Saint Paul Public Schools Purchasing & Contract Services 360 Colborne Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone #: 651-767-8290 Fax #: 651-293-5965 RPF Bid #A205516-K for TRIRIGA Implementation Services Facilities Condition Assessment RFP ISSUE DATE: PROPOSAL RECEIVING DATE: August 4, 2014 2:00 PM CST on Monday, August 18, 2014 SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................2 Section I - General Information .....................................................................................................................................3 TRIRIGA Facility Condition Assessment Project Vision ..............................................................................................3 Facilities Master Plan and Assessment Requirements ..............................................................................................4 Summary of Desired Functionality ............................................................................................................................4 Issuing Office, Project Manager and Available District Resources ............................................................................6 Schedule of RFP Activities .........................................................................................................................................7 Process to Submit Vendor Questions ........................................................................................................................7 Proposal Submission Information .............................................................................................................................8 Response Formatting Requirements .........................................................................................................................8 Required RFP Sections ...............................................................................................................................................9 Evaluation Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................11 Section II - Technical Environment ..............................................................................................................................12 Brief History ............................................................................................................................................................12 Current SPPS Applications .......................................................................................................................................13 Facilities Master Plan ..............................................................................................................................................13 Current SPPS TRIRIGA Licenses ...............................................................................................................................14 SPPS Development Environments ...........................................................................................................................14 Section III - Scope of Work ...........................................................................................................................................15 Scope Areas .............................................................................................................................................................15 TRIRIGA FCA Project Vision .....................................................................................................................................16 Business Process and Functionality Goals ...............................................................................................................16 Guiding Principles for Project Team / Services Vendor ...........................................................................................18 Timeline ...................................................................................................................................................................20 Section V - Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................................................21 Appendices - Description of Attachments ...................................................................................................................23 Attachment I: RPF_A205516K_Appendix_1_Cost_Template.xlsx ..................................................................23 Attachment II: RFP_A205516-K_Sample_MAPPS_Data.xlsx.............................................................................23 1|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Introduction This Request for Proposal (RFP) is organized into three sections. The sections below describe each section. Section I - General Information This section contains submissions information. It includes: The schedule of RFP activities, The type of response required, How to submit questions, The evaluation process, and Information about Saint Paul Public Schools (the District or SPPS) resources that will be available for the project. Section II - Technical Environment This section describes the current technical environment at Saint Paul Public Schools and provides a brief history of IBM TRIRIGA implementations in the District. Section III - Scope of Work This section describes the scope of work that is being requested by this Request For Proposal. It also describes the Saint Paul Public Schools expectations for the project and the project schedule and timeframes. Overall, the District is looking for a systems integrator that can assist in migrating historical assessment data from an existing SQL database source into our current TRIRIGA environments, and configure a user experience that allows for the upkeep and creation of this data over time. Section IV - Compliance with Laws and Other Public Policy This section describes legal compliance requirements of the RFP. Section V - Terms and Conditions This section defines the District’s required contractual terms and conditions. 2|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Section I - General Information This section contains the following information: Facilities Department TRIRIGA Vision Facilities Master Plan and Assessment Requirements Summary of Desired Functionality Issuing Office, Project Manager, and Available District Resources Schedule of RFP Activities Process to Submit Vendor Questions Proposal Submission Information Response Formatting Requirements Required RFP Sections Evaluation Criteria TRIRIGA Facility Condition Assessment Project Vision Saint Paul Public Schools is the second largest school district in the State of Minnesota with 38,500 students, 6,000 employees, and a budget of $623.8 million. SPPS recently issued a new Strategic Plan, “Strong Communities, Strong Schools.” The District realizes that “Strong Technology” is a core aspect of achieving the strategic goals of Achievement, Alignment and Sustainability. Specifically, the TRIRIGA system must support the Facilities Department in the operation and maintenance of Facilities throughout the District portfolio. The goal is to eventually provide a toolset capable of managing the complete life-cycle of physical assets, from design to retirement. Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) has been identified as the next step of development to accomplish these goals. 3|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Facilities Master Plan and Assessment Requirements In 2008, the District performed a complete assessment of all physical spaces within the District. This assessment was delivered using a SQL Server database and proprietary front end. The desire is to leverage as much of this information as possible to provide a baseline understanding of current facilities' conditions. The District implemented the Service Request and Maintenance Operations modules of TRIRIGA in January of 2012. Since then, evaluation of the FCA and Capital Projects functionality has been completed. Additionally, the District has approved a Facilities Master Planning (FMP or Master Plan)activity that intends to fully evaluate the condition of learning environments across the District. The goal of the Master Plan is to identify opportunities, and strategize the use of resources to maximize the impact of our annual budgets in improving physical space for the students of SPPS. The following areas are seen as critical for TRIRIGA to support the FMP. Creation of schema necessary to support Building System and Asset condition tracking Complete and accurate understanding of current physical conditions Rollup reporting for building system, building, site, and district-wide deficiency analysis Comparison of and prioritization of efforts in addressing existing deficiencies throughout the District Forecasting Facility Condition Index (FCI) over time with varying budget allocations Summary of Desired Functionality Saint Paul Public Schools invites you to submit a response to this request for the implementation of the TRIRIGA FCA module that meets the District’s functional requirements for the Facilities Department and the Facilities Master Planning process. This RFP seeks a complete proposed solution including systems integration services and software that meets SPPS goals and requirements in the following functional areas: Integration of Historical Condition Assessment Data Creation and configuration of business objects (BOs) related to Assets, Building Systems, Inspection, and Deficiencies (Opportunities), and any other necessary BOs to support Condition Assessments Development of Data Integration Packages, Data Connect Workflows, or similar, to migrate existing condition assessment data into TRIRIGA Collaborative review of historical data to assist in the selection and validation of records to be transferred into the TRIRIGA application 4|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Building System and Asset Creation Configuration of necessary forms, business objects, queries, and workflows to support the import of existing asset data from digital sources Review of existing asset data and recommendations on how to prepare data prior to import Import of asset and building system information into TRIRIGA Facility Condition Assessment Configuration The District Strives to stay as close as possible to out of the box (OOTB) functionality with the Facility Condition Assessment Module as possible Development must be done in anticipation of Capital Project Management functionality being configured within TRIRIGA at a future date Reporting and Analysis The District desires the ability to report on opportunities across building systems, buildings, sites, and the entire portfolio Baselines must be established in order to track progress and changes over time Ability to group opportunities by various criteria including, but not limited to, location, building system, severity, FCI, etc. for reporting, scenario and project planning purposes PLEASE NOTE: The vendor is responsible for all costs associated with your preparation of a response to this request for proposal. 5|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Issuing Office, Project Manager and Available District Resources This RFP is issued by the Saint Paul School District's Business Operations Division – Purchasing Department. The Senior Value Analyst will be the point of contact throughout the procurement process. The Senior Value Analyst is: Jonathan Klinkenberg Saint Paul Public Schools Purchasing & Contract Services 360 Colborne Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone (651) 767-8290 Fax (651) 293-5965 District resources that will be involved with the project are estimated to be: Title FTE IT Project Manager / Certified Developer Assistant Project Manager Full-time 0.5 FTE Facilities Project Manager / Coordinator Facility Condition Assessment Lead Facility Condition Assessment Subject Matter Expert Building System / Asset Lead Building System / Asset Subject Matter Expert TBD 0.3 FTE 0.3 FTE 0.3 FTE 0.3 FTE Trainer DBA and Applications Manager 0.5 FTE 0.3 FTE It is expected that the roles for the District resources be active ones to ensure knowledge transfer. 6|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Schedule of RFP Activities Below is the planned schedule for major activities of the ERP Software and Services procurement: RFP distribution, response to vendor questions, and award. The Saint Paul Public Schools reserves the right to change the associated dates and times. Activity Distribute RFP Advertise RFP and receive questions Questions due Response to questions distributed Proposal submission deadline Estimated vendor presentations Award made Date 8/4/14 8/4/14 8/11/14 8/13/14 8/18/14 8/25/14 9/3/14 Process to Submit Vendor Questions All questions must be in writing and can be mailed to the address listed below or faxed to 651-293-5965. Questions may also be submitted via email to Please put RFP in subject line. All questions must be received by 4:00 P.M. on Monday, August 11, 2014. The questions will be collected and one response (with both questions and answers) will be published via email to all interested parties on or before Wednesday, August 13, 2014. 7|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Proposal Submission Information The proposals are to be received at the following address no later than 2:00 P.M., CDST on Monday, August 18, 2014: Saint Paul Public Schools Purchasing & Contract Services 360 Colborne Street St. Paul, MN 55102 FACSIMILE AND/OR E-MAIL RESPONSES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please submit 6 (six) hard copies of the RFP (bound) and an electronic copy on a CD-ROM or thumb drive. The entire cost for the preparation and submission of a proposal and the attendance at any oral presentation will be borne by the vendor. The vendor will also bear the cost of setting up and operating any necessary test of its proposed solution. Each Proposer shall securely seal in an envelope or other container its proposal, along with other required documents. The Proposer shall mark on the outside of the package the fact that it contains a proposal, the name of the Proposer, the proposal number and the date of proposal opening. The District shall be solely responsible for determining when the proposal closing time arrives. All proposals shall be submitted on 8.5 inch by 11-inch bond paper and typewritten (except for the appendices which may be printed out on legal size paper). Telephonic and telegraphic proposals will not be accepted. The original proposal must include an original signature by an individual who is authorized to make representations and commitments on behalf of the Proposer. Failure to include this original signature may result in the disqualification of the proposal. All responses and materials related to this RFP become the property of the District. The selected vendor’s RFP proposal will become public information after selection and award. Response Formatting Requirements Your proposal must comply with the submission requirements below. All information must be typed or printed using Arial size 10 font with 1 inch margins. All pages must include the company/vendor name and page number. Documents must be signed by an authorized agent of the company submitting the request for proposal. Vendors may be contacted to discuss responses during evaluation. District reserves the right to determine the type of agreement most advantageous from a costand-service provided standpoint when negotiating the agreement with the vendors. 8|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Required RFP Sections The Saint Paul Public Schools requests that your response include the following information. Prepare your response in the same order as the items are listed below. A. Transmittal Letter (1 page): The letter of transmittal shall include the vendor’s legal name and business name, if different, address, telephone and fax numbers of the office(s) that will perform the work. The letter shall state the full name of the contact person(s) who will be authorized to represent the company regarding all issues related to this proposal or any contract subsequently awarded to vendor. The letter must bear the signature(s) of the person(s) with binding authority for the firm. B. Executive Summary (3 page limit) C. Demonstrated Understanding of SPPS needs (1 page limit) D. Services Vendor Implementation Services: (20 page limit): Descriptions of firm's services in relation to the TRIRIGA Implementation Scope section, including additional suggestions, recommendations, and/or concerns. Align your service offerings in the order that are listed in the Scope Section. Include diagrams of your technical solution and process mapping. Your proposed approach must include the following components: How your company will help improve SPPS operational performance and achieve stated functionality goals Project approach based on the Service Vendor Scope of Work Sections, including your implementation methodologies, data conversion techniques, security and interface approaches Project phases, tasks and timeline Additional suggestions / value-add E. Services Vendor Experience (10 page limit): Provide an overview of your firm including: Firm history and background. Describe your firm's performance and/or experience in the K-12 market with similar size districts. Detail about recent comparable successful projects of similar size and complexity wherever possible. List of client implementations. Three references of similar scope, size and complexity. Include reference contact information. References will be contacted. Use of sub-contractors (if applicable). Provide any available financial ratings (e.g., Dun & Bradstreet, etc.) 9|Page SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment F. Services Vendor Proposed Project Team Organizational Chart and Resumes (no page limit) G. Any SPPS Personnel Requirements in Addition to Those Estimated in Section I (no page limit) H. Any SPPS Hardware Requirements (e.g. VPN capabilities, environment staging access, other system access, etc.) (no page limit) I. Cost Proposal: Complete cost proposals in the template provided in Appendix I. State any pricing exceptions to the required functionality as described in this request for proposal and its Appendices. Unless otherwise noted, SPPS will assume your price includes everything in the proposal. Also provide a payment schedule based on deliverables. The payment schedule should be organized by project phase and include payments tied to specific deliverables such as, project plan, training plan, configuration plan, delivery of training, testing, interface delivery, data conversion, module configuration/customization, delivery of system documentation, go-live, reports delivery, and provision of post-implementation support. Vendor expertise on knowledge of required deliverables as reflected in your payment schedule will be factored into the evaluation of your cost proposal. J. Supplemental Materials: Vendors may submit supplemental materials such as brochures, articles, specification or report sample they believe to be helpful subject to the following: Such materials will not qualify as substitutes for direct answers within the response. Such materials may be referenced in, but must not be combined with, a required component of the response. Such materials are for the benefit of the evaluators, but they will not be required to use them. Therefore, answers to the responses must be complete. 10 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Evaluation Criteria The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: CRITERIA 1. Extent to which vendor section meets stated requirements 2. Experience with TRIRIGA Implementations, with specific attention to FCA Module 3. Cost Proposal 4. References per individual project members and vendor WEIGHT 30% 30% 30% 10% 11 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Section II - Technical Environment This section provides an overview of SPPS current applications and database environment. Brief History TRIRIGA was initially purchased and implemented in January of 2012 with the following licenses: IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher IBM TRIRIGA Facilities Manager IBM TRIRIGA Request Central IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Operations Manager Initial implementation included the full District property portfolio, including CAD integration, service request management, and facilities department personnel portfolio. Since that time, additional service requests have been developed, as well as inventory management related to consumables. In 2009, the Office of Operations completed a comprehensive facilities conditions assessment (FCA) and an educational adequacy assessment (EAA) to assist the district in determining: 1. The current condition and future needs of our buildings and grounds 2. How to best use our facilities to accomplish our mission: to provide a premier education for all The final assessment data and report were used to guide the district in its future facilities planning based on enrollment trends, educational requirements and facility capacity. The report provided detailed information about how our facilities are used to support teaching and learning to reach our district mission, and inform decisions about large-scale system changes. More information regarding the 2009 Assessment can be found here: 12 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Current SPPS Applications The 2009 Assessment was delivered to SPPS as a SQL Server 2008 Database with a custom-built front end. The system was known as Magellan Assessment and Project Planning Software (MAPPS). Since then the District has been unable to coordinate update activities and both the system and the dataset have come into disrepair. As such, the goals of this project are to salvage and transfer any historical deficiency information from MAPPS into TRIRIGA in an effort to streamline upkeep and validation of this information source. Facilities Master Plan As part of its Strong Schools, Strong Communities 2.0 strategic plan, Saint Paul Public Schools is launching the development of a 10-year Facilities Master Plan (FMP) to ensure school buildings are able to meet the 21st century learning needs of students. The district consists of 71 facilities, 7.3 million square feet of space, and 465 acres of land—a key component of proactively managing these assets is through the development of a FMP. The Facilities Master Planning process will take place from May 2014 to December 2015 through four distinct phases as outlined below. PHASE 1: Data collection and evaluation This phase will be focused on gathering and analyzing key information and data that will inform the FMP. Such data includes the educational needs to adequately support instruction as set by the district’s strategic plan, personalized learning framework, and technology plan; the city’s demographic trends; and student enrollment and building capacities. PHASE 2: Establishing district-wide facility priorities and criteria With the key data in hand from phase one, this phase will focus on determining the district’s large-scale system priorities and criteria for prioritizing facility improvement projects; identifying facility gaps and needs of each site; determining the costs for site improvements; and if needed, providing recommendations for leveraging additional funding to complete projects. PHASE 3: Developing site-base priorities and plans for all schools and other facilities (71 total) Based on the priorities and criteria set in phase two, this phase will focus on engaging each school community to develop its own facilities plan that will include site and building improvements and modifications; prioritization of the projects to be completed; and the estimated costs. In addition, the Steering Committee or sub-committee will begin work on structuring a district facility governance committee to prioritize projects for funding. 13 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment PHASE 4: Finalizing the Facilities Master Plan and sharing results with stakeholders During the last phase, the district will finalize a Facilities Master Plan that will outline needed improvements district wide for the next 10 years. The district facility governance committee will also be convened to prioritize facility improvements and maximize available funds through a fair and timely process. A presentation of the final FMP will be made to the Board of Education. The Saint Paul Public Schools community will be kept informed throughout the FMP planning process. This project and associated RFP are related directly to all Phases on the FMP, with Phases 1 and 4 being supported largely by this implementation. The FMP will be a driver in the scope and schedule for this implementation. Additional information about the FMP Process can be found here: Current SPPS TRIRIGA Licenses The table below shows all current licenses SPPS is eligible to use: PRODUCT LICENSE IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher IBM TRIRIGA Connector for SAP Business Objects IBM TRIRIGA Connector for SAP Business Objects non-Prod IBM TRIRIGA Facilities Manager IBM TRIRIGA Request Central IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Operations Manager IBM TRIRIGA Capital Projects Manager IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Offline Forms IBM TRIRIGA Facility Condition Assessment IBM TRIRIGA Application Builder LICENSE COUNT 2 2 2 2 25 35 5 2 5 1 Any additional licenses required to support desired implementations should be included in your cost proposal. SPPS Development Environments Saint Paul Public Schools is committed to providing development environment(s) access on an as needed basis. All final UAT will be performed in SPPS environments. 14 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Section III - Scope of Work This section describes the scope of work that is being requested by this Request For Proposal for IBM TRIRIGA Facility Condition Assessment Implementation Services. It also describes the District's expectations for the project. Areas outlined in this section include: Scope Areas Business Process and Functionality Goals Services Vendor Scope of Work Timeline Scope Areas The scope areas are: Building Systems and Assets Implement (create) Building Systems Classification records, and Building System Item records based on Uniformat II for all locations, including Uniformat II Building-Related Sitework Classifications Define mechanism for associating specific asset records to each building system for use in opportunity tracking Ensure Building system items and Building Systems properly inform FCA and FCI calculations in conjunction with opportunities, including component renewal calculations Opportunities Facilitate data transfer of historical deficiencies (MAPPS) into TRIRIGA Building Systems, Building System Items, Assets, etc. Including estimated costs, priorities, and other attributes as appropriate Implement with focus on future assessment and opportunity tracking / updating activities. Inform and advise on options to leverage environmental opportunities as well Assessment / Inspections Implement toolset(s) to facilitate the validation of assessment and opportunity information loaded into TRIRIGA from MAPPS 15 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment TRIRIGA FCA Project Vision The implementation of FCA within TRIRIGA should allow the District to: View, understand, and compare Facility Conditions across the entire property portfolio Maintain accurate and timely information on physical deficiencies and anticipate funding requirements Inform and prioritize efforts in maintenance and capital planning Better facilitate the Facilities Master Planning Process Share information with other departments and workgroups Business Process and Functionality Goals Below is a summary of desired functionality for the in-scope process areas: Building Systems Building System Classifications will be created using Uniformat II templates (to Level 3 elements) including associated Opportunity Classes and Repair Cost Estimate Items, as well as the following components: - Building System Category - Service Class - Default Life Expectancy - Default Percent of Building Cost - Default Renewal Percent Building System Items created on a building by building basis based on historical MAPPS systems data (see Appendix II for sample data) Vendor will work in collaboration with the District to define on a building to building basis the components of building system items based on experience Building System Items will be associated to Opportunities imported from the existing MAPPS database 16 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Opportunities Import existing Opportunities from MAPPS system - approximately 10,000 records (see Appendix II for sample deficiency data) Define Opportunities at a Building System Level, including the ability to associate to Assets Review and define with the District the following associated records / attributes: - Opportunity Class - Opportunity Group - Opportunity Type - Priority - Solutions Work with the District to identify Environmental Opportunities, and ensure capabilities to generate Opportunity Analysis Ensure Opportunities are represented Accurately in FCA/FCI calculations Assessment / Inspections Develop techniques to generate and complete inspection requests validating existing condition assessment and opportunity records Provide toolset to streamline opportunity creation and validation while not logged into the application through a client workstation - this can either be in the form of off-line forms, mobile solutions, or some other toolset User Security / Group Access Work in collaboration with the District to configure one user group to create, view, and modify all related records necessary to support the FCA process. The District desires to stay OOTB with portal sections, portals, and navigation collections at this time. Reporting Leverage OOTB reporting wherever possible Development / Refinement of BIRT Report Templates Training Training on the FCA Module OOTB functionality to be delivered prior to final delivery of the implemented product for three (3) people covering all phases of Condition Assessment from Building System and Asset definition through Opportunity and Facility Assessment Analysis Please describe your training delivery methods and options, including documentation and duration 17 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Support Support of vendor configured product for 12 months from final delivery, including but not limited to: - Any form/GUI configurations - Any portal section configurations - Any report/query configurations - Any custom workflows - Any custom BOs - Any custom State Transitions PMRs for all other issues to be submitted to IBM through the District Guiding Principles for Project Team / Services Vendor District resources will be involved in every phase of project to ensure knowledge transfer. If other duties make a District resource unavailable however, the vendor will continue with any and all work necessary to keep implementation on target. District resources and vendor will work as a team. Vendor will document technical design for District technical staff for training and support purposes, this includes all configured and custom elements throughout implementation. While the scope requirements are broadly stated below, the clarity and expertise reflected in your response will be counted in proposal evaluation. The bullets below outline additional expectations the District has for the selected Services Vendor. A. The Services Vendor shall provide project management services for the TRIRIGA FCA implementation including managing the project plan and schedule, coordinating completion of project tasks, conducting status meetings, addressing project issues and risks, managing team personnel, and reviewing deliverables to quality standards. This vendor shall be responsible for implementing the system on-time and on-budget while meeting the requirements of this RFP. The project plan will include all phases of the system development life cycle including planning, analysis, design, system configuration and implementation, data and document conversion, interface implementation, testing, change management, training, system and program documentation and support and maintenance. B. The Services Vendor is required to manage, test and implement data conversion of historical data in current legacy system (MAPPS). C. The Services Vendor will conduct extensive system testing including unit, system, volume/stress, security and regression/audit. The Vendor will also plan and implement user acceptance testing. Provide your overall approach and specifically address how your 18 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment company provides support and testing. D. The Services Vendor will create and maintain system documentation for the base system components and programs and all changes made. Formal documentation of all enhancements and configurations is a required deliverable. 19 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Timeline Please read this section carefully as this project has an aggressive timeline. Full implementation of all desired components is to be completed by December 2014. In your proposal, please recommend a phased approach that provides functionality rolled out in a prioritized manner by user based on your experience of what is most successful in supporting district operations and ensuring user adoption. Full portfolio of Building Systems, Building System Items, identified assets, and transfer of MAPPS deficiencies (opportunities) into a staging environment (non-production) must be completed by the 26th of September, 2014. The District must be able to run initial, high-level FCI calculations and comparisons by this date. No configuration to support modification or upkeep of records is necessary by this initial deadline. Opportunity Groups, Types, and other non-essential configuration is to be delayed until after this initial deadline. The District is committed to working with the Services Vendor to ensure this timeline is met. Internal resources are available to pull, scrub, and format data into formats necessary to speed integration into TRIRIGA. 20 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Section V - Terms and Conditions AUTHORIZED PROPOSERS Proposers must be authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota and otherwise comply with all the requirements of State or Federal laws and regulations promulgated by the Commerce Department or other State Agency. EVALUATION AND AWARD The District desires a long-term relationship with the successful proposer. School District personnel will evaluate written proposals in this context. These specifications and the accepted proposal are incorporated by reference and considered a part of the contract. The School District reserves the right to cancel or delay the process or call for new proposals when such action is in the best interest of the District. In order to be considered a valid proposal, the following requirements must be adhered to: 1. Proposal must be in writing to be valid. Proposals received after 2:00 p.m., August 18, 2014, will be returned unopened at the owner’s expense or disposed of. Verbal proposals are not permitted. 2. Proposals must be signed by an officer of the Proposer’s company who can be held accountable for all representations. 3. Costs to the District for the services being proposed must be clearly articulated as well as any alternative methods of payment the vendor wishes considered. 4. All offers presented in response to this solicitation shall remain open for one hundred twenty (120) days. 5. Any supplemental information that is not requested herein will be requested in the form of an addendum to this Request. NEGOTIATIONS The Department reserves the right to negotiate with any vendor whose proposal is within the competitive range, as specified in the RFP with respect to requirements plan and cost, as well as to select a vendor other than the vendor offering the lowest price. NO GUARANTEE OF CONTRACT Issuance of this RFP does not constitute a commitment by the Department to select any proposal submitted in response to the RFP, or to award a contract to any vendor who responds to this RFP. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS An authorized signature must be submitted using this form. Responses must be typewritten or written legibly in ink; penciled offers are not acceptable. Interlineations, alterations and erasures must be initialed by the signer of the response. If any other information is requested in the specifications, it should be submitted with this Signature Sheet. All responses must be in a sealed envelope or box showing the Proposer’s name, the RFP number and date of opening on the outside. Responses must be delivered to the School District Purchasing Department, Rm B114, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102, prior to the date and hour shown in this document if they are to be considered. Any communications in regard to bids or proposals should include the RFP number appearing on the cover page of this document. 21 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment AWARD REQUIREMENTS Responses must remain open and subject to acceptance until an award is finalized, or a minimum of 120 days following the date of the proposals opening. Awards will be made to one or more proposers that are in the best interests of SPPS. The School District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or portions thereof. No bid bond is required. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION All proposers submitting responses must comply with the School District’s affirmative requirements and procedures. Proposers will furnish affirmative action plans, information and/or reports as requested by the School District. INSURANCE All vendors who perform contracted services for St. Paul Public Schools are required to supply proof of insurance in accordance with the following schedule prior to the start of the project. SPPS requires that contractor's insurance be placed only with companies that have achieved at least an "A" rating with A. M. Best. The District reserves the right to require higher limits of coverage depending on the size, scope, and nature of a contract. SPPS must be named as an additional insured. Types of Coverage 1. Workers' Compensation 2. Employer's Liability Limits of Liability Statutory $500,000 Each Accident $500,000 Disease Policy Limit $500,000 Disease Each Employee $1,500,000 Combined Single Limit Policy Aggregate $500,000 Combined Single Limit Each Occurrence (Property damage deductible not to exceed $500 per occurrence ) $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Each Occurrence ( Hired/non owned coverage must also be provided ) 3. Commercial General Liability 4. Business Auto Liability Legal Name of Vendor: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FORM Federal I.D. Number: Telephone: Mailing Address Legal Name of Vendor: Street: City: Federal I.D. Number: State: Zip: Date: Telephone: Fax: Phone: E-Mail: Authorized Signature Sign: Printed Name: Fax: Other Phone: Mailing Address Street: E-Mail: City: State: Date: Authorized Signature Zip: Sign: Printed Name: 22 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Appendices - Description of Attachments Attachment I: RPF_A205516K_Appendix_1_Cost_Template.xlsx File template for cost proposals. Please submit using this format. Attachment II: RFP_A205516-K_Sample_MAPPS_Data.xlsx Workbook containing sample data from existing MAPPS Database. Three worksheets: MAPPS_Deficiency_Query: Raw output from MAPPS SQL Database Including field names. SQL Select Query available. MAPPS_SPPS_Systems_Query: Sample Building System export from MAPPS Including field names. SQL Select Query available. triBuildingSystemItem: Sample Data used to populate triBuildingSystemItem records through data integration or similar. Work in progress. 23 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Appendix I: Cost Proposal Template Enhancement Design (hours) Development (hours) Test (hours) Deploy / Document (hours) Total Hours Total Consulting Fees Time to Complete Building Systems and Assets Opportunities Assessment / Inspeactions User Security / Portal Configuration Reporting Training Support Other Fees (Describe) Appendix 1 | P a g e SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bid No.: Bid # A205516-K RFP for TRIRIGA Implementation Services: Facilities Condition Assessment Appendix II: Sample MAPPS Data See attached workbook RFP_A205516-K_Sample_MAPPS_Data.xlsx Appendix 2 | P a g e