TECHNICAL STANDARD – TS-108 FOR DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT AND TRANSFORMER ROOMS Published: 3 September 2012 SA Power Networks. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 1 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. Copyright 2010 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms REVISION NOTICE: EXPLANATION Amendments to clauses 5.0, 6.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7.1, 9.8.1,,, 9.9, 9.9.1, 10.1 and 11.2 Replaced Figure 1 Company name change only. No other content of this Technical Standard has been altered. Any revision markings are from the May 2012 edition. May 2012 3 September 2012 SA Power Networks - SA Power Networks means Distribution Lessor Corporation subject to a two hundred year lease to the partnership of companies trading as SA Power Networks or SA Power Networks in its own right. SA Power Networks, ABN 13 332 330 749, a partnership of: Spark Infrastructure SA (No.1) Pty Ltd, ABN 54 091 142 380 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.2) Pty Ltd, ABN 19 091 143 038 Spark Infrastructure SA (No.3) Pty Ltd, ABN 50 091 142 362 each incorporated in Australia CKI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 65 090 718 880 PAI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 82 090 718 951 each incorporated in The Bahamas 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick, South Australia, 5035. SA Power Networks Disclaimer: 1. The use of the information contained in this Technical Standard is at your sole risk. 2. The Information in this Technical Standard is subject to change without notice. 3. SA Power Networks, its agents, instrumentalities, officers and employees: a. Make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in this Technical Standard; b. Accept no liability for any use of the said information or reliance placed on it; and c. Make no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the said information for any particular purpose. 4. SA Power Networks and its agencies and instrumentalities do not endorse or in any respect warrant any third party products or services by virtue of any information, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to this Technical Standard. SA Power Networks Copyright © 2012: This publication is copyright. SA Power Networks reserves to itself all rights in such material. You must not reproduce any content of this Technical Standard by any process without first obtaining SA Power Networks permission, except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. All rights reserved. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 2 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. DATE TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms 1.0 PURPOSE................................................................................. 6 2.0 SCOPE .................................................................................... 6 3.0 GRACE PERIOD ...................................................................... 7 4.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................... 7 5.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................... 9 6.0 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ROOM LOCATION ............... 12 6.1 SITE LOCATION .................................................................. 12 6.2 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ROOM LOCATION ....................... 12 6.3 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ROOM SIZE ................................ 13 7.0 LAND TENURE ....................................................................... 15 7.1 FORM OF TENURE ............................................................... 15 7.2 EASEMENT DOCUMENTATION PROVISIONS .............................. 15 7.2.1 Exclusively Enclosed Building Area for Housing T/F .... 15 7.2.2 Cables and other Physical Services ............................. 15 7.2.3 Ventilation ....................................................................... 15 7.2.4 Access by Personnel, Equipment and Vehicles .......... 15 7.3 THIRD PARTY LAND ............................................................. 16 7.4 LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ................................................... 16 7.5 COSTS ............................................................................. 16 8.0 ACCESS REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 16 8.1 SLOPING GROUND CONDITIONS .......................................... 16 8.2 PERSONNEL SAFETY AND ACCESS ......................................... 17 8.3 EQUIPMENT ACCESS ........................................................... 17 8.3.1 Equipment and Personnel Doors ................................... 18 8.3.2 Personnel Doors with Stairs............................................. 18 8.3.3 Hatchway Type Entrances ............................................. 18 8.3.4 Safety Signs ..................................................................... 18 8.3.5 Hardware ......................................................................... 19 TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Access Route to the Distribution T/F Room .. 19 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 3 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. CONTENTS 8.4 HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS..................................................... 19 8.5 AVOIDANCE OF SERVICES AND ENCROACHMENTS ................... 19 8.6 NOISE .............................................................................. 19 9.0 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 20 9.1 GENERAL.......................................................................... 20 9.2 FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 20 9.3 DRAINAGE AND WATERPROOFING ........................................ 21 9.3.1 Site Drainage ................................................................... 21 9.3.2 Area Drainage ................................................................ 21 9.3.3 Water Tightness ............................................................... 21 9.3.4 Methods ........................................................................... 21 9.4 WALLS AND CEILINGS ......................................................... 21 9.5 FLOORS ............................................................................ 21 9.6 VENTILATION ..................................................................... 22 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.6.1 Natural Ventilation .......................................................... 22 9.6.2 Forced Ventilation .......................................................... 23 9.6.3 Distribution T/F Space & Ventilation Requirements ...... 23 9.6.4 Special Requirements for Ventilation Ducts ................. 24 FIRE ................................................................................. 24 9.7.1 Fire Detection and Alarm Settings ................................. 24 9.7.2 Fire Fighting Systems....................................................... 24 9.7.3 Fire Segregations ............................................................ 24 CABLE SUPPORTS ............................................................... 25 9.8.1 General ............................................................................ 25 9.8.2 Approved Supports and Enclosures .............................. 25 Buried Conduit:............................................... 25 Supported/Enclosed Conduit ....................... 25 HAULING EYES .................................................................. 26 9.9.1 For Cables & Distribution Transformers .......................... 26 9.10 OIL CONTAINMENT ............................................................ 26 9.11 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS................................................. 27 TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 4 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms PROVISION OF PERMANENT SUPPLY.................................... 28 10.1 INCOMING HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY....................................... 28 10.2 APPROVAL ....................................................................... 28 10.3 INSTALLATIONS .................................................................. 28 10.4 INSPECTIONS ..................................................................... 28 11.0 AGREEMENTS, APPROVALS AND CONSTRUCTION ............. 29 11.1 SAFETY AND CLEARANCES ................................................... 29 11.2 EARTHING REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 29 11.3 STANDARD DESIGNS ........................................................... 30 11.4 INSPECTIONS ..................................................................... 31 11.5 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE - CONSTRUCTION ................... 31 11.6 LIGHTING AND POWER WITHIN T/F ROOM ENCLOSURE .............. 32 11.6.1 Temporary (During Construction Stage) ....................... 32 11.6.2 Permanent ....................................................................... 32 12.0 TS-108 MAINTENANCE/REPAIR OF THE DIST. T/F ROOM ............................. 32 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 5 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 10.0 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms PURPOSE This Technical Standard specifies the standard distribution equipment and distribution transformer room‟s location, land tenure, access, construction and provision of permanent supply requirements for a new or upgraded installation that will be a component of SA Power Networks distribution network. It will assist SA Power Networks customers/landowners (i.e. the registered proprietors of land) in the planning of a development once it is established that a distribution equipment and distribution transformer room will be required within the customers/ landowners‟ building or in a separate building on the property in order to meet the electricity supply requirements. Furthermore it will assist in clarifying the customers/landowners‟ responsibilities, agreements, approvals, construction and certificate of compliance process. This document also provides guidelines in carrying out duties in safe, reliable and cost effective way with the activities associated with distribution equipment and distribution transformer rooms. 2.0 SCOPE The specification in this technical standard is applicable (but not limited) for the distribution transformers which are nominally 33kV/0.4kV or 11kV/0.4kV and with a capacity of 2000kVA or less. The construction of a distribution transformer room is principally governed by the requirements of the “Electricity (General) Regulations 1997”, other statutory authority requirements and the Building Code of Australia. Timely advice enables SA Power Networks to outline the distribution transformer room and underground cable requirements, to assess the impact of the development on the distribution system and to plan any associated work so that supply can be made by the required date. The construction of the distribution transformer room and compliance to the technical standard is the customer/landowner‟s (i.e. the registered proprietors of land) responsibility. For further assistance/information concerning this technical standard, please contact the relevant SA Power Networks‟ Manager. This technical standard is available at the SA Power Networks websites below: On Intranet (for Internal use): 1. Technical Standards Series 2. NICC Brochures Series On Internet (for External use): 1. Technical Standards Series 2. NICC Brochures Series The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 6 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 1.0 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms GRACE PERIOD The maximum grace period acceptable by SA Power Networks for implementing this Standard is 3 months from the date of publication. Any new design submitted for a Single Customer installation must reflect this current Standard immediately. All projects that are not in receipt of “Specification Compliance” at the revised date of issue for this technical standard will need to incorporate the latest requirements. This is applicable to both the design and construction phases of the project. The validity period for a “Specification Compliance” is 60 days. On the expiry of a “Specification Compliance”, any specification change without a documented exemption must be incorporated into the design and construction of SA Power Networks infrastructure. 4.0 REFERENCES The following listed documents are for additional information. It is advisable to refer to the current publications before implementing them. Other documentation may be required on a project specific basis. Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) Codes: SA Electricity Distribution Code (EDC) Energy Networks Association (AUS) Publications: ENA NENS 03 - 2006 - National Guidelines for Safe Access to Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus ENA NENS 04 - 2006 - National Guidelines for Safe Approach Distances to Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus South Australian Legislation: This technical standard does not necessarily align with AS/NZS Standards Australia Publications. SA Electricity Act 1996 SA Electricity (General) Regulations 1997 SA OHS&W Act 1986 SA OHS&W Regulations 2010 Environment, Heritage and Native Vegetation Protection Acts: Environment Protection Act 1993 Environment Protection Regulations 2009 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 Native Vegetation Act 1991 Heritage Places Act 1993 National Parks & Wildlife Act 1972 Natural Resources Management Act 2004 The Building Code of Australia Publications: TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 7 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 3.0 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Department of Planning Transport & Infrastructure Publications: Application Form – for Road works & Closures on Roads Notification of Works Impacting DPTI Roads Specification for Excavation and Reinstatement of Road Pavements Standards Australia Publications: AS/NZS 1158 - Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces Set AS1319 – Safety Signs for the occupational Environment AS 1345 - Identification of the Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Ducts AS 1668.2 - The Use of Ventilation and Air Conditioning in Buildings. AS 60038 - Standard Voltages AS/NZS 2032 - Installation of PVC pipe systems AS/NZS 2053 - Conduits and Fittings for Electrical Installations– Part 1 & 2 General Requirements AS 2067 - Substations and High Voltage Installations exceeding 1 kV A.C. AS/NZS 2648.1 - Underground Marking Tape - Non-Detectable Tape AS 2885.1 - Pipelines - Gas and Liquid Petroleum - Design and Construction AS/NZS 3000 - Electrical Installations (known as the AS/NZ Wiring Rules) AS/NZS 3500 (Set) - Plumbing and Drainage Set AS 3798 - Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments AS/NZS 4645.3 - Gas Distribution Networks - Plastics Pipe Systems AS 4678 - Earth-Retaining Structures AS 4799 - Installation of Underground Utility Services and Pipelines within Railway Boundaries AS/NZS ISO 31000 - Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management System Standard AS/ACIF S009 - Installation requirements for customer cabling SA Power Networks Documents: The construction must comply with the latest issue of the following SA Power Networks publications current at the time of commencement of the Works and the following publications as determined by SA Power Networks from time to time will be considered to be incorporated in, and form part of, this Technical Standard. Service and Installation Rules Technical Standards NICC Brochures Relevant E-Drawing Series TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 8 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. BCA - Building Code of Australia, Class 2 to Class 9 Buildings, Sections F and E TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms DEFINITIONS Agreement to Grant Easement - An agreement letter signed by the registered proprietor of land agreeing to allow SA Power Networks to cross their property with our equipment and that they will grant to SA Power Networks a formal easement on completion of the works. See Appendix C for Standard letter for use when the Customer is required to obtain the required agreement to grant easement from the affected property owner, NOT SA Power Networks. AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules - means the current version of the Wiring Rules published by Standards Australia. Authorised Person - the person in charge of the premises, or the registered electrical worker or licensed electrical contractor or other person appointed or selected by the person in charge of the premises, to perform certain duties associated with the electrical installation on the premises. Authorised Service Capacity - the demand capacity as detailed in the “Offer for Supply” which was accepted by the customer. This is the maximum demand capacity that the Service Protection Device, Consumers Terminals and upstream Distribution System have been designed to provide for. When a customer requests a reduction to their Agreed Maximum Demand the new Agreed Maximum Demand will become the Authorised Service Capacity. Connection Point - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity (General) Regulations 1997, namely a connection point to a transmission or distribution network. For the purpose of this document connection point also has the same meaning as Point of Supply as defined in AS/NZS 3000. Consumers Mains - are the electrical cables/conductors, owned and maintained by the customer, connecting the point of supply and the main switchboard and form part of the customers/landowners‟ installation. Consumer’s Terminals - the junction at which the consumer main connects to the SA Power Networks service cable or main supply conductors. CT Metering - a meter where electricity flow is measured by a meter using current transformers (CT‟s). Note: CT meters are used where the maximum demand of the installation is more than 100 amps. Customer - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely a person who has a supply of electricity available from a transmission or distribution network for consumption by that person and includes: The occupier for the time being of a place to which electricity is supplied; Where the context requires, a person seeking an electricity supply; and A person of a class declared by regulation to be customers/ landowners. Customer may or may not necessarily be the landowner. Customer Agent/s - Customer agents are parties representing the customers. Such parties may include registered electrical workers, licensed electrical contractors, consulting engineers, architects, and equipment manufacturers. Determined Maximum Demand - means the demand imposed on the Distributor‟s supply system as assessed by the Responsible Officer. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 9 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 5.0 Distribution Network - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely the whole or a part of a system for the distribution of electricity, but does not include anything declared by regulation not to be a distribution network or part of a distribution network. For the purposes of these rules references to Distribution Network means the network poles, wires, underground cables, transformers, substations etc, operated by SA Power Networks, which transports electricity from the transmission system to a customer‟s Connection Point. Distribution Transformer - A distribution transformer which forms a part of the distribution network, typically with a secondary voltage of less than 1,000V A.C. Distribution Transformer Enclosure - An open room adjacent to a building/structure or a free standing building/structure, which does not have a roof enclosed with a minimum of three walls, is considered as a Distribution Transformer/Equipment Room. Note: This type of transformer enclosure does not apply to residential development where domestic style fencing encloses the transformer. For details of requirements for these enclosures refer to SA Power Networks document NICC-802. Distribution Transformer Room - A room within a building/structure or a free standing building/structure which has a roof enclosed within a minimum of three walls and houses distribution transformer and/or distribution equipment. Easement - The right to enter private property, to erect, or lay and maintain infrastructure subject to any condition stated in the easement document. Electricity Distribution Code - means the Electricity Distribution administered by the Essential Services Commission of S.A. Code Electrical Installation - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely a set of wires and associated fittings, equipment and accessories installed in a place for the conveyance, control, measurement and/or use of electricity that is, or is to be, or has been, supplied for consumption in the place, but does not include: Electricity infrastructure owned or operated by an electricity entity; and Any wires, fittings, equipment or accessories connected to and beyond any electrical outlet at which fixed wiring terminates (other than any such outlet used to connect sections of fixed wiring). SA Power Networks Manager - The SA Power Networks Manager or the Authorised Officer serving that area of the customer‟s installation. Fire Rating - For the purpose of this document the fire rating relates to the fire resistance periods for structural adequacy, integrity and insulation. High Voltage (HV) - For the purpose of this document, shall mean a voltage exceeding 1,000V A.C. upto and including 33,000V A.C. Landowner - The Landowner is the person or entity that is the registered proprietor/owner of the land as recorded at the Lands Titles Office. Must - is to be understood as mandatory. Occupancy - means an electrical installation or part thereof, which is supplied with electricity through a specific meter or meters and for which an individual electricity consumption account is rendered. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 10 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Offer Letter - means a letter documenting an offer by SA Power Networks to a customer in relation to a contract to undertake and complete works for the supply of electricity. Point of Supply - Refer to Connection Point. Property - For the purpose of this document “Property” means land on which the single electricity customer or controlling body or their representatives have the right to install their electrical installation. A property may include: A single parcel of freehold, leasehold and/or public land, and/or land held under lease or licence on which the customer or controlling body has the right to install their electrical installation; Any combination of contiguous land to which the customer or controlling body has the right to install their electrical installation; and Contiguous land and/or individual titles to which a corporate body, customer and or controlling body has the right to install their electrical installation. Public Land - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely land owned by the Crown or an instrumentality or agent of the Crown or by a council or other local government body, including any such land that is subject to native title. Requested Maximum Demand - the maximum demand that the Customer or their agent have requested to be provided (as determined under AS/NZS3000 or by other method). Retailer - a holder of a licence under the South Australian Electricity Act, 1996 authorised to retail electricity. Service Point - Refer to Connection Point. Service Protection Device - a device provided by SA Power Networks, generally a fuse but may be a circuit breaker for larger installations, to protect SA Power Networks assets. Shall - is to be understood as mandatory. Should - is to be understood as non–mandatory, i.e. advisory or recommended. Underground Service - The electricity distributors supply network to the point of supply. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 11 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER ROOM LOCATION 6.1 Site Location Most distribution transformer sites are likely to include a Padmount transformer and associated switchgear / ring main units. Some sites may require multiple Padmount transformers and ring main units depending on the total required maximum demand. SA Power Networks preference is for Padmount transformers and associated switchgear to be located outdoors at ground level with direct access from the street. This is the customer‟s least overall cost option. Refer to NICC-802 - Padmounted T/F Brochure. However, an alternative to the outdoor option is a distribution transformer room within the customer‟s building. 6.2 Distribution Transformer Room Location A distribution transformer room located within a building must take into consideration: Ability for SA Power Networks to replace major plant (e.g. Padmount Transformer) under emergency conditions, Impact on the areas adjacent to, above and below the distribution transformer room, Future access to the distribution transformer room, Taking into account the surrounding environment, SA Power Networks 24/7 access requirement, SA Power Networks exits under emergency situations, The distribution transformer room is placed within the building complex so that at least two walls which include personnel and equipment doors are adjacent to open areas to provide an emergency escape, Ventilation and room cooling facilities, Equipment installation methods, and All other SA Power Networks access requirements have been met. We strongly recommend that you liaise with the relevant SA Power Networks Manager when selecting a site within your development for the distribution transformer room. Distribution transformer rooms located at ground level with direct access and ventilation is SA Power Networks preference for a distribution transformer room. Alternatively, distribution transformer rooms may be located in the following locations by agreement from the relevant SA Power Networks Manager: Basement level; Upper level - by negotiation at gantry level for temporary HV supply only. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 12 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 6.0 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms there is a duct system between associated equipment to enable the installation of the required SA Power Networks cables. 2. SA Power Networks will not accept basement distribution transformer rooms where they are located at the lowest point of the building or below the flood level. 6.3 Distribution Transformer Room Size For a single unit distribution transformer room the minimum distribution transformer room size shall be not less than 6.25m (D) x 4.25m (W) x 4.0m (H) which is based on distribution transformer capacity 2000kVA. For any distribution transformer sizes less than 2000kVA, this minimum distribution transformer room size shall be maintained for the future expansion and/or upgrades. Where 3 hour fire rating of the room is achieved then a minimum of 1.0m clearance, measured from inside wall(s) of the room to the distribution transformer and/or equipment, shall be maintained. Refer to figure 1 “Typical Distribution Transformer Room Size”. For installations requiring multiple units (e.g. switch gear and/or additional distribution transformer); the distribution transformer room size shall be negotiated with the relevant SA Power Networks Manager which is subject to supply requirements. Also, a minimum of 1.0m clearance shall be maintained between each unit in a multiple unit distribution transformer room. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 13 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. Notes: 1. Basement distribution transformer rooms are only acceptable if WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Figure 1 - Typical Distribution Transformer Room Size 6.25m (D) min. x 4.25m (W) min. x 4.0m (H) TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 14 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms LAND TENURE Formal land tenure (by registration in the Lands Titles Registration Office) must be provided to SA Power Networks for the distribution transformer room, together with rights of access for personnel, related services and where necessary, vehicles. 7.1 Form of Tenure Generally, registered easements (in a form determined by SA Power Networks) will be adequate but in some circumstances, where the facility has wider implications for the electricity distribution network, tenure by ownership may be sought. In those instances where ownership is deemed necessary, SA Power Networks will negotiate arrangements separate to those set out in this Technical Standard. 7.2 Easement Documentation Provisions 7.2.1 Exclusively Enclosed Building Area for Housing T/F The area to be occupied by the distribution transformer will need to be dedicated as an exclusive use distribution transformer room, to avoid the risk of injury to third parties accessing the site. The easement documentation will also set out the rights and obligations in relation to the building fabric, including (but not limited to) doorways and security. 7.2.2 Cables and other Physical Services This may include (but not be limited to) cables for the conducting of electricity (both high and low voltage), telecommunications, pipes for water and air, fire services, ancillary fixings, infrastructure and works. 7.2.3 Ventilation As set out in clause 9.6 of this Technical Standard, the facility will require adequate ventilation (and possibly external ventilation) and the easement documentation will make provision for this. 7.2.4 Access by Personnel, Equipment and Vehicles The easement documentation will include (but not be limited to) formal provision for the movement of personnel on an unrestricted 24/7 basis (and in a way which ensures compliance with the Building Code). In addition, the easement documentation must make provision for full access for plant and equipment installation, maintenance and practical replacement. Further, provision will be required for vehicle parking to enable periodic maintenance and for larger plant e.g. cranes for distribution transformer replacement, and in some circumstances, temporary installation of rails. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 15 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 7.0 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Third Party Land It may be necessary for the electricity distribution network to cross third party land to supply the distribution transformer facility. In this case it will be necessary to obtain the formal agreement of impacted landowners to also grant easements on terms and conditions acceptable to SA Power Networks. It will be the responsibility of the landowner of the proposed distribution transformer facility land to negotiate this agreement. 7.4 Landowner Agreement The owner of the land (not a tenant or informal third party representative) must formally agree to grant an easement on such terms and conditions as SA Power Networks considers appropriate and undertake to do all things necessary to obtain registration of the easement in the Lands Titles Registration Office. The landowner must also provide a plan delineating the easement and do all things necessary to enable deposit/acceptance of the plan in the Lands Titles Registration Office. 7.5 Costs The owner of the land must agree to pay all reasonable costs associated with the granting of the easements (including those required over any third party land). The easement will also require that the landowner meet the costs of any equipment (including but not limited to cranes and forklifts) required for installation and replacement of the subject electricity infrastructure due to its location as requested by the landowner, rather than a location deemed by SA POWER NETWORKS to be more convenient and accessible. 8.0 Access Requirements Unless access to the distribution transformer room is directly from any street frontage, the following requirements shall be met by the customer. 8.1 Sloping Ground Conditions A level area is to be provided in front of the equipment door(s). Access to the equipment door(s) position is necessary for vehicles. This should be taken into account in determining the distribution transformer room floor level. When requested on the layout drawing, the customer must supply and install suitable hand railing and guard rails in accordance with the Building Code of Australia. Where the site is cut into a slope, provision must be made for retention of the bank and diversion of the surface water from the distribution transformer room. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 16 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 7.3 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Personnel Safety and Access SA Power Networks personnel require unhindered twenty four hour, seven day per week access to the distribution transformer room and associated mains at all times from the date of handover. The customer is to provide access details such as keys, key codes etc prior to connection of supply and SA Power Networks is to be informed should access alter. Unhindered vehicle access may be required by SA Power Networks for emergency situations and maintenance purposes. Access points must be located where they will not be obstructed by vehicles, equipment, site usage or any other impediments. Unrestricted access, without notice, by SA Power Networks personnel to the distribution transformer room must be available at all times. The requirement must be included in any immediate or future building security arrangements. The imposing of restrictions on SA Power Networks personnel access such as obtaining of approval or arranging access through the building owner, tenant, building security („off or on site‟) or other sources is not acceptable. A permanent all-weather pedestrian access route at least 1.2m in width is required to the distribution transformer room entrances. This must be available for use by personnel at all times of the day and night 24/7 using only the SA Power Networks master key system as outlined in Clause 4.7 of the SA Power Networks Service & Installation Rules. It is not acceptable for access to be through areas which are hazardous. The customer must not enter the distribution transformer room unless accompanied by an appropriately accredited SA Power Networks employee. The customer is required to ensure that each distribution transformer room provides personal access from a minimum of 2 independent doorways which can provide an escape in the event of an emergency. It is essential that all access ways to the distribution transformer room be kept clear at all times. Storage and car park bays are not acceptable in front of distribution transformer room doors. SA Power Networks may require suitable notices to be erected to this effect. Personnel hatchways and vertical ladders as an access or escape means must not be used. 8.3 Equipment Access The distribution transformer room requires suitable access to a clear equipment handling area in front of the room. This equipment handling area is to be large enough to manoeuvre all required equipment in to and out of the room with a minimum width of 2.6m and length of 2.6m. The grade of the handling area should not exceed 1:20. A 6.2m turning circle is required for the mobile crane to navigate around corners. A carriageway easement of 4.5m (H) x 4.5m (W) is required for the installation or removal of the distribution transformer. The width should be increased on bends. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 17 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 8.2 The carriageway must have a maximum slope of 1:12. The carriageway must be able to withstand the combined weight of the distribution transformer and crane of 23 tonnes. 8.3.1 Equipment and Personnel Doors All doors and frames shall be 3 hours fire rated with approved underwriters label and have all the necessary attachments for self closing. Hinges shall be fitted with stainless steel pins. The locking cylinders will be changed to fit SA Power Networks key when the distribution transformer room is taken over by SA Power Networks. The doors are to be opened outwards and indicated on your layout drawings. No air space larger than 15mm is allowed between frame and wall, door and frame and door to door. Any single stage ventilation opening adjacent to any door lock must be fitted with a suitable barrier to prevent unauthorized opening of the door lock. External doors shall be waterproof, and in the case of mild steel construction, two coats of exterior gloss paint shall be applied. Personnel access doors must be not less than 800mm (W) and Equipment door size shall be 4.0m (H) x 4.0m (W). 8.3.2 Personnel Doors with Stairs Stairways must be large enough to allow for the passage of personnel and minor equipment. They must be no less than 1.2m wide and fitted with appropriate handrails. Headroom must be a minimum of 2.2m. Stairways and passageways must be provided with lighting. Access doors should be fitted with micro-switches to automatically activate the stairway and/or passageway lighting. 8.3.3 Hatchway Type Entrances Hatchway type entrances for equipment access used with basement distribution transformer room designs are acceptable only if two (2) separate personnel access doors, via stairs, external to the distribution transformer room are provided. They are required to be of a standard design and the necessary hatch cover and frame assembly must be supplied and installed by the customer. The area above the equipment hatchway must not be less than 4.0m in height to allow for the use of a crane. 8.3.4 Safety Signs Safety signs that draw attention to the dangers of unauthorised access to high voltage electrical equipment must be attached to all doors to the distribution transformer room. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 18 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms 8.3.5 Hardware Access Route to the Distribution T/F Room Where access to the distribution transformer room is not direct from the street, locked doors or gates on route to the distribution transformer room shall be fitted with either: A lock with a cylinder keyed to the SA Power Networks Master Key System. A padbolt or similar fixing capable of accepting „Lockwood‟ series padlocks and keyed to the SA Power Networks Master Key System. You are responsible for supplying and installing doors fitted with Australian Locksmiths P1 Dead latch, incorporating a heavy duty key-n-knob lock with rigid outside knob, key retracting bolt and free inside lever at all times. 8.4 Hazardous Locations SA Power Networks distribution transformer room access routes must not be within an area which is classified as a Hazardous Area. 8.5 Avoidance of Services and Encroachments The distribution transformer room enclosure must be free of encroachments into the required floor and trench areas. Columns, beams, footpads and walls may occupy certain areas specifically shown on the distribution transformer room plans, providing it does not interfere with the location of consumer mains, conduits, trenches, ventilation ducts and distribution transformer room equipment. Please ensure that the location of the distribution transformer room does not allow services such as drains, sewers and piping to pass through the: Distribution transformer room space, Access passageways, Ventilation ducts, Distribution transformer room walls, Distribution transformer room floors, Distribution transformer room ceiling. The space next to all distribution transformer room access doors must be kept clear at all times. Customer‟s equipment such as Mains Switch Board (MSB) and Metering Equipment must not be installed within the distribution transformer room. 8.6 Noise The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), local councils and other authorities have the power to ensure that noise originating from any premises is not the cause of reasonable complaint. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 19 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. These signs are to be in accordance with the requirements of AS1319 – “Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment”. The customer is responsible for the design and construction of the distribution transformer room to ensure that noise does not exceed the limits defined in Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 and is not a source of complaint. Furthermore the use of surrounding areas will impact on the level of noise that is permissible. Noise measurements shall be as per AS2374. Ventilation fans also are a source of noise and need to be silenced by attenuator attachments and baffles. Fans installed in distribution transformer rooms must not exceed the db(A) requirements as specified in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2007. The attenuator attachment can protrude substantially within the distribution transformer room. However, as a result the dimensions of the distribution transformer room may need to be increased. Size and position of fans within the distribution transformer room must be acceptable to SA Power Networks. 9.0 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS All construction drawings for distribution transformer rooms are to be designed to comply with the relevant clauses of the Building Code of Australia and relevant Standards. 9.1 General All construction materials used in the distribution transformer room including walls, ceilings and floors, doors and vents must be constructed from non-combustible materials. Any wall, ceiling or floor shared with or adjoining another part of the building must be treated as a fire wall as defined in the Electrical Safety (Network Asset) Regulations 1999 and Building Code of Australia and must have a minimum fire rating of 3 hours (180/180/180), effectively segregating the distribution transformer room from the rest of the building. It is essential that these ratings be maintained for any penetration of the wall for cables or other services. The sealing of the penetration must be done strictly in accordance with the manufacturer‟s instructions and will be subject to inspection by SA Power Networks. 9.2 Foundation Requirements The distribution transformer room must be constructed on a stable foundation which bears on soil or another part of a building. Where the foundation bears on soil, the soil must be clear of any obstruction or rubble which could interfere with the installation of the earthing electrode system through the distribution transformer room floor. All distribution transformers and HV switchgear must have a vault no lower than the building basement with a minimum size of 1.2m deep x 0.9m wide x 1.8m long and sleeved appropriately for earthing requirements OR the customer is to provide a distribution transformer stand to SA Power Networks specification. For the site specific footings and vaults requirements, consult/discuss with relevant SA Power Networks Manager. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 20 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Drainage and Waterproofing 9.3.1 Site Drainage The site shall be effectively drained to keep the area outside the distribution transformer room freely drained and dry. Stormwater drainage systems shall be designed and provided to industry best-practice standards. Site drainage shall be kept in working order by the customer. 9.3.2 Area Drainage The area in which the distribution transformer room is to be located shall be free of the risk of flooding and storm water damage and any drains provided must be kept in working order by the owner. Where there is potential for water ingress, the distribution transformer Room is to be fitted with a level actuated sump pump/s installed at the lowest point which can be utilised to achieve suitable drainage or the removal of oil, in accordance with EPA standards. 9.3.3 Water Tightness The enclosure housing the distribution transformer room equipment has to be watertight to protect all equipment within the distribution transformer room which may be subject to risk of damage from exposure to water or dampness. SA Power Networks will not accept handover of the enclosure or install equipment if there is water or water leakage within the distribution transformer room or the potential for this. 9.3.4 Methods Industry best practice construction methods shall be used at all times to ensure the distribution transformer room is waterproof. 9.4 Walls and Ceilings The distribution transformer room walls shall have sufficient structural strength to support the weight of any equipment mounted on it without collapsing. For the installation of a wall mounted hauling eye refer to clause 9.9. The ceiling shall be constructed of a suitable material that provides sufficient structural strength for the mounting of hauling eyes. All materials used shall meet the appropriate Australian standards. 9.5 Floors The distribution transformer room floor, including trenches, conduits, etc, is to be formed in accordance with the positions and details shown on SA Power Networks drawings and specifications. The floor shall be designed in accordance with the relevant AS/NZS standards by a practicing structural engineer and be capable of carrying both the static and working loads of the distribution transformer room equipment with an additional safety factor for future TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 21 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 9.3 TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms In addition, the floor must have a level non-slip finish. Refer to clause 9.9 on the specific requirements for the floor mounted hauling eyes. A distribution transformer landing area is to be provided in all cases. The distribution transformer loading area is to be constructed of reinforced concrete and must have the same load bearing characteristics as the distribution transformer room floor. The equipment handling area is specified in clause 7.3 and will be located immediately in front of the distribution transformer access door/s. The landing area must be at the same relative level as the distribution transformer room floor to allow equipment to be rolled into the distribution transformer room directly from the landing area. 9.6 Ventilation Distribution transformer rooms require special attention to ventilation in order to dissipate heat losses from electrical equipment. Wherever possible, natural air flow to the outside of the building will be used. Forced ventilation should be used where natural ventilation is not practicable. Forced ventilation by means of fan(s) must be designed, supplied and installed by the customer to SA Power Networks requirements. In either case, the ventilation must be sufficient to maintain a maximum temperature rise of 15 degrees Celsius above the external ambient temperature when all distribution transformers are operating at nameplate rating. Air inlets and outlets must be arranged to achieve an even distribution of air flow over the distribution transformers. Substantial vertical separation is required between inlet and outlet openings. Inlet and outlet openings should preferably be clear of pedestrian areas and must be located to prevent entry of noxious gases such as vehicle exhausts, fuel exhausts, refrigeration plant gas discharge valves, pollutants such as smoke, soot, dust, ash etc. Air being removed from an internal distribution transformer room must be directly and independently ducted to outside air. A fire damper is required to be installed in each duct-opening in a basement distribution transformer room to close off air supply in the event of a fire. It must have a fire rating of three hours (180/180/180). In special circumstances, the customer may be required to install an exhaust fan with integral fire damper as part of the building work. Exhaust air from the distribution transformer room shall be ducted independently and directly to outside air. Note: As a guide heat losses are taken as 25kW per distribution transformer. 9.6.1 Natural Ventilation This type of ventilation is suitable for distribution transformer room capacity up to 1000kVA. The position of the vents must be directly to outside air, if this is not achievable, such as in the TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 22 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. additional equipment and replacement equipment that may be heavier. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms The design calls for the customer to provide vermin proof, weather proof louvered vents of a specified design in the walls in order to achieve natural ventilation. Vents on personnel and equipment doors are not acceptable. These areas outside the louvers must not be subjected to fire risk. In some cases, where the roof of the distribution transformer room is external, weatherproof roof ventilators may also be specified. It is important where roof vents are installed that they are fixed securely to the rod purloins. All vents are to be fitted with fire shutters. 9.6.2 Forced Ventilation Ventilation system comprising fans, ducting and inlet\outlet vents must be designed, supplied and installed by the customer. The air flow through the ventilation will be checked by SA Power Networks before final approval. The control devices and wiring for the starting and stopping of the fan(s) will be supplied and installed by the Customer. It is SA Power Networks requirement that the forced ventilation system be designed so that the cool inlet air is drawn through the circulation fan and then blown over the distribution transformers. In all circumstances the fans must be installed inside the distribution transformer room and all wiring contained within the distribution transformer room. The outlet ventilation shall be discharged independently and directly to open air. All vents are to be fitted with fire shutters. Fans installed in distribution transformer rooms must not exceed the db (A) requirements as specified in the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2007. 9.6.3 Distribution T/F Space & Ventilation Requirements Distribution transformer rooms must provide sufficient space and ventilation to accommodate 2000kVA distribution transformers, ensuring sufficient ventilation are provided for future loads, even through smaller units may be initially installed. Distribution transformers must be separated from walls, ventilation equipment and other obstructions by a minimum of 1.0m. Distribution transformers must not be directly placed under ventilation duct openings. With the exception of fire damper trip wires, if required, no item of equipment or installation or obstruction is to be placed over a designated distribution transformer space. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 23 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. case of a basement type distribution transformer room, then forced ventilation is required. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Special Requirements for Ventilation Ducts Distribution transformer room ventilation ducts must not contain other services, give access to other portions of the building or form part of the ventilation system for the building. The strength and fire rating of the walls of ventilation ducts are required to be the same as those specified for the distribution transformer room walls where fire dampers are not installed. Normal air conditioning duct construction is acceptable only where fire dampers are installed on wall penetrations where ventilation ducts enter or leave the distribution transformer room. 9.7 Fire SA Power Networks distribution transformer rooms are designed to contain any products of a fire within the enclosure. Self containment has the added advantage of also being self smothering and this ensures that there is no spread of fire to other parts of the building. You must ensure all walls, floors, ceilings and doors are 3-hour fire rated (180/180/180). The customer will be responsible for providing these fire ratings at his cost. 9.7.1 Fire Detection and Alarm Settings The customer is responsible for the installation and ongoing maintenance of a compliant fire detection system which must be installed and tested prior to commissioning of SA Power Networks equipment. The installation of such systems must ensure that the 3 hour fire rating (180/180/180) of the distribution transformer room is not compromised. The testing and maintenance of the fire detection system will require a Request for Network Access (i.e. RNA) permit. For RNA procedure, refer to SA Power Networks website. 9.7.2 Fire Fighting Systems SA Power Networks will not permit the installation of any type of fire fighting systems within the distribution transformer room. 9.7.3 Fire Segregations Where a distribution transformer room is located within a building, a 3 hour fire rated (180/180/180) enclosure and a fire rating level in accordance with the Building Code of Australia must be provided. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 24 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 9.6.4 9.8 Cable Supports 9.8.1 General All electrical conduits and cable enclosures, between the distribution transformer room and the property boundary shall be provide by the customer as specified on the layout drawings to enable SA Power Networks to install HV and LV cables to the distribution transformer room. The location of the distribution transformer room should be such that the length of conduits or other cable enclosures is as short as possible. Conduits and other cable enclosures should run in a horizontal straight line from the distribution transformer room to the property boundary. Where the distribution transformer room cannot be located at street level or there are obstructions on the customer‟s property which necessitate bends in the cable run the details of these bends shall be discussed with and approved by SA Power Networks Manager. Any conduit bends shall have a minimum radius of 1.8m. SA Power Networks will specify the number, size, type and location of conduits, pits, cable trays etc. to be installed on the customer‟s property. All conduits are to be installed free of obstructions or any material that may hinder or damage the cable during the cable pull. 9.8.2 Approved Supports and Enclosures The following are SA Power Networks approved methods of supporting or enclosing HV or LV cables to a distribution transformer rooms. Buried Conduit: The approved conduits, conduit bends sizes, stock item numbers, installation arrangements, requirements, including minimum cover and separations to other services are detailed in SA Power Networks TS-085: “Trenching and Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks.” Supported/Enclosed Conduit (Basement Car Park) There are various acceptable methods of encasing conduits through buildings on route to the distribution transformer room from the property boundary. Consult with the relevant SA Power Networks project officer for agreed method. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 25 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Conduits must be securely fixed to prevent movement when cable hauling forces are applied, and to support the weight of the cables. Furthermore, the installation must comply with the relevant fire protection regulations where required. Where HV cable easements are accessible to the public the conduits must be labelled with “SA Power Networks Cables” in permanent black lettering every 4.0m along their length. 9.9 Hauling Eyes Where required, anchors and/or hauling eyes (provided by the owner) are to be installed in the floor, walls or ceiling in the position shown on the project specific layout drawings and in a manner to achieve the working load specified. The location and number of hauling eyes shall be negotiated with the relevant SA Power Networks project officer. All anchors and hauling eyes shall be clearly and permanently stamped to indicate its safe working load. Hauling eyes located in floors shall be removable and, upon removal, the floor surface shall be level to avoid a tripping hazard. Threaded recesses shall be provided with reusable removable plugs to exclude ingress of foreign matter. Normal hauling eye requirements are as follows: 9.9.1 For Cables & Distribution Transformers A single hauling eye cast into the floor of the distribution transformer room shall be provided at the location shown on the project specific layout drawings. The hauling eye must have a minimum working load of 100 kN (i.e. 10 Tons) with a 50 kN (i.e. 5 Tons) load applied in any direction and a minimum eye bolt hole diameter of 40mm. Hauling eyes may also be specified for intermediate cable pits outside the distribution transformer room where these are required on the owner‟s property. 9.10 Oil Containment Provision must be made within the distribution transformer room to contain any oil spillage (in the unlikely event of a distribution transformer tank failure) and slope to a common point. Spillage from distribution transformers needs to be contained within the distribution transformer room and be 110% of oil volume as per the AS1940 and EPA Bunding Guidelines. Bunding requirements may be relaxed should a 100% self oil contained distribution transformers be utilised. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 26 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Additional Requirements Additional requirements are as follows: Protection of vulnerable portions of the customer‟s premises from damage which may occur in the event of failure of an oil-filled distribution transformer. This means that the walls, ceilings and any ventilation ducts must have an adequate degree of strength and, where they are the means of separation from the interior of a building, a fire-rating of at least 3 hours. The use of a „spray on‟ material to achieve fire rating will not be permitted within the distribution transformer room. Protection of distribution transformer room equipment and mains from fire and water sources originating outside the distribution transformer room. High reliability in the precautions taken to ensure dry wall and floor conditions. Oil Containment as per the EPA Guidelines and AS1940. High reliability in the drainage precautions. Suitability of the floor to support heavy equipment and of walls and ceilings to support equipment requiring heavy-duty fixings. Suitability of the floor, walls, ceiling and roof materials, joints and construction methods to provide a reliable watertight construction. Suitable proofing of the distribution transformer room against the entry of vermin and vandals and unauthorized personnel. Prevention against the entry of fumes and other gases in basement distribution transformer rooms. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 27 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 9.11 10.0 PROVISION OF PERMANENT SUPPLY Permanent supply to the customer will only be supplied when a Compliance Form Checklist has been signed by Compliance Co-ordinator. 10.1 Incoming High Voltage Supply The incoming high voltage supply between SA Power Networks high voltage distribution system and the distribution transformer room shall be via underground cables. The customer will be required to install conduits or duct system from the property boundary to the distribution transformer room to allow SA Power Networks to install its cables. The easement width required for the cables is normally 4.0m. No structures may be erected or levels altered within the easement without written permission of the relevant SA Power Networks Manager. 10.2 Approval The design of the conduit route and formation is to be included on the building construction drawing and is to be approved by SA Power Networks before construction commences. Any subsequent alteration to design during construction must be approved by the relevant SA Power Networks Manager. When installation of the conduits is complete, the customer shall arrange inspection by SA Power Networks, prior to backfilling or concrete pour. 10.3 Installations All conduits are to be installed as per relevant SA Power Networks Technical Standard but specific designs need to be undertaken in conjunction with the SA Power Networks Manager. SA Power Networks will inspect conduit location and installation before backfilling. 10.4 Inspections You must ensure the High Voltage switch room is completed to SA Power Networks standards and specifications prior to arranging an Electrical Compliance Inspection. OR You must arrange for Electrical Compliance Inspection following the completion of your works that are related to the provision of new high voltage equipment on site. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 28 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms 11.0 AGREEMENTS, APPROVALS AND CONSTRUCTION On receipt of drawings of the distribution transformer room SA Power Networks will advise the customer‟s representative that the building details, location and access requirements are satisfactory, and that the customer can proceed with the construction of the distribution transformer room. This advice will be given on the understanding that it does not commit SA Power Networks in any way. 11.1 Safety and Clearances Distribution transformer room equipment shall be located with due regard of safety or personnel working in the distribution transformer room. A clear passageway at least 1.0m wide shall be allowed from each item of switchgear to the personnel access doors to the distribution transformer room. A clearance of at least 3.0m out from the front of the high voltage and low voltage switchgear shall be allowed for safe operations. Equipment shall be located such that any item of equipment may be removed from the distribution transformer room with the remaining equipment in service and under load. A passageway of at least 4.5m wide shall be allowed for distribution transformers. The distribution transformers shall be sited with a clearance of 1.0m away from walls, other distribution transformers and switchgear in order to allow free air flow. 11.2 Earthing Requirements The building/land owner is responsible for all SA Power Networks project specification and all National and State code requirements in relation to earthing of all equipment. SA Power Networks will nominate the appropriate earthing scheme to be employed at specific location e.g. CMEN or MEN. All earthing within the installation shall meet all the requirements of the relevant AS/NZS standards. If modelled conditions prescribed in these relevant standards cannot be met then a detailed earthing design shall be required and submitted to the relevant SA Power Networks Manager for assessment. The customer is to be advised that a regular earthing test program needs to be in place for the ongoing compliance of the earthing system as per the relevant AS/NZS standards. The (HV) fault levels shall be considered as 25kA minimum. For any conduits and cabling within the room provided for SA Power Networks infrastructure „AS Constructed‟ drawings are to be provided. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 29 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Standard Designs The customer must provide drawings of the proposed site, planned conduit route through the property and distribution transformer room location. Along with a floor plan, relevant sections through the distribution transformer room showing all levels, beams, columns, footpads and any other structures within or outside the distribution transformer room shall be shown. Ventilation details that are submitted must show site and location of all vents, ducts and fans. The customer‟s representative is required to prepare for the builder‟s guidance a building construction drawing and provide three (3) copies of this drawing to SA Power Networks representative for reference before construction of the distribution transformer room begins. The approved „For Construction‟ drawing is to show: The location of the distribution transformer room in relation to adjoining construction and to the street. If not on the street alignment, this should include the access route, type of road surface, relative levels of the roadway and any overhead obstruction and details of levels external to the distribution transformer room. Drainage arrangements in the vicinity of the distribution transformer room. The location of the customer‟s main switch room and the route of the cables, busbars or bus way from the point of supply to the main switchboard. Details of cable pits and conduits provided by the customer to enable SA Power Networks to install HV and LV cables between the distribution transformer room and the property boundary. Any variation from SA Power Networks distribution transformer room specification. These must be either alternative forms of building construction or specifically-negotiated modifications approved by SA Power Networks Manager. The permanent means of access for SA Power Networks personnel and equipment. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 30 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 11.3 11.4 Inspections The builder will undertake regular dialogue with the relevant SA Power Networks Manager during the construction phase with on-site meetings undertaken at critical milestones of the project. For Example: At the Pre-Construction Stage: o Setting up of conduit installation At the Pre-Connecting Stage: o The SA Power Networks Manager will utilise the services of a Compliance Officer as required. On receipt of 2 weeks notice, SA Power Networks Compliance Coordinator in conjunction with the SA Power Networks Manager can audit the set out of conduits, cable trenches, cable trays and pits etc. before backfilling or concreting is commenced. Notes: 1. It is the responsibility of the builder to contact SA Power Networks to make arrangements for this inspection. 2. It is SA Power Networks relevant Manager‟s responsibility to communicate with the SA POWER NETWORKS Connect Officer at various milestones throughout project. 11.5 Certificates of Compliance - Construction Prior to energisation and hand-over of the distribution transformer room to SA Power Networks, the customer must provide the following supporting documentation for: Load bearing floors and walls; 3 hrs fire rating of distribution transformer room; and Compliance to all relevant Australian Standards and Building Code of Australia; and Other documentation as required. Refer to TS 105-F-40, FORM 40: “The Construction Check Sheet for SA Power Networks – For Indoor Distribution Equipment and Transformer Room” which are interactive forms and are available from the SA Power Networks websites: Intranet Website: TS105 Test Standard Appendix A – Forms Internet Website: TS105 Test Standard Appendix A – Forms TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 31 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms TS-108 – Technical Standard for Distribution Equipment and Transformer Rooms Lighting and Power within T/F Room Enclosure 11.6.1 Temporary (During Construction Stage) Prior to handover of the distribution transformer room enclosure, the enclosure shall contain suitable temporary lights and power supplied from the customer‟s installation to allow the safe installation of distribution transformer room equipment. 11.6.2 Permanent The customer will supply and install within the distribution transformer room necessary light fittings including power outlets and all wiring as per the Building Code of Australia. Where required, equipment such as exhaust fans, pumps, and controls will be provided and installed by the customer in accordance with this specification. The customer will undertake the wiring to these units. All wiring specified above shall be undertaken in accordance with relevant Australian Standards. 12.0 Maintenance/Repair of the Dist. T/F Room The Landowner is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Distribution Transformer room and its contents (other than the distribution equipment which is SA Power Networks responsibility). In the event of damage or a maintenance concern to the Distribution Transformer room which renders the Distribution Transformer room unsafe, the Landowner must take immediate action at its cost to ensure the safety concern is remedied. If the Landowner fails to act SA Power Networks retains the right to effect repairs and the value of the repairs shall be a debt due from the Landowner to SA Power Networks. TS-108 Issue: 03/09/12 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 03/09/12 Page 32 of 32 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in SA Power Networks disclaimer. WARNING: Printed copies of this document ARE DEEMED UNCONTROLLED. The most up-to-date version is located on the internet/intranet. 11.6