S-08: Additional Sounder Service Project Number Subarea Primary Mode Facility Type S-08 South King/Pierce Commuter Rail Infrastructure Improvement N/A ST Board Workshop 11-25-2015 Length Version Date Last Modified PROJECT AREA AND REPRESENTATIVE ALIGNMENT SHORT PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project would expand Seattle-Tacoma-Lakewood Sounder service to operate primarily in periods outside of weekday peaks, including implementing track improvements along the Seattle/Tacoma Sounder line to support the service expansion. Note: The elements included in this representative project will be refined during future phases of project development and are subject to change. KEY ATTRIBUTES REGIONAL LIGHT RAIL SPINE No Does this project help complete the light rail spine? CAPITAL COST TBD – subject to further analysis Cost in Millions of 2014 $ RIDERSHIP TBD – subject to further analysis 2040 daily boardings PROJECT ELEMENTS · Options for expanded service levels, which would be determined by the ST board in collaboration with partner agencies and organizations, include operating additional trains that connect the existing stations (or some subset of them) along the alignment between Lakewood and Seattle primarily during off-peak and/or weekend periods. Potential service expansion could consist of: o Bi-directional "all-day" weekday service at full, supplemental or limited levels (i.e., every approximately every 30, 60 or 120 minutes respectively) generally from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and after 6:00 p.m. o Bi-directional "regular" weekend service at up to approximately every 90 minutes generally from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. o Acquisition of operating rights and real property rights o Related track and signal improvements between Tacoma and Seattle o Up to 3 Sounder stations modified at platforms to accommodate additional train volumes o Replacement of gated signal crossings as needed o Roadway improvements associated with track NOT INCLUDED · · · · Additional maintenance facility capacity Additional fleet Track improvements funded by ST2 See separate document titled “Common Project Elements” ISSUES & RISKS · Future freight and passenger rail trains on the BNSF corridor between Tacoma and Seattle are Sound Transit 3 Template Page 1 of 5 Release date: December 4, 2015 S-08: Additional Sounder Service KEY ATTRIBUTES ISSUES & RISKS · · Sound Transit 3 Template Page 2 of 5 projected to increase by 90% and reach capacity by the year 2035 (2014 Washington State Rail Plan, WSDOT), not including possible additional oil and coal commodity train increases; this will increase congestion and costs for Sound Transit to provide additional Sounder service unless capacity is added to the corridor Agreement(s) with BNSF to operate Sounder service at certain levels would be necessary and could be affected by expectations of future freight markets and operations BNSF agreement will be needed to construct necessary improvements or to purchase necessary real property and operating rights Release date: December 4, 2015 S-08: Additional Sounder Service Sound Transit has developed a conceptual scope of work for this candidate project for the purpose of generating a representative range of costs, both capital and operating; and benefits, including ridership forecasts, TOD potential, multi-modal access and others. This information is being developed to assist the Sound Transit Board as it develops an ST3 system plan, including phasing of investments and financial plan, for voter consideration. Final decisions on project elements (e.g., alignment, profile, number of stations, station locations, and number of parking stalls) will be determined after completion of system planning, project level environmental review, and preliminary engineering during which additional opportunities for public participation will be provided. Therefore, this scope definition should not be construed as a commitment that all representative features will be included in the final developed project. Long Description: This project will expand Seattle-Tacoma-Lakewood Sounder service beyond current service levels. Track improvements for the purpose of accommodating additional service will also be implemented. Track improvements may include elements such as additional main line track, turnouts, gated signals, station platform rebuilds, and associated roadway improvements. Assumptions: · Track improvements are included for the length of the corridor from Bay Street/TR Junction in Tacoma to Argo in Seattle, unless otherwise noted · Track improvements from Ellingson Road in Auburn to S 277th Street in Kent were included as part of ST2, and are excluded · Track improvements from James Street in Kent to Black River in Seattle were included as part of ST2, and are excluded Environmental: Sound Transit will complete project-level state and federal environmental reviews as necessary; provide mitigation for significant impacts; obtain and meet the conditions of all required permits and approvals; and strive to exceed compliance and continually improve its environmental performance. Utilities: Utility relocation as needed to complete the project, including fiber optics, sewer, water, overhead electric/communications, etc. Right-of-Way and Property Acquisition: Some right-of-way acquisition will likely be necessary as a result of the project. In addition, BNSF agreement, and possible local jurisdiction agreements for right-of-way use will be required. Potential Permits/Approvals Needed: · Building permits: Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing · Utility connection permits · Construction-related permits (clearing and grading, stormwater management, street use, haul routes, use of city right-of-way) · Master use · Land use approvals (Conditional use, design review, site plans, Comprehensive Plan or development code consistency, Special Use Permits) · BNSF · All required local, state, and federal environmental permits · NEPA/SEPA and related regulations Project Dependencies: Sound Transit will need to acquire real property and operating rights from BNSF. Potential Project Partners: · WSDOT · Amtrak · BNSF Sound Transit 3 Template Page 3 of 5 · · · Cities of Lakewood, Tacoma, Puyallup, Sumner, Auburn, Kent, Tukwila, Seattle FTA Transit Partners Also Serving Project: King County Metro, Pierce Transit Release date: December 4, 2015 S-08: Additional Sounder Service Cost: Sound Transit has developed a conceptual scope of work for this candidate project for the purpose of generating a representative range of costs, both capital and operating; and benefits, including ridership forecasts, TOD potential, multi-modal access and others. This information is being developed to assist the Sound Transit Board as it develops an ST3 system plan, including phasing of investments and financial plan, for voter consideration. Final decisions on project elements (e.g., alignment, profile, number of stations, station locations, and number of parking stalls) will be determined after completion of system planning, project level environmental review, and preliminary engineering during which additional opportunities for public participation will be provided. Therefore, this scope definition should not be construed as a commitment that all representative features will be included in the final developed project. In Millions of 2014$ ITEM Agency Administration Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Review Final Design & Specifications Property Acquisition & Permits Construction Construction Management Third Parties Vehicles Contingency Total Design Basis: COST TBD TBD COST WITH RESERVE TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Conceptual The costs expressed above include allowances for TOD planning and due diligence, Sustainability, Bus/rail integration facilities, and Non-Motorized Access. These allowances, as well as the costs for Parking Access included above, are reflected in the following table. Property acquisition costs are not included in the table below, but are included within the total project cost above. ITEM TOD planning and due diligence Sustainability Parking access Non-motorized (bicycle/pedestrian) access Bus/rail integration facilities Sound Transit 3 Template Page 4 of 5 COST N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COST WITH RESERVE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Release date: December 4, 2015 S-08: Additional Sounder Service Evaluation Measures: MEASURE MEASUREMENT/RATING Regional Light Rail Spine NOTES No Does project help complete regional light rail spine? Ridership TBD – subject to additional analysis 2040 daily station boardings Capital Cost TBD – subject to additional analysis Annual O&M Cost TBD – subject to additional analysis Cost in Millions of 2014 $ Cost in Millions of 2014 $ Travel Time TBD – subject to additional analysis In-vehicle travel time along the project (segment) Reliability Medium-High Some at grade crossings Quantitative/qualitative assessment of alignment/route in exclusive right-of-way System Integration N/A Qualitative assessment of issues and effects related to connections to existing local bus service and potential future integration opportunities Ease of Non-motorized Access N/A Qualitative assessment of issues and effects related to non-motorized modes Percent of Non-motorized Access N/A Percentage of daily boardings Connections to PSRC-designated Regional Centers 10 centers Number of PSRC-designated regional growth and manufacturing/industrial centers served Land Use and Development/TOD Potential Quantitative/qualitative assessment of adopted Plans & Policies and zoning compatible with transit-supportive development within 0.5 mile of potential stations N/A Qualitative assessment of real estate market support for development within 1 mile of potential corridor N/A Density of activity units (population and employment for 2014 and 2040) within 0.5 mile of potential stations N/A Manufacturing and Industrial Centers: Kent, North Tukwila and Port of Tacoma Regional Growth Centers: Auburn, Kent, Lakewood, Puyallup Downtown, Seattle CBD, Tacoma Downtown and Tukwila Socioeconomic Benefits Existing minority / low-income populations within 0.5 mile of potential stations 2014 and 2040 population within 0.5 mile of potential stations N/A 2014 and 2040 employment within 0.5 mile of potential stations For additional information on evaluation measures, see http://soundtransit3.org/document-library Sound Transit 3 Template Page 5 of 5 Release date: December 4, 2015