Design and Specifications for Permanent Wastewater Irrigation Systems for Controlled Grazing Prepared by: Ronald E. Sneed Professor and Extension Specialist Biological and Agricultural Engineering James C. Barker Professor and Extension Specialist Biological and Agricultural Engineering North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Published by: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Publication Number: EBAE 135-89 Last Electronic Revision: March 1996 (JWM) In the last several years the number of livestock and poultry on North Carolina farms has increased significantly. These animal concentrations produce large amounts of manure and wastewater. The increasing emphasis on protecting water quality has focused considerable attention on making more effective and economical use of these organic resources. Most swine production facilities and many poultry layer units use lagoons for manure treatment. When these lagoons fill, the optimum type of system for land application of lagoon liquid depends upon site constraints such as land availability, receiver crops and farm objectives. In most cases sprinkler irrigation will be the most cost-effective land application method. The irrigation equipment used must be matched with the characteristics of the wastewater being applied. Adequately sized lagoons which provide sufficient storage capacity and pretreatment will influence the degree of management required for land application of wastewater. Livestock lagoon design and management is discussed in detail in North Carolina State University Manuscript EBAE 103-83, "Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Waste Treatment and Storage". Controlled Grazing An innovative method of utilizing wastewater currently being studied consists of grazing cattle on intensively managed bermuda grass or tall fescue pastures fertilized exclusively by land applying lagoon liquid. The grazing area is divided into subunits or paddocks and a group of animals confined to a paddock for one to three days graze the grass uniformly before being moved to another paddock. This rotation continues until the first paddock is ready for regrazing and the cycle repeats. Excess grass is harvested as hay. With livestock lagoon wastewater, pastures can be kept in good condition without additional fertilization, except in dry weather when supplemental water may be needed. The pasture area to be irrigated will depend on the grass species and amount of available nitrogen in the wastewater. Systems are designed to apply nitrogen at optimum agronomic rates taking into account nitrogen from the cattle manure. Individual pasture paddock size is selected to allow rotation so that cattle are always grazing high quality forage. The number of paddocks can vary, but normally will be adequate to allow pasture regrowth in 2 to 3 weeks between grazing events. There should be adequate cattle numbers to graze the grass uniformly within three days and then move to the next paddock. There should be adequate recovery time for regrowth before cattle return to a paddock. Square paddocks represent the least fencing costs. Pasture length to width ratios should not be greater than about 4:1, especially if cattle have to move out of the pasture for shade and water. Excess traffic can cause compaction problems. A detailed discussion of paddock layout, fencing, cattle watering systems, and f orage management can be found in North Carolina State University publications by Mueller and Green entitled, "Getting Started with Controlled Grazing" and "Managing Pastures Receiving Swine Wastes". Where possible, the irrigation system should allow watering of an individual paddock on the day after the cattle are moved to reduce direct consumption of waste adhering to the grass and to encourage forage regrowth. The amount of water applied at each irrigation will depend on the total amount of nitrogen and wastewater produced during the growing season divided by the number of applications and total pasture acreage. Where lagoon liquid nutrient concentrations have been highly diluted by rainfall or fresh water flushing, the amount of wastewater applied may need to be increased to supply adequate nutrients to the forage. Permanent Irrigation Layout It is difficult to give a standard layout for permanent irrigation systems for land application, but some general guidelines can be suggested. Most permanent irrigation systems use Class 160 PVC plastic pipe for mains, sub-mains and laterals and either 1-inch galvanized steel or Schedule 40 or 80 PVC risers to near the ground surface where an aluminum quick coupling riser valve is installed. The pipe is usually buried 18 to 36 inches deep below the ground surface. A 1inch diameter aluminum riser 12 to 18 inches tall is used to connect the sprinkler to a quick coupling riser valve. Class 200 and Schedule 40 PVC pipe would probably be needed for mains, sub-mains and laterals only in extremely rocky soil or extremely wet conditions where thicker wall, stronger pipe is required. Sprinkler spacing should be based on nozzle flow rate and desired application rate. Suggested sprinkler spacing is 80 feet by 80 feet based on a minimum nozzle size for wastewater of 1/4 inch and an application rate no greater than 0.30 inch per hour. Normal spacing for irrigation of wastewater is 60 percent of sprinkler wetted diameter. For an 80-foot spacing, the sprinkler should have a wetted diameter of 133 feet (80 ft / 0.60). Recommended nozzle pressure is 50 to 60 psi. Normally, enough sprinklers are purchased to irrigate an individual paddock or at least an acre at one time. Irrigation of wastewater is accomplished after a paddock is grazed. The amount of each irrigation event will depend on soil moisture levels and the lagoon liquid nutrient concentration to supply needed forage nutrients. With the sprinklers listed at the suggested 80-foot spacing, the 1/4inch nozzle at 55 psi will apply approximately 0.20 inch per hour, or 5 hours pumping to apply one inch. The 9/32-inch nozzle at 55 psi has an application rate of 0.26 inch per hour and 4 hours will be needed to apply one inch of lagoon liquid. Table 1. Irrigation Sprinkler Characteristics _____________________________________________________________________________ Nozzle size, Pressure (psi) inch 50 55 60 _____________ ____________________ ___________ FLOW DIA FLOW DIA FLOW DIA gpm ft gpm ft gpm ft _____________________________________________________________________________ Nelson F70APV 1/4 12.8 128 13.6 131 14.0 134 9/32 16.0 134 16.8 137 17.6 140 1/4 9/32 12.9 16.3 Rain Bird 70 CWH 124 13.6 131 17.2 126 133 14.2 18.0 128 135 Senninger 7025 RD-1-EFF 1/4 13.0 127 13.6 131 14.2 128 9/32 16.3 133 17.1 137 17.8 142 _____________________________________________________________________________ Several sprinklers meet these requirements and are available through most agricultural irrigation dealers. Characteristics of three brands taken from manufacturer's literature are given in Table 1. The Rain Bird* and Nelson* sprinklers are brass while the Senninger* sprinkler is plastic with stainless steel springs and fulcrum pin. While these sprinklers will operate at pressures less than 50 psi and above 60 psi, lower pressures will reduce the discharge rate and diameter of coverage and give larger droplet sizes. Higher pressures will increase the discharge rate and diameter of coverage and produce smaller droplet sizes increasing the potential for drift. Using quick coupling riser valves, with covers, it is possible to reduce initial cost several hundred dollars per acre by moving sprinklers from lateral to lateral. The quick coupling riser valve can be protected by placing a cement block around each valve, burying the block at field surface, then filling the core with sand or fine gravel around the riser valve (Figure 1). Field size, shape, and proximity to the lagoon will determine the main line location. Only full circle sprinklers are recommended. The last sprinkler should be about 100 feet from buildings, roads, property lines, drainageways, water courses, etc. This leaves an area around the outside of the pasture that receives less fertilization, but it prevents spraying wastewater onto an area where it should not be applied. Lateral pipe size is normally based on selecting a pipe where friction loss will not exceed 20 percent of recommended sprinkler operating pressure. For example, if a 50-psi sprinkler pressure is selected, then maximum allowable friction loss will be 10 psi (0.20 x 50). Inlet pressure to the first sprinkler on the lateral would be 55 psi while the last sprinkler would have a 45-psi pressure. This means that the discharge rate and diameter of coverage are reduced from the first sprinkler on the lateral to the last. There is another consideration on PVC pipe. Flow velocity should not exceed 5 feet per second (fps). A detailed design accomplishes this objective by using several pipe sizes for the lateral line; however, this complicates equipment purchase and installation so most designers use only one pipe size and at most, two sizes. This means that the flow velocity near the main line exceeds 5 fps but is much lower toward the far end of the lateral. Table 2. Maximum Allowable Number of Sprinklers per Lateral Line * Size of lateral 1/4-inch nozzle 9/32-inch nozzle PVC pipe, _________________________ ________________________ inches 50 psi 55 psi 60 psi 50 psi 55 psi 60 psi _____________________________________________________________________________ 1-1/4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1-1/2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 7 7 7 6 6 6 2-1/2 10 10 10 8 8 8 3 13 13 13 11 11 11 4 23 23 23 20 20 20 _____________________________________________________________________________ * Based on using one lateral pipe size. Table 2 lists the maximum number of sprinklers that can be used for different sizes of Class 160 PVC based on the 20% rule and for two nozzle sizes and three pressures. This design is for an 80 feet by 80 feet sprinkler spacing with the first sprinkler 40 feet from the main line. While this table gives the maximum allowable sprinklers per lateral, fewer sprinklers will give more uniform distribution. Beyond the last sprinkler on a lateral, there should be 5 to 10 feet of pipe used as a trash collector. Lateral lines should be as short as possible. Individual laterals can be valved; however, each quickcoupling riser valve is closed when a riser is not installed. The main advantage of installing gate valves on individual laterals is that the entire system (main and all lateral lines) are not charged with water each time the pump is started. The main or supply line is sized so that flow velocity does not exceed 5 fps. Table 3 gives the maximum flow rate for different size main lines. Pumps Pumps used for land application of wastewater have generally been straight centrifugal pumps, normally powered by a direct drive electric motor. Pumps of this type can be used to pump swine and poultry lagoon wastewater that is relatively free of solids. It should be emphasized that neither this type of pump nor the sprinklers discussed are recommended for wastewaters with solids contents greater than approximately 1 percent without verification from an experienced designer. Table 3. Maximum Main Line Flow Rate for Class 160 PVC Pipe * _____________________________________________________________________ Pipe Size, inches Flow Rate, gpm _____________________________________________________________________ 2 55 2-1/2 85 3 125 4 210 6 450 _____________________________________________________________________ * If Class 200 or Schedule 40 PVC pipe is used, the designer should consult the proper friction loss and velocity tables. Maximum flow rate will be lower than that shown for Class 160 PVC. A gate valve, discharge check valve, and totalizing propeller-type flow meter should be installed on the discharge side of the pump. The suction line and strainer should be floated in the lagoon such that the intake is about 18 inches below the water level to draw the most solids-free liquid. The pump should also be located as far from the inlet pipe to the lagoon as possible. If the lagoon is located in an area where a prevailing wind direction exists (particularly a long rectangular lagoon), the pump should be located on the upwind side of the lagoon since solids tend migrate to the downwind side by wind and wave action. sprinkler pressure 1/2 of lateral line friction loss friction loss in main line riser height elevation difference Total (TDH) = = = = = = psi __________ __________ __________ sprinkler pressure 1/2 of lateral line = (5.8 psi / 2) friction loss friction loss = (0.96 psi/100 ft x 1060 ft) in main line riser height elevation difference Total (TDH) x x x 2.31 2.31 2.31 feet __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ = = = psi = 55.0 = 2.9 x x 2.31 2.31 = = feet 127.0 6.7 = 10.2 x 2.31 = 23.6 = = = 1.5 25.0 __________ 183.8 Electric motors up to 7.5 horsepower (hp) and in some locations to 10 hp can be installed on singlephase power lines without phase converters for three- phase service. This presents a limitation in many rural areas where three- phase power is not available. Growers may be limited to using the smaller single-phase motors or using internal combustion engines if they want to pump at rates exceeding the capacity of a 7.5- or 10-hp single-phase motor. To compute motor or engine horsepower required, the flow capacity (gpm) and total dynamic head (TDH) has to be determined. Flow capacity is determined by multiplying the number of sprinklers operating at one time by the capacity of one sprinkler. The TDH is determined from the worksheet at the bottom of this page. Friction loss in the lateral line is determined from an irrigation slide rule and then divided by 2. Main line friction loss is determined from an irrigation slide rule or from friction loss tables. Each of these methods gives friction loss per 100 feet of pipe. This value is multiplied by the total pipe length divided by 100. The elevation difference is the vertical distance between the pump and the highest point in the field. As an example of computing pump capacity and TDH (Page 5), assume that seven Nelson F70APV sprinklers with 9/32-inch nozzles are being operated at one time on a 2-1/2 inch lateral. Sprinkler pressure is 55 psi. Main line is 1060 feet of 3-inch pipe. Pump capacity is 117.6 gpm (7 sprinklers x 16.8 gpm). Riser height is 18 inches and total elevation difference is 25 feet. TDH is computed to be 183.8 feet. The equation for computing motor or engine horsepower is: HP pump capacity (gpm) x TDH (feet) __________________________________________ 3960 x pump eff x motor or engine eff = Pump efficiency will vary from approximately 50% for a small self-priming pump to 80% or more for a large straight centrifugal pump. Most wastewater pumps will probably have an efficiency in the range of 60-70%. Electric motor efficiency is normally taken to be 90%. Air-cooled gasoline engines have an efficiency of approximately 65%. Water-cooled gasoline engines are about 70% efficient while diesel engines have an efficiency of about 75%. In our example, an electric motor is used. Pump efficiency is assumed to be 65%. The calculated motor horsepower is: HP = 117.8 gpm x 183.8 feet __________________________ 3960 x 0.65 x 0.90 = 9.34 hp The available motor size closest to 9.34 is 10 hp. This provides little capacity for wear on the pump, wear on sprinkler nozzles and friction loss in fittings. Some designers will add 5 to 7.5% to the TDH to cover fittings friction loss. If 7.5% were added for fittings loss in this example, the required horsepower would be 10.05 hp. A 10-hp motor would still meet the demand since an electric motor will operate at a small overload without damage. Table 4. Electric Motor Sizes Based on 65% Pump Efficiency and 80 psi Pump Pressure GPM pumped Electric Motor, hp _______________________________ 60 - 65 5 85 - 95 7.5 110 - 125 10 175 - 190 15 235 - 250 20 290 - 310 25 _______________________________ Some designers also add additional horsepower so that as the pump, motor and sprinkler nozzles wear, there will still be adequate capacity. While this is a good practice, often it is not followed to minimize equipment cost. As a general rule in the Tidewater and Coastal Plain region of North Carolina, the following electric motor sizes are needed to pump the amounts of water shown in Table 4 at 80-85 psi pump pressures. Where higher pressures are required, the volume of water pumped will be reduced. Internal combustion engines and/or less efficient pumps will require higher horsepower. Land Area Needed To minimize the amount of land and irrigation equipment needed, lagoon liquid is irrigated to supply optimum agronomic nitrogen rates to receiver crops. Table 5 provides typical dairy, swine and poultry layer lagoon liquid nutrient concentrations, irrigation rates, and minimum areas of fescue and bermuda grass pastures needed for controlled grazing. These application rates should supply ample nutrients for crop growth but should not be excessive causing soil or water quality problems. Timing of wastewater applications is important since some forages are cool season grasses while others thrive during warm weather. Wastewater should not be applied to these grasses during dormancy. Provisions such as extra lagoon storage, overseeding the summer forage with a cool season grass such as ryegrass, or having pastures with different forages should be considered. These values also should be used when planning a new system. Existing livestock operations or new units already in operation should begin a program of wastewater sampling and nutrient analyses and use the results to determine application rates thereafter. A wide variation of nutrient concentrations will exist in different seasons. The NCDA Plant Analysis Lab analyzes wastewater for primary and micronutrients for $4 per sample. Lagoon liquid samples can be collected at a flush tank or from about 6 inches underneath the lagoon surface 10-15 feet away from the bank edge. Representative samples from several locations should be combined with about 3/4 pint placed into a pint nonmetallic container, iced or cooled, and transferred to the lab as soon as possible. Table 5. Typical Livestock Lagoon Liquid Nutrient Contents, Irrigated Application Rates and Minimum Fescue and Bermudagrass Pasture Areas Needed for Controlled Grazing _____________________________________________________________ Type of Animal Animal TotalPlant Total Production Unit Unit LagoonNutrientNutrients Unit Equivalent Liquid Live to be WeightIrrigated,a acre-inch/ lbs/ animal unit acre lbs /year inch _____________________________________________________________ DAIRY heifer per hd 1000 .25N 137 capacity P2O5 77 K2O 195 milk cow per hd 1400 .34N 137 P2O5 77 K2O 195 SWINEb weanling-toper hd 30 .0070N 136 feeder capacity P2O5 53 K2O 133 feeder-toper hd 135 .034N 136 finish capacity P2O5 53 K2O 133 farrow-toper 433 .12N 91 weanling active P2O5 35 sow K2O 89 farrow-toper 522 .14N 91 feeder active P2O5 35 sow K2O 89 farrow-toper 1417 .39N 136 finish active P2O5 53 sow K2O 133 POULTRY pullet per 1500 .34N 179 1000 bird P2O5 46 capacity K2O 266 layer per 4000 .93N 179 1000 bird P2O5 46 capacity K2O 266 Type of Production Unit Plant Lagoon Liquid Minimum Land Available ApplicationArea for Liquid Nutrients Ratec Applicationc ----------#/animal Fescue Bermuda Fescue Bermuda lbs/ unit acre capacity ---acres/animal inch /year---inches/year-unit capacity— _____________________________________________________________ Table 5. (continued..) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ DAIRY heifer 68 17 3.3 5.8 .075 .042 57 14 1.5 1.7 .17 .14 146 36 .75 2.0 .33 .12 milk cow 68 24 3.3 5.8 .10 .059 57 20 1.5 1.7 .23 .20 146 50 .75 2.0 .46 .17 SWINEb weanling-to 68 .48 3.3 4.8 .0021 .0015 feeder 40 .28 2.1 2.1 .0033 .0033 100 .70 1.1 2.6 .0064 .0027 feeder-to68 2.3 3.3 4.8 .010 .0072 finish 40 1.4 2.1 2.1 .016 .016 100 3.4 1.1 2.6 .031 .013 farrow-to45 5.4 5.0 7.2 .024 .016 weanling 26 3.1 3.2 3.2 .037 .037 67 7.9 1.6 3.9 .072 .030 farrow-to45 6.5 5.0 7.2 .029 .020 feeder 26 3.8 3.2 3.2 .044 .044 67 9.5 1.6 3.9 .086 .036 farrow-to68 26 3.3 4.8 .12 .081 finish 40 15 2.1 2.1 .18 .18 100 39 1.1 2.6 .35 .15 POULTRY pullet 90 30 2.5 3.6 .13 .093 34 11 2.5 2.5 .14 .14 199 67 .55 1.3 .61 .26 layer 90 84 2.5 3.6 .37 .26 34 32 2.5 2.5 .38 .38 199 186 .55 1.3 1.7 .72 ________________________________________________________ a Total liquid manure plus average annual lagoon surface rainfall surplus; does not account for seepage. b 400-# sow and boar on limited feed, 3-wk old weanling, 50-lb feeder pig, 220-lb market hog, 20 pigs/sow/yr. c N leaching and denitrification and P2O5 soil immobilization unaccounted for. Fertilization rates: Fescue: N P2O5 K2O = = = 225 lbs/ac/yr 85 lbs/ac/yr 110 lbs/ac/yr Bermuda: N = P2O5 = K2O = 325 lbs/ac/yr 85 lbs/ac/yr 260 lbs/ac/yr As an example, suppose a producer with a 1,000-head capacity swine feeder- to-finish unit wishes to irrigate lagoon liquid onto bermuda grass pastures. From Table 5, the total annual volume to be irrigated would be 34 acre-inches (1,000 head x 0.034 ac-in/hd/yr). The total lagoon liquid nitrogen concentration would be 136 lbs/ac-in. The total annual plant available nitrogen would amount to 2,300 lbs N (1,000 head x 2.3 lbs N/hd/yr). The minimum pasture area needed would be 7.2 acres (1,000 head x 0.0072 acres/ hd) and the typical application rate would be 4.8 inches/year. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The permanent irrigation system for application of wastewater for controlled grazing is a feasible and workable system for properly sized swine and poultry lagoons. This paper gives minimum design criteria. Individual systems should be designed or verified by competent irrigation designers. Large elevation changes in fields or between the lagoon and the field can create uneven distribution of wastewater. The system will not handle wastewaters with high solids contents. Pumping from inadequately sized or maintained lagoons will cause system failure. Not Included: Figure 1. Swing Joint for Quick-Coupling Riser Valve Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. EBAE 135-89 Return to: BAE Extension Publications