available from the
Deputy Academic Dean, and submitted to the Deputy
Academic Dean by the first week in December.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •full year
Selecting the Mathematics Units
The units that students take depend on their major
study. Mathematics is divided into the following
streams of units.
KLA500/510 Research Project (Pass)/
For a description of these units, contact the department.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 445
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1/2 –equiv to 3x1-hr lectures,
1-hr tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq *MT730
or *MT841 or *MT843
The sequence of units for major studies in mathematics
is intended to provide, in the first two years, the
essential concepts and methods to support theoretical
understanding in the fuzzy and crisp sciences. At the
same time, there is an emphasis on applications and the
gradual development of a modelling approach. In the
third year, students are exposed to a broader range of
topics, including a range of mathematical and statistical
models, and are expected to integrate skills in
scholarship, reporting, mathematical modelling and
analytic and numerical solution.
KMA154 Mathematics Applications 1
Mathematics major units are: KMA171, 172, 271, 272,
371, 372, 373, 374.The first four of these can be chosen
for a minor sequence in mathematics.A minor in
Applied Statistics is available and comprises the units
KMA171, 272, 372, 374 or KMA165, 166, 372, 374.
Special purpose mathematics units are: KMA161, 162,
163, 164, 165, 166, 262.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq (KMA152 or
KMA153) and (*MT841 or *MT843)
The prescribed texts listed are those used at the time of
this publication; however, they may be changed to
provide the best available choice. Students must obtain
a booklist from the department office at the beginning
of each semester before purchasing any textbooks.
Unit descriptions
KMA152 Calculus 1
(Hobart) Review of basic functions. Calculus of one
variable: differentiation, differentiation techniques,
implicit differentiation, upper and lower sums,
integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,
techniques of integration, proper and improper
integrals. Some applications of differentiation and
integration. Sequences, series and power series.
Approximation of functions by Taylor series.
Introduction to Mathematica.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –4x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq *MT841 or
KMA153 Data Handling and Statistics 1
(Hobart and Launceston) An introduction to the
management and interpretation of quantitative
information. A ‘hands-on’ course, developed using data
which is drawn from disciplines of relevance to the
students. Topics include: collecting, processing and
presenting quantitative information; descriptive
statistics for summarising data; data exploration
techniques; the role of chance; sampling; commonly
used statistical methods. Interpreting statistical
information; mathematical skills; the concept of
modelling; use of computers and spreadsheets in
mathematical and statistical applications.
(Hobart) Applications of the derivative as a rate of
change. Optimisation (maximum and minimum
problems). Approximation of integrals: Simpson’s and
trapezoidal rules. Differential equations: first order
linear and separable equations, second order linear
equations. Solution of non-linear equations in one
variable: fixed point and Newton’s method.
Solution of systems of linear equations. Matrices.
Emphasis on practical applications of mathematics.
KMA155 Mathematics for Computer
(Hobart) Functions, sets, equivalence relations, order
relations, Logic and Boolean algebras. Vector spaces,
linear transformations and matrices in 2 and 3
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq *MT730 or
*MT841 or *MT843
KMA161 Mathematics A (Eng)
(Launceston) Covers the same material as KMA171 and
KMA172, but is conducted over the whole year as part
of the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of
Technology course.
• N.B. restricted BE and BTech students
•Ltn, int & dist.ed •25% •full year –4 hrs weekly
• m/excl KMA171, KMA172 • assess 2x3-hr exams
(70%), regular written work (30%)
• req Thomas GB and Finney RL, Calculus and
Analytical Geometry, 8th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Lay DC, Linear Algebra and its Applications, AddisonWesley, 1994.
KMA162 Mathematics for Aquaculture
(Launceston) Is designed specifically to meet the
practical mathematical needs of Associate Diploma and
Diploma level students of Aquaculture. The unit
comprises basic arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry and
• N.B. normally restricted to AssocDip/Dip AppSc in
Aquaculture students
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs tutorial
weekly • m/excl KMA163 • assess 3-hr exam (55%), 3
assignments (45%)
• req Petocz P, Petocz D and Wood L, Introductory
Mathematics, Thomas Nelson, Melbourne, 1992.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KMA165 Mathematics in Life Sciences 1
(Launceston) Provides a basic understanding of key
mathematical concepts used in biological science,
particularly statistics and differential calculus. The unit
introduces the use of statistical software.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorials
weekly • prereq Mathematics Applied Level III or TCE
Mathematics Applied (recommended), or permission
from the lecturer • assess exam (50%), practical work
• req Harsberger RJ and Reynolds JJ, Mathematical
Applications for the Management, Life and Social Sciences,
DC Heath, 1992.
KMA166 Mathematics in Life Sciences 2
(Launceston) Provides further understanding of key
mathematical concepts in biological science,
praticularly in calculus. The unit introduces one or two
species biological modelling.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorials
weekly • prereq KMA165 • assess exam (50%), practical
work (50%)
• req Harsberger RJ and Reynolds JJ, Mathematical
Applications for the Management, Life and Social Sciences,
DC Heath, 1992.
KMA171 Mathematics I
(Launceston) Is the first unit in the mathematics
sequence and provides an introduction to several areas
of mathematics of immediate applicability in other
fields. The theme of mathematical modelling which
pervades the sequence is initiated, beginning with
direct applications of theory and with the formalising of
simplified problems. Studies cover differential calculus
and applications, integral calculus –techniques up to
partial fractions; applications to areas, moments,
volumes, arc lengths. Solution of first-order separable
differential equations; linear algebra –solution of
systems of linear equations by Gauss-Jordan reduction,
and the inverse matrix; determinants; complex numbers
up to de Moivre’s theorem; real functions up to inverse
hyperbolic functions; and the principles of graphing
•Ltn, int & dist.ed •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr
tutorial weekly • prereq *MT841 • assess 3-hr exam
(70%), regular written work (30%)
• req Lay DC, Linear Algebra and its Applications,
Addison-Wesley, 1994.
Thomas GB and Finney RL, Calculus and Analytic
Geometry, 8th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
KMA172 Mathematics II
(Launceston) Provides an understanding of: techniques
of differentiation and integration, as applied to a wide
range of elementary functions; rigorous definitions of
limit, continuity, derivative, and the relevance of these
definitions; applications of standard techniques in the
solution of ordinary first order differential equations;
numerical integration; applications of the basic
properties of geometric vectors; and basic features of
vector spaces as abstract structures. Lectures cover
limits, hyperbolic and circular substitutions in
integration, partial differentiation, first order and linear
second order homogeneous differential equations,
sequences and series, vectors, vector spaces, and linear
•Ltn, int & dist.ed •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr
tutorial weekly • prereq KMA171 • assess exam (70%),
practical work (30%)
• req Thomas GB and Finney RL, Calculus and Analytic
Geometry, 8th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Leon SJ, Linear Algebra with Applications, 3rd edn,
Maxwell Macmillan, 1990.
KMA251 Algebra and Applications 2
(Hobart) An introduction to algebraic structures,
including groups and rings. Applications of algebra,
including switching circuits and coding.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –4x1-hr lectures, 2x1-hr
tutorials weekly • prereq one of KMA103, 102, 105, 152,
154, 155
KMA252 Calculus 2
(Hobart) Calculus of several variables. Introduction to
Fourier series. Vector spaces, norms and inner
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 1 –5x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq one of
KMA102, 105, 152, 154
KMA253 Data Handling and Statistics 2
(Hobart) Extension of the concepts, methods and tools
introduced in KMA153. The course covers the following
areas: Design of investigations and surveys.
Introduction to inferential statistics: estimation and
testing, likelihood, efficiency, least squares, Bayes
methods, rank methods. Commonly used statistical
methods: chi-squared tests, analysis of variance,
regression analysis and nonparametric methods.
Extension of mathematical skills, and further
applications of models. Development of skills in using
statistical computing packages.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –4x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq one of
KMA153, 152, 151
KMA254 Mathematical Analysis &
Applications 2
(Hobart) Introduction to real analysis. Properties of
real-valued continuous functions including uniform
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 447
continuity and convergence. Metric spaces. Modelling
phenomena which involve continuous change.
Ordinary differential equations with applications.
Dynamical systems.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –4x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab sessions weekly • prereq one of
KMA152, 102, 105
KMA255 Operations Research 2
(Hobart) Optimisation and linear programming. Topics
from: geometric method, simplex, duality, dual
simplex, transportation and assignment problems,
quadratic programming, integer programming. Graphs
and Networks. Topics from: elementary combinatorics
and graph theory, including networks, counting, time
and task management, optimisation and game theory.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 1 –4x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq any Yr-1
Maths unit
KMA262 Mathematics II (Eng)
(Launceston) Presents methods for the translation of
real engineering problems into mathematical form, and
mathematical techniques for the solution of such
problems. Semester 1 lectures cover: second order,
ordinary differential equations including Euler-Cauchy
and Bessel equations, Laplace transformations, power
series solutions, Fourier series, vectors, vector functions
and Green’s, Divergence, and Stokes’ theorems; basic
probability and statistics including distributional
models, line and curve fitting and quality control. In
Semester 2 lectures cover: vector spaces, linear
transformations, eigenvalue problem,
orthogonalisation, diagonalisation, systems of
differential equations; and quadratic forms.
• N.B. restricted to Engineering students
•Ltn, int & dist.ed •18.75% •full year –sem 1: 4
contact hrs weekly lectures/tutorials; sem 2: 1 hr
lecture, 1 hr tutorial weekly • prereq KMA161 • assess
exam (50%); continuous assessment (50%)
• req Kreyszig E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th
edn, Wiley, 1993.
Lay DC, Linear Algebra and its Applications, AddisonWesley, 1994.
Thomas GB and Finney RL, Calculus and Analytic
Geometry, 8th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
KMA263 Mathematics II (Tech)
(Launceston) For details of this unit, contact the
KMA265 Computational Mathematics &
Linear Algebra (Geomatics)
(Hobart) Fundamental numerical processes for
obtaining approximate but useful solutions to
mathematical models. Topics include: errors in
computations; solution of linear and non-linear
equations; approximation of functions; numerical
integration and differentiation; eigenvalues and
eigenvectors with applications to differential equations
and optimisation. Vector methods, linear algebra and
matrix theory and some applications to spherical
trigonometry and geometric transformations.
• N.B. this unit is for Geomatics students
• Staff Dr J D Donaldson, Dr A Kelarev •Hbt, int
•16.67% •sem 1 –4x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 1-hr
lab session weekly • prereq one of KMA152, 154, 102
KMA271 Mathematics III
(Launceston) Commences with a development of the
basic ideas of year one mathematics in the areas of
vector algebra and the solution of ordinary differential
equations to second order. Attention is given to series
solutions, Laplace Transforms, special functions. The
unit concentrates on: the calculus of several variables
including vector calculus; multiple integrals –methods,
relationships, applications.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –5 contact hrs weekly, mixed
lecture/tutorial/practical • prereq KMA172 • assess
exam (70%), practical work (30%)
• req Kreyszig E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th
edn, Wiley, 1993.
KMA272 Mathematics IV – Introductory
Applied Statistics
(Launceston) Encompasses: (a) Descriptive statistics
and basic ideas of data analysis –data and their
distributions, graphs and summaries, comparison and
association; (b) Probability notions –discrete and
continuous variables, distribution functions, density
functions, expected value, moments; (c) Discrete and
continuous distribution models –binomial,
multinomial, Poisson, normal (Gaussian), chi-squared,
exponential; (d) Sampling and sampling variation,
estimation, likelihood; size and power of a test,
Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing and critiques; tests
for differences between and among groups, for
goodness-of-fit, and for independence in contingency
tables; introduction to order statistics and nonparametric tests, robust alternatives; and (e) Linear
regression and correlation –models, fitting criteria,
residuals, estimation and tests; and linearising
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –5 hrs weekly • prereq
KMA171 • assess 3-hr exam (50%), practical data
analytic tasks (40%), 1-hr test (10%)
• req Koopmans LH, Introduction to Contemporary
Statistical Methods, 2nd edn, Duxbury, Boston
Massachusetts, 1987.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KMA350 Computational Techniques 3
(Hobart) Fundamental numerical processes for
obtaining approximate but useful solutions to
mathematical models. Topics include: errors in
computations; solution of linear and non-linear
equations; approximation of functions; numerical
integration and differentiation; eigenvalues and
eigenvectors with applications to differential equations
and optimisation.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq one of
KMA154, 102, 105
elementary perturbation theory; random processes; and
characteristics of first order equations. Complex
analysis: the fundamental notions of calculus and
analysis (convergence, sequences and series,
differentiation and integration) for complex variables;
Cauchy’s theorem and its consequences.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq KMA252 or
KMA355 Operations Research 3
(Hobart) Advanced algebra, including the development
and application of structure theorems for various types
of algebras.
(Hobart) Applied Probability. Topics from: Poisson
point processes, Markov chains, branching processes,
population growth models, queuing theory. Coding
and Cryptology. Topics from: Boolean algebra,
combinatorics, cryptology, algebraic coding theory and
linear feedback shift registers.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab sessions weekly • prereq KMA251 or
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq any Yr-2
Maths unit
KMA352 Analysis 3
KMA356 Principles of Statistics 3
(Hobart) Further studies of Hilbert and Banach spaces.
Linear operators. Measure theory. Applications from
Banach’s fixed point theorem, integral equations,
approximation theory and Fourier series. Functional
(Hobart) Topics from: maximum likelihood, likelihood
ratio tests, sufficiency, general linear models and least
squares, generalised linear models, statistical
KMA351 Algebra and Applications 3
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab sessions weekly • prereq KMA254 or
KMA353 Data Handling and Statistics 3
(Hobart) Extension of the concepts, methods and tools
introduced in KMA253. A ‘hands-on’ course in which
the emphasis is on the development of skills in the
selection and application of statistical methods and the
presentation of statistical results. Statistical
methodology covered in the course will be selected
from the following: analysis of variance applied in the
area of experimental designs; generalised linear
methodology; multivariate statistical methodology;
methods for analysing frequency data; methodology for
studying data collected over time. Expertise with
statistical computing packages will be extended.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq KMA253 or
KMA354 Mathematical Analysis &
Applications 3
(Hobart) Partial differential equations models:
modelling of physical phenomena; classification of
second order partial differential equations; separation
of variables and Fourier series; numerical solutions;
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq one of
KMA253, 252, 205
KMA357 Topics in Advanced
Mathematics 3
(Hobart) Selected topics from geometry, combinatorics,
set theory, topology, number theory and history of
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq any Yr-2
Maths unit
KMA371 Mathematics Va
(Launceston) Consists of two parts: (a) provides an
introduction to the properties of real numbers and a
systematic introduction to the spaces used in functional
analysis; and (b) introduces complex variables,
analytical functions and complex integration with
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KMA271 • assess exam in June (50%),
practical work (50%).
KMA372 Mathematics Vb
(Launceston) Includes methodology of operations
research –the role of models and communication;
quantitative techniques for decision-making; linear
programming; project scheduling; quality management;
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 449
inventory; and maintenance scheduling.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –4 hrs weekly • prereq
(KMA171 and 272) or (KMA165 and 166) • assess 3-hr
exam (60%), 2 written assignments (40%)
• req Taha HA, Operations Research: an introduction, 5th
edn, Maxwell Macmillan, 1992.
KMA373 Mathematics VIa
(Launceston) Consists of two parts: (a) introduces
numerical methods for the solution of large systems of
linear equations, ordinary and partial differential
equations; and (b) examines the theoretical aspects of
the numerical methods in part (a), and solutions of
partial differential equations which occur commonly in
KMA500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Mathematics)
(Hobart) Has the same objectives as KMA400/401. Full
time/part time ‘umbrella’ code.
KMA571 Project 1
(Hobart) Is for students enrolled in the Graduate
Diploma of Science (Statistical Applications): reading
and discussion on statistics. For full details of the unit,
contact the Department of Mathematics.
KMA572 Project 2
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KMA271 • assess exam (50%), practical
work (50%).
(Hobart) Is for students enrolled in the Graduate
Diploma of Science (Statistical Applications): student
presentations. For full details of the unit, contact the
Department of Mathematics.
KMA374 Mathematics VIb –
Intermediate Applied Statistics
KMA573 Project 3
(Launceston) Includes: multiple regression; analysis of
variance as linear model; computer packages for
statistical analysis; introduction to statistical modelling;
and an introduction to two of the following (depending
on student interests): autocorrelation and time series;
multivariate analysis; experimental design.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –4 hrs weekly • prereq
KMA272 or (KMA165 and KMA166) • assess 2-hour
exam (40%), practical data analytic tasks (60%)
• req Myers RL, Classical and Modern Regression with
Applications, 2nd edn, Duxbury, 1990.
KMA400/401 Mathematics Honours Full
time/Part time
(Hobart) The honours program extends the knowledge
of students to the frontiers of research through
coursework in several areas of mathematics. Students
are prepared for a career in mathematics and are
expected to gain an ability and understanding of the
literature and an ability to express that understanding
in written form. Units are offered in pure and applied
mathematics and statistics. students are required to
write a thesis under the direction of a supervisor. The
thesis is usually a survey. Students start their thesis
work on the first Monday in February and should
complete it by the first week in September.
•Hbt, int •100%/50% •full year –equiv 6-8x1-hr
lectures weekly, plus thesis work • prereq BSc with
major in mathematics or equiv • assess either 20%
thesis and 80% coursework or 40% thesis and 60%
(Hobart) Is for students enrolled in the Graduate
Diploma of Science (Statistical Applications):
development of computing knowledge and skills. For
full details of the unit, contact the Department of
KMA574 Project 4
(Hobart) Is for students enrolled in the Graduate
Diploma of Science (Statistical Applications): evaluation
of a prescribed area of statistical methodology. For full
details of the unit, contact the Department of
KMA575 Project 5
(Hobart) Is for students enrolled in the Graduate
Diploma of Science (Statistical Applications): analysis of
data and report. For full details of the unit, contact the
Department of Mathematics.
KMA583 Mathematics 4 unit
(Hobart) Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of
Science (Computational Mathematics) course who
undertake Mathematics 4 units use this code if enrolling
in an 8.33% (3 point) unit.
KMA586 Mathematics 4 unit
(Hobart) Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of
Science (Computational Mathematics) course who
undertake Mathematics 4 units use this code if enrolling
in two 8.33% (3 point) units or a single 16.67% (6 point)
KMA589 Mathematics 4 unit
(Hobart) Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of
Science (Computational Mathematics) course who
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
undertake Mathematics 4 units use this code if enrolling
in units with a total weight of 25% (9 points).
Second year
KMA590 Computational Mathematics
and [66.67%] from units of the student’s own choice.
(Hobart) For details of this unit, contact the Department
of Mathematics.
KPA200 Botany 2 [33.33%]
Third year
Before enrolling in third-year units students are advised to
discuss their proposed units with lecturing staff and their
100%, including at least 50% from the following:
KME271 Engineering Mathematics
(Hobart) Calculus of several variables. Introduction to
Fourier series.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq KMA152 and
KMA154 or KMA102
KME300 Numerical Methods for
(Hobart) Fundamental numerical processes for
obtaining approximate but useful solutions to
mathematical models. Topics include: errors in
computations; solution of linear and non-linear
equations; approximation of functions; numerical
integration and differentiation; eigenvalues and
eigenvectors with applications to differential equations
and optimisation.
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr
tutorial, 1-hr lab session weekly • prereq KMA152 and
KMA154 or KMA102
KPA371 Alternative Terrestrial Lifestyles
– The Fungi[12.5%]
KPA372 Aquatic Botany [12.5%]
KPA373 Cell Biology [12.5%]
KPA374 Evolution and Biodiversity [12.5%]
KPA376 Genetics [12.5%]
KPA377 Molecular Evolution [12.5%]
KPA378 Plant [12.5%]
KPA379 Plant Ecology [12.5%]
Students wishing to specialise in Genetics should base
their course on the following recommendations.
First year
A course similar to that recommended for first year Plant
Second year
KPA200 Botany 2 [33.33%]
CBA250 Biochemistry & Microbiology [33.33%]
and 33.33% of the student’s own choice.
Plant Science – Department of Plant
Science at Hobart
Botany (Plant Science)
Students who hope to make a career in Botany (Plant
Science) are advised to enrol in the following units:
First year
Third year
Units totalling 100%, including:
KPA376 Genetics [12.5%]
KPA373 Cell Biology [12.5%]
KPA377 Molecular Evolution [12.5%]
and 62.5% from Group 3 – Botany, Biochemistry and
Microbiology, ensuring a 50% major is completed.
KPA151 Botany 1G [25%]
Forest Ecology
and either KRA110 or KRA130 (strongly recommended)
KRA110 Chemistry 1A [25%]
KRA130 Chemistry 1B [25%]
A 4-year Bachelor of Science with Honours course
Among other units chosen from Group 1 (level 100) to
make up a total of 100%, it is sensible to include KSA151
and (KMA153 & KMA154 or KYA171 & KYA172 or
KCA151 & KCA152)
KZA151 Zoology 1E [25%]
KMA153 Data Handling and Statistics [12.5%] and
KMA154 Mathematic Applications [12.5%]
KYA171 Applied Physics [12.5%] and
KYA172 Biological Physics [12.5%]
KCA151 Computer Programming [12.5%] and
KCA152 Software Process 1 [12.5%]
Interest in forest ecology has always been strong in
Australia, and particularly in Tasmania. However this
was strengthened in 1991 when a Centre for Forestry
(Cooperative Research Centre for Temperate
Hardwood Forestry ) was established by the Federal
Government on campus at the University of Tasmania.
As a result strong links have been developed between
the university and CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products,
Forestry Tasmania and major forest companies in
southern Australia involving a wide variety of research
projects. One of the key aims of this Centre was to
establish a centre of excellence of training in forestry.
Ecology of Australia’s Forests
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 451
As well as having the research expertise and the
infrastructural support, Tasmania is an ideal place to
conduct research in forest ecology. Open dry
sclerophyll woodland, tall wet sclerophyll forests,
rainforests and montane forests are easily accessible, all
within a 20 minute drive from the University in Hobart.
Recently there has been intense debate over the
utilisation and protection of forests, with Tasmania’s
forests in the forefront. This debate will be well served
by the establishment of more rigorous scientific data
sets on which to base arguments. The intention of this
course is to produce graduates who have the ability to
formulate and undertake research programs which will
add significantly to our understanding of Australian
forest ecology and to ensuring our forests are managed
4-Year BSc Honours Course
This course provides opportunities for students who
are interested in receiving training in scientific research
in the area of forest ecology but do not wish to study
the managerial aspects of forestry (this is offered by the
Forestry Schools at ANU and Melbourne University).
We are seeking accreditation for the course, so that a
Forest Ecology graduate is eligible for membership of
the Institute of Foresters of Australian.
The course links the study of terrestrial botany, plant
geography, agriculture and zoology with the earth
sciences and mathematics. Students enrolled in this
course will come into contact with senior scientists from
federal and state instrumentalities on a regular basis,
especially during the fourth year.
The training provided within this course will see you
graduate with a very strong scientific background and
you will be well placed to compete for jobs in a wide
range of institutions across Australia, but particularly
for research positions in the forest industry, either
within government instrumentalities or private
Prerequisites for the course
As well as fulfilling the usual matriculation
requirements, students entering the course require as a
minimum TCE or pretertiary Chemistry (level C) and
Mathematics (Stage 2). Alternative prerequisites may be
discussed with the course coordinator.
Course structure
The course structure and schedule of units for this
course are detailed in the BSc Schedule D, on page 88.
Marine, Freshwater and Antarctic
Interest in aquatic resources has always been strong in
Australia, and particularly in Tasmania where it has
been fostered by the relocation of the CSIRO Divisions
of Fisheries Research and Oceanography to Hobart and
the Antarctic Division headquarters to Kingston. The
Secretariat of the Commission for the Conservation of
Antarctic Marine Living Resources, the only Australianbased international commission, is also located in
Mariculture industries in Tasmania are growing rapidly
and require scientifically and technologically trained
For Aquaculture courses offered at the Launceston
campus, see KQA-.
The Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies
and a Cooperative Research Centre for the Antarctic
and Southern Ocean Environment have both been
established on the University’s Hobart campus as a key
centre for teaching and research. These developments
have contributed to making Hobart the centre for
aquatic and Antarctic biological research in southern
It was in this setting that the University introduced a
structured four-year Honours course in Marine,
Freshwater and Antarctic Biology. This course provides
students with an opportunity to gain a recognised
qualification in aquatic biology. It links the study of
aquatic botany and aquatic zoology with chemistry,
biochemistry, microbiology and mathematics. The first
three years of the course comprises a mix of
compulsory and elective units. Students must discuss
their plans with the course coordinator. Some
combinations of units may not be available because of
timetable clashes or the need to satisfy prerequisites.
Students intending to enrol in Marine, Fresh-water and
Antarctic Biology, a special four-year program in
science which is offered by the Departments of Plant
Science and Zoology at Hobart, must consult the course
coordinator before entering the program.
Coordinator: Assoc Prof DA Ritz (Zoology)
Course structure
The course structure and schedule of units for this
course are detailed in the BSc Schedule D, on page 89.
For further information on this course, contact the
Department of Zoology.
Unit descriptions
KPA150 Botany 1G
Provides an introduction to Botany and covers topics
including: the structure and origin of flowering plants;
sexual reproduction in flowering plants; the physiology
of flowering plants; the fine structure of plant cells; and
a systematic survey of bacteria, algae, fungi and land
plants, with emphasis on life-histories and evolutionary
trends. A core component, shared with Zoology 1G,
will cover topics including: cell biology, genetics
molecular biology and evolution.
• N.B. (i) students enrolled for the first time in Botany
and Zoology concurrently at first year level must enrol
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
in KPA150 Botany 1G and KZA151 Zoology 1E.
(ii) students who have passed KZA150 Zoology 1G, and
now wish to study Botany at first year level, must enrol
in KPA151 Botany 1E.
(iii) students are advised to seek course advice at
• Staff Dr A Koutoulis (Coordinator), Assoc Prof GM
Hallegraeff, Mr PJ Dalton, and Dept of Zoology staff
•Hbt, int •25% •full year –3 lectures , 3-hr lab session
weekly, some lectures and/or practicals may be taught
in tutorial mode • prereq 2 of: *CH856, (*MT841 or
*MT730), *BY826, (*PH866 or *SC786) • m/excl KPA151,
KZA150, KPA100, KPA116, KPZ101, KPZ160 • assess
2hr exam and 1hr exam at the end of each sem (60%),
sem work throughout the year (40%)
• req a laboratory manual
Raven PH, Evert R and Eichhorn S, Biology of Plants, 5th
edn, Worth.
KPA151 Botany 1E
Provides an introduction to Botany and covers topics
including: the structure and origin of flowering plants;
sexual reproduction in flowering plants; the physiology
of flowering plants; the fine structure of plant cells; and
a systematic survey of bacteria, algae, fungi and land
plants, with emphasis on life-histories and evolutionary
trends. A core component, shared with Zoology 1E, will
introduce fundamental concepts in ecology and
experimental design.
• N.B. (i) this unit is only offered to students who have
passed KZA150 Zoology 1G.
(ii) students enrolled for the first time in Botany and
Zoology concurrently at first year level must enrol in
KPA150 Botany 1G and KZA151 Zoology 1E.
(iii) students who have passed KZA150 Zoology 1G,
and now wish to study Botany at first year level, must
enrol in KPA151 Botany 1E.
(iv) students are advised to seek course advice at
• Staff Dr A Koutoulis (Coordinator), Assoc Prof GM
Hallegraeff, Mr PJ Dalton, and Dept of Zoology staff
•Hbt, int •25% •full year –3 lectures , 3-hr lab session
weekly, some lectures and/or practicals may be taught
in tutorial mode • prereq KZA150 • m/excl KPA150,
KZA151, KPA100, KPA116, KPZ101, KPZ160 • assess
2hr exam and 1hr exam at the end of each sem (60%),
sem work throughout the year (40%)
• req a laboratory manual
Raven PH, Evert R and Eichhorn S, Biology of Plants, 5th
edn, Worth.
KPA200 Botany 2
Includes: (a) Lectures –study of anatomy, physiology,
ecology, taxonomy, genetics, evolution and
morphology of plants; (b) Laboratory work –an
introduction to the ecology, genetics, and taxonomy of
local plant communities, the anatomical and
morphological structure of land plants and algae; and a
basic study of plant physiology; and (c) Field work –a
weekend excursion held in semester 1 to examine plant
• Staff Dr R JE Wiltshire (Coordinator), Prof RS Hill, Dr
RE Vaillancourt, Mr AK Mills •Hbt, int •33.33% •full
year –3 lectures and 6 hrs practical weekly • prereq
KPA100 and (KPZ160 (preferred) or KPZ101
(alternative)) • assess theory exams (60%), practical
assessment (40%)
• req a laboratory manual, and
Curtis WM, The Students Flora of Tasmania, Parts 1 (2nd
edn), 2 and 3, Government Printer, Tasmania.
KPA371 Alternative Terrestrial
Lifestyles – The Fungi
Examines a number of groups of very diverse
organisms most often called fungi which have evolved
along very different pathways when compared to
dominant terrestrial plants. Initial emphasis in both
lectures and practical classes is placed on phylogenic
and taxonomic relationships of these organisms. This is
followed by a survey of the symbiotic associations with
many other living organisms, an analysis of selected
attributes of the physiology of some locally isolated
fungi, an introduction to fungal ecology and an
introduction to simple industrial mycology.
• Staff Mr A Mills •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –28
lectures, 39 hrs lab work, one-day field excursion
• prereq KPA200 or equiv as arranged with Dept • m/
excl KPA323 • assess exam (60%), practical work and
assignments (40%).
KPA372 Aquatic Botany
Provides instruction in the biodiversity and phylogeny
of algal groups and allied protists, physico-chemical
limnology and oceanography, phytoplankton ecology,
micropaleontology, seaweeds, harmful algal blooms
and aquatic food webs. Particular reference is made to
studies in Australian, Antarctic and Southern Ocean
waters. Applied phycological research and implications
for environmental monitoring and aquaculture are
• Staff Dr G Hallegraeff, Dr A McMinn •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –28 lectures/tutorials, 14x3-hr
practical sessions; Microscopy, full-day Derwent River
cruise, a seaweed excursion, and a visit to CSIRO
Division of Marine Research will be a major part of the
practicals • prereq KPA200 or equiv as arranged with
Dept • m/excl KPA346 • assess assignment (25%), endof-sem written exam (50%), practical exam (25%)
KPA373 Cell Biology
Examines a range of cell biological processes currently
being researched in laboratories across the world.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 453
Topics include: the cytoskeleton, the eukaryote
flagellum, cell motility, molecular motors, mitosis, cell
division, cell cycle control, spatial organisation, plant
cell development, organogenesis, plant sexual
reproduction, plant tissue culture and gene transfer
systems. Students will: (i) be provided with information
concerning current approaches to these research areas;
and (ii) gain practical experience with some current
biotechnology techniques. This course is designed to
provide students with a general understanding of cell
biology and will include discussions on future
• Staff Dr A Koutoulis •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –28
lectures (some of which will take the form of tutorials),
42 hrs practical work. • prereq for 1998: KPA200 or
KLA230 or (KPA100 and [CBA211 or CBA230]); for
1999: KPA200 or (KPA100 and CBA250); for 2000:
KPA200 or (KPA150 and CBA250); alternative prereqs
may be accepted after consultation with the lecturer
• m/excl KPA354, KPA355 • assess theory exam (60%),
sem work (40%).
KPA374 Evolution and Biodiversity
composition and structure will be examined using
forestry regeneration sites of known ages. Variation
within species along environmental gradients, and
interspecific hybridisation between species, will be
examined in natural populations and in experimental
trials. This unit is essental for students interested in
botany, ecology and/or land management.
• Staff Prof JB Reid, Dr RJE Wiltshire •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 3 –informal lectures throughout unit and 8 days
of field work • prereq KPA200 • m/excl KPA304.
KPA376 Genetics
Examines the fields of developmental genetics, gene
regulation, genetic control of hormone production and
hormone physiology. The unit aims to provide a broad
understanding of control of plant development from
the molecular level through to the whole plant level. It
uses the pwoer of genetics to dissect these processes
since this is the method of choice amongst
contemporary researchers. The practical work involves
a research project to suit individual student interests
based upon either glasshouse or laboratory studies
using state-of-the-art techniques.
Australia is one of the botanically megadiverse
continents, and this is largely the result of a unique
combination of events over the past 65 million years.
The most important of these were connection to
Gondwana during a time of rapid speciation followed
by long isolation, major climatic change as a result of
changes in ocean currents and Australia’s movement
through tens of degrees of latitude, increasingly low
soil nutrient levels, and a developing fire regime. In this
course the response of the living vegetation to factors
such as drought, frost, low soil nutrients, fire,
photoperiod and atmospheric CO2 levels is combined
with an examination of the plant fossil record to
reconstruct the development of the living vegetation.
Major migration pathways for the Southern
Hemisphere flora are examined, as are evolutionary
patterns in response to climate change within key taxa.
• Staff Prof RS Hill •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –21
lectures, 7 tutorials, 14x3-hr practical sessions; most of
the practical time is devoted to project work • prereq
KPA200 • m/excl KPA360 • assess 3-hr exam (60%),
written practical report (25%), essay (10%), tutorial
performance (5%).
• Staff Prof JB Reid •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –28
lectures, 14x3-hr practical sessions • prereq KPA200 or
(KPZ101 or 160 and CBA211); alt prereq may be
accepted after consultation with lecturer • m/excl
KPA336 • assess 3-hr exam (60%), research project
KPA375 Field Botany
• Staff Dr R Vaillancourt •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –
28 lectures, 42 hrs practical/tutorial • prereq KPA200
• m/excl KPA370 • assess exam (70%), practical reports
A field-based unit, based at the Mt Field National Park
for five days and at the Hobart campus for three days.
Students will examine a wide range of Tasmanian
vegetation types including: buttongrass moorland,
sclerophyll forests, rainforests, subalpine woodland and
alpine communities. Ecological processes shaping these
communities are discussed and students will become
familiar with the main floristic components in each
community. Temporal change in community
KPA377 Molecular Evolution
Provides theoretical and practical experience on the use
of molecular tools to study evolution, natural history.
The first part of the lecture series will introduce modern
laboratory techniques and describe the nature of the
genetic data provided by each method. The second part
will focus on the evolution of macromolecules. The
third and largest lecture series will cover specific
examples and topics where molecular markers have
been used, such as: spatial distribution of clones;
paternity and maternity analysis (fingerprinting); gene
flow; speciation and hybridisation; phylogeny;
conservation genetics; phylogeny; plant improvement.
The practical component will provide training for
students interested in research and the application of
molecular methods to forestry and agriculture.
KPA378 Plant Science Research
Involves a semester long research project, supervised
by a member of the Plant Science staff. It will involve an
average of 6 hours per week spent planning and
completing an individual research project. The aim of
the unit is to give students some experience in
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
individual research in an area of their own choosing.
They are encouraged to speak to the course coordinator
or individual members of staff before they enrol.
Students can expect that staff will have some
suggestions for projects, so that they do not need to
have well developed ideas before beginning
discussions. Students can undertake this unit in either
semester, but it must be completed within that
• Staff Prof RS Hill •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1/2
• prereq a minimum of a credit in KPA200 • assess
research report submitted at end of sem (100%).
KPA379 Plant Ecology
Discusses patterns in the distribution of plants in
Tasmania, the processes shaping the vegetation at
present, and the appropriate methodology to determine
each. This will involve both theoretical and practical
examination of plant community structure, using
quantitative ecological and ecophysiological
techniques. The practical component will be a
combination of field work and an introduction to
analysis of ecological data.
• Staff Dr RJE Wiltshire •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –21
lectures, 7 tutorials, 14x3-hr practical sessions (5 in the
field), 1-day field work on a weekend • prereq KPA200
• coreq KPA375 • m/excl KPA335 • assess 3-hr exam
(60%), internal assessment (40%)
KPA400/401 Botany 4 Full time/Part time
Prerequisite: a Science degree with at least a credit level
Botany major. Special cases are considered on their
individual merits, e.g. other degrees, insufficient
weighting in botany.
Students are required: (a) to present a reading thesis
resulting from a detailed evaluation of literature in a
prescribed field of study; and (b) to carry out an
intensive research project on an approved topic under a
supervisor approved by the Board of Studies in Science,
and to present the findings in a research thesis. Three
copies of both the reading and the research thesis
(typed on A4 paper and bound) shall be submitted,
generally by mid-November for students commencing
in February. However, a later date may be agreed upon
but this shall not be later than 12 months from the date
of commencing study. Alternative starting dates, such
as mid-year will be considered. In addition, students
may be required to undertake additional work at the
discretion of the Head of Department, e.g. seminars,
research applications, other coursework.
•Hbt, int •100%/50% • prereq a Science degree with
at least a credit level in a Botany major. Special cases
will be considered on their individual merits, e.g. other
degrees, insufficient botany points.
KPA410/411 Genetics 4 Full time/Part
Prerequisite: Students should have a Science degree
with at least a credit level major in botany, zoology, or
biochemistry with units oriented towards genetics.
Students will also required a solid background in
chemistry, microbiology or mathematics. Alternative
prerequisites will be considered on their individual
Students are required: (a) to present a reading thesis
resulting from a detailed evaluation of literature in a
prescribed field of study; and (b) to carry out an
intensive research project on an approved topic under a
supervisor approved by the Board of Studies in Science,
and to present the findings in a research thesis. Three
copies of both the reading and the research thesis
(typed on A4 paper and bound) shall be submitted,
generally by 1 December for students commencing in
February. However, a later date may be agreed upon
but this shall not be later than 12 months from the date
of commencing study. Alternative starting dates, such
as mid-year will be considered. In addition, students
may be required to undertake additional work at the
discretion of the Head of Department, e.g. seminars,
research applications, other coursework. All honours
students may be required to sit examinations in special
•Hbt, int •100%/50% • prereq a science degree with at
least a credit level in an appropriate major which has
included genetically orientated units. Appropriate
majors include botany, zoology or biochemistry. A solid
background in chemistry, microbiology or mathematics
is required. Alternative prerequisites will be considered
on their merits • assess all honours students may be
required to sit exams in special topics.
KPA450/451 Marine, Freshwater and
Antarctic Biology (Honours) Full time/
Part time
Students who have completed a BSc and have satisfied
the course prerequisites will be permitted to enrol in
honours in Marine, Freshwater and Antarctic Biology
provided (a) they have achieved an adequate standard,
normally at least 33.33% of credits in Group 3 units, and
(b) there are a suitable project and a supervisor
The honours year includes: (a) Directed studies and
attendance at seminars given mainly by scientists and
administrators from outside the University, e.g. CSIRO
Divisions of Fisheries Research and Oceanography, the
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 455
Antarctic Division, Inland Fisheries Commission,
interstate and international visitors; (b) a reading thesis
resulting from a detailed evaluation of literature in a
prescribed field of study; and (c) A research project of
about 8 months duration.
(Microbiology students enrol in KLA455 or 456; Plant
Science students in KPA450 or 451; and Zoology
students in KZA450 or 451).
•Hbt, int •100%/50%.
KPA460/461 Forest Ecology (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Students who have completed a BSc and have satisfied
the course prerequisites will be permitted to enrol in
honours in Forest Ecology provided: (a) they have
achieved an adequate standard, normally at least 50%
of credits in Group 3 units, and (b) there are a suitable
project and a supervisor available.
The honours year includes: (a) A research project of six
months duration, normally be carried out in the
Department of Plant Science, but after consultation with
the course coordinator may be carried out in other
appropriate departments such as Zoology, Agricultural
Science, Geography and Environmental Studies or
Mathematics; (b) A reading thesis based on a review of
literature or other coursework as appropriate; (c) the
study of KGA381 Environmental Impact Assessment;
and (d) Directed studies and attendance at seminars
given by research scientists working in the field (e.g.
CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products and the Ecological
Society of Australia).
•Hbt, int •100% /50%.
KPA500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Botany)
Has the same objectives as KPA400/401. Full time/part
time ‘umbrella’ code.
KPA510 Graduate Diploma of Science
with Honours (Genetics)
Has the same objectives as KPA410/411. Full time
‘umbrella’ code.
• N.B. for those enrolling in the Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Forest Ecology) the unit has the same
objectives as KPA460/461
KPA520/521 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Forest
Processes) Full time/Part time
Aims at training or retraining technical/research
workers for the forest industry. The topics available
cover a range of disciplines including: tree breeding
and genetics, tissue culture, insect or animal ecology,
tree physiology and ecology, soil or tree nutrition, and
• the unit can be tailored to suit the requirements of
each applicant, but generally comprises the following
components: course work (15%), reading thesis (25%),
experimental thesis (50%), and seminar (10%). The unit
may be taken on a part-time or full-time basis. • prereq
a science degree or equiv. with at least passes in units
appropriate to the proposed research topic. Special
cases may be considered on their individual merits
• assess students are required: (a) to present a reading
thesis resulting from a detailed evaluation of literature
in a prescribed field of study; and (b) to carry out an
intensive research project on an approved topic under a
supervisor approved by the Board of Studies in Science,
and to present the findings in a research thesis. Three
copies of both the reading and the research thesis
(typed on A4 paper and bound) shall be submitted,
generally by mid-November for students commencing
in February. However, a later date may be agreed upon
but this shall not be later than 12 months from the date
of commencing study. Alternative starting dates, such
as mid-year will be considered. Students may be
required to undertake additional work at the discretion
of the Head of Department, e.g. seminars, research
applications, other coursework, and to attend seminars.
Aquaculture, Biology – Department
of Aquaculture at Launceston
KQA110 Zoology for Aquaculture
Provides a general introduction to the biology of
aquatic animals, and investigates phylogenetic
associations, morphology and aspects of physiology
and reproduction of invertebrates and vertebrates of
importance to aquaculture.
• Staff Dr T Pankhurst •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1hr lectures, 3-hr lab session weekly (14 wks) • assess
practical reports (20%), tests (15%), assignments (15%),
3-hr exam (50%)
• req Ruppert E and Barnes R, Invertebrate Zoology, 6th
edn, Saunders, Philadelphia, 1991.
KQA113 Fauna of Tasmania
Introduces students to a diverse range of unicellular
organisms as well as the major multicellular
invertebrate phyla. In the last five weeks the focus shifts
to Sub-phylum Vertebrata. Field trips to terrestrial and
fresh-water habitats, a litoral zone and one to observe
native Tasmanian vertebrates are undertaken.
• Staff Prof A W Osborn •Ltn, Brn, int •12.5% •sem 1
–2x1-hr lectures, 3-hr practical (some in the form of
field trips) weekly (14 wks), an all-day weekend field
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
trip • assess a collection (15%), practical assignments/
exam (35%), final exam (50%)
• req Dorit RL, Walker WF and Barnes RD, Zoology,
Saunders College Publ, 1991.
KQA120 Applied Algology
Teaches students the principles and techniques used to
culture marine phytoplankton (micro-algae), from
small-scale starter cultures, through to productionscale. Micro-algae as feed organisms are intrinsic to the
culture of most marine bivalve, crustacean and finfish.
Students gain an understanding of the nutritional and
respective algal requirements of these animals. Skills
acquired in this unit are directly applicable in the
hatcheries and nurseries servicing aquaculture
industries. Techniques used to culture seaweeds, used
for human and, or marine animal consumption are
• Staff Dr P Thompson •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr
lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • coreq KJC162
• assess final theory exam (40%), mid-sem theory exam
(30%), practical reports (30%)
• req O’Meley CM and Daintith MJ, Algal Cultures for
Marine Hatcheries: Aquaculture Sourcebook , Turtle
Press, Hobart, 1993.
KQA121 Aquatic Ecology I
Examines the ecology of freshwater and marine
environments with emphasis upon primary production
and food webs, community organisation and nutrient
dynamics, and the interaction of physical and biotic
factors of the environment. The objective is to provide a
basic understanding of general ecological principles
with respect to aquatic environments, and to lay the
ground work for more specific examination, in
subsequent units, of the ecology of aquaculture systems
and species.
• Staff Dr T Pankhurst, Assoc Prof NW Pankhurst
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr lecture weekly (14
wks) 8x3-hr lab sessions and 2x3-hr field trips • prereq
KQA110 • assess practical reports (30%), assignments
(20%), 3-hr exam (50%)
• req Barnes RSK and Mann KH (eds), Fundamentals of
Aquatic Ecology, 2nd edn, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford, 1991.
KQA122 Genetics
Covers fundamental aspects of genetics which include
Mendelian genetics, population genetics and molecular
genetics. The unit introduces basic principles of
heredity and variation as well as essential theories and
concepts of gene replication, expression, mutation,
regulation and genetic engineering. Lectures provide
students with a broad background in genetics.
Practicals/tutorials are designed to complement and
enhance the lectures and to develop students’ abilities
to solve practical problems in genetics.
• Staff Dr Y Li, Prof N Forteath •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem
2 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical/tutorial weekly • assess
practical reports and assignments (30%), final theory
exam (70%)
• req Klug WS and Cummings, Essentials of Genetics,
2nd edn, Prentice Hall, 1996.
KQA124 Introductory Aquaculture
Introduces students to workshop management,
occupational health and safety issues, building
materials, tank and pipe construction, metal and plastic
welding, fibreglassing, concreting, principles of
electrical applications, glass aquaria, water quality
testing, filters, small engines and pumps.
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Mr D Planko, Mr M Hilder
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical
weekly (14 wks) • assess practical reports (30%),
practical and theory tests (30%), final theory exam
KQA125 Laboratory Management
Introduces students to workshop management, tank
and pipe construction, water mechanics, welding, water
quality testing, biological filtration, and occupational
health and safety.
• Staff Mr D Planko, Mr M Hilder •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 2-hr practical weekly (14 wks)
• assess practical and theory tests (60%), final theory
exam (40%).
KQA201 Intensive Algal Culture
Phytoplankton are the primary producers of the aquatic
food chain. This unit teaches students the principles
and techniques used to culture marine phytoplankton
(micro-algae), from small-scale starter cultures, through
to production-scale. Micro-algae as feed organisms are
intrinsic to most marine bivalves, crustaceans and
finfish. Skills acquired in this unit are directly
employable in the hatcheries and nurseries servicing
the aquaculture industries. Students gain an
understanding of the nutritional and respective algal
requirements of the animals. Techniques used to culture
seaweeds, used for human and, or marine animal
consumption are discussed. Opportunities for students
to investigate biotechnological advances in algal culture
are provided.
• Staff Dr P Thompson •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1hr lectures, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • assess final
theory exam (40%), mid-sem theory exam (30%),
practical reports (30%)
• req O’Meley CM and Daintith MJ, Algal Cultures for
Marine Hatcheries, Aquaculture Sourcebook, Turtle
Press, Hobart, 1993.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 457
KQA205 Plant Physiology
KQA212 Aquatic Ecology II
Is a study of metabolic and ecophysiological processes
which sustain the growth of vascular plants. The unit
includes theoretical and practical investigation of plant
structure and function, including an introduction to,
mineral nutrition and water uptake, regulation and
development of plant growth, and whole-plant
physiology. Practicals focus on analysis of plant growth
and plant-environment relations, e.g. plant water
relations, photosynthesis and gas exchange.
Gives students undertaking Aquaculture Diploma and
Degree courses a comprehensive overview of important
ecological issues in the aquaculture industry. The
content builds on basic ecological principles covered in
KQA121 and equivalent units. The unit concentrates on
population ecology, environmental monitoring,
community surveys and the impact of aquaculture on
the environment. Special emphasis is placed on in-shore
marine and freshwater environments.
• Staff Mr GL Unwin •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1hr lectures, 3-hr practical/tutorial weekly (14 wks)
• prereq CRA171 or completion of first-year Chemistry
(minimum KJC161 plus KJC162). Other entry status
may be approved by the Department • assess practical
reports and assignments (30%), final theory exam (70%)
• req Raven PH, Evert RF and Eichorn SE, Biology of
Plants, 5th edn, Worth, New York, 1992.
• Staff Dr J Purser, Prof N Pankhurst •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks)
• prereq KQA121 or equivalent • assess end-of-sem
theory exam (40%), tests (10%), practical reports (15%),
assignment (15%), resource book (20%)
KQA207 General Microbiology
Is an introduction to microbial groups with special
emphasis on their roles in disease and aquatic ecology.
Microbial form, function, genetics, nutrition and
metabolism, habitats and interrelationships are
discussed. Examples of microbial diseases of humans
and aquatic animals are considered.
• Staff Dr C Burke •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr
lectures, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • m/excl
KQA226 • assess practical reports (25%), 1,500-word
essay (10%), semester test (10%), theory exam in June
(40%), 3-hr practical exam in May (15%)
• req Madigan MT, Martinko JM and Parker J, Biology of
Microorganisms, 8th edn, Prentice Hall, 1997.
KQA210/211 Aquatic Technology I/II
Teach students those construction and maintenance
skills required in commercial aquaculture systems.
Students also learn the basics of water quality and
various techniques of achieving high water quality in a
farming situation. These units (KQA210, 211) are
essential for understanding the Farming Aquatic
Environments units, KQA221-224.
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr J Purser •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) for
each unit • prereq Completion of Year 1 of the
Associate Diploma or Diploma in Aquaculture • assess
for each unit –theory exam in June (30%), practical
exam in June (10%), assignments (10%), tests (20%),
project presentations (10%), project contribution (10%)
and practical book (10%)
• req Hart P and O’Sullivan D (eds), Recirculation
Systems: Design, Construction and Management.
Aquaculture Sourcebook, Turtle Press, Hobart, 1993.
• rdg Lawson TB, Fundamentals of Aquacultural
Engineering, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1995.
KQA213 General Microbiology
Emphasises the roles of microbes in aquatic
environments and in aquaculture. Microbial form,
function, nutrition and metabolism, habitats and
interrelationships are described. Some topical examples
of microbial diseases are considered. The last 3 weeks
give an introduction to histology of fish.
• Staff Dr C Burke, Dr B Nowak •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks)
• assess practical reports (35%), 2 sem tests (15%), 3-hr
practical exam (15%), 3-hr theory exam in June (35%)
• req Madigan MT, Martinko JM and Parker J, Biology of
Microorganisms, 8th edn, Prentice Hall, 1997
Fin Fish Diseases, Postgraduate Committee in Veterinary
Science, Proceedings No. 128, Sydney University, 1990.
KQA214 Technology for Aquaculture
Introduces students to important concepts in aquatic
technology involving the construction and operation of
farm components. Trips to farming facilities in the State
are used to demonstrate the varieties of technologies
used. This unit is essential for understanding the
husbandry Intensive Culture units.
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr J Purser •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical equiv weekly (14
wks) • assess end-of-sem theory exam (25%), mid-sem
theory exam (25%), practical exam (15%), practical book
(15%), farm visits (5%), practicals/assignments (15%)
• rdg Lawson TB, Fundamentals of Aquacultural
Engineering, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1995.
KQA226 General and Medical
Gives students detailed descriptions of microbial
physiology and genetics. The unit is strongly focused
on microbes which are pathogenic to human beings.
Students are taught techniques for isolating and
identifying microbes. Interactions between microbes
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
and human beings are described, in particular
mechanisms of pathogenesis, and the role of genetic
recombination in the development in new strains.
• Staff Dr C Burke, Mr S Tristram •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks)
• prereq CFA276 or CRA101 • m/excl KQA207 • assess
practicals (25%), sem test (10%), 3-hr practical exam in
May (20%), 3-hr theory exam in June (45%)
• req McKane L and Kandel J, Microbiology: Essentials
and Applications, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, 1996.
KQA227 Forest Ecosystems
Introduces the ecology and evolutionary history of
Tasmania’s native forests in relation to the distribution
of vegetation. Principles of forest ecology and processes
which sustain plant and animla interactions within
forest environments are discussed. Practical
implications for forest management and silviculture are
presented through comparative sampling and analysis
of forest environments, species diversity and biological
productivity in selected native forests and plantations.
Ecosystem processes which contribute to the dynamics
of forests, e.g. regeneration and ageing, succession and
response to disturbance, are examined in preparation
for subsequent studies in Agroforestry (KQA307).
• Staff Mr GL Unwin •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –5 hrs
weekly (14 wks), including lectures, practical/tutorial
sessions and fieldwork • prereq KQA205, KQA113;
other entry status may be approved by the Department
• assess practical reports and assignments (40%), final
theory exam (60%)
• req Kirkpatric JB (ed), Tasmanian Native Bush: a
Management Handbook, Tas Environment Centre,
Hobart, 1990.
Recher HF, Lunney D and Dunne I, A Natural Legacy –
Ecology in Australia, 2nd edn, Pergamon, Sydney,
KQA228 Intensive Crustacean &
Zooplankton Culture
Provides an understanding of biological and technical
aspects of culture strategies for crustaceans and noncrustacean zooplankton species that are of commercial
or experimental significance.
• N.B. restricted to Aquaculture (degree & GradDip)
• Staff Dr G Maguire, Dr J Purser •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 2 hrs practicals
weekly (14 wks) • prereq degree students –KQA110
and KQA201 • assess mid-sem exam (20%), final exam
(30%), practical exam in Nov (15%), practical session
assessment (15%), assignment (20%)
• req Daintith M, Live Feeds for Marine Aquaculture: A
Training Guide, Aquaculture Sourcebook, Turtle Press,
Hobart, 1993.
KQA241 Finfish Culture
Examines the culture of salmonid fish and other
freshwater and marine species which are grown
commercially or are deemed to have potential for
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr J Purser, Dr C Carter •Ltn,
int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr
practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq KQA110, KQA210/
211 • assess end-of-sem theory exam (30%), mid-sem
theory exam (20%), end-of-sem practical exam (15%),
farm visits (5%), practical session assignment (15%),
assignment (15%).
KQA242 Molluscan Culture
Outlines the biology of and commercial and
experimental techniques for relevant molluscan species.
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr G Maguire •Ltn, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr
practical/demonstration weekly • prereq KQA110,
KQA210/211 • assess end-of-sem theory exam (30%),
mid-sem theory exam (20%), end-of-sem practical exam
(15%), farm visits (5%), practical session assignment
(15%), assignment (15%).
KQA243 Crustacean & Zooplankton
Provides an understanding of biological and technical
aspects of culture strategies for crustaceans or noncrustacean zooplankton species that are of commercial
or experimental significance.
• N.B. restricted to Aquaculture (Associate Diploma and
Diploma) students
• Staff Dr G Maguire, Dr J Purser •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 2 –5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess mid-sem
theory exam (20%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam (30%),
practical exam in Nov (15%), farm visit (5%), practical
session assessment (15%), assignment (15%)
• req Daintith M, Live Feeds for Marine Aquaculture: A
Training Guide, Aquaculture Sourcebook, Turtle Press,
Hobart, 1993.
KQA302 Scientific Analysis and
Presentation for Aquaculture
Enables students to apply commonly used statistical
methods and experimental design strategies. Exercises
in report writing and in the evaluation of journal
articles are undertaken.
• N.B. restricted to Aquaculture students
• Staff Dr G Maguire •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –4 hrs
weekly (14 wks) • prereq KXA165 • assess class
assignments: writing (5%), manuscript evaluation
(20%), statistics assignments (30%), mid-sem exam
(15%), final exam (30%).
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 459
KQA303 Intensive Molluscan Culture
Outlines the biology of and commercial and
experimental farming techniques for relevant
molluscan species.
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr G Maguire •Ltn, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr
practical/demonstration weekly • assess end-of-sem
theory exam (30%), mid-sem theory exam (20%), endof-sem practical exam (15%), practical session
assessment (15%), assignment (20%).
KQA306 Project in Aquaculture
Develops the work ethic, reliability and reporting
required by the aquaculture industries by giving
students hands-on project-work supervised by a staff
member. The aim is to provide experience of working
as a part of a group in order to achieve long-term goals.
• N.B. restricted to Aquaculture (Diploma Year 3) students
• Staff Dr C Carter (Coordinator) •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –average of 6 hrs weekly (14 wks) • assess
individual contribution to project tested by viva or
equiv (as specified by project group supervisor) (50%),
and project report file (50%).
KQA307 Agroforestry
Is a study of principles and techniques for integration of
forestry and agriculture in rural land management of
northern Tasmania and elsewhere. Ecological and
economic benefits of combining sustainable farm forest
management with agriculture are emphasised in field
visits and individual projects. History and causes of
rural tree decline and rural land degradation; fungal
and insect vectors of forest disease and plant/animal
interactions are examined in their ecological context.
Insect and vertebrate pests of farm trees are identified
and methods of control are introduced. Principles of
whole-farm planning are outlined and other topics for
study include site amelioration and environmental
impact of trees on farms, species selection, tree
establishment and forest silviculture in combination
with agriculture, use of wood and non-wood products,
marketing and profitability.
• Staff Mr GL Unwin and Prof AW Osborn •Ltn, int
•25% •full year –5 hrs weekly (28 wks), including
practicals and excursions • prereq 1st and 2nd year of
Applied Biology major or equiv • assess practical
assignments (20%), seminar (10%), mid-year test (20%),
final exam (50%)
• req Cremer KW (ed), Trees for Rural Australia,
CSIRO/Inkata, Melbourne, 1990.
KQA308 Plant Biotechnology
Demonstrates the power of biotechnology in relation to
plants. The unit covers specialised areas of genetics and
molecular biology. (a) Plant Tissue Culture (KQA315):
students practise modern, aseptic techniques for in
vitro micropropagation such as establishment of callus,
shoot, root, protoplast and suspension cell cultures. (b)
An Introduction to Genetic Engineering (KQA316):
basic gene techniques are introduced which include
DNA isolation and purification, electrophoresis,
restriction analysis, PCR, Western blot, and genetic
transformation. Lectures provide basic principles and
discuss recent development of plant biotechnology in
relation to career paths or postgraduate studies.
Practicals develop essential skills in plant tissue culture
and genetic engineering.
• Staff Dr Y Li •Ltn, int •25% •full year –2-hr
lecture, 3-hr practical weekly • prereq KQA122,
KQA205; a microbiology unit strongly recommended
• assess in each semester: research project and practical
reports (20% ea), theory exam (30% ea)
• req Stafford A and Warren G, Plant Cell and Tissue
Culture, Open Uni Press, 1991
Brown TA, Gene Cloning: an Introduction, 3rd edn,
Chapman & Hall, 1995
Alberts B, Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K and
Watson JD, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd edn,
Garland Publ, 1994.
KQA309 Aquatic Microbiology
Describes the characteristics of aquatic microbes and
their habitats. Emphasises microbial processes and their
interactions with aquatic environments, and describes
the roles of aquatic microbes in biogeochemical cycling
and their impacts on aquaculture.
• Staff Dr C Burke •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr
lectures, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KQA207 or KQA226 • assess practical reports (10%),
2,000-word essay (20%), project (15%), semester test
(10%), 3-hr exam in June (45%)
• req Madigan MT, Martinko JM and Parker J, Biology of
Microorganisms, 8th edn, Prentice Hall, 1997.
KQA311 Practicum
Students must spend at least 8 weeks during the
Aquaculture Degree course carrying out work
experience to fulfil the requirements of the Degree.
They must not spend less than two weeks at any one
location. They may work on farms, in laboratories or in
factories engaged in aquacultural activities. The choice
of several venues will broaden perspectives but is not
essential. On successful completion of this unit,
students should be capable of: (a) appreciating the daily
routine on an aquacultural farm; (b) discussing culture
and managment problems associated with the
aquaculture enterprises(s) visited; (c) comprehending
the business management procedures carried out on the
farm(s) visited; and (d) putting aquaculture theory into
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
• Staff Dr J Purser, Dr G Maguire, Dr C Carter •Ltn,
int •0% •full year • prereq successful completion of
Year 2 of Degree • assess includes seminar presentation
and attendance, and is made on a pass/fail basis.
KQA312 Practicum
Students must spend at least 8 weeks during the
Aquaculture Diploma course carrying out work
experience to fulfil the requirements of the Diploma.
They must not spend less than two weeks at any one
location. They may work on farms, in laboratories or in
factories engaged in aquacultural activities. The choice
of several venues will broaden perspectives but is not
essential. On successful completion of this unit,
students should be capable of: (a) appreciating the daily
routine on an aquacultural farm; (b) discussing culture
and managment problems associated with the
aquaculture enterprise(s) visited; (c) comprehending
the business management procedures carried out on the
farm(s) visited; and (d) putting aquaculture theory into
• Staff Dr J Purser, G Maguire, C Carter •Ltn, int •0%
•full year • prereq successful completion of Year 2 of
Diploma • assess includes seminar presentation and
attendance, and is made on a pass/fail basis.
KQA318 Applied and Environmental
Describes the population dynamics of microbial growth
and its application in fermentation technology, together
with the activities of microbes in the food industry. The
unit examines the roles of microbes in biogeochemical
cycling, and the use of microbes in the degradation of
pollutants. Students are introduced to standard
laboratory techniques.
• Staff Dr C Burke •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr
lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq KQA207
or KQA226 • assess practical reports (25%), project
(15%), sem test (10%), 3-hr exam in Nov (50%)
• req Madigan MT, Martinko JM and Parker J, Biology of
Microorganisms, 8th edn, Prentice Hall, 1997.
KQA319 Nutrition of Aquatic Organisms
Provides students with a detailed understanding of
aquatic nutrition and the relationships to farming
practice, feed formulation and the physiology and
biochemistry of aquatic organisms. Feeding, growth
and nutrition of aquatic organisms, the production of
commercial aquaculture feeds and methods of analysis
are covered.
• Staff Dr C Carter, Dr G Maguire, Dr J Purser •Ltn,
int •12.5% •sem 1 –5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KJC162 • assess continuous assessment (50%), theory
exam (50%).
KQA320 Intensive Finfish Culture
Examines the culture of salmonid fish and other
freshwater and marine species which are grown
commerciaolly or are deemed to have potential for
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr J Purser, Dr C Carter •Ltn,
int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr
practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq degree students –
KQA101 • assess end-of-sem theory exam (30%), midsem theory exam (20%), end-of-sem practical exam
(15%), practical session assessment (15%), assignment
(15%), farm visit (5%).
KQA321 Aquatic Animal Health
Demonstrates the importance of recognising
environmental variables which may cause noninfectious and infectious diseases on the farm. Disease
recognition and treatment are discussed with the main
emphasis placed on health management.
• Staff Dr B Nowak •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3x1-hr
lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr practical weekly (6 wks), 1
full-week residential ‘block’ practical • assess final 3-hr
theory exam (60%), continuous assessment (40%).
KQA325 Advanced Aquaculture
Covers specialist technological fields, machinery and
methods; and examines their design and working
principles. Topics include: the advanced design and
operation of broodstock, hatchery and grow-out
systesm, the hydrodynamics and automated water
quality monitoring of these systems, drug delivery
systems, electron microscopy, image analysis, the use of
radioactive and stable isotopes, flow cytometry and
environmental impact assessment techniques. The focus
of the unit is on developing technologies, consequently
its content will be reviewed regularly in the light of
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr J Purser, Prof N Pankhurst,
Dr B Nowak, Dr T Pankhurst, Dr C Carter, Dr G
Maguire •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 3-hr
practical weekly (14 wks) • prereq KQA214 • assess
practical components (40%), sem tests (10%), mid-sem
theory exam (25%), final theory exam (25%).
KQA330 Physiology of Aquatic
Exposes students to a detailed examination of the
physiology of aquatic organisms, with an emphasis on
fish. Development, growth, respiration, osmoregulation
and excretion, reproduction, endocrinology and
sensory physiology are discussed in relation to the
effects of natural and artificial environmental changes
on physiological processes.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 461
• Staff Dr B Nowak, Dr C Carter, Dr T Pankhurst, Prof
N Pankhurst •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –a total of 14x2hr lectures, 14x3-hr practicals • assess theory exam
(60%), continuous assessment (40%)
KQA351 Physiology of Farmed
Exposes students to a detailed examination of the
physiology of farmed organisms, focusing on fish.
Physiological processes regulating existence and the
effects of environmental variables and farming
practices on these processes are examined.
• Staff Dr B Nowak, Dr C Carter, Dr T Pankhurst, Prof
N Pankhurst •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –a total of 14x
2-hr lectures, 14x3-hr practicals • prereq KQA110,
KJC162 • assess theory exam (60%), continuous
assessment (40%)
KQA361 Nutrition of Farmed Organisms
Provides students with a detailed understanding of
aquatic nutrition and the relationships to farming
practice, feed formulation and the physiology and
biochemistry of farmed organisms. Feeding, growth
and nutrition of farmed organisms, the production of
commercial aquaculture feeds and methods of analysis
are covered.
• Staff Dr C Carter, Dr G Maguire, Dr J Purser •Ltn,
int •12.5% •sem 1 –5 hrs weekly (14 wks) • prereq
KJG162 • assess continuous assessment (50%), theory
exam (50%)
KQA362 Animal Health in Aquaculture
Creates an awareness of the relationship between
aquatic animals, the environment, management,
infectious agents and the expression of disease.
Emphasis is placed on the role of management in
relation to animal health and in the prevention and
control of diseases of farmed aquatic organisms.
• Staff Dr B Nowak •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr
lecture, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr practical weekly (11 wks)
• prereq KQA110 • assess 3-hr theory exam (60%),
continuous assessment (40%).
KQA422 Technology for Aquaculture
Introduces the student to important concepts in aquatic
technology involving the construction and operation of
farm components. Trips to farming facilities in the State
are used to demonstrate the varieties of technologies
used. This unit is useful in understanding the
husbandry units.
• Staff Dr J Purser, Prof N Forteath •Ltn, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2 hrs lectures, 3 hrs practical equiv. weekly
(14 wks) • assess end-of-sem theory exam (25%); midsem theory (25%), practical exam (15%), practical book
(15%), farm visits (5%), practicals/assignments (15%)
• rdg journals and texts tba
KQA710 Intensive Molluscan Culture
Examines hatchery-rearing techniques and grow-out
culture for important commercial species of molluscs.
• Staff Prof N Forteath, Dr P Thompson, Dr G Maguire
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial,
2-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • assess end-of-sem
theory exam (30%), mid-sem theory exam (20%), endof-sem practical exam (15%), practical session
assessment (10%), assignment (20%), seminar (5%).
KQA711 Intensive Algal Culture
Instructs students in methods used to grow a variety of
micro-algae for use in hatcheries. The principles of
macro-algal culture are discussed.
• Staff Dr P Thompson •Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr
lecture, 3-hr practical weekly (14 wks) • assess final
exam (40%), mid-term exam (30%), practical tests (30%).
Pass marks in both practical and theory components are
KQA817 Literature Review
The student reviews a specific topic of interest which
has been approved by a supervisor. The review is to be
written as a scientific review incorporating material
from the literature.
•Ltn, int •25% •full year –minimum of 6 wks library
study and writing, with at least 5 hrs weekly staff
contact • coreq coursework as in the Graduate Diploma
program • assess review paper, assessed by at least two
staff members (60%), the topic is also presented to the
Department as a seminar (40%).
KQA818/819 Research Dissertation Part
A/Part B
Require the student to undertake a research project
under the supervision of at least one staff member from
the Department of Aquaculture although programs
may be undertaken in conjunction with other
departments. The project should be undertaken oncampus although permission may be given for offcampus programs. The research is submitted in the
form of a scientific paper, and as a conference poster.
•Ltn, int •25%/50% •full year –at least 5 hrs contact
time weekly (minimum of 20 wks); project work
undertaken is in addition to any required for Graduate
Diploma subjects • prereq Graduate Diploma of
Applied Science (Aquaculture) from this university to a
level approved by the Faculty • assess manuscript,
evaluated by at least two staff members and an external
assessor (80%), poster, assessed on a presentation day
KQA820/821 Specialist Practical Skills
Part A/Part B
The student spends 8 weeks obtaining ‘hands on’
experience on an aquaculture farm or in a research
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
laboratory. In the latter situation, the proposed work
experience program must be approved by the Head of
•Ltn, int •0% •full year –minimum of 38 hrs weekly
at an aquacultural facility (8 wks); at least 2 of the 8 wks
should be spent on a farm if the preference is for labbased work • prereq Graduate Diploma of Applied
Science (Aquaculture) from this university to a level
approved by the Faculty • assess written account of
experience gained (outline provided by Department
supervisor). Feedback, from the manager of the facility,
in relation to the student’s performance will be taken
into account. Although a university staff member
would normally be involved in arranging the work
experience position for the student, and would liaise
directly with the manager of the facility to help
overcome any problems which might occur, there
would not usually be any on-site supervision by a
university staff member.
Chemistry – Department of
Chemistry at Hobart
The units offered by the Department of Chemistry
provide training both for those who wish to take up a
career in chemistry and for those who wish to take
chemistry to support specialist studies in another
discipline. To become professional chemists, students
will normally complete study programs within the BSc
degree, but it is also possible to take Chemistry units
within the BA or BEc degree or the BSc-BE and BSc-LLB
combined degrees. For those interested in teaching
chemistry, the BSc-BTeach or BSc(Hons)-BTeach
combinations are recommended.
Students wishing to major in chemistry will take as a
minimum the following:
KRA110 Chemistry 1A [25%]
KRA200 Chemistry 2 [33.33%]
and at least 50% load of chemistry at third year.
KRA110 is the required first year unit leading to a
major in chemistry, but in exceptional circumstances
(on approval of the Head of Department) students
may be permitted to transfer from KRA130 to KRA110
during first year, or may be admitted to KRA200 after
successful completion of KRA130 providing they
satisfy the Mathematics prerequisite for KRA110.
KRA110 has prerequisites *CH856 and *MT841 or
HSC equivalent; and
KRA130 has prerequisites *CH856 and (*MT730 or
*MT841) or HSC equivalent.
Both fundamental and applied aspects of chemistry
are covered in all units, but the following units are
designed to cover applied chemistry of value to both
chemistry majors and students with interests in other
KRA203 Analytical and Environmental
(prerequisite KRA110 or KRA130)
KRA303 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry [12.5%]
(prerequisite KRA200 or KRA208)
KRA305 Biosynthesis & Function of Natural
KRA205 Chemistry for Life Sciences
(prerequisites KRA110 or KRA130)
KRA205 is a prequisite for only one third-year chemistry
unit, KRA305, and cannot be taken together with KRA200.
Students intending to take Chemistry as a supporting
subject may enrol in KRA110 or KRA130.
For students who intend to become professional
chemists it is worthwhile keeping in mind the
requirements of The Royal Australian Chemical
Institute for corporate membership. The Institute,
which is the only professional body representing
chemists in Australia, requires at least three years study
of chemistry at an approved tertiary level, including, in
third year, the equivalent of at least 50% devoted to the
principles of chemistry, or at least 16% devoted to the
principles of chemistry plus at least 50% devoted to
other chemistry based material. In addition, the course
must include mathematics or physics to at least firstyear level.
The department also offers programs of study leading
to the Bachelor of Science with Honours, the Graduate
Diploma of Science (Chemistry), the Graduate Diploma
of Science with Honours (Chemistry) and the Master of
Science Studies, as well as research programs for higher
degrees (Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy).
Assessment: Students will be notified of the methods of
assessment for each unit early in the year. Students
should note that considerable weight is placed on the
practical course associated with each unit. A score
greater than or equal to 50% is required in practical
work to pass.
N.B. Students are encouraged to consult with the Chemistry
Enrolment Officer, Assoc Prof KJ Cavell, regarding timetable
clashes, course problems, or questions in connection with
KRA110 Chemistry 1A
Provides the essential elements of chemistry required
by students intending to proceed to further studies in
chemistry and is very suitable for students intending to
major in the physical and biological sciences. Topics
quantify and explore in greater depth much of the
material covered in TCE Chemistry and include:
spectroscopy, physical and chemical equilibria,
thermodynamics and kinetics; a quantum mechanical
approach to bonding; solid state chemistry, descriptive
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 463
inorganic chemistry, the chemistry of organic functional
groups and the chemistry of biologically important
compounds, and separation techniques in analytical
chemistry. Laboratory sessions are designed to increase
students’ manipulative skills and, where possible, to
reinforce the lecture program.
• Staff Dr R Thomas (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (28
wks), 8 assignments and weekly 3-hr lab (20 wks)
• prereq *CH856 and *MT841 or HSC equiv • m/excl all
other first year chemistry units • assess 1-hr mid-sem
tests –sem 1 (5%); sem 2 (5%); 3-hr end-of-sem exams –
sem 1 (35%); sem 2 (35%); lab work (15%), assignments
• req a) For students who intend to proceed to second
year chemistry
Atkins PW, The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2nd edn,
OUP, 1996
Laboratory Diary and Course Notes, University of
Tasmania, Dept of Chemistry
McMurry J, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 3rd edn,
Shriver DF, Atkins PW and Langford CH, Inorganic
Chemistry, OUP, 1990
b) For students who do not intend to proceed to second
year chemistry
Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules, Matter
and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
McMurry J, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 3rd edn,
KRA120 Chemistry 1 (Agricultural
Emphasises the biological applications of chemistry,
and includes: spectroscopy, equilibria in ionic solutions,
kinetics and thermodynamics; bonding, biological
inorganic chemistry, the chemistry of organic functional
groups and an introduction to the chemistry of
biologically important compounds, and separation
techniques in analytical chemistry. Laboratory sessions
are designed to increase students’ manipulative skills
and, where possible, to reinforce the lecture program.
• N.B. restricted to Agricultural Science students
• Staff Dr R Thomas (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26
wks), 8 assignments, weekly 2-hr lab (10 wks) in sem 1,
and weekly 3-hr lab in sem 2 (10 wks) • prereq *CH856,
(*MT730 or *MT841) or HSC equiv • m/excl all other
year-1 chemistry units • assess 1-hour mid-sem tests –
sem 1 (5%); sem 2 (5%); 3-hr end-of-sem exams –sem 1
(35%); sem 2 (35%); lab work (15%), assignments (5%)
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
McMurry J, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 3rd edn,
KRA121 Chemistry 1 (Applied
Provides a basic knowledge of chemistry and its
applications, introducing the interactions occurring
between atoms and molecules and their effect on solids,
liquids and gases; the physical chemistry of solutions
and the calculation of values such as equilibrium
constants and pH in aqueous solutions; and elementary
organic chemistry including synthesis and reactions of
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids
and bases.
• N.B. restricted to BAppSc(Agr) and BAppSc(Hort)
• Staff Dr LA Dunn(Coordinator) •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures weekly, 10x2hr practical
classes and 21 tutorials • m/excl all other year-1
chemistry units • assess 2-hr exam (60%), 10 wks lab
(15%), assignments (15%), mid-sem test (10%)
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
KRA130 Chemistry 1B
Is primarily for those students who do not wish to
major in chemistry but who wish to enhance their
understanding of the subject. Topics include:
spectroscopy, equilibria in ionic solutions, kinetics and
thermodynamics; bonding, biological inorganic
chemistry, the chemistry of organic functional groups
and an introduction to the chemistry of biologically
important compounds, and separation techniques in
analytical chemistry. Laboratory sessions are designed
to increase students’ manipulative skills and, where
possible, to reinforce the lecture program.
• Staff Dr R Thomas (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26
wks), 8 assignments, weekly 2-hr lab (10 wks) in sem 1,
and weekly 3-hr lab in sem 2 (10 wks) • prereq *CH856
and (*MT730 or *MT841) or HSC equiv • m/excl all
other first year chemistry units • assess 1-hr mid-sem
tests –sem 1 (5%); sem 2 (5%); 3 hr end-of-sem exams –
sem 1 (35%); sem 2 (35%); lab work (15%), assignment
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
McMurry J, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 3rd edn,
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KRA145 Chemistry Option (Medicine)
Quantifies and explores in greater depth much of the
material covered in TCE Chemistry, and includes:
spectroscopy, physical and chemical equilibria,
bonding, descriptive inorganic chemistry and the
chemistry of organic functional groups. Laboratory
sessions are designed to increase students’
manipulative skills and, where possible, to reinforce the
lecture program.
• N.B. available to Medicine students; although not a prereq
for the course, provides an excellent preparation for it
• Staff Dr R Thomas (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –3 lectures, 1 tutorial weekly (14 wks), 4
assignments, 2 hrs lab weekly (10 wks) • prereq *CH856
and (*MT730 or *MT841) or HSC equiv • m/excl all
other first year chemistry units • assess mid-sem test
(10%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (70%), lab work (15%),
assignments (5%)
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
McMurray J, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 3rd
edn, Brooks/Cole.
KRA160 Chemistry (Pharmacy)
Enhances students’ understanding of chemistry and its
relevance to the biological sciences. Topics include:
spectroscopy, equilibria in ionic solutions, kinetics and
thermodynamics; bonding, biological inorganic
chemistry, the chemistry of organic functional groups
and an introduction to the chemistry of biologically
important compounds, and separation techniques in
analytical chemistry. Laboratory sessions are designed
to increase students’ manipulative skills and, where
possible, to reinforce the lecture program.
• Staff Dr R Thomas (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26
wks), 8 assignments, weekly 2-hr lab (10 wks) in sem 1,
and weekly 3-hr lab in sem 2 (10 wks) • prereq *CH856
and (*MT841 or *MT730) or HSC equiv • m/excl all
other year-1 chemistry units • assess 1-hr mid-sem tests
–sem 1 (5%), sem 2 (5%); 3-hr end-of-sem exams –sem
1 (35%), sem (35%); lab work (15%), assignments (5%)
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
McMurry J, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Brooks/
KRA170 Chemistry of Materials
Develops a basic knowledge of chemistry and the
chemical principles necessary for understanding the
properties and uses of materials in engineering. The
unit provides an introduction to chemical processes and
illustrates the processes encountered by civil,
mechanical and electrical engineers. Topics include an
introduction to chemical theory, solution chemistry,
electro-chemistry and the chemistry of engineering
materials. Potential chemical hazards, relevant safety
procedures, and selected chemical processes, are
discussed. The importance of chemistry in engineering
design, electrical engineering, control engineering, and
municipal engineering are illustrated.
• N.B. restricted to Engineering and Surveying students
• Staff Dr LA Dunn (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures weekly, 10x2-hr practical
classes and 14 tutorials • prereq TCE Applied Science –
Physical Sciences and *MT841 or HSC equiv • m/excl
all other first year chemistry units • assess 3-hr end-ofsem exams (70%), lab (15%), 4 assignments (5%) midsem test (10%)
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
KRA200 Chemistry 2
Builds on KRA110 and consolidates the theoretical and
practical framework required by students who intend
to major in chemistry or who need additional chemistry
to support their studies in other science areas. Emphasis
is placed on the application of modern techniques in the
elucidation of chemical structure, the physical and
chemical properties and synthesis of organic, bioinorganic, inorganic and organometallic compounds
(especially coordination complexes and elements in the
main group), an introduction to solid state chemistry
and the mechanisms of chemical reactions. The physical
chemistry lectures provide some of the necessary
theoretical background in kinetics, thermodynamics
and electrochemistry required to understand the
behaviour of chemical systems. The laboratory program
reinforces concepts introduced in lectures and gives
students experience in good laboratory practice.
• Staff Dr BV O’Grady (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•33.33% •full year –3x1-hr lectures weekly (28 wks), a
1-hr tutorial, 4-hr lab (27 wks) • prereq KRA110 or
KRA130 with prior approval of HoD for exceptional
students • assess end-of-sem exams –sem 1, 3-hr paper
and 2-hr paper (35%); sem 2 –2x2-hr papers (35%), lab
assessment (25%); assignments and tests (5%)
• req Atkins PW, The Elements of Physical Chemistry,
2nd edn, OUP, 1997
Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania, Dept of
Chemistry, 1998
Morrison RT and Boyd RN, Organic Chemistry, 6th edn,
Prentice-Hall 1992
Shriver DR, Atkins PW and Langford CH, Inorganic
Chemistry, 2nd edn, OUP, 1994
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 465
Smart L and Moore E, Solid State Chemistry, Chapman
and Hall
Williamson KL, Macroscale and Microscale Experiments,
DC Heath and Company, 2nd edn, 1994.
KRA203 Analytical & Environmental
Gives a sound introduction to the principles and
practice underlying quantitative analytical chemistry,
including some important intrumental techniques.
Topics include: chemistry and behaviour of important
elements and compounds in the environment, with an
emphasis on marine chemistry; analytical chemistry
with an emphasis on aqueous systems relevant to
environmental chemistry as well as industrial and other
applications; analyses based on chemical equilibria
(acid-base, solubility, complexation); spectroscopy (UVVis spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, atomic emission
and absorption using flames); electrochemistry
(potentiometry, ion-selective electrodes); and
chromatography (gas-liquid chromatography, high
performance liquid chromatography). Laboratory
sessions complement lectures and provide practical
experience in the analytical methods discussed.
Particular emphasis is placed on achieving accurate
results and on the statistical analysis of these results.
Some parts of this unit are taught by scientists of the
CSIRO Marine Laboratories. The unit not only meets
the needs of chemists but has direct relevance to
students with interests in earth sciences, life sciences
and environmental studies.
•Hbt, int •16.67% •sem 2 –3x1-hr lectures weekly, 14
tutorials, exucurison to CSIRO Marine Labs, field work
sampling techniques excursion and 4-hr lab weekly (14
wks) • prereq KRA110 or KRA130 • assess 3-hr and 2hr paper, includes questions relating to lab work (75%),
lab work (25%)
• req Harris DC, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th
edn, WH Freeman, 1995.
KRA205 Chemistry for Life Sciences
Covers organic and inorganic aspects of chemistry, with
particular emphasis on the interrelationship of
chemistry with the life sciences. Lectures include
aspects of spectroscopic techniques applicable to a wide
range of chemical studies, followed by lectures in:
stereochemistry; advanced functional group chemistry,
particularly relating structure to properties; bio-organic
chemistry and principles of bio-inorganic chemistry.
The unit is of interest to students wishing to strengthen
their chemical background for further studies,
particularly in the biochemical, biological and
microbiological areas, and is a suitable prerequisite for
KRA305, for students not enrolled in KRA200.
Laboratory sessions include experiments illustrating
specific lecture topics, identification, and small scale
preparation of organic and inorganic compounds.
• Staff Dr AJ Blackman (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•16.67% •sem 1 –3x1-hr lectures weekly, 14 tutorials,
4-hr lab weekly (13 wks) • prereq KRA110 or KRA130
• m/excl KRA200, KRA222, KRA262 • assess 3-hr and
2-hr paper (75%), lab assessments (20%), assignments
• req Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania,
Dept of Chemistry
Morrison RT and Boyd RN, Organic Chemistry, 6th edn,
Prentice-Hall 1992
Williamson KL, Macroscale and Microscale Experiments,
2nd edn, DC Heath, 1994.
KRA222 Organic Chemistry
(Agricultural Science)
Covers organic aspects of chemistry, placing particular
emphasis on the interrelationship of organic chemistry
with the life sciences. Initial lectures include the
fundamentals of spectroscopic techniques applicable to
a wide range of chemical studies, followed by lectures
in: stereochemistry; functional group chemistry,
particularly relating structure to properties; and bioorganic chemistry. Laboratory sessions include
experiments illustrating specific lecture topics,
identification, and small scale preparation of organic
• N.B. restricted to Agricultural Science students
• Staff Dr AJ Blackman (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –34 lectures and 10 tutorials, 24 hrs lab
• prereq KRA120 • m/excl KRA200, KRA203, KRA262
• assess 3-hr exam (75%), lab assessment (20%),
assignments (5%)
• req Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania,
Dept of Chemistry
Morrison RT and Boyd TN, Organic Chemistry, 6th edn,
Prentice-Hall 1992
Williamson KL, Macroscale and Microscale Experiments, ,
2nd edn, DC Heath, 1994.
KRA262 Organic Chemistry (Pharmacy)
Covers organic aspects of chemistry with particular
emphasis on the interrelationships of organic chemistry
with the life sciences. Initial lectures include the
fundamental aspects of spectroscopic techniques
applicable to a wide range of chemical studies, followed
by lectures in: stereochemistry; functional group
chemistry, particularly relating structure to properties;
and bio-organic chemistry. Laboratory sessions include
experiments illustrating specific lecture topics,
identification, and small-scale preparation of organic
• Staff (Coordinator) Dr AJ Blackman •Hbt, int
•12.5% •full year –34 lectures, 10 tutorials, 24 hrs lab
• prereq KRA160 • m/excl KRA200, KRA222, KRA205
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
• assess 3-hr exam (75%), lab (20%), assignments and
tests (5%)
• req Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania,
Dept of Chemistry
Morrison RT and Boyd RN, Organic Chemistry, 6th edn,
Prentice-Hall, 1992
Williamson KR, Macroscale and Microscale Experiments,
2nd edn, DC Heath, 1994.
KRA301 Chemistry 3A
Is a core unit in chemistry of interest to chemistry
majors, especially those proceeding to higher degrees
and to employment as professional chemists. Some
basic computing skills are desirable but not essential for
this unit, which provides students with a firm grasp of
modern chemical theory and industrial chemistry, and
covering selected areas of both physical and inorganic
chemistry. Topics are selected from surface chemistry,
extractive metallurgy, pulp and paper chemistry;
kinetics and catalysis; molecular thermo-dynamics;
electrochemistry; advanced thermodynamics; electronic
structure and bonding in transition metal compounds;
symmetry and group theory; chemistry of main group
elements; and solid state theory.
• Staff Dr LA Dunn (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –42x1-hr lectures, 126 hrs lab • prereq
KRA200 • assess 3-hr exam (end of each sem) (65%), lab
assessment (35%)
• req Atkins PW and Jones LL, Chemistry, Molecules,
Matter and Change, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co, NY
Shriver DR, Atkins PW and Langford CH, Inorganic
Chemistry, 2nd edn, OUP, 1994.
KRA302 Chemistry 3B
Rounds out students’ basic training in organic and
organometallic chemistry and emphasises the
increasing interaction between inorganic and organic
chemistry. Topics are selected from: advanced
spectroscopy and its use in structure elucidation; the
chemistry of reactive intermediates; organic synthesis;
heterocyclic chemistry; organometallic chemistry; and
aspects of homogeneous catalysis. This unit is of
interest to chemistry majors and students studying
biochemistry, microbiology and the biological sciences.
• Staff Dr BF Yates (Coordinator) •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –42x1-hr lectures, 126 hrs lab • prereq
KRA200 • assess 3-hr exam (end of each sem) (65%), lab
assessment (35%)
• req Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania,
Dept of Chemistry
Morrison RT and Boyd RN, Organic Chemistry, 6th edn,
Prentice-Hall 1992
Moody CJ and Whitham GH, Reactive Intermediates,
OUP, 1992
Silverstein RM, Bassler GC and Morrill TC,
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 5th
edn, Wiley & Sons 1991
Williamson KL, Macroscale and Microscale Experiments,
2nd edn, DC Heath, 1994.
KRA303 Instrumental Analytical
Concentrates on giving a sound foundation to the
theory and application of modern instrumental
techniques, explaining how these are applied to
chemical analysis. Topics are selected from:
chromatographic separation techniques –ion
chromatography, high performance liquid
chromatography, solid phase extraction and capillary
electrophoresis; electroanalytical methods –
voltammetry and amperometry; spectroscopy –atomic
absorption/emission, flameless techniques and
hyphenated methods; flow analysis –flow injection,
and on-line process stream analysis; and the application
of quality assurance principles in an analytical
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures and 4-hr lab
weekly (14 wks) • prereq KRA252 or KRA203 or
KRA200 • assess 3-hr end-of-sem exam (65%); lab
assessment (35%).
KRA305 Biosynthesis & Function of
Natural Products
Highlights the chemistry of important naturally
occurring inorganic and organic compounds which can
be isolated from marine and terrestrial plants and
animals. The principles of biosynthesis of the major
groups of secondary metabolites and the chemistry and
properties of selected natural products are introduced,
and the role these compounds play in the natural
environment is emphasised (chemical ecology). Aspects
of biological inorganic chemistry. The laboratory
program is devoted to the testing for, and the isolation
and identification of, natural products found in
Tasmania. An excursion will illustrate collecting and
testing in the field.
• Staff Dr AJ Blackman (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –28x1-hr lectures, 4-hr lab weekly (10
wks), an excursion • prereq KRA200 or KRA205 or
KRA236 or KRA222 • assess 2-hr end-of-semester exam
(65%), lab assessment (35%)
• req Laboratory Manual and Diary, Univ Tasmania,
Dept of Chemistry
Mann J, Chemical Aspects of Biosynthesis, Oxford
Chemistry Primers, 1994.
KRA400/401 Chemistry (Honours) Full
time/Part time
Consists of advanced coursework and research in one
or more of physical or inorganic or organic chemistry or
an approved sub-field of chemistry. Approval may also
be given for joint courses of study between chemistry
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 467
and another discipline. Coursework covers advanced
areas of chemistry, and the Head of Department may
prescribe further studies chosen from third-year units.
The laboratory work consists principally of research
under supervision as approved by the Head of
Department. The department produces a booklet each
year describing the projects available.
• N.B. Honours may be commenced early in the year, or
• Staff (Coordinator) Assoc Prof KJ Cavell •Hbt, int
•KRA400: 100%/KRA401: 50% •full year –4x11-hr
courses in sem 1; full-year research project • prereq
Chemistry major (50% of third year chemistry)
including one of KRA301 or KRA302 • assess exams
(40%), thesis and seminar (60%).
KRA500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Chemistry)
Have the same objectives as KRA400/401. Full time/
part time ‘umbrella’ code.
KRA580 Project
For details of this unit, contact the Department of
KRA583 Honours unit
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science
(Chemistry) course who undertake units from
Chemistry honours courses use this code if enrolling in
an 8.33% unit.
KRA586 Honours unit
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science
(Chemistry) course who undertake units from
Chemistry honours courses use this code if enrolling in
two 8.33% units or a single 16.67% unit.
KRA589 Honours unit
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science
(Chemistry) course who undertake units from
Chemistry honours courses use this code if enrolling in
units with a total weight of 25%.
Antarctic and Southern Ocean
Studies units
For details of the following courses, see page 510.
KSA505/506 Graduate Diploma in Science
(Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies)
Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code.
KSA510/511 Graduate Diploma in Science
with Honours (Antarctic and Southern
Ocean Studies)
Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code.
Computing – Department of
Computing at Launceston
The Department of Computing is responsible for all
Computing courses and for majors and minors in
Computing which are taken as part of other degree
programs available at Launceston. The Bachelor of
Applied Computing has been revised and renamed as the
Bachelor of Computing commencing 1st January 1998. For
unit descriptions for the Bachelor of Applied Computing,
please refer to the 1997 Handbook or at the Department of
Students should consult the Department’s booklet,
which provides more detailed information about unit
selection, and should discuss their proposed programs
with the course coordinator.
Computing is a relatively new discipline which is
involved with rapidly-developing technology. The
Bachelor of Computing is a comprehensive three year
course in the broad area of computer science with an
applied orientation.
It produces modern computing professionals with the
ability to apply new and emerging computing
technologies to create solutions in the workplace. The
Computing program combines modern computing
topics such as the internet, multimedia, artificial
intelligence, and spatial systems, with traditional
computer science topics such as programming (in C++,
Java), systems and networks. All computing students
are also required to undertake a substantial software
project for local clients.
Students choose from a range of specialist computing
elective units according to their areas of interest as well
as some non-computing units. Students must take at
least four non-computing units, and at most eight. The
department recommends that these non-computing
units be taken as a minor or major study, which can be
chosen from those offered in Launceston by the
Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, Commerce
and Law, Science and Technology.
The Computing degree can also be combined with a
degree in Commerce. The combined degree provides
students with the opportunities to maximise their
career options.
Graduates are able to change the emphasis of their
careers as opportunities and interests develop or to
pursue higher studies at the Honours, Masters, or
Doctoral level.
Majors and minors
The department offers computing majors and minors
for Bachelor degrees in Applied Science, Information
Systems, Commerce, Arts, and Education. Students
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
undertaking a major in computing study a total of eight
computing units from both core and electives. A minor
study of four core units provides students with an
introduction to computing theory and practice.
Unit descriptions
The prescribed texts listed are those used at the time of this
publication; however, they may be changed to provide the best
available choice. Students must obtain a booklist from the
Department office at the beginning of each semester before
purchasing any textbooks
KXA111 Computing for Human
Has the same broad objectives as KXA131.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2-hr lecture, 1-hr lecture, 1
hr tutorial weekly • m/excl KXA101, 121, 123, 124, 131,
and BFA212 • assess assignment (30%), end-of-sem
exam (70%).
KXA124 Computing Practice
Provides an understanding of the functions of and
relationship between the component parts of a
computer and those applications which are suited to
computerisation. The systems development process is
considered and a study made of the main trends
concerning the application of small computers to the
workplace. The practical component imparts a working
knowledge of an integrated Word Processing/
Spreadsheet/Database package.
• N.B. restricted to Nursing students
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorials
weekly • m/excl KXA101, 121, 122, 123, 131, and
BFA121 • assess satisfactory grade in both theory and
practical criteria required for a pass
KXA131 Computing Systems
Is designed for students who need an introduction to
computer technology. The unit provides a description
of the various hardware components a student is likely
to encounter and the software which will run on that
hardware. Students are introduced to personal
productivity software including word processing,
spreadsheets and the use of data bases. They are also
introduced and given access to the Department’s
computer network and via that to Internet facilities
including the World Wide Web and E-mail.
• N.B. is also available for Applied Science, Aquaculture,
and Human Movement students
•Ltn, Brn (sem 1 only), int •12.5% •sem 1/2 –2-hr
lecture, 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly • m/excl
KXA101, 121, 122, 123, and BFA121 • assess assignment
(30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Smith GT and Christoph RT, Using Microsoft
WORKS 4 for Windows 95, Prentice Hall, 1995.
KXA132 Programming & Problem
Students will learn to write computer programs in a
high level language such as C++ which solve problems
defined by a program specification. This includes the
use of top down design methods to produce well
structured, modular algorithms which can be readily
converted into source code. Students will master the
fundamental concepts of imperative programming;
control structures (sequence, branch, loop); modular
organisation of code; storage of data in simple and
structured types; interactive and batch input and
output; data communication between program
modules. Students will be expected to use systematic
methods to plan, document, debug, and test their
programs. Programming exercises will be introduced in
the context of small, real-world problems.
•Ltn, Brn (sem 1 only), int •12.5% •sem 1/2 –3-hr
lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Friedman FL and Koffman EB, Probelm Solving,
Abstraction, and Design using C++, Addison Wesley,
KXA133 Professional Computing
Provides practical experience and understanding of the
broad structure of various interactive computing
systems, particularly operating systems, the Internet
and its multimedia applications, and interpretive
systems for computations and artificial intelligence.
Reviews the historical development of computing and
the computing profession. Discusses the social and
ethical aspects of the computing industry, and develops
skills appropriate to professional computing
•Ltn, Brn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr
tutorial weekly • coreq KXA131 • assess assignment
(30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req tba
KXA134 Fundamentals of Computing
Introduces students to some of the mathematical
foundations of computing, taking an integrated
approach to emphasise the link between the relevant
mathematical concepts and their application in
computing. The (discrete) mathematical concepts to be
understood and applied will be in the areas of:
mathematical induction, combinatorics, probability,
lists, sets and graphs. Students will develop programs
(in C) related to the mathematical concepts, using
iteration, recursion, arrays and linked lists as
appropriate, and will analyse, in O() terms, the running
time of such programs.
•Ltn, Brn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr
tutorial weekly • prereq KXA132 • assess assignment
(30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 469
• req Aho AV and Ullman JD, Foundations of Computer
Science, C Edition, Computer Science Press,
(W.H.Freeman and Co), 1995.
using CASE and PMIS software; and demonstrate an
understanding of the current paradigm shift toward the
AD/Cycle model.
KXA135 Computer Concepts
• N.B. This unit is offered by the Department of Information
Systems, and is available to Informations Systems students
Introduces the components and operations used by
computers beginning at the hardware level and
progressing through machine instructions to the
processing of higher level language commands. The
unit covers topics such as: architecture;
microprogramming; machine and assembly languages;
operating system concepts; rise architectures and
parallel processors.
•Ltn, Brn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr
tutorial weekly • assess 2 assignments (10% ea), midsem test (10%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Tanenbaum A, Structured Computer Organisation,
3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1990.
KXA136 Software Construction
Builds on the skills and knowledge developed in
KXA132 Programming & Problem Solving to include a
consideration and experience of the processes necessary
in the construction of software systems of high quality.
Students will consider problems which lead to poor
quality in systems and methods which can overcome
these problems. Topics covered will include; writing
code which matches the conceptual program design;
methods of implementation of a modular approach;
persistence of data structures; dynamic allocation and
deallocation of memory storage; testing of software; use
of tools in the programming environment; cooperation
between people working on large projects. Practical
experience in these topics will be developed in the
context of a model real world system.
•Ltn, Brn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr
tutorial weekly • prereq KXA132 • assess assignment
(30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req McConnell S, Code Complete: A practical handbook of
software construction, Microsoft Press, 1993.
KXA201 Systems Analysis and Design
Prepares students to assume leadership in the design of
information systems for clients. Students learn to
orchestrate knowledge gained in previous computing
units within a framework of structured systems
development methods. They gain a working knowledge
of a number of system lifecycle models through
individual study, practical work, and through project
work as a member of a development team. On
completion of this unit, students should be able to:
demonstrate an understanding of the systems analyst’s
professional and technical roles in systems
development; apply structured methods of systems
analysis and design; develop and use applications
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures weekly
• prereq KXA101 or BFA121 • assess continuous
assessment (50%), exam (50%)
• req Lowry GR, Computer-Assisted Project Planning and
Management, Wm C Brown, Dubuque IA, 1993.
KXA203 Database Management
Provides an understanding of the basic concepts of data
and their interrelationships, using these concepts in the
logical design of simple databases. Students learn to
manipulate a relational database, and undertake a
major project involving the design and implementation
of a simple database system. Studies cover: (a) Database
environment –life cycle, database personnel, database
architecture; (b) Database design –entity-relationship
and normalisation of relational models; (c) Database
implementation in relational systems. Practical
exercises teaching the use of a relational database
package are given, and students are expected to
complete them in their own time.
• N.B. This unit is offered by the Department of Information
Systems, and is available to Informations Systems students
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA201 • assess continuous
assessment (60%), exam (40%).
KXA231 Objects & Algorithms
Object based programming methods in C++ are
introduced and used throughout the unit. The ideas of
object oriented programming are developed at the end
of the unit. The approach taken is that of data
abstraction, with emphasis placed on practical aspects
but including, where appropriate, underlying theory.
The unit covers the concept of levels of data abstraction;
descriptions of data structures at the logical and
implementation levels; the implementation of the
algorithms which perform the creation and
manipulation of essential data structures such as linked
lists, stacks, queues and trees, and the development,
manipulation and application of more ~ general
abstract data types. Students will learn how to define,
manipulate and apply their own abstract data types and
to make effective choices when faced with several ways
of representing or accessing data.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA132 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Carrano FM, Data Abstraction and Problem Solving
with C++, Benjamin/Cummings, 1995.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KXA232 Multimedia & Internet
Students of this unit should be able to understand the
principles used in multimedia and internet technologies
and the issues in the construction of multimedia and
internet application packages. Fundamental issues
covered include humancomputer interface, creation
process of a multimedia title, intellectual property
issues, crossplatform and quality issues. The study of
multimedia applications covers media types like still
images, graphics, audio, video and animation;
multimedia tools; authoring techniques and delivery
issues. Internet applications investigated are the world
wide web, protocols, HTML programming, common
gateway interface, an introduction to Perl
programming, Java and Java scripts. Future Directions
include virtual classes, security and social issues.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA132 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Farrell R, 60 Minute Guide to CGI Programming
with Perl 5, IDG 800ks, Foster City, 1996
Goodman D, Javascript Handbook, IDG Books, Chicago,
KXA233 Software Specification
Students will be shown the criteria needed to select an
appropriate methodology for developing specifications
for software applications in artificial intelligence,
multimedia and object oriented programs. The unit will
provide students with a range of tools and techniques
which will be essential for developing software
speciffcations using these methodologies. This includes
specification of data structures and user interfaces as
well as tools generic to all methodologies.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2-hr lecture, 1-hr lecture, 1hr tutorial weekly • prereq KXA132 • assess assignment
(30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Keller M and Shumate K, Software Specification and
Design: A Disciplined Approach for Real-Time Systems,
John Wiley & Sons, 1992.
KXA234 Artificial Intelligence
Introduces the basic principles of knowledge
representation and search which underly symbolic
Artificial Intelligence and illustrates these principles by
enabling students to represent and manipulate
knowledge in small AI systems, using the Prolog
computer language. The unit also describes the
application of these principles in applied AI sub-fields,
including natural language understanding, planning,
machine learning, computer vision and robotics.
Students will examine the assumptions underlying the
symbolic approach to AI and compare them with those
of alternative approaches.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA132 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Ginsberg M, Essentials of Artificial Intelligence,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, 1995.
KXA306 Information Systems for
Develops an understanding of how information
systems are used in managing an enterprise. Topics
include: managing with information, strategic, tactical
and operational systems; data processing, and
transaction processing systems, management
information, decision support, strategic information,
and office information systems, expert, and end-user
systems, centralised and distributed systems; and
developing systems for corporate advantage.
• N.B. This unit is offered by the Department of Information
Systems, and is available to Informations Systems students
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA106 • assess continuous
assessment (60%), exam (40%).
KXA313 Advanced Systems
Enables students to understand and use advanced
software development techniques and CASE software.
The unit builds on KXA201 and KXA203. Working from
the logical system design produced in KXA201, each
student learns to transform logical process and data
models into the physical equivalents necessary for
implementation. Practical work to carry the
development process through to completion includes
database schema generation, user interface prototyping,
generation and production of system documentation,
and source code generation. Students complete a
physical system design project and prepare and
distribute a discussion paper on an approved current
• N.B. This unit is offered by the Department of Information
Systems, and is available to Informations Systems students
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA203 • assess continuous
assessment (100%).
KXA331/332 Computing Project A/
Project B
Students undertake a significant project, using skills
acquired in the rest of the course. The project is
normally a group or team effort and part of the learning
is the development of the ability to work together on a
substantial task. Students explore various management
styles through their interaction with clients. Apart from
developing the skills to work successfully in a team
students are able to: analyse a problem involving the
use of computers; interact successfully with an adviser
(an expert or a client) in the analysis; produce a
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 471
working computer system/package; produce both user
and technical documentation; present a final product to
a critical audience.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1/2 –a series of 2-hr lectures,
individual and group meeting/presentations scheduled
when necessary, formal and information meeting with
project supervisors and clients • prereq KXA133, 136,
233; at least 12 units passed including 8 computing core
units • assess test based on lecture material plus
satisfactory completion of the Preliminary Design
Report is required to proceed to Project B; Project B is
assessed according to the quality of the final product
• req tba
KXA333 Computer Security
Students of this unit examine the problems and tasks
involved in maintaining secure computer systems
together with the techniques available to help with
these tasks. Computing techniques such as those built
into operating systems for access control, the concepts
of encryption, and the associated protocols are studied.
These are then placed into the context of the overall
operation of an organisation. This leads to an
examination of secure methods of using private and
public networks, disaster recovery, and application
examples including the Internet.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA135 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Pfleeger CP, Security in Computing, 2nd edn,
Prentice Hall, London, 1997
Stoll C, The Cuckoo’s Egg, Pan Books, 1991.
KXA334 Principles of Operating
The approach is based on theoretical issues and
practical work. Lectures will review computer
architecture, with an emphasis on new technologies and
trends, cover the concepts of processes, mutual
exclusion and deadlocks, and discuss general
algorithms for scheduling, memory management and
I/O processing. Practical work will include
programming with concurrency, use of a simulator to
experiment with scheduling algorithms, and some other
operating system functions. Upon successful
completion of this unit the student should be able to
demonstrate and understand the architecture of
operating systems, to understand the functions of
operating system components, to explain the
relationships between the operating system modules,
and to design and implement some of the operating
systems functions.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA135, KXA231 • assess assignment
(30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Silberschatz A and Galvin P, Operating System
Concepts, 4th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
KXA335 Expert Systems
Introduces the principles underlying the development
of expert or knowledge-based systems and provides
students with the knowledge engineering skills needed
to develop a medium-scale expert system, using an
appropriate development tool. The unit covers
backward-chaining, forward-chaining and objectoriented expert systems and introduces a range of
manual and semi-automated knowledge acquisition
methods. Reasoning techniques for handling uncertain
knowledge are discussed and the unit concludes with
an examination of several large distributed expert
systems which have been fielded in Australia.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA234 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Dologite CP, Developing Knowledge-based Systems
using VP-Expert, Macmillan, NY, 1993.
KXA336 Digital Networks
Provides students with a broad understanding of
computer networks and digital communications.
Instructs students in the various ways data may be
transmitted through various media, and in particular
with the various methods for encoding data digitally
for transmission. Informs students about procedures
and protocols under which data communication is
organised and managed, about the interfacing and
control of data links and about the various standards
which are widely accepted as a basis for data
communications as well as the OSI architecture model
and key industry architectures. Gives students practice
in installing, operating, and managing networked
computer systems.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • coreq KXA334 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Tanenbaum AS, Computer Networks, 3rd edn,
Prentice-Hall, 1996.
KXA337 Programming Systems
Enables students to understand the characteristics and
appropriate uses of different styles of programming
languages: imperative, object-oriented and functional.
The unit also introduces the topics of programming
language description and translation. It furthers
understanding of the language styles previously
encountered (imperative and object-oriented),
explaining in more depth the underlying mechanisms
and introducing COBOL as an additional example
imperative language. Students will develop programs
in C, COBOL, C++, ML and Scheme, with the last two
being used to introduce students to functional
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA231 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Sethi R, Programming Languages –Concepts and
Constructs, 2nd edn, Addison Wesley, 1996.
KXA411 Advanced Programming
KXA338 Computer Graphics
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
weekly as advised by the lecturer • assess practical
work (50%), project (50%).
Looks at the creation and use of 2- and 3-dimensional
graphical information and user interfaces. The
principles of mathematical and algorithmic techniques
used in graphics are covered as well as the
programming methods to build the tools needed to
implement them. Emphasis is placed on object-oriented
programming techniques.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA231 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Hearn and Baker, Computer Graphics, 2nd edn,
Prentice Hall, 1994.
KXA339 Computer Assisted Learning
Looks at the development of computer assisted learning
materials using authoring systems. Lectures cover the
ability of people to learn in terms of human
development, learning styles, gender, etc. Various types
of educational software and educational software
evaluation are investigated. Processes used in the
development of educational software are studied
including: screen design; storyboard design; the
development of support materials; and field testing.
The principles of human computer interface design are
studied and applied. Students are made aware of
current developments in multimedia and internet
applications and will use at least one authoring tool.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA232 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req tba
KXA340 Spatial Data Systems
Introduces students to the concepts and characteristics
of computing systems that use spatial data. Common
data structures for these systems are examined together
with the study of their implementation and use,
especially for spatial analysis. The problems associated
with the nature of the data, particularly inherent error,
and with linkages to attribute data via databases are
investigated, together with spatial analysis techniques.
The unit also introduces the principles used in remote
sensing systems and discusses the mechanisms for
linking these to other spatial systems.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial
weekly • prereq KXA234 • assess assignment (30%),
end-of-sem exam (70%)
• req Laurini R and Thompson D, Fundamentals of
Spatial Information Systems, Academic Press, 1992.
Provides an understanding and appreciation of the
practical translation techniques. Students also learn to
apply various advanced programming techniques in a
structured programming language.
KXA412 Computation and Functional
Investigates the computational aspects of numerical
problems using functional programming techniques;
and introduces a functional programming language to
investigate different number representations, basic
arithmetic operations and their effect on errors. The
language is further developed through investigating
algebraic functions, and their differential and integrals.
Studies also include: solution of equations, error
reduction, and use of numeric series.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
weekly as advised by the lecturer • assess 3
computational papers.
KXA414 Advanced Expert Systems
Provides students with the knowledge and skills
needed to develop a medium-scale expert system
within an industrial or commercial environment and to
undertake applied research work aimed at improving
existing expert systems tool and techniques. The unit
focuses on forward-chaining and frame-based expert
systems and introduces a range of manual and semiautomated knowledge acquisition methods. A variety
of reasoning techniques designed to deal with uncertain
information, including probabilistic reasoning and truth
maintenance, are introduced. The unit concludes with a
discussion of knowledge validation and verification
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
weekly as advised by lecturer • assess exam (70%),
assignments (30%).
KXA415 Spatial Information Systems
Provides students with a basic understanding of spatial
information systems and the computing concepts
underlying them. The unit introduces computing
techniques and data structures commonly used within
spatial information systems; and examines current
implementation issues. The integration of spatial
information systems with remote sensing systems, and
the role that artificial intelligence techniques can play in
the future development of these integrated systems, are
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
as advised by lecturer • assess exam (70%), assignments
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 473
KXA416 Applications of AI
Provides the knowledge and skills needed to develop
AI-based systems, and includes in-depth discussion of
selected topics such as artificial neural networks, manmachine interface, searching methods and approximate
reasoning systems. Students use intuition and
experiment as a basis for the discussion of the best
methods for solving real-world problems. The unit
introduces the formal treatment of the theory behind
intelligent programs; and includes the creation of
research directions and motivation for students to be
involved in effective and productive research topics.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
as advised by lecturer • assess exam (50%), practical
work (50%).
KXA418 Advanced Computer Security
Provides a detailed exploration of the techniques
available to protect computer systems against possible
threats and to develop further methods of analysing a
system’s vulnerabilities. Topics include: secure system
design, operating system features, application
architectures, security packages, encryption and
network security. Students have the opportunity to
explore current issues in security and to develop
resources to enable them to keep abreast of changes.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
as advised by lecturer • assess exam (70%), practical
work (30%).
KXA420 Advanced Cognitive Science
Provides an understanding of the operation of the
human mind, and in particular an understanding of the
human cognitive system at the operational, linguistic,
and gross affective levels, of different computerbased
language processing models, of human perceptual and
cognitive philosophy, of machine-based models of
aspects of the philosophy of the mind, and of human
and artificial intelligence. Lectures cover general topics
in linguistics and neurophilosophy, including some
treatment of computational linguistics and traditional
philosophy of the mind. Seminars cover specific topics
and each student is expected to research two or three of
these topics during the semester (using references
provided by the lecturer) and to present and lead
discussion on those topics during seminars. Workshops
introduce various generative grammar models which
students are expected to investigate in their own time.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
as advised by lecturer • assess exam (50%), seminar
presentations (50%).
KXA421 Concurrency
Enables students to demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of the practical concurrent programming
techniques and to apply various advanced
programming techniques in a concurrent programming
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
as advised by lecturer • assess practical work (50%),
project (50%)
• req Ben-Ari M, Principles of Concurrent and Distributed
Programming, Prentice-Hall.
KXA430 Multimedia Applications
Introduces the principles of multimedia, including the
acquisition and preparation of still images, animation,
digital video, and audio, and the production of
multimedia titles using various authoring tools.
Students are given the opportunity to develop their
knowledge of multimedia applications through the
production of a multimedia title, for example, an
information kiosk, using various delivery mechanisms.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
weekly as advised by lecturer • assess design
presentation (10%), project presentation (20%), final
report (70%).
KXA431 Machine Learning
Provides students with sufficient understanding of the
key current ideas and techniques in machine learning to
apply them to practical problems and to participate in
research in the area. The major focus of the unit is on
classifier learning and its evaluation. The types of
classifiers studied will include: decision trees, rule sets,
instance-based naive Bayesian and neural networks.
Other topics include continuous value prediction and
inductive logic programming.
•Ltn, int •12.5% •sem 1 –3 hrs lectures or seminars
weekly as advised by lecturer • assess exam (70%),
assignments (30%).
KXA450/451 Computing Honours (Full
time)/(Part time)
Consists of four coursework units (40%) and a Thesis
unit (60%). Coursework is selected from a number of
units on advanced topics including: (a) advanced
cognitive science, (b) advanced computer security, (c)
advanced expert systems, (d) advanced programming
concurrency, (e) applications of AI, (f) computation and
functional programming, (g) multimedia applications;
(h) spatial information systems; and (i) machine
• N.B. Availability of units depends on resources and
•Ltn, int •100%/50% • prereq Bachelor of Computing
Degree or equivalent qualifications. Students will
normally have achieved an average grade of Credit or
better in year three of their degree.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Physics – Department of Physics at
Physics is the fundamental science which forms the
foundation of engineering and technology, and
provides the basis for an understanding of biology,
chemistry, geology and other sciences.
The Department of Physics offers units for students
who intend to make physics their career and for those
who need physics to support their studies in other
Students who wish to major in other disciplines will
find that physics provides them with important basic
knowledge, and skills such as general problem-solving
and laboratory techniques, particularly in electronics.
For advice on the choice of units, students should
consult the physics enrolment officer, other Department
of Physics staff and the sub-deans. Second and third
year students should consult lecturers before buying
expensive textbooks.
For more detailed information about Physics Units see
the departmental Web pages, starting at
Students intending to major in Physics will include
the following units in their course:
First Year
KYA100 Physics 1 (25%)
KMA152 Calculus 1 and
KMA154 Mathematics Applications 1
Second Year
KYA200 Physics 2 and
KMA252 Calculus 2
Unit descriptions
KYA100 Physics 1
Is for students who expect to major in physics, as well
as for those majoring in the other physical sciences,
mathematics and computer science. Topics are studied
at considerable depth. The unit is a prerequisite for
KYA200. Studies cover: dynamics; properties of matter;
circuits and electronics in experimental physics; special
relativity; introduction to astronomy; atomic physics;
wave motion and oscillatory phenomena. Laboratory
work is done in optics and optical instruments;
electrical measurements in physics; and selected
• Staff Dr JE Humble and others •Hbt, int •25% •full
year –3 lectures, a tutorial, 3-hr practical class weekly
(28 wks) • prereq *PH866 and *MT841 • m/excl all other
first year Physics units KYA1–• assess assignments
during the year (5%), lab work and reports (15%), 3-hr
exams in June and Nov (80%)
• req Halliday D and Resnick R, Fundamentals of
Physics, Wiley.
KYA171 Applied Physics
Is a study of basic applied physics that is designed for
students wishing to learn useful physics life skills, in
particular for students of Agriculture [BAgrSc and
BAppSc(Ag)], Life Science and Geomatics. It leads on to
Biological Physics KYA172 in second semester. Studies
cover practical electric circuits and measurements,
optical principles and instruments, sound and
ultrasound equipment, motion and machines,
temperature and heat, radioactivity with its
applications and dangers. Laboratory experiments give
experience in the topics studied and the work includes
training in general laboratory technique, record
keeping, data analysis using computers, report writing
and other transferable practical skills.
Third Year
KYA310 Physics 3A
KYA311 Physics 3B
and at least one of
KYA312 Physics 3C
KYA314 Theoretical Physics A
KYA315 Theoretical Physics B
Note: Students intending to proceed to either Physics
Honours (KYA410 or KYA411) or Biophysics Honours
(KYA400 or KYA401) should discuss their course with
staff members before enrolling in third year units.
Biophysics Honours is unlikely to be available after
• Staff Dr IA Newman and others •Hbt, int •12.5%
•sem 1 –3 lectures, 3-hr tutorial/practical class weekly
(14 wks) • prereq *SC768 and (*MT730 or *MT841) • m/
excl all KYA1- units except KYA172 • assess written
exams on theory and lab work at end of first sem,
assignments and reports throughout the sem
• req Bueche & Wallach, Technical Physics, 4th edn,
• rdg Giancoli, Physics, 4th edn, Prentice Hall
Bunn, Physics for a modern world, Jacaranda
De Jong, Physics in context (2 vols), Heinemann.
Fourth Year
KYA172 Biological Physics
Honours in Physics
Is designed for students wishing to obtain further
applied physics understanding and skills, in particular
for Agriculture (BAgrSc), Life Science, Medicine and
Pharmacy. Although the main emphasis is in the
biological area of science, the topics and practical work
Admission to Honours depends on satisfactory
performance in an approved course. All enrolments
are subject to departmental approval.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 475
will be of wide general interest. Studies are more
advanced than for KYA171 Applied Physics. They
cover electric instrumentation and systems,
bioelectricity, applications of oscillations and waves,
optical instruments, systems theory and
thermodynamics, elasticity and fluid flow, ionising
radiation and health physics, computed imaging.
Laboratory experiments develop understanding of the
topics studied and build experience and skills in use of
scientific instrumentation. The work includes training
in general laboratory technique, record keeping, data
analysis using computers, report writing and other
transferable practical skills.
the potential box, hydrogenic atoms, angular
momentum and uncertainty principle, identical
particles, spin, and the periodic table; atomic structure
and spectroscopy, electromagnetic waves, polarisation,
coherence, waveguides and antennas, radiation,
statistical mechanics and applications including
Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac
statistics. The laboratory program includes selected
experiments in physics, analogue and digital electronics
and their applications in experimental physics.
• Staff tba •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –3 lectures, 3-hr
tutorial/practical class weekly (14 wks) • prereq
(*PH866 and *MT841) or KYA171 • m/excl all KYA1units except KYA172 • assess written exams on theory
and lab work at end of first sem, assignments and
reports throughout the sem
• req Bueche & Wallach, Technical Physics, 4th edn,
• rdg Giancoli, Physics, 4th edn, Prentice Hall
Bunn, Physics for a modern world, Jacaranda
• Staff Prof PM McCulloch and others •Hbt, int •25%
•full year –2 lectures, 4 hrs lab weekly, 1 tutorial
fortnightly • prereq KYA200 and KMA252 • m/excl
KYA300 • assess 3-hr exam in Nov (70%), continuous
assessment in electronics and lab reports (30%).
KYA200 Physics 2
Develops a sound basis for advanced work in both
theoretical and experimental physics. Students gain
experience in model building and problem solving
techniques, and acquire laboratory skills in electronics
and in the use of a wide range of electrical and optical
instrumentation, as well as the general transferable
practical skills of data acquisition, data analysis and
report writing. Studies cover: statistics of experimental
errors; thermal physics; electromagnetism; waves;
introduction to quantum mechanics; and experimental
• Staff Dr RD Watson and others •Hbt, int •33.33%
•full year –4 lectures, a tutorial and 4 hrs lab weekly
• prereq KYA100 and KMA152 and KMA154 • m/excl
KYA205, KYA256 • assess 3-hr exam in June and Nov,
and other assessment throughout the year
• req Adkins CJ, Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 3rd edn,
French AP and Taylor EF, An Introduction to Quantum
Physics, Nelson.
Kip AF, Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd
edn, McGraw-Hill.
Pain HJ, The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, 3rd edn,
Pendlebury JM, Kinetic Theory, Hilger.
Squires GL, Practical Physics, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill.
KYA310 Physics 3A
Wave mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical
physics. Topics include Schroedinger’s equation, one
dimensional and three dimensional applications such as
• N.B. Students not also taking KYA311 may undertake
additional physics experiments instead of the electronics
KYA311 Physics 3B
Atomic and nuclear physics and solid state physics.
Topics include particle classification, interactions and
the standard model, nuclear structure physics, stability
and decay, absorption, x-ray diffraction and reciprocal
lattice; lattice vibrations, Brillouin zones, thermal
properties, electrical properties, conduction,
semiconductors, magnetic properties and
superconductivity. The laboratory program covers
selected experiments in physics.
• Staff Prof PM McCulloch and others •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 1 –3 lectures, 3 hrs lab weekly, 1 tutorial
fortnightly • prereq KYA200 and KMA252 • coreq
KYA310 • assess 3-hr paper in June (75%), lab reports
KYA312 Physics 3C
Semi-conductor physics, applied electromagnetism and
astrophysics. Provides a grounding in applied physics
and astrophysics for students intending to proceed to
honours in experimental physics and for students
wishing to complete a second major while not
intending to proceed with physics. The laboratory
program covers appropriate experiments.
• Staff Prof PM McCulloch and others •Hbt, int
•12.5% •sem 2 –3 lectures, 3 hrs lab weekly, 1 tutorial
fortnightly • prereq KYA200 and KMA252 • coreq
KYA310 and KYA311 • m/excl KYA302 • assess 3-hr
paper in Nov (75%), lab reports (25%).
KYA314 Theoretical Physics A
Provides a grounding in theoretical physics for students
intending to proceed to honours in theoretical physics
and for mathematically inclined students. Topics
covered include: dynamical systems and chaos
including analytical dynamics, symmetry properties,
detailed study of vibrational and rotational aspects,
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
phase space plots; characterisation of chaos –fixed
points, limit cycles, Poincare return maps, fractal sets,
strange attractors and universal features of chaotic
systems such as period doubling and intermittency.
• N.B. offered only in odd-numbered years
KYA315 Theoretical Physics B
Provides a grounding in theoretical physics for students
intending to proceed to honours in theoretical physics
and for mathematically inclined students. Topics cover
continuum mechanics, including kinematical and
dynamical treatment of deformations involving the
strain and stress tensors; characterisation of continuous
media; elastic solids –stretched, bent and twisted
materials; hydrostatics and flotation problems; ideal
hydrodynamics and characterisation of fluid flow;
complex variable methods for 2-d flows and conformal
mapping; acoustic, volume and surface waves; viscosity
and turbulence. Advanced quantum mechanics
including Dirac formalism and statistical interpretation;
representations and unitary transformations; the
classical limit; pictures of time evolution; algebraic
treatment of the oscillator and angular momentum;
perturbation theory, the variational principle and WKB
• N.B. offered only in even-numbered years
• Staff Prof R Delbourgo •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –4
lectures weekly, 1 tutorial fortnightly • prereq KYA200
and KMA252 • coreq KYA310 (recommended) • m/excl
KYA305 • assess exam in Nov (100%).
KYA375 Physics 2 (Engineering)
Covers Electromagnetism –electrostatics; Gauss’s law
and applications; gradient and divergence; electric
energy; dielectrics; currents and electromotive force;
electromagnetism; Ampere’s law; curl of a vector; BiotSavart law; Faraday’s law and applications; magnetic
materials; Maxwell’s equations; and electromagnetic
• Staff Dr IA Newman •Hbt, int •100%/50% •
consists of literature review and research program, with
selected supplementary coursework • prereq BSc with
major in Physics (or approved alternative background
in Plant Science or Biochemistry) • assess reading thesis
and research thesis.
KYA410/411 Physics 4 (Honours) Full
time/Part time
Include: (a) advanced lectures on a number of fields of
Physics –Plasma physics; Astrophysics; Advanced
quantum mechanics; General relativity and cosmology;
and Auroral physics; and (b) Research work (leading to
a thesis) in one of the following –Radio astronomy; Xray/optical astronomy; Theoretical physics; Cosmic ray
physics; and Biophysics.
• Staff Prof R Delbourgo and others •Hbt, int •100%/
50% •full year –8 lectures weekly in sem 1, and
research program throughout the year • prereq BSc
with major in Physics or equivalent • assess
combination of exams on coursework and quality of
research thesis. A seminar talk in mid-Nov will be
taken into consideration in determining the final result
of the year.
KYA500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Biophysics)
Has the same objectives as KYA400/401. Full time/part
time ‘umbrella’ code.
KYA510/511 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Physics)
Has the same objectives as KYA410/411. Full time/part
time ‘umbrella’ code.
KYA583 Honours unit
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science
(Physics) course who undertake units from Physics
honours courses use this code if enrolling in an 8.33%
• N.B. restricted to Engineering students
KYA586 Honours unit
• Staff Dr JE Humble •Hbt, int •7.5% •sem 1 –26
lectures, 14 tutorials • prereq ACM100 • assess 2-hr
exam in June and assignments
• req Kip AF, Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism,
2nd edn, McGraw-Hill.
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science
(Physics) course who undertake units from Physics
honours courses use this code if enrolling in two 8.33%
units or a single 16.67% unit.
KYA400/401 Biophysics 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
Study selected biophysical topics and appropriate units
in physics, biology, chemistry or mathematics.
Candidates are required to review the literature on a set
biophysical subject and to present a reading thesis
summarising the review. Candidates shall also
undertake a research investigation during the year and
present the results of this investigation in a thesis.
KYA589 Honours unit
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma of Science
(Physics) course who undertake units from Physics
honours courses use this code if enrolling in units with
a total weight of 25%.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 477
Zoology – Department of Zoology at
The Department of Zoology provides a balanced range
of units in whole animal biology and prepares students
for a wide spectrum of careers in zoology and related
disciplines. Students who wish to specialise in zoology
can complete almost a full third year in the department.
Alternatively many students combine a major (50%
third year) with another in a related discipline such as
Plant Science, Biochemistry, or Microbiology.
First year
KZA150 Zoology 1G [25%] or KZA151 Zoology 1E
and other units to a total of 100% from other Group 1 areas
in the life, earth, physical and numerical sciences (see BSc
schedule on page 82). Students proposing to major in
zoology are strongly urged to include physical
(chemistry and physics) or numerical (mathematics or
computer science) science units in their first year
Note: Students also enrolling in or having previously
passed KPA150 Botany 1G must enrol in KZA151 Zoology
1E. Students proposing to study Biochemistry and/or
Microbiology in Year 2 must enrol in KZA150 Zoology IG
if they are not currently enrolling in or have not previously
passed KPA150 Botany 1G.
Second year
KZA210 Zoology 2 [33.3%]
and 66.67% from other units of the students’ own choice.
Third year
KZA351 Antarctic Ecology [12.5%]
ZA352 Environmental Adaptation [12.5%]
KZA353 Evolutionary Biology & Biogeography [12.5%]
KZA354 Fisheries & Wildlife Management [12.5%]
KZA355 Freshwater Ecology [12.5%]
KZA356 Marine Ecology [12.5%]
KZA357 Quantitative Methods in Biology [12.5%]
KZA358 Reproductive Biology: Strategies and
Mechanisms [12.5%]
Students interested in marine, freshwater or fisheries
biology should read the discipline entry Marine,
Freshwater and Antarctic Biology (see page 89).
KZA150 Zoology 1G
Provides an introduction to the scientific study of
animals, and forms a basis for further study in Zoology.
There will be a strong emphasis on developing skills in
practical zoology and scientific writing; students will be
expected to participate in some group activities.
Students will be introduced to the characteristics of the
major invertebrate and vertebrate phyla from the
perspective of an evolutionary interpretation of
diversity. Lectures in comparative animal physiology
and animal behaviour will provide a functional basis
for an understanding of animal adaptations with an
emphasis on Australian examples. A series of core
lectures will introduce fundamental concepts in cell
biology, genetics, and molecular evolution.
• N.B. Students may enrol in either KZA150 Zoology 1G or
KZA151 Zoology 1E (both may be used as prerequisites for
KZA210 Zoology 2) except that:
(i) those enrolling for the first time in Botany and Zoology
concurrently at first year level must enrol in KZA 151
Zoology 1E and KBA150 Botany 1G;
(ii) those proposing to study Biochemistry and/or
Microbiology in Year 2 must enrol in KZA150 Zoology
IG if they are not currently enrolling in or have not
previously passed KPA150 Botany 1G;
(iii) those who have previously passed KPA150 Botany 1G,
and now wish to study Zoology at first year level, must
enrol in Zoology 1E.
Students are advised to seek course advice at enrolment.
• Staff Mr OLKA Buchmann, Prof. CR Johnson, Dr SM
Jones (Coordinator), Dr RW Rose, Assoc. Prof. RWG
White, members of the Department of Plant Science.
•Hbt, int •25% •full year –3 lectures, 3-hr practical
weekly (28 wks), some practicals taught in tutorial
mode • prereq 2 of: *CH856, (*MT841 or *MT730),
*BY826, (*PH866 or *SC786) • coreq KPA151 • m/excl
KZA151, KPA150, KZA101, KZA105, KPZ101, KPZ160
• assess 2-hr exam (Zoology), 1-hr exam (core topics) in
June and in Nov (60% total); 1,000-word essay (10%);
practical assessment (30%)
• req Dorit RL, Walker WF Jr and Barnes RD, Zoology,
Saunders 1991
Zoology 1 Practical manual
Pechenik JA, A Short Guide to Writing about Biology, 2nd
edn, Harper Collins, 1993.
KZA151 Zoology 1E
Provides an introduction to the scientific study of
animals, and forms a basis for further study in Zoology.
There will be a strong emphasis on developing skills in
practical zoology and scientific writing; students will be
expected to participate in some group activities.
Students will be introduced to the characteristics of the
major invertebrate and vertebrate phyla from the
perspective of an evolutionary interpretation of
diversity. Lectures in comparative animal physiology
and animal behaviour will provide a functional basis
for an understanding of animal adaptations with an
emphasis on Australian examples. A series of core
lectures will introduce fundamental concepts in animal
and plant ecology, and in experimental design.
• N.B. Students may enrol in either KZA150 Zoology 1G or
KZA151 Zoology 1E (both may be used as prerequisites for
KZA210 Zoology 2) except that:
(i) those enrolling for the first time in Botany and Zoology
concurrently at first year level must enrol in KZA 151
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
Zoology 1E and KBA150 Botany 1G;
(ii) those proposing to study Biochemistry and/or
Microbiology in Year 2 must enrol in KZA150 Zoology
IG if they are not currently enrolling in or have not
previously passed KPA150 Botany 1G;
(iii) those who have previously passed KPA150 Botany 1G,
and now wish to study Zoology at first year level, must
enrol in Zoology 1E.
Students are advised to seek course advice at enrolment.
• Staff Dr LA Barmuta , Mr OLKA Buchmann, Prof. CR
Johnson, Dr SM Jones (Coordinator), Assoc. Prof. AMM
Richardson, Dr RW Rose, members of the Department
of Plant Science. •Hbt, int •25% •full year –3
lectures, 3-hr practical weekly (28 wks), some practicals
taught in tutorial mode • prereq 2 of: *CH856, (*MT841
or *MT730), *BY826, (*PH866 or *SC786) • m/excl
KZA150, KPA151, KZA101, KZA105, KPZ101, KPZ160
• assess 2-hr exam (Zoology), 1-hr exam (core topics) in
June and in Nov (60% total); 1,000-word essay (10%);
practical assessment (30%)
• req Dorit RL, Walker WF Jr and Barnes RD, Zoology,
Saunders 1991
Zoology 1 Practical manual
~Pechenik JA, A Short Guide to Writing about Biology,
2nd edn, Harper Collins, 1993.
KZA210 Zoology 2
Is an integrated study of the morphology and
physiology of the major groups of animals. Lectures
and practicals deal with the following topics: adaptive
radiation and phylogeny; systematics; life-cycles;
feeding and digestion; circulation and haemodynamics;
respiration; osmoregula-tion; nitrogen excretion and
water economy; nervous systems and sensory
receptors; skeletal systems; locomotion; and animal
• Staff Assoc Prof AMM Richardson, Assoc Prof DA
Ritz, Dr R Swain, Dr RW Rose, Dr LA Barmuta, Dr MA
Hindell, Mr OLKA Buchmann (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
•33.33% •full year –3 lectures, 2x3-hr practical
periods weekly (28 wks), 13 tutorials, 1 2-day excursion
to familiarise students with animals of marine,
freshwater and terrestrial habits • prereq KZA101 and
(KPZ160 or KPZ101) • m/excl KLA313 • assess end-ofsem 1, 3-hr theory exam (20%), 3-hr practical exam
(20%), tutorial and reports (5%), end-of-sem 2, 3-hr
theory exam (20%), tutorial and reports (5%),
physiology reports (20%), practical book (5%)
• req Barnes RSK, Calow P and Olive PJW, The
Invertebrates –A New Synthesis, Blackwell Scientific
Eckert R, Animal Physiology –Mechanisms and
Adaptations, 3rd edn, WH Freeman & Co.
Zoology II Practical Manual
KZA351 Antarctic Ecology
Provides a comprehensive understanding of the
Antarctic marine ecosystem. The course will cover
several key areas, such as the basic oceanographic
features of the region and how these influence the
distribution and abundance of nutrients, the role of
microorganisms in the nutrient cycle, phytoplankton
and their role in the food web, zooplankton
communities, fish and squid communities and the role
of marine mammals and seabirds. The course will also
deal with the unique adaptations required by Antarctic
organisms to enable them to exist in a highly adverse
environment. The growing importance of resource
management for the Southern ocean and the past and
present history of exploitation of marine resources is
also covered.
• Staff Assoc Prof DA Ritz, Dr MA Hindell
(Coordinator) •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr
lectures, 4-hr practical weekly • prereq KZA210 • assess
practical reports (40%), essay (20%), 2-hr exam in June
• req tba
KZA352 Environmental Adaptation
Examines the interface between ecology and physiology
in the study of adaptation and provides a basis for
honours projects in this area. Examples and practical
experiences cover a wide range of organisms. The
course introduces a variety of data collection
techniques. It aims to develop competence in practical
and analytical skills, to develop skills in
communication, and to develop an appreciation of
ethical considerations in research which uses animals.
The course will consider the following topics:
environmental endocrinology; thermal adaptations in
ectotherms, the evolution of endothermy, metabolic
responses in endotherms, water and ions; respiratory
adaptations in ectotherms, and life on land. Students
will be expected to interact actively with staff in
lectures, practical classes and projects.
• Staff Assoc Prof R Swain (Coordinator), Dr SM Jones,
Dr RWRose •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures,
4-hr practical weekly • prereq KZA210 • assess 3-hr
exam (40%), 1,500-word essay (15%), 3 reports (45%)
• req tba
KZA353 Evolutionary Biology &
Introduces students to current concepts in evolutionary
biology, including the principles of taxonomy and
systematics, and will provide support for other Third
Year Zoology units and a basis for Honours projects in
the area. The unit will deal with adaptation and natural
selection, the species concept and modern taxonomic
methods, phylogenetics, macroevolution and the way
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.
Science and Technology – 479
in which historical events and present day conditions
combine to produce biogeographical patterns. The unit
will include a practical component utilizing the
Tasmanian fauna. This unit will complement most of
the other Third Year Zoology units.
• Staff Assoc Prof AMM Richardson (Coordinator),
Assoc ProfRWG White •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1hr lectures, 4-hr practical weekly • prereq KZA210
• assess practical report (40%), 2,000-word essay (20%),
2-hr exam in June (40%)
• req Ridley M, Evolution, 2nd edn, Blackwell Scientific
Publ, Oxford, 1996.
KZA354 Fisheries & Wildlife Management
Provides an understanding of the rationales, strategies
and methodologies of the management of fish and
wildlife populations. The differing approaches required
for management for exploitation and conservation will
be discussed. Local and overseas examples will be
studied. The multidisciplinary approach to successful
management will be stressed. An introduction will be
provided to the use of population simulation as a
predictive tool in management of fisheries and wildlife.
• Staff Assoc Prof RWG White (Coordinator), Dr MA
Hindell •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 4hr practical weekly • prereq KZA210 • assess practical
reports (40%), essay (20%), 2-hr exam in June (40%)
• req Dissecting kit including fine-pointed forceps
laboratory coat
texts tba.
KZA355 Freshwater Ecology
Develops the ecological and physiochemical concepts
that are essential for the study of lakes, wetlands, and
rivers. This course emphasises the processes
responsible for structuring populations and
communities of organisms in open water and benthic
habitats. Biological interactions (e.g. predation,
competition) are covered, as well as foundation
material such as the roles of lake stratification and of
moving water in shaping aquatic communities. Recent
advances in the practical applications of freshwater
animals in biological monitoring and assessment are
also presented.
• Staff Dr LA Barmuta (Coordinator), Assoc Prof RWG
White •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 4-hr
practical weekly • prereq KZA210 • assess 3-hr exam in
June (50%), essay (20%), 2 practical reports (30%)
• req Dissecting kit including fine-pointed forceps
laboratory coat
texts tba.
KZA356 Marine Ecology
Examines the fundamental features and processes of
marine systems. The influence of these processes on the
ecology of marine faunas is highlighted. The following
themes are developed: influences of physical and
chemical variables on communities and productivity;
ecology of feeding and predator- prey interactions of
plankton and fish; structuring forces of benthic
communities; chemical ecology; rocky shores and
macroalgal habitats; biogeography of the sea; invasions
by introduced species. Practical classes include
fieldwork and introduce analytical techniques for
measuring productivity, aspects of fish schooling and
impacts of fish farming on the environment. A key part
of the practical component will be a high level research
project conducted during a 6 day visit to Maria Island
in the mid-semester break. There will be an equivalent
number of free days during the semester to
compensate. Students would find Quantitative
Methods in Biology (KZA357), Antarctic Ecology
(KZA351) and Freshwater Ecology (KZA355)
particularly useful additional units.
• Staff Assoc Prof. DA Ritz (Coordinator), Prof CR
Johnson •Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures, 4hr practical weekly • prereq KZA210 • assess 1,000word essay (10%), 2 reports on practical assignments
(30%), practical record book (10%), 3-hr exam in Nov
• req Levinton J, Marine Biology Function, Biodiversity,
Ecology, Oxford, 1995
dissecting kit including fine-pointed forceps
laboratory coat.
KZA357 Quantitative Methods in Biology
Quantitative skills are among the basic and
fundamental tools of professional zoologists and other
biologists. They are necessary to design their studies,
analyse their data, and to assess and interpret
published studies. This course provides a solid
grounding in the best ways to collect and analyse the
sorts of data common in biology and ecology. It
emphasises hands-on, practical experience with the
problems commonly encountered in dealing with
biological and ecological data. The course covers basic
sampling and experimental design, data analysis using
standard techniques (e.g. analysis of variance and
covariance, regression, analysis of categorical data) and
randomisation techniques, and introduces multivariate
techniques for both pattern exploration and hypothesis
testing. This course is strongly recommended for
ecology students and those considering Honours.
• Staff Prof CR Johnson (Coordinator), Dr LA Barmuta
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 2 –2x1-hr lectures, 4-hr
practical weekly • prereq KZA210 or KPA200 or 12pts
(33.33%) Yr-2 AgrSc unit as approved by HoD • assess
3-hr exam in Nov (60%), essay (15%), practical reports
• req 3.5 in. computer diskettes; no set textbook.
Units not offered in 1998 are detailed on the world wide web at:
University of Tasmania – Course and Unit Handbook
KZA358 Reproductive Biology:
Strategies and Mechanism
Deals broadly with reproductive processes and their
control, with a focus on evolutionary trends in
reproductive patterns, mating strategies, sexual
selection and parental care. A comparative approach is
taken and topics will include sexual development and
differentiation in brain and behaviour as well as
competition for mates. Examples will be chosen from
both invertebrates and vertebrates. Students would find
the study of KZA352 Environmental Adaptations very
KZA450/451 Marine, Freshwater and
Antarctic Biology (Honours) Full time/
Part time
Have the same broad objectives as KPA400, 401; for
details, see KPA450, 451.
• Staff Assoc Prof DA Ritz (Coordinator) •Hbt, int
KZA500/501 Graduate Diploma of
Science with Honours (Zoology)
Have the same objectives as KZA400/401. Full time/
part time ‘umbrella’ code.
• N.B. the unit involves experimentation on live vertebrate
• Staff Dr RW Rose (Coordinator), Assoc Prof R Swain
•Hbt, int •12.5% •sem 1 –2x1-hr lectures, 4-hr
practical weekly • prereq KZA210 • assess 1,500-word
essay (10%), practical work (30%), 3-hr exam (60%)
• req a full dissection kit, lab coat
texts tba.
KZA400/401 Zoology 4 (Honours) Full
time/Part time
Intending Honours students should consult the Head of
the Department of Zoology before the end of the final
year of their undergraduate course. The Honours
course starts either in the first week of February with a
thesis being submitted by the end of November or on 1
August with all requirements being completed by the
end of May in the following year. The program consists
of the following elements: a literature review, written
and verbal exercises and a research project. Each of
these has a number of teaching objectives, not all of
which are assessed and used in the final award. The
final award is based on an assessment of 11 objectives
six of which come from the thesis. Full information on
objectives and assessment criteria are contained in a
booklet which is available from the department.
• Staff (Coordinator) Dr R Swain •Hbt, int
•KZA400:100%/KZA401: 50% • prereq BSc with major
in Zoology or approved alternative
• req Rowntree D, Statistics Without Tears, Penguin
Books, 1981.
For an explanation of abbreviations used above see inside back cover.