2014 BAT 1 3rd Grade Test Administration Manual

(BAT 1)
2013 – 2014
This manual is for Elementary Schools assessing the 2013-14 Grade 3 BAT 1 Reading assessment. Broward county will
use the 2013-14 BAT 1 Grade 3 assessment for the purpose of promoting retained 3rd grade students.
Benchmark Assessment Test (BAT) Schedule: Grades 3–5
BAT #1
Administration Window
Content Areas
September 2-5, 2014
Number of
Grades 3–5: Administer one session of Reading on Day 1 and one session of Reading on Day 2.
Day 1 (BAT 1 – Tuesday, September 2 or Wednesday, September 3)
Day 2 (BAT 1 – Wednesday, September 3 or Thursday, September 4)
Reading Session 1
Reading Session 2
70 minutes
70 minutes
BAT 1 – All testing (including make ups) must be completed by the end of the school day on Friday, September 5.
Students to Be Tested
Students should participate in the Benchmark Assessment Test per instructions communicated by the District. Some ESE
students who have an IEP indicating the student will not participate in FCAT testing, these same students should also not
participate in the Benchmark Assessment Test. ESE students who do not participate in FCAT may participate in the
District Benchmark Assessment Test (Florida Alternate Assessment) if school staff determines that it would be appropriate.
Administration Accommodations
Accommodations should be provided to ESE students with current IEPs, limited English proficient (ELL) students, and
students with 504 plans in the same manner that accommodations are provided regularly in the classroom and on the FCAT.
Make-Up Administration Procedures
No specific make-up test dates will be allocated for the administration of the Benchmark Assessments. All testing must be
completed within the designated administration window. However, within the test administration window, schools may
choose to administer make-up sessions for students who were absent during the regular test administration. Please keep in
mind that students who participate in only one session within a subject area (e.g., take Reading Session 1, but are absent for
and do not make-up Reading Session 2 will NOT receive a score for that subject area.
Answer Sheets
All students will record their answers on a separate answer sheet using a #2 pencil. The answer area of the Reading
documents is color-coded, Reading is PURPLE and the subject area is clearly identified above the answer bubbles. Schools
MUST check the answer sheets following the session administration to make certain that students have responded in the
correct area.
sheet must be hand-gridded with the student identification information. Remember, only a #2 pencil should be used. Test
Administrators are responsible for ensuring that the information on the answer sheet is correct. Pay close attention to the
Student ID number (use the student’s external number from TERMS A03 panel), student grade, and the subject area. A
student whose answer sheet has incorrect identifying information is not guaranteed to receive test results.
Please do not make any marks on the answer sheets with any writing instrument other than a #2 pencil. Writing anywhere
on the answer sheets with an ink pen, marker, highlighter, colored pencil, correction fluid, etc., will interfere with the
scanning and scoring of the documents. Making marks in the timing bars on the side of the answer sheet with any
writing instrument (including a #2 pencil) will interfere with scoring. Test Administrators should check answer
sheets carefully for stray marks to ensure accurate scoring results.
Test Invalidation
It may be necessary to invalidate a student’s answer sheet during testing. If any of the following situations arise, the
student’s answer sheet should be marked as invalid:
The student is caught cheating or is disruptive during testing.
The student becomes ill during testing.
The student was not allowed the correct amount of time to complete the session.
The student participated in only one session in a test subject area.
The student filled in answers on a session other than the current session.
If any of these situations occur, please fill in answer choice F of item number 100 in the
appropriate answer section. This will be used to identify test invalidation.
Administration Record
Schools should keep a record of any students for whom a test section was invalidated. This includes students who were
absent for one or both sessions of the test within a subject area, students who became ill during testing, and students whose
tests were invalidated for any reason. This information should be kept on file at your school.
Test Security
District Benchmark Assessment Tests are considered secure test documents. All test security rules and regulations apply to
the Benchmark Assessment Tests. The Benchmark Assessment Tests should be treated in the same manner as other state
assessments. Activities prohibited under test security protocols include:
Reading the passages or test items
Revealing the passages or test items
Copying the passages or test items
Interpreting or reading test items or passages for students
Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items
Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
Copying or reading student responses
All personnel are prohibited from examining or copying the test items and/or the contents of the
student test books and answer sheets. The security of all test materials must be maintained
before, during, and after testing.
Before Testing
• Prepare the room for testing. Arrange the room so that each student will have enough work space and so that there will
be sufficient space between students to prevent cheating.
• Assemble materials needed during and after the test, including #2 pencils, a watch or clock to keep time, and the test
books and answer sheets.
• Double check answer sheets. Again, if any student information is incorrect, a blank answer sheet must be handgridded with the student identification information. Remember, only a #2 pencil should be used.
During Testing
• Distribute materials as specified in the scripts that follow, making sure that each student receives the answer sheet
with his/her name on it.
• Read scripts VERBATIM.
• Keep time during testing.
• Maintain test security.
• Supervise test administration. While students are working, the test administrator should move about the room and
ensure that:
Students have cleared their desks of all materials except the appropriate test materials.
Students are working independently.
Students are using only a #2 pencil to mark their answers on the answer sheets.
Students are working in the correct session of the test and marking their answers appropriately on the correct
answer sheet in the correct subject area.
Students are permitted to use the empty space in their test books as work space. They may underline and/or circle
words, phrases, etc. in the passages, problems, or questions if they find this strategy helpful. However, no extraneous
marks should be made on the student answer sheets. Students must take care to only grid the answer choice that they
have selected for each item on the answer sheet. Remember, only a #2 pencil should be used.
While it is appropriate to encourage students to continue working during the test administration, it is not appropriate to talk
with them about any test item or to help them answer any test question. For example, if a student finishes the test before
the allotted time for the session has elapsed or has not attempted to complete a question, it would be appropriate to address
the entire class to go back and check their work, when they have completed the tests. It is not acceptable to provide
students with any information that would allow them to infer the correct answer, such as suggesting that they might want to
check their work on a specific question. Do not talk to students about any specific test item or engage in any verbal or
nonverbal communication that would allow students to conclude they have answered a question incorrectly.
Collecting Test Materials
If all students have completed the Benchmark Assessment Test, checked over their work and are sitting with their test
books closed prior to the 10-minute warning, Test Administrators may issue the 10-minute warning. Once the 10 minutes
have expired, materials may be collected and the Test Administrator may proceed to the next testing session or classroom
After Testing
• Separate the To Be Scored answer sheets from the Not To Be Scored materials (test books, unused answer sheets, etc.).
• Make sure that no stray marks have been made on the student answer sheets. Carefully erase any stray pencil marks on
the student answer sheets, without changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test questions.
• Return all test materials (answer sheets, test books, and administration manuals) to the School Testing Coordinator.
• Notify the School Testing Coordinator immediately if any materials are missing.
The following script must be read VERBATIM. Do not paraphrase or skip any section of the script.
Please remove all materials from your desk, except for a sharpened #2 pencil. Mechanical pencils, ink pens,
highlighters, colored pencils, markers, correction fluid, etc., are not permitted.
Pause to check and make sure all students have cleared their desks before continuing.
Today you are going to participate in the first session of the Benchmark Assessment Test in Reading. First
I am going to distribute the answer sheets. Do not mark on these sheets until I tell you to do so. You
should only use a #2 pencil for marking on your answer sheet. If you do not have a #2 pencil, raise your
hand and I’ll give one to you.
Distribute the Benchmark Assessment answer sheets, making sure that each student receives the answer sheet with
his/her name on it.
First, please check the name and student information on the back side of the answer sheet. Verify that all of
the information is correct. If the information is correct, please write your name directly above the PURPLE
box that says DISTRICT BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT: READING on your answer sheet. If the
information is not correct, raise your hand and I will give you a new answer sheet. If the information is
correct, please turn over your answer sheet and find the Purple section marked Reading.
The student’s name must be written by each student at the top of their answer sheet even if other student
information has already been hand-gridded by school staff.
If the answer sheet contains incorrect information, the student or teacher should fill in his/her demographic information in
the boxes on a new, blank answer sheet. School staff should grid the corresponding bubbles, once testing is complete, to
ensure that this process is done correctly. Please verify the accuracy of the student identification information in TERMS,
making sure that the identification number used on the answer sheet is the student’s external number from the TERMS
A03 panel.
After the information on all answer sheets has been verified or students have been given a blank answer sheet (if
necessary), proceed to the next set of instructions.
Next I am going to distribute the test booklets. Do not open your test booklet until I tell you to do so.
Distribute the Reading test booklet.
Before we begin, please write your first and last name in the space provided on the front of the Reading test
Next, please open your book and check the page numbers to be sure there are no missing or upside-down
pages. If there are any missing pages, upside-down pages, or pages that are out of order, raise your hand so
I can give you a new test book. If your test book is fine, close it and sit quietly.
Wait until all students finish. If a defective test book is found, give the student a replacement test book, and then continue.
You are going to take Reading Session #1 now. This test is 70 minutes in length. Read each article and
story in this session. Then choose the best answer to each question that follows. If needed, you may use the
extra space in your test book as work space, and you may underline or circle words or phrases in the
passages and questions if you find this strategy helpful. On your answer sheet, fill in the bubble completely
for the answer you choose beside that question number. Do not make any extra marks on your answer
sheet. If you need to change your answer, be sure to erase completely. Try to answer every question.
When you come to the STOP sign in your booklet, you have finished Session 1 and are to stop working. If
you finish before time is called, go back and check your work in Session 1 ONLY. DO NOT work in
Session 2 until instructed to do so. Once you have checked your work, close your test book and sit quietly
until everyone has finished and all test materials are collected.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions at this time.
Remember, you have 70 minutes to finish this session. After 40 minutes you will get a short break, then I
will tell you when you have 10 minutes left. Once the test has begun there should be no talking or
disturbances. Make sure that you fill in the bubble for the answer you choose beside that question number
on the answer sheet.
Now open your test booklet. You may begin working.
Complete the following:
Start Time:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Time testing resumed:
Add 20 minutes:
+ 20 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
STOP time:
Write the STOP time on the Board.
While students are working, Test Administrators should move around the room. Make sure that all students are working
independently and marking their answers on the answer sheet. Do not talk to students about any specific test item or
engage in any verbal or nonverbal communication that would allow students to infer they have answered a question
After 40 minutes from the START time,
STOP. We are now going to take a short break. Put your pencils down and close your books. You may
stand and stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
Please be seated. In a moment, you will continue working in Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes remaining. Remember, work in Session 1 ONLY, DO NOT go on to Session 2, and make
sure that you fill in the bubble for the answer you choose beside that question number on the answer sheet.
Open your books and continue working.
NOTE: If all students have checked their work and are sitting with their test books closed, prior to the 10-minute
warning, you may issue the 10-minute warning. Once the 10 minutes have expired, you may collect all test materials
and proceed to the next testing session or classroom activity.
After 20 minutes from the TIME TESTING RESUMED,
You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1. Remember, do not work in any other session, and make sure
that you fill in the bubble for the answer you choose beside that question number on the answer sheet.
After 10 more minutes,
STOP. Put your pencils down and close your books.
Grades 3: Reading Session 2 will be administered the following day. Collect all materials and return them to the school
testing coordinator. Make sure each student returns his/her test book and answer sheet. Notify the School Testing
Coordinator immediately if any materials are missing.
The following script must be read VERBATIM. Do not paraphrase or skip any section of the script.
Please remove all materials from your desk, except for a sharpened #2 pencil. Mechanical pencils, ink pens,
highlighters, colored pencils, markers, correction fluid, etc., are not permitted.
Pause to check and make sure all students have cleared their desks before continuing.
If you administered Reading Session 1 the previous day, or collected the test materials between sessions, redistribute
the test books and answer sheets. Make sure that each student receives the test book and answer sheet with his/her
name on it.
Now you are going to participate in the second session of the Benchmark Assessment Test in Reading. You
should each have a Reading test booklet and an answer sheet in front of you. Do not open the test booklet
or mark on the answer sheet until I tell you to do so. You should only use a #2 pencil for marking on your
answer sheet. If you do not have a #2 pencil, raise your hand and I’ll give one to you.
First, please check the name on the answer sheet. If you do not have the correct answer sheet, please raise
your hand now.
After each student has verified that he/she has the answer sheet with his/her name on it, proceed to the next set of
Before we begin, please check the name on the front side of the test book. Make sure that you have the
Reading test book with your name on it. If you do not have the correct test book, please raise your hand
After each student has verified that he/she has the test book with his/her name on it, proceed to the next set of instructions.
You are going to take Reading Session #2 now. This test is 70 minutes in length.
Read each article and story in this session. Then choose the best answer to each question that follows. If
needed, you may use the extra space in your test book as work space, and you may underline or circle words
or phrases in the passages and questions, if you find this strategy helpful. On your answer sheet, fill in the
bubble completely for the answer you choose beside that question number. Do not make any extra marks
on your answer sheet. If you need to change your answer, be sure to erase completely. Try to answer
every question.
When you come to the STOP sign at the end of your test booklet, you have finished Session 2 and are to
stop working. If you finish before time is called, go back and check your work in Session 2 ONLY. Once
you have checked your work, close your test book and sit quietly until everyone has finished and all test
materials are collected.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions at this time.
Remember, you have 70 minutes to finish this session. After 40 minutes you will get a short break, then I
will tell you when you have 10 minutes left. Once the test has begun there should be no talking or
disturbances. Make sure that you fill in the bubble for the answer you choose beside that question number
on the answer sheet. Now open your test booklet to the beginning of Session 2, just after the STOP sign
indicating the end of Session 1. You may begin working
Complete the following:
Start Time:
Add 40 minutes:
+ 40 minutes
Time to call a break:
Time testing resumed:
Add 20 minutes:
+ 20 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder:
Add 10 minutes:
+ 10 minutes
STOP time:
Write the STOP time on the Board.
While students are working, Test Administrators should move around the room. Make sure that all students are working
independently and marking their answers on the answer sheet. Do not talk to students about any specific test item or
engage in any verbal or nonverbal communication that would allow students to infer they have answered a question
After 40 minutes from the START time,
STOP. We are now going to take a short break. Put your pencils down and close your books. You may
stand and stretch, but do not talk.
After a short break,
Please be seated. In a moment, you will continue working in Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes remaining. Remember, work in Session 2 ONLY, and make sure that you fill in the
bubble for the answer you choose beside that question number on the answer sheet. Open your books and
continue working.
NOTE: If all students have checked their work and are sitting with their test books closed, prior to the 10-minute
warning, you may issue the 10-minute warning. Once the 10 minutes have expired, you may collect all test materials
and proceed to the next testing session or classroom activity.
After 20 minutes from the TIME TESTING RESUMED,
You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2. Remember, do not work in any other session, and make sure
that you fill in the bubble for the answer you choose beside that question number on the answer sheet.
After 10 more minutes,
STOP. Put your pencils down and close your books.
Collect all BAT Reading test materials, making sure each student returns his/her test book and answer sheet and prepare
materials for return to the School Testing Coordinator:
Separate the To Be Scored answer sheets from all Not To Be Scored Materials (test books, unused or invalidated
answer sheets, etc.).
Make sure that no stray marks have been made on the student answer sheets.
Carefully erase any stray pencil marks on the student answer sheets, without changing or otherwise interfering with
student responses to test questions.
Return all materials (including answer sheets, test books, and administration manuals) to the School Testing
Coordinator and notify the School Testing Coordinator immediately if any materials are missing.
Maintain Test Security At All Times
All Benchmark Assessment Tests (BAT) materials are considered secure test documents. As such, the same test security
rules and regulations apply to BAT testing as would all other statewide assessments. Some activities prohibited under the
Florida Department of Education Test Security Protocols include:
 Reading the passages or test items
 Revealing the passages or test items
 Copying the passages or test items
 Interpreting or reading test items or passages for students
 Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items
 Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
 Copying or reading student responses
All school personnel are prohibited from examining or copying the test items and/or the contents of the students’
test books and answer sheets. Secure test materials must be placed in locked storage when they are not in use. The
security of all test materials must be maintained before, during, and after testing.
BAT Materials Return
All testing (including make ups) must be completed by the end of the school day on Day 4 of testing.
Collect all BAT materials from the Test Administrators. Make sure that each Test Administrator returns all answer sheets
(used and unused), all test books (used and unused) and all other BAT materials that were assigned to him/her.
Specific dates for pick up (non-Charter Schools) and hand delivery (Charter Schools) of BAT materials will be sent
to Testing Coordinators, via email. Please note schools must have BAT materials packed and ready for pick-up at the
designated pick up time to avoid being reported as a late return. Late Returns may require a letter from the school’s
principal and your test materials must be hand-delivered to Student Assessment & Research, by 3:00 p.m. of your
missed pick up day.
Prepare To-Be-Scored Materials for Return
Answer Sheets
 All student answer sheets should be submitted for scoring, including invalidated answer sheets (indicate
answer F on item 100 for invalidated answer sheets).
 Check that all student demographic information is correct on the hand gridded answer sheets. Make sure students
have not made any changes to the information on their answer sheet. The following information must be correct
on the student answer sheets in order to receive a score:
o Last name followed by first name
o Identification Number (external number from TERMS on the A03 panel, bottom right hand corner)
o School Number
o Grade (current grade level as indicated on TERMS)
 Make one stack of To-Be-Scored answer sheets:
o Reading: answer sheets are Purple
 Make sure the answer sheets in both stacks are all facing in the same direction.
 Do not use paper bands, paper clips, dividing papers or any other materials to separate your answer sheets. These
items cause problems with the scanning machine and may cause delay in your tests being scored.
 Place a RED label on the top of the box containing your Reading answer sheets.
 Complete the information on the RED labeled boxes. Number the boxes 1 of n, 2 of n, where n is the total number
of RED labeled boxes.
More information regarding the return of BAT To-Be-Scored materials will be forthcoming, via email
Prepare Not-To-Be-Scored Materials for Return
Test Books
 All used, unused and defective BAT test books (Reading) will be picked up from traditional schools or hand
delivered by charter schools the week following each BAT administration.
 All test books (used, unused) may be packed together in the same boxes. Student Assessment staff will sort and
account for your BAT test books once we receive them.
 Place test books in boxes and affix a YELLOW label to the top of each box. Complete the information on the
YELLOW label and number the boxes 1 of n, 2 of n, where n is the total number of YELLOW labeled boxes.
 All test books must be returned and accounted for. Please contact Student Assessment & Research ASAP at
(754) 321-4250 if any of your BAT test books turn up missing.
 More information regarding the return of BAT Not-To-Be-Scored materials will be forthcoming, via email.
Unused Answer Sheets
After the BAT 1 administration is over, you must return all your unused, blank answer sheets to Student
Assessment & Research, ASAP. Please return unused answer sheets, via Pony, to:
Student Assessment & Research (Twin Lakes)
Attention: Operations
Specific dates for the delivery and pick up of BAT materials will be sent to Testing Coordinators, via email. Your
BAT materials must be packed and ready for pick-up early in the morning of pick up day to avoid missed pick-ups by Pony
or Warehouse. Please note, BAT materials returned late may require a letter of explanation from your school principal.