With compliments Helmut Singer Elektronik www.helmut-singer.de info@helmut-singer.de fon +49 241 155 315 fax +49 241 152 066 Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany Wlde Cholce of Plug-lns A choice of live amplifier plug-ins provides display of up to eight traces at 250-MHz bandwidth, tour traces at 400 MHz, or two traces at 500 MHz. The düferential-cornparator arnplifier unit provides fast overdrive recovery from signals as high as 8 V at I-mV/div sensitivity. The 11301A and 11302A each accept up to three of the llOOO-Seriesplug-in units. Signals from the amplifier plug-ins may be directed to either the vertical or horizontal system of the oscilloscope where they may be time shared with main or delayed sweeps. This allows an alm~ unlimited number of combinations of X-V and Y-T traces to be displayed simultaneously to provide detailed views of signal relationships. Timed X-V traces may be displayed through the application of delayed sweeps to X-V displays. Each of the inputs on each of the plug11301..4. ~ MHz 0sciU0sc0pe with integral 750 MHz counterltimer and 11302.4. 5()() MHz ins is supported by' the new ~ with micro-chanMl Pl4te CRT and i7lt6gra.l 750 MHz counterltim$7: TEKPROBETMinterface which, in addition to the high-quality signal path, also The 11301A and 11302A are easily the provides probe power tor active probes world 's most versatile counter/timer and a communication link between the ~ The 11300A Series complies with IEEE analog oscilloscopes. These oscilloscopes probe and the oscilloscope. GPIB Standard 488.1-1987, RS-232C. end are fully programmable via either IEEE-488 with Tektronix Standard Codes and IEEE-488 or RS-232C, with any RS-232 Built-ln 7SD-MHz Universal Counter! Formats. equipped personal computer. They are Tlmer The built-in 750-MHz Universal Counter/ equally at horne in the most complex TYPICALAPPLICATIONS automated production-test system or in Timer, with its 2-ns single-shot resolution, . Timing Analysis 01 Complex Signals srnaller scale computer-assisted testing performs as an integral part of the 11301A/l1302A. This combination of . WaveformCharacterization and data-logging applications in the high-performance counter and high-perComponent Evaluation engineering environment. For manual operation, the menu-driven touch-5creen formance oscilloscope greatly simplifies BENEFITS operator interface places the 1130lA and the most difficult counter/timer measurements and provides measurement Greatest Timing Accuracy 11302A a step befand anything presentImproved MeasurementConfidence ly available in convenience of use. Manual capabillties not possible with conventional counter/timers. A counter-view control of the instruments, including their trace indicates to the operator exactly FEATURES plug-ins and probes, is accomplished by what portions of a signal are being . Bullt-ln 7S0-MHzUniversal means of a lew pushbuttons and two measured by the counter/timer. This comCounter/Timer with Counter View user-definable knobs located in the vicin. Up to 8 Traces Displayed ity of the cathode-ray tube and the touch- pletely eliminates the concem that usualpanel CRT screen itself. Operator menus ly accompanies the measurement of comSimultaneously . Menu-DrivenTouch-Screen on the screen guide the user through the plex signals with a conventional counter, whether what is being measured is realselection of the functions to be perOperation . Automatic Display of Selected formed; selection is marle by touching the ly what the operator thinks is being measured. designated areas of the screen. Signals The combination of integral oscilloscope . Automatic Time and Amplitude CRT readout displays oscilloscope and and counter/timer allows you to make Measurements plug-in settings, as weil as numeric Dual Delayed Sweeps readout of desired measurements; no counter/timer measurements on any of 12 . 6-cm/ns Visual Wrlting Rate more need to count or interpolate be- plug-in input channels or on the signals A compliments.doc and B Extemal Trigger/Counter (11302A) tween graticule divisions. Using IEEE-488 at theWith Inputs. Use of the A and B Extemal TrigLarge 6.S-lnch Display (11301A) or RS-232C, up to eight fines of userger/Counter Inputs allows the use of the . Fully Programmablevia IEEE-488& generated text (50 characters per fine) counter/timer without tying up the RS-232C can be displayed on the CRT tor operator prompts. measurement annotation, and oscilloscope functions of the instrument. computer-generated menus. The !arge TEKPROBE is a tTOdBmark qf Thktronix, 17U:. CRT screen provides clear, crisp display of both text and traces. 11300A Series . .. . . 113O!A500MHz 0sciU0IC0".1DiI.\M~l Timm: Hlgh.Wrltlng.Rate CRT In 11302A The microchannel-platp CRT of the 11302A provides 6-cm/ns visual writing rate, bright enough to view the fastest singie-shot transient in normal ambient room light. This allows viewing of intermitte nt glitches in the midst of bright repetitive signals at the full bandwidth of PIaIe CRTlind i~ Built-ln Tim. 8888. Two built-in time basesprovide sweep rates to 500 ps/div. The dual delayed sweepsprovide magnificationof any portion of the displayedwavefonnsand allow precisecomparisonof two signalsoccurring at different times in the sameor different signal paths. the scope. Display Automatic Display Setup The Autoset feature provides scaled, tTiggered display of the selected signal immediately, automatically, with the simple pressof a button on the front panel or at the probe tip where the user'sattention is focused. Automatlc Measurements The press of a front-panel pushbutton and a touch of the touch screenprovides automatic time and amplitude measurements, without further operator intervention. This automaticmeasurementsequencecanalsobe invokedvia the probetip pushbutton, allowing the operator to displaythe resultsof up to eight measurementswithout removingRandsor attention from the circuit under test. Cursors Both vertical and horizontal cursorscan be displayedto aid in making amplitude and timing measurement3. Cursorscaling pennits percentage,dB, and degreecomparisons without the need tor calculations. The results of the measurements are alwaysdisplayednumerically on the screen, with appropriate units of measure. 750MHz Cmmter/ Versatility The ve~tile and convenienttrace definition capability of the 11301Aand 11302A pennits up to eight tracesto be djsplayed simultaneouslyin a wide varlety of signal combinations.Signalsfrom separate plug-ins can be added or subtracted; YT and XY signals can be displayed simultaneously. A nonvolatile time and date clock can be displayed tor documentation of photographs. The dock setting is constantly availableover the bus tor time documentation of accumulateddata in automated testing situations. Holdoff Holdoff providesthe meailSof holdingoff the occurrenceof the main sweepuntil a selectedamount of time or number of events has occurred. This capability is essentialin inspectinggroupsof pulsesor events, particularly when they are not synchronizedwith any controllableframing pulse. The 11301Aand 11302A otter several modesof holdoff. Holdoff by time is settable either as a function of main-sweep time/division or in 2-nsincrementsup to 0.99seconds.Holdoff by eventsis settable up to 500,000events. The CountdownHoldoff function allows the sweepto be triggered on every Nth event within a pulse train. The TriggerOn-Nexttrrigger-On-Previous function allows the user to move forward and backwardthroughthe pulsetrain in order to select the desired triggering point within the pulse train. Thus, any pulse within the pulse train can be inspected in detail and easily compared to other events occurring within a circuit at the sametime. The Holdoff by Events function permits the main sweepto run immediately,or be armed tor triggering by another signal source, after N events following a selectedstart event. This function, in effect, permits four-deep "stacking" of delaying events: astart event, followed by a selected number of holdoff events, followed by a main-sweep triggering event, followedby the runningor triggerinS of ODeor both delayedsweeps. Callbrated FIne Setting. A fine-settingsmodeprovidescalibrated sweeptiming and vertical sensitivity to 1%incrementsbetweenthe conventional 1-2-5settings.This permits the operator to take advantageof full scale,vertically or horizontally, tor increased measuremeßt accuracy. Stored Front-PanelSetups Up to 10completefront-panelsetupscan be stored and recalled for immediate setup of all instrument controls tor repetitive testing. Manualsequencingof the storedsetupscan be accomplishedby meansof the pushbuttonat the probetip. This allows the operator, probing from point to point within a circuit, to resetthe entire oscilloscopetor each test point without removing attention from the device beins tested. Refe~e Waveform. On-board storage and display of two reference waveforms can provide templatestor quick visual golno-gocomparison of complex waveforms. These referencewaveformscan be created by a computer or captured by a waveform digitizer and downloadedto the oscilloscope'sinternat memory. Dlrect Numertc Entry, wlth Artthmetlc Operators A touch-screenkeypad permits immediate numericentry of scalefactors,holdoff events,offsets,counter/timer,cursor null references,etc. CHARACTERISTICS VERTICAL SYSTEM System BaDdwidth-Determined by main frame and plug-in. (See Maximum Bandwidth Matrix below at the rtght.) Aecaracy-Detennined by mainframe and plug-in. See descriptions. tJ.Delay Between Channell-Adjustable x 500 ps. Vertlca1-System Delay-At leaIt 20 ns of the sweep is displayed ahead of the trigering event. HORIZONTAL SYSTEM Main-Sweep nming Bange-5 ns to 0.5 s/div in 1-2-5 steps, plus 1% increments between steps and to 1.0 s/div. XIO Mag extends maximum sweep rate to 500 psidiv. Delayed-Sweep Timing Ban8e-5 ns to 0.5 s/div, plus 1% increments between steps and to 1.0 s/div. XIO Mag extends maximum sweep rate to 500 psidiv. tJ.nme Aecaracy UlinI Canors-x(0.5~ ot time interval plus 0.03 div). tJ.Time Aecaracy U.ing Delayed Sweepx(0.03% of time interval plus 0.01 div). X-Y Operation-From Center flug-ln: Horizontal bandwidth Is dc to 3 MHz; phue difterence between Xand Y with nonnal bandwidth Is I 0 or less from dc to I MHz, 30 or leIS from I to 2 MHz. TRIOOERING Minimum p-p signal required tor stable triggering trom A and B extemal inputs. Triggering sensitiv1ty can be adjusted to ~ect uno wanted noise components on noisy signals. DC Coapled-O.35 div from dc to 50 MHz; increasing to 1.0 div at system bandwidth. AC Coupled-Q.35 div from 50 Hz to 50 MHz, increasing to 1.0 div at system bandwidth. HF Beject Coupled-0.5 div from dc to 30 kHz. LF Bejeet Coupled-Q.5 div trom 80 kHz to 50 MHz, increasing to 1.0 div at System bandwidth. TV TriIIerTrigers trom TV line or TV neid soun:es; 0.6 div or leIS req~ tor stable composite TV trigen. DC Coapled-20 mV from dc to 50 MHz, increasing to 150 mV at system bandwidth. AC Coupled-20 mV from 50 Hz to SOMHz, increasing to ISO mV at System bandwidth. HF Beject Coupled-28 mV from dc to 30 kHz. LF Beject Coupled-28 mV from 80 kHz to 50 MHz, increasing to 150 mV at system bandwidth. HOLDOFF Holdoff By nme-Range: At least 20 times the inherent minimum reset time of the sweep (tunction of time/div). Holdoff By 2-M Step-Settable in 2-118increments from minimum inherent period of the sweep (tunction of Time/div) to 966 msec. Countdown Holdoft-Settable trom 2 to >500 million events. Maximum event frequency is 100 MHz. Holdoff By Eventa-Settable trom 2 to > 500 million events. Maximum event frequency is 500 MHz. (One Start mode limits event frequency to 100 MHz.) BUILT-IN COUNTER/TIMER M0de8-Frequency, Period, Width, Rat;k),nme A - B, Totalize. Number of D1g1tB-Up to 7; up to 10 with optional high-stabllity time base (Option IT). (SYStemcomputes and displays proper number of valid digits tor specific measurement.) Averagiag-Selectable in two-decade ece.- (I, 101 , 104 , I()& , etc.) up to 1010 tor fleqUenc:y, period, width, ratio, and time A-B measurements. Auto Average provides maximum reeolution achievable with a 3 ~ update rate. GatiD8-Via External B input or intemal dela)'ed sweep pte, or open on Extemal A and close on Extemal B. Minimum extemal gate width: <25 ns. Co8Dter View-Shaped 1-div pop display of any one or more of the following 1ignaIs: Counter In, Gate, Sync Gate, A ExtemaIlnput, B Extemal Input. Sensitivtty-Via PlUS-In Inputs: 2X sweeptriggering sensitivtties. Via Extemal A and B Inputs: < 100 mV pop dc to 100 MHz, increasing to 500 mV pop at 500 MHz. Counter Ref Clock In/Oat-Connector on rear panel allows application of 0-dBm IG-MHz external clock. Trigger-Level Bange-Plug-lns: tl0x~v setting. Extemal A and B Inputs: .;.1, %500 mV; "'"5, %2.5 V. ~er-LeveI Aeear8C)'-lntemal: Md t2% to plug-in unit's.1V DC term (where.1V is the Level ~out minus AmpUfier Ortset) dlvided by V/div, add 0.3 div to DC Balance term, and add peak noise in divisions. (Peak noise is 6xRMS.) External A and B Inputs (for signals with 10% to 90% transition time > 10 ns)(maxlignal, %IV): %[3% ofsetting +4% .;.1 oCp-p 1ignal+10 mV +(0.5 mV times probe attenuation factor»). .,.5 (musignal, :t5 V): :t[3% ofsetting +4% of pop 1iIrIal+50 mV+(0.5 mV times probe attenuation factor»). FREQUENCY ...,e-<1 LSD-Greater MHz to 750 MHz. of 1.8 nsxf'l N rounded 10 the nen higher declrnal digit, or I count. Besolatlon-G~ of LSD j: 1.4 (TJE)f'I/N. Accaracy-Re801ution :t F (TB!). PENOO Rance-2 ns to 1250 hn. LSD-I.8 ns/N Resolatlon-l.SD:tI.4 (TJE)/N. Accaracy-Re801ution j: TBE (P). WIDTH 8aDge-2 ns to 1250 hn. MaxiDlUID RepetitIOD 8ate-200 MHz. LSD-2 ns (for N -I); 10 ns/./N" (for N > I). 8eso18tion-{l.SDj: 1.4 (TJEIJ:t 1.4 (TJEr»)/ ./N":t 2 ps. Accuraey (G8ted 8Dd NoD8&ted)-Reso1utionj:Width (TBE) j:Hysteresiserror :tTLE/(SlewE -Slews):t Ins. TOTAL BaDge-O to 1011counts (engineering notation used above 10 digits). Repetition 8ate- > 0 to 500 MHz. LSD. Beeolation. 8Dd Accuraey-1 up to 1011-1, Elapeed Time Bange-25 ns to 1250 hn. RAT10 Range-l0-ll to 10ll. Freqoency Bange-l Hz to400 MHz. l3D-RatiollQ1°. Besolotlon-1.8D:t 1.4 (TJEo)NO:t 1.4 (TJEtf' NM):tf'lo:t:FMFo) where N refers to trigger events. Accuracy-Same as resolution. TIME INTERVAL (Main and Delay Trigger Sources) Range-2 ns to 1250hrs. LSD-2 ns (tor N-l); 10 ns/-IN(for N>l). Resolatlon-:t .JN+2 ps. Accaracy- LSD:t (1.4(TJEM) +TJEo)/ :t(TBEX'I'ime Interval):t leaoh1Uon :t Plug-ln Delay Mismatch :tTLEMlSlew - TLEoISlew :t200 ps. Maximum Repetition Rate-200 MHz. Channel Delay Mismatch-Not more than :t500 ps (without null). plies tI&egati'ng sigfI4l (middle trace)jor hTSt 1MG8UmnmIs. 7116C08'7It In trace (OOttom trace) shows tI&eevent8 bei'ng COI4ntedduri'ng tI&egGt8 i ~ 77&eCaunt In ~ (Zo1oertrace) shows clearly tI&a.t tI&e countlrltimlr is mi.fCounting bec4u.w of tI&erippl8 on tI&etop of tI&esignal. STANDARDTIME BASE Frequencyat Calibration-IO MHz :tI Hz. Temperature Stabillty-:t50 Hz, 0 to 50OC (5 ppm). Aging- < 10 H1Jyear(1 ppm). Adjustment Kesolution-Q.5 Hz. HIGH STABILITY TIME BASE (OPTION 1T) Frequency at Calibration-lO MHz .i: 0.2Hz. Temperature Stabllity-.i:2 Hz, 0 to 50OC. Warm-up 'nme-lO minutesat 25OCto within 0.2 ppm of final frequency. Aging-< 1xlQ-s/day at time of 5hipping. <4xlQ-S/weekafter 30 dayscontinuousoperation. < 1x lQ-6/yearafter 60 days continuous operation. Sbort-Term Stability-<lxlO-t RMSbased on 60 consecutive 1-5measurements. Adjustment Resolution-O.2 Hz. Adjustment Range-Sufficient for 8 yearsof aging. Here tM 11300A uniV6r3al cou~ ~fWS 21.,s., 1I411OS6COf&d8 oj propagGtiOft d6lay ~ tM l6IIdi1lg edgeIb'"sig7Ia.lLJ (z.'t pivg-i"" cM1m8l 1) Gftd tM leGdi1lg 6dge <t" sig1I4l Cl (ceJIt6r plug-i1&, clao1m8l 1). Gau troce (OOttom troce) c~Tly shows tU time intenllJl being m8asurect. DEFINITIONOF TERMS IßD - The smallest amount that the display can change. N = Number of events in a measurement interval. P =The period of the signal being measured. RESOLUTION=The amount an input signal must changeto be assuredof a changeon the display. TBE -Time-base em>r. TJE -Trigger-jitter em>r (in secondsRMS)..J (enS)2+(enP)I+(enM)2 input-signal slew rate where eng-Input-signal RMSnoise voltage enP-RMSnoisevoltagecontributed by plug-in(seepIug-in~). enM-O.O5div when using plug-in; 5 mV when using Ext. A or B input. TLE - Trigger-level em>r; em>r resulting from the actual trigger point being different from the set trigger point. sigftOl8 to 750 MHz OT mqre witÄ 113tXJA's wiU-in univeTlCll ~1Il8r/timer: Very a.ccura.te pulse-to-pulse timing m*lBUremenL!wiChin a.compl«r pulse emin a.TBma.d6simple wiCh the 11300Auniwrsal ~1Il8r-tim8T 11M dtAa.ld8la.~d .fWeq& EXTERN AL CONNECTORS Camera Power-3-pin connector next to CRT is compatible with Thktronix C-50 Beries cameras. Calibrator Output-Front-panel female BNC connector. Square-WaveMode: 5.0 V or 500 mV square wave into open circuit; 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz; 450-0 output impedance. Fast-Rise Mode: 0.5 V into open cirCuit, 2-ns transition time into 50 0; 50.0 output impedance; same frequencies as SquareWave Mode plus 1 MHz. A and B External Trigger and Counter Inputs-Front-panel femaJe BNC connectors. Input impedance: 1 MD. Trigger Ready Output-Rear-panel femaJe BNC connector. 11'L compatible; high state indicates Trigger-Ready condition. Trigger Reset Input-Rear-panel female BNC connector. 11'L compatible; high-to-low transition resets counter and/or single sweep. Sweep Gate Output-Rear-pane1 female BNC connector: !TL compatible; high state indicates gate running. Main or delayed gate out selectable through UTILITY menu. Left Vertical Out-Rear-panel female BNC connector. Output-signal amplitude -100 mV/div '1:10% of displayed signal. Bandwidth-dc to 100 MHz. Output impedance-50 Q :t10%. Counter Bel Clock In/Out-Rear-panel BNC connector. See Counterlrlmer description. Main-Bweep Output-Rear-pane1 female BNC connector: Positive-going ramp, 0 to 5 V, coincident with main sweep: Output impedance: 950 o. ENVIRONMENT AL AND SAFETY Temperature-Operating: 0 to +500(:. Nonoperating: -45 to +75OC. HumiditY-Operating and Nonoperating: Up to 95% relative humidity, up to 5OOC. Altitude, Vibration, Shock, and Beneh Handling-Meets MIL-T-28800C, Type ßI, Class 5. Elecuomagnetlc CompatibWty-Meets Mnr T-28800c; MIL-~61B; FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class B; VDE 0871/6.78 Class B; CE..Ql Part 4, with exceptions; CE-03 Part 4, Curve 1; CE..Q3Part 4, Curve 4, Navy, NB, BB (with exceptions); C8-01 Part 7; C8-02 Part 4 (with exceptions); CS-o6 Part 5; RE..Q1Part 4 (with exceptions); RE-o2 Part 4; RS..Q1Part 4; RS-o3 Part 7 (limited to 1 GHz). Safety-Listed UL 1244; CSA Bulletin 556B, September 1973; Tektronix aelf-certification to comply with IEC 348 recommendations. ORDERING INFORMATION 11801A 400-MHz ProsrammableCounter/ Timer Analog OIcmOICOpe Includes: Operator manual (070-7174.00); User Reference Guide (070-7175-OQ);User Pocket Reference (070-7176-00). 11802A 500-MHz Prosrammable Counter/ Timer Analog OeciDoecopeWith Microchannel-Plate CRT Includes: Same as 11301A. OPTIONS Option lC-Adds tour additional rear-w-front feedthroughsto the Z.ADs Input-Rear-panelfemaleBNCcon- existing standardtour; total of eight. nector: Positive voltage decreasesintensity; +3 Option IB.-Rackmount V blanks a maximum-intensity trace. Includes:Hardware,tooling, and instructions RS-232-C-25-pin "D" female connector contor converting bench model to rackrnount figured as DCE. configuration. IEEE-..88-24-pin female connector rOT conOption IT-Hjgh stabllity necting instrument to GPIB. Counter/I'imer. Option 25-Adds PEP301 CRT AND DISPLAY FEATURES Instruments/SystemController Standard CRT-11301A: 8x10 div (1.22 cm/ and S47PIO3utilities software. div); P31 phosphor. 11302A: 8x10 div (1.0 cm/ For more Information on utllity 8nd 8ppllcadiv); P31 phosphor. 11302A Writing Speed: 10 tion 8Oftw8re,... the Test 8nd M88surement div/ns singie-shot visual writing speed in 20 fC Software Sectlon. ambient illumination. POWERREQUIREMENTS LiDe Voltage-90 to 132Vac, and 180to 250 V ac. LiDe Frequency-48 to 440 Hz. Maximum Power Consumption-240 W. PHYSICAL CHAAAcrERISTICS Instrument Dimen8i0n8 Width,withhandle Height.with teet Depth ~Ight_. mm 447 239 581 Ne! Shipping 18.1 21.8 .. 11301A In. 17.6 9.4 22.9 Ib 40.0 48.0 11302A mm In. 447 17.6 239 9.4 581 22.9 Ib .. 20.0 23.6 ~.O 52.0 R8Ckmo.Rtt mm In. .82 19.0 222 8.8 548 21.6 .. . CONVERSION KfTS Rackmount Adapter- To convert standard 11301A or 11302A to Option IR. Order 040-1214-01 High-Stability CounterfflmerTo convert standard 11301A or 11302A to Option IT. Order 040-1232-00 Four-Cable Feedthrough- To convert standard 11301A or 11302A to Option lC. Order 040-1233-00 INTERNATIONAL POWER PLUGOPTIONS Option Al-Universal Euro 220 V, 50 Hz. Option A2-UK 240 V, 50 Hz. Option AS-Australian 240 V, 50 Hz. Option A4-North American 240 V, 60 Hz. Option A5-Sw1tzerland 220 V, 50 Hz. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 11SOlA Service ManualOrder 070-7178-50 11302A Service Manual- Order 070-717&-50 Cable5(GPIB) 2 m. Order 012-0991-00 (RS-232) 10 ft. Order 012.0911-00 Blank Panel-For filling empty plug-in compartments. Order 016-0829-00 DIGITIZING CAMERA SYSTEM DCSOl-Digitizes waveforms or single-shotsignalsto the full oscilloscopebandwidth to allow analysiswith a persOnalcomputer. See page 453 tor complete ordering information. RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES Cameru-See CameraandMountingAdapter Selection Guide in the Instrumentation DocumentationDevicessection. Prohes-See recommendedprobes on page 282. Cart-K217. See lnstrumentiCart compatibility chan in the Cart Section. TRAINING Tektronix Instrument Group CustomerTrain. ing ofters operation and application training to help you get full value out of your Instrumentation investment. Information is In the CustomerTraining Sectlon. For further Information, or to enroll, ca!1 us at 1-800.835.9433ext. 430. In Dregon call coI. lect 1.629.1017.