JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 104, NO. A3, PAGES 4609-4625, MARCH 1, 1999 Europa and Callisto: Induced or intrinsic fields in a periodically varying plasma environment M. G. Kivelson, •'2K. K. Khurana, • D. J.Stevenson, 3L. Bennett, • S.Joy,• C.T. Russell, 1'2R.J.Walker, 1C.Zimmer, 1andC.Polanskey 4 Abstract. Magnetometerdatafrom four Galileopassesby the JovianmoonEuropaandthree passesby Callistoare usedto interpretthe propertiesof the plasmasurrounding thesemoonsand to identifyinternalsourcesof magneticperturbations.Near Europathe measurements are consistent with a plasmarich in pickupionswhosesourceis freshlyionizedneutralssputteredoff of themoon'ssurfaceor atmosphere.The plasmaeffectsvary with Europa'sheightabovethe centerof Jupiter'sextendedplasmadisk.Europais comet-likewhennearthe centerof the currentsheet. It is thereforelikely that the strengthof the currentscouplingEuropato Jupiter's ionosphereandthe brightness of a Europafootprintwill dependon SystemIII longitude. Magneticperturbations on the scaleof Europa'sradiuscanarisefrom a permanentdipole momentor from an induceddipolemomentdrivenby the time-varyingpart of Jupiter's magnetospheric field at Europa'sorbit. Both modelsprovidesatisfactory fits. An induceddipole momentis favoredbecauseit requiresno adjustableparameters.The inductiveresponseof a conductivespherealsofits perturbations on two passesnearCallisto. The implieddipole momentflips directionasis predictedfor greatlydifferingorientationsof Jupiter's magnetospheric field nearCallistoin the two cases.For bothmoonsthe currentcarryingshells impliedby inductionmustbe locatednearthe surface.An ionospherecannotprovidethe current path, asits conductivityis too small,but a nearsurfaceoceanof- 10 km or more in thickness wouldexplainthe observations. 1. Introduction During the primary phase of the Galileo mission, magnetic signatureswere recordedby the Galileo magnetometer[Kivelson et al., 1992] on closepassesby the icy moonsof Jupiter:Europa [Kivelson et al., 1997] and Callisto [Khurana et al., 1997]. Here we consider what can be learned about the interiors of these bodies and their interactionswith Jupiter's magnetosphereby analyzing the magnetometermeasurements. We look for evidenceof magneticperturbationsgeneratedwithin the moons. The presenceof internally generatedglobal-scalefields would imposesignificantconstraintson modelsof the interiorsof the bodies. For example, an intrinsic dipole momenteither would require enough ferromagneticmaterial to serve as a source or would imply self-generateddynamoaction that can arise if the deep interior contains conductingfluid in convective motion. Currents driven by externally imposed time-varying magnetic fields can also generatemagneticperturbations.At the Galilean moons the background field varies periodically as Jupiter's rotationchangesthe orientationof its tilted dipole moment. This temporally varying magnetic field can, under appropriate conditions, drive electrical currents within the moon, thereby producingperturbationmagnetic fields, which we refer to as inducedfields. Induced fields of surfacemagnitudecomparable to the time-varying componentof Jupiter's field require global scaleconductingpathsnear the surfacesof the bodies.We will show that neither an icy outer crest nor a conducting global ionospherecan serve as the sourceof planetaryscaleinduced magneticfields but that for the icy moons,suchinducedfields can be accounted for if salty, subsurfaceoceans are present [Khurana et al., 1998]. In an insulatingenvironmentthe magneticsignaturesof the internal sourceswould be easily identified, but the moons are embeddedin the flowing plasma of Jupiter's magnetosphere. The interaction with that plasma drives localized external currents whose associatedmagnetic perturbationsobscure the signatureof an internallygeneratedfield. Thosecurrentsarisein part from the interaction of the moons with the conducting plasmathat flows onto them from their trailing sides. Diversion of the plasma producesmagnetic signaturesthat include the contributions of Alfv6n wing currents [Neubauer, 1980; Southwoodet al., 1980]. In addition, the toms plasma may containnewly createdionsarisingfrom neutralssputteredoff the surfaceor the atmosphereof the moon. There is considerable evidencethat suchionsare presentnearEuropa,bothat altitudes of severalEuroparadii [Gurnettet al., 1998] and in the vicinity of Europa'sorbit [Intriligatorand Miller, 1982]. Suchions are referredto as pickup ions, and currentsappearin the plasma where they are introducedinto the flow [Goertz, 1980]. In attemptingto understandthe internal field of a moon, we must identify and correct for the effects of these various external currentsources.Fortunately,data from severalpassesby Europa and Callisto with differenttrajectoriesrelative to the moonsand at different locations within the Jovian current sheet help to characterize the effects of external currents and allow us to lInstituteof Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of estimateseparatelythe effectsof internal and externalcurrents. California,LosAngeles. The plasma-related phenomena are foundto varyin intensitywith 2Alsoat Department of EarthandSpace Sciences, University of Europa's SystemIII longitude [Dessler, 1983], which implies California,LosAngeles. periodic variationsof related phenomenasuch as field-aligned 3Division ofGeological andPlanetary Sciences, California Institute of currentmagnitudesand ionosphericdensityprofiles. Technology,Pasadena. 4The JetPropulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. 2. Magnetospheric Context of the Europa Copyright1999by theAmericanGeophysical Union. and Callisto Papernumber1998JA900095. Galileo was insertedinto orbit aroundJupiteron December7, 1995. In orbit, the spacecraftacquiresdata of two types. For 0148-0227/99/1998JA900095509.00 4609 Passes 4610 KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC extendedtime intervalsthe field and particleinstrumentstransmit low-rate time-averaged data in real time. Low-rate data (magnetometersamples every 24 s or more frequently) are sufficientfor resolving changeson the scaleof moon -radii but do not resolvedetails.The prime missionincludedthreepassesof Europa and three of Callisto. During passesnear the moons of Jupiter and for other intervals of exceptionalscientific interest, data are recordedto tape at higherratesfor delayedtransmission to the ground. High time resolutiondata are now availablefrom two additional passesof Europa within the extended mission (Galileo Europa Mission or GEM). For the Europa and Callisto encounters,the magnetometerdata rate was one vector every 0.33 s. As noted above,Jupiter'srotationcombinedwith the 10ø tilt of its dipole moment toward 202ø west longitudecausesthe external magnetic field of Jupiter's magnetosphereand the propertiesof the ambientplasmain which a moonis embeddedto vary periodically. A small additional variation (•-15 nT near Europa's orbit) arises becauseof the rotation of higher-order multipole terms of Jupiter's internal field. The principal variation is periodic at the synodic period of Jupiter's rotation. In other words, external conditionsat the moonsvary in phase with their System III longitude. The radial componentof Jupiter's magnetospheric magnetic field B points radially outward above the magnetic equator (here defined as the minimum IBI surface),pointsradially inward below, and passes through a node at the magneticequator where the bulk plasma densityis highest. The field componentsare predictedfrom the model of Khurana [1997] (hereinafter referred to as KK97). KK97 uses one of Connerney's [1993] fits to Jupiter's internal field and adds the contributionsof the plasma sheet currents describedin termsof Euler potentials. For appropriatelyselected parametersof the Euler potential, KK97 providesa good fit to Jupiter's magnetosphericfield along the outbound passesof Pioneer 10 and Voyager 1 and 2. For mostof the Galileo passes, one or anotherof thesemodelscorrespondsapproximatelyto the field measuredby Galileo within 30 Rj. In Figures l a and lb the average radial, azimuthal, and latitudinal componentsof the model backgroundmagneticfield at the orbits of Europa and Callisto, respectively,are plotted versusSystem III longitude. Figures l a and lb show that the time-varying component has an amplitude of-230 nT near Europa (synodic period of 11.1 hours) and -40 nT at Callisto (synodicperiodof 10.1 hours). The locationsof the moonsat the times of individual Galileo passes,identified with a number, are marked in Figures l a and lb. The numberidentifiesa particular orbit. Elsewherein this paper,the passesare identifiedwith the numberof the orbit prefixedwith a letter that denotesthe targeted moon (E for Europa and C for Callisto). Passeswell off the magneticequator are those with the largestvaluesof the radial componentof the magneticfield, B,.. Near the magneticequator, Br - O. At a fixed radial distancefrom Jupiterthe densityof the bulk plasmavaries considerablywith distancefrom the magnetic equator. Bagenal [1994] has characterized the variation quantitatively for the inner magnetosphere. Fortunately, the multiple encounters of both Callisto and Europa occur at different System III longitudes, thereby providing magnetic signaturesin different field and plasmaregimes. During the prime mission,data were acquiredexclusivelyin regions of relatively low magnetosphericplasma density well abovethe centralcurrentsheet(passesE4, E6, E11, C3, C9, and C10). (Data were not acquiredby the magnetometer on passE6.) However, the first pass(El2) in the GEM phasethat followedthe completionof the prime missionoccurrednear the centerof the plasma sheet. The next pass(El4) occurredin the low plasma density region above the central current sheet. For pass El4, Galileo's trajectoryrelative to Europawas nearlyparallelto pass El2 but with closest approach at a higher altitude and off Europa'sequator. In the ideal situation the measured magnetic field would closely track the model field until Galileo approacheda moon where differenceswould appear. These differenceswould then FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA be attributedto the moon itself. This ideal situationrarely occurs becauseexternal conditionsfluctuate. In interpretingthe data, we identify departuresfrom the backgroundfield of Jupiter's magnetospherenear the moons, and we then attempt to distinguishthe sourcesof the observedmagneticperturbations, both local and more global. Regrettably,noneof the passescross near the rotational poles of the moons, and this constrainsour ability to characterizefully the internalsources. 3. External Signaturesof Intrinsic and Induced Fields The dipole momentof Earth changessignificantlyonly over times of thousandsof years. One expects similar stability for other dynamo-drivenplanetary magnetic fields. A planetary magneticfield producedby permanentmagnetizationof the crust or the core should also be stable. However, if the observed field is causedby currentsinducedby the time variabilityof the Jovian field, then it will changeon a timescaleof hours,and the dipole moment will be determinedby the SystemIII longitudeof the observations. Thus it is, in principle, possible to separate permanentand induced internal dipole momentsby comparing measurements taken at differentphasesof Jupiter'srotation. In modeling an induced dipole moment, we assumethat the moonis a highly conductivesphereof the sizeof the moon. This assumptionprovides the largest possibleinduced field. On the scale of a moon the time-varying external field of Jupiter's magnetosphere is approximatelyuniform spatially. In section8 we note that the responseof the conductinglayer dependson the conductivityand the frequencyof the driving signal. In the limit of a perfectinductiveresponse,the inducedfield exactlycancels the time-varyingpart of Jupiter's field at the moon's surface alongthe radial directionfrom the centerof the moon. (Sincethe responseof a homogeneoussphereto a spatiallyuniform external field is a dipole and since the radial componentsof the dipolar field and external field have the same angulardependencewith respectto the direction defined by the externalfield, this will happeneverywhereon the surface.) The inductionfield requires interiorcurrentslarge enoughto excludethe radial componentof the time-varying field inside of a skin depth just below the surfaceof the conductinglayer. In the absenceof plasmaeffects thereare no adjustableparameters.In section8 we will elaborate on the justification of such a model after having comparedits predictionswith the measurements. 4. Magnetometer Data From Europa PassesE4, Ell, El2, and El4 PassE4 by Europaoccurredon December19, 1996, with the closestapproachat an altitudeof 688 km asreportedby Kivelson et al. [1997]. Europa orbits Jupiter in its rotationalequatorial plane at a distanceof 9.38 Rj (radius of Jupiter= 71,492 km). Within a rangeof 2 RE from the centerof the moon (RE-- Europa radius = 1560 km), the trajectoryremainedwithin 0.04 RE of Europa's rotational equator. Table 1 provides additional informationaboutthis encounterand others. The trajectorywas outboundfrom Jupiter. Near Europa the backgroundmagnetic field wastilted radially outwardwith a magnitudeof-450 nT. The measuredfield is plottedin Figure2a. The dataare given in a Europa-centeredCartesian coordinate system, which we denoteEphio. The x axis is parallelto the directionof corotation at the time of closestapproach,that is, aligned with the east longitudeangleq5in SystemIII. The z axisis parallelto Jupiter's spin axis, and y is radially in toward Jupiter.In Figure 3 the E4 trajectoryandthe trajectoriesof Galileo's otherpassesby Europa throughmid-1998 are projectedinto the xy and yz planesof this coordinatesystem. Figure 2a also shows a model of the backgroundfield of Jupiter's magnetosphere. This approximatesthe field that Galileo would have encounteredalong the portion of its trajectorythroughJupiter'smagnetosphere near Europaif Europa KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED 1216 240.0 B 17 4 FIELDS 1314 IN A VARYING 11 19 '/ PLASMA 15 18 I I ' , - ............................ ',' 640.0 520.0 . , - -240.0 4611 6 ,// 0.0 -120.0 B0 OR INTRINSIC 121617 4 1314 11 19 15 18 6 - 400.0 280.0 - I - I 160.0 , ..... 240.0 ..... 1216 I ..... 17 4 I .... 1314 • ..... 11 19 15 • '1 .... 18 6 • ..... I 120.0 : , B½ 0.0 -120.0 _240.0 I ..... 0.0 , ......... 60.0 l,, 120.0 .•l.... 180.0 [, • ..... I I ....... 240.0 West Longitude( time increases---> 300.0 I 360.0 ) Figure l a. Curvesrepresentingthe average(top) radial, (middle) polar, and (bottom) azimuthalcomponents(Br, Bo,B•,,)of themagnetic fieldat thepositionof Europaasa functionof itswestlongitude relativeto theoriginof SystemIII. (Note that for SystemIII, west longitudeis standard,but the field vectorsare representedin a right- handcoordinate system.ThusBOis positivein thesenseof corotation.)Thefieldmodelusedis thatdeveloped by Khurana [1997] for the conditionsof the Pioneer 10 pass. Orbits on which passesby Europa occur are labeledby numberat the top of the plots with vertical markersshowingwhere the passesoccurrelative to west longitude. Dotted lines are usedfor passeson which no magnetometerdata are available. Dashedlines are used for passesthat have not yet occurred. (There are or shouldbe high time resolutionmagnetometerdata for passes E4, Ell, El2, El4, El5, El6, and El9 and low time resolutiondata for passesEl7 and El8.) The magnitudeof the radial componentof the field increasesmonotonicallywith distancefrom the centerof the plasmasheetwhile the plasmadensitydecreases.Passesat large Br occur near the north-southboundariesof the plasmasheetand correspondto local minima of torusplasmadensity. Note that passesE4 and E11, discussedin section4, both occurredin regionsof relativelylow density. 22 60.0 ..... 30.0 - 9 20 3 I ..... _ I - I , -30.0 - -60.0 I ........... 22 60.0 B0 10 I I 0.0 30.0 21 I - Br 23 - • ' ' , I, 9 - , • ..... 20 : 0.0-30.0 - • .... 3 I , • , I .... 23 21 I • I I I I I I I I I I I I 23 21 10 - I - -60.0 22 60.0 9 20 3 10 ' 30.0 o.o -30.0 -60.0 0.0 60.0 120.0 180.0 240.0 300.0 360.0 WestLongitude( time increases---> ) Figure lb. The equivalentof that presentedfor Europain Figure l a but for Callisto. Note that passesC3, C9, and C10, discussedin section5, all occurredin regionsof low relative density. (There are high time resolution datafor passesC3, C9, and C10. There will be low time resolutiondatafor passesC20, C21, and C23.) 4612 KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC i I I I I I I FIELDS IN A VARYING i i i PLASMA KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING C/A 110.0 PLASMA 4613 Wake 90.0 70.0 gx 50.0 30.0 10.0 -110.0 -130.0 -150.0 By -170.0 -190.0 -210.0 -360.0 -380.0 -400.0 gz -420.0 -440.0 -460.0 480.0 .... •• IBI ..................................................................... 420.0 400.0 380.0 ....... 06:30 06:35 06:40 06:45 06:50 06:55 07:00 07:05 07:10 UT on December 19, 1996 X -2.36 - 1.48 -0.57 0.31 1.22 2.08 2.94 3.77 Y 3.33 2.75 2.15 1.55 0.90 0.25 -0.42 -1.07 Z -0.05 -0.05 -0.04 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01 R 4.09 3.13 2.23 1.58 1.52 2.09 2.97 3.92 Figure 2a. Ten secondaverageplot of the measuredcomponentsand magnitudeof the magneticfield for Europa passE4 of December 19, 1996 (thick solid curves). The coordinatesystem(Ephio) is Europa-centeredwith x alongthe directionof corotation,y radially inward towardJupiter,and z parallel to Jupiter'srotationaxis. The locationof the closestapproachis marked. Also, intervalswithin the geometricwake relativeto the corotating plasmaare shaded. Distancesalongthe trajectory(in units of Europa-radii,RE = 1560 km) are labeled at the bottom. The thin solid curvesshow the backgroundmagneticfield evaluatedas describedin the text. The dashedcurvesshowthe sumof this backgroundfield and the field of an induceddipole. The tracesdrawn by solidcirclesshowthe sumof thisbackgroundfield andthe field of a bestfit dipoleevaluatedto fit thispass. The bestfit internaldipolewasdeterminedusingdataobtainedfrom the period0640- 0705 UT. C/A 0.0 Wake -25.0 Bx -50.0 -75.0 -100.0 -125.0 -150.0 By -175.0 -200.0 -225.0 -375.0 ......... -400.0 Bz i ......... : ......... : ' 'i ..... i ......... i ......... i ......... -425.0 -450.0 -475.0 500.0 475.0 lB I 450.0 425.0 400.0 20:10 20:20 20:30 20:40 20:50 21:00 21:10 21:20 9.33 UT on November 6, 1997 X -2.43 -0.71 1.01 2.71 4.38 6.04 7.68 Y -4.57 -3.23 -1.86 -0.45 0.97 2.38 3.79 5.20 Z 0.92 0.96 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 R 5.26 3.44 2.33 2.92 4.59 6.56 8.62 10.72 Figure 2b. Sameas Figure 2a but for passE11 of November6, 1997. 4614 KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA C/A 375.0 250.0 125.0 gx 0.0 -125.0 250.0 ......... 125.0 i ......... i ......... i ......... i ......... i ......... i _ _ 0.0 By -125.0 _ ...... -250.0 -310.0 Illlllllllllllllllllllllll ....... i ......... ! ......... i -435.0 -560.0 Bz -685.0 -810.0 825.0 700.0 575.0 IBI 450.0 325.0 11:10 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 12:10 12:20 UT on December 16, 1997 X -9.15 -7.60 -5.81 -4.50 -2.94 -1.34 0.36 2.08 Y 8.44 6.72 4.72 3.27 1.54 -0.20 -1.89 -3.49 Z -0.08 -0.10 -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 -0.17 -0.17 -0.16 R 12.45 10.15 7.48 5.57 3.32 1.37 1.93 4.06 Figure 2c. SameasFigure 2a but for passEl2 of December16, 1997. The datahavebeenrecoveredfrom partial saturation for the interval between 1153:01 and 1205:16 UT. In this interval, the measurement uncertainties are a few percent. had not been present. It has been estimatedby fitting a thirdorder polynomial to roughly 3 hours of the low time resolution magneticfield measurements surroundingclosestapproach(CA), after excisingmeasurements taken within 5 Re of Europa. Figure 2a also shows the field along the trajectoryfrom two different models. The dipole (FD-E4) model [Kivelsonet al., 1997] was found by fitting a Europa-centereddipole to the differencebetweenthe backgroundfield describedaboveand the measurements.The dipole has a surfacefield of 120 nT at the equator(240 nT at the magneticpole). It is tilted at 135ø relative to the spin axis and rotated 20 ø west of the Jupiter facing meridian. This three-parameter model gives a reasonable approximationto the trend of changeswith scalelengthsof a few Europaradii corresponding to temporalvariationswith periodsof 60.0 C/A ..... 20.0 gx 0.0 -20.0 ' -160.0 By ' ......... , ........ -200.0 , ....... , -240.0 -380.0 . _ ....... -400.0 -420.0 gz -440.0 -460.0 500.0 480.0 460.0 IBI ß 440.0 420.0 1998-Mar-29 DOY: 12:30 12:40 12:50 88 13:00 13'10 13:20 13:30 13:40 UT on March 29, 1998 X -9.84 -8.17 -6.56 -4.95 -3.31 -1.65 0.05 1.75 Y 8.06 6.16 4.34 2.51 0.67 -1.16 -2.96 -4.72 Z 0.29 0.32 0.34 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.43 0.43 R 12.72 10.24 7.87 5.56 3.39 2.06 2.99 5.06 Figure 2d. SameasFigure2a but for passEl4 of March 29, 1998. KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 4615 -5 Flow E6 E14 -4Ell • 1650 -3 115o -2 ;40 -1 x o 340 0700 5_ 5 -4 - -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 Flow -- -- -- -- -- E 11 2020 2040 N 1710 -1 E12 -2 -3 -4 -5_511 II-4IIIIII""l""l''-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Y Figure3. Trajectoriesof Galileo'spassesE4, E11, El2, andEl4 pastEuropaprojectedinto thexy andyz planes of the Ephio coordinatesystemdefinedfor Figure2. -15 min. Numerousshort-timescale signatures suchas the large increasein Bz observedat 0650-0651 UT mustrelateto plasma processes,as we discussbelow, and are not reproducedby the FD-E4 model. As for any dipole fit, one can resolvethe FD-E4 model into two components:a spin axis aligned dipole moment Mz, here orientedsouthward,and a transversedipole in the xy plane, M•_. Each of these dipole momentshas a surfaceequatorialfield magnitude of-85 nT. As the E4 trajectory is very close to Europa'sequator,it is the measuredvalue of Bz that determines Mz, while M•_ is determinedby the other two components,B•_. The FD-E4 model probablyrepresentsMñ more accuratelythan 4616 KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC it represents Mz. This is becausenear the moon'sequator,Mz producesa field orientedmainly alongthe z direction. However, Bz may be stronglymodified by plasma-relatedsignatures. In particular,the anticipatedfield-alignedcurrentsflowing in the plasmaconvergein the equatorialplane where they closeacross the field. Thus they generateperturbations in the z directionwith negligibletransversecomponents. Plasmapickupcurrentsand FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 2039 km = 1.31 Re. Again, the externalfield wastilted outward fromJupiterwithBx= -45 nT, By= -196 nT, butonthispassthe field wasdecreasing in magnitude.Figure2b alsoshowsthe total field predictedby addingeitherthe FD-E4 fit from passE4 or the ID field to the backgroundfield. For encountersabove the current sheet including E11, El4, and E4, the induced dipole momentpointscloseto the Jupiterfacingmeridianas doesM•_ of 'diamagnetic currentsgenerated by newlypickedupwarmplasma FD-E4, implyingthat nearEuropa'sequatorthemwill be little to also mainly changethe field strength,henceBz. On the other distinguishthe two models. On passE11, the induceddipole hand,the transverse components of the field nearthe equatorial momenthas an equatorialfield strengthof 101 nT. It is rotated plane arise principally from M•_ and not from plasmaeffects. 13ø westof the Jupiterfacingmeridian,thatis, it lies in the same Practically,if M•_is betterknownthanMz, thetilt of thedipoleis meridianplane as the FD-E4 dipole moment. Unfortunately, lesswell determined thanits meridianandits magnitude. becausethe altitudeof closestapproachwas ratherlarge for this Becausethe strengthof plasma currentsalso varies at the encounter,the predictedamplitudesare small, of the sameorder synodicperiod of Jupiter,plasma-related magneticfields may as perturbationsproducedby plasma currents.The trajectory induce currentsin the conductinginterior. However,from the bringsGalileo closeto Europaonly downstreamin the flow (x > argumentaboveit is apparentthat near the equatorialplane of 0 after 2024 UT) wherethe field magnitudedropssharplyin the Europa the plasma-relatedfields and the inductionfield caused regionwherethe plasmais expectedto reaccelerate.The matches by the plasma-relatedfields would both affect mainly the Bz are poor for both the FD-E4 model and the ID model. Plasma component. This uncertainty also affects principally the effects appear to dominate the signatureof internal currents. determinationof Mz. Thus, although the data do not confirm either a permanent The additionalmodel field plottedin Figure 2a is the response internalfield or an inducedfield, theydo not necessarily exclude anticipatedif the perturbationsarise from a perfect inductive such sources. responseof a conductingsphereof radius 1 Re. In sucha case, Figure 2c showsdatafrom passE 12 by Europaoutboundfrom inducedcurrentsproducea dipolewhosepolarfield at the surface Jupiteron December16, 1997, with closestapproachat 1203 UT of the spherepreciselycancelsthe instantaneous time-varying at an altitude of 196 km. The KK97 model placesthe central componentof the backgroundfield. At the time of closest currentsheetcrossingat 1154 UT. Thus this encounteroccurred approach the background field wasBx= 53 nT, By= -176 nT. upstreamin the plasmaflow at the centerof the plasmatoms,i.e., Here we have ignored the small periodic variationof Bz. This in the region where Europa encountersthe highest plasma meansthat the induceddipole (ID), M•_ (tilted at 90ø relativeto density.When recordeddatabeganfollowinga 10-mindatagap, the spin axis), is rotated 17ø eastof the Jupiterfacingmeridian, the field was alreadynoticeablyenhancedabovethe background with an equatorialfield strengthof 92 nT. The induceddipole field at a range of more than 7 Re. The amplitudecontinuedto modelgivescontributions to BxandBythatareshiftedin phase grow, reaching nearly double the backgroundvalue shortly relative to the FD-E4 model, but they generallyfollow the form before closestapproach,and after closestapproachit dropped of the transverseperturbations. backto modelvaluesat a rangeof roughly2 Re. Again, on this The fluctuationsof- 10 to 20-nT amplitudeand characteristic pass,the decreasebelow the backgroundfield occurredcloseto periods shorter than 15 min that appear in Figure 2a over a the time when the trajectorycrossedx = 0 at 1207 UT. distanceof severalRe from Europa must arise from currentsin The modelsof perturbationsproducedby currentsinternal to the plasma. Near Europa's orbit, the fluctuationamplitudesin Europa are plotted in Figure 2c. For this passwith Bx = 78 nT, the backgroundplasmararely exceedseveralnanotesla. (This By= -31 nT in thebackground field,theID is rotated68ø eastof can be confirmed by reference to data obtained at distances the Jupiterfacingmeridianwith an equatorialfield strengthof 42 greater than 7 Re from Europa in Figures 2b-2d.) The nT. The ID model predictsonly small perturbations(maximum fluctuationsseenin Figure 2a are commonin regionswherethe near 35 nT) becausethe time-varyingcomponentof the field is plasma containsnewly ionized matter. A sourcefor such new negligibly small as is evident in Figure 1. Comparedwith the ionsis neutralparticlessputteredfrom Europaandits atmosphere measuredtransverseperturbations,they are too small to be [Eviatar et al., 1981, 1985; Cheng et al., 1986; Schreier et al., detected. 1993; Ip, 1996; Ip et al., 1998; Saur et al., 1998]. As in a The FD-E4 model predicts significant but not dominant cometaryenvironment,the plasmaflowing upstreamof the moon perturbations(as large as -115 nT), and it modelsreasonably canbe slowedby directinteractionwith a conductingmoonor by pickup ions introduced into the flow; such slowing probably well the generaltrend of the componentsperpendicularto the accountsfor the positive perturbationin IBI wherex < 0 before spin axis. The predictedz perturbationis smalland oppositein sign to the observedperturbation. The poor agreementof the z -0648 UT. Downstream of the moon (i.e., where x > 0) the flow accelerates,thus accountingfor the negativeperturbationin IBI componentof the perturbationwas a featureof the other passes as well and resultsfrom field compressionrelatedto phenomena after that time. Another plasma-relatedsignaturein Figure 2a is the field suchasplasmaslowingandreacceleration. Figure 2d presentsanalogousdata and models for the El4 depressionjust before 0702 UT. It occurswithin 0.1 Re of the middle of the geometric wake of Europa, downstreamin the pass. The datawere acquiredon March 29, 1998, on a trajectory corotating flow of Jupiter's magnetosphericplasma, and it is similar to El2 but at higher altitude and latitude relative to indubitablythe signatureof compressed plasma(an interpretation Europa (see Figure 3). Closestapproachoccurredat an altitude of 1641 km = 1.05 Re. Again, the external field was tilted consistentwith plasmadatafromPatersonet al. [1998]). From passE4 alone there is no way to determinewhetherthe outward from Jupiter (Figure l a). The FD-E4 and ID model modeled dipole moment relatesto an internal field of Europa. tracesarealsoplotted.For thispasswithBx= 9 nT, By= -212 However, the good correspondencebetween the measured nT in the backgroundfield, the induceddipoleis rotated-2 ø east transversefield perturbationsand the predictionsof both the FDof the Jupiterfacingmeridianwith an equatorialfield strengthof E4 model and the ID model suggeststhat internal currents 106 nT. Both the FD-E4 and the ID models fit the transverse contributeto the interaction. It is interesting,therefore,to components of the dataratherclosely,and again,for this passthe analyzethe datafrom other passeswith thesemodelsin mind. differencesin the predictionsfrom the two modelsare small. We Figure 2b showsdata from passE11 by Europa. The data will returnto a discussionof the signaturesand providefurther were acquiredon November 6, 1997, on a passinboundtoward interpretation afterintroducingthe datafromthe firstthreepasses Jupiter. Closestapproachoccurredat the ratherhigh altitudeof by Callisto. KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 4617 C/A 5.0 0.0 gx -5.0 -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 I . . .I , i .... i . . i ! i -25.0 -30.0 By -35.0 -40.0 0.0 -5.0 gz -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 X Y Z R 13:20 13:25 13:30 1.89 -2.54 0.31 3.18 1.73 -1.56 0.32 2.35 1.57 -0.60 0.33 1.71 13:35 13:40 UT on November 4, 1996 1.39 0.39 0.34 1.48 1.19 1.35 0.34 1.83 13:45 13:50 13:55 0.98 2.32 0.34 2.54 0.77 3.27 0.34 3.37 0.56 4.23 0.33 4.28 Figure4a. Ten secondaverages of the measured components andmagnitudeof the magneticfield asin Figure2 but for CallistopassC3 of November4, 1996. The coordinate frameis analogous to thatdefinedfor Europabut is Callistocentered (henceCphio)andin unitsof Callistoradii(RC = 2409km). Dataareplottedwiththick solid curves. Line stylesare as definedfor Figure 2a. The bestfit internaldipole was determinedby using magneticdatafrom the period1320-1350UT. 5. Magnetometer Data From Callisto PassesC3, C9, and C10 The first passby Callisto(C3) occurredon November4, 1996, with closestapproachat an altitude of 1139 km as reportedby Khurana et al. [1997]. Callisto orbits Jupiter close to its rotationalequatorialplane at a distanceof 26.33 Rs. Khuranaet al. concludedthat any internalfield mustbe very small, and they providedan upper limit to an internal field by fitting a dipole moment to the difference between the measured field and the model backgroundfield. This fitted Callisto-centereddipole (FD-C3) has a surfacefield of-14 nT at its magneticequator,is tilted at 80ø relative to the spin axis, and points approximately toward Jupiter. Figure 4a shows the magnetic field measurements for passC3. Figure 4a also showsthe polynomial fit to the backgroundfield andthe backgroundfield summedboth with the FD-C3 and with an ID field model whose dipole moment points 4 ø west of the Jupiter facing meridian with an equatorial surface field of 16 nT. The latter two traces differ little. Both representthe Callisto-scalevariationsquite well, asis noted by Neubauer [1998a]. The absenceof fluctuationson scalesthat are small comparedwith the radiusof Callisto in the first 10 min of the pass suggeststhat plasma effects may be relatively minor, although they grow and become large after -1340 UT. In Figure 4b we show the data from pass C9 in the same formatasthat for the otherpasses. This passoccurredon June25, 1997, at an altitude of 421 km. The perturbationspredictedby the FD-C3 model are roughly of the magnitudeof the observed perturbationsbut of oppositesign, indicatingthat this model is unsatisfactory.On the otherhand,an ID modelthat has a dipole moment pointing 177ø west of the Jupiter facing meridian and that has an equatorialsurfacefield of 17 nT approximatesthe dominantperturbationsquite closely. Plasma fluctuationsare small. Figure 4c presentsthe analogousdata and modelsfor pass C10 of September17, 1997, with closestapproachat an altitude of 538 km. The FD-C3 modelis alsoplottedhere. The ID model whose dipole momentpoints 172ø west of the Jupiter facing meridianwith an equatorialsurfacefield of 15 nT is shown. For this pass,the short-wavelength fluctuationsare as large as or possiblylargerthanthe changeson the scaleof Callisto's radius, and contributions from internal sources are obscured. Projectionsof passC3 andGalileo's othertrajectories by Callisto throughmid-1998 areplottedin Figure5. 6. Inferences Regarding Properties of the Ambient Plasma From the data for four Europa passes,it is dramatically evidentthat plasmaconditionsdominatethe variabilityof the signatures.Fluctuationsor systematicdeparturesfrom the backgroundfield beginso far upstreamof Europa(--4 Re for pass E4, -8 Re for passE 14, and --10 Re for passE12) that intrinsic field perturbationscannotbe responsible.However,a cloud of neutralssputteredfrom Europacouldproduceeffectsover a very extendedregion. It is known that the plasmain the region surroundingEuropa appearsrich in newly injected ions and electrons. Gurnett et al. [1998] has reportedthat the plasma wave (PWS) [Gurnett et al., 1992] spectrareveal a region of highlydisturbedplasmawith densityenhancements of roughlya factor of 2 above ambient densities surroundingEuropa in a volumeof severalEuroparadii on both passE4 and passE6. They detectedenhancedwhistler wave noise in the vicinity of Europa. Whistlerwavesgrowreadilywhenthe chargedparticle distributionsare anisotropicin velocity space, and they may developin regionsof pickupions. Plasma newly introduced near Europa producesthe most dramaticsignaturein the data for El2 where the background 4618 KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA C/A 15.0 5.0 gx -5.0 -15.0 50.0 40.0 ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß 30.0 ß 20.0 ß ß ß ' 0.0 .... , .... , .... , ..... ' ' ' ' • .... , ..... -10.0 .... • • "•'•"'•;J ' "i- gz -20.0 -30.0 ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' 13:50 13:55 14:00 -1.51 50.0 40.0 ß ß ß ß IBI ß ß ., ß ß 30.0 ß ß ß ß ß 20.0 13:30 13:35 13:40 13:45 UT on June 25, 1997 X -0.45 -0.66 -0.86 -1.06 -1.23 - 1.38 Y -3.74 -2.74 -1.77 -0.76 0.24 1.26 2.25 Z 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 R 3.76 2.82 1.96 1.30 1.25 1.87 2.71 Figure4b. SameasFigure4a but for passC9 of June25, 1997. The bestfit internaldipolewasdetermined from the data obtainedfrom passC3. electron number density was significantlyenhancedrelative to the other passes (D. A. Gurnett and A. Roux, personal communication, 1998). The magnetic perturbationsdiffer in character inside and outside of-1.4 Rœ from the center of downstream.We attributethe compression to the slowingthat occurs as momentum is extracted from flow and fed into the thermalmotion of newly addedions or carriedoff by the neutral productsof charge exchange[Linker et al., 1991]. If flow Europa. Outsideof 1.4 Rœ,the perturbations are field-aligned, divergenceis small, as the flow slows, the magnetic field changinggradually in amplitude. The field is significantly magnitudeincreasesin orderto conservemagneticflux. In this field increasefrom a background valueof compressedupstream of Europa and slightly depressed case,the perturbation C/A 16.0 8.0 0.0 gx -8.0 -16.0 40.0 32.0 24.0 By 16.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 -8.0 gz -16.0 -24.0 48.0 40.0 32.0 IBI 24.0 16.0 23:55 00:00 00:05 00:10 00'15 00:20 00:25 00:30 00:35 00:40 UT on September16 and 17, 1997 X 1.90 1.77 1.63 1.48 1.33 1.16 0.96 0.76 0.55 0.34 Y -4.56 -3.58 -2.57 -1.58 -0.57 0.43 1.45 2.43 3.43 4.39 Z 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 R 4.94 3.99 3.04 2.17 1.45 1.24 1.74 2.55 3.47 4.41 Figure 4c. Same as Figure 4a but for passC10 of September16, 1997. The best fit internaldipole was determinedfrom the dataobtainedfrom passC3 KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 4619 -4 Flow -3 -2 1400 -1 x 0030 OOlO 1340 1320 4 -4 -3 -2 1 -1 2 3 4 Flow 3 E) 2 1 1340 1320 13...50 Ol• 0 O0 N 0 - 1400 1340 -C3 -1 -2 -3 -- -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Y Figure5. SameasFigure3 but for passesC3, C9, andC10 pastCallistoin the Cphiocoordinatesystem. 410 - 440 nT to -600 nT at a rangeof 1.36 RE would imply that the flow speed has decreased by a factor of 0.7. Correspondingly,the densitychangesby an amountthat depends on the source rate and the pickup mechanism. If impact ionization dominates,the density must increase,but if charge exchangedominates,the density may not change significantly. The signatureof a densityincreasewasnot observedon the PWS spectra(A. Roux, personalcommunication,1998). This could imply that chargeexchangedominates,but it shouldbe notedthat asGalileo approachedEuropa,it wasoutboundand movingaway from the centerof the plasmasheet. It is quiteplausiblethat the electron number density remainedclose to constantdespite the addition of newly formed ion-electronpairs until the spacecraft began to move away from Europa. Fluctuationsevident in the 4620 KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC compressional componentareprobablyrelatedto the nonlinearity of the pickup process.The speedingup of the flow downstream of Europa can accountfor the field depressionthat appearedin the x > 0 portionof the trajectory. Inside of 1.4 Re on El2 the field magnitude increasesat a rapid rate to a peak almost double that of the ambient field shortlyupstreamof closestapproach.At 1202 UT the transverse perturbations become large, with fluctuations suggestiveof strongfield-alignedcurrents(seeFigure 2c). It seemslikely that in this inner region, additionalprocessesrelatedto diversionof the flow and Alfv6n wing interactions supplement pickup, bendingthe field and further increasingits magnitude.The peak occursbetweenthe center of Europa's crosssectionrelative to the flow direction (x = 0) and closestapproach,which is where one would expectto encounterthe slowestflow alongthe Galileo orbit in a plasmathat is approachingan obstacle. The relative amplitudesof the perturbations on the four passes differed dramatically as is shown in Figure 6. Part of the differencerelates to differing distancesof closestapproachand the symmetryof the passesrelative to the flow. Even allowing for such trajectory-relateddifferences,we think it is significant that the size and scaleof the perturbationwere largeston the only pass (El2) that encountered Europa within the high-density regions near the center of the plasma torus. Although the low altitudeof closestapproachwasuniqueto theEl2 encounter(see Table 1), the magnitudeof the perturbationsignaturewould have been notableon this passeven if the approachhad beenno closer FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA differencesbetweenthe field perturbationsdetectedon the two passes(maximumperturbationof-400 nT on El2 andmaximum perturbationof <50 nT on El4) must relate to the locationof thesetwo passeswithin the plasmatoms. E12, at SystemIII west longitudeof 118ø, encounteredEuropa approximatelywhen it wasembeddedin the highestplasmadensityalongits orbit. E14, at System III west longitude of 184ø, encounteredEuropa approximatelywhen it was embeddedin the lowest plasma densityalong its orbit. We believe that the greatdifferencesin the signaturesarise becauseof this difference in the plasma environment. Our results imply that the rate of plasma pickup varies periodically, and by inference, the neutral cloud density surroundingEuropais significantlymodulatedby its SystemIII longitude. Europa appearsmost like a comet when near the center of the plasma sheet. Its responseto its periodically changing environment is consistent with the time-varying propertiesof the plasmathat sputtersthe neutralsinto Europa's environment. Where pickup is most important,the interaction with the torus plasma would possibly enhanceionospheric densities,and it is likely to generatethe most intense fieldalignedcurrentscouplingEuropa to Jupiter'sionosphere. This suggeststhat a footprint signature of Europa in Jupiter's ionosphereis most probable for footprints at System III west longitudesnear 117ø and 286ø, whereEuropacrossesthe current sheet(seeBr = 0 in Figure 1a). At Callisto the perturbationsdo not vary systematicallywith than that on E4. Indeed, on El2 at the altitude (-700 km) of the distancefrom the moon. Rather they are fluctuationsthat could E4 closestapproach,the perturbationswere 160 nT inboundand be intrinsic to the plasma torus or related to external 80 nT outboundwhereasthe largestperturbationin IBI observed disturbances. There are no featuresthat we find suggestiveof on E4 was 36 nT. extensivecloudsof pickupions aroundthe moon.However,none Support for an interpretationrelating the magnitudeof the of the passeshasoccurrednear the magneticequator,and it will signatureat El2 to its location in the plasma sheetis found by be interestingto seek evidence of the effects of System III comparingEl2 with El4. On El2, not only was the maximum modulaion of the plasmaenvironmentat Callisto in the data of passes. perturbationalmostan order of magnitudelargerthan that on the subsequent other passes,but even at the altitude (-1641 km) of the El4 closestapproach,the El2 perturbation(-150 nT) was almost5 7. Inferences Regarding Internal Sources times larger than the largestperturbationin IBI observedon El4. of Magnetic Perturbations Both the El4 trajectoryand the El2 trajectorystartedupstream The features described in section 6 above that we associate of Europa and ended downstream. Both came closest to the surface on the outward facing upstream side. The passes with plasmaeffectsare either too extendedin spaceor of short occurred at similar local times (see Table 1). Thus the large durationand thereforetoo localizedin spaceto be the signatures 850.0 E4: IBI ........................... 650.0 550.0 450.0 350.0 06:20 06:30 850.0 .............................. E11' IBI 750.0 I 650.0 550.0 450.0 350.0 ........ 20:00 E4Ca ' 06:40 06:50 07:00 07:10 07:20 20:50 21:00 12:20 12:30 13:40 13:50 UT on December 19, 1996 El.1.C/A. .......................... .... ' .............................................. 20:10 ................. 20:20 20:30 t 20:40 UT on November 6, 1997 El2 C/A 850.0 750.0 650.0 El2: IBI 550.0 450.0 350.0 11:30 11:40 11:50 12:00 12:10 UT on December 16, 1997 850.0 El4 C/A .......................................................... 750.0 650.0 El4: IBI 550.0 450.0 350.0 12:50 13:00 ' 13:10 13:20 13:30 UT on March 29, 1998 Figure 6. IBI in nanoteslaversusR (rangefrom Europain RE) for four Europapassesplottedwith identical scales. KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 4621 expectedinduced dipole momentsare given in Table 2. Only passEl8 occursin the southernmagnetosphereof Jupiter. For this pass,the induceddipole shouldlie roughly150ø westof the to be on the scale of the moon's radius and localized near the Jupiterfacing meridianwith an equatorialfield magnitudeof 50 moon. The passesE4 and C9 are most straightforward.In both nT, and this producesa clear distinctionbetweenthe predictions cases,the trajectory remained very closeto the moon's rotational of the FD-E4 and ID models. Unfortunately,this passwill be at equator. Becausethe induceddipole momentalwayslies in the high altitude (2276 km), and only low time resolutiondata will rotationalequator, this type of trajectoryis especiallysuited to be acquired. On passEl6 the altitude will be somewhatlower, identifyingthe signatureof an inducedfield. In both cases,the Bx recordeddata will be available, and the imposedfield will be at and By components predictedby the inducedfield model an angle rotated well to the east of the FD-E4 model, so the distinction will be significant. However, this pass will occur correspondquite closely to the measuredvalues. As noted in relatively near the centerof the plasmasheet,and plasmaeffects section4, the small amplitudesof the perturbationsproducedby an inducedfield signaturefor both the E11 passand the El2 pass are likely to dominatethe perturbations.It may, therefore,prove diminish the value of these passes for interpreting internal impossible to differentiate between the two models of internal field contributionson this pass. sources. For pass El4 the induced field model again gives a For Callisto the distinctionbetweena permanentintrinsic field satisfactory fit to theBxandBycomponents. Despite the results from passesE4 and El4 suggestingthat and an induced field is clearer becausepassesC3 and C9 were induced fields can explain the transversecomponentsof the both close encounters, and one occurred above the current sheet while the other occurred below the current sheet. The ID model perturbations,the presenceof a small intrinsic dipole field for provides a reasonableapproximationto the generaltrend of the Europais not ruled out by the data that we have acquiredup until this time. The difficulty is that exceptfor passEl2 on which the transversefield perturbationsfor both passC3 and passC9. The signatureis obscuredby plasma-relatedfluctuationson passC10. signatureis dominatedby plasmapickup,the encountersup until this time have all occurred at times when the time-varying An intrinsic dipole field model can be ruled out for Callisto componentof Jupiter'sfield was predominantlyorientedradially becauseany modelthat fits the C3 perturbationscannotfit the C9 perturbations.We conclude that for Callisto the induced field outward. The ID model and the perpendiculardipole of the FDE4 model give very similar predictionsfor passesE4, E11, and model provides a plausible interpretationof the observations. El4 as is evident in Table 2. The model dipoles are all oriented Additional passes by Callisto in the GEM mission whose within ___20 ø of the Jupiterfacing meridianwith equatorialfield trajectoriesare shown in Figure 7b will provide further tests of magnitude ranging from 92 to 106 nT. Because of the the induced field model. uncertaintyregardingthe contributionof plasmacurrents,these values must be regardedas being within the uncertaintyof the 8. Discussion signatures. Most of the Europapassesscheduledin the remainingyearsof The signaturesfrom mostof the passesby Europaand Callisto GEM will occur north of the center of the torus, implying show that plasma perturbations are extremely important, externalfield configurationssimilar to thosealreadyencountered particularly near Europa where the indirect signaturesof ion as can be seenin Figure l a. (The trajectoriesof the passesby pickup are evident. Nonetheless,the systematicvariationsof the Europa and Callisto are shown in Figures 7a and 7b.) The componentsof the field transverseto the spin axis compellingly support the idea that internal sources also contribute to the perturbations. For Europa it is possiblethat the internal sources arise either from permanent magnetization or from dynamo Table 2. Parametersof Model Dipoles action. The evidencethat Europa is differentiatedand probably Angle FromJupiter EquatorialField has an iron core [Anderson et al., 1997] allows one to take the Model FacingMeridian Magnitude nT latter possibilityseriously. Nevertheless,at this stagein the data Mñfor theEuropapasses a acquisitionthe possibilitythat inductive currentsflowing within FD-E4b 20øwest 85 but near the surface contribute the perturbationsprovides a E4: ID 17 ø east 92 convincing alternative interpretation. For Callisto the induced E11 :ID 13 ø west 101 field mechanismprovidesan excellentfit in two caseswherethe perturbationsare significant relative to the backgroundfield. E12:ID 68 ø east 42 Any permanentintrinsic field would be negligibly small. The E14:ID -2 ø east 106 plasmamagneticfields are expectedto be mainly nondipolarand E15:ID -135 ø west -30 small because Europa and Callisto were outside of Jupiter's E16:ID 65 ø east -42 plasma sheetwhen the inductioneffectswere observed. E17:ID 45 ø east -60 A conductingshell near the surfacecan produceperturbations E18:ID 150 ø west -50 consistent with the observationsonly if its height-integrated E 19:ID 30 ø west -60 conductivity is sufficiently large. Let us consider the M•_.forthe Callistopasses requirements. Suppose that Europa (or Callisto) possessesa FD-C3 c 0o 14 conducting shell close enough to the physical surface to be C3 :ID 4 ø west 16 approximatedas coincidentwith that surface. Within this layer, C9:ID 172 ø west 17 the magneticfield satisfiesthe equation of internaldipolar fields. In orderto identify the internal sources of magneticperturbations,we focus initially on the passesin which signaturesof at least a few tens of nanoteslaare observed C10:ID 172 ø west 15 C20:ID 8 ø west 17 C21 :ID 177 ø east 10 C22:ID 171ø east 21 C23:ID -8 ø west 10 aparameters for E4-E14 andC3-C10fromfits. Remainingentries arepredictedfrom the KK97 model. bThe projection ofa dipole withpolarangle135ørelative to Europa'sspin axis. CThe projection of a dipolewithpolarangle80ørelativeto Callisto'sspinaxis. V2B= k2B (1) wherek2_-ito/.tcr,ryis theelectrical conductivity, tois the angularfrequencyof the inducingfield = f2j- •2moon , i.e., the difference between the angular frequencyof Jupiter's rotation, f2j, and of the moon's orbital motion, •2moon , and /.tis the permeability (-- permeability of free space). The inverse magnitudeof k is relatedto 8, the skindepth 4622 KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA -5 E19 E16 -4 Flow -3 0500 -2 17 0210 -1 X 0 0220 0350 0230 0400 130 5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 _-- 1200 1 -E19 - ; . '- 1140 0140 5 : El•O - -1 _-- o5•o : -2 _-E17 0 - .. -,•- 1120 olO0 E18-- 0220 - o o5•o-- 0340 •. . 1::1..6 :::1 0440 _ 0420 0400 - -3 -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 llllllllllllllllllllllll1 2 3 4 5 Figure 7a. Same as Figures3 and 5 but for additionalpassesby (a) Europa (E15-E19) in the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) period. (0'3/o9 / 2)-1/2 (2) encountered in the analysis of electromagnetic waves in conductingmaterials.It characterizesthe depth to which wave power can penetrateinto a conductor. Both above and below the conducting shell one can approximatethe conductivityas that of free space.C. Zimmer et al. (manuscriptin preparation,1998) showthat providedrJt5>> 1, the responseof a very good conductoris approximatedfor all conductivitiesand shellthicknesses that satisfythe inequality (3) where d is the shell thickness. KIVELSON ET AL.' INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 4623 -4 Flow -3 -2 -1 x o 1740 0750 1350 0740 1720 0730 4 -4 N -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0 -1 •= i '•-os•,o•i •,•o c2/3•2 t C21 0730 0740 •.... ions; -2 -3 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Y Figure 7b. Sameas 7a for Callisto (C20-C23). One needs to considerthe location of the shell where the inducednear-surfacecurrentsflow. One appealingpossibilityis that the currentsflow in the moon'sionosphere.The existenceof an ionosphereat Europahasbeenreportedby Kliore et al. [ 1997] from analysisof radio occultationmeasurements.Mechanisms The proposalthat the ionospherecarriesthe inducedcurrentscan be readily rejected. The skin depth determinesthe minimum thicknessof a shell capableof carryingcurrentslarge enoughto balancethe radial componentof the time-varyingfield at its outer boundary. A peak ionosphericconductivitycan be estimated for producing the ionosphere havebeendescribed by several fromo• = nee2/mOOce, wheren• is theelectron density, m is the authors,mostrecentlyby Ip et al. [1998] and Saur et al. [1998]. mass of the ionospheric ions, ro•.•= qB/me is the electron 4624 KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC gyrofrequency,q is the electroncharge,and me is the electron mass. In Europa's ionosphere,B = 400 nT and ne < 10,000 FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA to the surfacethan that generally supposed. On the basis of an examinationof the previouslypublisheddipole momentobtained electrons/cm 3 witha scaleheightof order240km [Klioreet al., from the C3 data [Khurana et al., 1997], Neubauer [1998a] suggestedthe possibility of induced currents within Callisto 1997]. Thisimpliesthato) < 4 x 10-3S/m.Thecorresponding skin depth is -1500 km. Equation (3) then implies that the presumablyflowing in an ocean. The additionaldata from pass ionospheric depth would have to be comparableto the lunar C9 and the successof the inducedfield modelin fitting datafrom radius to carry the required current. Such a deep ionosphereis both passesleadsus to supporthis suggestion. Thus our data supportcompellinglythe unexpectedresultthat inconsistentwith the limitations imposedby the measuredscale height, so an ionosphericclosure path must be rejected as the Callisto has a salty water oceanor perhapssomeother meltedor partly meltedlayer morethan 10 km thick (seeequation(4)) that principal causeof the observedsignature. can conductelectricityand that is located only a smallfractionof Alternative currentclosurepathslie within the solid surfaceof the satelliteradiusbeneaththe surface. The latter is a surprising the moons. The possibility that the time-varyingcomponentof the Jovian magneticfield might induce currentswithin the solid result,even in light of the new dataon the momentof inertia that body of Europa seemsto have been discussedfirst by Colburn imply a partially differentiatedstructure[Andersonet al., 1998]. and Reynolds[1985]. More recently,othershave speculatedon Certainly, there is no problem in placing an ocean near the this possibility [Kargel and Consolmagno,1996; Neubauer, minimal melting point of water ice, which occurs at 200 km 1998a]. depth (a pressureof 2 kbar), but the magneticfield suggestsan ocean that is closer to the surface. As the surfacelayers of both Europa and Callisto are icy, a For Europa the distinction between an induced field and a conductingsubsurfaceocean becomesa possibility. The ocean depth requiredby equation (3) can be estimatedby scalingthe permanentdipole momentwhosecomponentperpendicularto the shell thicknessto 100 km and the conductivityto that of Earth's spin axis has a surfaceequatorial field of order 100 nT is not oceans,-2.5 S/m at 0øC [Montgomery,1963]. Then we get the secure on the basis of the data available at this time. There are two compellingargumentsthat the sourceof the transversedipole requirementon the height-integratedconductivity0-d, moment is inductive. First, it seemsimprobablethat a model with no adjustableparameterworks as well as it doesif it has no (0'/2.5 S/m) (d/100 km) > 0.1 (4) basisin reality. Second,the large tilt requiredby the FD-E4 model (45ø from the spin axis), while not impossible,would which meansthat the oceancanbe as saltyasEarth's oceanswith differ markedly from the small tilts observedfor other solid a thicknessof order 10 km, or less salty than Earth's oceansand magnetized bodies. (Neptune and Uranus differ by having thickerthan 10 km, or somecombinationof theserangesand still relatively poorly electrically conducting dynamos in "icy" be in the desiredregime. Water ice has a conductivitymany interiors [Connerney, 1993].) Thus, for Europa as well as ordersof magnitudetoo small to work. Dirty ice near its melting Callisto, we favor the induced field model as the explanationof point can supportinduction currents. Unlessthe outermostpart the observedMñ. For Europa an additionalcontributionfrom a of the rocky core is extensivelypervadedby partial melt (water permanentMz with a surface equatorial field of order 100 nT alone is unlikely to do it), it will lack the conductivityto provide cannot be excluded on the basis of the present analysis. the necessaryresponse. Even partial melt may be insufficient. Corrections to both models for the effects of Alfv•n wing currents [Neubauer, 1998b] will also be needed to more Frozen brine, presumably in veins or cracks, might provide accurately represent the observations. Fortunately, the conductivitypaths through an otherwisepure ice layer, but this predictionsof the two competingmodels on at least one of the conductivitywould still be less than that of salty water by an orbitsin the GEM missionmay differ enoughto providea critical order of magnitudeor more and would moreoverapply only to a test provided that the background field remains relatively smallfractionof the surfaceareaof the satellite. Ice nearmelting undisturbed. point or capillarychannelswithin a porouslayer are conceivable, but it may be difficult to developthermalmodelsthat remainnear 9. Conclusion meltingover tensof kilometerswith no meltedlayer. In applying the induced field model to Europa and Callisto, We have arguedthat the magneticperturbationsobservedin we have assumedhigh conductivity with the current-carrying the Galileo passesnear Europa and Callisto can be interpretedas layer very close to the surface. If the conductinglayer were the signaturesof induced dipole momentsarising from currents below the surface at a radial distance ra from the center, the flowing in near-surfaceconducting shells. For each pass, the signal would decreasein amplitude with distancer from the strength and orientation of the induced magnetic moment are center as(ra/r)3andit wouldbesmaller thantheobservations by governedby the instantaneouslocal value of the time-varying a factorof about(ra/r•.) 3wherer,.istheradius of themoon.Thus componentof Jupiter'smagneticfield. The interpretationis not an ocean whose upper boundary is 10 km below the surfaceof unambiguouslysupportedby the data from the four Europa Europa would account for the data. On the other hand, if the passesthat we have analyzed. However, this model (which, as ocean were buffed 100 km beneath the surface, the induced field we noted in section 8, makes explicit predictionswith no free would be smallerthan we have calculatedby a factorof-0.8, and parameters) gives a reasonable lowest-order fit to the it would not fit the data well. At Callisto, burying the ocean observationsin the casesfor which the expectedsignatureof the 100 km below the satellitesurfacewould decreasethe predicted induced field is larger than signaturesthat we associatewith field by 0.88, resultingin a significantbut possiblyacceptable plasmacurrents. Departuresfrom the predictionsof the model mismatch to the data. can in all casesplausibly be attributed to the ambient plasma. Although othershave consideredthe existenceof a subsurface Thus we believe that the inducedfield model and the implication ocean on Europa, models of the interior have not taken the that a subsurfaceconductinglayer existson both moonsdeserve possibilityof oceanswithin Callisto seriously. Callisto'ssurface serious consideration. appears geologically dead, with features that appear to have The observedmagneticfield perturbations requirea cometpersistedsinceearly timesexceptfor processes relatedto impacts like interactionbetweenEuropaandJupiter'splasmasheet. The and surfacesublimation. Although it is partly differentiated, intensityof the interactionis modulated by SystemIII longitude. Callisto's gravitationalfield indicatesthat it is by far the least Relatedphenomena suchasthe structure of Europa'sionosphere differentiated of the Galilean satellites [Andersonet al., 1998]. and the strengthof the currentsystemcouplingEuropa to Images show an unexpected degree of sublimation-driven Jupiter'sionosphere are expectedto revealanalogous systematic processesthat might conceivablyindicate a warm interior closer changes if orderedby Europa'sSystemIII longitude. KIVELSON ET AL.: INDUCED OR INTRINSIC FIELDS IN A VARYING PLASMA 4625 Acknowledgments.We are gratefulto DuaneBindschadler of the Jet PropulsionLaboratoryfor supportin all phasesof datacollectionandto Joe Marl for data processingand preparationof data plots. 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