Further Mathematics Support Programme Welcome to the FMSP Enrichment Pack The FMSP is committed to providing opportunities for Key Stage 4 students to extend and enrich their understanding of mathematics. We run a number of enrichment days at universities and other educational establishments for Key Stage 4 students across the country as well as working in schools with smaller groups. Our aim is to encourage students to consider Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A level. This pack contains materials to help you to provide an enriching experience for your students in your classroom. The FMSP has, over the years, produced a wide variety of materials for Key Stage 4 students. The accompanying pen drive contains over 150 files of enrichment, extension and problem solving materials. We hope that you will enjoy using these materials and investigate all of the resources available on our website www.furthermaths.org.uk. 1 Further Mathematics Support Programme Contents Enrichment Materials Growing a recursive tree The Tower of Hanoi Map The Recursive Photocopier The Chaos Game Making Decisions Using Mathematics 3 3 3 5 5 6 Extension Materials 7 Maths Feast 9 Comparison Round Comprehension Round Four in a Row Round Matching Round Practical Round Problem Solving Round The Year 10 Maths Competition Problem Solving Materials The GCSE Problem Bank Twenty Problems with Hints and Prompts Groupwork Ratio and symmetry patterns Building Bridges Epidemic Willis Tower Why Study Maths? 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 2 Further Mathematics Support Programme Enrichment Materials These consist of several shorter activities to widen your students’ perception of mathematics and one longer activity that focuses on a particular use of mathematics in making financial decisions. Growing a Recursive Tree This is a set of instructions for students familiar with MSW LOGO (or equivalent). The programs refer to themselves as part of the code. Students should be encouraged to notice this. Once the programs have been saved, typing tree 100 produces the result. It starts as a twig. As the programs are edited and added to, the design becomes more tree-like until students finally produce a fractal tree. They should be encouraged to ‘tamper’ with the code – scale factors, angles, lengths – to see if they can create something more natural looking. Skills required: A working knowledge of the LOGO language The Tower of Hanoi Map This consists of a powerpoint presentation and a student sheet. Students need to be aware of how the Tower of Hanoi puzzle works. They may even know the formula for the least number of moves for any number of disks. The idea is that they should draw a map showing all of the possible legal moves when solving the puzzle. The Powerpoint has a demonstration of the start of the map on slides 3 and 4. These slides are animated so it is worth running through them before using them with a class. 3 Further Mathematics Support Programme Creating the map Students can use stick drawings, a coordinate system or an actual Tower of Hanoi puzzle to think about the moves. The coordinate system is the hardest to use for most students but is very useful for those that like any sort of computer programming. The coordinates stand for (position of small disk, position of middle sized disk, position of large disk) So (1,1,1) means all 3 disks are on peg 1 and (1,3,2) means that the small disk is on peg 1, the middle disk is on peg 3 and the large disk is on peg 2. The map is constructed by thinking what moves are possible from each arrangement (represented by nodes on the graph). If you can move from one arrangement to another by one legal move, then a line is drawn between them. Lines should be one unit long. Students will need to be very organised and draft/redraft their map. The final map should look like a Sierpinsky triangle if it is done correctly. Slide 5 shows the repeating patterns that are produced. Slide 6 shows how a student could change a map for a 3 disk puzzle into a map for a 4 disk puzzle. Skills required: An understanding of the rules of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. A great deal of patience in setting up the map! 4 Further Mathematics Support Programme The Recursive Photocopier This consists of a powerpoint presentation, a student instruction sheet and a student worksheet. Give the students the sheets then show them slide 3. They complete the worksheet for setting 1. Slide 4 shows the answer. Each click runs through an animation showing the result of each copy (there are sound effects). Before getting too far, ask the students what the pattern will look like after several thousand copies. You can mention that the diagonal line is the attractor for the rule or that it is the limit of the rule. These phrases would be being used quite loosely but that’s fine for this activity. Show the students slide 5 and 2 run-throughs on slide 6 to get the idea. They then complete the worksheet for setting 2. Ask if they can think what the attractor looks like for this rule. Continue with slide 6 until a Sierpinsky triangle is formed. Interestingly enough, it is the same pattern as that produced for The Tower of Hanoi Map! Skills required: Not many! The ability to follow instructions and an example. The Chaos Game This consists of a powerpoint presentation, a student sheet, a Geogebra file and an Excel file. Slide 3 of the powerpoint shows how the game is played. The students will need to have some way of randomly selecting the colours red, blue and yellow with equal probabilities. Students put a dot somewhere in the triangle. They then use a dice or a spinner to select one of the three vertices. A new dot is put half way from the current dot to the selected vertex. This becomes the current dot and the process is repeated as many times as possible. Each time the student should halve the distance from the last point plotted to the randomly selected vertex. This could be done as a whole class with the Geogebra file "The Chaos Game", using the mid-point tool to speed up the process. There is also an Excel file that has results collected from a very large number of FMSP enrichment events. For this file, the selected vertices are referred to as 1, 2 and 3 and the new points are coordinates calculated from these 5 Further Mathematics Support Programme selections. It is possible to add new random numbers and drag the formula down to create the new points. Drawing a scatter graph of the coordinates produces a real "wow" moment. The pattern is the Sierpinsky triangle that was also produced by The Tower of Hanoi Map and The Recursive Photocopier setting 2. Skills required: The ability to halve distances. Patience – a large number of points are needed to get the pattern! Making Decisions Using Mathematics This consists of a powerpoint and a teacher guide. This is an extended activity that requires some careful preparation. It is described in detail in the teachers’ guide. Skills required: An understanding of probability including tree diagrams. The ability to understand the idea of expectation. 6 Further Mathematics Support Programme Extension Materials These are aimed at students who are working towards GCSE Mathematics and would benefit from exposure to mathematics beyond the GCSE specifications. All of the materials have the following format: Starts from a topic or idea that is in GCSE Mathematics and features a ‘What you should know’ section; A ‘New idea’ that is an extension to GCSE Mathematics; A task for students to attempt so they can investigate the idea; Ideas for further investigation suggested in a ‘Take it further section’; A brief explanation of how this topic is developed at A level; All the materials are based on a single sheet of A4 (except for NA 11, SSM 4 and SSM 6) which can be copied and given to students; Teachers’ notes, including solutions, are available for free from the Integral Online Resources website. To access these resources, schools/colleges must register with the FMSP. Registration is free and will also provide access to other resources and information about local events to support teachers and students. To register go to www.furthermaths.org.uk. These materials could be used: As a whole-class activity when students have finished studying the topic; As extra materials to stretch and challenge some of the more able students within a class; As a regular, possibly optional, homework task; As a basis for study in lunchtime or at an after-school mathematics club. The tasks are not intended to be linear. Students will benefit from the investigations even if they do not ‘complete’ them. In each of the three sections the resources are ordered by accessibility; however, it is inevitable that some students will progress further with some tasks than with others. The materials are based on interesting mathematical ideas and are not designed to provide extension to every aspect of the GSCE specifications. The activities are: 7 Further Mathematics Support Programme NA 1 NA 2 NA 3 NA 4 NA 5 NA 6 NA 7 NA 8 NA 9 NA 10 NA 11 GTM 1 GTM 2 GTM 3 GTM 4 GTM 5 GTM 6 Number and Algebra GCSE topic Graphs of quadratic equations Surds Interpreting graphs Trial and improvement Functions Indices Simultaneous equations Solving quadratic equations Adding fractions Inequalities Plotting curves * * this activity features a separate extension sheet Geometry, Trigonometry and Measures GCSE topic Trigonometry 1 Trigonometry 2 Circles Pythagoras’ theorem * Loci Vectors * * these activities require two sheets to be copied for the students Probability and Data Handling GCSE topic PDH 1 The mean from a frequency table PDH 2 Interquartile range PDH 3 Tree diagrams 8 Further Mathematics Support Programme Maths Feast The Year 10 Maths Feast is an enjoyable and challenging team competition testing mathematical, team-working and communication skills. Each year the format of the competition changes slightly so that the rounds remain interesting and exciting. The materials in this pack are either from the competition itself or are materials produced to support teams preparing for the competition. They can be used in mathematics classes to enrich and extend students’ learning. There are several rounds requiring different skills and strategies for success. All solutions are provided for these materials. Comparison Round In this round students are given two statements A and B e.g. A 7th Fibonacci number, B 7th Prime number and have to select the correct option from A < B, A = B and A > B. There are 10 questions covering a wide range of topics. Comprehension Round In this round, students are given a poster containing some mathematical information about a topic they will not have covered. They then have to answer questions using the information from that poster. There are 10 questions of increasing difficulty. Four in a Row Round In this round, students try to answer a variety of problems. Getting 4 right in a row gives bonus marks. There are 16 questions. Matching Round In this round, students create groups of cards that they think go together. There are eight groups. Each correct group scores two marks. 9 Further Mathematics Support Programme There are some blank cards; for extra marks students can create their own cards. Each additional card, marked in the correct position will score 1 mark, up to a maximum of 6 marks. Practical Round In this round students are given a practical activity to complete. There are two activities included in the pack: A mathematical origami activity where the students fold Columbus cubes from squares of paper. An activity where the students have to produce the largest box possible with a sheet of paper Problem Solving Round In this round, students attempt to solve at least 4 problems from 6. The best 4 solutions contribute to the final score. The Year 10 Maths Competition This competition is the forerunner of the Maths Feast. All of the resources used for both the heats and the finals from 2011 to 2014 are included. All answers are provided in this pack. 10 Further Mathematics Support Programme Problem Solving Materials The FMSP has a commitment to providing materials and training to help schools improve their students’ problem solving skills. Included in this pack are two series of problem solving materials. The GCSE Problem Bank This consists of a Powerpoint file of 30 problems that can be accessed by selecting from the menu on the third slide. These problems have been written by the FMSP and are for a range of abilities. Problems marked H are suitable for higher tier students, problems marked F are suitable for foundation tier students. Problems marked H/F are suitable for both. A book of all of the problems is also included as is a book of worked solutions. Twenty Problems with Hints and Solutions This consists of a Powerpoint file of 30 problems that can be accessed by selecting from the menu on the third slide. These problems have been written by the FMSP and should be used with the hints and prompts given in the accompanying book (also in this pack). The aim of this series was to help teachers develop the questioning skills required to improve their students’ problem solving ability without giving away the answers. All solutions are provided. Groupwork These activities are designed to promote groupwork. Each activity requires a set of cards to be printed and cut up. Some of these activities are suitable for Key Stage 3 students. There is a suggested way to use the cards but you may use them as you wish. Ratio and Symmetry Patterns This is best done in groups of 4. The students are provided with a 8 × 8 grid to colour in. They are also given a set of clue cards. Clues to what that design should look like are written on the cards. In their groups, the students Deal out the cards 11 Further Mathematics Support Programme Take it in turns to select one piece of information that they think is important and read it to the rest of the group They can write something down on the group’s answer sheet but they must not show anyone any of their cards (even after they have read them out) As a group, they try to find the design. There are two student answer sheets provided. One has detailed instructions on it, the other only has the grid. There are 3 different sets of clue cards (and 3 different patterns). As an extension, students can try to work out the fewest number of cards required to uniquely define the pattern. Building Bridges This activity is run in the same way as the Ratio and Symmetry Patterns activity. The activity requires the group to draw a picture of a suspension bridge using clues about its symmetry. They are required to do some simple calculations to find out things like cable spacing. The activity is a good introduction to groupwork for students as it does have some mathematical content but at this stage it is not too challenging. Epidemic This activity is run in the same way as the Ratio and Symmetry Patterns and Building Bridges activities. Students have to use probability (preferably through tree diagrams) to calculate the amount of anti-viral medicine they should order to combat a flu epidemic. This is a far more challenging activity than Building Bridges. Willis Tower This activity is run in the same way as the Ratio and Symmetry Patterns, Building Bridges and Epidemic activities. Students have to calculate the pinnacle height of the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) above street level. 12 Further Mathematics Support Programme This activity requires students to use trigonometry to find the heights of various parts of the Willis Tower before combining these to get the overall pinnacle height. This is a challenging activity. Why Study Maths? The FMSP works to encourage students to study Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A level. This pack contains a Powerpoint presentation and an accompanying leaflet that can be used at parents and student open evenings. The presentation has detailed notes at the bottom of key slides. Some slides may be omitted depending on the audience. 13