Newark, New Jersey Prepared by: The Medical Records Committee Constancia Uy, MD, Chairperson Date: April 2008 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST DANGEROUS ABBREVIATIONS – Not accepted in orders or medication-related documents The following abbreviations have been REMOVED from The University Hospital Official Abbreviation List because they have the potential to jeopardize patient safety by being misunderstood, resulting in medication errors. June 2005 forward: Abbreviation Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Preferred Practice U or u unit Read as a zero (0) or a four (4), causing a 10-fold overdose or greater (4U seen as "40" or 4u seen as "44"). Write "units" IU international unit qd or QD once daily qod or QOD every other day Misread as "IV" (intravenous) or 10 (ten) Misinterpreted as "right eye" (OD - oculus dexter, causing administration of oral medications in the eye). Period after Q or “O” can be mistaken for “I” Decimal point is missed Lack of Leading Zero (.Xmg) MSO4 MgSO4 *In Context Rev. 4/08 Write "daily" Write “every other day” Remember, “Always lead, never follow)” Trailing Zero (X.0mg); MS Write "International Unit" morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate Confused for one another – can mean morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate Always write a leading Zero before a decimal point (0.X mg) and never write a Zero by itself after a decimal point (X mg) Write "magnesium Sulfate" or “morphine sulfate” Page 1 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST (E)CW 1/u P/F 100 hue 2° (Essex) County Welfare one finger over umbilicus Pa02/Fi02 ratio Farnsworth Munsell 100 hue test secondary A/P A-P D A-aP02 A-V* A:G A.Fib A-P A&Ox3 A&P A2 A2 P2 and A2 P2 AA* AAA* AAO AAROM Ab* abd* ABE ABG ABI ABP ac AC REC AB AC* assessment/plan anteroposterior diameter alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient arteriovenous albumin globulin ration atrial/auricular fibrillation Aorto-Pulmonary alert & oriented times 3,2,1,0 Anterior and Posterior Colporrhaphy aortic second sound relation of aortic and pulmonic heart sounds alcoholics anonymous; atlantoaxial; African American Ascending Aortic Aneurysm; Abdominal aortic aneurysm awake, alert, oriented active assistive range of motion abortion; Antibody; abdomen; abduction arterial blood electrolytes arterial blood gases Ankle-Brachial Index Arterial Blood Pressure; after bypass before meals acetylcholine receptor antibody Anterior Chamber; abdominal circumference (ultrasound); acrominal clavicular joint; alternating current. Community Medicaid waiver program for AIDS citric acid, trisodium citrate, dextrose solution Angiotensin converting enzyme Acetyl – coenzyme A anterior cruciate ligament advanced cardiac life support Activated clotting time corticoprophin, adrenocorticotropic hormone as much as needed; as desired Attention deficit disorder adduction antidiuretic hormone Attention deficit hyperactive disorder Acute decompensated heart failure Adjustment activities of daily living Admission adenosine diphosphate Advance Directives above elbow; air entry (on physical exam on lungs) ACCAP ACD ACE acetyl – CoA ACL ACLS act ACTH ad lib ADD add* ADH ADHD ADHF Adj. ADL adm ADP Adv.Dir. AE* *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 2 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST AEA AEP AF AFB AFDC AFI AFO AFP AFX AG, ag AGA AGE AgNo3 AHF AHG AIDS AJ AK AKA* AL ALA alb alk p’tase (alk phos) ALK HT ALK P FR ALPC ALS ALT ALTP am fl AM AMA Amb AMD or ARMD AMI amp AMP amt ANA ANC ANH ANS Ant. Sag. D. ant* ante Ao AO Ao.Diss. AOB AOG AORN AP* *In Context Rev. 4/08 above elbow amputation auditory evoked potential Atrial Fibrillation Acid fast bacteria Aid to families with dependent children amniotic fluid index ankle foot orthosis alpha fetoprotein Air fluid exchange antigen appropiate for gestational age acute gastroenteritis silver nitrate antihemolytic factor antihemophilic globulin acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ankle jerk above knee Alcoholic keto acidosis; above knee amputation; also known as arterial line amino levulinic acid albumin alkaline phosphatase heat stable alkaline phosphatase alkaline phosphatase fractionation Argon Laser Photocoagulation amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Alanine Aminotransferase Argon laser trabeculoplasty amniotic fluid morning against medical advise ambulation Age related macular degeneration Anterior Myocardial Infarction ampule adenosine monophosphate amount antinuclear antibody (blood test) absolute neutrophil count Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution autonomic nervous system anterior sagittal diameter anterior; antegrade before Aortic atlantoocipital Aortic Dissection alcohol on breath age of gestation Association of Operating Room Nurses antepartum; anteroposterior Page 3 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST APC APD APH APN APRV aPTT AR* ARC ARDS ARF AROM* AS ASA ASAP ASC AO ASCVD ASD ASHD ASIA ASIS ASO AST ATC* atm ATP AUC AV AVA AVD AVM AVN AVNRT AVR AVRT AX Acute Pericarditis Afferent Pupil Defect anterior pituitary hormone Advanced Practice Nurse airway pressure release ventilation Activated partial thromboplastin time Auto-refraction; aortic regurgitation aids related complex adult respiratory distress syndrome acute renal failure artificial ruptore of membranes; active range of motion aortic stenosis aspirin as soon as possible Ascending Aorta arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease Atrial Septal Defect arteriosclerotic heart disease American Spinal Cord Injury Association anterior superior iliac spine antistreptolysin O Aspartate Aminotransferase Around the clock; automatic tube compensation atmosphere adenosine triphosphate area under the curve atrioventricular Aortic Valve Area AVD Dissociation arteriovenous malformation avascular necrosis Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia Asortic Valve Replacement Artioventricular re-entrant tachycardia axillary B&S B.E.E. B.T.B. B12 Ba BACT BAL* baso BBB BBP BC BCG BCL BDR BE* Bartholin's and Skene's glands Basal energy expenditure Break Thru Bleeding Vitamin B12 barium bacteria British antilewisite; bronchialveolar lavage basophile bundle branch block Before bypass birth control Bacillus Calmette - Guerin Bandage contact lens Background Diabetic Retinopathy base excess; barium enema; below elbow *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 4 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST BEA BF* BG bid Bif BIG BILI bisp. BIVAD BK BKA bl or bil. bld bld cx BLS bm or BM* BMP BOA BP BPD* BPH bpm BPP BR* BRAO BRAT BRBPR Bronch BRP BRVO BS* BSA BSD BSE BSEP BSN BSO BSS BSSO BSW BTB BTU BUN BW bx below elbow amputation Body fluid; Black female/woman Blood Glucose twice a day Bifurcation Bigeminy bilirubin bispinous or interspinous diameter Bi Ventricular Assist Device below knee below knee amputation Bilateral blood (as in blood culture) blood culture basic life support bowel movement; Black male/man; Bone marrow Basic metabolic profile born on arrival blood pressure borderline personality disorder; bi-polar disorder; Biparietal diameter; bronchopulmonary dysplasia benign prostatic hypertrophy Breaths or beats per minute Biophysical profile bedrest; breast Branch retinal artery occlusion Bananas, rice cereal, applesauce and toast bright red blood per rectum Bronchoscopy bathroom privileges Branch vein artery occlusion breath sounds/Bowel sounds/Blood Sugar Body surface area Bed Side Drainage breast self examination brain stem evoked potential Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy Balanced saline solution bilateral sagittal split osteotomies Bachelor of social work Breakthrough Bleeding British Thermal Unit blood urea nitrogen Body weight biopsy c/o c or C C & S, C/S* C- complain of with; Medical/Surgical Certified Nurse Culture and sensitivity without contrast *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 5 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST C/D C sp C/S* c.c. C.P.M. C.T.S. C+ C* Ca++ CA* CAB CABG CAD* calc. CAOD cap CAPD Card* CAT CATC Cath. CBC CBCD CBG* CBI CBVI or CFB cc or CC* CCA CCP CCPED CCRN CCU CD CDH CEA CET CF* CFA CFT CFV CHB CHD CHF CHI chole. est chol. CIRC circ CIWA CI CKMB *In Context Rev. 4/08 Cup/Disc Ratio cervical spine c-section; Conjunctiva/sclera Chief complaint continuous passive motion carpal tunnel syndrome with contrast centigrade; cervical vertebra; Cornea Calcium carcinoma Coronary artery bypass coronary artery bypass graft Carotid Artery Disease; coronary artery disease Calculation Carotid Artery Occlusive Disease capsule Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis cardiac; Cardiotomy Computerized axial tomography catecholamine catheter complete blood count complete blood count and differential Capillary Blood Gas; Corticosteroid-binding gloubulin, transcortin continuous bladder irrigation Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired with correction; Chief complaint Common Carotid Artery Certified Clinical Perfusionist Community Medicaid waiver program for nursing care Certified Critical Care Registered Nurse coronary care unit Cesarean delivery congenital dislocated hip carcinoembryonic antigen common extensor tendon Count fingers visual acuity; Cystic Fibrosis Common Femoral Artery common flexor tendon Common Femoral Vein Complete Heart Block coronary heart disease congestive heart failure closed head injury cholesterol esters cholesterol Circumflex circumcision Clinical Inventory for Withdrawal of Alcohol Cardiac Index Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme Page 6 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST CL cl. liq. CL. cm CM CMC CMHC CML CMMI CMP* CMV* CNS* CNV CO CO2 CoA COA COAG coag Cog. Col conc. Conj. cont.* coord. COPD COS COT CP CPAP CPB CPC CPD CPDA CPK CPM CPP CPR CPS CPT Cr/Cre CR deg CRAO CRIF CRNA CRP CRRT CRVO cryo* cryst CS* CSA *In Context Rev. 4/08 Clostridium clear liquid chloride centimeter Cardiomyopathy carpal metacarpal Community Mental Health Center chronic myelogenous leukemia Center for Molecular Medicine and Immunology Comprehensive metabolic profile, Cardiomyopathy cytomegalovirus; controlled mechanical ventilation central nervous system; Clinical Nurse Specialist Choroidal neovascularization cardiac output carbon dioxide coenzyme A Certified Ophthalmic Assistant chronic open angle glaucoma coagulation cognitive Colonoscopy Concentration Conjunctiva continuous; content Coordination chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Constant Observation Certified Ophthalmic Technician cerebral palsy continuous positive airway pressure Cardiopulmonary Bypass clinical pathological conf., clinicopathological conf. cephalo-pelvic disproportion Citrate, phosphate, dextrose and adenosine creatinine phosphokinase Continuous pass of motion Cranial perfusion pressure cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Cardioplegia solution chest physical therapy Creatinine; serum creatinine cone rod degeneration Central retinal artery occlusion closed reduction internal fixation Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist C-reactive protein Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Central retinal vein occlusion Cryoretinopexy; cryoglobulins; cryoprecipitate Crystalloid Solution Certified Specialist; Cell saver; coronary sinus Cross-sectional area Page 7 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST CSF CSME CSP CST* CSW CT* CTA CTH CTP CTS CTX CTXs. cva or CVA* CVD CVF CVP CVTS CVVH CVVHD CVVHDF CX cx CXR cyro cysto. cerebrospinal fluid Clinically significant macular edema Coronary sinus pressure Contraction stress test; Craniosacral therapy Certified social worker computerized tomography; chest tube cat scan of abdomen cat scan of head cat scan of pelvis Cardiothoracic Surgery cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis contractions costovertebral angle; cerebrovascular accident cardiovascular disease Confrontation visual field Central venous pressure Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration with Dialysis Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration cervix culture chest X-ray Cryoprecipitate cystoscopy D/S D D/W D&C D/C* D/O D&E D.Bil D.T. D+E D3 D5 ⅓ NSS D5 ¼ NSS D5 ½ NSS D5NS5% D5RL D5W DA DAT db DBC DBI DBP DBW dc* dextrose and saline diopter dextrose and water dilation and curettage discharge; discontinue disorder dilitation and evacuation Direct Bilurubin Dietetic technician Dilation and evacuation distral third dextrose in .33% normal saline solution dextrose in 0.225% normal saline solution dextrose in ½ normal saline solution (0.45%) dextrose in normal saline solution dextrose in ringer’s lactate dextrose in water diagnostic arthroscopy Direct antiglobulin test decibel Distance between center of spectacle correction Digital-Brachial Index diastolic blood pressure Desirable Body Weight direct current *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 8 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST DCA DD DDAVP DDD DDS DDT dec./decr. Depr. Derm. DESC Ao dev.* df DHEAS DI DIAG or D DIC diff* dil DIPJ Dis. disloc DIT div DJD DKA DM DMD DME DMV DNA DNase DNR DO DOA* DOB DOC DOCA DOE DOI DOL DOPA DOT DPL DPM DPN DPNase DPNH DPW DR* DSA DSD dsg *In Context Rev. 4/08 Directed Coronary Athrectomy differential diagnosis Vasopressin Division of Developmental Disabilities Doctor of Dental Surgery dichloro-diphenyl trichoroenthane deceased/decreased Depression, depressed dermatology Descending Aorta development, developmental; deviations dorsiflexion Dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate diabetes insipidus Diagonal Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation difficult; differential count; different dilute or dissolve distal interphalangeal joint disorder dislocation diiodotyrosine divide degenerative joint disease diabetic keto acidosis diabetes mellitus Doctor of Dental Medicine Durable medical equipment Disc, macula, vessels deoxyribonucleic acid deoxyribonuclease do not resuscitate Doctor of Osteopathy date of admission; Dead on arrival date of birth Doctors Office Center deoxycortiocosterone acetate Dyspnea on Exertion Date of injury duration of labor 3:4 dihydroxyphenylalanine Direct Observation Therapy diagnostic peritoneal lavage Doctor of Podiatric Medicine diphosphopyridine nucleotide enzyme hydrolyzing DPN (reduced) diphosphopyridine nucleotide Department of Public Welfare Diabetic retinopathy; delivery room digital substration angiography dry sterile dressing dressing Page 9 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST DTR DTs DUB DVI DVR DVT Dx DYFS deep tendon reflexes delirium tremens dysfunctional uterine bleeding digital visual imaging Division of Vocational Rehabilitation deep vein thrombosis diagnosis Division of Youth and Family Services E.O.G.H. E.R./ER E EBL ECA ECCE ECF ECG or EKG ECHC ECHO virus ECMO ECT ED EDC EDH EDTA EDTA* EDW EDX EECP EEG EENT EMG ERV ESR ESRD ETC02 (etCO2) East Orange General Hospital Emergency Room Estrogen estimated blood loss External Carotid Artery extra capsular cataract extraction extracellular fluid electrocardiogram Essex County Hospital Center enterocytopathogenic human orphan virus Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation electric convulsive therapy Emergency Department expected date of confinement epidural hematoma Edetate disodium edathamil; Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; edetic acid Estimated Dry Weight electrodiagnostic test Enhanced external counter pulsation electro encephalogram eye, ear, nose, throat electromylogram expiratory reserve volume erythrocyte sedimentation rate End Stage Renal Disease end tidal carbon dioxide FCE FDA FDP FDS Fe FEES Fem-Fem Graft Fem-Pop Graft Fem-Tib Graft fERG FES FEV FFA functional capacity evaluation Food and Drug Administration flexor digitorum profundus flexor digitorum sublimis iron Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing Femorafemoral Graft Femoralpopliteal Graft Femoral Tibial Graft Focal electroretinogram fuctional electrical stimulation forced expiratory volume free fatty acid *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 10 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST FH* FHP FHR FHS FiO2 fl FL Flex Flex. Sig. FNA FOB FOI FP FRC FS FSH fT4 FT FTA FTT FUO FVC FVER FWB Fx. fundal height; family history Foster home placement fetal heart rate fetal heart sounds fractional inspired oxygen fluid Femur length (ultrasound) flexion Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Fine Needle Aspiration Father of baby Flight of ideas Family Planning functional residual capacity fingerstick follicle stimulating hormone free T4 full term Flourescent treponemal antigen failure to thrive fever unknown origin Forced vital capacity Flash visual evoked responses full weight bearing Fracture G-1-P G-6-PD GA GB GC GCE GCS gct gds Tx GDX/HRT Gen. GENTA GERD GFR GFX GGTP GH GI GIFT gls GLU gm GMC gms GNR Gr* glucose-Iphosphate glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gastric analysis gallbladder gonococcal general conditioning exercises Glascow Coma Scale Glucose Challenge Test group & supportive therapy glaucoma diagnostic imaging Generalized gentamicin Gastroesophegeal Reflux Disease glomerular filtration rate Gas fluid exchange gamma-glutamic trasnferase growth hormone, anterior pituitary gastrointestinal gamete-in-intrafallopian tube transfer Eyeglasses Glucose gram General medical condition Grams gram-negative rods gran; group *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 11 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST grav GCS GSW gtt GTT GU Gyn gravida Glascow Coma Scale gunshot wound drop glucose tolerance test genito urinary gynecology H or h H/O H.N.V. H.S. H&H H&P H 2O HA* ham HAP HAV HB, Hb HC HCAP HCC HCG Hct HCVD HD HDL HEAP HEENT HELLP Syndrome Hemo HEP HFP Hgb HHA HHC HHD HHNK HI HIPP HIV HKAO HL HM HMO HMS HN2 HNP HNT HOB horiz HPF hourly history of Has not voided high school hemoglobin and hematocrit history & physical water Homatropine; headache; Hydroxiapatite hamstrings hospital-acquired pneumonia Hallux abducto valgus hemoglobin head circumference (ultrasound) health care associated pneumonia Home Care Coordinator human chorionic gonadotrophin hematocrit hypertensive cardiovascular disease Hemodialysis high density lipoprotein Home Energy Assistance Program head, eyes, ears, nose & throat hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet Hemoconcentrator home exercise program Hepatic function profile hemoglobin Home Health Aid Home Health Care hypertensive heart disease hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic acidosis homicidal ideation Hyperthermic Intra-Peritoneal Perfusion human immunodeficiency virus hip knee ankle orthosis humeral length (ultrasound) hand movement Health Maintenance Organization Hepcon Management System a nitrogen mustard, methyl bis (B-chloroethyl)-amp herniated nucleus pulposus head, neck & trunk head of bed horizontal high power field *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 12 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST HIP HR HRT hs HSA HSV HT HTLV HTN HV HVF Hx HZV history of present illness heart rate Hormone replacement therapy at bedtime human serum albumin Herpes simplex virus Hypertropia human T-cell lymphotropic virus hypertension high volt Humphrey visual field history Herpes zoster virus I&O I.C.M.S. I.D. I.S. I* I&D IAB IABP IAN IBW ICA ICCE ICE ICF ICGA ICN ICP ICP* ICSH ICU ID-K IDDM IDM IDPN IDUM ie* IEP IFA IHD ILV IM IMF IMI imp* IMV inc. or incr. incl ind* intake and output intensive case management services identifying data Incentive Spirometry iris incision and drainage Intraaortic Balloon Intra Aortic Balloon Pump inferior alveolar nerve Ideal body weight Internal Carotid Artery intracapsular cataract extraction Irido corneal endothelial syndrome intracellular fluid Indocyanine green angiography intensive care nursery Isihara color plates Ishihara Color Plates; Intracranial pressure (bolt) interstitial cell-stimulating hormone intensive care unit internal derangement (L or R or B) knee insulin dependent diabetes mellitus infant of diabetic mother Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition infant of drug using mother that is; initial evaluation immunoelectrophoresis immunoflourescent antibody ischemic heart disease independent lung ventilation intramuscular intermaxillary fixation Inferior myocardial infaction impacted (impaction); Impression intermittent mechanical ventilation Increased or increasing include independent; individual *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 13 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST inf* INH inj. inp/inpt INR Ins. inspir. Inst. int* inv INVOS IOL IOP IP* IPD IPG IPPB IQ IR* IRDS IST IT IUD IUP IV IVC IVDA IVF IVFA IVH IVP* IVPB IVU IWMI infusion; inferior isoniazid Injection inpatient International normalized ratio (for pt) Insurance Inspiration or inspiratory Instruction internal; interpretation inversion In-Vivo Optical Spectroscopy intraocular lens implant intraocular pressure intrapartum Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis Impedance Plethysmography intermittent positive pressure breathing intelligence quotient internal rotation; interventional radiology idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome insulin shock therapy intratuberous Intra Uterine Device intrauterine pregnancy intravenous inferior vena cava intra-venous drug abuse/abuser in-vitro fertilization Intravenous fluorescine angiography intraventricular hemorrhage Intravenous push; intravenous pyelogram intravenous piggyback Intravenous Urogram inferior wall myocardial infarction JCMC JIA JRA jt JVD JW K K+ K-wire KA KAO KCI Kev Kg Kl KJ KOH PREP Jersey City Medical Center juvenile idiopathic arthritis Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis joint jugular vein distension Jehovah Witness Potassium (uses both with and without the +) potassium Kirshner wire King Armstrong Units knee ankle orthosis Potassium chloride kiloelectron volt kilogram potassium iodine knee jerks potassium hydroxide preparation *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 14 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST KT/V KUB KVO Clearance X Time/Volume kidneys, ureters and bladder keep vein open L&D L&A L* L.L.Q L.U.Q. L1,L2 LA Lab Lac LAD LAE LAP* labor and delivery light and accommodation Left; liter left lower quadrant left upper quadrant 1st lumbar vertebra, etc. Left atrium laboratory laceration Left anterior descending Left atrial enlargement leukocyte alkaline phosphatase; Laporascopic, Laparoscopy/laparotomy lateral pound (avoirdupois; apothecary) left bundle branch block low back pain lean body weight lateral collateral ligament Licensed clinical social worker lethal dose lanthony desaturated D15 test median lethal dose lactic dehydrogenase low density lipoprotein Lupus erythematosis; lower extremity left frontoanterior left frontoposterior left frontotransverse; Liver function test large large for gestational age Lown-Ganovy Levine Syndrome left gluteus maximus leutinizing hormone Left heart catheterization left homonymous hemianopsia Left internal mammary artery (graft) liquid leg length discrepancy Left lower lobe (lung); Left lower lid Left main left mentoanterior; laryngeal mask airway lower motor neuron last menstrual period; left mentoposterior left mentotransverse last normal menstrual period left occiput anterior/loosening of association loss of consciousness lat lb LBBB LBP LBW LCL LCSW LD LD15 LD50 LDH LDL LE* LFA LFP LFT* Lg LGA LGL LGM LH LHC LHH LIMA Liq LLD LLL LM LMA* LMN LMP* LMT LNMP LOA LOC *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 15 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST LOP LOS LOT LOV LP* LPcP LPM LPN LR LS* LSA LSD-25 LSK LSL LSO LSP* LST* LSW LT LTG LTH LTS LUE LUL* LUQ LV LVA LVAD LVH Lymph. left occiput posterior length of stay left occiput transverse loss of vision lumbar puncture; Light perception visual acuity Light perception with projections Liter per minute licensed practical nurse lactated ringer’s solution lumbosacral; Lecithin-Syphgomyelin left sacrum anterior lysergic acid diethylamide liver, spleen, kidneys Laser suture lysis Left salpingo-oophorectomy left sacrum posterior; Long sitting position left sacrum transverse; Low segment transverse (referring to uterine incision @ cesarean section) Licensed social worker left thigh long term goal luteotrophic hormone lipotrophic factor Left upper extremity Left upper lid; Left upper lobe (lung) Left upper quadrant Left ventricular Left ventricular aneurysm Left ventricular assist device Left ventricular hypertrophy Lymphocytes M M/V/P M.H. M.R. M’Caid M’Care M2 M3 Mac MAC MAC* MAE MAFO MAI maj. MAO MAS MAST max. MBD MBS Married macula, vessels, periphery Malignant Hyperthermia mental retardation Medicaid Medicare Meters squared middle third macula Mitral annular calcification Monitored Anesthesia Care; Mycobacterim Avium Cellulare Moves all extremities molded ankle foot orthosis Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Major monoamine oxidase Meconium aspiration syndrome Military antishock trousers maximun minimal brain damage modified barium swallow *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 16 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST mc mcg MCG MCH MCHC MCL* MCP MCV MD* MDI ME MedHx meds MEP mEq mev MFR Mg or MG* MGM MI MIC MICA MICU MIDCAB min.* MIP MIPPV ml MLD mm mM MMPI MMR MMT MMV Mo(s) MOB Mob. mod. MOM mono. Mosm Mp mr MR* MRI MRM MRSA ms or MS* MSE MSL MSN MSW *In Context Rev. 4/08 millicurie microgram Mount Carmel Guild mean corpuscular hemoglobin mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mid clavicular line; medial collateral ligament metacarpal phalageal joint mean corpuscular volume physician; muscular dystrophy Meter dose inhaler medical examiner medical history medications maximum expiratory pressure milliequivalent million electron volts Myofascial release Marcus Gunn/milligram Maternal grandmother myocardial infarction Maternal and infant care mentally ill, chemical abuser Medical intensive care unit Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass minute; minimum Maximum inspiratory pressure mask intermittent positive-pressure ventilation milliliter or milliliters (preferred over cc.) minimal lethal dose millimeter millimol Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inverntory Measles, mumps and rubella manual muscle test mandatory minute volume ventilation month(s) Mother of baby Mobilization Moderate milk of magnesia Monocyte milliosmol Membrane peel milliroentgen mitral regurgitation; manifest refraction magnetic resonance imaging modified radical mastectomy Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus muscle; Master of Science; Membrane segmentation; Multiple Sclerosis mental status exam mid sternal line Master of Science in Nursing Masters of social work Page 17 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST MTB MTHFR MTP* MTPJ MUA MV MVA* mvmt MVR MVV Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase medial tibial plateau metatarsal phalangeal joint manipulation under anesthesia minute volume motor vehicle accident; Mitral valve area movement Mital Valve Replacement maximum voluntary ventilation n N-V N/V N/G N N2O Na. NA* NaCI NAD* nerve neurovascular nausea or vomiting nasogastric normal, no nitrous oxide sodium Nursing assistant; non-aplicable sodium chloride nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; no appreciable; no Acute/active disease OR no acute distress nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate disease Sodium Bicarbonate newborn Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Nasal cannula; no charge normal cephalic atraumatic Nutrition Care Assistant nerve conduction velocity necrotizing enterocolitis non-esterified fatty acids negative neurology or neurological/neurologic nanogram Nasogastric tube Nursing home placement neuro intensive care unit non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Negative inspiratory force non-invasive positive pressure ventilation non-invasive ventilation no known allergies No known drug allergies Normal no light perception normal nursery, newborn nursery number at night not otherwise specified Nurse Practitioner Near point of convergence NADP NaHCO3 NB NBIMC NC* NC/AT NCA NCV NEC NEFA neg neuro ng NGT NHP NICU NIDDM NIF NIPPV NIV NKA NKDA NL NLP NN no. noct. NOS NP NPC *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 18 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST NPD NPDR NPFA NPH NPN NPO NRB NS* NSA NSAID NSR NST NSVD NT NV* NVD* NVE NVG NWB NWK NYHA Newark Police Department non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy no previous films available insulin-neutral protein insulin non-protein nitrogen nothing by mouth Non re-breather neurosurgery or no show; normal saline solution (0.9%) no significant abnormality non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug normal sinus rhythm Non stress test normal spontaneous vaginal delivery nasotracheal neovascularization; Near vision neovascularization of optic disc; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; neo-vascularization elsewhere neo-vascular glaucoma non weight bearing Newark New York Heart Association O.R. O2 O2sat OA* Ob/Gyn Ob OBS OC* OCD OCG OCN OCT OGT OHS* oint OM OMFS OMS* ONC ONS OOB OP or op* OPCAB OPD OPG Ophth. OPT or PDT ORIF Ortho OT* Operating Room Oxygen oxygen saturation Occiput anterior; osteoarthritis/operative arthroscopy Obstetrics and Gynecology Obstetrics organic brain syndrome Oral Contraceptives; obstetrical conjugate obsessive-compulsive disorder oral cholecystogram Oncology Certified Nurse Optical coherence tomography Oro-Gastric tube Open heart surgery; obesity hypoventilation syndrome ointment Obuse marginal Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery organic mental syndrome; Occupational Medicine Services Oncology Overnight stay out of bed light perception; Occiput posterior; operation Off pump coronary artery bypass outpatient department Ocular Pneumo-Olethysmography Ophthalmology ocular photodynamic therapy open reduction internal fixation Orthopedics otology; old tuberculin; occupational therapy *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 19 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST OTC outpt OXY Oz. over the counter (medications) outpatient Oxygenator Ounce p or P* P-A P/C P.A.C.T. P P&V P&P P&A P.A. P.H. P2 P3 PA PA PA* PA* PAAD PABA PAC PAC compd PACU PAM PAP* after; phosphorous, pulse, para; pressure Posterioanterior Posterior capsule Program of Assertive Community Treatment peak percussion & vibration pelvic and pap test or pin & plate percussion and auscultation Physician Assistant personal history pulmonic second sound proximal third Physician’s Assistant Pulmonary artery Popliteal Artery Pernicious anemia Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Aged para-aminobenzoic acid Premature artrial contraction phenacetin, aspirin & caffeine compound Post Anesthesia Care Unit Potential acuity meter prostatic acid phosphatase; Pulmonary artery pressure; Papanicolaou smear post-anesthesia recovery parity; paraplegic Paracentesis periodic acid Schiff stain para-aminosalicylic (acid); peripheral anterior synechiae progressive ambulation training; paroxysmal atrial tachycardia; Pre-admission testing Pathology pulmonary wedge pressure Penile-Brachial Index after meals; posterior chamber patient controlled analgesia patient controlled epidural analgesia posterior cruciate ligament penicillin pressure, carbon dioxide Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; Primary Care Physician polymerase chain reaction; Protein catabolic rate pressure control ventilation personality disorder Peritoneal dialysis Distance between pupils patent ductus arteriosus PAR para* paracent. PAS STAIN PAS* PAT* Path. PAWP PBI pc or PC* PCA PCEA PCL PCN PCO2 PCP* PCR* PCV P.D. PD PD PDA *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 20 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST PDA PDD PDN PDR* PE* Peds PEEP PEEPi PEF PEFR PEG* PEJ PERG PERL PERRELA PES PETN pf PF* PFC PFT PG PGM ph or PH pH PH Phaco PI* PID PIPJ PK PKP pks PKU PLSO PLTS PLTS pm PM PM&R PMD PMH PMI PMN PMP PNA PNC* PND PNF PNH PNI *In Context Rev. 4/08 Posterior decending artery Pervasive developmental disorder private duty nurse physician’s desk reference; proliferative diabetic retinopathy pulmonary edema; Pulmonary embolism; physical examination pediatrics positive end-expiratory pressure intrinsic PEEP peak expiratory flow peak exploratory flow rate pneumoencephalogram (graph); Percutaneous endoscopic gastrotomy Percutaneous Endoscopic Jejunostomy pattern visually evoked responses pupils equal and react to light pupils equal, round, react equally to light and accommodation Psychiatric Emergency Services pentaerythriotol tetra nitrate plantarflexion palpebral fissure Persistent fetal circulation pulmonary function test phosphatidal, picograms Paternal grandmother pinhole visual acuity hydrogen ion concentration present history phacoemulsification Performance improvement; present illness; peripheral iridectomy pelvic inflammatory disease proximal interphalangeal joint penetrating keratoplasty Penetrating keratoplasty packets phenylketonuria posterior leaf spring orthosis Platelets Platelets afternoon Post Mortem Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation private medical doctor past medical history point of maximun impulse polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte previous menstrual period Pneumonia Prenatal care; premature nodal contraction paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria peripheral nerve injury Page 21 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST PNP PNS Pnthx po PO/Post-op PO.1 PO4 POC POCT POD polys. poplit. Post BUN post. Sag. D. PP day PP PPBS PPD PPH* PPL ppm PPP PPROM PPV pr PRBC pre-op preg. prep Press prev. PRK prn PRO Prog PROM PRP* PSA psi PSIS PSP PSV* PSVT psych pt* PT* PTA* PTC* PTCA PTD PTFE *In Context Rev. 4/08 pediatric nurse practitioner peripheral nervous system pneumothorax by mouth Post-operative occlusion pressure Phosphate products of conception point of care testing post-operative day Polymorphonuclearleucocytes Popliteal postdialysis blood urea nitrogen posterior sagittal diameter post partum day pressure patch post prandial blood sugar purified protein derivative test for tuberculosis Persistent pulmonary hypertension or Primary pulmonary hypertension pars plana lensectomy parts per million Platelet Poor Plasma prolonged PROM pars plana vitrectomy per rectum packed red blood cells pre-operative Pregnancy, pregnant prepare Pressure Previous Photorefractive keratectomy whenever necessary protein prognosis passive range of motion or premature rupture of membranes Pan-retinal photocoagulation; Platelet Rich Plasma prostate specific antigen pounds per square inch posterior superior iliac spine phenolsulfonphtalein test Premature supraventricular, pressure support ventilations paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia psychiatry, psychiatric, psychological patient; pint prothrombin time; physical therapy prior to admission; Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; Posterior tibial artery; Physical Therapy Assistant; plasma thromboplastin antecedent Pseudo-tumor Cerebri; plasma thromboplastin component Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty prior to delivery Polytetrafluoroethylene Graft Page 22 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST PTH PTK PTL PTT PTV PTX PUD PV PV PV* PVC PVD PVD PVRI PWB Px* PZI parathyroid hormone Phototherapeutic keratectomy Preterm labor partial thromboplastin time Posterial tibial vein Pneumothorax Peptic ulcer disease peripheral vascular, plasma volume Pulmonary valve Popliteal vein premature ventricular contraction posterior vitreous detachment Peripheral vascular disease Pulmonary vascular resistence index partial weight bearing Procedure protamine zinc insulin q.n.s. q* q2H q4h qh qid qs qt quad QUAD quad. quant. quantity not sufficient every; flow every 2 hours every 4 hours every hour four times a day sufficient quantity quarts quadreplegic Quadrigeminy Quadriceps or quadriplegic Quantative or quantity R/O or RO R* RA* RAE RAI RAN RAP RAPD RBBB RBC RC* RCA RD* RDS reeval REF Rehab. REM* rule out respiration; right Right atrium; rheumatoid arthritis Right atrial enlargement radioactive iodine Resident’s admission notes Retro-Autologus Priming Reverse afferent pupillary defect right bundle branch block red blood count, red blood cells rod cone degeneration; Respiratory Care Right cononary artery right deltoid; Retinal detachment; registered dietician respiratory distress syndrome reevaluation Referral/referred Rehabilitation Medicine roentgen equivalent unit; rapid eye movement *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 23 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST REP reps Ret. Retro RF RFA RFT RG RGM RGR Rh RHC RHCF RHD* RHH RIMA RIND RISA RLL* RLQ RLW RM* RMA RML RMP RMT RN RNA Rnase RND ROA ROD ROM ROP* ROS ROT rot. RP rpm RPR RPT RQ RR RRD RROM RRT RSA RSBI RSO RSP RSR RST RT* RTC *In Context Rev. 4/08 right frontoposterior repetitions Return Retrograde Replacement Fluid right frontoanterior right frontotransverse Ruptured globe right gluteus maximus Ruptured globe repair rhesus factor Right heart catheterization Residential Health Care Facility rheumatic heart disease; relative hepatic dullness right homonymous hemianopsia Right internal mammary artery Reversible Ischemic Neurological Deficit radioactive iodinated serum albumin Right lower lid; right lower lobe (lung) right lower quadrant routine lab work radical mastectomy; room right mentoanterior right medial lobe (lung) right mentoposterior right mentotransverse registered nurse ribonucleic acid ribonuclease radical neck disection right occipital anterior resident on duty range of motion or rupture of membranes retinopathy of prematurity; right occiput posterior review of system right occiput transverse Rotation retinitis pigmentosa revolutions per minute Rapid plasma reagin registered physical therapist respiratory quotient Respiratory rate rheumatogenous retinal detachement resisted range of motion Registered Respiratory Therapist right sacrum anterior Rapid shallow breathing index Right salpingo-oophorectomy right sacrum posterior regular sinus rhythm right sacrum transverse recreational therapy; right thigh; respiratory therapy return to clinic Page 24 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST RTW RU* RUE RUL* RUQ RV RVAD RVH RVR Rx RXN Return to work roentgen unit(s) + Right upper extremity right upper lobe (lung); Right upper lid right upper quadrant residual volume Right ventricular assist device Right ventricular hypertrophy Rapid ventricular response take, prescription reaction s/p S&A S/O ŝ S* S=D SaO2 SAB SAH SAM sat. SB* SBE SBP SBP* SBQC SBT Schiz SCI SCUF ScV02 SD SDD SDH SDS SE sec SED sed. rate Seg* SFA SFV SGA SGOT SGPT SH SHS SI* SIADH SIB status post sugar and acetone significant others without subjective; single size = dates Arterial oxygen saturation Spontaneous abortion Subarachnoid hemorrhage Systolic anterior movement saturated scleral buckle; side bending subacute bacterial endocarditis Systolic blood pressure spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; systolic blood pressure Small-base quad cane Spontaneous breathing trial schizophrenia spinal cord injury Slow Continuous Ultra-Filtration central venous oxygen saturation standard deviation selective digestive decontamination subdural hematoma same day surgery standard error secondary skin erythema dose erythrocyte sedimentation rate Segmental/segmented neutrophil Superficial femoral artery Superficial femoral vein Small for gestational age serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase serum glutanic pyruvic transaminase social history Student Health Services suicidal ideation; sacroiliac syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone Sibling *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 25 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST SICU sig* SIMV SIRS SL SLE* SLO SLR SMD SNS SOAP SOB Sochx sol SP sP* spec. SPEP SPK SROM SS* SSA SSD* SSI* SSN SSP SSRI or SSUI STAC staph stat STD STG Stillb. STM Str strep. STS STS STSG STV sub-conj subcut. subling. SUC SUPV’R Surg. Or surg. SV* SV SVC SVD Sv02 *In Context Rev. 4/08 Surgical intensive care unit let it be labeled; to write Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation Systemic inflammatory response syndrome sublingual under the tongue slit lamp examination; systemic lupus erthematosus Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy straight leg raising senile macular degeneration sympathetic nervous system subjective; objective; assessment, and plan shortness of breath social history solution speech pathology specific gravity without projection specimen Serum protein electrophoresis Superficial punctate keratitis square centimeter spontaneous rupture of membranes Social Service; sickle cell disease Social Security Administration Supplemental security disability; Social Security Disability Supplemental Security Income; Slicing scale insulin Social Security Number short sit position Serotonin specific uptake inhibitor Sinus tachycardia staphylococcus at once sexually transmitted disease short term goal Stillborn or stillbirth soft tissue mobilization strength Streptococcus soft tissue swelling Society of thoracic surgery Split-thickness skin graft Spontaneous tidal volume subconjuctival Subcutaneous Under the tongue, sublingual Superior vena cava supervisor Surgery of surgical stroke volume; sinus venous Saphenous vein slow vital capacity Spontaneous vaginal delivery Mixed venous oxygen saturation Page 26 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST SV02 SVG SVP SVRI SVT SW* SWS sx sympat. syr Venous saturation Saphenous vein graft spontaneous venous pulsation System vascular resistance index Supraventricular tachycardis Stab wound; social worker Social Work Services symptoms Sympathetic syrup T/O T* T&A T (thru T12) T.Bil T.Prot. T-Bar T-Piece T* T&C T3 T4 Ta* tab. TAH TAH-BSO TAT* TAV TB TBA TBG TBI TBP TBPA tbsp.,T TCA TCD TCDB TED TEE TENS TEP TEPA TFL TFT Th Ex Th THAM THR TIA TIBC telephone order Trough; time; Testosterone tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy thoracic vertebra or nerve root Total bilirubin Total protein Tracheotomy Bar tracheotomy piece temperature; trace; tonometry type and crossmatch triiodothyronine tetraiodothyromine; L-thyroxine tension by applanator; tonometry, applanation Tablets Total abdominal hysterectomy total abdominal hysterectomy – bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy turnaround time; tetanus antitoxin; thematic appreception test Third degree A-V block tuberculosis to be admitted thyroxine-binding globulin Traumatic brain injury thyroxine-binding protein thyroxine-binding prealbumin tablespoon Tricyclic Antidepressent Topical cooling device turn, cough, deep breath Thrombo-Embolytic Device Transesophageal echocardiography transcutaneous nerve stimulation Tracheoesophageal puncture triethylenephosphoramide tensor fascia lata Thyroid function test Therapeutic exercise therapy TRIS-hydroymethyl aminoethane total hip replacement Transient Ischemic Attack Total iron binding capacity *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 27 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST TID tinct. TKR TL TLC* TLR Tm TM(s) TMA TMJ TMR TNR TOA TOBRA TOP tox Toxo TP TPA Tpalp Tpen TPI TPN TPNH TPR Tr Trab TRAM Trans Bronch Trans. D TRD TRF trich. TRIG Ts TSCPC TSH tsp. TSR TTE TUR TURBT TURP TV* TVH TVR TWG Tx plan TX or Tx* three times a day Tincture total knee replacement tubal ligation total lymphocyte count; Triple lumen catheter; total lung capacity tonic labyrinthean reflex maximun tubular excretory capacity (kidney) tympanic membrane(s) transmetatarsal amputation Temporomandibular joint Trans myocardial revasculization tonic neck reflex Tubo-ovarian abscess tobramycin Termination of pregnancy toxicology toxoplasmosis total protein tissue plasminogen activator tonometry, palpation tonometry, tonopen triphosphopyridine nucleotide, treponium pallidum total parenteral nutrition triphosphopyridine nucleotide reduced form temperature, pulse, respiration Trace trabeculectomy Transverse rectus abdominus muscle (flap) Transbronchial Biopsy transverse diameter traction retinal detachment thyrotropin releasing factor Trichomonas vaginitis Trigeminy tension by Shiotz trans-scleral cyclophotocoagulation thyroid stimulating hormone Teaspoon total shoulder replacement Transthoracic Echocardiography transurethral resection transurethral resection bladder tumor Transurethral resection of the prostate total volume; tidal volume; tricuspid valve Total vaginal hysterectomy Tricuspid valve replacement total weight gain treatment plan Treatment; traction u/l U/O one finger under umbilicus Urine output *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 28 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST U/A U+A UC UCBSM UCHD UE UF UGI UGK UHPOC UMN UN unilat UPJ URI Urol. US USP UTI UV urinalysis up and about uterine contraction University Center for Bloodless Surgery & Medicine usual childhood diseases upper extremity Ultrafiltrate upper gastrointestinal series urine glucose keytone University Hospital Psychiatric Outpatient Center upper motor neuron Urea nitrogen unilateral Ureteropelvic junction upper respiratory infection Urology or urological ultrasound United States Pharmacopeia urinary tract infection ultraviolet V/O V V.Fib V.flu v.tach V(a) v* VA* VAC VAD vag. VAP VASD VAVD VBAC VC or vit.cap VCG VCU,VCUG VD VDRF VDRL VE VER VF vg VH VIP Vit Viz VKH VMA verbal order Vitreous ventricular fibrillation Ventricular flutter Ventricular tachycardia Visual acuity venous; volt Veterans Administration; visual acuity Vacuum venous access device Vagina or vaginal Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Ventricular septal defect Vacuum assisted venous drainage Vaginal birth after cesarean vital capacity vector cardiogram Voiding cystourethrogram venereal disease Ventilator dependent respiratory failure Venereal Disease Research Lab Minute ventilation Visual evoked response visual field very good vitreous hemorrhage Voluntary interruption of pregnancy vitamin namely Vogt Koyanagi Harada Syndrome Vanillymandelic acid *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 29 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST VN(A) VNS Vol Vol% VP Shunt VRE VRV vs VSN VSS VT VTAC VTX Visiting Nurse (Association) Visiting Nurse Service volume volumes per cent vertriculo peritoneal shunt vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus(i) ventricular residual volume visited; vital signs Visiting Nurse Service vital signs stable ventricular tachycardia Ventricular tachycardia Vertex W/C W* WB* WBAT WBC* WBQC WC WD, WN WF WFL WH WIC wk WNL WP WPW syndrome wt. wheel chair wearing or present glass correction; Widowed weight bearing; Whole blood weight bearing as tolerated White blood cells, white blood count; white blood corpuscles wide-base quad cane Work conditioning well-developed, well-nourished White female within functional limits Work hardening Women Infant Child food program week within normal limits whirlpool Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome Weight Xclamp(XC) XT Cross clamp exotropia Y y.o. YAG yes year old Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser ½NS ¼NS 0.45% normal saline solution 0.225% normal saline solution *In Context Rev. 4/08 Page 30 of 32 OFFICIAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST SYMBOLS ♂ ♀ ψ = + // √ ↑ ↓ Ø /12 /52 /7 # < > ≤ ≥ *In Context Rev. 4/08 Male Female Psychiatry, Psychiatric equals positive parallel flexion negative increase decrease no, none # months over 12 # weeks over 52 # days over 7 number less than greater than less than/equal to greater than/equal to Page 31 of 32