Proposal Submitted to: Bear Valley Community Services District

28999 South Lower Valley Road  Tehachapi, CA 93561‐7460 PHONE 661‐821‐4428  FAX 661‐821‐0180 BEAR VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT
September 25, 2014
28999 South Lower Valley Road
6:00 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call Attendance
President Bill Mason
Vice President Charlene LaClaire
Director Gil Grace
Director Matt VoVilla
Director Rick Zanutto
3. Approval of Agenda – Roll Call
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items
Members of the public may address the Board on matters not listed on this Agenda. The Board cannot take
action on any item that is not on the Agenda. The Board or staff may briefly respond to statements made or
questions posed, or may ask questions for clarification. These items may also be referred to staff or scheduled
on a future Agenda. There will be a separate opportunity for public comment for each item on the Agenda.
6. Disclosures by the Board of Directors
Board Members are asked to disclose any outside communications with individuals and organizations that
have an action item on this Agenda that pertains directly to them or their specific personal or private interests
and which communication is not included or disclosed in the agenda package, so that all interested persons
have an equal opportunity to express and represent their interests.
7. Action Items:
A. AUTHORIZE the General Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement
with AECOM for Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation in an amount not to exceed
September 25, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
8. Information Items:
A. Address Board Inquiry: Water Revenues – Decrease in Commercial
B. Address Board Inquiry: Late Payment Charges from September 11 Register of
9. Future Agenda Items:
A. Second Reading – Ordinance 14-239: Pine Bark Beetle Control and Abatement
(Tentative: October 9, 2014)
B. Public Hearing – Pine Bark Beetle Abatement (Tentative: October 9, 2014)
C. Acceptance of Kordes Equestrian Easement (Tentative: October 9, 2014)
D. Resolution Honoring Mr. Ralph Kermode (TBD)
E. Cash Flow Analysis of BVCSD/BVSA Lease Addendum for Lake Fill Costs
(Tentative: October 23, 2014)
F. Review BVSA Lease Addendum #5 Language (Tentative: October 23, 2014)
G. Disaster Preparedness Advisory Council Presentation (Tentative: October 23,
H. Outside water sales policy (Tentative: October 23, 2014)
I. Mailboxes (TBD)
10. Adjournment:
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors is October 9, 2014 at 6:00
INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS: Copies of the staff reports and other disclosable public
records related to each open session item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the District
Secretary and are available for public information during regular business hours. Any person who has a question
concerning any of the agenda items may call the District Secretary at 661.821.4428.
ADA Compliance Statement: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance
to participate in this meeting, please contact the District Secretary to the Board of Directors, Kristy McEwen, at
661.821.4428. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to
ensure accessibility to this meeting.
Signed, September 22, 2014
Kristy McEwen, Clerk of the Board
September 25, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
September 25, 2014
Larry Tuma
Public Works Superintendant
AUTHORIZE General Manager to execute a Consulting Services
Agreement with AECOM for a Solar Proposal Review and Analysis in an
amount not to exceed $38,017.
Authorize the General Manager to execute a time and materials contract with AECOM in an amount
not to exceed $38,017.
At the August 28, 2014 Regular Board meeting, staff gave a Power Point presentation regarding a
possible solar project. The presentation showed that the proposals received to date did not allow the
District to do an “apples to apples” comparison of the financial benefits and costs of a solar project
to the District.
AECOM was previously selected by the Infrastructure Committee as the number one respondent to a
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) authorized by the Board in April 2013. AECOM is an
independent engineering consultant that will help the District determine the best proposal from
those submitted.
At the August 28, 2014 meeting, the Board was queried to determine if the General Manager should
negotiate with AECOM to provide independent engineering and financial analysis of the four (4)
solar proposals received by the District. The Board query was five to zero to obtain this proposal.
The General Manager contacted AECOM to revise their scope of services to specifically review the
four (4) proposals previously presented, along with providing an evaluation of the District’s actual
needs, cashflow dynamics, and a discussion of the CSI rebate program
In order for the District to determine the best proposal and type of project, it is necessary to have an
independent analysis of the financial documents and proposals. Due to recent acquisitions, staff has
reviewed AECOM and found that they are still an independent engineering consultant in regard to
If a solar project is approved by the District, AECOM may also provide a separate proposal for
project management and engineering to help the District with final implementation..
This is a time and materials contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $38,017. Staff will be diligent
to closely monitor this contract to keep the costs to a minimum.
The Board Approved FY 2014/15 Budget includes a capital improvement line item for Potential
Solar Project in the amount of $400,000.If a project is undertaken, this cost will be allocated among
the departments that will benefit from a solar project in a future budget update.
An independent analysis of the submitted proposals will be performed to determine the best project
for the District.
I move that the Board AUTHORIZE the General Manager to execute a consulting services
agreement with AECOM for a Solar Proposal Review and Analysis in an amount not to exceed
Solar Proposal Review
and Evaluation
Proposal Submitted to:
Bear Valley Community
Services District
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
1 Executive Summary
Bear Valley Community Services District (BVCSD) wishes to engage a
professional services firm to assist in the investigation of the feasibility
of installing a photovoltaic (PV) system(s) to offset charges from the
serving utility, Southern California Edison (SCE).
AECOM will support BVCSD in the review of proposals received from four
different installation firms / equipment suppliers who have provided
proposals to BVCSD and will rank the financial benefits of the proposals.
BVCSD believes the proposals received have captured the various PV
rate options available to BVCSD and would like to engage AECOM to
determine the most cost effective proposed solution
AECOM Recognition
• Ranked by Ethisphere as one of the
world’s most ethical companies in 2011,
2012, 2013 and 2014.
• Newsweek included AECOM on its list of
Greenest Big Companies.
• Financial Times names AECOM among its
Best Workplaces.
• Best Diversity Company award, as
recognized by readers of Diversity/
Careers in Engineering and Information
Technology Magazine.
• Ranked as Number 1 Global Design Firm
by Engineering News-Record (ENR)
AECOM will perform a detailed review of all four of the proposals and will
prepare a Levelized Cost of Ownership (LCOE) of the four proposals. By
performing this LCOE, all of the various proposer specific variables will
be updated to ensure an “apples to apples” comparison of the proposals
will be made and the proposals will be ranked and the highest value to
BVCSD proposal will be identified.
The specific tasks to be performed by AECOM are described in the Scope
of Services section below. AECOM is prepared to commit our technical
services and capabilities in a responsive, competent and cost effective
manner to BVCSD for this important feasibility analysis.
Why the AECOM Team
AECOM is a leader in providing solar photovoltaic economic and
performance studies. Known for our commitment to quality, the AECOM
team of professionals uses its expertise to work with clients to develop
the optimum solution and delivery method for each project. At AECOM,
we align our resources with the client to meet the specific project
demands. We provide professional solar energy consulting, design, and
owner’s engineering services to numerous clients in a variety of different
sectors, including: Investor-Owned and Municipal Owned Utilities, higher
education facilities, Federal, State, and Local Agencies. AECOM is a
professional services company, we don’t rep equipment or make a living
off selling or installing PV systems – we represent a truly unbiased
perspective on the feasibility of a project or projects based upon the
project merits.
We offer BVCSD the following experience to efficiently execute your
goals for this study:
• Relevant experience – We have provided feasibility studies for clients
such as the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Seneca and
Western Branch Waste Water Treatment Plants, Vista Irrigation
District, City of Redlands, County of Ventura (multiple projects),
California State University Fullerton, City of New York, San Diego
International Airport, City of Long Beach, Washington Metro, and
Atlanta Airport. The AECOM team has the ability to move from a project
feasibility stage to design and implementation quickly and seamlessly.
• Added capacity – Support from our 45,000 AECOM staff, offering a
depth of resources, both locally and globally, to respond quickly to your
needs both presently and ongoing. In addition, AECOM has 25 offices in
Page 1
California with 2200 engineering, design and
construction professionals located in these offices.
AECOM’s solar engineering centers in San Diego,
Oakland and Los Angeles, along with our design
capabilities in our office in Bakersfield, California.
• Ability to tap into local staff and resources
including our local principal engineer, William Black,
based in AECOM’s Bakersfield office who has
provided engineering services on several solar PV
and solar thermal energy projects. His experience
includes civil engineering in support of an
Application for Certification (AFC) to the California
Energy Commission (CEC) for seven 250 MW solar
thermal energy sites in California. He has extensive
experience with the Regional Water Quality Control
Board, Kern County Roads, Kern County Engineering
and Survey Services, Kern County Planning, Bureau
of Land Management (BLM), US Army Corps of
Engineers, Department of Fish and Wildlife,
Caltrans, the City of Ridgecrest, and Indian Wells
Valley Water District as well as other utilities.
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
• Financial viability – As
a Fortune 500
company, and ranked
as the number one
design firm by
Engineering News,
AECOM provides
security to our clients.
AECOM brings these
unique qualities and
demonstrated success
to BVCSD - ensuring
technical excellence and
speed of delivery.
Additionally, AECOM can
support CVCSD through the full execution of the
project in an Owner’s Engineer role as we have for so
many solar PV projects. If one or more of the
projects are deemed to be technically and financially
feasible, AECOM can provide follow-on services as
staff extension to BVCSD.
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
2 Technical Approach
Above: Box Canyon Landfill PV Project, Camp Pendleton, California
AECOM will provide services to BVCSD to perform a
comprehensive review and analysis of photovoltaic
(PV) proposals BVCSD has received from four
companies. AECOM expects the PV system proposals
to provide system sizing, conceptual design,
estimated solar energy production modeling,
estimates of construction cost and operational return
on investments of which AECOM will evaluate. AECOM
will work with BVCSD to create an “apples to apples”
comparison between the proposals to determine
which of the proposers has proposed the most cost
effective solution for BVCSD. The assumption in this
updated proposal is all of the necessary data has
been provided by the proposers and AECOM is not
tasked to perform an independent analysis of the site
specific data other than opine on the typical
environmental permitting requirements. AECOM will
consult with the public permitting agencies and
evaluate what environmental mitigation measures
may be required with BVCSD including zoning,
hydrology and adherence to California’s
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). No site visits are
included in this proposed scope of services. AECOM
will also provide the BVCSD with an independent
review of the estimated costs for design,
construction, and operations and maintenance of the
proposed systems included in the four proposals. A
key component to our analysis will be to inform and
recommend to BVCSD the status of the California
Solar Initiative (CSI) status and to identify any actions
that could be taken by BVCSD to make CSI incentives
available to a BVCSD project.
Page 3
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
3 Scope of Services
required with BVCSD, including hydrology, zoning, and
In an effort to keep the costs as low as possible to
adherence to California’s Environmental Quality Act.
BVCSD, AECOM would like to propose a phased
Site visits are not included in this effort.
approach to allow for decisions to be made based on
achieving BVCSD milestones. AECOM also suggests all 4. Current review of CSI incentive availability and
of the meetings with the district staff be conducted
recommendation to BVCSD on any action to secure CSI
via conference call rather than in person in a further
incentives, if applicable.
effort to reduce costs.
Phase 3 – Technical Memorandum
3.1 Scope or Work:
1. A draft feasibility technical memorandum will be
AECOM will provide services to Bear Valley Community
prepared based on the findings in Phase 2.
Services District for a comprehensive PV proposal
2. As part of the technical memorandum, the vendor
review at existing BVCSD facilities as follows:
supplied PV proposals received by BVCSD will be
evaluated financially and AECOM will review the
Phase 1 – Pre-Study Phase
estimated costs for design, construction, and
1. Upon Notice to Proceed (NTP) from BVCSD, a
operations and maintenance.
Project Kickoff Meeting is held with BVCSD via
3. The draft technical memorandum will be provided to
telecom with the AECOM Project Manager and the
BVCSD for review
appropriate personnel from BVCSD.
4. Based on feedback by BVCSD of the draft technical
2. BVCSD to provide all proposals (up to four) and any
memorandum, a final technical memorandum will be
supporting documentation to form the basis of our
provided to BVCSD.
analysis of the proposals BVCSD has received.
Phase 2 – Investigation Phase
1. Review the existing proposals (up to four).
2. Evaluate the proposals in light of BVCSD’s current
utility rate schedule and determine the benefits of
the Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit
Transfer (RES-BCT) and Net Energy Metering
3. AECOM will perform a desk top study to evaluate
what environmental mitigation measures may be
3.2 Clarifications:
a. Up to Five (5) Project Conference Calls via
conference bridge
2. No site visits are included in this scope of work.
3.3 Exclusions:
1. Providing any detailed design, including, but not
limited to civil, surveying, and topographical drawings
Page 4
2. Performing any environmental analysis other than a
preliminary desk top investigation
3. Any permitting or AHJ submittals
4. Utility meetings (i.e. SCE), and interconnection or
net metering applications
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
The work will be performed under time & materials
(T&M) with a not to exceed price of $38,017. The work
will be completed in 4 weeks from receipt of a notice
to proceed (NTP) from BVCSD.
5. No utility data analysis is included
6. No site visits to the potential PV sites is included.
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
Key Project Personnel
AECOM has formulated an outstanding team to meet
the specific needs of this project. With engineers in
Bakersfield, San Diego and Los Angeles, AECOM can
properly and effectively staff a team of professionals
that will get the job done on time and on budget.
Our proposed team has worked on many different
solar systems including various types of ground
mount arrays, rooftops of educational facilities,
commercial buildings, government facilities, parking
canopies, hillsides, landfills and on water tanks.
AECOM is equipped to provide all necessary
resources and staff to meet even the most
demanding schedules. Our team was strategically
chosen for their unique qualifications to perform the
work for BVCSD. We are confident in AECOM’s depth
and breadth of services in the solar industry and we
look forward to providing BVCSD with the quality and
professionalism that can only be delivered by
Project Team Organization
Project Director
Dale Gauthier
Andrew Agopian
William Black
Domenic J. Lupo
Danny Gold
Bill Graham
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
Personnel Responsibility Matrix
Dale Gauthier
Project Director /
Ensure that the team’s design deliverables meet
AECOM’s quality standards and BVCSD’s
standards and expectations are in line with
AECOM’s ISO 9001:2008 certification. Client
Andrew Agopian
Project Manager
Responsible for ensuring that the project team
completes the project. Manages the team’s
performance of project tasks, making sure the
project is delivered in budget, on schedule, and
within scope. Development of optimal client
William Black
Principal Engineer
Civil engineering support and local regulatory
Domenic J. Lupo
Civil/Structural Engineer
Lead civil/structural engineer for the project
Danny Gold
Project Engineer
Responsible for the PV array design and
performance modeling
Bill Graham
Environmental Engineer
Determine environmental mitigation measures
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
5 AECOM History and Organization
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) teamed with AECOM to design and construct the 9.75
MW photovoltaic project at its Pine Tree Wind Farm at Airplane Flats, near Mojave, California.
AECOM Technical Services is a global provider of
professional technical and management support
services to a broad range of markets, including
energy, transportation, facilities, environmental,
water and government. With 45,000 employees around
the world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets
that it serves. AECOM provides a blend of global
reach, local knowledge, innovation, and technical
excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance
and sustain the world’s built, natural, and social
AECOM is one of the most experienced solar power
design firm in the United States. Since the creation of
California’s first Solar Energy Generating System
(SEGS) facilities in the 1980s, our staff members have
been active in the management, siting, permitting,
licensing, and engineering of solar energy projects. In
1989, we prepared siting studies and environmental
documentation for the SEGS plants at Harper Lake;
two decades later, we continue to be very active in the
field of solar in California, Arizona, Nevada and many
other states.
AECOM offers the full array of integrated planning,
design, engineering, procurement, and construction
services necessary for modern power projects. Our
support services span the entire life of a project:
planning and permitting; engineering and design
development; preparation of bid documents and
specifications; and procurement, testing, and
commissioning. We also provide complete construction
and program management for new, modified, and
re-powered electric-generation facilities. We can tailor
project delivery to best leverage our clients’ resources,
from traditional design-bid-build to design-build options
(including turnkey); engineer-procure-construct (EPC);
and construction management at-risk.
We help developers and end users evaluate solar energy
options, navigate regulatory environments, and
implement solar strategies from buildings and facilities to
large-scale utility-size solar projects built to deliver
energy to thousands of homes and businesses.
AECOM is qualified to do business in the State of
California under the following licenses:
State of California Contractors State License Board
Classification: A B C27
License Number: 641639
Expiration Date: 04/30/2014
AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Secretary of State Entity
State of California Number: C6068461
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
6 AECOM Relevant Project History
Above: CSU San Bernardino Solar PV
Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission, Seneca and Western
Branch Waste Water Treatment
Vista Irrigation District
Vista, CA
The Vista Irrigation District is a public agency that
provides water service to more than 126,000 residents
in the city of Vista, and portions of San Marcos,
Germantown and Upper Marlboro, MD
Escondido, Oceanside, and unincorporated areas of
San Diego County. The District requested an
AECOM was recently retained by the Washington
Suburban Sanitary District to act as Owner’s Engineer independent review by AECOM of the proposed solar
to assist in their goal of implementing two separate 2 PV system and associated power purchase agreement
MW solar PV plants, one at each of two of their Waste (PPA) at their headquarters. Acting as owner’s
engineer, AECOM reviewed the technical and financial
Water Treatment Plants (WWTP). Both systems were
aspects of the PPA to ensure VID’s interests were
ground mount systems on open fields immediately
adjacent to the respective WWTP. Standard Solar was protected.
selected as EPC contractor with Washington Gas
The construction of the Vista Irrigation District
Energy Services (WGES) acting as owner and PPA
headquarters solar arrays began in December of 2010.
provider. Both systems were connected at the
The photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of
customer side of the 13.2kV/480V step down
two buildings at the District’s headquarters totaling
transformer. Both systems were connected between 266.5 kW DC in size. The system will generate nearly
the transformer and any relays or breakers protecting 400,000 kilowatt hours of renewable energy annually,
the WWTPs. Because of the chosen point of
enough to meet about 60% of the power needs of the
interconnection, and the fact that the solar
district’s headquarters. The multiple arrays installed
production could sometimes (although rarely) exceed at Vista Irrigation District’s headquarters were
the on-site consumption, new relays were put in place designed and constructed by Borrego Solar. The
to prevent export.
District is purchasing clean renewable solar energy at
a predetermined rate for the next 20 years.
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
Ventura County Waterworks District, Moorpark
Water Reclamation Facility
Moorpark, CA
In 2010, Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 (District) partnered
with AECOM to begin an Investigation of photovoltaic (PV) systems. In
July 2011, the District provided AECOM a Notice to Proceed to secure the
California Solar Initiative (CSI) funding and develop procurement
documents for a 1 MW PV project at the Moorpark Water Reclamation
Facility. AECOM and the District received notice that the CSI incentive
application had been approved and that an incentive of $1,587,250
(approximately 37% of the total project cost) was reserved.
In late January 2012, REC Solar was awarded the project and in March
2012, REC Solar began construction of the PV facility. This Project
utilized a design-build method that condensed the entire project
schedule.. In addition, the overall design-build documents and project
development for this procurement resulted in selection of a qualified
Contractor that completed the project on-budget and on-time. The
system was commissioned in November 2012.
This project is the largest known single-axis tracker PV system in
Ventura County at just under 1 MWAC and provides a road map for
other agencies to follow. The observation deck also demonstrates a
commitment by the District to spread sustainable energy awareness and
provide education to the local community.
City of Redlands
Redlands, CA
An 115kW photovoltaic system was constructed in mid-2011 that
provides renewable energy to the City of Redlands wastewater treatment
plant. “Use of the solar panels at the sewer plant at the end of Nevada
Street will allow the City to be less reliant on electricity from Southern
California Edison,” city spokesman Carl Baker said. The savings are
expected to amount to more than $36,000 annually. The project is built
on a former brine pond that has been paved over and can’t be used for
other development. “This is a way of using that property in a productive
fashion. Otherwise it would have sat fallow,” he said.
The City selected AECOM through a solicitation to provide a feasibility
analysis including complete design services, and technical assistance
during the request for proposals (RFP) for the build portion and during
construction of the PV system.
The solar plant was the City’s first and fit in with the Community
Sustainability Plan, adopted by the City Council. The plan aims to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and promote growth based on sustainable
business practices and energy-efficient technologies. The solar project
was funded through an allocation grant from the Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant Program, through the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. Additional funding came from the
California Solar Incentive (CSI) Program, which has allocated up to
$250,000 worth of performance based incentives paid out based on
actual monthly energy generation for the first five years.
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
California State University, Fullerton
Fullerton, CA
AECOM was selected to perform the design-build implementation of an
energy efficiency and infrastructure upgrade allowing for campus growth
while reducing energy consumption and providing for renewable energy.
Included in this program is the design and installation of a 1.16 Megawatt
photovoltaic (PV) system divided equally on two rooftops and an elevated
parking structure.
The AECOM team conducted detailed facilities surveys and made
recommendations for the installation of solar photovoltaic arrays on the
Performing Arts (PA) building, Kinesiology, Health, and Science (KHS)
building, and the newly constructed Parking Structure 4 (PS4).
Completed in early 2012, the two rooftop PV systems were designed and
built utilizing a ballasted solution with minimal attachment to overcome
wind loading and seismic conditions.
AECOM designed and integrated a seamless “T” framed solar canopy
providing much needed covered parking on the top deck. The entire
structure, including the canopy, uses high efficiency LED lighting. The
campus will receive approximately $2.3 million in utility performance
based incentives over the next five years based on actual energy
production from the PV system.
San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD)
San Diego, CA
The photovoltaic (PV) project consisted of approximately 1.8 MW of solar
generation capacity on carport structures (canopies) at five schools
within SDUSD.
AECOM provided full engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
of the entire solar project under contract to GCL Solar Energy, Inc, the
third party developer/owner for SDUSD. AECOM designed all of PV
system arrays, racking, and electrical interconnections and developed
detailed plans and specifications for submittal to and approval by the
Division of State Architects (DSA).
AECOM’s responsibilities included:
-- Detailed architectural, structural, and electrical designs
-- Specification of all components including racking, switchgear, transformers, inverters and balance of electrical components
-- Procurement of materials (including major components) and delivery to
the site
-- Construction and installation
-- Commissioning and turnover to the system owner
-- Preparation and submittal of all utility interconnection agreements
-- Preparation of as-Built Drawings and Operations and Maintenance
(O&M) Manuals for all systems
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
Tierra del Sol Solar Farm Project
Boulevard, California
Tierra del Sol Solar LLC partnered with AECOM to develop a 60 MW
renewable energy “Project” in the Mountain Empire of southeastern San
Diego County near the US/Mexico border. The Project uses Concentrated
Photovoltaic (CPV) technology sited in an area with abundant solar
energy to generate clean, renewable electricity.
The Project includes a Major Use Permit (MUP) to authorize a Major
Impact Utility Pursuant and a Rezone. The Tierra Del Sol Solar Farm
Project would produce up to 60 megawatts (MW) of solar energy and
consists of approximately 2,529 concentrating photovoltaic electric
generation systems (CPV Systems) utilizing dual axis tracking located on
420 acres. The power will be sold to SDG&E and delivered to the SDG&E
Boulevard Substation. AECOM is providing all engineering services,
including site civil, mechanical, and electrical efforts to support full
project development.
-- A 1,000 volt direct current (DC) underground collection system and a
34.5 kV overhead and underground collection system linking the CPV
Systems to the on-site project substation.
-- A 7,500 operations and maintenance (O&M) building.
-- A three-acre, on-site private collector substation site, which includes
an approximate 7,500 sq ft O&M building and 450 sq ft of metal clad
-- 31 DC to AC inverter stations.
-- A 138 kV overhead transmission line (Gen-Tie) to connect the Project
substation to SDG&E’s proposed new Boulevard Substation.
-- 13 miles of newly constructed load-bearing on-site access roads.
-- 33 miles of graded, service roads.
-- One permanent water well which would be used to supply water to the
O&M building and to facilitate washing of the CPV Trackers.
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power Pine
Tree Solar Project
Cantil, California
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) constructed a
9.75 MW photovoltaic project at its Pine Tree Wind Farm at Airplane
Flats, near Mojave, California. The project is one of the largest utility
owned PV projects in the United States at its completion in 2012. AECOM
provided complete engineering design and equipment procurement
services for the project. LADWP did the construction on the project with
on-site assistance and training from AECOM.
In order to minimize the leveled cost of electricity (LCOE) and meet
LADWP objectives to maximize electricity production within a spaceconstrained site, AECOM developed an innovative design utilizing three
different module tilt angles. The design takes maximum advantage of the
site’s natural terrain and optimizes output while minimizing shading. The
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
project incorporates over 35,000 PV modules and is expected to generate
over 19 million kWh of electricity per year.
AECOM’s responsibilities include:
-- Detailed civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical design
-- Full SCADA system design and specification integrated to LADWP’s
existing SCADA network
-- Specification of all components including PV modules, racking, and
-- Procurement and delivery to the site of all materials including all major
components as well as balance of system components such as wiring,
conduit, cable trays, combiner boxes, and mounting clips
-- Installation training of LADWP work crews
-- 34.5 kV electrical interconnection design
-- Operations and maintenance training for LADWP staff
AECOM’s PV specialists in Los Angeles and San Diego completed the
design in less than six months.
Solar Millennium – Three Solar Thermal Power
Southern California
AECOM provided engineering, environmental, and permitting services
for three solar thermal power plants, totaling 2,000 megawatts,
proposed for development by Solar Millennium. The three projects
encompass more than 12,000 acres, all of which is land administered by
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). One of the projects, the Blythe
Solar Power Plant (BSPP), is the largest solar development currently
proposed in the world. Comprehensive biological and cultural resource
surveys were designed to meet all applicable environmental protocols
and requirements.
AECOM conducted vegetation community mapping, potential
jurisdictional waters, rare plant surveys, US Fish and Wildlife Services
(USFWS) desert tortoise surveys, western burrowing owl surveys, golden
eagle and raptor surveys, avian point count surveys, and cultural
resources surveys. AECOM prepared the biological and cultural
resources sections of the Application for Certification, Federal Biological
Assessments, CESA Section 2081(B) Incidental Take Permit Applications,
and cultural resources documents. AECOM also assisted with data
adequacy and data request responses to the California Energy
Commission (CEC) and participated in evidentiary hearings. On behalf of
the client, AECOM acquired all necessary approvals and permits for the
BSPP from the CEC, USFWS, California Dept. of Fish and Game, and
obtained a Notice to Proceed from BLM for the first phase of the project.
Page 13
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
MCB Camp Pendleton Landfill PV Project
Camp Pendleton, California
Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton has been pursuing a solar
project on its Box Canyon landfill for nearly 7 years. With the availability
of stimulus funds, the 1.4 MW facility was installed on the closed landfill.
Under an existing Dry Utility Multiple Award Contract, Synergy Electric
was awarded the project and chose AECOM as its design partner. AECOM
was selected due to our combination of solar PV design and construction
experience with specialized geotechnical experience with solar PV on
landfills. AECOM performed the civil, structural, and geotechnical
design, and the PV system layout and direct current (DC) electrical
design and procurement. The project posed unique challenges, as the
landfill will continue to settle over the life of the project, and is covered
by a specially designed evapotranspiration cover that cannot be altered.
AECOM incorporated numerous design elements to address the unique
challenges of the project, including adjustable, non-penetrating, selfballasted, racking system to prevent slippage or displacement as the
landfill settles. Additionally, the modules are laid out in a manner to limit
the sheeting of water, which could cause erosion of the landfill cover. For
the first 5 years, Synergy Electric will maintain the PV system and
guarantee the performance. For the remaining system life, MCB Camp
Pendleton will own and operate it to offset a portion of the approximately
20 MW load on the main meter.
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7 Key Personnel Resumes
Full resumes for key staff are provided in Appendix A.
Dale Gauthier, PE, CEM, Project Director/
Mr. Gauthier is a registered mechanical engineer and
Certified Energy Manager with more than 25 years of
experience in the design, project management,
quality, and project controls for large energy projects.
Mr. Gauthier will ensure that the team’s design
deliverables meet AECOM’s quality standards and
BVCSD’s standards and expectations are in line with
AECOM’s ISO 9001:2000 certification. Mr. Gauthier’s
diverse experience includes feasibility studies,
developing financial / operational models, managing
power generation and cogeneration plant design,
permitting, and construction, as well as numerous
renewable energy projects including PV, wind, and
aerobic digester gas.
Andrew Agopian, Project Manager
Mr. Agopian has over 20 years of experience in project
management, general contracting, production
management and facility management for solar and
other advanced-technology projects and operations in
California, with the last thirteen years dedicated to the
solar-energy industry. As project manager, Andrew will
be the primary point of contact for all aspects of the
project and will manage the team’s performance,
schedule adherence, and budget.
Andrew Agopian’s experience includes training and
mentoring, problem solving, governmental compliance,
quality management, and asset management. Before
joining AECOM, Mr. Agopian was project manager for a
photovoltaic solar electric manufacturer and system
integrator for commercial, municipal, and industrial
applications with over 100 megawatts of installed
systems worldwide. He also co-owned a general building
contracting firm specializing in integration and
installation of cogeneration photovoltaic solar electrical
systems with over fifty completed projects for
commercial, residential, and remote locations.
Domenic J. Lupo PE, Civil/Structural Engineer
Mr. Lupo has 19 years of experience providing civil/
structural design services. He has processed approvals
for both private and public sector projects with many
jurisdictions in southern California. He has been either
project engineer or project manager for design of
Page 15
tentative and final maps, grading and improvement
plans, plot plans, and sewer and water utility plans.
Mr. Lupo has prepared construction cost estimates,
specifications, earthwork quantity calculations,
drainage studies, SWPPPs, water quality reports,
sewer capacity studies, site plans, and traffic control
William Black, PE, Principal Engineer
Mr. Black is a Principal Civil Engineer with more than
thirty years of professional experience. His areas of
expertise include municipal engineering, solar field
civil site design, storm drainage and large site grading,
site design work, highway design, water, sewer and
storm drainage studies and design, minor structural
design, and contract administration. His management
experience includes management of medium sized
professional engineering staffs and military
organizations over 1,000 people. Prior to working for
AECOM, he served on the Board of Directors of a major
engineering company for six years and has served in
the position of City Engineer for three cities. In
addition, Mr. Black has extensive experience with the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM), US Army Corps of
Engineers, Department of Fish and Game, the
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Kern County
Roads, Kern County Engineering and Survey Services,
Kern Planning Department, Caltrans, the City of
Ridgecrest and the Indian Wells Valley Water District.
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
Danny Gold, Project Engineer
Mr. Gold has over nine years of experience in project
development, management, construction, and
engineering of wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) power
projects. His experience includes wind turbine
component design, renewable resource assessment/
meteorology, energy calculations, PV system
electrical design, wind farm design, energy economic
financial modeling, electrical interconnection,
environmental permit coordination, construction
management, and technical troubleshooting for wind
farms and PV systems.
Bill Graham, Environmental Engineer
Bill Graham has extensive experience interpreting and
implementing complex policies and regulations,
including the California Coastal Act, Public Trust
Doctrine, the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), and the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA). He analyzes projects and master plans as well
as reviews amendments to policy documents. With
over 30 years of experience, Mr. Graham stays
informed of new regulations, legislation, and
practices while managing planning projects, budgets
and, contracts. Mr. Graham has particular experience
with redevelopment, coastal development, and large
scale renewable energy development.
His experience coordinating with state and federal
agencies, districts, attorneys, and private consultants
has allowed him to effectively interpret and
implement federal, state, and regional laws and
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
The ability of our Team to provide quality services to BVCSD is best demonstrated by the fact that 80% of our
work comes from repeat clients and their referrals. Our past performance and quality control are evaluated by
gauging the most important factor in our success: our clients’ satisfaction. We have included the following
references for your review:
Client Reference
County of Ventura, Public Works Agency
Moorpark Water Reclamation Facility 1 MW
Solar PV Project
Eric Keller, Project Manager
County of Ventura
Vista Irrigation District
Independent Review of the 266kW District
Solar PV Project
Don Smith, Director of Water Resources
Vista Irrigation District
Tierra del Sol Solar Farm,
60 MW Solar PV Project
Patrick Brown, Environmental Permitting Project
California State University, Fullerton
1.16 MW Solar PV Project
Jim Corbett, Manager of Projects
CSU Fullerton
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
AECOM is fully insured including Comprehensive General Liability, Workmen’s Compensation, Automotive
Liability and Errors and Omissions Insurance that meet or exceed all of the districts requirements and will be
provided after selection.
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
10AECOM Standard Time and
Material Rates
A. Professional Services Rates
Project Director – Officer-in-Charge
Project Controls Manager
Senior Technical Manager
Project Manager
Project Engineering/Design Manager
Construction Manager
Principal Engineer
Senior Project Engineer
Process Engineer
Transmission & Distribution Engineer
Civil Engineer
Environmental Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Structural Engineer
Project Controls Engineer
Field Engineer
Senior Cost Estimator
Senior CAD Operator
CAD Operator
Technical Editor
Graphic Artist
Administrative Assistant
B. Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
-- Cost plus 10% fee
-- Mileage based on IRS Standard Rate
-- Per Diem Rates based on GSA Standards
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
11 Breakdown by Task
Task ID
Task Name
Job Title
Estimated Hours
1.00 Pre-Study Phase
Project Kick-off Meeting
Project Manager
Principal Engineer
BVCSD to send AECOM Copies of Proposals (up to 4) Project Manager
Project Engineer
Phase 1 Sub Total
2.00 Investigation Phase
Review of proposals
Project Engineer
Project Manager
Project Engineer
Project Manager
Env Engineer
Project Manger
Principal Engineer
Project Engineer
Evaluate Tariff Options for Sites
Review Installed Cost Estimates
Review Annual O&M Costs
Update BVCSD CSI Incentive Status
Permitting Requirements
Project Manager
Develop LCOE / Cash Flow Modeling
Env Engineer
Project Manager
Field Engineer
Phase 2 Sub Total
3.00 Technical Memorandum
Draft Technical Memorandum with Financial
Officer In Charge
Project Manager
Project Engineer
Env Engineer
Officer In Charge
Project Manager
District Review of Draft Technical Memorandum
Final Technical Memorandum with Financial
Project Engineer
Phase 3 Sub Total
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
A. Resumes of Key Personnel
B. AECOM Quality Plan
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Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
Appendix A
Please find our resumes on the following pages.
Page 22
Andrew Agopian
Project Manager
BS, Manufacturing Engineering
Technology, Northrop University,
Inglewood, CA, 1991
Siemens Solar Earthsafe Training
Course, April 2001
Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power “LADWP” Solar
Photovoltaic Installation Workshop,
October 2001
SunWize Technologies Dealer
Training Conference, November
Xantrex Technology, Application,
Installation, and Maintenance of
Xantrex PV Series Inverters, March
RWE Schott Solar SunRoof FS
Technical Training Program, March
SMA America PV Technical
Training May 2005
SunPower Fundamentals of
Commercial Rooftop Design, July
Construction Management, UCLA
Extension, 1997
Lean Enterprise Fundamentals
Training, Encompassing the
Methodology of Lean Enterprise,
Six Sigma and Total Quality,
Honeywell, 2000
Licensed Contractor/1996/CA,
Registration No: 722068
Licensed Contractor/2002/CA,
Registration No: 813701
Licensed Contractor/2008/CA,
Registration No: 913573
With AECOM: 5
With Other Firms: 20
Mr. Agopian has significant experience in project management, general contracting,
production management, and facility management for solar and other advancedtechnology projects and operations in the United States and overseas. Since 2001 his
career has been dedicated to the solar-energy industry. His experience also includes
training and mentoring, problem solving, governmental compliance, quality
management, and asset management. Before joining AECOM, Mr. Agopian was
project manager for a photovoltaic solar electric manufacturer and system integrator
for commercial, municipal, and industrial applications with over 100 megawatts of
installed systems worldwide. He also co-owned a general building contracting firm
specializing in integration and installation of cogeneration photovoltaic solar electrical
systems with over 50 completed projects for commercial, residential, and remote
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Pine Tree Solar Project, California.
Design Manager for a 9.75 MW photovoltaic project installed at LADWP’s Pine Tree
wind farm. This is one of the largest PV projects in the United States and forms the
cornerstone of LADWP’s 400 MW utility-owned PV program. Responsible for technical
design including module, inverter, and racking selection, string sizing, tilt angle, and
optimizing system layout in a space-constrained site. Completed in 2013.
County of Ventura, General Services Administration, Todd Road Jail, Santa
Paula, CA. Project Engineer on behalf of the County for a 1.16 MW photovoltaic fixed
tilt, ground mounted system installed in a field adjacent to the Jail. Services included
feasibility analysis, RFQ/RFP solicitation administration, costs benefit analysis,
California Solar Initiative (CSI) documentation, design review, and construction
assistance. Completed in 2013.
County of Ventura, Waterworks District No.1, Moorpark Water Reclamation
Facility (WRF), Moorpark, CA. Project Engineer on behalf of the County for a 1.14
MW photovoltaic tracking system installed at the WRF. Services included feasibility
analysis, RFQ/RFP solicitation administration, costs benefit analysis, California Solar
Initiative (CSI) documentation, design review, and construction assistance. Completed
in 2012.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Atlantic, Solar and Energy
Efficiency Projects, Eastern US. As part of an AECOM joint venture, Atlantic
Contingency Constructors (ACC) was awarded a multi phase design build contract to
evaluate, design, and construct PV systems over 60 identified locations spanning US
Naval facilities in the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Mississippi, and
Texas. As QC of Design for ACC, responsibilities included providing design quality
control for PV systems on rooftop and carport canopy sites totaling 9 MW. In addition,
as part of the second phase, developed the Scope of Work (SOW) as part of the build
and sub contract solicitation process, evaluated installers, and reviewed all testing and
commissioning documentation for the installed PV systems. Completed in 2012.
Power to the People, non-profit
organization working to bring solar
electricity to communities in rural
areas of developing countries
Andrew Agopian
U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Pendleton Landfill PV Project, California. Design
Manager for a 1.4 MW photovoltaic facility installed on a closed landfill. The project
posed unique challenges, as the landfill will continue to settle over the life of the
project, and is covered by a specially designed evapotranspiration cover that cannot
be altered. Incorporated numerous design elements to address the unique challenges
of the project, including height adjustable racking, and a non-penetrating self-ballasted
foundation system. Additionally, the modules are laid out in a manner to limit the
sheeting of water, which could cause erosion of the landfill cover. Completed in 2010.
Bolthouse Farms, LA County, California. Senior Project Manager for 1.8 MW’s of
solar installations. The system is used to power water wells located on two adjacent
farms. Over 4 miles of underground medium-voltage distribution was installed to
replace 11 large direct-drive diesel pumps, helping to offset 1,700 tons of carbon
dioxide and one ton of nitrous oxide emissions annually. Managed installation
operations, including site analysis, design and engineering, plan check and permitting,
cost accounting, scheduling, supervision of construction and installation
subcontractors, and customer relations. Completed in 2008.
Hill Canyon Wastewater Treatment facility, City of Thousand Oaks, California.
Project Manager for a solar system developed under one of the first power purchase
agreements (PPA), which provided the City of Thousand Oaks the opportunity to
achieve clean energy cogeneration without the upfront costs of construction and
ownership. The single axis flat tracker, 584 kW, system is installed elevated over a
retention basin, allowing the city usage of the basin for overflow. Responsible for
managing installation operations, site analysis, design and engineering review, cost
accounting, scheduling, construction supervision, and customer relations. Completed
in 2007.
Asian Pacific Healthcare, Los Angeles, California. The facility provides healthcare
services to the surrounding community and was motivated to have a portion of the
facility’s power generated by a 60 kW rooftop solar system. A turnkey design build
project, responsibilities included performing the site analysis, design and engineering,
installation operations, cost accounting, scheduling, and customer relations.
Completed in 2006.
Santa Monica Public Library, City of Santa Monica, California. A 10kW rooftop
photovoltaic system installed seamlessly and in a publically visible area on the newly
constructed public library. Responsible for performing the site analysis, design and
engineering, cost accounting, scheduling, installation operations and customer
relations. The project was recognized as one of the top projects in Southern California
in 2007. Completed in 2005.
President’s Commendation Award, Northrop University, 1991
Industry Perspective Panelist Speaker, 2009. “Commercial Solar Installation,” 2009
Los Angeles Green Career Conference, UCLA, presented by the Solar Living Institute
Solar Demonstration, Earth Day 2009 and 2011, Castle Heights Elementary School,
Los Angeles, California
Andrew Agopian
Dale Gauthier, PE, CEM
Principal in Charge
MBA, University of San Diego, 1981
BS, Mechanical Engineering,
University of Arizona, 1978
Licensed Professional Mechanical
Engineer: California, 1981
Certified Energy Manager (CEM),
With AECOM: 8
With Other Firms: 24
Mr. Gauthier has been with AECOM for the last eight years and has over 30 years of
energy experience. As the Market Segment Leader for Renewable Projects for
AECOM, Mr. Gauthier is responsible for the marketing, development, and execution of
AECOM Energy’s Renewable Segment. Annual Market Segment revenue most
recently exceeded $41 million in design, procurement, and construction content. Some
of the more recent renewable projects that have or are in development under the
leadership of Mr. Gauthier are the Techren Solar Nevada 300 MW solar PV project
located in Boulder City, Nevada; the Siyathemba Solar CPV 50 MW solar park in
South Africa, and Beacon Solar, a 200 MW “hybrid PV” project in Kern County
California, and LADWP’s Pine Tree 10 MW project. Mr. Gauthier has given
development and design expertise to both utility and distributed renewable and fossil
fuel projects worldwide, providing project and design and execution leadership.
Techren Solar Nevada 300 MW PV Project, Boulder City, Nevada. Developed
teaming relationship and leading the design for the 300 MW PV project in Boulder City,
Nevada. This project provides generating capacity of 300 MWdc, interconnecting with
CAISO at 500 kV. AECOM has full EPC responsibility for this project. Project design
includes single axis tracking (SAT) system.. Preliminary design and production
analysis is underway. (2013).
Siyathemba Solar CPV, Pretoria, South Africa. Managed all preliminary solar array
design and energy performance modeling of a utility scale 50 MW solar park in South
Africa to be submitted in the South African REIPP Round 3 solicitation. Worked with
our AECOM South African team which provided all civil, including hydrology and
drainage design, environmental review and compliance; medium voltage collection,
and substation design; transmission generation tie (gen-tie) design. (2013)
Beacon Solar, Kern County, California. Managed preliminary design of 200 MW
“hybrid PV” project for tender offer to LADWP. AECOM is providing full design and
environmental permitting and construction compliance. Due to site constraints, project
is designed to be a combination of both fixed tilt and single axis tracking (SAT) arrays.
Project will interconnect with LADWP at 34.5 kV and LADWP will design and construct
the new on-site 230 kV substation. (2013)
Soitec Solar Development Company, San Diego, California. Managing all civil and
site design efforts for 165 MW of CPV projects in San Diego County. This includes site
civil plans, grading, drainage, geotech, and plot plans, to support client Major Use
Permitting efforts for three project sites through the County of San Diego.
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Pine Tree Solar Project, Los
Angeles, California. Successfully led the capture and delivery of the 10 MW LADWP
Pine Tree Solar Project. The project is unique in the use of multiple panel tilt angles in
an effort to maximize the capacity and output of the solar project to deliver the lowest
LCOE for the project. Project scope is full design, procurement, and construction
support to LADWP IBEW construction forces. This project includes a guaranteed
minimum energy (GME) contract provision.
Camp Pendleton (NAVFAC SW) Box Canyon PV Project, Camp Pendleton,
California. Successfully led the capture and delivery of the 1.4 MW solar landfill cap
project. AECOM scope of work was full DC, structural, civil, geotech, and hydrologic
design of the project. AECOM also provided all equipment procurement for the solar
project under subcontract to the construction contractor.
Dale Gauthier
NAVFAC SW PV PPA IDIQ Contract. Successfully partnered with a solar PPA
provider and won a $200,000,000 Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract for
the delivery of solar PV projects to NAVFAC SW at various Naval Installations in the
US southwest.
Miscellaneous Solar PV and Wind Project Development, Design, and
Implementation. Multiple renewable energy project consulting, design, and
construction of solar PV and wind energy projects for federal, municipal, and private
sector clients. Services include civil, structural, electrical, and T&D design services for
small DG projects to utility scale renewal projects.
CSU San Bernardino, California. Project Manager for development team of an
Investment Grade Assessment (IGA) under the CSU MEA Comprehensive Energy
Program. The project includes a complex scope of complete lighting and water retrofit,
central plant expansion and modernization, 325 kW photovoltaic (PV) rooftop
renewable energy system, irrigation well, variable air volume air handling unit
conversions as well as other building cooling loop controls and modernization strategy
upgrades. Additional technologies incorporated include variable frequency drives,
thermal energy storage, and CO2 level ventilation control. This project will result in
over $1 million in annual energy savings and will receive approximately $1.8 million in
California State University, Fullerton, California. Project Manager for the
development team performing Preliminary Assessment, Investment Grade
Assessment, and Project Implementation under the CSU MEA Comprehensive Energy
Services Program. This multi-year project is responsible for the upgrading of much of
the campus existing HVAC systems, expanding the Campus central plant, and other
infrastructure improvements. Additionally, energy efficiency improvements were
developed including, CO2 demand ventilation, converting constant volume HVAC
systems to variable air volume (VAV).
Renewable Energy Project Development, Imperial Valley, California. Program
Manager for a comprehensive renewable energy program that was tasked to evaluate
the viability of producing economic levels of anaerobic digester gas (biogas)
production from various waste organic materials. The project included analytical and
empirical studies to predict and evaluate biogas production, identify viable existing
technology to support biogas production, technical and economically feasible biogas
uses, including the development of complex financial models. Managing engineering
resources to develop cost and performance criteria for the project.
Brandies University, Waltham, Massachusetts. Project Manager for development
team of the campus cogeneration and utility plant. This 35 MW project was designed
to provide all of the University’s thermal, cooling, and electrical load with excess power
sold to the local utility. In addition, the project included central plant modernization,
campus wide energy efficiency improvements and utility upgrades.
Tannehill Oil Company, Taft, California. Project Manager for a 17 MW cogeneration
project. The system consists of two 8.5 MW combustion gas turbines with full heat
recovery for steam production to be used in the production of high viscosity Kern
County oil. Managed plant design, permitting, commissioning and start-up. This plant
operates with availabilities consistently exceeding 96% annually.
Caterpillar Capital Company, Inc., San Diego, California. Project Manager for
multiple landfill gas (LFG) recovery projects ranging from 700 kW to 2.8 MW. Projects
were designed and constructed to run exclusively on LFG generated on-site.
Responsible for project design including power generation equipment, LFG
compression equipment, plant electrical systems including utility electrical
interconnection, and fire protection system.
Dale Gauthier
William C. Black
Project Manager
MBA, Management, Golden Gate
University, 1985
BS, Civil Engineering, University of
California, 1975
Professional Engineer (Civil),
California, #31465, Exp. 12/31/2014
Professional Engineer (Civil),
Nevada, #013669, Issued
05/17/2006, Exp. 12/31/2014
Years of Experience
With AECOM: 6
With Other Firms: 29
Mr. Black is a principal civil engineer with more than 30 years of professional
experience. His areas of expertise include municipal engineering; site design work;
highway design; water, sewer and storm drainage studies; minor structural design;
and contract administration. Mr. Black has managed medium-sized professional
engineering staffs and military organizations of more than 1,000 personnel. Prior to
working for AECOM/Boyle, he served on the board of directors of a major
engineering company for six years, and also served as city engineer for three
Project Experience
Water System Design, California. Designed water systems ranging from simple
distribution systems to assisting on water treatment plant work. Designed or
assisted in the design of more than 40 water storage reservoirs and/or pumping
stations. Modeled water systems for cities and prisons.
One of the most challenging and rewarding projects involved modifying the outlet
works of Littlerock Dam, for the Palmdale Water District, as the designer and
manager of the project.
Professional Associations
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Water Works Association
Frasier Mountain High School Water Well, California. Served as project
manager and design engineer for the water system serving Frasier Mountain High
School, just south of the Frasier Mountain turnoff on Interstate 5. The water
system was part of the entire high school project and included a water well and
surge tank, a two-mile-high pressure transmission pipeline, water storage tank,
and on-site distribution system.
City of Fillmore Water Well No. 7, Fillmore, California. Designed Water Well
No. 7, which delivers 2,000 gpm to the city, including a decorative masonry
building which housed a standby generator, electrical power and control, and an
on-site chlorine generation system. The well was designed to be outside of the
building in a separate removable enclosure. Design also included a surge control
vessel and a fenced landscaped service yard. Several years later, was retained by
the city to design the reconfiguration of the site to accommodate a land
development project.
City of Fillmore Water Well No. 8, Fillmore, California. Under direct contract
with the city of Fillmore designed Water Well No. 8, which included an access road
and a building similar to Well No. 7. A difference between the Well 7 and Well 8
projects included an alternative which allowed the contractor to use the building
constructed for Well No. 6 to be relocated onto the Well 8 site (an option selected
by the contractor). Another difference was that the project required construction of
a ½-mile-long storm drain for on-site drainage, and to convey blow-off water from
the well discharge through the automatic pump control valve to the storm drainage
Inyokern Community Services District, Inyokern, California. Served as project
manager/design engineer for the design of the water distribution system, water
well rehabilitation, water storage tank, and booster pump system. The project
involved the rehabilitation of two existing water wells, which included videoinspection of the wells, evaluating the screen, and reconditioning the pumps and
disinfection prior to initial operation. The project also involved construction of a
water storage tank, booster system, hydro-pneumatic tank, and complete water
distribution system including services and meters.
Storm Drainage Master Plan Studies, California. Prepared storm drainage
master plans and studies for the Mojave Unified School District, California City,
Hansen Aggregates, Wasco, Kern County, and Palmdale Water District, California
State Prison System, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, city of Corcoran, city of
Tehachapi Airport, the city of Wasco, and numerous other entities. Used HEC-1,
William Black
HEC-2, HEC-RAS, Civil D, FLO-2D, TR-55 and other calculation methods.
Prepared the hydraulic modeling for design of four bridges in the Kern River.
Additionally, lectured on storm drainage design.
Management of Storm Drainage Master Plans, California. As city engineer of
Palmdale, Arvin, and California City, served as floodplain administrator. As fulltime
city engineer of Palmdale, managed the preparation of a city-wide storm drainage
master plan and management plan prepared by a major civil engineering firm. The
overall cost of drainage facilities was estimated at more than $300 million in 1989.
Managed preparation of the plan through adoption by the city council and then
managed its implementation.
Drainage Studies, California. Prepared numerous drainage studies in Kern
County and in California in general. In Kern County, studies included projects in
and around the city of Taft, work for the oil and gas industry as needed for
Reclamation Board permitting in the Kern River, open pit mining reclamation,
industrial activities in the high desert, work in and around Tehachapi, Bear Valley
Springs, Stallion Springs and Lake Isabella, in and around Bakersfield, and Arvin.
Prepared a CLOMA and/or LOMA for three of the projects.
Public Sector Drainage, California. Reviewed drainage plans for all private
development under the direction of Chuck Moffitt and Fred Kloepper for Kern
County. As assistant city engineer for the city of Delano, managed drainage
issues, reviewed drainage plans, and master-planned and acquired land for
collection and disposal of stormwater. For the city of Oakland, lead a design team
in the design of numerous drainage projects throughout the city. For Oakland, was
also the lead engineer and liaison with FEMA for the repair of more than $10
million in flood-damaged infrastructure in the early 1980s. For the city of Fairfield,
performed the duties of floodplain administrator and was heavily involved with the
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Fairfield Streams project.
Highway 65, California. Prepared All of the Drainage Plans For Highway 65,
From Porterville to Lindsay, California. The design required thorough
knowledge of Caltrans’ drainage standard requirements and calculation methods,
and the project included more than 90 separate systems of collection and disposal
including median drains, collection of upland water and disposal of same on the
downhill side of the project, cross drainage, retention basins, over-side drains,
spreading basins, energy dissipation structures, and all associated structures.
Street Design, California. As a highway engineer for Kern County, designed
several new roads, road-widening, and road rehabilitation projects. For the city of
Oakland, designed numerous street projects with complexities associated with
high-pressure gas lines, signalization, railroad crossings, steep grades and
transitional problems, complex soils-related problems, and public relations. With
the city of Fairfield and a major design firm, provided simple bridge design and
design of roads and freeways for the state of California, California City, the state
and federal prison system, the California State University system, and several
other agencies.
Prison Design, California. Provided planning, technical design, and construction
engineering for prison projects having combined project costs of more than $1
billion. Projects include the following:
Avenal State Prison, California. Lead civil engineer for drainage refurbishment
Coalinga State Hospital, California. Design engineer for grading, wastewater,
and stormwater disposal
Victorville FCI and FPC (Victorville 1), California. Lead civil engineer
Kern County Juvenile Treatment Facility, California. Civil engineering project
manager and lead civil engineer
William Black
Victorville USP and FCI II, California. Project manager (civil) and lead civil
Mendota FCI, California. Project manager (civil) and lead civil engineer
Kern Valley State Prison, California. Project manager (civil design)
Storm Drainage and Grading Design, California. Provided mass grading and
drainage projects as required for prisons, schools, and highway construction.
Stormwater design included the design of collection, disposal, flood control
facilities, energy dissipation structures, and lift stations in the ensemble of a variety
of challenging projects.
Sanitary Sewer Collection System, California. Master planned and/or designed
more than 100 miles of trunk main, 10 pump stations, and 6 metering and grinder
facilities. Also designed a cured-in-place pipe project, for the city of Bakersfield.
Some of the noteworthy projects were Mohawk Sewer for Bakersfield, which
included a canal crossing; two sewer projects on Stockdale highway; and master
plan studies for Kern County, California City, Lake Isabella, Rexland Acres, and
the city of Lemoore.
Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Stations, California. Designed 12
compressed natural gas fueling stations for cities, a private party, and two school
districts. Designed the first CNG station funded by the Congestion Mitigation and
Air Quality Improvement Program designed for the city of Arvin in 1995 and placed
into service the following year. Due to funding constraints, the station was initially
sized for two 18-passenger buses and would need to be upgraded as demand for
service expanded. Another unique station design was the LNG/LCNG station
designed for the city of Bakersfield, which was constructed in 2002 and is currently
in service. Also designed the transit station for the Kern County Superintendent of
Schools, which fuels 90 buses daily.
CELSOC for Corcoran Arsenic Removal Water Treatment Plant, 2007
Design Excellence - Mendota Prison, 2007
Lecturer for Urban Drainage in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />California, 2003
Eagle Scout<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoftcom:office:office" />
William Black
Domenic J. Lupo
Civil/Structural Engineer
American Society of Civil Engineers
Mr. Domenic Lupo has over 19 years’ experience and is a registered Civil Engineering
in the State of California. His responsibilities include project management, staff
management, civil engineering design, design oversight, processing agency
approvals, and coordinating with clients, governing agencies and other consultants.
Mr. Lupo has been the senior engineer and project manager on various types of
projects throughout his career. He has processed approvals for both private and public
sector projects with many jurisdictions in southern California. He has been either
project engineer or project manager for design of tentative and final maps, grading and
improvement plans, plot plans, and sewer and water utility plans. Mr. Lupo has
prepared construction cost estimates, specifications, earthwork quantity calculations,
drainage studies, SWPPPs, water quality reports, sewer capacity studies, site plans,
and traffic control plans. Some of Mr. Lupo’s experience includes the following
American Public Works Association
B. S. Civil Engineering, U.C.L.A.,
Registered Civil Engineer,
California, #59560
With AECOM: 4
With Other Firms: 15
Transportation and Development
Institute of ASCE
Agua Mansa and Walnut Solar Project – Specialized Energy Solutions
Project Engineer for the preparation of site plans, access roads, horizontal control, and
erosion control for proposed solar fields in Colton, CA.
Palen Solar Power Project – Solar Millennium
Engineer for the preparation of site grading plans, access roads, and channel grading
plans for proposed solar fields at the Palen Solar Energy Site, which included over
7000 acres of solar energy facilities in Riverside County.
Box Canyon Solar Power Project – Camp Pendleton, CA
Project Engineer for the preparation of site grading plans, access roads, horizontal
control, and drainage design for proposed solar fields at the Box Canyon Landfill Site
on the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. The project included over 6 acres of
solar energy facilities.
Moapa Indian Reservation – K Road Power
Project Engineer for preliminary due diligence and siting evaluation for a proposed
2000 acre solar field. Site visits, existing record documents, and coordination with
local authorized were utilized to determine the best location and feasibility for the
proposed solar farm. Location of the solar farm along with multiple access points were
studied and documented on the reservation just north of Las Vegas, NV.
Pine Tree Solar – Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Project Engineer for the preparation of site grading plans, access roads, horizontal
control, erosion control, and drainage design for proposed solar fields at the Pine Tree
Solar Facility in Kern County, CA. The project included over 35 acres of solar energy
facilities. Over 2-1/2 miles of access roads, 5 inverter pads, and 1-1/2 miles of fencing
were included in the design.
Domenic J. Lupo
Daniel Z. Gold
Project Engineer
Mr. Gold has over eight years of experience in project development, management,
construction, and engineering of wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) power projects and
products. His experience includes wind turbine component design, renewable
resource assessment/meteorology, energy calculations, PV system electrical design,
wind farm design, energy economic financial modeling, electrical interconnection,
environmental permit coordination, construction management, and technical
troubleshooting for wind farms and PV systems.
Engineer in Training, California,
#128786, Issued 07/27/2007
Soitec CPV Projects, 200+ MWs, California. Project Engineer responsible for system
design, layout and value engineering of multiple concentrator solar PV projects totaling
over 200 Megawatts, site engineering including various Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) analyses.
MS, Wind Energy, Technical
University of Denmark
BS, Mechanical Engineering,
University of California, Berkeley
With AECOM: 3
With Other Firms: 6
Bureau of Oversees Buildings Operations, US Department of State. Project
Engineer for feasibility study and system design for 100 kW of wind energy at a US
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power 9.75MW Solar PV, California.
Project engineer responsible for system design, materials budgeting and procurement,
value engineering and optimization. Also performed electrical engineering calculations
and documentation.
Seabrook Waste Water Treatment Plant, New Hampshire. Project Engineer
assisting in the application for rebate from the State, included system analysis and
energy performance estimating.
New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Wind/Solar feasibility
studies on Landfills. Project engineer responsible for wind turbine/solar PV siting and
feasibility analysis including, electrical engineering/interconnection analysis, fatal flaw
and levelized cost of energy analyses, land/siting evaluation, market/power price
City of Corona Waste Water Treatment Plant. Owners engineer responsible for
assisting client in RFP for 200kW system, as well troubleshooting issues with ARRA
compliant modules and mixing multiple solar PV modules on a single inverter.
Various Clients, Megawatt Wind Energy, US. Project manager responsible for
developing wind projects and implementation strategies. Responsibilities included:
review of studies on electrical interconnection including power flow modeling;
economic/revenue modeling including time of use value of energy; meteorology and
resource analysis; land lease negotiation and conducting community outreach
programs; permitting coordination with state and federal entities, as well as private
third-party consultants; and working with utilities and distributed generation customers
on power purchase agreements (PPA).
Various Clients, Megawatt Wind and Solar Systems, Spain and Germany. Energy
monitoring, assessment, and troubleshooting of MWs of wind and solar PV systems.
Included identifying from a remote desktop in Denmark errors codes in PV inverters
and wind turbine SCADA systems, and coordinating with local support staff for
maintenance and remediation.
Daniel Gold
Wind turbine manufacturer, Denmark. Member of the Finite Element group in the
Advanced Engineering Department responsible for component design for a tier one
wind turbine manufacturer.
Various Clients, California. Operations and maintenance and technical
troubleshooting on multiple roof mounted 100-1000 kW PV systems. Responsibilities
included liaising with a large Asian engineering team from a PV manufacturer and with
multiple clients for expedited site visits, inspecting and remediation of underperforming
or faulty panels and systems.
Wastewater Treatment Plant, Thousand Oaks, California. Construction
management for a 500kW ground-mounted PV tracker system, including day-to-day
site management and preparation and delivery of management reports.
Japanese Manufacturer, Wind/Solar Hybrid System, Bangalore, India. Project,
construction management, and engineering coordination for pilot installation of a small
wind/solar hybrid system for residential applications in rural India. Involved material
procurement, meteorological tower construction, and local labor coordination.
Various Clients, Bay Area, California. Mechanical, electrical design, and installation
of over 25 PV systems totaling over 300 kWs for residential, commercial, and industrial
systems throughout the Bay Area.
Graduate Research Work, Wind/Pumped Hydro Integration. Graduate student
researcher on the integration of wind and pumped hydro storage with regard to
integration and controls.
Daniel Gold
William Graham, MCP
Environmental Engineer
MCP, Urban and Regional
Planning, San Diego State
University, 1992
BA, Phi Beta Kappa, Cultural
Anthropology, San Diego State
University, 1980
Bill Graham has almost 30 years of experience in the environmental planning field. Mr.
Graham has extensive experience in the conduct of environmental documentation
processes for large-scale developments. These have ranged from electrical generation
and transmission facilities to major highways, and private projects ranging from major
resorts to planned residential communities. Gained in this experience is a profound
understanding of the applicability of the entire gamut of state and federal
environmental regulation, and insight into strategies to assure regulatory compliance
while achieving project objectives.
With AECOM: 12
With Other Firms: x18
Southern California Edison, Colorado River Substation, Blythe, CA.
Colorado River Substation is a 500 kV greenfield bulk power substation developed on
a160‐acre parcel of land located approximately 1.5 miles south of Interstate 10 and three
miles east of Blythe in an area of Riverside County with a high potential for solar
generation development. The station is designed to provide transmission access to
current and future renewable power resources in the surrounding region and was
constructed in conjunction with the Southern California Edison (SCE) Devers-to-Palo
Verde 2 transmission line. Mr. Graham oversaw biological and general environmental
compliance in the critical early stages of construction prior to the erection of the
perimeter wall. The work included all required pre-construction surveys, nesting bird and
raptor monitoring. Pre-construction surveys revealed several on-site desert kit fox dens.
This discovery necessitated a program of fox trapping and tagging, on- and off-site den
monitoring with infrared cameras, and den on-site exclusion.
Member, National Association of
Environmental Professionals
Member, California Association of
Environmental Professionals
Abengoa Solar, Mohave Solar Power Plant, Harper Lake, CA.
Oversaw AECOM work in development of an AFC for the CEC to permit a 250MW solar
thermal power plant in the Mohave Desert of California. This project will use parabolic
trough solar thermal technology to produce electrical power using a steam turbine
generator. Because of the large acreage required for this project (over 2,000 acres),
potential impacts and mitigation for biological resources, including mohave ground
squirrel, desert tortoise, and western burrowing owl, were major issues. AECOM
provided overall biological services (including permitting, and wildlife and plant surveys),
cultural resource services (oversight of archaeological and architectural surveys), land
use planning, and socioeconomic analysis. Mr. Graham also oversaw preparation of an
EA for the Department of Energy covering related upgrades to connecting transmission
Iberdrola, Tule Wind Project, McCain Valley, CA.
Iberdrola received ROW approval from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and
Major Use Permit approval from the County of San Diego to construct and operate a
wind energy project on 12,239 acres of public land, and some additional tribal and
private land, in the McCain Valley area of southern California. At buildout, the project will
feature 134 turbines, sized at 1.5-3.0 MW, depending on the selected technology. The
project would deliver power through the project substation by a 138-kilovolt transmission
line interconnecting with the proposed SDG&E Boulevard Substation. Under Mr.
Graham’s direction, staff provided all environmental compliance and mitigation plans for
BLM review and approval. Oversaw preparation of plans necessary to satisfy County
requirements, and managed preconstruction survey activity and monitoring of preconstruction activities on-site.
William Graham
Solar Millenium, Solar Millennium Power Plants, California Desert, CA.
Oversaw environmental and permitting services for two solar thermal power plants,
altogether totaling 1,500 MW proposed for development by Solar Millennium. The two
projects together encompassed more than 11,000 acres, all on land administered by the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The proposed plants, Blythe and Palen, are north
of Interstate 10 in Riverside County, California. The projects were to use parabolic trough
solar thermal technology. BLM was the federal agency in the NEPA approval process.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) was the state lead agency under a certified
regulatory program known as the Application for Certification (AFC). Mr. Graham
oversaw all biological and cultural resource work for these projects, as well as other
sections of the AFC.
Intergen, 230kV Transmission Line EA, California to Mexico
Served as Project Manager for the preparation of resource studies and an EA for a
230kV overhead electrical power transmission line and will compose the U.S.-routed
portion of an electrical transmission line interconnecting the proposed Energia De Baja
California Power Project in Mexico with an existing 230kV Substation in Imperial Valley,
California, owned by the SDG&E. The transmission line was routed east of, and parallel
to, the existing 230kV transmission line connecting the La Rosita Substation to the
aforementioned Imperial Valley substation. The EA was submitted jointly to the BLM and
the Department of Energy (DOE). A Presidential Permit was obtained from the DOE in
order to cross the border.
Invenergy, Kumeyaay Wind Project, Campo Indian Reservation, CA.
Invenergy submitted a lease application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to build a
commercial wind power generation facility capable to generating up to 300MW of
electricity. The generated electricity would be sold to Sempra under a Purchase Power
Agreement. In the first project phase Invenergy would install approximately 85 wind
turbines, each having a generating capacity of 2.5MW, and two substations over an area
covering approximately 4,100 acres on the Campo Indian Reservation. An overhead
transmissions circuit would be constructed from each substation at the point of
interconnection with the existing Southwest Power Link (SWPL). Mr. Graham oversaw
preparation of an EIS for the BIA covering the project. Included in the project work were
extensive biological resources surveys, including protocol surveys for the quino
checkerspot butterfly and the arroyo southwestern toad. Extensive cultural resource and
visual impact studies were also required.
William Graham
Solar Proposal Review and Evaluation
Bear Valley Community Services District
B AECOM’s Quality Plan
AECOM offers Bear Valley Community Services District a proven quality management system (QMS) that is certified
to the internationally renowned ISO 9001:2008 standard, yet sufficiently flexible to address the specific
requirements of this project. Quality management is central to our project management approach, and our project
team includes individuals assigned to specific quality roles under our system. The general components of AECOM’s
approach to project quality management, and the parties responsible for them, are depicted below.
Initiating Quality. Quality begins with AECOM’s understanding of your project goals and objectives, emphasizing
communication with Bear Valley Community Services District and a thorough review of project inputs. Assigning
technically qualified and experienced personnel to produce and review the work is an important next step. Our
initial planning and scheduling activities, including defining the various project work tasks and associated quality
activities, are foundational to a successful project.
Producing Quality. AECOM requires a project plan on all projects to define key parameters and guide the work of the
team. The plan is discussed at the project team kickoff meeting and updated as needed to inform the team of new
developments. As work proceeds, a number of critical technical activities are undertaken, including
• Proper application of codes, standards and design criteria
• Ongoing oversight and supervision for accuracy and completeness as work proceeds
• Distribution of in-progress documents at defined intervals for quality review
• Coordination among disciplines
• Verification of compatibility and consistency among document types, such as drawings and specifications
• Resolution and closure of in-progress review comments
Confirming Quality. While it is important to build quality into the work as it is performed, formal checking and review
are critical QMS activities. Quality checking activities, which are all documented with two-level approvals, include
• Checking calculations to verify correctness and completeness of mathematics, methodology, selection of
software, application of standards and codes, and general approach.
• Checking drawings within each discipline to confirm design layout, dimensions and details. Potential
interferences, conflicts and interface issues are resolved through interdisciplinary reviews.
• Checking specifications for content and application, as well as compliance with the prescribed format, and for
consistency throughout the specifications.
• Checking studies/reports for content, logic, clarity and soundness of recommendations, as well as grammar,
punctuation and format.
Delivering Quality. All deliverables undergo a final verification check before they are submitted. An independent
reviewer evaluates the deliverable for completeness and consistency, adherence to quality requirements, and
resolution of comments. The reviewer then signs a Deliverable Release form and transmits it to our project
manager, who is then responsible for the final overlook, approval and submittal. This final independent evaluation
assesses the submittal’s state of readiness, without diminishing the project manager’s accountability for the
quality of the work being released. As a check-and-balance activity, this review pairing helps AECOM consistently
deliver quality and value to our clients.
Improving Quality. A key component of AECOM’s quality program and ISO 9001 is continuous improvement. We learn
from our experiences and apply those lessons to future work through a formal, iterative process. The true focus of
this process is to generate client satisfaction, one of AECOM’s core values.
Page 23
Ranked as the #1 engineering design firm by revenue in
Engineering News-Record magazine’s annual industry
rankings, AECOM is a premier, fully integrated
infrastructure and support services firm, with a broad
range of markets, including transportation, facilities,
environmental, energy, water and government. With
approximately 45,000 employees — including architects,
engineers, designers, planners, scientists and
management and construction services professionals
— serving clients in more than 150 countries around the
world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets that it
serves. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local
knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in
delivering solutions that create, enhance and sustain the
world’s built, natural and social environments. A Fortune
500 company, AECOM had revenue of $7.9 billion during
the 12 months ended June 30, 2014.
More information on AECOM and its services can be
found at
Page 24
Water Revenues
September 25, 2014
Kristy McEwen
Secretary to the Board of Directors
Address Board Member Inquiry: Water Revenues – Decrease in Commercial
No recommendation. Information only.
On September 1, 2014, President Mason emailed Mr. Powell and Mr. Edmonds with several
questions regarding water revenues since the adoption of the new water rates effective January 1,
2014. Staff has researched these questions and, after an analysis of meter reads and billing amounts
for the peak usage period of May – August of 2013 and 2014, can offer the following explanations:
Residential volume revenue is up—Residential income for this period was up from $776,450.87 in
2013, to $802,538.14 in 2014. Aside from any increase attributed to the new water rates and tier
structure, staff has noted higher than usual meter reads and billing amounts, likely from increased
and earlier outdoor watering due to the drought and possibly fewer vacant lots.
Commercial volume revenue is down—Commercial income for this period is down from
$91,249.32 in 2013, to $71,619.73 in 2014. The District has four commercial accounts: Bear Valley
Springs Association, Kern County Fire Department, Bear Valley Church and Cummings Valley
School. As of January, 2014 commercial accounts have been billed using the same tier structure as
residential accounts.
For the May – August billing periods, Kern County Fire Department has reduced usage 46% from
2013 levels. Bear Valley Church has increased usage 11% from 2013, and Cummings Valley School
usage has dropped 96% due to needed repairs on their water tank. The overall reduction in usage has
resulted in decreased commercial revenues.
Lake Fill sales are up—Increases in Lake Fill billings are due to the under-billing issues that have
recently been identified and are in the process of being corrected.
Any increase or decrease in usage will be reflected by corresponding fluctuations in water revenues.
Late Payment Charges
September 25, 2014
Kristy McEwen
Secretary to the Board of Directors
Address Board Member Inquiry: Late Payment Charges
No recommendation. Information only.
At the September 11, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, Director Grace questioned a $516.97 late fee
paid to Southern California Edison.
Previous management had established electronic delivery of monthly SCE bills. This was unknown
to the temporary staff member responsible for Accounts Payable which resulted in a missed
payment. The situation was immediately rectified, but SCE was unwilling to waive the late fee. In
the interest of transparency, this fee was reported separately from the invoice amount.
The missed payment resulted in a late fee of $516.97.