princeton regional schools

MAY 26, 2015
7:00 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
 Welcome 
Welcome to this public meeting of the Princeton Board of Education. The Board is an
elected, unpaid group of ten citizens who set policy and make decisions on educational,
financial, and personnel matters for the Princeton Public Schools on behalf of all
residents. We are always pleased when members of the community attend our meetings.
The Board and the school district operate under applicable New Jersey laws and under
regulations of the New Jersey State Board of Education.
Each meeting includes opportunities for those attending to comment on items on the
published agenda or other matters of interest to them. Early in the meeting, there is a 15minute “Public Forum” period to provide an opportunity for members of the public to
speak on agenda items only. Additionally, members of the public will have the
opportunity to make comments after the Board’s discussion of “New Business.” The
Board reserves the right to limit the time allotted to public participation. Law limits
discussion of individual personnel.
We desire sincerely that our meetings provide useful opportunities for communication
between the Board and the community. Thank you for attending.
Princeton Board of Education
MAY 26, 2015
As required under the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.), adequate
notice was given for calling this meeting. It was authorized by the Board of
Education and included on the Annual Meeting Schedule (January 6, 2015), which
was posted; forwarded to the municipal clerk, Princeton Packet, Town Topics, and
The Times; and distributed to the schools and others on the standard distribution list.
Board Policy 2230, Recording Devices, requires that we inform those attending
this meeting that the proceedings are being recorded on video.
WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 allows for a Public Body to go into closed session
during a Public Meeting, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Princeton Public Schools has deemed it
necessary to go into closed session to discuss certain matters which are exempted
from the Public; and
WHEREAS, the regular meeting of this Board of Education will reconvene at the
conclusion of closed session, at approximately 8:00 p.m. this evening.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the
Princeton Public Schools will go into closed session for the following reason(s) as
outlined in N.J.S.A. 10:4-12:
Any matter which, by express provision of Federal Law, State Statute or Rule of
Court shall be rendered confidential or excluded from discussion in public;
Any matter in which the release of information would impair a right to receive funds
from the federal government;
Any matter the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual
Any collective bargaining agreement, or the terms and conditions of which are
proposed for inclusion in any collective bargaining agreement, including the
negotiation of terms and conditions with employees or representatives of employees
of the public body (PREA Agreement);
Any matter involving the purpose, lease or acquisition of real property with public
funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely
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affect the public interest if discussion of such matters were disclosed;
Any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public
provided that their disclosure could impair such protection;
Any investigations of violations or possible violations of the law;
Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body
is or may become a party. Any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege, to
the extent that confidentiality is required in order for the attorney to exercise his
ethical duties as a lawyer:
(Under certain circumstances, if public disclosure of the matter would have a
potentially negative impact on the District’s position in the litigation or negotiation,
this information may be withheld until such time that the matter is concluded or the
circumstances no longer present a potential impact);
Any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment,
terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance, promotion or
disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public
officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individual
employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in writing
that such matter or matters be discussed at a public meeting;
Any deliberation of a public body occurring after a public hearing that may result in
the imposition of a specific civil penalty upon the responding party or the suspension
or loss of a license or permit belonging to the responding party as a result of an act of
omission for which the responding party bears responsibility;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby declares that its
discussion of the aforementioned subject(s) may be made public at a time when the
Board Attorney advises the Board of Education that the disclosure of the discussion
will not detrimentally affect any right, interest or duty of the School District or any
other entity with respect to said discussion.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education, for the aforementioned
reasons, hereby declares that the public is excluded from the portion of the meeting
during which the above discussion shall take place and hereby directs the Board
Secretary to take the appropriate action to effectuate the terms of this resolution.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the minutes for April 28, 2015 and
May 20, 2015.
1. Adoption of Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Report
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accept the Superintendent’s HIB
decision for all cases listed in the April 2015 HIB Report, which were presented to
the Board and discussed during executive session.
1. Reports
• Student Board Members—Alex Martin and Kenny Xu
• Facilities—Rebecca Cox
• Finance – Pat Sullivan
• Personnel—Molly Chrein
• Student Achievement—Pat Sullivan
I. PUBLIC FORUM (Agenda Section J through M Items Only)
1. Policies/Regulations—First Reading (AttachmentJ1)
Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Pupils
1. Personnel Actions (Attachment K1)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the personnel actions listed in
the attachment and request that a copy be addended to the minutes.
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2. Reappointment of Tenured and Non-tenured Staff--2015-2016 (Attachment K2)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the 2015-2016 tenured and
non-tenured staff (PAA, PREA, PESSA, Unaffiliated, Bus Drivers, and Hourly
Employees) reappointments as listed in the attachment and request that a copy of
the list be addended to the minutes.
Professional/Consultant Services – 2014-2015
a. Silvergate Prep School, LLC
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Silvergate Prep School, LLC,
Bridgewater, NJ, to provide homebound/bedside consulting services. The rate is
not to exceed $50 per hour, not to exceed a total of $500 per week. Funding for
this service will be provided through general funds
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator/
Board Secretary to execute the necessary documents.
b. Children’s National Medical Center
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Children’s National Medical
Center, Rockville, MD, to provide a neuropsychological for a fee of $1,732.00.
Funding for this service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the
Administrator/Board Secretary to execute the necessary documents.
2. Purchase of Materials: Booksource 2014-2015 (Revised)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, approve the purchase of grade-level
reading books for grades K-5 at all of our elementary schools for a sum not to
exceed $30,000 from Booksource, St. Louis, MO. Funding for these materials
will come from general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the
Administrator/Board Secretary to execute the necessary documents.
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3. Residency Appeal
WHEREAS, the Administration has applied to the Princeton Board of Education
for a determination that Students R0000050, R0000501, R0000502 and R0000503
are entitled to a free education in the Princeton Public Schools; and
WHEREAS, the Board’s Personnel Committee held a hearing on May 18, 2015,
pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.3 (e) to determine the child’s eligibility for a free
education in the Princeton Public Schools; and
WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has determined that the children are not
entitled to a free education in the Princeton Public Schools and has recommended
that the Board of Education removes the children from attendance pursuant to
N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.3; and
NOW THEREFORE, the Princeton Board of Education accepts the
recommendation of the Personnel Committee and hereby empowers the
administration to take any action needed and required related to the removal of
Students R0000050, R0000501, R0000502 and R0000503 from Princeton Public
Schools. All documentation is on file in the Office of Student Services.
4. Special Education Agreement – (Continuation)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the continuation of the special
education settlement #072214-15, on file in the Student Service Office and
authorize the Board President to sign the agreement for a sum not to exceed
$21,000, for the period from April 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the Special Education Agreement with all the necessary documents. The
Agreement will be funded through general funds.
5. School Trips
a. Student Field Trips
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the anticipated student field
trip and any associated fees (transportation, parking, entrance fees, etc.) pertaining
to the field trip listed below.
Field Trips
Cabrini College
Widener University
Generation One Program
Generation One Program
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b. Overnight Field Trips
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the following overnight school
trips listed below. No child will be denied access to these trips due to the
expense, as per Board procedures.
Princeton High School
Euro Challenge Team
Washington DC
June 7-8, 2015
Six students and two chaperones will attend this event.
Professional/Consultant Services – 2015-2016
a. Alexander Road Associates
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Alexander Road Associates,
Princeton, NJ, to provide psychiatric evaluations for an estimated fee of $550 per
evaluation during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $5,500. Funding for this
service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
b. Dr. Razia Matin, Psychiatrist
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Dr. Razia Matin, Princeton,
NJ, to provide psychiatric evaluations and/or consultations for an estimated fee of
$425 per evaluation or consultation during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of
$4,250. Funding for this service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
c. Dr. Elliot Gursky, Psychiatrist
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Dr. Elliot Gursky, Princeton,
NJ, to provide psychiatric evaluations for an estimated fee of $575 per evaluation
during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $3,450. Funding for this service will
be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
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d. Dr. Eve Fellner
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Dr. Eve Fellner, Monroe Twp.,
NJ, to provide bilingual psychological evaluations for an estimated fee of $550
per evaluation during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $3,300. Funding for this
service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
e. Bucks County Intermediate Unit 22
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Bucks County Intermediate
Unit 22, Doylestown, PA, to provide homebound/bedside consulting services for a
fee of $45 per hour during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $4,500. Funding
for this service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
f. Education, Inc.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Education, Inc., Plymouth,
MA, to provide homebound/bedside consulting services for a fee of $45 per hour
during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $4,500. Funding for this service will
be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
g. Middlesex Regional Educational Services
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Middlesex Regional
Educational Services, Piscataway, NJ, to provide homebound/bedside consulting
services for a fee not to exceed $75 per hour during 2015-2016, not to exceed a
total of $8,000. Funding for this service will be provided through general funds.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
h. Dr. Jesse Mintz, Neuro-Developmental Pediatrics
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Dr. Jesse Mintz, East
Brunswick, NJ, to provide neurodevelopmental evaluations for an estimated fee of
$550 per evaluation during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $3,300. Funding
for this service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
i. University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the University of Medicine &
Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Piscataway, NJ, to provide
homebound/bedside consulting services for a fee not to exceed $45 per hour
during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $4,500. Funding for this service will
be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
j. Eden Institute, Inc.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Eden Institute, Princeton NJ, to
provide comprehensive skills assessment for an estimated fee of $600 per
assessment during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $2,400. Funding for this
service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
k. Occupational Medicine Services
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Occupational Medicine
Services, Lawrenceville, NJ, to provide medical examinations and testing for
estimated fees of $85 per examination and $150 per test during 2015-2016, not to
exceed a total of $5,170. Funding for this service will be provided through
general funds.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
l. Educational Audiology Resources, LLC. – (E.A.R.)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Educational Audiology
Resources, LLC., Brick, NJ, to provide audiologic and central auditory processing
evaluations for an estimated fee schedule ranging from $105 to $1900 during
2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $5,000. Funding for this service will be
provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
m. New Jersey Commission for the Blind
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the New Jersey Commission
for the Blind, Toms River, NJ, to provide assessment/evaluations, technical
assistance, consultation and instructional services, load of adaptive aids, materials
and equipment not to exceed an estimate of $2,000 for each level 1 service; an
estimate of $14,000 for each level 3 service during 2015-2016. Funding for this
service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
n. Robert Wood Johnson
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Robert Wood Johnson, New
Brunswick, NJ, to provide neurological evaluations at Robert Wood Johnson, for
an estimated fee of $1,100 per evaluation during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total
of $4,400. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
o. Mercer County Special Services School District – (MCSSSD)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Mercer County Special
Services School District (MCSSSD), Trenton, NJ, to provide community resource
services during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $15,000. Funding for this
service will be through general funds.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
p. Mercer County Vocational Technical School District – (MCVTSD)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Mercer
County Vocational Technical School District (MCVTSD), Trenton, NJ, to provide
technical education out of district during 2015-2016, not to exceed the estimate of
$1,700 per student; shared-time special education services as needed estimate not
to exceed $850 per student. Funding for this service will be through general
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
q. Princeton Child Developmental Institute
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Princeton Child
Developmental Institute, Princeton, NJ, to provide behavioral therapy services
during 2015-2016, for an enrolled pupil at an estimated hourly rate of $90; not to
exceed $500 per diem; and not to exceed a total of $45,000. Funding for this
service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
r. Princeton Child Developmental Institute
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Princeton Child
Developmental Institute, Princeton, NJ, to provide home programming services
during 2015-2016, for enrolled pupil(s) at an estimated rate of $60 per hour; not
to exceed a total of $28,800. Funding for this service will be through general
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
s. Dr. Cristina R. Laurita
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Dr. Cristina
R. Laurita, Princeton, NJ, to provide psychological evaluations during 2015-2016,
for an estimated fee $700 per evaluation; not to exceed a total of $3,500. Funding
for this service will be through general funds.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
t. Dr. Beverly Radice, School Physician
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Dr. Beverly
Radice, West Windsor, NJ, to provide health care services during 2015-2016, at a
rate of $100 per hour; not to exceed a total of $31,000. Funding for this service
will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
u. Dr. Robert Helmrich, School Physician
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Dr. Robert
Helmrich, Princeton, NJ, to provide health care services during 2015-2016, at a
rate of $100 per hour; not to exceed a total of $3,000. Funding for this service
will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
v. Princeton Institute of Languages
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Princeton
Institute of Languages, Princeton, NJ, to provide interpretation and translation
services during 2015-2016. The maximum translation rate is not to exceed $400
per hour and a maximum per hour travel time not to exceed $45, not to exceed a
total of $12,000. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
w. Children’s Specialized Hospital
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the
neurodevelopmental evaluations during 2015-2016, at an estimated rate of $1,500
per evaluation; not to exceed a total of $7,500. Funding for this service will be
through general funds.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary document.
x. Life Enhancement Institute
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Life Enhancement Institute,
Monmouth Junction, NJ, to provide psychiatric and neurological evaluations
during 2015-2016, for an estimated fee of $550 per evaluation, not to exceed a
total of $16,000. Funding for this service will through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
y. Brentwood Health Care, Inc.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Brentwood Health Care, Inc.,
Red Bank, NJ to provide skilled nursing services for one student during 20152016, out of district for an estimated fee of $65 per hour for registered nursing
services, $55 per hour for licensed practical nursing services not to exceed a total
of $80,000. Funding for this service will be through general funds and IDEIA
grant funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
z. Annegret Dettwiler
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Annegret Dettwiler, Princeton,
NJ, to provide physical therapy during 2015-2016, at an estimated hourly rate of
$130, not to exceed a total of $16,000. Funding for this service will be through
general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
aa. Eden Family of Services
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Eden Family of Services,
Princeton, NJ, to provide speech therapy, consultation services, training services
and home programming services for enrolled student(s) with contracted
placements at Eden, during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of $48,000. Funding
for this service will be through general funds.
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RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
bb. Kazimiera Cieply
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Kazimiera Cieply, East
Brunswick, NJ, to provide respiratory therapy during 2015-2016, in district and
out of district for one student, at an estimated hourly rate of $45, not to exceed a
total of $67,500. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
cc. Big Apple Therapy Associates, Inc. (BATA)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Big Apple Therapy Associates,
Inc. (BATA), Lakewood, NJ, to provide physical, occupational and speech
therapy for student(s) during 2015-2016, at an estimated rate of $125 per hour, not
to exceed a total of $16,000. Funding for this service will be through general
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
dd. Princeton Center for Therapy & Assessment
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Princeton Center for Therapy
& Assessment, Princeton, NJ, to provide neuropsychological evaluations during
2015-2016, for fees up to $3,800 per evaluation, not to exceed a total of $7,600.
Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
ee. Occupational Therapy Associates of Princeton
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Occupational Therapy
Associates of Princeton, Princeton, NJ, to provide occupational therapy during
2015-2016, at an estimated hourly rate of $190, not to exceed a total of $10,830.
Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
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ff. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia -- CHOP
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, to provide homebound/bedside consulting
services during 2015-2016, at an estimated hourly rate of $55.00, not to exceed a
total of $5,500. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
gg. Jessica Davidson
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Jessica Davidson, Princeton,
NJ, to provide Wilson Language and Reading Services during 2015-2016, at an
estimated hourly rate of $85, not to exceed a total of $15,725. Funding for this
service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
hh. Educere, LLC
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Educere, LLC, Ambler, PA, to
provide virtual homebound instruction not to exceed $32 a week or $325 per
semester for designated subjects during 2015-2016, not to exceed a total of
$6,000. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
ii. Learning Tree Multicultural/Multilingual Evaluations & Consulting
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Learning Tree
Multicultural/Multilingual Evaluations & Consulting, Greenbrook, NJ, to provide
bilingual speech/language, social, psychological and educational evaluations for a
fee not to exceed $800 per evaluation; not to exceed a total of $15,000, during
2015-2016. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
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jj. Pediatric Therapy Solutions, LLC
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Pediatric Therapy Solutions,
Lawrenceville, NJ, to provide occupational therapy services during 2015-2016, at
an estimated hourly rate of $100, an estimate of $375 per evaluation, not to
exceed a total of $16,000. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
kk. Professional Education Services
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Professional Education
Services, Glassboro, NJ, to provide homebound/bedside consulting services
during 2015-2016, an estimated hourly rate of $45, not to exceed a total of
$14,850. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
ll. UHS of Hampton Behavioral Health Center
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve UHS of Hampton Behavioral
Health Center, Westampton, NJ, to provide homebound/bedside consulting
services during 2015-2016, an estimated hourly rate of $45, not to exceed a total
of $4,500. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
mm. TCNJ Center on Assistive Technology and Inclusive Education Studies(CCS & College of NJ)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve TCNJ Center on Assistive
Technology and Inclusive Education Studies (CCS & College of NJ), Ewing, NJ,
to provide assistive technology evaluations at a rate not to exceed $950 per
evaluation; and to provide augmentative communication evaluations at a rate not
to exceed $1,300 per evaluation, not to exceed a total of $13,500 during 20152016. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
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nn. Capital Health System, Inc.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Capital
Health System, Inc., Trenton, NJ, to provide neurodevelopmental evaluations for a
fee not to exceed $500 per evaluation, and neuropsychological evaluations for a
fee not to exceed $3,100 per evaluations, not to exceed a total of $16,000 during
2015-2016. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
oo. Advancing Opportunities, Inc.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Advancing
Opportunities, Ewing, NJ, to provide technology support, report of findings, list
device vendors at a rate of $880 per service, support and customized training on
equipment use at a rate of $230 per visit during 2015-2016; not to exceed a total
of $16,000. Funding for these services will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
pp. Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc.
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve Maxim HealthCare Services,
Inc., Hamilton, NJ, to provide nursing services for enrolled student(s) in district
and out of district during 2015-2016, for an estimated fee of $65 per hour for
registered nursing services, $55 per hour for licensed practical nursing services
not to exceed a total of $140,000. Funding for these services will be through
IDEIA FY16 grant funds and through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
qq. Invo HealthCare Associates
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Invo HealthCare Associates,
Jamison, PA, to provide as needed speech and language pathology service during
2015-2016, in district at an estimated hourly rate of $85.00, not to exceed a total
of $15,000. Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
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rr. FunSense, LLC
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve FunSense, LLC, Princeton, NJ
to provide occupational therapy evaluations during 2015-2016; for a fee not to
exceed an estimate of $700 per evaluation, not to exceed a total of $2,800.
Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
ss. Katzenbach School for the Deaf
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of Katzenbach
School for the Deaf, Ewing, NJ, to provide psychological, speech/language and
educational evaluations for a fee not to exceed an estimated total of $1,500.
Funding for this service will be through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
tt. Silvergate Prep School, LLC
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve Silvergate Prep School, LLC,
Bridgewater, NJ, to provide homebound/bedside consulting services during 20152016. The rate is not to exceed $50 per hour, not to exceed a total of $500 per
week. Funding for this service will be provided through general funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorized the
Administrator/Board Secretary to execute the necessary documents.
uu. Middlesex County Educational Services Commission/Services to Nonpublic
School Students IDEIA-Part B Funds Coordination-2015-2016
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education enter into a renewal contract for the
2015-2016 school year with Middlesex County Educational Services
Commission, Piscataway, NJ, to coordinate services relating to expenditures of
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) Part-B funds
specified for eligible students enrolled in the nonpublic schools, services funded
by IDEIA federal funds.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 18
vv. Middlesex County Educational Services Commission/Services to Nonpublic
School Students under 192-193 Funds Coordination-2015-2016
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education enter into a renewal contract for the
2015-2016 school year with Middlesex County Educational Services
Commission, Piscataway, NJ, to coordinate the expenditures of Chapter 192-193
for nursing services, examination and classification of students and provision of
services specified for eligible students enrolled in nonpublic schools services.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
7. Competitive Contracting Process: Student Services 2015-2016
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to use the
Competitive Contracting Process which will allow for a Request for Proposal(s)
(RFP) to be issued to solicit and purchase the following related student services:
● Physical Therapy and or Occupational Therapy
● Wilson Language and Reading Services
8. Educational Placement of Handicapped Pupils
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the placements listed below:
Trenton, NJ
Ed. Tuition
Total Tuition
*Prorated from start date to end of school year.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the administration to execute
the necessary documents.
9. Textbook
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education adopt the textbook as listed below:
Grades: 10-12
Copyright: 2011
Edition: 1st
Jay Withgott
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 19
10. Special Education Agreement - (Revised)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the revised special education
settlement agreement 092314-17, on file in the Student Services Office and
authorize the Board President to sign the agreement for a sum not to exceed
$30,600, for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the Special Education Agreement with all the necessary documents. The
Agreement will be funded through general funds.
11. Special Education Agreement – (Continuation)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the continuation of the special
education settlement 0613-03, on file in the Student Services Office and authorize
the Board President to sign the agreement for a sum not to exceed $47,650, for the
period from July 2015 through June 2016.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the Special Education Agreement with all necessary documents. The Agreement
will be funded through general funds.
12. Special Education Agreement – (Continuation)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the continuation of the special
education settlement #072214-15, on file in the Student Service Office and
authorize the Board President to sign the agreement for a sum not to exceed
$50,000, for the period from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the administration to execute
the Special Education Agreement with all the necessary documents. The
Agreement will be funded through general funds.
13. C & I – Purchase of Materials: Achieve 3000 Instructional Software Subscription
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the purchase of a web-based
student subscription for language arts/literacy intervention activities for eligible
students enrolled in the elementary Accelerated Intervention Services (AIS)
program, from Achieve 3000 of Lakewood, NJ. The instructional software
subscriptions, for 2015-2016, will not exceed $28,190, which includes site
licenses, set up and professional development (JWMS $12,453; RS $4,869; JP
$5,434; and CP $5,434). Funding for this purchase is provided by the No Child
Left Behind (NCLB) Title 1A grant.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 20
1. Budget Transfers (Reports for Public Inspection in Board Office)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the budget transfers for
April 2015 as listed in the attachment and request that a copy be addended to
the minutes.
2. Board Secretary and Treasurer Financial Reports (Reports for Public Inspection in
Board Office)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accept the Board Secretary and
Treasurer Financial Reports for April 2015; and be it further
RESOLVED, that, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(3), the Board of Education
certify that as of April 30, 2015, after review of the Secretary’s monthly financial
report (appropriations section), and upon consultation with the appropriate district
officials, to the best of their knowledge no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(b) and that sufficient funds are
available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal
year and request the Board Secretary to addend a copy to the minutes.
3. Certification of Payrolls
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the disbursement of payrolls as
listed below:
April $4,531,943.68
4. Payment of Bills
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve payments on the “Bills Lists”
dated April Supplemental $324,344.87 and May $2,007,287.39 totaling
$2,331,632.26, and request that the Bills Lists be maintained on file in the
Business Office.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 21
5. Ray Angelini, Inc.
Renovations and Alterations to Princeton High School – 12K102
Order #
Ray Angelini, Inc.
Deduct change order closeout
Original Contract Amount
Previously Approved Change Order
Change Order GC-5
New Contract Total
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the
administration to execute the necessary documents.
6. Formal Bid: Renewal 2015-2016
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator/
Board Secretary to sign and administer contracts and/or issue purchase orders for
the bids listed below.
a. Fire Alarm System Repair Time & Material for the 2015-2016 School Year
It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the Business
Administrator/Board Secretary to renew the contract with Fire Security
Technologies, Inc. for the 2015-2016 school year, as per the specifications
from the original bid received on July 26, 2013. Documentation regarding this
bid is on file in the Purchasing Department.
b. HVAC Time & Materials for the 2015-2016 School Year
It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the Business
Administrator/Board Secretary to renew the contract with PJM Mechanical
Contractor, Inc. for the 2015-2016 school year, as per the specifications from
the original bid received on August 12, 2014. Documentation regarding this
bid is on file in the Purchasing Department.
c. Electrical Time & Materials for the 2015-2016 School Year
It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the Business
Administrator/Board Secretary to renew the contract with Maul Electric for
2015-2016 school year, as per the specifications from the original bid received
on July 10, 2012. Documentation regarding this bid is on file in the
Purchasing Department.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 22
d. Print Management & Repair Services for the 2015-2016 School Year
It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the Business
Administrator/Board Secretary to renew the contract with Duplitron
Document Imaging for Print Management & Repair Services for the
contracted amount of $36,000.00 for the 2015-2016 school year, as per the
specifications from the original bid received. Documentation regarding this
bid is on file in the Purchasing Department.
7. Middlesex Regional Educational Cooperative Pricing Program
a. Cleaning/Disinfectant & Floor Care Supplies
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the purchase of Cleaning
Disinfectant and Floor Care Supplies from Spruce Industries, Inc. under the
Middlesex Regional Educational Cooperative Pricing Program (MRESC
14/15 34) at a cost of $42,205.00.
8. Food Management Company--2015-2016
WHEREAS, during the 2015-2016 fiscal year, there exists a need for the services
of a food services management company; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 527, Laws of 1985, requires a resolution to authorize the
award contract to a food services management company; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Education desires to renew the second year of a fiveyear contract; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the Business Administrator/
Board Secretary to execute a contract with Nutri-Serve, PO Box 297, Burlington,
NJ 08016 for a management fee of $0.1363 per student meal, $0.111 per meal
equal and the meal equal factor of $1.00 for 10 months during the 2015-2016
school year; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the contract with Nutri-Serve
Food Management, Inc., with the condition that Nutri-Serve guarantees a
Breakeven to the district as stipulated in the contract. The contract is on file in the
Business Office.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 23
9. School Breakfast/Lunch Programs--2015-2016
The following school breakfast/lunch prices will be in effect for the 2015-2016
school year.
Middle School
High School
10. Cranbury Tuition--2015-2016
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the regular education tuition
rate of $17,345 per student for the Cranbury Township Board of Education’s
students attending Princeton Public Schools during the 2015-2016 school year.
11. Sending/Receiving Relationship With Cranbury--“Exhibit A”--2015-2016
(Attachment M11)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the District’s Tuition Contract
Agreement--“Exhibit A” for the 2015-2016 school year between the Cranbury
Township Schools Board of Education and the Princeton Board of Education; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education request that a copy of “Exhibit A” for
the 2015-2016 school year be addended to the minutes.
12. Transportation Agreements
a. Hopewell Valley Regional School District--2015-2016
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the joint transportation
agreement between the Princeton Public Schools District and the Hopewell Valley
Regional School District This agreement will be effective July 1, 2015, through
June 30, 2016.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 24
b. West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the joint transportation
agreement between the Princeton Public Schools District and the West WindsorPlainsboro Regional School District and authorize the administration to execute
the necessary documents. This agreement will be effective July 1, 2015, through
June 30, 2016.
13. Formal Bid/Transportation: Award
RESOLVED, that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary is authorized to
sign and administer contracts and/or issue purchase orders for the bid listed
Bid invitations were sent to five vendors. Four vendors responded on May 12,
2015. The bidders were:
Tier #700
**Rick Bus Company
Route HS-3
Route JP-7
Irvin Raphael
Route HS-3
Route JP-7
Dapper Bus Company
Route HS-3
Route JP-7
Tier #701
**Rick Bus Company
Route HS-1
Route MS-5
Irvin Raphael
Route HS-3
Route JP-7
Dapper Bus Company
Route HS-3
Route JP-7
Per Diem Amount
Board of Education
Tier #702
**Dapper Bus
Route MS-7
Route LB-4
Irvin Raphael
Route MS-7
Route LB-4
Rick Bus
Route MS-7
Route LB-4
Route HS-16
**Able Transit
Dapper Bus
Route RP-16
**Dapper Bus
Irvin Raphael
Rick Bus
**Dapper Bus
Rick Bus
Route HPS-16
**Irvin Raphael
Dapper Bus
Rick Bus
May 26, 2015
Page 25
Board of Education
Route CS-16
**Rick Bus
May 26, 2015
Page 26
Dapper Bus
Irvin Raphael
Route SHS-16
**Dapper Bus
Route WF-16
Irvin Raphael
Route FA-16
Irvin Raphael
Route PA-16
Irvin Raphael
Irvin Raphael
Rick Bus
It is recommended that the contracts be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders
listed above. Routes WF-16, FA-16 and PA-16 are non-public school runs and
they exceed the per pupil cost and are rejected. Dapper Bus also bid HS-16 but
violated the bid specs as to medical transport vehicle. The next lowest bidder was
Able Transit and they are awarded the run. These routes are effective July 1, 2015
through June 30, 2016. Documentation regarding this bid is on file in the
Purchasing Office.
Board of Education
May 26, 2015
Page 27
14. Bus Safety Drill – Spring
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges that the following Bus
Safety Drills took place and were conducted on school grounds on the date listed
John Witherspoon Middle
Jason Burr, Principal
05-7-15 All grades 6-8
8:00 a.m. as buses arrived
15. Fire & Evacuation Drills – April (Attachment M15)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education acknowledges that the Fire and
Evacuation Drills occurred as identified on the April 2015 Summary Report and
request that a copy of the attachment be addended to the minutes.
16. Travel and Related Expenses (Attachment M16)
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the travel and related expenses
as listed in the attachment and request that a copy be addended to the minutes.