DC Circuits Chapter 19-20 Moving Charges Static charges will move if potential difference and conducting path exists between two points Charged capacitor can discharge moving charges until potential on plates is equal In solids, moving charges are electrons In liquids and gases, both positive and negative ions can move Electrolyte: substance whose aqueous solution conducts electric current Positive charge moving one direction is equivalent to negative charge moving in opposite direction Electric Current Rate of flow of electric charge through a cross section of a conductor Unit is ampere (A or amp); 1A = 1C/s Symbol for current is I ; I = Q/t Since coulomb is large unit of charge, ampere is large current Electrons flow from negative to positive potential; Conventional current is opposite electron flow, assuming positive charges moving from positive to negative Movement of positive charges in one direction is equivalent to negative charges moving in the opposite direction Direct current: charges (electrons) move in one direction only: batteries supply direct current Alternating current: charges move back and forth, vibrating at the frequency of the AC (60 Hz in USA). Power companies supply alternating current to homes and businesses Electron Drift Speed Electrons pushed by electric field established in conductor Electrons possess thermal velocity ~ 106 m/s, causes random collisions with atoms Speed due to electric field much less ~ 10-3 m/s, called drift speed Collisions create resistance to flow of charge Resistance Due to collisions of conduction electrons with atoms Unit is ohm (Ω); 1 ohm = 1V/1A Circuit elements designed to provide measured amounts of resistance called resistors EMF For continuous current, need sustained potential difference and closed conducting path or circuit Work must be done on charges to maintain potential difference; called emf Unit: volt; symbol: script E Emf sources Electromagnetic: generator - creates emf through electromagnetic induction Photoelectric: solar cell or photoelectric cell - uses photoelectric effect Thermoelectric: thermocouple - temperature difference in dissimilar metals in contact produces potential difference Piezoelectric: crystalline material that creates a potential difference when distorted by pressure - used in microphones, acoustic instrument pickups, spark lighters Chemical: battery - uses chemical reaction to transfer charges from one electrode to another Battery Cells Wet cells: use liquid electrolyte - car battery Dry cells: use paste “dry” electrolyte - flashlight batteries Primary cells: replaced when reactants are used up Storage cells: easily recharged Fuel cells: New reactants added as needed Dry Cell Contain two electrodes and electrolyte Anode: positive (electron poor) electrode Cathode: negative (electron rich) electrode Electrolyte carries electrons from anode to cathode If outside circuit is connected, electrons move from cathode to anode Emf of cell equal to work done moving charges from anode to cathode Cell acts as electron pump, increasing potential energy of electrons Output potential of cell equals emf when no external load is present Emf depends on chemical reaction in cell Combinations of Cells Battery is combination of cells connected in series, parallel, or combination of both Cells in series: cells connected + to -, as in a flashlight Battery emf = sum of cell emf’s; battery current = current of one cell, the same throughout; battery resistance = sum of cell resistances Cells in parallel: - terminals all connected together and + terminals all connected together Battery emf = emf of one cell; total current drawn by circuit is divided equally among the cells; battery resistance is reciprocal of the sum of reciprocals of cell resitances Ohm’s Law Circuit current is determined by emf of source and resistance in circuit. E = IR where E is source emf, I is source current and R is total resistance in circuit Internal resistance of battery must be included in total resistance V = IR gives voltage drop across any resistance element in circuit Series Circuits Only one path for circuit current Current the same in all circuit elements in series Sum of voltage drops across circuit elements equals source emf Total circuit resistance equals sum of separate resistances Parallel Circuits More than one conducting path for circuit current Two or more components connected across two common points in circuit Currents in parallel branches vary inversely with branch resistance; total current = sum of branch currents Voltage drop the same across parallel circuit elements or circuit branches Parallel resistances add following reciprocal rule: reciprocal of total resistance equals sum of reciprocals of individual resistances Kirchhoff’s Rules for Circuit Analysis 1. Algebraic sum of currents at any circuit junction equals zero; or currents into a junction equal currents leaving the junction; a consequence of conservation of electric charge 2. Algebraic sum of all voltage drops around a circuit loop equals zero; or sum of voltage drops through circuit elements equals voltage gains from batteries or other emf sources. A consequence of conservation of energy Circuit Networks Combination of series and parallel circuit elements To analyze, first find total resistance, then total current To simplify resistance networks, combine several resistances and replace with one equivalent resistance Start with any series resistances and combine Then collapse parallel branches into one equivalent resistance Combine series resistances created by previous step Continue until only one equivalent resistance remains Now calculate total circuit current from battery and analyze circuit using Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws Resistance Laws Resistance of uniform conductor directly proportional to its length, inversely proportional to its cross sectional area Resistance increases with temperature increase for most metals Resistance depends on nature of the material: the resistivity, ρ (rho), has units of ohm·cm; R = ρ l/A Range of Resistivities Low resistivity materials called conductors; most metals High resistivity materials called insulators; nonmetals In between are semiconductors: Si, Ge, B, Se; can act as conductors or insulators under certain circumstances Superconductivity Discovered by Onnes (1908) while investigating low temp conductivity Resistance drops suddenly to zero at critical temperature Critical temp for most materials is a few kelvins, but newer composite materials found with higher temp superconductivity Practical uses include MRI machines, levitating, high speed trains, research Resistance Measurements Voltmeter-Ammeter method: measure current with ammeter, voltage drop with voltmeter, calculate resistance with Ohm’s law; some error due to meters Wheatstone bridge method: use resistance bridge and galvanometer, balance resistances so no current through galvanometer; more accurate than meters, but takes longer Energy of Electric Current Emf source does work on electrons Electrons then do work on circuit components: resistors, bulbs, motors, etc. One coulomb of charge moved through potential difference of one volt equals one joule of work done, energy increase also 1J W = qV = VIt (since q = It) For one electron moved through 1 volt, unit of work/energy is electron volt (eV) 1 eV = 1.60 x 10-19 J Energy and Resistance Work done on resistance by current appears as heat; can be desirable (oven, iron, heater) or not (motor, light, computer) Since resistance always present in normal circuits, some energy lost due to heat Joule’s Law: Q = I2Rt Use to calculate heat produced by resistance and current over a time period Power in Electric Circuits Since power is work/time, P = VI For a resistive element, P = I2R power dissipated in a resistance If current is not known, P = V2/R For total power in circuit, use E of emf source for V and RT of circuit for R For maximum power transfer, RL = rsource Power Companies Energy sold in kilowatt-hours, a unit of energy (power x time) 1 kW-hr means device used 1000 watts of power for one hour To minimize power loss in transmission lines, high voltages and fairly low currents are used for long distance transmission Voltage is reduced with transformers for use in homes Home Electrical Circuits Circuits in homes are in parallel; devices are connected are also in parallel When many resistances are connected in parallel, total resistance is low, so current is high Too much current through wires causes excessive heating, fire hazard Circuits protected from high currents by circuit breakers or fuses Electric Safety Current causes injury, not voltage Usually, our bodies do not conduct current well so shock from line voltage not fatal Currents can be high if skin conductivity is high -- wet or salty Must be a potential difference for current to flow -- connection to high voltage not dangerous unless path to ground exists Grounded (3 wire) and polarized plugs help prevent shocks Ground fault current interrupters (GFCI) should be used in wet locations