Control and Analysis of Regenerative Power Distribution on Electrical Variable Transmission Using Fuzzy Logic on HEV System Abdelsalam Ahmed1*, Shumei Cui2 1 2 Dept. of Electrical Machines and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Dept. of Electrical Machines and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, China E-mail: of the studied HEV. Many efforts have been developed for researching and discussing different aspects of this series/parallel HEV [12]-[18]. Induction Machines-EVT has been researched for many years as the drive train concept of HEV [16]-[18]. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM) has been research as the strongest candidate as an EVT power train for the HEV [12]-[15], [19]. In this paper, by adopting the decision-making property of the fuzzy logic and at the deceleration time, a regenerative braking controller has been developed. By this fuzzy logic controller, the total torque command for the EVT machines is generated from the vehicle velocity, battery state of charge, and vehicle’s delivered power. The paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the description of the studied HEV with the typical data of the Toyota prius HEV powered by PMSM-EVT instead of the THS transmission. Under the supervision of the rule-based strategy [17], [18], the EMR dynamic model, control and integration of the subsystems are described in section III. Then, section IV describes the implementation process of the proposed regenerative braking control strategy based on fuzzy logic. The vehicle performance and the power flow through the ICE, PMSM-EVT machines, and the battery are analyzed and discussed at different driving cycles in Section VI. Abstract — In this paper, an intelligent regenerative power management controller based on fuzzy logic has been presented to strategize the regenerative process on HEV trained by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines-Electrical Variable Transmission (PMSM-EVT). Then, the power flow through EVT-machines as motors and generators during the driving cycle has been analyzed. This fuzzy logic-based control strategy is designed based on the most effective variables on the system, the state of charge of the battery, the power requested at the wheels and the vehicle velocity. The proposed strategy and the system performance are validated and tested through the simulation results with different driving cycles. The proposed strategy optimizes the distribution of the braking power between the regenerative and the hydraulic parts. This helps to save the ratings of the power units of HEV system (engine, battery, and PMSM-EVT machines), and exploits the EVT machines as motors and generators on driving the vehicle and charging the battery, respectively. I. INTRODUCTION A regenerative brake is an energy recovery mechanism which slows a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into another form, which can be either used immediately or stored until needed. This contrasts with conventional braking systems, where the excess kinetic energy is converted to heat by friction in the brake linings and therefore wasted. In order to provide the appropriate regenerative braking for the given driving conditions, a control algorithm is required to organize the distribution process for the braking energy between the regenerative and the friction. Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) is a somewhat intelligent, cost-effective nonlinear control. It has been successfully applied in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) areas of energy management strategy [1]-[5]. Also, FLC was applied in regenerative braking distribution in different types of HEVs [6]-[8]. The HEV as a complex system needs robust tool to model and control its subsystems. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is an interesting tool, allowing a global overview of the system while taking into account the main physical properties. Also, it is a graphical description to organize model and energy management of complex systems. EMR has successfully been used to model and control HEVs [9]-[15]. Electrical Variable Transmission (EVT) is the powertrain II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PMSM-EVT-HEV PMSM-EVT, Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), battery, and final gear are the main components of the studied HEV as shown in Fig.1. Fig. 1 Hybrid electric vehicle system driven with PMSM-EVT 1 Double rotor PMSM (EM1), normal PMSM (EM2) and two power converters are the components of the split PMSMEVT unit. The inner rotor of EM1 is connected mechanically to ICE and has distributed windings (stator1) that are connected to inverter 1 across the brushes and slip-rings. The rotor of EM2 is connected to the final gear of the vehicle and the outer rotor of EM1, and the stator windings are connected to inverter2. Vector control with field weakening strategy is used to drive the PMSM-EVT machines. So, the PMSMs have been exploited to optimize the ICE operation via covering the speed and torque differences between the vehicle requirements and the optimized output of the engine. In this paper, the typical ICE torque-speed profile, capacity of battery pack and other control parameters are known for the Toyota prius HEV, and are listed in Table 1 [20]. Whereas, the power parameters of the EM1 and EM2 are designed by the author [21]. III. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 0 2 00 30 0 4 00 5 00 60 0 7 00 EMR SIMULATION MODEL AND CONTROL OF HEV SYSTEM ICE, inverters, battery, transmission and vehicle dynamics are modeled by EMR as depicted in Fig. 2 indicating the global modeling and integration of the PMSM-EVT-HEV Fig.2 Global EMR of PMSM-EVT-HEV with the common control structure and FL regenerative controller components with their controllers. The details of the model of these plants could be found in [9], [10] and [17] [18]. In this paper, the model of the PMSM-EVT machines and braking distribution system and their control are presented for highlighting the operation process of the proposed controller. TABLE 1 Simulation parameters of Toyota Prius HEV [20], [21] Nominal Voltage 288 V Published Capacity 6.5 Ah (1.5KWh) Battery power 21 KW(at 50%SOC) Maximum Power 43kW @4000rpm ICE and its Peak Torque 103 Nm@ 4000 rpm control Optimum power of ICE 7 : 40 KW parameters Optimum speed of ICE 1200 : 3972 rpm Highest battery state of charge 0.75 Hybrid Lowest battery state of charge 0.45 Control strategy Target SOC 0.6 Vehicle parameters EM1 EM2 Final drive gear, 3.93 Gravity, 9.81 m/s^2 Air density, Total mass, Maximum velocity, coefficient of aerodynamic drag, Maximum acceleration frontal area of vehicle, rolling radius of tire, rolling resistance coefficient, Slop angle of the road, α Maximum power, KW Rated power, KW Maximum torque data, Nm/rpm Rated torque data ,Nm/rpm Maximum speed Maximum power Rated power Maximum torque data, Nm/rpm Rated torque data, Nm/rpm Maximum speed 1.2 kg/m^3 1368 Kg 70.75 Km/h 0.3 1.19 m/s2 1.746;(m^2), 0.287;(m), 0.0165 0 17.85 KW 11.6KW 105Nm @ 0-1623rpm 80Nm @ 0-1384rpm 2483rpm 25.2 KW 13KW 110Nm @ 0-2000rpm 60Nm @ 0-2000rpm 4000rpm A. Chassis Model The chassis couple the traction force system (double triangles). and the brake (1) Moreover the chassis accumulates kinetic energy in the mass of the vehicle (crossed rectangle). The HEV velocity is the state variable of this accumulation element, and the resistant derived from the total traction force . force (2) B. Inversion of the Chassis The first element to invert is the accumulation element (2). It requires a controller to define the reference force from the velocity reference , using a _ _ rejection of the disturbance . _ _ (3) with C(t) the controller, this inversion represents the driver in fact. In order to invert the mechanical coupling (1), a is used to define the regenerative distribution coefficient and reference of the brake and traction forces, _ from the reference of the total traction _ force . _ 2 _ _ _ 1 3) Current Controllers: are required to invert current relationships that deduced from windings equation (6). (4) _ C. EMR Model of the PMSM The EMR model of the PMSM machine has been depicted in three stages. 1) Park Transformation : voltages and stator currents reference frame. that expresses stator in the (d, q) rotating ΔΩ as state . _ IV. The kinetic stored energy on the running vehicle could be converted into two parts, the regenerated part and the friction losses part. Using a fixed regenerative factor is not suitable has to be for the whole driving. At low vehicle speeds, increased to charge the battery more. But, at high speeds, increasing this factor will increase the regenerated power from EM2 and may exceed its limits. So, a regenerative strategy has been developed intelligently via FLC which designed carefully to control adaptively the regenerative factor according to all effective variables. SOC, power stored on the vehicle, and the vehicle velocity are the most effective variables used for determining the recovered power from the vehicle. (8) (9) where, , , and the flux linkage and current components in d-q directions, ω and ω denote the electrical angular speeds for rotor and stator, respectively, number of pole pairs, and flux linkage of the permanent magnet. D. Maximum Control Structure Vector Control of PMSM B. Description of the Designed FLC Due to the big necessary of extending the speed rage, field oriented control with the possibility of field weakening has been used for both EM1 and EM2. This procedure basically deals with the magnetic and torque component current. The FLC system comprises basically from three main subsystems, FLC input variables, the membership functions of input and output fuzzy variables, and the fuzzy logic rules. 1) Input/output Membership Functions for Fuzzy Logic 1) The Reference Current _ : the inversion of torque equation, (7) leads to the reference current from the _ torque reference . _ The proposed membership functions are developed based on the pre-calculated limits of vehicle performance, PMSMEVT machines and battery’s SOC. Figure 3 shows the input and output variables describing their boundaries, and depicts the shape and ranges of Membership Functions (MFs). For all input/output variables, the concourses are set as VH, H, M, L, and VL. The first input, the vehicle stored power, is ranged from zero at stopping to maximum value at maximum deceleration rate, which represents worst case of brake. Also, the range of MFs of the vehicle velocity has been divided according to the effect of each speed range. Whereas, the SOC of the battery is organized according to its lowest, highest, and target values listed in Table 1. Finally, the (10) 2) The Reference Current _ : Also, the reference current _ is forced to zero under the base speed and then forced to negative value related to the speed as soon as the speed exceeds the base speed [22]. 0 ω ω ω IMPLEMENTATION OF FUZZY LOGIC A. Regenerative Factor and Effective Variables (7) ω (14) REGENERATIVE BRAKING CONTROL STRATEGY 3) The Electromechanical Conversion: leads to the machine torque and the B.EMF from the stator currents and the rotation speed as (7), (8) and (9). 1 _ _ where, , and are the stator resistance and d-q inductances of PMSM respectively. _ (13) _ is the speed difference between rotor and stator. (6) _ (12) 5) Finally, an Inversion of Park Transformation and Index of the Inverters: it leads to reference voltages from the _ (d-q) voltages and the index of the inverters from the battery. where , is the rotor position with respect to the stator frame. _ _ _ _ 2) Stator Windings: impose the stator currents i variables from the stator voltages and E.M.F. _ 4) Variables Estimation: In practice only stator currents and rotational speed are measured, and the other variables are . estimated such as _ (5) _ _ _ (11) 3 membership functions of the regenerative factor are carefully shaped according to the power limiits of EVT-EM2. For , the concourse VL means no regeneraative power 0, while VH means all kinetic power on thhe vehicle 1 will be recovered to battery via EVT machinnes. The proposed fuzzy rule base was develloped from three inputs: the vehicle speed, the driver demandeed power, and the battery state of charge (SOC). These inputs are fuzzified and mal rule base was then fed into the fuzzy controller. The optim found from experimentation with the system. The is the output vaariable of the regenerative factor defuzzification process. In turns, this factorr determines the magnitude of the regenerative torque for the E EVT machines as illustrated in down part of Fig. 2. (a) 2) Fuzzy Logic Rules with 125 Rules The performance of the FLC depends heaavily on its fuzzy rules. The rule base for the 125 rules is built tto relate the three inputs with the output factor. Each of the innputs and output has 5 linguistic variables. The relation betweeen the input and the output variables can be clearly seen in the surface plot which is shown in Fig. 4 (a, b). These rules ffor managing the regenerative process are explained below: , the eengine is turned • If SOC is VH, i.e. OFF and is VL i.e. 0 (no regenerating power required from the EVT machines) whatever the velocity and stored braking power are. • If SOC is VL, i.e. SOC SOC , the engiine is turned ON and K is VH i.e. K max (maximum poower is recovered from the braking power via the EM2 machinne and no friction braking), this for all velocities and for storeed braking power except two cases. The first exception is whenn the vehicle runs at very low velocity, K has to be decreased because it is not preferable to operate the EVT machines as ggenerators at very low speeds. The second exception is when thhe vehicle runs at very high speed, K has to be changed from H to VL gradually according to the SOC and the brakinng power. 0.4 Regenerative factor 0.35 Deg. MF VH M H L 0.1 0 80 Deg. MF 0 60 -1 40 -2 20 Velocity (Km/h) (b) 0 -4 -3.5 5 -3 -0.5 -1.5 -2.5 4 x 10 Vehicle power (W) Effect of vehicle power and velocity on the t FLC variables Fig. 4 Surface plot for the • When SOC within its operating raange, i.e. , K is adaptively conttrolled, and its value is automatically changed in the rangee of (0-1) according to the required operation points. Controlling on K is conditioned to sustaining the SOC at its optimum m, range and exploiting the saved kinetic energy in the vehicle to recharge the battery o PMSM machines and with saving the power limits of maximum capacity of the battery. VL -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 Vehicle stored power (W) -1 -0.5 V. SIMULATION RESULT TS AND ANALYSIS OF REGENERATIVE POWE ER DISTRIBUTION ON PMSM-E EVT 0 4 x 10 1.5 1 VL L H M VH 0.5 A. Simulation Results 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Velovity of vehicle (Km/h) 60 70 80 90 The simulation results are carrried out on three different driving cycles to ensure the effecctiveness of the proposed regenerative FL strategy at medium m and high power driving. The main specifications of these driving d cycles are listed on Table 2. The simulation results seen n in Fig. 5 indicate that the simulation speed can tracking the driving cycle profile, in a way which indicates that the drivee ability is satisfied. Also, the variation of the regenerativee factor is depicted. Working the rule base control sttrategy with the proposed regenerative mechanism, the SOC C is controlled within its 1.5 Deg. MF 0.2 0.15 0.5 0 -4 VL 1 L M H 0.5 SOC 0.6 0.7 VH 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.9 1 0.9 1 1.5 Deg. MF 0.3 0.25 0.05 1.5 1 Effect of SOC and vehiicle velocity on the 1 VL L H M VH 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Regenerative factor (Kd) 0.7 0.8 Fig. 3 Input and output membership functions of the prooposed FL controller: VL=very low, L=low, M=medium, H=high, VH H=very high. 4 required range as shown in Fig. 6 for the three driving cycles. Also, Fig. 6 shows the charging and discharging mechanisms of the battery indicating that with the appropriate regenerative mechanism, the battery power rating could be decreased. Fig. 7 shows the torque-speed profile of the engine at different driving cycles ensuring that the ICE is fully controlled to operate in its high efficient region. CYC-1015-6PRIUS CYC-1015-6PRIUS-Modified Velocity (Km/h) 100 50 0 50 50 0 0 Regenerative factor 100 90 70 B. Power Flow Analysis of PMSM-EVT Machines Referring to Fig. 8, showing the power of ICE, EM1 and EM2 at different driving cycles, the power flow is analyzed below. ICE delivers power all time with the lowest limit equal to the minimum optimal power, and with the increase of the requested power at the wheels, the ICE delivers more power within its optimum boundaries. For EM1, it operates as a generator when the speed of engine is greater the speed of vehicle (NEM1>NEM2), while operates as motor when the speed of the vehicle is greater than the speed of the engine (NEM2>NEM1). For EM2, it operates as a generator when the torque of engine is greater the torque of vehicle (TEM1>TEM2), while operates as a motor when the torque of the vehicle is greater than the speed of the engine (TEM2>TEM1). The power flows through the ICE, EM1, EM2 and battery reaching to the wheels of the vehicle have been studied via three different driving cycles. With the proposed FL regenerative strategy and field weakening vector control of the PMSM-EVT machines, the simulation results show that the power of plants into their predetermined boundaries. CYC-UDDS 100 90 200 400 600 0 0 200 400 600 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 200 400 600 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 0 200 400 Time (sec) 600 Fig. 5 Simulation results under tested driving cycles with the resulting regenerative factor 0.75 Battery SOC 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 CYC-UDDS CYC-1015-6PRIUS-Modified CYC-1015-6PRIUS 0.4 0 x 10 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 4 2 CONCLUSION Battery power (W) VI. An intelligent regenerative controller has been designed using Mamdani-type of a fuzzy logic to strategize the amount of regenerative power. The controller receives the battery SOC, vehicle velocity and the power that is requested at the wheels and determines the value of regenerative factor and then the value of the reference torque applied to the PMSMEVT machines. The effectiveness of the proposed FL controller has been demonstrated via the global modeling integrating of the subsystems of HEV using an efficient modeling tool, EMR. Also, FOC of EM1 and EM2 has been developed with field weakening method to extend the constant power operation and to save the power boundaries of the machines. The simulation results at different circumstances demonstrate that the proposed strategy is able to recover power according to nature of the driving cycles and power limits of PMSM-EVT machines, and also the required power from the driver has been satisfied with the complete HEV system. TABLE 2 Specifications of the used driving cycles Max. Max. CYC velocity Acceleration ( m/s^2) (Km/h) 1015-6PRIUS 70.75 1.19 Modified-1015-6PRIUS 90 1.5 UDDS 91.25 1.48 1 0 -1 CYC-UDDS CYC-1015-6PRIUS-Modified CYC-1015-6PRIUS -2 0 100 200 300 400 Time (sec) 500 600 700 Fig. 6 Battery power and SOC at different driving cycles 120 Maximum torque line 0.45 100 0.4 Engine torque (Nm) 80 0.35 CYC-UDDS 60 1015-6PRIUS-Modified 1015-6PRIUS 40 0.3 0.25 20 Max. 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