Troubadour Music: Lyrics & English Translations

Naxos 8.554257 - Music of the Troubadours
Lyrics: French with English translation
Tant m'abelis
So much I love
- Berenguier de Palou
Tant m'abelis jois et amors et chans
So much I love joy and love and song,
ert alegrier deports e cortezia,
mirth, sport and courtesy,
que l'mon non a ricor ni manentia
that in the world there is no wealth nor riches
don mielhs d'aisso'm tengues per benonans
that could make me feel happier.
doncs, sai ieu ben que midons ten las claus
Therefore I know well that my lady holds the keys
de totz los bes qu'ieu aten ni esper
of all the good that I expect and hope for,
e ren d'aiso sens lieys non puesc aver.
and none of this can I have without her.
Sa gran valors e sos humils semblans
Her great courage and her modest look,
son gen parlar e sa bella paria,
her gentle speech and her fair company
m'an fait ancse voler senhoria
have made me always love her dominion
plus que d'autra qu'ieu vis pueys ni dabans;
more than any other's I have seen before or since;
e si'l sieu cors amoros e suaus
and if her loving and tender heart
e sa merce no'm denha retener,
deigns not to keep me under her mercy,
ja d'als amors no'm pot far mon plazer.
love cannot please me with anything else.
Tant ai volgut sos bes e sos enans,
So have I wanted her good and her renown,
e dezirat lieys e sa companhia
and so have I desired her and her company
que ja no cre, si lonhar m'en volia
that I believe if she wanted me to leave her
que ja partir s'en pogues mos talans;
I could never be able to part from her;
e s'ieu n'ai dit honor ni be ni laus,
and if I declare her honour, her good and her fame,
no m'en fas ges per messongier tener,
I could not be held to be a liar,
qu'ab sa valor sap ben proar mon ver.
since her worth proves my honesty.
Belha domna, corteza, benestans,
Fair lady, courteous, kind,
ab segur sen, ses blasme ses folhia,
of sure judgement, without blemish or folly,
so tot no'us vey tan soven cum volria,
although I do not see you as often as I would,
mos pessamens aleuja mos afans,
my fancy lightens my desire
en que'm delieyt e'm sojorn e'm repaus
in which is my delight, my ease and my repose,
e quan no'us puesc estiers dels huelhs vezer
and when my eyes cannot see you,
vey vos ades en pessan jor e ser.
I see you in my thoughts, day and night.
Sabetz per que no'm vir ni no'm balans
Do you know why I do not turn aside or hesitate
de vos amar ma belha dous'amia?
in loving you, my fair, gentle friend?
Quar ja no'm cal doptar, si ieu'us avia,
Because if I had you, I should not fear
que mesclessetz falsia ni enjans;
that you put forward any falsehood or deceit;
per qu'ieu am mais, quar sol albirar n'aus
for I prefer, although I only presume it,
que vos puscatz a mos ops eschazer
that you could some day be mine
qu'autra baizar, embrassar ni tener.
than kiss, embrace or hold another woman
Doncs sí' eu ja'm vey dins vostres bratz enclaus So if I ever am held in your arms
si qu'ambeduy nos semblen d'un voler,
so that both of us are of one mind,
meravil me on poiria'l joy caber.
I wonder how I could contain my joy
Domna, pos vos ay chausida
Lady, for you
- Anon.
No puesc sofrir qu'a la dolor
I cannot prevent with pain
- Giraut de Bornelh
Non puésc sofrir qu'a la dolor
I cannot prevent with pain
de la dent la lenga no'm vir;
in a tooth my tongue returning to it;
e'l còr amb la novéla flor,
so does my heart to the new flower,
lanquand vei los raméls florir
when I see the boughs blossom
e'lh chant son pel bascatge
and through the woodland sounds the song
dels auselets enamorats;
of birds in love;
e si tot m'esau apensats
although I am pensive
ni pres per malauratge,
and sad in my thoughts,
quand vei chants e vergièrs e prats,
when I see these songs and meadows and fields,
ieu renovèl e m'assolaç.
I am renewed and comforted.
Ar me puesc ieu lauzar d'Amor
Now I can be satisfied with Love
Peire Cardenal (contrafactum)
Ar me puesc ieu lauzar d'Amor,
Now I can be satisfied with Love,
que no'm tol manjar ni dormir;
for he takes from me neither eating nor sleeping;
ni'n sen friedura ni calor
nor through him do I feel cold or heat,
ni no'm badall ni so'm sospir
nor do I yawn or sigh,
ni'n vauc de nueg arratge,
nor do I wander at night,
ni'n soi conquistz ni'n soi cochatz,
nor am I conquered or weighed down,
ni'n soi dolenz ni'n soi iratz,
nor am I sad or vexed,
ni no'n logi messatge;
nor do I hire a messenger;
ni'n soi trazitz ni enganatz,
nor am I betrayed or deceived,
que partitz m'en soi ab mos datz.
since I am parted from her by cast of dice.
Autre plazer nái ieu maior,
I have a greater pleasure,
que no'n traisc ni fauc trair,
since I betray not nor am betrayed,
ni'n tem tracheiris ni trachor,
nor fear traitress nor traitor ,
ni brau gilos que mén azir;
nor do I fear fierce jealousy;
ni'n fauc fol vassallatge,
nor do I suffer angry servitude,
ni'n soi feritz ni derocatz,
nor am I injured nor overthrown,
ni'n soi pres ni deraubatz,
nor am I captive nor captured,
ni no'n fauc long badatge,
nor do I suffer long-delayed hope,
ni dic qu'eu soi d'Amor forsatz,
nor do I say that I am forsaken by Love,
ni dic que mos cors més emblatz.
nor say that my heart has been taken from me.
Ni dic qu'ieu mor per la gensor,
Nor do I say I die for the most amiable,
ni dic que.l bella.m fai languir,
nor say that the fair one makes me languish,
ni non la prec ni non l'azor,
nor do I beg her nor adore her ,
ni la deman ni la dezir;
nor long for her nor yearn for her;
ni no.l fas homenatge,
nor do I do homage to her ,
ni no.l m'autrei ni.l me soi datz,
nor do I submit to her nor give myself up,
ni non soi sieus endomenjatz,
nor am I her servant,
ni a mon cor en gatge,
nor is my heart in thrall,
ni soi sos pres ni sos liatz,
nor am I her captive nor her bond-slave,
anz dic qu'ieu li sol escapatz.
but I say I have escaped from her.
Mais deu hom lauzar vensedor
But the victor deserves praise
no fai vençut, qui.l ver vol dir,
rather than the conquered, to speak truth,
car lo vencens porta la flor
for the victor bears the flower
e.l vençut vai hom sebelir;
and the conquered the grave;
e qui venc son coratge
and he who conquers his spirit
de las desleials voluntatz
away from disloyal desires
don ieis lo faitz desmezuratz
from which proceed unruly actions
e li autre autratge,
and further excesses,
d'aquel venser es plus onratz
for that victory is the more honoured
que si vensia cent ciutatz.
who has conquered a hundred cares.
Pauc pres prim prec de pregador,
Little do I value the suppliant's keen prayer,
car cre qu’il, cuy quer convertir,
for he believes that he whom he would persuade,
vir vas vil voler sa valor,
will bend his will to base desire,
don dreitz deu dar dan al partir,
that rightly should bring him death,
si sec son sen salvatge,
if he follows his wild feeling,
leu l’er lo larcx laus lag loinhats.
he will soon lose his good name;
Plus pres lauzables que lauzatz:
I value more the praiseworthy than the praised:
trop ten estreg ostatge
held secure as a hostage
dreitz drutz del dart d'Amor nafratz.
is the perfect lover, struck by Love's dart.
Pus pauc pres, pus pres es compratz.
Then if merit is bought, it is of worth little.
Non voilh voler volatge
I want no changing desire
que'm volv e’m vir mas voluntaz
that pulls at me and changes my will
mas lai on mos vols es volatz.
except towards that to which my love takes flight.
Bel m’es qu’eu chant
It is fine to sing
- Raimon de Miraval
Bel m'es qu'eu chant e coindei
It is fine to sing and to love,
pos l'aur'es dous'e.l temps gais,
for the air is sweet and the weather fair,
e per vergiers e per plais
and through the meadows and hedge-rows
aug lo retint e.l gabei
I hear the warbling and singing
que fant l'auzeillet menut
of the little birds
entre.l vert e.l blanc e.l vaire;
amid the green, the white and the varied;
adoncs se deuri'atraire
So, then, he who would
cel que voi c'amors l'ajut
that love help him
vas chaptenenssa de drut.
must try to behave like a lover.
Eu no sui drutz mos dompnei,
I am not a lover, but a suitor,
ni no tem pena ni fais
and I fear neither pain nor grief,
ni.m rancur leu ni m'irai,
nor easily do I complain or become angry,
ni per orguoill no m'esfrei;
nor does pride frighten me;
pero temenssa.m fai mut,
but fear makes me silent,
c'a la bella de bon aire
for to the fair and favoured one
non aus mostrar ni retraire
I dare not show nor speak of
mon cor qu'ill tenc rescondut,
my heart, that I keep hidden,
pois aic son pretz conogut.
since I have learnt her worth.
Ja non cre c'ab leis parei
I do not believe that ever can be compared
beutatz d'autra dompna mais,
her beauty with that of another lady,
que flors de rosier qan nais
for the flower of the rose, when it is born,
non es plus fresca de lei,
is not fresher than she is,
cors ben fait e gen cregut,
her body well made and grown in grace,
boch'et oills del mon esclaire;
her mouth and eyes lighting up the world;
c'anc Beutatz plus no.i saup faire,
No greater beauty can there be,
se.i mes tota sa vertut
in her lies all its virtue
qe res b'es remosut.
so that none remains besides.
Chanssos, vai me dir al rei
Song, go speak for me to the king
cui jois guid'e vest e pais,
who guides, forms and nurtures joy,
q'en lui non a ren biais,
in whom there is nothing base,
c'aital cum ieu vuoill lo vei;
that I see him as I wish,
ab que cobre Montagut
that he may recapture Carcassonne
e Carcasson'el repaire;
from Montagut and return;
pois er de pretz emperaire,
he will be a worthy emperor,
e doptaran son escut
and there will fear his power
sai frances e lais masmut.
the French and the Arabs.
Cantaben els ocells
The birds were singing
- Ramon Llull
Cantaben els ocells l'alba,
The birds were singing the dawn,
i es despertà l'amat qui e, l'alba;
and the beloved awoke, who is the dawn;
e los aucells finiren llur cant;
and the birds finished their song;
i l'amic morí per l'amat. en l'alba,
and the lover died for the beloved, at the dawn.
Ai tal domna
Such a lady
- Berenguier de Palou
Ai tal domna com ieu sai
Such a lady as I know,
richa e de bélas faiçons,
noble and fair in demeanour ,
amb cors convenent e gai,
with gentle, well-favoured body,
amb dichs plasentiérs e bons,
pleasing words and good,
si volgués précs ni demandas sofrir,
allowing any requests and demands,
degra [m onrar, car tener e servir,
her you would have to honour, cherish and serve,
que no'i falh ren qu’en bona domna sia,
for she lacks nothing of what befits a good lady,
mas car Amors y perd sa senhoria.
so that Love loses his dominion over her.
Estampie: Reis glorios
Estampie: Reis glorios
Ara lausatz, lausat, lausat
Praise, now, praise, praise
- Anon. (Monastery of Sant Joan de les
Abadesses, Catalonia)
Ara lausatz, lausat, lausat,
Praise now, praise, praise,
il comandament l'abat.
the abbot's command.
Bela, si vos eravatz monja
Fair one, if you were a nun
de nóstra maison,
in our house,
a profiéch e tots los monges
to the profit of all the monks
vos prenditz liurason.
you would take tribute.
Mas vos non estaretc, bela,
But you shall not pass a day, fair one,
si tots jorns enversa non,
except on your back,
ço ditz l'abat.
so the abbot says.
[10] Humils, forfaitz, repres e penedens
Humble, sinful, accused and penitent
- Guiraut Riquier
Humils, forfaitz, repres e penedens,
Humble, sinful, accused and penitent,
entristezits, marritz de revenir
saddened, afflicted I am in my return,
so, qu ay perdut de mon temps per falhir.
for I have wasted my time in sinning.
Vos clam merce, Dona, Verges plazens,
I seek mercy, Lady, Virgin kind,
maires de Crist, filh del tot poderos,
mother of Christ, son of the all-powerful,
que no gardetz cum suy forfaitz vas vos;
that you consider not my sin against you;
si us plai, gardatz l'ops. de m'arma marrida.
consider, if it please you, the need of my afflicted soul.
Mas esper ai que'm siatz vos guirens
But I have hope that you will protect me
del greu perilh mortai que'm fa marrir,
in the grave mortal danger that afflicts me,
de que no puesc per ren ses vos issir;
from which I can in no way escape without you;
tans e tan greus trobi mos fallimens!
so great and so grave are our sins!
E donc pregatz vostre Filh glorios
Pray, then, your glorious Son
que'm fassa far sos plazers e mos pros,
that he make me do his will, for my own good,
qu'aissi'm podetz tornar de mort a vida.
so can you bring me from death to life.
Per nos, Dona, verges regina, fos
For us, Lady, Virgin Queen, you were
maires del filh de Dieu tot poderos:
mother of the Son of God all-powerful:
donx acaptaz d'elh a nos esta guida.
then take from him this guide for us.
[11] Quan vei la lauzeta mover
When I see the lark move
- Bernart de Ventadom
Quan vei la lauzeta mover
When I see the lark move
de joi sas alas contra'l rai,
for joy his wings in the sun,
que s'oblid'e's laissa chazer
and disappear and swoop
per la doussor c'al cor li vai,
for the delight that comes to his heart,
ai tan grans enveya m'en ve
great envy comes upon me
de cui qu'eu veya jauzion,
at one so joyful,
meravilhas ai, car desse
and I wonder that in an instant
lo cor de dezirer no'm fon.
my heart does not faint for desire.
Ai, las! tan cuidava saber
Ay, alas! I thought I knew much
d'amor e tan petit en sai!
of love and I know so little!
car eu d'amar no'm posc tener
for I cannot forbear to love her
celeis don ja pro non aurai.
from whom I shall have nothing.
Tout m'a mo cor, e tout m'a me,
She has stolen my heart and my being,
e se mezeis'e tot lo mon;
and for herself the whole world;
e can se'm tolc, no'm laisset re
and when I am parted from her, there is nothing
mas dezirer e cor volo.
other than desire and my yearning heart.
Anc non agui de me poder
Never more have I power over myself
ni no fui meus de l'or en sai
nor was I myself from the moment
que'm laisset en sos olhs vezer
that my eyes saw her
en un miralh que mout me plai.
in a mirror that pleased me much.
Miralhs, pus me mirei en te,
A mirror, since the time I saw you,
m'an mort li sospir de preon,
deep sighs have brought death to me,
c'aissi'm perdei com perdei se
so that I am lost as was lost
lo bels Narcisus en la font.
fair Narcissus in the fountain.
De las domnas me dexesper;
Of ladies I despair;
ja mais en lor no'm fiarai;
never more shall I trust them
c'aissi com las solh chaptener,
and as I once defended them,
enaissi las dechaptenrai.
so shall I forsake them.
Pois vei c'una pro no m'en te
Since I see that none help me against her
vas leis que'm destrui e'm cofon,
who destroys and confounds me,
totas las dopt'e las mescre,
I fear them all and mistrust them,
car be sai c'atretals se son.
for I know they are all alike.
D'aisso's fa be femna parer
In this does show herself true woman
ma domna per qu'elh o retrai,
my lady, for which I blame her,
car no vol so c'om deu voler,
since she wants not what she should
e so c'om li deveda fai,
and does what is forbidden.
Chazutz sui en mala merce
I am fallen in disgrace
et ai be faih co'l fols en pon;
and have acted like a fool on the bridge;
e no sai per que m'esdeve,
and I do not know what is happening to me,
mas car trop puyei contra mon.
unless I have aimed too high.
Merces es perduda, per ver
Truly, pity is lost
et eu non o saubi anc mai
and I never thought it,
car eilh qui plus en degr'aver,
for she who ought to have much
no'n a ges; et on la querrai?
has none; and where shall I seek it?
A! can mal sembla, qui la ve,
Ah! how hard to believe, when I see
qued aquest chaitiu deziron
how she leaves to die
que ja ses leis non aura be,
and gives no help to the lover
laisse morir, que no l'aon.
who without her has nothing.
Pus ab midons no'm pot valer
Since with my lady there is no value
precs ni merces ni'l dreihz qu'eu ai,
in prayers nor pity nor the right I have,
ni a leis no ven a plazer
and it not pleasing to her
qu'eu l'am, ja mais no'lh o dirai.
that I love her, I shall say it no more.
Aissi'm part fr leis e'm recre;
So, then, I shall keep away from her and desist;
mort m'a, e per mort li respon,
She has brought death to me, and in death I reply,
e vau m'en, pus il h no'm rete,
and go, now that nothing holds me back,
chaitius, en issilh, no sai on.
disgraced, to exile, I know not where.
Tristans, ges no'm auretz de me,
Tristan, from me you will have nothing,
qu'eu m'en vau, chaitius no sai on.
since I go, disgraced, I know not where.
De chantar me gic e'm recre,
I give up singing and refrain,
e de joi e d'amor m'escon.
and shun joy and love.
[12] Lanquand li jorn son lonc en mai
When the days are long in May
Jaufre Rudel
Lanquand li jorn son lonc en mai
When the days are long in May
m'es bels douz chans d'auzels de loing
then pleases me the song of birds afar
e qand me sui partitz de lai
and when I have gone from there
remembra.m d'un amor de loing.
I remember my love afar.
Vauc de talan embroncs e clis,
Troubled and oppressed by longing,
si que chans ni flors d'albespis
I go, so that song nor whitethorn flower
no.m platz plus que l'iverns gelatz.
pleases me more than icy winter.
Ja mais d'amor no.m gauzirai
Never more shall I enjoy love
si no.m gau d'est amor de loing
if I enjoy it not from far
que gensor ni meillor non sai
since no kinder or better do I know
vas nuilla part, ni pres ni loing.
anywhere, near or far.
Tant es sos pretz verais e fis
Her worth is so true and pure
que lai el renc dels sarrazis
that in the realm of the Saracens
fos eu, per lieis, chaitius clamatz!
you would be declared love's captive!
Iratz e gauzens m'en partrai
Sad and happy shall I go
qan veirai cest'amor de loing
when I see this love afar
mas non sai coras la.m veirai
but I know not when I shall see her
car trop son nostras terras loing.
for our lands are far apart.
Assatz y a portz e camis!
There are too many gates and roads!
E, per aisso, non sui devis ...
And, for this reason, I am no soothsayer…
Mas tot sia cum Dieu platz!
But may all be as God pleases!
Be.m parra jois qan li qerrai
Joy is mine when I seek her
per Amor Dieu, l'Amor de loing;
through God's Love, Love from afar;
e, s'a lieis plai, albergarai
and, if he pleases, I shall take shelter
pres de lieis, si be.m sui de loing!
near her, though I am far away!
Adoncs parra'l parlamens fis
Then there will be gentle talk
qand drutz loindas, er tan vezis
when, a distant lover, I shall be so near
c'ab bels digz jauzirai solatz.
that I shall take comfort from her fair words.
Ben tenc lo Seignor per ferai
I hold him Lord indeed, through whom
per q'ieu veirai l'Amor de loing;
I shall see Love afar;
mas, per un ben que m'en eschai,
but, as to a benefit to come to me,
n'ai dos mals, car tant m'es de loing...
I have doubts, for from me she is so far…
Ai! car me fos lai peleris
Ay! If I were a pilgrim,
si que mos fustz e mos tapis
and my staff and cloak
fos pelz sieus bels huoills remirtz!
were seen by her fair eyes!
Dieus, qe fetz tot qant ve ni vai
God, who made all that goes and comes
e fermet cest'Amor de loing,
and confirmed this Love afar,
me don poder, qe'l cor eu n'ai,
give me power, the heart I have,
q'en breu veia l'Amor de loing,
that soon I may see my Love afar,
veraiament, en locs aizis,
truly, in a suitable place,
si qe la cambra e.l jardis
so that the chamber and the garden
mi resembles totz temps palatz!
may seem ever a palace!
Ver ditz qui,'apella lechai
He tells the truth who calls me greedy
ni desiran d'Amor de loing
and desirous of Love afar
car nuills autre jois tant no.m plai
for no other joy pleases me
cum jauzimens d'Amor de loing.
as much as the enjoyment of Love afar.
Mas so q'eu vuoill m'es tant ahis
But what I want is so forbidden
q'enaissi.m fadet mos pairis
since my Lord has decreed
q'ieu ames e non fos amatz!
that I love and be not loved!
Mas so q'ieu vuoill m'es tant ahis!
But what I want is so forbidden!
Tot sia mauditz la pairis
Cursed be my Lord
qe.m fadet q'ieu non fos amatz!
who has decreed that I be not loved!
English versions by Keith Anderson
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