IEICE TRANS. FUNDAMENTALS, VOL.E87–A, NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2004 2241 PAPER Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications Novel Design Procedure for MOSFET Class E Oscillator Hiroyuki HASE†a) , Nonmember, Hiroo SEKIYA† , Jianming LU† , and Takashi YAHAGI† , Members SUMMARY This paper presents a novel design procedure for class E oscillator. It is the characteristic of the proposed design procedure that a free-running oscillator is considered as a forced oscillator and the feedback waveform is tuned to the timing of the switching. By using the proposed design procedure, it is possible to design class E oscillator that cannot be designed by the conventional one. By carrying out two circuit experiments, we find that the experimental results agree with the calculated ones quantitatively, and show the validity of the proposed design procedure. One experimental measured power conversion efficiency is 90.7% under 6.8 W output power at an operating frequency 2.02 MHz, the other is 89.7% under 2.8 W output power at an operating frequency 1.97 MHz. key words: class E oscillator, design procedure, free-running oscillator, numerical calculation, class E switching conditions 1. Introduction Class E [1]–[12] is a class of operation of the MOSFET tuned power amplifiers. The nominal waveforms can minimize the switching power losses because of class E switching conditions and yield the high power conversion efficiency under high frequency (MHz order) operation. That is because class E switching minimizes the power dissipated during the MOSFET off-to-on transition, even if the switching time is an appreciable fraction of the signal period. Class E oscillator [1], [2] is one of class E family and is driven by the feedback voltage transformed from the output voltage. Class E oscillator is especially applicable at high frequency and may be as high-efficiency, high stability FM oscillator. However, class E switching need to satisfy two conditions, that is, zero voltage and zero slope of voltage switching. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine the values of circuit elements. The conventional design procedure for class E oscillator in [1] and [2] can be divided into two parts. One is the design of class E amplifier [3]–[10] and the other is that of the feedback network [11], [13]. High output Q, infinite dcfeed inductance and zero switch on resistance are assumed in the design of [1] and [2]. In the design of the feedback network, the design values are determined by AC analysis. Therefore, the output voltage of the amplifier, namely the input voltage of the feedback network, is assumed as a sinusoidal waveform. As a result, output Q must be high in the design of [1] and [2]. However, low Q is required for high Manuscript received December 19, 2003. Manuscript revised March 29, 2004. Final manuscript received May 14, 2004. † The authors are with the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Chiba-shi, 263-8522 Japan. a) E-mail: power output since the voltage across the resonant circuit becomes high. Moreover, finite dc-feed inductance is effective to minimize the circuit scale. Furthermore, the power losses at switch on resistance affect the power conversion efficiency. So it is worth considering switch on resistance in the design. Therefore, it is required to establish the design procedure with any conditions, i.e., any output Q, finite dc-feed inductance and switch on resistance. This paper presents a novel design procedure for class E oscillator. And we clarify the design curves of class E oscillator for any conditions. It is the characteristic of the proposed design procedure that a free-running oscillator is considered as a forced oscillator and the feedback waveform is tuned to the timing of the switching. In the proposed design procedure, we consider class E oscillator as one circuit though it is divided into class E amplifier and the feedback network for the conventional design. The proposed design procedure requires only circuit equations and design specifications. The other processes for computations of the design values are carried out with aid of computer. Therefore, class E oscillator with any conditions can be designed by the proposed design procedure. As a result, we can design class E oscillator that cannot be designed by the conventional design procedure. By carrying out the circuit experiment, we find that the experimental results agree with the calculated ones quantitatively, and show the validity of the proposed design procedure. The proposed design procedure can be applicable to the design for many kinds of free-running oscillators [13]. 2. Circuit Description Figure 1(a) shows the circuit topology of class E oscillator. Class E oscillator consists of an input direct voltage source VD , a dc-feed inductor LC , a MOSFET as a switching device S , a capacitor CS shunting the switch, a series resonant circuit L0 − C0 − R, two capacitors C1 and C2 , and a feedback inductor L f . Rd1 and Rd2 are resistors for supplying the bias voltage to the MOSFET and they are large enough to neglect the current through them [2]. Figure 1(b) shows the equivalent circuit in this paper. In this figure, Cg and rg are equivalent series capacitance and resistance between gate and source of the MOSFET. rS is switch on resistance. Moreover, rC , r0 and r f are parasitic resistance of LC , L0 and L f , respectively. The nominal waveforms of class E oscillator are shown in Fig. 2. The switching losses are reduced to zero by the operating requirements of zero and zero slope IEICE TRANS. FUNDAMENTALS, VOL.E87–A, NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2004 2242 [1] and [2] can be divided into two parts. One is the design of class E amplifier [3]–[10] and the other is that of the feedback network [11], [13]. High output Q, infinite dc-feed inductance and zero switch on resistance are assumed in the design of [1] and [2]. In the feedback network, the design values are determined by using the relation of phase-shift between input and output of the feedback network which is given by AC analysis. Therefore, the output voltage of the amplifier, namely the input voltage of the feedback network, is assumed as a sinusoidal waveform. As a result, output Q must be high in the design of [1] and [2], and it is impossible to design class E oscillator for low Q. However, low Q is required for high power output since the voltage across the resonant circuit becomes high. Moreover, finite dc-feed inductance is effective to minimize the circuit scale. The power losses at switch on resistance affect the power conversion efficiency. So it is worth considering switch on resistance in the design. Moreover, we think that finite dcfeed inductance and switch on resistance of amplifier affect the phase-shift of the feedback network. Therefore, it is important to establish the design procedure of class E oscillator with any conditions, i.e., any output Q, finite dc-feed inductance and switch on resistance. Fig. 1 (a) Circuit topology of class E oscillator. (b) Equivalent circuit. 4. The Proposed Design Procedure for Class E Oscillator In this section, we present the design procedure for class E oscillator. This design procedure is based on the design procedure for class E amplifier without using waveform equations [5], [12]. The circuit of [5] and [12] is a forced oscillation system. This paper applies the design procedure of [5] and [12] to that of a free-running oscillator. 4.1 Assumptions and Parameters Fig. 2 Nominal waveforms of class E oscillator. of switch voltage (vS = 0 and dvS /dt = 0) at the turn on transition, called class E switching conditions [1]–[12]. The output voltage vo of the oscillator is given as vo = v1 + v2 . The feedback voltage v f is the driving signal for the MOSFET. When the driving signal is larger than the threshold voltage Vth of the MOSFET, the MOSFET is in on state. On the other hand, in case of v f < Vth , the MOSFET is in off state. 3. The Conventional Design Procedure for Class E Oscillator The conventional design procedure for class E oscillator in At first, the following parameters of the circuit are defined. √ 1. ω0 = 2π f0 = 1/ L0C0 : The resonant angular frequency inthe amplifier. 2. ω f = 1/ L f Cg : The resonant angular frequency in the feedback network. 3. A = (ω0 /ω)2 = ( f0 / f )2 : A square value of the ratio of the resonant frequency in the amplifier to the operating (switching) frequency. 4. B = C0 /CS : The ratio of the capacitance of a resonant circuit capacitor to a capacitor shunting the switch S . 5. H = L0 /LC : The ratio of the inductance of a resonant circuit inductor to a dc-feed inductor. 6. J = C0 /C1 : The ratio of the capacitance of a resonant circuit capacitor to a feedback network capacitor. 7. K = C1 /C2 : The ratio of the capacitance between two capacitors in the feedback network. 8. M = (ω f /ω)2 = ( f f / f )2 : A square value of the ratio of the resonant frequency in the feedback network to the operating (switching) frequency. 9. Q = ωL0 /R : The loaded quality factor of the resonant circuit L0 − C0 − R. HASE et al.: NOVEL DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR MOSFET CLASS E OSCILLATOR 2243 Table 1 An example model of IRF530 MOSFET. threshold voltage Vth switch on resistance rS gate-source capacitance Cg gate-source resistance rg 3.0 V 0.16 Ω 1.72 nF 2.18 Ω 10. Q f = ωL f /rg = 1/ωMCg rg : The loaded quality factor of the resonant circuit L f − Cg − rg . Next, the design given below is based on the following assumptions. 1. The switching device S has zero switching times, infinite off resistance and on resistance rS . In this paper, we use IRF530 MOSFET as a switching device. Table 1 shows an example model of IRF530 MOSFET. In this table, Vth and rS are used from the FET manual. rg and Cg are measured values by HP 16047 A. 2. The inductors have equivalent series resistance(ESR’s). 3. All passive elements including switch on resistance and ESR’s operate as linear elements. 4. The shunt capacitance CS includes switch device capacitance. 5. The operating frequency f is assumed as f < 8.5 MHz. From Cg and rg in Table 1, we can assume high Q f (Q f > 5) if f < 8.5 MHz is satisfied. High Q f means that the feedback waveform v f is sinusoidal. Hence, the switch on duty ratio of the oscillator is thought as 0.5 under this assumption. 4.2 Circuit Equation We consider the circuit operation in the interval 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, where θ = ωt represents angular time. And the circuit equations are expressed as follows: di H C = (VD − vS − rC iC ) dθ QR dvS vS = ABQR(iC − − i) dθ R S dv = AQRi dθ di 1 = (vS − v − v1 − v2 − r0 i) dθ QR v1 + v2 dv1 = AJQR(i − ) (1) dθ R dv2 v1 + v2 = AJKQR(i − − if ) dθ R di f dvg = ωMCg (v2 − vg − ωrgCg − rf if ) dθ dθ VD − v f vf dvg 1 = (i f + − ) dθ ωCg Rd1 Rd2 dv v f = vg + ωrgCg g . dθ In (1), RS means the resistance of the switch S . When we define that the switch S turns on at θ = 0, RS is expressed as RS = rS (0 ≤ θ ≤ π) ∞ (π ≤ θ ≤ 2π). (2) In the proposed design procedure, we assume a forced oscillation like (2) by using assumption 5. And the design values are determined by tuning the phase of the feedback voltage v f to the timing of the switching. When we define x(θ) = [x1 , x2 ,..., x8 ] T = [iC , vS , v, i, v1 , v2 , i f , vg ] T ∈ R8 , (1) can be written as dx = f (θ, x, λ) dθ (3) where λ = [A, B, H, Q, J, K, M, Cg , ω, VD , rS , rg , rC , r0 , r f , R, Rd1 , Rd2 ] T ∈ R18 . 4.3 Conditions for the Design We assume that (1) has a solution x(θ) = ϕ(θ, x0 , λ) = [ϕ1 , ϕ2 ,..., ϕ8 ]T defined on −∞ < θ < ∞ with every initial condition x0 and every λ : x(0) = ϕ(0, x0 , λ). If the oscillator is in the steady state, the equation: ϕ(θ + 2π, x0 , λ) = ϕ(θ, x0 , λ) ∀θ (4) is given. Therefore, ϕ(2π, x0 , λ) − ϕ(0, x0 , λ) = 0 ∈ R8 (5) is given as the boundary conditions between θ = 0 and θ = 2π. In order to design class E oscillator, we have to consider the conditions for class E switching and the phase matching of driving signal of the MOSFET. The class E switching conditions mean that both the voltage and the slope of the voltage of the switch are zero when switch S turns on. Therefore, the equations ϕ2 (2π, x0 , λ) = 0 dϕ2 (θ, x0 , λ) dθ θ=2π (6) = ABQR(ϕ1 (2π, x0 , λ) − ϕ4 (2π, x0 , λ)) = 0 (7) are given. The phase matching of driving signal of the MOSFET means that the feedback voltage v f is equal to Vth when switch S turns on. Therefore, the equation ϕ8 (0, x0 , λ) + ωrgCg ϕ8 (0, x0 , λ) = Vth dθ (8) is given. From above considerations, we recognize that the design of class E oscillator boils down to the derivation of the solution of the algebraic Eqs. (5)–(8). In these equations, we have 11 algebraic equations and 8 unknown initial values, namely x0 ∈ R8 . Therefore, 3 parameters can be set as the design parameters from λ ∈ R18 . In this paper, we set A, B, and M as unknown parameters. And the other parameters are given as the design specifications. As a result, we can get the algebraic equations in shape as follows: IEICE TRANS. FUNDAMENTALS, VOL.E87–A, NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2004 2244 ϕ(2π, x0 , A, B, M) − ϕ(0, x0 , A, B, M) ϕ2 (2π, x0 , A, B, M) ϕ1 (2π, x0 , A, B, M) − ϕ4 (2π, x0 , A, B, M) ϕ8 (0, x0 , A, B, M) ϕ8 (0, x0 , A, B, M) + ωrgCg − Vth dθ = 0. (9) Applying Runge-Kutta method and Newton’s method to (9), the unknown parameters can be found, and the design values, that is, A, B and M are determined. The procedure for calculations of Newton’s method is the same as in [5] and [12]. 5. The Benefits of the Proposed Design Procedure It seems to be natural to use a circuit simulator, e.g., SPICE for the design of class E oscillator. In order to design class E oscillator, we have to consider three conditions, namely, class E switching conditions and the condition of phase matching of driving signal of the MOSFET. However, three parameters, that is, A, B and M cannot be determined independently since all of three parameters affect all of three conditions. Therefore, it takes a long time to tune the parameters experientially based on the results of using SPICE since many trial and error efforts are needed, and it is difficult to derive the accurate solutions. Moreover, it is necessary to derive the solutions in steady state when designers check the validity of tuned parameters. Therefore, many calculations are needed since the designers tune parameters many times. Because of above reason, the design values of class E oscillator are derived from waveform equations in the conventional design procedure [1], [2]. However, these design procedures allow only a condition under high output Q, infinite dc-feed inductance and zero switch on resistance. If designers require other design specifications, they need to derive waveform equations according to the required conditions. It is very difficult to express the solutions in steady state explicitly. Therefore, it also takes a long time to derive waveform equations. In the proposed design procedure, the solutions in steady state and nominal parameters are derived simultaneously by using Newton’s method. As shown in [5], the variational equations must be needed for the calculation of Jacobean matrix in Newton’s method. The circuit Eq. (1) are required in order to derive the variational equations. These are also reasons why SPICE simulator cannot be used in the proposed design procedure. However, if only the circuit equations are formulated, the accurate design values of class E oscillator can be derived with few efforts under any conditions. This is because the all procedures except the derivation of the circuit equations can be carried out with aid of computer. They are benefits of the proposed design procedure compared with the other design procedure. 6. Disscussion of the Results In this section, we show the design curves of class E oscil- lator. At first, the design specifications are given as follows: f = 2.0 MHz, VD = 12 V, R = 10 Ω, J = 1.0, K = 0.1, Rd1 = 750 kΩ, Rd2 = 250 kΩ and rC = r0 = r f = 0 Ω. Moreover, rS , Cg and rg are the same as in Table 1. Figure 3 shows the design curves of A, B, M and the power conversion efficiency η of class E oscillator as a function of Q. In this figure, the power conversion efficiency η is given by η= Vo2 /R . VD IC (10) Here, Vo is the root mean square output voltage vo that is given by 2π 1 Vo = {vo (θ)}2 dθ, (11) 2π 0 and IC is the root mean square input current iC that is given by 2π 1 IC = iC (θ)dθ. (12) 2π 0 For the calculations of the integrations of v2o and iC in (11) and (12), we apply trapezoidal method in this paper. The design curves of A and B vary rapidly at about Q = 7.5. That is because Q = 7.5 is the boundary between under-damped case and over-damped case. For Q > 7.5, the waveforms for this region are almost same since the current i through the resonant circuit is sinusoidal regardless of Q. Therefore, the variations of the design parameters are small for Q > 7.5. On the other hand, for Q < 7.5, the variations of the design Fig. 3 The design parameters as a function of Q for H = 0.001, J = 1.0 and K = 0.1. (a) The design curve of A. (b) The design curve of B. (c) The design curve of M. (d) The power conversion efficiency η. HASE et al.: NOVEL DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR MOSFET CLASS E OSCILLATOR 2245 parameters are large since the current i through the resonant circuit is nonsinusoidal. From Fig. 3(c), we can find that the variation of M is small. This is because the phase-shift between input and output of the feedback network has a little change even if the current i through the resonant circuit is nonsinusoidal. From Fig. 3(d), the power conversion efficiency η of the oscillator keeps over than 90% for Q > 2. On the other hand, the characteristic curve of η varies rapidly for Q < 2. Therefore, we think that Q = 2 is the lower limit of Q for these specifications. From this figure, we can find that the design parameters are greatly influenced by the waveforms of the current i through the resonant circuit. Figure 4 shows the design curves of A, B, M and the power conversion efficiency η of the oscillator as a function of H for Q = 3, 5, and 10. When H is small, LC works as RF choke and the input current iC is direct. Therefore, the design parameters are almost constant for small H. However, in the range of large H, the design parameters are varied since LC works as finite dc-feed inductance and iC is not direct. From Fig. 4(c), it is confirmed that M varies as H varies. This result shows that the parameter of the amplifier affects the design of the feedback network and denotes the importance of our opinion that class E oscillator should be considered as one circuit at the design. From Figs. 4(a)–(c), there are limitations of H for these specifications. The maximum values of H are 3.4, 3.2 and 4.3 for H = 3, 5 and 10, respectively in Fig. 4. Moreover, from Fig. 4(d), the power conversion efficiency η increases as H increases. Therefore, finite dc-feed inductance achieves not only the miniaturization of circuit scale but also high efficiency operation. From Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, it is confirmed that we can de- Fig. 4 The design parameters as a function of H for J = 1.0 and K = 0.1. (a) The design curve of A. (b) The design curve of B. (c) The design curve of M. (d) The power conversion efficiency η. rive the design values of class E oscillator with any output Q, finite dc-feed inductance and switch on resistance. When we notice the power conversion efficiency η, class E oscillator should be designed for high Q and high H. When we notice the miniaturization of circuit scale, class E oscillator should be designed for low Q and high H. 7. Experimental Results We carry out two circuit experiments. At the first experiment, class E oscillator with high Q and low H is designed. The design specifications are the operating frequency f = 2.0 MHz, the input voltage VD = 12 V, R = 10 Ω, H = 0.003, Q = 10, J = 1.0 and K = 0.1. From the above specifications, LC and L0 are determined as LC = 2.65 mH and L0 = 7.95 µH. Therefore, we can make inductors LC and L0 before the calculations for the design. From these inductors, ESR’s of LC and L0 can be measured as rC = 0.04 Ω and r0 = 0.20 Ω. The resonant frequency in the feedback network is nearly equal to the operating frequency. Therefore, we assume r f = 0.09 Ω from the relation of L0 and r0 . We use these values of ESR’s for the calculations of the design. In this experiment, we use IRF530 MOSFET whose characteristics are measured as shown in Table 1. From VD =12 V and Vth =3 V, we give Rd1 = 750 kΩ and Rd2 = 250 kΩ. By using above specifications and the proposed design procedure, we derive the design parameters as A = 0.863, B = 0.599 and M = 0.808. From these parameters, the element values of class E oscillator are derived as shown in Table 2. Figure 5 depicts the experimental waveforms and the calculated ones for the conditions in Table 2. From this figure, the input current iC is direct and the output voltage vo is sinusoidal because of low H and high Q. The experimental waveforms are satisfied with class E switching conditions. In this circuit experiment, class E oscillator achieves 90.7% power conversion efficiency under 6.8 W, 2.02 MHz output operation. At the second experiment, class E oscillator with low Q and high H is designed. In these specifications, it is impossible to design class E oscillator by the conventional design procedure. The design specifications are the operating fre- Fig. 5 Experimental results for f = 2.0 MHz, VD = 12 V, R = 10 Ω, H = 0.003, Q = 10, J = 1.0 and K = 0.1. (a) Experimental waveforms. Vertical: iC : 1 A/div, vS , vo and v f : 20 V/div. Horizontal: 200 ns/div (b) Calculated waveforms. IEICE TRANS. FUNDAMENTALS, VOL.E87–A, NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2004 2246 Table 2 Design values of class E oscillator for Q = 10 and H = 0.003. LC L0 Lf CS C0 C1 C2 R Rd1 Rd2 rC r0 rf f VD Vo IC η Table 3 Calculated 2.65 mH 7.95 µH 4.55 µH 1.54 nF 922pF 922pF 9.22 nF 10.0 Ω 250 kΩ 750 kΩ 0.04 Ω 0.20 Ω 0.09 Ω 2.00 MHz 12.0 V 8.30 V 0.640 A 89.6% Measured 2.50 mH 7.81 µH 4.61 µH 1.59 nF 909pF 914pF 9.08 nF 9.95 Ω 240 kΩ 750 kΩ 0.04 Ω 0.20 Ω 0.11 Ω 2.02 MHz 12.0 V 8.24 V 0.627 A 90.7% Table 4 Difference −5.7% −1.8% 1.3% 3.2% −1.4% −0.9% −1.5% −0.5% −4.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% 1.0% 0.0% −0.7% −2.0% 1.1% Design values of class E oscillator for Q = 3 and H = 1. LC L0 Lf CS C0 C1 C2 R Rd1 Rd2 rC r0 rf f VD Vo IC η Calculated 2.39 µH 2.39 µH 4.14 µH 3.51 nF 4.25 nF 4.25 nF 42.5 nF 10.0 Ω 750 kΩ 750 kΩ 0.09 Ω 0.09 Ω 0.14 Ω 2.00 MHz 6.0 V 5.45 V 0.549A 90.2% Measured 2.39 µH 2.42 µH 4.27 µH 3.46 nF 4.26 nF 4.26pF 42.6 nF 9.92 Ω 750 kΩ 750 kΩ 0.09 Ω 0.09 Ω 0.12 Ω 1.97 MHz 6.0 V 5.27 V 0.520A 89.7% Difference 0.0 % 1.3 % 3.1 % −1.4 % 0.2 % 0.2 % 0.2 % −0.8 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % −14.3 % −1.5 % 0.0 % −3.3 % −5.3 % −0.5 % The model of IRF530 MOSFET used in the second experiment. threshold voltage Vth switch on resistance rS gate-source capacitance Cg gate-source resistance rg 3.0 V 0.16 Ω 1.66 nf 2.36 Ω quency f = 2.0 MHz, the input voltage VD = 6 V, R = 10 Ω, H = 1, Q = 3, J = 1.0 and K = 0.1. From the above specifications, LC and L0 are determined as LC = L0 = 2.39 µH. From these inductors, ESR’s of LC and L0 can be measured as rC = 0.09 Ω and r0 = 0.09 Ω. We assume r f = 0.14 Ω. We use these values of ESR’s for the calculations of the design. In this experiment, we use IRF530 MOSFET whose characteristics are measured as shown in Table 3. From VD =6 V and Vth =3 V, we give Rd1 = Rd2 = 750 kΩ. By using our design procedure, we derive the design parameters as A = 0.624, B = 1.211 and M = 0.920. From these parameters, the element values of class E oscillator are derived as shown in Table 4. Figure 6 depicts the experimental waveforms and the calculated ones. From this figure, the input current iC is not direct and the output voltage vo is nonsinusoidal because of high H and low Q. The experimenal waveforms are satisfied with class E switching conditions. Therefore, we can confirm that the design values which are satisfied with the desired conditions can be determined in spite of low Q and high H by using proposed design procedure. In this circuit experiment, class E oscillator achieves 89.7% power conversion efficiency under 2.8 W, 1.97 MHz output operation. In Figs. 5(a) and 6(a), the experimental waveforms of v f are afffected by switching characteristics of the MOSFET. Therefore, the waveforms of v f lose their shapes a little. From Figs. 5 and 6, and Tables 2 and 4, we find that the experimental results agree with the calculated ones quantitatively and we show the validity of the proposed design procedure. Fig. 6 Experimental results for f = 2.0 MHz, VD = 6 V, R = 10 Ω, H = 1, Q = 3, J = 1.0 and K = 0.1. (a) Experimental waveforms. Vertical: iC : 1 A/div, vS , vo and v f : 10 V/div. Horizontal: 200 ns/div (b) Calculated waveforms. 8. Conclusion This paper has presented a novel design procedure for class E oscillator. And the design curves of class E oscillator for any conditions have been clarified. It is the characteristic of the proposed design procedure that a free-running oscillator is considered as a forced oscillator and the feedback waveform is tuned to the timing of the switching. Moreover, in the proposed design procedure, we consider class E oscillator as one circuit though it is divided into class E amplifier and the feedback network for the conventional design. By carrying out two circuit experiments, we find that the experimental results agree with the calculated ones quantitatively, and show the validity of the proposed design procedure. One experimental measured power conversion efficiency is 90.7% under 6.8 W output power at an operating frequency 2.02 MHz for high Q and low H. The other is 89.7% under 2.8 W output power at an operating frequency 1.97 MHz for low Q and high H. The proposed design procedure is applicable to the design for many kinds of oscillators. HASE et al.: NOVEL DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR MOSFET CLASS E OSCILLATOR 2247 Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research (SCAT), The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (TAF), and The Yazaki Memorial Foundation for science and Technology. Hiroyuki Hase was born in Tokyo, Japan, on September 21, 1980. He received the B.E. degree from Chiba University, Japan, in 2004. He is a M.E. candidate in Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University. His research interests include high-frequency highefficiency oscillator, resonant dc/dc power converter and dc/ac inverter. References [1] J. Evert and M. Kazimierczuk, “Class E high-efficiency tuned power oscillator,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.SC-16, no.2, pp.62–66, April 1981. [2] D.V. Chernov, M.K. Kazimierczuk, and V.G. Krizhanovski, “ClassE MOSFET low-voltage power oscillator,” Proc. 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Yahagi, “Design of generalized class E2 dc/dc converter,” Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl. 2003, vol.31, no.3, pp.229–248, 2003. [13] M. Kazimierczuk, “A new approach to the design of tuned power oscillators,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol.CAS-29, no.4, pp.261– 267, April 1982. Hiroo Sekiya was born in Tokyo, Japan, on July 5, 1973. He received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, in 1996, 1998, and 2001 respectively. Since April 2001, He has been with Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan where he is a Research Associate. His research interests include high-frequency high-efficiency tuned power amplifiers, frequency multipliers, resonant dc/dc power converter, dc/ac inverters, bifurcation and chaotic phenomena in nonlinear electrical circuits, and digital signal processing for speech, image and communication. Dr. Sekiya is a member of IEEE and Research Institute of Signal Processing (RISP), Japan. Jianming Lu received the M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Chiba University, Japan, in 1990 and 1993, respectively. In 1993, he joined Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, as an Associate in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences. Since 1994 he has been with the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, and in 1998 he was promoted to Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University. His current research interests are in the theory and applications of digital signal processing and control theory. Dr. Lu is a member of IEEE (USA), SICE (Japan), IEEJ (Japan) and JSME (Japan). Takashi Yahagi received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees all in electronics engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1966, 1968 and 1971, respectively. In 1971, he joined Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, as a Lecturer in the Department of Electronics Engineering. From 1974 to 1984 he was an Associate Professor, and in 1984 he was promoted to Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. From 1989 to 1998, he was with the Department of Information and Computer Sciences. Since 1998 he has been with the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University. His current research interests are in the theory and applications of digital signal processing and other related areas. He is the editor of the “Library of Digital Signal Processing” (Corona Pub. Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Since 1999 he has been Chairman of the IEEE Japan Chapter of Signal Processing Society. Dr. Yahagi is a member of IEEE (USA), The New York Academy of Sciences (USA), ISCIE (Japan).