Keithley, R - CV - Dovichi Group

University of Notre Dame • Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
251 Nieuwland Science Hall • Notre Dame, IN 46556-5670, USA
(574)-631-7380 (work) • (804)-815-1692 (cell) •
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry awarded Spring 2011. Advisor: R. Mark Wightman. Dissertation Title:
“Improving In Vivo Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetric Detection of Neuromodulators”
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
06/2006 – 04/2011
08/2002 – 05/2006
B.S. in Chemistry, Summa Cum Laude awarded Spring 2006. Among the first class at Virginia
Commonwealth University to graduate with a Professional Chemist with Honors concentration. 3.992
chemistry GPA and 3.950 GPA overall.
The University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (Postdoctoral Associate)
• Substitute teaching for various professors’ undergraduate chemistry courses.
05/2011 – Present
Teaching students multivariate data analysis techniques in graduate level analytical chemistry courses using
traditional and interactive approaches.
Mentoring three sophomore and junior level undergraduate researchers.
Coordinated training for new graduate students in the Dovichi research group.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (Graduate Student) 08/2006 – 12/2010
• Volunteered as an instructor for graduate level electronics courses taught by R. Mark Wightman while being
financially supported by an external research fellowship. Topics covered included digital signal processing,
specifically filtering, convolution, signals and noise, data sampling and acquisition, and signal modulation.
(Fall 2008 and Fall 2010 semesters).
Participated in a National Science Foundation sponsored research-based chemistry teaching workshop on
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL). (10/2009)
Volunteered as an assistant instructor for a graduate-level electronics laboratory while being financially
supported by an external research fellowship. (08/ 2007 – 12/2007)
Graduate teaching assistant for the chemistry department. Courses included undergraduate quantitative
analysis laboratory and an undergraduate instrumental analysis laboratory. (08/2006 – 05/2007)
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA (Undergraduate Student)
• Department of Chemistry teaching assistant.
08/2003 – 05/2006
Coursework included introductory chemistry, general chemistry I and II, organic chemistry laboratory, and
quantitative analysis laboratory.
Developed and wrote experiments for the undergraduate quantitative analysis laboratory.
• Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) was used as the teaching model in the introductory
and general chemistry courses.
Keithley, R.B. 1
The University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
05/2011 – Present
Postdoctoral Research Associate. Advisor: Norman J. Dovichi
• Studying ultra-sensitive analysis of glycolipid metabolism in single cells and homogenates.
Developed a capillary electrophoresis system with multi-color laser-induced fluorescence detection.
Chemometric analysis of single cell electropherograms.
Responsible for all aspects of cell culture for the group including protocol development and maintenance of
cell lines (PC12, dPC12, and BJ fibroblasts).
Wrote data analysis software in the LabVIEW and MATLAB programming environments.
Constructed an ultra-sensitive single cell separations instrument at the Carlsberg Institute (Copenhagen,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Graduate Research Assistant. Advisor: R. Mark Wightman
11/2006 – 04/2011
Improved detection and analysis of neuromodulators detected with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry.
Fabricated carbon-fiber microelectrodes and used diffusion simulations and scanning electron microscopy
to characterize their electrochemical properties.
Performed in vivo animal experimentation with Sprague-Dawley rats including handling, surgery for electrode
implantation in anesthetized and freely-moving rats, and running behavioral testing in awake rats.
Applied chemometric methods to in vivo data sets to determine concentration changes of neuromodulators.
Developed data analysis software using the LabVIEW and MATLAB programming environments.
Constructed instrumentation for the measurement of neurotransmitters in awake Rhesus monkeys
performing behavioral tasks at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom).
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Summer Venable Fellow. Advisor: Royce W. Murray
• Investigated ligand place exchange reactions on the surface gold-25 nanoparticles.
06/2006 – 08/2006
Synthesized gold-25 nanoparticles and characterized them with UV-VIS spectroscopy and mass
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Undergraduate Research Assistant. Advisor: Sarah C. Rutan
08/2004 – 05/2006
Characterized pharmacokinetic properties of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs using chemometric methods.
Used liquid and gas chromatography to separate and identify metabolic products of pharmaceuticals and
illicit drugs from in vitro incubations.
Analyzed data using the MATLAB programming environment.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Independent Research Project for a Service-Learning Course.
08/2005 – 12/2005
Integrated instrumental methods for the identification of environmental contaminants in an urban stream.
Analyzed stream water from Reedy Creek in the James River Park System using inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectroscopy and anodic stripping voltammetry.
Organized and participated in a clean-up of Reedy Creek.
Keithley, R.B. 2
University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
05/2005 – 08/2005
National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Fellow. Advisor: Sailen Barik.
Investigated the effects of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors on lung carcinoma cells.
Techniques used included cell culturing, fluorescence microscopy, TUNEL assays, siRNA transfection,
immunoblotting, and western blotting.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
06/2004 – 08/2004
National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Fellow. Advisor: Isiah M. Warner.
Synthesized cadmium-containing quantum dot nanoparticles.
Characterized synthetic products using UV-VIS spectroscopy.
St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Church & School, Notre Dame, IN
• Volunteered as a judge at a local middle school science fair.
North Carolina Science & Engineering Fair, Raleigh NC
03/2010; 03/2011
• Volunteered as a judge at the state finals of the North Carolina Science & Engineering Fair.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA
08/2004 – 05/2006
• Treasurer of the local chapter of the American Chemical Society Student Affiliates.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA
08/2003 – 05/2006
• Resident Assistant with the Office of Residence Education.
Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry Travel Award
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship
08/ 2007 – 08/2010
The University of North Carolina Summer Venable Fellow
American Chemical Society Virginia Section Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow Honorable Mention
Ingraham Scholarship from the Richmond Chromatography Discussion Group
Resident Assistant of the Year
Northrop Grumman Scholarship
Ingraham Scholarship from the Richmond Chromatography Discussion Group
Emerging Technologies Research Grant Recipient
08/2004 – 05/2005
American Chemical Society
Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry
Society for Neuroscience
Keithley, R.B. 3
1. Porter, S. E. G., Keithley, R.B., Rutan, S. C. “Development and Application of an In-vitro Incubation
Procedure for the Screening of CYP2D6 Intrinsic Clearance Values.” Journal of Chromatography B, 2007, 850,
2. Hermans, A., Keithley, R.B., Kita, J.M., Sombers, L.A., Wightman R.M. “Dopamine Detection with Fast-Scan
Cyclic Voltammetry Used with Analog Background Subtraction.” Anal. Chem., 2008, 80, 4040-4048.
3. Keithley, R.B., Heien, M.L., Wightman, R.M. “Multivariate Concentration Determination Using Principal
Component Regression with Residual Analysis.” TrAC Trends Anal. Chem., 2009, 28, 1127-1136.
4. Keithley, R.B., Heien, M.L., Wightman, R.M. “Erratum to Multivariate Concentration Determination Using
Principal Component Regression with Residual Analysis.” TrAC Trends Anal. Chem., 2010, 29, 110.
5. Hashemi, P., Dankoski, E.C., Petrovic, J., Keithley, R.B., Wightman, R.M. “Voltammetric Detection of 5Hydroxytryptamine Release in the Rat Brain.” Anal. Chem., 2009, 81, 9462-9471.
6. Takmakov, P., Zachek, M.K., Keithley, R.B., Walsh, P.L., Donley, C., McCarty, G.S., Wightman, R.M.
“Carbon Microelectrodes with a Renewable Surface.” Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 2020-2028.
7. Keithley, R.B., Carelli, R.M., Wightman, R.M. “Rank Estimation and the Multivariate Analysis of in Vivo FastScan Cyclic Voltammetric Data.” Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 5541-5551.
8. Takmakov, P., Zachek, M.K., Keithley, R.B., Bucher, E.S., McCarty, G.S., Wightman, R.M. “Characterization
of Local pH Changes in Brain Using Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry with Carbon Microelectrodes.” Anal.
Chem., 2010, 82, 9892-9900.
9. Keithley, R.B., Takmakov, P., Bucher, E.S., Belle, A.M., Owesson-White, C.A., Park, J., Wightman R.M.
“Higher Sensitivity Dopamine Measurements with Faster-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry.” Anal. Chem., 2011, 83,
10. Keithley, R.B., Wightman, R.M. “Assessing Principal Component Regression Prediction of Neurochemicals
Detected with Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry.” ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2011, 2, 514-525.
11. Park, J., Wheeler, R.A., Fontillas, K., Keithley, R.B., Carelli, R.M., Wightman, R.M. “Catecholamines in the
Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Reciprocally Respond to Reward and Aversion.” Biol. Psyciatry, 2012, 71,
327-334. Cover.
12. Owesson-White C.A., Roitman M. , Sombers L.A., Belle A.M., Keithley, R.B., Peele J.L., Carelli R.M. and
Wightman R.M. “Sources Contributing to the Average Extracellular Concentration of Dopamine in the
Nucleus Accumbens.” J. Neurochem., 2012, 121, 252-262.
13. Essaka, D.C., Prendergast, J., Keithley, R.B., Hindsgaul, O., Palcic, M.M., Schnaar, R.L., Dovichi, N.J. “Single
Cell Ganglioside Catabolism in Primary Cerebellar Neurons and Glia.” Neurochem. Res., In Press.
14. Sarver, S.A., Keithley, R.B., Essaka, D.C., Tanaka, H., Yoshimura, Y., Palcic, M.M., Hindsgaul, O., Norman J.
Dovichi. “Electrophoretic Separation of Bodipy-Labeled Glycosphingolipids.” J. Chromatogr. A. 2012, 1229,
15. Essaka, D.C., Prendergast, J., Keithley, R.B., Palcic, M.M., Hindsgaul, O., Schnaar, R.L., Dovichi, N.J.
“Capillary Electrophoresis with Two-Color Fluorescence Detection for the Study of Glycosphingolipid
Metabolic Pathways in Single Primary Neurons.” Anal. Chem., 2012, 84, 2799-2804.
1. Keithley, R.B., Porter, S.E.G., Rutan, S.C. “Characterization of Potential Drug Interactions Between
Dextromethorphan, Fluoxetine, and PMMA.” Presentation to the Richmond Chromatography Discussion
Group, April 2005, Richmond, VA.
2. Keithley, R.B., Hermans, A., Sombers, L.A., Wightman, R.M. “Quantifying Neurotransmitter Noise.” Poster
presented at the Pittsburgh Conference, March 2008, New Orleans, LA.
Keithley, R.B. 4
3. Keithley, R.B., Park, J., Wightman, R.M. “Measurement of Basal Changes of Dopamine and Norepinephrine
in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Using Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry with Analog Background
Subtraction.” Poster presented at the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference, August 2009, Biddeford,
4. Keithley, R.B., Takmakov, P., Owesson-White, C., Park, J., Wightman, R.M. “Improving the Performance of
Fast-scan Cyclic Voltammetric Detection of Catecholamines.” Talk presented during the SEAC Organized
Session on Bioanalytical Applications of Electrochemistry at the Pittsburgh Conference, March 2010, Orlando,
5. Keithley, R.B., Takmakov, P., Park, J., Wightman, R.M. “Improving the Performance of Fast-scan Cyclic
Voltammetry.” Poster presented at the 13th International Conference on In Vivo Methods, September 2010,
Brussels, Belgium.
6. Keithley, R.B., Essaka, D.C., Prendergast, J., Schnaar, R.L., Palcic, M.M., Hindsgaul, O., Dovichi, N.J.
“Ultrasensitive Single Cell Analysis.” Talk given at the Carlsberg Institute, February 2012, Copenhagen,
Keithley, R.B. 5