® PASSED ALL REQUIREMENTS FENIEX INDUSTRIES TEST REPORT Feniex Industries 1340 Airport Commerce Bldg 360 Austin, TX 78741 1.800.615.8350 V1.0 Innovation at its Brightest Worldwide Lighting Manufacturer Our Mission: To manufacture an American made warning product, where innovation stands and life-saving technology prevails. Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 Page 1 of 14 TEST REPORT Report Date: Revision Date: 20 November 2016 07 January 2016 Test Component: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) With 1 Flash Pattern Submitted by: Feniex Industries, Inc. Austin, TX Test Laboratory: Calcoast – ITL San Leandro, CA Samples Tested: 94577 One (1) each color submitted 26 October 2015 One (1) amber with right angle mounting bracket submitted 17 December 2015 for vibration testing SUMMARY Specifications: SAE J595 MAR14 Photometric Test – SAE J595 MAR14, White, Class 1 .....................................Passed SAE J595 MAR14, Yellow, Class 1 ....................................Passed SAE J595 MAR14, Red, Class 1 .......................................Passed SAE J595 MAR14, Blue, Class 1 ......................................Passed Flash Characteristics - SAE J595.....................................Passed Environmental (Flash Rate) Tests - SAE J595..........................Passed Mechanical Tests - SAE J575 APR12....................................Passed Color Test - SAE J578 JUL12..........................................Passed Lens Material - SAE J576 FEB10......................................Unknown Signature of Responsible Laboratory Official: Mark A. Evans Laboratory Director This document may not be reproduced except in its entirety without the expressed consent of Calcoast - ITL. Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 DESCRIPTION SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) LAMP DESCRIPTION MARKINGS: Lens: Reflector: Housing/Base: DESCRIPTION: Material: "Feniex", "Feniex", "SAE", "SAE" N/A "Feniex", "Cobra T3 V1A12AO", "USA 2015", "White" or "Amber" or "Red" or "Blue" Clear Polycarbonate Lens material formulation, pigment, and coating must comply with SAE J576 FEB10 3 year weathering requirements. Method of Mounting: Gasket: Unknown attachment to housing None HOUSING: Material: Method of Mounting: Gasket: Metal Unknown None submitted BULBS USED: Peak Current (All) 48KHz Sawtooth HFM White 1.1 A Yellow 1.2 A Red 0.7 A Blue 1.1 A QUANTITY: 3 LEDs SYSTEM VOLTAGE: 12Vdc 2 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 SUMMARY SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) PHOTOMETRIC TESTS Specification(s): SAE J595 MAR14 Tests performed by: MAE Date: 11/10-11/2015 Meets requirements for: SAE J595 MAR14, White, Class 1 SAE J595 MAR14, Yellow, Class 1 SAE J595 MAR14, Red, Class 1 SAE J595 MAR14, Blue, Class 1 NIST Reference Detector: P181-2 Test distance: 100 feet All individual module tests performed with HV perpendicular to LED array. Device operated at 12.80V for a minimum of 30 minutes (SAE J1889 methodology). 25 flashes averaged for each test angle. Lamp Operation The lamps are designed to have the equivalent peak current and peak luminous intensity (Candela) in each flash pattern. Peak luminous intensity was determined with the lamps in Single Pulse flash pattern. These results were then compared to requirements for SAE Class determination or California Title 13 compliance. The Optical Power (Cd-sec/min) differs for each of the flash patterns and is proportional to the number of LEDs active, flash pattern frequency and total activation time (sum of the pulses). The following is the optical power relative ranking of each SAE compliant flash pattern using Single Pulse as a basis. FP# Description 1 Single Active (Sec) 0.169 (Hz) 3.01 3 * Active 0.509 Rank 1.00 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 FLASH PATTERN SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: All FP#1 Single (White) P = 332 ms / = 3.01Hz 169ms Active 163ms Off-time SAE Compliant FP#1 Single (Amber) P = 331 ms / = 3.02Hz 168ms Active 163ms Off-time SAE Compliant FP#1 Single (Red) P = 331 ms / = 3.02Hz 168ms Active 163ms Off-time SAE Compliant FP#1 Single (Blue) P = 331 ms / = 3.02Hz 169ms Active 162ms Off-time SAE Compliant SAE J595 MAR14 Req. (see 3.10 and 6.7) Flash rate = 1-4 Hz Period = 250 – 1000ms On-Time = N/A Off-Time ≥ 160ms Pulse Separations ≤ 100ms. 4 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 PHOTOMETRIC TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Time Log, Peak Intensity Captured in 5 Second Increments Max: Ratios 1min/10min 10min/30min 1min/30min White 5235.7 1.008 0.998 1.006 Amber/Yellow 3255.5 1.011 0.999 1.010 Red 3105.6 1.019 1.001 1.020 5 Blue 1122.3 0.996 0.996 0.992 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 PHOTOMETRIC TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: White Specification: SAE J595 MAR14 (Directional LED Warning Lamp – White) Flash Mode: Frequency: On Time/Flash Single 3.01 0.169 J595 (Class 1) Cd Cd-Sec/Min 80 1920 200 4800 80 1920 10U/5L 10U/V 10U/5R Cd 934.9 1055.6 918.3 Cd-Sec 158.0 178.4 155.2 Cd-Sec/Min 28535 32219 28029 5U/20L 5U/10L 5U/5L 5U/V 5U/5R 5U/10R 5U/20R 354.3 1585.8 2454.4 2923.1 2487.6 1574.0 328.0 59.9 268.0 414.8 494.0 420.4 266.0 55.4 10814 48401 74913 89216 75924 48040 10012 80 200 400 600 400 200 80 1920 4800 9600 14400 9600 4800 1920 H/20L H/10L H/5L H/V H/5R H/10R H/20R 475.7 2570.4 4397.6 5159.8 4350.3 2416.6 419.4 80.4 434.4 743.2 872.0 735.2 408.4 70.9 14520 78453 134222 157483 132777 73757 12801 120 300 800 1200 800 300 120 2880 7200 19200 28800 19200 7200 2880 5D/20L 5D/10L 5D/5L 5D/V 5D/5R 5D/10R 5D/20R 378.2 1630.8 2518.3 2904.1 2445.0 1526.6 344.6 63.9 275.6 425.6 490.8 413.2 258.0 58.2 11544 49773 76863 88638 74624 46595 10518 80 200 400 600 400 200 80 1920 4800 9600 14400 9600 4800 1920 10D/5L 10D/V 10D/5R 958.6 1081.7 942.0 162.0 182.8 159.2 29257 33014 28752 80 200 80 1920 4800 1920 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4424.9 2908.9 7543.2 19734.9 7349.1 2982.2 4192.7 747.8 491.6 1274.8 3335.2 1242.0 504.0 708.6 135053 88783 230229 602337 224305 91022 127966 680 360 1100 4000 1100 360 680 16320 8640 26400 96000 26400 8640 16320 Meets requirements for SAE J595 Class 1 White. 6 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 PHOTOMETRIC TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: Amber (Yellow) Specification: SAE J595 MAR14 (Directional LED Warning Lamp – Yellow) Flash Mode: Frequency: On Time/Flash Single 3.022 0.168 J595 (Class 1) Cd Cd-Sec/Min 40 960 100 2400 40 960 10U/5L 10U/V 10U/5R Cd 414.2 458.6 396.0 Cd-Sec 69.6 77.0 66.5 Cd-Sec/Min 12618 13969 12061 5U/20L 5U/10L 5U/5L 5U/V 5U/5R 5U/10R 5U/20R 183.0 848.8 1344.8 1530.0 1245.6 751.8 169.1 30.7 142.6 225.9 257.0 209.3 126.3 28.4 5574 25854 40966 46606 37943 22901 5151 40 100 200 300 200 100 40 960 2400 4800 7200 4800 2400 960 H/20L H/10L H/5L H/V H/5R H/10R H/20R 264.5 1543.2 2616.8 2996.0 2350.1 1283.1 231.5 44.4 259.3 439.6 503.3 394.8 215.6 38.9 8058 47009 79714 91264 71587 39085 7052 60 150 400 600 400 150 60 1440 3600 9600 14400 9600 3600 1440 5D/20L 5D/10L 5D/5L 5D/V 5D/5R 5D/10R 5D/20R 179.9 851.0 1336.0 1488.1 1168.5 696.7 160.7 30.2 143.0 224.4 250.0 196.3 117.0 27.0 5479 25922 40695 45330 35593 21222 4896 40 100 200 300 200 100 40 960 2400 4800 7200 4800 2400 960 10D/5L 10D/V 10D/5R 382.1 419.8 357.6 64.2 70.5 60.1 11639 12787 10892 40 100 40 960 2400 960 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2327.1 1268.8 4224.0 10981.0 3697.1 1159.4 2009.7 391.0 213.2 709.6 1844.8 621.1 194.8 337.6 70889 38648 128670 334501 112620 35318 61219 340 180 550 2000 550 180 340 8160 4320 13200 48000 13200 4320 8160 Meets requirements for SAE J595 Class 1 Yellow. 7 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 PHOTOMETRIC TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: Red Specification: SAE J595 MAR14 (Directional LED Warning Lamp – Red) Flash Mode: Single Frequency: 3.02Hz On Time/Flash0.168Sec J595 (Class 1) Cd Cd-Sec/Min 20 480 50 1200 20 480 10U/5L 10U/V 10U/5R Cd 537.9 595.2 515.9 Cd-Sec 90.4 100.0 86.7 Cd-Sec/Min 16386 18132 15715 5U/20L 5U/10L 5U/5L 5U/V 5U/5R 5U/10R 5U/20R 238.5 963.4 1430.8 1602.7 1338.2 859.8 199.5 40.1 161.9 240.4 269.3 224.8 144.4 33.5 7265 29347 43584 48822 40763 26190 6078 20 50 100 150 100 50 20 480 1200 2400 3600 2400 1200 480 H/20L H/10L H/5L H/V H/5R H/10R H/20R 351.6 1547.6 2438.3 2769.0 2246.5 1344.8 261.3 59.1 260.0 409.6 465.2 377.4 225.9 43.9 10711 47143 74274 84348 68432 40966 7958 30 75 200 300 200 75 30 720 1800 4800 7200 4800 1800 720 5D/20L 5D/10L 5D/5L 5D/V 5D/5R 5D/10R 5D/20R 252.9 985.5 1488.1 1642.4 1364.6 866.4 193.8 42.5 165.6 250.0 275.9 229.3 145.6 32.6 7702 30019 45330 50032 41569 26393 5904 20 50 100 150 100 50 20 480 1200 2400 3600 2400 1200 480 10D/5L 10D/V 10D/5R 524.7 566.6 491.6 88.2 95.2 82.6 15983 17260 14975 20 50 20 480 1200 480 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2791.9 1649.0 4466.5 10698.9 4047.6 1582.9 2380.7 469.0 277.0 750.4 1797.4 680.0 265.9 400.0 85046 50233 136057 325906 123298 48218 72521 170 90 275 1000 275 90 170 4080 2160 6600 24000 6600 2160 4080 Meets requirements for SAE J595 Class 1 Red. 8 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 PHOTOMETRIC TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: Blue Specification: SAE J595 MAR14 (Directional LED Warning Lamp – Blue) Flash Mode: Single Frequency: 3.02Hz On Time/Flash0.169Sec J595 (Class 1) Cd Cd-Sec/Min 20 480 50 1200 20 480 10U/5L 10U/V 10U/5R Cd 217.8 247.0 222.2 Cd-Sec 36.8 41.7 37.6 Cd-Sec/Min 6666 7558 6801 5U/20L 5U/10L 5U/5L 5U/V 5U/5R 5U/10R 5U/20R 103.4 411.4 598.3 679.3 583.0 362.9 78.0 17.5 69.5 101.1 114.8 98.5 61.3 13.2 3165 12589 18309 20790 17840 11106 2388 20 50 100 150 100 50 20 480 1200 2400 3600 2400 1200 480 H/20L H/10L H/5L H/V H/5R H/10R H/20R 137.0 615.8 962.1 1108.9 900.7 515.0 99.1 23.2 104.1 162.6 187.4 152.2 87.0 16.7 4192 18845 29442 33936 27564 15761 3031 30 75 200 300 200 75 30 720 1800 4800 7200 4800 1800 720 5D/20L 5D/10L 5D/5L 5D/V 5D/5R 5D/10R 5D/20R 111.1 416.8 585.1 648.7 552.2 347.6 79.5 18.8 70.4 98.9 109.6 93.3 58.7 13.4 3401 12755 17907 19852 16900 10637 2434 20 50 100 150 100 50 20 480 1200 2400 3600 2400 1200 480 10D/5L 10D/V 10D/5R 237.6 264.1 234.3 40.2 44.6 39.6 7270 8082 7169 20 50 20 480 1200 480 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1179.7 687.0 1799.2 4299.8 1650.2 735.9 967.1 199.4 116.1 304.1 726.7 278.9 124.4 163.4 36102 21025 55061 131585 50501 22521 29596 170 90 275 1000 275 90 170 4080 2160 6600 24000 6600 2160 4080 Meets requirements for SAE J595 Class 1 Blue 9 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: Red & Blue ADDITIONAL TESTS (SAE J595) Tests performed by: MAE/DGC Date: 11/11-20/2015 High Temperature Flash Rate ......................................... Passed At a temperature of 50C for six hours. One hour "off" - Five hours "on" Sample 0 hour 1 hour 6 hours Blue 3.05 Hz 3.05 Hz 3.01 Hz SAE Required 1 – 4 Hz, 20% Low Temperature Flash Rate .......................................... Passed At a temperature of -30C for six hours. Five hours "off" - One hour "on" Sample 0 hour 5 hours 6 hours Start Time Blue 3.05 2.98 2.98 ≤0.1 Hz Hz Hz sec SAE Required 1 – 4 Hz, 20% Start Time 5 Sec Durability .......................................................... Passed At an ambient temperature of 23C for two hundred hours. Cycled at 50 minutes "on" ten minutes "off" Sample 0 hour 100 hours 200 hours Red 3.05 Hz 3.05 Hz 3.09 Hz SAE Required 1 – 4 Hz, 20% Device meets all flash rate test requirements. 10 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: White, Amber, Blue, Amber with right angle bracket MECHANICAL TESTS (SAE J575 APR12) Tests performed by: MAE/DGC Date: 11/10-20/2015, 1/06/2016 Vibration Test (J577 1hr Shock): ................................. Passed There was no observed rotation, displacement, cracking, or rupture of parts of the devices which would cause the devices to fail any other requirements. Sample Blue and Amber with right angle bracket tested. Vibration Test (6 hr Random): ................................ Not Tested There was no observed rotation, displacement, cracking, or rupture of parts of the device (except possibly filaments) which would cause the device to fail any other requirements. Note: Only one vibration method required to pass Moisture Test: ................................................... Passed There was 0cc of moisture accumulation inside the device. ( 2cc Required) Sample Amber tested. Dust Test: ....................................................... Passed No dust was found on the interior surfaces of the device. Sample Amber tested. Corrosion Test (240 hrs): ........................................ Passed There was no observed corrosion which would cause the device to fail any other requirements. Sample White tested. Lens Warpage Test: ............................................... Passed There was no observed warpage of plastic components that would cause the device to fail any other requirements. All photometry samples tested. Devices meet all mechanical test requirements. 11 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: White & Amber COLOR TEST: SAE J578 JUL12 Spectroradiometric method using Photo Research PR650 Test Performed By: MAE Test Distance: 5ft Voltage: 12.80V Location: HV Mode: FP1 – Single Flash Color Measured (x, y) White T = 0min (0.3245, 0.3227) T = 30min (0.3249, 0.3234) 0.31 x 0.50 0.38 y 0.44 y 0.75x + 0.05 y 0.64x + 0.15 Yellow Required Chart T = 0min (0.5643, 0.4315) T = 30min (0.5649, 0.4311) y 0.390 y 0.79-0.67x y x – 0.120 White - The color of the light emitted through the lens falls within the acceptable limits for white. Yellow - The color of the light emitted through the lens falls within the acceptable limits for amber/yellow. 12 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 TEST DATA SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample Number: Red & Blue COLOR TEST: SAE J578 JUL12 Spectroradiometric method using Photo Research PR650 Test Performed By: MAE Test Distance: 5ft Voltage: 12.80V Location: HV Mode: FP1 – Single Flash Color Measured (x, y) Red T = 0min (0.6761, 0.3223) T = 30min (0.6764, 0.3220) Blue T = 0min (0.1332, 0.0618) T = 30min (0.1327, 0.0633) Required Chart y < 0.330 y > 0.98-x y 0.320 x 0.160† x 0.400 - y x 0.60y+0.130 † if y>0.24 Red Blue - The color of the light emitted through the lens falls within the acceptable limits for red. The color of the light emitted through the lens falls within the acceptable limits for blue. 13 Report No. 151026-01D Rev1 PHOTOGRAPH SHEET Device Name: Feniex Cobra T3 3-LED Directional Warning Lamps (SAE W-1) Sample with right angle bracket submitted 12/17/2015 for vibration 14