Administration Guide for Polk County Assessments 2015-2016 Office of Assessment, Accountability, & Evaluation Polk County School Board 1915 S. Floral Avenue Bartow, FL 33830 Revised 08/2015 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................3 Paper-Based Test Administration Prior to Testing ............................................................................................................................................4 Printing Answer Sheets ................................................................................................................................4 Following Testing ........................................................................................................................................5 Scanning Student Answer Sheets.................................................................................................................6 Online Test Administration Prior to Testing ............................................................................................................................................7 Following Testing ........................................................................................................................................7 Checklists Testing Administrator Checklist: Paper-Based Administration.............................................................................8 Testing Administrator Checklist: Online Administration ......................................................................................9 Appendices Appendix A: PCA Inventory Sheet ......................................................................................................................10 Appendix B: PCA Security Log...........................................................................................................................11 Appendix C: Test Security Agreement ................................................................................................................12 Appendix D: Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement .....................................................................13 Appendix E: Scanning Log ..................................................................................................................................14 Appendix F: Absent Students Cover Sheet ..........................................................................................................15 2 Revised 08/2015 Introduction This guide explains the responsibilities of Test Administrators/Teachers and APC/Testing Coordinators in administering district-created assessments. To ensure smooth implementation of the testing program, everyone who works with these assessments must work together and become familiar with the contents of this guide, paying careful attention to details. Please read this guide thoroughly before administering assessments. Failure to do so could result in missing assessments, security concerns, and improper recording of student scores in the Florida Interim Assessment Item Bank and Test Platform (IBTP). All breaches of security will initiate an investigation by the AAE department followed by recommendations for action to HR. Assessments may be administered through paper-based testing or online, depending on the assessment. All assessments however, will be administered or scanned in the district assessment platform, IBTP. Test results can be accessed in IBTP after a test has been administered online or paper-based answer sheets have been scanned. Please make sure to complete the following forms at the back of this manual as appropriate. Test Administrator/Teacher Checklist—Paper-Based Administration Test Administrator/Teacher Checklist—Online Administration PCA Inventory Sheet (Appendix A) PCA Test Security Log (Appendix B) Test Security Agreement (Appendix C) Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement (Appendix D) Scanning Log (Appendix E) Absent Student Cover Sheet (Appendix F) These forms are important in ensuring test security and the smooth administration of each assessment. Assessment, Accountability, and Evaluation has set up a Help Location. To access this site: Browse to http://www.polk-fl.netSelect District Info DepartmentsSelect Assessment, Accountability & Evaluation (AAE)Select District Assessment ResourcesSelect IBTP Resources. This site is open to all PCSB staff and has many resources such as: How-To guides for IBTP How to Create Student SSO Accounts How to Log Students into the Secure Tester Application How to Score Assessments in the IBTP Courses with District-Developed Exams Helpful Contact Information for School Testing Coordinators/School Administrators Additional Materials Missing Test Booklets, Testing Irregularities, Security Breaches Assessment Procedures & IBTP Technical Support Rick Giroux Brandon Craig Karen Johnson 863-647-4240 863-534-0736 863-534-0979 3 Revised 08/2015 Responsibilities for Paper-Based Test Administration Prior to Testing: Sign the following Test Agreement Forms and return all forms to the APC/Testing Coordinator. o Test Security Agreement (Appendix C) o Test Administrator and Prohibited Activities Agreement (Appendix D) Identify students that require IEP, Section 504, or ELL accommodations. Work with school personnel to schedule coverage if needed. Student answer sheets are to be printed 1-3 days prior to testing through the Test Center in IBTP. DOUBLE CHECK THAT THE TEST NAME AND PERIOD PRINTED ON THE ANSWER SHEETS MATCH THE CLASS AND PERIOD YOU WILL BE ASSESSING. In order to properly scan the documents, ALL ANSWER SHEETS MUST BE PRINTED USING A LASER PRINTER! Do not use an inkjet printer as doing so will result in having to reprint, re-bubble, and rescan answer sheets. *Please refer to the resources on the AAE website. Printing of Answer Sheets: Each school site must determine the most efficient manner to print all student answer sheets from the Test Center in IBTP and distribute to Test Administrators/Teachers. When printing, ensure that: o Answer Sheets are printed using a LASER printer. o There is adequate toner in the printer. o All MARKERS are on the Answer Sheet. Please note answer sheets will not scan and will have to be reprinted, re-bubbled, and re-scanned if the markers are not printed or the barcode is not clear and dark. Refer to the examples. o The answer sheets are clear and legible. o The answer sheets match the correct test name and class period for the test being given. Printed by inkjet—will NOT scan Printed by laser—will scan 4 Revised 08/2015 PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THAT YOU HAVE THE CORRECT ANSWER SHEETS FOR YOUR CLASS BEFORE ADMINISTERING THE ASSESSMENT. Obtain (sign out) test copies from the APC/Testing Coordinator the morning of the test administration. TEST ADMINISTRATORS/TEACHERS MAY NOT KEEP TEST COPIES OVERNIGHT Ensure that the test name on answer sheets matches what is on the test booklets. Provide students with allowable accommodations and appropriate testing materials. Following Testing: Separate absent student test materials; fill-out Absent Students Cover Sheet (Appendix F); securely attach to absent students’ answer sheets (do not staple); and turn in with other testing materials. *Please note that scanning blank answer sheets of absent students can result in scores of 0% being recorded in IBTP. If scoring open response items: o Download the correct rubric. o If scoring open response items on paper, score and bubble open response questions on student answer sheets. Record student score for the open response in the Teacher Use section of the student answer sheet. o If scoring open response items online in IBTP, leave open response questions blank and scan without scores. Refer to Appendix I for further instructions. (If Applicable) 5 Revised 08/2015 Procedures for Scanning Student Answer Sheets Scanning of Answer Sheets: Each school site must establish a secure central location for scanning and verifying all student answer sheets in IBTP. Inspect student answer sheets for stray marks or “light” bubbling. Erase stray marks as needed. *Please note that stray marks in the barcode will result in answer sheets being unable to be scanned. REMOVE ABSENT STUDENT ANSWER SHEETS BEFORE SCANNING—Attach a cover sheet (Appendix F) with the names of students who were absent to the blank answer sheets. *Please note that scanning blank answer sheets of absent students can result in scores of 0% being recorded in IBTP. Once open responses are scored and make-up testing is complete, scan student answer sheets into IBTP. * Please refer to the IBTP Resources on the AAE website for instructions. Record the test name, teacher name, period, date/time scanned, number (#) of tests scanned, number (#) of tests pending, and any issues or problems that occur during scanning on the scanning log. Recording this information on the Scanning Log (Appendix E) will make it easier to fix any scanning issues that may arise. Verify that all answer sheets scanned correctly by viewing the results at the bottom of the scanning page. Check answer sheets that did not scan correctly for irregularities (Ex: stray marks, light bubbling). Correct issues and rescan as needed. Return all student answer sheets and the scanning log to the APC/Testing Coordinator after scanning is completed. 6 Revised 08/2015 Responsibilities for Online Test Administration Prior to Testing: Sign the following Test Agreement Forms and return to the APC/Testing Coordinator. o Test Security Agreement (Appendix C) o Test Administrator and Prohibited Activities Agreement (Appendix D) TESTING MUST NOT BEGIN UNTIL ALL REQUIRED FORMS HAVE BEEN SIGNED AND RETURNED TO THE APC/TESTING COORDINATOR. Identify students that require IEP, Section 504, and ELL accommodations. Work with school personnel to schedule coverage if needed and make sure testing lab has been scheduled (all tests are available to be administered both online and paper-based). Students sign in to the school’s computers as directed by the Administration for each site. Once logged in to the network, students will click on the SecureTester on the desktop which will bring them to the SSO login screen. Usernames and passwords are available in the Student Access Report under Dashboards & Reports of SSO to the teacher of record and those with leadership access at the school. Obtain the passcode for students to access the test. Please report all technical difficulties or testing issues to the APC/Testing Coordinator. Following Testing: Verify that all students have submitted their test correctly in IBTP. Any “In Progress” students must be marked Complete. 7 Revised 08/2015 Initial Completed:__________ Test Administrator/Teacher Checklist: Paper-Based Assessments Prior to Testing: Carefully read the Administration Guide for Testing Administrators/Teachers. Read and Sign the Test Security Agreement (Appendix C) and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement (Appendix D); return to APC/Testing Coordinators. DO NOT BEGIN TESTING UNTIL ALL FORMS ARE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO APC/TESTING COORDINATORS. Identify students that require accommodations. If you are administering tests to students who require accommodations, become familiar with the accommodations specified in their IEPs, Section 504 plans, or ELL plans. Discuss with your school testing coordinator how accommodations will be provided. Work with school personnel and ensure coverage as needed. Student answer sheets are to be printed prior to testing through the Test Center in IBTP using a Laser Printer. DOUBLE CHECK THAT THE TEST NAME AND PERIOD PRINTED ON THE ANSWER SHEETS MATCH THE CLASS AND PERIOD YOU WILL BE ASSESSING. *Please refer to the IBTP Resources on the AAE website. Ensure Bar Code at the top of each answer sheet is dark and complete. Ensure MARKERS are clearly present on the Answer Sheets (see sample on page 4). Obtain test booklets from the APC/Testing Coordinators by signing out on the PCSB Test Security Log (Appendix B). Ensure the test name on the student answer sheets matches what is on the test booklets. Provide students with paper to use for scratch paper. (If Applicable) During Testing: Adhere to all district assessment security and test administration procedures. Follow district procedures for reporting any assessment errors without compromising assessment security. Following Testing Collect all testing materials, including scratch paper and open response if applicable. Inspect student answer sheets for stray marks in bar code area and for light bubbling. Separate absent student materials; fill out Absent Students Cover Sheet (Appendix F), attach absent student answer sheets to cover sheet. *Please note that scanning blank answer sheets of absent students can result in scores of 0% being recorded in IBTP. Score and bubble open response questions (If applicable) (Appendix I). Scan answer sheets into IBTP as directed by APC/Testing Coordinator. Verify all answer sheets were scanned correctly by viewing the scan report in IBTP. Fill-out the Scanning Log (Appendix E) to provide a record of assessments in case of any scanning errors. Check answer sheets that do not scan correctly for irregularities (e.g. stray marks, light bubbling) and rescan as needed. Return all answer sheets and scanning log to the APC/Testing Coordinator 8 Revised 08/2015 Initial Completed:__________ Test Administrator/Teacher Checklist: Online Assessments Prior to Testing: Carefully read the Administration Guide for Testing Administrators. Read and Sign the Test Security Agreement (Appendix B) and Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement (Appendix D); return to APC/Testing Coordinators. DO NOT BEGIN TESTING UNTIL ALL FORMS ARE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO APC/TESTING COORDINATORS. If you are administering tests to students who require accommodations, become familiar with the accommodations specified in their IEPs, Section 504 plans, or ELL plans. Discuss with your school testing coordinator how accommodations will be provided. Work with other school personnel and ensure coverage if needed. Make sure computer labs are available and scheduled for online testing. Provide scratch paper for students if applicable. Inform students to sign in to the computer as directed by site-based administration. During Testing: Adhere to all district assessment security and test administration procedures. Follow district procedures for reporting any assessment errors without compromising assessment security. Following Testing: Collect scratch paper if used by students. Verify that all students have submitted their test correctly in IBTP. Any “In Progress” students must be marked Complete. 9 Revised 08/2015 Appendix A: Polk County Assessment Inventory Sheet Page ____of____ School Name: ___________________________________________________ School Number: ____________ Directions: All assessments (booklets and answer sheets) used in Polk County Assessments (PCA) are considered secure and must be retained in a secure, access-restricted location until the end of testing. Please complete this form or attach the packing list located in OneDrive to this completed page and return it during intake. Test Name # of Tests Received # of Tests Returned # of Tests Missing* *Submit a written account of any missing test materials to Brandon Craig, Psychometrician. APC/Testing Coordinator Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________ 10 Revised 08/2015 Appendix B: Polk County Assessment Security Log Page ____of____ School Name: ___________________________________________________ School Number: ____________ Directions: Record the test name and quantity of test booklets assigned to each test administrator. Test Administrators must certify receipt/return by initialing this form when picking up materials prior to testing and again when returning materials after testing. Return of items must be verified by APC/Testing Coordinator. Date Test Name Number of Test Booklets Test Administrator Name Sign Out Sign In Verified by APC/Testing Coordinator Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________ This form should be retained by the APC/Testing Coordinator until the end of the 2016-2017 school year. 11 Revised 08/2015 Appendix C: Test Security Agreement Polk County Assessments Test Administration and Security Agreement In order to maintain test validity and ensure an equitable testing environment, the School District of Polk County prohibits activities that may threaten the integrity of Polk County Assessments (PCA). Examples of prohibited activities are listed below: Reading or viewing the passages or test items (except for allowed accommodations and scoring open response items) Revealing the passages or test items Copying the passages or test items Explaining or reading passages or test items for students Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items Copying or reading student responses (except for scoring open response item) Causing achievement of students/schools to be inaccurately measured or reported If any of the above examples are allowable accommodations for students with current IEPs, Section 504 plans, or ELL plans, test administrators are permitted to provide the appropriate accommodation(s). All personnel are prohibited from examining or copying the test items and/or the contents of the test. The security of any test materials must be maintained before, during, and after the test administration. The use of untrained test administrators increases the risk of test invalidation due to test irregularities or breaches in test security. Inappropriate actions by school personnel will result in further investigation and possible disciplinary action. I, __________________________________________, understand that I must receive adequate training regarding the administration of district-developed assessments and read the information and instructions provided in the administration guide. I agree to follow all test administration and security procedures outlined in the guide. I agree to follow the protocol and use the form or link provided by the AAE department for reporting any errors or concerns with items that students identify as containing errors. Further, I will not reveal or disclose any information about the test items or engage in any acts that would violate the security of the district-developed assessments or cause student achievement to be inaccurately represented. ___________________________________________ School Name/Number ___________________________________________ Print Name ___________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Signature 12 Revised 08/2015 Appendix D: Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement It is important for you to know that, as a test administrator of a standardized assessment, you cannot engage in the following activities. Please read the following list of prohibited activities and sign your name on the signature line at the bottom of this page. I understand that before testing I may not: Leave test materials unattended Store tests in my classroom overnight Open and read any tests, passages, or test items—applies to computer-based and paper-based tests Print, copy, photocopy, or photograph test content I understand that during testing (including during breaks) I may not: Read test items or student responses as I monitor the room Assist students in answering test items Give students verbal cues (“you may want to edit this response”) or non-verbal cues (pointing at a specific word or portion of response) Give students more time than is allotted for the session (unless a student has an extended time accommodation) Encourage students to finish early Display or fail to cover visual aids (word lists, posters with writing tips) that may aid students Use my cell phone, check email, grade papers, or engage in other activities that will result in my attention not being on students at all times Leave the room unattended for any period of time Allow students to talk or cause disturbances Allow students to use cell phones or other electronic devices Coach students during testing regarding test-taking strategies I understand that after testing I may not: Leave test materials unattended Remove test materials from the school’s campus Read through student test documents Change student responses Discuss the questions or student responses with anyone, including students or other school personnel Reveal the content of the test via electronic communication, including but not limited to email, text, or post to social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) If you are administering a test to students with flexible responding or flexible presentation accommodations that require you to read the questions, you may not reveal, copy, or share any part of the assessment nor use the questions during instruction after testing. I acknowledge the information above and will not engage in any of the prohibited activities on this page. ___________________________________________ Signature _______________________ Date ________________ Certificate Number 13 Revised 08/2015 Page ____ of ____ Appendix E: Scanning Log Please complete the following form for all tests scanned into IBTP. Please keep the scanning log with the student answer sheets and turn in to the APC/Testing Coordinator. Make sure #Tests Scanned is equal to #Tests Pending in IBTP. If scanning issues arise, please refer to the IBTP resources on the AAE website. If the problem cannot be resolved from the IBTP resources, contact Karen Johnson (863-534-0979 or or Brandon Craig (863-534-0736 or Class / Test Name Teacher Name Period Date / Time # Tests Scanned # Tests Pending Issues/Concerns Duplicate as Needed 14 Revised 08/2015 Appendix F: Absent Students Cover Sheet Complete the following and attach to blank student answer sheets (Do Not Staple) following test administration and all make-up administrations. One sheet per test name. Turn in to APC/Testing Coordinator with testing materials Test Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Teacher Name: ________________________________________________________________ Test administration date(s): ______________________________________________________ Make-up administration date(s): __________________________________________________ Absent Student Full Name: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DUPLICATE AS NEEDED 15 Revised 08/2015