M2U-20A R UGGED ENTERPRI SE CLASS MIL GRADE 2U ENCLOSURE Optimized for High Shock / Vibration Environments C6CHASSI S SYSTEMS ENGINEERED TO PERFORM® The M2U-20A is designed to survive! Aircraft grade alum inum construction, shock m ounted unibody drive support, self locking stainless hardware, solid construction, designed and m anufactured in the USA. These system are ideal for high shock / high vibration environm ents such as vehicular or aircraft m ount or transit case installation. The short depth of 20 inches allows it to fit virtually all transit cases. The rugged construction and enhanced features will assure its reliable operation in that challenging environm ent. FEATURES Com pact 2U x 20- inch ( 508m m ) design Aircraft grade 5052- H32 alum inum const ruct ion Milled 1/ 4 inch solid alum inum front panel St ainless st eel self locking hardware Four rem ovable 2- 1/ 2 inch drives—shock isolat ed Slim - line floppy and DVD drives Fit s ATX m ot herboard Three I / O card slot s w/ t ailored hold down syst em Three 80x38m m 80CFM high velocit y fans Front panel air filt er in door—full widt h Front panel USB connect ors ( behind front door) SUPPORT Superior pre- and post- sales t echnical support All product s carry a t wo year lim it ed warrant y CUSTOMIZATION Cust om paint and logo available Custom chassis features to fit custom er requirem ents Turnkey configured syst em s t o cust om er spec The Original Industrial Computer Source® Chassis Plans · 10123 Carroll Canyon Rd · San Diego · CA · 92131 Phone ( 858) 571- 4330 · Fax ( 858) 571- 6146 saleseng@chassisplans.com www.chassisplans.com © 2010 Chassis Plans NEXT GENERATION SOLUTION M2U-20A RUGGED MIL GRADE 2U ENCLOSURE Prim ary construction is from high strength aircraft grade .090-inch 5052-H32 alum inum alloy. The front panel is m illed from a single piece of .250-inch alum inum . A form ed and welded alum inum door covers the drives and supports the air filter. An integrated system is very light at only 2224 lbs depending on installed com ponents. At only 20-inches deep, this m akes the M2U-20A perfect for transit case installations. System controls are m ounted behind the front door and include power control, system reset, and alarm reset. Mounted in the front panel is the Power-on LED, HDD Access, Fan Failure and Overtem p and 2 LAN LEDs. Two USB ports are also provided behind the front door. Custom control and indicator configurations are easily accom m odated. For environm ental and em issions protection, the front panel provides an em bedded EMI / environm ental gasket and m ultiple captive fasteners on the door to secure the system from contam ination. A key feature for system survivability is the use of 2-1/ 2” drives. Either standard hard drives or Solid State Drives ( SSD) can be installed. Both types offer exceptional survivability with the SSD type being virtually indestructible. Rem ovable drives can be populated. Also provided is a slim DVD and floppy drive. The overall effect is a very robust enclosure to protect the system in any foreseeable environm ental challenge. Cooling is provided by three 80x38m m high flow fans providing 80CFM each of high pressure air flow. The front door is provided with an easily serviced and washable air filter with various classes available. A chassis over- tem perature alarm and fan failure circuit m onitors chassis conditions. Optional higher velocity fans and fan speed control is available. The Original Industrial Computer Source® Page 2 The M2U- 20A provides for m ount ing an ATX m ot herboard. This configurat ion fit s t he m ission requirem ent s for access t o t he lat est processing t echnology and lower cost . The rear panel support s t hree plug- in cards. A variet y of riser cards are available depending on t he slot configurat ion of t he m ot herboard. A t ailored card specific hold down support s t he plug- in cards securing inst alled cards for any adverse shock and vibrat ion environm ent . A st andard 2U st yle power supply can be m ount ed including redundant supplies and DC input . A Mil St d 704 or 1275 com pliant supply is available for m ilit ary airborne or ground inst allat ions. The chassis provides a rear m ount ed ground st ud and low sm oke / zero halogen wiring is available for m ilit ary com pliance. All fast eners are st ainless st eel and eit her self locking or are secured wit h Loc- Tit e during assem bly. Chassis Plans product s are designed and being t est ed t o m eet MI L- STDs 810G, 167- 1, 461F, and 901D requirem ent s. On- sit e, next day and ext ended warrant ies are available. Configurat ion Managem ent and long life product availabilit y is also available. NEXT GENERATION SOLUTION M2U-20A RUGGED MIL GRADE 2U ENCLOSURE Su r viva bilit y Built t o survive high shock and vibrat ion environm ent s: Shock isolat ed SSD drives available Mult iple m ount ing point s for m ot her board and CPU heat sinks Tailored plug- in card hold downs Self locking fast eners or Lockt it ed All cables securely dressed and t ied down Re a r Slot Pa n e l 3 I / O slot s 18GA CRS, zinc plat ed 10- 32 Ground St ud D im e n sion s ( W x H x D ) 19 x 3.45 ( 2U) x 20.0- inch ( 482.6 x 87.6 x 508m m ) Weight 22- 24 lbs t ypical configured syst em Front Panel I ndicators Power LED HDD Access LED Fan Failure LED Chassis Over-Tem perature LED Two LAN LEDs D r ive Ca pa cit y Four 2- 1/ 2- inch front drive, HDD or SSD One slim line floppy and DVD drive Mult iple opt ions for hot sw ap drives Hard drives shock isolat ed Con st r u ct ion Front panel .250 m illed 5052- H32 alum inum Chassis, lid, front door, m isc. part s .090 5052- H32 Alum inum alloy Rear slot panel 18ga CRS Finish Alum inum —Chem Film per Mil- C5541E Class 3 Gold St eel Part s—Zinc Plat ed Gold Hardware Self locking st ainless st eel Loct it e where appropriat e Front Panel Controls/ Connections Power on/ off switch System reset switch Alarm Reset Switch Two USB connectors (Controls & USB behind front door) Custom control & indicator layouts available Cooling Fans Three high speed 80m m inch fans 80CFM free air rating each Cooling system alarm board Air filter—1/ 4” Thick 30PPI Alternate filter m aterial available Optional very high velocity fans available Color Black pow der coat Medium t ext ure Ext erior front panel & door finished Motherboard Mounting Fits ATX m otherboard (9.6 x 12-inches) 3-Slot riser boards Fr on t D oor Alum inum —form ed and welded Secured w it h 3 capt ive fast eners EMI / Environm ent al gasket provided Locking lat ch opt ionally available Support s 30ppi washable foam filt er ( ot her filt er classes opt ionally available) Card Hold Dow n System Tailored to individual installed card height Chassis side access for easy card rem oval Environm ent Designed and being t est ed t o m eet MI LSTDs 810G, 167- 1, 461F, and 901D requirem ent s. Operating and storage tem perature, shock and hum idity is ultim ately dependant on installed com ponents. Lid Alum inum Mult it ude of screws for st ruct ural st rengt h Pow er Supply 2U form factor Single and redundant supplies available AC, DC and Mil-Std-704/ 1275 configurations The Original Industrial Computer Source® Page 3 The Original Industrial Computer Source® Page 4 The Original Industrial Computer Source® Page 5