Essential Question

Name: _____________________________________
Total Score: _______ out of ____________
Room# _________________
Essential Questions: How can story elements help us summarize, compare, and contrast fictional stories?
Lon Po Po – A Red Riding Hood Story from China What is the conflict in the story and what type? Use evidence from the story to justify your answer.
Essential Questions: How can story elements help us summarize, compare, and contrast fictional stories?
Pretty Salma – A Red Riding Hood Story from Africa What is the conflict in the story and what type? Use evidence from the story to justify your answer.
Red Riding Hood and Pretty Salma Think about the protagonist in Red Riding Hood and Pretty Salma. How are the characters alike and different in terms of character traits? Complete a double
bubble map below to organize your thinking, then, answer the question in paragraph forms. Use evidence from the story to support your answer.
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Lon Po Po and Pretty Salma Think about the plot in Lon Po Po and Pretty Salma. How are the events alike and different? Complete a double bubble map below to organize your thinking,
then, answer the question in paragraph forms. Use evidence from the story to support your answer.
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Essential Questions: How can story elements help us summarize, compare, and contrast fictional stories?
Petite Rouge – A Cajun Red Riding Hood Story What is the conflict in the story and what type? Use evidence from the story to justify your answer.
Red Riding Hood & Petite Rouge Think about the conflict in Red Riding Hood and Petite Rouge. How are the events alike and different? Complete a double bubble map below to organize your
thinking, then, answer the question in paragraph forms. Use evidence from the story to support your answer.
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Red Riding Hood, Petite Rouge, Lon Po Po, & Pretty Salma Over the past week you have read 4 versions of Little Red Riding Hood. For this final product, I would like you to think about all of the stories (use your brace
maps to help) and tell me how the stories are similar and how they are different. Please use evidence from the text (your brace maps) to support your answers.
Alike:______________________________________________________________________________ :_________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________ Different: ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________