(RFP) Appointment of Consultant for preparation of study on India for

Appointment of Consultant for preparation of
study on India for India Brand Equity Foundation
Request for Proposal [RFP]
India Brand Equity Foundation,
20th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan
Tolstoy Marg
New Delhi-110001
[Total Number of Pages including this page: 15]
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 The India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) is a Trust established by Department of
Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. IBEF’s primary objective is
to promote and create international awareness of Brand India label in markets overseas and to
facilitate dissemination of knowledge of Indian products and services. IBEF works closely with
stakeholders across Government and Industry to promote Brand India. The objective of IBEF is
to generate awareness about Indian products to promote India as a preferred business
1.1.2. IBEF intends to commission a study on India for the benefit of stakeholders that provides
an insightful and analytical view of the key ideas that are expected to reshape India’s economy
in the coming years and catalyse economic growth as well as overall development. The
consulting partner will also have to work out on an overarching theme and packaging of the
content in the report for international audiences.
It must be noted that the scope of the project also includes formatting of the final
approved study matter, an executive summary and preparation of 15 infographics for
dissemination on digital channels as detailed under Section 1.3.
1.1.3. The Consultant should have a proven expertise in executing research-based projects on
the Indian economy as well as covering a wide gamut of sectors. Potential partner firms must
also have access to all relevant research sources and have a qualified team with the desired
research and analytical depth to execute the assignment. Prior experience of handling a similar
project(s) will be an added advantage. Comprehensive details on present clientele are to be
included in the proposal.
1.1.4. The Consultant would be appointed on a project basis for the said project.
1.1.5. Interested Consultants are invited to submit their proposals for the assignment, which
must include the following, as detailed subsequently in this document:
(i) A Technical Proposal and
(ii) A Financial Proposal
1.1.6. It may be noted that
(i) The costs of preparing the proposal are not reimbursable and
(ii) IBEF is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted.
1.1.7. The Consultants are required to provide professional, objective, and impartial service and
at all times hold the IBEF’s interests paramount, without any consideration for future work, and
strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own corporate interests.
1.1.8. Consultants have an obligation to disclose any situation of actual or potential conflict that
impacts their capacity to serve the best interests of IBEF, or that may be reasonably perceived
as having this effect. Failure to disclose such situations by the Consultant may lead to
disqualification of the Consultant or termination of the contract.
1.1.9. Consultants must observe the highest standards of ethics during the selection and
execution of the contract. IBEF may reject a proposal at any stage if it is found that the firm
recommended for award has indulged in corrupt or fraudulent activities in competing for the
contract in question, and may also declare a firm ineligible or blacklist the firm, either indefinitely
or for a stated period of time, if at any time it is found that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, the contract.
1.2 Minimum Eligibility Criteria
1.2.1. The firm should be in operation for at least 10 years handling research and consulting
assignments in India
1.2.2. The consulting firm should be able to provide a qualified multi-disciplinary research and
consultancy team for undertaking the project for IBEF and also get the designing, layout and
formatting done. A confirmation letter from the Partner for being able to provide a qualified
team for the project should be attached along with details of team members with their
complete profiles. The Consultant’s team would work closely with the IBEF.
1.2.3. The firm should have a minimum turnover of Rs 15 crores (single company and not
groups of companies) in each of the last 3 years, i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.
1.2.4. The firm should have minimum employee strength (consulting staff only) of 50 with
BE/BTech/MBA/CA/MAs/MScs or equivalent on its rolls.
1.2.5. The Firm/Bidder should not have been blacklisted by any state government, central
government or any other public sector undertaking or a corporation as on date of RFP.
1.2.6. Consortia/Tie Ups/JVs are not permitted for the purpose of qualifying. For the purpose of
execution of the work, outsourcing or collaboration on principle to principle basis is allowed.
1.3 Scope of Work
1.3.1 The scope of the project involves preparing an in-depth, comprehensive and insightful
study that provides an analytical and informative perspective on the key ideas/trends that are
expected to propel the Indian economy towards higher levels of GDP growth and also ensure
sustainable development. The proposed structure of the report is as follows:
15 trends/ideas to reshape the future of India. Some of the indicative/suggestive
trends/ideas are as follows:
1) Digitisation
2) Smart urbanization
3) E-commerce/m-commerce
4) Make in India/Ease of Doing Business
5) Manufacturing thrust
6) Renewable Energy
7) Startup ecosystem
8) Innovation (including grassroots innovation)
9) Education and skilling
10) Infrastructure – building the backbone
11) Universal healthcare
12) Real estate
13) Internet of things
The report must have a chapter-wise description of 15 such trends/ideas. The consultant has to
recommend at least 10 more ideas, and IBEF will have the final call on the ideas/trends to be
featured in the report. The chapters must contain information on the following key points:
1) How the idea/trend has taken shape in the past few years
2) Role being played by Government, business and stakeholders in driving this trend – key
ongoing initiatives and developments
3) Future evolution of this trend, why it is expected to accelerate and gain momentum in the
coming years and the economic fundamentals that will drive it
4) Implications of the trend for the overall growth and sustainable development of India
5) 5 relevant case studies that discuss in detail how the trend is shaping up and the impact
it is creating in India.
6) 5 short interviews (300-500 words) with thought leaders/stakeholders/key drivers of this
change on the evolution of the idea/trend and its larger implications for India. The
interviews should express perspectives on the topic from industry, government,
academia, etc. Interviews can also be taken via e-mail/phone, but the spokespersons
have to be pre-approved by IBEF.
The consulting partner will also have to work out on an overarching theme for the
report and prepare an executive summary of the final report.
The scope of work also includes introduction of at least 45 15 infographics (a
minimum of threeone for each chapter), graphs and charts, pictures where relevant,
page layout, formatting and final print ready output for presentation to be finally
approved by IBEF.
IBEF will provide the design template, while the consultant’s team will use that
template to prepare the final report
Indicative page count will be as follows:
Number of pages
Cover page
Table of contents
As required
Executive summary
15 trends/ideas chapters (10-15 pages each)
(including infographics, pictures, interviews,
etc. as required)
As required
Back page
The page length is indicative and can be changed if required.
The personalities whose interviews are proposed must be approved by IBEF in
vi)vii) The interviews and infographics and the overall report shall be approved by IBEF
before publication.
1.3.2 It must be noted that:
i) Deadline: The deadline for the completion of the report is three four months (16 weeks) after
the finalization of the RFP and presentation of the letter of award to the selected firm. The first
draft should be presented within two months for review and feedback. Project milestones are as
Project stage
Pilot report (3 chapters)
Finalisation of pilot report post approval by
1st draft of completed report
Finalisation of report after inputs
from IBEF
Design and delivery of final report
3 weeks
1 week
8 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
a) In case of any eventuality, the consultant may request IBEF to extend the deadline by
explaining the reasons for the delay. IBEF shall consider and decide on extension. The decision
of IBEF in this regard will be final.
b) If the consultant fails to complete the work within the time prescribed or within the extended
period, he shall pay to the IBEF on demand without prejudice to other rights and remedies the
IBEF may have against the firm, 0.5% of contract value as liquidated damages for such default,
and not as a penalty, for every week or part thereof for which the works remain unfinished, after
the stipulated date of completion. The above mentioned liquidated damages shall also be
payable by the consultant for delayed period of completion for any segment of work prescribed
in the contract. The IBEF may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the
amount of such damages from any money due or which become on account of the damages,
but this act shall not relieve the consultant from any obligations and liabilities under the
ii) Costs, if applicable for any data sources, infographics or pictures procured for the final report
will be borne by the consultant.
iii) Any liability in terms of copyrights, intellectual property rights (IPR), etc rests solely with the
consultant and IBEF will have no liability whatsoever. The copyright/IPR of the final report
prepared by the consultant will be completely with IBEF and the consultant will have no
ownership whatsoever.
iv) Payment terms will be as follows:
Delivery of final pilot report
Delivery of first draft of complete report
Delivery of final print ready version of report
v) The consultant is also responsible on the following fronts:
a) Access to all knowledge reports, data sources, etc. that may be required for the report
b) Completely edited and error free content
c) Formatting and branding of the final approved content in a presentable and printable
report format
d) Copyright of entire content of the report including text, tables, infographics, pictures, etc.
shall be transferred to IBEF.
1.4 Consultant Delivery
1.4.1. Consultants need to have a strong background in research projects involving the
business and economy landscape in India.
1.4.2. The consultant should have access to all relevant knowledge reports, data sources,
industry studies, and research team etc that will enable it to execute the assignment as
discussed in 1.3.
1.4.3. The consultant should also be able to provide resources to complete the formatting of the
report and preparing well designed infographics after approval of content from IBEF as specified
in Section 1.3.
Preparation of Proposals
1.5.1 Consultants are required to submit a Technical proposal and a Financial Proposal as
specified below.
(a) Technical Proposal
1.5.2 The Consultants are expected to provide the Technical Proposal as specified in the RFP
Document. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested for may result in
rejection of a proposal.
1.5.3 The Technical Proposal shall contain the following documents:
(i) Letter of Technical Proposal Submission
(ii) Documents supporting criteria mentioned in Section 1.2*. Details of documents to be
provided are as follows:
S. No.
Eligibility criteria
Document to be provided
The firm should be in operation for at least 10 years ROC-Incorporation certificate
handling research and consulting assignments in &
Minimum turnover of Rs 15 crore in the last three Audited
financial years
should be submitted for these
balance sheet of 2015-16 is
unavailable, a CA certified
(unaudited) may be provided.
The firm should have a minimum employee strength Self certification
(consulting staff only) of 100 50 in India with
BE/BTech/MBA/CA/MA/MSc or equivalent on its
The consulting firm should be able to provide a A confirmation letter from the
Partner for being able to
qualified multi-disciplinary research and consultancy
provide a qualified team for
team for undertaking the project for IBEF and also the project along with details
of team members with their
get the designing, layout and formatting done.
complete profiles.
The Firm/Bidder should not have been blacklisted by Self certification
any state government, central government or any
other public sector undertaking or a corporation as
on date of RFP.
(iii) Detailed consultant profile with information on major research projects undertaken for
present as well as past clients.
(iv) Details of team structure proposed and names and profiles of team members who will be
appointed to work on the report.
(v) Approach to the project. The consulting firm has to provide a detailed concept note and
provide an execution roadmap complete with report structure, how it will cover the points
discussed in section 1.3, the analytical/research inputs it will provide and new ideas that it
proposes to introduce in its product. It has to also provide a minimum of 10 new suggestions for
the trends/chapters apart from the ones mentioned in this RFP.
(vi) At least two sample reports done in the past to demonstrate capabilities in terms of research
as well as designing of reports including infographics
(vii) An undertaking on the letterhead of the firm and signed by an authorised signatory, that the
firm will undertake the assignment, in accordance with the Scope of Work detailed in the RFP
document and at the cost submitted by the firm in the financial proposal (the cost is not to be
indicated in the undertaking). The above undertaking would be binding on the firm.
viii) Two client testimonials, certifying the firm’s approach to project completion in
terms of quality as well as adherence to timelines.
vii)ix) If
department/institution/enterprise on similar research reports, it should be mentioned
in the technical proposal. The proposal should then also include a copy of one such
research report.
*Firms not submitting the requisite documentation supporting their eligibility according to Section
1.2 will not be considered for further evaluation.
The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information.
(b) Financial Proposal
1.5.5 In preparing the Financial Proposal, Consultants are expected to take into account the
requirements and conditions outlined in the RFP document.
1.5.6 Letter of Financial Proposal should include:
(i) Complete cost of the project with breakup of all the items listed in the Scope of Work are to
be submitted.
1.5.7. Taxes/VAT as applicable in India will be paid as per actuals and the same are not
required to be indicated in the financial bid.
1.5.8. The cost quoted will be firm and fixed for the duration of performance of the contract. At
no point of time will any deviation from the quoted rate be entertained by IBEF. This will include
all costs incurred including travel, data sources, pictures, etc.
1.5.9. The Financial Bid shall not include any conditions attached to it and any such conditional
financial proposal shall be rejected summarily.
Submission of Proposals
1.6.1 The original proposal (Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal) shall be prepared in
indelible ink. It shall contain no interlineations or overwriting, except as necessary to correct
errors made by the firm itself. Any such corrections must be authenticated by the persons or
person who sign(s) the proposals.
1.6.2. The Technical Proposal should be placed in a sealed envelope and super scribed
“Technical Proposal” for research study on India for IBEF 2016-17.
Further, the Financial Proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope and super scribed
“Financial Proposal” for research study on India for IBEF 2016-17.
1.6.3. If the Financial Bid is not submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly super scribed as
indicated above, this will constitute grounds for declaring the bid non-responsive.
1.6.4. Both the sealed envelopes should be put into an outer envelope and sealed. The outer
envelope shall be super-scribed “Technical & Financial Proposals for research study on
India for IBEF 2016-17” with the due date for submission. The Bottom Left corner of the
outer cover should carry the full name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail ID etc. of the
consultant submitting the Proposal.
1.6.5. The outer envelope containing the sealed Technical and Financial Proposals should be
addressed to:
Mr Virat Bahri
Senior Manager – Knowledge Centre
India Brand Equity Foundation
20th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan
Tolstoy Marg
New Delhi-110001
E-mail ID: virat.bahri@ibef.org
1.6.6. The Proposal should be submitted on or before June 27, 2016 by 17:30 hours.
1.6.7 No Proposal will be accepted after the deadline for submission and in the event of any
proposal being received after the closing time for submission of proposals, the same shall be
returned un-opened.
1.7 Opening of Proposals and Selection Process
1.7.1 The two bid system will be followed; the technical bids will be opened at first instance. The
eligibility of the firms, as per Section 1.2 will be scrutinised first and only the technical proposals
of eligible companies will be evaluated. It is clarified that prospective bidders scoring 60% and
more in the Technical Proposal (please refer to Annexure 2) will be deemed to qualify for the
second stage of the bid. At the second stage, the financial bids of only technically qualifying
bidding parties will be opened for evaluation.
1.7.2 The Combined Quality cum Cost Based System will be used for evaluation. For final
evaluation, the technical proposals will carry a weightage of 70% and financial proposals will
carry a weightage of 30%.
1.7.3 The financial proposal with lowest summarised total cost (exclusive of applicable taxes
Fmin) will be given a score of 100. For other proposals, the scoring will be as follows:
F (financial score) = 100 * Fmin/F (where F is the quoted price)
1.7.4 From the time the Technical Proposals are opened to the time the contract is awarded, if
any consultant wishes to contact IBEF on any matter related to its proposal, it should do so only
in writing. Any effort by the consultant to influence the IBEF in the proposal evaluation or
contract award decisions may result in rejection of the proposal of the Consultant.
Important dates:
S. No.
Date of floating of RFP
10:00 am, June 9, 2016
Opening date for sending queries
10:00 am, June 9, 2016
Pre-bid meeting*
3:00 pm, June 15, 2016
Closing date for addressing queries
10:00 am, June 1520, 2016
Last date for submission of proposals*
5:30 pm, June 27, 2016
Opening of technical proposals#
11:00 am, June 29, 2016
Opening of financial proposals#
4:30 ampm, June 29, 2016
*Venue/address for proposal submission: IBEF office, 20th Floor, STC Building, Tolstoy Marg,
New Delhi 110001
Venue: Room number 263, Department of Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi.
Any change in time and venue shall be intimated on the IBEF website. One representative from
each bidder is invited for opening of technical and financial proposals.
1. This RFP document is neither an agreement nor an offer by India Brand Equity Foundation
(hereinafter referred to as IBEF) to the prospective Applicants or any other person. The purpose
of this RFP is to provide information to the interested parties that may be useful to them in the
formulation of their proposal pursuant to this RFP.
2. IBEF does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or
completeness of the information in this RFP document and it is not possible for IBEF to consider
particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP document. This RFP includes
statements which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by IBEF in relation to
the statement of work. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to
contain all the information that each Applicant may require. Each prospective Applicant should
conduct its own investigations and analyses and check the accuracy, reliability and
completeness of the information provided in this RFP document and obtain independent advice
from appropriate sources.
3. IBEF will not have any liability to any prospective Applicant/ Firm/ or any other person under
any laws (including without limitation the law of contract, tort), the principles of equity, restitution
or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage which may arise from or be
incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this RFP document, any matter
deemed to form part of this RFP document, the award of the Assignment, the information and
any other information supplied by or on behalf of IBEF or their employees, any Consultant or
otherwise arising in any way from the selection process for the Assignment. IBEF will also not
be liable in any manner whether resulting from negligence or otherwise however caused arising
from reliance of any Applicant upon any statements contained in this RFP.
4. IBEF will not be responsible for any delay in receiving the proposals. The issue of this RFP
does not imply that IBEF is bound to select an Applicant or to appoint the Selected Applicant, as
the case may be, for the services and IBEF reserves the right to accept/reject any or all of
proposals submitted in response to this RFP document at any stage without assigning any
reasons whatsoever. IBEF also reserves the right to withhold or withdraw the process at any
stage with intimation to all who submitted the RFP Application.
5. The information given is not exhaustive on account of statutory requirements and should not
be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. IBEF accepts no responsibility for
the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein.
6. IBEF reserves the right to change/ modify/ amend any or all provisions of this RFP document.
Such revisions to the RFP/amended RFP will be made available on the website of IBEF.
Annexure 1
Technical Proposal
Qualifying score: 60%
Weightage: 70%
1. Concept and execution - 40%
Clarity on objective
Concept note defining approach to the project
Competency in accomplishing project objectives
Uniqueness of ideas and solutions presented for report content
Execution roadmap presented for completion of the project within desired timelines
2. Structure of report and presentation – 20%
Proposed structure of report and theme
Two samples of similar reports in the past indicating approach in terms of research,
presentation as well as design
3. Past
department/institution/enterprise – 5%
Credentials of team assigned – 10%
Consultant Credentials - 3025%
Similar projects handled in the past
2 Client testimonials supported by completion of work statements from clients
Annexure 2
Financial Proposal
Weightage: 30%
Total cost needs to be provided
Break-up of costs, where required, can be given
The evaluation of the bid shall be done on lump sum total cost indicated (exclusive of
taxes). No component of the bid price should be variable.