Math Parent Information Sheet

Math Parent Information Sheet
Important Websites:
Portaportal -
This is my portaportal account. I have set it up by sets. Each set should take approximately one week
to complete. You will find resources to support your child such as Brainpops, Learnzillion lessons, and
Study Jams for each set. (It is recommended that you set up a family Learnzillion account.) I have also
compiled the best games related to each topic for students to use for review. (Advanced students are
responsible for mastering the material in the on-grade level set and the advanced sets)
IXL will be one part of our classwork and homework. Families without access to the internet can
contact me in order to set up an alternative assignment. The Springdale link to IXL is on my
portaportal. All students were provided with their user name and password on August 7th.
*Please note that there are two sets; one for the on-grade level course and one for the advanced
course. Be sure your student does the sets assigned to his or her group.
The 1st set will be checked for completion Sunday August 17th at 8:00 pm.
The 2nd set will be checked for completion Sunday August 24th at 8:00 pm.
The 3rd set will be check for completion on Friday August 29th at 8:00 am.
In APS, homework is not generally assigned over the weekend. Therefore, checking on Sunday night
should be considered an extension to a Friday morning due date.
*If your student is having particular difficulty with one skill and just can’t figure out what to do after
trying that skill for more than 20 minutes and after seeking out help from an adult, the sites provided
on my portaportal, etc. Stop working on that set. Go one grade level down and look for a set with the
same title. Complete the lower grade level set as a replacement and make a note on the provided IXL
skill set sheet. Just stopping or not doing anything will be marked as incomplete and a “0” for that set.
Reflex Math -
Reflex Math must be used at minimum 3 times per week until students reach 100% multiplication and
division mastery. There may be some time in school students will be able to work on this. A green
light comes on after students have practiced for a meaningful amount of time usually between 15 to
25 minutes a day depending on student effort. Families without access to the internet can contact me
in order to set up an alternative assignment.
To access Reflex, press the launch button on the upper right hand corner. The log-in is Naman.
Students will find their class and their name. Their password was provided in class on August 11th. I
will monitor usage each week on Sunday evenings which allows students the weekend to practice.
Please note that mastery of facts to 100 is a 3rd grade skill. Having facts mastered is a pre-requisite for
4th grade math. After Reflex Math has been mastered. Usage can go to one day a week for
maintenance and will be replaced with skills on Khan Academy.
Other than completing unfinished classwork, students will not generally have math homework in
addition to IXL, Reflex, or Khan Academy.
First Math Test – August 29th
On-Grade Level Tested Material:
 Place Value to a Million (standard form, expanded form, written form)
 Comparing Numbers to Million using >, <, =
 Rounding Numbers to Any Place within a Million
 Adding and Subtracting to a Million
Advanced Grade Level Tested Material:
 All of the On-Grade Level Skills and…
 Place Value to the Hundredths Place (standard form, expanded form, written form)
 Comparing Numbers to the Hundredths Place using >, <, =
 Rounding Numbers with Decimals to any Place
 Adding and Subtracting with Decimals
Students currently in the advance level should make an 80% or better on the advance material to
proceed to the next unit. Students unable to demonstrate 80% mastery at this time will need a
parent-teacher conference to remain in the advanced level.
Math Fast Facts Quiz – September 5th
A multiplication fast facts quiz will be given on September 5th. The quiz will include multiplication facts
to 100 (from 0 x 0 to 10 x 10) in which 100 problems should be completed in 3 minutes or less. At
home practice sheets can be found at
*Please note that multiplication facts are a 3rd grade skill and mastery is a pre-requisite for much of
4th and 5th grade math.
Students in the on-grade level option who do not demonstrate mastery will have the opportunity for
a re-quiz every week until mastery is demonstrated.
Students in the advanced option who do not demonstrate mastery will need a parent-teacher
conference to remain in the advanced level.
Contact Info:
I am looking forward to collaborating with you all this year to help your child have a successful 4th
grade math experience! Please contact me at with any questions.