Consulting and Management Clinovations Optimizing Your EHR to Engage Providers in HCC Capture MGMA National Conference Nashville, TN 2 Learning Objectives This session will provide you with the knowledge to: • Discuss optimization solutions for your existing EHR system to automate and streamline HCC code documentation • Examine potential annual net revenue opportunities after implementing an optimization strategy • Discuss workflow strategies to engage clinicians and set your practice up for success ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 3 Introductions John Trudel, MD Dr. Trudel is a Assistant Medical Director for Informatics, Medical Director for Risk Revenue, and a primary care physician employed at Reliant Medical Group (FKA Fallon Clinic), a multi-specialty group practice in central Massachusetts. He graduated from Holy Cross College in 1984, Albany Medical School in 1988 and completed his Family Practice residency 1991 at the Charleston Naval Hospital. After military service, he joined Reliant Medical Group in 1993. In 2006, Reliant began implementation of the Epic EMR and Dr. Trudel became involved in informatics, initially on the selection team then with implementation and support. Over the last several years he has become certified in many aspects of the Epic product, including Chronicles Programming and Epic Ambulatory. He enjoys creating and designing new tools and systems in Epic, including cache programming. He has made significant contributions to his organization winning the 2011 HIMSS Davies Award and achieving HIMMS Stage 7 in 2013. He was named "Innovator of the Year" by Reliant and "Top 25 Informaticist" by Modern Healthcare magazine in 2012. Steve Strode, MS Mr. Strode is a Senior Vice President who leads the ambulatory sector and co-leads the Optimization Service Line at The Advisory Board, Consulting & Management. Mr. Strode brings more than 23 years of health administration and management consulting experience to the Clinovations team. His expertise is focused in the areas of practice management, outpatient strategy and operations, system implementation and optimization, revenue cycle redesign, and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining, he served as the Vice President of Ambulatory Services for Rockford Health System in Rockford, IL. Earlier in his career, he served as a Senior Manager in the healthcare consulting practice of Deloitte Consulting, LLP and as an Administrator at Henry Ford Health System (Detroit, MI). He received his Master of Science in Health Systems Management from Rush University and holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Iowa ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 4 The Growing Allure of Medicare Advantage Outlook for Medicare Advantage Ever-Rising Enrollment Increasing Share of Medicare Population Faster Growing Payments (vs other Plans’) 22M 15M 2014 2022 3x 1.25% Enrollment tripled since 2004 Average increase vs benchmark payments in 2016 Projected Source: “CMS proposes 2016 payment and policy updates for Medicare Health and Drug Plans,” The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , available at; “Medicare Advantage: Take Another Look,” Tricia Neuman and Gretchen Jacobson, available at:; “CMS pitches 1.1% boost to Medicare Advantage payment,” Bob Herman, available at: ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 5 The CMS Model A Premium on Managing Patient Details Background on Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) • Risk adjustment model implemented by CMS beginning in 2004 • Allocates appropriate reimbursement for patient complexity by condition category, or HCC • Only direct patient care activities related to HCC-related diagnosis in a particular timeframe are used to adjust the following year’s PMPM Provider MA Plan CMS Captures ICD diagnosis codes from patient treatment Maps relevant ICD codes to one of 70+ HCC values for each patient Includes supporting documentation for HCCrelated diagnoses Follows a multistep process to submit risk adjustments to the MA contractor and CMS Submits codes and claims to medical plan Health Status (HCCs) Demography, Geography Makes adjustments (normalization) and calculates new PMPM payment Other Factors Entitlement Reason Risk Score for Each Patient Pays some portion of delegated risk or FFS + incentive based sum to contracted providers Begins paying plan based on new payment ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 6 Four Prevailing Implications for Owners of Risk Feature of Payment Scheme 1 Implications Capped Pay Regular, pre-determined payment amounts are not based on services rendered Pressure to accurately account for (if not manage) cost burden of covered population; margin must be managed against an established revenue ceiling Severity Adjustment Payment amounts reflect the type and severity of diseases that are being actively managed among beneficiaries Pressure to appropriately document care; improvements to patient identification, evaluation, and documentation specificity inflect care quality and reimbursement Primary Care Focus Payment amounts reflect care that is delivered and documented as primary care Pressure to further enable primary care providers; decision support tools, performance transparency, and incentive alignment all are required to optimize performance Annual Reset Payment amounts adjusted based on complexity of provider’s managed population vs. benchmarks and trends Pressure to consistently and aggressively manage trend; consistent, systematic efforts to reduce documentation errors and omissions needed to deliver steady financial outcomes 2 3 4 ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 7 A System of Many Parts…and Failure Points Sample Root Causes Possible Points of Failure Obstacles at Every Turn Pre-Encounter Pre-Encounter Point of Care Member with HCCrelated diagnosis does not visit provider ! ! ! ! Post Encounter Provider does not appropriately document condition Coding and/or Billing process breaks down HCCs not submitted to CMS / HHS Inadequate provider education and engagement Lack of patient activation Patient is new to Medicare/MA and does not yet have provider Patient has difficulty scheduling an appointment ! ! ! Provider not aware of care and diagnosis gaps; no easy access to relevant history Provider not aware of minimum documentation standard Physician incentives not aligned and/or tracked ! ! ! Coding error Limitations on number of diagnosis fields Backlog in A/R prior to submission deadlines ! ! ! Data warehouse limitations Data lifecycle Edge server/submission errors ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 8 Inconsistent / Incomplete Documentation Patient Background • • • • Past Medical History 85 year old white female, urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms Patient is tired, less energy, and poor appetite; has mild malnutrition Urinalysis performed shows white cells, leukocyte esterase, and microalbuminuria She reports some mild claudication Stable diabetes mellitus (DM); chronic kidney disease (CKD) exacerbated by diabetes; stable left great toe amputation due to non healing ulcer; UTI w/ serum GFR 29, 6 months ago lab findings revealed CKD stage 4 but it hasn’t changed on repeat today Plan Billing Scenario 1 • • • • • • • • Diabetes Mellitus UTI Glipizide 5 mg b.i.d. for DM Cipro for UTI Ensure supplements for malnutrition Return to clinic (RTC) in 3 months Referral to nephrologist for CKD4 Walking program for claudication Billing Scenario 2 • • • • • • Diabetes Mellitus UTI CKD Stage 4 due to Diabetes Mild Degree Malnutrition H/O Toe Amputation PVD due to Diabetes Modified from original industry example: ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 9 Revenue Impact Due to Inconsistencies Billing Scenario 1 • Diabetes Mellitus • UTI Condition Diabetes Mellitus CMS Risk Score Demographic Score 0.677 UTI Billing Scenario 2 Condition • • • • • • Diabetes Mellitus UTI CKD Stage 4 due to Diabetes Mild Degree Malnutrition H/O Toe Amputation PVD due to Diabetes 1) $800 per member / per month (illustrative purposes) X RAF score ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • Diabetes Mellitus UTI Total RAF Score PMPM Payment1 0.118 0.795 $636 0.0 CMS Risk Score Demographic Score Total RAF Score PMPM Payment1 -0.0 DM with complications 0.368 CKD Stage 4 0.224 Mild Degree Malnutrition 0.713 H/O Toe Amputation 0.779 PVD 0.299 0.677 3.06 $2,448 Modified from original industry example: 10 Today’s Plans Face Heightened Scrutiny November 2014 “We will review the medical-record documentation to ensure that it supports the diagnoses organizations submitted to CMS for use in CMS' riskscore calculations and determine whether the diagnoses submitted complied with federal requirements.” Were patients really sicker? Lawsuits say Medicare Advantage plans inflated diagnoses to boost payments …The lawsuits allege that providers and Advantage plans, some operated by the nation's largest insurers, have defrauded the Medicare program by manipulating Advantage members' medical data to make the members appear sicker than they were to get higher capitation payments. Office of Inspector General 2015 Work Plan Source: “Were patients really sicker? Lawsuits say Medicare Advantage plans inflated diagnoses to boost payments,” Lisa Schencker, available at: ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 11 Reliant Medical Group Summary Case in Brief • 450 provider multi-specialty group practice based in the Northeast with more than 70% capitated population and 30,000 risk adjusted patients Background and Approach Solution Results Challenges existed with identification and capture of outstanding HCC Dx HCC header to identify outstanding HCC diagnosis Dramatically improves RAF capture rate as well as auditing compliance Original awareness and BPA made progress but was not enough Joint educational, technological, and reporting solution developed Without intervention, 2013 RAF score would have remained low SmartForm embedded in Epic and integrated in the normal workflow Increased “Raw” (2013) RAF by 30% from baseline (2010) 2010 final RAF score: 0.899 to 2013 final estimated RAD score 1.327 Suppression of captured Dxs One click, add of base compliant documentation, supporting data, and adds HCC diagnoses to the claim Increased net revenue: Multi million dollar annual impact Robust reporting of performance and prospective reviews ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 12 A Comprehensive Approach A proven strategy accelerates the achievement of benefits 1 2 3 People Process Technology • Create compliance and capture through engagement, education, and training • Target and optimize key documentation capture workflows • Optimize existing EHR and other clinical information technologies to make it easy to do the right thing while ensuring accurate and complete documentation capture + Stakeholder Outreach & Assessment ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • + Workflow & Documentation Enhancement = Technical Optimization Results 13 Think of Technology an Essential Enabler Performance Goals in HCC Optimization Impact of Technology Component Clinical Performance • Increased accuracy of medical record • Improved identification of care and overall chronic disease management • Optimized workflow with ‘automated’ processes where possible • Reduced time for physicians to spend on documentation • Ability to capture and stratify patient risk • Creation of a compliant method for clinical documentation and billing Operations Regulatory Compliance Enhanced reporting and decision support capabilities More efficient EHR documentation workflows Coding to the highest level of specificity but still compliant ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 14 Enlist Adequate Representation Early Comprehensive Stakeholder Assessment, Engagement System Executives Physicians Coders Programmers/ Build Staff Other? Sample Components of Outreach Strategy Create an Executive Summary on HCC to capture relevant items for stakeholder groups Develop provider-specific training plans and materials Educate on implications of accurate Problem List documentation for MA patients Frame the issues for providers in clinical terms Include incentives as part of larger engagement plan Identify physician champions ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 15 Building a Product that Works for Providers Notable Features of the Technology Relevant Displays Delivers specialty-relevant content; HCC capture opportunities are shared only with practitioners who are qualified to evaluate the patient Eliminates alert redundancies; SmartForms fire only for HCCs that have yet to be captured Eliminates false positives; logic focuses on active diagnoses rather than encounter histories Presents actionable guidance at point of care; proposes options for the provider’s clinical judgement Actionable Allows one-click documentation; pre-loaded templates speed the documentation process Information Hard-wires participation; decision checkpoints drive provider participation It’s Easy It’s Accurate Uses existing EHR; no new interfaces to learn Embeds in existing workflows; no significant addition of process steps; no “bolt-ons” and extra views within the technology Minimizes additional clicks; alerts and decision-making content displayed in full view Presents an intuitive interface; visual wayfinding and color-coding make next steps clear Updates clinical data and guidance daily; updated daily based on information in the patient record Applies rigorous clinical and compliance standards in regular releases and updates; builds are tested, inputs are vetted, compliance standards are observed, and RAF values and normalization ratios are updated by Clinovations Promotes continuous problem list cleaning; providers alter, refresh, and add problem list content as a structured documentation exercise ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 16 No Out-of-Box EHR Solutions Technical Optimization HCC Value left = .78 The HCC Header identifies when outstanding chronic conditions have not been addressed in the current calendar year The HCC clinical documentation form is embedded in the EHR, integrated in the normal workflow, and obvious in the visit navigator. The HCC Header Window shows a diagnosis list report, housed in the patient header. Appears when patient in the correct insurance has an HCC diagnosis with remaining RAF value appropriate for the appointment specialty. Through a data link, adds a list of the actual diagnoses that make up that HCC value. ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 17 Transforming Intelligence into Action Lots of Reporting Options for Physicians and Leadership RAF improvement gaps by specialty, facility, group, physician, patient Trend performance and comparison to likely performance without the initiative 1.293 1.256 1.219 1.345 1.249 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Custom Report Features* Prioritized lists of patients for outreach and appointment scheduling • Reports for compliance/auditing • Provider-specific report-carding • Financial planning/forecasting models * Illustrative only. ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 18 Performance Monitoring Real time and retrospective reports support process improvement and demonstrate access Reporting Options Support: • Identification of suspect codes/patients for providers (for problem list abstracting and patient outreach) • Reports for compliance/auditing • Evaluation of provider performance for feedback • Financial planning/forecasting models % HCC Chronic RAF by Department -All Patients 1.00 93.1% 91.5% 89.8% 93.0% 93.9% % HCC Chronic RAF by Provider -All Patients 93.1% 91.3% 89.8% 90.0% 0.80 0.60 0.40 41.8% Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept Dept A B C D E F G H I J ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 95.9% 93.2% 94.8% 91.2% 89.5% 86.6% 73.3% Provider Provider Provider Provider Provider Provder Provider M N O P Q R S 19 Expected Benefits of HCC Optimization Regulatory Initiatives Stakeholder Satisfaction Financial Success Creation of a compliant method for clinical documentation and billing Increased accuracy of medical record Increased revenue capture Clinical Excellence Improved chronic disease management Operational Efficiency Use of EHR technological capabilities and automation Increased accuracy of the medical record ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 20 Lessons Learned From Successful Deployments HCC is like a marriage • Making HCC “easy” is hard work – Although the end result is simple for the provider, the infrastructure behind it is multilayered and sophisticated. Don’t underestimate the complexity of doing it well. 1000+ parts to the solution. • It is all about commitment! – The most important thing the organization can do is agree from the CEO down to the provider that HCC is a priority, not an afterthought. – Provide the resources and infrastructure to make it work right, measure success/failure and hold managers and providers accountable • The work never ends – Every year the model changes, ICD-10 is coming, new patient come and need to be abstracted. There is always maintenance. • Give them what they want – Give them the info (diagnoses) they need at the right time (in the encounter) and a tool in the right place (the SmartForm in the EMR) that does the right thing (bills and documents) • Someone needs to be the boss (just ask our wives!) – Having a trained, educated and reimbursed champion with a clinical and technical focus will be invaluable ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 21 Contact Information John Trudel, MD Director of Risk Revenue Programs Assistant Medical Director for Informatics Reliant Medical Group Steve Strode, MS Senior Vice President, Clinovations The Advisory Board Company ©2015 The Advisory Board Company • 22 Questions & Discussion ©2015 The Advisory Board Company •