Safe protection of distribution transformers by means of switch

SIBA GmbH & Co. KG
Safe protection of distribution transformers by means of switch-fuse
IEC 60271 Part 105: Continuation of an approved strategy
By Heinz Ulrich Haas and Dirk Wilhelm
With regard to the fuse protection of distribution transformers it is rather difficult to give information with a
substancial news value. After all, this concerns transformers, which, at least in part, have been installed for
more than 30 years. The corresponding high-voltage fuses are used to limit possible fault currents for just as
many years. And in only a few cases it was necessary to replace the fuses, e.g. if, following a short circuit,
there had been a switch-off. The fuses are often part of switch-fuse combinations and these switches also
have satisfactorily done what they were expected to do under fault conditions. So then, what is there to be
Now the publication of IEC 60271 Part 105 has caused some degree of uncertainty since, with the use of
switch-fuse combinations, approved fuse protection strategies are suddenly called into question. On closer
examination, however, it is to be found that in most cases the concern is unnecessary because previously
published specifications regarding the protection of transformers remain valid. The present publication is
intended to assist the expert in reviewing his fuse protection strategies in order to confirm their correctness or
to persuade him to consider using a more appropriate fuse-link.
Criteria for the transformer protection
At first, we would like to expand on the criteria for the protection of the distribution transformer that are
fundamental for a correct fuse protection. A prerequisite for this is to know the nominal rating of the transformer as well as the maximum permissible overload, operating voltage, transformer impedance and inrush
current. Subsequently, and as illustrated in Figure 1, the dependences applicable to the selection of a suitable
high-voltage fuse-link (HH fuse) are listed:
10 4
10 3
In max
10 1
Rated current of the transformer
Maximum permissible overload of the transformer
Maximum inrush current of the transformer
Sustained short-circuit current on the secondary
relative to the primary side
Time/current characteristic of the HH fuse
Time/current characteristic of the NH fuse on the
secondary relative to the primary side
Characteristic of the protective device on the
supply side
10 1
10 2
10 3
Figure 1 — Dependences applying to the transformer protection
The HH fuse is required to carry the nominal transformer current as well as its maximum permissible
overload. Given this, neither the values specified for the temperature rise nor the maximum permissible power consumption of the switchgear (if used) shall be exceeded.
Depending on its type and size, the inrush current of the transformer is between 6 and 20 times its
rated current over a duration of 0,1 s. The HH fuse has to withstand this inrush peak.
SIBA GmbH & Co. KG
When short-circuiting the three poles on the secondary, the sustained short-circuit current ISC on the
primary side is derived from the transformer impedance uk [%] of the transformer. ISC has to be interrupted by the HH fuse-link within a specified time interval so as to prevent the transformer from bursting.
In addition to that, the fuse protection strategy in its entirety has to take into account the discrimination
of the HH fuse-link with regard to primary or secondary protective devices. On the secondary side the
low-voltage fuses (NH fuses) have to be considered, whereas on the supply side it is protective devices such as primary fuses, relays etc. that have to be taken into account.
Standards and recommendations
The provisions for the determination of a suitable fuse protection of mains transformers focus primarily on the
International standard IEC 60787 and its German translation VDE 0670 Part 402. When using High-Voltage
Fuse-Links in air- or gas-insulated switch-fuse combinations, the specifications of IEC 61271-105 or
VDE 0671 Part 105, respectively, have to be considered. [2–5]
In addition to the specifications of the IEC publication, VDE 0670 Part 402 contains recommendations for
high-voltage fuses to be used when transformer protection fuses of operating class gTr according to
VDE 0636 Part 2011 are used on the low-voltage side (see Table 1). Furthermore, the recommendations of
this standard are widely accepted by the users, even if line protection fuses of operating class gG according to
VDE 0636 Part 201 are used on the secondary side instead of the transformer protection fuses of operating
class gTr, or when no busbar protection is provided either. [6–7]
Table 1 — Recommended fuse protection according to VDE 0670 Part 402
Nominal rating of the transformer in kVA
u2 = 4 %
1 000
u2 = 5 %
Maximum permissible duration of short circuit 2 s
Rated currents of the High-Voltage Fuse-Links in A
20 & 25
25 & 31,5
31,5 & 40
40 & 60
50 & 63
63 & 80
80 & 100
100 & 125 125 & 160
160 & 200
20 & 25
25 & 31,5
31,5 & 40
40 & 50
50 & 63
63 & 80
80 & 100
16 & 25
25 & 31,5
31,5 & 40
40 & 50
100 & 125 125 & 160
63 & 80
16 & 20
20 & 25
25 & 31,5
31,5 & 40
40 & 50
40 & 50
For further considerations it is important to distinguish between the following three cases of application since
this leads to a wider range for assigning the rated current of the fuse to the respective transformer. The three
possible configurations are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Assignment of fuses to the transformer
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In order to give an example, the approach is described in the following for a mains transformer with 630 kVA
at 10 kV. The inrush current is set to be 12 times the nominal transformer current und the transformer impedance uk to be 4 % over a maximum duration of 2 s.
For this transformer, the fuses relevant to be considered according to VDE 0670 Part 402 have been presented in Case A in Figure 2. It is possible to use high-voltage fuses with rated currents of 80 A and 100 A
(see Table 1). On the secondary side transformer protection fuses gTr with 630 kVA (909 A) are used. For the
protection of the outgoing cables the use of low-voltage fuses of operating class gG with maximum 400 A is
permitted. As can be seen from the comparison of the relevant characteristics given in Figure 3, full discrimination as achieved. In case of a fault current, only the fuse-link upstream to the respective branch operates.
The protection on the busbar according to B in Figure 2 is taken over by low-voltage fuses of operating
class gG. The rated current is selected to be 800 A, which is the highest value below the nominal transformer
current. Due to the quicker reaction of these fuses it is possible to use HH fuses with rated currents of 80 A to
125 A. Thus, it can be seen that also in this case all of the three fuse assemblies concerned show a discriminative behaviour towards each other.
In accordance with C in Figure 2 there is no busbar protection provided on the low-voltage side. If the distance
between the characteristics of the high-voltage fuses and the inrush point of the transformer is sufficient, it is
now even possible to use HH fuses with rated currents of 63 A to 125 A.
Melting time
gTr A
Ik-transf with uk = 4 %
Inrush=12 x In
Figure 3 — Discriminative behaviour of the fuses (Case A)
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Criteria for selecting the suitable fuse
Now that the rated current range of the possible HH fuses is defined, the suitable fuse type has to be selected. The criteria to be considered are the rated voltage, the operating class, the highest and lowest breaking currents as well as the type of striker used.
The rated voltage UN of the HH fuse-link must always be greater than or equal to the maximum operating voltage Utrafo of the transformer. For the transformer used in the example a rated voltage of
12 kV would have to be applied.
The rated breaking capacity I1 of the fuse-link must be sufficiently high. A typical value for fuses within
the rated voltage range considered is 63 kA.
For the protection of transformers usually HH fuse-links of the backup type are used. These fuse-links
offer a protection ranging from their respective minimum breaking current Imin up to the aforementioned rated breaking capacity I1. HH fuse-links made by SIBA are manufactured to have an Imin as
low as 3.2 to 4 times the rated fuse current.
Especially when using switchgear with a three-pole tripping mechanism it is highly recommended to
use a temperature-limiting striker. High temperatures that are likely to increase the loads acting on the
switchgear or the fuse are detected by the striker and cause him to respond. This in turn leads the
switchgear to trigger and to the interruption of the fault current. Up to a rated current of 160 A, the
HH fuses made by SIBA are by default equipped with such a striker system. [8]
Incorporating the switch-fuse combination into the protection strategy
With regard to a sufficient protection in transformer circuits IEC 60271 Part 105 contains, in addition to the
criteria mentioned above, requirements for the combined action of switches and fuses. In this standard the
switching task is specified for the switch or the fuse depending on the fault current. With this, the interruption
is carried out at a transfer current to be determined from the fuse characteristics and the technical data of the
The fuses are required to interrupt all fault currents greater than the transfer current. The short-circuit
current ISC derived from the transformer impedance shall also be interrupted by the HH fuses.
Currents of less than the transfer current of the fuses are interrupted by a combined action of the
switch and fuses. At the same time the striker of the fuse responding first actuates the three-pole tripping mechanism of the switchgear. Finally, the mains disconnection is carried out by the switch.
For the purpose of testing these dependencies, the switch manufacturer provides the rated transfer current of
the switch Itransfer and the opening time T0 taken by the switch in response to the striker operation. Also to be
used are the time/current characteristics of the preferential fuses obtained from the fuse manufacturer. In
order to continue the example, we began with, a rated transfer current of the switch of 1100 A and an opening
time of 45 ms.
The determination of the transfer current is the most extensive part in establishing the suitability of fuse-links.
At SIBA, this current is derived by means of the method “Mathematical determination of ΔT” indicated in IEC
60271 Part 105, Annex B.2. Since the slopes of the characteristics of the HH fuses made by SIBA prove to be
constant within the time interval of the usual switch opening times, it is possible to considerably shorten this
otherwise rather extensive iterative procedure. The essential steps of calculating the transfer current are
represented in Figure 4.
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1. Determining the slope α of the characteristic in
the range of the switch opening time T0
2. Calculating the pre-arcing time of the fuse
responding first Tm
with: Tm = T0 × 0.87α/((1 + 0.13)α − 1)
3. Plotting Tm against the characteristic
4. Reading out IT
5. Establishing ITransfer from the lower ZSK of the fuse
with: ITransfer = IT × 0.935
I T Current
I Transfer
Figure 4 — Calculation scheme to establish the transfer current
For the example calculation a rated fuse current of 80 A was chosen, which could be used in all three cases
presented in figure 2. From the calculation the following values are obtained:
Transfer current of the fuse
= 850 A
Short-circuit current ISC at uK = 4%
= 910 A
The next step is to compare the transfer current obtained for the fuse to the rated transfer current of the
Transfer current of the fuse ≤ rated transfer current of the switch
850 A ≤ 1,100 A?
with IN = 80 A
By means of a second comparison it is to be checked whether the transfer current of the fuse is less than the
short-circuit current derived from the transformer impedance:
Transfer current of the fuse < short-circuit current ISC (at uK = 4 %)
850 A < 910 A?
with IN = 80 A
Thus, the fuse-link with a rated current of 80 A would comply with the requirements for transformer protection
with regard to the relevant state of standardization.
SSK fuses: How to bridge the gap between the Standards
However, in a few cases it will be found on detailed calculation that the preferential fuse is not suited to meet
the switch requirements. For instance, a higher transformer impedance uK reduces the short-circuit current; in
our example it would only be 606 A for a uK of 6 %. Lower values of the rated transfer current or a shorter
opening time would also lead to non-compliance with the switch requirements. It is necessary to use a fuselink with a quick-acting characteristic to obtain a transfer current below the calculated short-circuit current.
The characteristic of such a fuse-link would be that of the fuse with the next lower rated current. However, to
use this fuse would be disadvantageous since it would cause the power dissipation to increase and the
temperature to rise. Moreover, the discrimination to the downstream protective device would be questionable.
At SIBA fuse-links have been developed that show at the same rated current and with similarly low values of
power dissipation a considerably quicker reaction. These fuses—designated as “SSK fuses”—are intended to
be used when the calculation lined out above has led to a result showing that the switch requirements are not
complied with. Within the rated current range of 63 A-SSK to 160 A-SSK these fuses allow for a switch-fuse
combination to be used in many cases where the standard fuses prove to be too “slow-acting”. [9]
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Modifying the example set out above a fuse of 80 A-SSK is used with uK = 6 %:
Transfer current of the fuse < short-circuit current (at uK = 6 %)
850 A < 606 A?
with IN = 80 A
Transfer current of the fuse < short-circuit current (at uK = 6 %)
590 A < 606 A?
with IN = 80 A-SSK
In terms of the minimum and maximum breaking currents SSK fuses are comparable with the standard
HH fuses. While having the same dimensions their power dissipation is usually even lower. The fuses are also
equipped with a temperature-limiting striker and therefore fulfil all the requirements applying to modern
transformer protection.
These fuses have attracted international attention from the switch manufacturers. Fuses of type SSK were
taken for type-tests of the combination and are included in the lists of recommended products.
As far as the use of switch-fuse combinations according to IEC 60271 Part 105 is concerned, it has, at least in
the theoretical approach, become more difficult to establish whether a high-voltage fuse is suited to protect
the distribution transformers. Whereas, in most cases, the use of fuses that are proven to be suitable for many
years can be continued, it may in a few instances be necessary to introduce a change towards a lower rated
current or to another type of fuse in order to meet the specifications of this standard in full.
However, before replacing a fuse, the switchgear manufacturer or the fuse manufacturer, respectively, should
be consulted. Taking the practical aspects into account it is then necessary to consider as to how far the
technical data of the system allow for the specified values to be enhanced and thereby to decide whether it is
possible to continue the use of the previously employed fuses.
SIBA GmbH & Co. KG
IEC 60787:1983-01 Application guide for the selection of fuse-links of high-voltage fuses for transformer
circuit application
DIN VDE 0670-402 (VDE 0670 Teil 402):1988-05 Wechselstromschaltgeräte für Spannungen über
1 kV — Auswahl von strombegrenzenden Sicherungseinsätzen für Transformatorstromkreise
IEC 61272-105:2002 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear — Part 105: Alternating current switchfuse combinations
DIN EN 62271-105 (VDE 0671 Teil 105):2003-12 Hochspannungs-Schaltgeräte und -Schaltanlagen —
Part 105: Hochspannungs-Lastschalter-Sicherungs-Kombinationen
DIN VDE 0636-2011 (VDE 0636 Teil 2011):1999-05 Niederspannungssicherungen (NS-System) —
Part 2-1: Zusätzliche Anforderungen an Sicherungen zum Gebrauch durch Elektrofachkräfte bzw. elektrotechnisch unterwiesene Personen — National Amendment 1: Schutz von elektrischen Sonderanlagen
DIN VDE 0636-201 (VDE 0636 Teil 201):2004-10 Niederspannungssicherungen (NS-System) —
Part 2-1: Zusätzliche Anforderungen an Sicherungen zum Gebrauch durch Elektrofachkräfte bzw. elektrotechnisch unterwiesene Personen — Clauses I to VI: Beispiele von genormten Sicherungstypen
Haas, Heinz Ulrich: Thermal system protection of switchgear through high-voltage fuse-links with integrated temperature limiter under consideration of IEC 420:1990. Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Electrical Fuses and their Application (ICEFA), 25.–27.09.1995, Technical University
Löffler, Ralf and Haas, Heinz Ulrich: Hochspannungssicherungen für Schalter-Sicherungs-Kombinationen. Etz, Elektrotechnik und Automation, VDE-Verlag 7–8/2001
Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Ulrich Haas (50) is head
SIBA GmbH & Co. KG in Luenen, Germany.
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Dirk Wilhelm (34) is technical project manager at SIBA GmbH & Co. KG in Luenen,