Save from: 2ndclass Advance Mathematics and numerical analysis اﻟﺮﯾﺎﺿﯿﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﻘﺪﻣﺔ واﻟﺘﺤﻠﯿﻞ اﻟﻌﺪدي ﻋﺒﺪاﻟﻤﺤﺴﻦ ﺟﺎﺑﺮﻋﺒﺪاﻟﺤﺴﯿﻦ.د.م:اﺳﺘﺎذ اﻟﻤﺎده CHAPTER ONE Definition 1-Partial Derivative If f is a function of the variables x, and y in the region xy plane the Partial Derivative of f with respect to (w. r. to) x, at point (x, y) is f ( x x, y ) f ( x, y ) ∂f/∂x = x lim 0 x And (w. r. to) y at point (x, y) is f ( x, y y ) f ( x, y ) ∂f/∂y = y lim 0 y To find ∂f/∂x is simply regards y as constant in f (x, y) and Differential (w. r to) x is written in form ∂f/∂x = ∂z/∂x = ∂F/∂x or DX f= Zx =Fx Using same way to find ∂f/∂y is simply regards x as constant in f (x, y) and Differential (w. r. to) y is written in form ∂f/∂y = ∂z/∂y = ∂F/∂y or Dy f = Zy =Fy Since a partial derivative of function twice variables to obtain second partial derivative as 1-∂f/∂x = fx 2-∂f/∂y = fy 3- ∂/∂x (∂f/∂x) =∂2f/∂x2 = fx x 4- ∂/∂y (∂f/∂y) =∂2f/∂y2 = fyy 5- ∂/∂x (∂f/∂y) =∂2f/∂x∂y = fy x 6- ∂/∂y (∂f/∂x) =∂2f/∂y∂x = fxy Note I It is easy to extend the partial derivative of function of three variables or more ∂/∂x (∂2f/∂y∂x) =∂3f/∂x∂y = fx y x Theorem If f (x, y) and it's partial derivatives fx , fy , fy x ,and fxy are define in region containing a point (a, b) and are all continuous at (a, b), then fy x = fxy. 2 Example1 Let f(x, y) = x2 -y2 +xy +7. Then find fx , fy , fx x ,and fxy Solution fx= 2x + y fy = -2y +x fxy = 1. Problem 1-Let f(x, y) = e-x siny + ey cosx +8 Then find fx , fy 2-Find fx and fy at point (1,3/2) if f = 4 x 2 y 2 3-If f(x, y) = x ey - sin(x/y) + x3y2 . Then find fx , fy , fx x , Fyy and fxy 4-If U = x2y +arc tan(xz), then find Ux , Uy and Uz . 5-If V = x2 + y2+ z2+ Log(xz), then find Vx , Vy , Vz ,Vxy and Vzz . 6-If f = xy, then find f x , fy . 7-Prove that Uxy= Uy x If a-U = x siny + ycosx b-U = x Lny 2-Chain Rule 1- Function of one variables If y = f (x), and x = x (t), y = y (t) then y = y x t x t 2- Function of two or three variables is a- If Z = f(x, y), x = x (t), y = y (t) then Z = Z x + Z y t x t y t b- If Z = f(x, y, w), x = x (t), y = y (t) , w = w (t) then Z = Z x + Z y + Z w t x t y t w t Example2 Let f(x, y) = exy, x = rcosθ, y= r sinθ Find f r and f , in term r and θ. Solution 3 f = f x + f y r x r y r f = yexy x f = xexy y x = cosθ r y = sinθ r f r = yexy cosθ+ xexy sinθ = 2r sin cos e r cos cos = r sin 2 e r cos cos . 2 2 f x y f = f x x y y + f = -r sinθ = rcosθ = yexy (-r sinθ)+ xexy (rcosθ) = r 2 sin 2 e r cos cos + r 2 cos 2 e r cos cos = r 2 e r cos cos (cos 2 sin 2 ) = r 2 cos 2 e r cos cos . Problem Find ft, in the following function 1- f(x, y) = x2 - y2, x = et, y= 2 t-6 2- f = x2 - xy2, x = cos t, y= e-t 3- f = y/x, x = ln t, y= cot t 4- f = exyln( x - y), x = t3 , y= 2 t- t3 5- f = x y , x = sin-1t, y= sint 2 2 2 2 6- f = x , x y x = cosh t, y= sinh t 7- f = sin(x+ y - z), x = sin t, y= 8- f = x tan 1 ( ) , y et 2 , z = ln t x = et cos t, y= et sin t 4 9- f = x , x = et, y= 2 t-6 y Find U x , U y and U z, in the following function 10- U = tanh 1 ( r ) , r = x sin yz, s= x cos yz s 11-U = ln( r+ s + t)if, r = xy, s= x z, t= y z 3- The Total Differential The total differential of function W = f(x, y, z),………………………………..(1) Is defined to be dw = f dx + x f dy y + fz dz Or dw = fx dx + fy dy + fz dz In general the total differential of function W = f(x, y, z, u,………..,v) is defined by dw = fx dx + fy dy + fz dz+ fu du+…….+ fv dv where x , y, z, u…….and v are independent variables. But if x, y and z are not independent variabl but are them can selves given by x = x (t), y = y (t), z = z (t), then we have dx = x dt , dy = y dt, dz= z dt. t t t Or in the form:x = x(r, s), y= y(r, s), z = z(r, s). Then we ha dx = x dr+ x ds r y r z r s y s z s dy = dr+ ds ……………………..(2) dz = dr+ ds Then (1) become in case W = f(x, y, z) = f(x(r, s), y(r, s), z(r, s)) = f(r, s). Then from (2) and (3) we obtain:dw = wx dx + wy dy + wz dz dw =[ xr dr+ xs ds ] w x + [ yr dr+ ys ds 5 ] w y +[ zr dr+ zs ds] w z =[ wx x r + wy y r + wz z r ] dr+ [ wx x s + wy y s + wz z s ]ds…….(4) Example3 Find the total differential of function W = x2 + y2+ z2 if x = r coss, y= r sins and z = r Solution dw = wx dx + wy dy + wz dz = 2xdx + 2y dy + 2z dz dx = x dr+ x ds, or r s dx = xr dr + xs ds =cossdr - r sins ds dy = yr dr + ys ds = sins dr + rcossds, dz = zr dr + zs ds = dr. Now dw = 2x[cossdr - r sins ds] + 2y [sins dr + rcossds] + 2r [dr.] = 2 rcoss [cossdr - r sins ds] + 2 r sins [sins dr + rcossds] + 2r [dr.] dw = 2[rcos2s]dr - r sins ds] + 2y [sins dr + rcossds] + 2r [dr.] = 2 [rcos2s + r sin2s +r] dr + 2 [-r2 sins coss+ r2 sins coss ] ds + 2r dr.], dw = 4r dr]. Problem If U = f(x, y) Find dU, in the following:1- U = 2Lnx + Lny2 if, x = e-t, y= et. 2- U = tan-1x + = 1 y 2 if, x = t2, y= t-1. 3- U = sin(x+ y) +cos xy, , x = π +2t, y= π-4t. 4- U = x2 + y2+ 6xy, x = 3t-1, y= 4t-3. 5- U = x , y x = sech t, y= coth t. 6- U = tanh 1 ( r ) , r = x sin yz, s= x cos yz s 7-U = ln( r+ s + t)if, r = xy, s= x z, t= y z. 8- If f(x, y) = xcosy+y ex. Prove that fy x = fxy. 9- If f(x, y) = x tan 1 ( ) . y Prove that fx x + fyy. = 0 10- If f(x, y) = e-2y xcos2x. Prove that fx x + fyy. = 0 6 11- If 12- If 13- If 14- If W= sin(x+ ct). Prove that Wtt = c2 W x x. W= cos(2x+ 2ct). Prove that Wtt = c2 W x x. W= Ln(2x+ 2ct)+ cos(2x+ 2ct). Prove that Wtt = c2 W x x. W= tan(x- ct). Prove that Wtt = c2 W x x. 7 CHAPTER TWO Differential Equations (d.e) Introduction:Definition 1.1 Differential Equations (d.e) If y is a function of x, where y is called the dependent variable and x is called the independent variable. A differential equation is a relation between x and y which includes at least one derivative of y with respect to ( x. Which has two types:1- Ordinary d.e. If (d.e) involves only a single independent variable this derivatives are called ordinary derivatives, and the equation is called ordinary (d.e). 2- Partial d.e. If there are two or more independent variables derivatives are called partial derivatives, and the equation is called partial (d.e). For example (a) d3y dx 3 2 3 2 (b) ∂ u/∂x (c) d2y dx 2 3 dy y 2e x dx + ∂2u/∂y2 = 0 df +x = sinx dx (d) y˝΄- 3 y˝ + y = 0 The Order of (d.e) Is that the derivative of highest order in the equation for example (a) order 3 (b) order 2 (c) order 1 (d) order 3? Solution of Differential Equations Any relation between the variables that occur in (d.e) that satisfies the equation is called a solution or when y and it's derivatives are replace through out by f(x) and it's derivatives for example Show that y= acos2x +bsin2x, of derivative a solution of (d.e) y˝ + 4y = 0 …………………………………………………….. (1), Where a and b are arbitrary constant. Solution Since y= acos2x +bsin2x, y ΄ =-2asin2x + 2bcos2x y˝ -4acos2x -4bsin2x, put y and y˝ in (1) -4acos2x -4bsin2x + 4(acos2x +bsin2x) =0 8 0 =0, then this solution called the general solution. Exercises Show that each equation is a solution of the indicated (d.e) (1) y˝΄ = y˝ where y = c1+ c2x+ c3ex (2) x y˝+ y ΄ =0 where y = c1lnx+ c2 (3) y˝+9 y = 4cosx where 2y = cosx 2x (4) y˝ -y = e where y = e2x 2 (5) y˝ =2 y sec x where y = tanx. First Order Differential Equations The first order differential equation take in the form:M(x,y) dx+N(x,y) dy =0……………………………………(2) Where M and N are functions of x and y or both. To solve this type of (d.e), we consider the following methods:1-Variable Separable Any (d.e) can be put in the form:f(x)dx +g(x)dx =0, or x and derivative of x in term and y derivative of y in another term. This equation called Variable Separable, this equation can be solve by take the integral of two sides of this equation ∫ f(x)dx +∫g(x)dy =c, where c is arbitrary constant. Example Solve xdy=ydx ydx-xdy=0 (ydx-xdy=0) 1 , xy dx dy 0 , by integral of two sides x y dx dy x y c, Lnx-lny=c, ln x c, y x e c c1 , y x y . c1 Problems Solve the following differential equations:1- x(2y-3)dx +(x2+1)dy=0 2- x2(y2+1)dx +y x 3 1 dy 0 9 34- dy x-y =e dx xy dy =1 dx 5- eysecxdx+cosxdy=0. 2-Homogeneous Differential Equation (H.d.e) The differential equation as form M(x,y) dx+N(x,y) dy =0, Where M and N are functions of x and y is called (H.d.e) if satisfy the condition M (kx, ky) =knM(x, y) N (kx, ky) =knN(x, y) Where k is constant. For example 1- (x2 -y2)dx + 2xydy=0 M = x2 -y2 , N =2xy M(kx,ky) =(kx)2- (ky)2= k2x2 –k2y2 = k2(x2 –y2 ) k2(M) N (kx,ky) =2 (k2xy)= k2(2xy ) k2(N). The equation is (H.d.e). 3- Solve (x-y)dx +xydy =0 M = x -y , N =xy M(kx,ky) =(kx)- (ky)= k(x –y ) k(M) N (kx,ky) = k2 (xy ) k2(N). The equation is not (H.d.e). If the equation is homogeneous we can solve by the following method:Put (H.d.e) in the form dy = f(y/x)………………………………………………… (3) dx Let v= y/x…………………………………………………. (4) Put (4) in (3) dy = f(v)…………………………………..(5) dx From (4) y=xv, and dy = xdv+vdx, divided by dx 10 dy dy dv = f (v) from (5) x v , since dx dx dx dv dv f(v) x v f (v)-v x dx dx dv dx (f(v)-v)dx =xdv f (v ) v x dx dv 0 . Or x v f (v ) ……………………………………………… (6) dx dv 0 x f (v ) v After solving replace v by y/x. Example Solve (x2 +y2) dx + 2xydy=0 Solution Since this equation (H.d.e). Now 2xydy= - (x2 +y2)dx , dy x 2 y2 = , dx 2 xy put y=xv dy 1 v2 x 2 x 2v 2 = = dx 2 x ( xv ) 2v 1 v2 f(v) = ' 2v dx dv 0 , x v f (v ) dx dv 0, x 1 v2 v 2v 2vdv dx 0 , by integral both sides x 1 3v 2 lnx + 1/3ln(1+3v2) = c, lnx + 1/3ln(1+3y2/x2) = c 3 y2 ln x 3 1 x2 3 x 3 x2 3 y2 c1 , x c, where c1 e c x 2 3 y 2 c1 Problems Solve the following differential equations:(1) 2xydx -(xy+x2)dy=0 (2) (x2+2y2+3xy)dx +x(x-2y)dy =0 11 (3) (12x2y -4y3)dx +x(3y2 -6x2)dy =0 (4) ( xey/x -yey/x)dx+ xey/xdy=0 (5) (3x+ xey/x-yey/x)dx+ xey/xdy=0 3-Exact Differential Equation The differential equation as form M(x,y) dx+N(x,y) dy =0………………………………….……..(7) There is function f(x,y)=c………………………………………………….……...(8), Which a solution of (7). df(x,y)=0……………………………………………….………..(9). From total partial differential equation df(x,y)= ∂f/∂x dx + ∂f/∂y dy…………………………………(10). From 7,8,9 and 10, ∂f/∂x =M ………………………………………………... (11) ∂f/∂y = N Now ∂2f/∂y∂x = ∂M/∂y, ∂2f/∂x∂y = ∂N/∂x, Since ∂2f/∂y∂x = ∂2f/∂x∂y ∂M/∂y = ∂N/∂x, ……………………………………………………. (12). Which condition of exact? To solve equation (7) we must find f which the solution of equation (7). ∂f/∂x =M from (11), ∂f =M ∂x, f= ∫ M ∂x + A(y) ………………………………………………….(13), Where A(y) is function of y. We must find A(y) ∂f/∂y = N = ∂/∂y [∫ M ∂x]+ A΄ (y), since ∂f/∂y = N, from (11), A΄ (y) = N-∂/∂y [∫ M ∂x] A (y) = ∫{N-∂/∂y [∫ M ∂x]}+c………………………………..(14) Now put (14) in (13) which complete solution. Example Solve the following differential equation dy xy 2 1 = dx 1 x 2 y Solution (1- x2y)dy – (xy2 -1)dx =0, N= 1- x2y , M = 1– xy2 , ∂M/∂y = ∂N/∂x = -2xy, ∂f/∂x = M, f= ∫ M ∂x + A(y) = ∫ (1– xy2) ∂x + A(y) 12 f= (x– (x2 y2)/2 + A(y)…………….(*) (we must find A(y), ∂f/∂y = - x2y + A΄ (y) = N= 1- x2y A΄ (y) =1, A(y) = y+c put in (*) F= (x– (x2 y2)/2 + y+c. Problems Solve the following differential equations:(1) (2x + y)dx +(x + y)dy=0 (2) (3x - y)dx - (x-y)dy =0 (3) (cosx+y)dx +(2y + x)dy =0 (4) ( yex +y)dx+ (x + ex )dy=0 (5) tany dx+ x sec2y dy=0. Integrating Factor If the equation M dx+N dy =0. Is not exact, then there is such that M dx+ N dy =0……………………………………………….(*) Is exact then ∂ ( M)/∂y = ∂ ( N)/∂x. To find ( is called integrating factor). Theorem I (i) M N y x f (x) (function of x, or constant. If N Then = e∫ (ii) f(x)dx . N M x y If g ( y ) (function of y, or constant. M Then = e∫ g(y)dx. (iii) If is function of x and y, then there is no general method to find (integrating factor). Example Solve the following differential equation ydx +(3+3x -y)dy=0 Solution M=y, N= 3+3x –y. My = 1 Nx =3, not exact 13 Nx M y M 3 1 2 , is function of y y y Then = e∫ = g(y)dy 2 e y dy e 2 ln y y 2 (ydx +(3+3x -y)dy=0) y2 y3dx +(3 y2+3x y2 -y3)dy=0 M= y3, N= 3 y2+3x y2 -y3. My = 3 y2=Nx =3 y2 exact ∂f/∂x = M, f= ∫ M ∂x + A(y) = ∫ (y3) ∂x + A(y) f= y3x+ A(y)……………. (*) We must find A(y), ∂f/∂y = 3xy2+ A΄ (y) = N= 3 y2+3x y2 -y3 2 3 A΄ (y) =3 y -y , A(y) = y3 -y4/4 +c put in (*) f= y3x+ y3 -y4/4 +c. Example Solve the following differential equation dy =x-y dx Solution dy= (x-y)dx (x-y)dx-dy=0 M=x-y, N= –1. My = -1 Nx =0, not exact M y Nx N 1 0 1, is function of x 1 dx = e∫ f(x)dx = e e x Then ((x-y) dx-dy=0) ex ex (x-y)dx- ex dy=0 M= xex-y ex, N= -ex. My = -ex =Nx =- ex exact ∂f/∂x = M, f= ∫ M ∂x + A(y) = ∫ (xex-y ex) ∂x + A(y) f= xex -ex -y ex + A(y)……………. (*) We must find A(y), ∂f/∂y = -ex + A΄ (y) = N= -ex A΄ (y) =0, A(y) = c put in (*) f= xex -ex -y ex +c. 14 4- First – Order Linear Differential Equation If the equation as form:dy +P(x) y = Q(x)……………………………………………… (15) dx Where P and Q are functions of x. To solve equation (15), we must find (I) where I= e∫ pdx { I is integrating factor}. Now multiple both sides of (15) by I dy + Py dx = Q dx…………………………………………………(15) e∫ pdx { dy + Py dx = Q dx } e∫ pdx dy + e∫ pdx Py dx = e∫ pdx Q dx } d [ye∫ pdx ]=Q e∫pdx dx………………………………………………(16) by integrate (16) ye∫ pdx = ∫Q e∫pdx dx +c, Which the solution of (15), or the solution is Iy = ∫IQ dx +c Example Solve the following differential equation dy y + =2 dx x Sol Since P =1/x, Q = 2 I= e∫ pdx = I= e∫ dx/x = e lnx = x. The solution Iy = ∫IQ dx +c xy = ∫2x dx +c, xy = x2 +c y =x + c/x Problems Solve the following differential equations:(1) y΄ + 2y= ex (2) xy΄ +3y =x2 (3) y΄ + ycotx = cosx (4) x y΄ +2y = x2-x +1 (5) y΄ -y tanx =1. 4.1The Bernoulli Equation The equation dy +P(x) y = Q(x) yn ……… (*), if n 1. dx Is similar to L-equation is called Bernoulli Equation. We shall show how transform this equation to linear equation. In fact we must reduce this equation to linear, product (*) by (y-n) or 15 dy +P(x) y = Q(x) yn] y - n dx dy -n y +P y1-n = Q …………………. (**). dx Let w = y1-n dw = (1-n) y – n dy or [ dw = y – n dy put in (**) 1 n dw +P y1-n = Q, (1 n)dx or Which is L-equation dw + (1-n)P w = (1-n) Q dx Example Solve the following differential equation dy y + =y2 dx x Sol [ dy y + =y2] y -2 dx x dy -2 y + dx y 1 = 1…………. (#), x Let w = y -1 dw =- y -2 dy -dw = y -2 dy, put in (#) dw + dx dw w dx x 1 P=x - w =1 x = -1. , Q = - 1, I= e∫ pdx = I= e-∫ dx/x = e -lnx = The solution Iw = ∫IQ dx +c, 1 . x 1 w = ∫ - dx +c, x x 16 1 w = - lnx + c,. Since w = y -1 = y x 1 = - lnx + c, xy 1 y= . x (c ln x) Problems Solve the following differential equations:(1) y΄ - 2y/x = 4x y2 (2) y΄ +y/x =x y2 (3) y΄ + y = y3 e2x sinx (4) y΄ + 2y/x = 5 y2/x2 (5) x y΄ +y = y2. Second – Order Differential Equation Special Types Certain types of second order differential equation such that F(x, y, dy d 2 y , )…………………………………………………(17) dx dx 2 Can be reduced to first order equations by a suitable of variables:Type I Equation with dependent variable when equation as form F(x, dy d 2 y , )……………………………………………..……(18) dx dx 2 It can be reduced to first order equation by suppose that:dy , dx p= d2y dx 2 = dp dx Then equation (18) takes the form F(x, p, dp ) =0, dx Which is of the first order in p, if this can be solved for p as function of x says? p = q(x,c1). Then y can be found from one additional integration y=∫ ( dy ) dx +c=∫ p dx +c =∫ q(x,c1 ) dx +c. dx Type II Equation with independent variable when equation (17) does not contain x explicit but has the form 17 F(y, dy d 2 y , )=0…………………………………………..……(19) dx dx 2 The substitution to use are :p= d2y dy , dx dx = 2 dp dp dy dp = . = p dx dy dx dy The equation (19) become F(y, p, p dp ) =0, dx Which is of the first order in p. Which solution gives p in terms of y, and then further integration gives the solution of equation (19). Example 1 Solve the following differential equation d2y dx + 2 Let dy =0…………………………………..……………. (*) dx p= dy , dx d2y dp p, put in (*) dy = dx 2 dp p +p =0, ÷ p dy dp +1 =0, dy dp +dy =o. by integration p+y = c1 dy +y = c1 dx dy = c1 - y dx dy = dx -ln(c1 –y) =x+c2 c1 y ln(c1 –y) = -x+c2 c1 –y = e x c1 = ce-x y = c1 - ce-x Example 2 Solve the following differential equation X2 d2y dx 2 d y dx 2 Let +x 2 + p= dy =1 dx 1 dy = 1/x2……………………………………………. (**) x dx dy and dx d2y dx 2 = 18 dp , put in (**) dx dp dx + 1 p = 1/x2 , which linear in p, x I= e∫ pdx = I= e∫ dx/x =x. Ip = ∫IQ dx +c Ip = ∫x(1/x2 ) dx +c = lnx+c xp =lnx +c P = (lnx)/x + c/x Let dy = (lnx)/x + c/x dx dy= [(lnx)/x]dx +( c/x)dx, y = (lnx)2/2 + c lnx +c1 Problems Solve the following differential equations:(1) y˝ +y΄ = 0 (2) y˝ +y y΄ = 0 (3) x y˝+ y΄ =0 (4) y˝ -y΄ = 0 (5) y˝+ w2y=0 , where w constant 0. Homogeneous-Second – Order (D. E) With Constant Coefficient Consider linear equation with constant coefficient which in the form:y˝ +a y΄ +by=0……………………………………………… (20) where a, b are constant. How to solve this equation we shall now find how to determine m such that y= emx is a solution of (20) then y΄ = memx and y˝ =m2emx, put in (20) 2 mx m e +a memx +bemx =0 emx (m2 +a m+b) =0, since emx 0, then m2 +a m+b =0………………………………………………. (21). Which called characteristic equation. Then we saw that emx is a solution of (20) m is root of (21). Note The general solution of (20), there is three cases:Case i If m1 =m2 in equation (21), the solution of (20) (homogeneous equation ) is yh= (c1 + xc2) emx Case ii If m1 m2 in equation (21), the solution of (20) (homogeneous equation ) is yh= c1e m1 x c2e m2 x 19 Case iii If m1 and m2 roots ( m= + i where i= 1 ) in equation (21), the solution of (20) (homogeneous equation ) is yh= ex (c1 cos x c2 sin x ) Ex i Solve y˝ +4y΄ +4y=0…………………………………………..(*) Sol let y= emx , y΄ = memx and y˝ =m2emx, put in (*) m2emx +4 memx +4emx =0 emx (m2 +4 m+4) =0, since emx 0, then m2 +4 m+4 =0 Which called characteristic equation? (m+2)2 =0 m1 =m2 = -2, the solution of (*) is yh= (c1 + xc2) e-2x Ex ii Solve y˝ +y΄ -6y=0…………………………………………..(**) Sol let y= emx , y΄ = memx and y˝ =m2emx, put in (*) m2emx + memx -6emx =0 mx e (m2 + m-6) =0, since emx 0, then m2 +m-6 =0 This called characteristic equation (m+3)(m-2) =0 either m1 = -3 or m2 =2, the solution of (**) is yh= c1 e-3x + c2 e2x Ex iii Solve y˝ -4y΄ +5y=0…………………………………………..(**) Sol let y= emx , y΄ = memx and y˝ =m2emx, put in (*) m2emx -4memx +5emx =0 emx (m2 -4 m+5) =0, since emx 0, then m2 -4m+5 =0 This called characteristic equation 4 16 20 4 4 , 2 2 =2, =1, m2 = 2 i + i , m1 = yh= e2x (c1 cosx + c2 sinx). 20 Non-Homogeneous-Second – Order (D. E) With Constant Coefficient Consider the equation which in the form:y˝ +a y΄ +by= f(x)…………………………………………… (22) where a, b are constant. To find the general solution of (22). We find solution of homogeneous part y˝ +a y΄ +by=0……………………………………………… (23), let yh be solution of (23). Then the solution of (22) take by added the solution yh to any another special solution yp of (22)such that the general solution of (22) become y (x) =yh + yp Method of Undetermined Coefficient The condition of this may that the form f(x), may be guessed for example f(x) may be a single power of x a polynomial an exponential function a sin, coin or sum function. The general solution of (non- H. D.E) become. y (x) =yh + yp. We student to find yh .We can select yp from the following table. Table 1 f ( x) kx yp mod n k n x n k n 1 x n 1 ......... k1 x k 0 (n 1,2,.........) ke px k sin x k cos x k n ,......, k1 , k 0 are cons tan ts ce px , c cons tan t m cos x n sin x m and n cons tan t How to use the table to find yp:(a) If f(x) function of first column of table, then we take yp from second column which corresponding it. (b) If f(x) is sum of two function of 1-st column then we selected yp sum of function of 2-th column which corresponding. (c) If the number of f(x) is root of yh we must modify the solution of yp, 21 0 p i Modification Rule If the number listed in the table 1 the last column root of yh (H-part) of equation (23). Then the function in second column of table must be multiplied by xm where m is the multiplicity of the root in that equation [hence for a second –order equation m may be equal 1 or 2]. Example1 By use table 1 write yp where (a) f(x)= 2x3 (b) f(x)= 3e2x (c) f(x)= 4sin2x (d) f(x)= cos x +sin x (e) f(x)= e3x +x Sol (a) yp = k3 x3 + k2 x2 + k1 x +k0 (b) yp= ce2x (c) yp = m cos x +nsin x (d) yp = m cos x +nsin x (e) yp= ce3x +k1 x +k0 Example2 Find the general solution of the following (d.e) y˝ -4y= 8x2………………………………………………….(*) Sol y˝ -4y= 0…………………………………………………….(**) let y= emx , y΄ = memx and y˝ =m2emx, put in (**) m2emx - 4emx =0 emx (m2 - 4) =0, since emx 0, then m2 - 4 =0 This called characteristic equation m2 =4 m = 2, ( or m1 = 2, m2 = -2; yh= c1 e-2x + c2 e-2x , yp = k2 x2 + k1 x +k0, we must find k2 , k1 and k0 yp = k2 x2 + k1 x +k0, yp΄ = 2k2 x + k1 and yp˝ = 2k2 put in (*) 2k2 -4(k2 x2 + k1 x +k0)= 8x2 -4k2 =8, 2k2 -4k0=0 k2 =-2, k1 = 0, k0=-1 yp = -2 x2 -1 y (x) =yh + yp y (x) = c1 e-2x + c2 e-2x -2 x2 -1. 22 Variation of Parameter Consider the equation which in the form:y˝ +a y΄ +by= f(x)…………………………………………… (24) Where a, b are constant, f(x) be any function of x. To solve (24) (a) Find yh (solution of (H-part), yh = c1 u1 + c2 u2………………………………………………(25) Where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constant, and u1 and u2 are two function as form:let emx or xemx ex cos x or ex sin x ) , which solution of (H-part). (b) We replace c1 and c2 by function of x say v1 and v2 then (#) become yh = c1 v1 + c2 v2……………………………………………..(26), Which solution of (24), yh΄= v1u΄1 v΄1 u1 + v2 u΄2 + v΄2 u2 yh΄= (v1u΄1 + v2 u΄2 )+ (v΄1 u1 + + v΄2 u2)…………………….…(27), from this yh΄= v1u΄1 + v2 u΄2, and v΄1 u1 + + v΄2 u2=0………………………………………………..(28) Now yh˝ = v΄1 u΄1 + v1u˝ 1 + v΄2 u΄2 + v2 u2˝ (c) Now put yh, yh΄ and yh˝ in (24) v΄1 u΄1 + v1u˝ 1 + v΄2 u΄2 + v2 u2˝ + a[v1u΄1 + v2 u΄2 ]+ b[c1 v1 + c2 v2]=f(x) v1 [u1˝ +a u1΄ +b u1] + v2[u2˝ +a u2΄ +b u2]+ v΄1 u΄1 + v΄2 u΄2=f(x) Since y˝ +a y΄ +by=0, u1˝ +a u1΄ +b u1=o, u2˝ +a u2΄ +b u2 =o, and v΄1 u΄1 + v΄2 u΄2=f(x). {the value in brackets vanish because by hypothesis both u1 and u2 are solution of homogeneous equation corresponding to (24). Then the equation (24) satisfy by equation v΄1 u1 + v΄2 u2=0………………………………….................... (29) v΄1 u΄1 + v΄2 u΄ 2=f(x)…………………………………………. (30). (d) By solve (29) and (30) we find two unknown v΄1, v΄2 and we find v1 ,v2 by integral. (e) The general solution of (non- H. D.E) (24) is Y(x) = v1 u1 + v2 u2 Example1 Find the general solution of the following (d.e) y˝ -y΄-2y= e-x…………………………………………………. (*) 23 Sol (1) Find the general solution of (H.d.e) y˝ -y΄-2y=0, or m2 – m-2 =0, (m-2)(m+1) =0 yh= c1 e2x + c2 e-x , u1 = e2x, u2= e-x, u΄1 = 2e2x, u΄ 2= -e-x v΄1 u1 + v΄2 u2=0……………………# v΄1 u΄1 + v΄2 u΄ 2=f(x)………………. ## v΄1 e2x + v΄2 e2x=0……………………# 2v΄1 e2x- v΄2 e-x = e-x)………………. ## v΄1 e2x = e-x v΄1 =1/3e-3x v1 = -1/9e-3x +c1, 2x From (#)v΄1 e = - v΄2 e-x, or v΄2 =- v΄1 e3x v΄2 = -1/3 v2 = -1/3x+c2 Since Y(x) = v1 u1 + v2 u2 Y(x) =(-1/9e-3x +c1)e2x + (-1/3x+c2 )e2. Problems Solve the following differential equations:(1) y˝ +4y΄ = 3x (2) y˝- 4 y΄ = 8x2 (3) y˝- y΄ -2y =10cosx (4) y˝ -4y΄ +3y = ex (5) y˝ +y = secx. Problems Solve the following differential equations:1-x(2y-3)dx +(x2 + 1)dy=0 2- x2 (y2+1) dx +y 3- Sinx x 3 1 dy =0 dx +cosh2y = 0 dy dy =1 dx x dx 5- Lnx = dy y x2 1 y 6- ( xe dy+ dx=0 y 4- 2 xy 2 7- y 1 x dy + y 1 dx = 0 2 24 8- x2y 9- dy = (1+x) cscy dx dy = ex-y dx 10- ey secx dx + cosx dy = 0 (H. d. e) 11- (x2 + y2) dx +xydy = 0 12 - x2 dx + (y2 –xy)dy = 0 13 – x ey/x +y)dx –xdy = 0 14 –(x +y) dy +(x – y) dx = 0 15 - dy y yx = + cos ( ) dx x x 16- xdy-2ydx= 0 17- 2xydy +( x2 -y2)dx = 0 (Linear d. e) dy + 2y = e-x dx sin x 19- x y΄ +3y = x2 18- 20- 2 y΄- y =ex/2 21- xdy+ ydx = sinx dx 22- xdy +ydx = ydy 23- (x-1)3 y΄ + 4 (x-1)2 y =x+1 24- Coshx dy+ (y sinhx+ ex) dx=0 25- e2y dx +2(x e2y –y)dy = 0 26 – (x-2y) dy + y dx = 0 27 – (y2 +1) dx+ (2xy + 1) dy = 0 (Exact d. e) Use the given integrating factor to make (d. e) exact then solve the equation 28 - (x+2y) dx – x dy = 0, 29 – y dx + x dy = 0 , 1 ) x3 1 1 ) or (I = ) (I = xy ( xy ) 2 (I = Solve (exact d. e) 30 - (x + y) dx + (x+y2) dy = 0 31 – ( 2xey +ex) dx + (x2 +1) ey dy = 0 32 – ( 2xy + y2)dx + (x2 + 2xy – y )dy = 0 25 33- (x+ xy y 2 1 )dx – (y- )dy =0 2 y 1 3 34- x dy+ y dx+ x dx =0 35- x dy- y dx = x2 dx 36- (x2 +x-y) dx +xdy = 0 37- (ex +lny + y x ) dx +( + lnx +siny) dy =0 x y y2 38- ( - 2y) dx + (2y tan-1x – 2x + sinhy)dy =0 2 1 x y sin x dx = 0 39- dy + x (Second- Order) 40- y˝ +2y =0 41- y˝ +5 y΄ +6y= 0 42- y˝ +6y΄ +5y= 0 43- y˝ - 6 y΄ +10y= 0 44- y˝ + y= 0 45- y˝ +y΄ x 46- y˝ +y= sinx 47- y˝- 2 y΄ +y= e-x 48- y˝ +2 y΄ +y= ex 49- y˝- y= sinx 50- y˝ +4 y΄ +5y= x+2. 51- y˝ - y= ex 52- y˝ +y= secx 53-y˝ +y= tanx 54-y˝ +y= cotx 26 CHAPTER THREE Laplace Transformation (L. T) Definition 2.1 Let f (t) be function of variable t which define on all value of t such that (t >0). The Laplace transformation of f (t) which written as L {f (t)} is F(s) = L {f (t)} = e st f ( t ) dt ............................................................ (1) 0 Note 1 The Laplace transformation is define in (1) is converge to value of s, and no define if the integral in (1) has no value of s. Laplace Transformation of Some Function:Using the definition (1) to obtain the following transforms:1- If f(t) =1 Solution L {f (t)} = e Since 0 L (1) = st 1 1 0 1 I f ( t ) dt = e st 0 =0+ e = s s s 1 . s 2-If f (t) = e at Solution Since L {f (t)} = e st f ( t ) dt 0 L {f (t)} = e st e at dt = L {f (t)} = e (a s )t dt 0 0 = e ( s a )t 0 = 1 ( s a )t I e dt = 0 sa 1 sa l {e at } = 1 sa . Note 2 Let f(t) be function and c constant then (i) L {cf (t)} = cL {f (t)} (ii) L {f1 (t) f2 (t)} = L {f1 (t)} L {f2 (t)} 3-If f(t) = cos(wt) 4-If f(t) = sin(wt). 27 Solution From Euler formula e iwt = cos (wt) + isin (wt). L{ e iwt } = L{ cos (wt)} + i L{sin (wt)}……………………(*). But l {e iwt } = 1 s iw 1 s iw 1 s iw = = l {e iwt } = s w s 2 s w s 2 , from (2) +i 2 s iw s iw +i 2 = s iw s2 w 2 w 2 s w2 w 2 s w2 , from (*) L{ cos (wt)} + i L{sin (wt)}= l {e iwt } = From this 3- L {cos (wt)} = 4- L {sin (wt)} = s 2 s w 2 s s2 w 2 w s2 w 2 5-If f(t) = sinh (wt). 6-If f(t) = cosh (wt). Solution Since sinhx = 1 wt -wt [ e – e ], 2 Now sinh (wt) = L {sinh (wt)} = 1 x -x [ e – e ], coshx = 2 1 {L ( ewt) – L( e-wt)}, 2 = 1 1 { 2 sw = 1 2 L {sinh (wt)} = 2w s2 w 2 w s2 w 2 1 sw = }. w s2 w 2 , and 28 1 x -x [ e + e ]. 2 +i w 2 s w2 L {cosh (wt)} = s . s2 w 2 Example 1 Find L{8-6e3t + e-4t +5sin3t+7cosh3t} Solution 1 8 = . s s 6 L (6 e3t) = 6L ( e3t) = s3 1 L ( e-4t) = s4 L(8)= 8L(1)= 8 3 L {5sin (3t)} = 5L {sin (3t)} = 5 2 L {7cosh (3t)} = 7L {cosh (3t)} = s 9 7s = 15 2 s 9 s2 9 Laplace Transformation of Differential Theorem_:If f(t)is continuous function of exponential on [o, ) whose derivative is also exponential then the (L.T) of f ΄(t) is given by formula L {f ΄ (t)} = e st f ´ t dt 0 Proof ∫udv = uv-∫vdu. Let u= e st du =-s e st dt, dv = f ΄ (t) dt v =f(t), e st f ´ t dt = e st 0 f ( t ) I0 + s e st f ( t ) dt 0 =o- e0f(0) +s e st f ( t ) dt 0 = -f(0) + s L{f(t)}. Where s e st f ( t ) dt = s L {f (t)}. 0 L {f ΄ (t)} = s L {f (t)} – f (0). Corollary If both f(t) and f ΄ (t) are continuous functions of exponential order on [o, ) , and if f ˝(t) is also exponential then :29 L {f ˝ (t)} = s2 L {f (t)} – s f (0) - f ΄ (0) Proof L{ f ˝(t)} = L {f ΄ (t)}΄ = sL {f ΄ (t)} - f ΄ (0) = s [s L {f (t)} – f (0)] - f ΄ (0) = s2 L {f (t)} – s f(0) - f ΄ (0) . Now in general L { fn (t)} = sn L {f (t)} – sn-1 f(0) ----------- fn-1 (0). Problem Prove that n! L {tn} = s n1 , where n=1, 2, 3, ……….., and n!= n(n-1)(n-2)…..(n-n). And 0! =1. Properties of L. T (1) Shifting If L {f (t)} = f(s) = L{ e at f(t)} f(s-a) Example Find L{ e-4tcos3t} Solution f(t) =cos3t, a=-4, then f(s) = L {f (t)}= L{ cos3t} = L{ e-4tcos3t} = s ( 4) 2 ( s ( 4)) 9 = (2) L. T of Integrals: t L { f (u) du} = 0 f ( s) s Example t Find L { sinh2tdt} 0 Solution 30 s4 ( s 4) 2 9 s 2 s 9 F (u) = L{sinh2t} = = 2 2 t , L { sinsh2tdt}= s2 4 0 . 2 s ( s 4) (3) Multiplication by tn If L {f (t)} = f(s), then L {tn f (t)} = (-1)n d n f ( s) ds n Example 2 3t Evaluate L {t e } Solution f(t)= e3t L ( f(t)) = L ( e3t) = f ΄(s)= ∂f/∂s = 1 =f(s) s 3 1 ( s 3)2 2 f ˝(s) = ∂2f/∂s2 = L {t2 e3t } = (-1)2 ( s 3)3 2 ( s 3)3 = 2 ( s 3)3 (4) Division by t If L {f (t)} = f(s) , and t lim 0 L{ f (t ) }= t f (t ) exist t f(u)du s Example Evaluate sin t L{ } t Solution lim 0 t sin t = 1, exists. t L{sint} = f(t) = sint 1 2 s 1 =f(s) 31 2 s2 4 s f(u)= L{ 1 2 u 1 f (t ) sin t }= L { }= t t -1 s 1 2 u 1 du = tan-1u I s = tan-1 - tan-1s = Π/2 - tan s. Example Let f(t) =2cos3t. Find L {f ˝ (t) } Solution L {f ˝ (t)} = s2 L {f (t)} – s f (0) - f ΄ (0) f(t) =2cos3t, f(0)=2cos(0)=2, f ΄ (t) = -6sin3t , f ΄ (0) = -6sin(0)=0 , s L {f (t)}= L{ cos3t} = s2 9 , L {f (t)}= L{2 cos3t} = 2L{ cos3t} = L {f ˝ (t)} = s2 [ = L {f ˝ (t)} = 2s s 9 =f(s). ] – s [2] - 0 2 s 9 3s 2s 2 -2s s2 9 18s . s2 9 Unit Step Function ua (t) Definition 2.2 The unit step function is defined by:0 when t < a ua (t) = 1 when t > a If a=0, then 0 u0 (t) = 1 when t < 0 When t > 0. If a=2, then 0 U2 (t) = 1 when t < 2 when t > 2 Definition 2.3.1 32 To find Laplace Transformation of unit step function (L { ua (t)}) is defined as :Since ua (t) = L { ua (t)} = e 0 when t < a 1 when t > a st 0 a = e st 0 L { ua (t)} = f (t ) dt = e st u a (t ) dt 0 (0) dt e a e st 1 (1) dt = e st s I a= - 1 [0 – e-sa ] = s sa s . Definition 2.3.2 To find the terms of the unit step function is defined by:1 when 0<t < 1 f(t) = 2 when 1<t < 2 -1 when 2<t < 3. f(t) = 1[u0 – u1] + 2[u1 – u2] - 1[u2 – u3] = u0 – u1 + 2u1 – 2u2 - u2 +u3 f(t) = u0 + u1 – 3u2 +u3 Problem Find Laplace Transformation of f (t) which defines in (Definition 2.3.2). Solution Since f(t) = u0 + u1 – 3u2 +u3 L{f(t)} = L{u0(t)} + L{u1(t)} – 3 L{u2(t)} +L{u3(t)} e s (0) e s e 2 s e 3 s + -3 + = s s s s 33 1 = + s es e 2 s e 3 s -3 + . s s s L. T of Periodic Functions If f (t) is Periodic function of period T>0 satisfy such that f(x+T) = f(x), then T st e f (t )dt L {f (t)} = 0 1 e sT Gamma Function Definition 2.4 If (n >0), then the gamma (n) becomes: (n)= t n 1e t dt ………………………………………………………….( ) 0 Important Properties of gamma function (i) (n+1) = n (n) ii) (n+1) = n! (iii) ( 1 ) = (Π) 2 Table I Some elementary function f (t) their Laplace Transforms L {f (t)} = f(s). 34 f (t ) 1 L{ f (t )} f ( s) 1 s 1 1 2 t 3 2 s2 2! t s3 n! n 4 t , n 1,2,3,... s n 1 5 eat 1 sa s 6 cos wt 2 s w2 w 7 sin wt 2 s w2 s 8 cosh at 9 sinh at 10 y(t ) 11 y(t ) s2 a2 a 2 s a2 sL{ y (t )} y (0) sf ( s) y (0) s 2 L{ y (t )} sy (0) y(0) s 2 f ( s) sy (0) y(0) f (s) t 12 f (u)du 0 n s (1) n n f ( s) 13 t f (t ) s n 14 t n (npositive) (n 1) s n 1 35 Problems Find Laplace transform (f(s)) of the following functions :1- f(t) = sin2 t 4 3t 2- f(t) = t e -t 3- f(t) = e cosh 3t 4- f(t) = sinh t t = t2 e3t = 3t+4 = t2 +at +b = ( a+bt)2 = t e-t = (e2t -4)2 = t eatsinat = cosh at cos at 0 when 0<t < 2 13-f (t) = 4 when 2<t. 5- f(t) 6- f(t) 7- f(t) 8- f(t) 9- f(t) 10- f(t) 11- f(t) 12- f(t) 14 -Prove that t e 3t sin t dt 0 3 50 15- Prove that as b s2 s2 a2 (b) = L {t cos at} = 2 , 2 2 (s a ) (a) = L {a+bt} = Inverse Laplace Transformation If L {f (t)} = f(s). Then we call f(t) is the inverse of (L. T) of function f(s) and which written as: f(t) = L-1{f(s)}, for example L ( e3t) = 1 s 3 =f(s). L-1{f(s)} = L-1{ 1 s 3 } = e3t. Some Properties of Inverse L. T 36 We see the L. T of first (9) in table I, we can inverse there Laplace to find inverse of this for example L(1) = f(s)= 1 , s 1 } =1, s L-1{f(s)} = L-1{ Example1 5 s3 Find f (t), if f(s) = Solution f(t) = L-1{ 5 s 3 Example1 } = 5L-1{ 1 s 3 } = 5 e-3t s 1 Find f (t), if f(s) = s2 1 Solution f(s) = s + 2 s 1 f (t) = L-1{ 1 2 s 1 s , } + L-1{ 2 s 1 = cost + sint. 1 }, 2 s 1 Partial Fraction If we want to find the inverse transform of a rational function as f ( x) , where f and g g ( x) are polynomials which the degree of f less than degree of g then. We can take advantage of partial transform is easily found as see in examples:Example1 1 Find the inverse Laplace transform (f (t)), if f(s) = 2 2 s ( s 1) Solution f(s) = 1 2 , s ( s 2 1) 1 A B = 2 2 s s2 s ( s 1) + Cs D s2 1 , 1= As3 +Bs2 + As + B + Cs3 +Ds2, B =1, B+D =0, A+ C =0, A=0 C=0, D = -1 1 1 1 = 2 2 2 2 s ( s 1) s s 1 , 37 1 f (t) = L-1{ 2 2 s ( s 1) } = L-1{ 1 s } - L-1{ 2 1 2 s 1 }, = t2 – sint. Example2 Find the inverse Laplace transform (f (t)), if f(s) = s 1 2 s s6 Solution f(s) = s 1 2 s s6 = s 1 ( s 3)( s 2) = A B . s3 s2 S+1 =As - 2A + Bs + 3B, -2A +3B = 1, A+B =1, -2A +3B = 1 2A + 2B = 2 + B =3/5, A = 2/5, 5B=3 f (t) = L-1{ F(s} = 2/5L-1{ = 2/5 e-3t +3/5 e2t 1 1 } - 3/5L-1{ }, s3 s2 Problems Find f(t) { the inverse Laplace transform} of the following:(1) f(s) = (2) f(s) = (3) f(s) = (4) f(s)= (5) f(s) = (6) f(s) = 1 2 s 1 , 1 2 s ( s 2 1) , s2 6 s 3 4s 2 3s 1 s ( s 2 4) , , 4 3s 2 s 2 s 16 + 5 2 s 4 1 , s3 38 , 1 (7) f(s) = 2 s 9 2s 3 (8) f(s) = s2 9 (9) f(s) = , , s3 2 s s6 . Application of Laplace Transformation Linear (D. E) With Constant Coefficient To solve L- non homogeneous (d. e) of order n with constant coefficient. We use same way as second- order (d. e) as form :a0 y˝ + a1 y΄ + a2 y= f(x)…………………………………… … (*) Where a0, a1 and a2 are constant, which satisfy initial condition: y(0)= A and y΄ (0) =B……………………………………………(**) Where A and B are choice constant. Example1 Find the solution of the following (d.e) by (L. T) y˝ + 3 y΄ + 2 y=0……………………………………………… (*) Which satisfies initial condition? y (0)= 0 and y΄ (0) =1. Solution L {y ˝ (t)} = s2 {y (s)} – s y (0) - y ΄ (0) L {y ΄ (t)} = s {y (s)} – y (0). L {y (t)} = y (s) Since L {y} = y (s) Put in (*) s2 {y (s)} – s y (0) - y ΄ (0) +3[s {y (s)} – y (0)] + 2 y (s) =0 By use y (0) = y΄ (0) =1, (s2 + 3s +2) y (s) = (s+3) y (0) + y ΄ (0), (s2 + 3s +2) y (s) = s+3+1 = s+4, y (s) = s4 s 2 3s 2 = s4 ( s 1)( s 2) S+4 = As+ 2B + As + A, A+B= 1 A +2B = 4 -B =-3 B =3 A =-2, 39 = A B . s 2 s 1 2 3 , s 2 s 1 y(s) = y (t) = L-1{ y(s} = 3L-1{ y (t) = 3e-t - 2e-2t 1 1 } - 2L-1{ }, s 1 s2 Example2 Find the solution of the following (d.e) by (L. T) y˝ + 4 y΄ + 4 y= 2……………………………………………… (i) Which satisfies initial condition? y (0)= 1 and y΄ (0) =1. Solution L {y ˝ (t)} = s2 {y (s)} – s y (0) - y ΄ (0) L {y ΄ (t)} = s {y (s)} – y (0). L {y (t)} = y (s) Since L {y} = y (s) s2 {y (s)} – 1+4[s y (s)] + 4y (s) = Put in (i) 2 s 2 2s +1 = , s s s2 s2 s2 y (s) = , 2 2 s ( s 2) s ( s 4 s 4) s ( s 2) [s2 +4s + 4]y (s) = y (s) = s2 s ( s 2) = A B , s s2 1 = A(s+2) + Bs, B =-½ and A =½, 1 1 2 , y (s) = 2 s s2 40 y (t) = L-1{ y(s} = 1/2L-1{ y (t) = ½ - ½e-2t . 1 1 } - 1/2L-1{ }, s s2 Problems Find the solution of the following (d.e) by (L. T), which satisfies the given initial conditions:(1) y˝ + 4 y΄ + 3 y=0, at y (0)= 3 and y΄ (0) =1, (2) y˝ + 4 y΄ + 4 y=2, at y (0)= 0 and y΄ (0) =1, (3) y˝ - y=0, at y (0)= 0 and y΄ (0) =1, (4) y˝ -5y΄ + 6 y=0, at y (0)= 0 and y΄ (0) =1, (5) y˝ - 9y= sint, at y (0)= 1 and y΄ (0) =0, (6) y˝ -9 y= et, at y (0)= 1 and y΄ (0) =0, (7) y˝ + 4 y= sint, at y (0)= 0 and y΄ (0) =1, (8) y˝ + 4 y΄ + 4 y=4 cos2t, at y (0)= 2 and y΄ (0) =5, 41 CHAPTER FOUR Fourier series Periodic Function Definition 3.1 The function f(x) satisfy the condition f(x+T) = f(x) For all value of x where T is real number then f(x) is called Periodic function, and if T least positive number satisfies (1), then T is called periodic number of function. We can find that:F(x) = f(x+T) = f(x+2T) = (x+3T) = …………………………..= (x+nT). And F(x) = f(x-T) = f(x-2T) = (x-3T) = …………………………. .= (x-nT). This means that F(x) = (x nT), where n integer. Some Properties of Series 1-f(x+T) = f(x) Periodic function 2- n=No of terms positive integer. 1 if n even (2, 4, 6… 3- Cosn = -1 if n odd (1, 3, 5……….. 4- - Cos 2n =1, 5- Sin n = sin 2n = 0, 6- Cos nx = Cos (-nx). Some Important Integrals:1- 2 2 sin nx dx = 0 2- cos nx dx = 0, where n integer. 0 2 0 sin mx sin nx dx = ½ 2 [cos(m-n)x – cos(m+n)x]dx = 0. 0 42 34- 2 sin2 nx dx =½ 0 2 2 [ 1– cos2nx]dx = , where n integers. 0 Cos nx sin nx dx = = ½ 0 5- = 2 sin 2nxdx = 0. 0 2 cos2 nx dx= 0 2 [cos nx cos nx dx = 0. 0 Fourier series Suppose that f(x) is periodic function to x, and 2 is periodic number of it. And the function f(x) is defined on the interval (0< x< 2 ). Then we can write f(x) in the form:f(x)= a0 + a1cosx + a2cos2x + ……….+ an cos nx+ b1 sinx + b2 sin2x+……………..+ bn sin nx………………………………………(1) This means that f(x)= a0 + (an cos nx+ bn sin nx)……………….…………………(1) n 1 = (an cos nx+ bn sin nx)………..………………………………(1), n 0 Such that 1 2 a0 = an = bn = 1 1 2 f(x) dx f(x) cos nx dx , n = 1, 2, 3,…. f(x) sin nx dx. 0 2 0 2 0 The series (1) is called Fourier series of the function f(x). If the function f(x) defined on interval - < x< , then 1 a0 = 2 1 an = bn = 1 f(x) dx f(x) cos nx dx , n = 1, 2, 3,…. f(x) sin nx dx. 43 Example 1 Find Fourier series of the function f(x) = x, from x = 0 to x =2 or (0< x< 2 ). Solution Use the rule to find a0, an and bn , 2 1 a0 = 2 0 ]0 2 1 2 a0 = x 4 2 1 an = = 2 1 f(x) dx = 2 0 1 x dx = 2 f(x) dx 0 =. 1 f(x) cos nx dx = 0 1 [x 2 sin nx n 2 x cos nx dx, 0 cos nx 2 ] ]0 n2 sin 2n cos 2n cos 0 1 [2 ] [ ] n n2 n2 2 sin 2n cos 2n 1 1 = [ ] = 0. n n2 = bn = 1 2 1 f(x) sin nx dx = b n = 0 2 x sin nx dx 0 ] 2 x cos nx sin nx 1 [ ] 0 n n2 2 = . The equation (1) becomes: = f(x)= -2 n 1 ( sin nx n f(x)= -2 ( sinx + ) sin 2 x + sin 3 x 3 +…….. ) Even and Odd Function If f(x) = f(-x), is called even function. If f(-x) = -f(x), is called odd function. Fourier series of Even and Odd Function If f(x) is even when { x2, x4, x6… cosx, sin2x,| f(x)|. 44 If f(x) is odd when { x, x3, x5,……, sinx. (i) If f(x) is even then bn = 0 (ii) If f(x) is odd then a0 = an =0. Example 1 Find Fourier series of the function f(x) = x, for (- < x< ). Solution Since f(-x) = -x = -f(x), the function is odd. a0 = an =0. 1 bn = 1 f(x) sin nx dx = b n = x cos nx sin nx 2 [ = ] n n2 2 cos n = [. ] n 2 = cosn n 2 n = (-1) n ] 2 x sin nx dx = 0 Then the series becomes: f(x) = bn sin nx n 1 f(x)= -2 (-1) n ( n 1 f(x)= 2 ( sinx - sin nx n sin 2 x 2 + ) sin 3 x 3 -…….. ) Example 2 Find Fourier series of the function 1 if 0 < x< . f(x) = 2 if < x< 2 . Solution 1 a0 = 2 2 0 1 f(x) dx = 2 0 1 f(x)dx + 2 45 2 f(x) dx 0 x sin nx dx = 1 2 dx + 0 1 x ]0 2 = a0 = 3/2. 2 1 an = = 1 0 cos nx dx + 1 2 0 1 f(x) cos nx dx + 2 f(x) cos nx dx 2 cos nx dx , sin nx 2 n ]0 + 1 ] 2 x cos nx dx, 1 [x sin nx n an = 0. 1 bn = 0 cos nx 2 ] ]0 = 0. n2 1 sin nx dx + 2 2 sin nx dx cos nx 1 cos nx 2 ]0 + 2 ] , n n (1) n 1 1 cos n 1 ]= , = [ n n (1) n 1 bn = , n = 0 = 2 dx 1 2 + x ] dx 0 2 1 f(x) cos nx dx = 1 sin nx = n 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 , b1 = 0 b3 = , 3 2 sin 5 x sin 3 x f(x)= 3/2 [ sinx + + +…….. ]. 3 5 a0 = 3/2 , an = 0. b 0 = Half-Range Series If we want find Fourier series on interval (0< x< ), does not on all interval (- < x< ), then we can find the Fourier series by :1- Fourier Cosine series or f(x) an even function as:46 f(x)= a0 + a1cosx + a2cos2x + ……….+ an cos nx. 2- Fourier Sine series or f(x) an odd function as:f(x)= b1 sinx + b2 sin2x+……………..+ bn sin nx Such that 1 a0 = f(x) dx 0 2 an = f(x) cos nx dx , n = 1, 2, 3,…. 0 2 bn = f(x) sin nx dx. 0 Example 3 Find cosine Half-range series for the function defined as f(x) = x, for 0< x< . Solution Use the rule to find a0 and an 1 1 1 f(x) dx = x dx = f(x) dx 0 0 0 1 2 a0 = x ]0 = . 2 2 2 2 an = f(x) cos nx dx = x cos nx dx, 0 0 sin nx cos nx 2 = [x ] ]0 n n2 2(cos n 1) = n 2 a0 = 0 an = 4 n 2 if n even. if n odd 47 4 cos 3 x [ cosx + 2 3 f(x)= + cos 5 x 5 +…….. ]. Example 4 Find sine Half-range series for the function defined as f(x) = x, for 0< x< . Solution Use the rule to find bn bn = 2 2 f(x) sin nx dx = b = n x sin nx dx = 0 0 x cos nx sin nx 2 [ ] = n n2 2 cos n = [. ] n 2 = cosn n 2 n = (-1) n ] 0 Then the series becomes: f(x) = n 1 f(x)= -2 bn sin nx (-1) n ( n 1 f(x)= 2 ( sinx - sin 2 x 2 sin nx n + ) sin 3 x 3 - 48 sin 4 x 4 ….. ). 2 0 x sin nx dx CHAPTER FOUR Partial Differential Equations Partial Differential Equations (P. D.E) Partial Differential Equations are Differential Equations in which the unknown function of more than one independent variable. Types of (P. D.E) The following some type of (P. D.E):1-Order of (P. D.E) The order of (P. D.E) is the highest derivative of equation for example:Ux = Uy First-order (p. d. e). 2u 2u 4 2 t 2 x Second -order (p. d. e). 2-The Number of Variables For example:Ux = Utt (two variables x and t). Ux = Urr + 1 Ur r + 1 U r2 (Three variables t, r and ). 3-Linearity The (P. D.E) is linear or non-linear, is linear (P. D.E) if u and whose derivative appear in linear form (non- linear if product two dependent variable or power of this variable greater than one). For example {the general second L. P. D.E in two variable} Auxx + Buxy + Cuyy + Dux + Euy + Fu + G =0…………………(*) Where A, B, C, D, E, F and G are constant or function of x and y for example utt+ e-t uxx =sint (Linear) uxx = yuyy (Linear) u ux+ uy =0 (Non-Linear) x ux+ y uy + u2=0 (Non-Linear). 4-Homogeneity If each term of (P. D.E) contain the unknown function and which derivative is called (H. P. D.E) otherwise is called (non-H. P. D.E), in special case in (*) is homogeneous if [ G =0]. Otherwise nonhomogeneous. Auxx + Buxy + Cuyy + Dux + Euy + Fu =0 (H. P. D.E) Where A, B, C, D, E and F are constant or function of x and y. Example1 49 Determine which (L. P. D.E) is, order and dependent or independent variable in following:- u 2u 1 4 2 t x Linear second degree u, dependent variable, x and t are independent variable. 2 3r 3 r 2 x y x 2 y 3 2 Linear 3- degree( r, dependent variable, x and y are independent variable. 3w 3 w 3 rst y Non-Linear 3- degree( w, dependent variable, r, s and t are independent variable. 2Q 2Q 2Q 4 2 2 2 0 x y z Linear 2- degree( Q, dependent variable, x, y and z are independent variables, homogeneous. 5( u 2 u 2 ) ( ) 0 t x Non-Linear 1- degree( u, dependent variable, t and x are independent variables, homogeneous. Solution of (P. D.E) A solution of (P. D.E) mean that the value of dependent variable which satisfied the (P. D.E) at all points in given region R. For Physical Problem, we must be given other conditions at boundary, these are called boundary if these condition are given at t=0 we called them as initial conditions its order. For a linear homogeneous equation if u1, u2… un are n solution then the general solution can be written as (n-th order p. d. e) u= c1 u1+ c2 u2+ … + cn un. Note i We can find the solution of (P. D.E) by sequence of integrals as see in the following examples:Example2 Find the solution of the following (P. D.E) 2z 0 xy Solution 50 2 z z ( )0 xy x y By integrate (w. r. to) x gives z c( y) y Where c(y) is arbitrary parametric of y. Also by integrate (w. r. to) y gives z c ( y )y c ( x ) Where c(x) is arbitrary parametric of x. Example3 Find the solution of the following (P. D.E) 2 z x2 y xy Solution By integrate (w. r. to) x gives z x 3 y c( y ) y 3 By integrate (w. r. to) y gives x3 y 2 z c ( y )y c ( x ) 6 x3 y2 z F ( y ) c( x) . 6 Example4 Find the solution of the following (P. D.E) 2u 6 x 12 y 2 xy With boundary condition, u(1,y)= y2 -2y, u(x,2)= 5x -5 Solution By integrate (w. r. to) x gives u 3 x 2 12 y 2 x c ( y ) y By integrate (w. r. to) y gives u 3 x 2 y 4 y 3 x c ( y )y g ( x ) u ( x, y ) 3 x 2 y 4 y 3 x h ( y ) g ( x ) u (1, y ) 3 y 4 y 3 h( y ) g (1) y 2 2 y h( y ) y 2 4 y 3 5 y g (1) u ( x, y ) 3 x 2 y 4 y 3 x y 2 4 y 3 5 y g (1) g ( x) u ( x,2) 6 x 2 32 x 4 32 10 g (1) g ( x ) 5 x 5 g ( x ) 33 27 x 6 x 2 g (1) 51 u ( x, y ) 3 x 2 y 4 y 3 x y 2 4 y 3 5 y 33 27 x 6 x 2 Formation of (P. D.E) A (P. D.E) may formed by a eliminating arbitrary constants or arbitrary function from a given relation and other relation obtained by differentiating partially the given relation. Note ii Suppose the following relation:z zx p x z 2 zy q y 1 2z z xx r x 2 2 z 4 2 z yy t y 3 5 2z z yx s xy Example 5 Form a Partial Differential Equations from the following equation:Z= (x -a)2 +(y-b)2…………………………….(1) Solution z z x 2(x -a) x z z y 2(y -b) y Eq(1) become 1 1 Z ( zx )2 ( z y )2 2 2 4Z ( z x ) 2 ( z y )2 4Z ( p ) 2 (q )2 Example 6 Form a Partial Differential Equations from the following equation:Z= f(x2 +y2)…………………………….(2) Solution Zx=2xf ΄(x2 +y2) Zy=2yf ΄(x2 +y2) Eq(2) become zx x , zy y -x Zy + y Zx =0 yp -xq =0 52 Example 7 Form a Partial Differential Equations from the following equation:Z= ax+by+a2 +b2……………………………. (3). Solution Zx=a Zy=b Eq(3) become Z= x Zx +y Zy +( Zx)2 +( Zy)2 Z= x p +y q +( p)2 +( q)2 Example 8 Form a Partial Differential Equations from the following equation:v= f(x -ct) +g(x+ct) Solution vx= f΄ (x -ct)+g΄ (x+ct) vt= -cf΄ (x -ct)+cg΄ (x+ct) vxx= f΄΄ (x -ct)+g΄΄ (x+ct) vtt= c2f΄΄ (x -ct)+c2g΄΄ (x+ct) vtt= c2 [f΄΄ (x -ct)+g΄΄ (x+ct)] vtt= c2 vxx, or 2 2v 2 v c t 2 x 2 One dimensional Wave equation Solution of First Order Linear (P. D. E) Let the Partial Differential Equation as form:Pp+ Qq =R……………………………………..……. (4) Where P, Q and R are function of x, y and z. So the solution of this equation is the same as the solution of simultaneous dx P dy Q dz .......... .................... .................... .......... .............(5) R Eq (5) are calle LaGrange Auxiliary Equations or (characteristic equation). A soluation of Eq(5), can be written as U(x, y, z) = c1, V(x, y, z) = c2 The general solution written as F (U, V) =0, or F (c1, c2) =0. Note iii To solve Eq(5), we note that:53 (i) If P or Q or R equal to zero then dx or dy or dz equal to zero respectivly, For example If R=0→ dz =0→ Qdx =Pdy from Eq(5), which can easily to solve it. (ii)In case sparable the variable in problem, then we can write characteristic Eq(5), in the following form dx P dy Q dz dx dy dz R P Q R We slected the value of λ, µ and β such that gives λP +µQ + βR =0, → λdx +µdy + βdz =0. Which helpe to find of Solution of (P. D.E). Example 9 Solve the following Partial Differential Equation xzp+yzq =xy Solution Suppose the following relation:Where z z x p , and x z zy q y P= xz, Q= yz, and R= xy dy dy dx dx xz yz x y Lnx=lny =ln c1 x c1 = V………………………………………. (6) y dy dy dz dz →xdy= zdz yz xy z x zdz = c1ydy y2 z2 +c c1 2 2 z 2 xy =c 2 2 z2-xy =2c = c2=V The general solution F (c1, c2) =0, or x 2 F( , z -xy) =0. y Example 10 54 Solve the following Partial Differential Equation (x+z)p –(x+z)q =x-y………………………………………. (7) Solution P= x+z, Q= -(x+z), and R= x-y dy dx yz ( x z) dx dy dz 0 dx dy dz dz x y ( y z) ( x z) ( x y) Where λ =1, µ =1, β =1. dx +dy + dz =0. x +y + z = c1 = U. For λ =x, µ =y, β =-z xdx ydy zdz 0 xdx +ydy - zdz = 0. x2+y2- z2 =2c = c2=V The general solution F (c1, c2) =0, or F (x +y + z, x2+y2- z2) =0. Example 11 Solve the following :xz Zx + yz Zy +(x2 + y2) =0 Solution xz Zx + yz Zy = -(x2 + y2) dx dy xz yz 1- dx dy x y dx dy 0 x y lnx- lny=lnc1 Ln y x lnc1 y c1 ………………….1 x dx dz 2 2 xz ( x y 2 ) From (1) y= x c1 55 dx dz 2 xz ( x c12 x 2 ) dx dz 2 xz x (1 c12 ) -x(1 + c12) dx=zdz x(1 + c12) dx+zdz =0 x2 z2 (1 c12 ) c2 2 2 x2+x2c12+z2 = 2c2, x2+y2+z2 = c3, where c3= 2c2. The general solution F (c1, c3) =0, or F( y x , x2+y2+z2) =0 Problems Find the solution of the following Partial Differential Equation:1- 2p+3q =1 2- p-xq =z 3- y2zp- x2zq = x2y 4- (y+z)p +(x+z)q =x+y 5- ap +bq+cz =0 6- (y2 +z2 - x2)p -2x y q +2xz = 0 Theorem1 If u1 u2……..are solution of equation F( ………..)u=0, Then , x y U= c1 u1+ c2 u2+ … is solution also, where u= c1, c2 … .are constants. Method of Variable Sparable Let the Partial Differential Equation as f f F( ………..)u=0. , x y Let the general solution of above equation is Let u (x, t) = XT, or u (x, t) = X(x)T(t) Be solution of (P. D.E) where X ifs function of x only, and Y function of y only. As see in the following problems:Examp 12 Solve the following Partial Differential Equation with boundary codition u u 3 0 x y With boundary condition. u (0, y) = 4e-2y -3e-6y …………………………………. (8) Solution To solve Eq(8) suppose 56 u (x, t) = XT. Be solution of (8) where X ifs function of x only, and Y function of y only. u u YX΄, XY΄ y x dX dY X Y dx dy Put in eq (8) YX΄ + 3XY΄=0 X Y 3X Y Now let X Y 3X Y X = c 3X Y = c Y = c X΄ -3CX =0, Y΄ -CY =0, X= a1e3cx , Y= a2e-cy u (x, t) = XT= a1a2e3cx-cy = Bec(3x-y), where B= a1a2, are constant. Now let c (3x y ) c (3x y ) , and u2= b2 e solution of (8) (theorem 1) u1= b1 e c (3 x y ) c (3 x y ) + b2 e ,from boundary condion u= u1+ u2= b1 e c y c y u (0, y) = b2 e + b1 e = 4e-2y -3e-6y b1=4, b2 =-3, c1=2, c2 =6 2(3x y ) 6(3 x y ) u (x, y) = 4e - 3e 1 2 1 2 2 1 Example 13 Find the solution of following [Heat equation] by using partial differential equation:- u 2u 2 2 t x ………………….……………..…………. (9) With boundary condition. (1) u (0, t) = 0, (2) u (10, t) = 0, for all t, (3) u(x, 0) = 50 sin 3 x 2 +20sin2 x - 10sin4 x Solution Let u (x, t) = XT. Be solution of (9) 57 u XT΄ t 2u TX΄΄ x 2 Put in(1) XT΄ =2 TX΄΄………………….……………..…………. (10) We can write (10)in the form:- T X 2T X Let T X 2T X =c Where c be constant T΄ -2cT=0, X΄΄ - cX=0 there three cases OF C ( C=0,C>0 and c<0) CaseI. If c=0 T΄=0, → T= c1 and X΄΄ =0,X= c2x + c3 U= TX=c1(c2x+c3) U=Ax+B Where A=c1c2, B= c1c3 U(0,t)= B=0 U(x, t)=Ax U(10,t)= 10A=0 → A=0 U 0 Which trivial solution c≠ 0 CaseII. If C>0 Te-2cx =c1→T =c1e2ct cx cx X= c 2 e c 3 e u (x, t) = XT, = c1e2ct (c 2 e c3 e cx ) B3 e cx ) cx u = e2ct ( A e A= c1, c2, and B= c1, c3 U(0,t)= e2ct ( A + B)=0 e2ct ≠ 0→ A + B=0 A= -B cx 58 U(x,t)=B e-2ct ) ( e cx e cx ) U(10,t)=B e2Ct ( e 10 c e 10 c ) =0 If B=0 A= 0 U= 0 Which trivial solution B ≠ 0 e10 c e 10 c =0 e10 e10 c e 10 c e 10 0 e 20 c c c 0 e10 c e 10 c , 1 which impossible since e 20 c 1 There is no solution if C >0. CaseIII. If c<0, let c=- k2 k 2 k2 0 T΄ +2k2T=0, X΄΄ + k2X=0 T = c1 e 2 k t , X= c2 coskx + c3sinkx. U(x,t)= c1 e 2 k t ( c2 coskx + c3sinkx ) U(x,t)= e 2 k t ( A coskx + B sinkx ). Where A=c1c2, B= c1c3 U(0,t)= e 2 k t ( A )=0 A 0 , because e 2 k t 0 U(x,t)= B e 2 k t ( sinkx ). U(10,t)= B e 2 k t ( sin10k.) =0 Since B ≠ 0 , e 2 k t ≠ 0 sin10k =0 10k=n , where n =0 1 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 k n 10 U(x,t)= B e 2 U(x,t)= b1 e U(x,t)= b2 e U(x,t)= b3 e U(x,t)= b1 e n 2 2 t 100 n ( sin x 10 n12 2 t 50 n2 2 2 t 50 n3 2 2 t 50 n12 2 t 50 + b3 e )= B e ( sin n1 x 10 ) ( sin n2 x 10 ) ( sin n3 10 x n ( sin 1 x 10 n3 2 2 t 50 ( sin2 n2 2 t 50 ( sin n x 10 )= ) )+ b2 e n3 10 x 59 ) n2 2 2 t 50 ( sin n2 x 10 ) U(x,0)= b1 sin 50 sin 3 x 2 n1 x 10 + b2 sin n2 x 10 + b3 sin n3 x 10 = +20sin2 x - 10sin4 x b1 =50, b2 =20, + b3 = -10 , n1 3 10 2 → n1=15, n2=20, n3=40 U(x,t)= 50 e 9 2 t 2 sin n3 x 2 2 + 20 e 8 t sin 2x 2 -10 e 32 t sin 4x Examp 14 Find the solution of following [Wave equation] by using partial differential equation:(1) 2u 2u 4 t 2 x 2 With boundary condition. (2) u (0, t) = 0, (3) u (L, t) = 0, for all t, (5) L, 0 0 (4) u(x, 0) = f(x). u = g(x), at t=0. t Solution Let u (x, t) = XT. Be solution of (1) where X ifs function of x only, and Y function of y only. XT΄΄ TX΄΄ 2u t 2 2u x 2 Put in(1) XT΄΄ =4 TX΄΄ T X 4T X Let T X k2 4T X Where k be constant T΄΄ -4k2T=0, X΄΄ - k2X=0(there three cases) CaseI. If k2 0 T΄΄ =0, T=at+b X΄΄ =0,X= cx +d 60 U= TX=(at+b)(cx+d) U(0,t)= (at+b)( d)=0 at b 0 b 0 U(x,t)=(at+b) cx U(L,t)=(at+b) cL=0 cL=0 L0c0 cx +d=0 U(x,t)= 0 CaseII. If k2 0 T΄΄ -4k2T=0, X΄΄ - k2X=0 T= a e2kt + b e-2kt , X= c ekx + d e-kx U(x,t)=(a e2kt + b e-2kt )( c ekx + d e-kx) U(0,t)=(a e2kt + b e-2kt )( c + d)=0 c + d=0 d= -c U(x,t)=c(a e2kt + b e-2kt )( ekx - e-kx) U(L,t)=c(a e2kt + b e-2kt )( ekL - e-kL)=0 If c=0 X= 0 U= 0 ekL - e-kL=0 ekL= e-kL e2kL=1, which impossible since L, k0 There is no solution if k2 0 2 CaseIII. If k 2 k 0 T΄΄ +4k2T=0, X΄΄ + k2X=0 T= A cos2kt + Bsin2kt, X= C coskx + Dsinkx. U(x,t)=( A cos2kt + Bsin2kt)( C coskx + Dsinkx) U(0,t)=( A cos2kt + Bsin2kt)( C )=0 c 0 , because A cos2kt + Bsin2kt 0 U(x,t)=( A cos2kt + Bsin2kt) Dsinkx U(L,t)=DsinkL ( A cos2kt + Bsin2kt)=0 Since A cos2kt + Bsin2kt 0 DsinkL=0 If D= 0 U= 0 DsinkL=0 kL=n , where n =0 1 2 ... k n L U(x,t)=Dsin n x ( A cos2 U(x,t)= (An cos2 n L n L t + Bsin2 t + Bn sin2 Where An =AD, Bn=BD 61 n L n L t) t) sin n x . U ( x, t ) U n ( x, t ) n 1 n 1 n 1 U n ( x, t ) (An cos2 n L t + Bn sin2 n L t) sin n x . U(x, 0) = f(x). f(x) = An sin n x . n 1 U t ( x ,0) g(x), g(x)= 2 L Bn (n sin n x ). n 1 Problems Find the solution of the following Partial Differential Equation:(1) u 2 u 0 t x 2 With boundary condition. u (0, t) = 0, u (10, t) = 0, for all t, u(x, 0) = 50 sin ( 2) u u 0 x y 3 x 2 +20sin2 x - 10sin4 x. With boundary condition. u (0, y) = e2y, (3) 2 u 2 u t x 2 With boundary condition. u (0, t) = 0, u (п, t) = 0, for all t, u(x, 0) = 2sin3x - 5sin4x. (4) 2u 2u 4 2 t 2 x With boundary condition. (i) u (0, t) = 0, (ii) u (L, t) = 0, for all t, L > 0 (iii) u(x, 0) = f(x). (iv) (5) 2u 2u 4 y 2 x 2 u = g(x), at t=0. t With boundary condition. (i) u (0, y) = 0, (ii) u (10, y) = 0, for all t, (iii) u (x,0) = 0, at t=0. y 62 (iv) u(x, 0) = 3sin2 x - 4 sin x 2 . CHAPTER FIFE Numerical Analysis Solution of Non-Linear Equation 1-Newton-Raphson Method for Approximating Interpolation 2-Lagrange Approximation Numerical Differentiation and Integration Approximate Integration Integration Equal Space 3-The Trapezoidal Rule 4-Simpson's Rule 5-Simpson's (3/8) Rule Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equation Numerical Differentiation 6-Euler Method The Step by Step Methods 7-Modified Euler Method (Euler Trapezoidal Method) 8-Runge Kutta Method 9-Runge- Kutta-Merson Method System of Linear Equation 10-Cramer's Rule 11-Solution of Linear Equations by using Inverse Matrices 12-Gauss Elimination Method 63 13-Gauss Siedle Methods 14-Least Squares Approximations Numerical Analysis Solution of Non-Linear Equation 1-Newton-Raphson Method for Approximating We use tangent to approximate the graph of y = f(x), near the point P (xn, yn), where yn = f(xn), is small. Let xn+1 be the value of x where that tangent line crosses the x-axis. Let tangent = The slope between (x , y) and (xn, yn), is y yn ………………………………………….… (1) f `( xn) = x xn Since the tangent line crosses the x-axis, y = 0, and yn = f(xn), put in Eq (1) which becomes f ( xn ) f `( xn) = , x xn f ( xn ) x - xn= , f ( x n ) x = xn - f ( xn ) ………………………………………….… (2). f ( x n ) Put x= xn+1 in Eq (2) gives f ( xn ) xn+1 = xn ………………………………………….… (3) f ( x n ) Eq (3) called Newton-Raphson Method, can using this method by the following 1-Give first approximating to root of equation f(x) = 0. A graph of y = f(x). 2-Use first approximating to get a second. The second to get a third, and so on. To go from nth approximation xn to the next approximation xn+1, by using Eq (3), where f `(x) the derivative of f at xn. Example 1 64 Solve the following using Newton-Raphson Method 1 +1 = 0, start with x0 = -0.5, error % = 0.5 % x xn 1 xn % xn 1 Where e % = Sol f(x) = 1 +1, x0 = -0.5, x 1 f `( xn) = f(x0) = x2 1 +1= -1, 0.5 f `( x0) = - 1 ( 0.5 ) 2 x1 = x0 - f ( x0 ) f ( x 0 ) x1 = -0.5 By use e % = e%= = -4, from Eq (3) 1 4 = -0.75. xn 1 xn % as xn 1 0.75 ( 0.5) 0.75 % e % = 33% By use same of new of x1 in Eq (3) as f ( x1 ) , x2 = -0.937, in same we can find x3 and x4 x2 = x1 f ( x 1 ) which use in the following table f(x) f `( xn) xn+1 e% n xn 0 - 0.5 -1 -4 -0.75 33% 1 - 0.75 - 0.333 - 1.77 -0.937 19 % 2 - 0.937 -0.067 - 1.137 -0.997 6% 3 -0.997 -0.003 - 1.006 - 1.000 0.3 % To check the answer as:1 +1= -1+1= 0. 1 65 Interpolation 2-Lagrange Approximation Interpolation means to estimate amassing function value by taking a weighted average of known function value of neighboring point. Linear Interpolation Linear Interpolation uses a line segment passes through two distinct pointes (x0 , y0) and (x1, y1) is the same as approximating a function f for which f(x0) = y0 ,and f(x1) = y1 by means of first-degree polynomial interpolation. The slope between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) is Slope =m= y1 y 0 x1 x 0 (x1, y1) !! !! !! P(x) !! (x0 , y0) The point- slope formula for the line y = m( x-x0 ) + y0 66 y =P(x) = m( x-x0 ) + y0 = y1 x1 y0 ( x-x0 ) + y0 x0 x x0 x1 x 0 x x0 x x1 + y1 …………………… (4) x 0 x1 x1 x 0 = y0 +(y1 - y0) P1(x) = y0 Each term of the right side of (4) involve a linear factor hence the sum is a polynomial of degree ≤1. L1,0(x) = x x0 x x1 , and L1,1(x) = …………………… (5) x 0 x1 x1 x 0 When x= x0, L1,0(x0)=1 and L1,1(x0)=0. When x= x1, L1,0(x1)=0 and L1,1(x1)=1. In terms L1,0(x) and L1,1(x) in Eq (5) called Lagrange coefficient of polynomial hazed on the nodes x0 and x1, P1(x0) = y0 =f(x0) ,and P1(x1) = y1 = f(x1) . Using this notation in Eq (4), can be write in summation P1(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) 1 P1(x) = y k L1k ( x ) . k 0 Suppose that the ordinates yk = f(xk). If P1(x) is uses to approximante f(x) over intervalle [x0 x1]. Example 2 Consider the graph y = f(x) =cos(x) on (x0 = 0.0, and x1=1.2 ), to find the linear interpolation polynomial. Sol Now y0 =f(x0) = f(0.0) = cos (0.0)= 1.0000, and y1 =f(x1) = f(1.2) = cos (1.2)=0.3624, x x1 x 1. 2 x 1. 2 = = , and x 0 x1 0.0 1.2 1.2 x x0 x 0.0 x = = . L1,1(x) = x 1 x 0 1. 2 0. 0 1. 2 L1,0(x) = 1 P1(x) = y k L1k ( x ) . k 0 P1(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) P1(x) = -(1.0000) x 1. 2 x + (0.3624) 1. 2 1. 2 P1(x) = -0.8333( x- 1.2) + 0.3020 x. Quadratic Lagrange Interpolation 67 Interpolation of given pointes (x0 , y0), (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) by a second degree polynomial P2(x), which by Lagrange summation as P2(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) + y2 L1,2(x). 2 2 k 0 k 0 P2(x) = yk L1k ( x ) = f ( x k ) L1k ( x ) . ( x x1 )( x x 2 ) , ( x 0 x1 )( x 0 x 2 ) ( x x 0 )( x x 2 ) L1,1(x) = ( x1 x 0 )( x1 x 2 ) ( x x 0 )( x x1 ) L1,2(x)= ( x 2 x 0 )( x 2 x1 ) L1,0(x) = approximating a function f for which f(x0) = y0 ,and f(x2) = y2 by means of second -degree polynomial interpolation. Example 3 Using the nodes (x0 =2, x1=2.5 and x2 =4), to find the second interpolation 1 polynomial for f(x) = . x Sol We must find ( x 2.5)( x 4) = (x-6.5)x+10, L1,0(x) = ( 2 2.5)( 2 4) ( 4 x 24) x 32 ( x 2)( x 4) L1,1(x) = = ( 2.5 2)( 2.5 4) 3 ( x 2)( x 2.5) ( x 4.5) x 5 L1,2(x)= = . (4 2)(4 2.5) 3 Now f(x0) = f(2) = 0.5, f(x1) = f(2.5) = 0.4, and f(x2) = f(4) = 0.25, and 2 2 k 0 k 0 P2(x) = yk L1k ( x ) = f ( x k ) L1k ( x ) . P2(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) + y2 L1,2(x) ( 4 x 24) x 32 ( x 4.5) x 5 ] +0.25 [ ]; = 0.5[x-6.5)x+10]+ 0.4[ 3 3 P2(x) =[0.05 x-0.425]x +1.15 1 f(3)= 3 P2(3) = 0.325. f(3)= P2(3) = 0.325. Cubic Lagrange Interpolation 68 Interpolation of given pointes (x0 , y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) by a third degree polynomial P3(x), which by Lagrange summation as P3(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) + y2 L1,2(x) + y3 L1,3(x), 3 P3(x) = y k L1k ( x ) = k 0 3 f ( x k ) L1k ( x ) . k0 ( x x1 )( x x 2 )( x x 3 ) , ( x 0 x1 )( x 0 x 2 )( x 0 x 3 ) ( x x0 )( x x 2 )( x x 3 ) L1,1(x) = ( x1 x 0 )( x1 x 2 )( x1 x 3 ) ( x x1 )( x x 2 )( x x 3 ) L1,2(x)= , ( x 2 x 0 )( x 2 x1 )( x 2 x 3 ) ( x x1 )( x x 2 )( x x 3 ) L1,3(x)= ( x 3 x 0 )( x 3 x1 )( x 3 x 2 ) L1,0(x) = Approximating a function f for which f(x0) = y0 ,and f(x3) = y3 by means of third -degree polynomial interpolation. Example 4 Consider the graph y = f(x) =cos(x) on (x0 = 0.0, x1= 0.4 , x2= 0.8 and x3 = 1.2), to find the cubic interpolation polynomial. Sol Now y0 =f(x0) = f(0.0) = cos (0.0)= 1.0000, y1 =f(x1) = f(0.4) = cos (0.4)=0.9210, y2 =f(x2) = f(0.8) = cos (0.8)=0.6967, and y3 =f(x3) = f(1.2) = cos (1.2)=0.3624, ( x x1 )( x x 2 )( x x 3 ) ( x 0.4)( x 0.8)( x 1.2) L1,0(x) = = , ( x 0 x1 )( x 0 x 2 )( x 0 x 3 ) (0.0 0.4)(0.0 0.8)(0.0 1.2) y0 L1,0(x) = -2.6042( x- 0.4)( x- 0.8)( x- 1.2), y1 L1,1(x)= 7.1958( x- 0.0)( x- 0.8)( x- 1.2), y2 L1,2(x)= -5.4430( x- 0.0)( x- 0.4)( x- 1.2) y3L1,3(x)= 0.9436( x- 0.0)( x- 0.4)( x- 0.8). P3(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) + y2 L1,2(x) + y3 L1,3(x), 3 P3(x) = y k L1k ( x ) = k 0 3 f ( x k ) L1k ( x ) . k0 P3(x) = y0 L1,0(x)+ y1 L1,1(x) + y2 L1,2(x) + y3 L1,3(x), P3(x) = -2.6042( x- 0.4)( x- 0.8) ( x- 1.2)+ 7.1958( x- 0.0)( x- 0.8)( x1.2)+ -5.4430( x- 0.0)( x- 0.4)( x- 1.2)+ 0.9436( x- 0.0)( x- 0.4)( x- 0.8). , In general case we construct, for each k= 0, 1…n, we can write 69 = 1 if k = i Ln,k(xi) = 0 if k ≠ i Where Ln,k(x)= ( x x0 )( x x1 )...( x x k 1 )( x x k 1 )...( x x n ) ( x k x0 )( x k x1 )...( x k x k 1 )( x k x k 1 )...( x k x n ) or n ( x xi ) . ( x x ) k i i 0 Ln,k(x)= ik Problems 1-If y(1) =12, y(2) =15, y(5) =25, and y(6) =30. Find the four points Lagrange interpolation polynomial that takes some value of function (y) at the given points and estimate the value of y (4) at given points. 2-Fit a cubic through the first four points y(3.2) =22.0, y(2.7) =17.8, y(1.0) =14.2, y(3.2) =22.0and y(5.6) =51.7, to find the interpolated value for x= 3.0 function (y) at the given points and estimate the value of y (4) at given points. 3-If f(1.0) =0.7651977, f(1.3) =0.6200860, f(1.6) = 0.4554022, f(1.9) = 0.2818186 and f(2.2) = 0.1103623. Use Lagrange polynomial to approximation to f(1.5). Numerical Differentiation and Integration Approximate Integration Integration Equal Space We begin our development of numerical integration by giving wellknown numerical methods. If the function f(x) such a nature that b f ( x ) dx cannot be evaluated by method of integration. In such cases, we a use method to approximation to value. A geometric interpolation of b f ( x ) dx is the area of the region bounded by the graph of y = f(x), x = a a x = b, and y = 0. We can obtain an estimate of the value of integral by sketching the boundaries of the region and estimating the area of the enclosed region. 3-The Trapezoidal Rule 70 b We shall obtain an approximation to f ( x ) dx by finding the sum of areas a of trapezoids. We begin by dividing [a, b] into n equal subintervals and constructed a trapezoid. Let the lengths of the ordinates drawn at the points of subdivision by f0 , f1, …, fn-1, and fn and the width of each trapezoid by Δx = ba n find the sum of the area of the trapezoid is:A= 1 2 [ f0 + f1] x + 1 2 [ f1 + f2] x +…+ 1 2 [ fn-1 + fn] x Or b f ( x ) dx = a x 2 [ f0 + 2 f1 + 2f2 +…+ 2 fn-1 + fn]………………… (6) Eq (6) called The Trapezoidal Rule. Example 5 Find 1 1 x 2 1 dx, for n = 6 by Trapezoidal rule 0 Sol f(x)= 1 2 , x0 = 0, x6 =1 x 1 x6 x0 1 0 1 = = h= h 6 6 x0 = 0 , f0 = 1 2 0 1 = 1 x1 = x0+ h x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = 1 = 0.9729 1 2 ( ) 1 6 1 2 , f2 = = 0.90 2 6 ( )2 1 6 1 3 , f3 = = 0.8 3 2 6 ( ) 1 6 1 4 , f4 = = 0.6923 4 2 6 ( ) 1 6 1 , f1 = 6 71 , we 1 5 , f5 = 6 x5 = = 0.5901 5 ( )2 1 6 1 1 = = 0.5 x6 = 1, f6 = 2 (1) 1 2 A= A= A= h 2 [ f0 + 2( f1 + f2 + f3+ f4 + f5)+ f6] 1 12 1 12 [ 1 + 2(0.9729 + 0.90 + 0.8 + 0.6923 + 0.5901 )+ 0.5 ] [ 1 + 2(0.9729 + 0.90 + 0.8 + 0.6923 + 0.5901 )+ 0.5 ] A = 0.7842. 4-Simpson's Rule We obtain another approximation to b f ( x ) dx. We dividing the interval a from x = a to x = b into an even number of equal subintervals. We can drive the formula of Simpson by connected any three non-collinear points in the plane can be fitting with parabola and Simpson's Rule is based on approximating curves with parabola as shown in the following:Let the equation of parabola as f = Ax2+ Bx + C. The area under it from x = -h to x = h as b f ( x ) dx = 2 ( Ax Bx C ) dx = [ A h a = 2A h h x3 x2 B Cx ] 3 2 h 3 h h 2Ch = [2 Ah 2 6C ] . 3 3 Since the curve passes through the three points (-h, f0), (0, f1) and (h, f2) f0 = Ah2- Bh + C f1 = C 2 f2= Ah +Bh + C. From above equation can see that C= f1 2 Ah - Bh = f0 - f1 Ah2+Bh = f2 - f1 Ah2 = f0 +f2 - 2f1. b Now the area f ( x ) dx in terms of ordinates f0, f1 and f2, we have a b h f ( x ) dx= 3 [2 Ah a 2 h 6C ] .= [ f0 +f2 - 2f1+6 f1], or 3 72 b h f ( x ) dx = 3 [f0 +4f1+ f2] ……………………….… (7) a Eq (7) called Simpson's Rule of two intervals [the with 2h]. Now in general to even number of equal subintervals by pass a parabola through [f0, f1and f2], another through [f2, f3and f4]…and through [fn-2, fn-1and fn]. We then find the sum of the areas under the parabolas. b h f ( x ) dx = 3 [fa +4f1+ f2]+ a b h h [f2 +4f3+ f4] +…+ [fn-2 +4fn-1+ fb] 3 3 h f ( x ) dx = 3 [fa +4f1+ 2f2 +4f3+ 2f4 +…+ 2fn-2 +4fn-1+ fb]. a Where h = ba , and n = even. n And the truncation error for Simpson's rule is:es = (b a ) 5 180n 4 f (4) (c ) = ( b a ) 4 ( 4) h f (c ) 180 Example6 Use Simpson's rule to evaluate 1 1 x 2 1 dx, for n = 6. 0 Sol f(x)= 1 2 , x0 = 0, x6 =1 x 1 x6 x0 1 0 1 = = h= h 6 6 x0 = 0 , f0 = 1 2 0 1 = 1 x1 = x0+ h x1 = 1 , f1 = 6 1 1 ( )2 1 6 = 0.9729 x2 = x1+ h x2 = 1 1 + = 6 6 2 , 6 1 = 0.90 2 2 ( ) 1 6 1 3 , f3 = = 0.8 x3 = 3 2 6 ( ) 1 6 f2 = 73 1 4 , f4 = 6 x4 = = 0.6923 4 ( )2 1 6 1 5 , f5 = = 0.5901 x5 = 5 6 2 ( ) 1 6 1 1 = = 0.5 x6 = 1, f6 = 2 (1) 1 2 h A = [f0 +4f1+ 2f2 +4f3+ 2f4 +4f5+ f6 ] 3 A= 1 12 [ 1 +4(0.9729) +2( 0.90 ) +4( 0.8) + 2(0.6923) + 4(0.5901 )+ 0.5 ] A = 0.78593. 5-Simpson's (3/8) Rule If f(x) approximated by polynomial of higher degree then an accurate approximation in computing the area so if the interval divided into n subinterval that (n is odd number divided by 3) and by calculating the area of three strips by approximating f(x) by a cubic polynomial as in Simpson's Rule. And for the n formulas we obtain the three eight rule b f ( x ) dx = a Where h = 3h [fa +3f1+ 3f2 +2f3+ 3f4+3f5+ 2f6 +…+ 3fn-2 +3fn-1+ fb]. 8 ba n , and n = odd And the truncation error is:er = ( b a ) 5 ( 4) f (c ) . 6480 Example7 Use Simpson's 1 3 rule to evaluate 8 x 0 Sol f(x)= x4, x0 = 0, x6 =1 h= ba n = x6 x0 h = 1 0 1 = 6 6 x0 = 0 , f0 = ( x)4= = ( 0)4= 0 x1 = x0+ h x1 = 1 1 , f1 = ( )4 =0.00077 6 6 x2 = x1+ h x2 = 1 1 + = 6 6 2 , 6 74 4 dx, for n = 6. 2 4 ) =0.01234 6 f2 = ( x3 = 3 3 , f3 = ( )4 =0.06251 6 6 x4 = 4 4 , f4 = ( )4 =0.1975 6 6 x5 = 5 5 , f5 = ( )4 =0.482253 6 6 x6 = 1, f6 = ( b f ( x ) dx = a 6 4 ) =1.0 6 3h [fa +3f1+ 3f2 +2f3+ 3f4+3f5+ f6 ]. 8 3h [fa +3(f1+ f2 +f4+ f5)+ 2f3+ f6 ]. 8 A= A = 0.2002243. Problems 1 1- Approximate 4x 3 dx, by the trapezoidal rule and by the Simpson's 0 rule, with n = 6. 2- Approximate each of the integrals in the following problems with n = 4, by (i) The trapezoidal rule and (ii) The Simpson's rule. Compare your answers with (a) The exact value in each case. (b) Use the error in terms in Trapezoidal rule. (c) Use the error in terms in Simpson's rule. 2 (1) x dx 0 2 (2) x 2 dx 0 2 (3) x 4 dx (4) 0 2 1 x 2 dx 1 4 (5) x dx 1 75 (6) sin x dx. 0 Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equation Numerical Differentiation Let f(x, y) be a real valued function of two variable defined for (a≤ x ≤b), and all real value of y. 6-Euler Method The Step by Step Methods This starts from y1 = y(y0), and compute an approximate value y1 of the solution at y for y`(x)= f(x, y(x)) at x1= x0 +h, in second step computes the value y2 of solutions at x2= x1 +h x2 = x0 +2h, where h is fixed increment, in each step the computation are done by the same formula such formula suggested by Taylor series h2 h3 y``(x) + y```(x) +….. 2 3 f f y` y`(y)= f(x, y(x)), y``(x)= f `(x, y(x)) + + x y y(x + h )= y(x) +hy`(x) + y(x + h )= y(x) +hy`(x) + h2 h3 y``(x) + y```(x) +….. 2 3 For small h and neglected terms of h 2 , h 3 ….. y(x + h )= y(x) +h f(x, y) y1 = y0 +h f(x0, y0), y2 = y1 +h f(x1, y1), …. …. yn+1 = yn +h f(xn, yn). Which called Euler's method for first order. Example 8 Use Euler's method to solve the D. E 76 dy y = x2 +4x - , with, x0 = 0 y0 = 4, for x = 0 to x0 = 0.2, h = 0.05 dx 2 work to (4D). Sol f(x, y) = dy y = x2 +4x dx 2 yn+1 = yn +h f(xn, yn). n = 0, x0 = 0 , y0 = 4 y1 = y0 +h f(x0, y0). y1 = 4 +.o5 f(0, 4). 4 2 y1 = 4 +.o5[ 02 +4 0- ]. y1 = 4 -0.1 y1 = 3.9 x1 = x0 +h x1 = 0 +0.05 x1 = 0.05 y2 = y1 +h f(x1, y1). y2 = 3.9 +.o5 [(0.05)2 +4 (0.05)- 3. 9 ]. 2 y2 = 3.81 x2 = 0.05+0.05=0.10 x3 = 0.15, y3 = 3.73 x4 = 0.20, y4 = 3.67 x5 = 0.25, y5 = 3.37. 7-Modified Euler Method (Euler Trapezoidal Method) The Modified Euler Method gives from modified the value of (yn+1) at point (xn+1) by gives the new value (yn+1) by the following method x1 = x0 +h y(0)1 = y0 +h f(x0, y0). h [ f(x0, y0). + f(x1, y(0)1)], 2 h y(2)1 = y0 + [ f(x0, y0). + f(x1, y(1)1)] 2 y(1)1 = y0 + ..................... .................... y(r+1)1 = y0 + h [ f(x0, y0). + f(x1, y(r)1)], we can go to five iteration. 2 Example 9 Use Euler's Modified method to solve the D. E dy y + = x2 +4x, with, y = 4, for x = 0(0.05) 0.20, work to (3D). dx 2 77 Sol Step 1 f(x, y) = x2 +4x - y 2 y(0)1 = y0 +h f(x0, y0). n = 0, x0 = 0 , y0 = 4 y1 = y0 +h f(x0, y0). y1 = 4 +.o5 f(0, 4). 4 2 y(0)1 = 4 +0.05[ 02 +4 0- ]. y(0)1 = 3.9 y(1)1 = y0 + =4+ 0.05 2 h [ f(x0, y0). + f(x1, y(0)1)], 2 [- y(1)1 = 3.906. y(2)1 = y0 + =4+ 0.05 2 4 1 +(-0.05)2 +4(0.05) - 3.9] = 3.906 2 2 h [ f(x0, y0). + f(x1, y(1)1)] 2 [- 4 1 +(-0.05)2 +4(0.05) - 3.906] = 3.906 2 2 y(2)1 = 3.906 Step 2 x2 = x1 +h = 0.05 +0.05 = 0.05 +0.1 y(0)2 = y1 +h f(x1, y1). n = 1, x1 = 0.05 , y1 = 3.906 y(0)2 = y1 +h f(x1, y1). 1 2 = 3.906+0.05[(0.05)2 +4(0.05) - 3.906] = 3.912 y(0)2 = 3.912 h [ f(x1, y1). + f(x2, y(0)2)], 2 0.05 1 1 [(0.05)2 +4(0.05) - 3.906+(0.1)2 +4(0.1) - 3.91] = = 3.906+ 2 2 2 y(1)2 = y1 + 3.868 y(1)2 = 3.868. h [ f(x1, y1). + f(x2, y(1)2)] 2 0.05 1 1 [(0.05)2 +4(0.05) - 3.906+(0.1)2 +4(0.1) - 3.868] = = 3.906+ 2 2 2 y(2)2 = y1 + 3.824 y(2)2 = 3.824. 78 h [ f(x1, y1). + f(x2, y(2)2)] 2 0.05 1 1 [(0.05)2 +4(0.05) - 3.906+(0.1)2 +4(0.1) - 3.824] = = 3.906+ 2 2 2 y(3)2 = y1 + 3.825 y(3)2 = 3.825. Step 3 x3 = x2 +h = 0.1+0.05 = 0.15 n = 2, x2 = 0.1 , y2 = 3.825 y(0)3 = y2 +h f(x2, y2). 1 2 = 3.825+0.05[(0.1)2 +4(0.1) - 3.825] = 3.750 y(0)3 = 3.750 y(1)3 = y2 + = 3.825+ h [ f(x2, y2). + f(x3, y(0)3)], 2 0.05 2 1 2 1 2 [(0.1)2 +4(0.1) - 3.825+(0.15)2 +4(0.15) - 3.750] = 3.756 y(1)3 = 3.756. In same way we find y(2)3 = 3.756. Step 4 x4 = x3 +h = 0.15+0.05 = 0.2 n = 3, x3 = 0.15 , y3 = 3.756 y(0)4 = y3 +h f(x3, y3). 1 2 = 3.756+0.05[(0.15)2 +4(0.15) - 3.756] = 3.693 y(0)4 = 3.693 h [ f(x3, y3). + f(x4, y(0)4)], 2 0.05 1 1 [(0.15)2 +4(0.15) - 3.756+(0.2)2 +4(0.2) - 3.693] = = 3.756+ 2 2 2 y(1)4 = y3 + 3.699 y(1)4 = 3.699. y(2)4 = y3 + h [ f(x3, y3). + f(x4, y(1)4)], 2 79 = 3.756+ 0.05 2 1 2 1 2 [(0.15)2 +4(0.15) - 3.756+(0.2)2 +4(0.2) - 3.699] = 3.699 y(2)4 = 3.699. The following table gives the above resulted of x and y. x y 0 4 0.05 3.906 0.1 3.825 0.15 3.756 0.2 3.699 Problems Apply Euler's methods to the following initials value problems. Do 5 steps. Solve the problem exactly. Compute the errors to see that the method is too inaccurate for Practical purposes (1) y΄ + o.1 y= 0 with y(0) = 2, h = 0.1. (2) y΄ = 1 y 2 , with y(0) = 0, h = 0.1. 2 (3) y΄ + 5x4 y2= 0 with y(0) = 1, h = 0.2. (4) y΄ = (y+ x)2 with y(0) = 1, h = 0.1. Find the exacted solution and the error (5) y΄ + 2x y2= 0 with y(0) = 1, h = 0.2. (6) y΄ = 2(1+ y2), with y(0) = 0, h = 0.5. (7) Use Euler's methods to find numerical solution of the following d. e. 1 2 (8) y΄= 4x +x2 - y, with y(0) = 4, h = 0.05, find to 3-decimal. 8-Runge Kutta Method When dy = f(x, y) dx yn+1 = yn + 1 [k1+ 2k2 +2k3 + k4] 6 Where k1= h f(xn, yn). k2 = h f(xn + k h , yn+ 1 ). 2 2 K3 = h f(xn + k h , yn+ 2 ). 2 2 K4 = h f(xn +h, yn+ k3). 80 Where h and (xn, yn) are given. Example 10 Use Runge Kutta Method to solve the D. E dy = x +y, with x0 = 0, y0 = 1, with h = 0.1 work to (4D). dx Sol f(x, y) = dy = x +y dx 1 6 y1 = y0 + [k1+ 2k2 +2k3 + k4] k1= h f(x0, y0). n = 0, x0 = 0 , y0 = 1 k1 = 0.1 f(0, 1)= 0.1[0 +1]= 0.1 k1 = 0.1 k2 = h f(x0 + k h , y0+ 1 ). 2 2 = 0.1 f(0 + 0.1 0.1 , 1+ ) = 0.1[0 .05+1.05] 2 2 K2 = 0.11. k h 0.11 , y0+ 2 )= 0.1 f(0 .05, 1+ ) 2 2 2 = 0.1[0 .05+1.055] K3 = h f(x0 + K3 = 0.1105. K4 = h f(x0 +h, y0+ k3) = 0.1[0 .1,1.1105] K4 = 0.12105. = 0.1[0 .1,1+0.1105] 1 6 y1 = 1 + [0.1+ 2 0.11 +2 0.1105 + 0.12105], y1 = 1.11034 1 6 y2 = y1 + [k1+ 2k2 +2k3 + k4] k1= h f(x1, y1). n = 1, x1 = x0 +h = 0+0.1 = 0.1, y1 = 1.11034 k1 = 0.1 f(0.1, 1.11034)= 0.1[0.1 +1.11034]= 0.12103 k1 = 0.12103 k h , y1+ 1 ). 2 2 0.1 0.1 , 0.12103+ ) = 0.13208 = 0.1 f(0.1 + 2 2 k2 = h f(x1 + K2 = 0.13208. K3 = 0.132638. K4 = 0.1442978. 81 y2 = 1.24306. (x2, y2) = (0.2, 1.24306). 9-Runge- Kutta-Merson Method The problem of Runge Kutta Method is not compute an approximate decimal error[Rounding Error or Truncation Error], we think RungeKutta-Merson Method give the an approximate the error of this problem at any step as see in the following:1 6 yn+1 = yn + [k1+ 4k4 + k5], k1= h f(xn, yn), k2 = h f(xn + k h , yn+ 1 ), 3 3 K3 = h f(xn + k k h , yn+ 1 + 2 ), 3 6 6 K4 = h f(xn + 3k k h , yn+ 1 + 3 ), 2 8 8 K5 = h f(xn + h, yn+ k1 3k 3 + 2k4 ). 2 2 We compute the error as Error = 1 [2k1-9k3 + 8k4 - k5]. 30 Example 11 Use Runge- Kutta-Merson Method to solve the D. E dy = x +y, with x0 = 0 , y0 = 1, for x = 0 to x0 = 1.0, with h = 0.1 work dx to (4D). Sol f(x, y) = dy = x +y dx k1= h f(xn, yn). n = 0, x0 = 0 , y0 = 1 k1 = h f(0, 1)= 0.1[0 +1]= 0.1 k1 = 0.1 k2 = h f(xn + = h f(0 + k h , yn+ 1 ), 3 3 0.1 0.1 , 1+ ). 3 3 = h f(0 .113, 1.0333) = 0.1[0 .113+1.0333] K2 = 0.1067 K3 = h f(0 + 0.1 0.1 0.1067 , 1+ + ), 3 6 6 82 = h f(0.0333+ 1.0344), = 0.1[0.0333+ 1.0344],= 0.1068. K4 = h f(xn + = h f(0 + 3k k h , yn+ 1 + 3 ). 2 8 8 0.1 0.1 3(0.1068) , 1+ + ). 2 8 8 = h f(0.05, 1.0525) = 0.1[0.05+ 1.0525]. = 0.1103. k1 3k 3 + 2k4 ). 2 2 0.1 3(0.1068) = 0.1 f(0 + 0.1, 1+ + 2(0.1103) ). 2 2 K5 = h f(xn + h, yn+ = 0.1 f(0.1, 1.1103 ), = 0.1[ 0.1, 1+1.1103 ].= 0.1210. 1 6 yn+1 = yn + [k1+ 4k4 + k5], 1 6 1 y1 = 1 + [0.1+ 4(0.1103) 6 y1 = y0 + [k1+ 4k4 + k5], + 0.1210], y1 = 1.1104. x1 = x0 +h x1 = 0 +0.1 = 0.1 (x1, y1) = (0.1, 1.1104). 1 [2k1-9k3 + 8k4 - k5]. 30 1 [2(0.1) -9 (0.1068) + 8 (0.1103) - 0.1210]. = 30 -6 Error =6.667 10 . Error = Problems 1-Apply Range –Kutta methods to the initials value problem, choosing h = 0.2, and computing(y 1 + y 2 + y 3+ y 4 + y5) of y΄ = x+ y with y(0) = 0. 2- Use Range –Kutta methods to find numerical solution of the following d. e. (a) y΄ = 3x+ y , with y(0) = 1, h = 0.1. On interval (0≤ x ≤1) 2 (b) y΄ = x+ y with y(0) = 1, in the range (0≤ x ≤1) 1, with h = 0.1. 3- Comparison of Euler and Range –Kutta methods to solve y΄ = 2x-1 y ln x + x-1, with y(1) = 0, h = 0.1. On interval (1≤ x ≤1.8). And compute the error. 83 4- Solve problem (3) by classical Range –Kutta methods, with h = 0.4, determine the error, and compute with (3). System of Linear Equation Definition 1 Let the system of linear equation as a11x1, a12x2… ,a1nxn = b1 a21x1, a22x2… ,a2nxn = b2 …………………….. ………………………….. (8) …………………….. Am1x1, am2x2… ,amnxn = bm Can put the apove system in matrix form as: a11 a12 a21 a22 am 1 a m1 a1n x1 b1 a2n x2 b2 ………………………….. (8) amn xn bm Or AX=B, …………………………………….…………………….. (8) a11 a 21 A= a m1 a12 a 22 a m1 a1n b1 x1 a 2n b2 x2 , B= , and X= a mn bm xn Where A=mxn, matrix, a11, a12…, amn are constant, X= nx1, B = mx1and, b1, b2…, bm, are constant x1, x2… xn, variable. Now we study the following methods {Cramer's Rule, Inverse Matrices, and Elimination Method} 10-Cramer's Rule 84 To solve the system (8) by Cramer's Rule. Find determinate of A (| A|) such that | A| ≠ 0. Let a11 a 21 | A| =D= a11 a 21 D2 = a m1 a12 a 22 a m1 a m1 a1n a 2n b1 b2 , D1 = a mn bm b1 b2 bm ,..., Dn = a mn a m1 a1n a 2n a11 a 21 a12 a 22 a m1 a12 a 22 a m1 a1n a 2n , a mn b1 b2 , bm To solve system (8), we must find unknown x1, x2… xn as x1 = D D1 D , x2 = 2 , … xn = n . D D D 11-Solution of Linear Equations by using Inverse Matrices To solve the system (8) by using Inverse Matrices Find determinate of A (| A|) such that | A| ≠ 0. Or AX=B, Turing to the relation between the solution of linear equation and matrix inversion multiplying both sides by A-1 thus A-1 [AX=B] A-1 AX= A-1 B. X= A-1 B. This equation gives the values of the entire unknown X by a simple multiplication of matrix A by inverse of it matrix. As see in the following example Example12 Use the matrix inversion method; find the values of (x1, x2, x3) for the following set of linear algebraic equations:3x1 -6x2 + 7x3 = 3 4x1 -5x3 = 3……………………………. (9) 5x1 - 8x2 +6x3 = -4 Solution Put the system (9) in the following matrix form as AX=B, 85 3 6 7 x1 3 4 0 5 x 2 3 5 8 6 x 4 3 Where| A| 3 6 7 | A| = 4 0 5 462≠ 0. 5 8 6 We can find the inverse matrix of A (A-1), by any method. 0.26 0.14 0.2 A = 0.52 0.12 0.52 , now we can see the following 0.48 0.04 0.36 -1 A-1 [AX=B] A-1 AX= A-1 B. X= A-1 B. x1 0.26 0.14 0.2 3 X= x 2 0.52 0.12 0.52 3 x 0.48 0.04 0.36 4 3 x1 2 X= x 2 4 , which gives the solution of system as x1 = 2, x 3 3 x2 = 4, x3 = -4. 12-Gauss Elimination Method We can use Gauss Elimination Method to solve the system of linear equation in (8), as see in the following example Example 13 3x1 -x2 + 2x3 = 12 3x1 +2x2 +3x3 = 11……………………………. (10) 2x1 - 2x2 - x3 = 2 Solution Put the system (10) in the following matrix form 3 -1 2 : 12 3 2 3 : 11 2 -2 -1 : 12 R1 R2 ................................................................. (11) R3 Where Ri (i= 1, 2, 3) row of system. Step 1 86 By using R2 – R1, and 3R3 -2R1 System (11) become 3 -1 2 : 12 0 7 7 : 21 0 -4 -7 : -8 R1 R2 ............................................................ (12) R3 Step 2 By using 7R3 +4R2 System (11) become 3 -1 2 : 12 0 7 7 : 21 0 0 -21 : -42 R1 R2 ............................................................ (13) R3 Step 3 From last system (13) we the following equation 3x1 -x2 -2x3 = 12 7x2 +7x3 = 21 -21x3 = -42 Which can easily to solve this system to find:x3 = 2, x2 = 1, x1 = 3. 13- Iterative Methods (Gauss Siedle Methods) We can use Gauss Siedle Method to solve the system of linear equation in (8), as see in the following example a11x1 +a12x2+a13x3 = b1 a21x1+a22x2+a23x3 = b2 ................................................ (14) a31x1+a32x2+a33x3 = b3 To solve the system (13) by using Gauss Siedle Method can see the following steps:Step 1 Re write system (13) as form x1 =[ b1- a12x2-a13x3] ⁄ (a11) x2 =[ b2- a21x1-a23x3] ⁄ (a22) ................................................ (15) x3 = [ b3- a31x1- a32x2] ⁄ (a33). Step 2 Selected initial values of x1 , x2 and x3 put in system (16). For example (Let x1 = x2 = x3=0 initial values) Step 3 87 By using the new value of x1, x2 and x3 as Step 2.Repeated Step2 until no change of values of x1, x2 and x3.As see in following example Example14 5x1 -2x2 +x3 = 4 x1 +4x2 -2x3 = 3……………………………. (16) x1 +4x2 +4x3 = 17 Solution Step 1 Re write system (16) as form x1 =[ 4+ 2x2-x3] ⁄ (5) .................................................... (17) x2 =[ 3- x1+2x3] ⁄ (4) ................................................ (18) x3 = [ 17- x1- 4x2] ⁄ (4). ................................................ (19) Step 2 Selected initial values of x1, x2 and x3 put in system (15). For example (Let x1 = x2 = x3=0 initial values). Then get x1 from Eq (17){by using x2 = x3=0 } → x1 = 4 ⁄5=0.8, x2 from Eq (18) {by use new of x1 =0.8, x3=0 } gives→ x2 = 0.55.Find x3 from Eq (19) {by use new of x1 =0.8, x2 = 0.55} gives → x3 = 0.55. Step 3 By using the new value of x1, x2 and x3 as Step 2.Repeated Step2 until no change of values of x1, x2 and x3.As see in following values n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X1 0 0.8 0.265 1.247 0.956 1.002 1.001 0.999 X2 0 0.55 2.572 1.889 2.008 2.003 1.999 2.000 X3 0 3.775 2.898 3.007 2.998 3.000 3.000 3.000 In general let k (where k integer number) denoted repeated to number of iteration. Then we can rewrite the system (15) as form:x1k = [b1- a12 x 2k 1 -a13 x 3k 1 ] ⁄ (a11) x 2k = [b2- a21 x1k -a23 x 3k 1 ] ⁄ (a22) ................................................ (20) x 3k = [b3- a31 x1k - a32 x 2k ] ⁄ (a33). 88 Suppose that a11 ≠ 0, a22 ≠ 0, a33 ≠ 0. Problems (a) Use Gauss Elimination Method to solve the following system of linear equation (5) (1) 2x1 +x2 -3x3 = 1 3x1 -x2 +3x3 = 12 5x1 +2x2 -6x3 = 5 x1 +x2 +3x3 = 11 3x1 -x2 -4x3 = 7 2x1 -2x2 -x3 = 2 (2) 2x1 -x2 +x3 = 1 (6) 3x1 -2x2 + x3 = 0 2x1 -4x2 +6x3 = 5 5x1 +x2 2x3 = 9 x1 +3x2 -7x3 = 2 (3) 7x1 +5x2 +9x3 = 4 x1 +2x3 = 3 (7) 2x2 +3x3 = 5 -x1 +x2 +2x3 = 2 2x3 +x4 = 7 3x1 -x2 + x3 = 6 x1 +4x4 = 5 -x1 +3x2 +4x3 = 4 (4) x1 +2x2 -4x3 = 4 5x1 -3x2 -7x3 = 6 3x1 -4x2 +3x3 = 1 (b) Use Gauss Siedle Method to solve the following system of linear equation (5) (1) 2x1 +x2 -3x3 = 1 3x1 -x2 +3x3 = 12 5x1 +2x2 -6x3 = 5 x1 +x2 +3x3 = 11 3x1 -x2 -4x3 = 7 2x1 -2x2 -x3 = 2 (2) 2x1 -x2 +x3 = 1 (6) 3x1 -2x2 + x3 = 0 2x1 -4x2 +6x3 = 5 5x1 +x2 2x3 = 9 x1 +3x2 -7x3 = 2 7x1 +5x2 +9x3 = 4 89 (3) x1 +2x3 = 3 2x2 +3x3 = 5 2x3 +x4 = 7 x1 +4x4 = 5 (7) -x1 +x2 +2x3 = 2 3x1 -x2 + x3 = 6 -x1 +3x2 +4x3 = 4 (4) x1 +2x2 -4x3 = 4 5x1 -3x2 -7x3 = 6 3x1 -4x2 +3x3 = 1. 14-Least Squares Approximations Let y denoted to real value, y denoted to approximation value, and d denoted to deferent between the real value (y) from tables, and approximation value ( y ), denoted to it in general as:di = yi- y i , where i= 1, 2…m. Let there are m value y as (y1 … ym) corresponding to m value of x as(x1 … xm) gives m of different d as (d1 … dm), where d1 = y1- y1 , d2 = y2- y 2 , … … dm = ym- y m . The method of Least Squares Approximations using, the summation of m difference ( d i ) at minimum. We square the difference because the i 1 negative sign. m m i 1 i 1 (d i ) 2 = ( y i y i ) 2 . Let the relation between x and y at linear form as:y1 = a+bx1, The difference become as di = yi- a-bxi, let m q = (d i ) 2 , or i 1 m m q = (d i ) 2 = ( y i a bx i ) 2 or i 1 m i 1 q = ( y i a bx i ) 2 ……..……………………..… (21) i 1 There are only two unknown (a and b) in Eq (21). 90 Now if q at minimum, then first partial derivative of q (w .r .to) a and b must equal to zero as:m q = 2( y i a bx i ) a i 1 =0 m q = 2 x i ( y i a bx i ) = 0. b i 1 Re-write above equations as m m ma+ ( x i )b = y i ……..……………………………..… (22) i 1 i 1 m ( x i )a m m i 1 i 1 + ( x 2 i )b = x i y i ……..……………………..… (23). i 1 Put Eq (22and 23) in the following matrix form m m xi i 1 a m yi i 1 i 1 …..……………………..… (24) m m 2 x i b x i y i i 1 i 1 m xi We can find two unknown (a and b) in Eq (21). By using crammers rule as:m xi m Let D = i 1 m m …..……………….…………..… (25) xi x 2 i i 1 i 1 Where D the determinant such that D ≠ 0, and m D1= yi i 1 m xi yi i 1 m m xi i 1 m x i 1 2 yi m , D2 = i m i 1 m xi , xi yi i 1 i 1 D D a= 1,b= 2 . D D Example 15 Find the following points to linear form y = a+ b x, where 91 x y 1 3 2 5 3 8 4 13 5 16 Solution x y 1 3 2 5 3 8 4 13 5 16 Sum 15 45 xy 1 3 4 10 9 24 16 52 25 80 55 169 x2 From Eqs. (21 and 23) 5a+15 b = 45, 15a+55 b = 169, D= 5 15 15 55 = 50 45 a= 15 169 55 6 D1 ,a= = D 50 5 17 6 y= 5 + 5 5 b = D2 D = 15 45 196 17 = 50 5 x, 5y = -6+ 17 x, Example 16 Find the following points to linear form y = a ebx. Where X Y 0 1.5 1 2.5 2 3.5 3 5 4 7.5 92 Sol Ln y = Ln(a ebx) → Ln y = Ln(a) + Ln(ebx) → Ln y = Ln(a) +bx , compare with standard equation Y = A+ b X Y = Ln y Ln(a) = A, b = b, X= x . X 0 1 2 3 4 Sum=10 Y 1.5 2.5 3.5 5 7.5 X=x 0 1 2 3 4 10 m Xi 2 0 1 4 9 16 30 Y=Lny 0.40547 0.91629 1.25276 1.60944 2.01490 6.19866 Xi Yi 0 0.91629 2.50553 4.82831 8.05961 16.30974 m Y = A+ b X→ ma+ ( x i )b = y i i 1 m ( x i )a i 1 i 1 m m i 1 i 1 + ( x 2 i )b = x i y i 5a+10 b = 6.19866, 10a+30 b = 16.30974, D= 5 10 10 30 = 50 6.19866 a= 10 5 16.30974 30 D1 D ,a= =0.45736, b = 2 D 50 D == 6.19866 10 16.30974 =0.39120. 50 A = Ln(a) → eA= eLna → eA= a→ eA= e0.45736, → a = 1.5799, b Y = 1.5799 e = 0.39120. 0.39120X Reference 1- Mathematical Method for Science Students G Stephenson. 2-A Course of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists B. H Chirgwin. 3- A advanced Engineering Mathematics C. Ray Wylie. 4-Calculus Davis. 93