AME 30331 section 01 – Fall 11
AME 30331-01: Fluid Mechanics
Syllabus revised 8/30/11
Fall 2011
Time: MWF, 8:30 – 9:20 AM
Location: 136 DeBartolo Hall
Instructor: Dr. Philippe Sucosky
Office: MRB (Engineering North) 143
Teaching assistants:
Kyle Heintz
Office phone: 574.631.1898
Cell phone: 404.376.5576
Lionel Pittman
John D’Antonio
Office hours: M: 4-5pm, T & Th: 2-3pm
Nicholas Galati
Na Yu
Shiyan Wang
2-3 PM
3-4 PM
4-5 PM
5-6 PM
(Fitz 365)
(MRB 143)
(MRB 143)
(Fitz 365)
TA office hour
(Hessert 112)
TA office hour
(Hessert 112)
Recitation 1
(136 DeBartolo)
(MRB 143)
(Fitz 365)
TA office hour
(Hessert 112)
TA office hour
(Hessert 112)
Recitation 2
(126 DeBartolo)
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: This is a first course in fluid mechanics for students of aerospace and mechanical engineering.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Identify, recognize and define basic concepts in fluid mechanics
Apply those concepts to solve practical problems encountered in aerospace and mechanical engineering
The topics to be covered are as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Fluid statics
3. Control volume analysis
4. Local analysis
5. Potential flow
6. Dimensional analysis, similarity
7. Pipe flow
8. Boundary layers
9. Thin airfoil theory
10. Turbulence
R EQUIRED TEXTBOOK : Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 6 th
edition (Munson/Young/Okiishi/Huebsch).
Wiley, ISBN 978-0470926536.
O PTIONAL DVD: Multimedia Fluid Mechanics, 2 nd
edition (G. M. Homsy). ISBN 978-0-521-72169-1.
R EADING ASSIGNMENTS : Book chapters covering the material taught in class are indicated in the class schedule. In order to facilitate your understanding of the material presented in class, you are expected to read the book sections prior to attending the respective lecture.
AME 30331 section 01 – Fall 11 Syllabus revised 8/30/11
W EBSITE : Information about the course will be posted online on my personal website: Syllabus, course schedule, homework assignments and solutions, exam solutions will be accessible as pdfs.
C OMPUTING RESOURCES : Assignments may require the use of a programmable scientific calculator and/or Matlab (available in computer clusters).
O FFICE HOURS : You are encouraged to ask questions during the lectures, recitation sessions and office hours (TAs: 3 hours/week; instructor: 3 hours/week). The instructor and the TAs will also address questions by email.
R ECITATIONS : A recitation session (1 hour) will be held by a TA on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The class will be split in two groups, each assigned to a particular session until the end of the semester.
In case of conflict during a particular week, please inform the TA in charge of your session.
Although attendance is not mandatory, you are encouraged to attend as the material covered during the sessions could be helpful to solve exam problems. You are also encouraged to suggest some problems to the TA (email the TA at least 48 hrs before the session).
R EVIEW SESSIONS : A review session will be held by the instructor the week before each midterm/exam.
PREREQUISITES: AME 20222 (Mechanics II), AME 20231 (Thermodynamics), MATH 20580 (Linear algebra and differential equations).
ASSESSMENT: Your overall performance will be measured through weekly homework assignments and three examinations.
F INAL SCORE : The final score reflecting your performance will be calculated as follows:
Hour exam 1:
Hour exam 2:
Final exam:
H OMEWORK GRADING SCHEME : Homework assignments will be made every Friday and are due on the
Friday following the date assigned, prior to the beginning of the class. The assignments should be prepared according to the format rules described below (see “homework and exam format”). For each homework assignment handed in, one or two problems will be graded while the others will be checked for a sufficient solution effort. Graded problems will be assigned a score ranging from 0 to
10. Checked problems will be assigned either a “ ” (problem attempted with sufficient effort) or a
“×” (problem not attempted). A problem selected for grading but not handed in by the student will also receive a “×”. The final homework score to be awarded at the end of the semester will be calculated as:
Final homework score
(out of 100)
Average homework grade ( S )
(0 < S ≤ 100)
Coefficient ( α ) reflecting number of assignments turned in (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) where: S
HWgrades number of HW assignments
number of assignments turned in total number of assignments
AME 30331 section 01 – Fall 11 Syllabus revised 8/30/11
This system rewards the student who diligently completes every assignment and penalizes the student who may have luckily handed in every graded problem, but none of the others.
F INAL EXAM AND HOUR EXAMS : Hour exams will consist of 1 or 2 problems, and possibly a short quiz
(definitions, short answers). The final exam will consist of up to three problems and a quiz. All exams are cumulative and cover all the material taught until the exam date.
G RADING CORRECTIONS : In most situations, grades and scores are considered final, unless an arithmetic error has been made in the score calculation. Any disputes over grading on homework or exams should be brought to the instructor. Do not take questions related to grading to the TA's.
Submit within one week of receiving the graded item: o The original, unaltered homework or exam. o A written description of the grading error. o What you believe a fair score for the problem should be.
P ARTIAL CREDITS : Partial credits will be given to incomplete answers providing that a credible attempt was made at solving the problem. The different steps, methods and principles required to solve the problem must be clearly stated to get partial credits.
H OMEWORK AND EXAM POLICIES : o Hour and final examinations will be open book and open note. Calculators will be permitted, unless specified otherwise. o Make-up examinations will not be permitted, except in the rarest of circumstances. o Late homework will not be accepted and will be assigned a score of zero. o Cheating will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as severely as policy permits. o Your work is expected to be neat. Unreadable homework will not be graded. o You are encouraged to work together on homework; however, each student is expected to submit his or her own solution. o Homework and exam solutions will be posted on the course website.
Work handed in for grading will be prepared according to the following rules: o Use only 1 side of a standard letter size (8.5 x 11 in) paper. o Begin each problem on a new page. o Staple the entire assignment/exam together. o Place your name/ND id (or both) at the top of each page. o Use only black/blue ink. Assignments/exams written with pencils will not be graded. o If you realize you made a mistake in your answer or in some parts of your answer, cross neatly and clearly the part(s) to be discarded, and write your new answer immediately below the discarded part(s). o Clearly indicate the final answer/result by drawing a box around it or underlining it. o Include units. Results without units (if applicable) will be considered wrong. o Clearly state all your assumptions.
A TTENDANCE : Attendance will not be formally checked. However, the material presented in the lectures will differ from that in the text, particularly in style and level of mathematical rigor. You will be responsible for what is covered in the lectures; therefore, it is to your advantage to attend every class and take careful notes.
AME 30331 section 01 – Fall 11 Syllabus revised 8/30/11
W ORK LOAD : Although an introductory course, fluid mechanics is considered challenging because of its mathematical content and the scientific rigor required to solve simple problems. Therefore, you should expect to complement each hour spent in class by at least two hours of personal work.
H ONOR CODE : Students are expected to understand and abide by the principles and procedures set forth in the University of Notre Dame Code of Honor (
o Students are expected to uphold the pledge that “As a member of the Notre Dame community, I will not participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty.” o Working together, asking questions of classmates, or assisting others on exams is prohibited. Students are obliged, under the honor code, to report any improprieties during the exam. The instructor or a teaching assistant will be present during exams to answer questions. o Students may collaboratively discuss course assignments but are expected to write and complete their own assignments independently.
DISCLAIMER: Additions, amendments, or revisions to the present syllabus may be made throughout the semester via announcements, handouts or emails.
QUESTIONS, CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions are welcome during the lectures and during office hours. Should a conflict in schedules prohibit you from coming during the posted office hours, other arrangements can be made. Feel free to send your questions via email (expect a reply within 24 hours during the week).