DTS Application.pages

Discipleship Training School Application
Personal Information
First Name:
Starting Date of School:
Last Name:
Family Information
Marital Status:
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Country of Citizenship:
Spouse’s Name (If Married):
Street Address:
Spouse’d Date of Birth:
Spouse’s Age:
If you have children, list their names, age, and gender:
Zip/Postal Code:
Financial Information
Email Address:
Will you be arriving with all your school fees? If no, how much
will you have in Rand (ZAR) upon arrival?
Telephone Number:
Do you have any guaranteed monthly support? If yes, how much
will you receive each month?
Passport Information
Given Names as shown on Passport:
Last Name (Surname) as shown on Passport:
Passport Number:
How are you currently fund raising to see the outstanding
amount of this come in?
City and Country where issued:
Date Issued (dd/mm/yyyy):
Date Expires (dd/mm/yyyy):
Do you have any outstanding debt?
Emergency Contact Information
Name of Emergency Contact:
If yes, how and when will this be repaid?
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Are you financially obligated to any dependents?
Preferred Language for Communication:
Health Information
Give a detailed description of any physical disabilities you suffer from.
Give details of any medication you are presently taking or doctor’s treatment you are under.
Give details of any psychiatric treatment such a nervous breakdown, depression including manic depression you have received.
Have you been in “burnout” or had M.E. (chronic fatigue) the last two years. Do you still need help in this area?
Education and Experience
Summarize your school, post school, and Christian education history, listing the names of the institutions and the qualifications
Please list any work, ministry, or vocational experience and skills.
Give Details and dates of full-time positions held in the church or Christian organizations.
Give Details and of previous Christian training or education you have had through a YWAM Location, church, or . Please give
name of school, location, and dates.
Skills and Interests
What are your interests and hobbies?
List your abilities and talents:
What languages do you speak, read, and write (in order of fluency)?
Personal Background
Have you evert been involved with the following: smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, sexual immorality, occultism or religious sects,
illegal activity? If so, how would you describe this area of your life today? If you have been convicted of a crime, please describe.
Please give relevant history if you have been divorced, separated or remarried.
Are you still receiving help in any of the above areas? Would you appreciate counsel should you be accepted?
Christian Life and Call (Part One)
Please describe how you came to know Jesus personally.
Please describe your present personal relationship with the Lord. Are there areas of your character that you are presently seeking
to further develop and improve?
How did God lead you to apply for this school?
Christian Life and Call (Part One)
Do you feel that God is leading you or do you have a specific interest in any particular area of ministry (children, arts, music,
teaching, sports, administration, hospitality, maintenance, etc.)?
Please describe any previous mission experience or Bible training.
Please describe your involvement with your local church. Are they supportive of your participation in YWAM?
How would you describe your relationship with your family? Are they supportive of your participation in YWAM?
Do you feel that you can live in possibly unfamiliar conditions: i.e. mixed cultures & races, different food, limited living space, no
running water? If not, please share.
Why are you applying for this school?
What reasons most influenced your decision to apply for this school with YWAM Muizenberg?
What are your expectations for this school?
What are your ministry gifts? (e.g. evangelist, teacher, healthcare worker, etc.) and goals, and how will this school help you achieve
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about yourself?
Partnership Agreement
Applicant Name:
DTS Applying for:
Waiver and Release of Liability
I do hereby release Youth With A Mission, its agents, employees, and volunteer assistants from any liability whatsoever airing out of
any injury, damage, or loss which may be sustained by myself or other persons during my course of involvement with Youth With A
Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
Consent for Treatment
In the event of an emergency in which I am rendered unconscious and my nearest responsible relative or guardian cannot be
contacted, I hereby agree to such treatment, anesthetics, and operations to be performed upon myself as in the opinion of the
attending physician(s) is deemed necessary.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
Financial Responsibility
I confirm that I have read and understand the YWAM Muizenberg Financial Policy. I understand and accept that the payment of the
required school fees must be made prior to or at registration, unless otherwise approved by the Finance Manager before my arrival
in Muizenberg. Further, I take full responsibility and agree to meet prior to the completion of the school all personal expenses
incurred during my involvement with Youth With A Mission.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
I declare that all information I have supplied in my application is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
If the applicant is under 18 years of age, then the signature of a parent or guardian is also required.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy):