Writing for Change—Finding Your Contact Below are several contacts for people and agencies who can help you solve problems in your community. Several agencies have comment forms on their websites that are easy to use. Federal, State and County Elected Officials You can find your elected officials through the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office: • Internet: http://www.clerk.slco.org and click on “Find Elected Officials,” enter your information, click on “Lookup Record” • Phone: (801) 468-3532 Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office, Community Liaisons, Coalitions and City Council Mayor’s Office Mayor Ralph Becker Mayor’s Office PO Box 145474 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5474 mayor@slcgov.com SLC Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Abbie Vianes, MPC Coalition Coordinator 451 South State Street, Room 306 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (801) 535-7936 abbie.vianes@slcgov.com Mayor’s Office Community Liaisons • Michael Stott, Community Liaison & ADA Director, Districts 1 and 2 801-535-7976 michael.stott@slcgov.com • Joyce Valdez, Community Liaison, Districts 3 and 4 801-535-7238 joyce.valdez@slcgov.com • • Shawn McDonough, Community Liaison, Districts 5, 6 and 7 801-535-6338 shawn.mcdonough@slcgov.com Pauline Peck, Constituent Service Specialist/ Need Line Administrator 801-535-6335 pauline.peck@slcgov.com For a list of SL City Community Councils, Chairs, Meeting Times and Boundaries, go to: http://www.slcgov.com/citizen/comm_councils/cchairs.pdf SLC Mayor’s Office Hot Issues The Mayor’s Office website has a “Hot Issues” page where they discuss issues that are going on in the city. To see the page, and comment, go to: http://www.slcgov.com/hot.htm Salt Lake City Council Salt Lake City Council Office 451 S. State Street Room 304 PO Box 145476 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5476 council.comments@slcgov.com Web Comment Forms To send a comment to SL City agencies, go to: http://apps.slcgov.com/general/absolutefp/citizenall.htm To send a comment to SL City Council members: http://apps.slcgov.com/general/absolutefp/councilAll.htm Writing for Change 2010 Salt Lake City Agencies Salt Lake City Police Department P.O. Box 145497 Salt Lake City, Utah, 84114-5497 (801) 799-3000 slcpd@slcgov.com You can also send c/o “Neighborhood Watch” Police Civilian Review Board Richard Rasmussen, Board Administrator Administrative Services Department PO Box 145454 Salt Lake City UT 84114-5454 801.535.7230 civilianreview@slcgov.com Salt Lake City Fire Department PO Box 5520 315 E 200 S, 7th Floor Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5520 (801) 799-FIRE slcfire@slcgov.com Compliance Division 212 East 600 South Salt Lake City UT 84111 Information: 801.535.6588 Parking tickets: 801.535.6321 Report abandoned vehicles: apps.slcgov.com/general/absolutefp/abandonded .htm Division of Sustainability and Environment PO Box 145467 Salt Lake City UT 84114-5467 801.535.6540 slcgreen@slcgov.com Parking Enforcement 801-535-6628 slcparking@slcgov.com SLC Streets and Sanitation 850 South 300 West Salt Lake City UT 84101 Division Director, Parviz Rokhva, 801-535-6999 Para información en español llame 801-535-6333. • Streets Asphalt Maintenance Manager and 50/50 Concrete Replacement Coordinator, joe.aguilar@slcgov.com • Neighborhood Cleanup, Leaf Removal, and Sanitation, art.valente@slcgov.com • • Traffic Signals, Signs, Marking and Parking Meters, Sweeping, Cabot.Jennings@slcgov.com Snow Removal, Parviz.Rokhva@slcgov.com Transportation Advisory Board Attn: Yvonne Wright 349 S 200 E, Ste 450 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 535-6630 yvonne.wright@slcgov.com Housing Advisory and Appeals Board Attn: Randy Isbell 451 S State, Rm. 445 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 535-6042 randy.isbell@slcgov.com Housing and Neighborhood Development PO Box 145488 Salt Lake City UT 84114-5488 801.535.7228 Greg.Johnson@slcgov.com Salt Lake Solutions SLC Mayor’s Office 451 South State Street, #306 PO Box 145474 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5474 801-535-7971 SLSolutions@slcgov.com Web comments site: apps.slcgov.com/general/absolutefp/slsolutions.h tm Public Utilities Advisory Committee Attn: Zee Smith 1530 S West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84104 (801) 483-6834 zee.smith@slcgov.com Utah Public Service Commission (power, gas, telephone, water) Heber M. Wells Building 160 East 300 South Salt Lake City, UT 84114 Phone: 801-530-6716 Fax: 801-530-6796 Writing for Change 2010 State of Utah Departments Alcoholic Beverage Control Department PO Box 30408 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0408 Director – 801-977-6800 Fax 801-977-6888 http://www.abc.utah.gov Office of the Governor Gary R. Herbert, Governor PO Box 142220 Utah State Capitol Complex 350 North State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111-2220 801-538-1000 800-705-2464 Fax: 801-538-1528 Environmental Quality Department PO Box 144810 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4810 Executive Director – 801-536-4404 Fax 801-536-0061 http://deq.utah.gov/ Utah House of Representatives 30W State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1202 Telephone: 801-538-1029 http://www.le.state.ut.us Public Safety 4501 Constitution Blvd Salt lake City, UT 84119-5977 Commissioner – 801-965-4463 Fax 801-965-4608 http://publicsaftey.utah.gov Utah Senate 115W State Capitol Building Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1202 Telephone: 801-538-1035 Fax: 801-326-1475 http://www.utahsenate.org Transportation Department 4501 Constitution Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84119-5977 Executive Director – 801-965-4113 Fax 801-965-4338 http://www.sr.ex.state.ut.us/ Letters to the Editor Salt Lake Tribune E-Mail: letters@sltrib.com Fax: 801-257-8950 Post: Public Forum Salt Lake Tribune 90 South 400 West Salt Lake City, UT 84101 *When submitting include full name, postal address, daytime phone number, signature (print & fax). Keep letters to 200 words or less. Deseret News Deseret News P.O. Box 1257 Salt Lake City, UT *Please include your name, city of residence, and e-mail address. Writing for Change 2010