HCCS Applicant Testing Site

 HCCS Applicant Testing Site 1. Go to http://hthu.net/icd10/ 2. Click ICD‐9 Coding Assessment (under Program Resources) 3. Complete online Enrollment Form a. Enter your information as Attendee One and your supervisor’s information as Attendee Two. (i. e. Attendee One will complete the assessment/Attendee Two is Attendee One’s Supervisor) b. You will receive assessment instructions from Jennifer Cronin, HCCS Coding. c. Note: If you would like to retake the assessment, please contact Jennifer Cronin, jecronin@hccscoding.com. 4. Please access the Testing site at: http://testing.hccscoding.com/moodle/login/index.php *Note please use Internet Explorer not Firefox/Mozilla 5. Login Using Username and Password Supplied by HCCS (via email) 6. Click on the Test you are scheduled to take Depending on what HCCS Test you are set to take, you will see under My Courses. If you are scheduled to take multiple (ie. Observation and SDS test), you will see separate Tests assigned. Each of the specific tests will be taken separately. 7. Select Test under Topic Outline 8. Select Attempt Quiz now Please note: you will have only one attempt at the test
9. A confirmation box you are ready to take the Quiz will populate, select Yes 10. Enter the Password for the exam supplied to applicant from the administrator (see separate email) and click OK. 11. The questions will populate answer as directed 12. When completed select Finish and submit 13. A confirmation box will populate, select yes if completed
14. Select OK and Log out of the HCCS Testing Site. *Please note if you are taking more than one test, please select the second test and duplicate the steps listed above. Thank you for completing the HCCS Assessment 
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