view the entire catalog here

Business Training Catalogue
2016 - 2017
Welcome to CTG Academy
CTG Academy is our unique training programme dedicated exclusively to meet the training
needs of professionals, with specific tracks for Specialists, Consultants and Managers.
Our training courses are given by experienced professionals with excellent training and
coaching skills. They know what they are talking about, because their experience is based on
the numerous projects that they have actually worked in.
To succeed in today’s business world, companies need cutting-edge technology. CTG
empowers clients to rapidly leverage today’s innovative IT and Web technology across their enterprises.
We are an IT Solutions company, with over four decades of experience in helping our clients achieve their business goals.
We specialise in services that improve the management and delivery of both business and IT projects, and we deliver
measurable business benefits. Our IT professionals provide our services through a network of ISO 9001-certified sites in
North America and Europe.
Application Solutions
Our Application Solutions team helps CTG clients with the planning, design, development, implementation, and
maintenance of IT solutions. Our partnerships with Microsoft, Acceleratio, Resco and Nintex give us access to their latest
We provide healthcare organisations with cost effective, proven services that deliver real savings and process efficiencies,
all of this based on tried and trusted CTG tools, methods and techniques.
IT Service Management
Our ITSM specialists help clients get the best out of their IT organisation and budget. They design solutions that are
in line with the corresponding value to the client’s business and produce measurable results. Our partnerships with HP,
Omninet, Dynatrace and Microsoft give us access to their latest technology.
Management Consultancy
Our Management Consultants assist organisations in delivering real business benefits and provide consulting services
to different business sectors and to private and public organisations. They combine subject matter expertise with best
Regulatory Compliance
We enable clients to achieve a level of compliance suited to their own needs and requirements. The services we offer
are cost effective, provide high quality and assurance of compliance with applicable regulations. Furthermore we offer
training & coaching so you directly benefit from our expertise and experience.
Our Test specialists advise clients on how to streamline their test processes and how to select the test tools that fit them
best. Tests are executed according to CTG quality standards, ensuring the quality and performance of systems before
launch. Within our Testing unit, we have partnerships with HP, CA and Microsoft.
Course List
Welcome to CTG Academy....................................................................................................................................... 3
Course List....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Course Catalogue......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Administrating SharePoint 2013 IT Pro Training............................................................................................ 8
Agile Practitioner with Lego Mindstorms © .................................................................................................. 10
Agile Testing Fundamentals.................................................................................................................................. 11
Application Performance Management: Awareness................................................................................... 12
Application Security Awareness.......................................................................................................................... 13
Certified Agile Tester (CAT).................................................................................................................................... 14
Certified Mobile App Professional (CMAP)...................................................................................................... 15
Developing For Mobile & Web Using Angular................................................................................................ 16
Developing For Mobile & Web Using HTML5/JS/CSS.................................................................................. 18
Developing For Mobile & Web Using Node..................................................................................................... 19
Ethical Hacking Foundation.................................................................................................................................. 20
Facilitated Session Leader..................................................................................................................................... 21
Gamification: Apollo 13.......................................................................................................................................... 22
Gamification: Grab@Pizza..................................................................................................................................... 24
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Master Class....................................................................... 26
HP ALM (QC): Administration, Planning and Customization................................................................... 27
HP Fortify Software Security Center Administration................................................................................... 28
HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer End User........................................................................................................ 29
HP LoadRunner........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Improving your Test Process (TPI Next and TMMi)..................................................................................... 31
Information & Cyber Security Master Class................................................................................................... 32
Introduction to Computerized System Validation ...................................................................................... 33
Introduction to Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures................................................................ 34
Introduction to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)................................................................. 35
Introduction to HP ALM.......................................................................................................................................... 36
Introduction to HP Quality Center...................................................................................................................... 37
Introduction to HP QuickTest Professional...................................................................................................... 38
Introduction to HP UFT........................................................................................................................................... 39
Introduction to IT Infrastructure Qualification ........................................................................................... 40
Introduction to JIRA................................................................................................................................................. 41
Introduction to Life Sciences................................................................................................................................ 42
Introduction to Quality Risk Management..................................................................................................... 43
Introduction to Sarbanes–Oxley (SOx) Compliance.................................................................................... 44
IREB Advanced: Elicitation and Consolidation (CPRE AL - E&C)............................................................. 45
IREB Foundation (CPRE FL)................................................................................................................................... 47
ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst (CTAL - TTA)............................................................................... 49
ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst (CTAL-TA)......................................................................................................... 51
ISTQB Advanced Test Manager (CTAL-TM).................................................................................................... 53
ISTQB Expert: Improving the Testing Process - Assessing Test Processes.......................................... 55
ISTQB Expert: Improving the Testing Process - Implementing Test Process Improvement........ 57
ISTQB Foundation (CTFL)....................................................................................................................................... 59
ISTQB Foundation Extension: Model-Based Tester (CTFL-MBT)............................................................ 61
ISTQB Foundation Extension: Agile Tester (CTFL-AT)................................................................................. 62
IT Risk and Control in Regulated Environments............................................................................................ 63
ITIL 2011 Foundation Training and Examination....................................................................................... 65
MBTI Step 1................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional: Foundation.............................................................................. 68
Microsoft Visual Studio: ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Coded UI Test Automation Project Management....................................................................................... 70
SCRUM Development in Regulated Environments...................................................................................... 71
Service Level Management (SLM)...................................................................................................................... 72
Structured Testing: Basics & Methodology..................................................................................................... 73
Test Automation with Selenium.......................................................................................................................... 74
Test Design Techniques........................................................................................................................................... 75
Test Management: Advanced............................................................................................................................... 76
Test Management: Foundation........................................................................................................................... 77
Using HP UFT.............................................................................................................................................................. 78
Using Nintex on SharePoint 2013 Power User Training............................................................................. 79
Using SharePoint 2013 Power User Training.................................................................................................. 80
Web Testing................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Course Catalogue
Administrating SharePoint 2013
IT Pro Training
IT Service
to support SharePoint 2013 and are a little scared of it? Do
Are you an IT administrator who just found out that he needs
you need to implement SharePoint in your organization but
Day 1
you don’t know anything about it?
■■ Understand Basic Architecture of SharePoint 2013
Are you just an enthusiast who likes SharePoint and wants to
know more about it? SharePoint 2013 is huge.
It’s a platform that builds on, combines, and integrates with a
lot of technologies, making it a challenge to get started with.
Being a SharePoint IT Pro is more than just being able to run
Course Outline
• Technology Stack
• Editions & Licensing
• Hardware & Software requirements
• Typical Server Roles
• Farm Topologies
an installation wizard. It’s about setting it up but more impor-
• Databases
tantly, keep it running in an optimal and efficient way.
• Logical Architecture
3 Days
■■ Understanding Service Applications in SharePoint 2013
This course will provide you with an understanding of Share-
• Service Application Architecture
Point 2013 from an IT Pro point of view.
• Access Services
It will give you the ability to administer SharePoint 2013 and
• App Management Service
provide support for your end users while keeping performance
• Business Connectivity Service
and stability in mind.
• Excel Services
You will learn the best practices for installing SharePoint, know
• User Profile Service
which service applications matter, how Enterprise Search
• Machine Translation Service
works and what you as an administrator can do to ensure a
• PerformancePoint Service
healthy SharePoint environment.
• Admin Tools
Course Objectives
Typical Audience
This course is intended for IT administrators and support
engineers who are providing support for existing SharePoint
environments or who are involved with the implementation of
SharePoint in their organization.
The participants should have a general understanding of
• Visio Services
• Work Management Service
• Word Automation Service
• Managed Metadata Service
• Secure Store Service
Day 2
■■ Authentication & Authorization
• Concepts
SharePoint as an end-user, know the basics of PowerShell and
• Authentication Models
are familiar with working in Windows Server environments.
• Service Accounts
Course Delivery
• Authorization
■■ SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Search Overview
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer provides
• Search Architecture
lectures and gives examples and exercises based on real world
• Search Processes
• Search Configuration
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
• Crawl and Content Configuration
• Query Configuration
• Configuring the Search User Experience
■■ Health Monitoring & Optimization
• Environment & Tools
• Timer Jobs
• Boundaries & Limits
Day 3
■■ Backup & Restore
• Recycle Bin behaviour
• Backup and Restore of site collections, databases, and
■■ Office Web Apps 2013
• Architecture & Deployment
• Operations
■■ Practical PowerShell for SharePoint
• Managing Farm Configuration
• Managing Web applications and databases
• Managing Sites and lists
• Use PowerShell for SharePoint statistics
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 3 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Agile Practitioner with Lego Mindstorms ©
More and more organizations are switching from the
(XP, RUP, DSDM, Scrum, etc.), often successfully. For agile
IT Service
traditional waterfall-model to agile development methods
■■ Business objectives and vision
undergo drastic changes. How can you neatly blend into an
■■ Epics
agile team?
■■ Defining User Stories
During this 3 day workshop, participants will experience first-
■■ Setting Acceptance Criteria
hand the sequence of activities of an agile team. The work-
■■ Composing a Product Backlog
shop uses educational sets of Lego Mindstorms © to build a
■■ Defining the Definition of Ready (DoR)
program robots, whilst absorbing a complete agile experience.
■■ Estimating User Stories
After this course, the participants:
■■ Daily Stand-Up
■■ Have experienced the prioritization of epics and user
■■ Analysis, Development and testing the User Stories using
Lego Mindstorms ©
■■ Retrospective
■■ Know how to compose a product and sprint backlog
■■ Can participate in an agile team while performing different
activities (analyze, develop, test, demo, deploy)
Day 2
■■ Sprint Planning meeting (sprint planning & planning poker)
■■ Task breakdown and SCRUM/Kanban board
project, using story points, velocity, burn-down and burn-up
■■ Daily Stand-Up
charts, retrospectives and stand up meetings
■■ Analysis, Development and testing the User Stories using
Lego Mindstorms ©
Typical Audience
The course is recommended for all people who are already
involved in agile projects (analysts, developers, testers) and
■■ Retrospective
Day 3
want to increase their effectiveness and anyone interested
■■ Sprint Planning meeting (sprint planning & planning poker)
in activities within agile projects such as managers, Product
■■ Task breakdown and SCRUM/Kanban board
Owners and SCRUM masters.
■■ Daily Stand-Up
■■ Analysis, Development and testing the User Stories using
Lego Mindstorms ©
No specific prerequisites are required.
■■ Retrospective
Course Delivery
Course Duration and Venue
The course lasts three days. The emphasis is on building
The course duration is 3 days.
knowledge and skills to a practical application. Practicing the
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Scrum team approach is an important part of the course. The
course is therefore designed as an agile release, including
different sprints.
■■ Sprint Planning meeting (sprint planning & planning poker)
■■ Are able to transform epics into user stories
■■ Will be able to efficiently communicate the status of the
3 Days
■■ Determining the Definition of Done (DoD)
■■ Task breakdown and SCRUM/Kanban board
size, swim lanes …)
■■ Planning the release
■■ Understand the role of epics in agile team
stories, using different techniques (planning poker, T-shirt
Day 1
team members, a lot of activities, processes and documents
Course Objectives
Course Outline
Agile Testing Fundamentals
In 2011 CTG created the STBoX Agile flavour on top of the
STBoX Agile method explains the role of a tester in an agile
IT Service
existing STBoX (Software Testing Based On eXperience). The
■■ Introduction
different activities within an agile process. During this three-
■■ What is Agile?
day course the attendees will learn what agile is, how a tester
■■ What is STBoX Agile?
acts in an agile process and about different approaches to do
• Process
testing in an agile process.
• People
STBoX Agile has been created based on our agile experiences
• Technology
we can conclude that there is no standard agile process.
Therefore STBoX Agile is not a workflow driven method but an
activity driven method. All possible activities within an agile
process are listed and for each activity the role of a tester is
Through the use of practical examples, exercises and role
playing games the concepts of agile and STBoX Agile will
become clear.
3 Days
■■ Process - Initial Planning
■■ Process - Iteration Planning
Day 2
■■ Process - Iteration Daily Work
■■ Agile Testing Quadrants
■■ Process - End Game
■■ Process - Test Project Closure
■■ STBoX Agile - Technology
Course Objectives
• Test Environment
The goal of this course is to gain a basic understanding of an
• Test Tools
agile development process and of the role of a tester in this
• Test Data
Day 1
development process and provides a detailed view of the
at several customers and projects. Thanks to this knowledge
Course Outline
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
Day 3
■■ People
• Roles
quality matters in an agile environment, including test engi-
• Challenges
neers, test managers, test consultants, project managers and
• RACI Matrix
quality managers.
No specific prerequisites are required.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
■■ Exploratory workshop
■■ Retrospective
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 3 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
Application Performance Management:
IT Service
basic concepts of Application Performance Management.
This course will provide you with an understanding of the
It will give you the background and recent evolutions in this
area, and allow you to understand the concepts of the “New
Normal” in the Digital Age.
The course will focus on the value and importance of performance for the end users, and will allow you to understand
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ The APM basics
• What is Application Performance Monitoring / Digital
Performance Monitoring (APM / DPM)?
• Why APM / DPM?
its significance and its impact on your own business and
■■ Approaches to APM/ DPM
■■ APM, DevOps, and Performance Maturity
It will illustrate how basic concepts of APM and DevOps are
■■ Customer Experience in the Digital Age
aligned, and highlight the need for focussing on APM in
■■ How to pick an APM Solution?
today’s age of the hybrid cloud.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to ensure all participants reach
the same level of understanding and provide them with a
clear framework for APM/ DPM activities in a professional
It will provide them with a common language of industry terminology, and enable them to have a clear view on the DPM
mindset and objectives.
Finally, it will set them on the way to obtaining the APM
1 Day
Industry Foundation certificate.
Typical Audience
Anyone who is in some way involved with Applications and
Application Performance.
This implies everyone working in the Application Development
LifeCycle, whether they are a part of Development, Testing or
Operations departments, but also other stakeholders who are
not necessarily part of an IT organisation ( typically roles like
Service Owners, Business Relationship Managers,…)
No specific prerequisites are required.
Course Delivery
During this course, an APM expert will provide lectures, combined with examples from real life.
Course can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Application Security Awareness
Application Security Awareness is the knowledge and attitude
regard to the protection of the information assets of systems
IT Service
that members of a development project team possess with
and applications.
Being security aware means you understand that there is the
potential for some people to deliberately or “accidentally”
■■ Introduction to Application Security Testing
• Need for security risk management
• Basic terminology of application security
■■ OWASP Top 10
pany’s computer systems and applications. Therefore, it would
■■ Risk of Vulnerable Applications
be prudent to support the information assets of the company
■■ Strategies to Design and Build Secure Applications
by trying to prevent that from happening.
■■ Managing Security Risk in the Source Code
Awareness of the security risks and available safeguards is the
■■ Trends in Application Security
first line of defense for the security of information systems
■■ Demonstration of Common Vulnerabilities
and networks.
• Review of vulnerable sample source code
The focus of Application Security Awareness should be to
• Examples of common attacks and hacks
achieve a long-term shift in the attitude of development
• Techniques to prevent attacks
project teams towards application security. Security policies
as a series of unnecessary and annoying rules restricting the
Day 1
steal, damage, or misuse the data that is stored within a com-
should be viewed as a key enabler for the organization, not
Course Outline
efficient working of your business.
■■ Overview of security test tools
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
Course Objectives
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG
Participants of this course will be introduced to application
security. They will become aware of the security risks that
1 Day
threaten modern day systems and applications. This course
will provide you with a basic understanding of how security
testing can be used to prevent potential attacks on your
Besides those basic principles, participants will see more advanced topics like OWASP Top 10 and examples of vulnerable
source code.
Typical Audience
This course is intended for developers, development managers, project managers, test managers and/or any person who
is in contact with the security of a system or application.
The participants should have a general understanding of
application development and the way modern day applications work.
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and security
testing expert provides lectures and gives examples based
on real world projects and incidents. Courses can be given in
English or Dutch. Course material is in English.
Certified Agile Tester (CAT)
More and more organizations are switching from the
(XP, RUP, DSDM, Scrum, etc.), often successfully. Testers are
IT Service
traditional waterfall-model to agile development methods
expected to test their knowledge and skills to apply in an agile
environment. In addition, they get to deal with typical agile
Course Delivery
The course lasts five days. The focus is on building knowledge
and skills to a practical application.
Practicing the Scrum team approach is an important part of
practices such as iterative development, time boxing, stand-
the course. The course is therefore designed as a sprint.
up meetings, continuous integration, test driven development
On the last day of the training, the examination is conducted
and early validation.
by iSQI. The exam consists of some open questions in order to
But what does this mean for the test approach? To what
test the theoretical knowledge and a practical component to
extent their practices and knowledge (TMap, ISTQB) still
test the skills of the candidate.
apply? In practice, this knowledge is just a very good basis.
The course and the exam are offered to you in cooperation
But how do you apply these test methods and techniques in
with our partner Improve QS.
an agile environment? That translation requires a clear insight
into the background and objectives of agile development.
What demands an agile environment to the test approach, to
the knowledge and above all to the skills of the test profes-
■■ Daily SCRUM
Course Objectives
■■ History and Terminology
After this course, the participants:
■■ Agile manifesto
■■ Have in-depth knowledge of the principles of the agile
approach to software development
and non-agile projects
5 Days
Day 1
■■ Know the difference between the roles of testers in agile
Course Outline
■■ Can make a positive contribution as agile team-member
focused on testing
■■ Have knowledge of the problems and challenges of the activities within an agile team, not directly related to testing
■■ Understand the soft skills required to successfully operate
within an agile team
The course prepares participants for the exam Certified Agile
Tester which is taken on the last day.
■■ Soft skills assessment
■■ Principles and methods
Day 2
■■ Planning
■■ Requirements
■■ Budgeting
■■ Strategy
Day 3
■■ Context of the Developer
■■ Testing and Retrospectives
Day 4
■■ Test Driven Development
Typical Audience
■■ Test Automation
The course is aimed at those who are in any way involved in
■■ Non-Functional Testing
software testing and want to gain a better insight into its applicability in an agile context. The course is recommended for:
■■ Testers, test coordinators and test managers who work or
will work in agile projects;
■■ People who are already involved in agile projects and want
to increase their effectiveness;
■■ Anyone interested in testing activities within agile projects
such as managers, SCRUM masters and developers
An ISTQB Certificate in Software Testing at Foundation Level
is recommended.
Day 5
■■ Practical part
■■ Written theoretical part
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 5 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
Certified Mobile App
Professional (CMAP)
IT Service
An internationally recognized standard in Mobile App Testing.
With increasing frequency corporations offer services by
An ISTQB Certificate in Software Testing at Foundation Level
mobile apps instead of the formerly usual desktop applica-
is recommended.
tions. At the same time clients and users become more critical
on quality. A “zero tolerance” attitude towards shortcomings
applies to a lot of apps.
Both in development and testing of mobile apps we face new
challenges. There are platforms like iOS, Android, RIM and
Windows. There are sometimes a lot of versions for each plat-
form. Not to mention the many hardware configurations. Our
smartphones have become full-size computers on which many
applications run side by side, and a lot of these applications
have strict quality requirements.
What are the consequences for the test approach? Which
things do testers have to take into account and what kind of
problems can they expect? How can they be sure that they
are fast enough?
Because the speed in which both hardware configuration,
and skills to a practical application.
Practicing the Scrum team approach is an important part of
the course. The course is therefore designed as a sprint.
On the last day of the training, the examination is conducted
by iSQI. The exam consists of some open questions in order to
test the theoretical knowledge and a practical component to
test the skills of the candidate.
The course and the exam are offered to you in cooperation
with our partner Improve QS.
Course Outline
Day 1
fiercely fast.
■■ The world of mobile apps
After this training:
■■ Business models
mobile apps ;
2 Days
The course lasts two days. The focus is on building knowledge
software configuration and new app versions are generated is
■■ You can (re)arrange existing test processes for testing
Course Delivery
■■ You can support reviews of requirements for mobile apps;
■■ You can contribute to improvements of the user experience
by profound knowledge of usability;
■■ You can select and apply appropriate test methods including the application of tools which are unique for mobile
Course Objectives
■■ Architecture of mobile apps
■■ Challenges of mobile app testing
■■ Differences between testing mobile
■■ Emulators and simulators
Day 2
■■ Mobile application test types
■■ Test process and strategy
■■ Test design techniques
■■ Experience based techniques
After this course, the participants:
■■ Test automation approach
■■ Can (re)arrange existing test processes for testing mobile
■■ Test automation tools
apps ;
■■ Can support reviews of requirements for mobile apps;
■■ Can contribute to improvements of the user experience by
■■ Test environment and test lab
■■ Exam
• 60 minutes, 40 multiple-choice questions in English
profound knowledge of usability;
■■ Can select and apply appropriate test methods including
the application of tools which are unique for mobile technology.
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
Typical Audience
The training is suitable for you if you are a professional in the
field of software testing.
Developing For Mobile & Web
Using Angular
IT Service
among the frond-end frameworks.
This course introduces you to AngularJS, the most popular
We will review the model view controller (MVC) design-pattern
in the context of AngularJS and you will be introduced to
various aspects of AngularJS including two-way data binding,
angular directives and filters, controllers and scopes, UI
routing, templates, modules and services.
We will explore Single page application (SPA) development
using Angular with hands-on practice.
3 Days
■■ Introduction to AngularJS
• What is AngularJS?
• Does AngularJS fit my needs?
• Installation
• Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective
■■ Single Page Applications
• What is a Single Page Application?
This course will provide you with an understanding of basic
• Creating Angular Modules
and advanced AngularJS and how to use AngularJS to facil-
• Using the Routing Service
itate development of single-page web applications that use
• Routing Basics
the MVC and MVVM design patterns.
• Accessing URL Data
This course is intended for front-end and back-end developers,
Day 1
Course Objectives
Typical Audience
Course Outline
analysts, project managers, software architects test professionals and/or any person who is in contact with the development or a system/application.
• Using the $location Service
■■ Controllers
• How do Controllers fit in?
• Managing Scope
■■ Models
• How to create a model
• Explicit models
The participants should have substantial prior experience
• Implicit models
developing with JavaScript.
■■ Views
• The View: a little bit different
Course Delivery
• Binding a View to a Controller
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and web/
• Binding a View to a Model
mobile development expert provides lectures and gives examples based on real-world projects.
Day 2
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
■■ Modules and Scopes
• Dependency Injection
• Organizing code into Modules
• RootScope and Scope hierarchy
• Scope inheritance
■■ Factories and Services
• Injecting a Service
• Defining a Service
• Factories
• Manage Service Dependencies
■■ Filters
• Using a Filter
• Built-in Filters
• Custom Filters
■■ Forms & Validation
■■ Form directives
■■ Form controls
■■ Custom validation
Day 3
■■ Ajax and Data
• High level interactions with servers
• Low-level server interactions with $http
• The deferred/promises API
• Making RESTful Service calls with $resource
■■ Directives
• Understanding Directives
• Binding text and attributes
• DOM manipulation and events
• Creating reusable directives
• Templating
■■ Testing in Angular
• Unit testing with Jasmine/Mocha
• Working with Dependency Injection
• End-to-end testing
• Karma Test Runner
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 3 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Developing For Mobile & Web
IT Service
Do you have what it takes to be a front-end developer?
Course Outline
Are you motivated to combine the art of design with the art
Day 1
of programming?
Then this course is for you.
Course Objectives
HTML and CSS are markup languages and the building blocks
that make up the web.
This course will show you how to build a website with simple
and complicated examples. How to style a website and add
interactivity using the most used JavaScript frameworks like
jQuery or Underscore.js.
Bootstrap, an open source project to enable creation of
responsive, mobile first web pages will also be discussed.
Bootstrap has a standard set of classes that allow developers
• Div
■■ Introduction to CSS
• CSS2
• CSS3
Day 2
■■ Introduction to JS
• Asynchronous way of working
• Typeless programming
• linting
Day 3
and incorporate common components such as dialog boxes
■■ Using Bootstrap for styling
and validation. Bootstrap has become a defacto standard for
web design.
Also, many front-end developers prefer to use a CSS preprocessor to organize and speed up their workflow. There are
several options, out of which we will discuss 2 most used: LESS
5 Days
• Default tags
to quickly create applications that scale to devices of all sizes,
and SASS.
■■ Introduction to HTML
• Grid system
• Bootstrap tools (btn, panel, list, table, …)
• Bootstrap 4
Day 4
■■ Using CSS Preprocessors
Typical Audience
This course is intended for front-end developers.
The participants should have a general understanding of web
application development and web technologies.
Day 5
■■ Using JavaScript Frameworks
• jQuery
• UnderscoreJs
Course Duration and Venue
Course Delivery
The course duration is 5 days.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and web/
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
mobile development expert provides lectures and gives examples based on real world projects.
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
Developing For Mobile & Web
Using Node
Are you interested in Node.js, but don’t know where to start?
• Blocking vs non-blocking
Are you confused about how the MEAN stack pieces of
• Modules
MongoDB, Express.js and Node.js fit together? How it’s even
IT Service
possible to run JavaScript outside of the browser?
If you have anything to do with web technology today, then
you are probably familiar with Node.js, JavaScript on the
server, and how its non-blocking platform is faster, more scalable and approachable than other server-side technologies.
The Node.js open-source ecosystem is evolving every day.
Node.js is taking over the Enterprise , businesses like PayPal,
Groupon, Twitter, eBay are all switching their stacks to Node.js
1 Day
• Installation on different systems
• Using the Node Package Manager (npm)
• Running commands
• Command-line tools (REPL...)
■■ Modules
• Understanding modules
• Require()
• Module scope & caching
• Finding, using, maintaining NPM modules
Course Objectives
• Semantic versioning
This course will provide you with an understanding of basic
• JS patterns
and advanced Node.js to build web and network applications
■■ Web Servers
including Node.js concepts like Events and Streams, real-time
• Responding to requests
event-driven communications using Socket.IO, templating
• Reading request data
engines. You will learn to create and control your HTTP web
server and handle requests and responses, how to communicate with databases. This course will make you a better
full-stack JavaScript developer/architect.
• Sending response types
■■ Express
• Application structure
• Generating HTML views
from Java, .NET and others.
■■ Getting started with Node.js
Typical Audience
• Navigating datasets
This course is intended for front-end and back-end developers,
• Filtering, posting data
analysts, project managers, software architects test profes-
• Request variables and routes
sionals and/or any person who is in contact with the develop-
• Modifying data through PUT requests
ment or a system/application.
• Handling GET requests returning JSON
The participants should have a general understanding of
web technologies, JavaScript, web application and server-side
• Modifying HTTP response headers
■■ Web Sockets
• Two-way client-server communication
• Node.js and web sockets:
• Emitting and receiving events
Course Delivery
• Messaging across sockets
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and web/
• Handling event types
mobile development expert provides lectures and gives exam-
■■ Databases
ples based on real world projects.
• Persistence
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
• Why MongoDB? Document-oriented
• Connecting to with Mongoose
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction to Node.js
• What is Node.js? (V8 standalone JS virtual machine)
• Async event loop vs threads
• Encapsulate DB access in models
• Define a Schema and Model
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
• Performance
Ethical Hacking Foundation
In this age of big data, internet of things, cloud services and
a new story gets published reminding us that we cannot
IT Service
virtualization, security has become very important. Every day
protect our systems by just locking our doors. The need for a
proper secure environment is now higher than ever.
To obtain a high level security computer system or network,
you need to have an adequate number of skilled personnel
who know where and how to look for vulnerabilities of your
system in a legal manner, before a hacker finds them.
EXIN, an ISO-certified provider of independent information
management certification and accreditation, offers the
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction to Ethical Hacking
■■ Metasploit
to you and your staff to ensure that they are properly trained
■■ Information Gathering
and have adequate skills and experience to pass the EXIN
■■ Finding Vulnerabilities
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to pass - on a theoretical and
practical level - the information that is required to evaluate
the security of a system or network. At the end of the course,
Each participant will have gained knowledge about the
following topics:
■■ Gathering information intelligence
■■ Using penetration testing software
■■ Finding possible vulnerabilities and exploiting them
■■ Intruding a network and capture data
■■ Doing penetration testing on web applications
■■ Attacking wireless networks
Typical Audience
The Ethical Hacking Foundation course is designed for security
officers, network architects, network administrators, security
auditors, security professionals, programmers and networking
experts, and managers working in the field of ethical hacking.
A basic knowledge of Linux and computer networks is required.
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of staff
hacking and pass the EXIN exam. CTG can provide training
EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation Certification exam.
2 Days
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
■■ Intro to Kali Linux
the participant is skilled and experienced enough to pass the
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
master the knowledge and skills needed for basic ethical
Ethical Hacking Foundation Certification exam.
“Ethical Hacking Foundation Certification” to those who
Course Delivery
Day 2
■■ Capture Network Traffic
■■ Web Application Testing
■■ Wireless Attacks
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days. This course is given at CTG.
Facilitated Session Leader
Within the IT industry, the use of workshop facilitation is the
within compressed timescales. Elsewhere, workshop facil-
IT Service
key to the production of high quality systems deliverables
■■ What are Facilitated Workshops?
Change Management and Business Process Improvement.
■■ Preparing a Workshop
For each of these applications, the skills of the facilitator
■■ Practice Sessions
remain the single most critical factor when delivering success-
■■ Evening: Personal Preparation
ful workshops.
The CTG Facilitated Session Leader training course provides
Day 2
the ideal balance of background theory, practice and consul-
■■ Workshop Delivery
tation required to enable a novice facilitator to prepare and
■■ Workshop Follow-Up
run workshops effectively. The course is run by two experi-
■■ Practice Sessions
experience tailored to the needs of the individual which is
based upon actual practice, rather than pure theory.
Course Objectives
Day 1
itation is seen increasingly as an integral technique within
enced CTG facilitators, who strive to provide knowledge and
Soft Skills
Course Outline
■■ Evening: Personal Preparation
Day 3
■■ Practice Workshop Delivery
Upon successful completion of this course you will have:
Course Duration and Venue
■■ Understood the differences between a ‘meeting’ and a
The course duration is 3 days.
‘workshop’ and the value of facilitation as a skill
■■ Learned the three basic stages of running facilitated workshops - Preparation, Delivery and Follow-up
The course can be delivered at either a client’s site or at CTG
■■ Been introduced to a range of tools and techniques that
3 Days
support each of the three stages
■■ Had an opportunity to practice the techniques in a safe
and supportive environment
Typical Audience
This course is intended for all IT and business change professionals. It is ideally suited for Project Managers , IT Specialists
and Business Analysts who are working in Agile teams, on
tight deadlines and engaging multiple stakeholders.
These prerequisites are not mandatory, but preferably participants should have a working knowledge of Windows, websites
and browsers; and testing concepts.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer delivers
lectures and leads the group through a set of facilitation
exercises based on real world projects.
Course delivery and course materials are in English.
Gamification: Apollo 13
What is more fun than learning by playing? Forget daily
prioritize decisions and choices in order to resolve problems
habits and experience how the Apollo 13 – simulation game
and make timely changes to the spacecraft configuration and
will provide new organizational insights, whilst proving that
its trajectory.
IT Service
ITIL as ITSM practice driver really adds value.
We will take you on a journey, starting with those famous
ual Service Improvement’ practices aimed at evaluating and
words “Houston, we have a problem” of the Apollo 13 mission.
improving the quality of their services and ensuring a continu-
Although the mission was a failure, not being able to land
al alignment with changing NASA demands.
on the moon, this event is considered one of their finest
moments. All odds where against Mission Control Center. The
structural damage sustained during flight, should have been
the end for the 3 astronouts. Not enough air, not enough
energy, not enough time.
1 Day
learning experiences, identifying what went well and what
went wrong throughout the lifecycle of the mission. They will
analyze and discuss whether their IT Service management
capabilities were a strategic asset enabling NASA to achieve
its business goals. They will be able to relate what they have
made the impossible possible. Thinking far outside of the box.
seen, felt, experienced and learnt to their own working envi-
Being inventive with scare resources. Pushing creativity and
ronment and identify Service improvement opportunities in
teamwork to the limit to come up with viable alternatives.
their own organization.
Everyone involved took part in the greatest space rescue
At the end of the simulation participants will reflect on their
But the way everyone commited in the Apollo space program
mission ever.
Within each round of the game, the team will apply ‘Contin-
Teams will receive the NASA service strategy document and
a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) representing the Service Level
We will use this context to trigger your creativity and capabili-
Agreements (SLAs) to be achieved (see below). At the end of
ty to succeed during the simulation game.
each phase, teams will report on their performance in relation
The ‘Apollo 13 – an ITSM case experience™’ simulation game
to the service levels.
is an intense, one-day training in which ITIL 2011 concepts
The teams must demonstrate they can manage costs and
and processes are experienced through the use of this interac-
risks and at the same time deliver performance and business
tive game.
value. Prior to each phase, elements of the ITIL theory can be
In this training, real-life situations from 4 phases of the Apollo
13 mission are simulated.
The build & launch, earth orbit and lunar approach, transearth
coast, re-entry & splashdown.
You will work in a team, playing the roles of the Mission
Control Center in Houston. Your mission: bring the crippled
spacecraft and its crew safely home.
By doing so, you and your colleagues will learn and experience
all the benefits of ITIL best practice solutions.
explained in relation to the processes that will be encountered
in the coming round. The actual Apollo 13 mission will be
reviewed and related to the ITIL processes at the end of each
phase, showing how mission success was accomplished in the
end by using these processes.
Although the game has been designed to learn ITIL concepts
Apollo 13 can equally be applied in any organization wanting
to experience the benefits of process based ways of working
and team working.
This course provides IT and Service Management practi-
You will work in a team consisting of 8 to 13 Mission Control
tioners a pragmatic insight in how Service Level Management
Center members. Within the simulation the team must trans-
is more than the presentation of results of agreed activities
late the NASA strategy into service designs for ‘Building &
between provider and customer.
Launching’ and for ‘Maintaining and Supporting’ the mission.
The team must transition the Apollo 13 launch vehicle and
supporting facilities into live Service operation. During the live
mission operation the team will be confronted with events,
incidents and requests from the crew. In each round, the team
undergoes the following steps: designing or improving their
processes, running the simulation, reflecting, and reporting.
Throughout the game various ITIL processes are necessary
to enable ground staff, the crew and the Mission Director to
Course Objectives
■■ You will learn how to use ITIL to create IT Service management capabilities that are a strategic asset.
■■ You will learn how good IT Service management capabilities enable you to manage cost and risk and at the same
time deliver business value.
■■ You will learn how to translate business demands into
service solutions and demonstrate measurable results.
■■ You will learn how to use a Continual Improvement approach for identifying and removing risks and weaknesses
and for realizing performance improvements.
■■ You will learn how integrated People, Process, Products and
Partners enable you to deliver value.
■■ You will learn how good management tooling will help
manage & control the workflow more effectively and efficiently and support knowledge capture and sharing.
■■ You will understand the interdependency of processes.
■■ You will learn how to co-operate and how to improve
working processes by designing and implementing as a
■■ You will learn the importance of clearly defined, agreed,
understood and embedded tasks, roles, responsibility and
■■ You will have gained insight into possible improvements in
your own working environment.
Typical Audience
ICT employees, ICT managers, process managers, team
managers, and others who need to improve their working
Employees requiring (more) ITIL knowledge or experience.
Employees who have followed the ITIL Foundation course
and want to experience the ITIL processes in practice.
Employees responsible for applying best practices or improving their own processes and procedures.
Managers and employees wanting to see, feel and experience
the benefits of process based ways of working.
No specific prerequisites are needed.
Course Delivery
Throughout the 1 day course, an accredited trainer assisted
by a scribe, facilitates the simulation game and gives ITIL
related information based on real world cases.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Gamification: Grab@Pizza
Have you ever wanted to know how other companies organize
IT Operations will monitor the capacity and availability of the
themselves to become efficient and effective? What their
IT Infrastructure. To avoid any downtime or incidents they will
challenges were? How they coped with change?
create change requests to upgrade or improve the infrastruc-
IT Service
What if you could experience these dynamics firsthand? What
is more fun than learning by playing? Take up a role in the
fictive Grab@Pizza organization and submerge yourself in a
company that’s growing and successful. Where choices need
to be made in line with business needs and with the available
The facilitator of the game is the CEO.
Working together, formal and informal communications,
It is safe, it is fun, but most of all it is a game that opens
doors, allowing you to learn and develop takeaways that
matter to you.
that is going fast.
Your task is to support the organization based on your role.
The market is highly competitive and forces your business to
design new products, develop powerful marketing and sales
initiatives and develop a high level of operating excellence
with a fast, low cost, high quality order and delivery process.
IT plays an important role in enabling the business to achieve
ful pizza foodchain “Grab@Pizza”.
its strategic aims.
The participants will play one or more of the following roles:
Your challenge is to align yourself with demands and organize
■■ Business Manager Sales
■■ IT Support Team
■■ IT Operations Team
■■ Change Manager
■■ IT Finance Manager
■■ Service Manager
■■ Business Manager Logistics
Every role involved has a contribution to the evolution of the
your organisation in such a way that the Business can achieve
its targets for lowering operational costs, increasing revenue
and market share, and increasing customer satisfaction and
To make it a learning experience, the game itself is built up in
6 rounds.
Each round represents one month in the lifecycle of Grab@
Pizza. In each round depending on your role, you will need to:
■■ Analyze the current performance of your IT Infrastructure
and organization;
■■ Identify the business requirements and demands for IT
The Business Manager Sales has made a 6-month business
■■ Make decisions about resources, workload and priorities;
plan containing 5 important business initiatives. The Service
■■ Calculate the IT costs for this round and make investment
Level Manager will analyze the requirements and translate
them to IT service requirements. IT must implement the IT
solutions to ensure the business can achieve their objectives.
The Change Manager will plan the changes on the change
calendar and will manage the change. The change requests will come from business demands, problem manager,
supplier or IT operations.
■■ Plan Application Development activities and plan the
Change Calendar;
■■ Propose and implement improvements to align IT performance to business needs.
■■ At the end of each round the team will be confronted with
the actual performance of the Business in terms of:
IT Support will support the users. They will receive calls,
■■ Business Sales figures;
requests or incidents in each round that need to be solved
■■ Business Operating costs;
by Service Desk or Incident Management. Problem Manage-
■■ Customer satisfaction.
ment will analyze the incidents and define change requests
to avoid new incidents.
In your new role, you enter an international pizza organization
We will take you on a business journey, as part of the success-
■■ IT Manager
1 Day
This role will be responsible for the (agreed) performance of
different game stages, you will be facing new challenges.
■■ Service Level Manager
IT Finance will manage the IT Budget.
the IT Services.
in the mix to allow you to experience the flow of the organi-
The IT manager will lead his IT team.
resources. We provide you with the setting and during the
business requirements, IT capabilities, funding.. will all be put
This Business Simulation will teach you how to make the or-
■■ You will learn how to use a Continual Improvement ap-
ganizational dynamics flow so Grab@Pizza remains that high
proach for identifying and removing risks and weaknesses
performing organization and their leading market position.
and for realizing performance improvements.
This Business Simulation will teach the participants how to
become a High Performant department. The team(s) will be
faced with the need to align their IT capabilities to changing
■■ You will learn how integrated People, Process, Products and
Partners enable you to deliver value.
■■ You will learn how good management tooling will help
business needs, reflecting the challenges facing many IT
manage & control the workflow more effectively and effi-
ciently and support knowledge capture and sharing.
■■ How to deliver agreed IT Services with limited resources.
Limited in terms of budget and employees.
■■ How to minimize your IT costs by optimizing ITSM people,
processes and supporting technology.
■■ How to use your Supplier effectively.
■■ How to prioritize IT investments and workload, in terms of
Maintenance & Support and Innovation & Development.
■■ How to translate Business Requirements into the required
IT Services.
■■ How to plan application development activities, prioritize
the projects/ changes planned on the Change Calendar.
■■ How to minimize potential business risks threats to continuity caused by poor availability, capacity and security of the
IT services.
■■ How to realize and demonstrate business value.
This Business Simulation will teach the group how to deploy
the People, Process, Product and Partner capabilities to create
a High Performing IT department.
This will be further enriched by focussing on the Jerry Luft-
■■ You will understand the interdependency of processes.
■■ You will learn how to co-operate and how to improve
working processes by designing and implementing as a
■■ You will learn about the importance of clearly defined,
agreed, understood and embedded tasks, roles, responsibility and accountability.
■■ You will have gained insight into possible improvements in
your own working environment.
Typical Audience
This Business Simulation is developed for the following target
■■ Business Management
■■ Business Employees
■■ IT Management
■■ ITSM Process Managers
■■ ITSM Service Level Managers
■■ ITSM Service Managers
man’s principles for effective Business and IT Alignment as
part of the reflection moments between the rounds. Areas
No specific prerequisites are needed.
■■ Communication
■■ Competency and IT Value Measurement
Course Delivery
Throughout this 1 day course, an accredited trainer assisted
by a scribe, facilitates the simulation game and gives related
■■ Governance
ITIL and Business information based on real-world cases.
■■ Partnership
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
■■ Scope and Architecture
in English.
■■ Skills
Course Objectives
■■ You will learn how to use ITIL to create IT Service management capabilities that are a strategic asset.
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
■■ You will learn how good IT Service management capabilities enable you to manage cost and risk and at the same
time deliver business value.
■■ You will learn how to translate business demands into
service solutions and demonstrate measurable results.
General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) Master Class
Protection of personal data of EU Citizens has taken a major
information security technology that is required to implement
step forward with the arrival of the General Data Protection
Regulation or GDPR. The GDPR provides a framework for legal
IT Service
and secure processing of personal data and most of all pro-
vides EU citizens rights to control and manage their personal
A basic knowledge of English is required.
data. The impact of compliance with the GDPR will be felt on
a global scale so there is a fair chance that your organization
might be impacted.
Compliance with the GDPR requires your organization to set
up a comprehensive and pragmatic compliance program. CTG
can facilitate you by providing a training program that will
give you the knowledge and concepts to set up your GDPR
compliance program. Training is not only focusing on the
legal aspects of the GDPR but also how data protection and
information security concepts must be applied to ensure full
Course Objectives
The goal of the training program is to give you hands-on and
practical knowledge on:
■■ All aspects and concepts of the GDPR and;
■■ The practical application of concepts in relation to data
protection, information technology and security.
10 Days
Each Participant wil have gained knowledge on the following
■■ Basics of the General Data Protection Regulation;
■■ Tasks and Responsibilities of Controllers
■■ Tasks and Responsibilities of Processors
■■ Tasks and Responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer
■■ Security and data breaches
■■ Basics on Information security
■■ IT infrastucture and the relationship with data protection
and information security
■■ Security, Privacy Tools and Controls
■■ Cloud services and data privacy
■■ Risk Assessment and Management and Data Privacy
Impact Assessment
■■ How to write Privacy Policies, Procedures and related Documents
Typical Audience
This course is designed for upcoming DPOs and other personnel responsible for the data protection of personal data who
want to become more knowledgable on the governance, legal
and procedural and technical aspects such as privacy and
Course Delivery
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured in
various modules to offer flexibility and to cater for participant
needs and circumstances by considering prior learning and
level of staff experience. The length of each module ranges
from 4 to 8 hours and may include exercises, workshops, and
formal assessments.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Venue
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Administration, Planning and Customization
HP Quality Center is a test management tool that covers the
offers software quality assurance, including requirements
IT Service
principal test activities of a test process. HP Quality Center
management, test management and business process testing
for IT and application environments.
This course covers the tasks that are performed by site administrators, project managers, and Quality Assurance (QA)
leads to set up Quality Center (QC) projects before users can
work with requirements, test cases, and defects. This hands-on
course focuses on planning, creating, and customizing Quality
Center projects. It is an important course for people involved
in creating projects, modifying existing fields, creating user
defining basic workflow.
■■ Customizing Users at a Global Level
• Create and Managing Users
■■ Customizing Other Quality Center Modules at a Global
• Configure Mail Parameters and Connection Parameters
Day 2
■■ Customizing Project-Specific Entities
• An Overview of Project Customization
• Manage User-Defined and System Fields
• Create, manage and associate Project-Specific Lists
■■ Managing Project-Specific Users and User Groups
• Add Users to a Project
project needs.
• Customize Module Access for User Groups
Typical Audience
This course is intended for Quality Center administrators,
Quality Center project managers, Quality Assurance leads and
2 Days
Upgrade Projects
Center, so that its customization answers all the participant’s
other Quality Center users responsible for managing projects,
• Copy, Rename, Remove, Back Up, Restore, and
■■ Customizing Lookup Lists
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to learn how to customize HP Quality
defined fields, creating users, setting user permissions and
■■ Maintaining Quality Center Projects
users and workflow customizations.
■■ Customizing Mailing Options and Alert Rules
• Define Mail Fields and conditions
• Configure alert rules
■■ Customizing Alert Rules
• Configure Traceability Notification Rules
■■ Customizing Workflow
• Customize Lists
The participants at least should have a basic knowledge of HP
• Customize Fields by User Groups
Quality Center.
■■ Implementing Workflow Using the Script Editor
• Use the Script Editor
Course Delivery
• Add a Command Button by Using the Script Editor
Approximately 45% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
Course Duration and Venue
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
The course duration is 2 days.
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Planning the Quality Center Implementation
• Planning: Considerations and Key Roles
■■ Introduction to Site Administrator
• Site Administrator Components
■■ Customizing Projects at a Global Level
• Create Domains and Projects
HP Fortify Software Security Center
IT Service
Security is becoming the number one concern for IT compaHPE Security Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) is used by
development groups and security professionals to analyze
the source code of an application for security issues. SCA
identifies root causes of software security vulnerabilities, and
delivers accurate, risk-ranked results with line-of-code remediation guidance, making it easy for your team to address
serious issues first.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees shall be able to:
■■ Install HP Fortify Software Security Center
■■ Configure HP Fortify Software Security Center
■■ Troubleshoot HP Fortify Software Security Center
■■ Install HP Fortify SCA with Eclipse/VS/IntelliJ plugin
■■ Configure HP Fortify SCA with Eclipse/VS/IntelliJ plugin
Typical Audience
This course is intended for security engineers, security officers,
developers, project managers and any type of security stake-
1 Day
Participants should preferably have experience with the most
common security problems.
Course Delivery
Approximately 70% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
Course Outline
■■ HP Fortify Software Security Center
■■ HP Fortify SCA and the Eclipse/JBuilder plugin
■■ Introduction to HP Fortify SCA
■■ Using HP Fortify SCA on the command line
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer End User
IT Service
Security is becoming the number one concern for IT compa-
■■ HP Fortify SCA with command line interface (CLI)
• How to create scripts by using SCA and CLI
HPE Security Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) is used by
■■ Eclipse plugin
development groups and security professionals to analyze
■■ Visual Studio plugin
the source code of an application for security issues. SCA
identifies root causes of software security vulnerabilities, and
delivers accurate, risk-ranked results with line-of-code reme-
Course Duration and Venue
diation guidance, making it easy for your team to address
The course duration is 2 days.
serious issues first.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, attendees shall be able to:
■■ Understand the fundamentals of application security
■■ Know how to code securely in Java
■■ Use HP Fortify from the GUI
■■ Use AWB
■■ Use HP Fortify from the command line
■■ Use the Eclipse/JDeveloper plugin
Typical Audience
This course is intended for security engineers, security officers,
developers, project managers and any type of security stake-
2 Days
Participants should preferably have experience with the most
common security problems.
Course Delivery
Approximately 70% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
Course Outline
■■ Application Security Fundamentals
■■ HP Fortify SCA
• Functionalities of HP Fortify
• Translation, analysis and scan models
• SCA analyzers
• FPR-files
■■ Audit Workbench (AWB)
• Primary functionalities of AWB
HP LoadRunner
LoadRunner is an automated load testing tool that allows you
This two-day course introduces students to LoadRunner .
IT Service
to test your application before, during, and after deployment.
The course covers topics about the Virtual User Generator,
Controller, and Analysis tools. This course is designed to give
you a foundation in basic load testing tasks. You create and
graphs to display data after a test is executed. The hands-
■■ Scheduling Scenarios
on labs are designed to provide you with the knowledge
■■ Defining Service Level Agreements
necessary to create scripts in VuGen, execute scenarios in the
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to learn how to use HP LoadRunner
for performance testing projects:
■■ Introduction to Scenarios
■■ Using Run-Time Settings
■■ Scenario Execution
■■ Defining Service Level Agreements
■■ Performance Monitors
■■ Analysis
■■ Running & Monitoring with Firewalls
Typical Audience
This course is intended for performance engineers that need
to work with the HP LoadRunner suite.
Participants should preferably have experience with Microsoft
Windows as well as a basic understanding of the performance
testing process, although these prerequisites are not mandatory.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
■■ Scenarios
■■ Scenario Execution
■■ Scheduling Scenarios
2 Days
■■ Installation
is used to analyze load test results. You learn to work with the
■■ Installation
■■ Planning an Effective Load Test
■■ Using Run-time Settings
■■ Planning an Effective Load Test
■■ Introduction
run load test scenarios using the Controller. The Analysis tool
Controller, and view the results in the Analysis tool.
Course Outline
■■ Performance Monitors
■■ Analysis
■■ Running & Monitoring with Firewalls
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Improving your Test Process
(TPI Next and TMMi)
The first step for improvement is to know where you are and
is exactly what is investigated as the basis for Test Process
IT Service
where you are going to. In a test process assessment, this
Improvement. The next step then is to plan and implement
an improvement track that brings your test process from the
current situation to the desired one.
CTG offers a targeted interactive training that provides you
with the perfect basis, not only for conducting test process
assessments at your own or at your client’s site, but also for
implementing test improvement tracks:
■■ Test Process Assessment & Improvement models
■■ TPI Next®
■■ TMMi®
Course Objectives
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects.
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Software Process Improvement
• Introduction
• Models and Standards
• TQM, SPI, CMMi, ...
■■ Test Process Improvement
• Introduction
provide test professionals involved in test process manage-
• Process
ment, with the necessary handles to acquire the basic insights
• Models and Standards
and tips and tricks to manage test process improvements
A general overview on how test process improvement models
can be applied to plan and implement both test process
Furthermore, the TMMi® and the TPI Next® test process
2 Days
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
The objective of the Test Process Improvement course is to
assessments and test process improvement tracks is given.
Course Delivery
improvement models are studied in detail.
Focus will be in the first place on making the trainee familiar
with the structure of the models and the available documentation such that he or she will be able to actively use these
■■ The The TMMi®Model
• Introduction
• Overview test maturity levels
• Structure of the model
• The model in practice
• Case study
Day 2
■■ The TPI Next® Model
models when conducting a test process assessment or test
• Introduction
process improvement. During the training, trainees will have
• Overview test maturity levels
ample opportunity to experiment with the TMMi® and the
• Structure of the model
TPI Next® test process improvement models in dedicated
• The model in practice
case studies.
• Case study
Typical Audience
This course is intended for experienced test professionals with
a background or keen interest in test process management
and test process improvement. Other people who might be
interested in this training are: test managers, project managers and quality managers involved in or with an interest in test
improvement tracks.
■■ Test Process Improvement
• Success factors
• Pitfalls
• Conclusion
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Basic test knowledge and experience is required. Ideally the
trainees have an ISTQB foundation certificate or equivalent
by experience.
Information & Cyber Security
Master Class
Companies are facing a huge challenge with emerging
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), SOX (Sarbanes
IT Service
cyber-threats and an increasing demand of the regulators via
■■ What is Information Security
works, which they are legally obliged to comply with.
■■ ISO 27001 ISO 27002 intro
By not complying to these regulations companies will be
■■ Organisation of Information Security
fined or have to deal with reputation risks who can have some
impact on the revenue of a company or can in worst case
To deal with the increasing cyber-threats and legislation you
5 Days
■■ Threats & Countermeasures
building a managed Cyber Security Program
■■ Risk Management exercises
At the end of the course the participants will be skilled and
experienced enough to pass the EXIN Information Security
Foundation exam.
the aspects of Cyber Security, each participant will have
Day 3
■■ Business Continuity Management Introduction
■■ Classroom exercises Business Continuity Management
Day 4
■■ Identity and Access Management
gained knowledge on the following topics:
■■ Intro in Cryptography, PKI, signing
■■ Information Security Management (Frameworks)
Day 5
■■ Threats & Countermeasures
■■ Audit
■■ Risk Management
■■ Digital Forensics
■■ Business Continuity Management
■■ Identity & Access Management
Course Duration and Venue
■■ Cryptography, PKI, Signing
The course duration is 5 days.
■■ Audit
This course is given at CTG.
■■ Digital Forensics
Typical Audience
The Cyber Security training is designed for Chief Information-,
Chief Information Security-, Cyber- Security-, officers and or –
managers or an audience that is dealing with regulation.
No ICT knowledge required.
Course Delivery
Training is given in a classroom format.
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
Day 2
■■ Risk Management introduction
The goal is to pass the EXIN ISF exam, and get familiar with
■■ Develop some information security policies
need to have trained security personal that are trained in
Course Objectives
Day 1
Oxley), Basel 2/3, HIPAA, and other legal or regulatory frame-
scenarios lead to bankruptcy.
Course Outline
Follow-up courses:
■■ Ethical Hacking Foundation
■■ Application Security Awareness
Introduction to
Computerized System Validation
The Life Sciences industry is one of the most regulated in-
life science industry receive GxP training and are capable of
dustries in the world, and is subject to regulation by different
performing their assigned duties.
government agencies. Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical
IT Service
research, medical device and health care companies are
required to meet relevant GxP requirements for their business
A basic knowledge of English is required.
operations which involves well-trained personnel.
Personnel working in regulated organizations should be skilled
Course Delivery
in computerized system validation activities to ensure these
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
organizations are in compliance with pertinent regulatory
requirements. CTG can provide training to your employees
to ensure they are appropriately trained and have adequate
skills and experience to perform their assigned duties.
Course Outline
computerized system validation.
■■ History and purpose of CSV in regulated environments
■■ GAMP 5 concepts to CSV
■■ Produce validation documentation required for the imple■■ Elements required for the maintenance of validated
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of
mentation of computerized systems
1½ Days
in English.
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of staff
Course Objectives
Each participant will have gained knowledge about following
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
■■ Create key validation documents needed for the use and
maintenance of the system
■■ Perform remedial activities
■■ Regression testing and retrofitting of functionalities
■■ Change control process
■■ User requirements specifications and the role it plays in CSV
■■ Understand why URS plays a major role in achieving business and regulatory requirements
Day 1
■■ CSV Fundamentals
• Computerized system validation process
• GAMP V-model
■■ Maintaining validated systems
Day 2
■■ Writing SMART Requirements
■■ Writing Effective Test Plans & Reports
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1½ days.
The exam is organized immediately after the course. Results
and certificates will be provided immediately after the exam.
Exams are available in English only.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
■■ How requirements are created and approved
■■ Stakeholders involved and their responsibilities
■■ Required elements and qualities of a URS
■■ Test documentation and their role to CSV
■■ How testing is created and approved, including the responsibilities of those performing the activities
■■ Required elements and qualities of test documentation
Typical Audience
The Introduction to Computerized System Validation course
is designed for Business, QA and IT personnel that are new
to the regulated environment. It is important, and is also a
regulatory requirement, that all individuals working within the
Introduction to Electronic Records
and Electronic Signatures
The Life Sciences industry is one of the most regulated
government agencies. Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical
IT Service
industries in the world and is subject to regulation by different
research, medical device and health care companies are
required to meet relevant GxP requirements for their business
operations, which involves well-trained personnel.
Some of these GxP requirements are applicable to GxP
critical records and signatures. When those critical records
and signatures are kept and managed electronically, specific
regulations apply. For products sold in the US market 21 CFR
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Outline
■■ Introduction to electronic records and electronic signatures:
part 1
CTG can provide training to your employees to ensure they
• Applicable government regulations
are appropriately trained and have adequate skills and
• ERES - Part 11 Subpart A
experience to work with and manage electronic records and
• ERES - Part 11 Subpart B
electronic signatures in an efficient and compliant manner.
• ERES - Part 11 Subpart C
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to provide understanding of
common quality practices for electronic records and electronic
signatures (ERES) applicable to GxP environments. The train-
■■ Introduction to electronic records and electronic signatures:
part 2
• Predicate Rules
• ERES Assessment Process
• Typical regulatory citations
• Managing ERES corrective actions
This training discusses further on the concepts and requirements of ERES and provides details on the remediation of
Course Duration and Venue
ERES compliance gaps.
The course duration is 1 day.
Each participant will have gained knowledge about:
The exam is organized immediately after the course. Results
■■ The background and intent of ERES rules
and certificates will be provided immediately after the exam.
■■ How to identify electronic records and electronic signatures
■■ How to identify the most ERES issues that are resulting in
regulatory citations
■■ The ERES assessment process
■■ How to manage corrective actions for ERES compliance
Typical Audience
The “Introduction to Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures Training” course is designed for Business, QA and IT
personnel that are new to electronic records and signatures. It
is important, and is also a regulatory requirement, that all individuals working within the Life Sciences industry receive GxP
training and are capable of performing their assigned duties.
A basic knowledge of English is required.
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of staff
electronic records and signatures have to comply with Eudral-
computer systems that use electronic records or signatures.
1 Day
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
Day 1
ing also provides a reflection of regulatory expectations for
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
Part 11 applies. For products sold in the European market, the
ex Volume 4 Annex 11.
Course Delivery
Exams are available in English only.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Introduction to General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Protection of personal data of EU Citizens has taken a major
Regulation or GDPR. The GDPR provides a framework for legal
IT Service
step forward with the arrival of the General Data Protection
and secure processing of personal data and most of all provides EU citizens rights to control and manage their personal
The impact of compliance with the GDPR will be felt on a
global scale so there is a fair chance that your organization
might be impacted.
The Introduction to GDPR course will discuss the legal aspects
of EU data protection.
Course Delivery
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of staff
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of the
fundamentals of the General Data Protection Regulation, as
well as the basics of relevant regulatory guidance.
The course includes:
■■ Background, history and purpose of the GDPR;
■■ Fundamental concepts and definitions of the GDPR;
■■ Principles of processing personal data;
■■ Legal grounds for processing activities;
■■ Transparency and information requirements;
2 Days
■■ Data subject rights;
■■ Controllers and processors;
■■ Privacy by design, privacy by default, data security;
■■ Data breaches;
■■ Data protection impact assessment;
■■ Data protection officers;
■■ Transferring personal data to third countries;
■■ Supervisory authorities;
■■ Remedies, liabilities, and penalties.
Typical Audience
The Introduction to General Data Protection Regulation
course is designed for Business, QA, HR, Compliance, Legal
and IT personnel involved with processing personal data.
Understanding of the regulatory requirements concerning the
processing of personal data is an important factor in attaining compliance with the GDPR.
A basic knowledge of English is required.
Introduction to HP ALM
HP ALM is a test management tool that
HP ALM offers software quality assurance, including require-
IT Service
covers the principal test activities of a test process.
Participants will learn how to manage quality
information throughout the development cycle,
construct and organize requirements, create and
to track the success of a project.
• Create release tree
• Tie requirements to releases and cycles
• View requirement coverage by cycle
• Tie tests to releases and cycles
■■ Defining Requirements
• Understand requirement types
• Build a requirements tree
At the end of the course you will be able to:
• Tie requirements to releases and cycles
■■ Create releases and cycles
■■ Define requirements
■■ Analyse risks associated with requirements
2 Days
Course Objectives
Day 2
■■ Test Planning
• Build a test plan tree
■■ Organize subjects and tests in a test plan tree
• Create tests
■■ Design and create test plans
• Link tests and requirements
■■ Generate test scripts from design steps
• Use parameters in tests
■■ Create test sets
• Configure a test to call other tests
■■ Execute manual and automated tests
• Monitor the status of test plans
■■ Record and track test execution results
• Create and configure test configurations
■■ Log and manage defects
• Understand the relationship between releases and
• Create and define requirements
testing for IT and application environments
execute test sets, monitor defects, and use graphs and reports
ments management, test management and business process
■■ Working with releases
■■ Generate reports and graphs
Typical Audience
■■ Test Execution
• Build a test sets tree
• Define and schedule test execution flows
• Execute manual and automated tests
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
• Record and review test execution results
quality matters, including test engineers,
• Monitor the status of test sets
test managers, project managers and quality managers.
Participants should preferably have experience with Microsoft Windows as well as a basic understanding of the testing
process, although these prerequisites are not mandatory.
■■ Defect Tracking
• Log defects
• Search and review defects
• Associate defects to other entities
• Update a defect
• Track the status of defects
Course Delivery
Approximately 45% of the class is devoted to
• Generate analysis reports and graphs
lab exercises.
• Generate Microsoft Excel reports
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
Course Duration and Venue
real world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
The course duration is 2 days. This course can be given at the
French. Course material is in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction
■■ Report and Analysis
client’s site or at CTG.
Introduction to
HP Quality Center
HP Quality Center is a test management tool that
HP Quality Center offers software quality assurance, including
• Create release tree
requirements management, test management and business
• Tie requirements to releases and cycles
IT Service
process testing for IT and application environments
Participants will learn how to manage quality
information throughout the development cycle,
construct and organize requirements, create and
execute test sets, monitor defects, and use graphs and reports
to track the success of a project.
At the end of the course you will be able to:
■■ Create releases and cycles
■■ Define requirements
• Tie tests to releases and cycles
■■ Defining Requirements
• Understand requirement types
• Create and define requirements
• Tie requirements to releases and cycles
Day 2
■■ Test Planning
• Build a test plan tree
• Create tests
■■ Organize subjects and tests in a test plan tree
• Link tests and requirements
■■ Design and create test plans
• Use parameters in tests
■■ Generate test scripts from design steps
• Configure a test to call other tests
■■ Create test sets
• Monitor the status of test plans
■■ Execute manual and automated tests
• Create and configure test configurations
■■ Log and manage defects
2 Days
• View requirement coverage by cycle
■■ Analyse risks associated with requirements
■■ Record and track test execution results
• Build a requirements tree
Course Objectives
• Understand the relationship between releases and
covers the principal test activities of a test process.
■■ Generate reports and graphs
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
quality matters, including test engineers, test managers,
project managers and quality managers.
Participants should preferably have experience with Microsoft Windows as well as a basic understanding of the testing
process, although these prerequisites are not mandatory.
■■ Test Execution
• Build a test sets tree
• Define and schedule test execution flows
• Execute manual and automated tests
• Record and review test execution results
• Monitor the status of test sets
■■ Defect Tracking
• Log defects
• Search and review defects
• Associate defects to other entities
• Update a defect
• Track the status of defects
■■ Report and Analysis
Course Delivery
• Generate analysis reports and graphs
Approximately 45% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
• Generate Microsoft Excel reports
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
Course Duration and Venue
real world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
The course duration is 2 days.
French. Course material is in English.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction
■■ Working with releases
Introduction to
HP QuickTest Professional
This core course provides a comprehensive
ed functional testing tool for different environments. You will
IT Service
understanding of using QuickTest Professional as an automat-
■■ Prepare to Record
to record and play back tests, add synchronization points and
■■ Create a Basic Test
verification steps, as well as create multiple action tests.
• Create and execute Basic Tests
You will build upon fundamental topics by using
• Understand QuickTest results
debug tools to troubleshoot tests and use additional check-
• Identify Objects and their Properties
processes that can be automated.
• Discuss Basics of the Object Repository
Once tests are created, you will discover and correct common
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
■■ Create basic scripts from a manual test case
■■ Enhance basic tests with synchronization and
■■ Parameterize tests to run with multiple sets of data
■■ Create and reuse modular actions
■■ Use object repository
2 Days
■■ Use debugging tools
■■ Working with Objects
points and product options to broaden the scope of business
hands-on exercises that are based on real-life examples.
Day 1
use QuickTest Professional’s graphic point and click interface
record and play back problems. All topics are supported by
Course Outline
■■ Use custom checkpoints to create more precise verification
points within a test
■■ Use Object Repository Manager
■■ Describe and use virtual objects
■■ Resolve object recognition problems
Typical Audience
This course is intended for new users of HP QuickTest Professional who need to automate manual testing and verification
in a short amount of time.
■■ Adding Synchronization
■■ Verifying with Standard Checkpoints
• Enhance Tests with Checkpoints
• Use Regular Expressions
■■ Using Parameters
• Use Input Parameters and Output Parameters
• Create Data-Driven Tests
• Enhance Checkpoints with Parameters
■■ Building Multiple, Reusable Actions
• Create a Single Reusable Action
• Create Multiple Actions from a single action
• Use Global and Local Data Sheets
Day 2
■■ Adding Steps without Recording
■■ Create Tests on a Web Application
■■ Writing Custom Checkpoints
• Create a Custom Checkpoint
• Compare Captured with Expected Values
• Use Debugging Tools
• Report Step Outcome with a Reporter Event
■■ Using Database Checkpoints
• Define Database Checkpoints
• Create SQL queries, Insert a Database Checkpoint
These prerequisites are not mandatory, but preferably partici-
• Parameterise a Database Query
pants should have a working knowledge of Windows, websites
and browsers; and Testing concepts.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer provides lectures
and gives exercises based on real-world projects. Courses can be
given in English or Dutch. Course material is in English.
■■ Utilising a Shared Object Repository
■■ Solving Object Recognition Problems
■■ Utilising Recovery Scenario
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
Introduction to
This core course provides a comprehensive
functional testing tool for different environments. You will use
IT Service
understanding of using UFT Professional as an automated
■■ Prepare to Record
and play back tests, add synchronization points and verifica-
■■ Create a Basic Test
tion steps, as well as create multiple action tests.
• Create and execute Basic Tests
You will build upon fundamental topics by using
• Understand UFT results
debug tools to troubleshoot tests and use additional check-
• Identify Objects and their Properties
processes that can be automated.
• Discuss Basics of the Object Repository
Once tests are created, you will discover and correct common
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
■■ Create basic scripts from a manual test case
■■ Enhance basic tests with synchronisation and
■■ Parameterize tests to run with multiple sets of data
■■ Create and reuse modular actions
■■ Use object repository
2 Days
■■ Use debugging tools
■■ Working with Objects
points and product options to broaden the scope of business
hands-on exercises that are based on real-life examples.
Day 1
UFT Professional’s graphic point and click interface to record
record and play back problems. All topics are supported by
Course Outline
■■ Use custom checkpoints to create more precise verification
points within a test
■■ Use Object Repository Manager
■■ Describe and use virtual objects
■■ Resolve object recognition problems
Typical Audience
This course is intended for new users of HP UFT Professional
who need to automate manual testing and verification in a
short amount of time.
■■ Adding Synchronization
■■ Verifying with Standard Checkpoints
• Enhance Tests with Checkpoints
• Use Regular Expressions
■■ Using Parameters
• Use Input Parameters and Output Parameters
• Create Data-Driven Tests
• Enhance Checkpoints with Parameters
■■ Building Multiple, Reusable Actions
• Create a Single Reusable Action
• Create Multiple Actions from a single action
• Use Global and Local Data Sheets
Day 2
■■ Adding Steps without Recording
■■ Create Tests on a Web Application
■■ Writing Custom Checkpoints
• Create a Custom Checkpoint
• Compare Captured with Expected Values
• Use Debugging Tools
• Report Step Outcome with a Reporter Event
■■ Using Database Checkpoints
• Define Database Checkpoints
• Create SQL queries, Insert a Database Checkpoint
These prerequisites are not mandatory, but preferably partici-
• Parameterise a Database Query
pants should have a working knowledge of Windows, websites
and browsers; and Testing concepts.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer provides lectures
and gives exercises based on real-world projects. Courses can be
given in English or Dutch. Course material is in English.
■■ Utilising a Shared Object Repository
■■ Solving Object Recognition Problems
■■ Utilising Recovery Scenario
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
Introduction to
IT Infrastructure Qualification
The Life Sciences industry is one of the most regulated
government agencies. Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical
IT Service
industries in the world and is subject to regulation by different
research, medical device and health care companies are
Course Duration and Venue
Personnel working in regulated organizations should be skilled
The course duration is ½ day.
in IT Infrastructure Qualification activities to ensure that
The exam is organised immediately after the course. Results
properly qualified and remains under control. CTG can provide
training to your employees to ensure they are appropriately
their assigned duties.
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to IT
Infrastructure Qualification. Each participant will have gained
knowledge about following topics:
■■ Definition of IT Infrastructure
■■ The importance of IT Infrastructure Qualification
■■ Differences between IT Infrastructure Qualification (ITIQ)
and Computer System Validation (CSV)
■■ A general approach for IT Infrastructure Qualification (from
½ Day
achieving and maintaiing a qualified state for IT Infrastruc-
ture to its
■■ Identification of the main IT Infrastructure
components that can be subject to IT Infrastructure Qualification
Typical Audience
The Introduction to IT Infrastructure Qualification course is
designed for Business, QA and IT personnel that are new to
IT Infrastructure Qualification. It is important, and is also a
regulatory requirement, that all individuals working within the
life science industry receive GxP training and are capable of
performing their assigned duties.
A basic knowledge of English is required.
Course Delivery
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of
staff experience. Courses can be given in English or in Dutch.
Course material is in English.
■■ Introduction to IT Infrastructure Qualification
operations, which involves well-trained personnel.
trained and have adequate skills and experience to perform
Day 1
required to meet relevant GxP requirements for their business
the IT Infrastructure supporting GxP applications has been
Course Outline
and certificates will be provided immediately after the exam.
Exams are available in English only.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Introduction to JIRA
Jira software is built for every member of your software team
Whether your organization uses kanban, scrum or another
IT Service
to plan, track and release software.
Course Delivery
Our intention is to teach you how to use JIRA and provide
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer provides lec-
you with a hands-on experience. The JIRA introduction
tures and guides you through the workshops, so you are able
training is a workshop to familiarize you with all main JIRA
to start using JIRA as of the following day.
order to set up JIRA and to track issues. During the training
1 Day
Investing in this 1-day training gets you up and running to
use JIRA on an everyday basis.
Nevertheless, this training is focused on learning the tool, our
experienced trainers will make time to discuss your personal
the board and so on.
general (Agile) testing concepts.
be easily done with JIRA.
you will learn to create projects and issues, moving cards in
Preferably participants should have a working knowledge of the
methodology to develop software, managing your issues can
features and we will guide you through all the JIRA topics in
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Working as a team member in an Agile project
• Search issues
experiences and the questions that came up during the work-
• Create and manage your defects
shops. The trainer will help you reframe and better formulate
• Engage with your issue
your questions, so you are able to pinpoint them towards
• Monitoring using dashboard
your management, the advanced JIRA trainer, our CTG Agile
experts and so on.
■■ Leading an Agile project
• Create a Scrum board
Devops geeks and confluence integrators are invited to reg-
• Managing project roles
ister for an extra day of our JIRA advanced training. This ad-
• Building a backlog
vanced training is currently under development and is coming
out soon. This training will not go into the details of all the
testing methodologies that JIRA is capable of handling. Our
main focus is the general use of JIRA.
Do not hesitate to contact CTG if you are interested in the
advanced training or you want to follow our JIRA training
• Monitoring work in a Kanban board
■■ Planning a version to release
• Version management
• Managing epics
• Manage sprints
■■ Test management add-on Zephyr for JIRA
• Writing Tests
Course Objectives
• Planning Test Cycles
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
• Executing Tests
■■ Track and handle your issues, set up boards and report on
them with JIRA.
■■ Lead Agile projects
■■ Build backlogs
■■ Work as a team member in an Agile project
Typical Audience
This course is intended for every member of your software
• Tracking Test Progress
■■ Reporting
• Agile Reports
• Issue Analysis
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
team starting to use JIRA.
Testers, Scrum Masters, Product Owners
Introduction to Life Sciences
The Life Sciences industry is one of the most regulated
government agencies. Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical
IT Service
industries in the world and is subject to regulation by different
research, medical device and health care companies are
required to meet relevant GxP requirements for their business
operations, which involves well-trained personnel.
The “Introduction to Life Sciences Training” introduces the
industries. It also provides the participants with comprehensive understanding of good documentation practices, as they
pertain to all GxPs records and provide real-world examples
of good and bad documentation practices. Finally the course
also gives insight to all pertinent regulations and industry
CTG can provide training to your employees to ensure they
are appropriately trained and have adequate skills, knowledge
1 Day
and awareness to work in the Life Sciences industry.
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to create awareness about the the
for Business, QA and IT personnel that are new to the
regulated environment. It is important, and is also a regulatory requirement, that all individuals working within the Life
Sciences industry receive GxP related training and are capable
of performing their assigned duties.
A basic knowledge of English is required.
Course Delivery
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of staff
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Outline
fundamental principles of compliance with pertinent regula-
Day 1
tions and industry guidelines in the Life Sciences industry.
■■ Introduction to Life Sciences
Each participant will have gained knowledge about following
■■ Good Documentation in Life Sciences
■■ Overview of Pertinent Regulations & Guidelines
■■ Define GxP (GMP, GLP, GDP, and GCP)
■■ Discuss the history and purpose of the GxP
■■ Identify the regulatory authorities in the US, Europe,
Canada, and Japan
■■ Describe the importance of the GxP standards in protecting
public health
■■ Quickly access important documentation and links to FDA
and EMEA regulations
■■ Describe a Quality Management System
■■ Describe good documentation practices and the role that it
plays to production and process controls
■■ Correct errors and omissions in data entry
■■ Sign, date and label data and records
■■ Identify relevant regulations (and guidelines)
governing use of computerized systems in GxP environments
■■ Describe the safeguards required for use of GxP critical
■■ Quickly access regulations and guidelines.
The “Introduction to Life Sciences Training” course is designed
concepts and requirements necessary for compliance with
relevant GxP requirements and standards for Life Sciences
Typical Audience
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
The exam is organized immediately after the course. Results
and certificates will be provided immediately after the exam.
Exams are available in English only.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Introduction to
Quality Risk Management
Risk management principles are effectively utilized in a lot of
ance, occupational safety, public health, pharmacovigilance,
IT Service
areas of business and government including finance, insurand by agencies regulating these industries. The importance
of quality systems has been recognized in the pharmaceutical
industry and it is becoming evident that quality risk management is a valuable component of an effective quality system
(ICH Q9, 2005).
Personnel working in regulated organizations should be skilled
in quality and risk management to ensure these organizations
are in compliance with pertinent regulatory requirements.
CTG can provide training to your employees to ensure they
are appropriately trained and have adequate skills and experience to perform their assigned duties.
Course Objectives
Course Delivery
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of
staff experience. Courses can be given in English or in Dutch.
Course material is in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Fundamentals of Risk Management
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
The exam is organized immediately after the course. Results
and certificates will be provided immediately after the exam.
The goal of this course is to provide a full understanding of
Exams are available in English only.
the fundamental principles of Quality Risk
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Each participant will have gained knowledge about following
■■ Fundamentals of risk management
1 Day
■■ Guidelines and references used to construct and perform a
good risk assessment
■■ Risk management process
■■ Effectiveness and usefulness of risk management
■■ Various risk assessment approaches
■■ How to integrate risk assessment into the system development life cycle
■■ Methods for reducing risks
■■ Why risk assessments are required and beneficial
■■ How to apply the principles of risk management to different needs
Typical Audience
The Basic Quality Risk Management Training course is designed for Business, QA and IT personnel that are new to the
regulated environment. It is important, and is also a regulatory requirement, that all individuals working within the life
science industry receive GxP related training and are capable
of performing their assigned duties.
A basic knowledge of English is required.
Introduction to
Sarbanes–Oxley (SOx) Compliance
Greed, fraud and corruption in corporate businesses have had
general at the start of the millennium. Since the first series
IT Service
a catastrophic impact on world economy and the public in
government were also the first to take steps to implement
counter measures to ban the corruption on this scale and level
from US based corporations.
These counter measures or the counter ’Act’, currently known
as the Sarbanes-Oxley act or SOx act, has had an equal major
impact on US based corporations when it comes to Internal
of financial scandals in the US were out in the open, the US
Course Delivery
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
to offer flexibility and to cater for participant needs and
circumstances by considering prior learning and level of staff
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
This training provides an overall and high level view and intro-
■■ Introduction to Sarbanes-Oxley (Sox) Compliance
duction on what SOx Compliance is all about and how it can
• Greed, Fraud and Corruption
impact your business.
• The Counter ‘Act’
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to provide a common understanding
• Internal Controls
• Key Controls from Business Perspective
• Key Controls from IT Perspective
of the Sarbanes-Oxley act to be able to understand the necessity of implemented controls in companies that are subjected
to SOx compliance.
Each participant will have gained an understanding of the
½ Day
■■ Which incidents led to the development of the SOx act and
why this was necessary;
■■ The role of the SEC (securities Exchange Commission);
■■ The role of the PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board);
■■ The concept of Internal Controls and how these are subdivided into:
• Key controls from a business perspective;
• Key controls from an IT perspective;
■■ Control Frameworks
Typical Audience
Typical attendees to this training are: Compliance Managers,
IT managers, people involved in SOx testing, and auditors.
A basic knowledge of English is required.
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is ½ day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
IREB Advanced: Elicitation and Consolidation
IT Service
The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) is
■■ Consolidate knowledge by practical experiences
an international nonprofit organization that focuses on the
■■ Learn to select the appropriate approach for a
further professionalization of the Requirements discipline.
(Equivalent to ISTQB in testing.) Within IREB, requirements
engineering experts like Chris Rupp and Suzanne Robertson
are members of the international board.
Meanwhile IREB developed a certification program for Re-
Quality Institute (iSQI).
The curriculum has three levels: Foundation
Certificate, Advanced Certificate and Expert Certificate.
This three-day accredited course is a preparation for the exam
“Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Advanced Level, Elicitat ion and Consolidation” and meets the requirements as set down by IREB. The focus is set on acquiring
and developing advanced requirements engineering topics
in the area of: requirements sources, elicitation techniques,
consolidation techniques, and communication. In addition to
the theoretical foundations, the course places great emphasis
on practical exercises. Hence, practical components account
for roughly half the course timetable.
The certification itself consists of two parts and is optional.
3 Days
The written examination, which is the first part of the certifi-
■■ Learn to mediate in conflict situations in the field of requirements elicitation
■■ Gain knowledge and practical skills with respect to documenting.
quirement Engineering (CPRE). The internationally recognized
examinations are conducted by the International Software
project situation and apply the most effective techniques
cation, is held during the afternoon of the third day. For those
who are not taking part in the examination, the instructor will
Typical Audience
The course is aimed at participants who already have theoretical knowledge and practical experience of
Requirements Engineering:
■■ Requirement Engineers, Business Analysts,
Information Analysts and Functional Designers who want
to obtain the internationally recognized IREB “Certificated
Professional for Requirements Engineering – Advanced
Level, Elicitation and Consolidation” certification as part of
their career.
■■ Architects, Developers, Designers and Users
involved in specifying information systems or software
■■ Quality Officers and Project Managers who want
to explore Requirement Engineering and
be available during this period in order to clarify any questions
and to go into more detail about the course content. The
Candidates for the CPRE Advanced Level module examina-
second part of the certification involves the implementa-
tion must already have received the CPRE Foundation Level
tion of the taught course content in the form of a practical
assignment. This part is not included in the actual course and
is conducted by an independent examiner.
Course Objectives
The overall objective of this course is to improve knowledge
and gain practical skills in Advanced Requirement Engineering
and Requirements Management.
Each participant will be faced with following specific targets:
■■ Improve Requirement Engineering and Management activities within the project and the organization
■■ Per use of international standards, best practices, examples
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and requirements engineering expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on real world projects.
Different mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the
real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
The course and the exam are offered in cooperation with our
partner Improve QS.
and practice for gaining practical skills
■■ Preparing for the official exam at the end of the third day
■■ Obtaining an internationally recognized certificate in Advanced Requirement Engineering
■■ Expand your Requirements Engineering skills by knowledge
of requirements elicitation and consolidation
Course Outline
Course Duration and Venue
Day 1
The course duration is 3 days.
■■ Knowledge of requirement sources
The exam (optional) is organised at the end of the 3rd day.
• What are requirement sources?
Exams are available in English, Dutch or French.
• How to identify and manage the stakeholders?
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
• How to capture and document these sources?
■■ Requirement sources
• User centered requirements engineering
• Stakeholder classification schema
• Identify, classify and manage documents in
Day 2
■■ Knowledge and application of elicitation techniques
• Characteristics of elicitation techniques
• Mastering and using classification of elicitation
• Mastering and using selection of elicitation
■■ Survey, observation and creativity techniques for requirements elicitation
• Questioning techniques
• Creativity techniques
• Artifact-based techniques
• Other supporting techniques
Day 3
■■ Communication for requirements engineering
• Mastering and using qualitative interviews
• Mastering and using the Method 6-3-5
• Mastering and using perspective-based reading
• Mastering the use of contextual inquiry
■■ Recognizing conflicts and finding solutions
• Detection of conflict types
• Knowing Glasl’s conflict escalation model
• Mastering and using selection of consolidation
■■ Knowledge and application of various consolidation techniques
• Conflict settlement techniques
• Voting or instruction methods
• Analytic methods
■■ Exam (optional)
IREB Foundation
IT Service
is an international nonprofit organization that focuses on the
The ”International Requirements Engineering Board” (IREB)
professional nature of requirements engineering, similar to
ISTQB for software testing.
exam should have at least 6 months experience in requirements engineering and should have a basic knowledge of
tional board, which has developed a
certification program for requirements engineering (CPRE).
Course Delivery
This three-day training course is a preparation for the exam
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and require-
“Certified Professional for Requirements
ments engineering expert provides lectures and gives exercis-
Engineering - Foundation Level” and is accredited by IREB.
es based on real-world projects.
When you pass the exam, you receive a certificate that is
Different mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the
recognized by IREB.
real certification exam.
This course is a must for everybody involved in the require-
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
ments engineering process and is the best preparation for the
in English.
certification exam.
3 Days
suggest that participants wishing to take the IREB Foundation
Rupp and Suzanne Robertson are members of this interna-
The goal of this course is to provide a full understanding of
the fundamental principles of requirements engineering
and to enhance the knowledge and practical experience in
the domains of requirements engineering and requirements
No specific prerequisites are required. However we strongly
International requirements engineering experts such as Chris
Course Objectives
Each participant will be faced with the following
specific targets:
■■ Improvement of both requirements engineering and
requirements management within the project and within
the organization
■■ Getting familiar with the current international
standards and the industry’s best practices
■■ Preparation for the official exam at the end of the third day
At the end of the course participants will have the opportunity
to take an exam and obtain the “IREB Certified Professional
for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level” certificate.
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in requirements
engineering and quality matters, including requirements
engineers, functional and business analysts, system architects,
developers, testers, QA managers and project managers.
The course and the exam are offered in cooperation with our
partner Improve QS.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Basic Principles
• Definitions and terminology
• Influencing factors for requirements engineering
• Principles of communication
• Profile of a Requirements Engineer
■■ Scope, Context and Interfaces
■■ Requirement types
• Overview
• Functional requirements
• Data requirements
• Non-functional requirements
• Interface requirements
Day 2
■■ Requirement documentation
• Levels of requirements
• Relationships between design documentation
• Requirement documentation techniques
• Requirement attributes
■■ Collecting requirements
• Sources of requirements
• Stakeholders
• Collection of requirements
• Reviewing requirements
Day 3
■■ Requirement management
• ID management
• Requirement views
• Traceability between requirements
• Requirement priorities
• Configuration management
• Change management
■■ Tools
• Functionalities of tools supporting requirements engineering / management
• Overview of the most common tools
■■ Exam (optional)
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 3 days.
The exam (optional) is organized at the end of the 3rd day
and is a one-hour multiple-choice exam.
Exams are available in English, Dutch or French.
ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst
This course provides test engineers with advanced skills in
functional testing and test automation through direct instruc-
IT Service
component testing, white box testing, static analysis, nontion and group exercises, going beyond the ISTQB Foundation
level. This ISTQB accredited hands-on course provides test
engineers with the ability to define and carry out the tasks
required to put the strategy into action and is ideal for testers
and test teams preparing for certification. In preparation for the
exam, participants will learn the subject matter behind the test
standard and deepen their understanding by working through
case studies and exercises. In group exercises, typical review
situations are played out and analysed.
Following the ISTQB Foundation Certificate, the Advanced
Technical Test Analyst Certificate provides the next level of
knowledge and practical expertise in the ISTQB Advanced
Certification scheme. It is one of three certified courses at
Typical Audience
People who have experience in software testing and want to
certify to a higher level. This includes developers, test analysts,
test engineers, but also test managers and development
Successful completion of the ISTQB Foundation Certificate is a prerequisite to taking the ISTQB Advanced Certificate examination.
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects. Different mock exams ensure an optimal
preparation for the real certification exam.
Advanced level (the other two being Advanced Test Manager
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material
and Advanced Test Analyst).
is in English. The course and the exam are offered to you in
4 Days
cooperation with our partner Improve QS.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
■■ Recognize and classify the typical risks associated with the
Course Outline
Day 1
performance, security, reliability, portability and maintain-
■■ Test Levels: Component Testing and Integration Testing
ability of software systems
■■ Test Techniques
■■ Create test plans which detail the planning, design and
• Statement testing
execution of tests for mitigating performance, security,
• Decision testing
reliability, portability and maintainability risks
• Condition testing and multiple condition testing
■■ Select and apply appropriate structural design techniques
to ensure that tests provide an adequate level of confi-
Day 2
dence, based on code coverage an design coverage
■■ Test Techniques
■■ Effectively participate in technical reviews with developers
and software architects
■■ Recognize risks in code and software architecture and
create test plan elements to mitigate those risk through
dynamic analysis
■■ Propose improvement to the security, maintainability and
testability of code by applying static analysis
■■ Outline the costs and benefits to be expected from introducing particular types of test automation
■■ Select appropriate tools to automate technical testing tasks
■■ Understand the technical issues and concepts in applying
test automation.
• Path testing
• API testing
• Static analysis
• Dynamic analysis
■■ Reviews and inspections
■■ Non Functional Testing
Day 3
■■ Test tools for:
• Performance
• Coverage
• Test execution
• Keyword driven testing
Day 4
■■ Rehearsal and exam
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 4 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst
This course provides test engineers with advanced skills in
and group exercises, that goes beyond the ISTQB Founda-
IT Service
test analysis, design, and execution through direct instruction
tion level. This ISTQB accredited hands-on course enables
test engineers to define and carry out the tasks required to
put the strategy into action and is ideal for testers and test
teams preparing for certification. In preparation for the exam,
participants will learn the subject matter behind the test
standard and deepen their understanding by working through
case studies and exercises. In group exercises, typical review
situations are simulated and analysed.
Following the ISTQB Foundation Certificate, the Advanced
Test Analyst Certificate provides the next level of knowledge
and practical expertise in the ISTQB Advanced Certification
scheme. It is one of three certified courses at Advanced level
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects. Different mock exams ensure an optimal
preparation for the real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material
is in English. The course and the exam are offered to you in
cooperation with our partner Improve QS.
vanced Technical Test Analyst”).
Day 1
■■ Revision of the Foundation course: test terminology, test
techniques and test tools
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
■■ Basic aspects of testing
■■ Perform the appropriate testing activities based on the
■■ Testing processes:Test analysis and design
software development lifecycle being used
based on the risk analysis
6 Days
is a pre-requisite to taking the ISTQB Advanced Certificate
Course Outline
■■ Determine the proper prioritisation of the testing activities
Successful completion of the ISTQB Foundation Certificate
(the other two being “Advanced Test Manager” and “Ad-
Course Objectives
■■ Select and apply appropriate testing techniques to ensure
■■ Risk based testing
■■ Reviews: review principles, review types and the review
that tests provide an adequate level of confidence, based
Day 2
on defined coverage criteria
■■ Reviewing exercise
■■ Provide the appropriate level of documentation relevant to
the testing activities
■■ Determine the appropriate types of functional testing to be
■■ Assume responsibility for the usability testing for a given
■■ Effectively participate in formal and informal reviews with
■■ Design and implement a defect classification scheme
■■ Structure the tasks defined in the test strategy in terms of
business domain requirements
■■ Implement the necessary tools and techniques to achieve
the defined goals.
Typical Audience
People who have experience in software testing and want
to certify to a higher level. This includes test managers, test
■■ Specification based techniques
■■ Equivalence partitioning
■■ Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
■■ Decision Tables & Cause Effect Graphing
■■ IEEE 829 Test Documentation
Day 3
■■ Classification Tree Method
■■ Test Process: test implementation & execution, evaluating
exit criteria and reporting
■■ Incident Management
■■ State Transition Testing
■■ People Skills & Team communication
Day 4
■■ Experienced based techniques
■■ Defect based techniques
analysts, test engineers, but also project managers, quality
■■ Non-functional testing
managers and development managers.
■■ Heuristics
■■ Dynamic Usability Testing
■■ Use Cases
Day 5
■■ Pairwise Testing
■■ Test reporting
■■ Test tools & automation
■■ Choosing techniques
Day 6
■■ Rehearsal
■■ Exam
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 6 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
ISTQB Advanced Test Manager
This course provides an understanding of software test
preparation for the real certification exam. Courses can be
management that goes beyond the ISTQB Foundation level.
given in English or in Dutch. Course material is in English. The
Test managers acquire a good level of knowledge enabling
course and the exam are offered to you in cooperation with
analysis of situations in order to present practical solutions.
our partner Improve QS.
IT Service
The information gained during this course offers a framework for test managers to build upon within their organizations. Spreadsheets, templates and utilities will be provided
enabling managers to be more efficient and effective within
their organizations.
Following the ISTQB Foundation Certificate, the Advanced
Test Manager Certificate provides the next level of knowledge
and practical expertise in the ISTQB Advanced Certification
scheme. It is one of three certified courses at Advanced level
• life cycle models
• specific systems
• metrics & measurement
■■ Testing processes
Technical Test Analyst).
• test implementation & execution
Course Objectives
6 Days
■■ Basic aspects of testing
• test planning & control
■■ Define the overall testing goals and strategy for the
systems being tested
■■ Plan, schedule and track the tasks
• evaluating
■■ Exit criteria & reporting
• test closure activities
■■ People skills
• individual skills
■■ Test documentation
■■ Describe and organize the necessary activities
• test policy
■■ Select, acquire and assign the adequate resources to the
• test strategy
Day 1
(the other two being Advanced Test Analyst and Advanced
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
Course Outline
• test plan
■■ Select, organize and lead testing teams
■■ Organize the communication between the members of the
testing teams, and between the testing teams and all other
■■ Justify the decisions and provide adequate reporting information where applicable.
Day 2
■■ Risk based testing
• introduction
• Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Typical Audience
■■ Business value of testing
People who have experience in software testing and want
■■ Test estimation and test scheduling
to certify to a higher level. This includes test managers, test
analysts, test engineers, but also project managers, quality
managers and development managers.
Day 3
■■ Risk management
■■ Incident management
■■ People skills
Successful completion of the ISTQB Foundation Certificate
• test team dynamics
is a prerequisite to taking the ISTQB Advanced Certificate
• communication
■■ Test management & control
Course Delivery
Day 4
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software
■■ Test management issues
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
■■ Distributed, outsourced and insourced testing
real world projects. Different mock exams ensure an optimal
■■ Test improvement
• CMMi
■■ People skills
• motivation
• fitting testing within the organization
■■ Reviews
Day 5
■■ Standards
■■ Test tools & automation
■■ Risk management in the life cycle
Day 6
■■ Rehearsal
■■ Exam
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 6 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
ISTQB Expert: Improving the Testing Process Assessing Test Processes
The Expert level enables you to improve your skills in various
knowledge of testing in general and an in-depth under-
directions. One of these directions is “Improving the Testing
standing in a specific test area. An in-depth understanding is
Process”. This level consists of two modules: “Assessing the
defined as having sufficient knowledge of testing theory and
Test Processes” and “Implementing Test Process Improve-
practice to be able to influence the direction that an organi-
ment”. Someone who has successfully completed both
sation and/or project takes when creating, implementing and
modules may consider him or herself an expert and can
executing testing processes.
IT Service
officially be called a “Certified Tester Expert Level (CTEL)”.
The “ISTQB Expert Improving the Testing Process - Module
Assessing Test Processes” training is a four-day training that is
Successful completion of the ISTQB Advanced Test Manager
spread over a number of weeks. At the fifth day participants
take an exam.
Certificate is a prerequisite to taking the ISTQB Expert Certificate examination.
The Foundation and Advanced level is about knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis. This is supplemented by
Course Delivery
Expert level and deepened with evaluation and creation. In
Throughout this course an accredited trainer and software
addition to attending the four-day intensive course, participants are expected to carry out so-called workplace assignments based on their own case. In other words, we proceed
directly from theory to practice!
This course is a preparation for the (sub) exam “ISTQB Expert
Improving the Testing Process - Module Assessing Test
Processes” and meets the requirements set by ISTQB. The
Advanced Test Manager Certificate is a prerequisite to participate in this exam. The exam consists of two parts: a multiple
5 Days
choice questionnaire and an ‘essay style’ section. Candidates
who score 65% or higher pass the exam.
Course Objectives
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
The course and the exam are offered to you in cooperation
with our partner Improve QS.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ The context of Improvement
• Why improve testing?
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
• What can be improved?
■■ Lead a program to improve the test process, identify critical
• Views on quality
success factors and manage them
■■ Take the right business driven decisions about the approach
to improving the test process
■■ Assess the current status of the testing process, suggest
• Generic improvement process
Day 2
■■ Model based improvement
incremental improvements and link them to the intended
• Model based approaches
business objectives
• Software process improvement models (CMMi, ISO/
■■ Analyse specific problems in the testing process and
propose effective solutions.
IEC 15504-5)
• Test process improvement models (TPI Next, TMMi)
• Content based models (STEP, CTP)
Typical Audience
The Expert Level qualification is aimed at people who have
already achieved an advanced point in their careers in soft-
Day 3
■■ Analytical based improvement
ware testing and wish to further develop their expertise in a
• Causal analysis
specific area. The modules offered at the Expert Level cover
• Goal Question Metric
a wide range of testing topics. A testing expert has a broad
• Analysis using measures, metrics and indicators
Day 4
■■ Selecting test process improvement approaches
■■ Process for improvement
• Initiating the improvement process
• Diagnosing the current situation
■■ Exam rehearsal
Day 5
■■ Exam
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 5 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
ISTQB Expert: Improving the Testing Process Implementing Test Process Improvement
The Expert level enables you to improve your skills in various
wide range of testing topics. A testing expert is one who has a
directions. One of these directions is “Improving the Testing
broad knowledge of testing in general, and an in depth under-
Process”. This level consists of two modules: “Assessing the
standing in a special test area. An in-depth understanding is
Test Processes” and “Implementing Test Process Improve-
defined as having sufficient knowledge of testing theory and
ment”. Someone who has successfully completed both
practice to be able to influence the direction that an organi-
modules may consider him or herself an expert and can
zation and/or project takes when creating, implementing and
officially be called a “Certified Tester Expert Level (CTEL)”.
executing testing processes.
IT Service
The “ISTQB Expert Improving the Testing Process - Module
Implementing Test Process Improvement” training is a three-
day training that is spread over a number of weeks. At the
Successful completion of the ISTQB Advanced Test Manager
fourth day participants take an exam. The Foundation and
Certificate is a prerequisite to taking the ISTQB Expert Certifi-
Advanced level is about knowledge, comprehension, applica-
cate examination.
tion and analysis. This is supplemented by Expert level and
deepened with evaluation and creation. In addition to attend-
Course Delivery
ing the four-day intensive course, participants are expected
Throughout this course an accredited trainer and software
to carry out so-called workplace assignments based on their
own case. In other words, we proceed directly from theory to
This course is a preparation for the (sub) exam “ISTQB Expert
Improving the Testing Process - Module Implementing Test
Process Improvement” and meets the requirements set by
ISTQB. The Advanced Test Manager Certificate is a prerequisite to participate in this exam. The exam consists of two
4 Days
parts: a multiple choice questionnaire and an ‘essay style’
section. Candidates who score 75% or higher pass the exam.
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material
is in English. The course and the exam are offered to you in
cooperation with our partner Improve QS.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Test Improvement Plan
Course Objectives
• Setting Priorities
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
• Developing an improvement approach
■■ Lead a program to improve the test process, identify critical
success factors and manage them
■■ Take the right business driven decisions about the approach
to improving the test process
■■ Stepwise implementation of test process improvements,
linked to the intended business objectives
■■ Analyse specific problems in deployment of the test improvement process, also taking the (inter) people skills into
• Planning the improvements
• Acting to implement improvement
• Selecting a pilot
• Manage and control the implementation
• Learning from the Improvement Program
Day 2
■■ Managing Change
• Fundamental Change Management Process
• Human factors in the Change Management Process
Typical Audience
■■ Organization, Roles and Skills
The Expert Level qualification is aimed at those who have
• Test process group and individual roles
already achieved an advanced point in their careers in soft-
• Remote Test improvement
ware testing and wish to develop further their expertise in a
• Skills of the improver: Interviewing, listening, and note
specific area. The modules offered at the Expert Level cover a
Day 3
■■ Organization, Roles and Skills (continued)
• Analytical skills
• Presentation & reporting skills
• Skills of persuation
• Management skills
■■ Critical Success Factors
• Key success factors
• Setting a culture for Improvement
■■ Adapting to Different Life Cycle Models
Day 4
■■ Exam
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 4 days (including the exam day).
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
ISTQB Foundation (CTFL)
The International Systems Examinations Board (ISEB) is a
Foundation exam should have at least 6 months experience in
recognised institute organizing certifications for IT profes-
software testing and a basic knowledge of English.
sionals (incl. test professionals). Since 2002, the International
IT Service
Software Testing Qualification Board (ISTQB) is supporting a
Course Delivery
single, universally accepted international qualification scheme
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software
intended for software and system testing professionals.
This three-day training course is a preparation for the exam
real-world projects.
“Foundation Certificate in Software Testing” and is accredited
Different mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the
by ISTQB and ISEB. When you pass the exam, you receive
a certificate that is recognized by ISTQB. At present, over
200.000 test professionals are already ISTQB accredited.
This course is a must for each test professional and is the best
preparation for the certification exam: the pass rate after our
course is 94%!
3 Days
real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch.
Course material is in English. The course and the exam are
offered in cooperation with our partner Improve QS.
Course Outline
Course Objectives
Day 1
The goal of this course is to provide a full understanding of
■■ Testing Principles
the fundamental principles of testing and explain the testing
• Definitions, standard terminology (ISTQB)
terminology. The course also provides an overview of different
• Risk management and test strategy
test design techniques, both dynamic and static and how to
apply them.
Each participant will have gained knowledge about following
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
• Budgeting, time pressure, risks and pitfalls
■■ Test Life Cycles
• Test life cycle models (who, what and when)
• Entry and exit criteria
■■ The differences between the testing levels and targets
• Master test planning
■■ Black and white box approaches to all levels of testing
• Advantages of early defect removal
■■ The differences between the various types of review and
Static Analysis
■■ Aspects of test planning, estimation, monitoring and
■■ Better communication through understanding standard
definitions of terms
■■ The different types of testing tools and the best way of
implementing those tools.
At the end of the course, participants will have the opportunity to take an exam and obtain the “ISTQB Foundation
Certificate in Software Testing”.
Day 2
■■ Static and Dynamic Testing
• Static techniques (e.g. reviews, inspections and walkthroughs, code metrics)
• White box techniques (different types of coverage)
• Black box techniques (e.g. equivalence partitioning,
boundary value analysis, decision tables, state transition testing)
■■ Test Management
• Test organizations
• Test planning, test management and project man-
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
• Configuration management
quality matters, including test engineers, test managers, test
• Problem management
consultants, project managers and quality managers.
• Test ware, test deliverables and re-use
No specific prerequisites are required. However we strongly suggest that participants wishing to take the ISTQB
Day 3
■■ Test Tools
• Different types of tools (CAST)
• Value, advantages and disadvantages, ROI
• Data-driven testing
• Implementation and maintenance
■■ Exam (optional)
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 3 days.
The exam (optional) is organised at the end of the 3rd day
and is a one-hour multiple-choice exam.
Exams are available in English, Dutch or French.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
ISTQB Foundation Extension: Model-Based Tester
IT Service
“Foundation Extension: Model-Based Tester” certification and
This two-day accredited course serves as a preparation for the
responds to all requirements imposed by ISTQB.
Model-based testing is an innovative test approach to
improve effectivity and efficiency of the test process.
A model-based tester on a project uses models to drive test
analysis and design, and keeps advantage of the models
for other testing activities such as test implementation and
ISTQB Model-Based Tester certification complements the core
foundation level as a specialist module. It provides a practical
and easy entry to the MBT approach.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
■■ Define the necessary inputs and expected outputs for MBT
■■ Explain how MBT integrates into software development
lifecycle processes
■■ Explain how MBT supports requirements engineering
■■ Develop a simple MBT model using a workflow-based
modeling language
■■ Develop a simple MBT model using a state transition-based
2 Days
modeling language
■■ Generate test cases from an MBT model to achieve given
test objectives in a given context
■■ Apply given test selection criteria to a given MBT model
■■ Perform updates of an MBT model and test generation
caused by changes in requirements, test objects or test
■■ Describe ROI factors for MBT introduction
■■ Manage and Monitor the Deployment of an MBT Approach
Typical Audience
This course aims at people who want to experience testing in
an environment adopting Model-Based Testing. This includes
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects.
Different mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the
real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction to Model-Based Testing
• Objectives and motivations for MBT
• MBT activities and artifacts
• Integrating MBT in the Software Development
■■ MBT Modeling
• MBT modeling activities
• Languages for MBT models
• Good practices for MBT modeling activities
■■ Selection Criteria for Test Case Generation
• Classification of MBT test selection criteria
• Applying test selection criteria
Day 2
■■ MBT Test Implementation and Execution
• Specifics of MBT Test Implementation and Execution
• Activities of Test Adaptation in MBT
■■ Evaluating and Deploying an MBT Approach
• Evaluate an MBT deployment
• Manage and monitor the deployment of an MBT
Course Duration and Venue
test analysts, test engineers, test coordinators, test managers,
The course duration is 2 days.
analysts and developers, but also project managers, quality
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
managers and development managers.
Successful completion of the ISTQB Foundation Certificate
is a prerequisite to taking the ISTQB Foundation Extension
Certificate examination.
ISTQB Foundation Extension: Agile Tester
This two-day accredited course serves as a preparation for
sponds to all requirements imposed by ISTQB. Participants will
IT Service
the “Foundation Extension: Agile Tester” certification and re-
be introduced in the world of agile software development and
testing, the differences between agile and traditional testing,
different test methods, techniques and tools, aimed at agile
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects.
Different mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the
real certification exam.
Following the ISTQB Foundation Certificate, the Extension
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
as Agile Tester Certificate provides a supplementary level of
in English.
knowledge and practical expertise in the ISTQB Certification
The course and the exam are offered to you in cooperation
scheme. To participate, trainees should already hold the
with our partner Improve QS.
ISTQB Foundation certificate.
Course Outline
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
2 Days
■■ Foundations of agile development
■■ Recognize the foundations of Agile software development
• Agile Manifesto
■■ Write better user stories
• User stories
■■ Understand how retrospectives can be used to improve
• Retrospectives
existing processes
■■ Explain the differences between a traditional and an agile
■■ Understand the role and required skills of a tester in an
agile team
Day 1
■■ Recognize different agile test methods
• Continuous Integration
• Release and Iteration planning
■■ Differences between traditional and agile development
■■ Testing in agile projects
■■ Hallmarks of a great agile tester
■■ Function as an agile tester
Day 2
■■ Determine quality risks associated with a project or product
■■ Agile test methods
■■ Assess the required test effort
• Test Driven Development
■■ Select and apply different test techniques in an agile
• Behaviour Driven Development
• Test Pyramid
• Testing Quadrants
Typical Audience
■■ Assessing quality risks
This course aims at people who want to experience testing
■■ Estimating test effort
in an agile environment This includes test analysts, test
■■ Test techniques in Agile
engineers, test coordinators, test managers, analysts and
■■ Tools used in agile development
developers, but also project managers, quality managers and
development managers.
Successful completion of the ISTQB Foundation Certificate
■■ Rehearsal
■■ Examination
Course Duration and Venue
is a prerequisite to taking the ISTQB Foundation Extension
The course duration is 2 days.
Certificate examination.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
IT Risk and Control in
Regulated Environments
The life science industry is one of the most regulated indus-
government agencies. Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical
IT Service
tries in the world and is subject to regulation by different
research, medical device and healthcare companies are
required to meet relevant GxP requirements for their business
operations, which involves well-trained personnel. Indeed,
personnel working in regulated organizations should be skilled
in quality and risk management and computerised system
validation activities to ensure that their organizations are in
compliance with pertinent regulatory requirements. CTG can
provide training to your employees to ensure they are appropriately trained and have adequate skills and experience to
Typical Audience
The IT Risk and Controls in Regulated Environments Training
courses are designed for Business, QA/Compliance, IT personnel and auditors that are new to the regulated environment.
It is important, and is also a regulatory requirement, that all
individuals working within the Life Sciences industry receive
GxP training and are capable of performing their assigned
A basic knowledge of English is required.
perform their assigned duties.
Course Delivery
Course Objectives
The training is given in a classroom format and is structured
The goal of this course is to provide a full understanding of
in various modules to offer flexibility and to cater for partici-
the fundamental principles of IT Risk and Control in Regulat-
pant needs and circumstances by considering prior learning
ed Environments.
and level of staff experience. It consists of a curriculum of
Each participant will have gained knowledge about following
■■ Concepts and requirements necessary for compliance with
GxP requirements and standards for life science industries
■■ Good Documentation Practices
6 Days
■■ Pertinent regulations and industry guidelines
■■ Computerised system validation process following the
GAMP V-model
six courses which comprises multiple modules. The length
of each module ranges from 1 to 4 hours and may include
exercises, workshops, and formal assessments. Courses can
be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction to Life Sciences
■■ Operational validation activities (maintaining compliance)
• Introduction to Life sciences
■■ Computer system requirements applicable to GxP envi-
• Good Documentation Practice in Life Sciences
ronments, reflection of regulatory expectations and best
practices in writing requirements
■■ Testing phases of computer system validation
■■ Common quality practices for electronic records and electronic signatures (ERES) (21 CFR Part 11, EudraLex Volume
4 Annex 11)
■■ Concepts and practical application of requirements with
regard to ERES and remediation of ERES compliance gaps
■■ Concepts and practical application of requirements with
regard to risk management
• Overview of Pertinent Regulations & Guidelines
Day 2
■■ Introduction to Quality Risk Management
• Fundamentals of Risk Management
Day 3
■■ Using Electronic Record and Electronic Signatures in Regulated Environments
• Introduction to Electronic Signatures and Electronic
■■ Common understanding of the IT Infrastructure Qualification process and an overview of the main IT Infrastructure components that can be subject to IT Infrastructure
■■ Common understanding of the Sarbanes-Oxley act to be
able to understand the necessity of implemented controls
Day 4
■■ Introduction to Computerised System Validation (CSV)
• CSV Fundamentals
• Maintaining Validated Systems
in companies that are subjected to SOx regulation
Day 5
■■ Introduction to Computerised System Validation (CSV)
• Writing SMART Requirements
• Writing Effective Test Plans & Reports
Day 6
■■ Introduction to Sarbanes-Oxley (SOx) Compliance and IT
Infrastructure Qualification (ITIQ)
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 6 days. This course can be given at the
client’s site or at CTG.
ITIL 2011 Foundation
Training and Examination
A highly intensive three-day course for IT managers, team
ing of the ITIL® 2011 framework and how it can be used to
IT Service
leaders and other IT professionals who need an understandimprove the quality of IT services. It shows how ITIL® best
practice can be adopted and adapted within an organisation.
The course focuses delegates on service quality and business
value. It provides an insight into current Service Management
thinking as well as preparing delegates for the ITIL® 2011
Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management examination.
Course Objectives
The training has the following objectives:
■■ Prepare delegates for the Foundation certificate in IT
Service Management
■■ Give an overview of the contents of ITIL®: key concepts,
definitions, terminology, processes, functions and roles
■■ Understand the Service Lifecycle
■■ Give an overview of the objectives, business value, basic
concepts, main processes and functions for each phase of
the Service Lifecycle
■■ Relate the ITIL® framework approach to day-to-day IT
3 Days
■■ Introduce the service culture
■■ Understand the benefits that Service Management can
bring to an organisation and to the IT staff.
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an accredited ITIL trainer and Service
Management expert provides lectures and gives exercises
based on real world projects. Different mock exams ensure an
optimal preparation for the real certification exam.
The course will be given in English. Course material is in
English. The course and the exam are offered to you in cooperation with our partner SM2.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction to Service Management
• Introduction to ITIL®
• The Service Lifecycle
• Key definitions and concepts: quality, process, function, role
■■ Service Strategy
• Value to the business
• Service portfolio management
• Demand management
■■ Financial management
Day 2
■■ Service Design
• Service level management
This course consists of formal lecturing, discussions, exercises
• Service catalogue management
and mock exams. Evening self-study will also be required. The
• Capacity management
ITIL® 2011 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
examination is organized on the last afternoon. It is a onehour, 40 question, multiple-choice examination requiring 26
• Availability management
• IT continuity management
out of 40 (65%) to pass. The course is accredited and follows
• Information security management
the official syllabus.
• Supplier management
■■ Service Transition:
Typical Audience
• Service asset and configuration management
This course is intended for anyone involved in service man-
• Change management
agement and quality matters, including support engineers, IT
• Release and deployment management
team leaders, IT managers, change managers, infrastructure
managers, service managers, ITSM consultants and quality
■■ Knowledge management
There are no specific prerequisites. However we strongly recommend that participants are ITIL aware and have at least 6
months experience in working in an IT organisation. A good
knowledge of English is required.
Day 3
■■ Service Operation
• Incident management
• Event management
• Request fulfillment
Day 3 (continued)
• Problem management
• Access management
■■ Continual Service Improvement
• Deming cycle
• CSI approach
■■ ITIL® qualification
■■ Conclusion
■■ Preparation for the exam
■■ Exam
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 3 days.
The exam is organized at the end of the 3rd day and is a onehour multiple choice exam.
This course can be given at the client’s premises or at CTG.
MBTI Step 1
A good and healthy working environment is all about people
sometimes it doesn’t work at all.
IT Service
interaction and communication. Usually this works fine,
E.g. with some colleagues, we have to communicate to the
point and present facts, while others need to see the bigger
picture before they can be mobilized.
Usually this is by gut feeling. Sometimes our gut is out of
There is a better way: CTG’s ”Myers-Briggs Type Indicator”
(MBTI) training.
MBTI is about making the theory of psychological types
Soft Skills
described by Carl Gustav Jung understandable and useful in
people’s lives. The essence of that theory is that much seemingly random variation in behaviour is actually quite orderly
als prefer to use their perception and judgment.
Day 1
■■ Introduction
• History on MBTI
• Preference exercise
■■ MBTI: 4 dichotomies, 16 types
• Extraversion - Introversion
• Sensing - Intuition
• Thinking - Feeling
• Judging - Perceiving
■■ Self-assessment
■■ Hand out personal report based on questionnaire
■■ Effective feedback
and consistent, due to basic differences in the ways individu-
Course Objectives
Course Outline
In this basic MBTI training CTG defines the personality type
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
of all attendees, along with the immediate and practical
consequences in day-to-day professional activities.
A better knowledge of the personality type of your colleagues
1 Day
or team enables you to understand the differences between
people, learn how to appreciate their strengths and weaknesses and optimize the professional collaboration.
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone who wants a better understanding of the other and of the differences between people.
Attendees are requested to complete a questionnaire, which
they have to return 2 weeks prior to the training.
Course Delivery
An MBTI certified trainer provides theory and practical exercises. The participants get feedback about their personal MBTI
type. The self-assessment will be provided in the participant’s
mother tongue.
The course language is English (or Dutch, if all participants are
Dutch speaking).
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional:
■■ Test Planning
Visual Studio Test Professional is the test management
solution from Microsoft based on the Team Foundation Server
• Create test plan
and Visual Studio technology. It is an integrated testing
• Data diagnostics
IT Service
toolset that delivers a complete plan-test-track workflow for
in-context collaboration between testers and developers,
greatly increasing testers’ visibility to the overall project.
Visual Studio Test Professional integrates with Team Foundation Server, a platform used by testers, developers, and other
team members to align and track project objectives. This
■■ Test Build
• Create FTT Tree
throughout the entire development process.
• Create Shared Steps
Participants of this course will be introduced to working with
Microsoft Test Manager. Microsoft Test Manager can be used
to organize your test plans, build and manage your test cases,
and run manual tests. This course will provide you with a basic
• Linked build
• Create Test Cases
understanding of how Microsoft Test Manager can be used to
• Configurations
integration ensures that testers can collaborate effectively
Course Objectives
• Test settings Test environment
perform these activities.
Besides those basic activities, participants will see more
advanced topics like Test Impact Analysis and Fast Forward
Test Execution.
• Add parameters to test cases
• Test Build options
■■ Test Execution
• Select build
• Manual Test Execution
• Fast Forwarding test execution
■■ Defect management
• Create defects
• Verify defects
• Global defect management
1 Day
■■ Reporting
Typical Audience
• Test Results
This course is intended for test engineers, test managers,
• Test Impact Analysis
project managers, quality mangers and/or any person who is
• Recommended tests
in contact with the quality of an application.
The participants should have a basic understanding of structured testing and the activities within a test project.
Course Delivery
Approximately 45% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects.
Courses can be given in English, Dutch or French. Course
material is in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction Team Foundation Server
■■ Introduction Visuals Studio Test Professional
• Different modules
■■ Introduction Test Project
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Microsoft Visual Studio:
Coded UI Test Automation
The possibiliy to create and execute graphic user interface
Microsoft Visual Studio (2010 and 2012). These test cases
IT Service
automated test cases is included in the different versions of
Day 1
offer you the possibility as a tester to executed them auto-
■■ Introduction
matically without user interaction. Thanks to the complete
■■ Anatomy of a Coded UI Test Case
integration of Visual Studio with Team Foundation Server and
■■ Coded UI Test Case Creation
the integration of the development process, the build process
■■ Execute Coded UI Test Case
and the test process, it is even possible to executed automated test cases as part of the build process or the continuous
Course Outline
■■ Object Identifcation
integration process.
Day 2
Participants will learn how to create, execute and maintain
■■ Data Driven Coded UI Test Cases
Coded UI Test Cases and what the process will be for test
■■ Execute Coded UI Test Cases from MTM
automation. Execution will not only be done on the com-
■■ Execute Coded UI Test Cases from the build process
puter of the test specialist but you will also learn how you
can integrate those in the build process and the continuous
integration process.
■■ Maintain Coded UI Test Case
■■ Different UImaps
■■ Testing Views in Visual Studio
Course Objectives
■■ Ordered Test cases
At the end of the course you will be able to:
■■ Execute Coded UI Test Case with command line
■■ Create Coded UI Test Cases
■■ Execute Coded UI Test Cases in Visual Studio, in Microsoft
Test Manager and in the build process
■■ Maintain the Coded UI Test Cases
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
2 Days
■■ Create data driven Coded UI Test Cases
■■ Update the search properties of UI objects
■■ Update and maintain the UI object repository
■■ Analyse the results of the Coded Ui Test Cases
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
quality matters, including test engineers, test managers,
project managers and quality managers.
Participants should preferably have experience or knowledge
how to develop with C# and having a basic understanding of
the testing process.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
Project Management
Is it a game or is a course? It’s a gamified course. Gamifica-
Day 2
tion is a hot topic nowadays? CTG’s Project Management
Course has been gamied for more than 10 years.. with
■■ Level 4: Project Plan & Critical Path
IT Service
success. The delegate’s feedback over the past 10 years has
been unanomyous. The Project Management Game is the
most practical and hands-on course they ever had.
The Project Management Game aims at teaching the core
project management notions and techniques based upon
A training room is not suited for gaming. The Project Game
independent, allowing the trainees to focus on applying the
is run off site (As, Limburg Belgium) over 2 days including a
typical project management topics, which are immediately
“special” overnight stay.
Course Objectives
This course aims at teaching and/or improving the most
common concepts and techniques, indispensable for each
to control it, and to close it succesfully.
The training is very practical oriented: all management
notions and techniques will be exercised, based upon on an
experienced based case study, that is interwoven in the training, and shall serve as the story outline. The case is deliberatly
2 Days
the typical project management topics, which are immeditately applicable in day-to-day practice.
Typical Audience
This course is intended for experienced test engineers, junior
test managers, project managers and quality managers.
Experience with managerial aspects within IT projects is
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and project
manager provides lectures and gives exercises based on real
world projects.
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Level 1: Introduction to Project Management
■■ Level 2: Determining the Scope
■■ Level 3: Prepare to Plan
■■ End Game
that will serve as the story outline. The case is deliberately IT
IT independent, allowing the trainees to focus on applying
■■ Level 5: Proper Project Reporting
Course Duration and Venue
project manager, so that he/she is able to start up a project,
• Mini Game: Controlling the project
a real-life case study, that is interwoven in the training and
applicable in day-to-day practice.
• Mini Game: Risk Management
SCRUM Development in
Regulated Environments
Agile methods in software development, such as Scrum, more
proaches, to which Computerized System Validation has been
IT Service
and more dominate the classical waterfall and V-model aporiented. It is commonly argued that using the Scrum method
inhibits achieving the requirements for validation in regulated
Nothing is further from the truth. Scrum strives to achieve the
same quality results as the waterfall methods. As such, Scrum
can be integrated into the Quality Management System
when used in regulated industries.
CTG is offering a one-day workshop on how to work with the
Scrum Framework in practice. The workshop will specifically
highlight on how to bring Computerized System Validation
rience in computerized system validation or scrum development and a basic knowledge of English.
Course Delivery
Throughout the course, a highly experienced Scrum and computerized system validation expert provides lectures and gives
exercises based on real world projects.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
in English.
Course Objectives
Day 1
The goal of this course is to learn how validation principles
■■ Introduction to Scrum and Regulatory Compliance
Each participant will:
■■ Receive an introduction into the world of Scrum, Regulatory
■■ Understand the concept and approach to develop a Quality
1 Day
suggest that participants should have at least 6 months expe-
Course Outline
Compliance, and Computerized System Validation;
No specific prerequisites are required. However, we strongly
activities on board of Scrum.
perfectly fit into Scrum, by means of several practical exercis-
Management System within the Scrum framework that
supports Computerized System Validation;
■■ Experience Scrum in a regulated environment by hands-on
■■ Leave the workshop with a number of practical guidelines
and recommendations on how to bring Computerized
System Validation into Scrum.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to conduct
their own Scrum in Regulated Environments project.
■■ Hands-On - Sprint Zero
• Where your software development & validation
• Compliance Analysis, Release Planning, Definition of
Done Documentation
■■ Hands-On - Sprint Planning
• Product Backlog, User Stories, Sprint Backlog, Task
■■ Hands-On - Sprint Execution
• Development, Testing, Documentation, Validation
■■ Hands-On - Use of Electronic Tools
• Importance of Continuous Integration
■■ Hands-On - Sprint Review & Sprint Retrospective
• Importance of Demo
■■ Hands-On - Daily Stand-up
• Wrap-Up
Typical Audience
While the focus of the workshop is mainly for Product Owners,
Course Duration and Venue
Scrum Masters, Scrum Developers, and Validation Subject
The course duration is 1 day.
Matter Experts who want to leverage validation into the
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Scrum framework, any member of your organisation who is
interested in how to use Scrum in a regulated environment
would find this workshop useful.
Typical attendees to this workshop are Business Executives,
Project Managers, Quality Assurance Managers, Business Analysts, and any other role that support product development
and your business.
Service Level Management (SLM)
Service Level Management is hot!
Typical Audience
In today’s service driven world, the quality of your provided
People who have experience in operational service support
services must be excellent. The customer demands the best.
and want to grow their competence. This includes Servicedesk
The best translates into the combination of subjective and
managers, teamleads, service owners, ITIL practitioners and
objective experiences, in an ever changing marketspace. As
IT Service
service provider, you must be ‘in control’. You have to work out
what ‘the best’ actually means for each customer and create
that custom SLA which provides the basis for formal interaction and relationship building in your service journey. Are you
in control?
This course provides IT and Service Management practi-
tioners with a pragmatic insight in how Service Level Management is more than the presentation of results of agreed
activities between provider and customer.
We will build up Service Level Management from different
• How does SLM link to service
■■ How does SLM link to ITIL
• The concepts, terms and principles
• What other processes support SLM
• What is the relationship with BRM
1 Day
■■ The role & skills behind a SLM
■■ SLM and the tools
edge is beneficial.
Course Delivery
Throughout this 1 day course, an accredited trainer and
senior ITSM consultant lectures, shares experiences and gives
exercises based on real-world cases.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ The APM basics:
• What is Application Performance Monitoring / Digital
Performance Monitoring (APM / DPM)?
• Why APM / DPM?
■■ Approaches to APM/ DPM
• The “how to” behind SLM : the SLA, the OLA, the UC
■■ APM, DevOps, and Performance Maturity
• Impact of Application Performance Management as
■■ Customer Experience in the Digital Age
service guardian
• SLM in the service lifecycle
• SLM is not only an operational role
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will understand:
■■ The role of a Service Level Manager in an organization,
■■ Underpinning dynamics needed to create a solid Service
Level Agreement,
■■ How SLM is an integrated part of the full service lifecycle,
■■ How SLM and BRM can interact for creating added value,
■■ Where the SLM can add value in the design of a service,
■■ The difference between UC, OLA, SLA and how this integrates,
■■ How new technology developments provide SLM with
increased service monitoring capabilities
■■ How SLM can work for your organization.
No specific prerequisites are needed, but having ITIL knowl-
in English.
■■ The purpose of SLM
■■ How to pick an APM Solution?
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Structured Testing:
Basics & Methodology
IT Service
increasing software quality. This introduction explains the
The use of structured testing is a crucial step forward in
existing methodologies. During this three-day course the
different phases and activities that are part of a structured
methodology of CTG and is based on the experience of our
■■ The Structured Testing Process (according to STBox™)
consultants and in line with the industry standards (IEEE, BS,
■■ Test Build
the latest standards.
most common testing terminology and testing concepts will
become clear. An overview of the various types of test tools
and their basic functionalities is also provided.
Course Objectives
testing principles and to be able to apply these principles to
plan a test project and build, execute and organize test cases.
Typical Audience
quality matters, including test engineers, test managers, test
3 Days
iteration, test level or test type)
Day 2
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
• Detailed Test Planning: Detailed test strategies (per
STBoX (Software Testing Based On eXperience) is the test
The goal of this course is to gain a basic understanding of the
gies and how to use
test process will be explained based on STBoX.
Through the use of practical examples and exercises the
• Test Project Preparation: Possible high-level test strate-
principles of structured testing and gives an overview of the
…). It was created in 2006 and regularly updated according to
■■ The Structured Testing Process (according to STBox™)
consultants, project managers and quality managers.
• How to design test data, test cases, test scripts and a
test situation
• Introduction to test design techniques
■■ Test Execution
• Execution of test cases: how, by whom
• Test reporting and defect tracking
■■ Test Project Closure
• Evaluation of the test project
Day 3
■■ The Structured Testing Process (according to STBox™)
■■ Test Management
• Manage test teams, defects, issues and changes
• Monitor and adjust test plans
■■ Quality Management
• Evaluation of test documentation, reviews and
No specific prerequisites are required.
Course Delivery
■■ Other parts of STBox: People and Technology
• Test organization and infrastructure
• Test tools: kinds and when to use
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
Course Duration and Venue
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
The course duration is 3 days.
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
French. Course material is in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Structured Testing: Introduction
• What, Why
• Testing versus quality
• Terminology
■■ Structured Testing: Methodologies
• V-Model
• The STBox Process
• STBox FTT tree
Test Automation with Selenium
Open source test automation tools are more and more used
■■ WebElement interface
for testing web applications. Selenium is the market leader
as open source web application test automation tool. It is a
■■ Alert interface
IT Service
robust set of tools that supports rapid development of test
automation for web-based applications. This tool is primarily
developed in Java Script and browser technologies and hence
Day 2
■■ Test Automation Framework
executed. Based on Java examples and demos, the attendees will learn how they can create and execute a Selenium
framework could be created for Selenium test scripts and will
Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to learn the basics about Selenium
executed and maintained.
Typical Audience
This course is intended for test automation specialists and
development specialists and any other person involved in test
2 Days
automation with Selenium.
Experience with programming or scripting is required. The
Java recap will not explain the basic concepts of programming,
but will recap the most important Java syntax.
The exercises of this course are based on the Java Webdriver,
but attendees with C# knowledge can easily follow the course.
Course Delivery
Approximately 70% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Overview products: Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Selenium Grid
■■ Recap Java syntax
■■ WebDriver interface
■■ PageObject Design patterns
■■ Task & Flow Design patterns
■■ DriverManager Design patterns
■■ Hands-on coaching on demo website
get a clear insight into the different design patterns.
and to understand how a Selenium test script is created,
■■ Introduction to JUnit: Hooks and demo
This course explores the different parts of Selenium which is
Test script. Course attendees will see how a test automation
■■ WebDriver wait and Ajax
supports all the major browsers on all the platforms.
needed to better understand how test cases are created and
■■ How to work with frames
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Test Design Techniques
The use of structured testing is a crucial step forward in in-
• Condition coverage
creasing the software quality. After the test plans are written,
• Decision condition coverage
the test teams formed, and the tools selected, it’s time to
• Multiple condition coverage
IT Service
develop test cases and start the testing.
So, which test design techniques should you use? How do you
decide which tests are most important? What does a good
test case look like? How can you reduce the number of tests
while increasing coverage? When and how should you use
white-box testing to complement black-box techniques?
■■ Black Box Test Design Techniques
• Equivalence Partitioning
• Boundary Value Analysis
• Algorithm test
In a software project‚ the success of testing depends on the
Day 2
test cases used. To reduce the turnaround time and project
■■ Black Box Test Design Techniques
duration‚ it is important to design an effective set of test cases
• Determination condition coverage
that enable detection of the maximum number of errors.
This course describes the techniques that are most commonly
used for deriving test cases from system documentation. Examples and exercises are used to teach each technique, which
is closely examined for its applicability.
• Decision Table Test
• Syntactic Test
• Semantic Test
• Elementary Comparison Test
• Data Cycle Test / Entity Life Cycle Test
• Process Cycle Test
Course Objectives
• Program Interface Test
The objective of this course is to understand the different
• Real-Life Test
test design techniques available and be able to apply these
• Error Guessing
techniques. The attendees will also learn which test design
• Random Test
technique they have to choose based on the availability of
• Idiot Proofing
2 Days
the specifications and functional documentation.
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
quality matters, including test engineers, test managers,
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
project managers and quality managers.
A firm understanding of the test process is required.
Course Delivery
Approximately 60% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ White Box Test Design Techniques
• Line coverage
• Statement coverage
• Decision coverage
Test Management: Advanced
A good test manager is able to find a balance between
improve the overall quality of the project.
IT Service
budget, resources, scope and risk, and tries to assess and
An excellent test manager foresees the project’s pitfalls and is
able to mitigate the associated risks, whilst always being on
the look-out for possible improvements.
• Quantitative risk analysis
coordination role will be provided with numerous techniques,
• Risk Mitigation
■■ Test Strategy
ties within an IT project more efficiently and effectively.
• Differentiated Test Approach
The course focuses on a number of areas:
• Assigning test design techniques
■■ Test budgeting
■■ Risk management
expertise and professional judgment is required.
The course also aims at incorporating the participants’ expertise through an interactive approach. Trainees will be invited
to share their experience with the different topics that are
Typical Audience
Day 2
■■ Test Planning & Estimation
• Test Point Analysis
• Work Breakdown Structures
• Wide Band Delphi
• Putnam’s Model
■■ Soft Skills
• Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
• Kolb’s learning model
■■ Test Process Improvement
This course is intended for experienced test managers, project
Day 3
managers and quality managers.
■■ Test Reporting
Extensive experience with managerial aspects within IT projects
is required.
Ideally, the “Test Management Foundation” training can be
considered a prerequisite. Furthermore, basic knowledge of
STBox™, CTG’s test methodology or any other test methodology is desirable.
Course Delivery
Approximately 60% of the class is devoted to lab exercises
• Risk Based Reporting
• Factor Criteria Metric (FCM)
• GQM (Goal Question Metric)
• Key Performance Indicators for testing
• Defect Detection Ratio
• Earned Value method
■■ Business Value of testing
■■ Test Environment Management
■■ Test Data Management
and group discussions.
Course Duration and Venue
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
The course duration is 3 days.
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
■■ Risk Management
• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
■■ KPI selection
3 Days
• Test policy and test strategy documents
Test professionals, leading a team and/or in a planning or
being discussed.
■■ General Test Management
• Product Risk Management (PRISMA)
■■ General test improvement – where test management
Day 1
Course Objectives
tips and tricks, allowing them to manage their testing activi-
Course Outline
Test Management: Foundation
■■ Test Manager as a risk manager
If you don’t know where you are, a map won’t help. If you
don’t know where you are going to, a map won’t help either.
• Risk
Successful test management requires the same approach as
• Risk management
IT Service
successful project management - develop a sound strategy,
keep in close touch with the situation, identify and aggressively manage the critical issues and modify the strategy as
needed, based on situational feedback.
The trick to test management is to know the components of
an effective test strategy, including feedback mechanism, and
to recognize the critical issues as they surface.
Managing a test project is finding a good balance between
the test budget, the test coverage and the overall quality.
Course Objectives
This course provides professionals involved in test coordination and management with the basic insights, tips and tricks
3 Days
towards the many roles they have to take on when managing
■■ Test Manager as a team builder
• Tester traits & skills
• Team roles
Day 2
■■ Test Manager as a risk manager (ctd.)
• Risk management process
■■ Test Manager as a strategist
• Risk and requirement based testing
• Creating test strategy
■■ Test Manager as a team builder (ctd.)
• Leadership styles
■■ Test Manager as a planner
their testing projects effectively. This course provides the es-
• Test budget
sential framework for successful test management. It focuses
• Test effort estimation
on a number of technical skills like the development and
management of a successful testing plan, the development
Day 3
of an effective test strategy, proper reporting techniques but
■■ Test Manager as a reporter
also focuses on soft skills like communication, leadership and
• Metrics
• Test reporting
Typical Audience
This course is intended for experienced test engineers, junior
test managers, project managers and quality managers.
Experience with managerial aspects within IT projects is required. Also basic knowledge of STBox™, CTG’s test methodology, or any other test methodology should be present.
■■ Test Manager as a tool specialist
• Test tool selection
• Test tool introduction
■■ Test Manager as an incident manager
• Defect management
• Events, issues and changes
■■ Test Manager as a planner (ctd.)
• Test plan
• Test Manager as a motivator
Course Delivery
• Work motivators
Approximately 70% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
• Test career path
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
Course Duration and Venue
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
The course duration is 3 days.
French. Course material is in English.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Structured Testing Recap
■■ Test Manager as a communicator
• Dimensions of test communication
• Challenges of good test communication
• Communication model
Using HP UFT
IT Service
of using QuickTest Professional as an automated functional
This core course provides a comprehensive understanding
testing tool for different environments. You will use QuickTest
■■ Prepare to Record
play back tests, add synchronization points and verification
■■ Create a Basic Test
steps, as well as create multiple action tests.
• Create and execute Basic Tests
You will build upon fundamental topics by using debug tools
• Understand QuickTest results
to troubleshoot tests and use additional checkpoints and
• Identify Objects and their Properties
es that can be automated. Once tests are created, you will
• Discuss Basics of the Object Repository
discover and correct common record and play back problems.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
■■ Create basic scripts from a manual test case
■■ Enhance basic tests with synchronization and verification
■■ Parameterize tests to run with multiple sets of data
■■ Create and reuse modular actions
■■ Use object repository
■■ Use debugging tools
2 Days
■■ Use custom checkpoints to create more precise verification
■■ Working with Objects
product options to broaden the scope of business process-
on real-life examples.
Day 1
Professional’s graphic point and click interface to record and
All topics are supported by hands-on exercises that are based
Course Outline
points within a test
■■ Adding Synchronisation
■■ Verifying with Standard Checkpoints
• Enhance Tests with Checkpoints
• Use Regular Expressions
■■ Using Parameters
• Use Input Parameters and Output Parameters
• Create Data-Driven Tests
• Enhance Checkpoints with Parameters
■■ Building Multiple, Reusable Actions
• Create a Single Reusable Action
• Create Multiple Actions from a single action
• Use Global and Local Data Sheets
Day 2
■■ Use Object Repository Manager
■■ Adding Steps without Recording
■■ Describe and use virtual objects
■■ Create Tests on a Web Application
■■ Resolve object recognition problems
■■ Writing Custom Checkpoints
• Create a Custom Checkpoint
Typical Audience
• Compare Captured with Expected Values
This course is intended for new users of HP QuickTest Profes-
• Use Debugging Tools
sional who need to automate manual testing and verification
• Report Step Outcome with a Reporter Event
in a short amount of time.
These prerequisites are not mandatory, but preferably participants should have a working knowledge of Windows, websites
and browsers; and Testing concepts.
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer provides lec-
■■ Using Database Checkpoints
• Define Database Checkpoints
• Create SQL queries, Insert a Database Checkpoint
• Parameterise a Database Query
■■ Utilising a Shared Object Repository
■■ Solving Object Recognition Problems
■■ Utilising Recovery Scenario
Course Duration and Venue
tures and gives exercises based on real-world projects. Courses
The course duration is 2 days.
can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in English.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Using Nintex on SharePoint 2013
Power User Training
Nintex offers two add-ons, perfectly integrated in SharePoint,
• Manage workflows
that leverage the out-of-the-box possibilities of the platform.
• Creating reusable workflow templates
Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms allow you to easily create
• Working with templates
workflow-enabled business solutions.
• Workflow snippets
IT Service
CTG has year-long experience with both products and offers
a short but extensive training to share the knowledge about
• Actions
using Nintex products.
• Conditions
Course Objectives
The course will get you up to speed with the 2 Nintex products
for SharePoint 2013. After the course, you will be able to build
complex workflows according to best practices, provide power-
ful but user-friendly forms for user interaction and know how
to manage these elements. You will learn about some typical
pitfalls and how to further increase the possibilities of Nintex
Forms with some JavaScript.
2 Days
Typical Audience
■■ Creating robust workflows
• Variables
• Connecting to a database
• Connecting with other systems
• Reporting and monitoring
Day 2
■■ Creating state machine workflows
• The state machine action
• Building a state machine workflow
■■ Nintex 2013 Forms
This course is intended for business professionals with Share-
• Form controls
Point knowledge and SharePoint IT professionals.
• Rules and validation
• Manage forms
• Create Nintex forms in SharePoint 2013 lists
The participants should have experience with SharePoint
• Create Nintex forms in Nintex Workflow
2013, and preferably some knowledge about JavaScript/
• Customized branding in forms
• Enhance forms with JavaScript
Course Delivery
Throughout this 2-day course, an experienced trainer and
Nintex expert provides lectures and gives examples based on
real-world projects. Hands-on sessions will help the trainees to
assimilate the new theory.
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
• A real-life business process complemented with
Nintex forms
■■ Hands-on Nintex Workflow & Forms combined
• Solve a real-life business case with Nintex
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Introduction to Nintex 2013
• Overview of Nintex Workflow
• Overview of Nintex Forms
• The installation procedure explained
• Activating Nintex features
■■ Nintex 2013 Workflow Designer
• Creating a workflow
• Creating a site workflow
Using SharePoint 2013
Power User Training
• Managed metadata
Is your organization using (or thinking about) SharePoint
This 2-day SharePoint Power User training is designed for
IT Service
2013 or SharePoint Online with Office 365?
aging SharePoint sites and content.
Course Objectives
This course will give you the ability to create, manage, and
customize content in SharePoint. It will allow you to use
SharePoint with greater ease and efficiency. At the same time
individuals who need to learn the advanced concepts of man-
• Content Organizer
• Column Default Settings
• Information Management Policies
• Document IDs
■■ Content Types
• Content Type Scopes
Typical Audience
The SharePoint 2013 Power User course is geared towards
anyone looking to strengthen their knowledge of SharePoint
Point from a user perspective but want to learn the advanced
SharePoint 2013 preferably based on a day-to-day experience.
• Global
• Content type hub
• Local
• Using Content Types in Lists & Libraries
• Document Information Panel & Office Integration
• Examples of Content Types
• Document Sets
Day 2
■■ Workflows
• Workflow Concepts
• 2010 & 2013 Workflows?
• Content Approval
Course Delivery
• Out-of-the-box Workflows
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer provides
• SharePoint Designer Workflows
lectures and gives examples aimed at achieving new learning
■■ Office Integration
that can immediately be applied within your SharePoint
• Integration with Outlook
• Site Mailboxes
Courses can be given in English or Dutch. Course material is in
• Onedrive for Business
• Simultaneous Editing
Course Outline
Day 1
■■ Creating and Managing Lists and Libraries
• Onenote
■■ Site Design, Branding, Apps & Web parts
■■ Site Templates
■■ Pages
• List & library templates
• Types of pages
• Utilizing the ribbon to change settings
• Editing pages
• Permission settings
■■ Apps
• Column Types
■■ Web Parts
• View Types
• Out-of-the-box web parts
• Creating & using columns
• Connected web parts
• Views, folders & metadata
• Validation
• Introduction to Content Types
The participants should have a general understanding of
2 Days
• Send-To
ically, this class consists of people who already know Share-
• Versioning
you will be able to take advantage of the deeper features of
2013, but be aware that this is not a beginner level class. Typ-
• Targeting Audiences
■■ Branding
• Themes
• Site settings
• Design manager
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 2 days.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
Web Testing
While many of the traditional concepts of software testing
risk profile to other, more mature environments. A typical web
IT Service
still hold true, websites and web applications have a different
tester now has to deal with shorter release cycles, changing
anticipated user base which is uncontrolled and may run into
• Architecture of the internet
millions. A lot of testers and test managers are being asked to
• Evolution of the internet
make the transition from testing traditional client/server, PC,
• Why web testing
This course seeks to help people make this transition by
testing and suggesting solutions, strategies and techniques
■■ Introduction
• Introduction internet and web
explaining web technologies, the issues associated with web
Day 1
technology, complex hardware and software platforms and an
and/or mainframe environments to testing websites and web
Course Outline
that can be used in a website’s functional, navigation, usability, and compatibility testing.
■■ Function Testing
• Client / server functionality
• Sessions
■■ Non-Functional Testing
• Compatibility
• Performance
• Security
Course Objectives
• Usability
This course provides professionals involved in testing with the
basic information, tools and a lot of tips and tricks about web
testing. After the course you will be able to:
■■ Increase the quality of your web application
■■ Use a dedicated test approach for web applications
■■ Save costs through increased efficiency and faster time to
1 Day
Typical Audience
This course is intended for anyone involved in testing and
quality matters, including test engineers, test managers, test
consultants, project managers and quality managers. Anyone
who is not directly involved in testing and quality, but who
has a strong interest in quality control of websites, is also
A basic understanding of the structured testing process is a
Course Delivery
Approximately 50% of the class is devoted to lab exercises.
Throughout the course, an experienced trainer and software
testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on
real-world projects. Courses can be given in English, Dutch or
French. Course material is in English.
Course Duration and Venue
The course duration is 1 day.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG
CTG Belgium
CTG Luxembourg
ZA de Bourmicht 10 A rue des Mérovingiens, L-8070
Woluwelaan 140A, 1831 Diegem, Belgium
p +32 (0)2 718 91 24 f +32 (0)2 725 09 20
Bertrange, Luxembourg
p +352 29 87 27 1 f +352 29 87 27 298
Avenue Pasteur 6, 1300 Wavre, Belgium
p +32 10 68 64 87 f +32 10 68 64 88