CCP OSU and CSCC info 2016

Overview of CCP
College Credit Plus (CCP) is an opportunity for qualified high
school students to take college classes before graduation
CCP Covers all dual credit programs
High School and College Credit
Free of charge to the student (public school students who are Ohio
On campus, at the high school and on-line
Students may also participate in a self-pay option. These
students will receive college credit (no high school credit
What does CCP Cover?
CCP students will have costs paid by the school district. This
Books (student may be required to return at the end of the
CCP does not include:
Optional Fees (parking, gym membership)
1.  Self-pay students may not want to have college classes on
the high school transcript
2.  Self-pay students may want to take Dev-Ed, or remedial,
courses (if available)
3.  Non-public and Home School students may do self-pay if they
do not receive state funding for CCP
Maximum Credit Hours
CCP will allow a student to earn 30 credit hours in one academic year Students can earn a maximum of 120 college credits, 7 – 12 grade. Formula to determine eligible college hours: •  Take student’s # of high school Carnegie units and mulEply by 3. •  Subtract that answer from 30. •  This will give you the number of hours for which student may earn in that academic year. Non-Public and Home-Schooled
Funding is by application and is not guaranteed
Must submit letter of intent and application
Will receive notification of award—credit hours may
be limited
If awarded, must submit copy of award letter to
Timeline for Non-Public & Home
Schooled Students
Feb. 15 - April 1: Submit Letter of Intent
Feb. 15 - April 8: Sign-up for a SAFE Account
Before March 31: Complete School Counseling
Feb. 25 - April 8: Apply for funding
Before May 15: Funding award notifications sent
Benefits of CC+
Free college credit
Opportunity to enroll in classes not available at high school
Exposure to college faculty/ college expectations
College credit may transfer easily (especially between public
institutions within Ohio)
Risks of CC+
Financial Risk
•  If unsuccessful, may have to reimburse school district
College coursework may be more rigorous and take more time
than high school coursework
Transportation not provided for on-campus classes
Course credit may not transfer to private or out-of-state
Federal Financial Aid may be impacted
•  ‘W,’ ‘F,’ maximum time frame
Who can participate in CC+?
Students in grades 7 – 12 who meet the college readiness
guidelines (generally based on test requirements)
Students must file letter of intent with HS counselor by April 1
•  The earlier the better, especially if planning to start in
Students must meet the admission criteria set by the college
Who should participate in CC+?
Students who are motivated and mature
Students who are academically strong students
Students who want to explore academic areas that may not
be available at their high school
Students who have the time to devote to college classes
How Does CCP Affect College Admissions?
CCP Students will be considered freshmen when applying
for admission as a degree seeking student to colleges in the
University System of Ohio
Grades earned in CCP courses will be included in the high
school grade point average, which will be a factor in
selective admissions
Colleges will have a variety of admissions policies – check
with the school of your choice for more details
CC+, AP, IB, Honors—What’s Best?
Selective admissions colleges look for students who have the
most rigorous courses
Both the subject matter and the level of rigor are considered
Students should take math all four years of high school
Natural Sciences and Foreign Language courses are also
highly rigorous
Challenge yourself by taking classes that push you, either
through AP or CCP
What are your next steps?
1.  Meet with your high school counselor to discuss your
2.  Complete the “Intent to Participate” form at your high
school by April 1
3.  Apply for admission to the college of your choice
The Ohio State Academy
Participating in the Academy
The Academy is College Credit Plus at Ohio
Classes are available both on-campus and online.
Students may choose from a wide range of
Is the Academy Right for You?
How much time do you have to devote to OSU
Do you have the motivation and maturity to
navigate the OSU system?
What are your goals and objectives?
Admission Criteria
Admissions to the Academy program mirror our
process for incoming freshmen students.
Admissions criteria is determined by the campus
of enrollment
Admission to Columbus Campus
Columbus Campus Admission is selective
We use a holistic review process, and consider
each student’s:
Class rank or cumulative GPA
Number and Rigor of college prep coursework
Leadership and involvement
Columbus Campus Academy
Student Profile
Academy students, Columbus Campus, Autumn
Strong grades
Strong test scores
average GPA: 3.81
middle 50% for ACT Composite: 26 – 30
Strong curriculum
80% have completed 3 – 4 units of English, Math, Science,
Social Science and Foreign Language
Admission to Regional Campuses
Newark, Marion, Mansfield and Lima and the Agricultural
Technical Institute (ATI) in Wooster
Open Enrollment Campuses
•  Students must meet the Remediation Free Guidelines of the
State of Ohio to be admitted
ACT Minimum SAT Minimum PSAT Minimum English Sub Score English: 18 Reading Sub Score
Reading: 21 Critical Reading: 450
Writing: 430 Reading: 450 Critical Reading: 45
Writing: 43 Reading: 45 Math: 22 Math: 520 Math: 52 Mathematics Sub
Application Deadlines for all campuses
Autumn Semester – May 1
Spring Semester – October 15
Summer Term – February 15
To complete the application, a student needs to submit
The on-line application (found on the Academy website)
High School transcripts
The High School Information Form (on the Academy website)
Standardized test scores (ACT/ SAT/ PSAT)
Academy Admissions Timeline
Once an application is completed
•  Application review
Notice of admission
Invitation to Academy Orientation
Scheduling Classes
Academy students will meet with an advisor at
Orientation and before each following semester
to set up schedule.
Enrollment in courses will be determined by:
•  Pre-requisite requirements.
•  Specific time when class is offered
•  Availability of seats in the class
The OSU Academy
For More Information about the
OSU Academy:
Michele C. Brown
Program Director
College Credit Plus Programs
(614) 688-4468
Columbus State Community College
Classes offered on
campus, online, or in your
high school
Downtown Columbus
campus, Delaware
campus or Regional
Learning Centers
Wide range of courses
and pathways available
CSCC Dual Credit Program
Career and Tech
•  Business & Marketing
•  Computers & Interactive Media
•  Construction Sciences
•  Engineering & Skilled Trades
•  Health & Medical
•  Human & Public Services
Arts and Sciences
•  Associate of Arts and Associate of Science
•  General Education Requirements/Transfer
What We Offer
CSCC Dual Credit Program
Advising Services
•  2 dedicated College Credit Plus advisors
•  Preferred Pathways with 9 partner institutions
The Ohio State University, Franklin University, Ohio University, Otterbein, Ohio
Dominican, Ohio Wesleyan, Miami University, Capital, and Columbus College of
Art and Design
Tutoring Services
Disability Services
Writing Center
Cost Savings
Columbus State tuition (per credit hour) $135.93
CC+ students may take up to 30 credit hours per academic year
and up to 120 credit hours total
Savings* (*at 30 hour maximum per year)
$4,077.90—1 year
$8,155.80—2 years
Sample Courses taken by high school students (Arts and Sciences pathway)
COLS 1101 (1 credit hour)
MATH 1148 (4 credit hours)
ENGL 1100 (3 credit hours)
ENGL 2367 (3 credit hours)
POLS 1100 (3 credit hours)
POLS 1250 (3 credit hours)
Finishing Your 2-Year Degree at
Columbus State after HS Graduation
Columbus State is AFFORDABLE!
Tuition* Comparison to 4-year public and private institutions in Ohio
Annual tuition for a Full-time student
Columbus State
Miami University
Capital University
University of Cincinnati
Otterbein University
Ohio University
University of Dayton
*All tuition amounts are reflective of the 2014-2015 academic year
Admission Criteria
CSCC Dual Credit Program
Open Admissions
No GPA requirement
Must meet course placement requirements
“College-Ready Standards” *(if required for course)
21 or Higher
81 or Higher
18 or Higher
69 or Higher
22 or Higher
Algebra Domain- 52 or
Course Eligibility
CSCC Dual Credit Program
Compass or ACT scores
Prior Coursework
AP scores
Other previously earned college credit (must send official
transcript to Columbus State)
Plan of Study, or Pathway
Admissions Process
CSCC Dual Credit Program
Apply online
CSCC Application
Receive Cougar ID# (you will need this in order to test)
Take COMPASS® Placement Test or submit ACT scores
COMPASS® Testing may or may not be coordinated through your high school
Columbus State CANNOT accept ACT scores from the transcript. We must have the ACT
Score Report.
Orientation and Registration
All CC+ students will be required to complete an orientation and registration session
Students will receive information via email
Registration Consent Forms must be signed by student, parent, and school counselor
Columbus State Dual Credit Program (College Credit Plus)
Admissions Calendar 2016-2017
Final Application
Testing Deadline
Summer Semester 2016 May 9, 2016 May 23, 2016 May 25, 2016 (May 30,2016-­‐ August 13, 2016) Autumn Semester 2016 May 9, 2016 August 8, 2016 August 22, 2016 August 24, 2016 (August 29, 2016-­‐ December 17, 2016) Spring Semester 2017 (January 16, 2017-­‐ May 13, 2017) December 26, January 9, 2017 2016 January 11, 2017 Continuing CC+
To Do:
Submit Letter of Intent (must complete each year)
Submit Registration Consent Form (must complete each year)
Register for courses
Continuing students do NOT have to re-apply to Columbus
State UNLESS graduating high school and applying for posthigh school matriculation.
For More Information about the
CSCC Dual Credit Program :
For More Information about the
CSCC Dual Credit Program :
Jacqueline Stewart
Kimberly Connell
Dual Credit
Assistant Director
Dual Credit
Thank you for attending!