Bulletin Number: 31 Date: March 2016 Design & Construction © BULLETIN Authorized TOPICS: 1. Transition Reports 2. Environmental Checklist 3. Contract Specification Guidelines 4. MBTA Record Documents 5. Operations Re-organization 6. Contracts Awarded Transition Reports Reminder that all projects we are involved with require a transition report kept until it is determined by either the D&C Chief Engineer or Assistant General Manager says they are no longer required. Environmental Checklist Please see attached updated section of Pre-Bid Review Control Sheet (PBCS) and directive regarding environmental checklist. Contract Specification Guidelines Per the Authority’s Professional Services Terms and Conditions: Specifications prepared for the design submittal and approval stages (i.e., 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% final contract bid documents, and addenda) shall be prepared using the version of Microsoft Word being used by the Authority at the time of submittal, utilizing the latest version of the Authority’s Contract Specifications Guidelines as the project source documents. The Authority’s current version of Contract Specifications Guidelines are to be downloaded from the Authority’s web site at: http:Hwww.mbta.com/business_center/bidding_solicitations/spec_guide lines/ as directed by the MBTA Project Manager, at no additional cost Date: Bulletin Number: 31 March 2016 to the Authority. A password is no longer required to the Web based Contract Specifications Guidelines for designers and is the responsibility of the Engineer to tailor each basis of specification to each particular project that they are responsible for. Since the Authority will periodically update the Contract Specifications Guidelines, it is the Engineer’s responsibility to ensure that the latest version of each master source document is used. MBTA Record Documents Please be advised the MBTA Project Manager (PM) and Contract Administration (CA) are responsible for confirming the following documents are stored in the Design & Construction standard directory in the following locations: 401 .02.01 401.02.02 401.02.03 507.01.15 Conformed Drawings (PM) Conformed Specification (CA) Engineer Calculations (PM) As-Built Drawings (PM) Operations Re-organization Please see attached memo regarding Operations Re-organization. Contracts Awarded Please see attached for list of contracts awarded in 2016. All bulletins may be accessed on the MBTA website: http://www.mbta.com/business center/bidding solicitations/default.asp ?id2641 8 2 f77353”j)Q’ TV Charles 0. Baker. Governor & CEO Frank DePaoia, CenerahManager Brian Shortsleeve Chief Adm nistra or To: Distribution From: Edmond F. Huni Assistant General’ Massachusetts Department of Transportation nager for Design & Construction RE: Environmental Checklist Directive Date: March 9, 2016 Effective immediately, the Environmental Department is making a change to the review of the Environmental Checklist. Previously, the Checklist was attached to the Pre-Bid Control Sheet and required a signature from the Environmental Department on the PBCS. The purpose of the Checklist is to demonstrate that all applicable environmental reviews have been completed and that all permits have been issued. Failure to ensure proper environmental review and/or permits results in delays in projects and frequently unnecessary Change Orders. There had been a number of occasions where the review of the Environmental Checklist indicated some additional environmental approval needed or consultation with a regulating agency. This review would often delay the advertisement of contracts. Effective immediately, the Environmental Department is requiring that the Environmental Checklist be performed as part of the 60% Design Package. By moving up the review of the Checklist the Environmental Department has time to perform any final review and approvals and to do so in a way that does not hold up advertising. The Environmental Checklist will now be signed by Holly Palmgren, the Manager of Environmental Construction, when it is correctly submitted to her at the time of the 60% Design Package. The Environmental Checklist signed by the Manager of Environmental Construction, should still be attached to the Pre-Bid Control Sheet and submitted to the Environmental Department for its signature on the PBCS. By performing this review earlier and having the Environmental Departments sign off, they will be able to sign the PBCS immediately and not delay construction advertising. All Project Managers are directed to complete the Environmental Checklist for any project currently at or beyond 60% Design. PM’s should work with Holly Palmgren to ensure that all environmental reviews and permits have been successfully completed. Holly can be reached at hnalmcren@mbta.com. Please Note the Environmental Checklist has been modified. PM’s should be sure to use the current form (dated March I, 2016). — Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Ten Park Plaza, Suite 3910, Boston, MA 02116 www.mbta,com DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET IMPORTANT --This checklist must be filled out and submitted to the MBTA’s Manager of Environmental Construction at the time of the 60% Design Phase. The Environmental Department will review and provide a signature as concurrence. This signed checkli5t should then be attached as part of the Pre-Bid Control Sheet. The PM must ensure that all Environmental Permits and approvals have been obtained, forwarded to the Environmental Department and properly integrated into the project bid documents. It is recommended that the PM work with its Consultant to fill out this form. The Consultant should have a final copy of this completed form to submit with the Consultant Letter. Please note by completing and submitting this worksheet, the Project acknowledges that the items below are not exclusive and exhaustive and under no circumstance waives the contractors responsibility or obligation to identify all needed environmental approvals, permits and certifications for the project. Project Managers are advised to consult with the MBTA Environmental Department well in advance of submitting this form as part of the PBCS package. YES NO Is the Project Federally Funded? If NO, continue to next section. Z If YES, has any filing pursuant to National Environmental Policy Act (i.e., Categorical Exclusion, Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement) been filed with the federal agency (Le., typically the Federal Transit Administration) O Has the final NEPA Approval (i.e., CE Approval, Finding of No Significant Impact or Record of Decision) been issued by the Federal agency? C 0 a 2 If no NEPA document was prepared, identify which type of action the project falls within that exempts it from NEPA review. For a full list of possible actions, please see US Title 23 § 771.118. A link to the full list of CE’s can be found at http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/Section_118_GuidanceMay_2013.pdf Has the NEPA Approval been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all NEPA Requirements? In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any mitigation commitments or conditions that were required as part of the NEPA approval have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. If the project is federally funded, but NEPA approval is not required, please explain in the Consultant Letter. PBCS -- Environmental Check List--Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 1 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET NO YES Is the project subject to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA)? If NO, continue to next section. (For a b complete list of thresholds that determine whether or not a project is subject to MEPA, please see the MEPA regulations at 310 CMR 11.00). U -I C 0. [ E If YES, has an Environmental Notification Form been filed with MEPA. 4 LU Has MEPA issued a Certificate of Adequacy which completes the MEPA process for the project I Has the MEPA Certificate been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all MEPA requirements? In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any mitigation commitments or conditions that were required as part of the MEPA approval have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. YES NO Is the Project subject to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act? If NO, continue to next section. 6 z 0 LU I 0 0 If YES, has an Order of Conditions or a Negative Determination been issued by the local Conservation Commission? Or alternatively, has a Superceeding Order of Conditions or a Wetlands Variance been issued by the Department of Environmental Protection? U, 0 a I LU U, LU U, D U 4 U, U, 6 Has the Order of Conditions, Soc or Variance been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? If an Order of Conditions, SOC or Variance has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the Notice of Intent filing and how the yet to be issued permit will be incorporated into the construction contract. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any permit requirements or mitigation commitments that were required as part of the Order of Conditions, SOC or Variance have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. PBCS -- Environmental Check List --Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 2 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET NO YES U, LU b U, LU I-) LU Does the project site include Estimated and/or Priority Habitat of State Listed Endangered Species? If NO, continue to the next section. If YES, has the Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program determined that the project will result in a ‘take’ of an state listed species? If No continue to the next section. a U, 0 LU LU 0 z 4 0 LU 1 Was a Conservation Permit issued by NHESP? Has Conservation Permit been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? If a Conservation Permit has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the permit application and how the yet to be issued permit will be incorporated into the construction contract. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any Conservation Permit requirements have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. YES NO Does the Project require a new or modified license or permit under Chapter 91, which regulates the use of waterways, tidelands and formerly filled tidelands? If NO, continue to next section. If YES, has a Chapter 91 permit or modification been issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection? -I LU I- a 4 r 0 Has the Chapter 91 permit or modification been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? If a Chapter 91 permit has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the permit application and how the yet to be issued permit will be incorporated into the construction contract. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any Chapter 91 permit requirements have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. PBCS --Environmental Check List --Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 3 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET YES NO Is the Project subject to Section 404 of the US Clean Water Act? If NO, continue to next section. If YES, has a permit been issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers? 0 Does the project qualify for a Category 1 of the General Permit? Has the permit been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? g If a Section 404 permit has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the permit application and how the yet to be issued permit will be incorporated into the construction contract. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any permit requirements that were required as part of the ACOE approval have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. YES NO Will the project result in any discharge into the waters of the United States which therefore requires a Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC). If No, continue to the next section. If YES, was the 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) issued as part of the Wetlands Protection Act permit discussed above? If it was, continue to the next section. If an individual WQC is required, was it issued by the DEP? ‘ Has the WQC been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? If an individual WQC has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the permit application and how the yet to be issued permit will be incorporated into the construction contract. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any permit requirements that were required as part of the WQC have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. PBCS -- Environmental Check List--Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 4 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET YES NO Does the Project involve the construction or modification to a bridge across a navigable waterway subject to oversight by the US Coast Guard? If NO, continue to next section. I LU 0. 0 U, I- If YES, has an approval by the Coast Guard, in the form of a permit or a Construction Letter been issued? Has the permit or Construction Letter been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? in 0 I-) In If a Coast Guard permit or Construction Letter has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the permit application and how the yet to be issued permit will be incorporated into the construction contract. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any permit requirements that were required as part of the Coast Guard approval have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. YES NO Is the project within the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Area? If NO, continue to the next section. I a LU LU U, If YES • does the Project require a CZM Consistency Statement? 2 LU If YES, has the Consistency Statement been issued by CZM? a 0 N -t I in Has the CZM Statement included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of all permit conditions? 0 I-) Ifs CZM Consistency Statement has not yet been issued, please explain on the accompanying Consultant Letter the status of the CZM review. PBCS --Environmental Check List --Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 5 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET YES NO Has the project been reviewed by the MHC under either Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and/or under State Register Review? (Please Note-- MHC Review frequently occurs as part of and within the NEPA approval described above.) z 0 U, UI 0 11 I I Has MHC concurred with the Determination of Effect on Historic Properties? U U 0 I Was a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) required to address an Adverse Effect? U, UI I If an MOA was required, is a fully executed copy of the MOA included in the bid package? I In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any requirements or conditions of the MOA have been incorporated into the bid package or are being handled by the project. If no MHC review was required for this project, please explain why the project was exempted. YES NO Will the project involve the use of any parkland or open space that is protected under Article 97 of the Massachusett5 Constitution? If No, continue to the next section. z 0 F D IUI 0 U If YES, was this impact specifically identified in the MEPA document described above? Has the transfer or easement on the Article 97 land been approved by a two thirds vote of the Massachusetts Legislature? If legislative approval has not yet occurred, in the Consultant Letter, please explain how the remaining requirements of Article 97 will be completed. PBCS --Environmental Check List-- Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 6 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET w Please Note-- Unlike the other sections, every item in the MCP/21e section must be answered, even if the answer to the first question is No. Do not leave any answers blank. YES NO Has the project site been, or is it currently being regulated under MGL 21E or the Massachusetts Contingency Plan? 2 If YES, what is the Release Tracking Number(s)? Is the Project aware of any Reportable Conditions at the site that have not yet been assigned an RTN? iz z 0 Has any environmental pre-characterization (i.e., soil and/or groundwater sampling) been performed on the site? Have all MCP documents or pre-characterization reports been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of any existing remediation issues currently on the site? U, In the Consultant Letter, please explain the current status of the MCP matters and how those requirements are addressed in the project bid documents? YES I Z LU 2 cz 2 NO Does the project involve the demolition or alteration of any existing structure (e.g., building, bridge, etc) that will require the off-site disposal of materials, including soil, construction and demolition debris, etc? If NO, continue to the next section. If YES, has a Hazardous Materials Survey been performed for the building? Has the Hazardous Materials Survey been included within the bid document so that the contractor is fully aware of any existing hazardous materials that may be encountered during construction? 2 U) D g In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any required submittals to the regulatory agencies will be managed during the project. For example, please explain who is responsible for notification to the DEP for Asbestos Abatement or who is responsible for the development and submittal to the EPA of an Implementation Plan to address PCB’s in building materials, or any other notifications or approvals that are needed for hazardous materials abatements. Please explain how this delegation of responsibilities is addressed in the bid documents. . — Fnylrnnmont2i rho.k I itt — I 2ct Mn.fmorl nn iIi I2fl1cThIclnrm . . 7 of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET YES NO Does the project include the installation or construction of any equipment or infrastructure that requires an operating permit or approval prior to the substantial completion of the project C 4 b (e.g., on emergency generator, a wastewater treatment system, a wastewater discharge systems, boilers, paint booths, compressors, above ground or underground storage tanks, Stage II Vapor Recovery systems, or any other piece of equipment that has an outdoor exhaust, etc.). If NO, continue to the next section. Please note: The above list of equipment/infrastructure is not exhaustive or exclusive, technologies will change and improve, the above list of equipment is offered as a guide only. It is the responsibility of the designer to identify the specific approvals, permits and certifications needed for each project. In the Consultant Letter, please explain how any permits, certifications or approvals that are needed to prior to installation or prior to operation of the equipment are being addressed in the bid package. Explain how the contractor has been directed to apply for all operating permits or if the responsibility to obtain operating permits will be handled by some other entity. YES ...., NO Does the project require review and approval under any other federal, state, or local environmental statute or regulation that was not described above? If YES, in the Consultant Letter, please explain which additional regulatory requirements this project triggers and the status of that review and approval. PBCS --Environmental Check List--Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions PageS of 9 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND PERMITTING WORKSHEET Submit a signed copy of the Consultant’s Letter which respond5 to the information reque5ted above and which also provides any additional information on the status of the environmental requirements of the project. The Consultants Letter should also clearly state the following: 3 That all of the information contained in this worksheet is correct, accurate and up to date; and 3 That the designs presented meets all applicable codes, requirements and standards related to the environmental compliance of the construction, the permanent facility or any of the operating infrastructure included in the project; and That the permits for this project reflect and are consistent with the 100% design plans for the project and that no changes have occurred that require a modification to the permits. Submitted By: MBTA Project Manager Date Reviewed and Approved By: Manager of Environmental Compliance PBCS -- Date Environmental Check List--Last Modified on 12/1/2015--This form supersedes all prior versions Page 9 of 9 g%2SfflQ 3r Charles 0. [laker; Governor & Mass,chusetts Departm nt of Tnnsporflhlon Brnn Shortslee,e ChsefAdnilnsctr icr MEMORANDUM TO: All MBTA Employees FROM: DATE: March 18, 2016 RE: Operations Re-organization I would like to take this opportunity to announce the re-organization of the Operations Directorate and to ask everyone to join me in congratulating those employees who have been promoted to new titles and/or to positions that received additional duties and responsibilities. This is the first significant step in the ongoing evolution of Operations with a focus toward continually improving the efficiency and the service performance of all operating departments. Below is a list of employees and their new roles within the four Divisions created within the Operations Directorate. I would also like to express our thanks to Randy Clarke as he moves on to his new position with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) after six years of dedicated service to the Authority. Randy played a pivotal role in designing and implementing the security infrastructure and developing all the security plans and procedures for MassDOT and the MBTA. During his career here, Randy held the titles of Director of Security Initiatives and Senior Director of Security Initiatives and Emergency Management before assuming the role of Assistant General Manager for Engineering and Maintenance. As part of the current re-organization, he became the Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Engineering & Maintenance, Randy’s last day with the Authority is March 3l and his contributions will be missed. We all wish him vell on his new endeavor. At the same time, as of April I we would like to welcome Erik Stoothoff from the Design and Construction Department who will serve as the Acting Deputy Chief Operating Officer (DCOO) Chief Engineer. Erik will continue to support the Design and Construction Department as Chief Engineer. Currently as Chief Engineer for the Design and Construction Department of the MBTA he oversees the design and construction o all capital infrastructure projects. He joined the MBTA Design and Construction Department in April 2013. Prior to joining the MBTA, Erik worked at Jacobs Engineering Group for (he previous 13 years in various capacities as a design engineer and project manager. His work experience as a structural engineer includes designing and delivering numerous bridge and station projects for the MBTA and MassDOT, including the Longfellow Bridge preliminary design, the rapid bridge replacements of the Woodrow Avenue and Talbot Avenue MBTA bridges, and several other bridges and stations. Erik has a BS in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University and is a Professional Engineer, registered in Massachusetts. Erik is well equipped to take on this new role, and I am sure everyone in Operations and throughout the Authority will give Erik all the assistance and cooperation he needs during this transition. — Attached to this memo are updated organizational charts for Operations’ new structure. Again, below is the list of employees who have received a new title or additional job duties as part of the reorganization. Please offer them your congratulations and support. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Ten Park Plaza, Suite 3910, Boston, MA 02116 vrww.mbta corn Service Performance Todd Johnson Deputy Chief Operating Officer Service Performance William McClellan Assistant General Manager Rail Operations David Camey Assistant General Manager Bus Operations Norman Michaud Transportation Chief Officer Rail Karen Bums Transportation Chief Officer Bus Stephens Hicks Mechanical Chief Officer Rail Joseph Gentilucci Deputy Mechanical Chief Officer Rail Richard Dooley Mechanical Chief Officer Bus Michael Le Deputy Mechanical Chief Officer Bus Kevin Arrigal Division Chief— 0CC & Training Andrea Gordon Division Chief Rail Orange Line Christopher Shea Division Chief Rail Red Line Tamieka Thibodeaux Division Chief Rail Light Rail Elizabeth Ulloa-Murray Division Chief Rail Blue Line Kathleen Balema Division Chief Bus Northside Patricia Labitue Division Chief Bus Southside Sean Mills Division Chief Bus Silver Line Michael Walsh Deputy Director Engineering — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Enuineering & Maintenance Randy Clarke Deputy Chief Operating Officer Engineering & Maintenance (until 3/31/16) Erik Stoothoff— Acting Deputy COO-Chief Engineer (as of 4/1/16) John Martin Senior Director of E&M Systems Walter Reed Senior Director Assets Management, Planning & Training — — — — Office of Administration Tina Beasley Deputy Chief Operating officer Administration Valyrii Mayo Deputy Director of Administration Steven Emde Deputy Dircctor of Administration Workforce Planning — — — — — Service Planning & Strategy Charles Planck— Deputy Chief Operating Officer— Service Planning & Strategy Heather Hume Director of Service Planning — Operations New Organizational Charts Senior Management ‘[‘earn Jetl.eyoannewee Chief Operating Officer I Thdfjohnscn Deputy Chief Operating OfficerService Partonnance I flandyciaøte Deputy Chief Operating OfficerEngineering S Maintenance Unti aflhlSi Etik Slootholt Acting Deputy Chief Operating Officer j ChleiEnghiaerfAa af4tl/161 H Leslie Garcia Chief of SIaN Operstiona I TtnaBeaaiay Deputy Chief Operating Otilcar*dminietntion 1 I Chaltm Pleid, Deputy Chief Operating Officer Service Planning & Sfralegy - Service Performance flietf:eyGonneve ChiotOperatingoffleer I MacscOT Office at Pedonnaita Managanent8 Taddiohnsan OCOC-Servica Performance Wiwtam McClellan 4GM Rali Operetians Noenan Michaud Transp. Chief Officer-Rail Stephens H-do - L Christopher Shea Division Chief Line - Red II Joseph Gentilucd Dply Chief Mach Officer- Rail I I I Kevin Arilgal J Division Chief-OCC& Tre _j J mc Dpty Div Chief- DCC fED DptybivChief-Training 1 - ttt,ce Walsh Dpty Director- Engineering TOO Dpty Director-Everett - Sean Mile sian Chief Bus Sliver Line - Richard DcOiey Mach Chiot Officer-Sue Dus Patricia laleltue Division Chief Eu, - Southstde f KinteilyWeollaid Only Directo LR Maintenanfd - Kathleen Belena Nohhaide I 1 Elizabeiri UttoaMurray Division Chief- Siue Lin_J I 1 Division Chief Boa 1 - ] Karen Burns Trenap Chief Officer Jay Berry IDpry Director HR Maintononce J Andrea Go,don Division Chief- Orange David Cemey AGM Bus Operations 1 Mech Chief Officer Rait I Tamirkamibodeaux 15m1 Chief- Green Line hnoal]on (OPMI) - MlchaelLe Dpty Mach Ofiicer Chlei Bus - - ft I CL ft I, 1 cn ft = C WI I p Dci •0 0 11 iI 3 . -D D] 3 mj a 3 :00 0 z t 0 C a > a p g 33 a o >1 a >0 a 0 I i31 C Dtl =0 $0 a ci >0 0 Cl 0 Ozl = C 30 ft C :1 n ft it ft ft -I ft Awarded 01/05/2016 02/25/2016 01/14/2016 Total Amount Awarded: General ManagerContract R2OCNO1 Work Platform for Riverside Car house - Board of Directors Description DOWNTOWN CROSSING (DTX). General Manager Contract VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION AND STATION IMPROVEMENTS, BOSTON, MA Authorized By H62CN02 Repair/Rehabilitation of Beverly Draw Bridge, Contract N 2 Swing Span, Beverly/Salem, MA A90CN06 Contract Report Id: CMS-BM-028 Date/lime: 03/22/2016 08:57 AM - s32,321,6g&oo $2,574,100.00 2518 516.177.594.00 1873 Campbell. Roma N 68 JACKSON ST Canton, MA 02021 Page 1 of 1 Lim. Ken W. 10 BurrSt RO. Box 9020 Framingham, MA 01701 3 Manager Lombardo, Mark Address 4oShawmutAve. Suite 200 Canton, MA 02021-1409 Total Number Awarded: Northern Contracting Corp. J. F. White Contracting Co. Name Barletta Heavy Division, Inc. 03/2212016 Performing Party $13,570,000.00 1160 Awarded Amount 01/01/2016 Awarded Construction Contracts Report Capital Management System Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority