Log of Changes - Kitsap County

Log of Changes KCC Title 12 August 9, 2016 version to 8/30/16 planning comm. hearing version August 25, 2016 (gray text = changes from June 13 version to 8/16/16 PC hearing version; black text = minor corrections) Page # Change 10 Insert citation “12.08.183” for “Flow Control BMPs” definition (no change to definition) 31 Add clarification to 12.16.040 to read: Small grading projects that trigger Minimum Requirements #1 through #5 only, as indicated by Figures 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, may submit an abbreviated grading plan in lieu of an engineered grading plan, unless engineering is otherwise required. Strike 12.20.010 (1) B.1, “Includes land disturbing activity of 1 acre or more; or” (superfluous, since regulation begins at 7,000 sf disturbed, and conversion of ¾ acre already subject to Minimum Requirements) Strike 12.20.010 (2) B.1, “Includes land disturbing activity of 1 acre or more; or” (superfluous, since regulation begins at 7,000 sf disturbed, and conversion of ¾ acre already subject to Minimum Requirements) Update Figure 2.4.1, Flow Chart for Determining Requirements for New Development, to correct text (housekeeping in nature, non‐urbanized area threshold previously missing, and minor typos corrected) Update Figure 2.4.2, Flow Chart for Determining Requirements for Redevelopment, to correct text (housekeeping in nature, non‐urbanized area threshold previously missing, and minor typos corrected) 12.08.290, Maintenance. Corrected “Section 1 of this Appendix” to “12.10.040(4)” 41 41 42 43 15 65‐66 12.40.050 Rate Structure, renumber “Class of Property” from letters to numbers (no change in meaning) Log of Changes SW Design Manual, between 6/13/16 version and 8/5/16 version For 8/30/16 PC hearing (gray text = changes already made; black text = changes in progress, not reflected in hearing document). Page # Change 3‐4 (33) Removed Hard Surface, last sentence: struck out “Therefore, it is tabulated as removed.” Fixed the “No” for “Next Question” below “All MR apply” box Remove 1 acre threshold from both inside and outside census urban areas; will make same change in County code 12.20.010. Remove 1 acre threshold from both inside and outside census urban areas; will make same change in County code 12.20.010. Project Thresholds, 2nd paragraph: inserted “a Census Urbanized Area (UA), or”. Also inserted “Census Urbanized Area map or” Revised Table 4.2 to separate inside vs outside UGA/Census Urbanized areas, to facilitate List #3 option (being added to accommodate flexibility for LID: lists all the List 1 and List 2 for each surface type in order without the full dispersion as the first choice. Full Dispersion is a first, separate option. The applicant will have the option to do the list, do the performance standard demonstration, or do full dispersion if feasible. 4‐3 (38) 4‐5 (40) 4‐6 (41) 4‐16 (51) 4‐16 (51) 4‐18 (53) 4‐20 (55) 4‐20 (55) 4‐23 (58) 1‐6 (78) Exemptions: Insert List #3 for LID flexibility outside UGA and Census Urbanized Is the project inside the UGA? Box – added “or UA?” Is the project on a parcel of 5 ac or more? Box – Deleted this box, go directly to “required” box below and modify as noted in Table 4.2 Eliminate optional application of BMP T5.13 for those projects meeting LID performance; require for all projects large and small, (MR1‐5 and MR 1‐9 projects). Under Exemptions: struck out “or to a water listed in Appendix I E Flow Control Exempt Receibing Waters in the Ecology Manual First sentence: changed to Preliminary design review is required for any proposed project that requires a land use permit or approval. 1‐6 (78) 1‐3 (81) 1‐13 (85) 1‐13 (85) 1‐16 (88) 1‐24 (96) Final Design Review: added “associated building permit for the” to third sentence. Table: drainage report and geotech report not required for simplified drainage review; geotech report not required for Abbreviated Drainage Review (but add check mark for "other technical reports and docs as applicable" for Abbrev. Drainage Review). All review types now include "Other technical reports". First list: replaced with “ESSR” plan submittal checklist Second List, #3: replaced “each direction” with “the direction of each slope face” First List, #2: after “standards” inserted “(may be stated on the face of the plans or in the drainage report.)” First paragraph, end: insert "Where provided separately, the drainage report shall reference other reports by title, date, and name of company or licensed professional." 1‐28 (100) b: inserted revised items – “Verification of the as‐built condition of key elements of the roadway and stormwater system including, but not limited to, rim and invert elevations and positive surface and piped flow shall be provided as part of the record drawings.” 2‐1 (103) 4‐1 (107) 4‐5 (111) 5‐5 (133) 5‐10 (138) 5‐11 (139) 5‐11 (139) 5‐11 (139) 2.1, 3rd paragraph: Inserted “Simplified Drainage Review and” before “Abbreviated Drainage Review” Chapter 4 Title: Changed to “Chapter 4 Conveyance System Analysis & Design 3) List: struck out f Figure: revised stem 5 for monitoring requirement threshold change at > 1 ac (not at 10,000sf) 2nd paragraph, last sentence: replaced “project hydrologist” with “licensed professional” Groundwater Monitoring, Duration Frequency, 3rd row: replaced “200 feet of a designated receiving water” with “wet season” Groundwater Monitoring, Duration Frequency, 4th row: replaced “year” with “wet season” Groundwater Monitoring & Seepage Analysis, 3rd row: divide this table box into 2, with "NO" for the 10k to <1ac., and "YES" for > 1 ac 5‐12 (140) H, 1st sentence: replaced “calendar year” with “wet season” 5‐14 (142) Step 5, 1st sentence: replaced “project hydrologist” with “licensed professional” 8‐2 (220) 8.2.2: Struck out paragraphs 2‐4 C‐6 (250) Figure E, first row: added columns like the following rows G‐11 (283) Data Analysis, 1st sentence: replaced “hydrogeologist” with “professional” G‐13 (285) G.6, 2nd paragraph: replaced “hydrogeologist” with “professional” H‐7 (295) Tree Retention and Tree Planting, 4th bullet: struck out “or otherwise does not meet standards (per KCC Title 17 ‐ Zoning) required for retention.” H‐7 (295) Tree Retention and Tree Planting, 5th bullet: struck out “or otherwise does not meet standards (per County Standard Plans and Specifications) required for retention.” H‐7 Tree Retention and Tree Planting, 6th bullet: replaced “Trees are not considered danger trees…” with “Trees are considered danger trees…” 4‐16 Revise Table 4.2 Onsite Stormwater Management Requirements (MR#5) for Large Projects This table will be revised to separately list the MR5 requirements for projects inside the UGA as compared to those within the Census Urbanized Areas. Ecology permit requires that parcels 5 acres or greater within the Census Urbanized area demonstrate the LID performance standard. Kitsap County had proposed to make the MR5 standard for all Census Urbanized and urban properties the same, but this proposal was not supported by Ecology (as discussed at 8/16/16 PC hearing). In addition to Table 4.2, all affected references to this issue will be modified to comply with the permit language. KCC Title 17 Zoning For 8/30/16 PC hearing (reflected in hearing document posted for 8/30/16 hearing). Page # Change 87 (B) Added conditions to largest of parking lots sizes, which are 100 or more spaces: Parking lots with 100 or more spaces shall provide a landscape strip of street trees every other row between double‐loaded rows. This design is encouraged for parking lots with more than 3 double‐loaded rows and lots with less than 100 spaces. Provides for pedestrian walkways from lots to buildings and alongside landscape strips within double loaded rows: Pedestrian Walkways. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided from the parking lot to building entrances. Parking lots with a landscape strip between double‐loaded rows shall provide pedestrian walkways next to the landscape strip leading to building entrances. Added Appendix A, demonstrating design criteria for parking lots. 88 (D) 90+ 