Accurate Thermal Information Drives Dynamic Rating (Loading) Calculations for Power Transformers Mark Tostrud, P.E. | Dynamic Ratings, Inc. Brian Sparling, SMIEEE | Dynamic Ratings, Inc. Nov. 2012 Historically, substation assets have been loaded beyond nameplate ratings and the need to accommodate these emergency or contingency conditions are best served using on-line electrical apparatus monitoring systems. Why monitor and dynamically load power transformers? For many years, the limit for normal apparatus loading was based on the maximum nameplate rating or an arbitrarily set value, this limit is often called “the red line.” On-line monitoring of power transformers and circuit breakers, for condition assessment, has gained popularity over the past twenty years. This period is the typical technology adoption period, from concept to commercial reality, in the electric utility industry. What are the benefits of implementing On-line monitoring? Utilization of electrical assets closer to their real operational capacity without compromising safety or reliability. Assisting in making intelligent decisions to fully optimise real-time substation loading / overloading based on actual site conditions, including asset condition and/or operating mode. Forecasting (predict) operating conditions used to facilitate condition based maintenance (CBM) programs or agency reporting (such as environmental reporting of SF6 gas released). Collecting operational and accumulated loss of life data to enable estimation of the residual. Loading Management Today’s sophisticated monitoring solutions continuously calculate the maximum safe load capability of the assets and display (locally or via embedded web servers) and communicate with SCADA or other systems. Until recently, the operation of electrical apparatus fits into one of the following loading categories: Continuous Load or Cyclical Load. Continuous Load This is the constant loading at rated nameplate output in (MVA) when the apparatus is operated under a constant 20°C / 30°C (the IEC / I.E.E.E loading guidelines respectively) ambient condition. Of course, this loading condition rarely happens over the life of a transformer, where both load and ambient temperature vary over time. GRAPH 1 IEC AND I.E.E.E. AGING RATE Cyclical Load Long-Term Emergency Loading This loading implies a cyclical load at a normal constant ambient (20°C) where the hottest-spot conductor temperature varies as the load cycles above and below the nameplate MVA of the apparatus. Long-term emergency loading of transformers occurs and may persist for extended periods. This can lead to significantly increased ageing of the solid insulation system, not limited to: From the thermal ageing standpoint, this cycle is equivalent to the case of rated constant load at normal ambient temperature (20°C). Deterioration of the mechanical properties of the conductor insulation will accelerate at higher temperatures. This ageing acceleration is also impacted by the moisture content of the conductor insulation. Taken together, it is an exponential function in terms of ageing rate of the transformer insulation. It will reduce the effective life of the asset. Overloading Apparatus The consequences of loading apparatus beyond its nameplate rating are as follows: Cooling system operation, for extended periods will increase maintenance and life reduction. Contact resistance of the breaker and / or OLTC will increase at elevated currents and temperatures. In extreme cases thermal runaway could occur. Gasket materials may become more brittle as a result of elevated temperatures. The temperatures of the windings, cleats, leads, insulation and oil will increase, accelerating insulation consumption. The core leakage flux increases, causing additional eddy-current heating in metallic parts. As the temperature changes, the moisture and gas content in the apparatus changes. Short-Time Emergency Loading Short-time increased loading can result in an increased risk of a system failure. However, acceptance of this risk for a short time may be preferable to loss of supply. If SF6 gas or oil is leaking to the environment, moisture is entering. This gas loss can significantly alter a circuit breakers performance and gas leaks often must be recorded and reported. Moisture in electrical apparatus accelerates condition deterioration. NOTE: The permissible duration (typically) of short-time emergency loading is shorter than the thermal time constant of the whole transformer, and depends on the operating temperatures before the increase in loading. Bushings, On-Load Tap-Changers, cable-end connections and current transformers will be exposed to higher stresses, encroaching upon their design and application margins. 2 The main risk for short-term failures is the reduction in the dielectric strength due to the possible presence of gas (water vapor) bubbles in the regions of high electrical stress, (leads & windings). Bubbles are likely to occur when winding hot-spot temperature exceeds 140°C for a transformer with winding insulation moisture content of 2.5% or more. This critical temperature will decrease as the moisture concentration in the winding insulation increases. Oil expansion could cause an overflow in the transformers conservator. Planned Loading beyond Nameplate – Normal Operation This loading [2] results in the conductor hottest-spot or top oil temperature exceeding the limits suggested for normal life expectancy loading. The user accepts this loading as a normal, planned-for operating condition. There is no associated equipment outage or emergencies with this type of loading. Cyclic loads resulting in hottest-spot conductor temperatures in the range of 120 – 130°C would be associated with this loading requirement. This type of loading would occur frequently, and in some cases daily, during a short part of the transformer’s load cycle. Insulated Conductor Hottest-Spot Temperature Other Metallic (Supports, core, etc.) Top Oil Temperature Load Factor Per Unit Current 120°C Planned Loading Beyond Nameplate 130°C Long-Time Emergency 1-3 Months 140°C Short-Time Emergency 0.5-2 Hours 180°C IEC 120°C (N/A) 140°C 160°C IEEE 140°C 150°C 160°C 200°C IEC 140°C (N/A) 160°C 180°C IEEE IEC IEEE 105°C 105°C (N/A) 110°C (N/A) (N/A) 110°C 115°C (N/A) 110°C 115°C 1.5 p.u. IEC 1.3 p.u. (N/A) 1.3 p.u. 1.5 p.u. Standard Normal Life Expectancy IEEE TABLE 1 SUGGESTED MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES Table 1 summarizes the suggested maximum temperatures documented in ANSI/IEEE C57.91-1995 [2] and IEC Standards 60354 and 60076-7 [3], for the four types of transformer loading. In addition to these criteria, it is always advisable to calculate the loss of insulation life and make sure it is acceptable for the loads beyond nameplate. Acceptable limits of loss of insulation life for various loadings are very important in developing a loading policy and thermal model limits to facilitate real-time Dynamic Loading. Risk and Consequences of Overloading Transformers NOTE: All of these loading conditions make one very important assumption: that the solid insulation is DRY. The definition of DRY is: a solid insulation system (most importantly the winding conductor insulation) with moisture content of less than 0.5% (weight or water/weight of solid insulation). The consequences of loading a transformer beyond its nameplate rating are as follows [3]: 3 The temperature of the windings, cleats, leads, insulation and oil will increase and can reach unacceptable levels. The leakage flux density outside the core increases causing additional eddy-current heating in metallic parts linked by the leakage flux. As the temperature changes, the moisture and gas content in the insulation and in the oil will change. Bushings, On-Load Tap Changers (OLTC’s), cable-end connections and current transformers will also be exposed to higher stresses, which encroach upon their design and application margins. Things to consider before using Dynamic Loading Calculations Limiting Factors for the Dynamic Loading Calculations Prior to stressing any utility asset beyond their nameplate value, a thorough review of the asset’s health is recommended. Among the items that should be considered in a health review are: Maintenance history o Past and present DGA results (including moisture) o Past and present Power Factor (PF) test reports o Oil quality o Oil level o OLTC problems Prior to using the dynamic loading calculations in your DRMCC, the limiting factors of temperature and loading limits for the calculation must be programmed. The calculation is based on both the short time and long time limits programmed in the monitor. Cooling system health / condition Bushing and OLTC ratings Load profile of the transformer to ensure the hottest phase is being monitored The safe maximum load is the maximum load the transformer can carry without exceeding any of the limiting factors. IEC / I.E.E.E. load limits, transformer manufacturers, regional system operators and your utility loading guidelines should be reviewed prior to programming the limits in the monitor. The limiting factors of temperature or current or time may be configured via SCADA or programmed from the interface unit (IU) as shown here: Dynamic Ratings Loading Limits Temperature Dynamic Loading Calculation Requirements The dynamic loading calculations in Engineered to Order transformer monitoring solutions are heavily dependent on the accuracy of the thermal information programmed in the monitor. The following describes the functionality within Dynamic Ratings Monitoring, Control and Communication Systems. (DRMCC) Dynamic Ratings Loading Limits Current Dynamic Ratings Loading Limits Time Prior to relying on dynamic loading calculations, the accuracy of the thermal model should be verified. Thermal model accuracy may be easily verified by comparing the measured vs. calculated top oil temperature values stored in the data archive. The accuracy of the calculated winding hot spot temperatures may also be verified if fiber optic probes are installed in the assets windings. Factors which will affect the Calculation Ambient temperature can have a significant impact on the cooling efficiency of the transformer. At low temperatures, the transformer cooling system is more efficient so the monitor will report a higher safe maximum loading limit. At higher temperatures, the cooling efficiency is reduced so a lower safe maximum load limit will be reported. Dynamic Ratings assists customers with modification(s) of their systems thermal model inputs to improve the accuracy of the model based on the archive data. When verifying the thermal model of a transformer, having the transformer fully loaded is recommended. 4 Secure System Status Tap position is used to calculate the system losses. Tap positions resulting in higher system losses will result in a lower safe maximum load calculation. The DRMCC features a built in WEB server to display the “safe” loading capability of the unit. Cooling system availability will also affect the safe maximum load calculation. Hence if a cooler failure alarm is active in the DRMCC, that stage of cooling will be considered as not available and the safe maximum load calculation will be adjusted accordingly. Dynamic Loading Calculations DRMCC allowable loading is calculated in a similar way to IEEE C57.91, Clause 7.3. A flow chart of the iterative process used for the calculations in provided in Flow Chart 1. FIGURE 1 Safe Load Calculation 182% of nameplate FIGURE 2 Emergency ONAF (2 Hour) Transformer Rating using IEEE Default Temperature Limits FIGURE 3 Emergency ONAN (2 Hour) Transformer Rating using I.E.E.E. Default Temperature Limits The local display can display real-time safe loading limits, as well as all information and alarms from the monitor. FLOW CHART 1 Top Oil and Winding Hot Spot Calculation Flow Chart 5 Effects and Hazards of Long-Time Emergency Loading Described below are a few selected short-term loading hazards and their effects, not limited to: This is not a normal operating condition and its occurrence is expected to be rare, but it may persist for weeks or even months at a time, and can lead to significant aging of the solid insulation system, not limited to: The main risk for short-term failures is the reduction in the dielectric strength due to the possible presence of gas (water vapor) bubbles in the regions of high electrical stress, that being the windings and the leads. Deterioration of the mechanical properties of the conductor insulation will accelerate at higher temperatures. This aging acceleration is also dependent on the moisture content of the conductor insulation. Taken together, it is an exponential function in terms of aging rate of the transformer. It will reduce the effective life of the transformer, particularly if the unit is subjected to system short-circuits or transportation events. These bubbles are likely to occur when the hot-spot temperature exceeds 140°C for a transformer with winding insulation moisture content of 2.5% or more. This critical temperature will decrease as the moisture concentration (in the winding insulation) increases. Gas bubbles can also develop (either in oil or in solid insulation) at the surfaces of heavy metal parts heated by leakage flux or be produced by the super-saturation of water in the oil. Such bubbles usually develop in regions of low electric stress and have to circulate in regions where the stress is higher before any significant reduction in the dielectric strength occurs. The contact resistance of the OLTC could increase at elevated currents and temperatures and, in extreme cases thermal runaway could take place. The gasket materials in the transformer may become more brittle as a result of elevated temperatures. Effects and Hazards of Short-Time Emergency Loading Short-time increased loading will result in a service condition having an increased risk of failure. Pressure build-up in the bushings may result in a failure due to oil leakage. Gassing in condenser-type bushings may also occur if the temperature of the insulation (inside the bushing) exceeds approximately 140°C. The expansion of the oil could cause an overflow of oil in the conservator (if equipped). Breaking and making excessive high current in the On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) could be hazardous. Short-time emergency overloading causes the conductor hot-spot to reach a level likely to result in a temporary reduction in the dielectric strength. However, acceptance of this risk for a short time may be preferable to loss of supply. Adding Real-Time Communications Drives Customer Benefits As discussed, on-line monitoring systems provide benefits which are optimized when coupled with the addition or inclusion of Real-Time communication systems. This type of loading is expected to occur rarely, and it should be rapidly reduced or the transformer disconnected within a short time in order to avoid its failure. The DRMCC system can function as the communication hub. Acting as the link to the customer’s network, the link can use either Serial or Ethernet communications via a Copper wire, Optical Fibre, Wireless Radio or Powerline Communication System (PCS). NOTE: The permissible duration (typically) of this load is shorter than the thermal time constant of the whole transformer, and depends on the operating temperatures before the increase in loading. 6 The two most significant benefits of this coupling are improved system reliability and maintenance savings. This strategic combination allows electrical apparatus owners to confidently migrate from failure or time based maintenance strategies to conditions based maintenance (CBM) programs. (Graph 2) PCS is rapidly becoming the industry’s most secure, reliable and economical solution for sub-station communications. This includes communication between devices in the sub-station, to customer service or control buildings or among preferred networks. PCS is as an alternative to installing a new wire or pulling optical fibre. PCS transfers critical loading information via the native communication protocol(s) without interference as the transceiver encodes the data onto any existing conductor. In the control building, an inductive coupler is used with a second transceiver to retrieve the signal passing the monitored information onto the substation RTU or desired gateway. Typically, PCS installs in less than 30 minutes without tools or specialized labor, customer’s report high data throughputs over various physical configurations including; Peer-to-Peer or Many to One. GRAPH 2 Customers enjoy increased system availability and Reliability Improvements when on-line monitoring is coupled with real-time communications by receiving condition based alarms when problems first arise. This early detection allows the appropriate actions to be taken before conditions escalate. Further, customers are achieving increased Maintenance Savings as the DRMCC advanced analytics filter through the condition data to automatically identify the issues requiring maintenance attention. This allows utilities to focus their Operations and Maintenance crews on problem resolution versus manual or off-line condition assessment followed by problem identification and verification prior to resolution. SCHEMATIC 1 Regardless of topology or protocol, when a DRMCC featuring on-line monitoring is coupled with real-time communications it drives economic benefit for users. 7 Conclusion - On-Line Monitoring for Dynamic Loading On-line monitoring of power transformers, for condition assessment, has gained popularity over the past twenty years, the typical technology adoption period, from concept to commercial reality, in the electric utility industry. The benefits of on-line monitoring have primarily accrued to reduction in maintenance cost and overall improvement in T&D system reliability. The prospect of using on-line monitoring to make intelligent decisions on how to optimize the load on such important substation assets as transformers follows the adoption of load management technology for power equipment such as oil-filled transformers. The size of the unit and/or its system criticality is often the key deciding factor when selecting on-line monitoring expenditures. However, the tangible benefits related to Dynamic Loading are far greater and more easily identifiable than those attributed to reduced maintenance cost. References In the final analysis, if the unit is not fit for the purpose or if its poor condition leads to sudden failure, the value of monitoring dynamic load capability becomes academic at the time. [1] Life Management Techniques for Power Transformers, Cigre Technical Brochure 227, 2004. [2] IEEE Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers, IEEE C57.91-1995 Clearly, good condition assessment and dynamic (on-line) load monitoring go together hand-in-glove. [3] IEC Loading Guide for Oil-Immersed Power Transformers, IEC 354. 8