SPW Project: Contractor: Special wording option Custom Wording or Graphic Image Black Out & White Out Custom Colours DESCRIPTION Overview The SPW special wording option can be used in a variety of applications. From ADA compliant signs to corporate logos, nearly any custom wording or graphic can be applied to an AimLite exit sign series. The following special wording signs are available to replace any standard Exit sign legend. Please add the suffix OP + the chosen sign number to the catalogue number. Contact your AimLite representative for any other special wording requirement. Options Special wording signs can be combined with additional options as applications require. The AC Flasher option will cause the sign to illuminate and then darken at a rate of about once per second. The black out option adds a opaque, dark panel over the special wording. The panel masks the special wording until the sign is illuminated, thereby preventing false notification of the sign’s message. Similarly, the white out option places a white, opaque panel over the lettering to achieve the same result. All of these options are typically added to normally off signs only. Light source Typical special wording signs utilize either an incandescent or LED light source. Since LED exits are either red or green LED based, special wording signs specified for LED must use either a red or green lettering/graphic. Incandescent special wording signs can utilize any combination of colours, contact AimLite with your specifications. ADA Signage Signs are available in many colours, please specify when ordering. No. OP5 - Area of Rescue assistance can be supplied with a Red legend and Blue wheelchair symbol, specify No. OP5RBW. LED Exit Signage The special signage legends are available as either Red (RL) or Green (GL) stencil legends on opaque background colour either White (W) or Black (B). The letter colour and background colour should be added as a suffix to the legend number as follows: Letters White Background Black Background RED OP_RLW OP_RLB GREEN OP_GLW OP_GLB Add legend number, color and background color to catalogue number when ordering. BLACK OUT OPTION Normal / Off Condition Activated / On Condition WHITE OUT OPTION Normal / Off Condition Activated / On Condition Contractor: SPW Project: FRAMES EXIT STEEL EXIT aluminum A 6" 7.5" 6.31" 7.44" 3" 3.16" 3.75" 1.75" 1.44" B 8.5" 0.23" 6" 3.72" 9.75" 12.63" ø0.18" 2" TYP. 0.49" 12" EXIT STEEL EXIT aluminum A 0.65" 7.5" 6" 3" 1.75" 13.63" 0.23" 8.56" ø0.18" 7.44" 6" 1.250 0.528" 3" 3.75" 13.75" B 3.72" 18.19" 0.49" 2" TYP. 17.13" bilingual aluminum BiLingual steel A 7.5" 6" 1.88" 3" 24.13" 27.88" 0.23" ø0.15" 13.94" 3.75" 7.44" 6" B 1.75" 3" 24.5" 28" 0.49" 2" TYP. 3.72" Project: Contractor: OP065 OP066 OP067 OP068 OP069 OP070 OP071 OP072 OP073 OP074 OP075 OP076 OP077 OP078 OP079 OP080 OP081 OP082 OP083 OP084 OP085 OP086 OP087 OP088 OP089 OP090 OP091 OP092 OP093 OP094 OP095 OP096 OP097 OP098 OP099 OP100 OP101 OP102 OP103 OP104 OP106 OP107 OP108 OP109 OP110 OP111 OP112 OP113 OP114 OP115 OP116 OP117 OP118 OP119 OP120 OP121 OP122 OP123 OP124 OP125 OP126 OP127 OP128 OP129 OP130 OP131 OP132 OP133 OP134 OP135 OP136 OP137 OP138 OP139 OP140 OP141 OP142 OP143 OP144 OP145 OP146 OP147 OP148 OP149 OP150 OP151 OP152 OP153 OP154 OP155 OP156 OP157 OP158 OP159 OP160 OP161 OP162 OP163 OP164 OP165 OP166 OP167 OP168 OP105 Contractor: Project: OP001 OP002 OP003 OP004 OP005 OP006 OP007 OP008 OP009 OP010 OP011 OP012 OP013 OP014 OP015 OP016 DARK ROOM OP017 OP018 OP019 OP020 OP021 OP022 OP023 OP024 OP025 OP026 OP027 OP028 OP029 OP030 OP031 OP032 OP033 OP034 OP035 OP036 OP037 OP038 OP039 OP040 OP041 OP042 OP043 OP044 OP045 OP046 OP047 OP048 OP050 OP051 OP052 OP053 OP054 OP055 OP056 OP058 OP059 OP060 OP061 OP062 OP063 OP064 OP049 OP057