Form 7 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) FORM The State Courts regard Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as the first stop of a court process. ADR is crucial in the cost-effective and amicable resolution of disputes. Early identification of cases is essential to help the parties save costs and improve settlement prospects. To assist in this regard, this Form should be completed by you and your client before the following hearings: (a) Case Management Conference, for MC writs filed on or after 1st November 2014 and by consent, DC writs (pursuant to Order 108 of the Rules of Court and Practice Direction 20); (b) Pre-Trial Conference called pursuant to Practice Direction 36. This PTC will be called in respect of MC writs filed before 1st November 2014 and all DC writs filed on or after 1st April 2014; or (c) Any Summons for Directions that is filed (pursuant to Practice Direction 26). Information concerning ADR is provided on the second page of this Form. This section is to be completed by solicitors Case details MC/DC _________ / _____(year) SUM ________ /________ (year) Number of witnesses Plaintiff Defendant Nature of claim Tort Defamation / Medical Negligence* Contract Construction / Renovation / Supply of Goods & Services* Others (Specify) Signature of solicitor Name of solicitor for Plaintiff/Defendant: Law Firm: Date: *delete where inapplicable This section is to be read by your client What are my ADR options? The State Courts Centre for Dispute Resolution provides ADR services such as mediation and neutral evaluation. Mediation services are also provided by the Singapore Mediation Centre ( The Law Society of Singapore provides arbitration as an ADR service. Mediation is a process in which a mediator (i.e. a neutral third party) helps you and the other party negotiate for a settlement of your dispute. The mediator does not focus on who is at fault for the dispute. Instead, he will help you and the other side discuss and reach a solution that will meet both of your concerns. Neutral Evaluation (NE) involves an early assessment of the merits of the case by a judge in the State Courts Centre for Dispute Resolution. Parties’ lawyers will present the case to the judge, who will review the evidence and provide an evaluation based on the merits of the case. The evaluation can be binding or non-binding, depending on what the parties want. More information on mediation and neutral evaluation under “Interested in Mediation/ADR”. may be found at In arbitration, there will be a determination of who is at fault. However, the decision is made by a private individual, the arbitrator, instead of a judge. The Law Society Arbitration Scheme (LSAS) is provided by the Law Society of Singapore for parties to resolve their dispute through arbitration in a speedy and cost-effective way. More information concerning fees and details of the scheme can be found at Which ADR option should I choose? You should choose the ADR option that best addresses your needs. Most litigants are concerned about issues such as legal costs, duration of the litigation process, confidentiality and whether they have control over the outcome of the case. Some other concerns may include the desire to preserve the relationship with the other party, discomfort over the formal proceedings and a need to be vindicated. Generally, mediation is an ADR option that addresses most of these concerns. However, you may consider other ADR options if you have unique considerations. To help you decide the best ADR option for you, we have provided a diagram on page (iii) highlighting the features of each option. Your solicitor will also be able to advise you on the pros and cons of each ADR option. T section is too be completedd by your client This FOR MAGISTRAT M TE’S COUR RT CASES ONLY O 1. Thhis is to certiffy that my soolicitor has exxplained to me m the availabble Alternativ ve Dispute Resolution R (A ADR) servicess, and I am aw ware of the benefits of setttling my casee by ADR. 2. I hhave been ad dvised and unnderstand that the Judge may m take the view that AD DR is suitablle for my caase, and that any unreasonnable refusall on my partt to resolve this t matter via v mediationn or other meeans of ADR R may then exxpose me to adverse a costs orders pursuuant to Order 59 Rule 5(1))(c) of the Ruules of Court as set out bellow: O Order 59 Rule 5(1)(c) “ “The Court in i exercisingg its discretiion as to coosts shall, to o such exten nt, if any, ass may be a appropriate inn the circumsstances, take into account the parties' conduct c in rellation to any attempt at r resolving the cause or mattter by mediattion or any otther means off dispute reso olution.” 3. mmenced by writ w on or afteer 1st Novembber 2014 befoore a Magistrate’s Court: Foor a case com I hhave been ad dvised and unnderstand thaat my case may m be referreed for ADR under u Order 108 Rule 3(33) of the Rulees of Court as set out belo ow: O Order 108 Ru ule 3(3) “The Court may make ann order directing that a caase be referreed for resolutiion by an AD DR process iff — (a) thee parties conssent to the ca ase being refe ferred for reso olution by thee ADR processs; or (b) thee Court is off the view th hat doing so would faciliitate the resolution of th he dispute beetween the pa arties.” 4. My decision co oncerning AD DR is as follow ws:(T Tick the releva ant boxes) I wish to op pt out from ADR A for the following f reasons: I have h already attempted a AD DR i.e. _________________________________ Th he dispute invvolves a question of law / To establish legal precedeence. Otther good reaasons i.e.____ ______________________________________ (N Note: Your view that the other party haas a weak case is not consiidered a good d reason) I would like to be referred for the following ADR service(s)(Note: you may tick more than one type of ADR service.) Mediation at State Courts Centre for Dispute Resolution Neutral Evaluation at State Courts Centre for Dispute Resolution Mediation at Singapore Mediation Centre Arbitration under LSAS Others: (Please specify) _________________________________________________ (Note: you may tick more than one type of ADR service.) Signature of Plaintiff/Defendant* Name: Date: Delete where inapplicable T section is too be completedd by your client This FOR R DISTRICT COURT CASES C ONL LY 1. Thhis is to certiffy that my soolicitor has exxplained to me m the availabble Alternativ ve Dispute Resolution R (A ADR) servicess, and I am aw ware of the benefits of setttling my casee by ADR. 2. I have h been adv vised and understand thatt my case willl be referred for ADR unnless any of thhe parties oppt out of ADR R. 3. I hhave been ad dvised and unnderstand that the Judge may m take the view that AD DR is suitablle for my caase, and that any unreasonnable refusall on my partt to resolve this t matter via v mediationn or other meeans of ADR R may then exxpose me to adverse a costs orders pursuuant to Order 59 Rule 5(1))(c) of the Ruules of Court as set out bellow: O Order 59 Rule 5(1)(c) “T The Court in exercising itss discretion as a to costs sha all, to such exxtent, if any, as a may be apppropriate in n the circumsttances, take in nto account the t parties' co onduct in rela ation to any attempt a att resolving th he cause or matter by mediiation or any other means of dispute reesolution.” 4. oncerning AD DR is as follow ws: (Tick the relevant boxees) My decision co I wish to op pt out from ADR. A Reason(s):_______________________ ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ R service(s): I would likke to be referrred for the folllowing ADR (Note: You may tick moree than one typpe of ADR servvice) Mediation M at Sttate Courts Centre C for Dispute Resolutiion I am a aware thaat each partyy in this casee is required to pay Courtt ADR fees off $250 in acccordance wiith Order 59 9A rule 5A of o the Rules of Court (eexcept for noon-injury mootor accidentt actions, anyy action for damages d for death or perrsonal injuryy and any acction under th he Protection n from Harasssment Act 20 014). Neeutral Evaluaation at State Courts C Centre for Disputee Resolution I am a aware thaat each partyy in this casee is required to pay Courtt ADR fees off $250 in acccordance wiith Order 59 9A rule 5A of o the Rules of Court (eexcept for noon-injury mootor accidentt actions, anyy action for damages d for death or perrsonal injuryy and any acction under th he Protection n from Harasssment Act 20 014). Mediation M at Siingapore Meddiation Centrre Arrbitration undder LSAS Otthers: (Pleasee specify)____ ___________________________________________________ Signature oof Plaintiff / Defendant* D Name: Date: Delete whhere inapplicaable.