Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem By: FARHAD FARADJI, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology References: Basic Circuit Theory, by Ch. A. Desoer and E. S. Kuh, 1969 Chapter Contents 1. The concept of a graph 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage llaw aw 4. Tellegen’s theorem 5. Applications Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 2 1. The concept of a graph o In this course, we want to develop systematic procedures to analyze and establish properties of any network of any complexity. o “Network” has same meaning ass “circuit”: “circuit”: ¾ i.e., an interconnection of elements. ellementts. o Network usually carries idea of comp complexity. plexity. o A network is a circuit with wiith many many eelements. lements. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 3 1. The concept of a graph KVL and KCL do not make any assumption about nature of network elements. We can overlook nature of eleme elements ents tto o reduce network to a graph. The first section of this chapter develops develop ps concept concept of a graph. Graph-theoretic ideas are used to formulate formulate KVL and KCL. Then, we derive Tellegen's Tellege en's theorem theorem to to prove prove several several properties of networks. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 4 1. The concept of a graph Consider any physical network, e.g., an 80-element lumped network. Suppose we consider only those frequencies which permit us to model physical network as a connection n of of lumped lumped elements. When we say “network N unde under er consideration”, consid deration”, we mean this model. In this chapter, network N may be linear linear or nonlinear, active or passive, time-invariant. time-varying or time-in nvarian nt. We disregard n nature ature o off e elements lements ssince ince K Kirchhoff's irchhoff's laws laws d do o not depend on elements. nature of element ts. We replace each element elemen nt of of network network N b byy a b branch ranch (a line segment). At ends of each branch we draw black dots called nodes. Some authors use “edge” for branch and “vertex” or “junction” for node. Result of this process is a graph. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 5 1. The concept of a graph ¾ In Fig. 1.1b, even though 2 inductors are mutually coupled, graph does not indicate M. ¾ M pertains to nature of branches and iss not a property of graph. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 6 1. The concept of a graph o By graph we mean: ¾ a set of nodes together with a set of branches with condition that ¾ each branch terminates at each eaach end end into a node. o Definition of graph includes spe special ecial casee in in which a node has no branch connected to it. o Since start and end nodes nodees of of a branch branch are are not required required to be distinct, a include self-loop: graph may inclu udee a self f-lloop: ¾ i.e., a loop con consisting nsiisting of of a ssingle inggle branch. braanch. o In this course, we shall not encounter such graphs. o Although they appear in engineering work, e.g., in flow graphs. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 7 1. The concept of a graph Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 8 1. The concept of a graph o G1 is a subgraph of G if: ¾ G1 is itself a graph, ¾ every node of G1 is a node of G G,, aand nd ¾ every branch of G1 is a branc branch ch o off G. G. o We obtain G1 by deleting from G some som me branches and/or some nodes. o A subgraph with only on one ne n node ode is is ccalled alled a d degenerate egenerate subgraph. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 9 1. The concept of a graph Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 10 1. The concept of a graph We adopt reference directions for branch voltages and branch currents that are called associated: Arrowhead that specifies curr current rent rreference eference direction always points toward minus terminal for vvoltage oltage e reference reference direction. Branch voltage and current of kthh b branch ranch are denoted by vk and jk. In this chapter, we alway always ys use associated asso ociated re reference eference directions. We need only iindicate ndicate aarrow rro ow o off ccurrent. urrent. We omit plus and mi minus inus signs signs for for vvoltage. oltage. We usually use: letter j to designate branch currents, letter i to designate loop currents or mesh currents. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 11 1. The concept of a graph Such a graph is called an oriented graph. We may number nodes and branches. Branch 4 is incident with node 2 and and 3. 3. Branch 4 leaves node 3 and enters entters node node 2. 2. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 12 1. The concept of a graph o We describe oriented graph by: ¾ listing all branches and nodes, ¾ indicating which branch is ent entering tering aand nd leaving which node. o This is done by writing down a matrix. matrix. o Suppose that oriented graph is made maade up up of b branches and nt nodes. o Suppose also that we number nu umber arbitrarily arbitrarily aallll branches branches and nodes. o We call node-to-branch node-tto-branch iincidence ncid dence m matrix atrix Aa a rectangular rectangular matrix of nt rows whose and b columns whos se (i,k) (i,k)tthh eelement lement aikk iis: s: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 13 1. The concept of a graph Each branch leaves a single node and enters a single node. Each column of Aa contains a single +1 and a single -1, with all other elements equal to 0. Conversely, to any nt x b matrixx w with ith pro property operty that each one of its columns contains a single +1, a single -1, and 0s, 0s, we can associate an oriented graph of b branches and nt nodes. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 14 Chapter Contents 1. The concept of a graph 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage llaw aw 4. Tellegen’s theorem 5. Applications Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 15 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law To express KCL systematically for any network, we now develop concept of cut set. KCL states that algebraic sum of a allll ccurrents urrents leaving a node is 0. If we partition network nodes into in nto 2 set sets ts b byy a closed Gaussian surface (one set of nodes is inside surface and d other outside), KCL implies that sum of currents leaving Gaussian surface iiss 0. 0. Collection of al allll b branches ranche es that that cross cross G Gaussian aussiian surface surfacee is called a cut set. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 16 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law ¾ A graph is connected if there is at least one path (along branches and disregarding branch orientations) between any 2 nodes. ¾ By convention, a graph consistingg of of only only one node is connected. ¾ A connected graph is also said to to be be off one one separate part. ¾ Given an unconnected graph, its maximal maximal connected subgraphs are also called separate parts. ¾ An unconnected unconnecteed graph graph m must ust h have ave aatt least least 2 sseparate eparate p parts. arts. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 17 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law o When we say “remove a branch”, we mean that: ¾ we delete line segment that joins nodes but ¾ we leave nodes remaining. o Idea of a cut set is related to ide idea ea of cutting cuttting a connected graph into 2 separate parts by removing branches. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 18 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law o A set of branches of a connected graph G is called a cut set if: 1. removal of all branches of set causes remaining graph to have 2 separate parts, and 2. removal of all but any one e of of bra branches anches of set leaves remaining graph connected. o In case graph G has s separate part parts, ts, a ccut ut set is defined to be a set of branches such that: 1. removal o off aallll b branches ranches of of set set causes causes rremaining emaining graph graph to have s+1 separate parts, aand nd 2. removal of all but aany ny o one ne of of b branches ranches of of sset et leaves remaining graph with s separate parts. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 19 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law Branches of cut set are indicated indiccated by heavier lines. Idea of cutting connected graph grraph into into 2 separate parts is emphasized by by dashed line crossing all branches bran nche es of cut set (idea of Gaussian surface). surface e ). Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 20 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law Kirchhoff's current law (KCL (KCL): L): ¾ For any lumped network, networkk, for any of its cut sets, an and nd at any any time, time, algebraic sum of all branch bran nch currents curren nts traversing cut-set branches 0.. branch hes is is 0 To apply KCL: 1. we assign a reference referen nce d direction irection namely, to cut set, sett, n amely, outside off from inside tto oo utsid de o Gaussian surface, 2. we assign a plus sign to branch currents whosee reference direction agrees with that of cut set and d vice versa. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 21 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law ¾ For cut sets shown, KCL gives: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 22 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law o KCL, as stated above, is a direct consequence of node law. o If we sum all expressions of KCL applied to nodes inside Gaussian surface, we obtain obtaiin ccut-set ut-set law. o Currents of branches joining 2 internal in nternall nodes nodes cancel out! o This is easily verified: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 23 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law o By adding KCL equations relative to cut sets I and II, we obtain that of cut set III. o 3 KCL equations are linearly depe dependent. endent. o 3rd equation did not supply anyy information informaation not contained in preceding ones. o In our general theory off network network aanalysis, nalysiis, we shall have to o select sellect cut cutt sets seets in such a way that that each each equation equation information. supplies some new in nformation. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 24 Chapter Contents 1. The concept of a graph 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage law 4. Tellegen’s theorem 5. Applications Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 25 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage law o For our present systematic approach, we need a precise concept of a loop. o Roughly speaking, a loop is a closed path. o A subgraph L of a graph G is calle called ed a lloop oop if: 1. subgraph L is connected and a nd 2. precisely 2 branches of L are incident incident with each node of L. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 26 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage law o A subgraph L of a graph G is called a loop if: 1. subgraph L is connected and 2. precisely 2 branches of L aree incident incident with each node of L. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 27 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage law Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL): ¾ For any lumped network, for any of its loops, and at any time, algebraic sum of branch voltages aroun around nd lloop oop is 0. To apply KVL: 1. we assign a reference direction to loop, 2. we assign a plus sign siign tto oab branch ranch voltage when when its its branch branch reference reference direction agrees agree es with with that that of of loop loop and and vice versa. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 28 Chapter Contents 1. The concept of a graph 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage llaw aw 4. Tellegen’s theorem 5. Applications Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 29 4. Tellegen’s theorem o We introduce our first general network theorem, Tellegen's theorem. o This theorem is extremely general. o It is valid for any lumped networ network rk tthat hat ccontains ontains any elements ¾ linear or nonlinear, ¾ passive or active, ¾ time-varying or time time-invariant. e-invariant. o This generalityy ffollows ollows ffrom rom tthe he fact fact that that ¾ Tellegen's theore theorem em d depends e p e nds o only nly on on 2 K Kirchhoff’s ircchhoff ’s laws. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 30 4. Tellegen’s theorem Consider an arbitrary lumped network with b branches and nt nodes. For convenience, choose associated reference directions for branch voltages vk and branch currents jk· vk(t)j )jk(t) is power delivered at ttime ime t by by network network to branch k. Let us: ¾ disregard nature of b branches ranches aand nd ¾ think of network nettwork as as an an G.. oriented graph hG Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 31 4. Tellegen’s theorem Tellegen's theorem asserts that: Only requirement on vk is that they they ssatisfy atisfy all constraints imposed by KVL. Similarly, y jk must satisfy all constraints constraiints imposed imposed by KCL. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 32 4. Tellegen’s theorem ¾ Let us arbitrarily assign vk and jk, ¾ subject only to satisfying Kirchhoff's laws for all loops and nodes: ¾ KCL is satisfied since: ¾ KVL is satisfied since: ¾ To check Tellegen's theor theorem: rem: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 33 4. Tellegen’s theorem o It is of crucial importance to realize that branch voltages v1, v2, …, vb are picked arbitrarily subject only to KVL constraints. o Similarly, y branch currents j1, j2, ... , jb aare re picked arbitrarily subject only to KCL constraints. o For example, suppose ݒො 1, ݒො 2, …, ݒො ܾ and ଔƸ1, ଔƸ2, …, ଔƸܾ are other sets of arbitrarily selected branch voltage es and and branch currents that obey same voltages KVL constraints and same sam me KCL KCL cconstraints. onstrraints. o Then we may a apply pply Tellegen’s Tellegen’s theorem theorem and and obtain: ob btain: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 34 4. Tellegen’s theorem Proof of Tellegen's theorem: o Let us assume, for simplicity, that: ¾ graph G is connected and ¾ has no branches in parallel ((only onlyy 1 b branch ranch exists between any 2 nodes). o Proof can be easily extended to ge general eneral case: ¾ If there are branchess iin np parallel, arallel, rreplace eplace tthem hem by a single branch current off b branch whose curr rent iiss ssum um o ranch h currents. curren nts. ¾ If there are sever several ral separate separate parts, parts, p proof roof shows shows ttheorem heorrem holds for each one of them. over Hence, it holds also when when ssum um ranges ran nges o ver all all branches of graph. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 35 4. Tellegen’s theorem Proof of Tellegen's theorem: We first pick an arbitrary node as a reference node. We label it node 1. Thus, e1 = 0. Let eɲ and eɴ be voltages of ɲth and d ɴtthh nodes. Once branch vo voltages olttages (v (v1, v2, …, …, vb ) are are cchosen, hosen, node voltages ((ee1, …, eɲ, ... , eɴ, …)) are are uniquely specified by by KVL. KVL. Let us assume that branch brancch k cconnects o nn ect s node ɲ and node ɴ. Let us denote current flowing in branch k from node ɲ to node ɴby jɲɲɴɴ. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 36 4. Tellegen’s theorem Proof of Tellegen's theorem: If there is no branch join joining ning node node ɲ ƚŽŶŽĚĞɴ͕ ƚŽŶ ŶŽĚĞɴ ɴ͕ we set: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 37 4. Tellegen’s theorem Proof of Tellegen's theorem: ¾ For each fixed ɲ, ɲ, ssum um off all all branch braanch h currents cu urrentts leaving node ɲ iis: s: ¾ &ŽƌĞĂĐŚĨŝdžĞĚɴ, ɴ sum of all branch currentss ůĞĂǀŝŶŐŶŽĚĞɴ is: ¾ By KCL, each one of these sums is 0. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 38 4. Tellegen’s theorem Proof of Tellegen's theorem: 9 Hence: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 39 Chapter Contents 1. The concept of a graph 2. Cut sets and Kirchhoff's current law 3. Loops and Kirchhoff's voltage llaw aw 4. Tellegen’s theorem 5. Applications Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 40 5. Applications 5.1. Conservation of energy o Considering an arbitrary network, for all t, we have: o vk(t)j )jk(t) is power delivered at timee t by by network to branch k. o At any time t, ssum um mo off power po ower d delivered elive ere ed tto o ea each ach branch branch h off network is 0. o Sum of power delivered dellive ered by by iindependent ndependent ssources ourcces to to network nettwork is equal to absorbed other sum of power absorb bed by by alll o ther branches brancches of of network. network. o This means that as far as lumped circuits are concerned, KVL and KCL imply conservation of energy. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 41 5. Applications 5.1. Conservation of energy Tellegen's theorem has some astonishing consequences. For example, consider 2 arbitraryy llumped umped networks whose only constraint is to have same graph. Let us: choose same referen reference nce directions directions and a nd number branches braanches in in a similar similar fashion. fashion. Networks may be nonlinear no onlinear aand nd ttime-varying ime-varying aand nd include include independent sources as well as dependent depen ndent ssources. ources. Let: vk , jk be branch voltages and currents of 1st network and ݒො ݇ and ଔƸ݇ be corresponding branch voltages and currents of 2nd network. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 42 5. Applications 5.1. Conservation of energy vk’s and ݒො ݇ ’s satisfy same set of KVL constraints. jk's and the ଔƸ݇ ’s satisfy same set o off K KCL CL cconstraints. onstraints. Tellegen's theorem guarantees: First 2 are expressions off conservation conservation o off e energy. nergy. Last 2 expressions do not have an energy interpretation: because they involve voltages of one network and currents of another. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 43 5. Applications 5.2. Conservation of complex power ¾ Consider a linear time-invariant network. ¾ For simplicity, let it have only one e ssinusoidal inu usoidal source in branch 1. ¾ Suppose network is in sinusoida sinusoidal al ssteady teady sstate. tate. ¾ For each branch (still using associated associaated reference reference directions), we represent vk by phas phasor sor Vk aand nd j k b byy p phasor hasor Jk· ¾ V1, V2, ... , Vb an and nd J1, J2, ... , Jb ssatisfy atisfy all all constraints constraaints imposed by KVL and KCL. KCL. ¾ Conjugates ܬ1ҧ , ܬ2ҧ , ... , ܾܬҧ ssatisfy atisfy aallll KCL KCL constraints. constraints. ¾ By Tellegen's theorem: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 44 5. Applications 5.2. Conservation of complex power o V1 is source voltage. o J1 is source current (using associated associaated reference reference direction). o ଵΤଶ ܸ1ܬ1ҧ is complex power delivered delive ered to to b branch ranch 1 by rest of network. o െ ଵΤଶ ܸ1ܬ1ҧ is complex power delivered delive ered by source to rest of network. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 45 5. Applications 5.2. Conservation of complex power Theorem: o Consider a linear time-invariant network, network, which is: o in sinusoidal steady state and an nd o driven by several independentt sources that are at ssame ame ffrequency. requency. o Sum of complex comple ex power power d delivered elivered by by each independentt so source ource to to network network is is equal to sum of complex received compllex power power recei ived d by all other branches of network. network. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 46 5. Applications 5.3. The real part and phase of driving-point impedances Consider driving-point impedance Zin of linear time-invariant network. Let network be driven by a sinuso sinusoidal oidall ccurrent urrent source at an angular frequency ʘ. Source current is represented by p phasor hasor J1. Source voltage (using as associated ssociated rreference eference d direction) irection) is represented by V1. Other branche branches es aare re n numbered umbered from from 2 tto ob b.. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 47 5. Applications 5.3. The real part and phase of driving-point impedances All these impedancess a are re evaluated evaluated at at same ssaame angular frequency ʘ ((source sourrce ffrequency). requen n c y ). Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 48 5. Applications 5.3. The real part and phase of driving-point impedances ¾ Case 1: Resistiv Resistive ve n networks: etworrks: ¾ Input impedance imped dan nce e iiss a positive posiitive re resistance. esisttance. ¾ Case 2: RL networks: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 49 5. Applications 5.3. The real part and phase of driving-point impedances ¾ Case 3: RC networks: ¾ At any positive ʘ, dr driving-point riving-point impedance has eh as a phase phase aangle ngle between between 0 and and -90°. -9 0 ° . ¾ Case 4: Lossless networks networkks m made ade of of C, C, L ((including including coupled inductors), and/or ideal transformers: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 50 5. Applications 5.3. The real part and phase of driving-point impedances ¾ Case 5: RLC net networks: two orks: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 51 5. Applications 5.4. Driving-point impedance, power dissipated, and energy stored 9 Consider a linear time-invariant RLC network neetwork driven by a sinusoidal current source. sou urce. 9 Network is in sinusoidal steadyy sstate. tate. 9 Complex power delivered by sourc source ce to network is: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 52 5. Applications 5.4. Driving-point impedance, power dissipated, and energy stored o Average (over one period) of Riji2(t) is: o Average of ଵΤଶLkjk2(t) is: o Average of ଵΤଶClvl2((t) t) is: Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 53 5. Applications 5.4. Driving-point impedance, power dissipated, and energy stored 1st term is average power dissipated (P Pav). 2 terms in parentheses are: average magnetic energy stored sttored EM average electric energy stored d EE. Electric Circuits 2 Chapter 1. Network Graphs and Tellegen’s Theorem 54