Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods Variations in natural electric field or induced (artificially generated) electric currents at or near the Earth’s surface Objective Map variation in electrical response of rocks, minerals and pore content. That is to measure the electrical conductivity, or its inverse resisitivity, of the subsurface Factors affecting electrical response • Mineralogy • Fabric • Pore content (fluid) type and saturation Examples • Hydrogeological - ground water exploration • Environmental -brine contamination migration, clay aquitard mapping • Lithological discrimination • Mineral exploration Electrical and Electro-magnetic Methods Direct Current (DC) Resistivity Measures the electrical potential associated with electrical current flow generated by a direct current applied to the ground. Used to discriminate between different lithologies and pore fluids. Induced Polarisation (IP) Measurement of transient (short term) variations in potential as the current is initially applied or removed from the ground. Used to locate concentrations of clay and other electrically conducting materials. Self Potential (SP) Measurement of naturally occurring electrical potentials commonly associated with the weathering of (sulphide) ore bodies and certain ground water flows. Electro-magnetic (EM) Measurement of time-varying magnetic field generated by induction through current flow within the Earth. Used for locating conductive base metals and buried ferro-magnetic sources. Fundamental Principles Ohm’s Law Empirical relationship between the current (I) flowing through a wire, of resistance R and the voltage potential (V) required to propagate the current. V ? IR Further L A R ? where L is the length and A the cross sectional area of wire. However, as we are not concerned with wires in the Earth, and electrical current is not constrained, the resistivity, ? of a material is a more useful concept where. ? ? RA L or ? ? VA IL Geoelectric Soundings, Geology and Hydrogeology Ranges of Electrical Resistivity 10-1 Dry Sand Wet Sand Sandy-silt Silt Clay Peat Sandstone Siltstone Coal Salt water 1 Resistivity ? m 101 102 103 104 105 Current Flow in the Ground +I Equipotential Surface (surface of constant voltage) -I I Current flow lines It is the potential difference between the equipotential surfaces that causes the current to flow Measurement of Current Flow in the Ground • • However, it is difficult to measure the current flow directly because of contact resistance between the electrodes and the ground. Therefore, the potential difference between a second set of electrodes not connected to the primary circuit is measured I V Potential electrodes Current electrodes DC Resistivity The most common electrical method used Resistivity Profiling - used to determine lateral changes in resistivity due to changes in geologic structure. Resistivity Soundings - used to determine vertical changes in resistivity due to geologic structure assuming horizontal layering. • Wenner Array • Schlumberger Array – Both techniques measure apparent resistivity ( ?) computed from measurements of voltage, change in voltage and current, i in the form shown below. – where a is the electrode separation. ?V ? ? ? 2? a i – A plot of apparent resistivity ( ? )versus electrode spacing is made by moving the electrodes to new (expanded) positions. From this an interpretation of resistivity (conductivity) variation with depth is made. Common Electrode Spacing Pole-Dipole a Schlumberger a or na I >10a Pole-Pole V, >10a a b a Wenner a I, >10a a Potential electrodes Current electrodes a a Wenner Array Sounding I V ?1 a a a ?V ? a ? 2? a I ?2 • depth soundings are made by increasing the spacing between the electrodes • at small spacing, current flows in upper layer • at larger spacing, current flows in deeper layer ?2 ?a ?1 a Typical DC Resistivity Survey • • • • • • Define Objectives Review Regional Geology and Hydrogeology Assess Noise Forward Model - geo-electric section for sounding, design survey sample interval, station spacing, desired resolution at specific target depth Test/calibrate sounding at or near ground truth (outcrop or borehole) with soundings at more than one orientation Execute design survey or adjust survey to meet objectives Vertical Electrical Sounding Interpretation Interpretation •2 Layer - use master curve •3 Layer - books of master curves •4 or more layers - must use computer programs General Points •# turning points equals # of resolvable layer •equal log/log plot, no slope > 45° •relative magnitude of resistivity important after Reynolds, 1997 Geoelectric Section Borehole Geoelectric Section south-north from grid ref. (-120,20) to (150,20) west-east from grid ref. (-70,30) to (-70,10) 2 Layer Vertical Electrical Sounding Interpretation Using Master Curves ?1 ?2 h1 ? 1/ ? 2= 20 ? a/ ? 1 5 1/5 1/20 L=AB/2 L/h1 A From Milsom, 1989 m n B “2D” Profiling • Uses fixed array type - Wenner, Schlumberger or commonly pole-pole (“Time Team” style) • Uses fixed array distance • Rapid coverage of large area Electrical Surveying Equipment 1D • Syscal - Junior, R1 Plus, R2 • ABEM - Terrameter 300b and300c • OYO- Mcohm 2D • AMEM - Lund • OYO - Mcohm 21 (DAP21) • Advanced Geosciences Inc., - Sting/Swift Initial Equipment Cost Productivity Maintenance Operation budget Experience £4K to£6K; £10K to £15K Low for 1D; medium for 2D (5 sections per day) Low Low Low for 1D; medium for 2D Electrical Equivalence • An electric unit is characterized by – resistivity (conductance) – thickness • the combination of these gives the layer equivalence the layer equivalence (a range of resistivity vs. thickness models) is usually calculated based on the % fit of the data to the best fit model Norton Farm Raised Beaches S N Limestone Bedrock Channel Landfill Site Pit Head EM, Resistivity and Microgravity 3D Resistivity Very Low Frequency(VLF) EM • Hybrid of Electrical and EM • Earth acts like a resistor but current induced by varying magnetic field • Field supplied by transmitter stations of different 1 frequencies ? ?2 • Strength diminishes rapidly with depth d ? 503? ? ? World Transmitter Locations ?f ? ? ? Uses and Limitations of VLF Surveying Advantages • Rapid - modern instruments can record 3 signals simultaneously • Cheap - equipment, data acquisition and data processing Disadvantages • Sometimes Non-repeatable dependent on signal strength • Reliant on the transmitter being on which is out of the operators control • Effected by topography - if results are a mirror of topography then beware Response to a Vertical Sheet Conductor (water filled fractures) Tilt angle profile Schematic of amplitude variation with depth Response to a Vertical Sheet Conductor (water filled fractures) Response to a Vertical Conductors VLF Equipment • • • • • Geonics - Em16, EM16R ABEM - WADI EDA - Omi IV Scintrex - VLF3, VLF4 Phoenix - VLF2 Cost Productivity Maintainance Operation budget Experience £3K to £15K High along regional transects Low Low Low for acquisition, processing and interpretation Differences and Similarities between Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods Electrical • Time invariant (or slow) electrical currents • Electrical currents directly applied to earth (galvanicelectrode contact) • inexpensive equipment • ease (low cost) of data processing • poor lateral resolution • high sensitivity to geologic noise • transmitter array approximately 7-10 times greater than depth of penetration Electromagnetic • Time variant (quickly)electrical and magnetic fields • Electrical currents induced by remote electrical and magnetic fields • expensive equipment • complex processing • • high lateral resolution low sensitivity to geologic noise • transmitter array approximately equal to depth of penetration Generalized Schematic of Electromagnetic Surveying Method (Grant and West, 1965) FDEM Principles Spacing (s) Tx Rx › › › Time varying magnetic field Where s = intercoil spacing ? = 2? frequency µ0 = permeability of free space Tx - transmitter coil Hp -time varying primary magnetic field induces, Hs - secondary magnetic field At low induction numbers, Hs/Hp is linearly proportional to terrain conductivity such that the apparent conductivity (? a) 4 ?? H s ?? ?a? 2 ? ? ? 0 s ? H p ?? Factors Affecting Conductivity • • • • • • • Lithology - type (electrical properties of particles or crystals) Porosity - shape, size, number of pores Permeability - shape, size and extent of interconnecting passages Pore fill type and amount - fluid or solid in pores? Conductivity of pore fill Concentration of dissolved electrolytes in the contained (bound) moisture Temperature and phase state of the pore fill content Colloids/organic component? This is only partially understood and beyond the scope of this course Refer to Geonics Technical note TN-5 for a more complete discussion of these issues Typical FDEM Survey • • • • • • • • • Define Objectives Review Regional Geology and Hydrogeology Assess Noise Forward Model - geo-electric section for sounding, design survey sample interval, station spacing, line spacing, desired resolution at specific target depth, cost Test sounding at or near ground truth (outcrop or borehole) with soundings at more than one orientation Layout survey grid or line (survey locations) Execute design survey - acquire data (e.g. EM31 walk and measure in horizontal or vertical dipole orientation) Download data from data logger or transfer from field note book Preliminary process and plot (line, or contour) before leaving field at the end of each day and/or at regular intervals throughout the day FDEM Equipment • Geonics – – – – • EM38 EM31 EM34 EM39 (borehole) Geofyzika a.s. – CM-031 Cost Productivity Maintenance Operation budget Experience £8K to £15K High along lines and for grids Low Low Low level necessary FDEM Limitations and Advantages Limitations • Measure of (very small) secondary field in presence of primary field • Limited exploration depth • Very sensitive to cultural (electrical) noise • Limited vertical resolution Advantages • No ground contact • High survey productivity • Direct measure of ground conductivity • High lateral resolution Typical FDEM Measurement Ranges for Geonics Equipment Instrument Coil Spacing Horizontal Dipole Vertical Dipole EM38 1m 0.75m 1.5m EM31 3.7m 3m 6m EM34 10m 7.7m 15m EM34 20m 15m 30m EM34 40m 30m 60m FDEM Examples See: Arch-geophysics presentation FDEM Examples Electromagnetic Methods - Comparison of FDEM and TDEM System Waveforms Time Domain Frequency Domain After Hoekstra and Blohm (1989) Electromagnetic Methods Comparison of FDEM and TDEM Frequency Domain - Relative Response for Vertical and Horizontal Dipoles Time Domain - Current Intensity with Depth and Time After Hoekstra and Blohm (1989) TDEM - behavior of emf Behavior of emf due to vertical magnetic field in centre of 100m2 loop Measured emf due to vertical and horizontal magnetic field on a profile through centre of 400m2 transmitter loop After Mills et al. (1988) TDEM - Eddy Current Distribution at Successive Times after Turnoff of Primary (transmitter) Current Configuration for Central Loop TDEM sounding Central horizontal receiver loop Transmitter loop Typical Central Loop TDEM Survey • • • • • • • • • Define Objectives Review Regional Geology and Hydrogeology Assess Noise Forward Model - geo-electric section for sounding, design survey sample interval, station spacing, line spacing, desired resolution at specific target depth, cost Test sounding at or near ground truth (outcrop or borehole) with soundings at more than one orientation Layout survey grid or line (survey locations for centre of loop) Execute design survey - lay out square transmitter loop, stack data at centre of loop. Noise Check by acquiring data with receiver at 1/2 distance between centre of loop and transmitter wire Preliminary process and review data before leaving field at the end of each day and/or at regular intervals throughout the day TDEM Limitations and Advantages Limitations • Sensitive to conductivity inhomogeneities around receiver coil • Sensitive to below and above ground EM noise (electrical/magnetic storms) Advantages • High lateral resolution - small transmitter loop (0.75x depth of penetration) • high vertical resolution • Low sensitivity to geologic noise • Ambient noise can be removed by stacking TDEM Output • • 1D geoelectic sections 2D geoelectric sections TDEM Equipment • Geonics – – – – • EM47 EM37 EM42 EM61 (shallow metal detector) Geometrics – Stratagem Cost Productivity Maintenance Operation budget Experience £30K to £40K Medium to low High Medium Medium to high level necessary Comparison of DC Resistivity Sounding and TDEM Sounding Schlumberger Array Central Loop TDEM After Hoekstra et al. (1992) Bedrock geology around St Andrews Explanation Sedimentary Rocks Carboniferous Upper Devonian St Andrews Bay Lower Devonian Igneous Rocks Ordnance Survey Map (Brown, 1980) Drift geology around St Andrews Explanation Recent and Pleistocene Man-made deposits Wind blown sand Peat Alluvium Present beach & intertidal deposits St Andrews Bay Raised marine deposits - post glacial Raised marine deposits - late glacial Raised marine delta - late glacial Feature marking former coastline Glacial meltwater deposits Till Ordnance Survey Map (Brown, 1981) Bedrock Boundary of superficial deposits Glacial drainage channel Geophysical Techniques Electrical Soundings • Result: geo-electric soundings or cross-sections of the earth Techniques • Direct Current Electrical Resistivity (DCR) – Penetration depths to 20m • Time domain Electro-Magnetics (TDEM) – penetration depths to 100m Geoelectric Soundings, Geology and Hydrogeology Ranges of Electrical Resistivity 10-1 Dry Sand Wet Sand Sandy-silt Silt Clay Peat Sandstone Siltstone Coal Salt water 1 Resistivity ? m 101 102 103 104 105 TDEM - Geoelectric Section Borehole Line 1 and Line 2 Line 1 Line 2 BH3 BH2 Line 1 200 m Line 2 200 m Correlation of Geophysics and Geology Borehole logging • Gamma ray • Resistivity Potential of Future Geophysical Studies • Monitoring Salt water Intrusion • Monitoring surface water/green quality Saltwater Intrusion from Blackhawk Saltwater Intrusion from Blackhawk Green Quality- Watering Strategy Traverse across links using EM31 dry saturated after Tapias and Casas